Transcripts For CNNW CNN Sunday Morning 20111120 : vimarsana

CNNW CNN Sunday Morning November 20, 2011

religious leaders have come out and said it is your duty to satisfy the desires of your spouse. that is the topic in this morning's "faces of faith" segment. also, you remember actress mila kunis was asked by that young man to the marine ball. she delivered on her promise. we'll tell you how the night went. let's start. in washington, d.c., the deficit super committee doesn't seem so super right now. they were supposed to be working through the weekend to get a deal done before this week's deadline. but all's quiet on capitol hill all weekend, it seems. lisa, we were told this is the weekend, got to have something done by monday morning but are we getting any indication that work is actually happening? >> no, with t.j. no indication at all. there's no surprise lawmakers aren't here at 6:00, 7:00 or 8:00 on a sunday, but on the saturday before a deadline, you would think there might be some surprise by americans that there weren't any meetings from the capitol yesterday by the super committee or even by separate groups. republicans met on the phone but that was about it. we don't know of any other meetings planned. the next we'll hear from the super committee will just be individuals showing up on sunday talk shows in the next hour. >> it sounds almost like they're conceding defeat or at least conceding that nothing's going to get done. can we go that far yet? >> they're not going that far. i think that they're in a tricky spot because it looks like negotiations have completely broken down but they do want to at least portray that they are working until the last minute and we're not at the last minute quite yet. but tomorrow, t.j., as you've been reporting, the super committee has to have a cost estimate for some kind of a deal. if they don't have that by tomorrow night, then this whole thing ends. so we're not quite at the last minute yet but we are sure close. >> also, remind our viewers, if nothing is done, they miss that deadline, what happens? >> right. across-the-board cuts across most of government, defense gets cut 8% to 9% -- that's the pentagon, not homeland security in that defense cut, just the defense department, 8% to 9%. then the rest of government, including homeland security in a second swipe gets 8% to 9% cuts as well. medicare recipients and social security recipients would be protected in that. but we talked about the deal with those cuts? they don't go into place until the beginning of it 2013. so there's a lot of talk about whether in the next year lawmakers would do something to roll them back or change them. hard to say. i don't think the votes are there right now for that but anything can happen in politics. >> all right, keeping an eye on that super committee and the work that is or is not being done today. congress is running out of time and options as well. still have a couple of options left. we'll check in with our joe johns to see what those options may be. that's coming up and the bottom of the hour. turning now presidential politics in the race for the republican nomination. most of the candidates were at a faith and values forum in iowa last night, an important opportunity for them reach out to conservative voters. we just got six weeks to go until the first in the nation caucus. here is some of what you may have missed from last night. >> our foreign policy budgets need to start at zero for every, every country out there. because nobody -- >> including israel. >> including israel. >> those of us that are people of faith and strong faith have allowed the non-faith element to intimidate us into not fighting back. i believe we've been too passive. >> why in the world have we ever drifted to the point where we allow this casualness to ignore the constitution? they say it is a federal function. we don't need the department of education. we need those things taken care of at the state level. >> gay marriage is wrong. as abraham lincoln said, the states do not have the trite do wrong. so folks here said states can do this and i won't get involved in that. i will get involved in that, because states as a president -- i will get involved because the states do not have the right to undermine the basic fundamental values that hold this country together. >> today we have for the first time in the history of our country taxpayer subdisidized abortion because of obama care around the new playground of the left is in obama care because planned parenthood has just been given full lease in our public schools and planned parenthood now will be pushing chemical abortion and billing that to the federal government under preventive care. >> mitt romney, jon huntsman, you didn't see them there. they skipped that event in iowa. romney had a town hall in new hampshire. huntsman made a cameo appearance last night on "saturday night live." also at forum was newt gingrich. he was there. had he a couple things to say about the occupy wall street protesters that they're probably not going to appreciate. listen to him. >> all of the occupy movement starts with the premise that we all owe them everything. they take over