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>> he sang and danced his way into fan's hearts as a sweet core us loving football captain on "glee" now cory monteith is gone. just when it looks like congress can't get more divided they split over immigration reform. but a rift within the gop itself. we'll talk to two republican congressmen about what comes next. i'm shannon breen. america's new headquarters live from the nation's capital starts right now. the state of florida's case against george zimmerman is over now that a jury has found him not guilty in connection with the shooting death of trayvon martin. there's now growing pressure on the federal government to step in. hello, jonathan. >> that's right. some civil rights leaders are trying to get the federal government involved. more on that in a moment. but overnight reports out of oakland, california, of protesters smashing windows and setting small fires. people on both sides of this heated issue heeded the calls for peace in the wake of this emotionally charged trial. listen. >> we are very, very, very, very saddened, but we accept the jury's verdict in this case. >> reporter: nevertheless, they kept the protest peaceful here in florida. naacp leaders say george zimmerman racially profiled trayvon martin the night of that fatal shooting back in 2012. they say they're going to ask the u.s. justice department to seek civil rights charges against zimmerman. now, zimmerman's lawyers insist the case was never about race but a man defending himself during a violent attack in which he feared for his life. now, shannon, court order remains in effect withholding the names of those six women serving on the jury panel. later a judge will decide how much longer they can remain anonymous. and members of the jury did not respond to requests from multiple media organizations seeking their comment after the trial. shannon? >> jonathan, thank you so much. >> i'm disappointed as we are in the verdict, but we accept it. we live in a great country that has a great criminal justice system. >> obviously, we are ecstatic with the results. george zimmerman was never guilty of anything except protecting himself in self-defense. i'm glad that the jury saw it that way. >> both sides reacting last night following the verdict that came after 16 hours of deliberations. fox news legal analyst joins us from new york to shed light on what may have caused the jury to acquit george zimmerman. we'll start with the fact that really it was the prosecution's role and really their burden to persuade anyone. >> absolutely. the defense didn't have to do anything. the defense here presented a very strong case. what you had was a very weak prosecution case. there were times in the prosecution's case in chief where i would be looking at this thinking is this the defense case? you know, because every witness, prosecution witness after prosecution witness had something really positive to say for the defense. you had a weak prosecution case come head to head with very strong florida self-defense law. the law in florida, never mind the stand your ground law, but just the actual self-defense law is very strong. if at any point in that altercation that zimmerman felt that his life was in grave bodily harm or imminent danger, he had the right under florida's law to pull that trigger. so the jurors went back with this very weak prosecution case, a very strong defense case. and i'll give you one example there. one of the very last witnesses the defense called, this gunshot expert. man, he really sealed zimmerman's fate in the sense that he said what zimmerman had been saying all along, which is at that fatal moment zimmerman was on the bottom getting his head bashed in by martin on the top and therefore he felt that he was in danger of imminent harm. >> lis, do you get the sense that when the prosecution felt this case was wrapped up they had a weak situation going into the jury because at the last minute after they charged him with second degree murder, they asked the judge, we want the jury to also consider manslaughter. that had to signal to the jury that the prosecution didn't feel good about the case. >> absolutely. to be fair to the jury here, the jury wasn't part of all that, the machinations about whether manslaughter should be included whether the third degree murder, child abuse, they even tried to do that. the judge threw that out, thank goodness. the jurors didn't hear that. they wouldn't have known that manslaughter wasn't a part of this case from the very beginning, but did it signal to me and all of us that the prosecution had a weak case? absolutely. you don't go in at the 11th hour and try to throw spaghetti against the wall and see what will hit. if you feel like you've got a very strong second degree case. but they never did. they never -- they could never show beyond a reasonable doubt this intent because for second degree you've got to have the intent, the depravity of mind, the ill will, the hatred. they never show that. so such a weak case that i think it would have actually been thrown out had the manslaughter not been put in last minute. >> do you think ta the prosecution may have overestimated the ability of some of its witnesses that it called to have an impact in their favor? some of them it seems like almost backfired in a sense. >> absolutely. you go there the detectives -- let me back up for one second to answer your question more fully. remember that the first prosecutor, the prosecutor there in the county declined -- did not want to take this case. the detectives agreed. they said, we do not want to take this case. huh the strange dynamic that with a new prosecutor coming in with the same detectiveses that had said no, we don't want to take this case, we decline taking this case, having them to be proponents for the state. and that's why i say they really weren't in some ways -- one of them even said, i believe zimmerman. i thought he was telling the truth. that doesn't help the state case one iota. >> lis, we appreciate your legal expertise and for weighing in on this case. >> any time. emotions are running high following the verdict. in tallahassee florida, leaders sprang into action outside the state capitol. hundreds marched there in protest saying they would demand justice. violent protests. demonstrators broke windows and set fires. a police car was also vandalized. that demonstration followed a largely peaceful one in san francisco. they held signs and chanted justice for trayvon. your turn to weigh in. did the zimmerman jury get it right or wrong. tweet us your answer answers@shannonbream. ♪ it's like an angel crying >> cory monteith who played fin hudson on "glee" is dead. his body was discovered in a vancouver hotel yesterday. we're in los angeles with the latest details. hello, will. >> reporter: hi, certainly a sad day for monteith's family and friends all across the country. yesterday police in vancouver say they found the actor's body on the 21st floor of the pacific rim hotel. right now they say that there are no signs of foul play. >> there were others with mr. monteith in his room earlier last night but video and fob key entries show him returning to his room by himself in the early morning hours. and we believe he was alone when he died. when he missed his checkout time, staff went to the room at noon and found his body. >> monteith actually checked into rehab in april for substance abuse problems. and that's not the first time the "glee" star had actually gone to rehab. he'd spoken openly in the past about his struggles with addiction. his autopsy is scheduled for monday to find out what happened. hollywood is mourning. he's known for playing fin hudson on the hit show "glee." he'd been dating his co-star lea michele. we have not heard from michele. they say we are deeply saddened by this tragic news. corey was an exceptional talent and an even more exceptional person. no word on how this will affect the show's production or any story lines. monteith was 31. everyone we've spoken to today say you couldn't find a nicer guy in hollywood. >> we hear that across the board. thank you so much. well, there is bipartisan agreement that our immigration system is in need of reform, but when it comes to the details, there's still plenty of debate and not just across the aisle. there are still serious differences within the gop itself. republican congressman mario diaz-balart and mark brooks of california join us live. thank you for your time today. >> my pleasure. >> you are a member of the so-called gang of six, this bipartisan group in the house that's working on something. give us a status update and tell us if the plans will include a path to citizenship for those who are here now illegally. >> i unfortunately can't give you details of what we're working on, but i can tell you that we're moving forward with hopefully a proposal that will secure the borders of the united states finally and for sure. not a wink and a nod, but enforceable border security, that will help our economy, that will protect the rule of law, that will deal with the folks that are here that do not violate the rule of law and those who have done things legally or will do things legally in the future. that's our goal. no order to security the borders of our country, which ve have to do, we have to pass