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asked her sure. reminder, smarter, at your mom by morning. got it. >> got it. boss. daughter, you've got this. >> we go for is in america thursday, july 4. they 70s dirt on see it in this is cnn breaking news hello again, everyone. thank you so much for joining me on fredricka whitfield and we begin with this breaking news. several us military bases across europe are on heightened alert right now due to a potential terrorist threat and one of those bases, it in germany hey, where the u.s. european command is headquartered. a us official tells cnn that they haven't seen this threat level in at least ten years. joining me right now for the pentagon on his cnn correspondent, oren liebermann, or in watch the latest fredricka according to two us officials, at least several us military bases in europe have elevated or threat level to what's known as fp kohn charlie force protection condition, charlie. that is the second highest level of alert within the u.s military, only force protection condition delta is higher than that. and according to the u.s. army, this is what charlie means. it means that it applies when an incident occurs, or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely. now it's unclear at this point if this is in response to a specific threat against a specific facility or if it's more general in the u.s. is looking out for the possibility of a, of an attack against one of a number of u.s. military facilities in europe now us european command, when we reached out to them, would not confirm force protection condition charlie across at least several basis in the european command theater. but they did say that they are constantly evaluating and we'll make changes to their force protection condition when necessary and put in additional safety measures. we have seen at least one base announced that publicly that is the u.s. army garrison in bavaria, which covers several different locations. they have stated on their website that they are at charlie's so that elevated threat level and they have curtailed or shut off a number of services. while this happens again, that's all from public statements on their social media. now again, we're not sure and it's unclear at this point if this is a specific threat, but if you look across europe officials in a number of countries, including for example, germany and france, are already at an hello. threat level, especially with less than a month to go until the paris olympics. and with the european football championship, championships already having started, the interior minister, minister, minister in germany said several days ago that they're on the lookout for number of potential threats including the potential of terrorism. and then in france, since march, they have been in at their highest level of alert, and that continues to today, especially as we close in on the olympics. meanwhile, the u.s. embassy in paris points out that there was an elevated threat level against any large gathering. and certainly the olympics qualifies as that military basis. apparently also taking precautions now. >> all right. oren liebermann, i thank you so much. that's past j. appreciate it all right. and this breaking news out of france, huge celebrations of the country's far right party. they now appear set to take the biggest number of seats in france's parliament after today's first round of elections, the u.s. is watching closely as one of its strongest allies. now seems to be making a shift to the far right it would be a stinging defeat for french president macron who shocked everyone and called a surprise election just a few weeks before paris is set to host the world four summer olympic games. far-right leader marine le pen, warned her supporters to show up for next weekend's second round of voting so do we. >> need it's all done. >> majority. in order to change the country's desperately need cnn's max foster is live at the headquarters of the far-right national rally party and jim biderman is outside the prime minister's office. >> max, do you first house? stunning. are these numbers they all studying because emmanuel macron's centrist party has crashed and support according to the projection mr. third position the left, he felt of hell the middle ground a middle position but going right to the top is an lupins far-right party, it is a far right party and bardella, who is the leader of that party was speaking just a few moments ago is 28-years-old is a far-right leader, and he is according to these protections, they'll most likely next prime minister of france. >> so a far-right leader of a major economy, a reflection of what we saw in the european elections where in germany and italy as well, there was a surge and support for the far right. we wondered whether translate to national elections. it really has so now we're in this deadlock potentially where you have macron in third position and you have a left a left and a far right fighting for control of parliament is deadlocked