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opposition group there are 110 deaths in homs, 10 were children. >> also in this country, six children are alive after these pictures were recorded. a school bus bursting into flames. >> wow. >> you are going to see the driver who got those kids out just in time. we're going to talk to her actually. very excited. there's an alzheimer's break-through. scientists stumble on an exciting discovery. a cancer drug that reverses alzheimer's in mice. >> we'll put a kick in your step as well with tunes and political players and play lists. have you ever thought about the music behind these fabulous productions, the speeches, the applause, the showmanship? there's morep to the music you might not know about. but after today you will. "early start" starts now. >> we begin with the slauter in syria. it is escalating by the hour. government tanks now storming homs. 137 more civilians have been killed. among them, there are ten children. >> this is the fifth straight day images like these have been pouring into news organizations around the world. this government all-out assault, doesn't seem to show any signs of abating. it actually seems as though it may be intensing. anderson cooper had the opportunity to speak to one of the opposition members who's inside syria and recording horrible images of what's going on there. have a look at this. >> he's killing entire cities. he's trying to banish these cities and to destroy into the ground. i mean we don't know why, we're civilians here, civilians live here. he's not also only killing the people and shelling with all types of weapons, he's also isolating the city, isolating the city from all sides so people will not die from rocket shelling and machine guns, and snipers, they will die from hunger. everybody is sitting at home waiting for their death. >> an activist was speaking of ba shash al assad the president of syria who seems to be intransigent of stopping this violence any time soon. our ivan watson is live in istanbul, turkey, a safer place to report on this place. we can't get anybody into that country. we are hearing there may be more fronts now under attack. what's the story? >> well, ashleigh, this has been going on more than ten months, this uprising and the violent crackdown and homs, while the situation there is horrific, other parts of the country have also seen their share of violence. one place we haven't seen it very much in the past is the second largest city of syria, aleppo in the north. there this morning, there appear to have been at least two major explosions outside the headquarters of two syrian security headquarters there. we still don't have details on how many people were killed and injured there, but syrian state tv showing images of people, bodies mutilated in this explosion, in these blasts. one resident we talked to said there were a lot of ambulances rushing to the area. the syrian media, state media, is describing these as terrorist attacks. it does not bode well for a country where society does seem to be unraveling over the course of this uprising and this brutal crackdown. >> you know, ivan, a lot of us who have worked war zones before v been talking about how much this reminds us of those harrowing scenes out of bosnia, where women and children were dying in the dozens every day. we saw pictures on anderson cooper last night of an activist named danny who talked at length about this and showed us direct evidence. this isn't an unusual scene he was talking about, is it, ivan? >> no. i mean this is something we're seeing again and again day after day in this besieged city of homs where the syrian military isn't allowing food and medicine in to residents of a city that had a population of about a million before this began. danny has become very much a face of the opposition and the embattled residents there. take a listen to one of his most recent amateur video dispatches, ashleigh. >> this is one of the houses. look at these children. this is how the assad regime is supposed to treat our children. now you see the assad regime is killing children. what is the u.n. going to do about this? what is the u.n. going to do about this? nothing. they're going to sit and discuss and see if they want to do this peacefully, solve it peacefully with this murderer, after what he did to these children. they've been hitting on us from 6:00 a.m. until it's 2:00 p.m. now. we have over 100 bodies, over 200 underneath the destruction. we don't even know who they are. >> ashleigh, those same notes of outrage and desperation we're hearing from our own conversations with syrian activists all over the country. basically saying we've been abandoned while our own government kills its own squints. the activists are planning today to be another day of protests. friday the traditional day. the theme today is, quote, russia is killing our children. many activists accusing russia of providing diplomatic cover for the syrian regime to intensify its attacks against its own citizens. >> ivan, thank you very much for that. it's just awful to see and awful to report on. thank you. it is six minutes past the hour here. every morning we give you an early start to your day alerting you to what will be the big stories tonight. former congresswoman gabby giffords is back in washington, in the oval office to witness the president sign her final piece of legislation she sponsored it. the ultralight aircraft smuggling prevention act and it gives law enforcement more authority to combat drug trafficking on borders. >> gop candidates will take to the cpac stage minus one ron paul, but the other three will be there. rick santorum is hoping to really capitalize on that momentum from his recent big wins. mitt romney trying to woo conservatives and met with a small group of conservative leaders yesterday, a mixed mingle and greet. and newt gingrich is going to be speaking as well and his big inintro duckion will come by way of his wife callista. >> you know texas loves football, right? >> it's a religion, at least in dallas. >> and food. first lady michele obama is in dallas with both of those. mrs. obama is teaming up with "top chef" contestants and players of the dallas cowboys for her "let's move" campaign. she's in fine form, promoting healthy eating in schools. >> every time i see michele obama she's either kickboxing or running or doing -- >> tough cookie there. >> amazing she has the pipes she's got. she earned them. >> we have incredible video to show. before you get freaked out when you see it, yes, it is a school bus on fire and yes, there were children on board. this has a great ending. two-fold great ending. the driver smelled something burning but just so quickly and calmly got the kids off that school bus before this happened. but this was the scene that emerging. >> the bus driver, lynn richardson, says she is not a hero, but she is to be honored by the charlotte fire department next week. guess what? she joins us on the phone from charlotte, north carolina. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you guys this morning. >> we are really well. the question is, how are you after a situation like that? so, first i want to start with how did you know something was wrong? >> i was taking my little ones home and i smelled something that really didn't smell right. so i stopped the bus to basically inspect what was going on and upon inspecting, looking around for the smell, smoke came from under the steering column. and its just got real great. at that time i decided to park and secure the bus and get me and the kids to safety. >> you said your little ones. these are not your children. these are the children that you transport to school every day? >> yes, ma'am, they are not mine, but looking at them, spending time with them, every day, it's hard not to bond with them when you see them five days out of the week and sometimes you see them like during your personal time shopping and they come running up to you, mom, this is my bus driver. >> these kids, i understand 5 to 10 years old. how did you shuttle them off the bus? were they nervous? were they smelling the smoke also? >> well, they saw the smoke and they were heros as well because they did not panic and when i did see the smoke, i did ask them to go to the back of the bus, away from the smoke, and as i secured the bus, and made sure the bus wasn't going anywhere, i went to the back of the bus and used the emergency exit and got them off. >> do you have any special training for this? we're watching the images right now. this is unbelievable you were able to get them off that quickly. >> yes, ma'am. it's part of our job to go through major training in case things like this happen. >> lindora, they were watching this as you were far away from the bus. i was reading some of these reports some of the busses have had the same types of problems in the past. did you know anything about that. >> no, ma'am, i didn't. >> i got to ask you, what's in store for you today? what are you doing? >> well, less than maybe like 10, 15 minutes i'm going to be reporting to my job. >> you're going to -- >> you're going to get back on a bus and drive the children around? >> yes, ma'am. >> all right. >> yes, ma'am. that same route. >> and don't you think maybe a day off, little mental health day is in order here? >> no, not really, because i just feel like i was just doing my job. it's not being a hero. it's doing my job and this was -- this is what i was trained to do and i love it so much, so i don't feel like i'm a hero. i feel like i was just performing my job duties. >> i have to tell you you are a blessing for parents everywhere. we wish we had you as our bus driver. condpratslations to you, you are a troo you hero. those kids are so lucky to have you. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much. >> i can't believe she's just going off to work. >> yeah. >> same route. >> you know what she said, i can only talk to you guys from within this time to that time because i have to report to work. an amazing woman. >> go, lindora. more people need to be like you. >> 11 minutes past the hour. minding your business, u.s. markets closed higher yesterday. the dow, nasdaq, s&p 500 which is the best indicator for stocks in your 401(k), making gains on news of a debt deal in greece. but, that optimism quickly fading overnight as yirn union finance ministers have yet to agree on their end. >> i'm getting tired of the "but" honestly on so many levels. christine romans joining us now, minding your business. >> good morning. >> greece is always a top story, however before you go to greece, could you stay in the u.s. and tell us the news you have about who among us can qualify for the mortgage money. >> it is a very big deal and a lot of you are asking me this morning how do i know if i qualify. a lot of you are asking me, should i stop paying my mortgage if i've been holding on to qualify for the biggest part of the pie. who gets the money, if you are under water on your loan, really under water, already late in your payments, you qualify for this biggest pot of money, which is $20,000 in principle writedowns on average. if you are really under water on your loan but you are current on your payments, there's another pot of money that's going to allow you to refinance at lower interest rates. that's going to put money in your pocket every single month. if you lost your house to foreclosure, any time from september 2008 to december 2011, you are going to receive sometime within the next three years, a check, $1500 to $2,000 payments going out to those people. you must have a loan that is owned by a private bank, the wells fargo, citigroup, ally, these five big banks this is all with. it's not a fannie mae or freddie mac backed loan. we're talking about a million people under water, there are 11 million