legislation and it has to be enforceable. we have a president who enforces laws as frankly kind of rather selectively. i'm being, i think, kind to him. so it has to be border security that's enforceable that is enforced, but to get this done, we have to pass legislation. >> congressman brooks, based on what you're hearing from your colleague who is a member of the gang of seven, not six. do that reassure you, the contours of something you could vote for? >> none whatsoever. so many statement made that i disagree with that i really don't know where to begin. first and foremost we need to understand the situation that we're in. we have an immigration policy because we have a white house that refuses to enforce the law. there's not anything that we can pass through congress, nothing substantive that the senate's going to agree to that will force this white house or any white house to secure our borderses. the loss we have on the book, if they were enforced, we wouldn't have an immigration policy. instead of talking about amnesty for illegals, we'd be talking about tweaking our immigration laws in order to enhance our work force needs. dramatically different statements. let's bear in mind the magnitude of what we're talking about here. we're talking about under the senate gang of eight bill, roughly 44 million foreigners who are either already here given legal status or who will come here over the next decade according to the department of homeland security. we only have 144 million people employed in the civilian work force. you're talking about -- even the cbo admits this, rising unemployment over the next decade, decline in domestic product per capita and the situation will get worse. we need to focus on americans, not foreigners. i welcome immigration. but we need to bring in people who will add to our society by producing more in taxes than they'll consume very important in the context of the trillion dollar deficits that have been wracked up during this administration. >> you mentioned that the president has enforced laws in some ways there are critics who say very willy-nilly, hayes sees fit. the administration doesn't defend those they're not interested in defending and they modify others that they should be enforcing. with your admission on that front and the senate bill that's been passed gives a lot of discretion to the department of homeland security secretary and now we'll be getting a new one, would you insert in your measure tougher teeth so that there is enforcementhat would be forced some of that discretion could be taken away from the dhs secretary. >> that is not acceptable because we have a president who selectively enforces legislation. so that's not acceptable. here are a couple of facts. i really like and respect mo. but for an example, 40% of the people that are here undocumented came here legally. but we have no way to track them when they leave. are we happy with that? there's nothing to enforce there because current law, frankly, doesn't provide for a system that is workable. there's supposed to be a system there, it's not workable. it's not there. now, what we must do is have laws that are enforceable, real border security. and here's another fact, whether we like it or not. there are 10 or 11 million people here undocumented. 40% got here illegally, never left. the rest probably just wurkd came across the border. are we going to just pretend that they're not here? that in effect is amnesty. in our group, we're not talking about amnesty, we're not looking at amnesty, we're not supporting amnesty. what i think is important is to secure the borders and knowing that we have a president who doesn't really enforce the law, is there a way to with triggers make it that it's automatically enforced, and i think there are ways to do that. and number two, is make sure it helps our economy. number three, let's protect the rule of law. but the reality is this, we can leave status quo that has allowed millions of people to come illegally to the united states or we can change that. number two is we can pretend that the folks that are here are not here and somehow think or wish that they're going to go away. that's not going to happen. and number three, we can have this system where, frankly, we don't have a legal system that works so we have people coming in that we don't want, we have people coming in that we do want, it is absolutely broken. the only way to fix it, unfortunately, is by passing legislation. >> i need to bring in congressman brooks and give you the final word here, sir. >> i disagree. much like the supreme court redefines the word "marriage." we've got people trying to redefine the word "amnesty." quite clearly i'm one of those who believe -- and i've explained this to the gop conference -- i cannot in good conscience ratify or reward peoples whose first step on american soil is illegal conduct, to thumb their nose at the loss of america. we have thousands who want to immigrate. let's accept the ones who will do it lawfully and let's not support anarchy or lawlessness. as much as i would love to support good legislation, i can't see good legislation on immigration passing the united states senate. even if it did, we don't have a president who is going to enforce it. so at this point i think we ought to sit back, let the american people look at what has been going on and hopefully give us a better senate in 2014 so we can pass constructive legislation instead of sending something to the senate that will come back to us in the house as a gang of eight, open borders and amnesty bill. >> clearly still a lot to settle there on the house side. gentlemen, we thank you both. after three weeks stuck in a moscow airport is edward snowden any closer to finding asylum somewhere? we'll have a report. and sanford, florida, the differences of opinion about the case have div ided many of the town's residents. let's play: [ all ] who's new in the fridge! i help support bones... 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>> i think we've done a great job over the last 16 months with the administration, the community, we've set up a lot of panels, blue ribbon panels to help the community regain trust in our police department. also some vision programs for where people -- the citizens would like to see the city of sanford in 12, 15 years from now. we can continue with this being a chapter in our history and, as we move forward, we have to make sure we continue doing the right thing. several time, you take a tragedy and turn it into an opportunity. i think we're going to do that. and we're going to continue to grow. >> were there some lessons learned or things that you can point to to say, you know, this is going to change our policy, this is going to change the way we do things? >> one of the biggest lessons that i learned was communication. we had, at the very beginning, i think, a lot of the situation, a lot of the happenings were because we were not communicating well, not only between the departments but between sanford city hall, the police department and the community. so we've really worked on that with the hiring of a new pio for the police department and the city and actually getting information out in front instead of being so reactionary, which government tends to do. that's one of the biggest lessons that we've learned. >> do you think there is a need to find a way to air the opinions here, the voices of those that do not agree with the verdict they got last night and sort of process through what they're feeling and their concerns? >> well, as we sit right now, a lot of the church, the pastors united group, sent over 70 past pastors. they're all just getting out of their chapel. they've had those discussions in there today. interesting to see what comes out of some of those conversations when we decompress on monday and have our meetings. the message is clear that it was peaceful. you have the right to disagree. you have the right to protest, but you have to do it peacefully. i think the city of sanford was a shining star in that example. as we saw, there was some animosity -- some high tensions right here at the courthouse. what you've seen is that the police departments here handled themself absolutely stellar because they're actually peacekeepers along the lines -- and social workers for lack of a better term, along with police officers. >> mayor, we wish you the best as you move forward. thank you for making time for us today. >> thank you for having me. a wildfire burning thousands of acres near las vegas continues. coming up, a look at the latest damage. we'll talk to a jury consultant to see if the makeup of the jury had much to do with the decision. hey linda! what are you guys doing? 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[ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'. as you now know, george zimmerman walked out of a florida courthouse a free man. a jury found him not guilty in the death of trayvon martin. the fallout is likely to continue. more on that as well as your other top stories. >> the president of the naacp says he's starting a petition calling for the justice department to open a civil rights case against zimmerman. his defense attorney is worried about his client's safety. an autopsy set for tomorrow for "glee actor cory monteith, staff at a vancouver hotel found the 31-year-old dead yesterday. they don't know the cause of death but there was no sign of foul play. he had gone into rehab in april. ten days after wildfires forced them out, 30 people will be allowed to return to their homes near las vegas today. 