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the capitol. then they say he wanted a ground crew to open fire on survivors. 26-year-old res want fur daz has a degree in physics, now facing terrorism charges. here is more from brian todd. >> he dealt with undercover fbi agents who were posing as al qaeda operatives. he believed he was dealing with al qaeda operatives. according to a law enforcement official, no indications he had any serious connections to foreign terrorist groups. >> officials say furdas never posted a danger to the public because the operatives kept such close contact. u.s. military experts are weighing in on iran's plan to send navy ships off the east coast of the united states. the white house and the pentagon have both been pretty dismissive of iran's plan. just hours away from day three of the michael jackson death trial. day two was filled with gripping testimony from jackson employees and his inner circle. they talk about what they saw and heard the day the pop star died. here is what the jury heard from jackson's security guard. he's describing a very nervous dr. conrad murray. >> when you came around to the far side of the bed, what was conrad murray doing? >> he appeared to be administering cpr. he appeared very nervous. he was on his side. he was sweating. >> at that time did you see michael jackson's face and his full body? >> yes. >> and what did you observe about his face at that time? >> that his eyes were open and his mouth was slightly open. >> did he appear to be dead? >> yes. >> two paramedics who responded to a delayed call for help at michael jackson's house are lined up to testify today. so is the singer's chef. if everything goes according to plan, the house will pass a short-term spending bill this morning to keep the government running at least for the next eight days. they'll hold a more formal vote next week on a spending measure that will last through mid november. the vote comes after senators compromised on a potential deal breaker, extra money for disaster relief funding. alabama's governor says his state has the toughest immigration law in the entire country. the justice department sued to block that law. a federal judge in birmingham upheld much of it including the part that requires police to determine the immigration status of a person they think is in the country illegally. the judge temporarily blocked other parts of the law including a ban on illegal immigrants looking for work. >> i ask our legislature to pass strong effective legislation related to immigration, and they did this. and i signed it into law, and we intend to enforce it. >> the law brought out protesters at the university of alabama in tuscaloosa. governor robert bentley is ready to talked the blocked parts of the law all the way to the supreme court. before you toss some ground beef in your morning omelet, tyson fresh meat is recalling more than 130,000 pounds of it because it might be contaminated with e. coli. a family in hiohio got sick aft eating the meat. >> any flight issues this morning? >> the same issues we've been dealing with for the past week. but there are changes in the offing. here is a look at the expected delays that see this afternoon and this morning actually. new york metro, all of them, d.c. metros, all of them. boston, philly. i'm a little out of sorts after last night. missed some games. this shift, carol, if you're a baseball fan, last night was one, we should have taken the day off today. couple of fronts that are passing through and finally going to shake up this weather pattern. it's been bringing a lot of rainfall to the east coast. with this change, we'll get rid of some of the flooding issues. central new york, sullivan county and off towards the hudson valley, near hunter, flash flood warnings out this morning. watching still posted in some cases through saturday. could see two to three inches of rainfall on top of what we've already san jose seen. daytime highs will be on the toasty side. 74 in new york. 66 in minneapolis. temperatures this weekend, carol, in some cases will struggle to get into the 60s for daytime highs across the northeast, and some spots in the south will see temperatures maybe dip down into the 40s. i want to take briefly about d.c. for two days they've been trying to repel down the washington monument for engineers to check out the damage done by the earthquake in august. for two days thunderstorms have not allowed them to do that. they'll try again today. there's still a threat for thunderstorms in the forecast, although not as numerous as the past couple days. maybe they'll be able to get that done. important work at an important spot after a rare event in august. still hard to believe there was an earthquake -- >> i know what you mean about baseball. aren't you a yankees fan? >> i am. it was neat to watch all that unfold. >> that boston was kicked out of the play-offs? >> probably the one time i didn't mind cam pa bay coming back from a seven-run deficit. >> my tigers play your yankees. >> we're not scared, carol. >> we're not either. justin verlander again cc sabathia? are you kidding? politics the big headline for the late night comedians. here is your punch line. >> the obama administration decided -- they were talking before, but they decided that the photos of osama bin laden taik en after his death must be kept from public view, then they said the same thing about nancy grace's nip slip. >> here he is arriving on friday. here he is leaving yesterday morning. show that. it got tagged. come on. how did they get to the plane? >> on the gop side of things, republican presidential hopeful remember main cain won the florida straw poll on saturday soundly beetding rick perry. now you have cain and someone who is not able. >> oh, god. that was bad. we're finding out more about what's really going on inside the now bankrupt plant solyndra, singing robots. one of the headlines making tech headlines today. here is the quote of the day. african-americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, end quote. in 90 seconds we'll show you which presidential candidate said that. it's eight minutes past the hour. your new progresso rich & hearty steak burger soup. [ dad ] i love this new soup. it's his two favorite things in one... burgers and soup. did you hear him honey? burgers and soup. love you. they're cute. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy, beautiful hair, try nourish plus haircare. only from aveeno. aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyyy! [ beatboxing ] ♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there are things major medical doesn't do. aflac! pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ even helps pay deductibles, so cover your back, get... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ] ten minutes past the hour. back to our quote of the day. quote, african-americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, end quote. republican presidential candidate her main cain said that to our own wolf blitzer on "the situation room." he went on to say african-americans don't even consider that point of view. time for a check on what's making news, tech news, i should say. let's head to hong kong and kristie lu stout. so solyndra, singing robots and disney tunes. that's just weird. >> i know. let's put the links all together. solyndra is a failed solar panel maker that filed for bro techs earlier this month. bloomberg has details about where some of the money went. the company had this massive 300,000 square foot facility. one former worker compared it to the taj mahal. it cost some $733 million, including proceeds from a half billion dollar u.s. loan guarantee. >> taxpayers are even ang agreer this morning. let's talk about a new energy idea that's about to become reality in london. this sounds cool. >> it is, pretty brilliant. these floor tiles created by a young inventor. they capture kinetic energy with footsteps and convert it to electricity. this is how they work. they flex just millimeters when stepped on. it captured kinetic energy either stored in batteries or converted into 2.1 watts of electricity. the center of the style lights up when stepped upon. it's kind of like michael jackson's "billy jean" video, all in the name of eco awareness. >> kristie lu stout, many thanks to you as usual. florida is talking about moving up its presidential primary. i mean way up. that could mean chaos on the calendar this winter. we'll talk about that in our political ticker. that's coming up. it's 12 minutes past the hour. [ dog barks ] [ birds chirping ] ♪ [ mechanical breathing ] [ engine turns over ] ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new volkswagen passat. a new force in the midsize category. ♪ your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! late night comedians poked fun at governor chris christie's an tight last night. wouldn't you know it? >> chris christie as you'll see here is almost impossible to budge. >> if you run for president, i will give you this bucket of chicken, extra crispy. >> okay. >> really? [ applause ] >> i love you, chris christie. >> thank you. >> he thought he could get away with something, this governor christie. take a look at this. >> it is defined by how we deal with our own problems. it is determined in large measure by how we set an example for the world. we tend to still understand foreign policy as something designed by of firms in the state department. >> recent studies show a typical voting machine can be hacked by anyone with an eighth grade science education. so the good news is no one in america will be hacking our voting machines. >> poor chris christie. that's is just mean. let's talk more about politics. yes, we must. time for our political ticker with team farley, host of "morning briefing" on sirius potus radio. >> a little tired this morning after repelling up the washington monument. never catch me up there. >> me neither. florida could move its presidential primary to january 31st, several weeks earlier than usual. one florida lawmaker explains why the state needs to be closer to the top of the primary chain. >> we have all these early primary dates really in small states and states that are not diverse in fop lags. it's time for a big state, populated state and a minority-represented state to be represented in making up of who is going to be the nominee for the republican party. >> tim, some people say this will cause absolute chaos. >> well, it could. all the states have until saturday to submit to the republican national committee their proposals for their dates. iowa and new hampshire will be first and second regardless. even in new hampshire it's a law. we may be moving it up to january 2nd. in 2008 it was january 3rd. the question of relevancy for florida, though, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. the penalty if they move it up is to lose half the delegates. let's note also that florida is the place where republicans will hold their convention in tampa. the chairman of the republican national committee has a difficult path to navigate. it's not just florida. several other states are itching to move of. add to that the fact that republicans are using the idea of proportional representation in the early primaries. so the influence of early primary states is a little in question right now. still, we have until saturday. we'll see what kind of chaos may or may not rule. >> okay. let's