i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, katie pavlich, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ democrats are worried that joe biden is going to blow it in next week's cnn presidential debate. >> this is the entire election, as far as i'm concerned. the entire world will be watching. if biden goes out there and messes up, it's game over. if he walks out there and a week later he is lower in the polls come it's panic in the party. if you can stand toe-to-toe with a runaway train like donald trump for an hour and a half, you are fit to be president, period, point length, the whole presidency, and a bottle come in a week. >> jesse: maybe that is why joe is spending the next week preparing like crazy while trump is on the campaign trail. secluded at camp david, prep for the debate. his right-hand man ron klain is running point in making sure the big guy doesn't wander off the stage. joe won't have access to his handy little note cards, so aides have binders full of questions with possible answers to each of them. a cnn report claims they will be juicing joe. with his favorite drink of orange gatorade. and if biden gets flustered, barack obama's crack team of ex-speechwriters have a couple of zingers. >> i have a couple come i have some zingers. i have some potential. we pass the largest climate bill in history. your member climate change, like how you change the climate in the courtroom when you stunk it up with your farts. i'm cutting costs, you are promising to cut taxes for your rich friends but donald come if you have to technomic cut their taxes so they want to hang out with you, are they really your friends because mike did they even call you after the whole farts thing? >> jesse: and wellesley begets isn't much needed reprogramming at camp david, may have to deal with a different type of trump. >> donald trump's rhetoric and even his sort of swagger looks more like 2016 and the campaign you covered so closely, katie, then he looks in 2020. >> jesse: donald trump will be firing up crowds and hitting the books for his prep. the former president will be holding a rally in philly saturday night. the dawn also doing policy meetings with advisors and congressional allies. greg, what do you expect to see from joe biden? are the actually scripting jokes? >> greg: i love a good fart joke, don't get me wrong, but telling joe biden to make fart jokes is like telling alec baldwin to make got safety jokes. going to blow up in your face, perhaps your pants. my advice tape eight ch cheat st to the back of your life alert button. meanwhile trump should prep to debate joe by practicing a crash test dummy. even when i say that, though, i know they will make a mistake. it bears repeating. predicting a biden disaster means anything short of a disaster is a biden win. so don't listen, i would not treat this like he is an invalid. i think trump has to go in and focus on the harmful woke policies that have damaged the country. he should talk about how everything costs more, not just food but your quality of life and your personal freedom. crime raises the price of freedom just like inflation. but the big point on what makes it so rare is you are going to get to compare two successive terms back-to-back, 2016 to 2020, and 2022 now. you could look at the last four years and it is amazing how the country has declined mirrors joe is. it is cause and effect. the challenge for trump is the debate and coverage will favor a soft landing for biden. cnn was picked for a reason. they bought every false narrative about trump. they are about as objective to biden as biden is about hunter. so i think that's going to be a vital issue be up in a perfect world, trump specific realities will outweigh biden's abstract doom prophecies. when joe says you are a convicted felon, you say, so? i stood for a sham trial. you were deemed unfit and couldn't stand for a real one. so he's got to -- and they are going to try to paint trump as a big meanie. and i think trump just has to say, you don't have to like me, you just have to like the policies. because that's really what it is about. you don't have to like your boss to know he is running a great company. >> jesse: katie, 90 -- going in there for a week. so for a 90-minute debate. the whole time at camp david. do you think that is smart preparation? or do you think they are overdoing it? can you be too prepared? >> katie: you can definitely be too prepared and overthink things but if you underestimate your opponent, that can be a fatal flaw, whether in sports or politics. so neither side should be underestimating what could happen here. joe biden i think could do a decent job, but the bar has been set so low for him based on his own behavior, the wandering off, not being available for press interviews, that it may be easy for him to just step right over that bar. but when it comes to what issues they are going to be talking about, the advantages always of course to biden when it comes to the liberal media, those questions will be much easier, lots of questions about democracy and him saying he is a dictator, but trump can be very specific about what biden has done to him, to the country, and what donald trump did when he was in office and the first time, centuries, decades, we have had two basically incumbents saying i want a second term, right? not having a first time runner running against the incumbent president. both of them are comparatively asking for a second term. so that is something they can put side-by-side, and certainly america will be watching. it's very early, it will be ahead of the rnc, and biden is going to have to do well if he wants to get to the dnc convention without more of these rumors replacing him. >> jesse: there are rumors, richard. would you agree with van jones? if he does not have a great night on thursday, is that it? is the race over? >> richard: i wouldn't say the race is over. i think it would definitely be hard to come back from not having a good night. here's what we do know, i agree with katie and greg, because we have seen, one could say it is because of clips of how the president like how people utilize clips from the pres president, -- >> katie: a cheap fake? >> richard: cheap fake, deepfake, whatever you want to call it. i think what you are seeing is as long as the president