effectively in a major economy. so it's seismic on any level, is a disaster for macron, and it's a trial for le pen okay. >> max thank you. and jim, i mean what's going on from where you are now? what's the perspective there well-fed, we're waiting to hear from the prime minister. he's supposed to be delivering us a statement somewhere in the next hour or so from his office here the fact is that he is not completely out of a job just yet because the projections that we have give the national rally party right-wing extreme right-wing party 230 to 280 seats. in order to have a majority in the parliament, they got to have 289 seats, which they at the moment, according objections we have do not have. now we've heard in the last hour or from the leader of the left point when nash new for our front popularity is called the left-wing grouping. and he said basically that if their candidates are in third position in any of these election districts they're going to stand aside in order to form a blockade against the right-wing extreme right-wing coming to power. so what's going to happen here in the next week or so is we're going to have a see a lot of horse trading going on as the candidates that are were there are three karatay to pass the bar of 12.5% votes of they're going to have the opportunity to form a coalition, essentially with other candidates in order to stop the right-wing national we expect to hear that from mr. atoll, the prime minister is something similar to that. in the next hour or so and then jim why, if anything, can present macron do between now and next weekend, which is the second round of voting to try to keep his party's power in the national assembly well, he's already made a statement and basically he said that he's hoping there'll be some kind of abroad generalized coalition against the extreme right but, more than that, there's not a whole lot that he can do what he's looking forward to is something that the french call cohabited osteon, which means a power-sharing basically, and we've seen that before. we saw it with jacques chirac back in the 90s, who had to give up the hara, the power to prime minister lionel joe span, left-wing prime minister, and the two of them did not get along and issues of precedent has powers over defense and has the funds as an over foreign policy but the prime minister heads the purpose. first string isn't so the prime minister effectively can shut down and change operations. for instance, in ukraine, for example the president could want one thing in terms of supporting ukraine. but here the prime minister could go to the parliament and cut off the money. so it's, it could be a very difficult situation killing the next three years for president macron. >> very volatile indeed. all right. thank you, gentlemen, jim, better, min and max it's foster appreciated all right. new today also, top democratic elected leaders in this country are voicing support for president biden amid growing calls from other corners for biden to step away from his reelection campaign. this weekend to newspaper editorial board's the new york times and the atlanta in a journal constitution stating biden should drop out of the race cnn correspondent priscilla alvarez is joining us with more on this. priscilla, how is biden's campaign trying to reassure voters? >> while there have been multiple calls made over the last 48 hours behind the scenes from senior white house officials, top campaign officials, to their allies, to try to reassure them and also to keep the focus on the records of the two candidates that has been largely their response, acknowledging that the debate was not present there's an abundance best performance, while also underscoring that what he should be judged on is his record as president and the stark contrast that he poses against former president donald trump. now, the president himself has said much of the same. he had a fundraising blitz over the weekend where he also told donors and conceded that he did not have his best debate performance. but again, that he would quote work harder. so he acknowledged to the concerns and the panic that many have had since thursday night's debate. now, we have also seen on the airwaves multiple allies coming out in defence of president biden and thank much of the same as well, which is keep your focus on the president's record and also trying to defend what viewers saw. take a listen to what jim clyburn had to say we looked at the past performance. are these two men that are the front runners in their parties we get a lot of indication about what their future behavior would be so joe biden should continue to run on his record i do believe that we will find him my contrast, it with the record are the four years of trump to be exactly what we need going forward. not just domestically, but internationally as well so again, that really captures the argument that we are hearing from all corners of biden's orbit as they tried to defend him, but donors are also quite anxious here. >> there has been a