under water. it won't be for everyone. >> are you putting this information everywhere. i'm confused. it goes quickly. >> i will put it on our blog so people can look at the "early start" blog. i want to be clear on what you should do. on the call yesterday with senior administration officials and housing officials they told us specifically that the banks know who in their books have the mortgages that absolutely meet all these criteria. the banks will be reaching out to people. >> we can trust that the banks will reach out to people? >> exactly. that's what i said. i think everyone who thinks you might qualify, needs to call your bank and do it quickly. they have agreed with the government they have got to be better in dealing with servicing. they have got to be on top of this. they have to be staffed enough to handle this. you reach out if you think you're due one of those payments, you were wrongly foreclosed on, you reach out right away. how do they have your address? >> aggressively, right? >> right. >> if you're working with a housing counselor through hud, maybe you are, go to housing and urban development, find out housing counselors in your neighborhood. if you're already very behind and going through foreclosure hopefully you're working with someone. >> that's great information. thanks, christine. winter in kansas. snow is falling on nighttime traffic in wichita. it hit with several inches of heavy, wet snow overnight. >> looks pretty in the night sky. >> it does? >> jacqui jeras is doing the job today for rob marciano. she's live with us this morning. hi, jacqui? >> good morning, ladies. i'm glad to hear you're enjoying that picture of snow there, because it's heading your way. >> thanks a lot, jacqui. that's jacqui jeras this morning. >> you don't have to do that. >> i can wrap you too, my friend. >> all right. i'm just trying to warn you about it. n nothing i can do to change it. big changes on the way. the winter that never happened finally trying to make a comeback here over the next couple days. we've got cold air that's coming in from canada. blaming the canadians there, ashleigh, and moisture from the gulf of mexico and these two things will meet up and so we'll watch for snow across parts of the great lakes, ohio valley today and moves into the northeast as we head into tomorrow. keep that in mind as you make your weekend plans. the snowfall today generally will stay light, only a couple inches, but it's enough for advisory criteria for louisville, kentucky, into cincinnati. most of that snow is going to be falling say after the 3:00 hour. so this will really affect the drive home. chicago, also under the advisories. we'll get a little enhancement coming in off that lake. so the big shock, though, out of all of this, despite some travel concerns with the rain and the snow, is going to be those temperatures coming in and believe it or not, yeah, we're talking about 15 to 20 degrees below where you should be this time of the year. today in the upper midwest pushing across the east for tomorrow. so look for those changes, ladies, this weekend. could see a good two to four inches in new york for you. >> those canadians. always the canadians' fault. >> happy friday. >> you too. >> 16 minutes past the hour. still to come we have early reads for you. remember the man who adopted his 42-year-old girlfriend, his children are challenging that adoption. that woman stands to make a lot of money. we're going to share so many details with you. >> it's been a big conversation all this week on the political campaigns. it's been the birth control battle. and now a catholic tv station is weighing in with a big old lawsuit for the obama administration. we're going to talk about why, what the senators are doing to try to protect religious groups and why not everyone is on board with the plans. >> this is quite the buzz. a cancer drug that could reverse alzheimer's. it's already happening but it's in mice. will it go to humans next? we're going to let you know. you're watching "early start." [ mom ] scooter? the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to say that another another 137 people died yesterday. president bashar al assad denies attacking that country saying syrian forces are targeting terrorists he said, terrorists he said are bent on destabilizing his government. two senators are introducing a bill that would ensure employers with ties to religious groups would not have to abide by the controversial new contraception rule. that rule requires religious schools, hospitals, organization ts to provide insurance for free birth control. and a witness in the uva lacrosse murder trial says he saw george huguely with his arm around the neck of yeardley love months before she was found beaten to death. huguely is insisting love's death was an accident. a drug showing signs of reversing alzheimer's disease in mice. researchers remain skeptical about the ability of the drug to work on humans, however. an aide for gabrielle giffords says he will return for a seat left vacant by her. ron barber says giffords personally asked him to run for her seat. a report on the digital blog all things d says apple will announce the next generation ipad some time next month. it's rumored to have a better display, faster processor, and better graphics for all you geeks out there. 22 minutes past 5:00 on the east. getting a look at your stories in the local news but making national headlines and papers from atlanta and houston. let's start with "the atlanta journal constitution" a serious story, we may be getting resolution here. people say they've identified two of the assailants in the video beating of brandon white. he is a gay man beaten he says because he was gay. there were anti-gay slurs leveled at him as this attack went on and atlanta police say we have warrants. we've identified and got warrants but they are still working to find these attackers and bring them to justice. in the meantime the cia is saying they want that store where this happened to be shut down because this has been a magnet for the community. but the police and the community or at least the community organizers and members of council say they can enact one of their laws to shut it down. a building ordinance law which is fascinating. i don't think that store is going to be open much long fer the city gets its way. >> i'm sure the people who live there are very happy about that. to the "houston chronicle" the millionaire who adopted his 42-year-old girlfriend is being sued by his biological children, they are minors. he set up the adoption to protect his assets over $300 million because he is facing criminal and civil trials for a fatal car crash. his girlfriend is eligible for a portion of his teenage children's trust fund. they aren't old enough yet to manage the money or get the money. the kids' lawsuit claims the adoption is abuse of the law and his girlfriend, get this, stands to make $5 million a year. >> that's just in the spinoff money that fund would generate. >> yeah. >> i think all three of them would probably get an equal portion, five, five, and five. it's not necessarily the kids, it's their guardian ad litem, the lawyer who is put in place to represent their interests and that guardian is the one launching this suit. >> i wonder if we'll hear from the kids on it. >> i doubt it, right. >> makes you wonder. >> who's controlling this. >> exactly. 24 minutes past the hour here. so much still to come on "early start." rick santorum, not so much on board with the idea of women in or close to combat roles. quoting this, are you ready? other types of emotions that women have. what does he mean by that and how are people reacting to that? drunk drivers with kids in the car. what happens to them? one state wants to make it a felony if they're caught driving drunk with children in the vehicle. we're going to tell you where. you're watching "early start." can you enjoy vegetables with sauce and still reach your weight loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. it could be very abrasive. if the surface gets abraded, it's just the environment that bacteria likes to nestle into and they can cause the odor. your denture needs to be cleaned gently on a daily basis. i like to recommend polident, it kills the bacteria without causing any abrasion. when my patients follow my instructions, their dentures feel clean and fresh. they look forward to putting them in their mouth and smiling. o0 c1 are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. it is 28 minutes now past 5:00 on the east. time to check your top stories making news. it was a horrible day in syria again. the violence escalating out of control as the government forces pound repeatedly on the city of homs. this is the fifth straight day images like this have been recorded. the dissidents in that neighborhood and those communities now reporting yet another 137 civilians killed in the last 24 hours, including ten children. in this country, rick santorum is raising some eyebrows, it telling cnn's john king that he's got some concerns about the idea of more women in front line combat roles because of, quote, other types of emotions, end quote, that are involved. and mississippi supreme court heard the arguments from both sides yesterday and now has to weigh in, write an opinion and decide if 200 or so pardons issued by former governor haley barbour can be undone and overturned. take a look at this, a photo of an elite unit of marines posing with a flag featuring a nazi-like logo surfaced on the internet. the marines corps says it has investigated and will not take disciplinary action here. ten states have been given waivers to opt out of the controversial no child left behind education law, in exchange for that, however, president obama says all of the states have set up higher benchmarks for student achievement and also for teacher evaluations. and georgia is considering a new law that would make it a felony for people convicted of drunk driving with a child in the car. that would mean a minimum one-year jail sentence. i was shocked about that. i thought that was already a law. >> feels like it would be intuitively obvious, right? i think they could find other reasons to find you guilty of endangering your kids but certainly not this. it's cpac time. what did you get? >> that's what it feels sflik christine romans says it's like the super bowl for conservatives and it is. it's a great time if you're a conservative. the party gets together. four years ago, think back, mitt romney announced at cpac he was dropping out of the 2008 presidential race. it happened right here at this conference. have a look. >> if i fight on in my campaign all the way to convention, i'd forestall the launch of a national campaign and frankly i would be making it easier for senator clinton or obama to win. frankly, in this time of war, i simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror. >> what a difference four years can make because today he's planning to address cpac as the delegate leader and try to rally the republican base around him. rick santorum and newt gingrich are also going to be speaking at cpac today and that leaves us a lot to chew on. lenny mcalister a senior political for politics bernard whitman, president of whitman inside strategies and joe williams is a white house reporter for politico. all right. let's start with you, lenny. obviously that 2008 concession speech is going to be sort of a bit of a bad memory today. but what do you expect mitt romney is going to be doing as he heads in and tries to sort of grab that base and pull them back on side? >> he's going to have to try to convince the folks at cpac that not only is he a conservative, but he is the conservative to win in a general election. he's going to have to convince the folks there and particularly with his speech