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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240614

made missiles and the fleet s headquarters in sebastopol was struck by missiles last year, the repeated humiliations pushing russian ships further and further away from ukraine and eventually leading to the dismissal of russia s navy chief in march, not so long ago, russian state media would celebrate the navy s single aircraft carrier, the admiral, cuz nets off the jewel in the crown. but the ship has long been plagued by mechanical problems and has been in dark for years and more months, some western analysts predict it will never set sail again despite putin s glorification of russia s naval prowess, many of its warships here are vulnerable to both air and sea attacks and lack the technology to compete with western navies. or even cheap maritime drones made and ukraine an air in the ukrainian say that while the russians might be gaining ground in other areas, they feel that they ve really hurt. moscow is black sea fleet and essentially rendered it ineffective and the ukrainian say they will continue to develop those sea drones to hurt vladimir putin s naval forces even more. aaron. all right. thank you very much tonight and thanks so much to all all of you. it s time now for ac30, 60 tonight on through 60, the former president goes to washington to formalize his almost total takeover of the republican party. what he told lawmakers behind and closed doors when it signals about his plans, if we elect it. also time, cnn s donie o sullivan and talking with trump s supporters about what they think will happen to the country if he loses and to appeal its are prize-winning historian. but what she thinks might happen if you wins. also breaking news on supreme court justice clarence thomas already under scrutiny for setting millions of dollars in gifts and travel over the years. now, the senate judiciary committee reveals three more trips he took did not disclose. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep them honest with the former president s de in washington with his party, and that use the possessive to describe the republican senators and house members he met with today in separate closed-door sessions, each just steps from the capital is no accident because if he s done nothing else over the last three-and-a-half years. of insurrection and search warrants and indictments and trials and felony convictions. it has been to remake the party of ronald reagan in his own image at the house meeting, he made a point of reminding members that nearly every republican who voted to impeach him as either been voted out of office or retired? not that by this point, there s survivors really needed reminding listen to speaker of the house mike johnson was basking in the afterglow and majority whip tom emmer, a self-proclaimed tough on crime law maker, attacking the criminal justice system he said very complimentary things about all of us we had sustained applause. he said, i m doing a very good job. i mean, we re grateful for that. i m going to add anybody who thought that this president was going to be down after the sham trial after that crooked trial that we saw in new york i think again more than more than one member of congress and the house meeting told cnn that the former president has spent most of his time airing grievances about his felony conviction. afterwards that a house judiciary committee hearing democratic members were all too happy to bring it up. just a show of hands for anyone in the room who hung out with a felon today hey, guys. i everyone get your hands up i want to begin by quoting the jury in the manhattan hush money payment trial guilty guilty guilty. guilty now, it s remarkable because whatever you think it congressional decorum or for that matter, x presidential criminality. this is where we are, but we are a convicted felon leads the self-proclaimed party of law and order in his post-conviction visit, just a few blocks away from the place that his supporters attacked into filed is just another headline. and so is what one lawmaker in the rooms, as he told house members about former democratic house speaker nancy pelosi, after calling one of his daughters a quote, wacko he reportedly claimed that one of her daughters wants told him that he and speaker pelosi would have had a quote, great romance in another life. daughter christine, today responded tweeting quote, speaking for all four pelosi daughters, this is ally he also called milwaukee side of the republican national convention, quote, horrible, according to a source in the room, another lawmaker later saying he was only talking about crime. all from a single meeting. at this other meeting, his republic republican senator is also close to the capital. he spoke with minority leader mitch mcconnell for the first time since december 2020. the photo prompting this reaction from liz cheney, the staunchly conservative former republican congresswoman, who was drummed out while first out of the party leadership and then out of office for co-chair and the january 6 committee she tweeted and quoted words mitch mcconnell made on the senate floor in february 13, 2021. cheney wrote, mitch mcconnell knows trump provoked the violent attack and our capital, and then quote watch television happily unquote as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the vice president he knows trump reviews for hours to tell his mob to leave and quote, even then with police officers bleeding, he kept repeating his election leinz and praising the criminals she went on to say again, quoting mcconnell, he knows that trump committed a quote disgraceful dereliction of duty unquote, and is a danger to our republic here are some more of what mcconnell said on that day there s no question nod. their president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day those are tough words for mitch mcconnell, but just 12 days later, after he said that on the 25th, senator mcconnell, eight, those words telling fox is brett baer, he would support the man he so recently criticized if he s nominated in 2024 talk, it seems is cheap. join his now with more cnn s meloni s and ohno. what else went on behind closed doors today with trump will anderson heading into these meetings, lawmakers are really hopeful that trump was going to be talking about a campaign strategy or laying out his vision for a policy agenda. and now there was some of that. one of the more substantive moments was on trump brought up the topic of abortion and any counseled republicans about how he thinks they should talk about this issue. and he said they shouldn t be afraid of it. they should frame it as a state s issue. and you also encouraged republicans to voice support for exceptions not come across as too extreme on the issue, but for the most part, according to all the lawmakers that i spoke to, these meetings were more of an airing of grievance it says it was a gripe session at particularly in the house meeting this morning, i m told that trump, of course, brought up the legal challenges against them, calling all the charges against him, quote, bogus he also referred for to the department of justice as quote, dirty, no-good according to some of the lawmakers that i talked to, he even at one point, complained about taylor swift, were endorsing his rival president joe biden. and he also gloated about how most of the house republicans who voted to impeach him over the january 6 insurrection are no lines hunger in congress. so it was very wide ranging speech, very freewheeling that member ce felt more like a pep rally or even a roast than a serious policy discussion. morning and taylor swift has not endorsed joe biden. do you have any more details on the trump mcconnell counter well, with trump and mcconnell, there was a very serious effort. i m told by both parties he s to really bury the hatchet after years of feuding and years of frost newness right before the meeting, trump and mcconnell shook hands, which was captured on a phone photograph during the meeting. trump credited mcconnell with helping to elect more republican senators, and then after the meeting, mcconnell praised trump and said the mean eating was very, very positive. so just a remarkable inflection point. i think anderson, we re going to look back on this moment similar to kevin mccarthy trekking down to mar-a-lago in the weeks after january 6 and really just captures how much the party, including some of trump s former critics like mcconnell, have really fallen in line in the years after january 6 and despite these criminal convictions, anderson, millions and thanks so much, jonasson. i was new york democratic congressman daniel goldman, congressman. any surprises for you today in the visit by trump not really. he didn t come to the capital, which was good good thing because this is where he fomented a massive riot and insurrection to try to keep him installed in office. he didn t talk much about policy because he doesn t really care much about policy. what he cares about is himself and what he cares about is his conviction 34 times for being a felon and what he cares about her as three other cases and getting revenge. and he wants to do that by tearing down our democracy and what he was effectively doing today is greases the wheels, trying to play nice with republicans who support he needs in order to become president. so that he can take his fat let s just authoritarian views into office if he were to win. and it is just a very telling i think that mitch mcconnell has now bowed down to the ring of donald trump someone who, you quoted what he said