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good morning, we're happy you're with us this morning. welcome to "early start", i'm zoraida sambolin. >> we're bringing you the news a to z, get it? big story in d.c., roger clemens to be judged by a different group of people, baseball writers, the men and women who choose the hall of famers after he was acquitted on all of the charges in his perjury trial yesterday. the rocket denying all along he ever used performance enhancing drugs. yesterday his attorney insisted again that his legendary pitching career is not tainted. >> i hope those in the public that made up their mind before there was a trial will now back up and entertain the possibility of what he has always said, using steroid and hgh is cheating and totally contrary to his entire career. >> joe johns is live in washington and so, joe, long fight, four years, millions spent. big investigation. big prosecution and i suppose a big headline today a bad two weeks for the doj, first john edwards and now this. >> it has been a bad month for the justice department or month or what have you. the roger clemens case, this was referred to the justice department by a congressional committee on capitol hill after he testified in a deposition and a hearing and denied the use of performance enhancing drugs. so this thing was sort of handed to the justice department and they kind of had to do it just the same. it's been a long road for roger clemens. let's listen to what he had to say after his acquittal in federal court in d.c. >> really all you media guys that know me and followed my career, -- [ applause ] i put a lot of hard work into that career and so again, i appreciate my teammates that came in and all of the e-mails and phone calls. >> so why did this case break down for the government? there are a lot of reasons but two very quick reasons, number one, the star witness, brian mcnamee, really had his credibility dismantled on the stand. and the defense also had a very effective retort when it came to the key evidence against clemens, they said the evidence was a pile of garbage, which it sort of was, it was syringes and medical waste that had been stuffed down and crushed up miller lite can and kept for seven years. the jury didn't buy it. i don't know anybody should go to prison on evidence like that. >> those thinking, hold on a second, congress? wasn't this about steroids. this was a lying issue, not a steroid using issue. does roger clemens, anywhere down the line, now that this part is cleared, does he face prosecution for the use of steroids at any point? >> it is a schedule iii drug, controlled by the dea, nonetheless, you have to assume that would be a double jeopardy question. i don't think so. i don't think that the government wants to bark back up this tree. the big question is sort of the jury of his peers and that has to do with stuff like the hall of fame and whether he's going to get in. he comes up eligible next year is a long with, you know, a couple of other people, including sammy sosa, for example. so some people have said this question about performance enhancing drugs is best left to the sport to handle and keep it out of the courts because here in america right now, we have questions about bankers walking away with billions of dollars that they weren't supposed to have. and so many people have asked me, why in the world did the government go down this road when this country has so many other problems. >> maybe those jurors were asking the very same thing, mr. johns, right? >> thank you. >> joe johns getting up early on this one. thanks so much. a quick addendaddendum, if you recognize the lawyer standing with roger clemens, you're college, that was anna nicole smith's lawyer as well. "starting point" will have an interview with rusty hardin and soledad will have a chance to speak with him about this case. it is five minutes past the hour. the child sex abuse trial of jerry sandusky could go to the jury by the end of the week. before that happens, nbc news reports prosecutors may introduce a potentially explosive unaired portion of an interview sandusky did with bob costas, listen for yourself as sandusky seems to all but admit seeking out young people for sex. >> so it's entirely possible you could have helped young boy a in some way that was not objectionable while horribly taking advantage of young boy b rs c, d and e? isn't that possible? >> you might think that, i don't know. in terms of my relationship with so many, many young people, i would guess that there are many young people who would come forward, many more young people, who would come forward and say that my methods and what i had done for them made a very positive impact on their life. i didn't go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that i've helped. there are many i didn't have -- i hardly had any contact with who i helped in many, many ways. >> the defense is expected to wrap up its case tomorrow afternoon. that will be followed by the prosecution's rebuttal, with closing arguments expected to begin thursday. a canadian porn star accused of killing and dismembering a university student is back in canada and expected to appear in court later today. luke magnotta returned on board a military plane. police say he mailed one of the victim's hands and one of his feet to canadian politicians. more homes are reduced to ash in colorado because of that stubborn high park fire. fire officials are confirming eight more homes are lost. that brings the total to 190 homes destroyed. crews had to fight the fire in record heat yesterday as well. calmer winds gave them a little reprieve there. close to 59,000 acres have been scorched and that fire is 50% contained. >> from control to anything but, another wildfire to tell you about, this one in north carolina. this one began with a controlled burn sadly to report then it swelled out of control consuming 11,000 acres. this fire is not contained. former rutgers student ravi is expected to be released from jail today. ravi served 20 days of a 30-day sentence after being convicted last month of using a web cam to spy on roommate tyler cle men ty having sex with another man in their dorm. ravi earned the early release for good behavior and work credit. when he gets out, immigration officials say they will not deport him to his native india. the u.s. and russia hitting a big chill when it comes to the topic of syria. meeting yesterday at the g-20 summit in mexico. face says it all, really. white house hoping that mr. putin would be on board with the plan to remove syrian president assad to end the slaughter of civilians in that country. instead president putin called on the syrian people to decide for themselves who will lead them. >> economic groom and doom at the g-20 summit, president obama and other world leaders turning up the heat on europe to solve its debt crisis. that is triggering a war of words saying european nations don't come to the g-20 to get lecture. today president obama will meet with hu jintao. the national average is $3.50 per gallon. a nerd arms race, a new battle is being waged in the war between microsoft and mac, microsoft getting back into the hardware business, unveiling a direct challenge to the ipad with its own surface tablet. this is video given to us by microsoft with