today, that he can be an inspirational figure that can drive people to the polls, particularly independents and conservatives. drive them to not only contribute to his campaign, but to work for his campaign, get his messaging out there, and inspire people to get president obama out of the white house. one of the things he's had a gap with, he's had the money, the structure, but the folks at cpac he has not inspired to get behind him. that's why you always see him slipping on the campaign trail. he wins florida and nevada, loses on tuesday. he has to convince these folks today that i can inspire you to get us into the white house in january 2013 and turn the country around with conservatives and republicans leading the way. >> i'm curious to note that he mentioned on the news yesterday that his tack is going to be start touting his massachusetts record at cpac today. and i think if he's trying to rally the conservative base, that's exactly what they haven't really appreciated. bernard whitman, is its right thing to do? an effort by him to sort of clear the air on exactly what his record was as opposed to what the negative campaigning says about what it was? >> i think the amazing thing about mitt romney is the fact that he has effectively been running for president for eight years, and the republican establishment and the political class and the primary voters most particularly, have made it very clear they are uncomfortable with him, they've been uncomfortable with him from the very beginning and the santorum's victories in the last two caucuses, though they did not amount yet to any delegates, show just how desperate the republican primary voters are to see someone else besides mitt romney. i mean the amazing thing is, mitt romney has yet to lay out a vision, he's yet to lay out an economic plan beyond 57 separate points. >> my question was, do you think if he's going to try to get the conservatives to rally around him, that the very thing they don't like about him, one of the big things they don't like about him, what they perceive to be a liberal record and that's what newt gingrich has been capitalizing on, that massachusetts moderate as he keeps calling him. joe williams, weigh in on this. is this the right thing for mitt romney to do, to just take it straight on, head on, and say massachusetts record, you want to know what my record was, i'll tell you what my record was. seems that may be the way things are going. >> do you want a piece of me? >> you want a piece of me? >> well, as a -- as a former massachusetts resident, and a guy who saw mitt romney's waterloo moment at cpac four years ago, it seems like a very curious strategy, quite frankly, because in massachusetts, he talked about and committed to health care, he has a very real record there of moderation, he had to. he's a red guy governing a blue state. cpac is about the red meat, getting the cheers, the thumb's up from the crowd like the roman auditorium. so it's a very serious, very curious strategy, unless he is going to say, all right, i've done this, let's own up to it, let's get past that, and let's get something that we can all get behind now that this is out of the way, here's my plan, here's where i should be, why i should be the leader of the conservative wing of the republican party heading into 2012 and defeat president obama. >> joe, can i tell you, you do a great de niro. i'm just saying. >> been working on it. >> joe, bernard and lenny, have yourselves a lovely weekend. >> thank you. 35 minutes past the hour. ahead on "early start," jerry sandusky has a hearing today. among the many things they'll be discussing is neighbors complaining he is staring at kids in the schoolyard from his porch. can they actually confine him indoors? we'll find out. there's a big concern at nasa. astronauts returning from space with eye problems. i was reading a report on this and they say, perhaps, even blindness in their future. no one knows why this is happening. and do you like music? a little bit. how about campaign play lists. >> no. >> we'll find out how candidates are targeting you with their music. you're watching "early start." ♪ made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally. cof8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. that can help lower cholesterol? ah, welcome to i get it...guys weekend. yeah! if you're looking for a place to get together, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. yeah! yeah! noooo. yeah! finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to welcome back to "early start," everyone. it is 5:38 on the east coast. >> and ashleigh banfield, zoraida sambolin, thank you for being with us this morning. >> alleged child sex offender and former penn state football couch jerry sandusky is back in court in pennsylvania. a number of crucial issues are before the court. whether sandusky should be confined inside his home after neighbors complained he was watching kids in a nearby schoolyard is just one of those issuing. joining me live from the courthouse is patriot news crime reporter and cnn contributor sarah gannon. we know you have been on top of this story and since i mentioned that, let's start with this. i interviewed a gentleman yesterday, he is a father very concerned about the fact that mr. sandusky is allowed to sit on his porch and watch schoolchildren who are right across from his porch. i want you to weigh in on what could potentially happen. >> i've seen jerry sandusky on his back porch on several occasions, while children, my own children, other children of the lamont elementary school, have been outside, yes, several occasions. >> how are they addressing this issue in court today? >> well, you know, this is expected to be one of about four major issues and it's very interesting, jerry sandusky's attorney is asking for more lenient bail. he wants jerry to be able to visit with his grandchildren. he says that his grandchildren miss him and i think he's going to hang his hat on this issue of -- that jerry sandusky was recently cleared of two of the most recent allegations that came forward against him, made by family lmembers, that are no going to lead to charges. however, prosecutors are going in the other direction. they're going to ask his house arrest be even more strict. at this point, this is house arrest for everyone, this isn't special, in center county, when you're on house arrest, you can be in an attached structure as long as it's attached to your house like a garage or on a back porch because it's flush up against his house. also very close to his house, is an elementary school and there is a playground that borders that backyard. it's not really clear, we don't have any information that jerry sandusky was out there specifically looking at kids. what we have are complaints from neighbors to the attorney general's office he's sitting out there. he is allowed to be out there. what if there are kids out there. >> he is innocent until proven guilty, right? it's normal for him to be able to sit out there. yesterday when i asked this particular dad, he said he has never seen jerry sandusky approach a child. >> right. and that's what we expect joe amendola to say. one time where his dog ran out into the yard, he wanted to follow. another time where it snowed and he wanted to help his wife shovel the driveway. prosecutors say house arrest is not a house party. that's a direct quote from their motion and they actually called him lucky in court documents to be able to be on house arrest, considering the charges against him. they think he should be in jail and they say if you're not going to be in jail, you're going to be in house, you should be confined to your house like it is a jail. >> here was another interesting one. prosecutors say they want an out of country jury trial for him? >> out of county. they want to bring in jurors from somewhere else in pennsylvania to sit on this trial and decide jerry sandusky's fate and that motion came just days after the memorial service for joe paterno. they don't reference that service in the court document, but they basically say recent events have led us to believe that there is absolutely no way that anybody in center county could separate themselves from the deep ties that center county has to penn state and be fair on this jury, but they do want this trial to happen at the courthouse behind me in center county because they feel like this is the place where that verdict should come down. however, they want to bring 12 jurors in from somewhere else. >> all right. i misspoke. i think i said country, i meant county. one last question for you, they're asking for hundreds of pages of evidence. they haven't received that yet? >> well, they have received hundreds of pages. what they want is hundreds more. and it seems like from reading joe amendola's motion, which was pretty large itself, is that they -- what they got had some holes in it. it was a lot of it was redacted probably to protect identities, who knows. joe amendola has referenced a lot of interesting things he wants, like a possible taped interview with joe paterno before he testified, notes from the missing prosecutor who decided once not to pros cute jerry sandusky. >> sarah beganen, a cnn contributor thank you for joining us. still to come on "early start," one big clash over contraception is happening in washington, but it affects people right across the country. religion based employers be forced to provide birth control they don't agree with to their female workers. the vice president is saying hold on, everybody, before you get crazy about this, i think i can work this out or help to do so. a hero bus driver, look at the pictures, get to your tv if you're anywhere far away. yes, there were kids on board, yes, there was a bus driver on board, and yes, she is a hero. find out why, what she did and how this started in the first place. you're watching "early start." i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. 8% every 10 years.age 40, we can start losing muscle -- wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? 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[ding] [fans whirring] announcer: chill raw and prepared foods promptly. one in 6 americans will get sick from food poisoning this year. check your steps at oh, how i miss you, chicago. 