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could we see a verdict and could jill biden inside the courtroom be a deciding factor in this case? are illegal eagles moments from the. welcome everybody, i'm neil cavuto and to david spunt in wellington for the latest. this is moving as quickly as you said it would. what's next? >> it really is. we could get over to cure any time the. court has typically been working at 4:30 pm eastern time every day however if jurors may be closed over there is always a possibility they could signal to the judge, hey, listen we would like to stay a little bit later tonight. we got no such indications at this time but, neil, while there's a lot of big names inside, salacious text messages, also a lot -- other information inside, it's really about just a simple gun form that hunter biden filled out. you see them working there in october 2018. you give him his right to testify, declining to set up -- tell his side of the story but as i said he had a big showing of his family inside, including a first lady, the president sister and uncle jim connor president's brother. the president notably that here today but his sister, actually, also watching in the front row. the jury has to weigh three charges -- the first is that hunter -like employees of the gold -- and store on 2018 when he checked no to being a user or being arctic to do illegal drugs or did he like when he pulled out the form, also did he illegally possessed even as -- 11 days and a drug user. the government does not have to prove that hunter was on drugs when they actually brought the gun or even the one of -- within the month of october, is somewhat around the time. a lawyer for the government will jurors of the focus on the presence of famous people coherency the first lady but he looked over towards the first lady, he says that he doesn't want jurors to be distracted with that. he wants jurors to look simply at the evidence and treat hunter biden like anybody else. hunter's attorney pointed to the form that says "are you unlawful law -- user or addicted to illegal drugs creek or it doesn't say it -- so again, neil, this is really what it's all about here. we've heard a lot of different things but it's really about just a few pages on this gun form from 2018, i'd be alone cells are you unlawful user? he says if hunter does not believe he was an unlawful user and didn't feel like he was an unlawful user at the time the jury should excuse him but ultimately the gol golfer's my government shut -- and the evidence is right here according to government lawyers so we are on deliberation was now, neil. >> martha: >> neil: and in speed zone time. thank you very much, david spunt in wilmington. leskovar illegal eagles reason all of this and maybe what type of decision will see. -- andrew mccarthy former assistant u.s. attorney. and the start with you and your take on how quickly this is all happening. they've got three counts consider. you can do that fairly quickly. what do you think? >> oh, yeah, i expect it to be quick. is all reading tea leaves as they say, neil, but the fact that, you know, the push through summations today and then the judge rather than sending them home to instruct them, you know, to bring it back in the morning, give them a -- in and send them out, i think that can have a way of conveying to the jury that, you know, this is not like rocket science. this case -- i think there jury instruction for only, you know, about 20 minutes long in the case is pretty -- the evidence is all-knowing and the questions before the jury are pretty simple. >> neil: you know, mercedes collins, let me get your thoughts on the wrong jill biden my play. it's hard to say. we are told she -- pretty often be looking at the jurors and the jurors presumably are looking at, you know, back at the first lady of the united states. what impact without have? >> you know, neil, it so interesting. so many people have asked exactly the question. the bottom line is -- this is what we should look. anyone of us was a parent would sitting in the courtroom, watching their child, especially if their child can face 25 years in prison. that's the supporting role of a parent and any parent across the nation will tell you the same thing. the fact that she's the first lady should have no impact, they've already been told by the prosecutor repeatedly, i'm sure the judge at it from, would give the same instrument to the jury. so at the bottom line is this, it's a concerned mom, it should have nothing to do with how the jury ultimately rules. >> neil: you know, andrew cherkasky, indian market will come down to these three charges and if he is found guilty on all three person will be like me on to 25 years in prison are extremely unlikely. what is any present time, regardless likely? >> i run the federal sentencing, later on this and there is some confinement that is possible in this case mark likely under a year. i think that the big determining factor here when looking at the sentencing guideline will be the amount of contrition hunter biden shows if he is convicted and then goes in front of the church. there is a major consideration in how their guidelines work in reducing the overall sentence severity. so if he tries to go in there and tries to slice it and i sent