Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Life 20240702 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Life 20240702

>> hello america i'm mark levin "life, liberty & levin" elite great congresswoman from new york and her terrific questioning of the president of harvard and the presidents of team and university of pennsylvania what a disgrace these people are and john ellis who is a great professor emeritus written a fantastic book the breakdown of higher education brought him on before and wrote a column other day higher education is become a threat to america. we're going to dig into what's going in on our colleges and universitieses how we let this get away from us and how we need to take back control over these institutions that receive hundreds of billions of dollars over the decades from you and me mr. and mrs. america. but before we get to our guests -- some background i'm sure you haven't heard anywhere else. i do a lot of research for this show as you all know -- i don't you to waste your time. i don't you to waste your hour there's other things you can do well aware of that. when you come here toipght provide you with some information that you can take away. i've read two books -- that didn't want to bring to your attention that hits this subject professor steven norwood where a book third in the ivory tower conflict on american campuses. bradley heart wrote a book hitlers american friends the third reich supporters in the united states. i want you to listen to some of this it is very important, obviously, i can't read all of the the books and -- many of you are not going to -- get the books. but let me give you a taste of what's in here and chapter called the students in hitler american friends says in part american universities did little to curtail influence of progerman speakers on campus. throughout the decade german exchange students some of whom were nazi party members likely operating as propaganda agents other speakers given mostly unchallenged platforms on university campuses. american universities therefore offer german government remarkable level of accomplishment legitimacy in the united states even after the violently anti-semitic nature of the regime had become clear. just as hitler corporate friends had shown little reluctance doing business with the reich his friends and academia maintain their own relationships with the reich. both senate subsidies and u.s. government were aware of the propaganda potential provided by american universities. testifying before the dyes committee organize they have interest on american students purpose of the exchange stiewngs to university students long to foster good will and peace among nations. the result is greater understanding he testified. but this worthwhile aim has been neglected in the exchange of german students for america. now, american students are being indoctrinated with fascism and germany brought abroad and at home to detriment of democratic institutions in america this is the 1930s and 40s on american campuses like harvard. like the university of virginia. like columbia -- like so many of them. he goes on, around the country students and faculty alike increasingly became embroiled in unfolding international tensions as the 1930s progressed. most often it was the vocally anti-nazi professor some of whom jewish nazi who is face brunt of administrative oppression at one point-rumored that german council in new orleans offering cash to universities, that dismiss anti-nazi professors look at all of the foreign cash flowing into universities from islamist and front groups in this country confucius institutes keep what's going on in america today in mind when i tell you what was going on -- during the third reich. the same was much less often the case for openly pronazi professors unless student or public pressure demanded action. there were apparently no sanctions leveled, for instance, but university of idaho mostly cloudy new jerseying department head traveled to a controversial declared himself to be representative of american universities west of the mississippi despite having no official remit to do so and then gave, quote, the hitler salute to the rector and building on campus bears his name today faculty members and administrators could have made a major impact by denouncing open prejudices of nazi protecting desengdzing voices too often they lets students down by failing to do so. it goes on -- in part the campus conflicts were directly fed by the surprising degree to which american universities and faculty members remain willing to sending their students to study in the third reich. even after the anti-semitic and violent nature of naziism were clear read all about it hitler america friends you've not heard about it anywhere else in this country. but history does repeat itself and it's repeating itself today in american universities and in the american media. one more the third reich in the ivory tower by professor steven norwood complicity conflict on american campus. here is the table of contents in part, legitimatizing naziism harvard university and 1933 to '37. complicity and conflict columbia university response to fascism 1933 to '37. the 7 sisters colleges in the third reich promoting fellowship through students exchange. respectful hear if for nazi the university of virginia institute of public affairs round tables, 1933-'41. nazi nests german department in american universities, 