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[explosions] >> dana: happening today intense fighting across gaza as israeli special forces launch a raid into gaza city's largest hospital. they found weapons and hamas stockpiles inside. soldiers searching the hospital found no sign of the hostages kidnapped and held by hamas terrorists. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. israeli forces are going room to room and underground tunnels as intense fighting rages across the gaza strip. israeli forces extending their control across the northern part of the strip finding weapons and eliminating fighters in government buildings, schools and homes. the hospital is a huge come flex with multiple buildings and a key target in the conflict where thousands of palestinian civilians took shelter. in addition to the all the patients be treated as we speak. idf spokesman said they took extreme care to protect civilians during this operation. >> we went in because we understand the sensitivity of going in there. after we did everything we can to tell the people to leave we brought medical teams and special units inside a specific area to the hospital to do what we needed to do. >> dana: alex hogan with the latest on the ground in northern israel as fighting escalates on multiple fronts this morning. it feels like pressure is increasing? >> it really does, dana. right now we can hear the sound of machine guns on the border between israel and lebanon. earlier hezbollah fired 20 missiles toward the northern part of the country, 15 of them landing oh than the hillside behind our crew. we ran for the bomb shelter. this is what it is like when you hear the sound of the incoming attack. [sirens] [gunfire] >> right now we're able to watch what's happening. this is the smoke, shots. we can hear the loud booms of artillery overhead. >> down south israeli soldiers are currently inside the al-shifa hospital in gaza. new photos of what they found inside after a lengthy stand-off. israeli forces this was all a targeted operation, that they brought in arabic speaking soldiers with them as well as paramedics specifically trained for this mission to prevent the loss of life of patients inside. so far they say today they have found weapons and military gear. israel has long said that hamas uses a lot of these medical facilities as under ground tunnels and places to conceal military operations. the pentagon confirmed that this week. as this is all playing off the idf delivered much-needed medical supplies and equipment like incubators, stretchers, food and baby formula for the babies still there inside that hospital. the u.n. today is warning that it's lost touch with a lot of workers inside that facility. 49 israeli soldiers have been killed since ground forces moved in on gaza. we're learning about a potential new hostage negotiation that would be brokered between egypt and qatar. what would need to happen for all of this if it comes to fruition israel would be to return some of the women and children that are being held. israel would increase aid going into gaza. a three-day cease-fire according to hamas and then it says it would release 50 hostages. that is potentially giving a lot of hope to the families here in israel. right now the families are marching from tel aviv to jerusalem to raise awareness about their fight. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: alex is on the northern border of israel with lebanon. back in gaza we showed you the images the last couple of days. the satellite shot of that hospital. we described it as a sprawling complex, it is. and there could be hundreds or thousands of people sheltering there. some with legitimate medical needs. others perhaps hamas fighters because of the advance at one time this is what the idf says is there. there are tunnel complexes, command and control. we don't know if they've been able to get it all cleaned out yet based on the interview last hour. that's the military operation underway now for that mission. >> dana: yesterday the administration came out and said our intelligence as well says hamas uses the hospital as a shield. john kirby on that. >> we have information that hamas and the palestinian islamic jihad use some hospitals in the gaza strip, including al-shifa, and tunnels underneath them to conceal and support their military operations and to hold hostages. >> dana: i don't know when they got the confirmation they felt they could say something. maybe it was just yesterday and they got the information out. this question about is the hospital really a hospital only has been out there for a long time and fueling a lot of the anti-semitism. >> bill: that's right. have they been perhaps more definitive like that a month ago maybe we wouldn't have seen the rallies on so many streets across america? but we have. it is what it is and there it is now in audio. here is lindsey graham talking about iran. check this out. >> the root of all evil here is iran. there is no hamas without iran, 93% of the budget comes from the iranian ayatollah. hezbollah is a complete subsidiary of the iranian ayatollah. at the end of the day the houthis survive on money from the ayatollah. >> bill: we learn the administration green lighted $10 billion for iran. they insist it's for