good evening, i am died benson along with kennedy, anita vogel and joe concha and welcome to the "big weekend show". the big story tonight -- while it fight night for former president trump, he's going to the u.s. tilt in new york jersey as he fights for his political life after new york jury convicted him 48 hours ago. >> i don't mind being out there because i'm doing something for this country and i'm doing something for our constitution. it is very important, far beyond me. this can't be allowed to have enjoyed the president, should never be allowed to happen in the future. this is far beyond me, this is bigger than trump, bigger than me, bigger than my presidency. >> democrats and many of the media got exactly what they wanted out of this will depart. >> donald john trump chairman. >> a convicted felon. [cheering] >> convicted felon. >> why should americans vote for a convicted felon? >> convicted felon. >> he is a convicted felon. >> a convicted felon. >> convicted -- [laughter] what do voters think? and i don't think that was fair. it's time to vote and set the record straight. >> more cement in my opinion. >> planning on voting again, that's for me. >> kennedy, a lot of us have been arguing the whole purpose of this trial was to manufacture the convicted felon label for donald trump prior to the election and whether it gets thrown out is it likely will later, it doesn't matter, it's a five-month play for the left and they have checked the box the bar. george soros son of course the soros operation back alvin bragg's campaign was money, he put out a tweet saying the democrats should be using these words convicted felon as often as possible and of course they do their social justice the for the justice impacted individuals with one big exception, donald trump, they are giving away the game, aren't they? >> yes and that's what happened, there's so much hubris with the progressive left in all of this has been manufactured. the entire law fair past to take trump's presidential hopes in 2024, that comes from the people funding a lot of the anti- israel pro- hamas protest groups on college campuses. it's all kind of the same thing but they have bankrolled not only alvin bragg but george gascon and los angeles and mike schmidt who is the da in portland and a lot of cultural leftist das who are ruining once great cities so you were talking before the show about how i believe it was politico, they deemed alvin bragg is a reluctant prosecutor and the only thing he is reluctant to prosecute our rates and violent felonies but there are still a lot of people still undecided looking around going what was the crime? if you look at the paula jones case, he did pay $850,000 and i'm sure there are thousands of other cases of hopeful presidential mistresses who have been paid off, are you going to dig up and prosecute every one of those cases? probably not and this boils down to despite all of the unseemly details, these were internal ms. categorizations of payments that didn't actually cause any financial harm to anyone, no victim they then turned into 34 felonies. >> how did they document the payments for the law firm that paid for the steel dossier? how to hillary clinton's campaign, the bookkeeping there? >> on that headline, the reluctant prosecutor, there are a few problems when it comes to donald trump; people chuckle over that. alvin bragg made no secret he wanted to get donald trump. that's out there, everybody heard it, he ran on it, everybody knew it so the headline, it's interesting, kind of troubling i think. it's wrong and your question about what was the crime? we have a lot of smart legal scholars, jonathan turley is one and i heard him asking over and over, what is the crime? if he's not sure what the crime is then who can be sure of it? there are trump cost of legal analyst and other networks we won't mention who were sort of struggling to come up with a crime alone 34 felonies that guilty across the board. i've seen a lot of people on the democratic side at least some saying this is bad for trump, this is what we wanted, people are going to be able to pull a lever for a convicted felon, people on the right thing this is going to solidify, people are angry and the guy in the clip i will register and vote because it wrong, i'm not confident which way this goes, i think time will tell obviously but how are you feeling about here in the first 48 hours? >> no feelings, i'm looking at the fundraising numbers and obscene $53 million raised by the trump campaign in 24 hours since the conviction. think about that the biden campaign didn't raise that, of money in an entire month and 30% of those never donated to the trump campaign in 2016 or 2020 that means he bringing in people who have never voted before and we seen this before in 2016 and and people that felt they were forgotten in pennsylvania, wisconsin particularly. >> will have a lot more to say in a second and that's one interesting, no doubt. does it translate into votes? people are angry but five months from now does it translate into votes? >> is an indicator people are angry obviously and it's amazing how does democrats say they will say this republic from donald trump and save democracy by doing the most antidemocratic things you could possibly do like this trial morning into a rope and president biden over congress and supreme court aspires student loan forgiveness taking trump all the ballot, antidemocratic, no question. >> he is at the beach this weekend spending the day biking with the sun hunter about to go on trial facing gun charges next week. biden, the president mocking this idea that he is pulling the strings on trump prosecutions. fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson the white house tonight like the president. >> another opens. hunter biden facing a trial monday on the gun charges where he faces up to 25 years in prison. here the white house doesn't biden was asked about the historical conviction of his opponent, the president declined to answer with words instead he answered with a grin. >> mr. president, can you tell us donald trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and