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college campuses. winter is coming and homeless are still outside in chicago. why almost everyone there is upset with the mayor. what is the most pressing threat to the u.s.? we have got the results of the annual reagan national defense survey. ♪ >> shannon: but, first, breaking tonight, today's group of hostages released by hamas terrorists includes another israeli american. her release comes as negotiators are working toward a possible extension of the temporary cease-fire. we are learning about some of the atrocities that these hostages have endured. correspondent nate foy is in northern israel with that story tonight. hello, nate. >> hey, shannon. just moments ago president joe biden said he spoke on the phone with israeli american's mother and father and said that he is grateful she is back in israel tonight to take care of her three children. she and her husband were kidnapped from their kibbutz back on october 7th. her husband is still in hamas captivity. we are also learning tonight that four thai hostages were released from gaza but as part of the israeli hostage group, it also includes five teenagers, including four boys and a 13-year-old girl. another american hostage is free from hamas. 49-year-old israeli american is among the 10 israelis back home along with the daughter of reiuma who begged president biden for help and two israeli russians released by hamas as a gesture to president vladimir putin all for the freedom of 30 palestinian prisoners. the joy of hostages coming home comes with the horror of learning what they experienced. >> little emily ann's father thomas has told media she only speaks in whispers because she was conditioned not to make a noise. he sees the terror in her eyes. >> one woman says hamas terrorists beat her 12-year-old nephew and forced him to watch videos of the october 7th attack. others lost as much as 15% of their body weight in weeks. u.s. secretary of state tony blinken arrives in israel tomorrow as negotiators work release the more than 130 remaining hostages, including at least 7 americans. and deliver badly needed aid into gaza. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says goal remain the same to eradicate hamas. >> we are no way we are stopping until the end. my policy. the entire government stands behind it. the soldiers stand behind it. the people stand behind it. this is exactly what we will do. >> shannon tonight the israeli cabinet is meeting to discuss a proposal that would extend the current cease-fire by two days and continue the release of hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners if an agreement is not reached, defense minister said today the idf is ready to push deeper into gaza, immediately. shannon? >> shannon: nate foy in israel. thank you very much. a u.s. navy destroyer has shot down an iranian made houthi drone. the military official confirms to fox the uss carney did not sustain any damage during the incident. the carney shot down 15 drones and four cruise missiles fired from yemen in mid october. the release of one of the hostages who is a american woman is a victory for president biden. today, however, he was mostly talking about an issue that is not in his win column right now, the economy. white house correspondent peter doocy has details tonight. good evening, peter. >> peter: president biden is on board air force one leaving for colorado that is where he stood factory of workers who make wind towers and he told them that he deserves credit for today's good economic news. >> to moving one of those. >> whoa. >> whoa, the g.d.p. was just revised up for the third quarter to 5.2% from an initial read of 4.9. >> that's more growth more that grew under my predecessor outside of the pandemic. >> economic optimism shrinking. >> spending $11,400 this year than january of 2021 just to buy the same essentials according to new numbers released by senate republicans. >> when i talk to my constituents at home, inflation is crushing them. >> criticism is old school with political cartoons and new school with tiktoks. >> mcdonald's, so i get there is a labor shortage. i get there is wage increases and a number of other things but $16, $16 for a burger, a large fry and a drink and it's just crazy. >> white house officials are forbidden from having tiktok on government devices over security concerns. so the biden campaign is working with tiktok influencers according to the "the washington post" to try to get a better economic message out there. we are starting to see so much evidence that focusing on the supply side really has helped bring inflation down. >> the president is also trying to squeeze in israel updates where he can and apparently had a hard time multi tasking in colorado. >> i'm on the plane, i'm on the phone talking with my national security team about the next tranche of prisoners being released. and i knew i was running late so i came down the stairs of air force one and ran right to the car and ran right by the mayor and everybody who came to see me. >> hind is also warning benjamin netanyahu he cannot order israeli operation in the south of gaza that looks anything like the one that we just saw in the north that is according to a report tonight in axios. the president's concern being that there are too many civilians now in the south. netanyahu reportedly told the president, according to this story. that he has to go into the south if is he going to finish off hamas. shannon? >> shannon: all right. we'll have more on that later in the show. peter doocy at the white house. thanks, peter. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: the dramatic rise in anti-semitism in this country is getting more attention in congress and in courtrooms. there are many new and potential lawsuits at colleges and universities based on what is called discrimination rooted in anti-semitism. here is chief washington correspondent mike emanuel. >> jewish americans are feeling singled out. we feel alone. >> senate majority leader chuck schumer calls rising anti-semitism in the u.s. a five alarm fire that must be extinguished. >> many of the people who express these sentiments in america aren't neo-nazis or card carrying clan members or islam extremists. they are many cases most jewish americans felt previously were their ideological fellow travelers. >> many college campuses have seen loud streak protests following attack on israel. now some jewish students are filing lawsuits using a policy from the trump era. in 2019, then president trump expanded title 6 of the civil rights act to include, quote. discrimination rooted in anti-semitism. two jewish groups are suing the university of california berkeley saying the school violated federal civil rights law and the constitution by allowing, quote: unchecked anti-semitism. the lawsuit cites inaction on discrimination and argues that u.c. berkeley become hostile environment for jewish students. >> if they are facing harassment. if they're being assaulted based on their jewish identity, they need to know that we have their back. >> u uc berkeley the claims in e lawsuit are not consistent with the first amendment or the facts of what is actually happening on our campus. the university has long been committed to confronting anti-semitism: more lawsuits are expected. congress is also getting involved. the president of harvard, mit. and the university of pennsylvania are due to testify next week at a hearing on anti-semitism, shannon. >> shannon: mike, thank you. it will be interesting to follow these lawsuits. >> indeed. >> shannon: well, stocks were mixed today. the dow was up 13. the s&p 500 lost 4. nasdaq fell 23. ♪ wind chill in chicago dipped into the single digits. the mayor's promise to get homeless people in shelters and out of their outdoor tents so far has been unfulfilled. correspondent gato garrett tenns in chicago tonight. >> chicago mayor brandon johnson defending his handling of the migrant crisis as temperatures drop below freezing in more than 1,000 migrants sleeping in tents on the streets and the floors of police stations. today, johnson moving forward with construction of a pop-up tent shelter he promised to have by winter. [chanting] >> despite fierce opposition, protests, and lawsuits from folks who live in that south side neighborhood. >> this mayor is acting like a dictator. he needs to go. he must go. there is no transparency from the mayor. >> when you think about all the things that we allow to slide, this is another thing that we just can't allow this to happen. >> asked about protests against migrant shelters across the sanctuary city, including many in predominantly black and heavily democrat neighborhoods, johnson is blaming republicans, antiblack racism, former mayor and fellow democrat lori lightfoot and right wing extremists. >> we are not going to break away from our value system because right wing extremism is sowing seeds of disorder in this city. >> with winter moving in, a group of local churches is stepping up where the city has failed and getting migrants off the streets into temporary housing with food, clothes and social services. >> and we get the urgency because it is cold. chicago is cold. it's important for us to sound the alarm, wave the flag and say, listen, we got to jump in on this and serve folks. >> the mayor's office says as soon as the shelter will be ready is mid december. the city will still be scrambling to find a place for hundreds of migrants left out in the cold waiting. shannon? >> shannon: garrett, thank you very much. ♪ >> shannon: breaking tonight, the fbi says one of its agents was the victim of a carjacking this afternoon right here in washington. the bureau says the agent wasn't hurt and the vehicle has been recovered. law enforcement officers are searching for two armed suspects. up next, brit hume's take on the biden administration. is it undercutting israel's goal of destroying hamas? first, here's what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. fox 4 in dallas as the search intensifies for an escaped convict. schools in bottom, texas were on lockout status today. that means that students were required to stay in the buildings and no visitors were allowed. police report sightings of raymond ross, one of the men who broke out of jail over the weekend. the other one has turned himself. in fox 2 in detroit as the country's first wireless charging road opens in detroit. this would allow electrical vehicles to recharge without ever stopping. officials overseeing the project call it the road of the future. and this is a live look at new york. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 5, the first commercial airliner to cross the atlantic on what is called a purely high fat low emissions fuel. fly from london to new york. it's a step toward achieving what supporters call jet zero. the virgin atlantic flight was powered without using fossil fuels. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ i want to get away ♪ i want to fly away ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ i want to >> we defied the war in explicit matter to destroy hamas. after hamas there would be no threat to israel. >> my expectation and hope is that as we move forward the rest of the arab world on the region is also putting pressure on all sides to slow this down to bring this to an end as quickly as we can. >> shannon: new reports today that president biden delivered a message of restraint when talking to prime minister netanyahu about his plans in southern gaza. that is where we begin with fox news chief political analyst brit hume. brit, great to see you don't. i want to bring up n more of wht peter doocy was bringing. the biden administration is the operation in the southern gaza strip where 2 million palestinians are concentrated would lead to significantly more civilian casualties and keepen the humanitarian crisis in the enclave. brit, they have said we talk to each other honestly as friends do. what do you make of what we are hearing about the u.s. advice to israel? >> well, it's a little hard to tell shannon whether the president is saying this for while telling israelis they need to do what they need to do to wipe outside hamas. the goals of wiping out hamas and getting t nice to palestinin students those things are somewhat in conflict. you notice in the soundbite from benjamin netanyahu that you just played that the goggle one that he noted was getting rid of hamas. and the hostages was second on his list. that tells you what he is up against. it's a tremendously difficult challenge for him and because of the emotional effect of the hostage taking and the associated things that happen with that, he is under a lot of pressure. i think about the political situation affecting netanyahu. i think the betting is that he is finished after this because of the colossal intelligence failure military failure involved on october 7th. if he has any chance of surviving depends on his success in meeting the goal he has stated again and again in which the israelis seem to support and that is the elimination of hamas. so i'm not sure he is even listening to president biden if president biden is even being serious. >> shannon: i'm not sure a lot of americans are listening to president biden on some of these it things. we have approval ratings newest poll hit on issues. overall at 37% approval. when you look at ukraine, 3 #%. the middle east just 32% way approval of how is he hand lick that foreign affairs 32%. brit, we were told this was going to be a foreign affairs president. he campaigned on the fact that he had decades in the senate. this was one of his best issues. his forte. >> brit: i think he is facing a problem here, shannon, simply this. an israel he has always been pro-israel for as long as i can remember going back decades when these hideous atrocities occurred on october 7th his instinct and reaction was immediate he was going to support israel to do whatever it needed to do to eliminate the threat of hamas. his problem is as president he really hasn't been that old line democrat that he was on israel. he has been pretty far left compared to what we thought he was. and his constituency now is heavily composed of people on the american left. and not the majority and i think the majority is with israel on this, but a lot of people in his administration and even in his white house see it differently. and so he is under pressure and he doesn't want to alienate what has become, thanks to his own efforts, an important part of his constituency. so he seems to be kind of straddling supporting israel and, yet, saying now but don't be too mean to the palestinians and you got to get the hostages back and you don't want to have a lot of civilian casualties and all the rest of it. i think that's where he is. he is kind of trapped here. >> shannon: in conflict with younger voters, too. he needs to show up next fall. brit hume always great to see you. thank you so much. >> brit: thank you. >> shannon: up next, what is the greatest threat now facing our country? we are going to tell you what your fellow americans think. first, beyond our borders tonight. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy attending a meeting with military commanders during a visit to the odesa region. he honored some of the soldiers with medals and posted a video of his visit on social media. a special court clears francis justice minister of conflict of interest. eric duopon was accused of using his office to settle personal scores. proceedings first time in modern france a government minister was put on trial while still in office. this is a live look at london. one of the big stories there tonight, the leaders of great britain and greece spar over the disputed part on this marble? at odds over the artifacts for years. a group of treasures taken from athens by a british diplomat. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. note ♪ why can't we be friends ♪ why can't we be friends ♪ tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. 