32 degrees now. snow, a little bit later. it's going to stay at 32 degrees. good morning to you. >> it is 47 minutes past 5:00 and time to check your top stories making news this morning. overnight another terrible day, we have more deaths to report, 175 additional civilians killed overnight reportedly slaudserred by government forces in syria. neighboring turkey is asking for international support for deeper, quote, political diplomatic and economic isolation of syria to try to help end this violence. and "the washington post" is reporting alabama congressman spencer baucus is under investigation for possible violations of insider trading laws. baucus, a republican, is the chairman of the house financial services committee. nasa is trying to figure out why ten astronauts who have returned from long space station missions have experienced changes to their eyesight. some are permanent and most for the worse. i read potential blindness as well. in north carolina bus driver lin dora richardson says she's no hero, we say she is, despite the fact she pulled six children off of her bus right there before it burst into flames wednesday afternoon. richardson spoke with us earlier this morning. >> i just feel like i was doing my job. it's not being a hero. it's doing my job and this was -- this is what i was trained to do and i love it so much, so i don't feel like i'm a hero. i feel like i was just performing my job. >> well that bus that caught fire is the same make and model as several other busses that have gone up in flames in north carolina, in the past two years. cpac, apparently snubbing one particular group, a group they had not snubbed before, and now that group is firing back and saying, smell a rat, you'll find out what group it is and what they're doing about it. don't you love the youth movement? cpac's got one. what young people want to hear from the candidates. we're going to find out what they want from their republican candidate. you are watching "early start." . it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. '?ww@ñwill be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to ♪ you are listening to bruce springsteen's 1984 hit "born in the usa" and i can see head bobbing going on in the studio. it's one of the best. got to admit it. it was used in president reagan's re-election campaign too. when the boss found out about it he wasn't too happy and criticized reagan for saying he misunderstood its meaning. regardless, presidential candidates adding soundtracks to their campaigns has endured. do you remember these? ♪ i was born in a small town and i live in a small town ♪ ♪ gonna rise come on up lay your hands on mine ♪ ♪ here we go ♪ go go go >> all good tunes, and all with some particular meaning to them as well. joining us is is christopher farley senior editor at "speak easy." thanks for coming up? >> appreciate it. >> i love the notion of the science behind the music to these campaigns. it's not just stuff that revs you up. there's more to it, isn't there? >> back to george washington, had a song "follow washington" even though he ran relatively unopposed, still had themed music. jfk, he also had themed music that, high hopes by frank sinatra, that revved people up for his campaign. so this is not a new phenomenon. candidates using music to try to get their followers behind them. it's something that et spread through social media and other means. >> president obama releases campaign play list and i was looking over it. i'm a little confused and thought maybe you could help me work through this. >> let me try. >> aretha franklin's "the wait" james taylor's "your smiling face." bruce springsteen "we take care of our own" darius rucker -- >> terrific pop artist who's remade himself as a country star, but no -- there's not a single rap song which is interesting because president obama, of course, has gotten support from the hip-hop community throughout the years from people like jay-z, people like who helped write him a song. >> he has some alternative artists like florence and the machine. it shows he's trying to reach out to younger voters who have the songs on their ipods. >> james taylor, while i love him "your smiling face" doesn't seem to rev me up for any campaign event. >> you have to have something for everybody, a song people will remember, fondly, people love james taylor, still has his fans today. having a huge tour in europe just recently. he's on the president's play list. >> president obama not the only one with playlists. mitt romney has been using something that surprised a lot of people kid rock's "born free" which is a great song but there are particular lyrics in there, i want to throw them on the screen so everybody can see what i'm talking about. the lyrics actually use profanity and christopher, this is a bit troublesome at least to a couple of people. daddy works his -- i don't know if i can say this on cnn, you know what off, paying for the good life. hot dog, hot dam, i love this american ride. at least 72-year-old mary conville of grand junction, colorado, said those are bad words, you can't do that. >> what you see there, the reason why president obama does not have any hip-hop on his playmis, kid rock is not a hip-hop artist he's a hip-hop rock artist, he is edgy, but did give mitt romney's blessing to use that song, "born free." q snooze newt gingrich, using brooks and dunn "born in america" it was on obama's play list. >> everybody uses brooks & dunn, only in america, a popular song and has a popular message to it. obama has used it, george bush has used it. other democrats have used it. it's a song that crosses party lines. >> and southerners love it. >> southerners love it. you have to have a nod to country if you're going to be campaigning in country -- in country country, pretty much everywhe everywhere. >> a nod to country no matter what. i'm a country fan. this whole music list for everybody just runs the gamut. >> people get in trouble with songs. look at mitt romney he used a sew mol yan born rapper, used his music and he complained. you never know, that's why you have to check with the artist first to make sure they're on board with you using their music in your campaign. >> very good advice. thanks for coming in. >> all right. in the next hour of "early start," syria under siege. turkey is pleading with the world to stop the slaughter. along with the civilians in that country also making pleas. the fbi releases a 191-page file on steve jobs. what's in it? it's a decade's old file. that's all i'm telling you. you have to stay tuned. you're watching "early start." looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. ♪ made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally. should we be letting him p-l-a-y with our t-a-b-l-e-t? [ mom ] i think it's fine. it's the new element from at&t so it's w-a-t-e-r proof. cool. what else does it d-o? it's fast. it's 4g lte. what's l-t-e spell? nothing. w-h-y? hey, can we stop spell talking now? ok. a-y. [ male announcer ] buy a waterproof pantech element for $249.99 and get a 4g burst smartphone free. only from at&t. . ♪ >> and a very good morning to you. it is friday. this is "early start." i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. we are bringing you the news from a to z. >> the day coming up for all the cpaccers. they are cpaccers. these are some of the most influential conservatives in the country that's like their super bowl. and it's a big day for mitt romney because he's leading in the delegate count but struggling in the last few states. so he's going to try to make an impression, but while other speakerses are there, why is one conservative organization not welcome? jerry sandusky neighbors want him confined indoors. sandusky wants more freedom. in syria, the numbers just keep coming in. the violence is escalating. 25 more people killed overnight. women and children among them. the army in the streets seems like just playing out regularly. parents, looking at this. a north carolina school bus goes up in flames. the driver saves six children onboard. and guess what, it is not the first time these buses have burned. we're going to look into that more closely. "early start" starts right now. three gop is going to stand among the most influential people in the country, three? >> missing one. >> missing ron paul. >> cpacers, as you call them. >> they won't hear from ron paul. everyone seems to want their votes. so much not ron paul, though. >> cpac conference is kicking into high gear. all speaking today, all three coveting a win in that straw poll tomorrow. cnn political editor paul steinhauserer live in washington for us. there were some light-hearted moments yesterday, paul. what can we expect today? >> in is a big day for the presidential campaign. big day for the super pac. it's a like a political campaign or convention. it's a big deal. they've been doing it for 39 years. this is the top, the chief gathering every year of activ t activists and supporters an leadering across the country. all three candidates are going to be there except for ron paul. he's up in maine campaigning. he's won it the last three years in a row and senator ran paul talked here. but all eyes are on mitt romney. let's go back four years ago. he dropped me gave up his bid for the white house. at the time he was the conservative alternative to senator john mccain, the eventual nominee. he ended up winning the straw poll. speed it up four years. romney is the forerunner but after tuesday's defeat maybe conservatives are not sure. that's why we hear he's got a big speech planned. campaign says he's going do have a major address, something on taxes. besides the speeches it's the closed door stuff going on. romney meeting with people behind closed doors. >> i heard something about some biggering that's going on. what's that all about? >> have you heard? sfl yeah. >> since tuesday we heard romney campaign really picking up against santorum calling the former senator an insider. here's a quote from yesterday about the earmarks. they say, senator an store rum is like a shopaholic who wants to blame the stores for his spending obsession. tough talk. here's what the senator said in response. >> this is the politics of mitt romney. he's not talking about the issues. he's interested in trying to pan and make political sauce when there's divisions about how we're going to change this government and he's on the wrong side. >> okay. so we're going to listen to all three candidates today and, zoraida, tomorrow we get the results of that very poor, much rf watched presidential straw poll at cpac. >> thank you for that preview. paul steinhauser live for us. appreciate, one group not in attendance at cpac this year, conservative gay organization crowd. >> they sponsored it in 2010-2011. surprising to hear this. they were not invited to sponsor 2012. this time around they could come, they could come as individuals but they just couldn't be officially part of this thing. joining me now are the cofounders of this group, go crowd. i guess the question would be, why do you think that happened? >> well, i think that for -- i've since we started go proud 2 1/2 years ago the first dhing we did was sign up the co-sponsor cpac. we did that for two years. there were folks on the acu board and in outside organizations that wanted us barred from cpac simply because we're gay. and they took it -- advantage of the leadership change at the organization and were successful in keeping us out this year. >> so my confusion is that, when you were part of it and you were sponsors to cpac, there were some pretty major groups that boycotted cpac all together. like family search counsel, liberty university, heritage foundation, even senator jim demint. do you think that set play here, they were weighing which of the groups can we afford to lose most? >> i think sadly while we, the entire time we have been involved in cpac said the most important thing is unity within the conservative movement, there have been a handful of organizations on the social right who have decided to go the route of division and some of those individuals and organizations that you just just mentioned decided to boycott previous cpacs. even other we were not invited this year and not allowed to participant, we haven't gone that route. we haven't said we should be organizing a boycott because we understand in this election year the most important thing we can have is unity within the conservative movement. it's unfortunate that other folks haven't done the same thing. >> here's the thing that gets confusing to some people watching right now. and i don't want to be so foolish to say, gee, how can a gay group be conservative since there seems to be competing messages. i got a release from you guys back in january 27 saying after last night's republican debate one thing is clear, any one of the remaining gop candidating would be a dramatic improvement over the failed presidency of barack obama. any one of the four would include rick santorum. wow, i think a lot of gay people who don't belong to your group would be us a sounded by that comment buzz here's one of the comments in 2003 rick santorum made about gay people and gay right, et cetera. if the supreme court says that you have the right to consensual gay sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to insist, you have to right to adultery, you have the