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american heart that does not be three freedom and support us slavoj, green now we will do what you're going to take two questions from america reporters in two question issue of two american reporters and our question needs from two ukrainian support reporters. but first first-person, i'm to call and his colleague long and associated press thanks mr. president about two weeks ago, you changed course to allow ukraine to fire us weapons in russia. given the reported successes, would you consider further expanding the parameters on us weapons into russia, even despite your concerns about escalation. >> and on the news from home, you're going through something that so many american families go through the intersection of addiction and the criminal justice system. >> but you're not like most families was your son able to get a fair trial? do you believe the justice department operated independently of politics and for president, let me answer your question. >> you asked him with regard to the first question it is clear that the near abroad meeting just across the line of the border with russia and ukraine and it makes a lot of sense for ukraine to be able to take out or combat what is coming across that border in terms of long, long-range weapons? >> longer-range weapons into the interior of russia. we have not changed our position on that sort with regard to the question regarding a family. i'm extremely proud of my son, hunter he is overcoming addiction. he is he's one of the brightest, most decent man i know and i am satisfied that i'm not going to do anything. i said i said i'd buy by the jury decision i'll do that. and i will not pardon him president zelenskyy a number of liters here in italy including president biden, are facing upcoming election challenges. how will the security agreement signed tonight? and the other promises of support continue if they are not an office and what's your contingency plan if they don't? >> yeah. thank you for this question. may is first and foremost, i'd like to thank the people of the nation first and foremost to the united states, to the countries in europe and other, on other continents who have supported us since the very beginning. >> all of the beginning of this, absolutely. unjust war fresh against the people of ukraine that that is a day they'd been killing people that holmes and territory. all that is very important. it is part of life. but first and foremost, we're speaking about people and lives of people yeah, understand. and this war was unjust since the very beginning. the wall of this evil his, name. is putin. the war against the people of ukraine. and he has killed so many people to say that it is not heme, it, there was a military man who did it the last one is just an instrument of his and he's playing this instrument and therefore it is important for us that since the very beginning, we were supported by people by a nations because they understood that we share common values. we simply want to live and the people understood they imagined what will happen if such evil attacks them. and therefore, we were supported by people in the united. thank president biden and other leaders whose since the very beginning of the invasion, putin's invasion started to support us. they, based on their values, they, they worth based on the voice therapy blend, it is impossible without people and i'm sure that this nation chooses leaders and presidents and it seems to me that no matter whom the nation chooses first and, foremost it seems to me that everything depends on the unity within this or that state. and if the people are with us, any leader will be with us in this struggle for freedom yeah, yeah. yeah, it was fisher. >> thanks so much. >> doubled last count till again, i'll enter yes, please enter here in a ivanova tv channel, or both leaders so today during the g7 meeting, their discussion focused on developing ukraine's air defense system based on the most advanced western complexes and also on an hazing long-range capabilities so my question is, can you provide any details on the initiative and about the readiness of our allies to take part in it. thank you i'd be happy to respond to that. >> we have acquired commitment from five countries so far for patriot batteries and other deir defense systems as well as we've let it be known for those countries that are expected from us air defense systems in the future, that they're going to have to wait. everything we have is going to go to ukraine so their needs are met. and then that will make good on the commitments we made to other countries. >> i think president biden already answer to your question really? he knows and all other partners denote it urgently. >> we need seven bits are at systems yes. to save our citizens, not all of them. it's a busy but urgently seven. and we discussed the possibility of having fireball of them is through, but the partners work on it. it doesn't mean that tomorrow we will have these five systems, but we see in the closest future good result for ukraine, you have some relatively quickly american reporter, josh wind grow, bloomberg thank you, mr. president, i have a question from mr. president zelenskyy shortly on the announcements. but if you don't mind, i'd like to ask you about your discussions on the situation in gaza. here at the summit you were asked just a short time ago about it. after the skydiving demonstration, can you give us your assessment of hamas response and do you believe that they are trying to work towards the deal or is this response working against to deal and what is your message to allies, including those