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several hospitals in northern gaza surrounded as they look to end hamas' rule in the palestinian enclave. >> ainsley: israel's prime minister maintains that a cease-fire ♪ an option until all the hostages are released. but, insists that it has no long-term intentions of governing gaza. >> pete: this comes as the pentagon confirms 46 attacks carried out by iran backed proxies on u.s. bases in the middle east. >> lawrence: great we'll target another depot. trey yingst with the latest. >> trey: hey, guys, good morning. we understand right now there are heavy battles ongoing inside gaza city. i do want to just step out of the frame and show you the northern part of the gaza strip. quite a bit of destruction here as the israelis are using artillery units and their air force to support the infantries inside gaza. israeli media reports three hospitals in gaza city are currently surrounded. israelis believe there are hamas fighters inside. the complexity of this, though, there are still patients inside. thousands of palestinians still not heeding warnings by israelis to the south. some in the hospital simply don't have the ability to do so. we know the israelis overnight say they killed a number of members from hamas' elite forces who participated in the october 7th massacre. this includes company commanders and la to an commanders from hamas. and also the head of the organization sniper array took evacuation root from the northern part of the gaza strip to the sensory part just yesterday. they are encouraging as many palestinians to get out of the battlefield as possible. overnight bret baier asked prime minister benjamin netanyahu about a potential pause in the fighting this somewhat he had to say. >> bret: the administration talked about four hour pause numerous times. is that true that there's going to be some stoppage? >> no. the fighting continues against the hamas enemy, the hamas terrorist. >> trey: we do know that raids inside gaza continue. the israelis say they have recovered a number of weapons and plans by hamas fighters inside the strip. and it does come as the fighting intensifies not just here but also along the northern border with lebanon. the israelis say they are striking lebanon at this moment, following anti-tank guided missile attacks. lots of developments here on the ground. can you hear an israeli drone overhead. and the fighting is expected to intensify in the coming hours. guys, bark to you. >> brian: hey, trey, how valuable is this guy winwar. they say that's their bin laden the guy on the ground who orchestrated all of this and in charge. how furious is that man hunt? >> trey: he is the number one target for the israeli military following the october 7th massacre. just to give you some background on hamas as an organization. you have sinwar who is the head of the are military wing and a man who based in qatar to deals with the political bureau of hamas. so these two figures are critical to the organization but sinwar is largely seen as mastermind behind the october 7th massacre. known as the biewmper of han jury. nas. killing anyone israel in the past. is he incredibly dangerous person. we should note one person we have been asking to the israelis is do they know what where he is? >> if you are originally they said he may be underneath the she if a hospital in gaza city. network gaza strip. fled to the south. may not be s inside gaza. israelis say he is the number one target following the massacre on october 7th. >> lawrence: trey, now that they have a lot of these hospitals surrounded, are they going through the hospitals before? are they trying to evacuate civilians before they make their move? what's the plan? what are you seeing on the ground there israelis have multiple hospitals in the northern part of the gaza strip surrounded according to reports. again, there are still patients inside. this is incredibly complex battlefield for the israelis. and they're being urged by the united states and other international body to be careful as they operate inside gaza city. we know hamas is fighting from civilian areas not only from civilian areas but from hospitals. the shifa hospital largest in the strip. housing militants according to the israelis. we saw a video released yesterday from another hospital in northern gaza where you could see gunmen inside where there are patients questions how the israelis will deal with this complexity how they will operator operate to kill hamas but not kill civilian notice process. >> ainsley: trey, thank you so much. benjamin netanyahu was on with bret baier as trey was mentioning. he said a cease-fire is not an option unless hostages are released. if we have a cease-fire that means surrendering not only to hamas but to terrorists. he says we do not seek to govern or to occupy gaza because that's a rumor. they want to take over that property. he is saying no. we're just trying to reduce the civilian casualties by going in strategically. and wiping out hamas' terror organization. he says two days ago there were 50 bassed through the south through safe passage. israel has said if you live in the north, get out. if you are a civilian get out and got south because gaza city is in the north and that's where hamas headquarters is. he said today, he was speaking yesterday with bret baier. yesterday another 70,000 have passed. so many are wondering, you know, israel is bombing this area. all these civilians are dying. but they do have