right to anything. i remember when that blew up big for the senator and i think that led to the inability to google rick santorum's name without seeing a lot of really gross stuff. how do you guys reconcile this? how do you say he's better than barack obama when he says these this specifically about you? >> let's be clear. first off, we strongly disagree with what rick santorum said there. those comments are outrageous. rick santorum is not going to be the nominee of this party. i know the mainstream media and some in the party want to continue the charade that there is a horse race going on here. rick santorum is not even on the ballot. >> he's won three states, swept them with huge numbers. >> john mccain lost 19 states, 17 of those after he won in south cakacarolina and florida his nomination was never in question. the bottom line is the only candidate that has a national organization that can win this primary is mitt romney. we can continue to pretend there's a horse race and i know the media wants to pretend like there's a horse race. >> let me give you that. let me give you that one, guys. that's rick santorum. the other candidates as well that you're supporting also support the idea that gays shouldn't serve in the military and they also support the idea that there should be a constitutional amendment to prevent gay marriage in this country. that doesn't seem like it's in sync with what you would wanlth? >> that's not true. ron paul doesn't support the constitutional amendment and even mitt romney went so far so say it's not likely. that particular proposal has lost support ever since it first failed in congress in 2004. the reality is, we're all living in this obama economy. gay people are living in the obama economy, too. and we've got to come together. gay and straight, liberal and conservative, and fire the president. that's what we have to do as is a country. we have to look at who is best positioned and best able to do that. and to fix the problems that everyone, including gay people, care about, those kitchen table issues that everyone is worried about right now. >> and the left would have you believe the only thing that gay people care about is military service and marriage. and while those are important issues, the fact is is that gay people care about things like the economy and jobs and retirement security. >> appreciate it. jimmy and chris, i could go on for a whole lot longer and i do appreciate you guys coming to talk to us today. i'll be interested to see what you think about how cpac resolves all of the issues after the next couple of days. thanks, guys. ten minutes past the hour here. big birth control battle going on. catholic tv station is suing the obama administration. senators are introduced a bill to protect religious groups group expect a republican to do that, right? there's a democrat in the mix as well. jerry sandusky is going to court. not about his trial, about his confinement. he's none too happy about the current situation, being confined at home. others want the confinement to be even stricter. who is going to win on this one? we're back after this. first, let's get a quick check of your travel forecast. jacqui jeras is in this morning. we don't want to leave you out. taking hits on the canadians last year? >> a little bit. don't punish me. cold air coming down from canada and bringing winter back big time across the upper midwest. we'll be looking at snow showers today from st. louis towards chicago and indianapolis as well as cincinnati. a couple of inches expected. keep that in mind. boston, new york city, as well as philadelphia. rain in houston and dallas today. look at the tornado watches, only 14 in minneapolis. 35 in chicago. temperatures are going to be about 20 degrees below average. wenter is back. that's a look at the nation's forecast. "early start" returns in just a minute. in the works package, we change the oil we change the filter... tire rotation, suspension, we make suspension checks... what we have here is the multi-point inspection. every time a vehicle comes into a ford dealership you'll be presented with one of these. we check the belts, hoses... brakes. tires and the pressures... battery, all your fluids... exhaust system, transmission... we inspect your air filter... it gets done,it gets done quickly and it gets done correctly. the works. oil change, tire rotation and more: $29.95 or less after rebate - at your ford dealer. you're a doctor... you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor... ah, welcome to i get it...guys weekend. yeah! if you're looking for a place to get together, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. yeah! yeah! noooo. yeah! finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to jerry sandusky is headed to court. it's a hearing today regarding his confinement. the prosecutors are asking a judge to keep jerry sandusky from going outside his home. he's under home confinement while he awaits trial. the neighbors have said home confinement? his home border answer elementary school and they see him on his porch watching children on the school playground. >> meantime, sandusky, charged with over 50 offenses over a period of 14 years, will ask the judge for more freedom. jason carroll is live outside senator county courthouse in pennsylvania. the big issue here that we were talking about yesterday is this whole court issue that sandusky gets to sit there and watch children as they come and go from school. what do you think is going to happen there? >> reporter: well, a couple of things. we do know that, as you know, sandusky is allowed to be out on his back porch and neighbors have been complaining. for example, they were complaining when they saw him out, zoraida, shoveling snow. we spoke to his attorney and his attorney tells us when he was out there shoveling snow he had permission from his probation officer before he did that. there were complaints that he was out on his back porch looking at children. but once again, his attorney says that incident is related to the fact that there is a woman outside with her young child. sandusky saw them, they saw him. he went right back inside after that. the bottom line is this, the defense in this particular situation wants looser restrictions on his house arrest. they want sandusky to be able to go out and visit his lawyer. they want his grandchildren to be able to come in and visit him. the prosecution is saying, look, this is house arrest. it's very serious business heps charge with very serious allegations here. it is not a, quote, a house party. and they want his house arrest restricted. today we'll see if the judge decides to rule on that or take it under advisement and rule on it later. zoraida? >> also asking for an out of county jury for the trial? >> reporter: well, what they're basically asking for is that other jurors will come in from a different county and be seated here. it's very clear that this trial will take place right here where i'm standing. but because there's been so much publicity surrounding what's happened here there has been a call for perhaps jurors to be taken from a jury pool outside from where we are now. so that's another thing that the judge might be looking at. >> there's a lot to look at today. we understand he wants more evidence notes from the prosecution witnesses. do you think that he'll get that? >> reporter: well, i can tell you this. yesterday joe met with the attorney general's office and they went over a number of points. that being one of them. but that's going to be put on hold because we're told during that meeting with the attorney general's office joe amondola and prosecutors came to an agreement that prosecutors would have another two weeks to decide what evidence they're going to turn over and what evidence they're not going to turn over. that's been put on hold. i think one of the most important issues here, zoraida, has to do with jerry sandusky and whether or not he will be able to have visitation with his grandchildren. that was also discussed with the attorney general at this meeting yesterday. and we're told that the proof that jerry sandusky's grandchildren want to see him will come in the form of written testimony. that written testimony coming from five of jerry sandusky's children. and that will be submitted in the court today. so prosecutors said, well, look, if jerry sandusky's grandchildren want to see him, we want to see the evidence, we want to see the proof. we're told that proof will come in the form of written testimony that will be submitted today. >> jason carroll, what's going on there. thanks for watching it nor us. it's 19 minutes past 6:00 on the east coast. this is a guy described as one of the steve jobs, and now the fbi is releasing files on his. >> one of the most what? >> objurat. >> what's that? >> unyielding. >> okay. >> do you think that might be the word of the day? >> yeah. i'm going to go look that one up. >> nailed it. the fbi, find out what they have to say about hit in 191 pages. and also coming up, take a look at the pictures on your screen. get to your tv for a moment. this is worth seeing. >> wow. >> yes, there were children on that bus. >> were. >> yes, there was a bus driver, and, yes, she is a her hero todo getting every single child off before it turning into this. [ female announcer ] introducing coffee-mate natural bliss. ♪ made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally. we want you to have the moves like jagger and get out of bed this morning. it is 41 degrees in little rock, arkansas. rainy but 41 degrees. >> i like that adam levine. he has the moves like jagger. i'm just saying. >> i'll give you that. he's cute. great story this morning. the fbi releasing their files on steve jobs. you know, apple steve jobs. shedding new light on that cult of personality. the fact that he's being considered for a job with the white house back in 1991. probably be thankful he didn't take it. files released after a freedom of information request a journalist called christine romans has been looking at through some of the documents this morning. it always surprises me when we see fbi files on people. you see them, you get creeped out. >> this is a level three expedite for the president. i mean, it's so interesting. 191 pages. what's really kind of interesting about it is we found new things. 1985 bomb threat against him. hadn't heard about that before. he goes at length with the fbi about why he was fired from the first time from apple. so this is when he was working at someplace called next. and it also talks about people they interviewed some three dozen people they interviewed that were friends, acquaintances, relatives of his who confirmed youthful drug use, lsd, marijuana, he also said it to the fbi as well but most people who knew him said he wasn't using drugs then. but fbi is looking for things like that. financial problems, could anyone blackmail him, involved in the communist parties. all these were negative, by the way. people interviewed by them, a couple of them stated this, on page 5 of the report. he is strong willed, stubborn, hardworking, and driven, which these two people believe is why he is so successful. those two people went on to say, however, mr. jobs possesses integrity as long as he gets his way. that was something that wes recurrent throughout this as well. that this is somebody who is hard, he gets what he wants. >> obdurate? >> obdurate, i think is your word of the day. sbr interesting stuff. i don't think it's earth shattering for those who have followed the cult of personality. >> if you have it it's surprising because you put this in front of me, rather mundane. i'm reading saying there is nothing mundane about this. talks about drug use and personal relationships. >> he had a daughter with a girlfriend early, that's in here as well. and he eventually had -- went on to develop a father/daughter relationship with this young woman. but all of this personal stuff in here and you think, gosh, this guy was running a computer company, fired from a computer company, running another company. who would think that -- >> there would be this much. >> why does an fbi file exist. >> he was considered for a post within the first bush administration, a business kind of liaison. so they had to check him out, make sure his finances were good that he was in a. fine, up standing citizen. >> you are good at finding this stuff. >> it was tweeted about. >> i love in thank you very much. another good friday story. >> incredible. 