say it all happens. who benefits if florida goes early? >> i think mitt romney. he's the one with the ground game and the money. people like, for example, michele bachmann whose numbers have been dropping, she is someone who opened form an early win or a good showing f. you have a good showing in iowa and have to turn around three or four days later to go to new hampshire. then you have south carolina and nevada and then you have to deal with florida which is a huge media market, it's going to be tough. the people with the ground game like mitt romney, he's the one that stands to benefit the most. >> interesting. let's talk about the house of representatives. the hoults meets at 11:00 a.m. eastern to pass that resolution to fund the government only through october 4th though. do you think there's any chance for more drama? >> i think they will have it passed in the time it took you to introduce me for that story because this is going to be simply unanimous consent vote. there could be some drama. let's look at what happened in baseball last night. god does have a sense of humor, does he not? i think what we're talking about is walking in, making the vote and they'll wait until next week to act on the rest of the bill. still one congressman could decide if he wanted to be the lone person to responsible for shutting down the government and could object. >> it's not really very smart to mess around with fema or funds for people in need of disaster relief? >> fema needs the money and no one wants to see the government shut down. >> tim farley, host of "morning briefing" on sirius potus. a warning to americans. a saudi arabia -- be on the lookout for kidnappers. today is poisoned blackberries day, stemming from a legend in scotland about the devil poisoning all the blackberries in the land. you might want to steer clear of throwing a landful in your bowl of cereal this morning. just saying. it's 19 past the hour. hlandful l of cereal this morning. just saying. it's 19 past the hour. andful in of cereal this morning. just saying. it's 19 past the hour. life insurance companies treat you like a policy, not a person. instead of getting to know you they simply assign you a number. aviva is here to change all that. we're bringing humanity back to insurance and putting people before policies. aviva life insurance and annuities. we are building insurance around you. borrowed technology from ferrari to develop its suspension system? or what if we told you that ferrari borrowed technology from cadillac to develop its suspension system? magnetic ride control -- pioneered by cadillac, perfected in the 556-horsepower cts-v. we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse, who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a 5-dollar coupon. [ guy ] ring, ring. progresso... i love your new loaded potato with bacon. that's what we like to hear. ring, ring. progresso... ...switch our phone service?, i think we're pretty happy with our phones. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. it is 22 minutes past the hour. this is your a.m. wake-up call. here are three things to put on your radar today. the trial against michael jackson's doctor. today we expect to hear testimony from the first paramedics to arrive at jackson's home. we'll also hear from his chef. the cdc is warning consumers to throw out cantaloups if they don't know where they came from. so far 13 people have died and more than 70 have been sick from consuming bacteria-tainted can't lopes. the canned lopes were grown at jensen's farms in colorado. the u.s. embassy in saudi ar rake wa is issuing warnings to be aware of kidnappers. let's head live to london and check in with zain verjee. what more do we know about this threat? >> i was just looking at the emergency message that was put out there for u.s. citizens? saudi arabia because of this report that terrorists could want to kidnap american citizens. it says you have to exercise prudence and enhanced security awareness at all times. in terms of specification information, there really isn't that much. all we know from u.s. officials is that the information was credible and the threat was credible. but they're not being specific about any of the intelligence that has brought them to make this warning. it's in a message often put out by any embassy in any country in the world. >> speaking of saudi arabia. recently they sentenced a woman driver to ten lashings. but we hear the sentence has been revoked. >> yeah. total u turn here. apparently the saudi king himself, king abdullah weighed in and reversed it. the woman who was out driving as a form of protest because women in saudi arabia are not allowed to drive was arrested, questioned and sent back home in a taxi, but sentenced to get these ten lashes. the top man in the country weighed in and it's been reversed. there has been a campaign for women who go out to drive, just to make the point they should have the right to do that. king abdullah has been a pretty reformist guy since he's been there since 2005, pushing an agenda of muslim rights. there's a whole muslim establishment he has to navigate around. lucky for this woman, and there are more, that want to continue driving. we'll see what happens. >> does this mean that these women who are out there protesting and driving regardless of the consequences are having some influence? >> yeah. well, they're making their point. they have them pushing for reforms over a number of years, and things have been in the pipeline. they got the vote just a short while ago, just a few days ago and the right to stand in local government elections, too. that was a really big deal. the driving part, it's not so much that it's the law in saudi arabia. but it's