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perhaps there's hope for you after welcome to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world in kim brune, whom are this is cnn israelis desperate to bring the hostages home and frustrated by what they see is the government's lack of will call on joe biden for help ukraine in president volodymyr zelenskyy makes an unannounced stop of the shangri-la security conference. >> were live in singapore with the message he brought ahead of a planned peace summit for his country. and mission aborted. boeing's starliner launch is called off minutes before liftoff. >> china meanwhile, is celebrating an out of this role accomplishment live from atlanta. this is cnn newsroom with kim gruber okay esters and. israel are reaching out directly to joe biden to break the deadlock over freeing hostages held in gaza. a look, this was the scene from just one demonstration, a massive banner asking the us president, not only for help getting those captives out but actually saving them from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. protesters also voiced anger at the government in this rally, demanding that netanyahu resigned and that elections be held. now all of this coming after biden laid out what he calls a new israeli ceasefire proposal, the un, the uk, france, saudi arabia, and the uae are all expressing support for the plan with mediators in qatar and egypt calling on israel and hamas to finalize the deal netanyahu meanwhile has agreed to address a joint meeting of the us congress after being invited by top congressional leaders he calls it a privilege to represent israel, adding that he is thrilled to present the truth about the war all right, we'll have more on how this is all playing out in israel in a live report from tel aviv. but first cnn's priscilla alvarez has details on the new proposal president biden, on friday, outlined the phases of a potential hostage deal and urged all the parties to reach an agreement to stop the war in gaza. >> it was a notable moment and perhaps a pivotal one. it was the furthest that president biden has gone and telling israel that it has met its stated goals, and that the capabilities of hamas has been degraded. now, the plan includes three different phases. some of the details of which we have reported before, that includes the first phase a six-week temporary ceasefire that would include the release of hostages of women, the elderly, and the wound, and the wounded in exchange for palestinian prisoners. the second phase is the release of all hostages and opens up the possibility for the ceasefire to continue longer as long as negotiations are ongoing. and the third is the major reconstruction of gaza. of course, the president noting in his address that it is a disk decisive moment. >> this is truly a decisive moment here's those made their proposal. hamas needs to take the deal. i've urge leadership vision on the stand behind this deal. we can't lose this moment definite war and pursued him on identified notion of total victory that will not bring hostages home that will not, not bring an enduring defeat of hamas now these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu hasn't released a statement after this address outlining these phases and said that the war would not end until hamas is defeated. >> now president binded acknowledged that not all in these really government would agree with this plan and also sort of his own credibility, noting that he has stood by israel and has a long long-standing relationship with the prime minister. but of course there's a lot lot of work ahead and the president made very clear that this is not easy. the hope however, is that all parties can reach an agreement, work through the details so that there may be a ceasefire in gaza for scylla alvarez, cnn, washington and joining us now is journalist elliott gohlke can live in tel aviv. so eliot, the reverberations from biden's announcement of this peace proposal still reverberating strongly in israel. what is the latest? >> kim the latest is that as we just heard, pressed the biden put out the statement on friday relating to israel's proposal for a ceasefire deal. and we had something not get out of the ordinary on saturday, prime minister benjamin netanyahu putting out a statement on the jewish sabbath on the saturday i suppose some people are seeing it as contradicting what biden was saying, but i think it's more to do with clarifying what he sees as being inside this ceasefire proposal, because netanyahu at the same time reiterating that it will not agree to a full cessation of hostilities until its war objectives are met, reiterated what those objectives, what those conditions chins for an end to the war are mainly destroying. >> hamas has military and governance capability. getting all of the hundred and 25 or so hostages, the living and the dead back in israel after they were abducted as part of hamas's terrorist attacks of october the 7. and ensuring that the gaza strip that gaza no longer poses a threat to israel. and then from netanyahu's perspective because let's not forget that he is part of the war cabinet. that signed off on this seesaw ceasefire proposal from his perspective, that