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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240614

made missiles and the fleet s headquarters in sebastopol was struck by missiles last year, the repeated humiliations pushing russian ships further and further away from ukraine and eventually leading to the dismissal of russia s navy chief in march, not so long ago, russian state media would celebrate the navy s single aircraft carrier, the admiral, cuz nets off the jewel in the crown. but the ship has long been plagued by mechanical problems and has been in dark for years and more months, some western analysts predict it will never set sail again despite putin s glorification of russia s naval prowess, many of its warships here are vulnerable to both air and sea attacks and lack the technology to compete with western navies. or even cheap maritime drones made and ukraine an air in the ukrainian say that while the russians might be gaining ground in other areas, they feel that they ve really hurt. moscow is black sea fleet and essentially rendered it ineffective and the ukrainian say they will continue to develop those sea drones to hurt vladimir putin s naval forces even more. aaron. all right. thank you very much tonight and thanks so much to all all of you. it s time now for ac30, 60 tonight on through 60, the former president goes to washington to formalize his almost total takeover of the republican party. what he told lawmakers behind and closed doors when it signals about his plans, if we elect it. also time, cnn s donie o sullivan and talking with trump s supporters about what they think will happen to the country if he loses and to appeal its are prize-winning historian. but what she thinks might happen if you wins. also breaking news on supreme court justice clarence thomas already under scrutiny for setting millions of dollars in gifts and travel over the years. now, the senate judiciary committee reveals three more trips he took did not disclose. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with the former president s de in washington with his party, and that use the possessive to describe the republican senators and house members he met with today in separate closed-door sessions, each just steps from the capital is no accident because if he s done nothing else over the last three-and-a-half years. of insurrection and search warrants and indictments and trials and felony convictions. it has been to remake the party of ronald reagan in his own image at the house meeting, he made a point of reminding members that nearly every republican who voted to impeach him as either been voted out of office or retired? not that by this point, there s survivors really needed reminding listen to speaker of the house mike johnson was basking in the afterglow and majority whip tom emmer, a self-proclaimed tough on crime law maker, attacking the criminal justice system he said very complimentary things about all of us we had sustained applause. he said, i m doing a very good job. i mean, we re grateful for that. i m going to add anybody who thought that this president was going to be down after the sham trial after that crooked trial that we saw in new york i think again more than more than one member of congress and the house meeting told cnn that the former president has spent most of his time airing grievances about his felony conviction. afterwards that a house judiciary committee hearing democratic members were all too happy to bring it up. just a show of hands for anyone in the room who hung out with a felon today hey, guys. i everyone get your hands up i want to begin by quoting the jury in the manhattan hush money payment trial guilty guilty guilty. guilty now, it s remarkable because whatever you think it congressional decorum or for that matter, x presidential criminality. this is where we are, but we are a convicted felon leads the self-proclaimed party of law and order in his post-conviction visit, just a few blocks away from the place that his supporters attacked into filed is just another headline. and so is what one lawmaker in the rooms, as he told house members about former democratic house speaker nancy pelosi, after calling one of his daughters a quote, wacko he reportedly claimed that one of her daughters wants told him that he and speaker pelosi would have had a quote, great romance in another life. daughter christine, today responded tweeting quote, speaking for all four pelosi daughters, this is ally he also called milwaukee side of the republican national convention, quote, horrible, according to a source in the room, another lawmaker later saying he was only talking about crime. all from a single meeting. at this other meeting, his republic republican senator is also close to the capital. he spoke with minority leader mitch mcconnell for the first time since december 2020. the photo prompting this reaction from liz cheney, the staunchly conservative former republican congresswoman, who was drummed out while first out of the party leadership and then out of office for co-chair and the january 6 committee she tweeted and quoted words mitch mcconnell made on the senate floor in february 13, 2021. cheney wrote, mitch mcconnell knows trump provoked the violent attack and our capital, and then quote watch television happily unquote as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the vice president he knows trump reviews for hours to tell his mob to leave and quote, even then with police officers bleeding, he kept repeating his election leinz and praising the criminals she went on to say again, quoting mcconnell, he knows that trump committed a quote disgraceful dereliction of duty unquote, and is a danger to our republic here are some more of what mcconnell said on that day there s no question nod. their president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day those are tough words for mitch mcconnell, but just 12 days later, after he said that on the 25th, senator mcconnell, eight, those words telling fox is brett baer, he would support the man he so recently criticized if he s nominated in 2024 talk, it seems is cheap. join his now with more cnn s meloni s and ohno. what else went on behind closed doors today with trump will anderson heading into these meetings, lawmakers are really hopeful that trump was going to be talking about a campaign strategy or laying out his vision for a policy agenda. and now there was some of that. one of the more substantive moments was on trump brought up the topic of abortion and any counseled republicans about how he thinks they should talk about this issue. and he said they shouldn t be afraid of it. they should frame it as a state s issue. and you also encouraged republicans to voice support for exceptions not come across as too extreme on the issue, but for the most part, according to all the lawmakers that i spoke to, these meetings were more of an airing of grievance it says it was a gripe session at particularly in the house meeting this morning, i m told that trump, of course, brought up the legal challenges against them, calling all the charges against him, quote, bogus he also referred for to the department of justice as quote, dirty, no-good according to some of the lawmakers that i talked to, he even at one point, complained about taylor swift, were endorsing his rival president joe biden. and he also gloated about how most of the house republicans who voted to impeach him over the january 6 insurrection are no lines hunger in congress. so it was very wide ranging speech, very freewheeling that member ce felt more like a pep rally or even a roast than a serious policy discussion. morning and taylor swift has not endorsed joe biden. do you have any more details on the trump mcconnell counter well, with trump and mcconnell, there was a very serious effort. i m told by both parties he s to really bury the hatchet after years of feuding and years of frost newness right before the meeting, trump and mcconnell shook hands, which was captured on a phone photograph during the meeting. trump credited mcconnell with helping to elect more republican senators, and then after the meeting, mcconnell praised trump and said the mean eating was very, very positive. so just a remarkable inflection point. i think anderson, we re going to look back on this moment similar to kevin mccarthy trekking down to mar-a-lago in the weeks after january 6 and really just captures how much the party, including some of trump s former critics like mcconnell, have really fallen in line in the years after january 6 and despite these criminal convictions, anderson, millions and thanks so much, jonasson. i was new york democratic congressman daniel goldman, congressman. any surprises for you today in the visit by trump not really. he didn t come to the capital, which was good good thing because this is where he fomented a massive riot and insurrection to try to keep him installed in office. he didn t talk much about policy because he doesn t really care much about policy. what he cares about is himself and what he cares about is his conviction 34 times for being a felon and what he cares about her as three other cases and getting revenge. and he wants to do that by tearing down our democracy and what he was effectively doing today is greases the wheels, trying to play nice with republicans who support he needs in order to become president. so that he can take his fat let s just authoritarian views into office if he were to win. and it is just a very telling i think that mitch mcconnell has now bowed down to the ring of donald trump someone who, you quoted what he said on january 25, where he helped donald trump responsible for the january 6 riot. and has resisted donald trump. but now he has clearly demonstrated graded that donald trump owns the republican party. there is no other faction of the republican party that has any influence other than donald trump his maga supporters, obviously, none of us, there s privilege privy to the inner thoughts and mitch mcconnell. but why do you think center mcconnell made this choice? i mean, after, you know the strong comments he made criticizing trump theta, the racist attacks trump made against me kennels own wife. i mean, what is mitch mcconnell get out of this anderson, what do any of these people who have i know good mccaul s running. i mean, it he could he could go out on i d like liz cheney, who at least, has taken a very strong stand ultimately mixed for the same reason since that mitch mcconnell refuse to give merrick garland a vote for the supreme court and then rammed any amy coney barrett through under the same circumstances, two weeks before the election? that s what connell has a very focused and narrowly tailored view of what he wants to accomplish. and at the end of the day i m sure mitch mcconnell views donald trump as the only possibility to get these type of conservative judges who have now overturned roe v. wade paid back into more into the our judiciary and into the supreme court and push forward a clearly minority favored agenda that mitch mcconnell has been pushing for decades. it was seeing melodies and i was reporting is that trump was telling lawmakers counseling them on how to run about and talk about abortion and to talk about states rights and to not seem too extreme do you have any belief that that s how he would be if he got into office? absolutely none. donald trump does not care. donald trump used to be pro-choice. he used to be a democrat. now, he s out there promoting and celebrating his own work and getting roe versus wade overturned he will do whatever he needs to do to secure the support for his fascist anti-democratic attacks on the rule of law to undermine our democratic institutions. and if that means that he ll give over supreme court nominations to mitch mcconnell or someone else on the far right who wants to roll back our individual freedoms, even more than the supreme court has done. he will do that in a minute. and if there here s a national abortion ban that the republicans pass donald trump will sign that in two seconds. do not believe donald trump whenever he says that he will stand up for abortion rights, he has completely flip-flopped in his career. he will do whatever benefits himself. speaker johnson was asked yesterday, the former president attempt the outcome of the election. i just want to play that for years really for the first time republican house and senate meeting with him since the january 6 attack on the capitol are you committed or have you spoken to him about basically not not doing anything like that again, in committing to respecting the sort of american tradition of peaceful transfer of course, he respects that and we all do and we ve all talked about it at nauseum i mean i mean yeah. i mean, i can anyone say with a straight face is donald trump respects the peaceful transfer of power that i want you to take that clip and run it over and over and over. that is everything you need to know. oh about mike johnson and the maga republican party. they will look you in the eye and they will lie directly to your face over and over and over. there is no question that donald trump does not respect the peaceful transfer of power he has made it a litmus test for his vice president that whoever that will be willing not accept the results. and that s why you have every single vice presidential candidates. so far refusing to concede or acknowledged that they will accept them the results. donald trump, it will not accept the peaceful a trap power. you don t have to ask me or trust me, he already did it so for speaker johnson to look in the camera and to say that of course he respects the peaceful transfer of power. put that on every bulletin board around the country. it is total bogus and it shows you what knowing liars the republicans are. congressman, i appreciate your time. thank you thank you. president biden met today with ukraine s president zelenskyy of the g7 summit in italy. the two signing a new tenure security agreement at the press conference afterwards, frozen biden spoke briefly when asked about his son, hunter i m extremely proud of my son hunter. he is overcome and addiction. he is he s one of the brightest, most decent man i know and i am satisfied that i m not going to do anything. i sat i said i advise by the jury decision. i will do that no i m not pardon him the present-day also ruled out commuting his one-sentence seen as mj lee is traveling with the president joins us now from from very italy. so mj, earlier in the week, the white house appeared to leave open the possibility of a commutation or that flee not commenting at essentially overturning the sentence, not a conviction. what specifically did the president say about that yeah. when the president was walking away from that press conference, some reporters yell loud. would you commute your sons sentence and he answered directly. he said no that was after he had more broadly addressed the conviction of his son, hunter, as you just play they re standing by his son, standing by the judicial system, and also reiterating his previously stated position pardoning his son. he said, i will not pardon him. anderson white house officials had suspected that it was likely he would get asked about the hunter issue at this news conference, given that it happened just two days ago, he had not publicly commented on in yet on it yeah they knew that the specific issue of the commutation was one that could come up if you ll recall yesterday, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked by a reporter whether she would rule out that possibility and she wouldn t say yes or no. and that exchange, the white house, new had taken on a life of its own when in reality, i m told the issue was really that some senior aides hadn t had a chance yet to speak to the president about the commutation issue. corinne john p, or said yesterday to reporters, i haven t talked to him about this yet. i m not just i m not going to have anything more to say on this, but it certainly was a really remarkable moment. the president speaking on this kind of a stage. on the other side of the world about an issue that has been so deeply sensitive for his entire family, mj lee, thanks more in prison, biden s trip later in the program next though cnn s donie o sullivan talking to trump supporters as well as a historian of dictatorships and autocracies about donald trump and democracy. and later there s breaking news turns out there are even more undisclosed it s trips supreme court justice clarence thomas took paid for by republican megadonor ave heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated he did symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath an irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious cold, eight ttr cm a rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time 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democracy? she is actually not as good as you think it is but for centuries, america has celebrated its democracy democracy is worth dying for democracy remains the definition of political legitimacy, but some republicans and pro-trump media are pushing the idea that america is not a democracy. united states of america kirk is not a democracy. we are constitutional republic. those things were america is not a democracy. you don t want to be in a democracy. we are not a democracy. we are a republic. is america a democracy america is a democracy. it was founded as a democracy. i ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. i hear a lot of things out on the road but to hear americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots say that america is not a democracy that stopped me in my tracks. you are hearing people say america is not a democracy because there are people around trump who want them to be saying that who ve been planting that narrative? his america democracy i don t i think we ll never know, but yeah, we re republic. what s the difference i feel like democracy what do we think this through its government i don t see freedom in democracy freedom in the republic honestly, the word democracy and the word republic have often been used interchangeably. there isn t a meaningful difference between them. so much of the warnings and criticism about trump is that he is a threat to democracy, that he has anti-democratic. absolutely. if they can convince people that we don t have a democracy, then it s okay that trump is attacking democracy because it doesn t really matter that s why, like why has democracy become a bad word? because it s been used in a way to change the flavor of our country, which is a republic these words were used in different ways in the 18th century and it s true the founders didn t want direct democracy by which they meant people gathering on the town square. they wanted representative democracy. but i think the reason why does conversation about language has so now is because there is a part of the republican party that would like to rule as a minority and they need an excuse for why that s okay. and so they ve begun to say, we re not a democracy. were, are public and it s not 100% clear what that means. but i think they mean we want donald trump to