the wahaby interpretation of islamic law. they say this is what needs to happen from a religious point of view and they're trying to fight that. >> interesting. zain verjee live in london, thanks so much. the tsa has found a whole lot of weapons at airports this year. you won't believe how many guns they've seized. we'll tell you that after a break. it's 26 minutes past. in here, anarchy meets order. working with at&t, doctors set up a broadband solution to handle data and a mobility app to stay connected with their business. so they can run the office... even when they're not in the office. it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. call at&t and see what we can do for your business. whoa. helping you do what you do... even better. whoa. how do you top great vacations? whoa. getting twice the points on great vacations. whoa! use chase sapphire preferred and now get two times the points on travel, and two times the points on dining and no foreign transaction fees. whoa! chase sapphire preferred. a card of a different color. apply now at and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. good morning to you. it is thursday, september 29th. this is your a.m. wake-up call. i'm carol costello joining you live from new york this morning. it's about 30 minutes past the hour. get ready for day three of the conrad murray trial. two paramedics and michael jackson's chef will testify today. yesterday the jury heard from the singer's personal assistant. he said he was concerned about dr. murray's behavior after jackson was pronounced dead at the hospital. >> he said that there's some cream in michael's room or house -- i believe room, that he wouldn't want the world to know about. and he requested i or someone else give him a ride back. >> to get the cream so the world wouldn't know about it? >> yes, sir. >> the prosecution says murray wanted to retrieve evidence of his medical misconduct, misconduct that led to jackson's death. >> cnn's don lemon is covering the trial. don, a lot of emotional testimony about that day in 2009. >> reporter: absolutely. the first day most of the emotion came from really -- really from the family and the people in the courtroom. they were just shocked when they saw the images of michael jackson on a gurney and shocked to hear his slurred speech. but then to hear the people who were closest to michael jackson when he died, his security, his chief of security who testified yesterday, to hear about the moments surrounding his death and also his personal assistant, to hear that the children were standing there. paris was balled up watching and just doubled over crying. and also prince, the son was red-faced watching this. what people are not saying about this, what they didn't say in court is some people testified, even conrad murray's own attorney says that michael jackson had a urine catheter on and was laying there. his eyes were open and his mouth was half open. imagine, carol, his children seeing all of that during the moment of his death. >> and it appeared that dr. murray wasn't performing cpr the proper way? wasn't he having trouble doing that? >> yes, there have been several people who have said and fahim muhammad said when he arrived he had to get permission to go upstairs from michael jackson's assistant by telephone. he said absolutely. he goes up and he said he observes conrad murray, a phone in one land and with one other hand he's trying to administer cpr to michael jackson. he said it appeared he didn't really know how to do cpr. it's interesting that a cardiologist, a cardiologist, carol, nonetheless, would not know how to do cpr. it's very challenging for the defense, of course innocent until proven guilty. but by all accounts from the experts who have been on this network and our sister network hln say it's going to be a tough battle for the defense. at this point if we're marking a score card, it would appear the prosecution is winning. the family feels that way. >> the defense hasn't presented its case yet. so we'll hold off on that for just a second. dr. murray's demeanor, he was very emotional in court day before yesterday. i wondered if it changed. >> he was very emotional. i told you i had an encounter with him in the hallways. he would walk through and people would say murderer, murderer as he walked by. yesterday it was really a marked change. he would walk through the courtroom. he'd smile, look people in the eye and say how are you? when he'd walk in and out of the courtroom and walk in the hallway, i think someone must have said hey, you have to change and portray a more positive attitude. there was a marked difference in his behavior and tude yesterday. >> interesting. don lemon reporting live from los angeles. thanks. a suspicious truck in tucson forces evacuations. the area was under extra alert because of the loughner case. investigators found ammunition but no bombs. several buildings were evacuated and streets were shut down. officials say better safe than sorry. >> even if it turns out to be nothing, the bottom line is it's done for your protection. police did find the driver who cooperated. he has not been charged with any crime. pistols, knives and grenades all found in airport baggage in the past week alone. the tsa says it has found more than 800 guns in carry-ons so far this year. the number one excuse, "i forgot that was in my bag". you know the reeboks toning shoes to help you get fit? it turns out the shoes don't work. if you bought them, you could get a refund. we'll have details in 60 seconds. it's 34 minutes past the hour. ug at a gas station? well it still takes gas to go farther. but you're not getting gas. true. not this time. uh, don't have to gas up very often. so you have