26 minutes past the hour here. richardson has a favor to ask of all of us, don't call me a hero. north carolina bus driver. she saved six children's lives on wednesday. take a look at that bus. that's a bus she was driving with the six children inside ages 5 to 10. she pulled them off the school bus right before that happened. listen to her tell it. >> i smelled something. and i just knew it didn't smell right. i basically stopped the bus. as i saw the smoke in my face and i knew it was time for me to get myself tabbed kids off the bus. i didn't want to like be hysterical and make them hysterical, so, yes, i was calm and they were calm and i felt like that's what aided in a safe delivery for the kids. >> so here's a bit of surprise. as we look at the charred-out breck a wreckage, it's not the first time it's happened. apparently that model bus has caught fire before in north carolina which begs the question is there an investigation under way? yes, there is. in the meantime, earlier we spoke with this hero, doesn't want to be called a hero but we did speak with her, she says, i'm going right back to work this morning. have a listen. >> i just feel like i was just doing my job. it's not being a hero. it's doing my job and this is what i was trying to do and i love it so much. so i don't feel like i'm a hero. i feel like i was just performing my job. >> i got to tell you what, i love, we actually spoke to her earlier but this is the first time we see her face. that was nice to do, put the face with the name. >> she is a hero. >> she is in my books. that's the one i want driving my kids. >> that is correct. still to come, a cancer drug could reverse alzheimer's. it's had quite an effect on mice. will it have the same effect on humans? also, fresh off, christine romans' report about steve jobs. word there might just be a new ipad hitting stores soon? what's this all about? new text specs, when kit land? i know you want to know this stuff. >> look at that cutie pie. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪ i want healthy skin for life. 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[ female announcer ] daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy hair every day, try new pure renewal hair care, with balancing seaweed extract. only from aveeno. ♪ welcome back to "early start." it is 31 minutes past the hour. it's time to check the stories making news this morning. in syria, state tv reports at least 25 deaths from two blasts in the northern city of elepo. 137 were killed thursday in the city of homs. tens of thousands are expected to protest across syria today after russia voted against a u.n. resolution that would have condemned all of this violence. two senators are introducing a bill that would ensure employers with ties to religious groups wouldn't have to abide to the controversial new contraception rule. that rule requires schools and hospitals to provide insurance for free birth control. it's one democrat, one republican there. a drug used to treat skin cancer is surprisingly showing some signs of reversing another disease, alzheimer's. but, here's the catch. it's doing this for mice and mice only. researchers are still skeptical about the drug's ability to actually work in humans. and a report on the digital blog all things d says, are you ready? apple will announce the next generation of ipad sometime next month. apparently rumored to have a better display, faster processor, and better graphics. so just when you bought the ipad 2 -- >> i don't think it's enough of a reason to buy the next generation still. >> i don't know. >> i think it needs more bells and whistles. >> i got ipad 2 and the camera made all the difference. today is romney's day to make his case. one of the three gop candidates speaking to conservatives at cpac today asking for their support and of course their money. let's talk to our panelists. from chicago, lenny mcallister, senior contributor, politic and from washington, joe williams, white house reporter for politico. and from new york, bernard whitman, democratic strategist and president of whitman insight strategies. bernard, i'm going to stoort wi start with you. romney is going to speak at lunchtime at cpac. he is still getting a lot of flack because he is just not connecting with the people. how does he seize that moment? what does he have to say? >> i think he's got to make an impassioned plea for economic revision and renewal of america. the truth is this audience really doesn't like him, they don't trust him, they don't connect with him emotionally. the one thing romney does have going for him is business credit. i would say that is business credit a that is not going to resonate with the independent and democratic base, but i think today he's got to reach out, he's got to broaden his vision, economic renewal. he's got to simplify his economic message. i think the big criticism conservatives have is he doesn't have a clear, concise plan. he has to reach out and grab conservatives and get them to understand that he is the only viable alternative that can bring economic renewal to america and successfully beat president obama. i think he's going to fall shart of that. i would say stick to the economy. >> joe, santorum is also speaking today. i want us to listen to what he said yesterday after the pentagon recommended expanded military roles for women and then i want you to weigh in on that. >> i do have concerns about women in front line combat. i think that could be a very compromising situation where people naturally may do things that may not be in the interest of the mission because of other types of emotions that are involved. i think that's probably not in the best interest of men, women, or the mission. >> i'm not quite sure exactly what he meant by that but maybe men and women would be too distracted on the front line. we pulled up a poll here. 200 011 "washington post" poll. 72% of men support women in direct combat roles. 72% as well support it. was this a misstep? >> well, it's hard to say otherwise. i mean, you have -- on one hand it's a misstep in that, yes, you say something that's probably not going to resonate very well with a female audience but it's going to perk up the ears of some conservatives, especially after the pentagon said that they are considering moving women more towards combat roleses. quite frankly, it's not an unusual move for the pentagon because we have women in combat roles already. they just don't call them that. you recall the situation in iraq where there were several women taken hostage. i live here walter reed hospital and i see women every day suffering from injuries. i saw one jogging the other day who was missing part of her arm. it's already happening. rick santorum is basically trying to shore up his -- he's not doing anything that rick santorum doesn't do. he's a traditional values candidate. he's expressing that. he's going to tickle the ears of some of the conservatives at cpac. that's what he's going for. >> just foes percentages were odd to hear i'm say something like that. lenny, at cpac today it's getting a lot of heat. it's a panel. it's called the failure of multiculturism. member it is of the panel include peter ben brenlow and robert vanderabort, expectative dree director of pro english. you're a conservative who also happens to be a minority. what are your thought on this? >> i think it's a huge misstep. this is the epitome of why the conservative base can't reach out to minorities effectively. this is just another situation where republicans and conservatives are not sensitive to what the 21st century looks like in america. this is something where they're using divisive measures and trying to call it conservatism. not only is it a bad move, it sells out the actual true core conservative values. this is what burns up black republicans like me because this is just another opportunity to wrap racism in some sugar coated type of philosophy. basically, i've said this before, you can't take cyanide and call it candy just because you wrap it around with chocolate. it's the same exact thing. this is thinly veiled racism. the same type of stuff you saw in the 17th, 18th, and 19th century that they're now promoting here and aing it a nuvo diversitdiversity. it's the type of thing that flpts look at when they look at republican candidating moving forward into general election suchs that upcoming fall. >> bernard, joe, lenny, thanks for joining us today. still ahead on "early start," big day at cpac. how to harness the young folks who are part of the conservative movement. we're going to talk to a program organizer at the conference about that. and then, also ahead, the numbers keep rising. the slaughter in syria. women and children among the dead. you're going to find out exactly what the latest is and why this syrian government is now admitting to deaths. you're watching "early start." so i'm glad it's with fidelity. they offer me one-on-one guidance to help me choose my investments. not just with my savings plan here at work. they help me with all of my financial goals. looking good, irene. thanks to fidelity, i can stay on top of my financial future, huh? 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[ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. have more fiber than other leading brands. they're the better way to enjoy your fiber. it is 41 minutes past the hour. and we have some bad news to report yet again out of syria. at least 25 civilian deaths overnight in syria's north city of aleppo. this is not according to the rebels, this is nowrd coing to syrian state tv which is run by the government. the rebels themselves are saying 137 people were killed in homs on thursday. this is the fifth straight day of attacks. and hundreds of people have been reported dead in homs. it's syria's third largest city and it is flash point in the uprising that has been going on since march this year to try to boot bashar al-assad, the pts of that country, from power. one of the activists documenting this violence, danny. he posted an extraordinarily disturbing piece of video online that shows the brutality on children. have a look. >> this is one of the houses. look at these children. th is this how this regime is supposed to treat our children? they've been hidden now from 6:00 a.m. it's 2:00 p.m. now. we have over 100 bodies, over 200. we don't even know who they are. >> despite the fact those children are in bloodied swaed shirts the president has repeatedly said that they have not been attacking civilians. and, in fact, saying that terrorists are responsible for this bloodshed. ted katoof is the korm former u ambassador to syria. thank you for being with us. i repeatedly get visions of bosnia as i see more of these images roll in of women and children tortured and dead. do you see any sign that this might let up? >> no, i don't see any sign, ashleigh, this is going to let up. several days ago we had a vote at the security council, a watered down resolution, but even that resolution calling on syria to take certain steps was vetoed by russia and china. and once bashar al-assad realized that the russians and the chinese had his back, he's going all out to try to crush any resistance to his regime he. he feels he has a narrow window in are which to operate and they're going all out, particularly in these pro-opposition neighborhoods that have our men in humps. >> mr. ambassador, for anybody looking at these pictures in disbelief that this could happen, we, in fact, have the blueprint for this exact scenario to play out and it started with his father who was in office 29 years ago in the city of hama in '82. there was somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 people who were killed when his father, that is the current president's father, did the very same thing. is this a family affair? >> well, look, this is a minority regime. what do i mean by a minority regime? the president comes from a sect of shia islam that makes up about 10% to 12% of syria's population. meanwhile, the sunni arab population of syria is around 67% to 70%. and they've had enough of discrimination and of poverty and the like and they want this regime gone. but the people who dominate the military and intelligence services feel if they lose power it could be them who are on the receiving end of brutal treatment. so this is an exoessential fight for them and it's awful. >> i saw our former defense secretary bill cohen say on cnn yesterday that sending in the marines is a very complicated kind of story when you're talking about syria. and it made me wonder about all of the different incursions that we've had and the effort to save people who are desperate for help. i just want to throw up a quick list of some of the military incursions that america has engaged in in the past few decades. in 1982, beirut, where we lost 224 marines. 