be able to do whatever he wants some people i ve been seeing debt trump events recently. yes. have been saying american is not a democracy. it s a republic and we ve always been my pros. first of all we have sleek. we re use that freedom of speech and freedom of religion. we used to have that two. now they re picking on the christians and the jewish people i mean, how much more can we are you concerned if trump loses yeah. that there ll be another january 6. no. i think there will be a civil war that s what i think will happen during this whole democracy republican is fascinating. this is the first i ve, i ve heard of that new thing that there are now pushing those. it looks like folks on fox are pushing it. is there a reason the people you spoke with think that country isn t a democracy now, i mean, yeah, look, i mean, i understand some of those folks. no doubt genuinely believed that i might have believed for a long time, this isn t necessarily a new talking point. however, we have seen it just revive over the past few months and they re really the reason we did this piece was over the over the past few months, just unprompted. as i was speaking to a lot of trump s supporters, they would bring this very specific lineup i love this real, it s not a debase right about the former government here. it s not a debate about democracy really why this is happening. and you saw it there in that piece, some fox news and elsewhere on conservative and right-wing media people are trying to convince trump s supporters, others that america is not a democracy in the first place. and we actually saw i haven t noticed that this seem to pick up a bit after president biden speech in philadelphia, where he described trump as a threat to democracy. this is how they seem to be trying to twist language to try and neutralize describing trump as a threat to democracy. because if america is not a democracy in the first place, then there s nothing to worry about your winning a solvent. thank you very much. one of the pillars of a democracy is the rule of law and laws of course are enforced by courts and the highest court in the land supreme court is once again under fire tonight. over new ethics concerns, specifically the behaviors surrounding justice clarence thomas. late this afternoon, senate judiciary chairman dick durbin released new information from a major republican donor about more undisclosed trips provided to justice thomas. it follows previous reporting about numerous undisclosed gifts from that conservative billionaire harlan crow, which include private school tuition for a relative of thomases and decade s worth of luxury vacations. last week after the release of his 2023 disclosures, thomas said certain disclosures had been, quote inadvertently omitted wherever last month in a speech, who railed against the quote, nastiness and quote lies directed toward him. draw now by our justice correspondent, just cash snyder, also a former federal district judge, johnny jones, the third and former federal prosecutor elie honig. so jessica, what do we know about these additional trips now that thomas took on harlan crow plane? yeah. the details just being released tonight for i m senator dick durbin. the details are several new trips happened in 2017, 2019, and 2021. so first and may 20, he 17 justice thomas took harlan crows jet from st. louis to montana and then to dallas. then there was a march 2019 flight where he flew roundtrip between washington, dc and savannah and then in june 2021, he flu round trip between washington, dc and san jose, california. all of this on crows jet and really intersect. i mean, these newly revealed flights, it only adds to what we know were other luxury trips that justice thomas enjoyed, bankrolled by harlan crow. there was also but 2019 trip to indonesia where justice thomas stayed on crows mega yacht. so there have been a lot of previously undisclosed travel that s been gifted by harlan crow is a gop megadonor. he s active and conservative causes. justice thomas, though, i ll note anderson has always it s described him as just a dear friend and says they ve never had any discussions about cases before the court. they ve wow, i mean, that that s you you re hanging out with justice supreme court. that s kind of amazing to think. has justice thomas explained why he did not disclose these these trips? because he talks about his love of staying in for vrb travel and drawing ran on a bus yeah. so he hasn t directly answered about these recent disclosures, but his attorney just released a statement tonight. it says this. it says the formation that harlan crow provided to the senate judiciary committee fell under the personal hospitality exemption and was not required to be disclosed by justice thomas the judicial conference change this provision last year, and justice thomas has fully complied with the new disclosure requirement. so i ll expand upon this to really explain it up until last year there was in fact this personal hospitality exemption. so justices, in the way they read it, didn t have to disclose certain benefits, maybe from there wealthy friends, things like when they stayed at their friends properties or traveled on jets. it was just last year, anderson that exemption was removed. so justices now have to disclose these perks, but there s some question as to whether the disclosures need to be retroactive. there s nothing specifically saying justices have to go back now and disclosed year s worth of trips. but it is still coming out and it came out tonight from the senate judiciary committee, judge jones, does this make sense you why wouldn t justice thomas just come clean about everything harlan crow has given him or paid for. why go through this kind of drip, drip, drip? you know, anderson, i have no idea but this has all the allure of a slow motion car accident. it doesn t look good. i toiled in the federal judiciary for 20 years and i love it. i respect it, but this tears that the fabric the code of ethics that the justices are subject to, which is, by the way, not enforceable says in the first canon that it is there to basically preserve the integrity and the independence of the judiciary now, under the circumstances to the point that was just made he amended his is 2023 ethic statement and he added a couple of his trips when you go to the question of retroactivity, i agree it s less than clear so why would you do that? and not include the other trips they re just revealed there s there s no good answer to that elie. i mean, do you agree with the statement from thomas s attorneys saying that because the personal hospitality exemption, he didn t need to not at all, the spirit of these rules is disclosure and these are not just a small gifts, these are gifts and not donations, but gifts worth tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. and the whole explanation that this is just a friend doing something for me. i mean, i gotta get better friends that this is something more than just a friend paying for his friend. hundreds of thousands dollars over that here for private school tuition for flights, for hotels violates every cannon in this ethics code. and if you remember anderson about a year ago, the supreme court for the first time ever adopted an ethics code. the criticism we made was it s toothless and i think now we re seeing that judge jones i mean, go ahead, judge. while i was going to say it s interesting to ellie s point about having a friend. here s the acid test, and this is not hard and it s not in the statement of ethics at all if you are making a friend because you re on the supreme court of the united states. if that s why this guy is friends with you, then i would suggest to you that if he s providing hospitality, that s just wrong. it just shouldn t happen. and i don t think that s a hard a hard test for any justice or judge observe if i had done this as a district judge, us district judge, i would have been absolutely subject to judicial discipline of the the most pronounced kind, and i would have deserved it. and so to me, there s if clarence thomas was sitting on this circuit court or was the head of the eoc. do you think that harlan crow would afford him this kind of hospitality? of course, he would judge jones. thank you. elie honig, jessica schneider, as well, just ahead. present. biden, promoting democracy on the world stage with ukraine and making a campaign issued home former us ambassador to the un, susan rice it s joins us next welcome to the waiver hood with wave. finding your style is fine when the music stops grabbing it, doesn t matter if you re outdoors hello. i m sorry, carl. this is me and chair form. i don t see you. just perfect for you but you love it. i told you we should have done opinion data i explained how many died they re not sending you need to sit down every style, every home at fisher investments. we may look like other money managers, but were different. and how so we re a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client s best interests. so we don t sell any commission-based products, then how do you make money? we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do the clients really come first then yes, we make them a top priority by getting to know their finances, family, health lifestyle, and more. wow maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different. let s get started no. where s your mask? 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if it s not binding on the next administration well, anderson, let s step back a second and thank you for having me on and take a look at what president biden is doing at the g7 in europe he is going back to his third g7 with, our alliances restored and rebuilt stronger than ever with the united states leadership embraced in respected and he has rallied the world to defend ukraine, including with a $50,000,000,000 loan that the united states led and negotiating this week using the interest off of the russian frozen assets. he s negotiated this bilateral agreement, which is very valuable in that there is always a cost for the united states when it reneges on its commitments, when it walks back its agreements and while it s not a legally binding treaty, it s a powerful statement of us support and intentions in addition, he s just this week led and imposing tough new sanctions on russia and china. so with joe biden, we have strong leadership that is strengthened our leinz is not only in europe, but in asia and around the world, which makes america more secure and we have a leader who s trusted and respected we contrast that as you did in your opening with donald trump who is so profoundly dangerous, he has not committed to democracy at home or abroad. he embraces dictators he is the president, former president whose own vice president? national security advisors, secretary of state secretaries of defense. yeah, pretty much everybody on the cabinets of staff. all have set are unfit. and what does that say when the people closest to you say you re unfit to lead, that s very, very concerning when you hear from say that vladimir putin would release wall street journal reporter it just adjust if he asked, what i mean, does that make sense to you like, why wouldn t he then just ask now for that to happen? well, that s a good question. i understand. no, of course it doesn t make sense. it s bluster. it s, it s all dishonest and every day we hear something dishonest out of donald trump s mouth. that is inherently self-serving and not anything we can rely on its. you don t just get to wave a magic wand and have a dictator who s hell-bent on not only taking over ukraine but western europe and more if we allow him. and what is donald trump s say? donald i m trump calls putin a genius. donald trump tells putin that he can do whatever he wants. the hell he wants with our nato allies. i mean, it s the height of recklessness self-interest, and danger, and it s not a future that we can be confident in at all, it would undermine our security profoundly at a time when the world is a complicated place, when you are us ambassador to the un, you obviously dealt with nations whose leaders disregard laws, carry out vendettas against their political opponents when you hear don trump talking about getting revenge or retribution does that seem i mean that seem realistic to you? do you believe he would do that? i do believe he would do it. i believe we have if we have learned anything we should listen to what he says and what he does is often exactly what he says and sometimes worse we have in donald trump a leader who is not running to be the president of the american people he s running for his own self-interest to try to stay out of jail and that is incredibly worrying. and when he says that on day one, he intends to be a dictator, that he will come after his political opponents and anybody who has rubbed i m tim the wrong way. i take that very seriously and i think we all should susan rice. thank you for your time thank you. anderson. way up next to cnn exclusive. been wiedemann talks with hamas spokesman in beirut about the remaining hostages they are holding captive in gaza he asked them how many are still alive and why hamas is yet to agree to ceasefire. his responses coming up this is country is corrupt. we ve got to save it do some terrible things for the greater good we need you build. for the soup, start rounding this up and dumping us off in kansas show me, wrap that doesn t sound good. ashley? 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you seem that count star from the beginning. let s start from beijing on. but one why to talk about the base of 7 october what about the israeli came after good luck to 7 october. it was a reaction against the occupation. what camps after that? it shows the real face of israel. it shows how israeli the cube buying the policy and lands demolishing the situation of the palestinians, killing the civilians. it s not the first time they are getting the civilians hamas is, is an organization. does it regret what it did on 7 october, given what happened afterwards? we are living with this for the last 75 years as palestine s yes now, cnn spoke to one of the doctors who treated the for israelis who were freed on saturday. and he said that they suffered mental and physical abuse. and what do you say when he is an israeli has to say what does lay authorities are asking him to say if you compare the images of both before and after releasing, you will find that they were better than before. i believe they have mental problem. this is because of what israel have done in gaza. but in addition to what has been said about the four recent hostages freed there have been also claims about the dire conditions others faced while in captivity. the fate of the remaining hostages hangs in the balance at the g7 summit in italy, us secretary of state antony blinken said, hoping hamas would agree to the latest us backed ceasefire proposal. response we got was unfortunately not the yes that we were looking for a yes that virtually the entire world has given. okay. mr. hamdan simple question. why hasn t hamas yet agreed officially to the us backed posel for a ceasefire who said it s a positive step but we need to see the facts on the ground. we need to know what exactly that president means by saying a ceasefire, i withdraw while what is left, what do you need we need an israeli ideally, a clear position from israel to accept the ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from gaza, and let the palestinians to determine their future by themselves are you optimistic at this point in time that you will reach some sort of agreement well, i think if the united states administration acted in the positive way, seeing the situation not only in the eyes of israel we can reach soon an agreement. and in the absence of an agreement, this war goes on with know site then i mean, this hamas leader justifies the october 7 attack by hamas. and as long as she had an others, which was a violation of an ongoing ceasefire, claimed, no one knows how many hostages are still alive. obviously there are people who know in hamas, any claims that the released, that the hostages who were freed just recently, the four hostages that they are actually better off than they were before they were taken into captivity. i mean, that s just absurd well, that s what he said, but you need to look at it through the lens of how it s been seen in the region anderson there lot of pictures circulating for before and after pictures circulating on social media of palestinian prisoners who d been freed from israeli jails hills the pictures show healthy people going in gaunt, sickly people looking out. no. mr. hamdan, like millions of other in this region are seeing the pictures of these for israelis who were recently freed from gaza, who on the surf base surface superficially looked to be okay. so that seems to be why he s saying this and we re hearing it from many other people as well. keep in mind also that osama hamdan is a political figure in hamas. he is involved in and then negotiating process, but he s not part of the military wing that holds the hostages in gaza, so he s probably not complete the up on the situation in there. and i think what you re hearing in that interview is more a reflection, perhaps social media then his knowledge of the specifics of the hostages themselves anderson, where she refuses even call hostages, but been wiedemann. thank you. appreciate it. we ll be right back three body serie a. city client uses city s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress grass whether you re moving across town or across the country now, you can count on pods to deliver when we say we will, which is why we were voted america s number one container moving company. hook your move today at, introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to eight hours of powerful relief new abdo targeted relief all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals orioles. what s missing? 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let s tsunami afghanistan, iraq. so many places we ve been all those stories we ve told, interviews and live shots and folders, endless days and sleepless nights, boring car rides and bad flights all those airports we ve rushed to getting, there, getting out how many hours have we waited? how many calls have you made how much could cajoling and talking? how did you come to know me so well time passes and memories fade but i hope i never forget all that we ve shared and all that you ve been and will forever be to me. charlie and i spend more than a month reporting from new orleans and the gulf coast in the difficult days after hurricane katrina. the last show we did was from a badly damaged street and it was all deserted and it was charlie and meeting maybe seven or eight others cameraman and engineers and satellite truck operators we ve finished around midnight. we broke down the equipment, we wrapped up the cables are other people did neal halls worth one of my cameraman two dozen years from the cooler on his truck and pass them around and we lingered there for time talking remembering the things we d all just lived through, not wanting that feeling we had to