can go in there and stand up for 90 minutes, he wins the debate. but beyond that, i think the president has another mission to achieve. he has to talk to his base of voters. what trump has going for him is his base is solidly behind him. joe biden has some waffling in his face. he could win his base back next week by having a real conversation with them. yes to acknowledge inflation is a real thing but has to acknowledge for his base what he has been able to do for them the last couple of years. we have the strongest job numbers in american history. there is no more lead pipes in america thanks to the work i have done. we have made the longest -- the largest -- >> katie: there are no lead pipes? >> richard: the american rescue plan because the bipartisan infrastructure bill. remember when we started this we were talking -- we spent weeks covering flint, michigan. flint, michigan, is no longer a problem because lead pipes have been removed. >> judge jeanine: in flint? >> richard: other places, as well. >> judge jeanine: that's a pretty general statement. >> richard: a story about jackson, mississippi, because of legislation passed by the biden administration. i think yes to go there and sell that. a recent fox poll map showed you are seeing an uptick for the president. while voters do say the economy is still not as they wanted to become of the economy right now they say is looking better for biden and trump. >> jesse: jeanine, go ahead. >> judge jeanine: trump is still killing it in the swing states. we all know that is where this election is going to happen. and i think that because of all the not cheap fakes, and i hope that task force is out there working, on identifying cheap fakes, but because of biden's behavior, there is a very low expectation right now. and i believe that biden, there is a low expectation, and i think that biden will over perform. i think they are going to juice him up the way they juiced him up for the state of the you in. i think they are going to stand up there for 90 minutes, whatever they are doing, and he is going to be more in control the way he was during the state of the union. there was a coin toss, and biden won the coin toss. do you want to decide which podium, or do you want to decide who goes last? he made a decision to decide to be on the podium on the right, as the viewer looks at the television. he thought that was important. now i don't know why that was so important to him. he then, of course, gave to donald trump the right to choose to be the last speaker, which is a private tutor, i have always thought was the most important thing that you could do, but i think that, i think that joe biden is feeling good going into this thing, but i also think that according to an article in axios that it will be the meme debate. if you recall in 2016, the debate between vice president kamala, candidate kamala harris, and mike pence, it was all about the fly on mike pence's head. and in 20 -- that was in 2020. but in 2016, hillary clinton and donald trump, it was about that point when donald trump just turned around and said, you'd be in jail. so i think that especially now give and we pay such little attention to long periods of news, i think there's going to be memes that come out and the memes, whoever controls the means is going to signal and ger message out there, and finally, let me say this. there is one entertainer on that stage. there is one guy who is able to tell a story of how america succeeded under him, and there is another guy who just can't explain why things are so bad, and if they stick to the facts and their strengths, i think that trump wins but biden will over perform. >> jesse: you mean juiced up by orange gatorade? >> judge jeanine: juiced up joe. not gatorade. i don't think it was gatorade. >> jesse: i don't think so, either via coming up, the democrats and the liberal media are shocked that americans want to kick out migrant monsters. ♪ ♪ all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer... it's important to know that surgery isn't the only option. there's another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to gentlecure.com ♪ ♪ >> greg: democrats shocked to find out a majority of americans support donald trump's immigration policy that would deport illegal aliens as possible for heinous rapes and murders. poll denial when confronted with the data. >> cbs news polling recently found 62% of americans are in favor of a national program to deport all undocumented immigrants. >> i would love to sit down with your polling team and show them how they have gotten this wrong because i saw polling literally a week ago that shows that when you explain to people, if someone has been here ten years or more and they are married to u.s. citizen, do you think they should have a pathway to citizenship? over 70% of those polled said yes. because it's the right thing to do. >> greg: the illegal scumbag who raped and murdered -- the killer entered the u.s. as a god-away. former president donald trump called rachel's mother, offering condolences to the family. she is now blasting the dhs chief are: parceling daughter an individual and says the biden administration hasn't bothered to reach out. >> to not even acknowledge that my daughter is a person. or that she is a female, or that she is a mother, like, to categorize her as a statistic is just -- it just shows how impersonal that they are. >> greg: so judge, rachel's alleged killer was caught by border patrol three time within a matter of days in january and early february 2023 and then came back in mexico under title 42, then entered as a got-away. what do you got to say? >> judge jeanine: what i've got to say is this. what is it from almost 2 million got-aways so far since joe biden has been there? look, there is a reason they are got-aways, and i have said this a million times. why would you refuse the welcome mat of an illegal who gets housing, they get a phone, they get money, they get education, they get flown to parts of america where the rest of us have to drive and hope we can afford gas. i mean, to be a got-away suggest you have something to hide, and there is a reason you don't want to go through the border. but the whole thing about this tom perez, the head of the dnc, saying americans really don't understand it is classic left condescension, okay? we