1993 in somalia, disastrous blackhawk down. 1995 in bosnia. certain successes there. 2011, in afghanistan, it is ongoing and troublesome. iraq, 2003, needless to say a trillion dollars and thousands dead. and now 2011, libya, certainly a success story in terms of cost and effect. is there anything that we can take from that list and apply to syria? >> you know, right now, i think, ashleigh, we have to understand that there is no power, not even turkey, which borders syria that is prepared to use military force to bring down assad. now that could change over time. it may change. but right now they're talking about a syria contact group, the arab league, european union, turkey, the united states, some other like-minded countries, that would try to put maximum pressure on assad through various sorts of sanctionses, diplomatic isolation, the like. but we put soldiers in lebanon, marines in lebanon and we lost 241 marines in one bombing alone. so, you know, syria is a much larger and more complex society. it's very, very dangerous to put the troops on the ground. >> no easy answer. senator kattoufa, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> it's very hard to listen to that, right, the lack of hope there. >> like there's just no solution. >> right. 46 minutes past the hour. soledad o'brien joins us now with a look at what is ahead on "starting point." good morning to you, soledad. >> hey, ladies. good morning. we're live at the conservative political action conference, or cpac, here in washington, d.c. going to hear today from mitt romney, from from rick santorum, and newt gingrich later this afternoon. could there be a big endorsement on the line? we'll take a look at that as they head toward the straw poll which happen on saturday night. plus, this story. a high schoolgirls basketball team trying to raise money for charity and by wearing those pink uniforms, and they get a penalty for it, lose the game. this morning we're saying to the ref, get real. that's all ahead this morning on "starting point." we'll see you back with "early start" right after this short break. back in a moment. the employee of the month isss... the new spark card from capital one. spark miles gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game. with spark, the boss earns double miles on every purchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding. coming through! [ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? i like yoplait. it is yoplait. but you said it was greek. mmhmm. so is it greek or is it yoplait? exactly. okay... [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. good morning to atlanta. waking you up with adel "rumor has it." boy, she's in for a very, very good sunday. enif she doesn't win, she got six grammy nominations. we are pulling for her. >> very nice. all right. so we've been talking cpac a lot. in day two in washington, d.c. lots of big names there. romney, santorum, gingrich, all are set to speak today. so we're talking to a very young crowd, by some estimates nearly 40% of the attendees there will be younger than 30. it's very important few days for the youth vote are left here. ron meyer is a program officer with the young america's foundation. he is in washington, d.c. attending the conference. nice to have you joining us this morning. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. so what i wanted to know is with the youth vote, what is it that you are looking for in a candidate. >> well, i think young people and young conservatives are looking for bold solutions and something that's going to address them as a young person not as grandchildren and children or real people and really want big change in the country. right now young people are hurt worse by this economy. they're taking an xleconomic shellacking thanks to the obama administration. average graduating college debt is at record levels. national debt is off the charts. come up with youth misery index at the young american's foundation to show these things. and are these candidates going to bring up these topics and itd young people and outline why they're take an economic beating and are they going to propose real solutions? i think with all the candidates, maybe with the exception of ron paul, their plan is not bold enough do talk about what we're dealing with. with ron paul, the national security problems are quite large, too. i think they have a lot of room to grow here. they have a case to be made at cpac, why we ought to support them. >> listen, ron paul is a big favorite, we understand, among young voters. he will not be attending. is that a big disappointment? >> i think for some people it is. i think everyone has heard ron paul before. he needs to come out and support young-minded conservatives. as a whole, i think that the national security stuff is a deal breaker for a lot of us. and i think it's one of those things where he has to do something there to get everyone behind him. >> is there something that you're looking for forward to hearing today that really would kind of zone in on a particular candidate or is there already a buzz about one in particular? >> i think everyone is just sort of excited and there's a lot of room for broet for each of these guys. if they bring up youth issues, address the young people that are there and take the opportunity and don't rattle off the same talking points we've had 100 times at the debates, then, yeah, there's room for growth. we have to freshness. we have to have boldness. what are these candidates needs to step up and take the mantel of conservative charge for it and the movement is looking for a strong leader right now. >> i want to put up a poll here because you mentioned it's a stuff economy all around but particularly for people your age. young adults are having a hard time finding a job, saving for future, paying for college and buying a home. you're 22 years old. is that you or is that the profile of your friends from. >> absolutely. young people are taking an economic shellacking thanks to big government. i think that's what they need to talk about a, show why these problems exist. how we got into this financial mess notice first place and why it was big government and why big government has kept us in it. government spending has not helped young people at all. the stimulus package has been a disaster for young people. youth unemployment has skyrocketed and continued to go up. are we going to see them put a proposal to get us back to work? here's the thing, young people want careers. they don't want internship, they don't want more college debt. we want careers. we want real jobs. we need to empower the private sector. the government doesn't hire young people because they're heavily union centered. we need to empower the private sector to get real jobs and start our lives. >> listen, let me ask you something. in the past republicans have had a bit of a reputation, privilege, you may be too young to remember alex p. keaton, "fo "family ties"? >> no. >> i'm older and i remember alex keaton. can you can paint a profile of the young republican? >> i think while i'm not -- i'm for the conservative movement. i don't know about republican or whatever. >> a young republican conservative. >> a young conservative would look at this. i think the conservative movement is growing. barack obama has lost more youth support than any president gallop poll history if you look at the poll numbers. they ought to be looking at how to grow the movement. the typical conservative that's young wants someone who is going to cut the deficit, cut the debt, get to a balanced budget within five years and get us back employed and see that youth unemployment number fall. we've seen just an awful economic situation and we need some really bold, big answers from these leaders. >> 22-year-old ron meyer, program officer for young america's. thanks for being with us. at 6:55 on the east coast if you haven't had enough of cpac yet, wait for it because soledad o'brien is live at cpac and gearing up for a big day there and a big two hours of her program as well. gop candidates are going speak. we're right back on "early start" after this.of e-mate natural bliss. ♪ made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? 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[ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. and that is "early start." happy friday to you. >> "starting point" is flex with soledad o'brien. good morning to you. >> hey, everybody. good morning. we are live this morning, conservative political action conference, or cpac, here in washington, d.c. our "starting point" this morning is this. the big day for conservatives. mitt romney, rick santorum, newt gingrich all speaking at cpac today. who can win the big conservative backing? we're going to look at that. green light on the first new nuclear reactors in more than 30 years? it was a 4-1 vote. this morning wore going to talk to the one in that. the man who says it's not a good

