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moment. we're going to begin this hour with the search for the pipe bomb suspect. pete williams joins us now. this released in the last few minutes. how does this advance our understanding of what the fbi is looking for? >> what the fbi is hoping is that somebody will see this video and think they recognize some characteristic of the person in the video. they have not said whether this is a man or a woman but there are several scenes here. this is walking down an alley between the republican national committee and the capitol hill club. the republican club near the house side. then you'll see separate video that i guess, that's on a loop there. the person walking back and forth. the second video and the longest one is the one you started out with. the person on the sidewalk. walking along in a residential neighborhood. this is south capitol street, as the name implies, the street to the south of the u.s. capitol building. the person enters the frame here and then after a time, puts the backpack down west don't know whether this is a man or a woman. the fbi is hoping there will be something about the way this person moves, the mannerisms. they've said before the suspect was wearing a gray hoodie, a face mask, carrying a backpack and had distinctive foot wear. nike air shoes with black and gray details. i'm not sure but those are the shoes that they say the suspect was wearing. when we go back to the video, i'm sure they want to know who the person is the walk the dog pass. it looks like this person reaches into the backpack and takes something else out. i'll tell you why, i guess we didn't see that section. when we cut away from the shoes. it looked like they were putting on some kind of dark glasses. you he sue them walking past the capitol hill club right near the republican headquarters, the u.s. house of representatives headquarters are visible at the top of the frame there. the fbi has given us a little more detail on what these two home made pipe bombs were. they say they were placed sometime between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. the night before the capitol riot, so january 5th. we knew they were made of a metal pipe and had a common kitchen timer taxed. the fbi has said it is one inch pipe. interesting that the material was home made black powder. not the kind of black powder that you would buy to perhaps load your own ammunition rounds. home made black powder. the fbi also says this person may have taken something out of a car or entered a car in an area right near the capitol between 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. so they're still offering a $100,000 reward. they simply don't know who this is. they're hoping someone may recognize the movements of this personal. what they were wearing. maybe saw them that night. so to answer your original question, what they're hoping for are some tips to help identify this person. >> i have a few questions based on what you described there. let me start by asking you. does the fbi have any suspicions about why the bombs were planted the night before the president's rally and the electoral college vote? do we have any more information as to the timing of this? >> well, i can tell that you the former head of the capitol police, steven sund who stepped down, thinks the pipe bombs were planted as a diversion. they were not discovered until the next day. until just before 1:00, about the time the rioters were starting to head for the capitol. and he believes they were planted there to be a diversion. it did draw a lot of police away from the capitol to respond to the two reports of pipe bombs outside the headquarters of the republican and democratic national committees. but that in itself raises a question. if they were planted the night before, why weren't they discovered for something like 12 or 19 hours later in the afternoon? they were planted the night before why. did it take so long for them to be found? and as the fbi has said, they were viable devices. they had a one-hour timer on them. why didn't they go off? were they intended to go off the night before or some other time? we just don't know the answers to those questions. >> that was the second question about how they were supposed to go off. was there any reason to believe that given the way that it works with cell phones and cell phones pinging off towers, based on this individual's movements around the town, is there any digital foot print or tracing of interest to the fbi? have they commented on that? >> not that i know of. no. >> pete williams live in d.c. thanks for the update only breaking news. and the new details in the search for the pipe bomb suspect colonels as members of congress learn more about upgrades to the u.s. capitol and as they vote for the covid relief bill. joining us to talk about it, democratic congresswoman mad , madeleine dean. congresswoman, thank you for your time. i want to start with security at the u.s. capitol. you attended one of general honore's briefings on security improvements. what did you take away from that briefing? >> thank you for having me on. i did attend the 8:00 p.m. briefing. it's a bipartisan briefing. they had done three throughout the course of the day. and general honore, along with an entire school of generals and experts, presented their five weeks worth of findings. and number one, i want to compliment them on the way they dug in and took with such seriousness and solemnness their undertaking. but also to note that it was a five-week study. there's much more to be learned. they were very clear