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>> shannon: jennifer griffin from the pentagon. thank you, jen. there are fess tonight about whether the u.s. government ignored safety concerns over the lab in china where the coronavirus may have originated. emails obtained by fox show an employee with the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases toured the wuhan facility before the pandemic. she expressed shock when she heard a low level worker say the lab was considering reverse engineering the deadly ebola virus in order to study it >> shannon: the indian government is looking into the possibility that it may have had knowledge of a plot to kill a sikh separatist leader here in the u.s. the investigation began after american officials became aware of a plan to assistant the sikh considered a terrorist by the indian government. the search continues off the coast of japan for u.s. military troops involved in a plane crash. the body of one crew member from the osprey aircraft has been recovered. several others missing. the cause of the crash has not been revealed. well, china has released the first panoramic photos of its space station which it launched in 2021. the country was excluded from the international space station because of u.s. objections to the chinese space program secrecy and military ties. in tonight's "special report" destination space, my colleague, bret baier looks at how china is expanding its extraterrestrial footprint amid the race to mine for critical minerals. >> bret: thanks, shannon. in our previous installments looking at rare earth elements, we told you about china's dominance in the industry and the race to expand operations. well, that competition for rare earth elements is extending beyond earth. tonight, we look at how china and the u.s. hope to mine for minerals in space. >> we see china keeping their foot on the accelerator. they want to be that country that sets the norms in space. >> bret: u.s. scientists have been studying the moon for decades and stayed ahead of the competition when it came to examining the moon's surface. >> watch for a lovely girl with a big rabbit. >> apollo mission operator may have foreshadowed china's space ambitions when mentioning cheng e. it's the name of a chinese folk tallytale flies to the surface a rabbit. name of china's lunar program this landed on the moon in 2013 alongside its lunar rover the jade rabbit. >> okay we will keep an eye for the bunny girl. >> soft landing in 27 years. despite u.s. dominance early on, nasa has not performed a soft landing since 1972, the final apollo mission. >> my golly this time goes fast. >> china wants to mine on the moon. >> right. >> they are stepping up their outer space mining possibilities. >> another reason why we should never leave certain territories. whether it's a poor country in africa or the moon. and when we abandon areas we leave them available to bad actors like china. >> bret: china launched five missions. first to ever land on the far side of the moon. next year it plans to become the first country to bring back samples from the far side. >> bret: do they have a better sense of what kind of resources are there than we do? >> i don't think so. because a lot of the unmanned things that we have flown in the past certainly have found water at the poles of the moon, the south pole of the moon specifically. certainly unmanned activities, i won't say they know anything more than we do. >> bret: between 169 and 1972, the apollo missions brought back more than 800 pounds of lunar samples. those contain trace amounts of rare earth elements. scientists who study those samples and imaging from probes believe those minerals are likely even more rare on the moon. yet, experts acknowledge a physical presence is needed to know the true geological makeup. >> is mining in space sustainable? do we even know that? >> one of the things we will do first when we establish a lunar base, whether it's us or the chinese is really assess what's there. >> bret: with a permanent lunar base in place, scientist could say study the resources on the moon over a long period of time and determine how to use those on the moon or on earth. >> i say the biggest hurdle is bringing it back to earth. it takes a tremendous amount of fuel to bring back something that's worth actually putting towards a true application back here on the earth. >> bret: some remote sensing has indicated high concentrations of rare earth elements in locations not yet explored or sampled directly. >> bret: is it possible this process could be easier on the moon for some reason if they're more localized or require less separation? >> generally they are found together or i would expect they would be found together in similar proportions or similar add mixtures that would not necessarily make it easier but, again, those are all unknowns right now. >> bret: china and the u.s. are also exploring mining on asteroids, psych e is the most mineral rich as destroyed of those studied. estimated to contain $10 quintillion worth of medals. >> lift off falcon psyche. >> a u.s. funded spacecraft is on route to cycle e. now. it's expected to start orbiting the as destroyed. mining on asteroids could prove dangerous. some scientists warn drilling could alter trajectories leading to possible collisions. nasa, is a the european space agency and japan all have plans to explore mars as well. samples from the red planet and it's moon as could arrive back on earth no 2023. >> old days the race against china now it's a race against china. >> it's certainly a competition. >> bret: there are a lot