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We have got carley shimkus. John but first, President Biden set to lay out a plan for gun control as crime rates rise in the debate rages over police reform. I am john roberts, and this is America Reports. Sandra agreed to be with you on this wednesday newsday. Thanks for having me. I am Gillian Turner and four sandra smith today, south their plan is to invest in communities and keeping quotes down that cops on the beach. A lot of big cities are having a really tough time recruiting officers, and now departing the four syndromes, so republicans say that the president is ignoring the underlying problem, which is rising and ty cobb sentiments. Only going to attack lawabiding citizens, why doesnt the president just start by recanting the fund of the police . John all of this as we are reminded of the daily dangers that they face. A 19 year veteran of the force was killed in a shootout wednesday. He was targeted because he wore a Police Uniform and a badge, according to the chief, and new video shows that michigan officer breaking down after he shoots and kills a woman who fired at him first. Gillian the congresswoman will join us in just a second, but we began first with a rich at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Good afternoon, gillian. After a nationwide debate over the role that policing in the United States, President Biden and Merrick Garland will announce a series of proposals the administration is going to address crime in the United States here at the white house in just a couple of hours. Many of these target guns, creating Strike Forces to address Gun Trafficking, rules on ghost guns or homemade guns, Revoking Licenses of dealers the first time they violate federal laws and provide weapons to those banned from having them or failing to run a background check. They say addressing guns is confronting crime. There are major cities across the country where it is absolutely increasing, and that will be essential part of what we talk about. It is about more than that. It is about disrespecting and defunding our Law Enforcement. They should not be surprised when american citizens exercise their Second Amendment rights when they do not think that the police will be available. A part of these announcements, the Treasury Department says that is experiencing a surge in gun violence as a result of the pandemic may use covid coveted Release Funding to hire more Law Enforcement, pay for police overtime, or use that money and other ways to address gun violence. The Administration Says that money may also go to help teens get summer jobs or programs. They will call on congress to act as democrats have the slimmest of margins in the u. S. Senate. Gillian. Gillian live from the white house, thanks so much. John gillian, lets bring in nicole. She just met with nypd leadership. Congresswoman, thanks for joining us today. What did the leadership tell you . What are they looking for in order to combat the surge of crime . Well, it is clear that the rise in crime is directly related to policies that have been put in place by the city council and also Governor Cuomo and the state legislature. The bailout that was enacted by the governor is the number one reason why we are seeing crime sewer across almost every single major category. This is something that the fact that they gave us were alarming. 97 of those that are victims of shootings are black and latino. Secondly, when it comes to bail laws, 9 out of 10 individuals who are found an illegal firearm are released immediately right back out onto our streets. 50 of those that actually use a firearm and shoot someone are being released back out onto our streets because of that bail law. That coupled with crimes that are eligible for Immediate Release have led to the astounding numbers that we are seeing. Violence and other crimes. Assault, grand theft auto. That we are seeing in our streets, and on top of that, you have mayor de blasio cutting onesixth of the nypd budget, tying the hands of our Police Department. Taking away their qualified immunity protection, so this is certainly all a recipe for disaster, and last night in New York City, you saw both the democratic and republican side, that they picked individuals that they felt were Law And Order candidates would be most likely to restore Public Safety in New York City, and it speaks volumes because even on the democratic side, 77 of New York City democrats that they want more police on their streets, and they want the funding resort. John the second highest votegetter in the democratic primary yesterday as somebody who supports defunding the police, so you probably heard rich hensons report on what we are expecting President Biden to say this afternoon. A lot of this is going to center around guns. Certainly, there is a lot of Violent Crime that is committed with firearms, but are guns driving crime, or are criminals driving crime . Absolutely, criminals are driving crime, and one of the things that president could do is actually secure our border because if you speak to them, they will tell you that there is Gun Trafficking occurring at our southern borders, so that is number one. Number two, we go after the illegal firearms. We need to give the police the resources that they need to do their jobs. He needs to talk with mayors like mine, bill de blasio, that was responsible for going after those illegal guns, responsible for going after violent criminals, and they dismantled that. Taken off of our streets due to defunding. What does that mean for justice for families when you are investigating crimes and trying to get to the root of the problem . These are the things that we need the democrats to focus on. The kids use this agenda to fit their own narrative. They have to actually change the way that the Democratic Party is viewing our police and making being derogatory towards them, and stop the defunding of our Law Enforcement. Every major city we see the spike in crime . Democraticcontrolled city. John in terms of how the democrats the web, you mentioned that mayoral race and the primaries yesterday that work held in New York City. The top two vote getters, eric adams, the former Police Captain there from the nypd, as well as my oreilly. Lets listen to what they said about policing. Philosophical and intellectual, and talking about the theory of policing. You dont know this. I know this. I want to keep my city safe. I know this. We are going to stop the hiring of the next two police classes. We have a Police Department that is bloated. A 6 billion budget. John so you said that the majority voted in favor of policing, but there you have the top two outs vote getters, separated by 10 here and maybe a little bit more. What does that say about potentially the future of New York City . 77 of democrats that have been polled said that they want more. I think Maya Wiley Get that remaining percentage, and those numbers actually match up with those who would be viewed as anticop in the city. Thankfully i think she hit her ceiling, and she is not going to be picking up more votes in the second round. I hope that eric adams truly makes Public Safety a priority. And the founder of the Guardian Angels spent his career deterring crime on the streets of New York City, great candidate for the republican party, especially when it comes to this issue, so whatever the outcome will be in november, i do believe it is going to be a step up from bill de blasio, at the forefront of this fight. Im going to continue to push and make sure that we restore our plainclothes unit, restore funding for the nypd. Continue to get the resources our city needs to fight crime, and we continue to push for secure borders. John all right. We will keep watching. No question about that. Congresswoman nicole malliotakis, thanks for joining us. Fox news has now confirmed that Vice President Kamala Harris and El Hunter Hayek May Arcus will visit the u. S. Mexico border an. This will be just days before former President Donald Trump and republican lawmakers are planning to visit the border. It has been 91 days since President Biden named harris as the borders are. Republicans have heavily criticized her for not visiting the porter since then, though she has made trips to other places like guatemala if youre joining is now, senator ted cruz. It was her hand for us she had to get there before former President Trump . Of