ceasefire proposal does not preclude israel from meeting its war objectives. and i think that he put this statement out so quickly on the jewish sabbath, which as i say is quite rare for him to do in order to both getting his narrative out to clarify the situation from his perspective so that his base knows that he hasn't gone soft on hamas. and also to preempt the inevitable blowback and pushback that he knew he's going to get in which he did get from the far-right ministers in his governing coalition, who after the sabbath went out, put out statements saying that from that perspective, this deal amounted to a capitulation to hamas to defeat and that they wouldn't support it. they would withdraw their parties from the government, which could kim cause the government to collapse. >> all right in the meantime, elliott netanyahu has accepted the joint meaning of congress in washington. obviously, the reaction, particularly among democrats as mixed. what's netanyahu's aim here he said that he was thrilled to be invited and that he will go there to present the justness of israel's cause, the justice of israel's fight against terrorism and hamas, which the us designated as a terrorist organization. >> i think so important to note the contrast between this invitation and 2015 when he kind of went over the head of president barack obama to speak directly to congress to try to persuade us lawmakers to try to persuade the us to not sign up to the iran nuclear deal, something which ultimately proved unsuccessful, at least under the obama administration so in this instance, he's been invited by all four main leaders of congress democrats, and republican alike. i suppose he also wants to reassure lawmakers in the united states and israel isn't misusing any of the weapons that the united states is providing, as we know, some of those weapons shipments have been suspended i think also for his domestic audience here in israel, it's always helpful for him to be seen on the international, global stage that is still a global player. and he is the only person in his eyes that can represent israel's interests abroad and with its main ally, the united states. >> all right, i appreciate that elliott gucken in tel aviv. thanks so much. >> with his country facing a major new russian offensive ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is courting international support from new areas. so linsky matter a few hours ago with us defense secretary lloyd austin in singapore. the two are attending the shangri-la dialogue, meaning of defense ministers in singapore. so zelenskyy is decision to attend the conference prince came as a last-minute surprise. it's thought to be an effort to keep the world's attention on the war. and he cranes need for outside help. cnn, senior international correspondent in watson is live in singapore, ivan. so take us through what zelenskyy had to say and what he's hoping to get out of this well, as you mentioned, was a surprise guest at this annual security conference. >> he's clearly trying to attract more support across asia, four this war effort now more than two years since russia launched its full-scale invasion into ukraine and also trying to convince governments to participant hey in what he describes as a peace summit to be held in switzerland in a matter of weeks china has indicated it will not be participating in this and zelenskyy had some rather blunt words of criticism for beijing, which he accused of prolonging the war with what he claimed was china's support for ukraine's mortal enemy, russia. take a listen with the support of china. >> china's supporting russia wall will be much longer it's baffled the whole world. and for the politics, china which says respects main principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity i think it's not very good for them either now, zelenskyy said that he had no direct face-to-face meeting chinese officials here in singapore. >> and that's even though he spoke on a stage in the ballroom of this hotel, just about three hours after trial and as minister of defense spoke on that same stage. in fact, he went further to say that kyiv has been trying to reach out to chinese officials, different levels over the course of the last year and has failed to get face-to-face meetings with the chinese. meanwhile, china, and its leader xi jinping are sellable breaks good xi jinping's close relationship, his friendship with his old friend, vladimir putin, who is hosted, i think less than a month ago in beijing so there's clearly there is not a close friendship between ukraine and china in this matter. mimo, the chinese we're at this forum earlier today, kim. and the message they were trying to spread was that a, they say that china is a force for stability around the world. but at the same time they had some harsh words for the newly elected government in taiwan, which they accused of being separatist. and they had a warning that that government i would be nailed to the pillar of shame of history if it refuses to peacefully reunify with beijing, the chinese he's government considers taiwan to be a province of china, even though the communist party of china has never ruled that ireland directly, kim all right, appreciate