Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20120412 :

CNNW CNN Newsroom April 12, 2012

through indianapolis on august 13th as the country duo sugar land was about to perform. seven people died. dozens were injured and today's report should tell us who and what is to blame for that rigging to give way. we're also going to hear from the country stars. they will finally answer questions about that fateful day. we'll have a live report later in the hour. trayvon martin's mom is now calling what happened to her son an accident. listen to what she said on the "today" show. >> one of the things that i still believe in a person should apologize when they are actually remorseful for what they've done. i believe it was an accident. i believe that it just got out of control and he couldn't turn the clock back. >> and in just a couple of hour, george zimmerman will face a judge for killing trayvon martin, charged now with second degree murder. he turned himself in yesterday. after his first two lawyers quit, it's now up to this man. >> i did think that that was the certainly the highest charge i ever thought they would charge. it seemed like it might be a manslaughter, but again, i don't want to prejudge something. let that come out the way it's supposed to. >> zimmerman's hearing will take place at 1:30 eastern time. we'll bring you live coverage when it happens. an oil sheen ten miles long and a mile wide is floating in the gulf of mexico. it's situated about 130 miles southeast of new orleans between two of the royal dutch shells drilling rigs. the company says there's no indication either is responsible for that oil spill, so that leaves the question, who is? a special skimming vessel is on its way to set boons and start clegting that oil. the sort of scandal that ended john edwards' political career starts playing out in court today. jury selection is getting underway. he's facing six felony and misdemeanor counts relating to the alleged misuse of campaign cash during the 2008 presidential campaign. one issue sure to come up, whether money given to his mistress by edwards' supporters were considered donations. he could face up to 30 years in prison. hunter is expected to take the stand. connecticut will soon become the 17th state to abandon the delt penalty. state senate approved a measure last week. the governor, a democrat, said he'll sign the bill into law. he told me why he thinks it should be outlawed. >> there are in number of reason, not the least of which is research that demonstrates many people have been put to death improperly in the united states. and that there are distinlgt racial biases in the use of excuses. >> only one person has been executed in connecticut since 1976. all eyes on north korea as the first opportunity for pyonyang to launch its rocket. they're ready to shoot it down if it enters japanese air space. they say it's necessary to put a weather satellite in orbit, but the u.s. and other countries believe it's just a cover for a ballistic missile test. syrians woke up to a sound they haven't heard in a long time. silence, for the most part. the cease fire appears to be taking hold. he says he's encouraged. instead, you're going to find protests like this one, in which the people promised not the break the peace. the government reports a terrorist bomb that killed one person and wounded two dozen. a shil hit a market in homs. the condition of the cease fire in minutes, live update from ivan watson. >> she's being called argentina's miracle baby. she is now in stable condition in intensetive care, but when she was born three months premature, doctors pronounced her dead. her body was put in a coffin and sent to the morgue, but at night when the grief stricken mother went to take a look at her for the very last time, she says a miracle happened. she found her alive. >> she touched her little hand. she then uncovered her face and that's when we heard the first cry. >> unbelievable. her parents, of course, are naming her luz milagros. spanish for light and miracles. can fusion and panic, that's what you can hear in the newly released 911 tape from the night whitney houston died. the guard tells the dispatcher that another woman in the room called for help, but was quote, pretty much out of it. >> she was not breathing? >> yes. >> but she is breathing right now? >> i don't know. the first person that called me was i rate and didn't get much out of here. >> we'll send police and fire over. does it sound like the person is still not breathing? >> that's correct. is anyone in the room doing cpr? >> we're going in now. >> can you give me the room? >> no, because she kept hanging up on us. >> houston's assistant found her face down in the tub. police closed the investigation saying her death was an accidental drowning. george zimmerman charged with murder. the uphill battle facing the prosecution and defense in a live whereupon date, next. but first, the texas community joining together to lift up one brave little kid battling cancer. her name is libby server. just two weeks ago, the first grader was happy and healthy. but a low grade fever sent her to the doctor. a week later, she was in the hospital for kidney and heart surgery. her friends and neighbors welcomed her home with this parade. she also spent the day at her school. although she starts chemo therapy this week. all of her friends and family who organized this parade, you are today's rock stars. ♪ every time a local business opens its doors or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business, it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in new credit to small businesses across the country last year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. got the mirrors all adjusted? 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>> now, it's up to this man to defend george zimmerman. straight to martin savidge who is outside the jail. what's expected to happen at today's hearing? >> reporter: this is what they call first appearance. a fairly routine kind of procedure. it will take place inside a classroom located in the corrections facility and zimmerman will be the first of a number of arraignments today. the judge is going to read the charge against him, which is second degree murder with a weapon and then on top of that, could get 25 years to life if he were to be found guilty. it's expected he's going to enter a plea of not guilty. the judge will be some place else. it will be a video link that links to two together. >> how difficult do you think this is going to be? as you talk to your sources and all the lawyers involved, you know, to prove second degree murder? >> reporter: it's going to be tough. many people were surprised first of all by the seriousness of the charge. i don't want to say it was overreaching, but some have mentioned that. manslaughter, we've discussed this before, was the one most thought was going to be the original charge, so this is a tougher charge. it's got a potentially tougher punishment as a result and proving it is going to be hard and we're a long away way from that. you're going to have to see if he comes out on bond, but then there is going to be whether there is a hearing that determined whether or not the stand your ground law applies. so, we're a long away way from this getting to a trial and there's a lot that could change it. >> what about security for zimmerman? there's been talk about him possibly being in an isolated area. >> right. his attorney said this morning he is isolated for the time being. whether it will continue to be that way, we don't know. the attorney wants to get him out on bond. one for his mental well