pretty tight restrictions. it has nearly the same speks as the ipad, take a look. it's a little thinner, weighs a little more. has a larger screen and it has a kick stand. >> i like that. >> i do too. movie watching. >> no word on price yet, expect that it will be competitive. we're happy to try it out, aren't we ashleigh? >> movie watching is always the great thing. if you get a kick stand on your device -- by the way i want to clear up, i said anna nicole's attorney, she was in court against rusty hardin, it was actually howard marshall's attorney going up against in a cross-examination of anna nicole smith, that's why he got so many fame back then and now representing roger hardin. >> it clicked for you. >> it went head to head and made for an incredible courtroom moment. opposing attorney shall i say. >> the big question, we're not here, we're talking about the ipad, aren't we? >> we're going to talk about a reporter -- this reporter who had a microphone and couple of questions doing what he was supposed to be doing and things did not go very well, unfortunately. you have video you have to see to believe. it tells you why our business is so dangerous. it can get kind of ugly out this at times. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. dude you don't understand, this is my dad's car. look at the car! my dad's gonna kill me dude... [ male announcer ] the security of a 2012 iihs top safety pick. the volkswagen passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $209 a month. visit today. thor's couture gets the most rewards of any small business credit card. your boa! [ garth ] thor's small business earns double miles on every purchase, every day! ahh, the new fabrics, put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? the spiked heels are working. wait! [ garth ] great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? [ cheers and applause ] wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... 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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? uhuh yep uch let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. because we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice no. laugh... awe uch ooh, yeah hmm nice huh book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at it is 15 minutes past the hour. let's get you up to date with the top stories, the justice department goes down swinging in the pursuit of roger clemens. a federal jury acquitted clemens of all charges in his perjury trial. he was accused of lying to congress when he testified he never used performance enhancing drugs. an earlier attempt to convict clemens ended in a mistrial. an american member of nato's peace keeping force was killed and up to nine other people injured by attackers in afghan police uniforms. international security assistance forces saying after yesterday's attack, the three gunmen fled the area and are currently being sought. an interview in maine took an unexpected turn and ended with the reporter being choked and man fled the scene. a sign on display in a barn, the reporter became the subject of his own story when resident david houston grabbed him by the neck. >> hey -- >> hey! >> get out of my face! >> houston was arrested and charged with assault. the sign calling the president the n word and urging people to join the cue clux can was replaced. that is a louis vuitton. >> luxury label louis vuitton is finding itself legally the but of a joke after losing a lawsuit against the hangover part 2, after the film used a fake bag in that scene and the judge defended the whole thing as some funny before finding in favor of warner brothers. warner brothers is owned by our parent company time warner as a disclosure. people should get ready to sweat and pictures of a haboob in phoenix. i haven't seen one live yet but the pictures are incredible. >> they are. if you're waking up, haboob, that something alexandra said that is silly, no. this is a wall of dust in maricopa county, phoenix. for a haboob to develop, you need dusty terrain, a thunderstorm above it with an updraft, check, and a gust front which creates the winds. that's what we saw. so phoenix has some serious -- 108 degrees today, 111 expected through friday. 101 is the average. but temperatures should not be in the 100s elsewhere. and heat will be the big story zoraida. you can see mccook, nebraska, look at the records set yesterday from colorado to texas, above 100 for many. that axis of heat is pushing into the midwest and the northeast. so tonight about 7:00, is official start of summer, tomorrow is the first full day of summer and we're coming in with the warmest temperatures of the year. thus far in boston, 87. you'll make it into the 90s wednesday and thursday. new york, philadelphia, look at washington, d.c., 97 by thursday. the heat is on, the warmest thus far of the season and a perfect time for first day of summer. >> nice to hear, thank u. ma'am. 18 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. local news not even off the presses we're so early with this thing. rodney king's autopsy now complete but we're not going to find out the toxicology results for just a while. six to eight weeks before we find out whether anything was amiss in terms of drugs and alcohol. the l.a. times is reporting that one of king's neighbors says she heard a man sobbing in king's backyard just before a big splash. you know by now rodney king was found dead in his swimming pool later that day. >> the so-called soda ban catching on in brand-new cities. can you imagine that? >> really? cambridge, massachusetts, just outside of boston, is now considering one similar to the proposal here in new york city. that would impose a 16-ounce limit on sugary drinks sold in restaurant and movie theaters. cambridge's mayor says she is consulting the public health department before she decides the specifics there. may want to consult the people too. >> certainly was here for sure. do you think putting in your contact lenses is a pain -- >> i do. >> you wear contacts? >> yes. i can't stand it. >> neither can i obviously. imagine for an elephant trying to put in contact lenses. the zoo keepers might at the north carolina zoo, they are considering making king sized contacts for an elephant that is far sighted. a far sighted elephants. elephants had two cataract operations and the zoo is a long way from deciding whether to make the lenses happen. animal experts have not determined the health risks. but this is not the first time that an animal has some kind of eye issue with the experts -- i have a cousin who is an animal open that will molgs. really? >> how do they do it in the wild? they don't have to fend for their own food in the wild. >> head to our blog, >> remember the zune? it was microsoft's answer to the ipod. it didn't work but it's not -- >> that's why you don't remember. >> that's my excuse anyway. microsoft is unleashing another competition to the ipad. yeah. >> look at it. >> take a look see. like see? well, you're going to find out more about it in a moment. [ woman ] for the london olympic games, our town had a "brilliant" idea. support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the moist, chewy, deliciousness you desire. mmmm. thanks. at 90 calories, the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ minding your business, hello. 