humanitarian aid. sounds familiar, does it not? gillian turner is following the money to explain this. gillian. >> good morning to you, bill. the biden administration is renewing a sanctions waiver going to allow the iranian regime to access $10 billion in frozen funds being held inside iraq. this is a decision that comes as iranian-backed forces are continually attacking u.s. forces inside the middle east. despite i think a total we're looking at 56 strikes now in 29 days. state department officials insist they are unconcerned about the prospect of that money being used to fund terrorists. listen. >> we don't worry about optics. we worry about reality. the reality is that these funds, as i said, can only be used for humanitarian and other non-sanctionable purposes. >> this waiver allows iraq to pay iran for electricity going through european banks. iraq imports 40% of its power supply from iran. two months ago the biden administration released $6 billion of frozen iranian funds as part of a prisoner swap deal. republican lawmakers are calling for increased sanctions against tehran. listen. >> there is a whole suite of things we can be doing right now as a country to weaken iran and choke them off. this is just good old fashioned hard reimposition of serious sanctions. >> iran's ayatollah bragged should the regime gain sack cess to billions of dollars in unfrozen funds they'll spend the money however they see fit including funding hamas terrorists. the state department tells us, bill, by way of defense, that they have indeed applied 400 new sanctions against iran since they've been in office. back to you. >> bill: a hamster wheel, gillian and it is a lot of money. thank you, live at the state department. >> dana: iran has a long history of using hamas and other armed groups as puppets umping financial and political support and propping up an alliance of armed militias to wage war against israel and the west. our next guest knows it well. an iranian girl and activist and you've seen her on 60 minutes and on or air as well. gillian's report. in your experience what does humanitarian aid look like in iran? >> i really don't know whether i laugh or cry when it comes to even the biden administration saying that they are using for humanitarian purpose. i'm here to tell you that for the islamic republic eliminating israel is humanitarian cause and killing teenagers in iran who show their hair is actually saying that we are doing humanitarian cause because they are spreading corruption on earth. that is very clear for us. the money immediately goes to hamas, to hezbollah. it is very clear the money goes to the proxies, not only in the middle east, here on u.s. soil for their trans national repression. that is why i get furious when i hear the word humanitarian purpose and the west buying that. >> bill: could you help explain -- i'm trying to triangulate this, right? there is a piece in reuters today that says iran supreme leader told the head of hamas you told us you weren't going to do this. the leader of hezbollah in lebanon is -- hezbollah has not taken a lot of that. we've seen a little but not a ton. the houthis in yemen are firing or trying to reach israel along the way. can you put this into some logical explanation as to what you think the truth is between who knew what and maybe what happens next? >> you know, ayatollahs are really good at misleading the rest of the world when they are failing. if they were very successful, if their retaliation was successful right now they would have proudly stated yes, we were behind that. but now they lost it and that's why instead of admitting that they knew about the retaliation, they knew about the attacks, the terrorist attacks, they're trying to hide themselves behind ordinary civilians, palestinians. so that is why i'm fierce. a woman coming from the middle east i know very well that hamas, hezbollah, they aren't speaking for iranian people or for people in palestine in gaza and they are using this human shelter to hide themselves behind it. hezbollah was always loud in saying without the money from islamic republic we cannot do anything. the ayatollahs very clear saying although you are suffering from sanctions we give money to hamas and hezbollah. they had a meeting in iran right before the terrorist attack, they had the person from hamas had a meeting with khomeini october 4th. four days before the attack. >> bill: given all that, why are we afraid to cut off their money? >> i mean, to be honest, i am very confused whether it's because of the money, oil. or they want to be politically correct. i don't really get it. hamas and hezbollah and islamic republic are not only a threat for people in the middle east, they are the ones sending drones to putin to kill innocent ukrainians. they are the ones targeting the dissidents abroad like beyond their own borders. i myself am the victim of trans national repression. the islamic republic agents are in canada as well. 700 agents of the islamic republic. can you believe that? 700 agents are living luxury lives in canada. there are more than 300 properties belong to islamic republic agents just in toronto. president biden, your allies, you must get united. first designation the revolutionary guards as a terrorist organization. third ice loll the islamic republic and treat them like warmongers. they need to address the way putin is addressed by europeans. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: thank you so much for having me. we've been watching this hearing throughout the morning on worldwide threats. it is underway in the house homeland security committee meeting now. the f.b.i. director there warning israel's war in hamas has raised the threat of an attack at home. secretary mayorkas addressing the chaos at the southern border going on for 2 1/2 years. aishah hosni is listening on the hill. what are the headlines as of now? >> good morning to you, bill. well right out of the gate here chairman greene started peppering wray with questions about the open border and how easily a hamas terrorist could slip into the country. watch this? >> can the f.b.i. guarantee the american people that known or suspected terrorists, including any from hamas or other terror groups, are not amongst those gotaways? >> well, certainly the group of people that you are talking about are a source of great concern for us. >> he is very, very concerned about it. we'll see house republicans also really spar with secretary mayorkas over this. the first time mayorkas comes face-to-face with marjorie taylor greene two days after she tried to impeach him. in fact, he is testifying the very committee who could pull the trigger on the impeachment. i tried to ask him about that this morning. are you worried about the house impeaching you? would you resign if the house im peaches you? chairman greene doesn't have the vote to impeach yet but he thinks the committee will have some kind of conclusion to their investigation to mayorkas by the end of the year, maybe early 2024. some members like marjorie taylor greene will just have to wait. >> bill: we'll see where the hearing goes. aishah hosni on the hill. >> dana: a town in massachusetts sparking outrage allowing the palestinian flag to fly in a public park. >> bill: fire and ice and a lot of shaking. thousands of earthquakes rattling the country of iceland. scientists warning a volcano is about to blow and we'll show you what's up live coming up. >> dana: tempers flaring on capitol hill as battles threaten to boil over into physical confrontations. ♪ ? 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(music ends) >> dana: check this out. a volcano eruption in iceland is imminent. residents were given minutes to flee after a massive spike in cosmic activity. we sent bryan llenas there. he has the latest. hi, bryan. >> dana and bill, good morning. we're just outside of the downtown area of the main city a half hour or so. iceland's meteorologist office said there is a significant likelihood of a volcanic eruption at any moment. it threatens to wipe out the town of the blue lagoon that so many people come to visit. there have been some 1,000 earthquakes in the last 24 hours. normally iceland sees 60 earthquakes. this is not your typical eruption event you see from a single volcano. the eruption could take place at any point along a ten mile stretch of land. a dike or crack in the land has formed where mag ma is moving closer to the surface. this morning we sat with the scientist in iceland who laid out there are two worst case scenarios, one an eruption in the center of town. the other at sea. >> we could have ash because and we could have large ash clouds that could disrupt air traffic. >> what happens is in the explosion is in the town. >> lava can throw over the houses and damage people's property. >> would it completely destroy the town? >> depending on the size of the lava coming out and how long it will last, it could do that. >> all 3700 people have had to evacuate the town over the last few days and given as little as five minutes to grab everything they can. gone in with polices courts. sulfur dioxide levels are reaching dangerous levels there. >> we are getting home and trying to save a few things of our property. we have a home there, we have a company, and we are about to lose everything. and that is the situation we are facing now. >> the scientists tell us they have a 2 or 3 hour window when they can warn all of iceland this volcanic eruption will happen. they call it the beginning of the new normal. more seismic activity here. if that happens at sea low likelihood it could form a cloud of ash and smoke to affect travel. that's the lowest of the possibilities at this point as we await this eruption. >> dana: fascinating bryan, thank you for being there. >> a green ceo who pretends he is self-made. quit the tough guy act in the senate hearings. you know where to find me any place, any time, cowboy. >> sir, this is a time and place you want to run your mouth we can be two consulting adults and finish it here. >> that's fine, perfect. >> stand your butt up then. >> you stand your butt up. >> stop. sit down. calm down. you are a united states senator. >> you know something up when bernie sanders is a peacemaker in all this. these verbal threats in the middle of the senate hearing. oklahoma republican markwayne mullin challenging the teamsters president after he attacked the senator on social media repeatedly. mull-in defending his reaction last night with sean. >> i'm a guy from oklahoma first. oklahoma you don't do this. maybe