here? the g7, about what more, if anything, the us can do to drive towards a piece of green. >> thank you wish you guys a little play by the rules. >> it was a little bit i'm here to talk about a critical situation ukraine. you're asking me another subject. i'm i'll be happy to answer in detail later. but the bottom line is that we've made an agreement. i've laid out on an approach that has been endorsed by the un security council, by the g7, by the israelis and the biggest hang-up so far is hamas refusing to sign on even though they have submitted something similar, whether it hadn't out comes to fruition, remains to be seen. we're going to continue to push. i don't have a final answer for you to president biden's point, a question about today discussions. >> president zelenskyy, the $50 billion today, you've had the supplemental course from the us congress recently. can you give us an assessment of this? situation on the battlefield right now? and what has been given now, how long will this get you in terms of either stopping the russian advance are making headway on this, and how long will it last you? if indeed future leaders are current leaders are unable to reach consensus on further aid packages and president biden, i'd welcome your assessment of the situation currently on the battlefield, but what difference the supplemental is made as well. so thank you ya go so much in separate tinea. thank you for your question. indeed, we we were expecting the fundamental package of this support was in the congress. so of the united states of america. and truly it was a long pause for our warriors first and foremost, but it is important and we are grateful that in the very end, we have this supplement. and this will for sure strengthen are warriors. yes, this this has given the opportunity to the enemy within this pores to try to occupy kharkiv. >> but that attempt was stopped by our warriors. they were repelled out the enemy was repelled, and we, despite everything disrupted, all their plans and it seems to me that that is the most important thing what this supplement that will arrive gives us it enables us to fully equipped the reserves, those guys, those brigades that already so that they provide for, for the opportunity to rotate our units on the battlefield so that they can have some grass so that the brigades can regenerate so that other brigades and to the battlefield instead of them with equipment. this is what the supplement gives them. so the rays of morale. but also the rays of strength of our brigades. and it seems to me that this is the most important for how long this will this will be enough. look, we without bakish having holding the leinz for eight months and the russians had no successes. and therefore, the question on for how long? it will be enough? no, i think the question has to be for how long the unity will lost the unity in the united states together with the european leaders, how these are those elections will influence this unity. it seems to me that we should look on this exactly this way to preserve unity, to preserve the integrity of the world integrity of the democratic world, because if ukraine does not with stand the democracy of many countries will not be able to withstand. and i'm sure of that we had to wait two, we pass the legislation overall, held up by small majority of our republican colleagues was just terrible and there's a lot more money coming beyond what's already come and the other traunches that are available now that we've passed the legislation. >> so they'll have what they need to get it there. frequency possibly can thank you so much mr. brown blood loss telegraphed, please what do you mean or my name is ela flowers are enough telegraphy. thank you for this opportunity. i have a long way from gif and have enough time to prepare such long question firstly, to joe biden, mr. president. so additional ukraine supplemental appropriations act as that you signed, mandated the submission of strategy war for the url, for the war in ukraine within 45 days after enactment. this deadline passed on june 8 and two. now, yet, the international community has not seen this strategy, has it been developed? and eve, the strategy is classified. what step does your administration plan to take to hassan ukraine victory in the world? it's my first question. the second will be to the prison suppose the last part of your question has it been developed? this strategy? and to what steps that your administration plan to take through victory? grain in the world steps we're going to take to make sure that has ukraine has victory in that russia does not prevail is continued support. >> we just signed we sign that a significant number of nations or signed it. we have convinced the g7 would convince since we've got supportive the g7. and quite frankly, 48 other countries, we sat with prime minister of japan, south korea. we have 50 the nations of signed up beyond nato and the g7 and so we're going to stay as long as it takes with regard to the plan that is that as a planning process now, we're discussing with our ukrainian friends and exactly what it would be we have a lot of movement toward that. we know the outlines of it we have no not done the detail of it all, but we know what ukraine is capable of doing when given the material to defend themselves. and that's exactly what they're doing now little heads up a tiny under president. >> and my second question, second question is to president zelenskyy will be in ukraine and recently you have made a couple of sharp statements regarding china and the room was in press regarding the possible supplies of russia's weapons to china. but from