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Transcripts For CNN Laura Coates Live 20240611

who almost batch steph curry in a three-point shooting contest this past february at the starting name, what is it about caitlin clark? it s not just that she s white. steph curry stood out from other great black stars in the nba because he played in a way that was appealing and relatable. shooting from the logo, dr. jay was more appealing and brought in more fans and his teammate moses malone, who was a three-time mvp because dr. jay s game was more flamboyant. michael jordan wasn t just great. he was fun to watch caitlin clark is fun to watch. yeah. and she is going to be a star pretty much no matter what do you think she ll ultimately be an alternate for the olympic team? i think he could be. i think that s possible. and the concern that because she d be reserve and she wouldn t play that many minutes and therefore, her fans would be up in arms just put the point out there, educate them it would help the olympics. christine brennan made the same point. more eyeballs and limping straw. a lot of eyeballs to begin with, but it s a global event. more eyeballs on those games. how can that be bad caitlin clark is good for the league, good for everybody. in the league. i shall be good for the olympics to it if she got there, she will be there yeah. thank you. great. thank you. as always. and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now. tonight, donald trump tries to rewrite the history of january 6, yet again, as he now re-branded those who stormed the capital plus trump s interview with his probation officer. what we re learning about his virtual sit down and what it might mean for his chances at sentencing and new tonight, elon musk mad at apple over there, deal with openai, the threat he s now making good evening i m, jim acosta in for laurie votes on this monday night for months, donald trump has heatedly referred to january 6 rioters as hostages. there s obviously no truth to that, but trump has spent much of his campaign constructing an alternate reality for supporters so they can believe a different narrative when it comes to january 6, one that paints the former president as the real victim of the 2020 race. the race he lost the race. he tried to overturn, but now trump is road-tested. a new nickname for the people who attack the capital those j6 warriors, they were worries, but they were really more than anything else. the victims of what happened all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that s what they were doing. and then the police say go and go in, go in water, set-up. that was what a horrible, horrible thing. and you know, that blows two ways. warriors, he called them a reality check. if anyone was a warrior that de january 6, it was the brave police officers to face their wrath trying to defend the capital. people like my next guess, sergeant aquilino gonell, who was attacked and beaten as he tried to hold the line on january 6, he s here here s with me tonight, and i ll speak with him in just a few moments. but sergeant good now, is not donald trump s view of a warrior. know instead, this apparently is people like thomas webster. there you see him in the red jacket. prosecutors say he swung a metal flagpole at an officer before choking him with his chin strap. he was convicted and sentenced to ten years in prison. people like dominic puzzle prosecutor said he used a riot shield, a police riot shields is smashed through one of the capital windows, allowing the mob to storm in. he two was convicted and sentenced to ten years. in prison for his actions. now, trump is calling them warriors. trump has openly mused about issuing pardons for january 6 defendants. if he wins reelection advocating for their behalf has become a hallmark of his campaign. trump isn t running from january 6, in many ways, he s running on january 6. as you heard in that sound, a few moments ago, trump said, quote, what a setup that was, what a horrible thing. and you know, that goes two ways. that goes two ways. he said, joining me now, former us capitol sergeant aquilino gonell, he was he has been campaigning for president biden in some swing-state he s also the author of american shield, the immigrant sergeant, who defended democracy, sergeant canal. thank you very much for being with us. we appreciate it. i can t think of anybody better to join me. tonight s talk about this. you ve talked about january 6, the injuries that you suffered, the surgeries that you had to go through. i ve talked about this many times, physical therapy that you had to go through. you could have died that day and when you hear donald trump call these rioters and insurrectionists warriors what do you think? what s your reaction is a impudence to the sacrifice of many of the officers who risk at all to defend those electoral facial from the both parties we will protecting both nancy pelosi and kevin mccarthy the same thing. same way. we protect chuck schumer s much mechano and all the electrification from both party regardless of how political views. so we were actually doing our job and to hear those type of connotations coming from the foreign president is a desecration to a service we of officer who validly and bailey, definitely the kaprow a day. yeah. i mean, certainly going to you and i ve talked about this. i mean, one of the things that worries me about january 6 is that people are just sort of erasing it from their memories there s a lot of talk about whether we have trump amnesia going on. it sounds like there s a little bit of trump acceptance in january 6 upset acceptance what do you think is going on? why do you think there are people who go out to these rallies and applaud and shear when they hear him call people hostages. and in this case, warriors i mean, it s these are the same people that claim to be supported. the police officers. but yet they don t see us. the capitol police and metropolitan police those who defend the capital and our democracy on, that day as such they see us as an impediment to what they set out themselves to do, which was overthrown the world of people on jeremy six. and part of, part of that is the same people who we protect it. they had sided with the what the talking points, the foreign presence says that nothing happened if it did something did happen is not as bad as we say, but on jeremy six, there were scared. so scale of the mob that they ran for further live in fear. and that s unfortunate because he s talked about pardoning. yes some of these folks, all of them, i think what do you say about that? i mean, it s it s very unfortunate. again, we protected both parties the same. we were actually doing our job and those people who are in jail right now has been converted. i have been processed through the court system some of them today we re on trial and they were found guilty in a later date. they re going to be sentenced and some of the same people who assaulted me personally i ve gone through core multiple times, 23 so far and two weeks ago, one of them got 14 years for assault, multiple officers at the same time these are the type of people that he says that he s going to pardon rising up, telling them they are hostile years political prisoners and who are we the officers to them yeah. well, i think one of the things that is really disturbing about him referring to these individuals as warriors is it s almost as it sounds like he s thinking he sending these people into battle. well than sending them off to war against fellow americans. exactly. and that s the other thing is like he says, i think the same statement that it was oh, i set up well, who invoke them? to be there? the kaprow in the first place it wasn t capitol police. it wasn t metropolitan police. it was in the sayyed arms or anything like that jerry six wouldn t happen if he had not told those people in the middle of december 2020 to be at the end the capital for jeremy six, because i worked several chamfer power situation anyway, know that that was happening. that event was the last point of certification. i didn t know that. but i doubt that majority of the people in the american people knew that at all follower knew that onto he said such thing to bring him to invoke them, to come here to the capital four general six. well, certainly going now we cannot ever thank you enough for your bravery. what you did on january of six, what s your fellow officers? people like mike for now and harry dunn? we ve talked to them so many times over the year, over the years i really appreciate what you did that day. thank you so much. we can t forget and i know you and i were talking about this before the segment. you d like to see a plaque hanging in that tunnel at the capital that you and others defended that day, just so there is this recognition? correct. and this is something that was passed into law two years ago republican speaker of the house, mike johnson, continued to hold that plaque. approval in committee. and i want that plaque to be put in place for the next president, future president, to say. so they could see how a group officer, the name, read the names of the authors who risk at all to preserve our democracy and a day and very shameful for them to continue to hold it up. the same way that they say that they claim to be supported the police. but yet well, another thing that happened was somebody police officers, the capitol police union put a a proposal for two count some of the overtime service that they had done since january 6, to count tours, their retirement and republican on the senate, they blocked. all right we re going to continue to follow that as well. we ll stay on top of it. certainly can now great to see you. thanks for having so much today, donald trump clearing a hurdle on his way to being sentenced in new york city. he took part in a court-mandated pre-sentencing interview with a probational officer. normally they are done in person, but trump attended at virtually from florida, were told that took less than 30 minutes at a source told us that trump answered all the questions he was described as accommodating, respectful, and polite. that s quoting from that source, the probation department did not rule out the possibility of a follow-up meeting before his july 11 sentencing for falsifying business records and joining me now to talk about this, cnn legal commentator and former trump attorney chimp tim parlatore. and former commissioner of new york city s department of probation, martin horn. gentlemen, thanks for being with us late on this monday night. appreciate it, martin. this was bit of an unprecedented meeting today. a walk us through the kind of questions that the former president was likely asked well, he was sure asked to give his version of the offense. he was confronted with the charge against him and asked for his side of the story he was given an opportunity to put forth any mitigating factors that the judge should take into account in imposing sentencing. and i m sure or at least he was supposed to have been asked about his family situation is financial situation his education is employment history whether or not he s had any physical or mental issues that would interfere with his ability to support himself and i m sure that he answered them in a way that was favorable to himself yeah. and tim, 30 minutes. that seems kinda brief why do you suppose that is? well, the new york state presents interviews are much less involved than the federal ones. and so in particular, when you have a case like this where a defendant has been convicted after trial, but they do intend to appeal. they retain their fifth amendment rights through that those appeals. so i have no doubt that his attorneys advised him don t answer any questions regarding the offense and probably hold the probation officer look, he s invoking his fifth amendment. see, you can skip that part of the interview and just go straight to family history and things like that that really shortens the process. and martin, how much will the judge judge merchan take all of this into account hard to say. certainly this judge knows this defendants it s rare in new york for there to be situation where the defendant has been found guilty by a verdict at trial 95% of the findings of guilt or the result of a plea deal where the sentence has already been negotiated. so this is relatively rare, but again there may be factors that a defendant would want to bring to the judge s attention that has not previously been known. and remember, this interview is confidential, so it s an opportunity for the defendants to share with the judge mitigating factors that he or she might not i want to share with the general public and tim, what about all the comments that trump made outside the courtroom where he railed against the judge, blamed president biden for the prosecution, doesn t that get taken into consideration? and i have to ask you when here from sources that trump was bribed as a polite and cooperative sort of thing that doesn t sound like the donald trump that we saw outside the courtroom during the course of that trial. what do you make that? distinction there? for one thing, when he s outside of the courtroom in front of the cameras, he is both defendant trump, but he s also candidate trump. he s definitely playing it up for the purposes of the campaign. whereas he doesn t have to do that behind closed doors with a probation officer, a lot of the things that he said during those press conferences wouldn t be relevant at all. yeah. to this interview. so in fact, i m sure that todd blanche said we re not answering any questions about his opinions about the judge or anything like that. let s just stick to his history. and so to the extent that they re asking him questions about his family history is education is business history? i think that that s something that he would be very very common, very accommodating on. so i don t it doesn t surprise me at all, given the narrow scope of what they would be talking about. all right. will martin, tim? thank you very much for your time. i really appreciate a gentleman all right. just ahead. donald trump weaponizing religion, the former president speaks to evangelical christians who wants to a law abortion and claims democrats are against their faith, plus the secret reporting, raising new scrutiny for supreme court justice samuel alito find a great deal for your ideal hutto open javar vargo typing where you want to go, select your check-in and check-out dates and search compare prices for the same hotel and save up to $30.09 hotel. trivago one second. she can t walk she can one second. you re single. and then you don t want to be one second. it s a pipe dream and the next it s a dream come true one second. you feel safe and then these are all away. well you still do have heart failure with unresolved symptoms it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and your irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called att rcn are rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time some like you call your cardiologist and ask about attr san the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that s right, two months free all the fast, reliable nationwide coverage make this switch today. how anyone possibly know that every single one of these pistachios is guaranteed to be wonderful by reading, right here. wonderful pistachios are the pistachios at a wonderful with the word wonderful on them dad is a legends that his legendary moves might be passed down to you ancestry, dna can show you which traits were inherited where they came from and who he shares them with? 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i mean, he s he s basically saying we can t compromise, won one side or the other is going to win here. is that, is that how a supreme court justice should know? i mean, it would seem to me that supreme court justices, when they deliver eight, they compromise all the time as they should. and i think his comments, when contrasted two chief justice roberts are unmeasured. roberts was very careful in how he responded. these types of leading questions and, you know, alito was just at the very least, very sloppy in his answers, but i don t know that it revealed a lot other than the fact that justice alito has a very conservative viewpoint that came across, but he shouldn t be. necessarily articulating it in the manner he he just did. yeah, maria, this filmmaker, laura in windsor, we should though, she s the one who went out and did this she went on to say this to justice alito. we put it up on screen people in this country who believe in god have got to keep fighting for that, to return our country to a place of godliness to that justice alito replied, i agree with you. i agree with you. now, again, she was posing as somebody who was supportive of him and but she was able to extract some very notable comments and pretty remarkable comments. it is disturbing on so many levels because he is in a position we already saw what he did. he was the one who wrote the argument that got rid of roe v. wade. and he used in at some arcane 18th century law that essentially said that women should be subservient, that we don t have the ability to make these decisions. and what he just said to ms windsor i mean, it reminded me of i don t know if you all have washed your feet. audience has watched handmade, stale yeah. that was gilead but he was described as one thing i was terrifying. there s one thing i wanted to talk about and i don t want to jam the segment because there s other stuff i want to get to, but what s fascinating about this audio of sam alito is in charlie, you know this from these confirmation hearings that make headlines up on capitol in the senate when supreme court justices go through that process there, so choreograph there, so scripted they re told what to say, what not to say, and they re very careful and answering all these questions here is just like a few minutes of audio. got probably more candor from justice alito that we got during the confirmation process. yeah. i was just shocked by how unguarded he was. yeah again, these you re right. you ve watched these confirmation hearings and they are so scripted, they are so careful not to say anything that might impact how they would have to rule on some matter before them in this case? you just do that all away he thought he was just talking to a friendly audience here and was surprised by the by the recording. but again he s gotten himself in trouble for a number of reasons now, just because he s not careful. yeah. marie, i do want to ask you about this. there s new video tonight of rudy giuliani speaking at a christian event at a church where he speaks in very derogatory terms about the fulton county attorney, fani willis. let s listen to this then. i ve got to prosecutors. sandi the whole i mean, you know wow. america s mayor, ladies and gentlemen, that well, yeah. i mean, once upon a time. yeah. i mean it s almost unfortunate to even bring this up because obviously it s just a horrendous thing to say. but i mean, it also speaks at what in the world has happened to read giuliani the fall from grace was fast and furious and it you know, talking to so many people who used to work with him and know him. they don t know who this person is. they don t know who that man. i ve known this guy for over 25 years and i don t know that could all i don t recognize them. it sad. this is a man who was, he was pro-choice on abortion. he was pro gay rights and but he got swept up with all this. trump s stuff and you just can t is it something about there are so many of them. they just feel like they have to slothouber all over donald. it s like it s it s cultish is held. but it s also kind of want to be relevant to add and pathetic, like kinda hanging on kinda clam and he s getting older. you want to be relevant, you want to be in the conversation. and so you go down this row, you don t want to just be the guy that goes to denny s for the grand slam special. you want to still be invited to speak at events and stuff. i don t almost wonder if there s any sort of mental decline there because he had he s commanded such respect at one point in his life. is this all worth it now, like is this the legacy? the he wants to leave his family and the history books because he is now a laughing stock and he will be this is what he s going to be remembered for yeah. what what what a legacy. i mean, he had a he had a good legacy. legacy, get a good legacy going out and the throw it all away. hey, just to be in trump s good graces should have quit at four seasons landscaping. but you know, to your point, jim, he s not the only one i ve heard so many people say that the moment that they have come into donald trump s orbit, something happens to them. they leave their spines on the table. they leave their character behind, and they are there to just genuflecting the altar of donald trump. and that is sad with charlie s saying, it just, just to be relevant, it s just it s just but then there comes the exercise and reputational rehabilitation for many. once i ve done it, they ve been there the whole time and then they then they realized well, maybe i m a little dirty and i can t wash it off and now they think now, then they tried to make amends as best they can, you know, once once they re no longer no longer close to power, that moment says more about giuliani than fani willis, sorry. charlie, maria, thank you very much. i just had a jury now deliberating the fate of hunter biden. that is federal gun trial. and it was a dramatic day in court with one family member seen weeping someone who was inside the courtroom joins me the assignments are. going off and playing the tornado here i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it. violin earth with liev schreiber. sunday at nine on cnn lumina whitening strips know grok side, no pain i can use them every day if i want he what i want drink what i want, profit aluminium strip and l0 my smile is back on point easy is outdated. dmv has two forms of my id think of all the places that can expose your info, lifelong monitors millions of data points for identity theft. there s a problem. we fix it, guaranteed sentenced, you make a sale is now odd with race from 199 for a person per night. this is sad or call 1800 sand if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with part sega because they re places who d like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar are rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin the perineum could occur, stop taking four sika and call your doctor right away at the symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis find anything let me start when i do my friends, i can find anything with myself see something that you like we ll round it will be something wait. no, i m always hot sleep number doesn t match. can i make my side softer? 