on january 25, where he helped donald trump responsible for the january 6 riot. and has resisted donald trump. but now he has clearly demonstrated graded that donald trump owns the republican party. there is no other faction of the republican party that has any influence other than donald trump his maga supporters, obviously, none of us, there s privilege privy to the inner thoughts and mitch mcconnell. but why do you think center mcconnell made this choice? i mean, after, you know the strong comments he made criticizing trump theta, the racist attacks trump made against me kennels own wife. i mean, what is mitch mcconnell get out of this anderson, what do any of these people who have i know good mccaul s running. i mean, it he could he could go out on i d like liz cheney, who at least, has taken a very strong stand ultimately mixed for the same reason since that mitch mcconnell refuse to give merrick garland a vote for the supreme court and then rammed any amy coney barrett through under the same circumstances, two weeks before the election? that s what connell has a very focused and narrowly tailored view of what he wants to accomplish. and at the end of the day i m sure mitch mcconnell views donald trump as the only possibility to get these type of conservative judges who have now overturned roe v. wade paid back into more into the our judiciary and into the supreme court and push forward a clearly minority favored agenda that mitch mcconnell has been pushing for decades. it was seeing melodies and i was reporting is that trump was telling lawmakers counseling them on how to run about and talk about abortion and to talk about states rights and to not seem too extreme do you have any belief that that s how he would be if he got into office? absolutely none. donald trump does not care. donald trump used to be pro-choice. he used to be a democrat. now, he s out there promoting and celebrating his own work and getting roe versus wade overturned he will do whatever he needs to do to secure the support for his fascist anti-democratic attacks on the rule of law to undermine our democratic institutions. and if that means that he ll give over supreme court nominations to mitch mcconnell or someone else on the far right who wants to roll back our individual freedoms, even more than the supreme court has done. he will do that in a minute. and if there here s a national abortion ban that the republicans pass donald trump will sign that in two seconds. do not believe donald trump whenever he says that he will stand up for abortion rights, he has completely flip-flopped in his career. he will do whatever benefits himself. speaker johnson was asked yesterday, the former president attempt the outcome of the election. i just want to play that for years really for the first time republican house and senate meeting with him since the january 6 attack on the capitol are you committed or have you spoken to him about basically not not doing anything like that again, in committing to respecting the sort of american tradition of peaceful transfer of course, he respects that and we all do and we ve all talked about it at nauseum i mean i mean yeah. i mean, i can anyone say with a straight face is donald trump respects the peaceful transfer of power that i want you to take that clip and run it over and over and over. that is everything you need to know. oh about mike johnson and the maga republican party. they will look you in the eye and they will lie directly to your face over and over and over. there is no question that donald trump does not respect the peaceful transfer of power he has made it a litmus test for his vice president that whoever that will be willing not accept the results. and that s why you have every single vice presidential candidates. so far refusing to concede or acknowledged that they will accept them the results. donald trump, it will not accept the peaceful a trap power. you don t have to ask me or trust me, he already did it so for speaker johnson to look in the camera and to say that of course he respects the peaceful transfer of power. put that on every bulletin board around the country. it is total bogus and it shows you what knowing liars the republicans are. congressman, i appreciate your time. thank you thank you. president biden met today with ukraine s president zelenskyy of the g7 summit in italy. the two signing a new tenure security agreement at the press conference afterwards, frozen biden spoke briefly when asked about his son, hunter i m extremely proud of my son hunter. he is overcome and addiction. he is he s one of the brightest, most decent man i know and i am satisfied that i m not going to do anything. i sat i said i advise by the jury decision. i will do that no i m not pardon him the present-day also ruled out commuting his one-sentence seen as mj lee is traveling with the president joins us now from from very italy. so mj, earlier in the week, the white house appeared to leave open the possibility of a commutation or that flee not commenting at essentially overturning the sentence, not a conviction. what specifically did the president say about that yeah. when the president was walking away from that press conference, some reporters yell loud. would you commute your sons sentence and he answered directly. he said no that was after he had more broadly addressed the conviction of his son, hunter, as you just play they re standing by his son, standing by the judicial system, and also reiterating his previously stated position pardoning his son. he said, i will not pardon him. anderson white house officials had suspected that it was likely he would get asked about the hunter issue at this news conference, given that it happened just two days ago, he had not publicly commented on in yet on it yeah they knew that the specific issue of the commutation was one that could come up if you ll recall yesterday, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked by a reporter whether she would rule out that possibility and she wouldn t say yes or no. and that exchange, the white house, new had taken on a life of its own when in reality, i m told the issue was really that some senior aides hadn t had a chance yet to speak to the president about the commutation issue. corinne john p, or said yesterday to reporters, i haven t talked to him about this yet. i m not just i m not going to have anything more to say on this, but it certainly was a really remarkable moment. the president speaking on this kind of a stage. on the other side of the world about an issue that has been so deeply sensitive for his entire family, mj lee, thanks more in prison, biden s trip later in the program next though cnn s donie o sullivan talking to trump supporters as well as a historian of dictatorships and autocracies about donald trump and democracy. and later there s breaking news turns out there are even more undisclosed it s trips supreme court justice clarence thomas took paid for by republican megadonor ave heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture heart failure and seemingly unrelated he did symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath an irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious cold, eight ttr cm a rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time 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democracy? she is actually not as good as you think it is but for centuries, america has celebrated its democracy democracy is worth dying for democracy remains the definition of political legitimacy, but some republicans and pro-trump media are pushing the idea that america is not a democracy. united states of america kirk is not a democracy. we are constitutional republic. those things were america is not a democracy. you don t want to be in a democracy. we are not a democracy. we are a republic. is america a democracy america is a democracy. it was founded as a democracy. i ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. i hear a lot of things out on the road but to hear americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots say that america is not a democracy that stopped me in my tracks. you are hearing people say america is not a democracy because there are people around trump who want them to be saying that who ve been planting that narrative? his america democracy i don t i think we ll never know, but yeah, we re republic. what s the difference i feel like democracy what do we think this through its government i don t see freedom in democracy freedom in the republic honestly, the word democracy and the word republic have often been used interchangeably. there isn t a meaningful difference between them. so much of the warnings and criticism about trump is that he is a threat to democracy, that he has anti-democratic. absolutely. if they can convince people that we don t have a democracy, then it s okay that trump is attacking democracy because it doesn t really matter that s why, like why has democracy become a bad word? because it s been used in a way to change the flavor of our country, which is a republic these words were used in different ways in the 18th century and it s true the founders didn t want direct democracy by which they meant people gathering on the town square. they wanted representative democracy. but i think the reason why does conversation about language has so now is because there is a part of the republican party that would like to rule as a minority and they need an excuse for why that s okay. and so they ve begun to say, we re not a democracy. were, are public and it s not 100% clear what that means. but i think they mean we want