course it was. 94 days ago, she was named as borders are, and she demonstrated strong leadership by doing not damn thing, by doing everything she could to hide from the crisis. Frankly, that is the same thing joe biden is doing. She is emulating him and hiding from the crisis, so suddenly they realized, crap, weve got to do something. El paso is a lovely city. Beautiful place in texas. It is not also does not happen to be the locust of the crisis. The Rio Grande Valley isnt and for folks who are not from texas, let me give you a sense. It is on the western tip of texas. The Rio Grande Valley is on the southern tip. It is 800 miles away. To give you a sense of just how far they are, chicago, illinois, is closer to washington, d. C. , then el paso is to there. So she is going where the height of the problem isnt. Let me tell you what kamala needs to do. The kamala, you need to go to the Rio Grande Valley. You need to go to the facility, the tent city your administration has built that is massively overcapacity that has kids in cages. You need to look at the children in cages that you and joe biden put their and i that is endangering their safety, subjecting them to abuse and sexual assault, and there is a reason, john, she is not going there. Its not going to the Rio Grande Valley, because she does not want the cameras to see the joe biden cages with kids in cages. John there are a lot of people who say that she did not want to have that photograph or video to be replayed again and again, but in all fairness, the El Paso Sector is where the House Minority leader, kevin mccarthy, and a lot of republicans went. They also went to arizona. Sorry, the new mexico sectors as well, so republicans have been there all the walls of. Short. I have been to el paso many, many times. It is a wonderful community. It is a very important community, and there are certainly real problems with ilLegal Immigration in el paso, but there is a reason she doesnt want the tv cameras to show hundreds upon Hundreds And Thousands upon thousands of children lying sidebyside by side. You remember a couple of months ago, when i took 19 senators down to the border, and we went down to you that facility. It was built to hold a thousand people. The day we were there, there were over 4,200 people packed in that facility with a 10 covid positivity rate. Kamala harris needs to look in the eyes of the children who are suffering because of joe bidens failed immigration policy, and when she realizes this isnt working, that is when they need to and Catch And Release, and they need to reinstate the everyman in Mexico International agreement that has solved this problem until joe biden and Kamala Harris greeted up here gillian center, this is Gillian Turner along with john here in the d. C. Bureau. I am curious, despite everything you laid out, the criticism of the fact that this is coming late and she is going to el paso rather than rio grande, are you happy she is making this trip . It is something you and your colleagues have been calling for for months. Senator cotton just tweeted out reaction to the news. He said complete mistake. Kamala harris will find some way to make the crisis worse. So now it sounds like she is finally doing what you guys want her to do, but there is still a lot of unhappiness. Short, i am happy she is going to the border, but she doesnt have any solutions. She has gotten a lot of grief for not going to the border. Any rational person would say my gosh, if you are named in charge of the border, gillian, if the president called and said gillian is in charge, i am willing to bet within what . 24, 48, maybe 72 hours, you get on a plane and say if i am in charge of this thing, let me see what is going on . Gillian you well, we would have a lot of problems if i was tasked with handling the border tomorrow, but it is not just your republican colleagues who e been unhappy with this. A lot of americans who live along the border, they say that they need help. They need her eyes on the ground, or the president s eyes on the ground to understand, in addition to the northern triangle underlying problems, americas underlying problems. Speak out i think that is exactly right. We are seeing increased drugs and violence. This is a humanitarian disaster. It is a Public Health disaster, National Security disaster, and the thing that is important to understand, this is manmade. Joe biden and Kamala Harris cost of this when they reinstated the failed policy of Catch And Release. Remain in mexico was an International Agreement that President Trump had negotiated with mexico or mexico agreed that anyone who crossed illegally into mexico, they would stay there in mexico well they are u. S. Asylum case precedent, and it ended up working incredibly well. Last year, and the year 2020, we have the lowest rate of ilLegal Immigration and 45 years. It was incredibly successful. When joe biden and Kamala Harris tour that International Agreement to shreds, we went from the lowest rate in 45 years to today, the highest rate in over 20 years. We have already had half of a Million People come in illegally, and we are on pace for more than 2 Million People in the first year of the Bidenharris Administration. They need to fix it. The people of texas are on the front lines, paying the price, and the reason kamala waited 91 days is she knew if she went, tv cameras would come, and they were documents that human misery, the chaos and disaster that biden and harris are producing, and they dont have any answers because they have given the radical left a promise that they will not enforce the laws. They will not support people. They will have open borders, and they are causing the suffering right now. John we should point out that former President Trump as joss whedon, saying after months of ignoring the crisis at the southern border, it is great that weve got Kamala Harris to finally go and see the tremendous destruction and death theyve created, direct results of the biden ending my very tough but fair border policies. Now it is by far the worst, Governor Abbott and i were not going to the border next week, she would have never gone. You dont have any expectation, do you, that the Vice President will go visit the El Paso Sector and say oh, my goodness, what we are doing isnt working, we need to do something completely different. No, i think what she will say is we need to turn the Revolving Door even faster. As soon as we apprehend someone, we need to let them go even more quickly. They are trying to shift Illegal Immigrants all over the country, and it is really stunning. You go down to the border, and you see this caravan of people. It is not even that were to patrol agents are apprehending them. They turn themselves in because the Bidenharris Administration right now is the last mile of the Human Trafficking and human smuggling network. If the cartels get them just over the river, and then they find the administration, they will ship them to wherever they want to go, and kamalas only solution to that is less process even faster, and the result is tragically going to be even more ilLegal Immigration. The only answer is to enforce the laws and to move back to what we know was working just a few months ago, the remain in mexico policy, but there radical politics will not let them do it. Gillian senator, we know that you disagree with the Biden Administrations broader policy at large. We know that youre not happy with the situation on the ground inside of texas or the other side of the border in mexico, but given the reality as it is right now today, what is the best possible messaging you can see the Vice President deliver when shes over there . Is that along the lines of what she said last month when she told the northern triangle migrants to not come to the u. S. , or is it Something Else . Those were empty words when she said that in guatemala. You look at the president of guatemala, openly pointed out that biden and harris, their message was, illegally, that problems down my quarters are open. Thats why you see them crossing wearing joe biden tshirts because you get to cross over it illegally, and they are causing this, and look. They think it is gillian sorry, if you had the chance to advise her on what you say on this trip, what is the message here . Here is one, here is should say. We are reversing three decisions that joe biden and i made in the first week of the administration. Joe