split among donors who are wondering who potential replacements could be for a democratic nominee. while others say this is a waste of time. it is time to backpressure the name biden and move on from this debate. now the biden campaign says that they did rake in millions over the weekend as as again, as a result of this fundraising blitz, 33 million in total, the majority of that being grassroots donations. they've had a lot of strength in that space and it's often what they point to, to say look, there are first-time donors that are still coming to the biden campaign and voters who are still backing the president, despite again, these headlines about the president's debate performance in the panic that has set in across the democratic party also, priscilla, a new cbs yougov poll taken after the debate shows a growing number of registered voters who who believe biden should walk away 72% of those polled said biden should not run for president. >> that's up nine points from february. is their response coming from the white house or the reelection campaign on this? generally the posture from white house officials and campaign officials is not to pay too much attention to polls, but overnight, there was a fundraising email from the campaign chair that instead sided their own flash polls which noted that voters were not swayed much by the debate and that it didn't change the horse race, but it also tried to look ahead and noting that if that changes in the polls, if there is a dip in the polls, that it will be overblown. so that gives you a sense of where the campaign often is when it comes to polling, they know it's going to be a close race. they know they're going to see some polls that reflect poorly on the campaign. and the president. but they often try to dismiss those and just try to keep the focus on what they're seeing in their own internal polling. and these flash poll since the debate. and just trying to move forward again, fred is clear over the last 48 hours, there's still a lot of work ahead and there's certainly a lot of defense from all corners. all right. priscilla alvarez. thanks so much all right. coming up a major ruling expected tomorrow from the u.s. supreme court. what will it decide regarding former president trump's claim that he has absolutely immunity and the warm waters and the caribbean are helping to strengthen hurricane beryl. we're following the track the crown will pursue victory which any cost i don't think they would be you, so you could die house of the dragon, streaming exclusively on mac introducing ned's black psoriasis he thinks it's flaky red patches are all people see oh, tesla is the number one prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis oh, tesla can help you get clear skin in an reduce itching and flaking with no routine blood tests 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wealth plan to help keep you on track when you're planning for it. all the answer is jpmorgan wealth management. >> i'm elizabeth wagmeister, los angeles in this is cnn are hours away from a us supreme court decision on donald trump's claim of absolute immunity. >> the case stems from special counsel jack smith's election subversion charges the former president argued that without immunity, presidents would be fearful of being second guessed by prosecutors after leaving the white house. it could all come down to whether trump's actions after the 2020 election. were considered official. joining us right now as for any to tolson, she's the vice dean of the university of southern california law school. great to see you dean, tolson. so this is highly consequential. a lot is weighing on the decision that the supreme court is going to render. what are your expectations? >> so i've been very cautious about making predictions. i haven't done that since obamacare, but i will agree with you that the decision is very, very consequential. i think that the question of whether or not the president is immune, for decisions taken in his official capacity. it really pushes us towards a system in which which impeachment is the only solution, right? in a porous former president trump was impeached twice, and that did not that was not successful. so the supreme court could find that any official actions taken by the president, warren immunity, or they could find that these were not actions that are official actions. these are actions that former president trump took as a candidate and therefore should not get immunity. so i'm not sure how they'll decide, but it is very consequential because it determines basically how presidents can be held accountable moving forward. sure. and the lower courts already ruled that this president no president is above the law. they can't they wouldn't enjoy absolute immunity. so now now the high court is making considerations at the urging of trump and his attorneys. so might this high court defer back to the lower court's decision? we've already seen them do that in some cases or does the high court doesn't feel a responsibility