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that s pretty rough. great. i mean, the biden family was there, right? the whole entire trial. so first lady was there almost every day. his sister, his wife, they were their most days and i think throughout the trial, including on closings, they all had different reactions. sometimes strong reactions, right. i mean, i think one thing that sticks out is whenever they played the voice of hunter biden reading his memoir, particularly at the beginning, you saw real emotional reaction from someone the biden family, and i think today they went hard after the prosecutors went hard after his past drug use and used it in very vivid, brutal language. i m sure for the family to hear. so there was reaction to that yeah. tim, i mean, could some of this backfire? i mean, a lot of people have sympathy for folks who were battling drug addiction in the prosecution kind of going after hunter biden on addiction in that way could backfire with at least a couple of the jurors in a way that might. not bode well for the prosecution i think you can. i mean, it s something that we saw during the trial with jurors reacting to this they ve made him a sympathetic character, which is not something the prosecution normally, once do something also that they didn t really address so much during closing arguments, but i think that may affect the jurors is if you hit him so hard on his drug use do you undermine his ability to really think through and form the requisite criminal intent. so i do think that that could be something that would backfire. yeah. and perry, the prosecution during one moment, pointed to the three rows and the courtroom taken by the biden family biden supporters, including the first lady, saying that people sitting in the gallery are not evidence in the case, do we know how that played with the jury? and i mean, obviously that goes without saying, but how did that go over in the courtroom? yeah i mean, we don t write we don t know, but obviously the fact that prosecutors did that to me suggests that they feel at least that having the first lady right? the first lady always a pretty popular figure. jill biden is a popular figure, so they obviously were at least fearful of how that would play with the jury, right? this is a pretty remarkable thing. he s the charges themselves aren t the case is not it s a gun case, but the fact that you have the first lady, this this man s mom sitting there every day of the trial and it wasn t just her. i mean, this is, a jury of dealt people from delaware, wilmington city council person, a very popular are from what i understand a well-known pastor and wilmington as that first, there were lots of people that the jury could recognize and people do this all the time. obviously, they re there for support for hunter biden, but i don t know what the family exactly was thinking, but in lots of defendant s bring family with them, people that know them to show that the jury that they are loved supported person have people that early think they re good members good yeah. and tim, i was wondering about i ve been wondering about this the entire trial, whether or not the biden family s trying to send the message to the jury to the judge, to the courtroom. this is a personal matter this is a biden family matter what did you make of the family being there in the first lady i mean, being there throughout this case. i mean, it s certainly is a lot more sympathetic than back when i used to represent wise guys with their families there are but i think it is one the trump case. i mean, you saw some family members were there somewhere? it is. and it s something that if if in prosecution in this case is kind of on the underdogs politically with this jury, ordinarily said defenses, something you have to address. you have to acknowledge, hey, look, i recognize that there are these these passions and these things, but i m asking you as the jury to get past that. so i think that the prosecution was right to at least acknowledge it, but don t dwell on it. and i think that it is something that jurors look at it s one of the reasons why you want to have the family there if the family can be sympathetic. right. all right. tim perry thanks very much. really appreciate it in the meantime, elon musk giving a big warnings and iy is threatening to ban apple devices at his company s next you 19th, cnn celebrated juneteenth, his by john legend, eddie lewbel you robinson, we still have a lot of work to do. june team celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn in an detect this. living with hiv. robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that s why he switched to nevado divider was a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable, than davon detect this morning to learn that most hiv pills contain three or for medicines, devito is as effective with just two if you have hepatitis b, don t stop to vada without talking to your doctor. don t take to vada. if you re allergic to its ingredients are taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if you have a rash or allergic reactions, symptoms stopped to vado and get medical help right away, serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems or if you are pregnant? 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is this a threat? is that what s going on? it is so elon musk, just raise $6 billion for his own competitive ai company called xii and there s also some sort tensions and feelings because he was a co-founder of openai. many years ago, he left in 2015 teen arguing that they weren t doing the best at safety and data protection. and so you can see why he s going after apple now for this partnership. but honestly gym, the whole thing just feels really petty. yeah. why did he can t own everything? but when it comes to safety and security, does allowing open ai to integrate into the iphone make the product less safe? i mean, we know elon musk has he has issued these warnings. he was up on capitol hill recently saying ai could lead to an extinction event or whatever. we hear from folks who are concerned about this sort of thing. you don t want to conflate two issues. so if we don t regulate ai at all, yes, it could lead to some really bad consequences. but looking at this narrowly about whether or not apple partnering with openai is some essential privacy threat is not the same thing as it being a long-term threat to humanity. apple has rolled out so many different apps across devices. it has rolled out different privacy features that you and i are used to. how many times have you clicked? ask app not to track me. yeah, they have privacy measures in place and the other thing to note, jim, apple works with millions of developers anytime you re downloading an app in an app store, that s a third party developer that apple allows on its platform, there are plenty of sun security measures in place to make sure that it s safe. yeah. and we already have ai in our phones anyway. i mean, i was looking at instagram recently and i noticed, okay, there s an ai function on instagram, so it s there, it s happening part of the promisee, the privacy issue to jim is consumers have to be aware of what they re sharing. apple is going to protect your data from openai that s part of their promise here. but it s on you not to share anything that you think is so sensitive that you wouldn t want it to potentially be breached. they don t put your credit card information in chatgpt? yeah. and openai as deals with both microsoft and apple i mean, open ai seems to be kind of cornering the market here what are the implications there? so microsoft is a huge backer of openai. they own 49% of it. and that means that openai will be the primary company that gets access to all of its products, like linkedin et cetera. openai is also taking the lead on striking deals with a bunch of ip holders. think about news publishers, et cetera. they are competing against google and a few other companies. but really openai has become the most recognizable name because they re consumer-facing app chatgpt is so popular. and there s been a lot of talk at well, apple needs to make the iphone sexy again, it needs to make a cool again, it s sort of become like an appendage we re all used to having the iphone weathers does ai do this? does it get in the neighborhood of doing that, making the iphone more interesting? it helps. i mean, if you think about it in the us, jim, the vast majority of people use apple ios devices, but abroad that s not the case. so what they need to do is make sure that their phone is the best smartphone out there on the market so that they can expand their dominance globally. and then the other thing is apple is making more and more money off of services. so like payments that you get from itunes or from buying extra cloud storage or average pricing, because hardware sales have leveled off. and so if they re investing in ai, they re hoping you re going to spend more time with the app. they can eventually serve you more ads and all of their different functions. and they can up charge you that way. the thing with apple is and, you know, i figured this out. this is why i saw the iphone bove is because i got the screen protector, i got the case. i don t break it anymore. so they i m not getting new iphones every six months like i used to, but that might be affecting things. i want to work on that make them more breakable? yes. exactly. but this is how they re going to hook you, right? if they can get you to buy and transact more on the old phone that you have that s money for them alright. very good. sara fisher. thanks very much. i ll go back to my trying to figure out facebook with my reading glasses on here. all right. no, just kidding. sarah. thanks a lot. thank you. wnba star caitlin clark left. you heard about i m i m actually i might go off a little bit in this next segment. it s getting late. ep told me we can say anything during this hour. this may happen in the next segment, she was left off the us roster for the paris olympics. my next guest says it s one of the worst decisions she has seen and 40 years of covering the games. i agree. and we ll talk about those in just a few moments all right? this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team and the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn artificial intelligence it s transforming agriculture, advancing life-saving healthcare, and strengthening small businesses this game changing technology is supporting every sector of american because economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. are leaders in congress need to stand up for innovation and protect america s competitive edge. this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts and minix ai hey, i like it was the gum, see the view, get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow. find a great deal for your ideal hotel opened your vargo typing where you wanna go, select your check-in and check-out dates. search compare prices for the same hotel and save up to $30.09 hotel trivago nothing dems my light like a migraine with nortech ott. i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you. review acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to in our technology team, allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time. we all talk to a health care provider that nortech ott from pfizer work play link relief work play blinking really, the only three and one extended release formula for dry eyes like i consumer cellular, we pride ourselves on giving you fast, reliable, nationwide coverage and up to half the cost and the leading carriers, but don t worry, we ve got more than that going for us. new customers who buy any phone get two months of service. freeman who signed up by july 31st, color go online to switch today. lumen is the first fluoride free to paste. i ve ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth, my gums and teeth are so healthy, it s crazy you can get luminoso, toothpaste at walmart and target. one second. she can t walk. then she can one second. you re single. and then you don t want to be one second. it s a pipe dream. and the next it s a dream come true one second. you ll save. and then we solve away well we sti a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! go to deal and see how much you can save the cnn presidential debates. june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max closed captioning is brought to you by ucar, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora? hi, having utis for ten years. you, cora, we make uti relief products we also make proactive urinary tract health product. you cora is a lyptsi tried today at your core and just 46 days. look at this, right? you re looking live at paris 5:52 a.m. the sun just breaking their behind the eiffel tower beautiful morning. there in paris, the eyes of the sports world will shine on the city of lights for the 2024 summer olympics in paris but one name will noticeably be absent from the roster. wnba rookie sensation caitlin clark instead, a dozen veterans will take the floor as team usa goes for its eight straight when pick gold medal reports indicate clark could be an alternate of a for now, she has been lofted a left off the team. her reaction to the situation, humility. take a listen honestly, no disappointment. i think it just gives you something, something to work for you know, that s a dream, you know, hopefully one day i can be there and i think it s just a little more motivation you remember that and you know, hopefully in four years when four years comes back around, i can be there but her omission or snub depending on how you see it has ignited debate in the sports world this is about what i will, i will personally label the idiocy of team usa women s basketball. how did you make this decision? it s stupid. stephen smith there, even the x account of the republican house judiciary committee posted quote, caitlin clark should be on the olympic team cnn sports analyst in usa today columnist christine brennan broke this news over the weekend. it was a blockbuster. she joins me now, christine, great reporting as always okay. i was saying before the break and i was told by the i believe i was told by the executive producer i m i show that i could on this show that i can give my opinion on this and i m going to give my opinion this stinks. yeah, this sucks. i m sorry. but caitlin clark should be on this team and i m sorry if i m just no way you re aside here, but i am jim. you re not alone. there are millions of people who agree with you. caitlin clark is one of the most popular, if not the most popular athlete in the country, male or female? well, any sport. and this was an opportunity for usa basketball to really grow the women s game. and i can speak as someone who s been to ten summer olympics going all the way back to 1984 when i started in kindergarten. and i ve covered women s basketball at every olympics and what you see in the press tribune at the gold medal game for the us women s basketball team, tumble weeds. most female sports writers they don t want anything to do with the women s basketball team. they want to cover the men or people are covering other events. you bring caitlin clark to paris and the eyeballs of the entire world are on her. the media coverage you re going to have reporters from all over wanted to come and see this american sensation, even if she only played four or 56 minutes again. and all the other players would have gotten publicity in the process. the headlines that they so richly deserve. why was she left off the team? i m still reporting that i ve talked to people. here s what we ve seen in the wnba so far. it s been a chilly reception for caitlin clark with some of the other players might that have something to do with it? could, it could. i reported i have two sources actually now a third who confirmed for me that part of the conversation in the calculation of whether to put her on the team or not? was and this shock the living daylights out of me, jim, was that there was concern that if you put her on the team and she only gets a few minutes of playing time her millions of fans back in the united states and radio shows and whatever would create controversy about. now, i laughed when i first heard that i thought that cannot be something that s being you say can we say bs can i say? what can i say it at this hour? how about say enough, we should be able to say that is how about that? i m sorry. they re not going to ask you to fill in for laurie again. that is like seventh grade going on fourth-grade. okay. the reason why she is so special and we all saw this when she was out there on on the on the court. she can he that three-point shot from so i mean, it s just unbelievable. washington du and the passes that having you and i ve talked about this, what she does on the court is remarkable. it s the high-wire act at the circus. watch or bring the ball down, the logo 3s rebounding may be more important, but you ve got five or six people down there throwing elbows and i m a tall woman. i was the one under the basket. yeah. but for the uninitiated fan, people who are just coming to basketball, which is by the way, millions and millions of people to watch her they don t necessarily know that, but they can keep their eye on her. the singular figure down the court heaving that three, the beautiful passes and it s just great fun to watch it. as i said, it is that kind of trapeze act. and that s the entertainment value that the wnba and usa basketball, i m not so sure that that they re thinking about but the team and about who s been there before. and you don t want to miss this up. the cohesin lock around it all of a once in a lifetime for women s sports, growing the game. think of the number. there are also other great players. well, that would get the attention. fabulous players that they have never gotten that as i was saying earlier, how about the 20 to us? i say jersey. how many would have been sold in africa, in europe, and asia the money that could have been made for youth development programs for getting more girls in the game women s sports needed this desperately and it s just a huge missed opportunity and christine, the other thing that i wanted to say about this one, i saw caitlin clark s the comments, the way she handled this class act handily perfectly, which i have to think is probably irritating the living daylights or whoever is mad at her right now. jim scene is taking this out on her, is 22 22,000,000,040 the weight of the world dawn staley said it took the microphone at the women s final game and said, you ve been shouldering the burden for our league women s sports. we have never seen anyone quite like this. i mean, going back probably the billie jean king, she s bigger than the 1999 and women s world cup. and the big winner in all this at the end of the day, caitlin clark yeah, she s handling it. the sympathy, the support that she has. but again, just think of what could have been in paris and the thing that i worry about and maybe you can tell me because you know this better than i would know. i have started to worry about caitlin clark a little bit that we re going to get into one of these situations where we see these athletes and there s just so much piled on top of them because of the spotlight, because of the pressure, it can cause problems. and we ve seen this, we ve talked about sport, mental health of athletes from naomi osaka to michael phelps, and on it goes caitlin clark has a confidence about her that is very much in keeping with someone born in 2000 to getting full blast title nine she is also so comfortable in insider skin, so composed. i met her for the first time on friday. interviewed are for the first time and i was even more impressed and i had been from watching from far. do you think there s any chances were running out of time that they reversed this decision. i i think we should predict i won t put words in your i think they re going to reverse this decision. well, they re announcing it tomorrow and i don t think they ll do it then she would be an alternate and there could be injuries. in fact, one of the guards is injured, right now and that could be tuition. to keep an eye on because you re right. there s such an outcry and i don t think usa basketball i know for a fact, having interviewed these people, they had no idea the national outrage that they were going to unleash. there s outrage, and that is i can tell.