350 others are still waiting to find out when they can go back. yesterday the fire was 60% contained. and the royal baby watch is kicking into high gear. the first baby of the duke and duchess of cambridge, otherwise known as will and kate, is expected to be born any day now. reporters are already gathering at st. mary's hospital where the third in line to the british throne will be born. those are the top stories right now. >> steve, thank you very much. edward snowden may be ready to strike a deal with russia in order to get asylum. saturday russian officials said they'd not actually received that request. the nsa leaker has been stuck in the moscow airport for weeks. this week the committee chair said that russia is thumbing its nose at the u.s. elizabeth crane is following all the developments. >> reporter: edward snowden is seeking asylum since june 23rd. that's until he can reach one of the latin american countries that has offered him a safe harbor of some kind. speaking to a group of human rights act vis he accepts the offers and says he stands by his decision to go public with the very sensitive nsa surveillance information. >> accordingly, i did what i believed right and began a campaign to address what i witnessed. i did not seek to enrich myself. i did not seek to sell u.s. secrets. >> reporter: spokesman say jay carney says granting asylum would damage u.s./russian relations. now, we don't have that sound for you, shannon, but we're also hearing from lawmakers such as chairman of the house homeland security committee who says the administration needs to be doing more. listen. >> clearly it's not working in this case because we have no diplomacy leverage over russia. they're thumbing their nose at the united states. >> reporter: he has told reporters they've not been in communication with snowden yet and there are specific procedures in order to receive political asylum that first and foremost includes an appeal to the federal migrations services. members of the jury, have you reached a verdict? would you please pull the verdict form and hand it to deputy jarvis. >> in seminole county, florida, the state of florida versus george zimmerman, verdict -- we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty, so say we all, foreperson. jurors have spoken finding george zimmerman not guilty of killing trayvon martin. the jury made up of all women came to the decision after two days and more than 16 hours of deliberation. jury consultant susan constantine join us to talk about the jury's makeup and whether she has any surprise towards the verdict. thank you so much for joining us. i want to start by asking you about the demeanor of george zimmerman all throughout this trial and even when the verdict was announced. he was really poker-faced through most of this thing. do you think that was on advice of his attorneys and do you think it impacted the jury? >> well, first of all, we're at the verdict at this point, and apparently it didn't have any impact on the jury. but you know he was stone-faced because i felt he was just empty inside. once that verdict was read, you saw his head go down and just -- i don't think he really even realized it. when it kicked in. and humanity. he just did not believe that nonguilty verdict. >> a lot has been made of the fact that this was a six-person jury. smaller than in a lot of other states and the fact that it was all women and that there were no african-americans on the jury. what does the makeup say to you about how they got to the verdict? did it have any impact? >> you know, i don't think it had a tremendous amount of impact. if i were on the defense team and being a jury consultant, i would never have selected six female jurors. but i think what really happened here is we have two strong anchors. in fact, one of them said sometimes you have to make tough decisions. and she said that during voir dire. that's telling me her mind-set. she didn't have any children. she doesn't have a job where she's a -- supervisor, she was a director. there are two jurors that i felt were able to look through this logically and then together as a group, she was able to normalize them with their emotions. but i got concerned when i saw john guy, when he gave his closing argument, in the rebuttal, when i saw jurors starting to tear up. >> let me ask you about the fact that they were out about 16 plus hours. what does it say to you the longer the deliberations go on? is there a holdout? some negotiation? they had one question about manslaughter but never clarified that for the judge or the lawyers. what does the amount of time say to you? >> 16 hours is telling me that certainly wasn't an acquittal at the very beginning. because if it was an acquittal they wouldn't have asked on the verdict form about manslaughter. the fact that that took 16 hour, they took a lot of time going include this evidence. once they took their dinner break, they work all through the night. and after the question about manslaughter, i thought that was off the table, this someone wasn't really quite sure. i think i know which juror that was who during voir dire continually asked questions throughout to clarify information. so i would assume she's the one that wanted more clarity. that's the reason why it took 16 hours. >> people out there know the voir dire you're referencing, that's the point where both sides are questioning these jurors and selecting who will be ultimately seated on the jury. so you do get to know a lot about them through that process. is fact that the prosecution had charged george zimmerman with second degree murder then at the last minute asked the judge if it would be permissible for the jury to consider manslaughter. did the jury take that as a signal in any way the prosecution wasn't feeling good about its case? >> yes, i do. i think they knew at that point that second degree murder was not going to fly, so they wanted lesser included offenses of manslaughter. and they thought it may have a conviction there, but that did send a message to them that they didn't have a strong case. i don't think the state this a strong case from the very beginning. that's why they threw second degree murder up there knowing they would never get it. >> it's fascinating. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. was supreme court chief justice roberts pressured into ruling for obama care? that's in senator mike lee's new book. 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[ male announcer ] get adt for as little as $99 and save a lot more than money. call or click today. in a little bit less than an hour texas attorney general greg abbott is expected to kick off his campaign for governor in san antonio. the path to the republican nomination types be relatively clear for abbott. governor rick perry announced he will not seek another term. as for now abbott has one opponent, former texas republican chairman tom hawken. no democrats have announced a bid. many are still debating why chief justice john roberts found that the affordable care act meets constitutional muster. senator mike lee has a new book out explaining the decision and his opinion of it in plain english. i sat down with him to see why he thought the chief got it wrong. >> chief justice roberts rewrote obama care not just once but twice in order to save it. there were two defects in this law that made it unconstitution unconstitutional. either one would have sunk the whole text of the bill, yet he chose to rewrite it rather than to invalidate it. and that's not his job. that's the job of congress. >> well, you talk about this in the book, and i know from sources inside the court that he did originally vote with the folks who ended up in dissent. he did change his mind not long before the decision came out. why do you think he changed his mind? was he adhering to the law? was there external pressure? what happened? >> as i said in the book, no one but judge roberts can tell us that. since they confine their decisions to the four corners of their opinions, he's not going to tell us. but some theories, a desire perhaps to protect the institutional credibility of the court. or perhaps to protect what he perceived as his own long-term legacy as chief justice. but for reasons i explain in why he was wrong with health care, i think that none of those explanations can stand up to scrutiny in the sense that none of them justify him doing what he did here, which was rewriting the law not just once but twice in order to save it. >> what's the broadest implication on important constitutional matters like separation of power, those kinds of things? >> the broader implication here is that we've got a big problem. this book helps explain why, for reasons that have nothing to do with obama care but are exemplified by this case, americans are concerned about the fact that we have three different branchs of the federal government now making law. it's supposed to be the job of congress t legislative branch, but you have lawmaking being done in the executive branch by statutes like obama care. and here you've got even the judicial