to go to the bathroom? no. yes you do. thought these were electric? yes, it's a uh, a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? you know the reebokses that claim to help shape and tone your back side? the ftc says they don't and that reeboks's advertising was deceptive. so the government is making rebach pay up big time, $25 million. if you bought the easy tone and run tone shoes, you can ask for a refund on the ftc website, that's more than 80 goldman employees, ceo lloyd blankfein's age, education, recent addresses and legal cases were all published. goldman sachs declined to comment on any of the leaks. the hackers say they sympathize with the "occupy wall street" movement which calls for 25,000 people to flood lower manhattan to protest the power of financial firms. peanut butter and gelry, you can blame prices on a peanut shortage. extreme weather has made peanuts harder to grow. farmers chose to plant cotton instead of peanuts to bring in more cash. remember main cain says he knows why african-americans vote for democrats. it's because they've been brainwashed. we'll talk more about that in our political ticker. before we go, today's "get smart" question. according to a new survey by "travel and leisure" magazine, what is the top tourist attraction in the world? here are your choices. a, times square, b, washington, d.c.'s union station or c, the las vegas strip. it's 37 minutes past the hour. b. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! ♪ ♪ three, six, nine ♪ the goose drank wine ♪ the monkey chew tobacco on the streetcar line ♪ ♪ ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand ♪ pat it on your partner's hand ♪ ♪ right hand ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand ♪ cross it with your left arm ♪ pat your partner's left palm ♪ clap, pat, clap your hand, pat your partner's right palm ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new beetle. it's back. ♪ clap, slap, clap your hands with two children and no way to support them. people told me i wasn't going to do anything. and i just decided i have more to offer than that. i put myself through nursing school, and then i decided to go get a doctorate degree. university of phoenix gave me the knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. my name is dr. kimberly horton. i manage a network of over a thousand nurses, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at it is 39 minutes past the hour. this is your a.m. wake-up call. what is the top tourist attraction in the world? a., times square. b, washington, d.c.'s union station. c, las vegas strip. the answer is a, times square. the rest of the top five from travel and leisure magazine. two is central park, three is washington, d.c.'s union station, number four is the las vegas strip and number five, niagara falls. now for time for political ticker. let's bring in cnn political reporter peter hamby. good morning, peter. >> good morning. >> we want to talk about the conversation between herman cain and wolf blitzer. >> why is the republican party basically poison for so many african-americans? >> because many african-americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. i have received some of that same vitriol simply because i am running for the republican nomination as a conservative. it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple. >> now, you can imagine many african-americans probably don't find herman cain's comments comforting. what does he think, you can deprogram african-american voters and get them to vote conservative? >> yeah, he thinks that. the problem for him is that for half a century african-american voters have been purely democratic. another problem for herman cain, he might not be the republican nominee. he's doing well in the polling right now. thanks in part to some of the blunt talk like you just heard there. but at the end of the day, do republicans treat him as viable? can he raise more money than mitt romney, texas governor rick perry, the two front-runners. so, yeah, herman cain thinks black people can vote for a republican in the general election, perhaps hispanic voters. you're going to hear arguments from republicans that in a tough economy african-americans, hispanic, college students, traditionally democratic constituents, they care about taxes and jobs and these sort of things. but at the end of the day, the republican party is going to be a hard sell for some of these folks who have been in the democratic camp for such a long time, carol. >> although i will say there is something to peer pressure when it comes to voting. i can remember doing stories during the 2008 election and talking to african-american voters, some of whom were for hillary clinton in the primary. once their african-american friends found out, they sort of pressured them into voting for barack obama. >> that's an interesting point actually. i do remember that in the early days of the campaign, there were a lot of people who were loyal to the clintons. it took a lot of work from the obama campaign to swing a lot of those people into their camp. but, again, that was inside a democratic primary that seemed a little more reasonable than what cain is saying, that african-american voters would completely switch parties and vote for a republican, even if it's herman cain, i don't see that happening in this election cycle. >> peter hamby joining us live this morning. thank you. september can be a cruel month. just ask the atlanta braves or the boston red sox. atlanta saw an 8 1/2 game lead go down the drain. their season officially ended when they blew a 3-2 lead against the phillies. lanes lost 4-3 in 13 innings. in stead of the braves in the postseason, lit be the st. louis