in a number of recommendations. number one. we need more personnel, capitol police need more people. men and women to serve. number two, our infrastructure needs enhancement. whether it is the hardening of doors or portals. the fencing. what will ultimately be done with fencing. we need to keep the capitol open and welcome but we have to keep it safe. number three. very clearly, we need to invest much more in intelligence. in intelligence folks within the department in order to make sure the communications are clear and are very well understood. and a fourth thing that i thought was very interesting. final authority has to be with someone. it needs to be not with a board where you have as one of them that, a debate society when a crisis hits. it needs to rest in somebody who can make the call, to call in the national guard, to call in the extra bodies to help. so they said we need to invest. i think they're absolutely right. we need to secure the capitol. not just for members and staff and visitors. >> can i zero in on that for a moment? that's the issue of the security around the capitol. many of the colleagues want the fencing that is up to be taken down. do you support that based on what you've learned since january 6th? do you believe it is possible to both secure the capitol and ensure public access to the people's house? >> i understand that wish. but i think we don't take it down until we have it secured. they've talked about a different type of fencing. certainly the removal of the fencing and the razor wire will be a welcome subtraction, i'll say. but not until we have adequate security. so they have another interim time of fencing that they are planning. and then an infrastructure, a device that would literally drop into the ground. so i think it would be premature to take it down unless we have the other interim security in place. >> as you've probably seen the list of suspects and individuals involved, one that was notable was the state department aide, an individual who served during the trump administration, who actually had top secret security clearance. he was there on the capitol grounds on january 6th. he is now charged with attacking police officers. federico klein, i believe his name is. were you surprised to hear about that? >> no. i think i was shocked by all of it. i was there in the capitol on january 6th. it is still mind-numbing that this all took place. just today with the per i had the chance to meet the office here sadly was tased by americans. was unconscious. suffered a heart attack. he is the father of four daughters. so we had the chance to meet with him. he was stunned by the hand to hand combat. americans against police officers. so the whole thing is stunning. that is someone who was within the administration was a part of it is not surprising because this president incited it. no wonder that someone who was working within the administration would be a part of it. they, too, were radicalized by the former president. >> congresswoman, before i let you go, i would like to switch gears and talk about covid. the house expected to vote tomorrow on the covid relief bill that came out of the senate. no republicans in either chamber supported it. did democrats have the votes to get it across the finish line? >> i'm confident we do. and that's a stunning statement. i hope when we see this on the floor, tonight or tomorrow, some republicans will come across and say, absolutely we have to send relief to the american people. we have a pandemic. the worst pandemic in a century. 500,000 people are dead. and we still have sadly more who will die. but we are on the cusp of the vaccine fully being rolled out. the ability to save lives. but we have to send dollars for those shots to be in arms. we have to send dollars so people have checks. this bill is so progressive and so smartly progressive because what it will do is it will cut child poverty in half. it is the kind of investment that government must make and it is smart investment. it is not a giveaway. it is an investment in our economy. every dollar we will spend in this bill will return to our economy $1.25. and we're extending it to the right places. we're sending it to low and middle income folks. if you want to take a look at two different administrations, i think the contrast is so stunningly clear. what was trump's big accomplishment? a $2 trillion tax cut for the wealthiest of wealthy. what will biden's big accomplishment be so early on? it is this budget that really shows his values, our values, that we want to send the money where it will make the greatest difference, which will make the greatest difference to our entire economy. >> all right. thank you. so for your time. i greatly appreciate your insights. with a robust legislative agenda ahead, president biden appears unwilling to embrace reforms to the senate filibuster. >> he was in the senate 36 years. his preference is not to make changes to the filibuster. he wants to leave the door open to bipartisan work. people may say that's naive or they may be frustrated. he feels he is only 40 days into his administration and he wants the door to be open so republicans and democrats can work together on legislation moving forward. >> the president's reluck attention puts him at odds with some democrats in congress and civil rights leaders. joining me, great to have you both with me. yamiche, i'll start with you. looking ahead to the voting rights act which would face tough odds in the senate with the filibuster intact. what happens if the white house can't get it through senate? >> that's a great question. it is