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he's not talking about the enormous cost of the immigration crisis on the southern border, at least not extensively yet. a we'll break it down, those costs a bit later. and we'll talk with republican senator john cornyn of texas. first up tonight, white house correspondent peter doocy live on the north lawn. >> the president hasn't said anything about the border in a week and a day now, all of his public events have been focused on the covid-19 including this afternoon. he talked about rival companies coming together to make the single shot covid-19 vaccine from johnson & johnson. >> just one. >> announcing an additional order for 100 million johnson & johnson vaccines, president biden says once americans have been vaccinated, he will share the surplus with the rest of the world. >> this is not something that can be stopped by a fence no matter how how you build a fence or a wall. we aren't going to be safe until the world is safe. >> he didn't speak about the border but he did finally hear about it from officials he sent down there last weekend. >> he heard from the delegation on what they observed to the visit to the border region of the facilities they toured to. >> the white house southern border coordinator was not on that trip but did discuss the big picture of his border policy goals. >> do you think it's a coincidence that as soon as trump and his immigration policy were on the way out and biden and his policy were on the way in that this historic storage at the border started? to speak at one of the things i think is important as we have seen surges before. they tend to respond to hope. and there was a significant hope for a more humane policy after four years of pent up demand. >> what may have given migrants hope? as a candidate, this is how biden talked up reforms. >> i would end this notion for the first time in history that people seeking asylum have to be in squalor on the other side of the river and desperate situations. they should be able to come to the united states and have a judgment made as whether or not they qualify. >> experts say that kind of talk inspires people who may want to enter the country illegally. >> when you're released thousands of people into the united states, some with covid and you don't want to detain them, you send a clear message to the world. >> president biden tweeted a day "help is here" referring to the stimulus package that he once insisted would be bipartisan. >> i think we can get some republican spirit >> no republicans voted for it, the white house admits it's not bipartisan. >> the most progressive bill in american history. >> next week he's heading to the philly suburbs to sell the covert release package that already passed today, one year to the day of covid changing everything -- we were in a community college gym in cleveland waiting for him at a campaign rally, he canceled on the way in the pandemic has remained the number one issue ever since. >> bret: hard to believe, peter doocy live on the north lawn. the senate has confirmed merrick garland to be the next attorney general with a strong bipartisan vote of 70-30, he was federal appeals court judge who was snubbed by republicans for a seat on the supreme court in 2016. he was present obama's nomination. the house has approved one of the largest stimulus measures in u.s. history, lawmakers porting to 20-211 in favor of president biden's $2 trillion coronavirus relief package which includes $400 billion or $1400 direct payments too many americans. congressional correspondent chad pergram has other details tonight from capitol hill. >> the motion is adopted. [applause] >> it's the first big initiative of president biden's legislative agenda but republicans characterize the $1.9 trillion bill as something else. >> socialism. >> socialism. >> democrats challenge the republican description of the bill. >> if a democrat had a potluck picnic, republicans would call socialism. >> they have hope because now they can pay their rent, pay the mortgage, buy the milk, get the automobile repair to. >> the bill includes what republicans double blue state bailouts, $300 billion goes to states to bolster state pension programs, the measure prohibits states from cutting tax if they use their share of 1.9 trillion. g.o.p. critics claim $300 billion for schools, pay back to big-city teachers unions with much of the education funding not even being spent for two years. >> what the democrats believe, school should wait a couple years to get their money but not planned parenthood. we got to get that money there quick. >> democrats say money in the bill is essential. >> to listen to my friends on the other side of the aisle, you wonder where they live? according to them, all the issues have been resolved, the pandemic is gone! >> with vaccines in the pipeline in states reopening, there is worry so much money could overheat the economy. >> the federal reserve printing this amount of money is inevitably going to result in inflation. >> this may not even be the last bill. >> you just have to ask the virus. >> no republicans and other body voted for the bill despite promises of bipartisanship from democrats, only one democrat in either party opposed it, jared goldman of