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Assailants , Houston , The Atlanta Journal Constitution , Papers , Atlanta , Police , Video Beating , Brandon White , Slurs , Attackers , Cia , Warrants , Community Organizers , Community , Justice , Magnet , Building Ordinance Law , Council , Laws , Members , Millionaire , Minors , Assets , Houston Chronicle , 300 Million , 00 Million , Portion , Trials , Aren T , Lawsuit , Car Crash , Children S Trust Fund , Law , Abuse , Fund , Spinoff , 5 Million , Lawyer , Interests , Guardian , Suit , Guardian Ad Litem , Exactly , Idea , Emotions , Roles , 24 , Car , Felony , Vehicle , Estate , Drivers , Driving Drunk , Sauce , Vegetables , Serving , Weight Loss Goals , Varieties , Green Giant , Twenty , Sixty , Bacteria , Environment , Odor , Surface , Smiling , Polident , Patients , Denture , Abrasion , Dentures , Basis , Mouth , Instructions , Schedule , O0 C1 , Technology , Kind , Families , Mom And Dad , Answers , Siemens , Control , 28 , Communities , Dissidents , Cnn , Front Line , Combat , Concerns , End Quote , Mississippi Supreme Court , Eyebrows , John King , Marines , Haley Barbour , Unit , Opinion , Arguments , Photo , States , Corps , Action , Internet , Flag , Logo , Nazi , Child , Education Law , Student Achievement , Exchange , Teacher Evaluations , Benchmarks , Waivers , Georgia , Drunk Driving , Jail Sentence , Feels , Super Bowl , Reasons , Sflik , Conservative , Cpac , Party , Time , Conference , Race , Convention , Launch , Difference , Terror , War , Surrender , Co Sponsor Cpac , Base , To Chew On , Cpac Today , Delegate Leader , Lenny Mcalister A Senior Political For Politics 365 Com , Lenny , Reporter , Joe Williams , Concession Speech , Bernard Whitman , Politico , White House , President Of Whitman Inside Strategies , 365 , 365 Com Bernard , Folks , Bit , Side , Grab , Memory , Election , Figure , Speech , Messaging , Polls , Independents , Inspire , Gap , Structure , Florida , Campaign Trail , Nevada , Republicans , January 2013 , 2013 , Record , They Haven T , Effort , Tack , Fact , Campaigning , Hair , Establishment , Eight , Voters , Have , Particularly , Delegates , Class , Caucuses , Victories , Plan , Points , Vision , 57 , Head On , Guy , Strategy , A , Waterloo Moment , Blue State , Health Care , Moderation , Red Meat , Cheers , Thumb , Crowd , Auditorium , This , Roman , Leader , Wing , De Niro , 2012 , Jerry Sandusky , Neighbors , Weekend , Hearing Today , 35 , Porch , Schoolyard , Astronauts , Blindness , Concern , Space , Nasa , Eye Problems , Campaign Play Lists , No One , Sugar , Flavors , Milk , Touch , Cream , Muscle , Flavor , Coffee Mate Natural Bliss , Nestle , 40 , Muscle Health , Hmb , Strength , Got Revigor , Amino Acid Metabolite , Fight Muscle Loss , Exercise , Protein , Nutrition , Preserve , Charge , Let S Go , Attention , Site , Decatherms , Brother S Keeper , Bout Ya , Nine , 90 , Gas Turbines , Cereal , Grain , Cholesterol , Goats , Wrong Didn T , Taste , Welcome To Hotels Com , Yummy , Honey Nut Cheerios , Hotels , Hotels Com , Noooo , Ashleigh Banfield , Start , East Coast , 38 , Issues , Court , Zoraida Sambolin , Whether Sandusky , Number , Child Sex Offender , Pennsylvania , Penn State Football , Courthouse , Sarah Gannon , Patriot News Crime Reporter , Issuing , Father , Mr , Gentleman Yesterday , Elementary School , Back Porch , Occasions , Lamont , Issue , Attorney , Jerry , Bail , Grandchildren , Allegations , Hat , House Arrest , Charges , Prosecutors , Lmembers , Point , Direction , In Center County , Garage , Isn T Special , Attorney General S Office , Complaints , Playground , Backyard , Dad , Guilty , Joe Amendola , Dog , Wife , Yard , Motion , Jail , Driveway , House Party , Court Documents , Jurors , Somewhere , Center County , Jury Trial , Trial , Events , Memorial Service , Service , Court Document , Fate , Joe Paterno , Jury , Penn State , Pages , Hundreds , Verdict , Somewhere Else , 12 , Itself , Reading , Interview , Holes , Identities , Clash , Prosecutor , Sarah Beganen , Vice President , Contraception , Workers , Hold On , Pictures , Tv , Kids On Board , Daughter , Part Fish , Advice , Lots , Specialists , Doctors , Hands , Asthma , Care , Person , Team , Pediatrician , Unitedhealthcare , 70 Million , 78000 , Numbers , Health , 8 , Ingredient , Breakfast Cereal , Box , General Mills , Big G Cereal , Homers , Foods , Stands , Rbis , Fouls , Pitch , Swings , Food Poisoning , Fans Whirring , Ding , 36 , Steps , 32 , 47 , Deaths , Support , Neighboring Turkey , Slaudserred , 175 , Investigation , Violations , Insider Trading Laws , Chairman , Isolation , Congressman Spencer Baucus , House Financial Services Committee , Washington Post , Alabama , Space Station Missions , Eyesight , Worse , Well , Lin Dora Richardson , Fire , Flames , Model , Make , Saying , Youth Movement , Smell A Rat , Got One , Candidate , Ww à Will , Hit , One Of The Best , Head Bobbing , Studio , Bruce Springsteen , Born In The Usa , 1984 , Meaning , President Reagan , Boss , Re Election Campaign , Soundtracks , Town , Gonna Rise , Here We Go All Good , Notion , Senior Editor , Science , Revs , Christopher Farley , Follow Washington , George Washington , Jfk , Unopposed , Play List , Social Media , Followers , Means , Phenomenon , High Hopes , Frank Sinatra , James Taylor , We Take Care Of Our Own , The Wait , Aretha Franklin , Darius Rucker , Rap Song , Country Star , Hip Hop Community , Artists , Will I Am , Jay Z , Florence And The Machine , Songs , Campaign Event , Your Smiling Face , Ipods , Playlists , Fans , Tour , Born Free , Kid Rock , Europe , Couple , Screen , Lyrics , Christopher , Profanity , Daddy , Words , Hot Dog , Dam , Mary Conville , The Good Life , American Ride , Colorado , Grand Junction , 72 , Reason , Hip Hop Artist , Hip Hop Rock Artist , Hip Hop , Playmis , Brooks And Dunn , Only In America , Message , Born In America , Q Snooze , Southerners , Nod , Party Lines , George Bush , Democrats , Everywhe , Music List , Trouble , Gamut , The , No Matter What , Mol Yan Born Rapper , Country Fan , Artist , Syria Under Siege , Slaughter , File , Steve Jobs , Fbi , Pleas , 191 , Weight , Clothes , Whole Grain , Eating Right , Grains , Multigrain Cheerios , 110 , Element , Proof , T A B L E , At T , Spell , 4g Lte , W H Y , Waterproof Pantech , 49 99 , 249 99 , 4 , Smartphone , A To Z , Big Day , Cpaccers , Count , Speakerses , Delegate , Impression , Freedom , Streets , Army , 25 , In Flames , Buses , Guess What , Votes , Cpacers , Speaking , Gear , Straw Poll , Coveting A Win , Political Editor , Paul Steinhauserer , Moments Yesterday , Leadering , Supporters , Activ T Activists , Chief , Super Pac , 39 , Ran Paul , Eyes , Row , Bid , Maine , John Mccain , Alternative , Forerunner , Stuff , Defeat , Big Speech Planned , Taxes , Biggering , Meeting , Behind Closed Doors , Sfl Yeah , Senator , Shopaholic , Politics , Stores , Talk , Insider , Rum , Earmarks , Spending Obsession , Response , Divisions , Results , Preview , Rf , Paul Steinhauser , Attendance , Sponsor , Conservative Gay Organization Crowd , 2010 , Individuals , Cofounders , Go Crowd , Couldn T , Organizations , Dhing , Acu Board , 2 1 , Confusion , Leadership , Advantage , Jim Demint , Sponsors , Heritage Foundation , Liberty University , Conservative Movement , Unity , Handful , Set , Cpacs , Right , Division , Participant , Folks Haven T , Boycott , Messages , Gee , Release , Improvement , Presidency , Gop Candidating , Debate , 27 , January 27 , Comments , Comment , Gay Sex , Gay Right , Et Cetera , 2003 , Adultery , Polygamy , Bigamy , First Off , Name , Led , Inability , Google , Horse Race , Charade , Mainstream Media , Nominee , Bottom Line , Nomination , Ballot , South Cakacarolina , 19 , 17 , Primary , Amendment , Gays Shouldn T , Gay Marriage , Proposal , Reality , Living , Sync , Congress , 2004 , Economy , Military Service , Left , Kitchen Table , Jobs , Retirement Security , Marriage , Chris , Jimmy , Birth Control Battle Going On , Catholic , Confinement , Mix , None , Travel Forecast , First , Others , Big Time , Hits , Indianapolis , Louis , Forecast , Nation , Tornado , Wenter , Philadelphia , Boston , Rain In Houston , 14 , Tire Rotation , Works Package , Soil , Filter , Suspension Checks , These , Pressures , Dealership , Inspection , Tires , Battery , Air Filter , Hoses , Brakes , Fluids , Belts , Ford , Exhaust System , Transmission , Car Doctor , More , Dealer , Doctor , Works , Oil Change , 29 95 , 9 95 , Hearing , Judge , Home Confinement , Home Border , County Courthouse , School Playground , Offenses , Jason Carroll , 50 , Court Issue , Come And Go From School , Example , Shoveling Snow , Probation Officer , Permission , Incident , Defense , Saw Them , Restrictions , Prosecution , Business Heps Charge , Advisement , County Jury , County , Publicity , Call , Jury Pool , Yesterday Joe , Prosecution Witnesses , Hold , Agreement , Joe Amondola , Attorney General , Visitation , Written Testimony , Testimony , Files , Word , Take A Look , Objurat , Unyielding , Seeing , Adam Levine , Little Rock , Bed , Moves Like Jagger , Arkansas , 41 , Personality , Cult , Morning , 1991 , Journalist , Freedom Of Information Request , Called Muckrock Com , Level , Interesting , Someplace , Hadn T , Bomb Threat , 1985 , Drug Use , Relatives , Marijuana , Friends , Lsd , Acquaintances , Parties , Drugs , Anyone , Willed , Page , Hardworking , Stubborn , Somebody , Integrity , Recurrent , Obdurate , Talks , Front , Relationships , Earth , Computer Company , , Relationship , Gosh , Much , Company , Post , Business Kind , Liaison , Bush Administration , Up Standing Citizen , Finances , A Fine , Incredible , All Of Us , Lives , Don T Call Me A Hero , Favor , 26 , Delivery , Surprise , Wreckage , Breck , Doesn T Want , Effect , Ipad Hitting , Fresh Off , Future , Text Specs , Cutie Pie , Kit Land , Terms , Futures , Millions , Clients , Ameriprise Financial , 116 , Retirement Planning , Heart , Advisors , 10000 , Skin , Life , Oatmeal Formula , Don T Just Moisturize , Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion , Moisturizer , Lotion , Hair Care , Balancing Seaweed Extract , Aveeno , State Tv Reports , Elepo 137 , 31 , Tens Of Thousands , There , Skin Cancer , Wouldn , The Catch , Ipad , I Don T Know , Whistles , Camera , Bells , Ipad 2 , Panelists , Let S Talk , Lenny Mcallister , Senior Contributor , Strategist , Insight Strategies , Politic 365 Com , Flack , Don T Trust Him , Renewal , They Don T , Business Credit , Revision , Truth , Connect , Plea , Business Credit A , Criticism , Reach Out , Concise Plan , Pentagon , Shart , Stick , Military Roles , Men , Mission , Interest , 200 011 , Misstep , Tears , Hand , Move , Combat Roles , Combat Roleses , Iraq , Hostage , Injuries , Jogging , Walter Reed Hospital , Values , Foes , Odd , Percentages , Panel , Member , Failure , Multiculturism , Heat , Robert Vanderabort , Expectative Dree , Peter Ben Brenlow , Minority , Epitome , Director , Thought , English , It Conservatism , Minorities , Measures , 21 , Racism , Type , Philosophy , You , Cyanide , Chocolate , Before , 18 , Flpts , Republican Candidating , General Election , Nuvo Diversitdiversity , Aing , Program Organizer , Big Day At Cpac , Latest , It S With Fidelity , Investments , Good , Goals , Savings , Guidance , Irene , My Financial Future , College , Retirement , Contact A Fidelity Investment , Anything Else , Management , Technician , Manuals , Portuguese , Ducati , Bikes , Publications , Xerox , Yoplait , Greek , Mmhmm , Fiber , Brands , Rebels , Nowrd Coing , Flash Point , Homs On Thursday , Power , Danny , Pts , Brutality , Ith , Swaed , Bloodshed , Shirts , Ted Katoof , Korm , Ambassador , Sign , Visions , Down Resolution , Security Council , Syria , Russians , Chinese , China , Window , Neighborhoods , In Humps , Resistance , Scenario , Disbelief , Blueprint , 29 , Family Affair , Hama In , 82 , 40000 , Sect , Minority Regime , Shia Islam , Discrimination , Poverty , Sunni Arab Population , 70 , 67 , Like , Intelligence , Services , Military , Receiving End , Bill Cohen , Fight , Treatment , Exoessential , List , Incursions , Military Incursions , Help , Beirut , Somalia , Blackhawk Down 1995 In Bosnia , 1995 , 1993 , 1982 , 224 , Success Story , Troublesome , Successes , Dollars , Cost , Afghanistan , Libya , Borders Syria , Arab League , Contact Group , Military Force , European Union , Pressure , Diplomatic Isolation , Sorts , Soldiers , Lebanon , Answer , Troops , Bombing , Complex Society , 241 , Solution , Hope , Black , Senator Kattoufa , Soledad O Brien , 46 , Starting Point , Soledad , Basketball Team , Charity , Line , Endorsement , Saturday Night , Spark Card , Game , Uniforms , Penalty , Ref , Rewards , Employee Of The Month Isss , Capital One , Spark , Purchase , Small Business , Credit Card , Miles , Bar , Credit Cards , Cash , Wallet , Adel , Rumor , Boy , Enif She Doesn T Win , Nominations , Grammy , 30 , 55 , School Bus Bursting , 1 ,

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