biden halted construction of the border wall. We are resuming construction. Joe biden reinstated the failed policy of Catch And Release. We are ending Catch And Release, so if you get apprehended, we are not just going to let you go and stay in america. Number three, joe biden end of the remain in mexico policy. That has proven to be an enormous mistake. We realize it was a mistake, so we are reinstating the remain in mexico policy, which produce the lowest rate of ilLegal Immigration. That is what she should say. The chances that she will say that are zero. Because biden and harris have handed control of their Immigration Agenda over to the radical left, who dont want the laws in force. They want open borders. They support open borders, and until joe and kamala are willing to change their policies, this chaos, this crisis will keep getting worse and worse. There will be more violent, more murders, mark hertel, and more drugs killing americans across this country. John there is a lot of pressure from progressives to resend it title 42, which has resulted in 62 of the people that cross the border every month, including more than 100,000 in the month of may, to be sent back over the border. If this administration were to resend title 42, what do you think would happen . The problem would get even worse. At least during a pandemic gave you the ability to exclude some adults, and early on, within the first week, biden and harris put a big exception in title 42 that basically said if you have a kid with you, you can stay, and what we started seeing, and the numbers have been exploding, we started seeing single adult males would shop with a kid, and when you dna test the kids, a very significant percentage are not related to those. The cartels are literally renting kids to Illegal Immigrants, and these kids are being horribly abused. That is the results of bidenharris policys policy. John that is something we have covered, but it is 62 of all of the border encounters in the month of may, there was like 190,000 of those, were sent back over the border, if you were to use rescind title 42, do you expect that there would be tidal waves of people who try to get across the border . I think that is exactly right because that takes Catch And Release and puts it on steroids. It makes the policy of the Bidenharris Administration, basically whoever comes gets released, and let me tell you how backwards their policy is. They are releasing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into this country, many of them without covid tests, of them were facilities with covid is about 10 positivity. At the same time, joe biden just reinstituted the ban on Legal Immigration and folks crossing the ports of entry and taxes to come to texas, to go shopping. People are coming illegally. They shut that down. They said that is nonessential. Ive got to say that is backwards. They ought to open those ports of entry to Illegal Immigrants, and they ought to stop releasing and encouraging ilLegal Immigration. They get that totally backwards. John thanks for jumping in on short notice. The big news that Kamala Harris and a alejandro mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security, will be visiting the border in the El Paso Sector, looks like friday. Senator, thanks for joining. We appreciate it. [applause] gillian well, that was some chaos that resulted into a rest. It was abruptly shut down by the schools superintendence. Mike emanuel was there as it all went down. He has got the inside scoop on the latest today. Hi, mike. Gillian, good afternoon to you. Basically the School Superintendent made the call to shutdown the meeting last night. It was a chaotic scene. You have a whole lot of people coming out to talk about the schools proposed Transgender Policy. Law enforcement says one person physically threatened another individual attending the meeting. That shares w intervene, and the person resisted arrest. The School Superintendent declared the meeting an Unlawful Assembly, told folks to leave, and warned that folks who stayed would be subject to trespassing. Heres a sample of some of the public debate about Loudoun County debates about Critical Race Theory and proposed transgender theory. I never thought i would see the day when i would have to protect my kids from their own school board. It is completely unacceptable. My child, do not assume that. As long as you push your agenda on my child [cheers and applause] there are two Hot Button Issues right now. One is parents expressing concern over her teaching Critical Race Theory. Some worry that curriculum will divide children and teach them to see his skin color, the other being the proposed Transgender Policy if your 259 people signed up to speak out last nights meeting. It was shut down after 51. Some clearly upset, feeling like their First Amendment rights were taken away. The school said they were worried it was getting too chaotic and 70 might get hurt. Gillian. Gillian mike, thanks for being all over the story. We really appreciate it. Lets bring in marc thiessen, former white house writer for president george w. Bush and a Fox News Contributor, so you saw the video there. Total chaos, people fighting, getting arrested. We learned at just this morning that we saw it yesterday, to local reporting that it was actually a Law Enforcement that came and shut this brouhaha down, but it was actually the School Superintendent, so read the tea leaves here. Tell us if this is a case of misbehaved parents boris it is instead a case of a School Board Overreaching and trying to silence parents were concerned. Yeah, what we are seeing is the same condescending attitude we saw when parents were demanding that the schools reopen, and the School Boards did not want to hear from parents. Now we are seeing the same condescending attitude when it comes to teaching Critical Race Theory. Who is the School Board Leader thinking she is . The parents, you shut down when parents are coming up in their Public Meeting that has been called to discuss this . They declare it an Unlawful Assembly and send the police to arrest people. Who does she think she is, Vladimir Putin . This is in russia. She works for them. She is an elected official. It is her job to sit there until 3 00 a. M. If they want, if there are enough people who come to speak because she is employed by them. She is supposed to answer to them, and she is acting like she is the dictator as Loudoun County education. Gillian this is really capturing the nations attention because it is fundamentally a policy issue about virginia putting into play in the education system, but you know, and any parent has it is fundamentally an emotional issue. Take a listen to Caitlyn Jenner who touched on this last hour. I want to get your response. I feel for those parents. If i become governor, i will do everything being talked to her children. This generation coming up is probably the least race as generation, most openminded generation in the history of our country. We dont need to set them back and try to teach them racism. She is 100 correct. People look at this, and they ask why would we not want to teach racial sensitivity . Why would we not want to teach all of the flaws in our history . Of course we need to, but Critical Race Theory is a radical Marxist Ideology that basically holds that the answer to past discrimination is future discrimination, that the answer to this is antiracist discrimination. These are the words of the leading proponent of Critical Race Theory. It is a rejection of the principles of the movement. When he delivered his I Have A Dream speech, he did not say that we are a systemically racist country. He appealed to our founding principles, that all men are created equal, and this applied to black men as well as white men, and he was there to cash that check. He applied dominic appealed to the founding principles, said it was bull connor who was Violatie Principles of the american founding, south Critical Race Theory is not a rejection of this, it is a rejection of Martin Luther king, of the civilrights movement, and it is a cancer on our educational system, teaching kids you naturally do not anyone who has a small child knows that they do not see color. They are teaching them to see that america is divided. You are either one or the other, and it is irredeemable. Gillian it is a question of what you emphasize to young grade school children. Do you emphasize the mistakes of americas past . The government shortcomings . Or do you emphasize the redeeming aspects of our Governing System that has made it the finest in the world . Marc thiessen, we will have you back soon. Thank you so much. Thank you. John under pressure from republicans, Vice President Kamala Harris sat down to you make her first visit to the u. S. Mexico border months after becoming the white house is border czar. We will have more from the white house coming up. Gillian plus, President Bidens Independence Day vaccination goal is falling short as we are learning more about the problems for teens who get the shot. Thats coming up next. To make my vision a reality. I have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. With my varilux Progressive Lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. And see every detail in sharp focus. When you see no limits, there are no limits. 