thing that he wasn't aware on the day and maintain his innocence able in to the sentencing phase i could see the judge issuing some amount of jail time but if he comes forward and apologizes kind of across-the-board for his conduct i think this is a type of case that avoids jail time but before we get there there has to be a conviction and are below made his best effort to try to get the jury to at least hang or acquit him entirely. everything that is good art of that but in biden friendly delaware it's a possibility. >> neil: you know, to the point and something i think people have touched on this notion of if you don't think you're an addict which i think is what were the fence was trying to say in other words you see yourself as recovering, you, yourself, as an attic, so you can answer that question or answer that in the affirmative when applying for a gun license, so schmuck are what -- but it would be like me saying i don't think i'm overweight, actually i think i'm -- i don't know if people would buy that. some might. address humour me. i'm just wondering how is that as a credible, you know, defense? >> i don't think it's credible because it's not a reasonable answer under the facts and also -- >> neil: are you saying that i am overweight? no, i'm sorry. back to. [laughter] >> neil, this is why god made the fifth amendment. [laughter] but in all seriousness about that, you know, if you have the great fortune on this planet of a billion people to have hit life's lottery and been born in the united states and you have a right to not answer questions that could incriminate you and you then nevertheless decide to give an answer that is at least arguably false if not outright false then you're the one who's playing with fire and i don't really think you deserve much consideration. >> neil: you know, mercedes, we all go back to the preview that sort of just fell apart the judge sort of said well what we have here? there will be one where -- where the -- there was, you know, in hand and then, you know, of your hand and destroyed. it will make others going forward and twice about a sure thing, right? >> absolutely and enjoy and i do these types of agreements for our clients routinely. this is good lawyering. if you've got a great deal for your client, you've done your job as a defense attorney. and yes, there will always be a cautionary tale whenever you have clients that are in the thick of a federal investigation. and i won my clients i'm sure andrew does the same thing. they are very aggressive and they will stop at nothing if they feel that they have an individual who is engaging in criminality. so be forewarned because the federal -- especially the federal government and -- both of them can our former prosecutors, it is incredibly aggressive arena, you have to be very careful in not take anything for granted. >> neil: sort to deport it more on this, you know, prosecutor -- again and again mentioned that hunter biden knew what the real deal was, knew how addicted he was, knew how -- up on, he was around the time he brought this gun, right gutfeld! and said repeatedly in this case that that is really the beginning of the end of the defendant knew -- use cracked was addicted to crack at the rope -- relevant time, period,, kept saying that, that is what this is all about, is it? >> there is a truly overwhelming evidence that the prosecutors presented that hunter biden knew very well that he was a drug arctic in the drug user at the time that he both purchased and possessed of the gun. you know, about the prosecutor made it very interesting point in how he put a bow on that. he said that hunter biden that actually gone to rehab before this car perhaps he would be confused about what an addict is but the very fact that he had been to rehab, would have naturally taught him that he's an addict, once an addict, always an addict, the saying goes, and then you're able to show that two days after the purchase of again, he's out seeking crack cocaine behind the 711 from a guy named mookie. you know, there is a type of evidence that prosecutors in a case like this just overwhelming the fence with butter defense continues to try and see, you know, you can't prove the specific intent and that is true. often you can put the specific intent of a criminal defendant with direct evidence. is usually circumstantial and that's what this case was, it was circumstantial evidence but that is totally normal and it was overwhelming in this case. so if it all goes the way that it should tell the jury converts. >> neil: interesting. watching very closely. thank you for your legal help and insight. and by -- i always appreciated by the way before we take a quick radiological your digital -- -- the dow jones industrials, you know, did in forward where it was the s&p and nasdaq that stole the show and stole some new records too. and video by the way first day of training after the stock was split 10-1, in other words those who earned a share -- sure woke up this morning owning ten shares -- carries the same day that cpr -- that that the market is convinced that the federal reserve is going to cut rates at that meeting but it might signal a cut coming future -- -- meanwhile me 20 oh hunter biden's illegal wars. next up her daughter is dealing with his. >> ♪ ♪ pods spring moving sale has been extended! save up to 25% on moving and storage until june 10th... and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don't wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. 