of efforts to learn more about minerals in space but actually mining those minerals may prove difficult. next, we'll take a look at what laws and space agreements may create hurdles in the next space race. we'll send it back to you. >> shannon: thank you, bret. well, americans are expected to live longer than they were a year ago but the number is still not equal to the pre-pandemic number. the current expectation is 77 years six months. it was up to 78 years 10 months in 2019. at the height of the coronavirus epidemic it dropped to 76 years five months. up next the panel on president biden on israel and the u.s. economy. >> when we invest in our people when we strern the middle class, we see stronger economic growth for all americans. >> the american people haven't been buying what the president is selling. ♪ to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ directv sports central brings your games, stats and scores together... and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to a $400 reward card. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. my most important kitchen tool? 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>> they can't because they are engaged in a long process of gaslighting the american people that's what they agreed to when they made the deal to brand this bidenomics. they essentially wedded themselves to the idea that things were going to get better. people see the challenges in their day-to-day lives that they have been experiencing during the last several years. and i don't think things are going to turn around as quickly as people think we heard the quote from mark penn this is a year's long time. it's true. that's true. this is a lagging indicator for people. unless they feel like the economy is looking up. they see these numbers going down. they see themselves able to afford more. not just when it comes to buying food at the grocery when it comes to paying for the cost of energy, the cost of healthcare and et cetera in america. then i think that they are going to hold the white house responsible because of their decision to brand all this as belonging to the president. >> shannon: one of the other areas that we talked about in the polling where he is how he is handling the israel conflict now. we have got this problem that they have got to get through on capitol hill is the supplemental asking for aid to israel, ukraine, the border. how is all of this going to shake out. in the meantime a number of lawmakers speaking out on whether there should be conditions from the u.s. on more military aid to israel. >> i think it's appalling that democratic senators like bernie sanders are calling for conditions on our aid to israel as if israel is some third world despotism abusing its own people. >> i would oppose conditions that in effect straight jacket support for the israeli government. >> receives from the united states discussions about whether war is necessary. >> olivia getting reports from jake sullivan saying it looks like the white house is not going to put conditions on further military aid to israel. dolls that help it get going. >> capitol hill republicans are saying they want border and ukraine and it certainly helps the white house is discussions going on. all week on capitol hill. senator thune wouldn't talk to house republicans and basically was saying, you know, here is a plan that we want to move forward with, republicans are still waiting to see if they would accept the border if it went far enough in their mind. between the house and senate republicans about what they are going to be will to accept. i want to play something from chuck schumer going to the floor with an impassioned speech on this issue today of anti-semitism. >> only 80 years after hitler wiped out half the jewish populationpopcross the world whe countries turned their back. can you appreciate the deep fear we have about what hamas might do if left to their own devices? no matter where we stand on the war in gaza all of us must condemn anti-semitism with full-throated clarity wherever we see it. >> shannon: this is area where there is split between the democratic party. minority but definitely growing voices and opinions that don't love the way the president is handling this. >> i disagree with the idea it's a minority. i think it is axle ler rating soon to be plurality, if not majority of the democratic coalition. i think that the poll numbers stand up with that the latest nbc news poll shows that 70% of voters 18 to 34 support the palestinian side in this situation. the gaza side of this situation. not israel. and what the most important thing that chuck schumer said today, i thought, was his acknowledgment that for so long he has been targeting, you know, neo-nazis, clan members, et cetera on things he views as coming from the right. but he said for many of us we feel likes a liberal jews there are people who are fellow travelers with us politically for many years who are betraying us at this moment. i think that's the most honest thing i have heard from a democrat on this issue really since it became a prominent here in washington. i'm glad that he said it. a lot more people need to see you it because the difference here is that the people on the right who are saying it are the fringe and the people on the left who are saying it are some of the most powerful, loud voices in the congress today. >> shannon: byron? >> he did make a couple of points, schumer made a couple of big points. one, he did make very clear that criticism of the way israel is conducting this war, its other policies is not anti-semitism. i mean, political criticism. and if you're concerned, for example, about israel dropping 2,000-pound bombs in densely populated areas, that's a legitimate question to ask. on the other hand, he did, as ben said, say this is not the stereo typical anti-semitism of the past. it is not a bunch of clansmen from rural indiana going to harvard yard. and this is a problem that democrats have to deal with. >> shannon: all right. up next, the reagan national defense survey, what americans believe is the greatest threat now to our country. ♪ a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. i bought the team! kevin...? 