the opportunity to get out. the numbers, according to benjamin netanyahu are pretty high of those who are leaving. >> pete: they have had the opportunity time and time again to allow civilians to leave. it seems only our state department and white house clamoring for these pause after pause after pause and bibi made it clear we're going to finish this fight. do you know who else has made it clear? iran, they are not deterred at all. we bomb weapons depot, whatever that means. >> brian: second time. >> pete: for the second time and four more attacks. if your counter attack is leading to more attacks, that's the definition of not deterring anybody. and that makes it more likely that it does escalate by not doing enough, you lead to more war. >> ainsley: what would you do, with your military experience? >> pete: i have never been the commander-in-chief but somebody else has. donald trump was on univision last night, and here's a portion of what he said about how you stare down someone when you have got that kind of a threat. watch. >> you are going to end up in a world war. we have an incompetent leader of the united states. he can't walk off the stage. he can't find the stairs. he can't put two sentences together. he can't talk. and this man is dealing with putin and president xi and all of these people that would probably not say they love us but we have somebody that's negotiating for us and do you know when you talk about negotiating, you are talking about the biggest threat in this world today, the biggest threat is nuclear weapons. >> pete: his point is speak clearly and boldly to your enemy and then make decisive action that sends that message. >> brian: how much is a risk averse pentagon and how much is him? >> i think it's probably -- what trump is pointing out there a combination of both. you have a pentagon who has a track record of failure, looking at afghanistan. you got a lot of leaders. >> brian: didn't stand up to the political leaders and said it can't happen? >> pete: outside of their depth on that. unwilling to stand up. and to trump's point, what kind of strategic thinking is joe doing right now? >> lawrence: he also seems insistent of undermining bibi publicly. he did not have to answer that question the way he did yesterday about being disappointed, i guess, about the pause not happening soon enough. and of course bibi when he was on bret baier, bret asked him about that. is he not going to be critical of the united states. the u.s. is all that he got, that he has right now. but, to send that flare up so the international community can see hey, we are putting pressure on israel in the middle of a conflict that hamas started right now. so, i don't understand the white house's play on that. >> ainsley: when benjamin, when bret played that soundbite of biden saying it's not happening quick enough. he said it's not happening quick enough for me either. we don't have isis or al-qaeda because the u.s. took an lo time to wipe them out. he says i hope it doesn't take that long. we are not leaving until we eradicate hamas. he also talked about rashida tlaib and asked about that video she posted on x says she doesn't agree with president biden and then she posted the protesters yelling from the river to the sea. and he said let me tell you what that means. that means from the jordan river all the way to the mediterranean. that means no israel. and he said people might be naive and might not be able to understand all of this. she knows what she is saying. and he praised our house lawmakers for censuring her. he also said this about all the protests at higher education. all of our colleges. >> i think the protests that you are seeing i'm sure includes naive people. but there are a lot of people know exactly what they are saying. they are lining up with identifies, al-qaeda, murders, baby murderers and rapists and mute later and head choppers and we have to protect not only our lives but our future. can our world survive if people go and with such moral confusion and, in fact, moral depravity support these killers, these murderers? and i will tell you something, this is an indictment -- higher education in many places in the west when people who are supposedly educated cannot distinguish right from wrong and good from evil. hamas is evil. hamas is evil and we have to defeat evil not protest and demonstrate on behalf of evil. >> brian: never thought i would see the anti-semitism. 12:00 kids walked out of school yesterday, supported by pro-palestinian causes. 4:00 a massive demonstration off fifth avenue right in new york city. as you guys know, he went to college here. he understands america. he doesn't need to get a briefing. he understands the nuclear process. when the nuclear deal he didn't have a part with obama he went right to congress. right now he is looking at a situation where he is dealing with hamas getting blow back knowing hezbollah is another major issue. the big problem is iran. is he going to do hamas the best he can and then leave that nuclear program intact, really? >> pete: i think that's the right question, brian. ultimately israel is fighting for existential existence, gaza and hamas is a portion of it. imagine if iran had the nuclear weapon they are close because of obama and biden administrations. if that's going to be taken care of -- >> ainsley: the jewish people, it's a small group. i think 16 million. and if you talk to your friends that are jewish, they are going through a lot. they are not sleeping. they