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proxy groups, paid terrorists by iran in the middle east. and finally unleashing a second round of airstrikes, but continued argument that is the lightest thing we can do to the enemy. it is the least amount of effort. the pentagon is calling the latest strike an act of self-defense, after u.s. forces in iraq and syria were targeted staggering 42 times. we hit a couple buildings with ammo in it. this is you'd, i'm harris faulkner here with co-host emily compagno, tammy bruce, culture plus group co-founder and ceo lili gil valletta and former new york congressman lee zeldin. the pentagon says the latest strike took out an ammunition and weapons storage facility located in eastern syria that belongs to islamic revolutionary guard and used to target u.s. military men and women around the region. senior military official said what we blew up were bad things, it could have been rockets, drones, artillery shells, whatever it was, was what was being used against our forces in the region. we're learning more about that attack against our u.s. and coalition services. multi rocket attack targeted iraq yesterday, happened near the baghdad embassy complex and thankfully nobody was hurt. biden administrations israel will implement daily four-hour pause in the gaza strip where heavy fighting has been going oon . john kirby says the united states won't hesitate to launch more attacks in attacks on our troops continue. >> i was concerned about additional attacks from iraq and syria. since the last strikes, there have been additional ones, we sent a strong message last night to the iranian revolutionary guard these are unacceptable. they'll have choices to make. if they continue to choose to hit our troops and continue to launch rocket and drone attacks, we'll do what we need to do to protect ourselves. >> harris: amazing he can say that with a straight face. if somebody hit then 22 times, do you expect them to get hit two times? it is 42 times. >> lee: they don't fear that consequence, it is collateral damage. where you have that depot, it might get attacked. my background is military. >> harris: yeah. >> i'm against war, i don't support war, with regard to iran, if you want instrument of national power to work other than military option, have the military option on the table. iran doesn't fear a strongly-worded letter. you throw out a red line and show you have willingness to enforce that red line, a red line that iran fears, then they start thinking differently on their next act. when we took out soleimani, we were very clear to iran, trump administration was, in what the consequences would be if iran targeted u.s. servicemembers. it was clear we would carry out airstrikes in iran and its iran knowing that president trump meant that, that they didn't actually follow through with their most severe threats. that is off the table right now and shouldn't be. >> harris: with your military acumen, four-hour pause with three-hour heads up, that sounds like you are making it up, it is true, though. >> for hamas strategically, this is a gift. >> harris: everyday, by the way. >> to have that predictability and freedom of movement and to be able to reposition, one of israel's strengths is hamas doesn't know where or when they will get attacked. if you set a few hours of day for them to have freedom of movement, you'll give a gift that allows hamas to gain a strategic advantage it doesn't have now. >> harris: they are hoarding fuel and resources. anybody who is still down there with our hostages, our citizens and citizens around the world, they are doing that. this will give them opportunity to go out of tunnels, potentially regroup, meet their homies and kill more people and strategize against israeli forces. >> emily: you and i were talking about this yesterday. it seems to me erosion of our ability to deter any of our enemies or enemies allies mean yes we have taken military option off the table and projecting weakness. when we're attacked 40 times with u.s. officials confirming it was with intent to kill u.s. servicemen and women, take out a couple rifles and grenades in a warehouse, we are not responding in kind. everything this administration does, they explain it by saying there is fear of escalation. it seems to me this behavior surrounding fear of escalation means we are furthering hamas interests. that is the point. without taking out proxies, without achieving a position of actual -- >> harris: like isis. >> emily: exactly, without all that, we're allowing hamas to further and hoard weapons and supplies and continue to do what they are doing. inch at time, we are giving to the enemy. nothing is strength forward and no fear that we project will move our advancements further. >> harris: lili, how bad is it for biden he would give in to the far left? you saw rashida tlaib, now she's not saying from the river to the sea, she got censored, now big poster we showed last hour, they want a ceasefire now. what does biden negotiate? technically a ceasefire, everything at whatever time, four hours with three-hour heads up so you can get lunch before you kill again. >> lili: these are not tactical military decisions of the moment, the balance of power is at stake. the world is watching every superpower and every attack from iran is emboldening signals to their allies and no longer just hamas, it is hezbollah, isis, it is everyone that is sympathizer of this hate for the west, which is very concerning. what is more concerning to me, when you look at polls and data, america is divided in our sentiment toward retaliating which put the president in diplomacy of which is power and which is strength, but end of the