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[laughter] so he it's one of these things that i think is unavoidable if you pay attention to the news and the information that's coming out of the way that china views us. their intentions and everything that they have made clear over the last several years. the real question for americans is it's easy to answer poll questions and say, you know, we would like to support the taiwanese in any kind of circumstance where china tries to take them. it's a much bigger, i think test of american will to say a tonight when people have so many concerns about things. issues that we are facing in terms of ahead of time would be necessary as so many experts including mike gallagher and others have pointed out in order to deter china from actually moving on taiwan before they would actually try take it. >> shannon: talk to chairman mike mccaul he will tell you that taiwan has ordered scads of all types of defensive weapons and things from us that we cannot actually fulfill. china is aware we are stretched in a number of directions. so weaponry would be different than israel and ukraine. there is awareness we aren't able to provide them what they're asking for. >> good thing about this is that the public actually does get it. in the trump years we really had auto four years of russia hysteria on the part of many in the media and in the democratic party a lot of people were saying look, russia is a bad actor. just no doubt about that. but, our biggest strategic adversary here is china and it's going to stay that way for a good while. one other interesting thing, it did show a lot more public support for continuing u.s. aid to ukraine than we have seen in some other polls. >> shannon: there has been some talking of that in some polls. i want to play something from xi jinping, we shouldn't be viewing them as a threat. this was at the apec summit. >> it is wrong to view china, which is committed to peaceful development as a threat and thus play a zero sum game against it. china never bets against the united states. and never interferes in its internal affairs. china has no intention to challenge the united states or to unseat it. >> shannon: olivia, how does that sit with you based on everything else that ben brought up. >> national security experts and people who know china would call that hogwash. i traveled with michael mccaul and other bipartisan members to taiwan earlier this year. in addition to other countries in the area basically see what it would look like would south korea support if invaded. what would their support look like, would it be military? would it be financial? there is a large concern and chairman gallagher, who leads this select china committee basically is talking about how china has played us. they thought through economic engagement china would be a good partner to work with us, which we are deeply intertwined with them. but he said that they actually have not been able -- they are now using that economic leverage against us in some ways. and so we're heading on a path where it makes sense why there are national security concerns, absolutely. >> shannon: when you talk about us being intertwined we have to decouple and get out of this. when we are so dependent on them for things like pharmaceuticals, critical minerals, all these other things it makes it difficult to say we can make a clean break and walk away no matter how much these numbers show us people are worried about china. of course we will talk about this a lot more at the reagan national defense forum in simi valley. panel, thank you very much. ♪ finally tonight, check this out. a special day. >> we get to bring a little more magic, wonder and joy to the white house. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: first lady jill biden unveiling the white house holiday ice rink. when was the last time we did this? so we started digging around to get more information. she was joined by the way by brian boitano 1988 u.s. olympic and world championship and apparently snoopy as well. mrs. biden recounted her own days of ice skating in delaware on the river canal with her sisters when they were young. this is a really special, beautiful thing now. and by the way ben domenech on the panel says it's a perfect setting for a hallmark movie. we will see if anybody falls in love out there. not the first time there has been a rink out there featured at the white house. in 1980 an ice stage was erected on the south, south lawn for a holiday party held by then president jimmy carter. all right. tomorrow

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