that. >> i would watson in singapore. thanks so much. i was lewinsky is in singapore as ukraine reels from the latest strikes on its power grid, russia launched a massive wave of attacks saturday morning, including this one that left at least 12 people injured in the kharkiv region most of the attacks went after energy infrastructure across ukraine causing critical damage to at least two power plants. at least four more people were wounded in the western part of the country and officials said some restrictions on energy consumption will be posed. ukraine says this was the sixth wave of attacks on its energy system. in little over two months. now those attacks came after washington gave you crane the green light to conduct strikes inside russia with us made weapons for. permission applies only two areas near ukraine's kharkiv region, but it marks a dramatic departure from previous us policy or joined now by military medic rebecca mesh risky, who is speaking to us from eastern ukraine so first of all thanks so much for being here with us start with the why, why. >> as an american, you decided to go to ukraine? >> hey, thanks so much the why for me was seeing what was happening unfold and the country and not wanting to be a bystander, i wanted to make a difference and help because it was frankly unacceptable. and so me drove into ukraine and working here with the military was just my personal way of stepping in and trying to assist. >> you've been helping to train them. you've also helped to directly treat soldiers as well. you've been doing this for around two years now i understand what what changes have you seen on the front lines frankly, if things have gotten a lot more complicated in terms of advancements in the battlefield, particularly on the side of russia whereas a simple wound before it could be a 5-4 five from aka. >> now we're seeing increased use step fpv dropped minds from drones and increasing use of electronic warfare systems, which makes everything very complicated because now you have a piece of machinery that could be thousands upon thousands of dollars, that could be easily destroyed by hey, $500 drone it's gotten complex the injuries i've gotten more complex. the situation has gotten more complex, and the frankly to help has decreased now, this time last year, the picture for ukraine seemed brighter, or russia's advance was held. the cranial is talking about a counter attack now, the present day ukraine has lost territory. its second biggest city faces the prospect of russian soldiers closing in. so what's the morale like among the troops there these days? >> wow, remains persistent ukrainians are determined to defend their homeland in their country regardless of whatever helped might be given to them. but the need for help has substantially increased. at the same time the actual giving up help as substantially decreased so where are you not so the us has now agreed to send weapons again are you actually seeing any of that weapons and material? >> there on the front lines? >> in terms of my direction i have yet to see the promised aid specifically to our area of operation. there's a lot of promises made. there's a lot of talk of aid, but realistically the timeline can be substantially longer than what you would you would think one of the problems you face, you talk about needing more help. >> you face a lack of medical gear and the supplies that you get sometimes are substandard or don't work is that still a problem that is still a problem and fact of the matter is that these nato nations have excellent quality combat medical gear. >> and that's something i would like to see included in future aid packages there was allegedly some medical aid promise from another country have yet to see that. if the american military, or even another nato country could send quality medical gear, such as a personal first aid kit or quality tourniquet that would make immense amounts of difference yeah. >> i mean, tourniquet is just to give an example. i mean, what happens if you are using we alternate kids aren't manufactured properly well, frankly, you can die and you will die. >> if you have an arterial bleed, let's say you put a tourniquet on that is not quality tourniquet and that breaks in three minutes. you can be dead. and i've seen this happen myself. >> unfortunately. >> yeah absolutely tragic. >> you must have seen some horrific things there on the front lines, but also, i imagine inspiring things as well from the soldiers that you're you're working with. talk to me about some of the stories that have affected you as you've been there working for the past couple of years i think the biggest thing that's affected me as the persistent motivation resilience, and strength of the soldiers that i'm here with. they are so literally unbeatable in terms of morale and they go day after day with limited resources. and limited prospects to continue and fight for their families, for their brother's, for their country. and that is what keeps me here after two years. despite everything that's happening, they show up day in and day out, continued to work and if they can so can i finally as an american, you must be keenly aware of the domestic politics that are playing into aid