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>> we don't know exactly what time as you said this will happen to make it set today from president trump will have a date with his probation officer. you know, basically you run for president, address your question group and then you talk to the provision reprobation over -- with his lawyer, blanche at his side. trump had had his state in mar-a-lago probation officer in an office in the matter in criminal court in new york city and they are supposed to go over the case and trump's personal history. was offended have to attend that meeting in person but judge one mission rented an exception in this case. the reports can also help trump's defense. here's what the new york -- is a chance for the defendant's lawyer to say good things about the defendant like the defendant is not -- or is this -- has a steady job and take care of annealing family member to make the three sentence interview is the chance for the defendant to try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment. the trump campaign says in part about the "president trump as legal team are already taking necessary steps to challenge and defeat the lawless -- this comes as an agonistic attorney alvin bragg says he will testify before the house judiciary committee about the case. they want him to answer questions but he won't do it until after trump is sentence next month my republican-led panel is seeking to ask brag about the prosecution and if the biden justice department had any input or involvement in the charges. work in the president had attacked prosecutor matthew colangelo, he's a formal biden doj official gaming without any evidence that he somehow engineered the whole thing but the white house has denied that. bragg are not commented about the former president's charges but he will likely address that as one of the many things when he testifies that hearing. we do expect to hear from the president at some point in a statement perhaps after this or at least from his camp campaign. he said to be sentenced on july 11th, four years in jail he could face but no one thinks he is actually going to be sentenced again. >> neil: rick shone, thank you. -- and what it can mean. i think i always did have you. how involved -- how much the telegraph what judge can one might be weighing, you know, -- >> are not too sure what it says about judge rick shone. it will be without question the most bizarre presentence meeting in the history of american law. i mean among other things you would have to show the officer that you're actively seeking employment as one of the positive aspects you can put forward. adding that trump has that one. he seems to be quite actively seeking employment all around the country. also to show that you have a history of gainful emplo employment, a million dollars goes a long way into establishing that factor. what is unlikely to be a strong area for him would be remorse. and this is where he has to be careful, you know, these recent reports do get a lot of attention by the judge a and, you know, he have to prepare your client to say look, you don't have to confess if you don't think that you're guilty. many of us don't believe there is a crime here. and so he is not expected to say, you know, me a call for, but you should also avoid getting in to the face of some probation officer who after all it is trying to do his or her job. so i don't know how this will go but it certainly one for the history books. >> neil: you know, i've always seen in these trials in the past, jonathan, and maybe you and i have talked about them wear, you know, is sentencing day and unusually the person who has been targeted has no sort of layer -- letters or comments by friends or colleagues who say wonderful things about him or her defending on the case. and wondering, you know, if the judge has a sentence in mind that he say oh i was going to give him 20 years, no i think i'll give them ten because you has all these nice young be -- people voting for him or doesn't move move the needle at all? >> i think it can move the middle on the margin. thinkers generally come in with a fairly good idea of a narrow range where they wanted something someone. sometimes the allocation, sometime the statement of that event can actually irritate you judge and push you towards the top of that bandwidth for the judge. i think the people coming in and talking about the person can have some influence. with trump, i don't believe there is going to be the case. like everything else about this case, he came fully baked in the view of many people. jurors, the judge. and people have this idea of who trump is. to either love him or they hit him. have never met anyone in the middle of those two comes. and so i don't think that the needle will move much here. but it also would be absurd to cents -- send him to jail. is an elderly undercover nonviolent crime in a very controversial prosecutor -- prosecution. this whole case can be overturned ultimately an appeal. i think judge john one would be considerably outside the navigational