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of course, over the hours and days to come, we are likely to get these incredibly emotional videos, images, of israeli hostages arriving back with parents, and family, and the hugs, and all of that. as well, as of course, the images of the palestinian prisoners arriving back in their communities, back to their homes, and their families. >> nbc news correspondent kier simmons, thank. we will check back in just a few moments. of course, we will continue to follow these developments, but now, i want to turn to a big week ahead in american politics. and a brewing crisis that some other countries most influential conservatives have to address. now, before a single vote has even been cast in any of the 2024 primaries, donald trump and his lackeys have already begun detailing a game plan for how they intense will power if they win a second term in the white house. now his game plan promises to be even more severe, and even more draconian than his first term in office. all signs point to donald trump's plans to seek vengeance against his perceived political enemies, and to drastically overhaul the federal government as we know it. a second trum term also means more extreme immigration policies that would involve sweeping raids, the deportation of millions of people each year. now, in order to carry out these drastic policies, an effort is already underway to stack the government, were trump loyalists who are all willing to carry out his orders. and a major part of that effort starts with identifying, and hiring lawyers who will not restrain donald trump from acting on his worst impulses. being a lawyer myself, i can tell you that point, that one right there, about starting with attorneys to build this foundation is truly the crux of what these plans are all about. remember, it was donald trump who came very close to stealing the 2020 election, and he was not by himself. he did it with the aid of experienced flyers who pushed bogus legal theories, and baseless conspiracy theories about election fraud on his behalf. and they did it, knowing that these things were not true. some of them have already been criminally charged in fulton, georgia, and some of them have already accepted plea agreements, and are now even cooperating with prosecutors. an op-ed published last week, there was a trio of respected conservative lawyers, george conway, retired federal judge jay michael luttig, and former congresswoman barbara comstock, all of whom call attention to this problem within the legal profession. they write that many of their conservative colleagues appear to have been led astray, and they are loved by it. in fact, they are loud by, the owing crowd of reckless fraud and conman willing to subvert the constitution, and long established constitutional principles for the whims of political expediency. the actions of these conservative republican lawyers are increasingly becoming the new normal, in quote. now, from its very inception, i was extremely skeptical of the recent efforts to use the 14th amendment to try and disqualify donald trump from the ballot. the reason why was, beyond the legality of it, i understood, as i want you to understand, that even if those efforts had been successful, you are only getting rid of donald trump, you are not getting rid of trumpism. it is treating the symptom, and not the problem. and that is the root of what we are dealing with right now. that movement, this trio of lawyers is proposing, however, is one step closer in the right direction. is an active effort places responsibility of defeating trumpism at the feet of republicans. the actual party that is responsible for elevating donald trump in the first place. joining me now are rick wilson, cofounder of the lincoln project and host of the enemies list project, as well as terrace mayer, the senior visor for the lead we're watching, and host of the lincoln project tvs, the breakdown. also with us is a meteor cross, democratic strategist, and a political analyst for siriusxm, all-star panel, to get started, thank you all for being here. rick, starting with, you the new york times has done really extensive reporting on donald trump's plan for a second term, and in one story earlier, they wrote, quo, close allies of donald trump are preparing to populate a new administration with a more aggressive rate of right-wing lawyers who are expense in traditional -- with traditional values who believe, stymie his agenda in his first term. their aim is to reduce the chances that politically appointed lawyers would frustrate a more radical right house agenda. what does this tell you, rick, about where a second trump term might be headed? >> it is headed right into, and i don't want to gild the lily. it is heading ready to fascism, charles. this is an organization that, as my friend, george conway, and michael leonnig and barbara concept pointed out their op-ed, unless republican lawyers are dedicated to the rule of law first and foremost, and not just