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John the white house admitting down the United States will not meet President Bidens goal of getting at least one shot in the arms of american adults. 65 of the population has received one dose, and only 56 has received both doses. Thats while the United States he is a slow down in vaccination rates, especially among young adults. Lets bring in dr. Jeanette and Fox News Contributor. Good to see you. What does this mean for President Bidens goals of getting the country back to normal by Independence Day . We are going to be really close, hit the target of about 67, 68 of americans, which is pretty good, but it is still important that we continue to encourage vaccinations right now primarily because we have this new Delta Variant, which is more lethal, more contagious, and before, it would be mild or asymptomatic, but this one can put you in the hospital, and it is affecting the younger population, so it is so important that we continue to emphasize the importance of getting our vaccine if you havent already because if you are unvaccinated, you are vulnerable to this new Delta Variant. John The Committee On Immunization Practices is meeting today through friday, and one of the things theyre going to be checking out is the emergence of thousands of cases of Heart Inflammation after adolescence get the covid vaccine. Your fellow Fox News Contributor dr. Nicole saphier tweeting about this yesterday, saying that the cdc director says despite a higherthanexpected rate of myocarditis, adolescent should still get the tutors vaccine because benefits outweigh the risks, but do they in this age . That is the advisory committee, they need to discuss whether jay should get a single dose or no dose at all. I agree. Either a single dose or should we look at the Johnson Johnson vaccine, which is one dose. It is important to understand that it is rare. Both the American Academy of pediatrics and the american heart association, seeing lots of cardiologist, they both recommend to continue with vaccinations because the condition is a rare condition, and it is easily treatable with antiinflammatories like ibuprofen, but it is important to understand what it might the symptoms that you might feel mr. Mike if you develop any chest pain or shortness of breath or palpitations, then see your doctor. Very rare but very treatable at the same time. It is something that we do need to further investigate. We need to see what the cdc updated guidelines will be affecting the younger male population primarily. For some people, you could develop complications down the road, such as heart failure, Muscle Weakness of the heart, but again, that is uncommon and rare. It is important to be informed. John you know, dr. Nesheiwat, we certify these things based on these largescale studies, but it is not like getting a drug or vaccine out into a big population like we have now with these vaccines. There is an interesting oped written by two doctors from the Ucla School Of Medicine and they say this is selfreported at the cdc, there are four serious adverse events, low platelets. Noninfections myocarditis, Heart Inflammation, especially for those under 30. Deep vein thrombosis, and death. The Reporting System Records 321 cases of myocarditis within days, falling to almost zero by ten days. Prior research has shown that only a fraction are reported, so the true number of cases is almost certainly higher. Do you have any concerns that as these vaccines go to a bigger, more broader population, that we are going to see more of these adverse events, and do the benefits continue to outweigh the risks . I do believe that the benefits will continue to outweigh these rare risks. The more we vaccinate, the more you will see, but benefits will outweigh the risks, and thats why we have is vaccination adverse event reporting system, to pick up these events that are occurring, but in the past year and a half, i have taken care of thousands of covid patients, and i have administered vaccines as well, and i can count on one hand how many have come in with any concerns after being vaccinated. Literally maybe two or three, and all of them did perfectly fine. Right now with the new Delta Variant that has come from indiana and the u. K. , there is a great concern of transmission. The vaccine will protect you. We already have over 300 million americans who have been vaccinated, and again, excellent safety profile. It is just a matter of being aware of the potential complications so that you know what to do if that happens, to talk to your doctor. John great advice, dr. Janette nesheiwat, always good to see you. Thank you, john. Gillian In The Hot Seat here on capitol hill as halfway across the country, environmental activists are trying to shut down construction on a pipeline in minnesota. John plus, surely, rather, Britney Spears will speak out in court on the arrangement of her father being put in charge of her life and fortune. Why our next guest says to expect fireworks. Family . You should know about the Newday100 Va Cash Out Loan. It lets you borrow 100 percent of your homes value. You can take out 50,000 or more. Use it to improve your home, get the kitchen youve always dreamed of, or have the security of cash in the bank. 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Her supporters say that her relationship with her father is essentially toxic, although you dont have to go too far to find the legal experts who will argue that the conservatorship has actually been good for Britney Spears. Listen here. The whole reason why she was under this is because she was being pursued by paparazzi, and she was being triggered perhaps to have a breakdown. So she may be protected by this. Now, perhaps she did once feel protected, but you would be hardpressed to find anyone that bernie still feels protected. That is presumably why she asked for this and the chance to address the court herself. It will of course be fascinating to hear, if indeed we do here. There is still the outside chance that the judge will say we are going close session to hear from Britney Spears. We all hope to hear what she says, john. John the public needs to hear this. [laughs] thank you so much. Conservatorships are quite regular. She did clearly have a really bad breakdown and was hospitalized a couple of times. Gillian she also says that what began as a financial arrangement has spawned the same entire crazy scenario where every aspect of her life is now under lock and key by her father, though she doesnt even trust. She says hes an alcoholic, has drinking problems. Her fathers as britney knows that her daddy loves her and he will be there for her whenever, and conservatorship are not. If that is not creepy, then i do not know what is. John as Violent Crime surges across american cities, President Biden is putting the blame squarely on guns, while republicans say that clear causes the governments push to defund the police. We will have coverage at the top of the hour as we await the presence news conference. Life. Doesnt stop for diabetes. Be ready for every moment, with glucerna. Its the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. Live every moment. 