are just not smart enough to understand that we really want these illegals rounded up and deported, 62% want and 53% of the hispanics in this country. just like we are not smart enough to understand or comprehend bidenomics. we are not smart enough to realize that crime is really down. these people are totalitarian. they want us to believe what they tell us to believe and not what we think. tom perez, you just don't speak to the american people, and there is a reason for that. donald trump, he was central, you remember the angel moms, the kids were killed, he called laken riley's family, went to jonathan dillard's weight, speaks to rachel warren's mother, not joe biden, joe bide. biden just willy-nilly let's 11 million people march into this country, so the difference is, joe biden does foreign policy based on whatever he wants. donald trump forms policy based upon his talking to americans experiencing what americans are experiencing, and then making a decision as to what our policy should be. >> greg: you know, richard, when you see this list of female victims of crime and the harm done to their families, you got to ask, where is the empathy from the democrats? because they always see when they are faced with this to pivot to another story, whether the story is this is nothing but fearmongering, or an tom perez's case, let's talk about spouses who have been undocumented for ten years. why do they choose to pivot away? why don't they empathize with the families? that have had their loved ones killed? they don't. they just understand empathy when it comes to a certain virtue signal. what do you have to say to that? >> richard: oh, no, i empathize with those families because anytime you lose a family member, however you lose them, it is sad and disheartening, and my heart goes out to all of those families. i think the interview we saw at the top of that clip there, it was the day that interviewed happen was the same day the bidn administration issued their policy, executive order to expand a program that already has existed for folks who are here, who are in mixed status family, so that means the wife or the husband or one of the partners is a american citizen on the other is not. they are trying to make it so you can both -- you have equal status family. i think what makes this policy so interesting as it affected a lot of folks, half a million families, one of those is actually sitting member of congress. delia ramirez out of illinois. her husband came to this country as a child. he is a daca -- >> greg: you are doing what i just said. >> richard: no, i am not. hold on a second. >> greg: you hold on. i purposely ask you about -- >> richard: and i empathize -- >> judge jeanine: what about rachel morin. talk about rachel morin. >> richard: i just did. >> greg: we feel bad for her. i agree with the bill. but we are not talking about the bill. we are talking -- >> richard: i said -- >> judge jeanine: the bill is done. let's talk about the illegals -- >> richard: i think -- but judge jeanine, with all due respect, i didn't interrupt you -- >> judge jeanine: i'm interrupting you because you are not answering the question. >> i don't think those two things are mutually exclusive beard you can protect the border, and you can also deal with those folks who are under marketed here. >> katie: not doing that beards be depressed in executive order last week -- >> katie: problem has gotten much worse. >> judge jeanine: he shut down the border. have we heard one time that you know what they hit 2500, we are going to shut it down pure not once. do you know that texas is talking to california that's talking to new mexico that's talking to arizona? no, not once have they stopped at -- >> richard: did they not pass that on executive order? >> judge jeanine: does that mean they are staying under 2500 a day? baloney. >> katie: executive orders that make the problem worse while claiming to solve a problem are worthless and actually creating more of a national security crisis. >> richard: it's the same that donald trump had. >> katie: there is more outrage from tom perez and the white house over polling showing that people actually want deportation and over the murder of rachel morin. and there are always excuses being made for these kinds of criminals who continue to come over the border detected and undetected. they say they are vetting them. they are not vetting them. there have been others will come through who have murdered women's in their own countries, they have come here and murdered women. the state of the union, the president of the united states saying these are the people who are the fabric of our country, that he will not demonize these kinds of immigrants. he never says the word illegal immigrant when he talks about this issue. and when it comes to the pivot, it is so cynical for the white house this week to sign this executive order, which many people can get on board with even though it is a violation of the law, he didn't go through congress, but to get on board. they are calling it family reunification. so they can now be on the side of empathy while they have been on the side of allowing millions of people, potentially, who are criminals, to come into the country and victimize americans in a way that their families will be changed forever, people will have lost their lives, and while they claim they are for a family reunification, they have lost 85,000 children in the system while they claim they are different than donald trump because he was separating children to make sure they were not being sex trafficked by strange men who were pretending to be their fathers, who were not their fathers, and finally, democrats continue to say it is republicans who wouldn't vote for the legislation that joe biden wanted. democrats want more money to process criminals, like the guy who killed rachel morin. they want more money to do that. they want more money to stop these people in the country, they want more money to process them, to give them housing, to give them health care, to give them food and shelter. that's what they want. they don't want to stop this problem. every time there is a problem, they pivot or the act like, well, it's worth the cost for what they're trying to do in terms of their virtue signaling about illegal immigration. >> greg: jesse,