are scared to walk through your college campuses. you've talked to a lot of them, lawrence. >> lawrence: ainsley to your point about what is happening with the jewish friends going through, bibi, as brian noted, went to school here. so i went to mit to see what was going on here. i went to campus reform who monitors what is happening on college campuses. unjewish student on the college campuses said she was outraged because they were chanting from the river to the sea and also calling for intifada. she went to the campus harassment office to report. this they are supposed to handle anti-semitic attacks, any violence against students, and they told her that she needed to go therapy. that's what is happening on the college campuses. now, imagine. >> ainsley: instead of doing something about it. they are telling her she has a problem. >> pete: imagine any inverse situation of that. >> brian: say a muslim kid was being harassed. >> lawrence: go therapy: are you kidding me? >> brian: i love this in columbia major donors resign from the board this guy henry is why the can a regret columbia university no longer something he wants to be a part of a local lot of billionaires pulling money out. a lot of hollywood is divide, too. people realize it's not okay to get along? you have to make a division. good luck with that go side with the palestinians see where that gets you. >> pete: yeah. and then there is the tens of billions of undisclosed donations to those institutions over the last 20 years. >> ainsley: from the middle east. >> pete: indeed. we have got more this morning including. this coming up live today on the fox news channel, at 10:00 a.m. congressman james clyburn will file paperwork on behalf of joe biden for the south carolina primary. then at 4:00 p.m., secretary of defense lloyd austin set to hold a joint press conference in india concerning ne-yo pacific talks. >> brian: get them to stop financing russia. >> pete: lastly happening today sag-aftra and hollywood studios revealed the studios behind their deal. >> brian: going back to the movies, see ya. >> pete: bring you all the coverage on these events all day long. >> ainsley: three more hours and go back to the movie. >> brian: be in the movies. i'm sure i will be cast in something big. >> lawrence: man intentionally hit two deputies. hospitalized. >> ainsley: watch this. >> lawrence: latest on the investigation. >> ainsley: oh my gosh. >> brian: president biden in denial dismissing trump's lead in five key battleground states to reporters. i will pause. peter period why do you think it is you are trailing trump in all swing state polls. >> don't read the poll. >> you don't believe you are trailing in battleground states. >> no, i don't. >> ainsley: a.g. brenberg endorsed trump why she thinks the country should unite behind him. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. ♪ with fastsigns, create custom graphics that get tails and tongues wagging. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? 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>> i do. i think that president trump will win. he is strong. he is doing very well in my home state of iowa, and i think people recognize that biden's leadership has been an absolute failure, and they remember what it was like under president trump and they want him back. >> ainsley: what's the relationship like with you and kim reynolds? she is your governor and she just endorsed ron desantis. >> well, i have to say this. iowa governor kim reynolds is the best governor in the country. she just awesome and has led on important issues like tax reform high of and school choice. she has done a great job. as jua iowans we support differt people in the caucuses but we come together and support the nominee. i think that will be president trump. >> ainsley: do you think that will hurt down the road. approval rating is higher than awf all five candidates we saw on debate stage. he endorsed her. >> i think that kim reynolds is a great governor. i think at the end of the day, after all the caucuses and primaries are done, we're going to have president trump as our nominee, and i think he is going to defeat joe biden. i think he is gonna be a great president, and i'm looking forward to it. >> ainsley: donald trump said president biden is not up for the job when you are looking at what is happening in israel and all around the world, really. he said he can't walk up the stairs. he can't put two sentences together. what do you think will happen in the elections? >> well, i have to say as a mom and a prosecutor, what's going on with the biden administration just makes me sick. terrorism in israel, the southern border out of control, biden is an absolute failure. his policies have hurt farmers, families, everybody who works is worse off under biden's failed leadership. and we need a president who will make america great again, who go l. lead america back to the greatness that we used to have and that we can have again. that's president trump. >> ainsley: brenna, what do you say about what happened on tuesday? we had these elections. you see the polls. president trump is up. you see the state of our country. you see the state of our world. we need a stronger leader. if makes republicans feel very optimistic about the next presidential election. you see what happened on tuesday. how far do you explain that what do republicans need to do differently? >> well, i think the key thing about winning elections is to campaign on the issues