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ivanka trump takes the stand. the former president's daughter is testifying as a witness in his civil fraud trial. what she just said about her dad's financial statements with the future of his businesses on the line. the stage is set in miami. five republican candidates debate tonight trying again to loosen former president trump's firm grip on the gop. but the current front runner and former president has other plans tonight. he's running counter programming just a few miles down the road. and israel's offensive intensifies. the defense minister said idf troops are at the heart of gaza city as civilians continue to flee the fighting. we're following those stories and many more all coming in to cnn "news central." this is video from moments ago, ivanka trump returning to a new york courtroom to continue testifying in the trump organization civil fraud trial. the new york attorney general's office has ended their questioning of ivanka and she's being questioned by an attorney for donald trump. she's not a defendant in the case but her father, two elder brothers and company are. what is ivanka trump's testimony revealed so far, paula? >> reporter: this is more civilized and calm than what we saw with her father on friday and her brothers last week. the questioning is more technical. focused on her time at the trump organization. they did focus on deals she worked on while she was still there. a project in florida, the or the r -- the doral resort and spa. they talked about where she negotiated the terms of a loan, and the bank said in order to get the favorable terms for a high net worth individual, trump would need to maintain a personal net worth of $3 billion. but they presented an email that said she suggested lowering that threshold to $2 billion. but at the time, his financial statements said his net worth was over $4 billion. these exchanges are technical but speak to the heart of the case. the concern that maybe trump wasn't being honest and accurate about his net worth. they also asked her about an apartment she had in one of her father's buildings. it had a purchase option to buy it for $8.5 million but on trump's financial statements that same apartment was valued at $20.8 million. so a lot of questions coming out of the testimony. most recently before the state wrapped up, they asked about the old post office in d.c. this is something she and her father worked on for a long time, considered it a success but the state revealed emails with a lot of questions about the statement she submitted. but she tried to put some room between her and any efforts to value or estimate trump's net worth. again, the state has wrapped up. her father's lawyers are cross-examining her. this testimony is expected to wrap up today. >> we're keeping an eye on all of it, paula reid thank you so much. i want to talk about it more with former u.s. attorney michael moore. what stood out to you today during ivanka's testimony. >> i'm glad to be with you this afternoon. i really think that she did try to put some distance between herself and some of the decision-making on how to reach these values. she talked about folks she had talked to. explained that she has not been intimately involved in the preparation of financial statements. she seemed to not recall some information. but she did pretty much what was expected and it was a different tone than we saw from the former president. she said some of this i know, some i talked to people about. but she had some air, i guess, between herself and her father as it related to the value. some of the things i think were hyper technical and may not be of great sequcon consequence. i don't know how the court would look at a reduced rate for a child, than an appraised value of a property. we'll see how the judge looks at that going forward. >> what do you think of the cross-examining of ivanka today. she's being cross-examined as a witness but we know that don junior, eric and former president trump, they weren't cross-examined. >> i think that cross-examination can be a great tool. it allows lawyers with specific questions and want focused answers to already ask the questions they already know the answer to. so my guess is in the cross-examination it's an effort to solicit testimony of a particular nature or has a particular fact that the lawyers want to get before the court. so that doesn't surprise me a great deal, especially given her status now as a nondefendant in the case. >> we know that the defendant's attorney, donald trump's attorney is questioning ivanka now after the prosecution did its part. the prosecution is expected to rest after icvanka's turn on th stand and the defense will take up their case. do you see any obvious holes the defense can poke in the prosecution's case next week? >> i think the entire case for the former president and his lawyers have been making arguments preserved for the record so they can move forward on appeal. i think they felt like, frankly i think the way the court set the case up, given the ruling on the motion prior to trial it was does positive on much of the issues of the case. this is a case they