you run your mouth in new jersey. i don't know. he got suspended by his own teamsters for intimidation and in trouble multiple times. in 2022 he said he wanted to bring the mob mentality back to the teamsters. maybe that's true but you still aren't going to run your mouth at me and expect me to just sit there. >> bill: we heard about this and thought this guy was the perfect guest. trey gowdy host of sunday night in america. you also had the thing from tennessee said kevin mccarthy elbowed him in the kidney, burchett. you could dismiss this as childish verbal sparring, or you might suggest there is something that's running deeper in congress now. you were there. how do you see it? >> congress is like more dangerous than chicago now. we have to do something about all this white on white republican violence. here is what i would say, markwayne mullin never claimed to be cicero. he grew up using his hands. not words, not debating society. if you are going to attack someone on twitter and go after someone you have to know a little something about them. james langford, the other senator from oklahoma, he will pray you to death. great guy. he will pray for you. mark wayne is going to beat your bee behind. you need to know that before you start attacking him. mccarthy, i want to put a little context on this. first of all, bill. sean duffy walked by me one time when i was doing a live interview and hit me so hard i almost like had a punctured lung. i didn't turn him into ethics. i went to dinner with him that night. he is a friend. what's happening now is the residue, if you will, of what has been going on for 12 months. this congressman from tennessee said that kevin attacked his religion if you recall. he voted against him for speaker because he said kevin attacked his religion. others accused kevin of being bought and paid for. i'm pretty sure that's a crime. if you make personal attacks against your fellow members, don't be shocked when they respond in a personal way. >> dana: did you ever want to stuff a congressman in a locker? >> well, i'm not big enough to do it. i would have to get mark wayne or kevin to do it for me. no. there are better ways to fight with people other than with your fists. >> dana: and you have charm as well. wanted to ask you about this. there were some people that probably wanted to stuff senator tuberville into a locker. he has had these military holds and now the republican senators are making some moves working with democrats to change that. tuberville says he has a principled stand on abortion and taxpayer dollars shouldn't go to pay for abortion. the pentagon changed its policies after the dobbs decision and why he has held firm. how do you think this particular argument ends? >> i think there are two issues here, dana. one, there has to be a causal connection between what you are doing and hoping to accomplish. if you were to say look, it's raining and i will buy an umbrella you would say there a connection. i want to buy an umbrella because taylor swift is in concert you would say they have nothing to do with one another. why are you holding up military promotions because you disagree with the secretary of defense on abortion? there is no causal link. what got my attention is when a suberville staffer threatened primaries against republican senators that try to go around him. it's not the way to have a happy family or comedy with a t. i would be really -- i would be careful if my staff is out there threatening primaries against my colleagues. >> bill: chuck schumer just said that if tuberville doesn't back off he will advance it through a special process in the senate. see whether or not it works. great to have you on. >> dana: it's clearly your sunday night show is must see tv where all the news is broken. we'll be watching, thanks, trey. >> i just got friends with big announcements. thank you all for having me this morning. >> dana: we'll check the guest list this week before you start. thank you. harvard ruling out an initiative to fight anti-semitism. more than 100 members of the faculty crying foul in an open letter. what could they possibly object to? senator ted cruz is a harvard grad and here to respond. biden and xi are said to have an agreement to crack down on fentanyl. can we really trust beijing to help in fighting the drug crisis? >> more than 70,000 americans died from fentanyl overdose last year and ccp plays a role in the deaths. why are we making deals when it comes to who is responsible for the fentanyl crisis? ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. >> dana: right now there is a hearing of capitol hill. christopher wray is testifying now. secretary mayorkas is on the hill. aishah hosni asked him in the hallway what i thought about the possibility of being impeached by the house and did not answer her. lots of answers coming about the threats and continue to monitor it for the news and catch you up at the end of it. >> bill: you have eight teenagers charged with murder two weeks after a high school student was beaten to death in las vegas. william la jeunesse watching the story from our west coast bureau. what more do we know today? >> bill: good morning, bill. police say ten teens are involved. eight are in custody and officials are looking through additional video to positively identify the other two. they also say that during searches of the suspect's homes police say they have obtained clothing the teens wore during the assault which is going to help determine what criminal charges they face. the fight started after someone stole a pair of wireless headphones and a vape pen from jonathan lewis or a younger friend that he was defending. that's when lewis and the alleged thief agreed to fight after school. >> the minute the punch is thrown with that person, ten subjects swarm him, put him into the ground and begin kicking, punching and stomp on him. autopsy was performed by the coroner's office on the victim where his cause of death was blunt force trauma, homicide. >> lewis died six days later of head injuries by parents by his side. >> justice is a deep thing for me. a lot more to it than just these kids going to prison. for me what is the community going to do about this? when are people going to wake up and start having some compassion for one another? >> what happens next? so far a gofundme page has raised $1 hundred thousand and all eight suspects are in custody. this morning a juvenile court judge will determine their detention in the future. the two suspects over 16, bill, will be tried as adults according to clark county d.a. those under 16 a judge will decide if their trial will be in adult or juvenile court. >> bill: an awful story, william la jeunesse. >> incredible support by americans for israel and the jewish people and horror at the rising tide of anti-semitism. a lot of fear, intimidation and fear by jews and friends of jews to speak up on their campuses. most important thing is to overcome that fear and realize we have so many allies, so many people of goodwill. >> dana: daniel krauthammer about the rally in washington hundreds of thousands fighting back against the wave of anti-semitism plaguing the nation. the message not getting through at harvard. more than 100 faculty members signing a letter blasting the university president for condemning hatred of jews. joining us now is republican senator ted cruz, a harvard graduate and author of a new book. timing of the book is good. the letter contains this. the november 9th message titled combating anti-semitism. what's happening at your alma mater? >> there is a profound sickness at our universities and sadly harvard is the locust for it. you are right. this is the central topic in my brand-new book unwoke, how to defeat cultural marxism in america. in this book, i address how our elite institutions and how our major institutions in america have been captured by the radical left and the very first chapter starts front and center with the universities. i call them the wuhan lab of the woke virus. where i started, mutated and spread. you look how messed up harvard is that when the october 7th horrific attacks in israel happened, when over 1,200 israelis murdered and hamas terrorists were raping women and little girls, were murdering infants and putting babies in an oven. how did harvard react? 35 student groups put out a disgraceful statement saying all of the violence by hamas terrorists is 100% the fault of israel. by the way, just down the river at m.i.t. we've seen this week it has been horrific at m.i.t. jewish students were physically and violently prevented from going to class by anti-israel, anti-semitic protestors and the administration at m.i.t. shamefully won't expel the students who were violently preventing jewish students from going to class. jewish students are saying they don't feel safe and they don't think m.i.t. is safe for jews and the university says they are here are student visas, they would lose their visa. if they are a guest in the country they don't have a right to engage in racist acts of violence. we've seen this week at the university of maryland anti-israel protests where there are reports they were chanting holocaust 2.0. this is sick, it is twisted and a manifest indication. my book explains why it happens. the cultural marxist views the world in karl marx price -- the radical left decided the jews are the oppressor and palestinians are victims and accordingly they support a violent revolution of the victims and cheering on the acts of violence and murder of children in israel. they are rooting for the hamas terrorists. it is disgraceful. >> dana: in the last minute we have could you tell us your thoughts about the president biden and xi meeting today? any hope for what could come out of it and suggestions for what should be accomplished? >> i have a lot of suggestions. the last chapter in my book is on china and explains how china is connected to the woke virus every institution. i talk about an american who has been wrongfully held in china for ten years. in biden were fighting for americans he would be telling xi release mark now. i have no confidence that he did that because the democrat party sadly is structurally pro-china. major stakeholders. big business, big tech, big hollywood and big universities, they are all in bed with china. it is why the central point of my book that i think is so important unwoke, is we've got to retake these institutions. we have to bring them back and this book gives a common sense strategy for doing so. the book is available in every bookstore. available