dedicated to donald trump's whims for a second term, you know, raw in his own image, we are going to end up in an extraordinary constitutional crisis in this country. they want to have no breaks, no guardrails, no rule of law guidance, no norms and institutional guidance. they want to act on the impulses that trump proposes in some of the darkest things that you are hearing, i'm going to imprison my political opponents. i'm gonna put people in camps. i'm going to mass deport 10 million people. i'm going to overturn 14th amendment protections for birthright citizenship. they are going to do these things, and dare the courts to catch up with them. i think it is an extraordinary warning from conway, luttig, and comstock this week, and the times reporting on it does backup the intention behind trump's entire plan here, which is to bypass the actual rule of law, and substitute for his whims. >> tara, we have these competing narratives, i think, on the right, where people are, in some cases, in denial about how powerful maga nation and continues to be as a guiding force for so many on the right. and then there are folks who are just claiming that there is this desire for a hard pivot. and i want to know, from your perspective, is that sustainable, canopy reconciled, or is this inevitably going to rip the republican party apart at seems? >> well, it looks to me like it's already ripped apart its seems. this is not the republican party that rick and i worked in for decades. this is an authoritarian movement now fully in the clutches of donald trump and his ilk. it is obvious. the last branch of government is the judiciary. that was the guardrail that stopped what was a coup attack in 2020. it is ongoing. the coup has never stopped. they learn from their mistakes, and they are telling us what they are doing. i don't know why this is such news to people, that trump wants to do these things, and that there are people out there willing to be his accomplices to get this done. why is this news? they have been showing us who they are, and telling us what they want to do and trying to do it once already, and now they are protecting their mistakes. they're making those attempts and telling us they're gonna do it so i'm glad to see that more people are waking up to this, and trying to sound the alarm. we've been doing at the lincoln project for years now. but it is important that the american people understand this, this is a very dangerous, precarious time in this country. there are millions of americans that are susceptible to the continued demagoguery of authoritarianism, and dividing this country in ways that will make this country unrecognizable. and people don't want to admit that that is how dangerous, and close we are to this level of authoritarian we are going to wake up one day, and not recognize our democracy. if donald trump and his minions, and people who follow trump-ism are back in power. under this, there should be no circumstance whatsoever that a scourge of trumpism, this lunatic, he is a lunatic, are we listening to the rantings of this mad men? he tells them every single day, he posts them. we should be covering this. osts them. we >> the american people should be hearing this. and the media should be pointing out that says the rantings of an authoritarian lunatic wants china's country into something resembling not to germany in the 30s. that is the bottom line, i think. and our judicial system has now been, the final frontier. it is our last guardrail to stop him, in the federal society who has been around for decades. this is the dog with the car. they are completely off the rails now and what they were trying to do before. it is not just, conservatives, conservative scholarship. it has turned into authoritarianism and fascism. and now it needs to be stopped. >> i want to pick up exactly where terry just left off. a lot of that is about messaging and leveraging messaging in the right way. i've said that, in large part, the left has an issue around messaging and messenger, in some respects. do you think that democrats are doing a good job in terms of leveraging what we already know around trump and his radical plans, project 2025, and all other things that could happen as far as reaching an energizing their base? >> i think democrats are doing a good job. could they do better, absolutely. i think the issue here is that republicans who are absolutely willing and ready to support trump a second time. i think that, despite all of the legal challenges, and all of what he has planned out loud, and in public, because he seen that. we know this is a retribution campaign, we noticed a revenge campaign. but more importantly, we know that, during my time in undergrad, 2005 to 2009, we talked about authoritarianism and authoritarian slide. but they talk about it in a projection of 30, 40, 50 years away. we are here today, and i think that we have to fully understand what that means. donald j trump is not lying about his plans, he tried it when he was president. he