felt like they had no chance of winning or prevailing on in any detail before this judge but rather they want to make a record they can move up to an appellate court. so i expect they'll try to poke holes there, they'll have people come up with valuations, saying the court had that wrong. they'll look at valuations on the florida properties between the state experts and folks there on the ground in florida. you may see folks come up from the assessor's office and things like that. this is not a case, if they think they're going to put something on that they're going to win next week in front of this judge. that's not going to happen. there's not a cisilver bullet. right now this is how do we make a record for appeal, preserve the issues we need to move forward. and how do we show the court made errors in the official motion. whether they're successful we'll see. i never thought this trial was strictly about -- at least for the former president, the value f of his company or the moneys he was alleged to have -- the values he was alleged to have increased. i felt like this was more of a chance in a non-criminal setting, this is a civil case, remember, in a non-criminal setting to make hay with his voters and use this as a campaign appearance, you've seen it time after time, as he fought with the judge on the stand knowing those back and forths would be reported in the media. he used this as a message to his followers how mistreated he is. he has fuller range and less jeopardy than he may have in a criminal case. those are obviously stacked up against him throughout the next year. so this for him has given him a forum, it's given him the soap box, so to speak, while at the same time his lawyers are trying to do what they can to make sure that the appeals court has the information they need to at least delay and consider at some length and delay an opinion i'm sure well past the primary and possibly the general election season. >> michael moore, thanks for offering up your perspective and analysis. boris? some top republicans are reeling after yesterday's elections. one senator calling them a complete failure for the gop. potentially compounding their headache, the federal government is set to run out of money in nine days setting up another scramble to avoid a shutdown. meantime, in miami, five republican presidential candidates are preparing to get ask d about all of that, the third republican primary debate is a few hours away. and for the third time, the clear reader in the race by head and shoulders, donald trump, will not be on the stage. let's discuss with steve and manu raju who's on capitol hill for us. steve what are you hearing about the candidates' strategies and expectations for tonight? >> reporter: boris there's no questions that these candidates have been sharpen their attacks going into this debate tonight we have seen them signal they are ready to challenge each other on the stage far more than in previous debates. that is the case between governor ron desantis and former south carolina governor nikki haley. these two have been essentially on a collision course for weeks now. nikki haley has seen her stature rise in the polls, governor ron desantis has been struggling in the race. i expect those two to go at it. and tim scott saying he wants to get in it more. he's someone known for having a nice demeanor, he's saying he's going to take the gloves off and go after desantis and haley and claw back into the race. we've heard that before but we haven't seen that before. >> we'll see if he breaks through. no doubt they'll be asked about abortion. talk to us about the other issues that could define the night. >> reporter: certainly the war between israel and hamas right now is an issue driving a lot of conversations in the republican race right now. and they'll try to make a case to why last night's results happened. why they were so bad, why they should be blamed on the former president and why they were the best candidate to potentially lead the party going forward and give them the best chance to win not only in 2024 but carry some of the down ballot races that republicans struggled with last night. can someone, other than donald trump, be the nominee and help people win their senate races, their house races, their local city council races. i think they are going to try to make the case they are the future of the party, someone that can take the mantle from the gop, take it from donald trump and give the republicans a chance in 2024, not just for the white house but a chance to win back the senate as well. >> manu on steve's point about a lackluster performance last night. you were hearing from key lawmakers on capitol hill who are frustrated. >> reporter: yeah. and uncertain about how to the seed. there is still a debate division within the republican party about how exactly to deal with some of these key social issues, namely abortion in the aftermath of last night's losses and underperformance of last year's midterm elections and how to deal with them in the months and days ahead, whether to change the messaging or change the topic altogether. the under performance among suburban voters who will be key