and to make sure that people get out and vote, that nobody takes it for granted that there's gonna be some kind of red wave. that each american understands that their vote matters and that they need to go to the polls and get their friends and family to the polls because we can't take four more years of a failed biden administration. >> ainsley: one more question. did you hear from donald trump after you endorsed him? >> oh, absolutely, yes. we campaigned in iowa together. and i'm looking forward to campaigning together some more. he is very popular in our state, bringing out a lot of new voters and i think that is part of the secret to his success because people see that they're going to be better off with president trump with the economy, with the security, and with a secure border. >> ainsley: brethrenna, thank you so much for coming on with us, waking up this early. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. hand it over to carley for headlines. >> carley: hard to watch. two florida deputies in the hospital suffering from serious injury this morning after police say a driver intentionally hit them with his car. [crash] >> carley: can you believe that in the officers were responding to a call from the suspect's mother. officials say ralph bowzy drove away when the deputies arrived but circled back to mow them down. the suspect is charged with three counts of attempted murder on a law enforcement officer. turns out of he has three prior felony arrests and 14 misdemeanors. a source says an impeachment vote against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas could come within days. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene introducing the resolution after a deadly crash in texas involving a suspected smuggler. 8 people were killed in that crash. two of the victims are from green's district in georgia. she now says mayorkas must go. >> not only halls he failed but he has willfully, willfully opened up our border and broken our laws while he is serving as the secretary of homeland. >> an impeachment vote must take place within the next two legislative days of the resolution. and to thursday night football we go, bears hosting the panthers, this first quarter punt return would be the only time carolina found the end zone all game. a lead that would hold until late in the third quarter. and he is in. dionte foreman takes it into the touched. >> finding paydirt first lead of the night. carolina would have a chance at a long field goal to tie the game with less than two minutes to go but game up short. bears win 16-1. those your headlines. pete, over to you. >> pete: that's a bad football game right there. veterans united and, which has shared ownership with fox, are teaming up to launch their new mission, mission zero campaign. helping veterans find their perfect forever homes. here to tell us more on the curvey couch is rick west, veterans united military adviser and a veteran himself navy veterans and sister sophia and sonia philip and the ceo of damion -- pronounce it for me eels. talk to me first about what -- i know what does and most of our audience what partnership mean. >> we saw an opportunity to raise attention to a really significant issue that many that many veterans are not aware after really important access, purchase their home, with zero deposit down. now, we know that that's important because most veterans who don't have a home don't do that because they can't afford a deposit really important issue because home is the heart of family but it's also creates a economic security for people. and we part in other words with veterans united to ensure that all americans know this benefit sump that we know a veteran. we want to make sure that they're aware of the benefits. >> pete: great point. nic, a navy veteran is underselling. give audience previous use time. >> i was fortunate enough the 12th chief petty officer of the navy. i tell you it's great to be around sailors again. i want to thank these two young sailors for their service. >> pete: the big dog enlisted man is what we are going to call you. >> yeah. i got lucky. >> pete: you are a senior adviser for veterans united. talk about this benefit that a lot of vets are not aware of. >> incredible benefit. first of all in 1944 is really when it was born. it was part of the original gi bill. the benefit about the v.a. home loan is it's zero down for the veteran. so that's a huge incentive. i mean, for example, in a conventional loan you may have put anywhere 5% to 20% down. 20% of $400,000 home is quite a substantial amount of money. it allows you to do other things with that money. and it allows you to drive. >> pete: absolutely. it changed your life, right, sisters? >> 100 percent. so he fee of a and sonia. >> yes, sir. >> pete: tell us about your journey into the navy and how it program allowed you to purchase a home we are excited to join be join the navy. awesome work. heads down, boots first to the ground. from there, we just got out. went to college. and that's when we did the research of what is out there to purchase a home, have that stability. because we were on a deployed ship overseas traveling from country to country it. gave us that security, that stability, that longevity to call what we call home now. we are appreciated by the opportunity. >> pete: no doubt. sophia, how did you find out about it did you stumble upon this benefit. >> actually we did. we were doing research online. actually we were renting an apartment. and