to kinda button up punctuate what the lower court as done by either honoring it or saying we see it differently i mean it, could defer to the lower court, but i don't think the court the supreme court necessarily feels compelled are motivated by that. >> i didn't take a look at the fisher decision from friday which dealt with the january 6 defendant who the core hale could not be charged under a law that imposes a certain level of criminal liability for destroying a record connected with official proceeding. and i was looking at that decision in trying to figure out how that might affect them. immunity decision, right because on some level you want, you wonder if the court is worried about seeming like they are being two deferential to january 6, defendants and president trump and all the things coming out of that particular event i do think that it. has court's decision, maybe not month and young supposed to the lower court need or not, they need to adhere to what the lower court d okay dean, for any to tolson, we're going to end it there because that signals a little spotty, but i gotcha for the most part excellent. thank you so much we're following breaking news out of france where the political party of present macron is set to face major losses in the first round of snap parliamentary elections to the far right parties stay with us for the very latest plus islands in the caribbean are preparing for an extremely dangerous category four hurricane as beryl grow stronger in the atlantic next sunday, dr. sanjay gupta reports i'm going to spend time here with this world renowned doctor, believes he's figured out a way not just to prevent alzheimer but to reverse it these their new hope for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing something that seems so preordained. >> it 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june in the tropical atlantic. it is the third earliest a major hurricane on record in the atlantic. and it is the earliest major hurricane within 100 miles or barbados. and granada simply put, we do not get storms. this strong, this early in the season. look at the destructive hurricane-force winds that could hit the windward islands as we go into the workweek, were talking about some destructive, catastrophic impacts, storm surge could be up to six to nine feet in some locations coming in with the intense hurricane force winds will continue to find barrel head towards jamaica as we go into the middle of the week then eventually the yucatan peninsula of mexico by friday, we're talking about rapid intensification because these ocean temperatures are just so incredibly warm, middle and upper 80s, that's about three to five degrees above average and much more typical for august. that's why we're talking about a major hurricane about four to six weeks ahead of schedule hurricanes love warm ocean waters. it is their food and their fuel as our oceans become warmer because of climate change, that's more food and more fuel available for rapid intensification. we can see strong storms become even stronger at a faster pace. and we have seen that trend in recent sin years, aren't at least a rafah. thank you so much. a hurricane beryl is triggering emergency preparations already, beryl is expected to hit grenada in 24 hours. the government, there is set to declare a state of emergency. a large crowd gathered at the trinidad and tobago port waiting to leave the island where all hello, inter island fairies have been canceled while in barbados, people are boarding up and long lines can be seen for gas and groceries. the prime minister is asking all non-essential businesses on the island too close. let's go back now to cnn's patrick oppmann in havana's. so how are people? they're preparing well, cuba along the southern coast, they might feel some of it, but, but for the most part this island will be spared the worst of the storm. >> thankfully. but of course, that's not the case. who the east of us and the windward islands, they are making their final preparations when you've rapid intensification, like this means you have less time to prepare for people living in low-lying areas. the kind of storm surge that we were just hearing about could be fatal. it can mean they could lose her house. it can mean that could be cut off and the difference between a tropical storm, which is what barrel was yesterday, and a category four is just massive think a lot of people that live on islands in the caribbean say that they know both travels from's they've been through them, they're often not that bad, although they can be deadly. category four is just simply i entirely different kind of storm. does a catastrophic hurricane, i'm most structures cannot stand up to a category four hurricane. the wind speed right now is about 130 miles an hour that will rip off roofs now that will cause dangerous storm surge to come in. that could mean that some areas will be without power for days, weeks, perhaps even months. so it is something to avoid. however possible if you live