again in 2024. >> these are races that republicans lost, we need people to show up. >> talking about people's lives we win. talking about some social issues they can become highly divisive and we do not as well as we could have. >> we have to have a message that appeals to the suburban voters, no questions about that. >> reporter: and some members actually asked -- calling for federal action on abortion to force republicans to talk about a federal legislation. that's what jd vance from the state of ohio, the senator from that state, after seeing voters there constitutionalize abortion rights saying that congress should act and approve a 15-week abortion ban, republicans should rally behind that idea in order to have something to run on, campaign on. but talking to a number of republican senators they are not unified on that question. many discrepancies on how republicans would respond on the issues such as abortion or whether they vote for something like that. it shows you the debate ongoing within the gop about how to proceed amid another lackluster performance at the polls. >> that 15 week time frame didn't appear to motivate voters towards republicans in virginia last night. the government is shutting down in nine days unless congress acts but speaker mike johnson hasn't elaborated on his plans. where do things stand right now? has there been any progress? >> reporter: there hasn't been. there's uncertainly about how the new speaker will proceed here. we expect him to lay out his plans over the next day or so about how to avoid a government shutdown but he needs to get it through the house, agreement from senate democrats and republicans and get it to the white house. it's uncertain whether they have can get fl. i spoke to the house democratic leader, hakeem jeffries about this, he said republicans tried to advance a short term bill that has spending cuts they will not accept it. they will not accept a ransom note. it needs to be a clean stop gap measure. but a number of republicans want to impose spending cuts but that is a nonstarter with democrats. so what mike johnson decides to do here, move forward with a republican only plan, potentially that could lead to another government shutdown fight some time next week but if he goes the way the democrats want that could open up to criticism from the right flank, the same that pushed out speaker mccarthy when he did the same thing about 45 days ago. so a lot of questions whether they can avoid another shutdown or whether there's a shutdown fear as we head into the deadline midnight next friday. >> and the clock keeps ticking away. thank you both so much. coming up, israel says that gaza city has been encircled, its forces around hamas infrastructure there what that means for civilians still in the enclave. why the justice department is opening a civil rights investigation into a m mississii police d department.t. details s on that jujust moment away.. the israeli military saying it's destroyed 130 hamas tunnel shafts in gaza since the start of the war one month ago. it also says 239 hostages are still being held by the terror group. right now, israel continues to mount an aggressive ground offensive in gaza despite calls for a humanitarian pause. at the g7 meeting in tokyo today, secretary of state antony blinken reiterated a u.s. objection to an immediate cease-fire but also reinforced the biden administration's position that israel should not reoccupy gaza. let's take you now live to tel aviv with jeremy diamond. thousands of palestinians are arriving in southern gaza after fleeing the north through an evacuation corridor. bring us up to speed on that process. >> reporter: that's right, boris. thousands of palestinians have been able to flee using these evacuation corridors established by the israeli military over the last several days. they've been given four to five hour windows of time to be able to escape northern gaza where the heaviest bombing and fighting by the military is taking place and heading south but we know it comes only weeks after israel has been bombing that part of gaza and we know that israel is continuing to bomb parts of southern gaza as well. there are growing calls for a humanitarian pause or a cease-fire as the humanitarian situation in gaza grows worse. hospitals are running out of fuel to conduct their operations. and also, there are medical supplies that are running out at some of these hospitals. but the israeli military is carrying forward with the military operation and its stated desire to destroy hamas. israeli forces have encircled gaza city and today the israel defense minister saying his forces are operating inside, in the heart of gaza city, it is difficult for us to confirm where in gaza city that is given our limited vantage point but it's clear israeli forces are engaging in the dense and very dangerous business of urban combat in some of gaza's most densely populated areas. the israeli military said they have struck over 14,000 targets over the last month and have said they have destroyed 130 tunnel shafts but it's clear to me in my conversations with israeli officials they know many more tunnels remain. there are dozens of