1933-1941 get into is this lacet a little bit relevant and crucial to context and harvard of university administration during 1930s led by james ignored numerous opportunities to take a principle stand against hitler regime and anti-semitic outrages contradicted to nazi inference to improve image in the west sound familiar it is like a concern about nazi anti-semitism shared by many harvard alumni and student leaders in warmly welcoming nazi leaders to the harvard campus inviting them to prestigious high profile social events and striving to build friendly relations with thoroughly nazi yiewflts in germany denouncing those who protested against these actions harvards administration and many of its student leaders offered important encouragement to hitler regime as it intensified its prosecution of jews and expanded its military strength. you can see why i dug into the research and pulled this out for you. it's crucially important. the few scholar who is previously address this subject devoted insufficient attention to anti-semitism in the harvard administration and student body. and underestimated the university complicity the nazis prosecution of the jews, listen to this stuff. from 1933 when assumed the presidency of america oldest most prestigious university harvard, through 1937 -- failed to speak out against naziism many occasions when it really mattered publicly silent to boston in may 1934. some of whose crew harvard entertained. he welcomed the high nazi official -- to the june 1934 harvard commence the in march 1935, the harvard administration permitted nazi germany council general in boston to place a wreath and delegate from harvard to the university of 550th anniversary pageant in june 1936, extended warm greetings to george agust university on june 1937 and providing friendly welcome to nazi leader president connen and others prom committed to hitler government that extend jewish businesses and from professions and savage beating of jews were not their concern and you know what ladies and gentlemen, these administrator who is testified before the republican majority house education committee sound the same damn way. these universities are doing the same thing with islamist -- with hamas front groups care, and their network in the united states. through their faculty and tenure, through their admissions processes our country through the student visa process, which is completely out of control and unmonitored -- unvetted people coming into the country coming into our classrooms coming into our schools -- coming into our society! in the ivory towers -- of harvard, university of pennsylvania, m.i.t. and elsewhere, and, of course, as i've discussed before on this show, all supported by the media, by "the new york times." by washington post in the 1930s and 40s and today. abandonment of the jews -- it's all right here. but the american media buried by the times it is all right here. by the american media, beyond belief all right here about the american media. college campuses, the american media, the propaganda, the defense of anti-semitism, the covering up of anti-semitism covering up jew hatred tabes on jews extermination. where do you see this? in one form or another or one degree or another you see it on msnbc and washington post where do you see this on campuses? you know 200 american campuses you see it in the streets. you see it with the professors outspoken you see it with the student groups you see it with the students. you see it with their posters and their flags you see it all. there's a whiff of the 1930s and 40s in the air. it is a stench -- it is covering our country in a dark cloud. the democrat party is part of it just as democrat party was part of it in 1930s and 40s under franklin roosevelt refuse to bomb raillines and auschwitz refuse to allow jews to exterminate in europe from coming to the united states and the list goes on and on and on. bernie sanders, trashing israel. tlaib trashing israel. resolutions to condemn anti-semitism half of the democrats in the house vote against it. you have individuals in our media, who are effectively spokesman for hamas, and and in academic freedom, ladies and gentlemen, it was once said by great supreme court justice that the constitution is not a suicide pack. we hear over and over again when it comes to donald trump -- that free speech has its limits. but apparently if you're a jew hating semite a poison ivy league college or host or guest in one of the corrupt news media platforms, apparently you're free to say whatever the hell you want to say. i'll be right back 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anti-semitism and jew hatred, that reminds one of almost crystal knock -- where people are marching around talking about exterminating jews -- people are hiding in their dorm rooms and in their libraries, people are afraid jews from going to class to their dorm rooms so forth and so on so you bring in the president of harvard. the president of the university of pennsylvania, the president of m.i.t., and what happened? >> they pated on the global stage, mark. what will go down in congressional history as most viewed congressional testimony in the history of the united states congress three university presidents could not answer correctly the question does calling for the genocide of jews violate their universities code of conduct when it comes to bullying and harassment? i asked the question in such a way