beacon to send him to even a day in jail. >> neil: still his interest in numerous political pressure, right? to do something. and it could go both ways, goose want to see donald trump in prison and those who fear that if he does go to prison and even for short amount of time its going to cement his return to the white house. so that he way that order -- >> is not supposed to and i have to say i don't mean to be with tutors towards the judge but after sitting in the courtroom, i want to be surprised by anything. i thought he was really quite biased in terms of his rulings. they went very heavily towards prosecution. believe he normally is known as a prosecution judge. maximilian streule did not make a lot of sense. there's a lot of pressure, you know, when i came out of the courtroom after the verdict that it was okay the roman games. people were ecstatic in to a point that it was difficult to watch. people were dancing in the streets. that the environment around this courthouse and there were other people who were in the -- agony and sorrow. it was a picture of the united states and it was not necessarily a good one. stood there for for a second and ticketed because it was such a bizarre bifurcated scene. >> neil: you know, real quickly on hunter biden as you know the jury in to the -- deliberating on these three contractors is moving very quickly. what do you think? >> look, this is an open and shut case in a normal case where this is not a biden, they would have a harder time finding the jury room than finding a verdict. it would be out within an hour. but i think the defense here is playing a jury notification defense and they are hoping that you can't convict a biden in biden town. that's what wilmington is. that the hometown of the biden's. and i hope -- and they could well get it. but, you know, the fact is you can overplay that hand. some of the defense -- defense is put forward actually most of them collapse within two days and then -- that may alienate some jurors saying forgot stable players for terms -- >> and a single juror could be influenced by the presence of joe biden -- jill biden. >> that's right and it's very minor -- of her prosecutors reminded them whose town this is an impure the prosecutors didn't like it. >> neil: are you. thank you very much, jonathan turley, following all of the. we are following development meanwhile we got wind of this new video of the hostage release situation led by israel. they got them out of their and nate foy has more on that and what went down at the nations today. >> hi, neil, the un security council just passed a resolution within the past hour amending an immediate cease-fire in gaza. the u.s. says israel supports the deal and in the past few minutes, hamas is now responding to the resolution. that's next. ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪ ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing] >> neil: starting video is nurturing israeli police coming under heavy fire rescue those four hostages of their safe and well but from that rescue right after this. y, gentle solution for every day. its plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut working with your body to promote digestive health. with so many ways to enjoy, benefiber is your fiber, your way. arthritis pain? we say not today. tylenol 8 hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: not released, rescued four israeli hostages were rescued thanks to a daring raid on their behalf to get them out of their. mission success. nate foy on the fallout. >> neil, many are hoping for more israeli hostages to be released soon as president joe biden's deal for an immediate cease-fire and possibly the end of the world would be impermanent. the un security council just passed a resolution that mirrors president biden's plan that again includes three phases and hamas is just now reacting to the resolution that just passed with a vote of 14 in support with russia abstaining but declining to use its veto power. take a look at this statement that reads in part from hamas, "hamas emphasizes it's readiness to cooperate with the mediators to engage in indirect negotiations on implementing these principles that are consistent with the demands of our people and resistance." here is the us-mexico to the un linda thomas greenfield speaking before the security council moments ago. >> after eight months of devastation and pain and trauma that what is needed now more than ever is for the fighting to and back in a sustainable way. the united states and every single country in this chamber want to see an immediate cease-fire with the release of hostages. >> neil, as you alluded to today we are also getting new video of the heroic rescue of three israeli hostages over the weekend. the idf rescue a total of four hostages. of this resolution is implemented more israeli hostages would come home. but it would be in the former prisoner hostage exchanges like we saw back in november. this would allow for the release of hundreds of palestinian prisoners as well demand during phase one of the deal with the last six weeks imagery that pays humanitarian aide would immediately be rushed in to the gaza strip. a spokesman for the u.s. mission to the un said if i'm limiting the deal or not doing so would help save lives in