the question on the minds of so many democrats as you're starting to see this shift toward some sort of rule that would allow democrats to get around the filibuster, even for specific legislation. so look no further than the democratic house with jim clyburn who was influential and critical to president biden winning the presidency. emif democrats want to hold on to the majority, they have to find a way around the filibuster for civil rights and voting rights. let's remember that republicans are fast at work in the states, creating laws to curtail american voting. they saw democrats make the most gains and that's how president biden won the presidency. so the white house will have to contend with this. this is a tough area. even to see senator joe manchin on sunday on "meet the press" saying he might be open to some sort of rule. especially the democratic base, they don't want to be held hostage by the republicans when they're in the minority. so right now, the white house is sticking to its stance against moving on the if i will buster and not having any rules change. this is something we should watch closely because the president is at odds. >> joe manchin, as well as what we heard from jen psaki, this is a man who spent decades in the senate. he is also a man who promised bold change and bold legislative agenda when he came into office. you reported about the president's reverence for the senate. was senator joe manchin trying to send the president a message by saying he was open to filibuster reform and has that had an impact on biden's position? >> every day the white house is asked if the president is changing his views on the filibuster and just about every day, their answer has been exactly the same. even after senator joe manchin seemed to open the door, that his opinion has not changed. and there are two reasons. two things to think about as we have this conversation. one is that president biden is much more of an institutionalist than an idealog. yes, he has 36 years in the senate. i asked about this on the campaign trail. he said that he would be very reluctant to do it. because he pointed to things that democrats were able to block in the trump administration in the senate by having the votes to have a filibuster at the time. as things that they should be mindful of before making the changes. they. the other part is political. for joe biden, president biden now, it is very important for him to keep his campaign promises and one is to try to bring the country together. the white house is very much aware of what would be seen by the public, especially how republicans would react if so early into his administration he would call for abolishing the filibuster just because it is blocking his legislation. joe manchin, first of all, appears to already be walking back some of his comments about reforming the if i will buster in comments to a political reporter this afternoon. i spoke to a leading progressive lawmaker about this. and she said joe biden to her view is much more somebody who, as i said earlier, not an idealog but will respond to public pressure. if they can illustrate there's support for undoing rules, maybe he would get there. if joe manchin does follow through on this and shows he's willing to make changes, i think biden would get will as well. >> yamiche, last week the white house said there is no crisis at the border. we heard it again from jen psaki a few minutes ago. she referred to it as a challenge. in particular, this was about the reporting of children being held at the border. i want to play for you what my colleague said today. watch. >> i do agree with the president that it is not a crisis yet. it is something that we are dealing with. and we have procedures in place to help. we're trying to do it in a different manner. >> at this point, is this a crisis at the border? >> i don't think we need to sit here and put new labels on what we have already conveyed is challenging. >> why are they so reluctant to call this a crisis? i mean, you understand the thinking inside the white house better than i do. how long can the white house keep saying this isn't a crisis? >> it is hard to say how long they'll keep doing it. the reason they don't want to call it a crisis. that's the exact same words that republicans are using as they describe what they see as president biden, an inability to deal with issues and challenges at the border. that's why they don't want to use the same words. the number of unaccompanied minors at the border have tripled. you're seeing 42% of kids being held past the time they're supposed to by law. so there is a real problem. a logistical problem when you have children, younger at times than 13 being held in facilities that in some cases are like jails and definitely not made to hold children. >> all right. thank you both. right now, jury selection is underway in the murder trial for former police officer derek chauvin. we'll head live to minneapolis for the latest on that. first, last season red sox pitcher was side lined by a heart condition after battling covid. this season he could be the starting pitcher on opening day. what a new study is telling us. next on msnbc. s telling us next on msnbc. dad! no shoes in the house. our son says, since tide antibacterial fabric spray kills 99.9% of bacteria. just to be sure. he wants us to spray everything every time we walk into the door. it's just to be sure. just to be sure! i thought you just sprayed those. ma, it's just to be sure. see, he takes after my side of the family. for every just to be sure, it's got to be tide antibacterial fabric spray. visible is wireless that doesn't play games. it's powered by verizon for as little as $25 a month. but it gets crazier. bring a friend every month and get every month for $5. boom! 12 months of $5 wireless. visible, wireless that gets better with friends. i'll be observing your safe-driving abilities. play your cards right, and you could be in for a tasty discount. 