donald trump to be able to do whatever he wants some people i ve been seeing debt trump events recently. yes. have been saying american is not a democracy. it s a republic and we ve always been my pros. first of all we have sleek. we re use that freedom of speech and freedom of religion. we used to have that two. now they re picking on the christians and the jewish people i mean, how much more can we are you concerned if trump loses yeah. that there ll be another january 6. no. i think there will be a civil war that s what i think will happen during this whole democracy republican is fascinating. this is the first i ve, i ve heard of that new thing that there are now pushing those. it looks like folks on fox are pushing it. is there a reason the people you spoke with think that country isn t a democracy now, i mean, yeah, look, i mean, i understand some of those folks. no doubt genuinely believed that i might have believed for a long time, this isn t necessarily a new talking point. however, we have seen it just revive over the past few months and they re really the reason we did this piece was over the over the past few months, just unprompted. as i was speaking to a lot of trump s supporters, they would bring this very specific lineup i love this real, it s not a debase right about the former government here. it s not a debate about democracy really why this is happening. and you saw it there in that piece, some fox news and elsewhere on conservative and right-wing media people are trying to convince trump s supporters, others that america is not a democracy in the first place. and we actually saw i haven t noticed that this seem to pick up a bit after president biden speech in philadelphia, where he described trump as a threat to democracy. this is how they seem to be trying to twist language to try and neutralize describing trump as a threat to democracy. because if america is not a democracy in the first place, then there s nothing to worry about your winning a solvent. thank you very much. one of the pillars of a democracy is the rule of law and laws of course are enforced by courts and the highest court in the land supreme court is once again under fire tonight. over new ethics concerns, specifically the behaviors surrounding justice clarence thomas. late this afternoon, senate judiciary chairman dick durbin released new information from a major republican donor about more undisclosed trips provided to justice thomas. it follows previous reporting about numerous undisclosed gifts from that conservative billionaire harlan crow, which include private school tuition for a relative of thomases and decade s worth of luxury vacations. last week after the release of his 2023 disclosures, thomas said certain disclosures had been, quote inadvertently omitted wherever last month in a speech, who railed against the quote, nastiness and quote lies directed toward him. draw now by our justice correspondent, just cash snyder, also a former federal district judge, johnny jones, the third and former federal prosecutor elie honig. so jessica, what do we know about these additional trips now that thomas took on harlan crow plane? yeah. the details just being released tonight for i m senator dick durbin. the details are several new trips happened in 2017, 2019, and 2021. so first and may 20, he 17 justice thomas took harlan crows jet from st. louis to montana and then to dallas. then there was a march 2019 flight where he flew roundtrip between washington, dc and savannah and then in june 2021, he flu round trip between washington, dc and san jose, california. all of this on crows jet and really intersect. i mean, these newly revealed flights, it only adds to what we know were other luxury trips that justice thomas enjoyed, bankrolled by harlan crow. there was also but 2019 trip to indonesia where justice thomas stayed on crows mega yacht. so there have been a lot of previously undisclosed travel that s been gifted by harlan crow is a gop megadonor. he s active and conservative causes. justice thomas, though, i ll note anderson has always it s described him as just a dear friend and says they ve never had any discussions about cases before the court. they ve wow, i mean, that that s you you re hanging out with justice supreme court. that s kind of amazing to think. has justice thomas explained why he did not disclose these these trips? because he talks about his love of staying in for vrb travel and drawing ran on a bus yeah. so he hasn t directly answered about these recent disclosures, but his attorney just released a statement tonight. it says this. it says the formation that harlan crow provided to the senate judiciary committee fell under the personal hospitality exemption and was not required to be disclosed by justice thomas the judicial conference change this provision last year, and justice thomas has fully complied with the new disclosure requirement. so i ll expand upon this to really explain it up until last year there was in fact this personal hospitality exemption. so justices, in the way they read it, didn t have to disclose certain benefits, maybe from there wealthy friends, things like when they stayed at their friends properties or traveled on jets. it was just last year, anderson that exemption was removed. so justices now have to disclose these perks, but there s some question as to whether the disclosures need to be retroactive. there s nothing specifically saying justices have to go back now and disclosed year s worth of trips. but it is still coming out and it came out tonight from the senate judiciary committee, judge jones, does this make sense you why wouldn t justice thomas just come clean about everything harlan crow has given him or paid for. why go through this kind of drip, drip, drip? you know, anderson, i have no idea but this has all the allure of a slow motion car accident. it doesn t look good. i toiled in the federal judiciary for 20 years and i love it. i respect it, but this tears that the fabric the code of ethics that the justices are subject to, which is, by the way, not enforceable says in the first canon that it is there to basically preserve the integrity and the independence of the judiciary now, under the circumstances to the point that was just made he amended his is 2023 ethic statement and he added a couple of his trips when you go to the question of retroactivity, i agree it s less than clear so why would you do that? and not include the other trips they re just revealed there s there s no good answer to that elie. i mean, do you agree with the statement from thomas s attorneys saying that because the personal hospitality exemption, he didn t need to not at all, the spirit of these rules is disclosure and these are not just a small gifts, these are gifts and not donations, but gifts worth tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. and the whole explanation that this is just a friend doing something for me. i mean, i gotta get better friends that this is something more than just a friend paying for his friend. hundreds of thousands dollars over that here for private school tuition for flights, for hotels violates every cannon in this ethics code. and if you remember anderson about a year ago, the supreme court for the first time ever adopted an ethics code. the criticism we made was it s toothless and i think now we re seeing that judge jones i mean, go ahead, judge. while i was going to say it s interesting to ellie s point about having a friend. here s the acid test, and this is not hard and it s not in the statement of ethics at all if you are making a friend because you re on the supreme court of the united states. if that s why this guy is friends with you, then i would suggest to you that if he s providing hospitality, that s just wrong. it just shouldn t happen. and i don t think that s a hard a hard test for any justice or judge observe if i had done this as a district judge, us district judge, i would have been absolutely subject to judicial discipline of the the most pronounced kind, and i would have deserved it. and so to me, there s if clarence thomas was sitting on this circuit court or was the head of the eoc. do you think that harlan crow would afford him this kind of hospitality? of course, he would judge jones. thank you. elie honig, jessica schneider, as well, just ahead. present. biden, promoting democracy on the world stage with ukraine and making a campaign issued home former us ambassador to the un, susan rice it s joins us next welcome to the waiver hood with wave. finding your style is fine when the music stops grabbing it, doesn t matter if you re outdoors hello. i m sorry, carl. this is me and chair form. i don t see you. just perfect for you but you love it. i told you we should have done opinion data i explained how many died they re not sending you need to sit down every style, every home at fisher investments. we may look like other money managers, but were different. and how so we re a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client s best interests. so we don t sell any commission-based products, then how do you make money? we have a simple management fee structured, so we do better when our clients do the clients really come first then yes, we make them a top priority by getting to know their finances, family, health lifestyle, and more. wow maybe we are different at fisher investments were clearly different. let s get started no. where s your mask? 