the suffering of civilians in gaza as well as the hostages and their families. phase i would also mandate israeli pullout of populated areas in gaza. during that time the two site would negotiate possibly a permanent cease-fire if after six weeks there is no deal publishers fire would continue so long as negotiations continue in the u.s. continues working with egypt and qatar to facilitate that cease-fire with secretary of state antony blinken again in the middle east today advocating for the proposal. was in the back you. >> neil: thank you for th that, made for. of that un resolution backing a cease-fire, 40-1 vote will only the russians abstaining but not them turning out to be a noble on this, whether changed by that rescue operation? centerville cassidy republican from louisiana -- they're both back from normandy right now where they were part of a team recognizing our greatest generation and encouraged by what they -- senators, very good have you. senator -- to begin with you on your view of this resolution right now the calls for an immediate cease-fire and whether that one born of this rescue. >> of course, i'm relieved and thankful that the israeli forces got four hostages home and thinking of them and their families. we obviously need to continue the work to get all of the hostages released and hamas who started this war with this horrific attack needs to release hostages so we can stop the fighting and get humanitarian aid in place and help civilians. but at the end of the day this is about hamas stepping up and agreeing to this negotiated deal and then thinking about what they afterwards looks like. >> neil: you know, senator -- we don't know for sure how many hostages there still are. we would like to think it's about 100 but were not sure of all of those are live. you have any interns that suggest otherwise? >> no i do not have -- i don't and i think it's impossible to know but i'll echo what maggie said. commercial power in this. injury release those hostages and they agreed to a cease-fire, it ends. instead receive their embedding hostages within civilian populations and so when israel goes to rescue the civilian losses you have to ask yourself why was hamas putting those hostages within a civilian population? not sure about once a cease-fire. hamas complex the status quo. i think they think they're willing information were but fortunately we have the videos showing that in the there using the parent -- -- but you has always said that it is really prominent -- that, you know, hamas must be destroyed. know whether that would include understanding for -- a good article for for the release of palestinian and other prisoners, that would be if the thing for him to -- to swallow when it? >> look at the israeli defense forces need to know that they have the -- the graded hamas militarily at the end of the dado and this is about hamas' willingness not only to accept negotiated deal but also to live up to it. in the past you know hamas has broken cease-fires and not compliant with their and of the agreement. it's imperative the that we continue to work to get this negotiated cease-fire, it more hostages back, at the critical humanitarian aid into gaza that consistent with american values, is consistent with israeli values. and then to continue the work of making sure that hamas cannot reconstitute militarily into luke torrance thereafter here so that israel and the palestinian people can live in security and peace. >> neil: i noticed just -- reflecting back on the environment in years ago today and president biden is pretty clear trying to equate what's going on in ukraine specifically, senator cas cassidy, with what was going on back then during world war two and i'm wondering whether you're frustrated about the pace of that war and how vladimir putin is stronger than ever been. winter that has ever been in more river -- what you think that? you are a couple of things. you actually are seeing some erosion of their economy -- had her first record loss ever. russia is trying to prepare in the great friend but i think that there is a different story if you look underneath the facts. i do think that what we learned is that normandy would not have happened and there were not ill -- deliberation of the western europe and if the russians had won, all of europe would not become an estimate of the united states and not push forward without u.s. leadership. it took our men, our women there on the front line in the whole effort of the letter states to come to a point, helping them support -- estimate was invented. there is a clear parallel. russia will take over ukraine and then begin the threat those countries bordering ukraine and the united states does not show leadership. we must step forward and bring our lives together. we don't do it alone but we are the leaders who bring our life together in order to support the ukrainians. right away by supporting ukrainians and we support our own national goals. not american gis dying there, marines, et cetera, is ukrainians fighting for their freedom. when we support them, we push back on russia and i'll disagree again with the promise of your comments that i think russia is far worse off now than they were when this war began. >> neil: you should hear what he says. but to your point, senator