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Testifying in front of congress here on capitol hill. She is expected to backbite and pipeline policy. Hillary vaughn joins us from capitol hill with the latest. Hi. They are calling this Minnesota Pipeline Protest the keystone sequel. If they are successful in shutting down this pipeline, it would cancel out thousands of potential good paying energy jobs, but also impact 500 Native Americans who are already on the job today, and a native american businessman working on the pipeline telling fox news that that project has got millions of dollars in revenue to their reservations and thats Climate Activists have done hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to their equipment, so i asked the secretary today about the project and what her messages to those workers who are already on the job. The Administration Support the Pipeline Project in minnesota . Do you have a message to the 500 Native Americans are worried that they are going to be losing their jobs . Do you have anything to say to the 500 Native Americans that are worried that they could be laid off . Can you assure them that they have a job . Though granholm didnt double down, she was talking about the promise to make sure that displays Energy Workers do you have green job opportunities, saying they are committed to making sure those communities affected can cash in on new economic opportunities. Gillian thanks so much. John a huge win for free speech at the Supreme Court, all things to High School School cheerleader and her snap shot account. Jonathan turley weighs in on that. Plus, all coming up in the next hour of America Reports. Dont you go anywhere. Theres an old saying in the navy, that the toughest job in the navy is the navy wife. And if youve made the deployments, and youve been the wife at home, or youve been the spouse at home, you understand what im talking about. Your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. 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Im john roberts. Glad to be with you again. Gillian that first one flew by. I am Gillian Turner in for sandra smith, looking at a cdc panel. Likely link between Heart Inflammation and some younger americans. Among the symptoms, those folks have been reporting chest pain, difficulty breathing. John Steve Harrigan has more for us, live in atlanta, home to the centers for disease control. Keeping the numbers here in perspective. Just over 300 cases of inflammation of the heart muscle or mild, compared with 20 Million People vaccinated, so the numbers are low but higher than normal. This was a panel of medical experts advising the cdc, saying that there is a link between Heart Inflammation and the vaccines from mentor and pfizer. Those in younger men and adolescents, usually right after the second shot, and usually a fall recovery just within days. No one has died from this, but certainly an unsettling development. They do say that there is a link im not the second is in particular. Comes at a time when Health Experts are trying to encourage young people to get vaccinated, and across the u. S. , widely divergent. Some states in the u. S. Like vermont, more than 60 vaccination rate. Other places like mississippi, below 30 . A real concern with this Delta Variant beginning to spread and on vaccinated areas. There could be a resurgence of the virus. John, back to you. John thanks so much. Now to the Bombshell Development of President Bidens border crisis. Kamala harris finally set to make her way to the southern border. The announcement coming 91 days after the president put her in charge of getting to the root causes of illegal migration. Gillian the white house confirmed moments ago the Vice President will have there this week. The move comes after relentless calls on both sides of the aisle. He joins us live from the white house. Good afternoon, blake. Good afternoon to you both. She has been tasked to deal with the root causes of migration, leading many to wonder why the Vice President actually hadnt been to the southern border up until this point in time. Now we know that trip will indeed happen, the white house announcing it will take place on friday. She will head to the western part of the stay there. Earlier this month when the Vice President was pressed about her absence along the southern border, she said that she would likely go at some point in time but also noted that she had not been to the year of either. Just a little while ago, peter doocy presta jen psaki about those comments. Why is the Vice President earlier this month, she dismissed a trip like that, saying it would be a grand gesture of. She also said in an interview with nbc that she would be open to going to the border if there was an appropriate time, so that is important context. Ive got that nbc interview right here. She was talking about how she hasnt been to europe either. Does she think that these two things at the same . Again, peter, i think she also said that she would be open to going to the border at an appropriate time, and what i am saying is as part of her assignment, she is interested in a number of bilateral engagements. The white house as they will have details shortly as to exactly what she will be doing and who she will be speaking to one she is on the ground there in el paso. John stay with us, blake. The deadly crime wave sweeping the nation is also front and center in our nations capitol. President biden said to address the rise in shootings and so much other crime. While critics point to the antipolice sentiment, he is putting the focus on guns. We will be hearing from the president later next hour, john, over here at the white house, and what they are describing this as, comprehensive strategy to combat gun violence and crime. Here is some of the plan that the white house has rolled out today. Zerotolerance policy, to aggressively revoke licenses for dealers who they say are knowingly breaking the law. It also calls for increased operations by the u. S. Marshals service. There is also a focus on that 350 billion that was sent to state and local governments as part of the American Rescue plan that the Treasury Department is now making clear that funds can be spent on policing and other things like expanding Employment Services and some are education and enrichment programs, so some of what we will be hearing from the president later this hour, we will also be joined by the attorney general. John we will be watching for that. Lets bring in the retired New York City Police Department lieutenant and Pace University Criminal Justice professor. Much of what the president is going to say is wrapped around this issue of guns. Certainly there is a lot gun violence in this country, but our guns at the root of the violence in this country, or are criminals at the root of gun violence . Well, two aspects, john. There are rules that we have in connection with guns need to be enforced. When you like to introduce gun control measures, we look at cities like new york, chicago, and los angeles. We have the toughest Gun Control Laws on the books. However, we have the greatest propensity for gun violence in the cities, so it is clear that Gun Violence Strategies do not work. Needs to be a more multifaceted approach, and it goes back to enforcing the laws that are already on the books and allowing Law Enforcement to be proactive and not reactive as a result. John obviously gun violence, murders in the streets, highprofile crimes, but there is a lot more crime going on than just and perpetrated by guns. Lets put this up on the screen. New york city hate crimes up 116 . Austin, texas, pickpocketing up 117 . Oakland, carjackings up 104 . Atlantic, rape of 97 . Los angeles, a person of 20 . Now, clearly, guns could be involved in some of those crimes, but not necessarily all of them, so there is a lot of crime out there that the president may not be addressing this afternoon. What do we need to do about those crimes . Well the first thing is about 350 billion goes to these municipalities, it should come with strings attached. The common denominator with all of the city is experiencing a meteoric rise in crime is they have democratic mayors that are running them. The federal government and the department of Justice Needs to say to these democratic mayors that if you are successful, we will continue to assist you in the funding. However, if you are not, that is one we will send in a contingent of experts that can assist you in the crimefighting reduction strategies. There has never been any level of sustainment under this Biden Administration. I know it is a deciduous stage, but you have to have some strings attached. If they are not producing appropriately, that is when