day, for that type of organization, only power with the strongest of force works because words just come and go. >> harris: less conversation, more whack-a-mole. >> tammy: what is fascinating, you have got electric like leaving a tip. you can leave a nickel for a tip and it says something very dramatic to the person you are tipping. worse than not leaving any tip at all, it's a statement, a statement when you leave a nickel for a tip. it is a statement, the nature of actions we're taking and to everyone else, we're too afraid to kill iranians. this administration has now managed to kill more american servicemembers in afghanistan because of their plans, than we have the people targeting our service people in the middle east. that is what the problem is here. it is almost like striking an aspirin factory, or sending a missile into the wrong car, car of an american aide worker because you wanted to show you were busy in afghanistan. that is what this is and will lead to more slaughter, more murder and i don't know, nuclear exchange, we don't know, it is biden's fault. >> harris: i don't say the phrase boots on the ground because of people in the boots, what you just said brings home the fact we see you serving as a person. we are grateful for your service. we see military men and women. i don't know if from high perches of government they see them that way fchl they did, they would be hitting back mighty hard to protect them. >> emily: right. >> harris: coming up, israel got full backing of every candidate at last night's third republican debate. what the candidates had to say next. 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>> training with narcan. >> is there concern more letters are coming our way? >> we know right now they identified total of five, four were accepted out in washington state and one headed toward fulton county election office. who was that addressed to? >> that was not shared to us. we don't know if it will come to the hub? >> this office, this is the receiving address for the election office. can you talk about this ongoing threat, the ongoing threat against election workers not just fulton, all over georgia. that has been a top concern of yours since november of 2020. >> what i would say, anyone who holds election office or wants to hold election office coming through post 2024 election, they are running for high office in this land and they need to contend this stuff. they hear about this stuff and someone asked them, if they don't condemn this, this is domestic terrorism and needs to be condemned by anyone who holds elected office and wants to hold elected office. >> we don't have a motive yet? >> no, but we know we're going to deal with the situation and move on from that and there will be further investigation, which will have federal oversight because it is a federal offense running things across the mail. can you talk about prioritizing the safety of these workers? >> absolutely. it just starts having safe, secure facility and i want to give a shoutout to so many, fulton county has made major investment in this new facility and i want to give salute to county commissioners, they have to authorize funding for the expenses. i've traveled throughout the state, we are doing health checks, we've done 80 now and working on getting balance of those done by the end of the year, 159 counties, it takes a while, the machines are accurate, nothing has been tampered with. in murray or gordon county, totally renovating a building and look at what they have done in the macon mall. law enforcement one section, beautiful layout with the election office. that is county commissioner saying, we understand how important elections are and we'll invest in election infrastructure and election workers are saying, they understand how important elections are and it is a positive thing. >> harris: this is extremely important what he's talking about. he keeps mentioning the word important. think of the fear and concern now among some of the officials at elections offices that anything could happen like this to them. five letters laced with fentanyl sent. one addressed to fulton county georgia election official. i want to stress this point. you may see some reporting on social media this was happening to other states. he did not confirm that. we didn't confirm that. recently, something similar happened with officials in washington state. this is not a one-off, not the first time with this. this is extremely critical timing of all this. you don't have narcan everywhere in our society, he talked about health checks and making sure polling places are safe and his workers now at official offices after what happened with the five letters laced with fentanyl are being prepared and trained on how to use narcan. tammy, i'll come to you. this is really jarring in realtime to watch this happen two nights after an election in this country. >> tammy: it is, we are not unfamiliar with it. i immediately thought of the anthrax letters after september 11th. fentanyl is easier to get than anthrax. we have to be ready and prepared for unique dynamics and also postal workers who then are under threat, as well. the case with anthrax mailings and will be the case here. we don't know how widespread, if you do it, it is like eating potato chips, you will not do one, you will do a bunch >> harris: state authorities are trying to intercept this because human beings will handle the envelopes. >> it hits close to home as somebody who served in elected office for 12 years. if you send me a letter, i'm not opening the letter, it is some intern who is 19 years old in college who is opening up this mail, hopefully there aren't more letters, we can't assume. hopefully