that it would and should have been an easy yes. but not a single university president answered it correctly. instead their answers dehumanized the jewish people the answers reeked of anti-semitism and went as far as to say well it has to move to conduct or action. and i followed up with you mean the act of committing genocide? so the world saw over one billion views of that heinous testimony and the only option mark is not only for those three university presidents to be fired because they don't deserve the dignity of resignation, but we immediate to have and we launched a thorough congressional investigation of not only those universities, but others as well that have allowed antes semitism to run rampant on college campuses. >> and we have example after example of threats and violence of violence of people being scared and so forth and so on. you know, elise stefanik you're not jewish you're what i call a rich's gentile and in this context i ask you this question if it wasn't jewish students if it was some other minority group, do you believe the president of harvard who you questioned and who is outrageous do you believe she would have sat there said we need acts it depends on the context this and that and the other do you believe that's how hard and university of pennsylvania and m.i.t. would conduct themselves under different circumstances? >> there's no question mark that had any other group any other minority group be put in that question they would have answered it very differently without a -- any hesitation they would have said yes it 98 views code of conduct when it comes to bully and harassment that itself is telling -- again it's the double standard. it's the dehuman anyization of the jewish people and you're right. i'm not jewish but i have grown up with many jewish friends. i went to harvard hill well as early as freshman year it shocked me that president of harvard hasn't been to harvard until after the hamas terrorist attacks against israel. and she was dean of the undergrads at harvard for years and has been at harvard for decades. so this anti-semitism is inexcusable but it needs to be rooted out at its core. in these ivory towers it has poisoned ivory towers and higher education broadly and amount that we have heard from jewish students who are rightfully fearful for their safety and security, who feel that they cannot pursue academic pursuits and go home safely to their dorms because of harassment and threats of assault from university officials i.e. producters at harvard it is inexcusable there needs to to be accountability and there will be. >> i see no urgency on biden administration and no all hands on deck government action. i see very little out of the department of justice and the civil rights division there. i see very little out of the department of education civil rights division there and i see very little out of the department of homeland security. i see no concern about the students visas or students coming from, people are overstaying their visa i see no concern about hamas network pouring money into these colleges i see no concern about -- any of this. i don't even hear statements from the attorney general of the united states or head of the civil rights division, or clear concise statements by the president or the vice president of the united states without bringing in some other group. am i missing something? >> no you're not missing anything, mark. there's a fundamental vacuum on the leadership and joe biden should condemn and dmapgd for firing of the three university presidents. but the white house should also go a step further and support investigations and ultimately there needs to be a prosecution against, again this illegal targeting of jewish students that is happening on these college campuses. who are funded with federal funds, federal funds are pouring into these universities which were going to defund higher institutions they allow anti-semitism but this congressional investigation which was announced by the republican chairwoman this past week at my urging we're not going to hesitate to subpoena communications, documents, all aspects of how these schools and others have mismanaged this crisis, that has been growing for years. >> when we come back i want to ask you about politics of all of this. who seems to be standing on what side -- and who is it that laid foundation making it possible for jewish students to bring lawsuits against these universities and these groups? we'll be right back. "life, liberty & levin." ♪ ♪ mark: welcome back america with us is representative elite stefanik elise stefanik couple of things here you have half of the democrats in house of representative who is voted against a resolution that called anti-semitism all that means zionism jews have a right to live in israel. half of them -- voted against you have a resolution that week before similar to that. and less than half of them voted for it. you have a group within the democrat party that's clearly anti-semitic, anti-israel. what do you make of this? i mean, i see this as a rising tide within the democrat party i don't see it in the republican party correct? >> that is correct it is a rising tide unfortunately in ed today's democrat party you can see this anti-americanism continue to be lurching the old democratic party further and further to the left but i will tell you, mark, that the testimony at the hearing this past week no one has defended the answers