25 minutes past 5:00 a.m. on the east coast. spain's debt problems in focus on the markets today. u.s. stock futures trading mixed this morning so far so that means expect a volatile trading day ahead. the market closed mixed. the dow lost .2% and the nasdaq and s&p 500 both closed higher to start the week. felicia taylor is in for christine romans. you are talking about the tablet that we were chatting about. >> this is interesting, microsoft has come out with their own version, the surface. i think it's tarting our generation. this is what i like about this. they have this as you can see, it's a little pop-up stand and it has its own little key board which i love because it's like the blackberry. i'm a blackberry devotee, i have not switched to an ipad or iphone or any of those things. >> i'm going to tell you something about that. the ipad key board is the biggest pain in the butt. >> really? >> the auto completion and if you're a quick typist, it's a nightmare. >> i'm not a this girl. >> not a sweeper. >> not a sweeper, i'm a diaper. the price point we don't know. this is their version and they've never done this before. this is kind of targeting a little bit older generation, maybe. >> how so? what is it that's generating the older gener older generation. >> because the younger generation likes to do the sweep thing. >> all about the key board? >> in my opinion. i can't vouch that's what they are saying. >> i'm going to say because of the key board issues i would really want to try that thing. >> how affoportable? >> 10.6 versus the 9.7 on the ipad. same thing and there's no difference in that respect. it's the cover and the pad. >> looks pretty fancy. >> i do like that cover. >> there, you just sold it, different colors, come on, we're burying the lead. >> all right, girl. >> felicia taylor, thank you. the sneakers you will never see in stores. the new shoe design that some say evoked images of slavery. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪ fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. scroll... tap... pinch... and zoom... in your car. introducing the all-new cadillac xts with cue. ♪ don't worry. we haven't forgotten, you still like things to push. [ engine revs ] the all-new cadillac xts has arrived, and it's bringing the future forward. it's hard to see opportunity in today's challenging environment. unless you have the right perspective. bny mellon wealth management has the vision and experience to look beyond the obvious. we'll uncover opportunities, find hidden risk, and make success a reality. bny mellon wealth management welcome back. right now russian warship and cargo ship full of helicopters and missiles trying to get to syria and it's creating a tense situation between russia and the united states who in no way wants to help syria's president kill its own people. the exact location and how the u.s. is responding straight ahead. the world's tallest building is going to be built in 90 days. it sounds crazy but it's happening. that story coming up. that man right there, arsenio hall coming back to late night tv. we're going to hear from the funny man this hour on cnn. welcome back, everyone, to "early start." >> 32 minutes past the hour here. roger clemens, no longer an accused felon this morning. a jury finding him not guilty on all charges. holding back tears as he gave thanks on the steps of the courthouse. >> i put a lot of hard work into that career. and so i appreciate my teammates that came in and all the e-mails and phone calls. >> the rocket's first year of eligibility for the baseball hall of fame is next year. >> attorney general eric holder is trying to work out a deal to avoid being held in contempt of congress. he's meeting with his nemesis, california congressman darrel issa, from the botched anti-gun running operation known as fast and furious, he wants issa to postpone the scheduled vote. it may not be the second coming of the cold war but things are getting chilly between the united states and russia when it comes to syria. the body language says it all. president obama meeting with vladimir putin. hoping to get an agreement to end the slaughter of civilians. that did not happen. now we're finding out more about a russian cargo ship that was stopped yesterday by british authorities. cnn foreign affairs correspondent jill dougherty is live from washington this morning. what can you tell us about that russian cargo ship? >> zoraida, we have three ships that the u.s. is watching. the first is a cargoship and it's believed it is carrying helicopters, refurbished for the syrians, bringing them back to the syria, to the port of tar toos. the russians say it's an old contract, they are refurbishing and the u.s. said old or new the helicopters can kill people. then there are also reports of two other ships and alternately it's believed they are carrying some type much arm meants and potentially marines and those marines unclear what they are doing, perhaps protecting the cargo or bringing them into that port in syria. so both of those ships under watch by the united states. now, zoraida, i think it's important to point out, that base is not like a gigantic military base in the sense we think about it. it's really kind of a facility for water and fuel and things like that. but i think the symbolism here is important and also this confusion. for days we've been saying, where are the ships? what are they carrying? the russians are not making it clear at all. it could be according to russian experts, it could be deliberate in order to kind of send a message to the united states, watch out, if you think of military action, we're there. it could make your life a lot more complicated. that's the situation we're dealing with. >> i was reading, jill, that's a dill lap dated court. they really can't use it and often times they turn away ships that come to that port. >> yes, that's true. this is, it -- i've talked with people who have been there. it's small. it's not really in a physical sense anything major, but the symbolism is important and right now this is a very serious situation in syria. and you have both presidents talking with each other, don't forget just yesterday, monday, they were meeting in mexico at the g-20. and sitting down, you see the picture, face to face talking, not very happy looking faces. but talking about syria. in fact, a third of the conversation they had privately we're told was about syria. and you have one thing that they do agree on is that there has to be eventually political transition. and that means assad stepping aside but the russians are not going to go with any type of pushing him. they have long-term interests, the united states wants assad out as quickly as possible, of course. so there's no at this point no point that the russians are really going to apparently push him. they are very leery of what happened in libya and we remember what happened in libya, which was a military action mounted and eventually the leader gadhafi, taken out. >> so many people were hoping there would be a better outcome of that meeting. jill dougherty, thank you. soledad o'brien will look at the crisis in syria and rist between u.s. and russia and how to solve it when she's joined by john negroponte, the former u.s. ambassador to iraq. it is 37 minutes