we need to pull these funds. As you mention, the crime is more comprehensive beyond gun violence, therefore we need a plausible strategy to reduce these crimes. John many people on the left has been pushing to defund to the police, but in terms of this administration, there is a nod in the Background Material ahead of what the president is going to say that indicates they are willing to put some money into adding Police Officers. This is money in the rescue plan from covid. The white house saying to help state, local, territorial, and travel governments to get the money they need to put more Police Officers on the beat. The proposal is still wrapped around gun violence, but this idea that the white house is saying more Police Officers on the beat would see seem to be contradictory to what many people on the left have been pushing. Absolutely. When we look at the past, we sought democrats lose a lot of these elections based on the platform of defunding police. It clearly doesnt work. We need more resources in addition to that, we need more standing Police Officers, achieving a reduction in crime. This is important in reducing this crime because some more resources you pull from police, the greater the criminals are able to achieve their goals of committing anarchy throughout the cities in the United States. Therefore, we need to push forward with their resources bifurcated with additional Additional Police personnel to ensure that the Crime Reduction comes accordingly. John we will be watching for the president s announcement coming up in just about 90 minutes or so. Thank you for joining us with your perspective. Appreciate it. You know, gillian, when you look at that Mayoral Campaign campaign aide, rather, getting stabbed in broad daylight, what happened in chicago with the couple getting dragged out of the car, that you kids in the bronx caught in the cross fire as somebody was trying to shoot somebody else, anarchy in the streets, we are already there to some degree. Gillian we are, and there is real legitimate questions now about whether the Biden Administration plans to make Community Members responsible for some amount of Law Enforcement can really work can civilians take over the jobs of Trained Police forces, no matter how much money you give them to do so . Its a big question. John your basic batman movie will tell you have a quill rain, and the criminals will run wild. Gillian no matter how wellintentioned average americans are, they are not Police Officers for a reason. So, onto something completely different now. Parents and one School District are fed up, and they are fighting back against the push to for students, as they say, to go rogue. We are going to take a look back at all wild School Board Meeting that happened last night. It is like nothing you have ever seen before. Leading in the fight against controversy of racial tension. Now the state is taking on the next threat in classrooms. Among the concerns, communist. Carley shimkus have back. And, coming up next. She is doing it again. Britney spears has a very big day in court today. We are going to tell you everything you need to know as a superstar now pushes to take back control of her life and her fortune. In my time, during the vietnam era, would be eligible today for a va home loan. So many do not know that. Theres no Expiration Date on your eligibility for the va home loan. 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John unlike the bridge in florida that was brandnew, it looks like it is a relatively old bridge. That part of i295 carries an awful lot of traffic as well, so that is going to create a nightmare for the afternoon rush hour, such as it is these days, but there is still a lot of traffic in washington, d. C. Well keep watching that one for you. Meantime, Chaos Erupting in a loud and School Board Meeting, ending with two arrest, declaring Unlawful Assembly. Parents and the School District are worried about their kids being taught Critical Race Theory in school appeared also worried about a policy on promoting neutral transgender pronouns. There is just a taste of what went down last night. You are teaching children to hate others because of their skin color. And you are forcing them to lie about other kids gender. I am disgusted by your bigotry. Madam chair, i miss you and public comments. Today instead of focusing on hate that seems to be dripping off of the followers of jesus, i wanted to take the time i can wait. I can wait. Resign resign [cheers and applause] [chanting] i wanted to take my time to speak to all of the transgender students. I want you to know that you are not alone, and we will continue to fight for you. [singing] shame on you you could have made a difference that is not the solution you are using our money this policy hurts no one and help some of our most at risk is to simply feel welcome in their school. As long as you push this agenda on my child, she will not be returning back. [cheers and applause] [applause] [shouting] get off [shouting] stand up for our children they are going to replace it as a county taxpayer, we pay her salary in an effort to support every single one of the children of Loudoun County. That is not partisan. That is not complicated. You guys are being tool of that saying, all right . And as a result, you are actually supporting suppression of peoples rights. At this time yes, i am refusing deputy, please arrest this individual for trespassing. Based on what . What did i do wrong . John wow. What a wrap up to the school year. They really have been ground zero for this. We saw a fire teacher who was fired and reinstated by the courts, or suspended, really, reinstated by the courts. We have seen neighbors pit against neighbor is this whole thing. It is over for the summer, but certainly the issue is not going away. Gillian it is not going away. The case of the virginia p e teacher that you mention, tanner cross, reinstated, that case may well make its way all the way to the Supreme Court. So it may take a year or more to get there, but it is not going to resolve anytime soon. John the superintendent tried to make the case that it is ongoing this information, but clearly a lot of parents have concern over what the curriculum is all about. Gillian yeah. John cant we all just get along . Gillian nope youre not possible. Meanwhile, the state of florida has been leading the fight against Critical Race Theory, and releasing a plan to Teach High School is The Evils Of Communism. He also wants them to learn about americas redeeming role in world history. Carley shimkus is on deck for us. So, carley, if you put aside this debacle of last night for a quick second, it seems like what Governor Desantis is saying, what i want taught in my State Schools are the redeeming features of americas role in the world. Throughout history, rather than the faults and the shortcomings. America has been a pretty great country, especially compared with other countries around the world. Yeah, and oh, my gosh, education has never been more in the spotlight that it is right now. That was an incredible compilation of all that went down and Loudoun County, the anger and frustration when it comes to Critical Race Theory, and Governor Desantis is saying that is not going to happen in florida. As a matter of fact, florida band Critical Race Theory altogether, and signed several bills into law, actually, yesterday as it pertains to education. The first one has to do with encouraging Civics Education in the classroom. The other one, which i think is very interesting has to do with College Campuses to conduct reviews to make sure that intellectual freedom and diversity of thought is allowed on College Campuses. Fancy that. And the last one does have to do with communism. Requiring High Schoolers to be taught about The Evils Of Communism and totalitarian governments. Because we are talking about florida and the number of individuals living in florida that flood those types of resumes, i am sure that this speaks very much to them. Gillian so to pick up on that, the governor spoke exactly about that point. Just take a listen. We have a number of people in florida, particularly Southern Florida, who have escaped totalitarian regimes, who have escaped communist dictatorships to be able to come to america. We want all students to understand the difference. Why would somebody flee across shark infested waters, say leaving from cuba to come to