hassan, i do wonder about the environment today, where, you know, you are seeing this global protest against incumbent -- that the populace all right we were somewhat -- and ira bowman as well against those in power and we'll empower up the worry of what signal discerns president biden that there is an anti- incumbency movement that anyone in control of orders one out. >> look, what i understand and it was something honorable like them for me to be at the 80th commemoration look at these veterans, my that was a world war ii veteran, is survived the battle of the bulge. these betterments reminded me so much of him that understanding that you have to put something greater than yourself first s. freedom is the exception in history and not the rule and appealing parents never works. that had this habit of looking at the breakfast table and saying, "what are you doing for freedom today we call actually got to share that with president stravinsky last week and -- president zelenskyy last week, and he is stepping up for freedom, the ukrainian people want what we have. the are fighting back against a bully and a tyrant who conducted an unprovoked and brutal invasion of the country and this is about the free world coming together and understanding that we are stronger and better when we are democracies. we can address challenges together when we have friends who are democracies and we need to stand with the ukrainian people that only for their own sake and ours but because china and iran and north korea authoritarians, are watching what we do and watching if we really understand the importance and value of freedom. >> neil: amazing that. mind with this asked me did you do any of your choice today, neil? >> he asked that too. >> neil: senators, thank you both very much for taking the time. is very inspiring to see both the together and recognizing the common theme that is this great country. in the meantime, the jury has stopped deliberating right now. will pick up where they left off and the decision has been made of the jurors and others coming out of that boardroom in wilmington delaware, it resumes tomorrow morning. will have more, after this lexus. >> ♪ ♪ isolated...depressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: the hunter biden jury dismissed for to their family will take another crack at this tomorrow morning and decide the fate of one hunter biden. got julia manchester the nurse -- the former clinton advisor customer, strategies and posterior perimeter oligarchy both the hunter biden issue whether it could be a campaign issue for the presidents mcnally he's one step removed from the sender could be a convicted felon after all when all is said and done mcdonald from pool -- but i'm wondering whether either has any impact on this race as things stand now. dug, what do you think? >> well, i think if hunter biden is convicted particularly and it will have been if it indeed happens before the debate on the 27th, it gives trump a compelling rebuttal to the argument that as biden said he's a convicted felon, -- he said well, locale he lied about your stronger he lied about your laptop. it wasn't russian disinformation. and it really models an already complicated situ situation. bottom-line i think it would marginally help trump are in there and i think it will be issues, neil, rather than criminal convictions that decides this election. >> neil: and also whether people are jazz, right? i'm thinking of james carlo on the weekend on the radio show thinking -- saying he certainly not judge -- didn't really get in to the hunter biden stuff but he did them on the fact that young people just aren't into this contest and aren't into joe biden more specifically, a the request typically could reliably, you know, go back to happen at this time. what did you make of it? >> absolutely. i think for one to isr israel-hamas war is really playing it negatively with young voters they are very much bemoaning the biden's handling of the war. we are seeing these, you know, images coming out that war and it's not playing well for the biden administration in terms of the handling and in terms of how young people look at it, and people are starting to, you know, lead more to the pro-palestinian side of this and they are expressing those sympathies and/or sympathies really, really aren't reflecting, you know, on the biden administration. on top of that you also have other, you know, constituencies that are not happy with the biden administration and the handling of the war including the arab american constituencies listening state of michigan, for example, but for young peo people, you know, there is an issue for democrats because they are very much a part of that democratic coalition that is needed to, you know, turn out in some of the swing state and distillery across the map. >> you know, is still early but i'm surprised the race remains as tight as it is with all of joe biden's problems. -- -- but, you know, you can't afford to lose or risk losing a part of your base or frustrate so many of them that they're just not inclined to turn out and vo vote. do you expect, you know, a lower burger tone art as a percentage of eligible voters and what we got last go-round? >> i think we are expecting a lower turnout. at least i. and particularly