past 5:00, jamie dimon back in the spotlight on capitol hill. he will be facing a second round of questioning from congress about the bank's recent multibillion dollar trading loss. he's xpektded to continue to play down the blunder, calling it a isolated event. house committee will hear from the bank's regulators, taking heat for not detecting the risky trading before billions of dollars were lost. more than 3,000 people showing up at the state capitol in lansing, michigan, there to hear a prize winning playwright, recite the vagina monologues after brown used the word vagina while debating. those republicans banned brown from speaking at the statehouse the very next day. >> we all have the right to free speech. you don't have to agree with me but you don't have to be disrespectful and especially because i'm a woman. >> playright author joined that demonstration. adid as is responding to backlash over a controversial sneaker. look at this, it has shackles, saying it won't sell the shoe afterall and it has nothing to do with slavery. this was a facebook page for the round house. critical comments changed that. the shoe has been pulled as has the facebook page, adid as says the design is nothing more than the designer's outrageous and unique take on fashion and it has nothing to do with slavery. still, adidas apologized if people did find it offensive. china is planning to build the tallest building in the world and planning to do it in just three months. not a joke. a chinese company called bsb plans to build the skyscraper 2,750 feet high, they plan to do it in just 90 days. that's a 1/20th than it took to build the tallest building in dubai and planning to be 20 feet taller. how? a lot of the building will be constructed ahead of time. go figure. the company specializes in prefab construction. >> for the tallest building, really? >> they are build in a factory ahead of time and then brought to the construction side. >> something about that is not right. >> a little bit like lego assembled right there. >> a lego building. what do you know. >> i'm not walking into that building. 40 minutes past the hour. arsenio hall coming back to late night. >> i am returning to cbs to the exact place i did the arsenio hall show and doing the arsenio hall show again. >> almost 20 years after his late night show went off the air, hall made his comeback official on piers morgan tonight. hall credits filling in for piers with helping him get the gig. the interview with magic johnson got cbs's attention and winning the latest celebrity apprentice helped him as well. hall's new show will debut in the fall of 2013. >> i wonder if he's changed or how he'll be different 20 years later? >> it will be interesting to watch. >> i love him. >> i watched the interview with piers, it was interesting. even as a woman fights to live, she's canadian and she is winning a battle to die. you heard right. and you're going to hear from her in just a moment. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. it's your teenager's first varsity game. it isn't just your annual exam. it's your daughter's wedding. did you know with your health insurance you may now have some preventive benefits with no co-pays or out-of-pocket costs? it isn't just your cholesterol screening. it's all the tomorrows you're looking forward to. learn more at [ thunk ] sweet! [ male announcer ] the solid thunk of the door on the jetta. thanks, mister! [ meow ] [ male announcer ] another example of volkswagen quality. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 jetta for $159 a month. visit today. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! of single mile credit cards. battle speech right? may i? [ horse neighs ] for too long, people have settled for single miles. with the capital one venture card, you'll earn double miles on every purchase, every day! [ visigoths cheer ] hawaii, here we come. [ alec ] so sign up today for a venture card at and start earning double. [ all ] double miles! [ brays ] what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. 44 minutes past 5 dlk:00. a canadian women who is termi l terminally ill will be allowed to end her own life on her own terms. gloria taylor was granted an exception. he said forcing taylor to stay alive past the point when she is in terrible pain violates her rights. she has lou gehrig's disease and wants to avoid an excruciating death and describes the ruling at momentous. >> today screaming at the top of my lungs because the pain is so great i can't stand it is something i've tried not to think about. now thankful, i don't have to fear that kind of death. >> mitaylor says she's not done living at this point and hopes to stay that way for a long time. >> prosecutors say george zimmerman's jailhouse recordings prove he and his wife knew they were not broke. in the six just released calls they say he and his wife shellie spoke in code. he gave her instructions on how to change passwords and security questions and then move money around. prosecutors say he talked about peter pan, which they say was code for pay pal. prosecutors also say the zimmermans referred to 10 and 20 instead of saying 10,000 or $20,000. >> see if you can take $10 out today, another $10, less than $10 and put in her box there. >> in one conversation, zimmerman tells his wife to get three bullet proof vests, one for each of them and one for their lawyer. all 151 jailhouse recordings were going to be released but that was cut down to six after zimmerman's defense complained. in the recordings, there was no direct mention of trayvon martin or the charges. roger clemens is in the clear. a jury finding him not guilty in his perjury trial. he was accused of lying about his use of performance enhancing drugs to congress. the first eligible for the baseball hall of fame is next year. max page left the hospital after successful surgery. doesn't he look great? >> gosh he's cute. >> to correct a congenital heart defect. page, known for his starring role in the 2011 commercial for voekz wagen told reporters that he is feeling great. as for what's next for page, he says ease especially excited to have a milk shake. >> look how cute. >> look how well he looks, right. >> grabbing the mick. >> doesn't look like he went through heart surgery. >> incredible, ready to talk to the press. ready for the close-up. giving new meaning to the term takeout. look at an armed robber, police in harris county, texas, trying to find this guy. earlier this year, masked gunman jumped through a drivethrough window and robbed the clerk of $200. got away on foot, nobody hurt, but guess what, you're on video. and the police want to find you. now you're on cnn and everyone can see you. >> add that to the stupid criminal file. 48 minutes past the hour. runaway cows moofing across an interstate in illinois. four escaped a tractor-trailer hauling 65 cows when it hit another car and overturned. i'm saying aw because it has a saddenedi saddeneding. all four of them were shot and killed by officers who were worried about traffic safety. >> ultimately i think that's what their destiny was anyway, right, sad to see it happen that way. >> terrible. when president obama prepares for the upcoming debates, look at that matchup. the part of mitt romney will be played by none other than senator john kerry, white