that, china is is actively promoting its own peace plan among certain countries. what are the motives of beijing now? and it would it be possible to change the vision of china regarding our war and which role the us can play in this. and the final question is is china a partner of russia in these crimes that it commits? >> three words long so the fills to all i had a phone conversation we're the leader of china by phone he said that he will not sell any weapon to rush that's it it fills, we'll see with you. will see. but he said to me if he's respectable person, he will not because he gave me the word the second. hour you know that, you know, very good with details how our peace formula, it's very open for everybody basing on charter. >> yes, urination. and and you know, that it's in basis on next principles territorial integrity sovereignty nuclear security, food security if china has alternative view on it. it can prepare alternative peace formula. if we share coleman views on it, like with globally, with all the world, i think so. so if they share the same way to we will find dialogue by the way, china is not supplying weapons, but the ability to produce those weapons in the technology available. >> so it is in fact, helping russia thank you all so very much. >> appreciate has good clothes are press conference. thank you, everybody a historic moment from the g7 in italy, president biden and president zelenskyy really addressing the world and president biden sending a message directly to russian leader vladimir putin saying, quote, you cannot wait us out, you cannot divide us we will not back down. >> we are standing together. the president touting this bilateral agreement between the united states than ukraine, one that would see the united states provide ukraine with material aid, security, and intelligence for a period of ten years though there are serious questions about how long that deal will last, given that a part of it includes this executive authority in which a future president could potentially relinquish that a power the president was also asked about a number of other issues, notably his son hunter, who is convicted earlier this week of three felony counts of inappropriate gun possession, and he was asked a question about gaza, that he apparently didn't enjoy being asked know and we can talk a little bit more about that with our panel as we opened it up, but he's been snippy recently about being asked multiple questions in these press conferences, which we should just be clear for both former white house correspondents these are very limited. they're called two and 2s and the reporters tend to, there's a tradition of asking more than the questions that's just pretty usual because there are not that many questions to ask and followers as well. that's really see many of them. and this president has, i mean, he falls far below his predecessors when it comes to interviews and when it comes to press conferences, we just need to be clear about that they have a lot of questions to ask him and these reporters do not have many opportunities. >> they've all drag themselves to italy for this g7 summit to do one thing, their jobs as these questions. >> yeah. so let's bring in our panel of experts to discuss all the issues we have cnn chief national security correspondent, alex moore court, where this former us ambassador to ukraine, bill taylor, he's also the vp for russia and europe at the us institute of peace. we have seen an military analysts, retired air force colonel cedric latent. we also have senior contributor for axios, margaret tall of a lot of talent on this panel alex talked to us about this defense pact because it doesn't go quite as far as president zelenskyy would like. but it's still an improvement and it bolsters ukraine at a critical time. >> there have been a number of events lately that president zelenskyy is certainly thankful for. and i thought it was really remarkable that he gave his opening comments and very polished english, and he spoke directly to the american people he thanked not just president biden, not just both parties in congress, but the american people. he thanked every american heart because he knows how controversial here in the states this question over many more billions of dollars going to ukraine is so recently we've seen $60 billion more approved by congress. we now have this 50 billion loan that the us has helped spearhead. and we have this ten year defense pact that really does solidify the support for ukraine. but you just touched on it, boris, i mean, this is something that is relatively tenuous. it's an agreement. it is not a treaty this is not what countries like israel or south korea, or japan have in terms of defense agreement, this is not backed by congress. this is tied to the biden administration. and while it's a 10-year deal, that will improve that military relationship when it comes to the advice that the us is giving the intelligence that the us just giving cooperation on production of arms this could all fall apart in one fell swoop one, when president trump comes to office, and i think that was kind of we were hearing a lot of that right. there was the uncertainty about what lies ahead this certainly fall short in terms of what presence linskey ultimately wants, which is to join the nato alliance, which is not going to happen imminently. so he certainly has reason to thank the us today, but i think looming over all of this, is this us election that we i've gotten a couple of months and what could happen, tiana? yeah. it's huge because you have this agreement like you said, tenuous at the same time, you have this g7 agreed upon loan, which