for ukraine that you are saying is it's so desperately needed. >> i mean, we're in an election year. what do you think will happen to ukraine if donald trump wins i frankly can't speak to what will happen as i've seen in the past, there's an element of unpredictability with some of his policies on some of his statements so i think it begs seen what will actually happen. >> my goal is regardless of who wins the election or domestic intricacies of policy that the importance of aid to ukraine is withheld and upheld all right, we'll leave it there, but really appreciate your time and of course, we hope that you stay safe out there. >> rebecca, at my sro. thank you so much for speaking with thus thank you so much all right. >> after the break, voting begins in just hours as mexico prepares for what's likely to be a historic collection. >> plus and 11th hour technical issues, scrubs, a highly anticipated space test flight, and nasa has yet to schedule another launch date say with us were you stationed working or living at campbell as june between 1953 and 1987, if you or a loved one of suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement to offer ranging from 100,000 to $550,000 without a court filing 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elections in mexico's history, more than 20,000 positions are on the ballot nationwide, while public safety is a top issue and history could be made as mexicans are likely to elect their first female president. cnn's gustavo velez is in mexico city. i've got 100 million mexicans will get a chance to select their next president on sunday in chances are it will be a woman because the top two contenders are female. so the borders are looking as qian they're and they're focusing on the issues public safety is their main concern in that's because more than 30 candidates were killed in this political cycle in to municipalities these in southern mexico and algae are going to have to cancel election altogether because of the fear of violence. while the ashamed bound to represents the party currently in in power, medina has pledged to continue the policies of president andres manuel lopez obrador. qu had a hands-off approach to fighting crime. he basically declined to send the army for the police to actively pursue the cartel. something critics says is a failed policy search. you'll, galvez, who represents a coalition of opposition hisham parties, she wants to change the approach, even suggesting the creation of a by national police force with the united states to fight crime and money laundering so in play is the legacy of president lopez obrador. cook himself has said, this is a referendum on his policies. she had the political party that he's created the, he founded only ten years ago, modena no controls most of the state government in has the largest number of members in congress. so borders, sunday will also decide the pad. mexico will have in the next six years with struggled with this. cnn mexico city voting has. >> ended and india's months-long general election, the last polling stations closed on saturday and the final phase of the world's largest democratic exercise, the votes will be counted on tuesday and results are expected the same day, the national democratic alliance, led by prime minister narendra modi's bjp is expected to secure another five years in power nearly 1 billion people were eligible to vote in the seven phase election, which began on april 9, 19th, in south africa, the newly formed mk party is threatening to challenge the results in court, claiming without evidence that the vote was rigged. now, this is the party's surprisingly strong showing looks set to cost the ruling african national congress its majority for the first time 30 years. the party of nelson mandela will be forced to form a coalition with parties like mk k in order to stay in power with counting nearly complete support for the ains see is just over 40% clashes in rome saturday as demonstrators carrying palestinian flags, protests against italian prime minister giorgia meloni and the governments policies on the war in gaza, please blocked roads and fired tear gas to break up the crowds. the clashes took places at least far-right. prime minister held a campaign rally for her party ahead of next next week's european parliament elections meanwhile, tens of thousands of hungarians marched in support of their nationalist leader, prime minister viktor orban or ban will take over the european union's rotating presidency in the second half of the year. but he faces challenges from several other eu members over his friendly stance on russia and has referred useful to send weapons to ukraine. hungarians gathered in budapest accusing the eu of trying to pull the country into war with moscow what is a case that made headlines because the couple's unusual religious beliefs that had families of the victims react as doomsday killer, chad daybell is sentenced to death for the murders of his wife and two children, and his former wife i'm thinking fine-grained die. >> and i thought that was one of the earth with liev schreiber premieres tonight at nine on cnn finish ultimate engineered for the toughest conditions dry bernd on stains, old dishwashers, 