law enforcement is able to quickly identify who is responsible and able to bring that person to full justice. i'm grateful they are not having a press conference talking about people opened the letters and they have been harmed and hopefully that is still the case when this is resolved. >> harris: one thing missing for me with that news conference and we pulled back, probably would have been my opening question. how did you figure this out with no one dying? eric johnson in july of 2021, doj established a task force to combat and prevent threats and attacks. there was marketing campaign fbi launched that said threat against an election worker is a threat to democracy. we hope that is the case, that came to fruition, tax dollars and resources were successful here. the fact remains, there is a huge vulnerability with election workers and judges. judge salas, her family was shot. the list goes on. the point is, there is not deterrent happening. the fact fentanyl is easy to get. the fact people feel embolden to arrive at judge's door steps and use election envelopes, tells me task force is not enough. we need deterrence we will not stand for it in a nonpartisan way. we have yet to hear them come out in that way. >> harris, the timing of this -- >> harris: that is what i was talking about. >> election day on tuesday, but ballots are counted on wednesday and thursday. >> harris: two days later. >> we need to deal with this in the moment and anticipate what happens if it is a year from now and counting ballots for a race and this happened day or two after? we can't treat this as isolated event that won't happen again. learn lessons from it. you can't stop a count because someone throws this into the mix during an election. >> lili: harris, what concerns me is not just that instance or the four envelopes, this is a biological weapon you have seen, it has killed 75,000 americans. what are we doing about it? go upstream to root cause. we know the southern border is enabling a lot of this importing of fentanyl. i hope this is taken seriously beyond the one instance. what does this mean for the broader american society when we have to talk to our kids before halloween because they may be given one of these things masked as candy or something else. it is big and we should pay attention to it. >> harris: upstream to china, oh, the president is going there to talk to president xi. emily. >> emily: war between israel and hamas took center stage at third republican debate, the candidates all threw full support behind prime minister netanyahu. >> i would tell prime minister netanyahu not only do you have the responsibility and the right to wipe hamas off of the map, we will support you, we will be there with you, we will stand shoulder to shoulder. you cannot negotiate with evil, you have to destroy it. >> i would say to prime minister netanyahu, pretty simple, america is here no matter what it is you need at any time to preserve the state of israel. >> israel has the right and the responsibility to defend itself, smoke those terrorists on his southern border and i'll smoke the terrorists on our southern border. >> i would say you harm the hair on the head of an american service member and you will have hell to pay. we will not sit there and let service members be sitting ducks. >> first thing i said when it happened, i said, finish them, finish them. we should be supporting them in eliminating hamas. it is not that israel needs america, america needs israel. they are the tip of the sphere when it comes to this islamic terrorism and we need to make sure we have their backs in that process. >> emily: congressman, the comments last night from the candidates are far cry from the rhetoric only tenor of this current administration. >> absolutely, that comes out clearly to all of us, there is no equivocation, there is moral clarity. they want to be brokers and arb arbiters. what happened on october 7 changed ceasefire that was in place the day before. israel has right of self-defense and must defend their own people, wipe hamas off the map and it is great for any of them in israel, looking at this entire republican presidential field, every single one of them with moral clarity is standing shoulder to shoulder with nation's great ally, that is way to do it. you are right about the different with current administration, they won't put the blame on iran the way they needed to. you have this equivocation. asking about antisemitism and they go on rant about islamophobia instead of forcefully condemn antisemitism. they are not stepping up what is happening on college campuses and on our streets. that is not the same case when you look at hopefully one of these republican presidential candidates in this race are going to be in the white house come january of 2025. we don't have to worry about the far left is going to roll our president. that is not going to happen come '25, as long as we have that change. >> emily: lili, your thoughts on this exchange with vivek ramaswamy and nikki haley. high heels were brought up. watch. >> do you want leader from a different generation put this country first or do you want dick cheney in three-inch heels? we have two of them on stage tonight. they are five-inch heels and i don't wear them unless you can run in them. second thing, i wear heels not for fashion statement, they are for ammunition. she made fun of me for joining tiktok and her daughter was using the app for a long time. take care of your family first. leave my daughter out of your voice. >> next generation of americans is using is the point. you have supporters propping her up, that is fine. >> you are just scum. >> emily: critics are arguing what we saw was juvenile