is really important and we heard president zelenskyy welcoming that recent arms aid coming from the us. bill taylor i think the question will be, if president trump wins in the election in november, does he want to be seen as someone who is kind of dismantling this scaffolding. this is put in place in a way that is going to favor russia. and i wonder if you think all of this scaffolding is strong enough to withstand something like that or no. >> so briana, no one knows what what former president trump would do if he were back in office and we're talking a lot about that, but there's a long way to go before but your question is still a good one. that is, is this structure able to stand and presence linskey actually address that? he said the american people i have not only did he think the american people, but he recognized that the american people support this. when you look at the votes in congress, as he said, bipartisan support, both houses over and over 61 billion. but before that, that as well. so there is strong support when you ask the people, america people in polls, 60% will say yes, they support this, support their systems going to ukraine. so that's what, that's what the american people believe. that's what they support. the congress has supported. and so i think as president's linskey carefully said, whoever is elected will probably continue to support that. >> let's actually bring mj lee into the conversation because she's live four is traveling with the president in italy, mj, what stood out to you about this session? between president biden and president zelenskyy yeah. >> there were two moments that stood out to me in addition to of course, all the announcements that were made about the us and ukraine's continuing cooperation as this war goes on. first of course, were the comments that the president made about his son in light of his conviction on the three felony gun charges he said that he was proud of his son. he said that he was okay with how the judicial system works. but then we heard him saying the words, i will not pardon him, which is just released so different from that one word answer. he had given in a recent interview, he said, yes in response to the question of would you rule loud pardoning him. and then as he was walking away when the quarters shouted the question of would you consider a commuting you're son sentence? he clearly heard and he said the word, no, i just have to imagine you are having the world's eyes on you at such a high stakes diplomatic moment, and you are having to address something that is so incredibly deeply sensitive and painful for your family as any parent knows, you want to try to do anything to help your child when they're going through a difficult situation, the president, obviously, unique situation and having to utter the words in this kind of setting, i will not pardon him. i just it's hard to imagine being in his shoes, right now. the other moment that really stood out as a little interesting to me was when a reporter asked it's him, a question about the ongoing ceasefire and hostages negotiations earlier in the de he had said that he was not hopeful that a deal was going to be reached soon. but when a reporter pressed him on that, he initially responded by saying, i wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit, saying that he wished that the questions could be on the topic of ukraine. obviously, we all know so there are no rules at these kinds of press conferences. if you get a question to the president, you can ask about any topic you would like, but that did seem to me and strike me as the present didn't expressing a little bit of frustration. and i think that clearly captures the moment that we are in, in these negotiations. something that the president has been pressing on for months and months. as he has made clear and other us officials have made clear those talks are very much stalled right now. and i think you definitely sense that frustration on the stage behind me. >> look, no doubt it's a frustrating process. i think we've all watched these negotiations for a ceasefire and a hostage deal, and it feels like progress is made and it is never the deal is never closed coincidentally, we have a former white house correspondents association president standing by, margaret tall of, you know, maybe you can, i'm sure that stood out to you, you so often had been in this position of asking questions and it's so important that the president does answer for these different very important topics. and this is one who hasn't answered in many press conferences and interviews briana, it's certainly understandable why president biden would want the questions to focus on today's news in the questions with zelenskyy. >> however, just as a small a point, yes, that's right. i mean, the expectation for news conferences that a presence going to take 8910 questions when it becomes a two and two, it greatly reduces the number of questions that one can ask. and what will happen. a lot of the times is that the reporters who were all there, nobody knows who's going to get the question. what kind of talk with each other? what most important questions that need to be asked if we're only going to get to questions here so that's the way these things go and of course, the president and his team all know that it's a free press. you can ask any questions that you want to so that's just a little bit of theater, but i do think what we have seen today in terms of this agreement that's been announced. again, why is it important that this is a ten-year agreement it is important because ten years basically covers the end of the term of this presidency. and two