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the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. tausche at the white house and this is cnn welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. >> i'm kim brune hubert. this is cnn newsroom. nearly a year after his wife, lori, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. chad daybell has been sentenced to death for murdering two of her children, and his first wife, tammy me. now it was a case that made headlines because of chad and laurie daybell's unusual religious beliefs. camila bernal has the details the jury in this case decided that chad daybell's should spend the rest of his life on death row and they found the aggravating factors in this case to be true. >> so saying that the crimes he committed were atrocious and cruel thing that he had done this for money that he had utter disregard for human life, and that he would be a threat to society. this is the same jury that found him guilty of killing his first wife, tammy, and killing the two children of his second wife, 16-year-old tylee, and seven-year-old jj, at the prosecution in this case, saying that this was a case fueled by sex, money power, and apocalyptic religious beliefs saying that these two chad daybell and lori vallow, daybell hello essentially, did anything they could to beat together and said that anyone that got in the way of this, whether it was because they were the children or the wife, or if there was any financial gains to be made of this would be marked for death. this was amanda, the prosecution said would label people as dark or as zombies. and of course, this resulted in the bodies of these children being found in chad daybell's property tylee burned jj found with his arms tied with duct tape and plastic bags covering him. this has been extremely emotional for the families of the children and the families of tammy as well. a lot of them speaking out after this death sentence, take a listen to what they said. >> you're never wish harm on anybody diagnosing what they've done the end. of the day. >> it's good that he's he can't hurt anybody else. >> we got just for our loved ones and that was always what this was about. getting justice for them. >> we can all start to heal from this terrible loss we have suffered. we'll miss tammy every single day of our lives that we do have some comfort knowing that we will see her again someday and despite all the emotion from the family, chad daybell did not show any emotion while his verdict was read. >> he chose not to speak after him. sentencing. his attorney did speak during the sentencing portion of the trial and essentially put the blame on lori vallow daybell, who has also been found guilty of these crimes. she is facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. the death penalty was not on the team well, for her camila bernal, cnn, los angeles mayor of lana's declared a state of emergency after two major water main breaks, left parts of the city without water. the brakes happened on friday. city officials say one of the breaks has already been repaired, but pressure needs to bill before that system can be brought back online. >> crews are still working to fix the other break and no timeline has been given for completion. >> meanwhile, parts of georgia's capital remain under a boil water advisory a grass fire that started in northern california on saturday, has already burned more than 11,000 acres the corral fire is only 13% contained according to california's department of forestry and fire protection, is it's burning in san joaquin county south though sacramento and east of san francisco. authorities have ordered residents in some areas to evacuate. and warn that strong winds and extreme heat into next week, we'll make conditions even more dangerous the official start of summer here in the northern hemisphere may still be weeks away, but the sweltering summer heat is already here in parts of the us with high temperatures triggering excessive heat watches for nearly 8 million people across parts of the west and southern us are meteorologist elisa rafah brakes down for us summer is already starting to sizzle early. >> we have excessive. he watches in place for parts of california, even getting into nevada, including las vegas by tuesday and wednesday as we get into the work week that's because temperatures are going to be much above average and hitting some dangerous levels even for this early in june, phoenix, your average this time of year is 100, looking at temperatures are ready, getting to 105 as we get into the workweek vegas, your average is 95 degrees for this time of year where we're looking at temperature picture is getting ten degrees above that by 105 by tuesday and into wednesday. so again, temperature is much above normal even for these places that can typically get hot this time of year ten degrees above normal in vegas, nearing 20 degrees above normal in sacramento, he need temperatures of 108 degrees by wednesday, going 20 degrees above normal even dumber in the 90s by wednesday, 15 degrees above average, keeping the heat sweltering through thursday. this will pose a risk for heat sickness. you can see the red, they're aligning some major impacts along