maine. expect both sides to know to voted yea or nay on this bill in next year's midterms. >> congress has voted $5 trillion to the virus in a year including adding an extra year and a half of total government spending. >> bret: thanks. stocks mixed today, the dow surging 464 to a record close likely on the stimulus passing, the s&p 500 gained 23, the nasdaq lost five. texas is leading the way in the effort to push back coronavirus restrictions and jump-start its economy correspondent casey stegall reports on the reopening tonight from dallas. >> for the first time since july, veronica bradley can once again invite customers inside her dallas brewpub to sample what's on tap. >> there is nobody in the entire world that wants to operate at 100% without masks on more than me. >> she and countless others are celebrating as today marks the first day all texas businesses were allowed to fully reopen at 100% capacity. the statewide mask and face covering mandate is also gone. now it's up to business owners to decide if they will still require customers to wear them. >> there is no right thing to do because we're going to make customers angry. >> many texans say it's about time. >> i think we need to go back to living life. i know people are dying from covid and people die from the flu every day. >> infectious disease experts warn that this decision could have dire consequences. >> we've already had 45,000 people lose their lives in the state of texas. now it's going to go up even more. >> decline in covert hospitalizations the governor said in part helped him decide on relaxing the restrictions in addition to the vaccine effort. however, cdc stats show only about 80% of the state has received their shot. >> we are still running to the bottom of states that are vaccinated population. >> a growing number of states are also beginning to slowly ease restrictions, at least five have let their mask orders expire, while 34 including the district of columbia and puerto rico still have one in place. some, like alabama, just extended past easter. >> we're not there yet but goodness knows we are getting close. >> most major school districts across the state of texas have also decided to keep their mask mandate in place through at least the end of the academic year. governor abbott's order also allows county officials to reimpose mandates if covert hospitalizations spike. >> bret: thank you, let's talk about the covert situation as well as the border situation with texas republican senator john cornyn, thanks for being here. i want to start with the situation on the border, i understand you're traveling there friday, tell me about that trip and what you see as the issue. >> unfortunately we've seen this movie before. the biden administration seems determined to reverse all of the policies of the trump administration without regard to what the consequences would be. we are seeing a flood of new people coming across the border in a pandemic. a border patrol is not being vaccinated, people are not being tested and are going into the interior of the united states to spread the virus. in the meantime, families are sending hundreds and thousands of children, unaccompanied to the border and they are overwhelming the capacity of our border communities and officials to house them and take care of them. this is the starting of another humanitarian crisis. >> bret: i want you to listen to white house chief of staff ron klain and a top democrat in the house reflecting on this border situation. >> i think we inherited a real mess. we inherited the facilities we have -- it's hard, this is one of the most vexing problems we face and it is a very difficult situation. >> the biden administration i think is doing well and it's going to approach the situation on the border in a compassionate fashion, which is 180 degrees the opposite of the approach that the trump administration took at the border. >> bret: the main message there is they are doing it different and they want to do it differently from the trump administration, that's just difficult. >> they took a tough situation and made it worse by not thinking about what the consequences of it would be. i thought those words of the second gentleman there were telling. i think the guiding principle was "whatever the trump administration did, we are going to do the opposite but they didn't consider, they didn't have a plan in place the transition from the public health order, title 42 that restricted cross-border traffic in light of the pandemic. they simply had -- simply unprepared to deal with this flood of humanity and the message has been received that if you can make it to the border, you can make it across the border and jump ahead of people who are trying to do it lawfully. >> bret: you're making that trip with a texas democrat, henry cuellar who is talked about this as well. some democrats say this is an issue for republicans ahead of 2022 and eventually this is all going to come down but it's a political issue more than anything else, how do you respond to that? >> i think time will tell, i think they are living in denial of the reality is we've experienced it in texas and border communities there. we've seen this movie before, we need to change our laws in order to get people who are qualified