in a small island in the caribbean you simply will not be able to go to the storm's path unless you get on a plane or less, you get on a ferry right now, you're going to have to hunker down, find someplace safe. someplace high, and hope for the best. >> oh, my goodness. all right. patrick oppmann. thank you so much for that view. all right. starting tomorrow california bars and nightclubs must have drug tests available for customers explain why next week go for is in america thursday, july 4, when he's dirt on. see. this summer snacking, just got serious introducing new $3 footlong divers the world might not be ready for them. but at $3 a pop your wallet definitely is i said those really loose caribbean sally's now on these, it's or call 1800 saddles we're better together i can talk about 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france, president macron's political party is set to face major losses in the first round of parliamentary elections to the far-right national rally party. >> it's a harsh rebuke of macron's centrist there was huge turnout in these elections. stay with us for the very latest. all right, tomorrow is july 1st, and that means new laws go into effect in so many states across the country in california, a new law starting tomorrow will require bars and nightclubs to offer drug testing kits to customers for free if they suspect their drinks have been spiked with drugs joining me right now is cnn correspondent, camila bernal camila, explain how this works. >> hey, fred, so imagine this. you're at a bar here in california and you suspect that someone may have spiked your drink. so now all you have to do is go to a bartender or someone at the bar and you just simply ask for a test kit and they are required to have them now so you'll be able to find out right away. what is going on with your drink and you'll be able to have evidence in case you need it for the future. now this new law goes into effect tomorrow. that means all of these bars and nightclubs will have to have them by tomorrow and it will impact about 2,400 establishments here in california. and it essentially applies to what is known here. britain california as type 48 licenses. that means they sell alcohol and not necessarily food. and you mentioned it could be three. that's what the law says, but it also allows for other bars or nightclubs to charge for them. but the law does say that it has to be a reasonable price for these test kits. so hopefully play that means they're inexpensive and a lot of places, or hopefully completely free and others take a listen to some of the reaction from people here in california i feel like it is necessary for bars to have it because of those suspicions. and if hopefully no one ever does get drug with drinks, but if they do and they don't know what a feeling is and they are confused at least they know they can find out what's going on. i love that idea because obviously there's so many bars are so many people coming in and out specifically, women going out and having thank fine. it's a safety measure that make people feel safe when going out now, the law does require these establishments here in california to put signage, whether that's in the front, the exit are in the bathrooms, essentially advertising that they have these tests kits available two people who are at the bar and the law also says that it could be it could be a sticker or it could be a straw, or it could be test strips that essentially easily detect whether or not you have drugs in your drinks. >> so again, people here in california just thankful and say this is going to help them as they go out and enjoy a night here in the state, fred. >> so what happens to the bars nightclubs that don't advertise are not equipped with these kits yeah, that's a great question and they are going to get punished essentially, the law says that there are penalties and they can face these and it could impact their license, so it could actually even mean that their bar could be shut down down the line if they continue to get these complaints. >> so again, if you are someone here in california, you'll be able to ask for it and you should receive them in. if not, you could report it. and essentially have this bar or nightclub face some penalties when it comes to their license, fred. alright. give me a little or now. thanks so much. jury deliberations resumed tomorrow morning and the case of a massachusetts woman accused of killing her police officer boyfriend that straight ahead episode of violence. >> they're deadly violence and unleash massive structure, hurricane impacts are worsening he's it too late to undo decades of climate change, violent earth with we have schreiber tonight did nine on cnn how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? there's an easier way. dry air 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been more than three days without a verdict in the case. read is accused of drunkenly backing over her police officer boyfriend john o'keefe with her car and then leaving