will continue to try over an over again. and there are lackeys within the republican party who are willing to work with him on that planning, despite the fact that he's seen time and time again to the band at the very people who helped him throughout this process. we know that his lawyers, and others, who were at the lights of his took guilty pleas in georgia. we know what that actually looks like. however, that has not stopped a single person from supporting this man. we can judge that by the current polling, as it relates to the republican primaries. he is light years ahead of any of his opponents. that tells us something that we need to know and understand about what the republican party and republican voters want to see. i am not remiss in saying that they don't understand what donald trump is presenting. because they fully do. he said it out loud, proudly, multiple times over. there is something very dangerous and dark in american society, when you have republicans who are more than willing to support an authoritarian regime, who are more than willing to set fire to our constitution, who are more than willing to be isolationist, and present that posture and be okay with it. because when donald trump is doing is not only wrong, it is against everything our constitution stands for. and far too many americans have fallen hook, line, and sinker for it. and they are willing to see a guard, and open the doors of our democracy to watch it fall apart. that is where my fear lies. the democratic party is doing what they need to do, the republican party is opening doors to authoritarianism, in letting the floodwaters russian. that is the issue we are having here. >> well said, much appreciated. thank you all, rick, tara, and michelle for getting us started in the second hour of velshi today. we have more breaking news in the hostage and prisoner exchange, that is now reportedly underway between hamas and israel. the idf now says a group of 17 hostages has been released to hamas and to the red cross, just moments ago. now, we are hearing that the spokes from the qatar foreign ministry is telling us that 39 palestinian prisoners will be released in exchange today for those hostages. joining me, again, is clear signals in doha, qatar, and megan fitzgerald in london. they are both nbc correspondents. kyra, thank you for coming back. tell us what we know now about the expected exchange of the hostages in the 39 palestinian prisoners? >> well, that's right. that tweet from the qatari foreign ministry and spokesperson for the qatari foreign ministry implicitly confirming that that handover has taken place. we pretty much knew that already from the israeli defense forces, and also from hamas, that that hand over to the international committee of the red cross had taken place. but that tweet from the qataris, describing it as 13 israeli civilians from gaza, in addition to an israeli land the russian national of three ties. so, again, just to be clear, the 13 israeli citizens can also be dual citizens, may be have citizenships with numbers of other countries. and as you say, that tweet from the qatari foreign ministry, also saying that the handover of 39 palestinian prisoners is set to take place. that is the exchange. it is three for one, if you, like three palestinian prisoners for each hostage, israeli hostage, handed over. the ties are slightly different, because they are not dual nationals. they are tine, asheville's they don't have israeli citizenship. so that is the picture that we have right now. they are in the hands of the red cross, or at least they have been in the past hour or so. when they are handed over to the israelis, i mean, i think that may be happening right now, anytime now we may get that news, and of course, people will be waiting to hear whether there are american citizens, dual israeli american citizens among that group, including that little girl and american, abigail turon, who turns four on friday. >> thank you for staying on top of this continuing, evolving situation. megan, there is a convoy of aid that went into gaza today that was carrying some essential items. can you talk about the significance of these aid trucks, where they are going, what it is that is on these trucks, and how it's going to help once it reaches its extended target? >> yes, charles. this is incredibly significant. this is exactly what we know world leaders have been calling for, many calling for cease-fire, but certainly welcoming a pause. humanitarian aid groups have been calling for this pause so that we can see more humanitarian aid entering the enclave to the millions of people that are desperate. so, at this hour, what we know is that 120 of the roughly 200 aid trucks that are expected to enter the gaza strip today have arrived. now that is significant because, what we saw before this pause with some 20 to 40 trucks, on average, entering a day, which is a drop in the bucket, because what they saw before the war even began with some 500 trucks going in. but what is