for asylum the opportunity to make that argument in front of an immigration judge. right now it's catch and release and hoping people will come back years later for a hearing in front of an immigration judge which just doesn't happen. the cartels, the people who get rich charging thousands of dollars for an individual to move them across the border, they are having a heyday, this is a real moneymaking proposition for them and right now it's creating havoc and overwhelming the capacity of people who intend well, who mean well, who want to do their jobs and be doing them honorably from being able to do them because it's a crisis, it's overwhelming their capacity. >> bret: i want to turn to covert relief legislation, i had senator joe manchin on the show last night, he said there was g.o.p. input into that bill that he saw a being formed. if here is chuck schumer about the legislation going forward. >> we want to work with republicans, any republicans we can and we hope they will work with us, but job number one trend, get that agenda done. republicans want to join us and that, our caucus is going to come together and figure out the next steps. >> bret: you buy that? >> it sounds like their partisan political agenda comes first. second thought is to try to do things on a bipartisan basis. there was no reason for them to jam through this $1.9 trillion bill since we passed another bipartisan covid-19 bill last december. as a matter of fact we passed five of them working together. this is a way to bail out the blue states, cities like san francisco, states like new york, their pension funds, most of this was unrelated to covid-19 and this was a trojan horse to get their liberal, partisan agenda past and they knew they could do it through brute force and unfortunately they were successful. >> bret: democrats say that tax cuts by donald trump in 2017 didn't have a democratic vote, it was a republican conservative list. is this just tit-for-tat? >> it was true that the tax cuts and jobs act was passed with 51 republican votes, i regret the democrats refused to work with us to try to accomplish objectives like cutting the business tax to make our country more competitive around the world and bring more jobs here at home. we use to the budget reconciliation process but this was something very different, they showed absolutely no interest especially when ten republicans showed up at the white house with a $600 billion proposal that we could negotiate on a bipartisan basis. it's pretty clear, they didn't want any republican support, they wanted to jam it through on a partisan basis because that's the only way they could enact their partisan agenda. >> bret: 15 seconds, senator, but do you see a bill coming down the pike that you're going to be able to work with this administration seeing what you saw in the covert relief plan? >> i hope so, there's a lot of talk about infrastructure support. we need our roads and bridges improve for public safety, public health and for our economy. those are the kinds of things that we can and should together and i still remain hopeful that we can. >> bret: senator cornyn, we will check in after your trip to the border. still ahead, secretary of state antony blinken tells a house committee has plans for addressing the china threat. up next, the government has given big breaks to people who cannot pay their rent. so who is helping the landlords? >> we cannot be left out to hang and drive by ourselves as small landlords, we are really vulnerable. we started with computers. we didn't stop at computers. we didn't stop at storage or cloud. we kept going. working with our customers to enable the kind of technology that can guide an astronaut back to safety. and help make a hospital come to you, instead of you going to it. so when it comes to your business, you know we'll stop at nothing. how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so when it comes to your business, you know so you only pay for what you need? 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example. people who were behind in rent to the pandemic are getting relief from the government, many landlords are not happy. they are also feeling the pinch without taxpayer support, here is correspondent gillian turner. >> the cdc is extending the nationwide moratorium on evictions of the end of the month. good news for tenants who lost jobs, businesses, and income during the pandemic and those looking to avoid rent and mortgage payments. >> there are definitely a handful of tenants who i would say are not necessarily experiencing any financial hardship and they start to withhold rent which they can do. >> when tenants don't pay, landlords across the country say they are the ones footing the bill. in the nation's capital, one landlord who asked not to be identified more than she died a breaking point. >> we cannot be left out to hang by ourselves as a small landlords. we are really vulnerable. >> many california landlords say they've gone a full year without rent payments from tenants making matters worse for landlords, they aren't receiving any federal benefits. >> many of these independent mental owners didn't receive paycheck protection loans, they didn't receive stimulus checks, they didn't receive special unemployment