california, even some extreme impacts in southern texas. all of this meaning that the heat communicable vulnerable to heat sickness, especially this early in the season when we might not be acclimated to the heat yet. so make sure you check on children, elderly, and pets these temperatures really start to soar in florida may has already been sweltering florida just wrapped up their hottest may on record, beating the previous record that was set back in 2010, the average which temperature for the month was a nearly 84 degrees. that's including the overnight temperatures. now we know this is the trend since 1970, miami gets 30 more spring days that are above average. march, april, may, or just hotter than they used to be, that elongates the summer season, that extreme heat season is starting earlier as those warm days get even warmer, this has also been triggering some pretty warm ocean temperatures. all righty. some of these shallow sea surface temperatures around south florida or already in the 90s now it's not just around south florida. we are looking at temperatures in the oceans above average by about three to five degrees above normal in the development area for hurricanes, these ocean temperatures are more typical for august. so if we get any development, we could really fuel the development pretty quickly, especially as hurricane season also starts this weekend some ukrainian soldiers have paid a horrific price for fighting the russian invasion now a group in germany is helping ukrainian military amputees have a normal life again that story is coming up, please stay russia is we're trying to spy on us we were buying on them. this is a secret, war. >> secrets and spies premieres tonight at ten on cnn. >> finish ultimate engineered for the toughest conditions dry bernd on stains, old dishwashers very hard water finnish ultimate would cycle seek technology helps deliver the ultimate clean how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? >> there's an easier way. dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils for up to 120 days of amazing fragrance per day you will pack. now, that's a breath of fresh air, wake, pain means pause on the things you love. >> but breen means go cool the pain with bio and keep on going bio freeze, green means go. were you stationed working or living at campbell as yoon between 1953 and 1987, if you or a loved one have suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement offer ranging from 100,000 to $550,000 without a court filing morgan and morgan has already held hoping over 15,000 veterans and their families and the 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ukraine's president says china's friendship with russia as potentially helping to prolong the war in his country will numbers linsky spoken in singapore where he addressed in annual asia-pacific security conference once-key called china quote, an instrument in the hands of putin. >> he also said, no one will dictate terms for ending the war to ukraine. >> make a little tomalin. >> ukrainians are dying russians raping, are people women so gaza times thousand children nobody had to tell us how to fish. this war to end this war, it should and equity and justice and this has compulsory so once he's in singapore a day after russia unleashed its latest way wave of missiles and drones that ukraine's energy system, at least 12 people were injured in this strike on the kharkiv region saturday morning. >> rush also hit energy facilities across you ukraine causing critical damage to lease to power plants tens of thousands of ukrainian soldiers have lost limbs during the brutal fighting in their country, according to estimates there are prosthetic technologies to help them live a better life, but there aren't enough train technicians and ukraine to use them as fred pleitgen reports in organization in germany is trying going to help as the russians unreached ever stronger firepower on ukraine, ukrainian soldiers holding up moscow is advances at the brunt and suffer most of the casualty many lucky to be alive, but loses a lins be tally cycle kazaa cuffs, legs were blown off on the eastern front last summer so the left leg was torn off at once. >> he says, on the battlefield, i saved myself. thanks to the fact that we were constantly undergoing medical training. i immediately put a tourniquet on myself and remain conscious in the glove. >> his right leg later also had to be amputated. >> the problem for ukraine scores of amputees, but not enough technicians to make the prosthetics they need. now a german project called life bridge ukraine is bringing both ukrainians who lost limbs and ukrainian technicians and training to berlin to help the wounded while giving the trainees valuable experience volodymyr have really love just constructed his first artificial leg and he knows he'll remain busy. >> they are walking unfortunately, there will be even more guys with injuries. >> he says, we need good workshops to provide these guys with a good life. we need to bring them back into society we must be aware of this not forget, and most importantly, help each other ukraine keeps the number of war-related amputees secret, but estimates go into the tens of thousands life bridge