on board. we are seeing food, water medical, supplies we are also seeing trucks carrying fuel, household gas is entering as well we know that of course, how mahsa said it is not about a reaching the north, but for the first-time, we are seeing these aid trucks reaching the northern part of the gaza strip. we know that this is getting to the people that desperately need it, because this is a process that is being overseen by international aid organizations like unicef, the red cross, the red crescent, so it is incredibly important. because the people there are desperate. we know resources are also reaching al-shifa hospital just near gaza city. where evacuations are underway. and it is also worth mentioning that we saw the first arab official enter from egypt into gaza. this is a high ranking qatari delegation to enter today. it was led by the minister of state of international cooperation. she assess the situation. she spoke with people who were injured, and she talked to people on the ground there. so, overall, this is a welcome sight, where we are seeing aid entering in at a faster rate than the people who are in desperate need for it, charles. >> thank, you megan, kyra, yesterday egypt cycle that it would be open to extending the four-day truce. it really appears that israel's government is not willing to do that. so when tomorrow comes, we are on day three of a four-day truce, what happens? where do we stand, and does the fighting just immediately commence, or is there any hope that this can be extended in a way that will allow for peace talks, or at, least the exchange of additional hostages for prisoners? >> yeah, i would not necessarily race to the conclusion quite yet that the israelis won't agree to an extinction of the pause. if you just look at what happened yesterday with the intense diplomacy and negotiations over whether, in the view of hamas, enough aid was being sent into gaza, by, that i mean the aid that had been promised, whether it was being sent into gaza. if you just look at how that played out, over a number of tense hours, you can see, that every moment of this is diplomacy. so there is, i think hope, among qatari officials that it will be extended. the israelis may be gaining some confidence and trust that may mean that they agree for it to be extended. but remember, that we get to the end of this process, they will still be a lot of hostages being held by hamas. and there is enormous amount of pressure on the israeli government to release those hostages, and, again, just in terms of the numbers that we are seeing, that right now, you're seeing them on your screen, it is interesting, just to note, that the exchange of palestinian prisoners is for the 13 israeli citizens. so 39 palestinian prisoners, divide that 39 by three. it is 3 to 1. that is the 13 israeli citizens. so those three citizens from thailand, were not part of the negotiation, because they were israeli citizens. and so the israelis did not want to hand over palestinian prisoners in exchange for citizens, for people who aren't citizens of israel. but what's interesting in the detail of all of this is that, the qataris and hamas are talking about one russian, in amongst the 17. one russian, again, to make a point. the division of 39 palestinian prisoners to 13 israelis suggests that that russian was not part of that negotiation either, but that was a separate negotiation, which would've been with the russian government very likely through the qataris here in the egyptians, with hamas. so there will be, there is incredibly complex, and high stakes diplomacy taking place. and, frankly, in the last three days, charles, any moment, this whole thing could have collapsed. it does look like today has been smoother than yesterday. this is earlier for these hostages to be released than yesterday. so, that suggests that tomorrow may well go well, and i am told that there are conversations about extending this pause. but until it happens, we've said this so many times in the past weeks and days. until it is done, it is not done. we just have to wait and see. >> a very fragile situation, indeed. thank you kieran and megan please, both of you stay close by. we will check back shortly for more updates. we'll be right back. you're watching velshi, on msnbc, i'm charles coleman junior, stay tuned. junior, stay tuned next level. 