assistance. >> fox investigation reveals 27 states have yet to spend their federal aid allotment for tenants from last round of stimulus, $25 billion that could be used to pay the rent is now sitting in state treasuries waiting to be dispersed. lawmakers are sending even more money to states anyway. >> millions of americans are behind on the rent and 3 million homeowners are in forbearance. at the same time, we are passing major assistance for renters and homeowners. >> housing providers say all of these problems will hurt residents of major cities the most. >> enough small landlords give up and sell their distressed properties, we are going to end up with more and more institutional landlords, that's not good for any city. >> 20% of american renters are behind on payments averaging about four months or 5600 bucks, nationwide. that's 10 million renters who owe their landlords an astonishing $57 billion. >> bret: gillian turner in washington. up next, increasing threat from the u.s. from china. fox 11 in los angeles said convicted killer celebrates a decision by the l.a. county district attorney that could get him out of prison. >> celebrating going home. >> bret: phillip dorsett and his cellmate are seen toasting george gass cohen, the d.a. issued a new directive calling for the possible resentencing of inmates following 15 years of imprisonment. this is a live look at philadelphia from our affiliate fox 29, one of the big stories there tonight a vietnam veteran said he lived in a self-made apartment hidden inside a veterans stadium two years. 78-year-old tom garvey said he refurbished an empty concession stand inside the former home of the phillies and eagles, he writes about it in a new book. he said his stay ended in 1981, the stadium was torn down in 2004. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report," we will be right back. so you want to make the best burger ever? then make it! that means selling everything. and eating nothing but cheese till you find the perfect slice... even if everyone asks you... another burger truck? don't listen to them! that means cooking day and night until you get... 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(vo) buy your next car 100% online. with carvana. ♪ ♪ >> bret: the president's top diplomat says he will meet with chinese officials in a few days and begin to hash out the growing list of problems between the two nations. it secretary of state tony blinken's announcement comes amid increasing concern about the china threat. a state department correspondent richardson shows us tonight. >> their first face-to-face summit is set, secretary of state antony blinken and national security advisor jake sullivan are scheduled to meet next week in alaska with their chinese counterparts. >> this is an important opportunity for us to lay out in very frank terms the many concerns that we have with beijing's actions and behavior that are challenging the security, prosperity, and values of the united states. >> that behavior according to the united states, gross human rights abuses, a crackdown in hong kong, and a threat to independence and democracy in taiwan. the biden state department has also affirmed the previous administrations determination that the chinese government is guilty of in persecuting the uighur minority in china. tony blinken challenge the tiny party to invite the united nations to the region. >> if they have nothing to hide, show it to us. >> china had the unique ability to undermine the international system that the u.s. has spent generations building, the administration will leverage it american alliance is to confront china. specifics be on that are unclear. his predecessor said the biden should maintain an aggressive policy. >> all the things that the trump administration confronted head on i hope this administration will continue. >> the pentagon is also one in china may be accelerating plans to overtake the u.s. is world leadership role by 2050, the top u.s. commander in the pacific is calling for more american offensive intermediate range missiles in the region. >> missile defense is the hardest thing we do and if i'm a manager of a baseball team, i could have the best defense is in the world but if i can't score some runs, i can't win the game. >> admiral davidson also warned of a vast chinese government disinformation machine employing nearly a million people. officials say china's government has led an international propaganda campaign surrounded covid-19 to boost its reputation and to denigrate the performance from western countries and democracies, especially the united states. >> bret: rich edson live at the state department. let's go deeper on this with "washington post" columnist josh rogan, he is the author of the new book "chaos under heaven, trump, xi, and the battle for the 21st century." congrats on the book, some great behind the scenes reporting here looking at the last administration and china overall. i want to talk about some specifics but first, 30,000 feet. you heard that piece by rich, what is china trying to do in your view not only around the world but when it comes to the u.s.? >> we know what xi jinping is trying to do because he says it and writes it all the time. he believes the chinese communist party is leading an