branch, the supreme court, writing law. the problem with that, as i explain in the book, is that only people in congress are accountable for making laws. and people in congress who stand for election in regular inter l intervals and respond to the people standing accountable for their actions. >> we also have looking forward there are new partses of the law that are going to be implemented that are rolling out over the next few months. we have a couple of reports from the nonpartisan government accountability office talking about how far behind schedule the states are and different parts of this law are going to be behind and that costs are going to be proving to be predicted. what are the options? >> it will be difficult to achieve in the senate that's controlled by the president's party, but we still need to have these discussions. i've got a separate bill that i explain in the book, senate bill 560 is very simple. a one-page antidote to the 2700-page monstrosity that is obama care. here's what this would say. the individual mandate provision of the affordable care act is hereby amended as follows. nothing in the section shall be construed as a tax or an exercise of congress' power to tax. if we just enacted that, if that became law, we would just be confirming what democrats in both houses of congress and the white house have been saying, which is that this is a penalty, not a tax. if we confirm that, then we would undo chief justice robert's rewrite of the law and the whole thing would collapse under its own weight. >> when it lands on the president's desk at the white house. is it more about them making a public stand versus actually getting something like that passed? >> rome wasn't built in a day. i have no delusions about this passing overnight, but i'm going to continue to push this nevertheless because we need to have this discussion. those who continue to insist that it's a penalty and not a tax have to find a way to reconcile that with what the supreme court did and the fact that the law as enacted by congress no longer exists. it's been rewritten in a way that makes the bill more problematic as a result of what the supreme court did. that's why i wrote why john roberts was wrong about health care. >> for those who want to know more, you've made it very readable, very understandable. great book. we wish you all the best with it. >> thank you, shannon. the world is waiting for the royal baby. coming up, we'll take you live to london where the excitement is dwroeing. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. >> you're looking at live pictures this afternoon of a large crowd growing in egypt. that's where supporters of ousted president mohamed morsi are gathering in cairo as egypt's military chief continues to defend removing morsi from power. in his first remarks, the general said the islamist government was, quote, stumbling, and the armed forces, quote, acted at the urging of the people. media and royal watchers alike are crowding around the hospital in london where the world will await the royal baby. amy kellogg is live in front of st. mary's hospital where the duchess is due any day now to give birth to a royal heir. hello, amy. >> hi, shannon. st. mary's hospital is famous for many things. alexander fleming discovered penicillin in a laboratory here, the first effective anti-ify typhoid vaccination was found here. baby cambridge is expected to be born any day now barring last-minute unforeseen changes in plan. we were never given an exact due date by the palance. somehow a tabloid arrived at july 13th, which have come and gone. reports in the paper today say that kate, the duchess of cambridge is doing very well. it was a rough start after she was hospitalized with acute morning sickness. she's recovered quickly from that. she's made public appearances up until june 15th. the private details around this pregnancy remain extremely private. the due date, the gender of the baby, which we believe the royal couple doesn't even know, name choices. the british bookies, frankly, are having a field day. >> the most popular market is the baby's name. we've seen thousands of bets, probably over 10,000 bets in the last few months alone. the market pushing up toward 300,000 pounds. that's half a million dollars, which is a huge novelty market. the money is coming in from everywhere. >> none, if became cambridge happens to be a girl, she will one day be the first queen to become queen by virtue of being a first born. historically, it is the first born male who secedes to the throne. changes around the commonwealth, and we stand vigilant waiting for the pregnant duchess to give birth any day now. back to you. >> amy, thank you. in other news, cory monteith is being mourned today. what may have led up to his death. that's coming up. plus, government employees forced to take several days off to save money. you might be shocked to find out how the feds are spending that so-called saved money that's yours. it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ [ male announcer ] that's handy. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. >> many people who work for you and the federal government took a day off on friday, but it wasn't by choice, it was a furlough day. the idea behind furloughs is of course to save taxpayer money. dan springer shows us the disturbing truth about what some of that money is being spent on. >> military bases around the nation like joint base lewis/mcchord in washington state are furloughing 90% of their civilian workforce every friday through the end of september. a 20% pay cut for 620,000 people, including matt hines, who along with his wife, is losing nearly $1300 a month. >> when this is all said and done, some people will lose their houses. they're going to be in financial ruin. >> even as civilians feel the pain, the d.o.d. still has money to buy land around bases in order to save critters. jblm just received more than $12 million to pocket gophers while edwin air force base in florida got $1.75 million to protect tortoise habitat. overall the federal government has spend nearly $400 million over the last decade helping animals. >> the department of defense is an important partner in this process in terms of providing the funding and providing the land. >> although our primary mission is fighting wars, military training, like other federal agencies we do have a requirement to support the recovery of listed species. >> the endangered experience act does give the military more leeway than private citizens or other government agencies. still critics say the pocket gophers aren't threatened at all. , thriving in the midwest plains, even on these artillery ranges. >> shows our government is out of control, priorities are out of whack. >> department of officials maintain that buying land around the bases not only helps animals but lessens the conflict with their human neighbors over things like training, but for many of those who are losing their work and pay it's an argument that's indefensible. at joint base lewis/mcchord, dan springer, fox news. >> a florida jury has found george zimmerman not guilty in the death of trayvon martin, but in a court of public opinion the verdict is mixed, and the legal battle may not be over. an untimely death in the entertainment world. a young star found dead in a hotel room in canada. we'll have a live report on the death of cory monteith. i'm shannon bream. hour number two starts right now. a jury has found george zimmerman not guilty in the shooting death of trayvon martin. there's growing pressure on the federal government to step in. we're live in sanford, florida, with more. hello, jonathan. >> hi, shannon. many civil rights leaders are not ready to drop this case, even though the jury found george zimmerman not guilty. also overnight there were reports that some protesters had smashed windows and lit small fires in oakland, california, but here in sanford, florida, people on both sides heeded the calls for peace in the wake of this emotionally-charged trial. in advance of the verdict, trayvon martin's family had asked for calm regardless of what the jury decided. when the six-woman panel handed down its not guilty verdict after more than 16 hours of deliberations, the family lawyer issued this statement. >> we are very, very saddened, but we accept the jury's verdict in this case. >> naacp leaders say they're going to ask the u.s. justice department to seek civil rights charges against george zimmerman. they say the neighborhood watch captain racially profiled 17-year-old trayvon martin the night of the fatal shooting. zimmerman's lawyers in this case was never about race, but a man defending himself during a violent attack in which he feared for his life. listen. >> obviously we are ecstatic with the results. george zimmerman was never guilty of anything except protecting himself in self-defense. i'm glad that the jury saw it that way. >> zimmerman's lawyer says that security for his client remains a concern, although he didn't indicate what his client's immediate plans were, he suggested that george zimmerman would most likely want to spend some time alone with his family, trying to adapt to normal life, or at least getting their lives back to normal as much as possible. shannon, back to you. >> jonathan, thank you so much. it's your turn