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if it s not binding on the next administration well, anderson, let s step back a second and thank you for having me on and take a look at what president biden is doing at the g7 in europe he is going back to his third g7 with, our alliances restored and rebuilt stronger than ever with the united states leadership embraced in respected and he has rallied the world to defend ukraine, including with a $50,000,000,000 loan that the united states led and negotiating this week using the interest off of the russian frozen assets. he s negotiated this bilateral agreement, which is very valuable in that there is always a cost for the united states when it reneges on its commitments, when it walks back its agreements and while it s not a legally binding treaty, it s a powerful statement of us support and intentions in addition, he s just this week led and imposing tough new sanctions on russia and china. so with joe biden, we have strong leadership that is strengthened our leinz is not only in europe, but in asia and around the world, which makes america more secure and we have a leader who s trusted and respected we contrast that as you did in your opening with donald trump who is so profoundly dangerous, he has not committed to democracy at home or abroad. he embraces dictators he is the president, former president whose own vice president? national security advisors, secretary of state secretaries of defense. yeah, pretty much everybody on the cabinets of staff. all have set are unfit. and what does that say when the people closest to you say you re unfit to lead, that s very, very concerning when you hear from say that vladimir putin would release wall street journal reporter it just adjust if he asked, what i mean, does that make sense to you like, why wouldn t he then just ask now for that to happen? well, that s a good question. i understand. no, of course it doesn t make sense. it s bluster. it s, it s all dishonest and every day we hear something dishonest out of donald trump s mouth. that is inherently self-serving and not anything we can rely on its. you don t just get to wave a magic wand and have a dictator who s hell-bent on not only taking over ukraine but western europe and more if we allow him. and what is donald trump s say? donald i m trump calls putin a genius. donald trump tells putin that he can do whatever he wants. the hell he wants with our nato allies. i mean, it s the height of recklessness self-interest, and danger, and it s not a future that we can be confident in at all, it would undermine our security profoundly at a time when the world is a complicated place, when you are us ambassador to the un, you obviously dealt with nations whose leaders disregard laws, carry out vendettas against their political opponents when you hear don trump talking about getting revenge or retribution does that seem i mean that seem realistic to you? do you believe he would do that? i do believe he would do it. i believe we have if we have learned anything we should listen to what he says and what he does is often exactly what he says and sometimes worse we have in donald trump a leader who is not running to be the president of the american people he s running for his own self-interest to try to stay out of jail and that is incredibly worrying. and when he says that on day one, he intends to be a dictator, that he will come after his political opponents and anybody who has rubbed i m tim the wrong way. i take that very seriously and i think we all should susan rice. thank you for your time thank you. anderson. way up next to cnn exclusive. been wiedemann talks with hamas spokesman in beirut about the remaining hostages they are holding captive in gaza he asked them how many are still alive and why hamas is yet to agree to ceasefire. his responses coming up this is country is corrupt. we ve got to save it do some terrible things for the greater good we need you build. for the soup, start rounding this up and dumping us off in kansas show me, wrap that doesn t sound good. ashley? 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you seem that count star from the beginning. let s start from beijing on. but one why to talk about the base of 7 october what about the israeli came after good luck to 7 october. it was a reaction against the occupation. what camps after that? it shows the real face of israel. it shows how israeli the cube buying the policy and lands demolishing the situation of the palestinians, killing the civilians. it s not the first time they are getting the civilians hamas is, is an organization. does it regret what it did on 7 october, given what happened afterwards? we are living with this for the last 75 years as palestine s yes now, cnn spoke to one of the doctors who treated the for israelis who were freed on saturday. and he said that they suffered mental and physical abuse. and what do you say when he is an israeli has to say what does lay authorities are asking him to say if you compare the images of both before and after releasing, you will find that they were better than before. i believe they have mental problem. this is because of what israel have done in gaza. but in addition to what has been said about the four recent hostages freed there have been also claims about the dire conditions others faced while in captivity. the fate of the remaining hostages hangs in the balance at the g7 summit in italy, us secretary of state antony blinken said, hoping hamas would agree to the latest us backed ceasefire proposal. response we got was unfortunately not the yes that we were looking for a yes that virtually the entire world has given. okay. mr. hamdan simple question. why hasn t hamas yet agreed officially to the us backed posel for a ceasefire who said it s a positive step but we need to see the facts on the ground. we need to know what exactly that president means by saying a ceasefire, i withdraw while what is left, what do you need we need an israeli ideally, a clear position from israel to accept the ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from gaza, and let the palestinians to determine their future by themselves are you optimistic at this point in time that you will reach some sort of agreement well, i think if the united states administration acted in the positive way, seeing the situation not only in the eyes of israel we can reach soon an agreement. and in the absence of an agreement, this war goes on with know site then i mean, this hamas leader justifies the october 7 attack by hamas. and as long as she had an others, which was a violation of an ongoing ceasefire, claimed, no one knows how many hostages are still alive. obviously there are people who know in hamas, any claims that the released, that the hostages who were freed just recently, the four hostages that they are actually better off than they were before they were taken into captivity. i mean, that s just absurd well, that s what he said, but you need to look at it through the lens of how it s been seen in the region anderson there lot of pictures circulating for before and after pictures circulating on social media of palestinian prisoners who d been freed from israeli jails hills the pictures show healthy people going in gaunt, sickly people looking out. no. mr. hamdan, like millions of other in this region are seeing the pictures of these for israelis who were recently freed from gaza, who on the surf base surface superficially looked to be okay. so that seems to be why he s saying this and we re hearing it from many other people as well. keep in mind also that osama hamdan is a political figure in hamas. he is involved in and then negotiating process, but he s not part of the military wing that holds the hostages in gaza, so he s probably not complete the up on the situation in there. and i think what you re hearing in that interview is more a reflection, perhaps social media then his knowledge of the specifics of the hostages themselves anderson, where she refuses even call hostages, but been wiedemann. thank you. appreciate it. we ll be right back three body serie a. city client uses city s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress grass whether you re moving across town or across the country now, you can count on pods to deliver when we say we will, which is why we were voted america s number one container moving company. hook your move today at, introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to eight hours of powerful relief new abdo targeted relief all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals orioles. what s missing? 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let s tsunami afghanistan, iraq. so many places we ve been all those stories we ve told, interviews and live shots and folders, endless days and sleepless nights, boring car rides and bad flights all those airports we ve rushed to getting, there, getting out how many hours have we waited? how many calls have you made how much could cajoling and talking? how did you come to know me so well time passes and memories fade but i hope i never forget all that we ve shared and all that you ve been and will forever be to me. charlie and i spend more than a month reporting from new orleans and the gulf coast in the difficult days after hurricane katrina. the last show we did was from a badly damaged street and it was all deserted and it was charlie and meeting maybe seven or eight others cameraman and engineers and satellite truck operators we ve finished around midnight. we broke down the equipment, we wrapped up the cables are other people did neal halls worth one of my cameraman two dozen years from the cooler on his truck and pass them around and we lingered there for time talking remembering the things we d all just lived through, not wanting that feeling we had to