cardinals. they beat houston 8-0. september was even more cruel for the boston red sox and their fans. they saw a nine-game wildcard lead go poof. their season ended when they gave up two runs in the ninth. they lost -- look at the orioles celebrating. the orioles beat the red sox 4-3. the red sox don't go to the play-offs. about the time boston's hopes finished imploding, tampa's wildcard dreams came through big time. they battled back to win 8-7 in 12 innings. the winning run was a home run from evan longoria. that's awesome. i hate the yankees. tens of thousands of pounds of ground beef yanked on e. coli fears. before we go, on this day in history, back in 1986 the sitcom "designing women" debuted on cbs. >> caught that baton and 12,000 people jumped for their feet for 16 1/2 minutes for uninterrupted thunderous ovation as flameless illuminated her tear-stained face. and that, marjory, just so you will know and your children will some day know is the night the lights went out in georgia. ♪ this is t kind ruck that has it all. ♪ gue thameans youan dit all. it's thevseason of doing now combine the all-star editn discount with oer offers for a tal value of $6,000. or quifieduys can get 0% apr for 60 mont plus $1,000 llan ll sileradmols. get to your evy aler and ghat truck today the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. good morning to you. it is thursday, september 29th. this is your a.m. wake-up call. i'm carol costello joining you live from new york. it is 48 minutes past the hour. a verdict could come as soon as saturday in the amanda knox trial before the court decides whether to free the 24-year-old american student or keep her locked up, knox will speak. let's head live to london and zain verjee. knox has been painted, what, as a she devil, as jessica rabbit, as a fem fatale. what does she have to say today? >> well, this is what's going to be interesting because amanda knox gets to address the court for one last time in defense of herself. that either is going to happen on friday or saturday and also raphaffaele sollecito will also able to address the court. quite frankly, there's a lot of anticipation for this verdict. this was an appeals case as she was sentenced and convicted for the murder of meredith kerr ch ever. there is a total media circus around this whole situation. it's not clear exactly what will happen some people say because of the questionable dna evidence that her defense says was ultimately unreliable, that she could walk or get a reduced sentence. but the prosecution also coming out punching. both sides today, carol, have been making their closing arguments. >> so when exactly will amanda knox speak? >> sorry, where will she be in. >> no when? when will she speak? >> sorry. it's expected either friday or saturday, after the closing arguments. >> gotcha. okay. let's talk about the u.s. coast guard. it's warning that narco subs could be the new hot trend in the drug smuggling world. >> yeah. this is another instance where narco sub has been found totally packed with cocaine. they're going under water, basically headed toward mexico. then they go over land to the united states. this narco sub was intercepted. there's a real fear this is going to be a new route and also using a different route in the caribbean sea to transport this kind of stuff. this is the second that has been found like this in the last few months. >> fascinating. zain verjee live in london. thanks so much. an alleged terror plot busted by an elaborate fbi sting. the feds say an american citizen planned to fly remote control planes into the pentagon and the capitol. then they wanted a ground crew to open fire on the survivors. 26-year-old rez want ferdaus has a degree in physics and is now facing terrorism charges. he allegedly thought he was working with a terrorism network to wage jihad. here is more from brian todd. >> he dealt with undercover fbi agents posing as al qaeda operatives. according to a law enforcement official we spoke with, no indications at this time that he had any serious connections to foreign terrorist groups. >> those fbi agents have been working on this case since january. officials say ferdaus never posed a danger to the public because those fbi operatives kept in close contact with him. u.s. military experts are weighing in on iran's reported plan to send navy ships off the coast of the united states the white house and the pentagon have been pretty dismissive of iran's plan. if everything goes according to plan, the house will pass a short-term spending bill this morning to keep the government running at least for the next eight days. they'll hold a more formal vote next week on spaending measure that will last until mid november. that vote comes after senators compromised on a potential deal breaker, extra money for fema. if you've got ground beef in your refrigerator, check it out. tyson fresh meat is recalling more than 130,000 pounds of ground beef because it might be contaminated with e. coli. the urktssda says a family in ohio got sick after eating the meat. it tested positive for the bacteria. let's head to atlanta to check in with rob marciano. the washington monument, they really want to check it out and get it fixed. but the weather in hindering things. >> they've been dodging weather. got um there yesterday a little bit. but they have three or four days where they'll scale down that magnificent structure. the brooef engineer has been repelling down the thing. here is the problem, the rain and thunderstorms have been rotating in off this stubborn circulation. we'll have better luck as we go through the next couple days. northern jersey, upstate new york. we've seen flash flood warnings the past few hours. heavy rain continues