being and two, i think he wants to start working on their defense. when he comes out, there is going to be the issue of safety, so will there be a protective custody? will he go into hiding? all of this is being talked about because there are real serious concerns for his safety. >> how is the community reacting? >> reporter: i'm sorry. repeat that one more time? >> how's the community reacting? protesters have been gathered outside the course, around the homes. what's the response be there to this? >> reporter: you know, it's kind of a muted response cht i mean, those that wanted to see and were demanding they see justice, an arrest, are pleased, but not celebrating. those that support zimmerman and believe he acted in self-defense are not pleased. overall in the community, i guess you could say there is a sigh of relief only because it is hope that as a result of the legal process now engaging, that a lot of the rhetoric and emotions will begin to dissipate somewhat. >> martin savidge in sanford, florida. thanks so much. so, in light of everything that's happened in just a past 24 hours and a lot has. let's get more perspective from paul. s he was charged with second degree murder. were you expecting this? >> no, i was surprised. i think most people have looked at this case thought that the prosecutor would charge manslaughter. the thought was this wasn't a planned or intentional murder, but the prosecutor has charged a subsection of murder that theer etically believes applies. she's taking a tough, tough approach right out of the box in charging such a serious crime. >> do you think she overcharged zimmerman? >> you could argue she's made a difficult case for herself in front of a jury pause she has to prove that this wasn't negligent or wreckless killing, however, prosecutors do this all the time because sometimes, they think they're going to get a plea. if he's looking at life, if he goes to trial, maybe if he pleads to manslaughter, maybe he gets a lesser sentence. this is not unusual for a prosecutor to slightly overcharge a case nin order to try to get a plea. >> what do you think his strategy should be in the courtroom? >> he has been very timid almost in his approach. usually in these particularly the high profile cases, defense attorney comes out says my client is innocent. it's an outrage he's been charged. his press conference, he says i have great respect for the prosecutor, i don't know what the evidence is. maybe she had a good reason for char charging murder. this is an unusual approach. obviously, he's made a decision in which to bring the temperature down in the case and i think one of the things he's planning is to focus on what we call the immunity hearing or stand your grand hearing where he's going to convince a judge to toss the case on the grounds that zimmerman acted in sel self-defense. i think he's probably trying to stay in good with the judge by lowering the temperature. >> even listening to his interview, he said i've got a lot of things to go over. catch up on the evidence. how quickly, look at how much there is. facts and details. that has gotten international publicity. how fast can he move without missing any kind of important, you know, fact or detail? >> well, the one thing he has in hand is he's met with zimmerman and i would presume that if zimmerman acted in self-defense, that he knows it's going to be the defense in the case, so there's no mystery there, so i'm a little surprised he just didn't come out of the box and say this is a self-defense case and we're going to defend aggressively. however, with respect to your question, we don't know how extensive the prosecutor's investigation has been. how many people did she interview. what forensic evidence is there. for instance, i haven't seen anything about whether trayvon martin had powder burns on his shirt or chest if he was in close proximity in a fight, that would be there. that would be an important piece of evidence. that's the example of a piece of evidence we don't know anything about nor presumably does the defense attorney. there's a learning curve here and it's going to take a little while for him to get up to speed. >> thanks so much. only scattered gunfire reported today in syria. is the u.n. cease fire trying to take hold? ivan watson live from the board, next. the cease fire in syria appears to be holding, but it's a minute by minute situation. for example, this video coming in from homs shows a shell landing in a neighborhood just after stopping the violence cht it fits a familiar pattern. the government also reports a terrorist bombing that killed an officer and wounded 24 people. ivan watson is live in turkey. key player this this crisis. so explain where you are now. >> reporter: well, i'm in front of one of the refugee camps on the turkish, syrian border wrrks some of the 25,000 refugees who have fled to turkey to escape their own government are currently liveing in tents like this and just to give you a sense of location, right over here, almost more than a stone's throw away, there's a border fence there of barbed wire and that is the syrian border. people have climbed through that fence to escape their country. there's a little guard tower, a turkish border guard tower nearby and we've watched some refugees today just crawling through holes in the fence going back and forth to do things like forge for herbs for oregano in the hills right there and we know that some of the residents here are actually volunteer fighters who told us they've come from the ref gee camps. >> so, ivan, just to bring it back to al assad, how do you think this is all going to play out? we saw what happened with gadhafi. this is in many ways, very different dynamic. you know, can he top this out with his army? >> reporter: well, it is very difficult. different. because in the libyan case, you had a number of high ranking defections. you had the second largest city in the country fall into the opposition hands immediately. we don't have a major city like that that's gone into rebel hands. you don't have high level defections and you don't have western governments offering assistance in the form of a bombing campaign. instead, here, you've got desperate civilians who fled their country. they have maintained protests now for more than a year after the deaths of more than 9,000 people. they are increasingly trying to arm the opposition. today's peace plan and relative cease fire where we've seen the quietest day in syria in months, really, going from more than 100 people killed a day to now perhaps three to five people killed. that's a remarkable change. it is a big test on whether it's possible at all to hammer some kind of political transition in the future. i do know the opposition and many western governments do not trust that al assad and his government will stick with this cease fire plan. >> thanks. remember these chilling pictures of an irs building on fire after a plane flew directly into it? that pilot, joe stack, intentionally cashed that plane. two years later, his wife is speaking out. i sat down with her to talk about life before and after her husband's suicide attack. part of my interview, next. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: slow ] [ sighs ] [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make brady miss his favorite part of the day. ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barking ] [ whines ] that's why there's beneful playful life, made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day. beneful. play. it's good for you. who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. 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