to weigh in. today we've been asking you, did the zimmerman jury get it right or wrong? many are tweeting in. tracy says, not only did they get it right, they did the right thing th the right thing. thomas wrote, right or wrong, it's our criminal justice system. it's not perfect, but the best thing going. keep tweeting your answer answe. the senate has passed a immigration reform bill that the house won't put to a vote. and the white house announces it will delay a key provision of the law. county bickering be stopped? >> a showdown is loom nothing the u.s. senate. democrats want new rules allowing for confirmation of cabinet nominees by a simple majority, and republicans don't like that. >> i hope we'll come to our sentences, not change the core of the senate. we've never changed the rules of the senate by breaking the rules of the senate in order to diminish the voices of individual senators. we've never done that. we sure shouldn't start it now. >> the issue will be hashed out in a closed-door senate meeting tomorrow night. the senate majority leader says this is not a radical proposal. >> we're not doing anything that affects lifetime appointments. we're doing nothing that affects legislation. here's what we're doing. a president, whether it's president obama, the new president clinton, or the new bush, whoever is president, should be able to have the people on their team that they want. >> now, the house has its own problems of course getting things done. immigration is at the top of the list over there. and republicans say the immigration debate is all driven by politics. listen. >> they want this for a political issue. this is a big boon for democrats, whether republicans are willing to go along with this or not. if we pass something, they'll still get the credit for it in the white house. the president signed a bill. they'll continue to use this for political reasons. >> democrats acknowledge politics will be a important part. >> the house of representatives refuses to solve this problem, preserves the status quo of a broken system, yes, we will hold them accountable for defying president bush, president obama, 68 senators, and 87% of the american people who want the ideology to be dispensed with, and want to solve this problem on a bipartisan comprehensive way. >> and with all of that on the table, and much more, congress will be in recess for most of august. shannon? >> steve, thank you very much. the house's approval of a scaled-back farm bill is setting up what could be an even bigger battle over food stamps. last thursday republicans pushed through an agriculture bill, but with the food stamp component stripped out of it for the first time in decades. some democrats call the move a heartless attempt at reducing the federal budget deficit, but republicans say they will hold a separate vote on food stamp funding next month. joining us is president of d-ii strategies. and rob johnson, republican strategist and former campaign manager for rick perry. welcome to you both. >> good to be with you this beautiful sunday. >> rob, i want to start with you. there's a lot of hay being made over this, that the gop is heartless, don't care about people who are poor and suffering. what do they do with the optics of this? >> that's a ridiculous assertion. i reject that premise. the republicans have been clear that there will be a separate food on food stamps. i think it makes perfect sense to separate these two issues and let them stand on their own merits. we'll never get true reform with our farm subsidies or food stramps unless we look at them one by one. it was a smart thing to do. once the bill passes, we'll be fine. >> degrees, the cost associated with the food stamp program has doubled since 2008. would you agree that there is a need for reform? maybe it is smart to break it off in a different chunk and handle it separately? >> what i agree with is that we need to get passage of something. the politics that is going on in washington is breaking down on every single issue. the senate passed a bill. all of this was incorporated when the house defeated the agriculture bill the first time and passed it on thursday. they terrified americans across the country about the 47 million people that are dependent upon their food stamps. am iing a we shouldn't be looking at some kind of reform or it might not be something we shouldn't doing? no, i'm not saying that. the senate spent years trying to get a bill through. it reduced the cost of the bill by $40 billion. it passed by a very significant majority. when it first got defeated in the house, people were terrified there wasn't going to be anything for food stamps. you've only heard republicans talk about it over the weekend. i hope that's true. we've got -- i had a woman yesterday come up to me crying, five children. she can't find a job. she wants to work and doesn't know how to feed her children. people playing politics forget there are real people involved in this every single day. >> rob, this got ugly on the floor. the back-and-forth between the democrats and delaying the vote, and, you know, the criticism over the fact that the gop voted on this, it went through quickly. a lot of them said they didn't have time to read the 600 pages, broke a vow that the gop made. what did you make of how this played out last week? >> debbie hit the nail on the head. 1 in 7 americans are now on food stamps. the reason is because of the disastrous economic policies of this administration. i think what the republicans in the house did was ensure that a farm bill passed, ensure that we started a conversation about real reform in our food stamp program. everyone wants the dignity of a job. most people want the dignity of a job. we need to figure out how to help people give them a hand up instead of a hand out. i think this is a smart move in the long run. usually smart policies are good politics. >> debbie, you know, folks say things are so dysfunctional on the hill right now. you know, congress by a long margin, and by a wide margin, has the worst approval rating of any institution in d.c. do you have faith they'll be able to find a good compromise and get this done? >> i don't have faith, but i pray i'm wrong. these are people's lives that we're dealing with every single day. everything in washington is turning into some kind of partisan fight. on this farm bill, you have farmers, ranchers, poverty people, people from the right and the left agreeing that we have to get a farm bill. and tea party conservatives have just blown it up. they've said they don't care if there isn't a bill. i hope that people on both sides who know what's at stake, farmers and those that we need to give -- you know, the bible said, you need to feed the hungry. we got to find a way to come together, put politics aside, and do what's right for this country. >> they've got a lot of work to do. rob? >> real quickly, debbie, let's be clear, what happened in the house did not end the food stamp program. the food stamp program still exists, it will be addressed, and let's not scare people into -- >> republicans need to say that. people are terrified. >> that is true. >> i just did. >> the program is not going away, it will still be there, but they have long-term possibly reform, or at least a long-term deal they have to work out. debbie and rob, thank you both very much. >> thanks, shannon. >> thank you. >> if someone believes that it's appropriate to sue george zimmerman, then we will seek and we will get immunity in a civil hearing. we'll see just how many civil lawsuits are spawned in this fiasco. >> shannon: may have gone free, but as his defense attorney suggested there's still a lot ahead for george zimmerman. could a civil suit follow and how quickly? joining us now from atlanta is defense attorney ashley merchant and from miami former prosecutor phillip snyder. welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> shannon: ashley, not surprise there's talk of civil lawsuits. it's been out there for a long time. what do you expect to see? >> i'm not surprised at all, because the martin family has sued the hoa, settling for a million dollars, which is why we might have seen animosity when the hoa president testified during this trial. i'm not surprised at all that the family might sue george zimmerman himself. now i would be surprised if the feds, if the federal government, actually intervened and did a federal lawsuit for civil rights violations. in my experience, the federal government only intervenes when there's a strong case. that's not what we've seen here. >> shannon: phillip, i'll get your response on this as well. there's a lot of pressure on the federal government, on the attorney general, eric holder, the justice department, to come bring in a federal lawsuit dealing with civil rights violations against george zimmerman. there's been a lot of pressure. the fbi did already conduct an investigation last year, released a report to the justice department, saying they found no racial animus for this particular crime, but there's a lot of pressure. do you think the federal government will consider moving in that direction? >> i would be very surprised, so surprised i'll shave my head if the feds get involved. president obama has already come out and made a statement very early on in the case. he has egg on his face from