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(announcer) find out more at that's there was a time when this represented the future. but this, this is the future. the future of communicating of hearing and connecting with life. and this, is eargo. no appointments no waiting no hassles. and they are practically invisible in your ear. now you see it. now you don't. if you have hearing loss now is the time to do something about it. if you're an active or retired federal employee you can get eargo at no cost to you. don't miss out. the u.s. saw a second day with less than 50,000 new coronavirus cases and less than 1,000 deaths recorded. the white house is rejecting a report that politics factored into the new cdc guidelines for vaccinated people. in march, a decision not to include guidelines for travel. >> that was a determination made by the cdc. it wasn't driven by or directed by the white house. and as rochelle, dr. welinski has said, it is just a first step. rhode island's newly sworn in governor will implement a new plan to vaccinate all k-12 teachers. he said the state will partner with municipal leaders in cities and towns emphasizing childcare and in-person learning are essential services. meanwhile, in southern states, vaccine appointments are going unfilled. while cvs appointments were booked within an hour in 20 states last week, slots were available all day in alabama, south carolina, and louisiana. this week, red sox manager alex cora said left-hander rodrigo rodriguez is a favorite for the opening day pitching slot. despite the 27-year-old missing the entire 2020 season when he suffered from mio carditis, or hard information after battling covid-19. meanwhile, a new peer review studied with the largest sample size yet finds his condition is fairly rare. the study published by the journal of american medical association found that just five of 789 pro athletes who had covid showed evidence of a similar heart affliction before the 0.6%. joining us now is the co-author of that study, dr. jonathan, also a team cardiologist for the nfl's falcons. talk to us about this. what do we know about how the virus impacts the human heart. >> first, thanks for having me. as it relate to the study that you referenced, i'll look at the leaders of that study. what it showed, this was the largest registry of athletes published today. these are professional athletes. we saw a few things. number one, the majority of athletes presented with very mild course of disease. and what we found was as you mentioned, a very low prevalence of mio carditis. what this tells us is that the majority of athletes that we're seeing are not having this dreaded complication. what it enforces is that what we need to focus in on are symptoms. with myocarditis, patient there's present with chest tightness, shortness of breath, fever, of course, and these are the individuals who warn more intense screening and investigations. those athletes who are asymptomatic or who have mild course of infection probably don't need the course of screening that we initially recommended when the pandemic first began. >> yeah. so here we are, a year into it. we've had a few professional seasons go by. certainly the nfl most notably, last year the nba as well, and other sports. what did this study look for in terms of red flags, and did the approach change as we got further into the pandemic? >> actually, until now, what we've had is a very broad approach. screening any athlete, and of course, these are your professional athletes. at the collegiate level who tested positive for the disease. these included asymptomatic cases as well. intense screening investigations with an ultra sound to the heart called an echocardiogram. a blood test that looks for heart injury, and an electrocardiogram. with that initial bat rif tests, that can lead to more investigations. at this stage we're still collecting the data. this is the first one, a really important study. highlighting that really we should be focusing on those who had more concerning symptoms, consistent with myo carditis which is really how we approached it prior to covid. the athletes as you mentioned in the particular study, that were ultimately found to have it, had more suggestive symptoms, versus the one who were asymptomatic and had the very mild course of the disease. those are the ones who probably don't need to be screened they just need to take the time off, the self-isolation and then a gradual return to exercise, looking for returning symptoms. >> all right. thank you. so for joining us on this important study. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> as more people get vaccinated and we begin to consider what the new normal may look like in the u.s., iceland is one country already ahead of the curve. the nation is becoming a test case for what travel could look like in a post pandemic world. joining me from munich, germany. she spoke with them. what did you learn that could bed my with elsewhere? >> reporter: hey, it was such an interesting case study. they've managed to keep these dagss strain of covid out while at the same time keeping their borders open. and they just announced they are unveiling vaccine passports for citizens. we decided we needed to find out how they were doing it so we went there to look. it's the first stop for all travelers arriving in this stunningly beautiful country. >> so just landed in iceland. its passport control and then straight to the pcr test. >> reporter: a covid pcr test required at the airport. and another test five days later. port of iceland's highly effective response to the pandemic. keeping dangerous new variants out so far while still keeping borders open. and now iceland is the first to introduce vaccine passports for citizens. >> you need to open up the borders in some way. we have been trying to do that in a scientific way. >> reporter: as dr. fauci warns americans about the risks of relaxing the rules too soon, iceland is open for business including gyms, restaurants and hair slonls. leading the country's widely praised efforts, one of the youngest female leaders in the world. >> it is also so important that there are women making decisions. >> reporter: the 45-year-old prime minister who told us keeping kids in school was key to her. >> this was the first thing that we said we will try to keep them as open as possible. >> reporter: you were also thinking about the effect on. we not just on children but on women. >> absolutely. on gender equality. >> reporter: the country has advantages battling covid. a small population and relative isolation. the success helped lure this person who lives here. >> i feel so much safer in iceland. >> reporter: what could be a hopeful glimpse. future. >> reporter: now, iceland isn't a model for the entire world. what works there won't necessarily work somewhere else. but the big takeaways here are two things. science and transparency. public leaders being honest about what they know and what they don't know that that's what the world can learn from the icelandic model. hopefully it is a little taste that some of us who are vaccinated might be able to experience this summer. >> how fast did you get your pcr results after you arrived at the airport? i assume that would be an important factor in all of this. >> reporter: so the interesting thing is they tell you, it is a 12-hour window. we got ours back really quickly. four hours. but you need two pcr tests in iceland five days apart and you have to quarantine in a hotel in between the first and the second test. that's a real key part of the policy. >> absolutely. live for us in germany. thank you. in a stunning new report, a record number of unaccompanied migrant children are being housed at the border. and jury selection in the trial of former police officer derek chauvin is now underway. the latest from the courtroom, next. oom, next has to settle for less than the very best. because only verizon gives you 5g from america's most reliable network at no extra cost. and more of the entertainment you love like apple music. and the beautiful iphone 12 on us when you buy one. only from verizon. you may have many reasons for waiting to go to your doctor right now. but if you're experiencing leg pain, swelling, or redness, don't wait to see your doctor. these could be symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot which could travel to your lungs and lead to a pulmonary embolism. which could cause chest pain or discomfort, or difficulty breathing—and be deadly. your symptoms could mean something serious, so this is no time to wait. talk to a doctor right away, by phone, online, or in-person. you can't plan for your period's... talk to a doctor right away, what the gush moments. but the right pad can. only always ultra thins have rapiddry technology and, they absorb 40% faster. the gush happens fast. that's why always absorbs faster. guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. in minneapolis, jury selection is underway in the trial of derek chauvin, the former police officer charged in the murder of george floyd. meantime an appeals court is weighing whether to reinstate a third degree murder charge against chauvin. joining me now, my guests. a criminal defense attorney and managing principal at midwin charles and associates. bring us up to speed on what's happening in the courtroom today. >> reporter: so far, six potential jurors have been questioned in just the past few minutes. we learned that the second juror has been part of that panel. has passed through and will be one of the jurors who will see. they're trying to hit four jurors and four alternates. you get a sense of how this works. each side, the prosecution and the defense, get to ask questions about what the potential jury knows about the case. what are their views on black lives matter or their contacts with law enforcement. sometimes that can lead to some clashes. listen to a little of what happened earlier today. >> i draw the parallel between juror number four who is hispanic, and juror number two, who is self-identified as caucasian or white. their answers with almost to these questions raised by defense counsel are markedly similar if not the same. one result in a peremptory strike and the other does not. >> the difference between this particular juror and the prior juror is that the prior juror had not watched the video. he had limited his intentional exposure. he had no pre conceived opinions whatsoever. >> reporter: the judge came in and approved of the strike that happened. said there was race neutral reasoning form. you get a sense of how contentious it can be. >> i want to ask but that third degree murder charge. the penaltying third degree murder charge. how unusual is it for jury selection to begin without fully knowing the charges that the defendant will face? could that be a