international, ideological and political contest to shape a world order to fulfill the china dream it so that china can resume what he believes is its spot atop that order. that necessarily comes at the expense of not only the system that we've built with our allies and partners since world war ii which led to the greatest era of peace and prosperity in history, but also at the expense of our security, our prosperity come our freedom and now our public health. it took a long time for the united states to wake up to that fact but now it seems everyone realizes what's going on -- the question is what are we going to do about it? >> bret: some of the really great reporting about the early stages of covid and the origins of this, i did some of the reporting about what the last administration and intel sources were saying. your stuff in here is great, i want to read a little bit about it. the lancet would later find the earliest known case identified at december 1st 2019, they had no connection to the market. that is the seafood market making it unlikely that the virus had originated there. at first beijing pointed to the seafood market as the outbreak of source while simultaneously making sure that later investigators would never be able to prove or disprove the link. it was january 20th when i w.h.o. delegation was allowed into wuhan and found there was evidence of human to make human transmission. still the w.h.o. declined to name the crisis is a public health emergency of international concern. a trickle days later, chinese authorities lock down the entire city of wuhan. the chinese, your reporting and others, went to great lengths to hide the beginning of this virus. >> not only did they hide the beginning of this virus and disappear the scientists and silence the journalists, silence the scientists and keep international investigators out, they went on a worldwide campaign to lie about the virus. that contributed to the failure of the international community to respond to protect their citizens and resulted in mass suffering that was otherwise unnecessary. for months and months we heard, the chinese cdc actually disavowed the market theory but nobody really noticed because it became so ingrained in our psyche that this is what happened and here we are a year later and we have the trump administration and the biden administration agreeing in fact that several things that we are pointing towards, connection of human error related to wuhan, the world leading center for coronavirus research, they were suspicious and they weren't what the chinese government in the lab were saying. that doesn't mean the lab was involved, it doesn't mean the lab wasn't involved, it means that it's a legitimate question to be answered and we need more investigation. a year later we found out not only were they hiding information during the pandemic, they were hiding it before the pandemic. >> bret: there's clearly a lot of different bullet points and no consensus yet. you have a lot of reporting about the trump administration and xi and the chinese, i want to look forward 30 seconds here about -- biden has obviously as a candidate and president evolved and how he talks about china come at first they were not eating lunch and now we've got to get on our horse because they are going to eat our lunch -- is there a realization in the biden administration about the threats? >> there is a growing realization and it's because there's a growing realization in america. we are in a democracy and at some point our leaders have to respond to the people and the polling shows especially to the pandemic, the worst tragedy of modern history, americans are waking up to the fact that what happens in beijing doesn't stay in beijing, we have to keep our eye on what the chinese government is doing because it affects our security and public health, we don't know what the biden administration is going to do about it because they don't know what they're going to do about it, they are thinking about it now and that's why they're having this meeting with very little substance when they could speak up forcefully and not announce anything substantiated. what they're going to find is the trump administration actually did a lot of good work in this area and if they choose to continue it, they will be in a better position to use that leverage that has been handed to them rather than squander it as to the democratic administration that came before them. >> bret: it's a great read, i recommend it to people. thanks very much for coming on. up next, how much is the immigration crisis at the southern border costing you and your fellow taxpayers? 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correspondent william la jeunesse runs the numbers for us on what you are spending. >> these students and their families do pay taxes. >> illegal immigrants to pay sales and in some case property taxes but most do not pay an income tax. >> the average illegal border crosser in their lifetime will create a net fiscal drain of about $75,000. >> according to the center for immigration studies, about 57% of those who crossed illegally have no more than a grade school education. 