ukraine aims to establish several prosthetics, workshops, and care centers inside ukraine a tall task, not just because so many ukrainians need artificial limbs but arms and legs blown off by explosions often leave the remaining stumps mutilated just making it hard to fit prosthetics. ngo had on coal for stock tells me we experienced that the stamps from war zones are different than stamps we experience in germany. so for the trainees to hopefully trained on the patients, they will treat in ukraine. we invited the patients that need to be treated despite his severe injuries, vitaly cycle, kazaa cuff remains determined only a few days after first getting to artificial legs fitted. >> he's already up and walking, but vitaly says he wants more to go back to ukraine and fight the russians again use mono for anja, but i won't be able to serve at the front. i'll assemble drones, but the work is not finished. the war is not over yet. he says and then he adds, it's a long process, but no matter how long it takes, you have to come back who else but us? nobody but us. >> you can talk for plug-in, cnn berlin all right, still had celebrations across spain's capital as hometown heroes, real madrid claim a record 15th european cup. >> brynn details of the champions league final after the break attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june. if you lived or work 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the problem was with the ground computers that are located at the base of the launchpad, three big computers that are all responsible for telling the rock when it's time to launch. and if it's go for launch in those final few minutes before liftoff they require triple redundancy. all three computers shooters have to be go for lunch. two were go for launch on saturday. one was not. >> or maybe it was just too slow. we just don't know yet, but because that one one computer didn't give the green light at the exact, precise time. that was needed, that triggered a hold which then led to a scrub because this rocket had to lift off at the exact, precise moment. if nasa astronauts, butch wilmore and sunny williams we're going to sync up and rendezvous just perfectly with the international space station. so definitely a disappointment for nasa, boeing, and ul lay but they're also quick to point out that these things thanks happen and scrubs do happen very frequently in spaceflight is a bit more frustrating. you might say, given the fact that it didn't have anything to do with the spacecraft for the rocket itself that it had to do with a computer on the ground. but that is spaceflight. and so they're now going to try again next week, the next possible launch attempt that they're targeting. june 5th, followed by june 6. kristin fisher at the kennedy space center cnn hold china is making history after is trying to six probe landed on the far side of the moon on sunday. have a look beijing released these images. it says shows the moment the probe touched touchdown. >> now the craft will spend about two days collecting samples from the moon's dark side for the first time in history. >> that's according to china's national space administration. now, two methods will be used for sampling a drill for collecting specimens from beneath the surface, and a robotic arm for grabbing samples from the soil the landing site is at an impact crater known as the apollo basin, which was chosen for its relatively flat terrain sky-gazers in the southern hemisphere are getting a glimpse of an unusual horned comet hello, look here, this is known as the devil comet. the 12 p pons-brooks is making its approach to earth right? noun of this is the comets last appearance for seven decades. scientists aren't sure why it takes on the shape some compare it to the star wars millennium falcon. and astronomers hope to figure out why the comment has a longer than average rotation period and whether the jets of material releasing from it or speeding up, or slowing it down the florida panthers are going to the stanley cup finals for the second straight year. they defeated the new york rangers to one on saturday to win the eastern conference final. the panthers got the scoring started early in game six in front of their home fans and sunrise, florida they'll face the winner of the western conference final between the dallas stars and edmonton. euler's first game of the stanley cup final is scheduled for saturday in tennis, it was a long day for novak djokovic at the french open on saturday, the world number one seed avoided an upset by outlasting italian lorenzo seti and a five set thriller in the third round he managed a stunning combat. come back in the epic match, which lasted for hours and 29 minutes. let's a record for the tournament. will now face argentinian francisco serrano, low on monday what was pandemonium inside the santiago bernabeu, one of the europe's most revered and feared soccer stadiums and tens of thousands the real madrid fans gathered at their home pitch to watch their 11 club defeat were sued dortmund in the uefa champions league final. and you see the meryl seller operating in their traditional white saturday's to nil victory and lemon marked los blancos return as the kings of europe and