that. i think that the fbi -- in fact, they've already done their investigation, and said it was not racially motivated. i would be very surprised if the feds got involved in any lawsuit of that nature, what wee be transpiring. >> shannon: what about outside groups? apart from the family, from the federal government, a number have said they'll come in as an intervenor to bring some other type of civil lawsuit on behalf -- or at least in response to this verdict. >> they're going to have a very hard time doing that. if they are not specifically harmed, they're going to have a hard time bringing cause of action. most likely what we'll see is the family of trayvon martin suing george zimmerman. they've already sued the hoa. there's no other groups for them to sue at this point. so i think that we will see that type of lawsuit for money. they call it civil justice. if you're not able to get criminal justice in the criminal justice system, then you can go after criminal justice. i think they'll sue george zimmerman. whether or not he has any assets, it's worthwhile for them, that remains to be seen. >> shannon: phillip, if it's not about the money, if he doesn't have assets, he may write a book, who knows, but if he doesn't have assets, is it more of a moral victory for the family or others to get that civil judgment against him? >> absolutely. in the past, in high-profile cases, where there's been a not guilty on the criminal side, it's been satisfaction on the civil side, because the standard is lower. that being said, with the stand your ground law, the fact that immunity can be argued, fees can attach if that prevails, i think it's less likely in this case that the martin family will go after a civil judgment against george zimmerman. >> shannon: let's talk about this in the other direction, because last night the defense team talked about the fact that they believe the state of florida will owe them some money for this defense of george zimmerman. ashley, how does that work if his defense team has gone him off the charges successfully, can they recoup their expenses? >> in all my experiences i've never seen a defendant successfully seek damages essentially for the actual state of florida prosecuting him. i think that's unlikely. i think that was a lot of talk on their part. the only possibility would be a civil rights violation that george zimmerman could actually sue the police, but the police are not the ones that initiated this investigation. it's almost impossible. i've sued governmental entities, actually sued prosecutors before, and their immunity in federal court is so great it's next to impossible to get near a lawsuit against the government. >> shannon: phillip, to that point, do you think it will make a difference if they go down that path, the fact that the former police in sanford who was forced out has testified, talked about the fact that he didn't feel -- itch, he said he was staying within the constitution of the laws of florida. if there's no probable cause you can't arrest and charge someone. he said there was a lot of internal and political pressure to charge him. >> that's correct. but to go back to ashley's point, i agree i think it's unlikely that they'll get costs. i think that's a lot of time. only time you can get cost is when a public official is criminally charged, and you can go after the city and state. in this case i don't think that's likely. as far as your other question, i think it's a lot of talk, which happens a lot after trial, people trying to bolster themselves. i think at the end of the day, sleeping dogs will lie and everyone will go their separate ways. >> shannon: phillip and ashley, we'll wait to see what happens next. thank you both for weighing in. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> shannon: an arizona school district is getting grant money, but where it's coming from has a lot of people saying they shouldn't take it. the controversy coming up. plus, he played a heartthrob on the hit show "glee." today hearts are breaking after the sudden death of cory monteith at just 31. the latest coming up. >> ♪ [ mortazavi ] i'm definitely a perfectionist. details are really important during four course. i want to make sure that everything is perfect. that's why i do what i . [ male announcer ] it's red lobster's just $14.99. start your feast with a choice of soup, then salad, plus biscuits! next, choose one of nine amazing entrees like new coconut and citrus grilled sim or linguini with shrimp and scallops. then finish with dessert. your four course seafood feast, just $14.99. [ mortazavi ] everything needs to be picture perfect. i'm rezaculinary manager. and i sea food differently. i'(announcer) take their taste buds for a little spin with more than 50 delicious flavors. friskies. feed the senses. >> ♪ >> cory monteith who played heartthrob finn hudson on the hit show "glee" is dead. police say a staff at a hotel in vancouver discovered the body after he missed checkout. we have the details around the star's sudden death, while so young. >> shannon, police are trying to figure out exactly what happened, exactly what went wrong. they tell us it does not look like foul play was involved. i can tell you they also tell us that an autopsy has been set for monday. they hope to get some of the answers at that point. vancouver police found the actor's body on the 21st floor of the fairmont pacific rim hotel yesterday afternoon. the "glee" star has a history of struggles with drugs and alcohol. in fact, monteith checked himself back into rehab back in april for substance abuse problems, and ended up missing "glee's" final three episodes of the season. >> cory recently came out publicly and said that he has been struggling with drugs since the age of 13. i mean, his first stint in rehab was at the age of 19. he recently was back in april as late as april. this is something heave been struggling with for years. demons that have been inside of him for over a decade. >> we want to point out that at this point police have not indicated if they think that drugs or alcohol were actually involved here. at the same time hollywood is mourning monteith best known for playing finn hudson in the hit show "glee." it's not known how his death will affect the show. celebrities are taking to twitter, saying he's one of the nicest guys in hollywood, and will be sorelied missed. he was dating his ke costar lea michele for about a year. while many people are taking to twitter to remember him, police are awaiting on the autopsy reports to figure out exactly what happened. shannon? >> shannon: asiana airlines is considering legal action against the tv station that reported fake and racially charged names for the pilots of flight 214 which crashed last week in san francisco. the airline claims its reputation was damaged by error. that error has gone viral on line. an anchor did issue an apology shortly after reading the incorrect names. the ntsb blamed the erroneous names on a summer intern. three people have died as a result of that crash. today george zimmerman is a free man. he was found not guilty by a florida jury late last night. the verdict came 503 days after trayvon martin's death. the trial lasted three weeks. jurors reached their verdict after two days and more than 16 hours of deliberations. the verdict was read just before 10:00 eastern last night. an arizona school district is catching heat for taking money from a group with ties to the muslim brotherhood. should they do it? we'll have a fair and balanced debate coming up. ♪ hey linda! what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support gularity! i want some... 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(speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. >> shannon: here's a look now at the top stories. not guilty. that's the verdict from the george zimmerman/trayvon martin case. zimmerman showed little reaction in court after hearing the court. the cleanup begins in france after a train derailed friday killing six people. investigators have ruled out human error. they're now looking at a detached piece of metal on the tracks. the freak is back. san francisco giants pitcher tim lincecum threw out his first career no-hitter last night against the san diego padres. he threw a career high 148 pitches last night. giants beat the padres 9-0. controversy is brewing in tucson, arizona, where two schools will take grant money from a group with ties to the muslim brotherhood. joining us now for fair and balanced debate are leslie marshall and chris plant. welcome to you both. >> hey, shannon. >> good morning. >> shannon: chris, this money will be used in classrooms where they're teaching arabic. isn't that a skill we'd like american kids to develop. what's wrong with that? >> sure, i'm sure we're taking money from the chinese government where they're teaching chinese and on and on. where did the united states become a third world basket case that we're accepting a few00 thousands from outside sources to fund our educational system in it's absurd on that level alone. then we're talking about the muslim brotherhood, or an affiliated organization being behind the funding, and the muslim brotherhood is the granddaddy of all the fanatic islamic organizations, the group that assassinated anwar sadat. their leaders are the head of