27% attended some high school, 16% some college. those with the least education cost taxpayers $173,000, meaning while here they paid less in taxes than the amount of benefits or subsidies they received. those attending some high school a $70,000 loss while those with some college education provided a net positive contribution. >> if your attitude is we are just not going to give them public benefits, that's not realistic. in modern america politically, once someone sets foot in the united states, it's very hard to bar them from receiving social programs. >> advocates and some economists argue that despite the use of welfare programs like food and cash assistance, medical care and education, illegal immigrants fill an unmet need in the u.s. economy, offsetting in a social cost. >> my colleagues on the other side of had no qualms about using immigrants as political footballs in spite of the tremendous work they do on the front lines, in spite of the fact that immigrants put food on our table, look after our health, take care of our homes, and run our small businesses. >> economics is not largely part of today's border debate and yet taxpayers number one immigrant express is education, $13,000 per pupil per year. to put that into perspective, the number of unaccompanied minors welcomed to the u.s. in just the last month, more than 9,000 -- that amounts to more than $123 million per year. >> bret: a lot of money. william la jeunesse on the border, thank you. up next, the panel on immigration and 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senate. we believe the american people need to learn more and more about it. >> we're really proud of the american rescue plan that will be headed to president biden's desk later this week. democrats are delivering. promises made. >> bret: chuck schumer saying promises made, promises cap at the end as the covid relief plan passes on the way to the president's desk. let's bring in our panel jonathan swan, national political reporter for axios, katie pavlich, and bill mcgurn, almost for "the wall street journal." since at the white house, big a compliment i guess -- they wanted bipartisanship at some level but they will take this, definitely. >> there big focus is actually on the sales job after the passage. they've studied very closely what happened with barack obama in 2009 with his recovery act. it's joe biden's personal view that the reason this bill did not have positive political effects was because he didn't take a victory lap, he didn't sell it well enough. that may or may not be true but they are operating under that theory. if that's how they are thinking inside the white house. you were going to see a huge campaign from them, cabinet officials, white house officials, surrogates fanning out across the states trying to make people feel viscerally -- the checks they are receiving, the child payments, whatever benefits they are receiving from this, they know they are receiving this from congressional democrats and joe biden. >> bret: i think the post stimulus from the obama years, you are never the president saying the shovel-ready jobs weren't that shovel ready and getting bombarded -- i can see this pitch that's going to happen. some of the stuff that's in here, they are definitely not going to be talking about unless they want people to get upset. >> yeah, i think it's a very cynical move. one thing i think the president is taking the victory lap now, he's entitled to it -- any time the president gets a bill through commits a big thing. we have to go to the substance. we're just finding out some things like the hidden ban on tax cuts by the states to take this money, the formula that ensures blue states get it, i think it's strategically a mistake for joe biden to not come to a compromise with republicans and to take it to reconciliation. he might have gotten a short-term victory but i think had he gotten a bipartisan bill, there would be a lot less spending but he could've easily had one. he could have easily been in better shape for the more radical things he has coming down the road, instead he's polarized right away and i'm not sure in the long term this is really going to help, by saying i'm going to do it alone. if he had the republican bill, he would be extolled as the new bipartisan leader bringing people together, a uniter, not a divider. i'm not so sure, i think we are not going to know until many months down the road whether this was really the success that he thinks it is. >> bret: at the white house is calling it the most progressive piece of legislation in a lifetime. >> i think politically, joe biden is listening to the left flank of his party when it comes to the bipartisanship issue. they say we won the election, we have all three branches, we should certainly be using that to our political advantage and if you look at the polling on it today, 75% of the country supports this bill. the white house can look at it and say we don't need to work with republicans to get it through. when it comes to this victory lap that joe biden was going to take, you're absolutely right. now all of the spending that is not covid relief which is the majority of this bill is going to be heavily scrutinized. where it goes, where it's bailing out these municipalities come if they come back asking for more relief money after this $2 trillion bill is passed, what is that