a public park they didn't pay for, to go nearby to use bathrooms they didn't pay for, to beg for food from places they don't want to pay for, to obstruct those who are going to work to pay the taxes to sustain the bathrooms and to sustain the park so they can self-righteously explain that they are the paragons of virtue to which we owe everything. go get a job right after you take a bath. >> that's not the only thing he had to say this weekend that has people buzzing. listen to his plan now to help kids living in poor neighborhoods. >> it is tragic what we do in the poorest neighborhoods in trapping children in -- first of all in child laws which are truly stupid. most of these schools ought to get rid of the unionized janitors, have one master janitor and pay local students to take care of the schools. the kids would actually do work, they would have cash, they'd have pride in the schools, they'd begin the process of rising. >> those comments of course will be part of the discussion coming up with candy crowley on "state of the union," she's got a couple of gingrich's former a e aides to talk about his rise in the polls and his prospects for actually getting the nomination. candy will join me in 30 or 40 minutes from now. also let me tell you what former white house chief of staff had to say as well. talking about the current chicago mayor, rahm emanuel. listen to what he said about the republican field last night. >> i don't know about you, but i've watched a couple of those debates. i've got to be honest. i never thought i'd say this. i'm beginning to miss the wisdom of sarah palin. their debate was called the thanksgiving family forum. which is fitting. because i've never seen a greater collection of turkeys. >> now he's having a little fun there, of course. he made that crack in iowa. he was just across town from where that faith forum was taking place with the republican candidates. i want to remind you that the republican candidates will be gathered this tuesday not too far from the white house for a cnn republican presidential debate. one will focus on national security. it's co-sponsored by the heritage foundation and the american enterprise institute. cnn debates for the republican candidates tuesday 8:00 eastern right here on cnn. meanwhile at eight minutes part the hour, president obama has arrived back at the white house overnight while you were sleeping. he returned from that nine-day trip that took him to hawaii, australia and indonesia, his trip was may be required to get involved in this super committee. as we've reported, that deadline is fast approaching. turning now to some of the occupy protests. they were back at it overnight on the campus of uc davis. they pitched tents on campus. they are out there protesting the rising tuition costs. they're back in place a day after we saw this scene play out. watch your screen. you saw this first here yesterday. the school's chancellor ordered an investigation into this pepper spray incident. but police are defending their actions saying that they actually felt threatened by the protesters and so they were justified in using that pepper spray. listen to how one of the protesters described it. >> they broke into our circle to remove our tents which was apparently the aim of the riot cops in the first place. after they removed our tents, they made about five very arbitrary arrests. it could have been any student. it wasn't one person in particular that was acting out. they just arrested who they could, which we felt was unjust so we stood in solidarity with them -- or actually we sat in solidarity with them and asked for them to be set free and that's why we didn't move from the crossway. >> some people are now calling for the chancellor at uc davis to step down. the chancellor saying she's not going anywhere. also on the occupy front, in portland pepper spray was used there against protesters as well. we highlighted that scene in the middle there. some people are pointing to this saying it was unnecessary by police. this was part of the nationwide call to action that was on the two-month anniversary of the occupy movement last week. brooe we brought this to you live when we saw the clashes between protesters and police in portland. they manufactured in to try to force those protesters out but have they left? this says "we're not going anywhere." occupy protesters have kept up the pressure by marching on local banks and some of them are turning their focus to problems with the health care system. also in washington, d.c., occupy protesters on the streets there as well. police ended up arresting about a dozen people after they occupied and abandoned building that used to be a homeless shelter. firefighters were actually called in to try to help clear out that building. 