because my -- minorities, younger people as julia will say, are moving away from biden. i think there will be some defections to trump. but i think a lot of people are just going to stay home and say, you know, between these two i really don't have a choice. ultimately, i think given the number reporting on the screen now that will probably play to trump's advantage because i think his days is more energized and biden's this is a close election. i think will be closed election up until election day. trump does have an advantage but is an advantage that can turn around right now i would have to say he is in a much stronger position than he was four years ago. >> neil: julia kreuz what you think. >> i'm just looking at the image of the virginia fox news poll on the screen, 48, 48% tight next day. i think that is indicative of a lack of enthusiasm in the state of virginia should be a blue state at the financial level at least. and a half years ago governor glenn youngkin left that statement democrats have been carrying that state for, you know, in recent history. so, you know, it could be that trump is garnering some enthusiasm in virginia but, you know, i look at northern virginia, for example, a liberal democratic bastion. that should be easy for someone like biden and when i see 48-48 this just shows low enthusiasm and it's happening in a state like virginia, strategists point out to me is probably happening in, you know, even more swing states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, et cetera. >> neil: we shall see god julia, final word, -- you can be part of an endangered species. we're seeing that with the british prime minister who is under the gun right now and course -- whoa to try to deal with this. is your name and easier said than done. atikokan looking at the trend but is now -- >> we are trying to link -- youth mack showing a large proportion of right-leaning gains especially in some of the countries that hold a majority of these 706 -- gallagher transfer example which holds 81 of those se seats. right-leaning -- right-leaning party they're meant -- led by marie le pen is expected to get more than double the share of vice president's for european centers and at what is -- to make the shocking announcement that he was dissolving the lower house of the country's parliament and calling for is not election. for these elections will take place in the background at the end mack of this month and the beginning of next month just weeks before the country host the olympics. germany holds 96 seats in the european parliament. there chancellor lipschultz is a social democrat so their worst ever result of only about 14% losing to conservative opposition and unsurprisingly there is really a lot of mixed reaction today about this rightward shift across the block. >> neil: won it's not a perceived reading in -- written in black and white how many parties boarded for the parties not -- i think it's a step in the right direction. >> italy which comes in third holds 76 seats and italian prime minister gloria maloney's conservative father is the -- aggressively. analysts argue because because of these results that we are taking a look at that things like the environment on the steps of issues could move to the back corner. we were able to see that the green parties lost about 20 votes so far. macniel? >> neil: think you very much for the. alex buque. in the meantime all things technology front and center including apple to be elevated to the ei party but soothingly crashing it i guess, right? >> yes. so this is apple's ai moment and imagine a future this fall is of talking on your phone he can talk to your phone number utterly more about the artificial intelligence revolution right after this. >> ♪ ♪ d muscles and joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most. not anymore. blue-emu gave me my freedom back. it supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. >> neil: all right, late but not done, apple makes a big move to ai was some big commitments. we have susan li on that. susan. >> o'neill, and set up talking on your phone now you can talk to your phone. apple infusing openai chatgpt directly into the iphone and that means you can ask your iphone questions like recipe ideas or help writing a bedtime story for your kids all for free with a new software update this fall. the openai partnership one of many new features that apple unveiled today as it tries to catch up with silicon valley rivals like microsoft and google. speak up in using artificial intelligence and machine learning for years to develop that goal, generative intelligence and large language models offer powerful capabilities that provide the opportunity to take the experience of using apple products to new heights. >> so besides that chatgpt's theory, apple has new ai features that write texts and emails, image creation of photos and all of the help editing things out of pictures you don't like. summaries for safari internet searches, dictation, phone conversations all comes with height and privacy functions that other master identity or does not store any data. now we are early in the ai revolution but reports say apple is working on a home robot to help you do chores in the future. but when i say ai robot, people think more terminator then