Many , Air , Russian , Prowess , Analysts , Sea , Warships , Glorification , Vladimir-putin , Missiles , Ukraine , Fleet

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240611

ideals and we don t know fully what american soil is. sean: mumbling, fumbling, stumbling at an incoherent. no inverness this was around 9:00 pm eastern which is well past his bedtime i m sure he will sleep well tonight after that vigourous showing. that all the time we have left this evening. please that your dvr so you never ever ever ever this episode of hannity and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is terry brekka but a smile on your face. have a great night. [cheering and applause] greg: yes! yes! [cheering] greg: eyed cloud for me too. happy monday, everyone. san francisco has opened the first three food market where shoppers can leave without paying. residents are reportedly confused how this is different from any other store in the city. [laughter] and ellie in your taxpayer-funded high-rise for homeless people now open a quick talking luxury apartments. there s a jim kayla caffey skyline views their academic the residents feel like home each unit featuring two coats of fresh urine. [laughter] according to a new pole, my favorite kind of secret 55 sens say then there well 34 cents monthly a person can change their gender later in life. while 10% of the men pulled after closing time said i swear to god i thought that was a check. [laughter] we ve all been there. [applause] is the man uploading heavily. he knows what i m talking about. chicago s progressive mayor billie johnson spent $30,000 in campaign contributions on his own private makeup artist during his first year in office. but you have to admit the artist did an amazing job. [laughter] my god. [applause] greg: during a rodeo in oregon on saturday, for people were injured after a boredom over a fence and injured for people in the crowd. the same thing happened at the view once when joe behar sato in the audience holding a plate of built bacon. [laughter] c4 this weekend donald trump told him about her crowd he would eliminate taxes on ti tips. what s after, asked one man. very cheap. very cheap individual. in his gun trial hunter biden decided not to take the stand in his own defense. really wanted to be sworn in with his hand on a stripper s ass. [laughter] the x. account, twitter, for boston celtic legends the russell tweeted, let s go celtics last night. turns out those were written by his wife because he s been that were two years. sounds like he has a lot of common with joe biden. [laughter] by the way weight, did you know that joe also won 11 championships with the celtics? [laughter] yeah. now you feel differently. [laughter] and finally i think is finally got one of the world s oldest penguins at age 30 successfully made it without 4-year-old male. the couple cancel their plans to marry saying the mail got cold feet. [laughter] that request for your grandmother. so in vegas over the weekend conference planned electric mandates for both after telling the crowd about a chat he had with a bookmaker. wondered if he asked what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? and you re in the boat? and have determined is a powerful battery? mr. trump: what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is no underwater and there s a shark that s approximately ten euros over there. by the way alight of shark attacks real lately, you notice that? hold on, there s a shark, 10 yards away from the board do i get electrocuted? so there s mr. trump: well there s a shark 10 yards away from the boat of 10 yards over here. like electric you didn t? if the board is thinking, water goes over the battery on the boat is sinking, you know, stay on top of the board and get electrocuted or do i come over by the shark cannot get electrocuted because i will tell you computer no answer he said, you know, nobody had ever asked me that question. [laughter] sean: it is like much before it is a quick question. electrocution or eaten by a shark? we should get a give death row inmates the choice. [cheering and applause] i like the way you guys think. about trump also said, i think it s a good question. mr. trump: i said i think it s a good question, i think there s auto electric current coming drill water but you know what i would do there was a shark or you d get electrocuted? uptake execution everything open. not kidding i m getting and i getting near the shark. [laughter] greg: i don t blame him. i m sure biden agrees. that s how they restart his heart every day. two zaps to the post on his neck. speaking of joey s hemorrhaging voters like jesse sheds follicles. [laughter] sabally escandon who looks like he can unite the cou country. and is a scary scaring the crap out of the dams. their multi- no lectures face in direct sunlight coming over the weekend los angeles times have this headline, in cilic and ballymore support for trump is trickling in there isn t a big threat to biden? we ll consider the tickets to a recent trump fundraiser reportedly went for 300 grand each in the event was sold out. apparently trump raise 12 million in one night. the same amount i offer taylor swift to stop calling me. [laughter] now the big, money may still go democrat but cracks are starting to form in there deeper then the ones influencing s face. it s no secret that the black and hispanic vote, mostly men, is shifting towards trump. was as smart national figures are now willing to come up about publicly for trump references robber 50-cent says he sees black men identifying with trump in the upcoming election because they ve got week-old charges. which means finally what is. [applause] focused recall partition of trump maybe the biggest backfire since joe forgot his lactose bills after a fight of heloise. [laughter] but don t take it for me. biggest arts have trump, the favorite to win their work and as a favorite to start in the walking dead. [laughter] meanwhile talking lizard james carville had the right he said this right before devouring a plate of sautéed worms. so if all the smart money and people are shifting to trump, who are the holdouts? meaning the people in our public life were well-informed enough to know better but still insist on backing a brain-dead biden? i ll tell you. is the rich and famous paralyzed by their own egos who look at trump with and b be. think about it. imagine being robert de niro or stephen king or howard stern or jimmy kimmel and you just got the memo that you aren t the center of the universe. and that memo is on donald trump letterhead mechanism of the working class being ignored is this elitist bozos. is this performance essential in their own right but trump makes them feel small. if you ve noticed, trump s largest credit are successful people who sent their own insignificance in this new world of trump limited feel like i do when taking a picture with iris. [laughter] it s also why has-beens like liz cheney, michael cohen and anthony carlucci are obsessed with taking trump down. there players in this movie hoping that seems dealing moments will come. but the most obvious example, like i closest to trump in temperament and personality, howard stern, as trump elevated, stern retreated, becoming a believer in the gospel of the six-foot distancing rule there can use covid to justify turning himself into glorious swanson the hold his 47 square-foot mention dictating to everyone how stupid and murderous they were for not having what he had. and what does stern have in common with jimmy kimmel? is the sense of the motion them if they realize the world does not revolve around them. a crushing realization if your ego is everything. right now, trump is more important than all of them combined and it s killing them. meanwhile, the smart but ego satisfied person whether it s elon musk or vivek ramaswamy or me [laughter] , we don t take it personally that trump maybe the most consequential human ally. of course, but it s because these people can think larger know the selection and, in fact, this nation are about more than just them. which is why they got their next out for trump and their middle fingers out to the media. meanwhile the ego tests have become extras in the film of their lives. and those who they once consider the extras have taken starring roles. that is the electorate. they can t believe that the great unwashed or not listening to them but instead this new leading man. and so they see trump and they ask, they ask, why could that be me one thing narcissists can t stand. being ignored on the world stage. [applause] announcer: let s welcome tonight s guests! know, you don t have dementia. ingested that forgettable. ryan joe devito! plus she is an expert in mma, making men agitated, course of particular morning on, charlie arnold! [cheering and applause] s sense of humor comes from his god. is great big disgusting got. the fox news saturday night, jimmy failla! [cheering and applause] and she is the only reason your grandpa has instagram. new york times by selling author and fox news interpreter, kat timpf! [cheering and applause] greg: joe, what you think of my theory because when you look at people successful across-the-board, there are sum that are totally fine some of them aren t and i have to believe it is this realization that after three or four code decades in the limelight after finding out that they re not the center of the universe. yeah. trump had an immediate ability to soak up all the air in any room. is incredible. is pretty funny when you have someone like james carville who looks like nosferatu coming out and saying i think biden is passed his prime, we have to move on but you have to admit at this point it for for joe biden is a vote for kabbalah. rose lemay get to the debates [applause] watching the normandy things. you don t look good. [cheering and applause] they can hard right it. they tried to get him his fancy hotels, they got him his footwork because why he was falling over. s 20 or because his body singling me by one to die this year. [laughter] so you. i think trump if you compare them, jill balser anything this is not good to watch. but trump comes out, it s not like someone asked a question about sharks and electric boats. but you had an answer ready. greg: exactly. here and answer ready! i don t know but i never look at the movie jaws and thought what if they had an extension cord. but i thought that s what is so hilarious what kind is getting stronger and he s getting more vital and he s got that energy. now i would like if there was some younger people that may be a