secured their record extending fifth 13th european cup. amanda davis and darren lewis are outside wembley stadium with all the details of this nail-biting match another champions league final. >> another chapter in real madrid's european history. what is it about them and this competition they might've been the favorites heading into the game, but it was borussia dortmund, who had the better of the charles is for so long only for the spaniards to do what we have seen them do. so often take the victory claim, their six champions league crown in 11 years. their record 15th overall well, cnn senior sport analyst darren lewis was inside wembley watching with me gone down. you've got the unenviable task of answering. what is it? how do they do it? well, they felt before, even even before tonight that they are married to the champions league trophy that won it 14 times before this occasion. and it's getting to the stage where they feel as though the champions league final for them is date night because so often they enjoyed themselves on the big occasion. they stock in trade is that they populate their team with some of the biggest styles in european football and it was two of those players that really did come up trump. i should actually say four because the assists were provided by the germans superstar tony cross and by the the english superstar man, we hope will be starring for them at euro euro 2024. jude bellingham are wonderful night for a very special clock. >> yeah, very fit. add for totally across, say, hidden his real madrid career, a sick champions league crown for him story lines israeli, every which way you look at this, you mentioned bellingham, and water moment for vinicius junior as well to score what proved to be the winning goal after a season where he has dealt with so much off the pitch as well as on it. >> absolutely. everybody remembers those scenes, those heartbreaking scene. so the brazilian superstar crying at a press conference as he pleaded with the spanish authorities to do something about the racism he had been enduring at clubs around the spanish top division. and when people suggested that it wasn't that bad, he produced on social media footage from each of those grounds where he had suffered those scenes in stark contrast to what we saw at the end of the game at wembley, where he dove into the crowd and the spanish fans took him to their hearts and karatay on their shoulders. wonderful scenes at the end for a wonderful player, real madrid have already cemented their place in his three with this a record, 15th european crowd, jude bellingham described it as the best nights of his life. but you suspect there will be a whole lot more to come. this is a team that is on a roll. they all getting better and better and yes it's even before the arrival of kylian with darren lewis. this is amanda davies for cnn, wembley stadium in london i'm kim brynn who brawley back with more cnn newsroom in just a month i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it on the earth with we have schreiber premieres tonight at nine on cnn were you stationed working or living at campbell as 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Calm , Stove Gap , Designers , Designer Brands , Screen Border , Guilt , Heart Racing , Prices , Curry , Captioning , Guilt Com , 70 , Launch , Crew Test Flight , Flash Designer Sales , Launch Opportunity , Are Kristin Fisher , United Launch Alliance , Rocket , Scrub , Spacecraft , Atlas , Bull , Computers , Rock , Launchpad , Hardware , Two Were Go For Launch On Saturday , Computers Shooters , Redundancy , Hold , Space Station , Exact , Astronauts , Disappointment , Butch Wilmore , Sunny Williams , Spaceflight , Ul Lay , Ground , Launch Attempt , Targeting , June 5th , Probe , Far Side Of The Moon On Sunday , Have A Look Beijing , Kennedy Space Center , June 6 , Samples , Time , Touchdown , Craft , Images , Dark Side , Moon , Arm , Landing Site , Surface , Specimens , Soil , Drill , Apollo Basin , Impact Crater , Sky Gazers , Glimpse , Devil Comet , Horned Comet Hello , Southern Hemisphere , Appearance , Comets , Noun , Scientists Aren T , Shape , Star Wars , Pons Brooks , Millennium 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Vinicius , Superstar , Scenes , Press Conference , Clubs , Racism , Spanish , Top Division , Wasn T , Footage , Social Media , Each Of Those Grounds , Crowd , Hearts , Karatay , 15th European Crowd , More , Roll , Arrival , Who , Amanda Davies , Kylian , London , Brawley , Court Filing , Capitalisyooninjur Y Com , Condition , Guests , Tons , Finnish Ultimate Engineered , Viruses , Hair , Trace , Odor , Sanitizer Lysol , Air Sanitizer , Air Fresheners At Ascent , 99 9 , Allergies , Allergens , Nostril , Someone , Washing , Device , Vihj , Lots , Notes , Saline , Nose , Spot , Mucus , Sam S Club , Dustin Germs , Sleep Better , Brain Health Challenge Pain , Brain Health , Brain Health Indicators , Memory , Franck , Eddie , Know Fraser , Janet , Frank Bred , Fred Fuel , Neretva , Network , Comcast Business , Business , Brene Me , Speed , Customers , Speeds , Cost , T Mobile , Verizon , At T , Speed Plans , Miss , Prepaid Card , 49 99 , 800 , 9 99 ,

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