al-qaeda. they have an agenda. it is to spread sharia. there's no motivation for them to give money to a tucson school district if it were not for advancing their agenda. obviously it's about that. >> shannon: leslie, i'll give you a chance to respond. i don't know where to start. chris put a lot out there. >> actually chris said a lot, but, chris, i love when you give me tennis balls over the net. let's go. first of all, you know, i was told that i'm related to kevin bacon by six degrees of separation, but i won't be doing the footloose dance anytime soon. we're not talking about the muslim brotherhood writing a check. we're talking about a man who did the same thing a couple years ago in harlem and i didn't hear outrage from anybody on the right, including you, chris, about that. it's been a successful program. shannon makes an excellent point. after 9/11, do you know one or two of the americans we sent overseas could speak arabic? we need more arabic studies and culture, the muslim world, and arabic nations. in addition to that, the other tennis ball that you gave me was that -- so that's first. second, china. yes, china. zionist organizations, numerous people linked to other organizations that have their own agendas that have given money to schools. and let me answer the question why does america need it? because, chris, you and your buddies always cut education every time you get a chance. you know, here in los angeles -- >> that's completely absurd. >> we have to sell cookies and cakes and have bake sales to buy pencils and to buy backpacks for our kids, for crying out loud in our public school system. we need money for education in america. i think tucson did what most people would do, open it with open arms. >> shannon: chris, i know you're champing at the bit. this comes from a member of the tucson unified school district board, mark stegman, if i'm pronouncing it correctly. he says, as far as i can tell the money comes with no strings attached. there are people we wouldn't want to take money from. that would be case-by-case. the main issue is what we can do with the money. we get lots of different from different foundations, including american foundations that funds all different things. i don't know what they're funding. >> i don't know what they're funding, wonderful. leslie, they did fund a program in harlem, too. why did they choose this school district? it was in the news in awhile back for teaching a very radical sort of southwest america is occupied territory, creating disgruntled feelings among the populace in the school system there. they pretend they're occupied. they have conferences with palestinians there, because some of the more radical teachers want to pretend that's southwestern united states is actually mexican territory illegally occupied by the united states of america. why else would they choose this school district? it's the only reason it was in the news. why harlem? indeed that's a good question. i don't think zionist organizations have the same agenda that the muslim brotherhood has, that radical islam has. we've heard from spokesmen from this organization that they're clearly anticapitalist, they have another system in mind for monetary system, economic system, that is -- that conforms with islam. look, they have an agenda. we'll take money wherever we can get it because we're trying poor mouth and still playing that bumper sticker of the we've got to have bake sale while the pentagon buys board members. really? honestly it's 2013. let's catch up here. radical islam is some benign thing. in northern virginia, we had an islamist school where they are teaching in the textbook that jews are descendents from monkeys, that islam is superior, and eventually allah will point out the jew hiding behind the rock. radical islam peddles the same message everywhere they go. honestly you're perfectly happy to accept outside funding for our school systems for programs because we're so poor? really? honestly? that's where we are in america today. >> shannon: leslie, quick final word to you. >> the blue horizon schools, which are muslim-based, not teaching radical islam, are some of the highest rated schools in the united states of america, one. two, they are not teaching radical islam, nor have they in harlem, nor are they in tucson, if you look the at curriculum of the school. it can provide opportunities for kids to learn a language that's different than what we're being taught. most students are taught spanish, french, now chinese and japanese. it's going to be able to give them job opportunities and a better understanding. i lived in israel in 1996. i can tell you, i've been to some zionist meetings where the words were get rid of the palestinians, and i quote, by any means necessary. any group that's radical, whether they have the word islam after it or not is dangerous. i don't think it's radical to provide money for education to expand the horizons and enjoy, because knowledge is power, of our children in the united states in tucson or otherwise. >> shannon: i hate that we're out of time. you guys are great debaters. >> thank you. >> shannon: thank you. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: at the top of the hour, texas attorney general greg abbott is expected to formally kick off his campaign for governor in san antonio. the path to the republican nomination appears to be clear for general abbott. current governor rick perry announced he will not seek another term. for now abbott only has one opponent we know of. no democrats have announced a bid. still to come, two months after a u.s. marine corporal and two relatives were kidnapped from a ranch in mexico, the family has been told to expect the worse. we'll have a live report on what they plan to do next. and george zimmerman and trayvon martin will be linked forever. the latest in the aftermath of the verdict next. 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[ male announcer ] protect your independence. call today for more information and ask about special discounts for aarp members. adt. always there. >> we are very, very, very saddened, but we accept the jury's verdict in this case. >> i'd like to say to the family of the dead teenager, trayvon martin, that i appreciate the way they have handled this matter. >> trayvon martin's family and prosecutors react following the jury's decision to acquit george zimmerman in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. the jury took two days to find zimmerman not guilty. so far martin's family has not spoken about the verdict, but his mother did send out a tweet thanking support. two months since a drug cartel kidnapped an iraq war veteran along with his father. the torrez family is not giving up hope. we're live from new york with the latest. hello, brian. >> hi, shannon. 25-year-old marine corporal armando torres iii, hi father and uncle were kidnapped in mexico on may 14th. for his sister the pain has been unbearable. >> there's not a day that goes by that i don't think about my brother. he's always on my mind. i wouldn't wish it on anybody else. it's very hard. i don't know. i just want my brother back. >> torres crossed the border to visit his father's ranch. eyewitnesses say several around men stormed the ranch, facing ar mondo, his father and uncle into a white truck. the family believes they were taken over a land dispute. mexico expert andrew seeley says cartels want land to grow and traffic drugs, and suspect armando was in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> this that area we've seen a maria-type war going between two-car tells. >> torres' case went unnoticed until fellow marines started a facebook group, and 12 congressional representatives wrote a letter to john kerry commanding help. mexico's president and president obama have been briefed on the case. >> right now our plan of action is that next week we're going to take to the house floor, we're going to step it up a notch. we've tried the quiet way. now we're going to raise the profile of this case. >> torres served in the iraq war as a mechanic in 2009. he's a father of two young boys. kristina says she believes her brother, father and uncle are still alive, and will continue to look for them. the fbi is still investigating the case, but has told the family to prepare for the worst. for more on this story, make sure to go to shannon? >> shannon: a new study says doctors are overlooking something that could be an easy fix. plus, more hidden banking fees. where you're getting squeezed. you need to know. we'll tell you coming up. 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[ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaoma, or can not empty your bladd, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and decreased sweating. do not drive,perate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you ow how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz. >> shannon: the hospital is supposed to be the place where you go to improve your health, but a new study shows roughly a third of patients end up malnourished during their stay in the hospital. it's not because of the hospital food. our next guest says if doctors paid more attention to their patients' nutrition during their stay patients would have less of a chance of being readmitted. in some cases, get better faster. kelly, thank you so much for joining us. seems like it would be something that would be obvious and easy to detect. how does it go undetected, go missed? >> thanks for having me, shannon. you're absolutely right. 