say rose from the jetsons for some reason. wouldn't it be nice to put your feet up one day? >> neil: yes, but i'm thinking how from 2,000 space odyssey, that was -- don't get me going. scott martin also too young to remember any of this, but let me tell you kids something, scott, what you think of this? obviously ai front and center and nvidia is stock 10-1 from what shareholders had last week moving up all on this whole ai craze, is it getting too crazy? >> it's been too crazy and is going to get crazier, neil appeared to think about my favorite robots how about vicki from small wonder so when i fell in love with in the '80s and i will tell you what, still do. susan is right there a lot of things that phone can do going forward that it is not right now and that's the question i have for apple, my iphone and i are really going steady. we have an amazing relationship, but other than telling the phone what to do or what it can do for me i would love for the phone to do something for me without having to tell it and that's the essence of what we are seeing with some of the chatgpt things and some of the things on the ai spaces and this is scary, ladies and gentlemen, but taking over our lives and making it easier and better for us to exist, because right now i'm doing too much work on my iphone, i just have to admit it. >> neil: what is interesting is it's targeting your generation and younger at this notion that ai will be built and to everything you own and have them do and there a lot of people who are worried about that and where it is going and others are just saying, well, hop on. i get a sense with the apple announcement today they are hopping on a little bit late but have everything in place to take full advantage of. >> they certainly have the cash pile as we talked about earlier on fox business, a billion dollars in cold hard cash on the balance sheets, and right now in terms of research and development specific in terms of the numbers that they actually put to developing ai and all of the tech that they have on the iphone and ios power devices, but i can tell you right now that apple is spending tens of billions of dollars less than their competitors like the microsoft player list of the world on the google, but with the cash pile i think they can play up and catch up pretty quickly, but one quote i heard that i thought was so smart when it comes to the ai revolution because it is not making money right now, sure it is powering stocks higher, but some people say it's a feature, not necessarily a product. >> neil: interesting, people draw the distinction between the boom and the other internet boom i was part with that cynical view by saying, well, in this case, the company is behind it or they are already making hand over fist and then these orders from a lot of companies that are pouring tens of billions of dollars into these chips and making a good deal of money off of it. so it's very different in that perspective, what you think? >> bingo, double-crossing, last time i checked to those guys were bankrupt and going so and not making money like you said, but these companies, the microsoft, the amazons, the google's are making a ton of money hand over fist and have the free cash flow to look at the idea even if it takes a few years. i just want them to use the information. think about how much we know or give her a phone as far as what they know about us. can you imagine them taking the information and making it into our lives and making a better for all of us? that stated they have to figure out how to take and use it positively, not negatively as we see so many times in this map environment. >> neil: as young as you are, you have been great wisdom to the table. and that jury is done deliberating today and the hunter biden case, we will see what they do tomorrow as they moved on at a rapid case. and a good chance to catch up with paul ryan what he makes of the political environment and the legal environment, joined at the hip these days. he will be my special guest assessing the political landscape and the ecological one. "the five" right now. >> dana: hello, i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, this is "the five." ♪ ♪

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Coalition , Democrats , Michigan , Peo , Swing State , Problems , Distillery , Map , Vo , Base , Lower Burger Tone Art , Turnout , Percentage , Go Round , Defections , Minorities , Julia , Advantage , Reporting , Screen , Number , Say , Election Day , Enthusiasm , Image , Position , Poll , Black , Julia Kreuz , Virginia Fox News , 48 , Glenn Youngkin , Northern Virginia , Blue State , Level , Left , Swing States , Strategists , Word , Wisconsin , Pennsylvania , Prime Minister , Name , Endangered Species , Whoa , Trend , British , Atikokan , Gains , Link , Proportion , Youth Mack , Seats , Party , Majority , Example , Marie Le Pen , 81 , 706 , Vice President , Announcement , Elections , Centers , Background , Parliament , Lower House , Lipschultz , Country Host , Democrat , Result , Olympics , European Parliament , Germany , 96 , Reading , Opposition , Shift , The Block , Parties , Gloria Maloney , Direction , In Black And White , Italian , Italy , 76 , Father , Analysts , Corner , 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