the scene. cnn legal horse wanted gene cazares has more it was on friday a little bit before the lunch hour that the jury submitted a note to the court saying, despite our exhaustive review of the evidence we have been unable to reach a verdict. >> the judge told them go back into the jury room, continue to deliberate. they did that until about 4:30 on friday said they were finished for the week. the judge said, go back home, have a good weekend. we'll see you back here on monday morning. but there are so many supporters of karen read here at the courthouse. they were pink t-shirts. they have pictures of her. they brought their children her out of school. they have pom poms. they chant the karen read it, should be free. they also always yell out when they see her coming in and out of the courthouse. so it's the environment is very different from what we normally normally see at a trial. but the prosecution is saying this was murder, and they were alleging that karen read and her then boyfriend, john o'keefe friday, a party and january of 2022. and that they went to an after-party which was filled with police officer friends and their spouses now, the testimony showed that karen read was driving her car, john o'keefe was in it when they got to that house. karen read didn't get out. but john o'keefe did and the prosecutors, through their witnesses and in an argument are saying that when john o'keefe got out of the car and got to a certain position behind the car that karen read put the car in reverse and forensic testimony showed she went 24 miles per hour, backed into john on o'keefe hitting him and leaving him out in the cold and she drove away. the defense is saying she did leave. she didn't go into the party because he wasn't feeling healing well, but she didn't hit john o'keefe. what happened was john o'keefe went into the house of the after party and they're began to be an altercation, a fight beyond that, a large dog in the house started to mall him and it was people in the house that took his body and threw it out in the snow will a blizzard started at that point in his body wasn't discovered until 6:00. the next morning morning but this jury has a lot of issues because the defense is saying that karen read was framed framed by law enforcement, that she is innocent the prosecution entirely different theory with second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter homicide by a vehicle and also alleging that her alcohol level was well beyond the legal limit gene casar is cnn dedham, massachusetts what would motivate you to lose weight? >> i would say to money, money, money because they need the money, money, money. i got to help you wind up some thousand dollars losing weight with healthy wager, get paid to get healthy at healthy >> okay. 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rest your head to find out why the city is number five on our list of the best american towns to visit. >> along california's central coast lives the town of san luis obispo home to beautiful beaches sprawling vineyards. and this the world-famous madonna in this room looks like a good time founded in 1958 get the madonna in is a sight to behold it's eccentric. the core is the brainchild of couple of fillers and alex madonna, the construction mogul he traveled all over california and he would stay at different places in an everyplace was like the same. so he decided he wanted to create this magical place we have 110 different room snow to alight there's the yahoo room that just haven't sweet and my favorite the travelers sweep. >> hello? the madonnas did keep a few unifying themes in mind from cherubs to rocks what or how much it is the rigueur, one of these have been home to the color pink. >> so mr. madonna loved the color pink. you'll see pink pretty much everywhere. you know, everybody looks good and pink even the tennis balls are paid while it might seem random that a motion tell like the madonna in found itself in san luis obispo, its location makes sense when you consider that the world's first motel was built just three miles away in the 1920s. >> it was just starting to become more common to have a car for geographically speaking, we are pretty much exactly halfway between northern california and southern california. the idea was, if you're driving, you're not i'm gonna make it in a day. that's where the motel in came from a century later, san luis obispo is no longer just a stop along the way. >> it's a destination of its own we've got an amazing local wine seen, a local food scene. it's all backed up by a phenomenal downtown that's just a real pleasure to come all right, sounds like it's time to start booking, to learn more about st. louis obispo or other towns on our list, you can visit our website or scan the qr code on the screen all right. sharks have been on the planet long before dinosaurs walked the earth. but these apex predators are now under attack by humans, according to scientists about 100 million sharks are being killed every year around the