display people think vivek ramaswamy encompasses and he says dick cheney in heels, he doesn't have the gravitose this country needs. nikki haley seemed to crawl out of it. >> lili: i think he was going after the sound bite and we're playing it, ironically issue the one son of immigrant who preaches identity politics is not what we do here, he went there with one of his own colleagues. we know gender dynamics should not be used, we know heels are for ammunition not fashion. nikki haley is seen as fighter, she was ready to fight for her daughter and represent us women whether in work place, debate room or debate stage, get judged over looks and she stood above that. i appreciate that low moment on vivek because we got to see a different side of nikki haley, that i think the country is appreciating today. >> emily: you had town hall last hour, what did you learn? >> harris: they had a different take on this. there was disbelief nikki haley wasn't given the opportunity to respond to that. we are not inside the debate hall at that host table, who knows what was going on. that was one criticism. the other was that vivek got up under her skin and one voter mentioned this, an independent voter, he said if that what it takes to get under nikki haley's skin, what will it be like if things get complicated and there is pressure on her. there are two ways to look at this, i thought that was always worth listening to voter voices because polling and reaction goes away when they step into the booth or vote at home by ballot, they make that choice. we need to know what they are thinking. >> there was a brief moment, camera on both of them and you can see on nikki haley's face that she's vivek got to her. >> tammy: may i address this, i remember when michael dukakis was asked how he would feel if his wife was raped. he got slammed for being stoic about that. women are expected to have a different type of approach, not used to being seen in power or as aggressive. the way we speak is more nuanced as opposed to direct. now people see a woman in that position reacting as any man would react and not be criticized in the same manner. she was getting under her skin, she didn't like what she was hearing when her daughter was brought in. i would expect that woman or any parent to be aggressive, leave my child out of this. i want that kind of connection emotionally and intellectually about what is appropriate and what is not within the framework of discipline, that is why debates are important. you see a frat boy auditioning for a television show, which he may get, versus a woman who is diplomat and politician who can be the president of the united states, so bravo and like with this panel here, you hear women with different approaches, different styles and yes, sometimes we get blushed because we get angry, sometimes we'll be direct. >> emily: get this in before we close. this is against landscape of who gop candidates are running against. put exchange between peter doocy and president biden on the poll and election season. take a watch. >> why do you think people should be more concerned about abortion access than your age? >> i don't think it is a comparable comparison. why do you think you are trailing trump in swing state polls? >> because you don't read the polls, 10 polls, 8 i'm beating him, you do two, cnn, and "new york times," check it out, we'll get you a copy of the polls. >> you don't believe you are trailing in battleground states >> i don't. >> emily: five out of six states he is getting beat by former president trump, it does not look good. elections this week maybe cheered him up, he should not be so sure. >> people have a larger unfavorable view of him, job disapproval going up, people concerned about southern border crisis created by design by this white house. they were not happy with what they saw with afghanistan withdrawal, 6 billion paid to iran to get our hostages home with the economy, it is what is happening inside of schools, the list going on, reality that president biden need to confront is they need a massive reset, which i don't think he's capable of. >> harris: can i add one thing, what i thought you were going to toss to and sound was the day peter doocy got underneath his skin and difference was juxtaposition about how nikki haley didn't turn, but the president did with our reporter. interesting to juxtapose those, i might pick that tomorrow. >> emily: you should, dog-face pony soldier, he was still elected. more to come, including this. house republicans issuing subpoenaing for hunter biden and several other members of the president's family. that is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? 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what a luxury, so six of this family being protected. can you imagine any other family, at the right time, i will respond to the subpoena and the notion they and white house pres secretary hammering out this is baseless, discredited. that is the point of the investigation and thus far every piece of evidence that the committee uncovered, including the banks and more have pointed to intensely deep corruption and influence pedalling, so no it is not baseless. >> there is no evidence other than laptop, whistleblower testimony, the list goes on. donald trump jr. had already been hauled been congress three times by now. it was nine-hour deposition in schiff's bunker, you had to check your cell phones before you go in. he comes out and it's been leaked, the only person watching out timed with the leaks is adam schiff. this is not unprecedented, it is right time to subpoena these folks. timeline starts in 2015, 2016 with china, burisma and ukraine, would it be bad if the ccp gave