flames you directly, what is your response to that? you think you will have an impact on the campaign bus would love to hear get thoughts. >> peter doocy caught up with the president is at the rose garden where he received a more substantial answer. >> do think this helps trump in the election? are you worried this could happen to you someday? somebody comes up charges and tries to bring in the court after your term? >> not at all. >> what trump says you are trying, what you say? politically. pulling strings behind the scenes to help yourself. >> i didn't know i was a powerful. >> president biden endorsed israel's plan for cease-fire in gaza to end the war with hamas. >> thank you very much. joe was mentioning donors, large and small coming out the woodwork and record numbers for donald trump, whopping 52.8 million dollars donated to the trump campaign and 21st hour alone following that conviction american history of all addicts i believe, maybe i'm wrong, somebody will find them wrong maybe but i don't think so, they raised with small money donors many $21, $42, $53, $38, a record $39 million in about ten hours. [cheering] i like those people. >> no big business tightens behind trump as well a venture capitalist john mcguire among them cutting trump of $300,000 check in switching his boat to read ahead of november. he wrote this, and prepared to lose friends. in 2016 i trump the media clinton's get out of my mind about trump. i donated to hillary campaign and by 2020 of dissolution and didn't go. i like either option. now i believe it's one of the most important elections of my lifetime and i'm supporting trump. so anita, it's interesting when you look at fundraising and the places donald trump is going, he was in the south bronx, w ufc tonight and now he's heading out to silicon valley not necessarily a terribly sunday area for him but maybe that's changing. >> not so friendly that we know of but he is headed to california for a series of fundraisers. >> fundraising number in 24 hours. i expected to be big, well over 50 million is a while. >> in order to raise tens of millions of dollars, joe biden's barack obama, george clooney, julia roberts. the former president only need to conviction. the exciting thing him, who are having this discussion a moment ago with this momentum carried through november? the court cases are so as long as you have other venues pressing forward and legal strain, he was the voters continue to be galvanized and feel like it's an unfair process politically influenced. >> you reacted to that, turn in the grant from the president and the video. >> it was as creepy and insidious and almost like an sq. i'm behind is because i set my number three from d.o.j. to work with alvin bragg which is not a step up in the career ladder. that smile told me so much that i wrote on twitter, make up a campaign ad. literally the trump campaign did the picture tells a thousand words. >> is senile chucky doll democrats a better description. >> let's look at this from the clinton we recently had new merchant made based on a phrase i hear a lot, the design happened to be finalized today with your purchase you will support on work -- okay. you can see this self-serving merge, she is readily in this. a year public therapy tour we are witnessing. the only thing missing is doctor melfi for the fans out there. with that, much more to come. i want to remind our viewers "fox & friends" weekend his interviewing for president trump the entire interview with trump errors tomorrow "fox & friends" weekend starting 6:00 a.m. eastern. coming up on a jampacked we can show, obama's right-hand man said it will be biden leaving the presidential ticket. >> give up on the fantasy that there's going to be another -- >> raging cajun might have a different theory, whose right? plus anti- israel protesters returned to columbia university for alumni weekend saying we are back. romantic rendezvous for dating disaster? surprising fate for half of all couples after they take their first vacation together. all that and more coming up. don't go anywhere. ♪ smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. ♪ it makes me want blueberries and lobster. talk back to the "big weekend show". the haydn biden's campaign is one step closer to becoming reality the dnc convention. dnc will decide next week if the roll call vote will be held over zoom ahead of the convention so biden can be named the official democratic nominee in ohio's design. the virtual boat would be held before the sound, democrat convention from august 19 hundred. obama's former right hand man says people should give up the idea that it won't be biden because it's on the ballot. >> trump and biden, you can take the easy way out and say i'm not going to vote for either but one is going to be president of the united states and people to focus on that and give up on the fantasy that there's going to be another. >> i'm like mariah carey, i will never give up on the fantasy but the rage occasion disagrees. >> upset to tell you, real release in the party. sometimes you go years with nothing happening and then weeks with everything happening. politics, anything can happen. >> very interesting. you have two established democrats who have been vying for attention and being the party naysayers but at odds, they make disagree with going to happen at the convention, what does your cup tell you? axelrod or cardinal? >> probably axelrod because of had a bet with my dad on this question for months with a good bottle of wine hanging in the balance here, i think it's going to be biden ultimately on the ticket and as the nominee in november my dad thinks it will be a switcheroo at the convention so we'll see it is a very late hour if they change anything and it's really hard to throw overboard a sitting president is been voted for by millions of people in the primaries who doesn't want to go anywhere and his wife doesn't want him to go anywhere. everything in terms of the way the system works is slanted in the incumbents favor. >> and here we are going into the convention season for those who follow politics, is the