looking up benefits for veterans. and we stumbled upon it and we called veteran united, they were so helpful, very awesome people. and they broke down all the different benefits, zero money down, you just have to cover closing costs. and they walk you literally every step of the process from getting a realtor to if you have problems with your credit, they help you get your credit up. it's amazing opportunity. >> pete: that's really cool. i know so many guys who if they could -- they are just not aware of all the benefits and opportunities that are out there for them. >> yes. >> pete: last word? >> i would tell you, peter, the one thing that is -- that damian pointed out only 3 in 10 individuals know that it's zero down. that's what we are trying to change the narrative on with this mission zero down campaign that we're on. >> pete: very cool partnership. the campaign is mission zero. combination of and veterans united. by the way, veterans and military personnel out there if you are listening or know one and interested in knowing learn more about v.a. loans purchase homes. and whether you can qualify. visit that's pretty simple. even i could do that and if you know someone, spread the word, the hashtag is mission zero. damian, rick, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> thanks for fox. >> it's been a pleasure. >> thank you for your service appreciate you too even though you are navy. >> navy beat army. >> pete: leave it there. don't go anywhere. george w. bush holds the annual warrior bike ride to honor america's vets. dr. marc siegel is there and he joins us next. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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>> yeah. it's a tough situation. it's a tough scenario. hang in there you know, it's hard. they are in my thoughts because it's complicated. >> they are in our prayers. >> yeah. >> we are going to ride in the mud today. that's what the military does. they ride through the mud. it's going to be amazing event. back to you. >> brian: sounds fantastic. thank you so much. >> ainsley: hand it over to lawrence for another story. >> lawrence: great cause. in ohio, high school students staged a mass walkout school's policy allowing transgender teens to use the bathrooms or locker rooms based on their gender -- their chosen gender. our jennings guest joined the walkout and says she was even harassed in a bathroom by a biological male under these policies. elida high school student joins us alongside her dad phil. thanks so much for joining the program. tell me, you are in the restroom. you are changing between classes. what happened next? >> i had a hoodie and sweatpants on and i had an outfit on underneath. while i was taking my sweatpants and hoodie off, this male walked into the bathroom. kind of gave me a weird look. and he just said that he wanted to join in. and he started laughing and looking at me all weird and walking towards me. >> lawrence: phil, she comes home and talks to you about it. and what do you do next? >> it's very upsetting to hear. and we had a conversation with her. and her mother and i talked to each other and certainly we like we need to talk to someone that matters here. so we scheduled an appointment with the school principal. we were assured that the matter would be handled. and long story short now it's become a matter of policy to allow this to continue, you know, having the biological males being able to go into the girl's bathroom. almost like deaf ears were turned. so, as time went by, we scheduled a meeting with the superintendent and sat down with the superintendent and frankly, the superintendent gave us a message pretty loud and clear that the school board and the superintendent are -- they seem more concerned that the insurance company would possibly or potentially exclude any potential lawsuit that could come out of this issue if they denied this one student the access to the girl's restroom. and as a side note, throughout our entire district, there is family restrooms that can be that can be utilized on this student's part: what was happened walk out to voice their concerns and let the school board know that, hey, you know, our voice does matter and the majority of the people in our district are speaking out saying this is not right for her to do that, her mother and i are very proud of her. lawrence tell me about that. you did this walkout. other students joined you. what happens been the reaction on campus? >> > nothing has happened. >> lawrence: nothing has happened. do youdo you feel like you have support from other students in the school? >> i feel like it's mixed. there's a lot of students that agree with me that something has to happen. and then there is a smaller majority that disagree. >> lawrence: charisma, do you feel safe at the school right now. >> i think i do. >> lawrence: what do you want to happen from the school district? >> i want biological males to quit coming in the girl's bathroom. >> lawrence: it's just that simple. we reached out to the school district for a statement but we never heard back from them. so, phil, you are not the only one that's not getting the answers. we will stay on this story. we thank you for being on the program. thank you so much for being brave. >> thank you for your time and having us on getting the message out. >> lawrence: y'all be safe. coming up, the pentagon confirming four new attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east bringing the total to 46 in just over