factor in how you strike some jurors out of the process or not? >> well, it could be an argument that's available to the defense, or even the prosecutor, really, because the whole process of doing this jury selection is picking the jury that you want. if you're on the prosecution's side, you want a jury who is going to look at all the facts. going to look at all the evidence and come up with a decision at the end of the trial. the defense wants that, too. but the defense is looking for specific people who have empathy and so on and so forth. so you basically are trying to put your case together. and you want to put it together based upon the charges that you have to present to the jury. right now there are only two. second-degree unintentional murder and second-degree manslaughter. if there's an additional charge, there are additional elements of that crime that you have to meet during the trial. the problem with not selecting a jury knowing the full lay of the land ahead of time is very difficult. it very difficult. >> so let's zero in on that. the impact of what that third degree murder charge could have on the trial. if you're talking about a threshold that has to be met for that third degree murder charge, from your legal expertise, what would it be? >> well, the reason why the judge particularly said that he was not going to allow this charge is because he didn't see that the facts were there to support it. one of the concerns with the third degree charge, it involves someone acting in a manner that is depraved without regard for life. for example, someone taking their car and driving through a crowd of people. you don't necessarily intend to kill anybody but your actions are depraved and you do not consider the life of the people around you. the thing with this particular case is, derek chauvin kneeled on george floyd's neck. he was not acting in a way or the judge didn't think it applied to this particular case because you're talking about one individual. you're not talking about someone in a manner that is completely reckless that could affect others. at least that's the judge's perspective. >> all right. thank you both. breaking news from the u.k. this hour, buckingham palace released a statement on behalf of the queen in response to harry and meghan markle's interview saying the whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for harry and meghan. the issues raised particularly that of race are concerning. while some recollections, they will be addressed by the family privately. harry, meghan and archie will always be much loved family members. meghan markle critic is leaving good morning britain following a series of comments he made about the duchess of sussex. now the communications regulator is investigating the show after morgan's commentary sparked 41,000 complaints. earlier today, morgan stormed off the set after being criticized by his co-worker for his remarks. on monday, he said among other things, he didn't believe a word markle told oprah winfrey in that bombshell interview. you're watching msnbc. you're watching msnbc. h! ok. i'! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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>> reporter: specific when i regard to the children, absolutely. press secretary jen psaki is absolutely right that the children that are in these border patrol stations right now, in crowded health and human services shelters, are there in such large numbers because under president trump, they were not even allowed into the country at the end of his presidency. they were kept on the other side of that border right there under title 42. it was a public health regulation that is still in place to this day, i might add, for everybody but children who are remaining on the other side of the children to ostensibly stop the spread of covid. public health experts that that was a ridiculous thing. the biden administration kept in it place except for the kids coming in. and because of the capacity, especially the health and human services shelters where kids are given access to child welfare professionals, it hasn't increased substantially over the trump presidency. you are seeing this back up today. they have promised fair, safe and orderly immigration. it will take long time to get to that point given the practices and facilities that we're left with. >> so i expect approaching full capacity very quickly. what has the biden administration said about how they plan to shelter the growing number of unaccompanied children? >> reporter: well, one way, is co-locating. health and human services professionals, child welfare professionals down here on the border in border patrol stations. basically, cut short the amount of time it takes to get from the border jails into the shelters, the health and human services locations. they want to get them to the family member in the interior of the country quickly. whether it is a apparently or an aunt or a cousin. those family members. the other way they said they hope to stop the overcrowding is to deal with the issues in home country. whether it is climate change, food insecurity, malnutrition, corruption, danger and violence. that will be a. longer term project than dealing with the overcrowding at the border. >> another reminder. thank you. up next, a political battle unfolding in georgia right now as republicans in state government move to limit voting. can governor kemp actually sign them into law? you're watching msnbc. w? you're watching msnbc. them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? 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