house confirming that senator kerry will mimic romney's speaking style and will answer questions the way romney will answer them because that's how debate preps go. the president will be totally prepared for the face to face showdowns and obviously john kerry knows a thing or two about the debates. astronauts due to board the international space station have decided to take competition to the highest level literally. they will be holding their own version of the olympics to celebrate the summer games. this is not the first time the olympics have gone slestial. they decrcreated skiing and fig skating and the luge while in orbit. >> the luge? >> so much of that requires gravity, i'm just saying, gravity is critical, it's adorable nonetheless. >> i always think of matt lauer and al roker when i think of the luge. >> i did a luge once. >> did you really? >> no, i did the bobsled, one of the most terrifying things. not fun. if anybody thinks it is fun, it is not fun. >> really? >> no, your head bangs against the side. they are athletes and strong sean stay in position. it is hair rowing. >> i'm not going to try it. >> maybe jack daniels famous tennessee whisky isn't from tennessee after all. we have details on a new discovery, very interesting coming up. if you're leaving the house right now, you can watch us any time on your mobile phone, which is kind of cool. when you get to where you're going on your desk top, namerica has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ time to look at what's trending on the web. hash tag awkward, ron an farrow, happy father's day or as they call it in my family, happy brother's in law day. hooked up with farrow's adopted daughter who is now his wife. we have the retweet he sent out, simply, boom. love that. so the legend of the liquor. it is becoming a little bit clear, but a welsh businessman has found the original recipe for jack daniels in a book of herbal remedies belonging to his grandma. mark evans was doing a little family research when he found the book and recipe written back in 1853, right around the same time that her brother-in-law moved from wales in the u.k. to lynchburg, tennessee, where the distillry was found three years later. the history the jack daniels is a mystery because the early records were destroyed in a fire. was this stuff really cooked up in wales? well, i like to call it the tennessee liquor, anyway, let's stick with that. mickey has pluto and mercury too. kralters on mercury look just like mickey mouse. this comes from orbit and shows a giant crater topped with two smaller impact ones and those of course, are the ears. >> that is so adorable. my kids are going to go bananas over this. they love space already and this is another reason to love space. >> nature. >> mickey. caught in the act, a brazen bandit defacing a picasso right there in full view of someone's camera phone. what you're saying? yeah, here you go. zoom on in. it's spray paint. you're going to find out how this ends in just a moment. ♪ oh! 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[ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice. former pitching great roger clemens, officially cleared of perjury charges. next up, another judgment by the hall of fame. we have the details in a live report. plus, a 6-year-old is arrested and detained by immigration officials. find out why straight ahead. and possibly one of the craziest pictures you will ever see. this is not doctored. it is a real x-ray, a teenager with a spear in the head. find out how this boy is doing and i'm going to tell you right now, those pictures belie how this story ended up. remarkable. >> isn't that something else? >> oh, my goodness, you have to stick around for this one, truly, it is a miracle. good morning, everyone, welcome to "early start." how about that for a start? i'm ashleigh banfield, nice to have you with us. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. it is 6:00 a.m. here in the east. up first, after two trials, eight weeks, 46 witnesses and an estimated 2 to $3 million, in your money, taxpayer money, roger clemens not guilty on all counts. he was acquitted on all charges yesterday. the rocket, as he's called, denying all along he ever used performance enhancing drugs as billion. clemens attorney insists his legendary pitching career is not tainted. >> i hope those in the public that made up their mind before there was a trial will now back up and entertain the possibility of what he has always said, using steroid and hgh is cheating and it was totally contrary to his entire career. >> joe johns is live in washington, d.c. for us. nice to see you, after four years, millions spent on this investigation, the government could not come up with a conviction here. they are calling it a blow to the justice department. why did this case fail? >> well, zoraida, this case was referred to the justice department for prosecution by a u.s. congressional committee. and they are the ones who initially decided that allegations about a baseball player lying about using steroids were so important that they needed to make a federal case about it. roger clemens was very emotional after he was acquitted last night. listen. >> and really all the -- all you media guys that know me and followed my career -- [ applause ] -- i put a lot of hard work into that career. and so again, i appreciate my teammates that came in and e-mails and phone calls. >> so big question this morning, the day after, why when the country has so many problems did the government spend millions of dollars prosecuting the case? that's going to be a question asked for a while. this was not a strong case when the prosecution got to trial. the main witness for the government, clemens' strength coach, mcnamee had his credibility dismantled by the clemens defense team. the defense team had a good attack on the main evidence in this case. they called it a pile of garbage, which it sort of was. we're talking about syringes used to inject steroids and human growth hormone and medical waste that the trainer had saved up for seven years in a partially crushed beer can. all of that sort of adds up to a weak case, zoraida. >> he won't be tried here for his steroid use, right? you said that earlier. i want to talk about the hall of fame. you have three names that are similar, clemens, barry bonds and sammy sosa, all first timers at list. what are people saying about whether or not he'll be inducted into the hall of fame? >> honestly, the first thing you have to say, there aren't very many people at all who get inducted into the hall of fame on the very first try. that's true. then you have other people who have been tainted by allegations of steroid use, including guys like barry bonds and sammy sosa. they are coming up too. there are a lot of people who are also saying, look, it isn't going to change that much in the long run. we're still going to look at these guys and we're still going to have to take into account that sort of swirl that's been around them for the long time. so on the other side of the coin, you've got to say, being acquitted on this six-count indictment certainly doesn't hurt the case of mr. clemens in any respect. >> after some time passes too, some people, you know, feel a little bit better about voting for him. i think i called you john earlier, i