on amazon and i will tell you, it makes a great christmas gift. i would encourage you stand up and fight to take these institutions back because if we don't, we'll lose our country. >> dana: thank you for being on the show today, senator ted cruz. >> bill: at the moment thousands of oregon teachers are walking the line forcing students to stay home for weeks at a time. remember all that money during covid? where did that go? martha maccallum on how this is just the latest blow to kids in that blue state. >> the potential impacts of this strike on student learning is really great and we don't want to see that increase those impacts increase anymore. not long ago, you could pay off a car in a few years. now, car loan rates have climbed to 15% and can take five years to pay off. so get this, the newday 100 va cash out loan. our lower rates let you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate car and truck loans. and you can save $500 a month. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo. >> dana: as we monitor the worldwide threats to the united states hearing on capitol hill, christopher wray spoke a short time ago what a major sash attack could do to the united states. listen. >> i can tell you, it would be absolutely devastating if the next time an adversary like iran or china launches a major cyber attack, we don't see it coming because 702 was allowed to lapse or with the fast-moving situation in the middle east, just imagine if some foreign terrorist organization overseas shifts its intentions and directs an operative here. >> dana: now that i hear that what they are talking about is the reauthorization of the fisa bill. always controversial. ultimately gets passed because there are enough threats and intelligence officials say we need the tools in order to make sure we stay safe. >> bill: that's one of the many headlines you will get from that today. we could go on and on. >> dana: we'll get to this. labor unrest disrupting the classroom. thousands of portland public school educators are walking the picket line. students have been out of school for nine days. what's the latest on the negotiations? >> the 15th day of the teachers strike and two sides are closer but still 200 million apart. the 3700 teachers are demanding an 18% pay raise over three years and two fewer days of teaching to spend that time on lesson planning and grading. the district said the best it can do is 10 1/2% raise and force $1 hundred million in budget cuts. younger teachers getting laid off. this is happening in a state that kept kids out of the classroom during covid longer than just about every other state. learning loss so significant students may not catch up for years, if ever. according to a harvard study oregon students fell a full year behind in reading and 2/3 of a grade level in math ranking the worst in the country. leading republican in oregon is blasting the teachers union for leaving the classroom. >> they are at this point hurting kids from the first day that they walked out. portland public school kids were the ones that were suffering. >> kids are doing so poorly on tests the state dropped basic proficiency as a graduation requirement. 11th graders, only half passed english. 27% passed math. 38% could pass signs. many parents have voted with their feet. 3500 kids have left the district since 2020. >> dana: dan springer, thank you. >> bill: i don't know what the good news was in that. martha maccallum joins us now. holy cow. 2022 high school graduating class proficiency levels just -- i don't mean to pile on. what dan justed there is remark bel. fewer than 31% proficient in math. >> there was a time in new jersey when the newark school system was considered to be a failure. the state had to come in and run it. so i'm looking at oregon and i think there is obvious evidence that the school system of the entire state is in failure mode. if you want to put a grade on it. those are fs. but i'm not sure who they can turn to. the federal government can't step in and fix the oregon state school system. and they haven't even shown any indication they care about it or want to. the head of the department of education -- i would also add the first lady, who is a prominent educator and talks about that a lot, have not done anything significant to make sure that kids catch up from the pandemic. now these poor kids have school teachers who aren't showing up and you wonder why there is so much homeschooling going on in the country, parents are trying to do the best they can because there is a failure crisis level failure of public education across the country. >> bill: this strike is all about money. you think about the billions of dollars doled out during covid. >> a lot of it hasn't been designated. it is an absolute joke. if any of these people cared about the students and making sure they are learning, which they don't because you look at these levels of education levels in the state, you know, they would try to hammer some of these things out over the course of the summer. they lose leverage for that and walking out and leaving kids at home is leverage. almost like a terrible hostage situation. not to compare it to what is going on internationally. >> dana: there is a map that shows all the increases in homeschooling