two weeks. general jack keane joins us with analysis ahead. first, as we honor america's heroes ahead of veterans day, recruitment and future calls for service just as vital. >> the important message, that's next. ♪ it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. prescribe brian all right. we send extra gratitude to the men and women who serve america each and every day. especially this veterans day. next guest here to share the importance of recruitment and future calls to service. he has been doing it almost his entire adult life. joining us now u.s. army chief of staff general randy george. general, great to see you. >> thank you. >> brian: congratulations six weeks ago. >> thank you. >> on veterans day, what goes through your mind? >> first of all i would say the 16 million living veterans we have out there and thank them for serving our country we have 120,000 world war ii veterans so this whole world we live in, the international rule based order and so last year we had double that amount. i would just say thanks to all of them for serving our country. >> brian: we worry about the next generation. we know this is a fantastic generation of war fighters. whatever politician does at the end of a war has nothing to do with how you guys fight in a war. and the world is in awe of your execution. but you are worried about recruitment. first thing i would say to everybody out there military united states place to serve. i enlisted in the military right out of high school went in for a little bit of money. went to west point. everybody has their story. that's why i wanted to tell the 16 missile veterans out there to tell your story. but, yes, we are looking for more, you know, a call to service to come into our ranks and i think it will accelerate their life. we would love to talk about the opportunities to be in the army or any of the services. >> brian: general, we knows the marines are just hitting their quota. but no other branches are. i know you are concerned about that. but one thing that is understated and that's retention. when people get in. they are not looking to leave. that's a good sign. >> yeah. we are doing great on retention, people are when they come in, they love being part of the team. they love the purpose and we're real proud of what our troops are doing around the world. >> brian: people are saying i have had my family serve i don't like the woke direction of this military. have you been at this job for six weeks but serving your whole life. what is the reality. >> i will tell you the reality is and i have spent most of my career out in these units as an infantry officer. >> brian: first person, second. >> we are focused on war-fighting. like i tell all of our commanders is if it's not helping you become more lethal, it's not helping you build a cohesive team, then we shouldn't be doing it. we should be focusing on those things. the other thing that we are focused on, obviously, the world is changing. it's changing rapidly. what do we need to do to continually transform to stay ahead of our adversaries. that's our focus. that's what we are doing in the u.s. army. >> brian: you are going in there, if you are seeing the woke stuff, you are getting it. that's what i'm getting. the other probable we have is our manufacturing base for weapons and military equipment. we have customers taiwan wants to write a check and sweden and nato and others they will pay for it. we are not making it quick enough. what happened to our military industrial base recommendation obviously very important industrial base i commonly say magazine depth to make sure that we have what we need. and it's a big focus for us for the army. we have spent more than $3 billion in the army to make sure that we are continuing to invest in that i have been to arsenals, depots seen what our great americans out there doing it. what we need is continued funding, we need, you know, we went from congress, we need on time budget, on time budget, we're working multi-year funding to make sure that we can continue to do that and, obviously, a big focus of ours. >> general, what i hear from the outside is there was consolidations of weapons manufacturers and they get the orders and they just can't make it quick enough because they don't have the manufacturing to do it. how do we address this. >> there is a little bit what we are doing. i will give you one example out to an ammunition plant. some of it is we automate it so that we have the ability to scale up and to scale down to make sure that we have stockpiled and we have the right parts and raw materials to continue to do that. and, as you mentioned earlier, the other thing we are looking at is doing multi-year funding, you know, so that we have the consistency in making sure that we're doing that. and our team is working all of those avenues. >> brian: is it possible this partisan polarized environment to get bipartisan agreement on giving the army a 10-year contract to build the tanks and the weapons needed to fight on multiple fronts? do they realize that? >> i think certainly in my visits that everybody realized we need a strong industrial base and getting american industry and american ingenuity is important. when i have been on the hill, that's what i have heard from everybody. i just think we need to continue to press on that. it's obviously important and for my part we will continue to make sure that our army is ready to go and a great war fighting organization. >> brian: there is a lot of people