freshfaced, 60-year-old. but i will would like if someone centimeter did your president i just would probably in th that. [laughter] greg: is 20 of the it s like no one really has thought about the choice between electrocution and being eaten by a short. the second person that i would like to have in the white house as opposed to somebody who creates fantasies about their uncle being eaten by cannibals. but what you think about the fact that, like, a lot of these people look at trump and they go okay i could ve done that in a can of mad that they didn t do it. think about that with mark even grandma and mark even had a problem with trump actually being not just a billionaire but also president and he still a billionaire. look at mark even and he won so many different hats. he went from being just a businessman to a sports team owner to really just being somebody that i think a lot of people at one point were able to relate to know if i completely different. myself included, i used to love mark even until now he s just inserted himself in to a different political conversation that he has no business in the best thing about also has 170 hats. and he was a businessman, is been a real estate investor. he has single to the point that it is today. it was, you know, on the apprentice, is a reality show star. is now, you know, the former president of the united states, hopefully so to be, you know, getting his second term here. but people just don t like that. they don t like the fact that you can say whatever is on his mind, that he does have a bit of an ego but you has a point in everything that he saying. if people understanding that and people are seeing the way to his being treated with this sham trial come all the convictions and people are now starting to relate to him and he is getting i think a lot of votes or at least people getting on board with him that maybe wouldn t have been at another point in time for latino votes of the blackbirds of the youngest, the silicon valley crew, and you see people turning out and drugs in the blue states are not even organize ral rallies. before deciding, you know, so we support trump in there to leave the support trump which is authenticity the democrats reactions is the best part about our because recalling a course master terrorist and things like that because they don t know what to do with themselves and especially the rally was assigned because this past weekend as a people showed up there like equities people must be hired on craigslist. is like, no, democrats, where they want to have to higher influencers to support you, not the conservatives. greg: jimmy, you have no shame. stop it. and even push back on because i look like you fact cowboy today. [laughter] i thought i look cool when i left my office then i got unsaid look at the monitors, i look like clean clint feast would. people do have egos. you know, annexing but trump has no sense of embarrassment. so he can actually you can control his ego. you can actually take risks. is this different kind of ego that i don t know what it is but it s not they cannot bear that he s doing this and they aren t. 1000% because in the quality they he is a fighter you know what i mean humor and is not the motorized by someone. and forget his whole entry into politics really started in 2012 when obama was looking at the white house correspondents dinner he got all the shots and got off the map ended on howard, okay,, wanted to be in politics. he ran for governor in new york. greg: that s right, i forgot stick with me. he was the guy whose ego batted himself the king of all media. but you has become so much less omnipotent than trump and he conveys a everything from howard stern is not the the prince harry of law okay but imagine that does kill him and this is the biggest thing and this is what s nuclear trump movement. because trump is garnering major support in the black community. and he went to the box permanently familiar financial by that black streak right thing matters okay 50 cents matters. he is a guy with a lot of influence, okay? you got shot nine times and did something more dangerous like sheep with chelsea handler, okay? but before but you had his shots. but that s not managed remotely time howard kimmel had black support is when they painted it onto their face. greg: that s true. greg: kat, why do celebrities in his general struggle s popularity? using bc poplar to allocate a finite pike? noah nelson it so i guess i have to. greg: what? it is funny to see you call out other people for having a big ego. [laughter] [cheering and applause] greg: thank you. greg: there was a chinese ego. and you would do that. you give pictures of yourself to other people for christmas. greg: that is a joke about my ego. okay. i honestly i don t think it really is i read about this in my new book limit people thank elaine and can be really hard for people to get out of that lane or even consider anything from any you don t want to listen to anybody else or any other opinions. but i think thing about stuff that s unprecedented like what happened here in new york with a conviction, and president elisa moore and precedented. i think when something because people do pension more but i feel people have also made a lot of money i think of him saying these things. and is this, trump s lack. people have families and expect them to see those things in my getting can also lead to people not wanting to consider something else than what they found has made a successful. greg: i do think some of them drive is also definitely true in some instances. greg: we ve got to move on. up next, no one is above the law unless it s hamas dribble you draw. 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[cheering and applause] greg: it s okay to break a statue but mess with pride and they ll come right at y you. there was a nice rhyme or a radio that he comes to us from america s capital/arm pit, washington dc were hundreds of anti- israel them as traitors refilled outside white house the facings that suit and harassing cops. remember though is dc so half of the more robbed and murdered leader that day. roll it! everyone: [chanting] greg: shocking to see. imagine trashing america and destroying property without receiving any course credit. [laughter] they also chanted deeply f. joe biden so it makes sense that this attack the statue because it s less only thing less mobile then the president. bedene for this event going on since october 7th. regular yard riots there were no repercussions, no arrests. but we have no as punishment gold out or withheld based on viewpoint. meanwhile the insane case in spokane, three teens riding writings koopers led left skid marks on her painted a sidewalk mural and they were arrested and charged with first-degree malicious mischief. sure what does that tell you? well there is when the museum vandalism the media condemns an vandalism that they protect. so you can t deface a problem pride mural but feel free to draw a hitler mustache on jesse mark jesse watters fa face. by the way, that is not a comparison is actually an order. [laughter] [applause] all right. i think what upsets me most is the harassment of the park ranger, jimmy. yeah. greg: park rangers are like the most likable people on the planet. they there like eagle scouts with a salary. if you harass if you harass a park ranger that you should get the death penalty by their. by bear. [applause] dave plotted two jokes about the death penalty. this audience what do you make about i know it s in our comparison because kids get charged for writing riding scores over up yard mural but you can destroy property i m surprised engoron did not do more than a century because he went to start went to high school most of those guys. [laughter] greg: socially. in the near that guy - s personal. that such events move, bitch wu derek cease my language, to go after an unarmed garlic that. i wonder if this is protection but there s this other thing that you know is true when we think talk about the right arrest in spokane. certain kondas have as righteous and okay. and when it comes to the pride thing that is why they went to jail and got arrested him and the reason these guys are in because the left has cosign this movement that s the double standard thing that speaks to a collective lack of civic pride okay everyone should be mad if our sacred monuments are being defiled because there is a middle finger to all of us. so i don t know. beat your kids, i don t know what else to say. [laughter] the one violence. greg: is not just capital punishment is corporal punishment dealing. you know, an interesting thing about the pride mural i think it s like, vandalism is bad that i think the facing a pride mural bad. think it s interesting that nobody had pointed out that these are teenagers being charged with a felony for this. and facing ten years for this? which i thought we were becoming more progressive on criminal justice reform and having concerns about over criminalization of this is to me a very clear example of an overcoming elaboration i would say, for having that to be a panel felony for teenagers facing ten years so i hope it doesn t go there. i hope you actually don t serve ten years for that because that s how people become more radicalized too. is how people become radicalized. yeah, when you overdo in the punishment area. it gives me an idea though, charlie. arm going to start putting christ but because the nine oh one ben alistair macgregor to pay my entire house a giant rainbow and then when there s okay and he was right of my house will remain standing. here s the thing, you would have to s before oh thank you. [laughter] it is pride months. you had her colorful gucci back in there and all the different colors you carry all times of the days before no one will steal that. you are ahead of but that s the thing about these anti- israel protesters is they just have i mean the biggest balls of them all because they know nothing is going to happen. is middle of the day of the facing history family know the people are filming them on their phones and they just don t care because they know nothing is going to be done. they are completely safe from anything meanwhile you have the scooter writers who cited to commit the crime i 130 clock in the morning because at least, you know, if he ever do something wrong and we in the middle of the night where you might not get hot. with the democrats have a rule. no one is allowed to live! leave skid marks but biden. [laughter] [cheering and applause] greg: poop joke! during! poop joke! everybody gets if we