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>> they may now be in israel. i think that maybe the message, the statement from the prime minister says they are on their way to israel. so, you know. inevitably, it is quickly developing story. and so, as we are speaking right now, they may well already be in israel. we do know, and we've seen now, over the past days, that there is an enormous amount of effort to really be sensitive and understanding towards the children to advise them to israeli soldiers, and officials, to smile, not to cover their faces. there are instructions not to interview, not to question the children, inevitably, as these hostages are released. there is an effort by the israelis to discover as much information as possible. that doesn't happen when it comes to the children, because, of course. there is a real concern to protect them, and their mental health. there is for all of them, but particularly for this course. so one of the gonna be reunited with their loved ones, with their families? that is what everybody wants to know. it may be happening right now. i cannot tell you. but i am certain that we will hear, and we will start seeing some pictures that will bring tears to many people's eyes. i should just say, also, to repeat to what we're caring from the qataris here, over here in doha, that 39 palestinian prisoners are being handed over today. that is part of the exchange for the 13 israelis. that will be taking place today, and of course, they'll be reunited with their families today, again, you'll see more of those scenes, i think in the hours and days to come. >> nbc news correspondent keir simmons, please stay close we will come back to you for more shortly after we continue with another conversation on this very issue. to do that, joining me now is aaron david miller, who is the senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace, and a former state department senior adviser for arab israeli negotiations, erin, thank you for being here. give me your first thoughts on today, and the news of this third expected exchange, in the fact that we are learning that a four-year-old american girl, abigail edan, is among the hostages that is expected to be released. >> charles, in a conflict over the last 50 plus days, it's been marked by sadistic cruelty, indiscriminate killing, and a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza, exponential increase in palestinian dead, and of course, the savage murder of 1200 israelis. the last several days actually have created some sense of optimism, that this is a positive rather than a cruel turn. . wonderful for the hostages, and their families. phenomenal news about the young american, the four-year-old, by the administration, who clearly wanted this, and wants to figure out the additional ten americans who are unaccounted for and their faith and statuses but i must say that this is part of a very cruel game, which has now shifted the focus from the israeli ground campaign, to the release of hostages. and i think hamas strategy is very clear. you dribble out hostages, you play for time. and you hope and expect that the pressure that is going to be put on the netanyahu government from the families of those hostages who remain in hamas's hands is going to grow. and that, combined with the pressures from the humanitarian, as the consequence of humanitarian catastrophe in gaza, is going to increase pressure on the israelis. we've got the secretary of state coming, the qataris already there. so i suspect the next several days will speak volumes about the direction of this conflict. but today, good news for so many. >> yes, it is good news indeed. but one of the things i wanted to talk to about is this notion of fighting around the narrative. yesterday, we saw a delay from hamas in terms of their portion of the exchange, and they claim that it was because of the fact that the israeli government was not honoring its word as part of what it is that they pledged to do, the order of the hostages to be released, for the prisoners to be released, as well as the amount of eight. as we are moving forward, and there is this competing narrative, because oh, we saw from the outside was the actual delay, how do we make sense of whose narrative is closest to the truth, and how does that impact what happens next and how we move forward? >> i think we have to keep our expectations with respect to this question very low. reportedly, there is a six-page agreement, which has been hammered out over several weeks, six pages which contain the actual details of the deal. but i think you've got no direct negotiations between israel and hamas. you've got no trust and confidence, to say the least, within a day or two, we could be back to a situation where israel and hamas are actively trying to kill one another. so this is a natural, seems to me, a natural problem challenge when faced with this sort of negotiation. and again, i think the israelis face critical decisions at the end of the foresight. if, in fact, there are prospects for gaining more hostages, additional ten for every day of humanitarian truce, then i think there may be additional releases for. the israelis still face the challenge though of the circumstances to continue their ground campaign. because they are determined not to give hamas a victory. and that, means continuing to try to destroy their military capacity, both above and below ground. now, in southern gaza. and that is a problem. because more than likely, that is where most of the hostages are, and that is where the senior leadership of hamas may be tunneled, in khan yunis, which is approximate to where there are thousands, hundreds