11 minutes past the hour now. let us say good morning to alexandra steele. people have their minds on travel. are they going to have a problem getting to family for the holidays? >> in some spots yes, some spots no. talking about a little snow and also some tornadoes, believe it or not. but tornadic activity really not out of the question this time of year. second half of october beginning of november is kind of the second peak season for severe weather. so isolated tornadoes -- and here's why. this area of low pressure will move through, warm, moist air coming from the south. this lifting mechanism with the front. all the way from dallas-ft. worth toward arkansas, little rock, potential for an isolated tornado today. but as we head toward tomorrow that will all push eastward. the biggest story today, temperatures in the northeast. look at some of these numbers, boston, 63. low 60s in new york. flirting with 70 in washington. in the southeast, 5 to 15 degrees above average. but enjoy it, t.j., temperatures really cool down for tomorrow. >> we'll check in with you again here shortly. she's with us because reynolds of course is not here today. he has some holiday plans and he is on the road right now. as we speak. there's our reynolds wolf driving cross-country trying to get to grandma's house and he has got the whole wolfpack in tow with him. we'll try to check in with our reynolds wolf. that's a live picture of reynolds on the road with his wolfpack. we'll try to check in with him a little later. also a little later, in our "faces of faith" segment, the topic today in our "faces of faith" segment is about hot christian sex. pastors are out there telling their followers he this is what you need to be doing in your home and in your bedrooms. but there are some specific conditions here. you want to stick around for that. also coming up a little after the break, what else? what can the man not do? russian prime minister vladimir putin now adding hockey to the resume. stay with us. cut! 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[ female announcer ] we all age differently. roc® multi-correxion 4 zone moisturizer with roc®retinol and antioxidants. lines, wrinkles, and sun damage will fade. roc multi-correxion. correct what ages you. 16 minutes past the hour now on this cnn sunday morning. we're going to take you to what has been a tense weekend in egypt. clashes there between protesters and police. tahrir square in cairo yesterday, and agaclashes broket again today with security forces there. at least two are dead. this all comes as parliamentary elections are just about two weeks away. these demonstrators say they are upset at a plan to shield the military from public oversight. of course the military council took over after hosni mubarak was ousted earlier this year. also officials with the international criminal court will be traveling to libya this week. the court wants to try moammar gadhafi's son saif for alleged crimes against humanity. right now the son is in the hands of rebel fighters. they say they laid a trap for him and caught him in the southern desert. news of his capture set off celebrations all across the country. at one point saif was the choice to succeed moammar gadhafi. rebels also are showing off a trophy they say they found with the son saif gadhafi. they did the same thing after moammar gadhafi was captured. they showed off a gold pistol that belonged to the former leader. russian prime minister vladimir putin has this macho man image he likes to play up. here's his latest. there he is. that is the russian prime minister playing hockey now. he's number 11 out there. can you make him out. he's 59 years old. a former kgb spy but he is going to be running for his old job as russian president. this is part of his campaign. we have seen him in a lot of different poses, if you will. he's been playing sports, he's been doing a little judo, some motorcycle racing. now the plan plays hockey. coming up next, tiger woods. his struggles in golf have been well documented lately. hasn't been playing so well. a lot of people were very critical when he was pick by the captain on the u.s. presidents cup team. well? take this, folks. guess who just clinched the tournament for team usa? that story coming your way in just a moment. also coming up, you folks who want a playoff in college football? well maybe right now you have one of the best cases you've had in a while. we have got a bcs mess. it's 18 minutes past the hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ mom? dad? guys? 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[ male announcer ] more people are leaving bmw, mercedes, and lexus for audi than ever before. take advantage of exceptional values during the season of audi event. 20 minutes past the hour. say good morning to joe carter from hln sports joining us this morning to talk about the bcs mess that arkansas is in the middle of. we'll get to that in a second. tiger woods has been struggling on the golf course for quite some time now. >> it's well documented. finally some good news for tiger woods. freddie couples, the team president, was criticized for picking tiger on the team this year. it was the captain's pick. i should say the team captain was criticized for bringing him on. but heck, he's the one really responsible for the win. his putter was on which is something that tiger hasn't been good with this year. he's made 5 of the first 11 holes were birdies. he defied his critics. he essentially played like the old tiger woods for the first time in a couple of years. so, yeah, the