terms of the next president or presidents, whoever he you are, they may be and so yes, it's not binding, it's not a treaty, but an old rule in politics. it's much harder to take something away after it's out there than it is to block something from happening when it hasn't happened yet. certainly we've seen that domestically with things that the american people can keep or may want for themselves, things like the affordable care act. remember there were dozens and dozens of efforts to repeal that. none of them has worked. one question is, does not apply in foreign policy? does that apply vis-a-vis policies to other countries i think we don't really know the answer to that as clearly, but biden and his team are doing what they can to lock in protections. now, as a matter of protecting not just ukraine, but western and american democracy yeah, the future is obviously an open question. president zelenskyy, at least kernel latent, sees this deal as he said, as a bridge to membership in nato. so he's looking toward the future. i did notice when he was making the remarks, of course, a retired air force colonel, you nodded when he was talking about f 16 well, the key thing boris about those is that they should not be seen as a panacea. the training for the f6 has to be world-class, but your actual airframes are not going to be the same that the us uses, or even most of the european countries use. and they're not as capable. so that means it's a big deal when it comes to electronic warfare, which the russians of course, have ramped up in this phase of the war. >> and your thoughts on zelenskyy seeing this as a bridge to nato. how realistic is that? >> well, i keep thinking about his television show and he was very much in favor of not only eu membership, but also nato membership. and in some ways, he's realizing a major dream. and that is a big thing for ukraine, but it is also a big thing. against russia strategy. >> he was asked the president about the policy of how far the us would allow. ukraine to use its weapons to fight iran to russia right now, it's not that far, but it's just over the border. obviously, these areas that are supplying the war. >> do you see that position changing? do you think it needs to? change? i do think it needs to change with certain caveats. but to the other part of it is also that the ukrainians have to be ready for what comes after that because the russians will certainly respond. >> he didn't rule it out. i mean, we've seen these lines slip every sing. well throughout the course of this in one direction or the private what do you think real quickly? the absolute, the ukrainians ought to be able to shoot at targets that are shooting at them so yes, i totally agree that we will see this moving up again. >> our thank you. >> thank you to all of you. we appreciate it. we also appreciate the reporters there in italy asking all of the tough questions. we have a lot of news today. of course. yeah. in washington, former president trump visited capitol hill for the first time since january 6, since the insurrection, he rallied the republican faithful. we're going to take you live to capitol hill for report and just moments the supreme court with a major decision on medication abortion, one that advocates of, pardon me, advocates of reproductive rights are encouraged by, but the court challenges for this they may not be over stay with us cnn news central. >> he's brought to you by far sega visit us at for for more if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bar sega because they're places you'd like to be for circular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract are generic i'm pleased infections and low blood sugar are rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketone acidosis i want a lot of businesses. so my 10:00 a.m. i never worked need to keep up. >> thank you. verizon business now, our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network 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supreme court threw out a challenge to how the fda regulates that drug mifepristone. >> and their decision means that the drug will stay on the market as is. it can still also be mailed to patients without requiring them to visit a doctor in person. >> justice brett kavanaugh wrote the court's unanimous opinion. he said the doctors and anterior abortion groups who brought the case did not have standing. they did not prove injury in order to sue. let's talk to the founder and ceo of whole woman's health, amy hagstrom miller. >> me. thank you so much for being with us. so the legal fight, according to experts that we've spoken to, is far from over because while the court's decision allows access to stay in place, it doesn't exactly protect it, right correct. >> and as you know, we've had tons of restrictions on access to safe abortion in this country since roe was overturned in june of 2022, and mifepristone is by far and away the most popular method for terminating a pregnancy with folks in america almost 60% of people we serve at whole woman's health choose medication, abortion, and nationally it's over 50% with about 20% of those cases being seen with telemedicine, like you referenced the abortion russian pills by mail, which have grown to be a really important way to get safe abortion. did people as abortion is restricted in multiple parts of the country and that's one of the services that your clinic offers tele visits and abortion pills by mail what would it mean if you could not provide it that way it would mean that more people would be out of reach for safe abortion care already we're seeing thousands of people in this country forced to travel