to fall. new york metro, we'll see delays. d.c. to a lesser extent. they'll probably have a chance to get up there again today. boston and philly as well. gusty winds across chicago and the western great lakes as the next cold front comes to shake things up. look at the rainfall across jersey, pennsylvania, upstate new york and obviously this comes on the heels of irene and lee. the ground is saturated. flash flood warnings and watches across eastern pennsylvania, almost all of new jersey, lower new york and the d.c. area as well. front number one, that hasn't moved for a week. front number two with all the cold and wind animations, that's going to shake things up over the weekend and finally break down this weather pattern. unusual event or unusual pictures. never seen this, never heard of it. but a two-faced cat, carol. it's -- this one is the oldest one. the owner is from worcester mass, she has two names for it, frankie and louie. i guess they're born fairly often and don't live too long. he's 12 years old. he's out of one mouth. he has three eyes, the middle one doesn't work. he walks on a leash like a dog. he gives the owner a lot of love. guinness book of world records, the longest living two-faced cat in history. >> thank you, rob. let's take a look at the word of the day, shall we? it's pre hypertension. find out what it means and why you need to know about it right after the break. it's five minutes till the top of the hour. two minutes till the top of the hour. this is your a.m. wake-up call. the word of the day, prehypertension. prehypertension is slightly elevated blood pressure that can likely turn into high blood pressure. you need to know this today because new research shows your risk of stroke is higher even if your blood pressure is up just slightly. you can read more about this study in the journal "neurology." let's head to the nasdaq market site and check in with joya das. >> the futures markets are pointing to hire open. part of the reason is because we're awaiting word on a german parliamentary vote to raise the eurozone debt ceiling, at least the bailout ceiling. >> let's look at what's making headlines on cnn this morning. >> the big money is the kindle fire, the worthy rival to the i hit the markets yesterday. they started

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Punch Line , Headline , Comedians , Cc Sabathia , Justin Verlander , Thing , Death , Osama Bin Laden Taik En , View , Photos , Nancy Grace , Plane , Nip Slip , Come On , Herman Cain , Someone , Florida , Things , Republican , Rick Perry , Straw Poll , Beetding , Solyndra , God , Plant , Making Tech Headlines Today , Quote , Candidate , African Americans , End Quote , Singing Robots , 90 , Soup , Burgers , Dad , Hearty Steak Burger Soup , Progresso Rich , Announcer , Progresso , Skin , Health , Oatmeal Formula , Life , Moisture , Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion , Don T Just Moisturize , 24 , Moisturizer , Improvement , Hair , Try Nourish Plus Haircare , 2 , Beatboxing , Doctor , Ain T , Doesn T , Aveeno , Aflac , Boyyyy , Something , Cash , Families , Safety Net , Pay Deductibles , Back , Fret , A , Ten , Wolf Blitzer , Cts V We Don T , Tech News , Let , Point Of View , Check , Situation Room , Hong Kong , Robots , Kristie Lu Stout , Disney Tunes , Solar Panel , Details , Maker , Company , Bro Techs , Bloomberg , Square Foot Facility , 300000 , Worker , Proceeds , Taj Mahal , 33 Million , 733 Million , Talk , Idea , London , Guarantee , Energy , Taxpayers , Reality , Floor Tiles , Sounds Cool , Kinetic Energy , Electricity , Inventor , Footsteps , Kind , Center , All In The Name Of Eco Awareness , Batteries , Style , Video , Billy Jean , 2 1 , Primary , Chaos , Thanks , Ticker , Winter , Calendar , Birds Chirping , Dog Barks , 12 , Breathing , Engine , Force , Category , Volkswagen Passat , Doctors , Nutrition , Feet , Needs , Brand , On The Road , Recovery , Four , Strength , Muscle Health , Protein , Immune System , Balance , Preserve , Thirteen , Charge , Chris Christie , Late Night Comedians Poked Fun , Extra Crispy , President , Chicken , Wouldn T , Applause , I Love You , World , Example , Measure , Foreign Policy , Problems , Science Education , Firms , Voting Machine , Voting Machines , Studies , Anyone , Morning Briefing , Team Farley , Sirius , Potus , Chain , Lawmaker , 31 , January 31st , States , It S Time , Nominee , Fop Lags , People , Tim Farley , Republican National Committee , Question , Proposals , Relevancy , Iowa , New Hampshire , 2008 , January 2nd , 3 , January 3rd , Republicans , Penalty , Place , Note , Delegates , Add , Convention , Chairman , Tampa , Path , Fact , Influence , Primaries , Proportional Representation , Form , Mitt Romney , Ground Game , Showing , Whose , Numbers , Win , Michele Bachmann , Media Market , South Carolina , Nevada , Chance , Most , Drama , Resolution , October 4th , 00 , 4 , 11 , Consent , Story , Humor , Sense , Congressman , Rest , Bill , People In Need , Fema , Funds , Disaster Relief , Saudi Arabia , Warning , Kidnappers , Wants , Lookout , Land , Blackberries , Devil , Legend , Scotland , Cereal , Life Insurance Companies , Bowl , Throwing A Landful , Hlandful L , Andful , 19 , Policy , Number , Policies , Insurance , Humanity , Aviva , Annuities , Aviva Life Insurance , Technology , Ferrari , Suspension System , Ride Control , Cadillac , Cars , 556 , Soreness , Armies , Thugs , Snowmen Masseuse , Polar Bear , Who , Ring , Coupon , Physical Therapists , Potato , Bacon , Phone Service , Bengay , Cold Therapy , Guy , 5 , Phones , Wake Up Call , Home , Trial , Radar , 22 , Cdc , Consumers , Cantaloups , Can T Lopes , 70 , 13 , Embassy , Warnings , Saudi Ar Rake Wa , Jensen S Farms In Colorado , Canned Lopes , Emergency Message , Zain Verjee , Citizens , Times , Terrorists , Report , Terms , Security Awareness , Specification Information , Prudence , Isn T , Many , Intelligence , Information , Sentence , Woman Driver , Message , Lashings , Women , Woman , King Abdullah , Protest , Oman , Lashes , Taxi , Point , Campaign , Drive , Rights , Agenda , Reformist , Muslim , 2005 , More , Driving , Establishment , Consequences , Reforms , Pipeline , Driving Part , Elections , Deal , Law In Saudi Arabia , Tsa , Live In London , Interpretation Of Islamic Law , Wahaby , Break , Guns , Weapons , Anarchy Meets , At T , Office , Business , Network , Mobility App , Broadband Solution , Possibilities , Data , Points , Vacations , Call At T , Card , Travel , Color , Transaction Fees , Dining , Chase Sapphire , Chase Sapphire Preferred , Cholesterol , Wrong Didn T , Chasesapphire Com Preferred , Yummy , Goats , Taste , Grain , Honey Nut Cheerios , New York , September 29th , Conrad Murray Trial , 29 , 30 , Thursday September 29th , Personal Assistant , Behavior , Hospital , Cream , Room , He Wouldn T , Misconduct , Prosecution , Evidence , Sir , Led , Bride , Courtroom , Reporter , Cnn , Emotion , Don Lemon , 2009 , Security , Chief , Images , Slurred Speech , Gurney , Children , Son , Prince , Paris , Court , Urine Catheter , Attorney , Murray Wasn T Performing Cpr , Imagine , Wasn T , Permission , Upstairs , Trouble , Hand , Assistant , Phone , Telephone , Defense , Cardiologist , Course , Experts , Score Card , Network Hln , Battle , Accounts , Sister , Second , Defense Hasn T , Case , Demeanor , Murderer , Hallways , Encounter , Hallway , Eye , Truck , Difference , Forces , Attitude , Tude , Evacuations , Don Lemon Reporting , Los Angeles , Tucson , Area , Streets , Investigators , Safe , Loughner , Ammunition , Bombs , Buildings , Bottom Line , Driver , Protection , Pistols , Nothing , Crime , Grenades , Knives , Airport Baggage , Number One , Sons , Excuse , Bag , Reeboks Toning Shoes , 800 , Refund , Ug , Shoes Don T Work , 34 , Gas Station , Gas , Bathroom , Uh , True , Don T Have , Thought , Chevy Volt , Reebokses , Shape , Big Time , Ftc , Back Side , Tone , Advertising , Reeboks , Tone Shoes , Rebach , 5 Million , 25 Million , Lloyd Blankfein , Website , 80 , Movement , Published , Education , Addresses , Leaks , Occupy Wall Street , Hackers , Lower Manhattan , Goldman Sachs , 25000 , Peanuts , Weather , Peanut Shortage , Prices , Peanut Butter , Power , Gelry , Farmers , Cotton , Democrats , Tourist Attraction , Magazine , Survey , Travel And Leisure , Get Smart , Union Station , Times Square , Las Vegas Strip , Choices , B Three Out , Tb , 37 , Streetcar Line Clap , Monkey Chew Tobacco , Nine , Six , Partner , Arm Pat , Hand Pat It , Hand Right Clap , Palm Clap , Palm , Hands , Beetle , Slap , Clap , Anything , Doctorate Degree , Knowledge , Lives , Nurses , My Name , University Of Phoenix , Nursing School , Kimberly Horton , A Thousand , Program , Phoenix , A , 39 , Five , Answer , Central Park , Travel And Leisure Magazine , Union Station C , Niagara Falls , Peter Hamby , Conversation , Vitriol , Conservative , Nomination , Comments , Pure And Simple , Voters , Problem , Polling , Texas , Election , Arguments , Front Runners , Constituents , College Students , Jobs , Taxes , Economy , Sell , The End Of Day , Hispanic , Voting , Camp , Folks , Peer Pressure , Stories , Friends , Hillary Clinton , Clintons , Parties , Saying , Happening , Election Cycle , I Don T , Red Sox , Game Lead , Atlanta Braves , Atlanta , 8 1 2 , Season , Louis Cardinals , Innings , Lit Be The St , Planes , Lead , Phillies , Stead , Drain , Postseason , 0 , 8 , Orioles , Go Poof , Fans , Runs , Ninth , September , Imploding , Wildcard Dreams , Hopes , 7 , Winning Run , Home Run , Evan Longoria , Tens Of Thousands , Fears , Sitcom , Designing Women , On Cbs , 1986 , Baton , Ovation , Marjory , 12000 , 16 1 2 , Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia , Oer , All Star , Thevseason , Tal Value , Gue Thameans Youan Dit , Editn , Discount , 6000 , 000 , Evy Aler , Quifieduys , White Meat Chicken , Apr , Chicken Noodle , Llan Ll Sileradmols , 1000 , Hockey Game Last Night , Pairs , Pj , Amanda Knox , Verdict , 48 , Student , She Devil , Jessica Rabbit , Fem Fatale , Anticipation , Raphaffaele Sollecito , Media Circus , Murder , Situation , Dna Evidence , Meredith Kerr Ch , Closing Arguments , Punching , U S Coast Guard , Trend , Subs , Gotcha , Cocaine , Instance , Narco Sub , Drug Smuggling World , Water , Mexico , Route , Fear , Stuff , Caribbean Sea , Terror Plot , Testing , Fascinating , Feds , Want Ferdaus , Terrorism , Jihad , Rez , Coast , Spaending , Urktssda , Refrigerator , Head , Dodging Weather , Bacteria , Ohio , Rob Marciano , Bit , Rain , Repelling , Structure , Brooef Engineer , Got Um , Upstate New York , Circulation , Heavy Rain , Luck , Northern Jersey , Winds , Jersey , Extent , Chicago , Eastern Pennsylvania , Cold Front , Great Lakes , Watches , Heels , Irene , Lee , Weekend , D C , Wind , Animations , Cold , New Jersey , Owner , Cat , Pictures , Worcester Mass , Names , Louie , Frankie , Guinness Book Of World Records , Dog , Leash , Love , Doesn T Work , Rob , Word , History , Hypertension , Take A Look , Blood Pressure , Prehypertension , Risk , Stroke , Research , Study , Journal , Neurology , Market Site , Nasdaq , Joya Das , Futures Markets , Debt Ceiling , Reason , Hire Open , German , Model Airplane , Rays , Terror , Submarines , Cos , Roller Coaster Night In Baseball , Tell Lowell , Caribbean , Sudd All Of A Sudden , Bailout Ceiling , Big Money , Rival , Kindle Fire , Markets Yesterday ,

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