world. cnn anchor boris sanchez takes a deeper look at the conflict between fishermen and conservationists. an he travels to the bahamas to free dive with an underwater photographer in the next episode of the whole story with anderson cooper when we feel like we're in a safe position, we're going to dive down in swing with these animals. so i'm going to be taking pictures of you with the tiger sharks and the background make sure you're looking all around above, below all the sides. because these charts can come from different angles the amount of energy that is spent getting down, they're getting close to the shark, keeping up with it and also keeping your head on a swivel because there were several moments where you're focused on one and a couple of them are behind you or in your peripheral. >> so it requires a lot of energy xi to not only be close to the shark and moving with it, but also to be alert it's almost the same every time for me. >> it's that slipping in beneath the water the world suddenly becomes more silent all the things in my mind are pushed to the periphery and i'm focused 1,000 some percent on the sharks it is the most present that i will ever be joining us right now. cnn's boris sanchez. okay. borges, look, i'm a scuba diver and i'm a swimmer, but i can not hold my breath that long underwater how you prepare yourself for this? >> i've been fortunate to train and free diving for years now and getting my body used to the amount of carbon dioxide that it takes to spend a minute or so minute and a half swimming underwater. doing this was amazing for it, as you will know, having spent time diving and being in the water spending time in a space where you can hear anyone speak, where you are embracing mother nature and all her majesty especially with these apex predators, these dinosaurs in the ocean that have been around longer than trees it's like a meditative experience. so telling the story was an incredible opportunity. and specifically getting into the plight of sharks and highlighting how there's this conflict between them and fishermen foot, right? and i mean, that really is at the heart of all of this. >> and here you are in enjoying the majesty u2 of these sharks most people fear sharks, and that also is why many of them get killed. to write out of fear or there are other motivations to, but, but talk to me about what is learned about the conservation of sharks, how it's possible, how this free diving is also helping to facilitate that appreciation absolutely. so i got an opportunity to go free diving with a good friend of mine, jason in washington known as came and jason, he is a world-class award-winning photographer in the scuba diving hall of fame. his contribution to conservation is his ability to shine a new light on these animals. as you noted, there's immense fear when it comes to sharks. a lot of that has to do with the movie jaws and the portrayal of sharks is these blood thirsty killer animals, these mindless hunters, and they are not that they are sophisticated good em graceful. they have a politics about them, and they have personality too. as a matter of fact, when we were free diving with them, we were warned about a shark named, but face and sort of unruly nature the way it's a funny name the way that it sort of doesn't follow the typical rules of the typical behavior of tiger sharks when we got down there, we realized it was just kind of an unruly sort of animal, but i never felt scared. they'd never threatened anyone. it was really just interested in what we were doing. and you saw in it curiosity, which is something that i don't think people appreciate about these animals, as well as the fact that they are threatened by hi overfishing worldwide. one in three shark species is actually at risk of being close to extinction. so it's important to protect them, but also to consider the plight of fishermen to who say that here in the united states, regulations have allowed their nurse to flourish. but that means more competition and it makes it much more difficult for them to make ends meet. and that's what's at the crux of our story. >> and just a minute ago we're looking at video while you're talking, we're looking at the video of the woman that you also profile who is taking the hooks out of the mouths or taking the hooks off the sharks. and in any way, that they are immersed in nature so that's amazing. and i mean, because they actually seem like they're really cooperative and they know what she's doing as opposed to feeling threatened by her. how is that? >> so that's christina is an auto. she is an amazing diver and she's contributed to the bahamas enacting some of the strictest prohibitions on fishing and protections for sharks in the world. and she's promoted eco-tourism through it as an avenue for the islands to generate a ton of money from tourists. i want to see these animals are close. she makes the argument that these animals have become familiar with her. she has more than 100 that she's named and she recognizes that they have a certain comfort with her and that allows her to reach into their mouths, the mouth of a shark remove hooks that the sharks have latched onto as fishermen are in the area it's really incredible to watch. you have to tune in at 8:00 p.m. tonight, i will be along with a few million of our friends who will be tuning in this evening. thank you so much for us, sanchez, glad you made it back