1 in 3 patients are currently adding our hospitals malnourished. another 38% become malnourished during their stay. how does this get missed? in a hospital environment there are many things that healthcare providers are trying to prioritize. unfortunately sometimes nutrition is lower on the list. so we need to change that. >> shannon: how can nutrition impact whatever you're healing from when you're at the hospital, you've had a surgery, you have a bug, whatever complication you have, how does that factor into your healing process? >> so the bottom line is that malnourished patients do less well. we have increased levels of complications, increased lengths of stay. and higher readmission rates. ultimately what this results in is poor outcomes for patients and increased costs for all of us. >> shannon: when you have to be readmitted. that's all kinds of additional costs as you mentioned. there are a lot of things that will be complicated in the new healthcare law, too, for hospitals when they have quick readmissions of patients. >> absolutely. >> shannon: what can we do to solve the problem? how does this get addressed? >> okay. there are a few things that we with the alliance to advance patient nutrition want to advocate for. the first thing is that we need to create an interdisciplinary culture where patient nutrition care is valued as an essential part of medical care. this means secondly that we're going to screen all of our patients and make sure that malnourished patients, all malnourished patients, are diagnosed. third we need to make sure that specific nutrition interventions are implemented with that patient follow-up and carried through their whole plan of care. >> shannon: what would you say your best advice to people who are patients in the hospital, especially with something that you're planning for, a procedure that you need, or the loved ones who are there, keeping an eye on things, trying to make sure that the healing process goes well, the treatment goes well, what would you say to them about keeping an eye on this kind of thing making sure it is being addressed? >> that's an excellent question, because, of course, when we're patients, we have to be our own advocate. what we need to do is make sure that nutrition is part of the conversations with all of our healthcare providers. we always talk about the medications that we're prescribed, but what about the nutrition and the prescription that goes along with that? the other thing individuals can do is get informed. so go and find the resources. we have some available through the alliance that can be found at >> shannon: an excellent way to be on alert before you may end up in the hospital. kelly, thank you so much for opening our eyes to that. >> thank you very much, shannon. >> shannon: banks are getting more aggressive with those extra charges for what you might think is free. the bank now wants a fee. fox news senior business correspondent brendan butner is keeping an eye on it. hello, brenda. >> that's right, shannon. hello. banking fees now coming to your phone.-% as consumers flock to the speed and convenience of mobile banking, big banks are looking for ways to make millions they could get from dialing into that. >> for things like if you take a picture of your check to deposit it, 50 cents. that's what we're talking about. the quicker you want your money, the more they'll charge you. >> u.s. bank has been charging 50 cents per check deposited mobilely. wells fargo doesn't charge for remote check deposit. instead it tax on fees for what it considers premium mobile services like bank-to-bank transfers and emergency bill pay. >> as long as they're keeping the fees very modest, 50 cents, a dollar, it's unlikely to take the consumer to the level, off the edge of the cliff that acts as an incentive to cause them to move their business to another bank. >> not all banks are feeling the need for extra fees. >> citibank, for one hark, has d we don't think charging fees is the way to go. >> the fees starting to get attached to 24/7 digital banking still frustrating many. >> i don't have to go to a branch. that's what's so frustrating about these fees, i'm not taking up manpower, not visiting the branch, doing it on my time from my house. >> some like the convenience of depositing a check with their phone or using it to check balances to avoid overdraft fees. now some banks are offering peer-to-peer markets. >> some people are still using paper checks, which is consider antiquated. >> there's a difference on how the charge will be calculated. some banks believe it should be a fixed cost per transaction, others lobbied for a model where customers play a flat fee for unlimited transactions. no matter which way, it adds up. shannon? >> shannon: we've got to pay attention, that's the bottom line. brenda, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> shannon: all right. we asked, do you think the jury in the zimmerman trial got the verdict right or wrong? you've weighed in. we'll read your twitter responses next. plus, we are on royal baby watch. the latest on the media frenzy surrounding the waiting game for will and kate's bundle of joy. k for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ win! what's in your wallet? >> shannon: the families of trayvon martin and george zimmerman took to twitter to thank supporters and share their reaction to the not guilty verdict. trayvon martin's mother says, lord, during my darkest hour, i lean on you. you are all that i have. at the end of the day, god is still in control. robert zimmerman jr., george's oldest brother, passed on a message from their father simply saying, our whole family is relieved. robert also said today, i'm proud to be an american. god bless america. thank you for your prayers. we love hearing from you at home via twitter as well. we've been asking, do you think the zimmerman jury got it right or wrong? writes chris, 100% correct, no doubt, no second-guessing. tragic, yes. wrong verdict, no. joy disagrees, saying i think it was wrong only because i had a hard time where he saw his life was in danger. boris says, the jurors did what they were supposed to do. they weighed the evidence and came to a decision. media and royal watchers alike are crowding around the hospital in london where the world awaits the royal baby. amy kellogg is live in front of st. mary's hospital where the duchess is due any day now to give birth to a royal heir. hello, amy. >> no update yet, shannon, but certainly people are very excited about this ad meant of a royal baby. it's a bit of good news that the people has been able to latch on to amidst gloom and doom. for people who were fond of the late princess diana, it's hard to believe she would have been on the verge of being a grandmother, and also people here for the most part generally really love the princes, william and harry, about to become a father and uncle respectively, because they're servicemen, their charisma, and their human touch. they love kate's fairy tale story of snagging a prince, and the fact they appear to be much in love. her pregnancy started out with complications. it started out rough with a hospitalization for acute morning sickness, but pretty soon she recovered and attended a slew of public events. now bets are on as to what she will have, when she will have him or her, and what the baby will denamed. the list goes on. >> the most popular name is alexandra. widwe've seen a lot of money coe in on that. we're pushing up toward half a million dollars in the total money spent on the royal baby betting. huge novelty market. only going northwards over the next week or so. >> and shannon, some bookies actually stopped taking bets on gender because simply everyone has been saying it's a girl. now it won't just be those who cash in on bets who come in to a bit of fortune. the royal mint has just released just over 2,000 silver pennies. those will be given out to all of the newborns in this country who are born on the same day as baby cambridge, whenever that may be, because there is a saying, or a thought that pressing a bit of silver into the palm of a newborn is very good luck. now as far as we know, and we don't expect to hear from the palace until kate goes into labor, but the story is that she is holed up with her parents at their home, which is 50 miles from here. she must be somewhat relaxed this isn't imminent-imminent. however if things do happen too quickly, there's another hospital earmarked in redding where she could give birth. all bets really are that it will be here, sometime very soon. shannon? >> amy, thank you so much for the update. that's it for us here in washington. "fox news sunday" is up next. chris wallace takes a closer look at the immigration debate with republican congressman steve king and democratic congressman steve israel. plus he talks about the resignation of secretary janet napolitano, and who could be nominated to that post with the chair of the homeland security security committee, chairman michael mccall. thanks for watching fox news where we remain proud and fearless.

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