most exciting, our olympics so how do they do it. >> i don't know but. >> of joe biden's away right now, there will be theory and revolt in the democrat party if the choices his. >> cardinals say uneasiness in the party, i wonder why. trump is beating him in nevada, georgia, arizona, pennsylvania and wisconsin. i would say they create an ease so who would they replace them with? michelle obama has said consistently i don't want to run, i take her for her work. gavin newsom, problems in california. who's left? hillary clinton? >> people go down a laundry li list, hundreds of names. >> state representatives from arkansas, guatemala city vice president? border czar? >> let's talk about this, one of the groups joe biden is hemorrhaging, down ten points among voters who don't have college degrees, what is driving their exodus from joe biden and party? >> every group is moving away from president biden, he's done 30 points among black voters way down among hispanic voters because is one insistent eleme element, inflation. attacks on everyone the people feel it in hispanics and blacks particularly, they don't want the southern border open, the jobs are taken away. >> does it have anything to do with voters who don't have college degrees having to be on the hook for those who made bad choices? mimic 30% of the bachelors degree. 62% do not so if you cater to those people, pretty good on the fly, right? to those are saying where's my check or where's my check, people are repaid the loans? >> it could morph into full-blown panic if the polls look the same. after the convention if the polls don't move their way, i think they will be really concerned. >> if it stays the same, i think they are host and i don't mean that as a compliment. i love a slip inside. big weekend show, tents and taunts are back as his agitators poison ivy at columbia university. that is next. ♪ >> on one nation this week, kellyanne conway break down what to do to make the most of the money going into his campaign and so much more. also on our show, chris will break down what's happening on which kansas how we all should have seen this uprising coming with palestinian pro,'s. riley gaines, everyone is talking about paying college athletes, what about the other sports, nonrevenue sports? ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". anti- israel activist rebecca columbia university this week and try to send a message during alumni weekend and find fiscal orders fox news correspondent cb cotton is with us in york city tonight. >> this is happening amid universities alumni reunion and comes little more than a month after students first pitch tents at columbia university's parking a nationwide pro- palestinian movement. we are not allowed on campus but video from inside shows several tents pitched on the cell phone. student paper reports the new effort started friday around 7:00 p.m. local time. it's being called revolt for russia and in instagram post, students for justice and palestine identified the protesters as an autonomous group of palestinian students. this groups demands are the same as previous campus protesters with calls for full divestment from israel global financial transparency and amnesty for all discipline to student protesters. you may remember columbia leadership tried to negotiate back in april the columbia said it would not the best from israel and the students decided to occupy. nypd was authorized to come in for a second time in more than 100 people were arrested. city officials said 29% of those people were not affiliated with the university. a spokesperson told the paper the university is aware of the encampment and monitoring the situation. >> a push to make soft on crime. progressive leader says it will no longer be prosecuted for theft. she also wants to get rid of the bank registry. made intentions known before taking office. a questionnaire on crime policies answering yes to abolishing both. grocery stores and another blue city has a ridiculous new rule to stop crime. no large bags. how are customers supposed to carry the groceries exactly? >> with her tiny hands because people should be eating less, doesn't obesity epidemic and shoplifters in the only wants to help, michelle will is on, i worry she has low blood sugar and has to show a lobster roll in her head whole. there's something so long, they are not even trying to hide anymore but mayors of cities we talked about a while ago, l.a., minneapolis, seattle, they are running them into the ground not hiding what they are doing and it's not working. this brand of criminal justice only makes cities less safe and less livable for people and i don't know -- i've met rational libertarians and republicans in massachusetts, have another tea party, guy. >> the thing is, it's not 2020 anymore. we've seen the results of these policies and they have been disastrous. so much sort there left-wing prosecutor, he just lost to the republican last week. an independent but lifelong republican basically, challenged him on up on crime form and beat him. voters of san francisco throughout their crazy da over this and boston's mayor are like you know what we need? more of that. [laughter] it's wild. >> while is the only word to s say. also, a party held last year hosted by the mayor of boston, on behalf of mayor michelle, i invite you and a guest to the elected of color holiday, that sounds racist to me to exclude an entire race, city and board members and still here she is with a relatively popular approval rating mimic the sounds racist because it is excluding people based on color, i thought we didn't do that in this country. i thought was a federal civil rights crime. back to the grocery store think. this policy not letting people in with bags, one woman got thrown out because she had a diaper bag with her so policy is only going to hurt customers. >> elderly, old, pharmacy and character medicine, how do you do that? you can't. it's impossible. boston's last republican mayor served from 1926 to 1930 so these people are going to be voted out because we the in major cities, crime is out of control, this is unacceptable and elect