of thousands of palestinians from northern gaza are now seeking sanctuary. >> erin, as you know, the israeli public has been placing an enormous amount of pressure on benjamin netanyahu to get their family members home, no matter what. to what extent do you think that these hostage exchanges, and these prisoner swaps are either helping netanyahu, or adding additional pressure for the remaining families who have yet to have their loved ones return? >> i think it's a pressure point. the israelis have obviously put a huge premium of redeeming, dead or alive, their citizens, who have been left on the battlefield. and any israeli government is faced with a very cruel dilemma. how to reconcile their commitment to the dead, to the 1200 who died as a consequence of hamas military capacity. how to reconcile that commitment to the dead, with the israeli but -- the vast majority of hostages are not americans, they are not foreign nationals, they are israelis. and hamas is not going to let go of those hundred, plus those remained to our adult males and females, with civilians at an estimated 30 to 40 members of the israeli defense forces. hamas will keep them, as an insurance policy, charles, in an effort to plan precisely the point that you raised. growing pressure on the netanyahu government to prioritize the return of hostages, over the destruction of hamas military capacity. that is the dilemma that the israelis in my implication, the united states, we'll face in the days and weeks, i'm afraid, ahead. >> aaron, i have one more question to get in 60 seconds. give them what you just said about that pressure, we are talking about the exploration of this four-day pause, basically in a day. what is going to, in your prediction, went out? is going to be the additional pressure on netanyahu to get more people home, or netanyahu's will to just resume fighting at the conclusion of this pause? >> if there's a real effort to trade more for a time, for the next few days, i think the israelis will buy it. you may see a resumption of the ground campaign, and then another pause, in an effort to retrieve hostages. but i will say this, charles. my last point. this situation is going to get worse before it gets much worse. >> doctor aaron miller, thank you so much. just really, always good to talk to you and get your insights, i appreciate it. stay with us. we are going to continue to follow all of these developments, coming out of israel and gaza. we will be right back. you're watching velshi, on msnbc. i'm charles coleman junior. msnbc. i'm charles coleman junior i'm charles coleman junior help prevent covid-19 from breaking your momentum. you may have already been vaccinated against the flu, but don't forget this season's updated covid-19 shot too. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. the question, isthe question, is we continue to follow breaking news out of israel and gaza, we now know that president biden is expected to speak at noon. the idea says that 17 hostages have been handed to the red cross from gaza. according to a list of names released by the israeli prime minister's office, one of the hostages who has been transferred's four-year-old american abigail edan fee. -- nbc news correspondent, thank you so much for keeping us abreast of all of this as its very fragile situation continues to evolve. what can you tell us about the names of who is being released, and what condition they are in, as they are being transferred to the red cross, and potentially going to hospitals? >> charles, you asked me a little while ago whether or not there were now in israeli territory, and we have learned since we last spoke that they are. that confirmed by the israelis, all of them are. one civilian, the israelis say, has been taken to the hospital. so that gives you a clue that at least for one of them, there is enough of a concern that's they need immediate medical treatment. we don't know which of those list of hostages, those 17, is the one that has been taken to the hospital. of course, for many folks watching, the news that at least one of the hostages released is an american, this little four-year-old, abigail edan, that will be welcome news indeed. just turning four on friday, released two days after her fourth birthday, i'm going to read out the list of people up here, on this list that has been released in the past hour by the israeli government. it's everything from another four-year-olds, all the way through to a hostage who is age 84. so on the list of our citizens, israel says, just released, abigail mor edan, ron caribou i, then -- of free you area brunettes, age four. jeanne goldstein, 84. a gun goldstein of, oh 17. -- -- you know, charles, i met those two sisters, 15 and eight. i met their mother just this past week, and she was in the most fragile state that you can imagine. incredible pain, just waiting. is anyone watching that would understand, among, wondering what happened to her two-year-old daughters? the relief for her will be overwhelming right