from the university presidents and there have been calls for my colleagues who are democrats in congress and as well as democrat governors who have condemned the statements from the university presidents. and agree that they should be fired and there's no place for them. so i think that hearing was such a historic shocking moment of shocking the conscienceness of this moment we are at time where clearly these higher institutions have lost their way and people need to find moral clarity on issues when it relates to humanity and republicans have been crystal clear and proud to call this hearing and proud to call higher institutions accountable. >> what about this executive branch we were talking about they have tools to do a hell of a lot more than they're doing and the president of the united states has a bully pulpit he wouldn't attend that rally with hundreds of thousands of people supporting israel juice and gentiles alike. as testifies flying off to meet president xi in california -- he's up in boston meeting with the former chairman of j street may be familiar with anti-israel group radical left wing group they talk islam phobia but they do that really to create ambiguity when it comes to issue of anti-semitism and there's these constant leaks out of the administration that half of his interns are upset and half of the part -- state department is upset. again, when donald trump was president of the united states he was full throated in support of the state of israel. he signed the first executive order to extend civil rights act to anti-semitism on college campuses it is that executive order that's being used by jew herb students and threatened -- who are bringing lawsuits and yet on msnbc former democrat senator from michigan say he's worst than hitler. that he's worst than hitler -- what do you make of this? >> well that statement is just atrocious and factually inaccurate, obviously, there was no greater president of the united states a greater friend of israel than donald trump and his list of accomplishments is quite lengthy you pointed out executive order that is executive order that is allowing jewish students to legally hold these schools accountable for the schools failure to protect the safety and security of jewish students on campus today. and this administration under joe biden has been deafeningly silence haded when it comes to l office we heard from the white house podium when it came to the press office they condemn but it needs to come from the president of the united states let alone mark weakness on global stage of joe biden. not standing strongly enough with our allies -- and there was no question that president trump strongly stoo

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Fox Station , U S , Record , Dvr , Doesn T , Eastern On , Fox News Channel , Sunday Morning , 2 , 00 , Fox News Sunday , Washington , Jillian Turner , Mark Levin , Life , Hello America , Liberty Levin , People , University , President , Professor Ellis , University Of Pennsylvania , Congresswoman , Presidents , Questioning , Professor Emeritus , Disgrace , Team , New York , Education , Colleges , Book , Threat , Breakdown , Column , Institutions , Billions , Hundreds , Guests , Mr , Mrs , You And Me , Things , Lot , Research , Haven T , Show , Anywhere , Know , Background , Campuses , Books , Attention , Steven Norwood , Ivory Tower Conflict On American , Didn T , Information , Two , Wall , Many , Supporters , Book Hitlers American Friends The Third Reich , Taste , Bradley Heart , Universities , Students , Campus , Speakers , German , Influence , Chapter , Hitler American Friends , Government , Members , University Campuses , Nazi Party , Propaganda Agents , Platforms , Reich , Friends , Hitler , Legitimacy , Nature , Accomplishment , Regime , Doing Business , Level , Academia , Reluctance , Senate , Relationships , Propaganda Potential , Dyes Committee , Subsidies , Interest , Understanding , Stiewngs To University , Exchange , Nations , Result , Peace , Will , Aim , Nazi Germany , Fascism , And 40s On American , Home , Detriment , Indoctrinated , 40 , 1930 , Country , Faculty , University Of Virginia , Columbia , Nazi , Professor , Jewish , Brunt , Tensions , Professors , Cash , Groups , Council , Oppression , New Orleans , One , Same , Confucius Institutes , Case , What S Going On , Student , Jerseying Department Head , Action , Pressure , Instance , Sanctions , University Of Idaho , Representative , Quote , Remit , Rector , Salute , Building , Mississippi , Administrators , Name , Impact , Voices , Denouncing Open Prejudices Of Nazi Protecting Desengdzing , Part , Degree , Conflicts , Naziism , Itself Today In American Universities , Repeat , Hitler America Friends , Media , More , Table Of Contents , Steven Norwood Complicity Conflict On American Campus , The Ivory Tower , Columbia University , Conflict , Complicity , Legitimatizing Naziism , Fellowship , Sisters , 7 , 1933 , 37 , Nazi Nests German Department In American Universities , Tables , Institute Of Public Affairs , 41 , Context , University Administration , Lacet , 1941 , Image , Outrages , Inference , Led , Opportunities , Principle Stand Against Hitler Regime , James , Anti Semitism , Concern , Leaders , Student Leaders , Profile , Alumni , Events , Administration , Relations , Actions , Yiewflts , Scholar , Prosecution , Military Strength , Encouragement ,

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