drink. here s another comparison between protests. for life parade in dc mark one kid everywhere because it seemed like he had offended other minority group and turnout was a reverse. this is lower in the news, you can find the story of the potus anywhere. first of all minutes on the case case with e-scooters i was outraged because it was in people having fun and i just made me angry. i m old and bitter. but i think were kind of anything to hate mark if you read the over the they re saying this file vile act of hatred. look at other things the work that at the israel protesters had to do, had to climb up the statue, that you delete a mobile. meanwhile these kids left scarred something was on the road? and they re looking at jail? it s insane because look, i understand what the purpose of pride had been. you had a group of people who were told to be ashamed of themselves and they said we don t want to live that way. and everybody was on board with that. and want to hear people say what about straight pride? because you want to know about straight pride kill take a look at my browser history and will never ask what straight people to be brought up again, okay? [laughter] by is the unfair application, like, returned were going to talk about equality applicable two crimes mechanic grammar is so much more so much worse and no one is doing anything that you have a little bit pleasing that a municipal supreme court and that is not a quantity of equity and it s not sustainable because like kat said people will start to push back. greg: exactly and i think you re going to push back on november fifth. [cheering and applause] greg: thank you. stop at. all right. he spends spent as much on looks as he does free and crux. [coughing] i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[applause] announcer: a story in five words. greg: mayor spends 30 k. on makeup. charlie, chicago s altar progressive mayor brandon johnson spent $30,000 on hair and makeup during the first his first year in office! this is insane. campaign he spent 30 grand on makeup. this guy, that s like $100 a day. i just came up with that. this isn t as insane? it s insane. i m obsessed with cosmetology. and the highest level of spending at sephora. greg: what s your favorite planet? mactier planet? i don t get it. astrology. greg: no less cosmologies before i get a. $30,000 in the year is impossible. so hard to do. i can only imagine his donors are okay thank you so much for using our money towards areas whilst only spent $2000 the year prior. i was okay you should have spent way more. form was not italian. [laughter] greg: my husband is italian mlk you have and i do. [laughter] i you think is just banging the makeup lady? what? did you hear photos? woefully well maybe he is. greg: so maybe he s not. what to be the reason. want to know the reason. i think went to get into it it s like! immediately think i needed anything. it can be okay his spiraling and skincare. greg: of her the happening. you get used to the sensation of it. i sleep in the top of let s go connor i say. is a corruption? right, is a corruption or is it merely an? we don t know. and said she needed to get a haircut because she needs to look good. i mean, now okay i think people said whatever you need to spend, the sky s the limit. [laughter] i said good for him. but in chicago most makeup expenses like that are reserved for open caskets. [laughter] we ll resume at local the reason the locals are upset is because chicago he normally steal because manner, you know what i mean? does justice that reality. greg: but you don t like my open casket joke? i mean i mean all of us is i a lot of money in dc as a kid and this is better than what marianne and barry mark i guess i have to give them that. mary and barry able to come back from being caught on crack okay there is this guy made hunter biden look like richie cunningham. whether that pop in my head? you got to move on grandma coming up, she s a star on the fever but the that team u.s.a. said leave her. 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[laughter] greg: nobody knew that it was next month. nobody knew that. [laughter] okay. this i don t know why she wasn t on the team. i know a lot i don t get it. it if it makes you feel any better because i don t recognize the names of anyone else on the team except for brittney griner. and that s not because she s good at basketball so much as okay backpacking. [laughter] good job. greg: all right. charlie, you re gonna like this portly the year. there be a legit reason for this omission or is it political or social or cultural? is social. they re just jealous of caitlin clark and all the eyeballs she had on her. nobody cares about the wnba. there they care about caitlin clark but with that being said caitlin clark is able to bring somebody only eyeballs to the wnba, she would bring manual millions more viewers to the women s basketball games in the earth olympics carolyn it s really sad. caitlin clark certainly deserves to be the. it s not unheard her back by any stretch to have an exceptional rookie player neolithic team. greg: she s iraqi, that s why. it s not wise before a string to see what their excuse might be, you know what i m saying? i think one of their season has been made was that she missed one of the workouts because she was in the championship tournament when she was still in iowa. maybe there maybe there could have been white but yellow say or she might be an alternate on the team but we know the alternates aren t going to place before she could if she would have been outgunned and the team if she had a penis. [laughter] i think it went like is partly to blame because she made a controversial decision to be pleasant. [laughter] i don t want to hear any and i like women s sports, i want to your anymore complaining from the wnba as they tried to drive away any potential move new viewers because if i want to watch up with on the new star wars show. [laughter] [applause] greg: all right, jimmy, did you know the limbic for coming up? i did not. greg: narrated i! i had no idea. greg: i m in my own little world. he very tiny world. i care about this story. my wife is actually was actually a very good basketball player. greg: has she graduated yet? [laughter] i love that they re clapping. i ve told that joke on the show five times. greg: overweight, was that wear you were going? i ve tried to tell this joke twice in different episodes but he drove in front of it by accident wants. three weeks ago the topic came up and all of a sudden i stop and go you bleep you did it again. [laughter] we finally completed the joke, today matters! we did it! anyway, know that i do, i care about women s basketball. micah way what way wife would ve been in the wnba but she is pretty. [laughter] stop at, that s a joke. probably a joke. i m surprised he merely didn t do this just because of the jersey sales because you know how much money her jersey sale compared to everyone is on the wnba? were not exactly rolling in doing this and supremely the statute of liberty is selling pictures of her feet on only fans right now. it s bad. as the money. that s all. greg: all right. up next, get engrossed with your favorite local news host. announcer: if you ll be in the new york area and would like tickets to go see gutfeld!, go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don t stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it s right for you. 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[cheering and applause] s. is a local news where every guest at the surest way from wherever there from prematurely that he will first. from indianapolis here and it is one everyone from either calendars. we ve got a big event coming up, august 8, 30:00 pm at the indiana state clear. yahoo s he and the wheels will be there abenaki and we was the actor it will begin with the musician with whom you that he was in a band called dog star. is a basis. jon anik just got even har harder. and i will also say that went back and fully convinced that the reason i have not had any serious illnesses going up or even up to this day is because at one point i dropped my corndog on the ground at the indiana state fair and i still ate it. greg: nice! so the every germer could possibly in my my body [applause] are you going to go? i would love to go to the indiana state fair. i can make it on august 8th. you have a day off albot? absolutely. jamaica while you go? give it up for i m getting. sorry. that s timely. bruce blakeman this was introduced a bill that would ban biological men from competing in the women s sports. which anyone who [applause] thank you. anybody trying to protect women sports i think we owe and that of gratitude because there s no voices speaking out. when a woman s woman woman swimmer dies in the pool, she shouldn t also be battling shrinkage, you know what i mean? regard i m bringing this back to my wife because she was a good high school athlete and she takes think of them will be a league of their own. there was not supposed to that was supposed to be about the whole female woman just want to bruce, this is for you, baby. [applause] you don t grade, you go next. greg: i m going to cover this california homeless high-rise. it s amazing. it cost 50 plus million dollars, 2028 studio apartments, 51 bedroom apartments that each place cost about 600 grand and this is for the homeless but you know what s interesting about this other than it makes me wonder throughout? it s in skid row. anybody been to la skid row? the assumption that people that live on skid row are going to take care of it high-rise, you have to be as mentally ill as they are. this idea of just oh, you know, you know how to solve the homeless crisis? give them houses. they don t want your house! their wholeness so they can due drugs! suit up shrek shootout, do whatever they want. how long do you think before this poop in the pool? greg: well if i m there. [laughter] here in new york city, new york governor kathy hogle suspended the plan for wrench congestion you have to pay your fees. it s not nuclear plan to punish the law-abiding and i m glad that they held it off but it was amazing. it was in conversations with david patterson, our former governor. so he just so goes to show you when you re taking traffic advice a blind guy you re not doing a great job. on that note, don t go away, will be right back. 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[ cheering and applause ] trace: good evening emma trace gallagher, it s alone pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is a mega slate