americans pull off the win. they win this for the seventh time in the last nine presidents cups. >> he started off ugly though. >> yeah. it wasn't a good start at all. it was a typical tiger woods so far the last two years start for him. but yeah, he came together in the end. again, maybe it is steve stricker's little tip that helped him with his putting. >> people complain about the bcs all the time. a bcs mess once again. in college football. this was a wild weekend. how could you ever imagine that many teams would lose? >> number two loses, number four loses, number five loses, and now we have a little mess on our hands. lebron james and d. wade on hand. something about a lockout i guess. number four oregon comes into the game with one loss. they had to win. they push the field goal left, they lose, 38-35. now they have two losses which means they are out of the national contention picture. yet oklahoma, another one-loss team in the same position as oregon last night. the sooners had to beat baylor to stay in the national championship conversation. >> how did that go? >> well, i think we already know the answer. there were some crazy plays. the pass ricochets off one player's shoulder pad into the hands of another. he goes 87 yards for the score. but quarterback robert griffin iii. he's not even sure, what just happened? >> the biggest play with 16 seconds left. baylor. oklahoma really thought baylor would just lay it up and go into overtime. they drove down the field and score, upsetting number five oklahoma. first time baylor has ever beaten oklahoma in school history. oklahoma has two losses now, they're out of the national championship race. lsu is sitting pretty, going to play arkansas, really the only one-loss team left. next week in lsu, they win they'll play georgia in the s.e.c. title game. if they win that game, they'll play in the national championship. but alabama is sitting pretty and they play auburn next week. if lsu loses, alabama potentially has the chance to win the national chap without having played in a conference championship game. >> did you get all that, folks? >> houston is undefeated and their fans will never see their team play because they're a mid-major. they'll never play in a national championship game. bcs game, fiesta bowl in perhaps. but not a national championship game. >> joe, appreciate you breaking that down for us. 24 minutes past the hour now. we talk about our military men and women all the time and the bravery they show on the battlefield but this took a little bravery as well. >> you can call me scott. i just want to take a moment out of my day to invit you to the marine corps ball on november 18th in greenville, north carolina. >> you remember that guy? just cool as a fan asking one of the hottest actresses out there out on a date to the ball. she said yes. the ball was th

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Plan , Deficit , Nation , Sex , Compromise , Progress , Sight , Sunday Morning , Words , Doesn T , Christian , Capitol Hill , Three , Mila Kunis , Faith , Topic , Spouse , Segment , Leaders , Morning , Duty , Desires , Deficit Super Committee Doesn T , Oman , Ball , Washington D C , Promise , Let , Weekend , Deal , Wall , Quiet , Lisa , Something , Work , Indication , Sunday , Surprise Lawmakers , Monday Morning , T J , 7 , 8 , 00 , 6 , Super Committee , Meetings , Americans , Phone , Capitol , Groups , Republicans , Nothing , Talk Shows , Individuals , Defeat , Negotiations , Reporting , Spot , The Super Committee , Cost Estimate , Thing , Kind , Viewers , Government , Cuts , Defense , Homeland Security , Rest , Defense Cut , Pentagon , Defense Department , 9 , Lot , It , Place , Social Security , Talk , Recipients , Beginning , Swipe , Medicare , They Don T Go Into , 2013 , Anything , Lawmakers , Right , Politics , Votes , Eye , Couple , Options , Congress , Bottom , Joe Johns , Candidates , Forum , Nomination , Opportunity , Iowa , First , Last Night , Race , Voters , Most , Caucus , Six , People , Country , Nobody , Foreign Policy Budgets , Israel , Zero , Point , World , Element , Things , Dental Care , Estate , Gay Marriage , Constitution , Function , Casualness , Level , Department Of Education , Folks , President , States , Trite , Abraham Lincoln , Time , Fundamental , History , Taxpayer Subdisidized , Schools , Left , Playground , Parenthood , Abortion , Obama Care , Billing , Release , Planned Parenthood , Chemical Abortion , Mitt Romney , Event , Town Hall , Cameo Appearance , Jon Huntsman , Saturday Night Live , New Hampshire , Newt Gingrich , Protesters , Everything , Occupy Movement , Occupy Wall Street , Premise , Bathrooms , Taxes , Places , Park , Pay , Food , Public Park They Didn T Pay For , Bath , Go Get A Job , Virtue , Self Righteously , Paragons , Neighborhoods , Kids , Children , Laws , Child , Part , Discussion , Course , Comments , Students , Janitors , Master Janitor , Process , Pride , Cash , One , Candy Crowley , Polls , State Of The Union , Candy , Rise , Prospects , Aides , Ae , 40 , 30 , Rahm Emanuel , Field , Chief Of Staff , White House , Chicago , Debates , Wisdom ,

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