apologize. >> everybody does. all good. >> live on "starting point", soledad with speak to rusty hardin, roger clemens' lawyer. mike and mike in the morning, radio morning guys, mike green burg and mike golic, weigh in, is the rocket a hall of famer? we could be witnessing these final days in jerry sandusky's child abuse trial, about half the time that was expected to try that case. and instead it could go to the jury by the end of this week. but, and a big but, before that happens, nbc news is reporting that prosecutors may introduce a potentially explosive unaired portion of an interview that sandusky did with nbc's bob costas. here is the unaired clip of that interview from nbc's "rock center." >> it's entirely possible that you could have helped young boy a in some way that was not objectionable while horribly taking advantage of young boy b, c, d and e? isn't that possible? >> well, you might thirveg think that. i don't know. in terms of my relationship with so many, many young people. i would guess that there are many young people who would come forward, many more young people who would come forward and say that my methods and what i had done for them made a very positive impact on their life. i didn't go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that i've helped. there are many that i didn't have -- i hardly had any contact with who i have helped in many, many ways. >> wow. the defense is expected to wrap up its case tomorrow afternoon. that should be followed by a prosecution rebuttal with closing arguments expected by thursday. that jury could even possibly get that case by friday. former rutgers student dharun ravi expected to be released after being convicted of using a web cam to spy on tyler clementi having sex with another man in his dorm. he later committed suicide. immigration officials say they will not try to deport the indian born ravi. more homes reduced to ash in colorado because of the stubborn high park fire there. officials are confirming that eight more homes have been lost, bringing the total number now to 190 destroyed. crews had to fight the fire in record heat yesterday, calmer winds gave them a small reprieve, close to 59,000 acres have been scorched. that fire is just 50% contained. from controlled to anything but, another wildfire we have to tell you about, this one in the crow tan national forest in north carolina. it began with a controlled burn and since swelled out of control, consuming 11,000 acres so far. this fire has not been contained. right now a russian warship and a cargo ship full of helicopters and missiles are trying to get to syria. and this is creating a very tense situation between russia and the united states. the united states in in no way wants anyone to be helping syrian president assad to kill his people. president obama and russian president vad mer putin met and putin called on the syrian people to decide for themselves who leads them. plenty of economic gloom and doom at the summit. president obama and others turning up the heat on europe to solve the debt crisis. that's triggering a war of words with the president of the eu saying european nations didn't come to the g-20 to get lectured. today president obama meets with chinese president hu jintao. a 6-year-old girl from el salvador is being detained by officials in arizona. she was taken into custody by famous sheriff arpaio, known for his extremely tough stance on illegal immigration and says the little girl was unaccompanied and others in the group claim to know nothing about her. it's a nerd arms race, a new battle is being waged in the war between microsoft and mac. microsoft getting back into the business, unveiling a direct challenge to the ipad yesterday with its own surface tablet. there it is. it's video given to us by microsoft with pretty tight restrictions. it has nearly the same specs as the ipad. it is thinner, weighs a little more with a larger screen and kickstand and keyboard case. no word on the price, except that it will be competitive. but the big question, will it be an ipad killer or end up in clearance? co-founder of will give his view on "starting point". >> all i have is this to say it's kind of heavy, it's kind of big. microsoft, give us your product and give us a look see for ourselves. don't just send us a video. do i sound like jerry seinfeld? >> i have a picture and all i can say while it's horrible to look at this x-ray, it is a boy, a teenage boy. there is a good ending to this story. that boy survived but oh, my goodness. how did this happen? and how on earth did the doctors save that guy? remarkable. then there's this. apy kas sow and loser as this man walks up, thinking i did not see what i saw, oh, yeah, spray paint. ♪ [ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t, with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... and, well... rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. rethink possible. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. let's get you up to date with the top stories. the justice department going down swinging again in its pursuit of former pitching great roger clemens, round two lost to the feds. federal jury acquitting clemens of all six charges in the perjury trial. he was accused of lying to congress when he testified that he never used performance enhancing drugs. an earlier attempt to convict clemens ended in a mistrial. a canadian porn star accused of dismembering a student is back in court. he returned to montreal last night on board a military plane. he was arrested in germany earlier this month. play say magnotta mailed one of the victims hands and feet to canadian politicians. here is the picture we have been talking about this morning. the emergency crews are dealing with this after seeing this south florida teenager's x-ray, it's hard to believe he survived being shot in the head with a 3-foot long spear. lord. police say 16-year-old yasir lopez and a friend we are getting to go out fishing and the spear gun they were planning to use accidentally went off and hit lopez right through his head. now, yesterday was a good day, moved out of the icu. doctors say he could have problems with the left side, some memory loss, but the good news, otherwise they say that yasir's prognosis is actually good and it is a miracle. >> good gracious. >> i agree. that is a miracle. 16 minutes past the hour. chicago is fast becoming one of the deadliest cities in america. listen to this. it is even more dangerous than afghanistan. 