Soil , Ideals , American , Person , News , Speech , Public-speaking , Phenomenon , Photo-caption , Event , Official , Spokesperson

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240608 02:14

Represented several senior executive branch officials with investigations from the office of government ethics military officers are only allowed to accept gifts up to $20. nypd cops, they get written up if they take a free cup of coffee yeah there are there are rules in place for federal judges that limit the gift that they can get. it $50. but it specifically exempts the supreme court in the states. it can be even worse. i once had a state supreme court justice that i was in front of the during the case had a third party come to me and asked for a campaign contribution for that, judge. any type of thing where they re taking these large gifts. it s an appearance of impropriety is something that does in my opinion it degrades the image of impartiality and i think that i agree with ellie, this is something that the congress should act and try and put in some reasonable regulations on elie we talked about the bianna

Gifts , Nypd , Officials , Executive-branch , Military-officers , Investigations , Cup , Coffee , Office-of-government-ethics , 0 , 20 , This-is-it

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240608 02:13

Congress will not pass ethics legislation i do not know why republicans and congress oppose minimal basic ethics requirements for the supreme court. but they do. and so we don t have them. and so nothing squad do is the number that is going to happen? terms of consequences for clarence thomas is corruption and lies. members of congress s staffers. tim, are subject to more stringent ethical requirements. apparently than the supreme court of the united states how could that be and to ellie s point, i mean, is this not now crying out for congress to act if they really care at all about preserving even just the appearance of impartiality of the court i agree with ellie completely on this. you know, this is something that congressional staffers you mentioned, you feel look at the executive branch, i ve

Supreme-court , Congress , Republicans , Ethics , Requirements , Legislation , Number , Nothing , Clarence-thomas , Members , Staffers , Tim-parlatore

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240608 02:13:30

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240608 02:13:30 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Point , Supreme-court , Congress , Requirements , Ellie ,

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240608 02:13:45

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240608 02:13:45 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Something , I-don-t-see-why-the-supreme-court , Appearance , Staffers , Executive-branch , Impartiality , Ellie ,

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240608 02:14:45

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240608 02:14:45 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Something , Congress , Bianna-concert-last-summer , Regulations , Opinion , Impartiality , Image , Ellie , Elie ,

Transcripts for CNN CNN This Morning 20240604 10:18:00

Talking about the toluse is putting on the president as well, right? i think that is something that is really percolating behind the scenes, attends to the family because me look, i m not a lawyer, but ellie, how much is he looking at in terms of a penalty if he is found guilty, conviction as you were saying before, a bunch of months, but not a few years. and i m being a little vague here because it s going to be sort of a bell curve kind of. but you don t. so pleading would be i think six to 12 months. yeah. get a little more than that. if he ends up going, there was a plea deal, right. like where it kind of got shot down, whatever. but like i think that is really the tension behind this for the biden family, we look but hundreds of grown man, like you can handle this like whatever. but obviously for the loved ones, it s tough and you put this in the shadow of a presidential campaign biden is what? 81 right now. he s not, he s not a spring chicken. so these things are tougher as you get older. and i think that is a real, real thing at play here. for all the family involved? yeah. all right. coming up next here, we expect the verdict at any moment in amanda knox s

Something , Family , Conviction , President , Lawyer , Terms , Guilty , Well , Penalty , Ellie , Behind-the-scenes , Toluse

Transcripts for CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240604 20:46:00

Haven t met the burden of proof to show there was an actual conflict, but in its decision, he did write pages and pages about his issues with fani willis is alleged behavior and what the evidence that was presented about that in these are hearings, various hearings that as you know, we watched live happened on on camera. and so look, this is the appeals court saying, look, the work on this case needs to stop until we can sort out whether or not we agree with scott mcafee that fani willis can remain on this case or if we disagree in that fani willis needs to be disqualified, removed, ultimately, in the timeline in for potential trial as elie said, this makes the chances of a trial happening before the presidential election almost zero when they were already low before. but now it really throws up near whether trial will happen at all. if fani willis is disqualified, we ve been told by sources for months that if she s removed from this case, the case effectively goes away. so that s really the stakes here, and that s really what we re facing in addition to the delay hey, ellie, do you think ultimately fani willis is going to get disqualified from this case well, it s a really

Decision , Hearings , Issues , Fani-willis , Haven-t , Evidence , Conflict , Pages , Behavior , The-burden-of-proof , Hunter-biden-case , Work

Transcripts for CNN Smerconish 20240604 13:37:00

Falsified business records in order to violate new york election law, which says you can t try to influence an election by unlawful means. well, what are those unlawful means that brings us to the third layer, which is the sort of three-part menu that you just showed us. and the judge told the jury the prosecutor s argument was, well, it could be one, both or all three, or maybe some combination of federal campaign finance law, falsifying other business records, which doesn t really make much sense to me or some sort of tax violations so we don t know which of those three options the jury voted to convict on, and the judge said, you don t have to be unanimous as long as you agree it was one of those three, so there s a lot of uncertainty in what the jury actually decided okay. in the last couple of days privately by text, i was saying to you, hey, ellie, have you seen the verdict slip? can you flip it to me? because i wanted to see what level of detail they were going to have to provide. you re the expert when it comes to matters of

Business-records , Election , Sort , Means , New-york , Us , Layer , Order , Election-law , Judge , Argument , Jury