now. i'm reading out that list of names, there will be people watching who none of these hostages, who will be hearing and now that they have been released. there have been phone calls made to families prior to the release to let them know that this was coming, of course, every piece of news these families will be pouring over, and so it is going to be a moment of great joy for those families, and of course there are 39 palestinian prisoners that have been released by the israelis. we're told that they're being handed over at some point today. >> certainly an emotional day for many. please stay with us, we appreciate all your reporting and we are going to check right back momentarily. we will be right back, with more velshi on msnbc. more velshi on msnbc. >> shop big deals now through november 27th! get bedroom furniture up to 65% off. area rugs up to 80% off. lighting up to 60% off. and everything ships free! plus, pay your way with the wayfair credit card. shop wayfair's lowest prices of the year during black friday now through nov 27th. ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? 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is it a d.c. problem? should he be pointing the finger there, and if so, what took him so long to do that? >> so, i won't go as far as to say eric adams is getting it right. the answer to that is complicated. but he is pointing to something really important. the country is reaching a kind of breaking point, after waiting in decades for comprehensive immigration reform. we do not have laws that address the current reality of our immigration system. the numbers of people who want to enter the united states, and that is falling to cities. so what he's saying is, when people arrive in the united states, take a new asylum seeker from venezuela, it is very difficult for them to get access to work here legally, to be able to contribute to the economy, and to thrive. so he, and other, mayors are concerned that cities are footing the bill. and the reason that he is saying, blame d.c., is because the only place that a change can actually come from to fix this issue is, from congress. congress has to change the laws. >> philip, we are looking at an estimated one billion dollars being cut from education right here in new york. if these sorts of trends continue across the country, with other mayors and democratic cities what type of a problem does that present for joe biden, who was already losing on this issue of immigration? >> yeah. it's something the white house should be worried about there's research that came out in october that assessed the cost, politically, of having people who are undocumented arrive in the county. they found, that for every 1% the increased in the arrival of undocumented migrants, there is a six-point shift to the republican party. they also found that was less in places where there is a social services that can be provided to the new migrants. because they are then less downstream effects of the people arriving in the community. so the question then is, when you have a place like new york city, or some of these other cities, that have traditionally done a good job of accommodating migrants and welcoming others to their communities, what happens if they are than strands on those social services, as we are seeing? does that then increase the political effects against the democratic party. it's a huge question mark, we don't know the answer to, it but that is mean that the biden administration should worry about. >> i want to stay with you for a moment. you wrote a piece for the washington post and talked about how the surgeon migrations to the u.s. could affect 2024. to the point i wanted to highlight was, number one, you say that immigration will likely be more of a negative for biden and for trump, and then, i am getting word from our producer that the president is about to speak. we will go to nantucket, where we will hear him live. >> a little girl named abigail who turned four years old. she spent her birthday, that birthday, at least 50 days before that held hostage by hamas. today, she is free, and jill and i, together with so many americans, are praying for the fact that she is going to be all right. you know, she's free, and she's in israel now. so, those who are now ramping out of the jail with love and care, the support of services she needs, she has been through a terrible trauma. her mom was killed in front of her, when her kibbutz was attacked by hamas terrorists on october the 7th. abigail ran to her dad then, who then was gunned down, gunned down as well, while using his body to shield little abigail. she then ran to a neighbor for help. where there were all taken hostage, that entire house of neighbors were taken hostage by hamas. and held for 50 days. what she underworld is unthinkable. abigail was among 13 hostages released today from gaza, under the brokered and sustained, though intensive u.s. diplomacy. she is now safely in israel. and we continue to press, and expect for additional