hundreds of miles for a procedure that oftentimes takes less than ten minutes or to take two pills to terminate their pregnancy. and so by using telemedicine, which as you know, is really common for lots of different medicine that's delivered in this country by using telemedicine for us to connect with our patients and give them counseling and feedback and allow them to interact with the provider, were able to get them to safe abortion medication that they need and that they deserve no matter where they live and where are you taking any steps to prepare for potential future legal challenges? sure. we really would call on elected officials to have an effort to repeal the comstock act. >> it's a victorian era log that's on the books that has never been repealed and we feel like medication abortion is still at risk until we can repeal that law. >> we also know oh, that anti-abortion extremists that brought this case are not going to stop here. today's win was a big win. and it showed that they were far-reaching and extreme in this strategy. but they won't stop here and we expect further challenges to medication abortion and to access to safe abortion in this case country and we need to be vigilant. and we also need to listen to the majority of people in this country who support access to safe abortion. it regardless of political party, we're seeing the majority of people in this country upset that abortion has been restricted and looking to elected officials to bring justice and health care to all people no matter what steps they live in we've seen a bit of a battle line over the issue of in vitro fertilization. >> and this week, we saw senate republicans and democrats introducing dueling bills to protect access to ivf. the republican legislation permits states to implement health and safety standards around ivf. democrats have taken issue without language. i wonder have you been following this? and do you see that as a problem? >> i have been following this and i think those of us who work in reproductive health care, no, that it's not just about abortion that are are extremists are restricting, they're going for contraception. and now they're going for ivf. and i think it really illustrates that this isn't about health and safety. it's not about protecting our ability to build the families that we feel ready and able to build it's about power. >> it's control, and it's about politics. and when we look at what needs to happen through the lens of reproductive justice, we know that people should have access to safe abortion, but they should also be able to have access to whatever they need have children, and to build the families that they want. it's all connected and it's all part of the future that we are trying to build together amy hagstrom miller, we appreciate your sharing your perspective with us thank you so much for having me. >> i appreciate it stay within central. >> we're back after a quick break this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn carney isolde, it's gotten me. >> i saw them god-man, saada gotten me juicy gardeners and use blache this is a hot flash but this is not flash for moderate to severe 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republican senate leader mitch mcconnell described the meeting as quote, entirely positive cnn's meloni's the nonna has been following trump's day from capitol hill and mel trump held what was promoted as a news conference. notably, it was actually not a news conference. a news conference includes questions which he did not take. what did he say? >> yeah. well, trump with clearly relishing in the fact of the entire party has really united behind him, including some of his critics like mitch mcconnell now gop leader was not at that press conference, but he was at the meeting beforehand and the two of them even shuck shook hands with one another. and just what, eight remarkable striking image does that isn't really defines how much the party has fallen in line behind trump in the year since the january 6 attack on the capitol. just take a listen to how trump described his meeting with the lawmakers this is an outstanding group of people. i'm with them 1,000%. there was me, 1,000%. we agreed just about on everything. and if there isn't, we work it out and we've had i've had a really great relationship with just about everybody here, with everybody here just about all of the senators and if it wasn't fantastic it gets worked out. and we have one thing in mind and that's making our country great. >> now heading into this meeting, lawmakers were hopeful that trump would talk about campaign strategy and a policy agenda. and there was some of that trump did talk about abortion. he adviser public is not to be afraid of the issue, to be smart, to not be too extreme but most of this meeting, according to all the lines lawmakers that i talked to, was really a gripe session and an airing of grievances. >> i mean, he talked about the doj has no good dirty quote according to some long figures that i talked to, he said the charges against him were quote, bogus. he gloated about most of the house republicans who voted to impeach him over january 6 are no longer here. one of those members was in the room and he called that member out. he also went on a bizarre rant about nancy pelosi at one point, he was even making jokes about taylor swift and hannibal lecter. so some very freewheeling speeches, classic trump. today in both the house and the senate, but most members receive that this variant a warmly, they even presented him with a birthday cake and saying him happy birthday. borse and brianna. >> yeah, the former president's birthday is