going to look like when unemployment runs out again and they have to come back to the table and ask republicans were even more negotiating on capitol hill? those nuggets are yet to be seen. for now it's a win for the white house. the speed when it goes to point for those two georgia senate seats and how important they were in that runoff. i want to turn to the sound about the border, the white house press secretary jen psaki first. >> we are working to fix the mess of the last couple of years, it's going to take some time but this is clearly a priority for the president. >> this is another humanitarian crisis. they took a tough situation and made it worse by not thinking about what the consequences of it would be. i think the guiding principle was whatever the trump administration did, we are going to do the opposite. >> bret: what is the white house take on this? is this a perception that it's a difficult situation or this is a republican talking point in 2022? >> i think internally they are concerned about this? we've broken a fair bit of stories getting internal data leaked out and the fact is we should be plain about what happened here. joe biden rhetorically during the campaign said he was going to have a more humane humanitarian immigration policy. a lot of people heard that, a lot of desperate people heard that message and came to the southern border. people smugglers are using that message to incentivize to get people coming. the other thing they do is they were first one of trump's regulations where he was using as a public health regulation, turning back and have this influx of unaccompanied children. reporting wise i haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet -- this was a foreseeable effect -- cause and effect. if you reverse that policy and use that rhetoric, this is going to happen. for them not to have the facilities lined up and all the ways to deal with this influx, it's pretty perplexing actually. >> bret: they could see it coming. word here and then i got to run. >> i agree with that. immigration is hard to do in the best of circumstances, he had teddy kennedy on his side and the whole thing blew up on him. back then. i think joe biden is making it more difficult and i agree with jonathan, the sense that how could you not see this coming? when you're saying we are basically going to allow people in. i think that -- it's a fair criticism, i think it's ridiculous not to say there's a crisis, i understand the reluctance to invite to the criticism but there is a crisis and it affects real human beings, they might have been able to prevent this spirit of certainly they could put some policies in place before announcing "come on in" and try to put a fix in. it makes no sense to me. >> bret: stand by, when we come back we'll look at tomorrow's headlines. excuse me ma'am, did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? thank you! hey, hey, no, no, limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ 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version of that. mine is nancy pelosi again passes bill so america can find out what is inside it. >> bret: you are thinking alike. panel, thank you very much. thank you for inviting us in your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced and still unafraid. we have a special guest tomorrow. we can't tell you about it yet because it's not confirmed but we will. "fox news primetime" hosted by trey gowdy starts right now. he always has special guests. >> trey: i can't wait to see who your guest is tomorrow night. >> bret: you got it. ♪ ♪ >> trey: good evening. welcome to "fox news primetime." i'm trey gowdy. if your family or circle of friends is anything like mine, it's diverse and there are different view points on many issues. i try to make an effort where people i disagree with are coming from. i do it for two different reasons. number one, i'm always open to an argument that is better than my own. perhaps the other person knows something i don't know or has evidence i haven't considered. i'm happy to hear them out. the second reason i make an effort to understand what where the other side is coming from is it makes me a more

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Bullet Points , Lunch , Growing Realization , Horse , Polling , Threats , Point , Leaders , Eye , Doesn T Stay In Beijing , Substance , Meeting , Leverage , Work , Area , Position , Taxpayers , Tread , Blood Sugar , Diabetes , Priceline , Glucose Control , Glucose Control Products , Blood Sugar Levels , Protein , Blend , Nutrients , Hotels , Try Boost , Deal , 60 , Insurance , Usaa , Family , Members , Hailstorm Hit , Damage , Martin , Air Force , Neighbor , Claims , Exhaust , Rancho , Chevy , Silverado Trail Boss , Goodyear Duratrac Tires , Road , Factory , Off Road , Chevy Silverado Trail Boss , Andrew Cuomo , Nursing Homes , American Crisis , Seven , Gretchen Whitmer , Prophets , County Prosecutor , Fund , Charges , Handling , Michigan , Person , Office , Prosecutor , Long Term Care Facilities , Endangerment , Willful Neglect , Spending , Immigration , William La Jeunesse , Students , Pay Taxes , Numbers , Surge , Lifetime , Immigrants , Center For Immigration Studies , Income Tax , 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