miles of tunnels beneath gaza that fighters use to engage and ambush the israeli forces that are advancing. i spoke with a senior israeli official who told me the current tempo of fighting is expected to last weeks, if not months. >> thanks for the update. joining us is beth sander, the former deputy director of national intelligence. still so many unknowns, what ifs. now you have netanyahu saying after the war israel would have responsibility for securing gaza for an indefinitely period. of course, that is assuming it's able to accomplish what it says it's going to accomplish and that's to overthrow hamas. secretary of state blinken is saying there's no need toindefi. what does that look like? >> that's the problem, no one knows what it will look like and it's hard to formulate a plan. cia director burns was in egypt today and trying to work out a plan for egypt to be part of a peace keeping, peace whatever force inside gaza. and el sisi, not surprising to me completely rejected that. there's no way in my view, we have to try but the egyptians are not going to play that role. so the question is, who can and who will? the palestinian authority won't be ready. and so, this is the conundrum. it's so complicated, it's been so complicated and the answers are not obvious. >> the security presence that netanyahu is putting out there, does that mean israel rebuilds the buildings and infrastructure damaged during the ground offensive, does israel set up conditions for elections in gaza since hamas is currently the ruling authority. so many questions around that. >> exactly. the arab leaders say we can't talk at all about reconstruction yet. that is so far in the future we need to talk about a humanitarian pause right now. we need to talk about what to do about the palestinian civilians. i will say i don't think we want to hold elections in gaza right now if we didn't want hamas to win. >> right. >> because, honestly, that's where we are. trauma. traumatized people. >> that's an important point. yeah, traumatized people and the big looming question is, can you really eradicate hamas from gaza. much of hamas' political leadership is in qatar, not gaza. there's hamas operatives in the u.s. is that even a feasible goal here? we've seen what happened when the u.s. tried to eradicate al qaeda and isis, you can't just wipe them off the map. >> you can't, there's no way to do that. my concern is all these efforts by israel is actually making hamas more popular. that's what i was eluding to with having elections now. there was an interview with hezbollah's deputy today and in that interview, he said, you know, this has been a big victory for hamas because they are garnering all of this support from palestinians and from the wider arab world. and i don't -- some of that is bluster but, you know, i think right now a lot of that is true. and, you know, it's heartbreaking when you look at both sides of this picture. but on the other hand, you know, right now in parts of the arab world the american flag and israeli flag are being burned together. this is the other dilemma here for us. is that our rhetoric of saying these things, we're pushing out a different rhetoric now we're talking much more about protecting civilians but where's the beef? you know, where is the actual improvement on the ground? no one in the arab world is seeing that. >> right. and you have to go back to october 7th. remember how this all started with the hamas attack on israel. but also, fast forward several weeks and all the civilians that have died, right, in gaza, is that why it seems as though hamas could be getting more support because of the civilian deaths that we've seen in gaza? >> because of all the civilian deaths and also because iran and hamas and other parts of the arab world, and now russia and china, are -- were very prepared in pushing out -- i mean, you don't have to have disinformation really but there's been so much disinformation that it has amplified and made this even worse. they were ready on that public relations front, israel was not. so that has amplified the feelings that were already there. >> is this basically what hamas wanted from israel for this reaction to -- for israel's reaction to the attack on october 7th to garner this kind of support? >> yes. that's what a terrorist group does. it doesn't matter the cost, and the more outrageous the act, it actually, you know, turns around in their favor. i said on saturday, with jake taper in the evening after this all started, that hamas' plan was to use the hostages to draw the israeli forces in. and to create, you know, all of this very, very forceful and violent response. and i mean, it would have been enough to kill 1,400 people. those hostages also just complicates things but i think the whole plan has been to have this overwhelming force by israel that they can then look like the victims. >> beth saner, really interesting to hear your analysis as we are more than a month in. thanks so much. >> thank you, pamela. tensions are boiling over within the democratic party over this war. we're going to explain next. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. we are following breaking news out of michigan. police say they have a suspect in custody for the murder of detroit synagogue president samantha woll, she was found dead three weeks ago, at the time police said they did not believe anti-semitism was a motive. they did not identify the suspect in the murder and it's unclear what charges the suspect may be facing. tensions are rising among house democrats over debbie washerman schultz making comments over her fellow members of congress. mel lee is live for us on capitol hill. walk us through the divide. >> reporter: yeah. so the tensions in the democratic caucus have grown as the war in israel has gone on and as the humanitarian crisis in gaza is escalating. you have some of democrats pushing for support of israel and you have some progressive members pushing for a cease-fire and urging the white house to pay attention to the loss of innocent palestinian lives. and they're also divided over tactics one example is rashida tlaib, 22 house democrat crs in censure for her use of an anti-israel chant. recently the house took a vote on a resolution in support of israel and condemning hamas and at the time manu asked debbie wassermann schultz, a prominent jewish democratic about the possibility of democrats voting against it. here's what she had to say. >> there's a vote that's going to happen on the floor. are you concerned some democrats would not support this. >> i would hope all members support a resolution that condemns troerrorism, the bruta attacks against the israeli people that were killed. we have 218 hostages, they took 222. someone who votes against this, i would think doesn't have a soul. >> reporter: now those comments were made just before the vote. but 15 democrats wound up not supporting that resolution. and members, particularly in the black caucus were very upset with the comments, so concerned they raised the issue with hakeem jeffries. he's in the middle listening to the viewpoints in his diverse caucus. but there is an issue playing out behind closed doors and spilling out into public view. much more news to come on "news central." including the first pill to treat postpartum depression but it comes with a shocking price tag. wait until you hear how much it costs. a new drug could help women suffering from postpartum depression, but it will cost nearly $16,000. $16,000 per 14-day course. that has some doctors concerned that people who need it may not be able to afford it. meg terrell is following this story. when i first learned about the drug i was so excited, i thought this was so great. i know so many women who had postpartum depression. but man, that is a hefty price tag. >> yeah. i think doctors are concerned about what that will mean for access. about one in eight people who recently had a baby get p postpartum depression. and it can really be severe, causing sadness, loss of energy and thoughts of self-harm. so doctors were excited, as you were, when this be new drug was approved other the summer and now is starting to approach becoming available at the end of the year, it's a new way to treat postpartum depression, the only drug approved to be taken as a capsule, orally, for ppd, you take it once a day for 14 days. the problem is the price tag, $16,000 for the two-week course of treatment. we don't know what insurance coverage is going to look like. but they're worried that patients will have to try cheaper generic antidepressants first. the concern is when the drug has a high price point that can lead to inequities. >> that's right and we know the cheaper generics haven't always worked with women with postpartum depression. so what more do we know about insurance covering the drug? >> well, there is the hope it will cover it and coverage will be broad. the companies that make the medicine have said they hope the coverage is broad and equitable and there won't be a high co-pay they're planning for assistance where it's appropriate. but when you have a high drug list price that can make it more difficult across the system that's why doctors are so concerned about this, especially with a new drug that works quickly. that's one thing the older antidepressants don't do. they're hoping people who need it can get access. >> meg terrill, thanks so much. here are the other headlines we're watching for. a former cia officer has pled guilty to drugging and sexually abusing multiple women during overseas postings. the justice department said brian raymond admitting to sexually women between 2006 and 2020. he faces up to 30 years in prison and has to pay mandatory restitution to his victims. and launching a civil rights investigation into the lexington police department in mississippi. they're going to look whether the department is using discri discriminatory and excessive force. some history was made in last night's elections. in rhode island, democrat gabe abo is to be the first black person to represent the state in congress and in philadelphia, cherelle parker will become the first woman to lead the city of brotherly love she'll be the fourth black mayor and 100th in the long history. volunteers are stepping up in israel, feeding troops and helping civilians evacuate from the front