americans to be released as well. but we will not stop working until every hostages returned to their loved ones. as i said when i spoke about this on friday, this has been the product of a lot of hard work, and weeks of personal engagement for me and my team. we've been in close contact with the leaders of qatar, egypt, and israel. speaking with each one of them repeatedly over the past few weeks, to help secure this deal, we spoke again yesterday with the mayor of qatar, who i owe special thanks to, in order to keep the hostage release on track, and push for abigail to be part of this release. and i will be speaking in short with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and we will continue to remain personally engaged, personally engaged, to see that this deal is fully implemented, and work to extend the deal as well. for weeks, i've been advocating to pause in the fighting for two purposes.

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, Hearing , Gonna , Birthright Citizenship , Camps , Opponents , Protections , 10 Million , Times , Courts , Intention , Warning , Conway , Right , Narratives , Nation , Substitute , Tara , Cases , Folks , Perspective , Force , Desire , Canopy , Pivot , Sustainable , Guardrail , Judiciary , Branch , Ilk , Clutches , Coup Attack , Mistakes , Done , Coup , Accomplices , Attempts , Americans , Sound The Alarm , Authoritarianism , Level , Ways , Demagoguery , Country Unrecognizable , Democracy , Minions , Power , Circumstance , Follow Trump Ism , Lunatic , Rantings , Mad Men , Scourge , Osts Them , Something , Line , Media , System , Frontier , China , Germany , 30 , Car , Dog , Society , Rails , Scholarship , Issue , Lot , Messaging , Leveraging , Left , Terry , Trump , Job , Terms , Messenger , Respects , 2025 , Challenges , Base , Public , Retribution Campaign , Revenge Campaign , Slide , 2005 , 2009 , President , Projection , 40 , 50 , Process , Planning , Band , Others , Pleas , Person , Polling , Flights , Oman , Voters , Fire , Regime , Isolationist , American Society , Doors , Everything , Hook , Guard , Posture , Doing , Sinker , Russian , Floodwaters , Fear Lies , Hamas , Hostage , Exchange , Breaking News , Group , Ali Velshi , Prisoner , Michelle , Idf , 17 , Qatar , Red Cross , Foreign Ministry , Spokes , 39 , Kyra , Signals , Correspondents , Doha , In London , Megan Fitzgerald , Tweet , Spokesperson , Hand , International Committee Of The Red Cross , Citizens , Southern Gaza , Civilians , Ties , National , Land , Addition , 13 , Three , Numbers , Citizenships , Nationals , Asheville , Israelis , Hands , Citizenship , Picture , Little Girl , Israeli American , Situation , Convoy , Megan , Continuing , Top , Abigail Turon , Aid Trucks , Trucks , Significance , Essential Items , Target , Yes , Calling , Groups , World Leaders , Cease Fire , Enclave , Gaza Strip , 200 , 120 , Drop , Bucket , War , Average , Water , Food , 500 , 20 , Household Gas , North , Fuel , Mahsa , Red Crescent , Unicef , Resources , Mentioning , Egypt , First Arab Official , Evacuations , Al Shifa Hospital , Ground , Minister Of State , Delegation , Ranking , International Cooperation , Yesterday Egypt , Sight , Aid Entering , Need , Truce , Way , Fighting , Least , Hope , Peace Talks , Diplomacy , Conclusion , Negotiations , Extinction , Whether , View , Won T , Number , Officials , Confidence , End , Pressure , Amount , Screen , Note , 1 , 3 , Negotiation , Aren T Citizens Of Israel , Thailand , Division , Detail , Egyptians , Thing , High Stakes , Conversations , Both , Junior , Watching Velshi , On Msnbc , Control , Production , Updates , 5g Network , Marquis , Ella , 5 , Tech Vo , Enterprise Intelligence , Agility , Efficiencies , Vision , Jen , Verizon , Points , Subs , Cookies , Mvp , Anything , Subway Mvp , Peyton , Heartburn , Cookie , Antacid , Heartburn Relief , Sub , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Zero Heartburn , Zero , Cure Simmons , Citizen , Coverage , Statement , Abigail Morrison , Dual American Israeli Citizen , American Girl , Ov , Abductees , Governnt , Disease , Imrted , List , Dom , Missg Persons , Children , Oldest , Wages , 84 , Gold , Epithets , Regrets , Ten , Eight , Ornament Family , 62 , Hasse , Loved Ones , Message , Length , Prime Minister , Understanding , Interview , Smile , Soldiers , Instructions , Faces , Concern , Doesn T , Mental Health , Information , Everybody , Palestinian , Eyes , Tears , More , Scenes , Aaron David Miller , Conversation , Carnegie Endowment For International Peace , Senior Fellow , State Department , Senior Adviser , Thoughts , Erin , Abigail Mor Edan , Conflict , Catastrophe , Sadistic Cruelty , Murder , Increase , 1200 , Positive , Optimism , Faith , Release , Ground Campaign , Statuses , Strategy , Game , Focus , Netanyahu , Consequence , Pressures , Secretary Of State , Coming , Notion , Volumes , Word , Narrative , Delay , Portion , Outside , Forward , Expectations , Respect , Impact , 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