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995 , 54 , 52 , Health Questions , Exam , Acceptance , Lifetime Rate Luck , Reason , Information , Gift , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Don T Wait , 1806881300 , 806881300 , Everywhere , Odor , Amount , Lotion , Body , Isn T , Water , Lumi , Shower , Give Lumia , Soap , Anywhere , Pitts Feet Privates , Macron S Political Party , Couples , Tlc , Right , Rebuke , Turnout , Stay , July 1st , 1 , California S , Effect , States , Drug Testing Kits , Laws , Drinks , Correspondent , Works , Drugs , Camila Bernal , Someone , Drink , Test Kit , Bartender , Evidence , 2400 , Licenses , Alcohol , Britain , Some , Test Kits , Drug , Reaction , What S Going On , Suspicions , Idea , Safety Measure , Women , Fine , Tests , Signage , Bathrooms , Front , Exit , Establishments , Test Strips , Sticker , Straw , Advertise , Estate , Kits , Penalties , License , Complaints , Line , Nightclub , Little , Jury Deliberations , Police Officer , Violence , Episode , Massachusetts , Boyfriend , Hurricane Impacts , Structure , Fragrance , Times , Wic , Essential Oils , Breath Of Fresh Air , Oh My God , 120 , Vrbo , Curve Balls , Vacation Rentals , Gash , Stop , Skin Reactions , Series , Arthritis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Eczema , Coasts Antics , Damage , Santos , Symptoms , Ibd , Dogs , Meet , Pellets , Veggies , Farmers Dog , Pickleball , Schools , Residue , Trust , Saving , Premium , Retirement College , Buildup , Morgan Stanley , E Trade , Limestone K , Test Dishwashers , Jet Dry , Residues , Jet , Shine Smile , Leading , Closeout , Inhibitor , Jack , Find , Spotless House , Washington , Eva Mckend , 9 , 19 , Tv , Captioning , Subscription , Watch , Switching , Tableau , Verdict , Drunkenly Backing , Deliberations , Tableau Tv Com The Jury , Karen Read Murder Trial , Chase E Car , John On O Keefe , Jury , Scene , Horse , Note , Saying , Gene Cazares , Judge , Jury Room , Review , Courthouse , Pictures , Monday Morning , T Shirts , School , Trial , Environment , Pom Poms , Prosecution , Murder , John O Keefe Friday , 2022 , January Of 2022 , Friends , Testimony , Spouses , Which , Karen Read Didn T Get Out , Witnesses , Cold , Leave , Feeling Healing Well , She Didn T Hit , Dog , Fight , Altercation , Wasn T , Snow , Blizzard , 00 , Voluntary Manslaughter , Law Enforcement , Theory , Manslaughter Homicide , Alcohol Level , Vehicle , Limit Gene Casar , Dedham , Wager , Health , Mission , Nutrients , Nutrition , 27 , Borders , The Star , Kids , Cash , Purchase , Ink Business Unlimited Card , Knee , 1 5 , More , Hen , Chase For Business , Engine , Harbor Freight , Dust Settles , Matter , 558999 , 1803 , Concert Event , Home Serve Com , The Killers , Keith Urban , Hush Shanty , Bb Wrexham , Seven , 200 , Summer , Hi , Offers , Saudi , Audi Sales , Dealer Merrick , Towns , Let S Go Along For The Ride , Town , Birthplace , Louis Obispo , Motel St , List , Head , Options , Victor Blackwell , Madonna , San Luis Obispo , Vineyards , Beaches , Central Coast , Core , Sight , Brainchild , Eccentric , 1958 , Alex Madonna , Couple , Everyplace , Place , Room Snow , Fillers , Construction Mogul , 110 , Madonnas , Travelers , Yahoo Room , Favorite , Cherubs , Themes , Just Haven T Sweet , Everybody , Color Pink , Color , Rigueur , Tennis Balls , Location , Motion , The World S First Motel , 1920 , Motel In , Southern California , Northern California , Food Scene , Downtown , Destination , Pleasure , Sharks , Booking , Qr Code , Screen , Dinosaurs , Predators , Humans , 100 Million , Anchor Boris Sanchez , Fishermen , Photographer , Conflict , Bahamas , Conservationists , Dive , Anderson Cooper , Animals , Tiger Sharks , Swing , Sides , Shark , Charts , Angles , Swivel , Peripheral , Energy Xi , Periphery , 1000 , Breath , Scuba Diver , Swimmer , Borges , Diving , Swimming , Half , Carbon Dioxide , Majesty , Anyone , Mother Nature , Apex Predators , Plight , Ocean , Experience , Trees , Foot , Heart , U2 , Conservation , Fear , Motivations , Jason In Washington Known As , Appreciation , Scuba Diving Hall Of Fame , World Class Award , Contribution , Portrayal , Blood Thirsty Killer Animals , Flight , Jaws , Hunters , Politics , Personality , Em Graceful , Nature , Rules , Animal , Sort , It Curiosity , Scared , Hi Overfishing , Shark Species , Extinction , Nurse , Regulations , Hooks , Mouths , Video , Competition , Crux , Talking , Ends Meet , Christina , Diver , Fishing , Auto , Prohibitions , Ton , Tourists , Avenue , Eco Tourism , Mouth , Shark Remove , Comfort , Evening , 8 ,

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