counting on the army because we have a lot of enemies out there. i feel great that you're in charge. general, thanks so much for joining us. appreciate it. congratulations on the position. >> thank you so much. >> brian: and everything you were given to the country over your decades of service. >> thank you so much. honored to be here. >> brian: i hope we can do this again. >> sure. >> brian: carley shimkus you are upstairs to give us the revs the news. >> the detroit police are refusing to name suspect arrested for murdering synagogue leader samantha wall the former congressional staffer was found stabbed to death outside her home after returning home from a wedding last month. the suspect was arrested on wednesday but their identity remains under wraps. detroit's police chief says the investigation is still open and authorities are going to, quote, go where the evidence takes us. bliss say the attack was not motivated by anti-semitism a former top prosecutor in baltimore found guilty on two counts of perjury after using a bogus covid hardship claim to raid her city's retirement funds. marilyn mosby faces a maximum of five years for each count. also faces two counts of making false mortgage applications on two vacation homes and a pending federal case. if convicted there mosby will be facing 30 years behind bars. those are your headlines. janice, outside to you my friend. >> good morning. happy friday. we could see a few scattered storms in the northeast. but, otherwise, a pretty good looking forecast for much of the country. however, take a look at the maps. a cold front moving on through. this is new york city right now. 50 degrees. we have cloudy skies. again, you could see a stray shower here this afternoon. you can see where we have that colder air mass moving across the central u.s. and this front that's bringing the potential for heavy rain in the forecast for areas that really need it like louisiana and texas; however, too much of a good thing is going to cause some flooding issues. and then we have a new system moving into the northwest bringing some unsettled weather, coastal rain and some mountain snow. those are your veterans day forecast for tomorrow. not bad at many all. here are some of the bases across the country. lots of sunshine for the air force academy. fort knox. sunshine there we could see the potential for some storms along the gulf coast for pensacola and up towards the u.s. military academy. 51 and sunny skies. our veterans day parade in grand rapids, michigan. not bad. we have got some sunny skies. but it's going to be cool. make sure you dress for the occasion. here in new york city, temperatures in the 50's and a lot of sunshine. just want to show you that next storm system moving into the northwest over the weekend but, otherwise, looking pretty good. fox for all of your latest weather details. steve, ainsley, brian, l.j., over to you. >> thanks, janice. well, students and staff and public schools across new york city and other places around the country, they rallied in a shut it down for palestine rally claiming biden is supporting genocide. listen. [chanting] >> lawrence: lovely people. our next guest spoke with some of the protesters. watch. >> the tragedy that palestine is facing and this is because of the israeli government and because of our tax dollars. i think is really scary. and i don't like it. >> do you think it's possible for hamas to free the hostages who are in gaza right now? >> they have tried. is. >> so hamas has tried to free the hostages. >> they really said we do not want the hostages. >> you are calling the hamas terrorists some would call them terrorists and you are calling them freedom fighters? >> right. >> pete: joining us now co-host of the big money show fox business. he lived to tell us about it. brian brenberg. good to see you. >> pete: was that consistent message you got defense of hamas. >> it's interesting. the young woman we saw at the start, that's who we wanted to talk. to say we were looking for the high school students. the young beam who were supposed to be there protesting. what happened is the second guy or are the guys who kind of moved in and handled the conversation. those were the guys with that kind of message like we don't even want to talk about october 7th. i don't even want to engage that issue. and if you ask me about the hamas terrorists, they were freedom fighters. but it was like nobody wanted to enable the genuine conversation with the people who were young and there. they wanted to move that right along. and so you ended up getting this sort of denial of reality situation. for somebody like me who i'm actually just going there to have a conversation. i used to be a college prof. i like talking to young people. it was so weird to have these guys mo in and just kind of deny reality. >> ainsley: the high school students that were there, do they even know why they are marching? was it like most high school students hey, come on, we have a reason to be out of class? let's go as a group. >> that's what we wanted to get. when we could get to them, when we didn't have the camera on, it was kind of clear they didn't really know what was going on. they felt something but they didn't know anything. so that's what we were trying to do. but i got to tell you, this -- and i don't know if this is a feature of all these things, but when i would try to go in and have that conversation, there were people and i don't know if they were self-appointed or what, but they