Name , Steph-curry , Shooting , Caitlin-clark , Stars , Nba , Three , Person , News , Phenomenon , Sky , Eyewear

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Sunday 20240610

check out this footage mountain pass outside of teton pass outside of jackson, wyoming. the road has completely collapsed what is interesting about this is this is the road that connects jackson hole, the playground of billionaires with eastern idaho the only place you can afford to live out there. looks like this summer bunch of them billionaires are going to have to learn how to do their own yardwork. will this survive? hard to say it. [laughter] tough work. before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on x, on facebook, on instagram at the big weekend show but that doesn t for us but thank you for joining us we see it next weekend. life, liberty & levin starts right now. aunt stark is seen as veterans of normandy returned to the country they liberated 80 years ago at me with the leader fighting to save his country now. cracks you are the savior of the people. shannon: emotional commemoration of d-day in an already present invited me with g7 leaders in italy facing increasing criticism from european allies were standing by israel in its war against hamas while trying to bolster support for ukraine as it struggles in its war with russia peopl will talk with repn tom cotton mr. summit intel and armed services committees. then, five months out for election day present by the family takes executive action to try to secure america s a broken border pit where the top issues voters say is hurting the country. plexus will help us gain control of our border, restore order in the process. lexa biden s order is not a border security plan. it is a concession to the fact he has lost control over our borders. shannon: more than 8 million micro encounters at the bar since present invited tech officer it will his moves be enough to stem the flow of migrants have overwhelmed cities and a red and blue states including these nations of the biggest end, new york city plus democratic congressman ritchie torres who played host to a trump rally last month. plus pick works when someone lies to congress that is a crime. even if you are the presidents on the progress knew trouble for hunter biden house republicans accused him of lying to congress part of the same time his defense team prepares to fight back against the prosecution case in this felony gun trial at our sunday pan on the particle blowback for the president. all right now on fox news sunday at hello fox news in new york. headlines today, the celebration israel this weekend as for israelis are rescued and the largest hostage rescue operations and the largest since began to report reno with family after 246 days in captivity. hamas says a 200 side of our palestinians were killed during the raid. built by that military in gaza is back up and taking and food and humanitarian aid for palestinians after it was blown apart and high winds and heavy seas last month. voters across europe are set to decide the direction of the european union s in parliament today. early polls suggest they could shift the largest trading block to the right. a bit concerned over the war in ukraine and migration for those issues sure to be a top party g7 leaders prepared to meet and a link this week including president biden part a moment we ll get reaction from republican senator tom cotton. first we have team coverage from trey yingst in israel and where we began with white house correspondent peter doocy in paris. good afternoon of a present bidens that part s last day here in paris and greeting u.s. embassy staff to rezone his weight right now to go lay a wreath at world war i memorial port all while warding he thanks another big war in this part of europe could be possible if the west stops sending nine figure munition packages to ukraine. you know putin is not going to stop at ukraine. it is not just ukraine it s much more than ukraine. all of europe will be threatened. we are not going to let that happen. later this week the g7 western allies will work not just to help ukraine but figure how to counter china economically present biden claim during during a coffee s getting complaints lately from president xi this will be subtitles because the president was speaking so softly. might last discussion. present biden is not acknowledged the large broke pals and protest at the white house saturday that wrapped all the way around campus. is that is keeping the talk about the war and gossip focused on the rescued hostages. pursuant to ech echo presidents comments welcome this save rescue of four hostages returned to their families in israel. we won t stop working to all the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached that is essential to happen. but before attending this week s g7 in italy which is a very short flight from here, president biden is going to fly home to delaware for a couple of days which will mean he will be home if there s a verdict in his son s trial by midweek. shannon: will talk much about that later in the show peter doocy thank you very much from paris is go to trey yingst in tel aviv where people are celebrating the return of those for rescued hostages. hate shannon, good morning. almost 250 days into the war, the israeli people received a rare piece of good news amid the conflict. twenty-six year old noa argamani aperture 56 days in captivity she s headed home. israel special forces conducted complex hostage rescue mission and successfully rescued four of our hostages from captivity and gossip it with a daring rescue operation taking place in central gaza at two locations is really forces engaged in fire fights with hamas gunmen before securing the hostages. helicopters arrived at israeli hospital, crowds cheered, for israelis after more than eight months in gaza were reunited with their loved ones. a father, with his daughter but a man with his friends, a mother with her son. thank you. thank you for bringing my son to me. to us. i am so excited that i could hug him today. this story does not come without dark preacher in the operation one israeli officer succumbed to his wounds sustained during the battle and according to the hamas run palestinian health ministry over 200 people the majority sibley were killed during the operation that included extensive israeli airstrikes. but they did not send u this warning or leaflets or nothing. body parts spread in the streets. the rescue operation illustrate the contradictions of war for palestinians it was a day of the death and destruction. for the israeli people exactly 35 weeks after black saturday it was a day of hope. shannon: trey yingst live in israel for starting is now arkansas senator tom cotton print welcome back to the show i want to start with your reaction to the daring rescue and the good news. quick shannon, thank you for having me on. what a wonderful day for the people of israel to have four of these hostages rescued in a truly heroic well executed mission yesterday had a chance to speak with prime minister netanyahu shortly after the mission pretty commended the israeli defense forces and the israeli police who helped execute this operation. i am very dismayed by sources and the progressive left here in america including the new york times, washington post or somehow condemning israel for saving for hostages at the cost of the supposedly more than 200 palestinians. we cannot take at face value what hamas says and the ministry of health. but my advice to them if you don t want your people killed in a hostage rescue missions you should not take hostages in the first place. you should release what you have you certainly should not hide them in civilian areas. so hats off to the israeli security forces for a fantastic day in a rescue release for hostages. we understand there are still americans being held. there s been discussion whether our own special forces should be operating in that region there is great concern u.s. forces being on the ground there s been a pledge that will not happen but what about our hostages and getting them out? quick shannon, our military is several units specifically trained in hostage rescue. they always have to be available and ready to rescue american citizens, wherever they may be. those are our responsibilities not israel s or any other nation. that said the israeli defense forces and security forces have the expertise operating in gaza working with the american government specifically our intelligence services as well. i am confident israel s government had a chance to rescue american citizens they would you the exact same for our citizens that they would do for israel but our hostage rescue teams always have to be available we simply would not want to have any kind of conflict with israel hostage rescue teams who want to work with them hand in glove to make sure every hostage gives it back alive. shannon: are more than 100 of that we re still try to figure how they come home for the meat of the present given injury to time magazine a few days ago he said this sum and is or have suggested netanyahu is a prolonged the war for his own political self-preservation do you believe that? president biden responded i m not going to comment on that but added the source every reason for people to draw that conclusion. what do you make of that response from him in the region what you say to critics who say that is exactly what netanyahu is doing? this is another slander by joe biden against benjamin netanyahu and the israeli government at large. prime minister netanyahu policies are very popular. is it war cabinet signing off on missions like you saw yesterday. at every turn tries to limit israel s action their ability to defend themselves and put more pressure on israel. not pressure on hamas and its patrons in the middle east. just look at what happened yesterday outside of the white house fo but anti- american pro- hamas lunatics defacing and desecrating the statues of our great veterans. which is a violation of our federal law. joe biden s government allowed it to happen. i bet we will not see any arrest or prosecutions for violating that law will introduce legislation this week that impose stiffer penalties we can lock these lunatics up. biden thanks these lunatics should be guiding american policy towards israel. what we should be doing is backing israel to the hilt really done that since october 7 attacks this war would probably already be over for the hostages would be free there be less civilian casualties and suffering in gaza. joe biden is instead catering to the small pro- hamas wing of the democrat party and set a backing israel like the large approach israel s majority of the american people want astute. shannon: that is what the polling shows let s talk about another ho hotspot, ukraine. present been spending time with he apologize for the delay of a this latest round that came through. he said he blames him a very conservative members holding it up and said we finally got it done. you blocked when the earlier packages read concerns about it. there are changes you ultimately vote for. you think is pointing the finger at you? quick shannon, he shall be pointing the finger at himself. for more than two years joe biden pussyfooting around and did not give ukraine the weapons it needed to defend itself. every turn and this war ukraine has asked for certain types or quantity of weapons. weapons. joe biden has refused only to reverse three or six or nine months later when it was too late. take a step back and look at the broader context. joe biden is largely responsible for tempting vladimir putin to do it he always wanted to do. which is invade and annex ukraine back to russia. and, if you notice vladimir putin only tends to invade ukraine when democrats are present till it did under barack obama he did und did under joe d not happen under donald trump. for four years we had peace and stability and effect donald trump reversed barack obama and joe biden s failed policy of sending ukrainians and blankets and ponchos proven donald trump was in office we sent them the javelins that were essential for winning the battle and the way to have peace in europe and for that matter peace and stability around the world is to remove joe biden from the white house on election day this year and return donald trump. that is how we get back into peace and stability. shannon: you talk about annexation want to bring this up the reports of resident trump plans to do is to potentially push ukraine to give up crimea, if that is the plan do you agree with that strategy and would that be rewarding putin in order to wrap this up in the way he intended to start it and take some of the territory is not just giving him what he wanted? quick shannon, president trump and his campaign has said in eight reports of plans like that are not authorized and are not coming from the president himself but furthermore president trump has said he strongly supports ukraine s strength and survival. he is strong relationship when he was in office with president zelenskyy bird president trump is the one who provided ukraine the weapons they needed to fend off this russia invasion that happen in large part because of joe biden s weakness. i do not think president trump was to prejudge what the situation will become january, nor do i. in part because we have no idea how much worse and joe biden can screw things up but if you judge the circumstances as they exist next year when he returns to office and hopefully will be have a republican majority in congress as a welt to make decisions about what best protects america s interest in the interest of our allies and partners. shannon: on the talk is about you being on the shortlist for vice president. can you confirm whether being vetted formally? quick shannon, as i have said i think only one person know who s on the shortlist. thirty-six at paperwork, requests and those kinds of things? quick shannon i think he will make a choice when he is ready to make that choice i m confident he s going to make a good choice for the ticket and the party but more importantly for the country. i think uganda will make that choice and the time is right. i am focused on helping him win this election. helping republicans win that majority in the congress so we can begin to reverse the damage joe biden has inflicted on this country for four years. shannon: is fair to say you all made statements like things like nato, international organizations, america s role in the global stage that are different. would you come as a vice president advocate for policies that may not line up with your commander-in-chief? are you two different on issues of poor foreign-policy question puts president trump and i ve long been lined on foreign policy both subscribe to what you might say was ronald reagan s vision which is peace through strength for four years of president trump of the white house we had peace and stability around the globe we did not have wars breaking out in europe and the middle east and being the threats and in asia. we believe sometimes you have to use a military force indiscriminate fashion way president trump did when he authorized the strike against iran s terrorist