Southern Florida . Gillian so, carley, critics say this is overreached, the governor trying to intervene directly into curriculums to teach kids certain political ideologies or governments are wrong and bad and evil is way too far. You know what, gillian . I am so glad that you mention that because i was reading about that criticism too, and i actually spoke to bill bennett about it. There is obviously nobody better when it comes to education then bill, and he said that it is the job of the State Government to decide broad areas of study, and the districts can wait all that down, and they give more specific guidelines, and teachers have individual freedoms to teach what they want when it comes to those guidelines, so this is the way that it is done, and i have a feeling that there will be other republican governors who are looking at this, and all that Governor Desantis signed yesterday, his pen is running out of ink. Thinking maybe we should do Something Like that too. Gillian carley, thank you so much for giving it to us straight. John schools coming back in the fall, things are going to be pretty hot. From distinguish to disgrace, the science accused of duping many in the media while dismissing the possibility that covid19 came from a laboratory while at the same time not disclosing his own ties to wuhan. Lations. 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John week kick of the second half with the Search For The Truth and wuhan, a scientist accused of duping many in the media no longer involved in the u. N. s investigation into the origins of covid, not disclosing that his organization gave the u. S. Government money for the laboratory in wuhan, all the while denouncing the notion that covid may have come out of the laboratory. Dr. Marc siegel, Fox News Contributor, joins us now. We are talking about peter, the ceo of the echo health alliance. He was recused from the u. N. Sponsored association into the origins of covid. No reason given by the organizers of this investigation. Do you have any insight as to why he is no longer with them . First of all, hannah, john, he did say that he did not give full disclosure early on, but i am scratching my head because they should have known that peter has done a lot of research himself and had been working directly with numbers down like of the Wuhan Institute as far back as 2016, and google, of course, which gave a lot of money to echo health alliance, sponsoring one of the papers he did in 2010, so i dont i think it is a little bit of the horses already out of the barn for them to be saying that he should have disclosed something. I think lancet is responsible for that, and 3. 4 million that the nih gave to the wuhan lab from 2014 to 2019, but at least as important as the money trail, this issue of Daszak Working directly with other people around the world in north carolina, and wuhan. You know, the same as one in working with daszak on papers, so that is clearly a bias. John you mention this letter. February of 2020, just to give some background to fox at home, that letter said it was a statement of support of the scientists, china combating covid19. We stand together to strongly condemn Conspiracy Theories suggesting back of a 19 does not have a natural origin. Daszak was 1 of 27 scientists who signed on to you that letter, and now we learn, of course, of his involvement in te wuhan lab and research into coronavirus. Nih and Anthony Fauci has said categorically that no u. S. Money ever went to this function at wuhan. Do we know that to be true . While, not directly, john. They were supporting the lab, but they say not directly. I think you realize it is naive at best you think that chinese scientists working under the thumb of the Chinese Communist party are going to be able to do for your research that doesnt have an issue with suppression or with motivation. That is one thing. The other point youve already brought up here is when i say bias, im talking about the fact that people that are heavily involved with manipulating viruses are not going to want there to be a lab link, so they are biased in that direction of this natural origin theory, and that is why peter daszak sent an email to tony fauci in april basically congratulating him for his support of the natural origin theory. I think dr. Thought she really believed even believes now in the natural origin theory, but there has been no intermediary features found, and there is much more evidence pointing to that lab. There is a lack of openmindedness there. John no smoking gun . No smoking gun, but it is fun thing to do with the structure of the virus that is a little unusual, and why is China Suppressing everything and continuing . That could be seen as a smoking gun. Why not let cdc and at the beginning . Boots on the ground, figure it out. John he will not have that opportunity. Not now, anyway. Thanks for your perspective on these things. Very helpful. Gillian. Gillian Breaking News out of afghanistan. The taliban and seizes control in the last 24 hours. This is the u. S. Military continues its complete withdrawal from the country. Now we are also learning the terror group is making this to take over a key road that connects every region of the country. Look at tomlinson has the latest from the pentagon. Speak out top officer is 81 districts across afghanistan have fallen to the taliban as violence continues to escalate e coming weeks. It is true that the taliban are sniping out and picking out outpost, et cetera, and we have seen this. The others, since the last two months or so, so yes, we are concerned. We are watching it, but there is a 300,000 plus or minus military force, Afghanistan Army and police force, and it is their job to defend their country. Told lawmakers there was a risk i assess and al qaeda could regroup over the next two years. Now the Wall Street Journal reports a new intel assessment says that government could fall as soon as six months after withdrawal. Former marine corps infantry officer, like many lawmakers, is concerned about the thousands of afghan interpreters. Speak of the taliban will kill them if they can. And they do well rape and murder their wives and kids. Speak out i consider the imperative to take care of those who have served along our site. We are prepared to execute whatever we are directed. Though withdrawal is now more than 50 complete. Gillian sound like what is good enough for the taliban is also good enough for al qaeda and isis. Some pretty terrifying news. Thanks for following that for us. John coming out next, the Supreme Court, a cheerleader, and the fbomb. Jonathan turley at how it all comes together at the Supreme Court. Gillian plus, Washington Nationals picture admixtures are, and he is fed up. Weve got that next. 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With one companion that hedges the risks you choose and those that choose you. The physical seam of a digital world, traded with a touch. My strongest and closest asset. The gold standard, so to speak ; people call my future uncertain. But theres one thing i am sure of. Look, if your wireless carrier was a guy youd leave him tomorrow. Not very flexible. Not great at saving. You deserve better. Xfinity mobile. Now they have unlimited for just 30 a month. 