and it is happening, look at california. part of this comes out of covid. the other thing is people want higher standards. governor youngkin won in virginia because he said i will make sure the schools have high standards. that's what people want. in oregon, they have -- basically you don't get graded anymore. >> oregon dropped all graduation standards failing all its students in the name of equity. governor youngkin talks about restoring the excellence to american education. but instead of kids being told they should win, that they should be the best in math contests or science or social studies competitions within their schools or awarded for the best grades in any of these disciplines, they are told we have to lower it for everybody so that everyone doesn't feel bad about themselves and so where does that get anyone? >> bill: to put a fine point on it. on screen u.s. students receiving their education through over the past six school years homeschooling up 51%. public schools down slightly at 4% and that's what we have today. good luck to the kids. >> the homeschooling. you have to make sure they are actually getting the education they are supposed to get there as well. it is hard to oversee it. based on what we see across the country if you think that's happening -- good to see you. >> dana: thanksgiving travel rush is about to get underway. millions of americans hitting the roads and taking to the skies for the holiday. what you can expect if you are one of them next. they'd love to buy gold. but because it's 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mattress and indescribable comfort every single night. stearns & foster. what comfort should be. for a limited time, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. learn more at >> harris: the world is watching to see how president biden handles a high-stakes meeting with china's leader. changing in the balance an american held for seven years inside china. his son joins me. plus hostages taken by the blood thirsty killers hamas. the latest on fight to set them free. crazy times on capitol hill. alleged kidney punch. challenge to throw down, insults flying. so classy. jason chaffetz, general jack keane, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: see you in a couple minutes. getting word hunter biden wants to subpoena president donald trump and the former attorney general bill barr, among others. apparently in this court filing on page ten. i'm looking at it. that the relevancy of these witnesses will be addressed in pre-trial motions, if it gets that far. so hang on. i'm not quite sure what it means but i'm sure there is a higher legal power who does. so stand by. >> dana: get the judge on the phone. americans from coast to coast getting ready to helped home for the holidays. 4.7 million expected to travel by air next week. cb cotton is live at laguardia. are they expecting -- >> it is calm now. we aren't only expecting record travel numbers to beef up as we get closer to the holiday. experts tell us remote work has changed how and when people travel for the holiday season meaning some could get to their thanksgiving destination as early as this weekend. >> maybe work from their destination monday, tuesday, wednesday and then spend time with loved ones on thursday and friday. gives people flexibility of coming back not on sunday. sunday is usually a terrible day to be on the road. >> if you can't leave early you are one of the tens of millions traveling during the holiday week. according to aaa this breaks down to 49.1 million getting behind the wheel. 4.7 million hopping on a plane and 1.5 million traveling by cruise, bus or train. more people are trying to beat long security lines than ever before. tsa saying they've hit a record number of pre-check users. coupled with the prediction for near pre-pandemic travel numbers means leave your house early. the average price for a domestic flight is up by about 5% compared to last year. but average prices for other domestic travel have decreased. that was also important to check your flight status before you leave for the airport. new york city's three airports including laguardia serve the country's busiest airspace. experts say they rank the worst right now in the entire country for cancellations. this could lead to a ripple effect across the nation. back to you. >> dana: my mom is watching and she is about to fly. >> bill: keep the skies clear. >> dana: it's exciting. the fifth annual patriot awards hosted by pete hegseth live on fox nation this thursday, tomorrow, november 16th from nashville, tennessee, 8:00 p.m. eastern and. >> bill: they do such an amazing job. >> dana: i have the best surprise guest coming on "the five" tomorrow and it's a dream come true. out of nashville. >> bill: country singer? >> dana: country singer who lives in nashville. want to take a guess? he doesn't know any country music singers. >> bill: i have done very well. >> dana: not garth brooks. >> bill: eric church? >> dana: no. let me tell you, it is big and want to watch it. >> osborn brothers. >> dana: i said one guest. not two. let us know if you can guess who my guest will be. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: right now the israeli military is

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