mastermind sulla money. we believe we need to pressure allies to take more responsibility providing our defense or taking responsibility for what is happening in their own region in part because america needs to take the lead against china and the western pacific to preserve peace and stability there. i believe president trump and i rely on foreign policy just like ronald reagan was which is peace through strength strategy which is where the vast majority of not just republicans but normal americans think. only pro- hamas anti- american lunatics the democrat party think america is to blame for what s happening in the world or that we should retreat from strength and confidence in the world. shannon: we hope to hear more from president trump maybe the debate stage on his plans for ukraine in the meantime s senat, thank you for your time keep us updated on that paperwork. thank you, janet. [laughter] protects border cast thousands of migrant so crossing into the u.s. daily despite the presence executive actions fox news will take you alive to the border new york congressman democrat ritchie torres is here in studio next that we have not shut down a silent but we have done is further strengthen the border through executive action. which can be challenged and will be challenged in the courts which is why we need congress to act. shannon: homeland security secretary friday after president biden issued executive actions the white house says are aimed at controlling the flow of migrants illegally crossing the border. how is the reality playing out on the ground? matt finn is live at the border in california with the real world impact. border patrol agents here tell us this area just outside of san diego for the past three years has been a hotspot because human smugglers of their gaping holes in the border wall and they can easily push illegal migrants through. just outside of san diego fox camera captured yet another group of 40 50 migrants illegally crossing. coming from all over the world including china, india, vietnam. one migrant posed for parents whose loaded onto a bus. this week facing mounting political pressure and concerning poll numbers, president biden announced executive order that suspends and limits the entry of noncitizens which will remain in effect until the daily average of migrant encounters drops below 1500 for seven consecutive days. and moving past and using executive authorities available to me as president to do it i can on my own to address the border. migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek after entering through establish lawful process. ask biden claims migrants who now cross illegally will be in eligible for asylum unless they have exceptionally compelling circumstances. i will terminate every single open border policy of the biden administration as soon as i take the oath of office. or has not been any immediate change as far as any significance of a decrease in illegal border crossings since the announcement. this week fox crew spo box ch migrants from across the globe to the major american san diego metropolitan. all from egypt? america. jordan. jordan? why did you come to egypt? why did you come to america? for a job. for a job? yes you know it s illegal to cross a word like this, right? yes but you don t care? yes. shanna, looks like president biden executive order on immigration could be indefinite for the threshold for it to end is when the daily average hits about 1500 the latest numbers obtained by fox news show we are sitting about 3900 right now. shannon: matt finn live at the border thank you very much. for joining me now insert ignorant congressman democrat ritchie torres. it s good to see if it. is a pleasure to be here in person. shannon: has a very nice to see you. let s talk about new york city there s an influx of some estimates wonders 35000 migrants in a relatively short period of time. no city council member said we are spending more taxpayer money to care for foreign nationals that we are on the annual budget at nypd, at the end why the department of sanitation combines. i know your reaction this week to some of the executive action by the president was where you do not want to be indistinguishable you said from republicans you are worried about excluding or erasing certain communities of color. what do you say to the people of color are your constituents or people live in this town who are worried about the system being overwhelmed, public safety, education. mayor adam said it could destroy the city. the concerns are fair. the migrant crisis has put an enormous strain on the social safety net system of nurse that we in the nine states have a dysfunctional asylum system. anyone anywhere can cross the border, claim asylum, enter the country and border patrol has no emergency authority to limit crossings in the event of a search. that s the gap executive order is billing but in the end executive order is no substitute for an act of congress only congress can fix what s broken in our asylum system for quick to note both sides to point the finger at each other. house republicans will say we passed hr to it s very comprehensive. the president say what about the deal this cent you guys had together? it seems it does not matter who is in charge of this problem is intractable does not get salt. there s one party that has a by camera by partisan order security it is the democratic party we the democrats negotiated border security compromise with the republicans but there are number of republicans press a small handful. most notably mitch mcconnell he was before is for the bill before is against is pressured by donald trump to oppose legislation. those republicans are actively obstructing oppose the border security compromise have no interest in actually solving the problem they re interested in playing politics and demagogue the issue against president biden. there is a difference fink governing and grandstanding and governing as compromise have refused to compromise if you let the enemy of the good you re not part of the solution part of the problem. shannon: they had a number of problems many saying they felt they had no say it was negotiated to a point where they could not go along with what wasn t it. we look at the issue of immigration is not good for the white house or the president. new pulling out a number of key states and virginia. when people were asked who you trust to handle immigration more double-digit you see on our screen they think president trump is a much better handle on us. looked out encourage you to look at new york three long island was ground zero for the red wave in new york and tom was able to win back new york three by an even larger margin that we lost in 2022 he was largely campaigning on border security so tom has shown democrats can proactively on the issue border security i do not think we should proceed to the republicans. shannon: when you look at a 20-point deficit for president biden and is really critical states that s got to be a warning sign to the white house. does it then make you question as some do this executive action is just a political ploy in an election year? the present is acting because of congressional in action. congress needs to do its job to keep in mind the political establishment has a history of underestimating president biden he has proven the conventional wisdom is wrong i suspect is going to outperform the polls and out perform the predictions of the political pundits and the prognosticators. quick so they get tighter people now to make a decision third-party candidates the pole with significant numbers once devoted to the ballot box or early vote they ve got to make a decision is often times tighten up. i want to ask about all these recent reports questioning the president s ability to run, to be effective for the four years forgives in the polls is not just republicans as democrats and independents of questions about the sea atlantic had a really tough piece out yesterday. referring to the president as another ruth bader ginsburg she does not know when it s time to leave and it cost the country that seat across the democrats that seat they say this about him and i say he remains a comprehensively weak income but weighed down by the same liabilities that burden from the start. beginning with the largest and completely unfixable one at 81 he is much too old to run for president. you said last year 80 is not ideal for the age of a candidate running. but here we are. what do you make of these reports you think the president is up to the four years? have full confidence in the presence through the present is old so is donald trump. cooher toys and people differeny because our people seem less concerned about president trump s age. is a narrative but if you actually look at his record it speaks for itself. he is most productively by partisan presidencies in recent memory you bring down democrats and republicans together to provide healthcare to veterans exposed to toxic substances, but brought democrats republicans to mix in the largest investments in infrastructure more than half a century. brought together to address the national security risk around tiktok. when you judge him based on substance rather than narrative i think he deserves reelection. shannon: on the estimate the big rally president trump had a couple of weeks ago in your district prints a very diverse district. a lot of folks showed up at we talk to some of them out there but one gentleman says you are taking everything from blacks and browns everywhere it is hispanics or the other people do not have a lot for your taking it and giving it to illegal aliens which is totally wrong. he talked about why he was attending this at many other similar statements from folks. why do you think your constituency is moving and poll numbers shows hispanic and black waters moving to president trump in a way they did in 2020. first approximate overwhelmingly vote for president biden despite a few anecdotes because it will be shocked if it were other ways. the latina boat in 2000 george w. bush went up 40 40% oe latino votes. puerto ricans and dominicans of the south bronx are different from cubans and venezuelans in florida who are different from mexicans in california are different from mexicans in the south texas. the latino vote ha is been a bipartisan vote for long time despite what the polls say we should be campaigning if we are 10 or 20 points bite we should never take any constituency for granted but we should campaign for every single vote. always a good base for any campaign despite any polls be fighting for every single vote congressman thank you for taking time to come and we appreciate it. up an excellent president trump makes a massive fundraising hall in the space once a dime to buy democrats less than three weeks ahead of the first presidential debates. our sunday panels are to break the new polls showing significant movement with key voting blocs that could make the difference for either candidate come november. i rally and backgrou battlegrt after rigging and big fundraising over the weekend. fox news senior correspondent is live on the ground with the very latest. former president trump arrives here in the silver state after striking gold big dollar donors in california. silicon valley is not a place republicans typically tap for campaign cash former president trump got a boost after tech investor david zach s held a packed private event in san francisco. the bay area is liberal and so we thought that 5 million might be a big lift turns out we got all the way to 12 are. he trust trump more than present by the issues including the economy, border and foreign policy. he types are beginning to change in california but they re starting to look at who are the people they are electing? the answer is postconviction or chestrust which ballooned to a combined $291 million from self-reported funds, are and see many organizations are back in. biting campaigns as well trump s case mabe reenergized his base, monies being spent on legal bills not voters. and it comes to money this is going be very competitive race. we note donald trump is going to raise a lot of money. we raise a lot of money but as of april biden cash on hand advantage is about $35 million. trump started his west coast swing in arizona he promised to resend biden s executive order limiting asylum-seekers to the united states. cooks i will terminate every single open borders a policy of the biden administration. bided narrowly won arizona and nevada in 2020 new fox news polling shows voters are unhappy with their finances the president s job performance. and head to head match ups he leads bided by five points in both states. former presidents rally begins in las vegas later this afternoon but the national weather service has issued excessive heat watch. the campaign is telling supporters to be mindful of the temperatures they will be providing water and have cooling stations. shannon, the high today forecasted in las vegas 103. are right live in vegas and boris. thank you very much. time for our sunday group. fox news contributed present of american spirit tammy bruce author of the new book, fear itself predisposing the left mind killing agenda but former tennessee democratic congressman cohost of the five fox news contributor harold ford junior former new york republican congressman, former gubernatorial nominee and prosecutor of lee is eldon. good to see you all the new york studio in person pre-thank you for being here but let s start with the fox news polling we have out and ke he states. will stop on a couple of them but let s put up florida. president trump up by four they re pretty going to nevada he is up by five. and then in arizona he is also up by five. but there is another twist to this i want to put up in arizona there is an abortion measure they ll be on the ballot and people asked whether they would vote for constitutional amendment to the right to abortion on the statement of the 70% say yes 27% said no. tammy, how could that impact could be a spoiler for president trump went into arizona has a comfortable lead at the moment? what that is the issue the democrats have relied upon to increase their enthusiasm. people are going to rush to vote for joe by if you put an issue on this it could be a variety of issues that is something people are passionate about. it will get them to the polls. however, i do not think this poll also says biden said about five point on the issue of abortion when it comes head to head with trump. suicide a huge lead. you ve got republicans who were alarealso agreeing with that bat measure. i think the trump enthusiasm we have seen this, even after the verdict, this poll it is monstrous, it is huge. this is the one thing thing the democrats have been relying on from the beginning because of biden s weakness. even that is not playing as much as they thought it would even suburban women have moved to trump. is going to be the push for the next few months i don t think it s going be a problem for trump i think they re able to beat that. and got sick at the turn out both sides of got to get operations i mean democrats seem to have an advantage they are underway and some the things he trump team seems applicable