30. And theyre number one in customer satisfaction. His number. Delete it. Im deleting it. So, break free from the big three. Xfinity internet customers, switch to Xfinity Mobile and get unlimited with 5g included for 30 on the nations fastest, most reliable network. Gillian back to Breaking News story out of d. C. This hour, we are taking a look at a Pedestrian Bridge in northeast washington on the i295 that collapsed just a short while ago. Weve got a live report here in washington, d. C. Hi, david. Gillian, this is a disturbing scene. Multiple, multiple Dangerous Things going on here. We can see this life picture here courtesy of our fox affiliate. I295 closed in both directions. We know that this is a Pedestrian Bridge that collapsed a couple of hours ago. Six people injured. Two were treated on scene, gillian. Four works transported to the hospital. We dont quite know the extent of those injuries, but what makes this even worse is that there is a diesel leak actually underneath that bridge because of the collapse, so we have a diesel leak. We have six people injured, four taken to the hospital. Pedestrian bridge collapsed. Of course, we dont know the cause of this collapse. We just know that traffic is backed up for multiple, multiple minutes on 295, but they are there right now to investigate, number one, how this happened and to make sure that people can get out of there lately, but scary situation, gillian. Gillian david, thanks for bringing us the new details about the diesel leak underneath your very dangerous situation. We will bring you more alive as it happens. John very busy highway, so if that is going to create some problems with traffic this afternoon. The Supreme Court siding with the Pennsylvania Cheerleader who is punished by her schools or posting angry fbomblatest messages on snapchat. Eight justices ruled the school violated brandi levys amendment rights when they booted her from the Cheerleading Squad, acting that they can regulate offcampus speech related to bullying or threats. Jonathan turley joins us. This is a sophomore from pennsylvania. She was trying to make the varsity Cheerleading Squad, and she didnt. She stayed at jv, so she wrote on this beat ten, the school took her off the Junior Varsity Cheerleading Squad for a year as punishment, but the court said you can do that. Speak out thats right, and let me emphasize this does not extend to news anchors, so you have to try to keep this clean. I know that is a struggle, but when it comes to cheerleaders, however, they do have First Amendment right to swear a blue streak when they are told they cant make the Cheerleading Squad. Years ago, this would not have been necessarily a major decision as it is today, but we are seeing a serious rollback of free speech around the country. By schools. From high schools to universities. They are claiming the authority to monitor and punish students for what they say outside of school, even on social media. The University Of Oregon said that they were going to start monitoring students and sanctioning those that say inappropriate things. And often when we see these actions typically at the university level, there is a real political aspect to them. This is not a sort of equal treatment of speech regulation. It tends to be heavily contentbased, so what the court said here, she does have free speech rights. This was not disruptive of the high school to justify this type of action. John so that is the standard . This idea that it is disruptive in nature. The school or get this all the way to the Supreme Court, saying that we need to be able to monitor what kids are saying outside of school. This was outside of school because of cyberbullying, because of digital threats, that sort of thing, but the Supreme Court said thats all well and good, but this is an in that category. Yeah, and i particularly liked that part of the decision where he said look, you say you are trying to protect these students, but part of your function is to train the future generation of citizens, and key to our definition of citizenship is free speech, so what are you training these people to be, the students, when you are regulating and censoring what they say . It was a very powerful statement. And having said that, the court did say they are not going to go any further. They are going to leave the future cases, and we hope that they would go even further, but this is still a major ruling. John i thought it was interesting that it was brought by the American Civil Liberties union which is a very liberal organization, but this is one on which liberals and conservatives agree. Again, there is no shortage of irony and the fact that it was Stephen Breyer writing for the majority one liberals want to get him off the court. Thats right. Three liberal justices siding with their conservative colleagues, so now youre going to ask it was four . It is never quite enough. John jonathan turley, it is never quite enough when you are on. We always love when you join us. Speak i you, john. Gillian Major League Baseball is cracking down on sticky stuff. Not everyone is happy about it. Umpires checked his hat and gloves three times. William la jeunesse has all the details. Did you see that . It is like stop and frisk. You had two pictures, right, undoing their belts. One of them dropped his pants to prove his innocence. This begins with the league cracking down on sticky stuff, the illegal gels that they will use to better control the baseballs, so lets start with allstar pitcher, max scherzer. They check to see if he is hiding any of this. Scherzer says i am clean. They say come on, guys. Ive got nothing. Check my stuff. In the fourth inning, scherzer touches his head multiple times. Joe girardi thinks he is cheating and scherzer says youve got to be kidding me. He threatens to take off his pants. He says ive got nothing. Ive got nothing. All ive got a sweat. Touch my hair. Touch my hair. Pause game, giardi, who got thrown out after challenging the opposing manager to affiant, tells why. I have never seen him wipe his head like he was doing tonight. Ever. Going like this. So i was suspicious for me. He did it about 45 times. It was suspicious. I didnt mean to offend anyone, but hes got to do what is right for our club. There was no sticky stuff. The empire is checked. Everything was good. Like i said, i think joe has to answer some tough questions tonight. Sergio ramos does drop his pants just to say hey, ive got nothing to hide. Bottom line, gillian, the league is trying to level the Playing Field so they only use sweat or liking their fingers. Safety say last night went too far. Gillian im speechless. William la jeunesse, thank you for that. John lots of pan strapping. Next, Britney Spears fighting for her freedoms. Stay with us. Oing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. 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What you think shes going to say . Were not sure. She has some concerns about her father continuing to be involved. Gillian, that is the focus of this. Im not positive shes asking for the conservatorship to be completely lifted. Her focus is to get her father out of the mix. Gillian we talked about the financial fallout from this for her. Theres a lot at stake. Theres a lot for her personal life. She said this began 13 years ago as a means for her father to control her fortune. But hes controlled nearly every aspect of her life, including access to her credit cards, home renovations, children. Sounds like theres a lot of overreach here. Without a doubt. Very restrictive. The father is the person that she least wants doing that. Theres two conservatorships. One is for the estate, one is for the money. The issue here is how much those personal things are going to be controlled and whether her father will have a control over her estate. Gillian is there any questions in the court about whether her father is the right person to be the conseconservat . She said two years ago that hes a alcoholic, he struggles to constrain his own drinking. Is that someone that should have a say over tens of millions of dollars that dont belong to him . You wouldnt think so right now theres a coconservator, a bank, a trust keeping an eye on things. If we hear about what happens today, i anticipate well hear more about the detail of jamie, the way hes handled her affairs. Certainly is the right thing to put it in someone elses hands if it makes her happy. Gillian she has mentioned about performing in the future. Her father forced her to perform when she was sick and all kinds of terrible things. Fans must be worried. You can see fans have driven a lot of this. She will continue to rely on them to do so as this continues. Gillian all right. Heather, thanks for joining us. We appreciate it. Thanks, gillian. Gillian john, this is the story of the day. John its what everybody is talking about. Britney spears is almost 40 now. Shes still a teen to me. Lets hope the judge allows this to be open. Theres some question whether or not they might close the courtroom. Gillian and shes an human being. She may have millions but shes a human being. Im gillian. And im john. Now martha maccallum. Martha and theres concerns that the military is becoming woke. First on the story, the white house can no longer avoid what is painfully obvious. Crime is rising a cross the country from villains that fill bags with stolen stuff and ride away scotfree to young couples being killed after they were dragged out of their car in chicago or children dodging bullets here in nh

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