tomorrow, notably. so. >> yeah there's that. >> meloni is an nonna. thanks so much for the reporting. still ahead on cnn news central, a major admission today from the faa about boeing and troubles the companies had lately we'll be right back the ceo is about to take off. there's no one that goes the things i do were personal limits what wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamited eight on tv. >> here's to getting better with age here's the beat least to every thursday. >> helped fuel today with boost type protein, complete 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manufacturers safety problems. whitaker made the comments during testimony before senate committee. we have seen an aviation correspondent, pete montana, here with the details, pete, what else did whitaker say? well, this is really he says about paperwork over people and that the faa should have had better visibility when it comes to this door plug blowout that happened on that alaska airlines flight has 737 max nine back on january 5th faa administrator mike whitaker says that the agency has ratcheted up. it's oversight of boeing. also, boeing suppliers like spirit aerosystems, there are more inspectors in place there. now, he says before that the agency was mostly concerned about paperwork and trying to do audits from a far this happened today during the senate commerce committee hearing on boeing oversight that earned some criticism from one of the ranking members of that committee, senator ted cruz. he says that boeing must certify each airplane to make sure it is truly safe to fly. because remember, during that door plug blowout, it ultimately came out that boeing ultimately did not put those bolts in place pace to keep that door from blowing out on board that flight back in january. want you to listen now to the soundbite from faa chief mike whitaker. >> let me also acknowledged, the faa should have had much better visibility into what was happening at boeing before january 5th and a phase approach was two hands off, too focused on paperwork audits and not focused enough on inspections we have changed that approach over the last several months and those changes are permanent. >> now, the faa has rolled out a new oversight plan of boeing to try and stay on top of this. but remember there is a mountain of investigations facing boeing following this issue and other quality control problems that has there's an ntsb investigation. there is this faa audit also commerce committee hearings and a department of justice investigation that boeing may have violated a deal that it made to settle a fraud charge after the 737 max eight crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people. a bribe faa chief mike whitaker says morrow, he will visit a boeing factory in charleston, south carolina. of course, there'll be more fireworks on the hill next week, one, boeing outgoing ceo dave calhoun is in front of a different senate committee about what that airplane maker could have changed, leading up to these incidents of light. >> it's pretty alarming that the faa hey, was so laissez faire with boeing here. what fixes has he put in place the big thing here is that the faa makes it wants to make it so that there's not just designate that they have people who they essentially employ on the roles of boeing, but are responsible to give the proper paperwork to the faa. >> the faa really wants to make it so that there are actual inspectors, actual faa employees on the ground, boots on the ground at places like the renton factory where the 737 max nine is built. >> all right. we'll see how this moves ahead. pete, montane. thank you so much. >> and we'll be right back. >> the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions let's for a america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with far sega because they're places you'd like to be or secret can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar are rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stopped taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketone acidosis nice to meet yet, my name is david i've been a pharmacist for 44 years when i have customers come 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that this happens. sox that happened. >> he get out of there to back the pitch. 80461 at 800, or visit coventry i'm tom forming in washington. >> and this is cnn bird and magic frasier. >> and i'll lee brady and manning. and now kobayashi and chestnut world record holder joey chestnut may not be competing at nathan's famous fourth of july hot dog eating contest this year. but now fans can relish watching chestnut face off against his rival, takeru kobayashi on netflix this labor de, the two gliese goblins are going to face off in a netflix special titled chestnut vs kobayashi. >> unfinished beef netflix's announcement comes just a day after chestnut was banned from competing in nathan's hot dog eating contest because he signed a deal with rival plant-based food company impossible foods chestnut is a hot dog champ winning the so-called mustard yellow belt 16 times in the meantime, kobayashi has said to a popularized competitive eating as a sport in 2001, when he almost doubled the previous record for most hot dogs eaten in the nathan's hot dog eating championship. >> the last time these two faced off was in 2009 when chestnut edged past kobayashi. so it's going to be a pretty big competition when we do finally get to see them to, it is a big deal. and you can laugh at me, but it is extremely competitive. and these are legit athletes. they train and it's george joey, chestnut, elws

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