144 americans have been killed in afghanistan in 2012. compare that to a staggering 228 chicago residents who have been slain so far this year. that is a 35% increase over the past year and quadruple the homicide rate of new york. it does go up in the summer quite a bit though. >> in houston, a cell phone camera catches this. take a look. if you can believe it. idiot and vandal caught in the act, making rounds on the internet. the man with the cell phone walking up to the 1929 picasso and thinking no, he didn't. he spray paint the word con querer. the man confronted the vandal afterward and the vandal told him that he's an upand coming artist to did it to honest picasso's work. what? that's how he honored picasso's work by defacing it. they are hoping they can get it cleaned up and restored. but so far no word on whether they can. >> oh, my gosh, not a way to honor somebody's work. when it comes to produce, it's tainted by pesticides oregon apples top dirty dozen list. an environmental advocacy group revamped the list and apples are at the top even when they are washed for ten seconds. celery, sweet bell peppers and peach and strawberries, onions and sweet corn and pine apple and cabbage made the top five of the clean 15, cabbage surprises me. >> i can't think of picking up an onion out of the fruit bowl and taking a bite. sorry. that's hard to hear. sitting on your butt isn't just bad for your waistline, being a couch or office chair potato is dangerous to your health. the doctors are saying that sitting is the worst position for your body and doing it too much can pinch nerves and misalign your spine and tense up muscles and joints and even cause cardiovascular disease. dang. >> so get up, walk around. >> if you're lying down in bed, stay there, you're in good shape. they are recommending you stand every 20 minutes or so and do simple stretches. who knew? >> 18 minutes past the hour. it's easy to reset your watch when you change time zones but no so easy to reset your body clock. felicia taylor has wayses to reduce jet lag. >> why are you sitting? >> i'm a little disappointed about the list of vegetables and pesticides. >> you're back on that, are you? >> i'll tell you why, those are all things that i love. apples, strawberries. >> they say if you peel things -- you can't peel strawberries but if you peel the fruit you're okay. >> who's going to peel an apple. ten seconds when you wash your hands, it's a long time to be under the water. >> now you are informed. consider yourself informed. >> exactly. there's no shortage of tips on the internet when it comes to dealing with jet lag. here are a few that seem to work for most travelers. when you get on the plane, set your watch to the local time of your destination. then you have to adjust your sleep pattern. in you land in the morning, rest on the plane. after you arrive, don't nap. it's tempting but don't do it. stay awake until at least 9:00 p.m. before you actually hit the sack. don't drink alcohol or caffeine. i know that's tempting too. >> sure, felicia. >> well, all right, maybe one glass. >> pot calling the kettle. >> one glass. >> drink a lot of water inside. the air inside the flight is very dry and can get you dehydrated. alcohol only exacerbates that -- >> have you been drinking? >> it's 6:20 in the morning. what are you, nuts? bring an empty water bottle through security. i didn't know you can do this. fill it up on the other side and drink all of that water will get you out of the seat and gets you up and moving. of course we're talking about exercise, do knee bends while waiting for the bathroom. i'm sorry, people will think your crazy but it will help you, flex your legs and rotate your ankles and shrug your shoulders. it keeps the blood flowing and can prevent aches and clots. i knew somebody that got a blood clot traveling on a long distance flight and she was laid up for months. >> it can be deep vein thrombosis. >> yeah. >> the number of time zones that you cross, a general rule, allow yourself one day to recover for every hour of difference from where you're traveling. >> oh, my. >> that's a lot. >> it is a lot. >> but it makes a difference. >> the key thing is do stay up until 9:00 at night because you end up in the time zone from where you are. >> that's if you can sleep on the plane. great advice. >> traveling with a 5-year-old. >> that's a whole different story. >> that's when drinking comes in. >> stop. it is 21 minutes past the hour facebook stock, there's finally some hope for you. folks, we have details coming up. 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[ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. inchts minding your business this morning, facebook stock making a comeback? >> you're not doing the up. >> really the up. >> it was up almost 5% yesterday. they are trying to figure out how they are going to make money. in the meantime, they are doing a little bit of an acquisition, they bought, a company that allows facial recognition photographs to be transferred to various other points on the internet. this is something they've been using for a couple of years. it is an israel based company and details don't know whether how much they spent to acquire this but nevertheless it was good for facebook. also the company has come out and said it's going to defend itself when it comes to any lawsuits that may ensue as a result of the quote, botched ipo that we saw back 30 days ago. nevertheless, the stock is down 18% since the ipo but we had three days of excessive gains up 4.5% at $31.41 a share. it's not that bad. >> maybe a good time to buy? >> that's a tough one. >> don't catch me on that one. >> i know, felicia, thank you. 26 minutes past 6:00, talk about lovety ambition, details to build the world's tallest building in a couple of months. really, months. if you are one of the millions of men who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. [ male announcer ] dosing and application sites between these products differ. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or, signs in a woman which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are, or may become pregnant or are breast feeding should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. talk to your doctor today about androgel 1.62% so you can use less gel. log on now to and you could pay as little as ten dollars a month for androgel 1.62%. what are you waiting for? 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are they going to be used in syria? a little unclear. but all of this, ashleigh, is creating a lot of tension. the russians i think could probably clear it up pretty quickly, but that might be part of their rationale to warn the united states, if there's any type of military action in syria, it could get very complicated if our base is there. >> let me switch gears for a minute and cover of "the new york times", there's a picture of putin and obama and their faces are for lorn to say the least. they look none to pleased to be there. from all accounts after a two-hour long behind closed doors conversation, they did not seem to get much a of da tont when it comes to the issue of trying to stop the violence in syria. >> mr. putin often looks like that. he's a serious man and it's a serious issue. you have the only point now that they really do agree on is that the violence has to stop and there has been to be some type of political transition. that means ultimately that assad goes. but the united states wants him to go very quickly. that's the problem the united states believes. the russians don't want any type of regime change. they think they were burned during libya and they don't want it to happen again. that is one of the problems. and the strategy now is to push mr. putin to do as much as he can. that's a question. can they actually do anything to get assad out? >> well, you of anyone knows a lot about russia having spent a very big chunk of last 20 years there. jill dougherty, thanks for that. at 7:00 eastern, on starting point, soledad o'brien will look at the crisis in syria and the rift on how to solve this problem when she's joined by john negroponte. former