catch up on there in arizona will say that let s look to the issues we talked about abortion, president biting at the edge on climate change, abortion, election integrity and healthcare. president trump by much bigger margins gets the wind from these folks on israel/hamas where the economy, immigration and the border and harold, those are issues people say are more important to them. happy sunday, thank you for having us do. i think a couple of things big democrats we should be concerned about the state-by-state polling data showing us down for five-point to president trump at 50. anytime your opponent is at 50 and president trump is a unique opponent he s been a president before that should b because for some concern. but there are some things working in favor president biden but first off president trump s most pessimistic major candidate for president i ve ever seen everything is the worst. president biden is the worst, the economy is the worst scum of the borders the worst there s still an element of americans wantamerica swanting positives g some optimism regardless of how tiktok and social media has influence politics. two, president biden s got to talk about his record if he is straight 50 million-dollar jobs, enter thousand manufacturing jobs investments in arizona including phoenix where they become a manufacturing hub and will continue to be one going forward. you cannot underestimate the power of abortion. keeping it legal and safe. it certainly has been an issue in 2006 same-sex marriage went about and say someone to ensurienshrine that and state constitutions hoping to bring out bigger republican voting numbers. this issue will certainly do that. and the question will come down i think to a viable election had a people feel about their finances? how to go about their future and economic security come october? whomever has the advantage at that moment will have the advantage come november. shannon: would have a question thank you for getting us there will say because we ll get the tweets if i don t 59 jobs created but no give tests on the sill go back and say it most came back because of covid. there s been job creation. but, as a result the latest round of unemployment good jobs anumbers but again previous months have been revised downward seems to have a house every month progress wages are going up also. whatever the number is been 14.9 million jobs created. we can quarrel about all day but if we lost 14.9 million jobs, the tweets will be saying biden is the reason. of the economic issue come up to this point in virginia where there is a thai head to head president biden wen one bite 10 points more than 10 points there last summer and they were tied one of the questions asked what about your family s financial situation? will put this up. holding steady 43% 40% of people say falling behind. lee, you are to the ballot box in october people are going to vote based on their own economics, their own pocketbook. no doubt. the household debt being very high for a lot of families for families who want to get the first home interest rates are higher for some people there but they are in a home prioritizing upper economic mobility harder to be able to afford that larger house. the economy as an issue decide your vote in november is a bigger issue for people who are not benefiting from the economy right now. the point whether it s arizona, florida, nevada, for it voters a lot of them are talking about the border as a top priority there talk about the economy as a top priority. they are not talking as much about some these other issues. into the conversation about abortion being on the ballot they have backed the blue measure in arizona they ha devae white amendment to comment child sex trafficking. i think in the end of the day comes onto the mechanics and campaign it comes down to both sides as ritchie torres was talking t in his message of democrat that applies to republicans take absolutely nothing for granted but work hard on all day every day progress every campaign is at the absolute truth panel do not go far. up next hundred biden s federal gun cases back in session tamara s attorney taken this weekend to decide if the president s son will take the stand. plus, if you need a break available for streaming right now vaccination 80s quiz show you ll recognize a lot of familiar faces including mine. we get a little crazy because super competitive if you ve need a break this is fun hosted by the one and only chuck woolery on fox nation. treated any differently than any other american pickers. they argue, jason smith argues he did not tell the truth. jake and smith kim pursue every remedy available to him burke says that is what is doing a house ways and means chair jason smith oversight ranking member congressman this week. house republicans announce head and criminal referrals to the justice department recommending hunter and james biden the charge of making false statements to congress related to the house impeachment inquiry by the republicans against president biden democrat say this is all a stunt we are back out the panel. lee i will start the former prosecutor this is the letter they re sending over too d.o.j. hundred biden and james may provably false statement oversight committee and judiciary. is d.o.j. going to rethink with this? they should. you see steve bannon on his way to prison, peter was sent to prison, these are chargers that get treated very seriously by the d.o.j. when you are going after the right. it is the d.o.j. s and jute duty to treat the serious is coming from a nine states congress there is testimony given under oath. no one is above the law. those are joe biden s own words right after this verdict came out of manhattan a week and a half ago. the d.o.j. should absolutely investigate it. i happen to agree, knowing the evidence that was presented i agree hundred biden and james biden lied under oath. and for whatever reason, it means to justify the ends of and you re going after president trump to lock him up for the best of his life are bankrupt him and his family or from some cases remove them from the ballot for the left assignment attack on democracy this is everything we have had to witness and they have not even stopped yet they are still going. i think you re the d.o.j. has a responsibility you take it serious it s a referral finances congress with evidence to back it up. shannon: d.o.j. it may be done with at contempt citation for the eternal time itself james, was to send one over potential they re moving forward with this heahe says house oversight and judiciary committees issued lawful subpoenas for the audit records record the present biden interview special counsel her yet he continues to defy our subpoenas there must be consequences for refusing to comply with lawful congressional subpoenas. what, i am fatigued by all of the referrals, by the investment i was fatigued when democrats were doing it against president trump this is a group of people in the congress the last 40 years or 41 years of only submit a budget on time four times. this is a group of people in congress hamas attacked israel october 7 it took them months to finally provide some funding for our neighbors for our friends and allies. the blame goes on both sides i would agree with lee, if there is reason for the justice department no reason to believe they will not take these referral seriously. i hope they do what i hope they give us an answer more quickly than not it s important to note the issues were held in contempt because they did not show up. but if indeed there were allies here in myth truth or not truth i hope they go after but i hope at some point to get back to during their day jobs. democrats and republics if democrats are fortunate to gain a majority in the fall which is not out of the room i hope they take a lesson and realize people want them to behave seriously and do serious things i do not consider this the most serious of efforts by congress. shannon: you guys have broken free but former members of congress didn t break free i was i would ve stayed there. you look at the polling, congress get some of the worst stuff 19% was the lesson we had on that. may not want to make sure we touch on this there s a number of democrats out there warning of president trump is reelected he s talked to be about being a dictator being vindictive or revengeful. here s a little bit from left will hear from the former president too. i am telling it trump could end up rolling the score of got congress, and about the supreme court. i own it all. i am a dictator. it s very reasonable to assumed. people are actually worried abouome sort of extrajudicial detention as crazy as this sounds in the united states of america people should really consider these are possibilities. okay here s what president trump said when he is asked by sean hannity about these accusations. at number one, they are wrong it has to stop otherwise were not going to have a country. we cannot have this stuff go on. when biden goes out everyone says bye-bye and he gets indicted two days later and they go after him. the country does not want that. they did not want i with hilary clinton either. shannon: what do you make of the back-and-forth? works ciampa said even before about hilary when asked specifically put her in jail line, is that will be too divisive this is been a consistent position of his for years now. at no point has he created an action or made a point of statement going to be a dictator through everyone in jail it s been the opposite. then you got that left using meeting to try to guess i people. the fact of the matter is a biden has joked about defying the supreme court on the student loan decision. he has joked about that. only president trump is the one who has been on trial and faces being put in prison which many, including eye, think they will infect incarcerate him in some fashion. it seems a little bit but rejection considering the nature of what s been going on i think it is a shame. the american people can see the difference trump is been vocal about this consistently with piercing simply not true. shannon: before we go does hunter biden testified next week? i don t think he does, do you anybody? i think you should but no question. s second greatest letter all times or no. oh boy. we ll see if the jury thanks about that his father sank this week he is not planning to pardon him. all right panel thank you very much. coming up i m going to introduce you to an israeli man who survived the october 7 the taxi was huddled with his family in a safe room as friends and family members were murdered and kidnapped. here about his mission to all the remaining hostages a home fm gaza now. sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you re probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it s packed with all five essential electrolytes. taste amazing and way less sugar than sports drinks? rehydrate and feel better with liquid labs. grab liquid labs in the walmart vitamin aisle today. shannon: sending good news for hostage wreck rescued and gaza highlighted the fact hamas is still holding more than 100 people taken on october 7. talked with a survivor of the attacks he lost his father in law and many friends is now fighting to get the remaining hostages home including several from his own community but we spoke before the news that this weakens courageous rescue. it is this week s sunday special. shannon: how are you doing several months out but still very fresh? first of all, thanks for letting me speak here. difficult times we live in difficult times. for the last eight months i live in a hotel. it s not so easy in a very small room with my four kids and my wife. and actually with my dog. it does not matter. only about 125 people from israel who are still in gaza kidnapped. eleven of them are our community, our family. this is the hardest event. the hardest thing to do. not knowing. going to ask you both your ribbon and the necklace you have we in the when called a dog tag but it is very similar in israeli culture what it is because it israel you knew sir e the army you get one with your number, your personal number in the army. and now here in english is ha is and bring them home now. and in hebrew which means our hearts is to gaza. the yellow ribbon is a symbol again to beat with the kidnapped people in their families and friends as a symbol we empathize with them. so they will know we are thinking about them all day long all the time. this is incredibly difficult. people were taken some have not survived. we know we continue to find out there hostages who have not survived their captivity with hamas. what is your message here in the u.s.? we need to get help from everyone we can. first of all to bring everybody home. what you make of the conversations ongoing? there have been some releases. can t israel negotiate with hamas over these things? are they a reliable actor in these negotiations? one of the problems we have is we have some targets, not one. we have some targets it s very difficult to know what to do first. think the israel government we need to first win the war. i do not know what it is we lost the war on the seventh of october. we lost the battle. to win the war we bring the citizens back. not soldiers at citizens, civilians, they were taken from their homes. so, to win the war first bring them back. and then we will deal with gaza. can you envision a future? you grew up on the border with gaza your entire life. can you envision a future post war in which you can live peacefully and live safe on that border? i hope so. i am optimistic. we need to change something. i still do not know what. we cannot go and live the same way we live. now, when my kids hear a siren for example to think the terrorists are going to come. we are refugees in our own country and i m going to go back it will take time physically and mentally. but we go back and we want to go back we are not ler home paragrh to the israeli people feel supported by the americans? i want to think yes the majority think the united states to help us very much. i met with many, many people these last few days from the congress i feel the love that i feel we are together on this occasion is not just a fight between israel and hamas. it is in between good and bad. good and evil. shannon: thank you for sharing your story with us we appreciate it. thank you. shannon: and so we sat down with naor pakciarz we learned of the rescue of those in gaza he sent us a statement we are very happy poor of our captives were rescued by the idf. but we must remember the job is not done. we are still missing 120 hostages we need to bring back home fast. we continue to call upon the international community until all of our families are back home but we think a first time for a quick note my podcast is outliving the bremen this morning i sat down at tonya sheet one to give hope to students on the auburn campus where her husband is a basketball coach. it led to a gathering started revival on numerous campuses across the south. what how it happened where they re going next rate living in the bremen anywhere you get your podcast for that is it, thank you for joining us. i am shannon bream. have a wonderful week and we will see you nex