money to joe biden? yeah, let's have the money go to shell company hunter runs and he sends it to james and sara biden. sara will take the money and cut a check to joe and call it a loan. james comer hose financial records to back it up. >> harris: that was more planning than anything we were doing against the enemy attacking our men and women in the middle east. no one is doing connect the dots to iran when they hit us 42 times. we hit them twice. if only that much. >> emily: that amount of strategy and effort. only other censored congressman. the list goes on and on and bleeding our security. for some reason white house and left refuse to acknowledge potential this person they frame as simply an addict is a corrupt influence pedaler to our detriment. >> harris: i nominate you for add-on character in the crown, you would be amazing. that is what we're watching, people who are used to royal level of privilege and protection and they are anticipating it will continue and they have to keep him on the ticket so it does and around and around we go. >> tammy: one paragraph from house oversight committee, we learned nine biden family members received money including the president's granddaughter, wire laundered to shell companies from romania days after the president left romania when he was vice president. this is the complication of what they have been able to do and it is nine family members, only thing missing is club called the badabing. this has to be dealt with, deal with it. >> harris: is that the granddaughter he recognizes? >> tammy: yeah, the one he knows. >> lili: what concerns me being from latin america, i grew up in context where this was normal, but not in america, the fact depending which network you are watching, we are talking about impeachment and you may switch and hear about trials and presidential families, it may seem political theatrics, it is not, it is serious. it is getting normalized and minimized, we look integrity what makes this great nation what it is and has been for generations. >> emily: yesterday members of the gambino family were arrested, what point will biden be synonymous with gambinno. it should be. bracing for pro-palestinian student walk out today, does that mean pro-hamas. following protesters outside screening of horrific footage taken from hamas october 7 terror attack against israel. that is next. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? 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i'm not sure how that works. the screening was organized by israeli -- [beleep] -- you can watch police rushing in to break up the scuffle. multiple people were detained, the lapd said there were -- what was going on at the protest? >> tammy: this is irony or what they don't recognize, museum of tolerance is about mas murder and genocide of jews, not about israel. this is about attack on the jewish people, that is what hamas is about. these are demonstrations and we saw in west lake village in fact a jewish man was killed. so i think there is reason to be concerned about this, this is not about a normal american demonstration, this is about jew hatred. >> harris: can we get into melding this with the debate? we saw vivek ramaswamy last night saying this is the sort of thing, talking specifically about college campuses, these are young folk and we are expecting this walkout, high school students in a couple states. he said it is about free speech, if you start to quell that, you will make the situation worse in terms of what they want to do. >> what is the limit, when you dress like hamas terrorist, using rhetoric like hamas terrorist and you are physically bullying jewish students going from classroom to dorm. this stuff in some cases getting caught on camera, it doesn't have to be take someone's word. we saw one jewish student getting pushed around at harvard. the person in charge of harvard law review, their editor, was one of the people pushing this jewish student. >> harris: on video, we could see him clearly. >> first amendment protection? no, this is a moment if you want to be president of the united states, you stand up being willing to lead and protect jewish students who are being targeted with more than antisemitism, they fear for their own safety and basically vivek ramaswamy saying if you elect me, make me president, you basically on your own, fight your own fight. >> lili: i worry about the culture that we're harboring with our young people in america. i'm all for free speech obviously, gen-z are most activist and socially conscience generation and 70% see protest as effective way to mobilize for change. imagine if we redirecteds that energy with safe, informed nonviolent debate, that is what democracy is about. so many numbers, 90% of young students want diverse perspective, 60% feel they are censored on campus and school. there is contradiction, we need realignment to protect integrity of democracy. >> harris: we did not arrest and adjudicate cases after the killing of george floyd, we opened the door to what we consider acceptable in protest. we needed to deal with it then, now we have next generation doing this, it feels like it has been going on for different topics and issues for years now. >> emily: it has been fo menting. gal gadot, incredible israeli woman, a superstar, she showed hamas unedited body cam footage and outside that protesters engaged in same mirroring violence of the butchery she was showing. she was showing reality, everyone should be arrested, no reason to be there unless protesting the butchery. >> harris: all right, we'll be right back with "outnumbered." okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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