would come in and they would move the young people away and when i try to ask them hey, what are you doing? like why can't i have a conversation with them? so weird. they wouldn't look at me. so if you were trying to ask me a question, hey, why can't i talk to them? it would just be like this. it's like i'm not there. there was no interest in getting beyond the chant. it's all about the chant. there is nothing here. it's just what's here. >> brian: are they being paid and what they are supposed to do? this is an issue that takes nuances. the middle east you know where you stand on the middle east, going for palestine that doesn't exist for palestinians and you want to separate them from hamas? do they even note difference. >> nuances is clearly to me the enemy in these things. nobody wants to have nuances they want to have volume and intensity. there is evolution to it. when we got there at the start it was kind of a free palestine chant. by the time it ramped up on 34th street heading to harold square it was intifada revolution uprising rebellion that was the chant. when we got in front of the "new york times" it was "shut it down." >> brian: shut down the "new york times"? >> brian: and genocide joe. >> and the anti-biden chants. you can see the evolution it. starts as this high school thing, right? the young people care but it morphs into the pros. and the pros have their message and the pros are much more about intifada, something bigger not this prepalestine. >> ainsley: occupy the lobby of the "new york times." i'm sure that was scary. passing out mock newspapers that said new york war crimes. >> the lobby of the "new york times" was jammed. it was clogged with police officers. i have never seen anything like that. they were all around the front. just sort of jam aring the lobby. i don't know if that's because somebody tried to get in because we were kind of coming up. "new york times" started climbing light polls and scaffolding. i saw spray paint on one of the cars on the side of the road. now you are starting to wonder what happens at this point? i don't know that it elevated. i did hear some news of damage, it was escalating. >> lawrence: real quickly, how many of them had their face covered? that's something i start to see at protest now. >> it was like 75%. i would say. just want to impress upon people there is no interest in conversation. there is no interest in the nuances in the diait

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Dermatologist , Contributor , Warrior 5 K Bike Ride , Texas Ranch , 5 K , Bride , Pandemic , Ninth Ride , Prairie Chapel Ranch , Hi , Inspiration , Mountain Bikes , Couldn T , Combat , Star , Purple Heart , Combat Awards , Bronze , 2015 , Life Changer , Magnitude , Appreciation , Camaraderie , Common Cause , Bike , Post Traumatic Stress , Images , Boston Marathon Bombing , Iraq , Tragedy , Commonalities , Major , Stress , Accomplishments , Result , Suffering , Thoughts , Scenario , Prayers , Mud , Event , Hand It Over , Mud Today , Sounds Fantastic , High School , Story , Policy , Gender , Bathrooms , Mass Walkout School , Locker Rooms , Teens , Great Cause , Ohio , Bathroom , Elida High School Student , Walkout , Our Jennings Guest , Male , Dad Phil , Sweatpants , Restroom , Hoodie , Classes , Underneath , Look , Outfit , Conversation , Walking , Talks , Matter , Appointment , School Principal , Males , Tears , Superintendent , Sat , Meeting , School Board , Lawsuit , Insurance Company , Family Restrooms , Side , Note , Concerns , Voice , Majority , Campus , Reaction , Nothing , School , Youdo , Support , School District , Charisma , Disagree , Forces , Answers , Brave , Coming Up , Recruitment , Calls , Veterans Day , First , Heroes , Analysis , Jack Keane , Investments , Advisor , Investment Research , Goals , Connect , J P Morgan , David , Wealth Management , Guest , Importance , Women , Men , Gratitude , General , Congratulations , U S Army , Chief Of Staff , Adult , Mind , Randy George , Order , World War Ii , 120000 , War Fighters , Politician , Execution , Awe , Missile , More , Ranks , Army , Marines , Services , Quota , Branches , Team , Retention , Purpose , Sign , Reality , Troops , Direction , Around The World , Units , Infantry Officer , War Fighting , Career , First Person , Second , Focus , Stuff , Manufacturing Base , Customers , Adversaries , Equipment , Taiwan , Sweden , Nato , Check , Recommendation , Magazine Depth , Others , Depots , Arsenals , 3 Billion , 6 Billion , Funding , Time Budget , Budget , Consolidations , Manufacturing , Borders , Weapons Manufacturers , Outside , Parts , Ammunition Plant , Materials , Consistency , Environment , Avenues , Contract , Tanks , Fronts , Agreement , Visits , Industry , Ingenuity , The Hill , Enemies , Great War Fighting Organization , News , Everything , Position , Detroit , Revs , Staffer , Synagogue Leader , Identity , Death , Wedding , Samantha Wall , Attack , Evidence , Police Chief , Authorities , Quote , Wraps , Bliss , Count , City , Marilyn Mosby , Hardship Claim , Perjury , Maximum , Retirement Funds , Baltimore , Bogus Covid , Janice , Vacation Homes , Mortgage Applications , Case , Bars , 30 , Forecast , Storms , Much , Northeast , Cold Front , Friend , Skies , Take A Look , Maps , Front , Potential , Air Mass , Shower , Heavy Rain , Louisiana , Weather , Sunshine , Rain , Flooding , Veterans Day Forecast , Mountain Snow , Air Force Academy , Veterans Day Parade 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