Road , Jackson-hole , Teton-pass-outside-of-jackson , Footage-mountain-pass , Wyoming , Person , Speech , News , Spokesperson , Public-speaking , Official , Businessperson

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240608-180

To provide kyiv with fighter jets, and to train thousands of ukrainian soldiers. russia has warned against the move, but macron insisted the west wouldn t be intimated by such threats. the french president said he ll use next month s nato summit to give ukraine added support. translation: france continues to su ort translation: france continues to support ukraine translation: france continues to support ukraine in translation: france continues to support ukraine in all- to support ukraine in all areas, including on the european level, by seeking to have the effective launch of membership negotiations by the end of the month, or at nato, the summit from july 9 11, where i will commit again to ukraine s path to our alliance. world leaders have spent most of the week in france to mark the 80th anniversary of the d day landings in normandy, when tens of thousands of soldiers arrived on the beaches in northern france in an invasion that was a key

Europe , Translation , Key , Safety , Ukrainian , Safety-ofi , Russia , Volodymyr-zelensky , World , Leaders , France , Territories

Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240608 00:03

Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240608 00:03 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Europe , Volodymyr-zelensky , World , Leaders , France , Territories , Empire , Nationstate , 80th-anniversary , Asia , Africa , D-day-landings

The Source With Kaitlan Collins

Going to be going to cuba, they say is a sign of friendly relations how can concerned are us officials about this ships have gone there before. it s been some time since a russian submarine has gone there. it s a nuclear powered submarine, not nuclear armed, but that s different. and i think we should put it together with other signals and movements. russia has been sending over the last several months and years closer encounters to u.s. aircraft over and around alaska, for instance, more frequent and closer. we ve seen them in asia. we ve seen russian ships operating alongside chinese ships in these china sea, for instance challenging us ships up close there. and now you have similar kind of movements, 90 miles off the coast of florida. it s not militarily significant in that the us does not expect a strike. but it, but it is certainly signals to ending and it shows that russia is willing to stick its thumb

Submarine , Ships , Russian , Relations , Officials , Cuba , Sign , U-s , Russia , Movements , Aircraft , Signals

Business Today

The cost of everything from food to energy. daniel murray, chief executive of efg asset management switzerland told me about how asian central banks are likely to react. i think the situation in asia is very interesting. 0bviously, different situations depending on which country you re looking at. the monetary authority of singapore for example, they usually don t set policy by interest rate but use currency is the main policy indicate that they are very happy to continue to let the currency strengthen gently and that in effect represents monetary tightening. the bank ofjapan famously hikes rates for the first time in. since 2005, just recently. and is expected to gently tighten policy progresses, although it s not certain. of course we have the bank

Banks , Daniel-murray , Cost , Situation , Energy , Everything , Food , Asset-management , Asia , Efg , Switzerland , Monetary-authority-of-singapore

Business Today

Of china, which they hope would loosen more already. while they have done certain measures to try to support the housing market and support the economy generally, they have probably done less than some people and hope for for that it s quite a different outlook in asia depending on which country you are looking at. in the coming hours, we ll also get a rate decision from india s central bank. it s widely expected to keep the cost of borrowing on hold. the announcement comes against the backdrop of narendra modi s bjp led alliance securing a narrower than expected election victory, which may slow economic reforms. archana shukla has more from mumbai. higherfood prices, a robust economic growth, and a new coalition government still under formation. there s reasons aplenty why economists feel india s central bank will leave the interest rates unchanged for eight consecutive times and cuts pushed to much later in the year. now, while inflation has eased, it was still 4.83% in april, mostly driven by stubbornly high prices of cereals, spices and vegetables.

Economy , Housing-market , Measures , People , European-central-bank , India , Country , Cost , Announcement , Asia , Rate-decision , Outlook

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Dana Bash 20240607-420

Policy than joe biden. maybe that comes from the withdrawal and afghanistan, i mean, who who knows, but this is definitional for biden. it s the way he sees himself. and he d like the public to see him this way. but i don t think that s the case. i mean, look, he s eight years older than reagan was at that time so i mean contemporaries. but again of a very different time, but still for the voters out there who want a sense of order a break from the chaos. i think this is the message that price president biden offers for them. well, and i think the problem to your point is that so many people look at the world today and see mostly chaos. and i think that s the reason that trump gets better marks for foreign policy, despite all the chaos and instability that we remember from his term as president and so much of the world, i ve just been an asia where there s a similar sense of of concern about the potential for a

Joe-biden , Way , Case , Withdrawal , Public , Afghanistan , Order , Voters , Sense , Break , Contemporaries , Eight

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Election Debate 20240607-2760

Come we will be attacking labour because we are gone again. {30 because - we are gone again. go on, carry-on. because - we are gone again. go on, carry-on. it because - we are gone again. go on, carry-on, it actually because - we are gone again. go on, carry-on, it actuallyjust because - we are gone again. go on, carry-on, it actuallyjust back. i carry on, it actuallyjust back. just rolled the dice, i was never goodin just rolled the dice, i was never good in the casino. thank you very much for that. we will have all seven parties represented here at the table tonight. with me is now baroness asia as rate, also a panelist on my programme. that s my favourite gig- panelist on my programme. that s my favourite gig. and panelist on my programme. that s my favourite gig. and sarah panelist on my programme. that s my favourite gig. and sarah michelle i favourite gig. and sarah michelle from the media favourite gig. and sarah michelle from the media advisory - favourite gig. and sarah michelle i from the media advisory conservative party, welcome to you as well. what should we talk about? should we talk about? where to beuin? should we talk about? where to begin? the should we talk about? where to begin? the elephant should we talk about? where to begin? the elephant in - should we talk about? where to begin? the elephant in the i should we talk about? where to i begin? the elephant in the room. we were “ust begin? the elephant in the room. we were just saying begin? the elephant in the room. we were just saying that begin? the elephant in the room. we were just saying that when begin? the elephant in the room. we were just saying that when they - begin? the elephant in the room. we were just saying that when they take | were just saying that when they take to the stage tonight, surely they ll focus first and foremost on d day?

Disappointment-moore-on-labour , Go-on , Carry-on , It-actuallyjust-back , It-actuallyjust , 30 , Parties , Table , Dice , Casino , Seven , Programme