lines. we have their stories straight ahead. a way from the front lines in the israel-hamas wars. they are flipping burgers and chopping onions. free food provides a respite for the troops but it serves as a distraction for grief-stricken volunteers, many whom lost family members in last month's attack. nic robertson is live in sderot, israel. and you spoke with some of the volunteers, what did they share with you. >> they shared their passion and reasons for wanting to help. help in different ways, as you said, flipping burgers and helping families get out from the front lines and move their belongings around the country to wherever they needed to be. and one of the reasons that everyone is happy to volunteer, everyone was touched by the horrible attack on october 7th. i'm ask to pan over my shoulder, the dark patch down there, that is a house. that is just a regular road in this town. well an elderly man was shot dead by hamas in his house down there. a young lady i met today, 24 years old, she was telling us how she hid out for two hours with hamas shouting that they've seen her running away and wanted to kidnap her. and that is why everyone is so ready to help the troops at the front. a few miles from the front lines, soldiers relax and enjoy free food. and the support of their country. >> it is like everybody is in war. everybody wants and needs to contribute. >> reporter: an army vet turned restauranteur, he stepped up immediately cooking burgers. >> in the second day of war with 1,000 burgers, right now we deliver around 20,000. >> and the soldiers show up here? >> yeah. and they come from all over the area. >> reporter: it feels relaxed, and anywhere else it might be but so close to war, it is therapy and not just for the troops. it is duty shrem's first day. and his only child liam 28-year-old, murdered by hamas at the music festival. >> they shot to shoot. these people -- zprr >> reporter: and it is not just food that volunteers are stepping up, all across the country people are doing what they can to support the soldiers and the civilians. >> so you're building resiliency here? >> we make sure that we are -- our mutual responsibility is at its best. >> reporter: ronnie flamer has thousands of volunteers working for him. >> this is the heart of the operation? >> this is the heart of the operation. so, it is starting to be hard and that is why we need to every day to rebuild the spirit. >> reporter: in this room, one of dozens like it across the country, volunteers working 18-hour shifts, rescuing families from front lines. finding them places to live. >> it helps me keep busy. so i know that the head doesn't get stuck on the war and the atrocities that happened and keep happening. >> reporter: like everyone here, sean, a 21-year-old student, sees the suffering on the other side too. >> i do want for it to end, you know, completely. >> reporter: flamer, a third generation holocaust survivor fought in the last incursion, wants to build back stronger. >> we seek peace. so the only thing we know how to do is to help and rebuild. we're going to bring 1 million people to leave on the gaza border. >> reporter: for duty shrecommend, who lost his son, that building back has only just began. >> we continue the life, good life. >> reporter: yeah, you can't help but walk away from talking to people at duty shram just feeling the pain. that was his first day out and i have to tell you, everyone was giving him big hugs. they had to try to give him some love and help him get through it. >> nic robertson, thank you for that report. stay with cnn. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? 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Ivanka Trump , President , Statements , Witness , Stage , Daughter , Stand , Dad , Line , Businesses , Set , Future , Miami , Civil Fraud Trial , Candidates , Runner , Plans , Road , Counter Programming , Firm Grip , Republican , Five , Reoccupy Gaza , Civilians , Israel , Heart , Defense Minister , Troops , Fighting , Stories , Offensive , Idf , Wall , Video , Cnn , News Central , New York Attorney General S Office , Questioning , Attorney , Courtroom , Trump Organization Civil Fraud Trial , New York , Case , Reporter , Father , Testimony , Defendant , Brothers , Donald Trump , Company , Paula , Two , Trump Organization , Terms , Order , Florida , Spa , Dr , Project , Loan , Bank , Doral Resort , Net Worth , Femail , Net Worth Individual , 3 Billion , 6 Billion , Concern , Threshold , Exchanges , Wasn T , 4 Billion , 2 Billion , One , Apartment , Purchase Option , Buildings , On Trump , 8 5 Million , 5 Million , Lot , Questions , Estate , Something , D C , Success , Post Office , 0 8 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Opinion , Elections , Government , Analysis , Senator , Headache , Money , Failure , Boris , Nine , Race , Debate , Shutdown , Reader , Ask D , Head And Shoulders , Scramble , Manu On Steve , Manu Raju Who S On Capitol Hill , Strategies , Attacks , Mother , Expectations , Nikki Haley , Ron Desantis , Stature , Collision Course , Debates , South Carolina , Tim Scott , Polls , Governor , Rise , Someone , Gloves , Demeanor , War , Abortion , Night , Haven T , Claw , Doubt , Hamas , Issue , Conversations , Results , Last Night , Candidate , Ballot , 2024 , House Races , Help , Nominee , Senate , City Council Races , Point , White House , Mantle , Hearing , Debate Division , Lawmakers , Seed , Capitol Hill , Losses , Aftermath , Underperformance , Messaging , Topic , Members , Appeals , Legislation , Action , Congress , Abortion Rights , Abortion Ban , Jd , Ohio , 15 , Question , Number , Senators , Campaign On , Idea , Discrepancies , Hasn T , Mike Johnson , Virginia Last Night , Congress Acts , House , Government Shutdown , Speaker , There Hasn T , Progress , Agreement , Hakeem Jeffries , Bill , House Democratic Leader , Senate Democrats , Democrats , Cuts , Nonstarter , Ransom Note , Gap , Measure , Plan , Thing , Flank , Criticism , Shutdown Fear , 45 , Coming Up , Ticking , Clock , Department , Forces , Justice , Infrastructure , Enclave , Police D , Mississii , Civil Rights Investigation , Jujust , Military , Hostages , Start , Terror Group , Tunnel Shafts , 239 , 130 , Cease Fire , Pause , Ground Offensive , Calls , Secretary Of State , Objection , Antony Blinken , G7 Meeting In Tokyo Today , Thousands , Palestinians , Position , North , Administration , Biden , Jeremy Diamond , Tel Aviv , That S Right , Evacuation Corridors , Evacuation Corridor , Process , Northern Gaza , Bombing , Place , Windows , Four , Parts , Situation , Hospitals , Supplies , Operations , Military Operation , Fuel , Desire , Operating Inside , Business , Areas , Vantage Point , Combat , Israeli Military , Tunnels , Officials , Targets , 14000 , Dozens , Official , Miles , Fighters , Beth Sander , Intelligence , Update , Tempo , Responsibility , Course , Netanyahu , Unknowns , What Ifs , Blinken , Need Toindefi , Problem , No One , Burns , Cia , Egypt , Peace , Inside Gaza , View , Peace Keeping , Egyptians , El Sisi , Conundrum , Palestinian Authority Won T , Role , Security Presence , Conditions , Ruling Authority , Reconstruction , Leaders , Not Gaza , Much , Leadership , Trauma , Qatar , Operatives , Goal , Al Qaeda , Popular , Map , Isis , Interview , Deputy Today , Victory , Hezbollah , Support , Wider Arab World , Bluster , Sides , Picture , Don T , Rhetoric , Flag , Dilemma , Hand , Improvement , Beef , Attack , October 7th , 7 , Deaths , Iran , Disinformation , Mare , Russia , China , Feelings , Public Relations , Reaction , Kind , It Doesn T , Terrorist Group , Outrageous , Yes , Cost , Favor , Evening , Jake Taper , Response , 1400 , Force , Victims , Beth Saner , Pamela , Tensions , Power , Wifi , Homework , Book , Power Outages , Xfinity 10g Network , Battery Back Up , Data , Home , Xfinity , 4 , 10 , Suspect , Murder , Samantha Woll , Police , Breaking News , Custody , Synagogue , Michigan , Detroit , Anti Semitism , Motive , Three , Debbie Washerman Schultz , Comments , Caucus , Crisis , Divide , Mel Lee , Loss , Rashida Tlaib , Example , Lives , Attention , Vote , Resolution , Chant , Censure , Use , 22 , Possibility , Democratic , Floor , Debbie Wassermann Schultz , Jewish , Troerrorism , Bruta , Doesn T Have A Soul , 222 , 218 , Listening , News , Viewpoints , Spilling , Behind Closed Doors , Into Public View , Price Tag , Pill , Depression , It Costs , Postpartum Depression , Drug , Women , Doctors , Meg Terrell , 14 , 16000 , 6000 , Oman , Story , Access , Sadness , Energy , Baby , Eight , Thoughts , Self Harm , Summer , The End , Insurance , Ppd , Capsule , Treatment , Coverage , Antidepressants , Patients , Price Point , Generics Haven T , Inequities , Companies , Won T , Medicine , Co Pay , List Price , System , Assistance , Officer , Meg Terrill , Headlines , Brian Raymond , Postings , 2006 , Investigation , Rights , Restitution , Prison , Lexington Police Department In Mississippi , 2020 , 30 , History , Person , Gabe Abo , Rhode Island , Philadelphia , Volunteers , Cherelle Parker , Feeding Troops , City , Mayor , Woman , Brotherly Love , 100 , Lines , Food , Burgers , Whom , Distraction , Respite , Wars , Chopping Onions , Family Members , Nic Robertson , Sderot , Country , Families , Flipping Burgers , Passion , Reasons , Ways , Belongings , Everyone , Shoulder , Volunteer , Lady , Running Away , Town , 24 , Soldiers , Everybody , Army Vet , Restauranteur , Area , 1000 , 20000 , Therapy , Anywhere , Shrem , First Day , Music Festival , 28 , Ronnie Flamer , Building Resiliency , Best , Operation , Spirit , 18 , Sean , Side , Atrocities , Suffering , 21 , Incursion , Flamer , Third Generation Holocaust Survivor , Building , Son , Duty Shrecommend , Gaza Border , 1 Million , Life , Spain , Hugs , Shram , Report , Stay , Speed , Network , Comcast Business , Downloads , Level , Devices , Uploads , Card , The Next Generation , 59 99 , 800 , 12 , 9 99 , 00 , Internet Bundle , Powering Possibilities , Cats , Science , World , Reason , Saying , Characteristic , Light Know , Nine Lives , Hearts , Scientists , Expressions , Research , Haves , Researcher , Shir Sleeves , 276 , Guesses , Faces , Researchers , Study , Cat , Cat Cafe , California , Face , Loving , Guy , Being , Cute , Adorable , 1800 , My , Favorites ,

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