ambassador to iraq. roger clemens no longer an accused felon. a jury finding him not guilty on all charges in his perjury trial. one of the most intimidating pictures in the history of baseball, holding back tears as he gave thanks on the steps of the courthouse. >> i put a lot of hard work into that career and so -- again, i appreciate my teammates that came in and e-mails and phone calls. >> the rocket's first year of eligibility for the baseball hall of fame is next year. attorney general, eric holder, is hoping to cut a deal to avoid being held in contempt of congress. he'll meet with darrel issa. for the botched anti-gun running operation known as fast and furious. in exchange, he wants issa to postpone the scheduled contempt vote. when it comes to endorsing a presidential candidate, michael bloomberg apparently intends to remain neutral. new york times quoting two people who spoke to the mayor at the recent charity event says mr. bloomberg believes mitt romney though would be better at running the country but says he can't support him because of his opposition to abortion rights and gun control. new this morning, u.s. southern baptists kicking off the annual convention with a ground-breaking change to their leadership. they are expected to elect its first black president. there's a picture of him there in its entire 167-year history. fred luter jr. is running unopposed. he hopes it will help distance the church from its racist past. china, planning to build the tallest building in the world and planning to do so in three short months. yes, three months. a chinese company who wants to do is is called bsb and plans to build 2,750 feet of building. they want to call it sky city and do it in 90 days. that's 1/20th amount of time it took to build the tallest building in dubai. this is 23 more feet of bragging rights. how are they going to do it in three months? a lot of the building is to be constructed ahead of time offsite. the company specializes in something they call prefab construction. entire sections of the building are built in a factory ahead of time and hauled over to the construction site and assembled like lego. >> interesting. a little bit lego, but not like lego in case you want to visit. i'm looking off to my left, misty mae treanor is hungry for more gold. she's joining us coming up. ♪[music plays] there's another way to help erase litter box odor. purina tidy cats. only tidy cats has new odor erasers... making it easy to keep things at home... just the way you want them. new tidy cats with odor erasers. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. just 38 days until the 2012 olympics open in london. one of the top u.s. competitors misty mae treanor, she and her teammate dominated volleyball since the 2004 olympics leaving the competition eating sand. she's trying to make it three medals and she joins us now. the reason you caught me laughing at the top, you're 34 years old, aren't you? >> yes, and i'll be 35 in london so -- >> early birthday. >> that would be perfect, right, the three pete. how does it feel? >> a bit surreal i've been playing as long as i have and ca carrie and i have been competing as a team. the first is something special, when you become an olympic champion and the second was eastbound greater. we made history. to have an opportunity to go for a third is rare in our sport. >> i was wondering how young can you be to compete against you, right? and i read it was 14 years of age. >> yes. >> how do you feel about going up against such young bucks? >> we haven't met anybody 14 yet but the whole world of beach volleyball is changing. a lot of other countries have developmental programs and finding the young teenagers traveling the summer tour with us, competing in the qualifier. if they don't make it, they are still being able to practice against the top teams in the world. definitely the competition is getting younger and younger. >> ste is it getting tougher? >> yes, there's a lot of parity on the women's and men's side. you want to see the sport grow and branch out and it definitely is. i came back from italy and switser lands, another u.s. team came in third. china has been winning, brazil has been winning and of course the u.s. there's so many more teams in other countries just developing in this sport. >> so have you changed how you prepare in order to stay competitive? >> you know what, i think if you know what you need to do to get there, don't change it. stay with us. definitely though, older i'm getting, recovery is becoming more and more important. >> i would imagine. >> it's hard to rest when you're young. you want to keep going. but then it is nice to kick your feet up on the couch and you need that down time. >> as we have this picture up, if we can leave it up. we were talking about uniforms and the beach volleyball uniform, the international volleyball federation changed the rules so bikinis are no longer mandatory, which is upsetting to gentleman here in the studio. women can now wear shorts and sleeved or sleeveless tops. why the rule change and are you going to change what you wear? >> you know, that rule was implemented i think to help other countries that are new to the sport to maybe feel more comfortable. it is tough if you're new to beach volleyball to just put on a bikini and not worry about it. i grew up on the beach so for me, it's nothing new. it won't affect anything kerri eni do -- >> feel comfortable with what you wear. >> correct. >> is it an advantage to wear the bikini in your opinion? >> i feel that with as much movement as our sport has, you need to feel comfortable and especially when you're diving in the sand, it's functional for what we do. i feel comfortable. i remember when i was younger playing with shorts on, sometimes your thumbs get caught in the pockets and you're ripping your pockets. the uniforms are kinds of key -- you've got to feel comfortable when you're playing. but we work hard to get the bodies we do. >> we know and we love that part of it. i don't want to let you go without talking about a campaign you have with arnold and wheat bread. >> i'm so happy to be partnering with arnold and or wheat bread. it's been part of my regimen for training. people can log on to arnold and ora wheat and register to get a clinic by me and play with me. it ends july 2nd. they've got to get on it fast. i love getting back to the sport, this is my way of saying thank you to the fans. >> can you say thank you when you win the gold medal, come back and show it off? >> i would love to do that. >> we really appreciate it. ashleigh, back to you. we had one i think a couple of weeks ago, the wrestling. >> i want to enter the contest but not if i have to wear a bikini to compete with you. misty may treanor good to see you. >> 8 feet of tv, can you stomach it? this is the ka huna coming at you, one of the biggest tvs you've ever seen. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. it is officially ten minutes to soledad. he's standing by now. >> good morning to you, this morning i'm going to talk about roger clemens, picks up a big victory as you know in the courtroom. the top pitcher was found not guilty of lying about his steroid use before congress. how this will affect his chances for getting into the hall of fame. we'll talk to mike and mike from es espn. marco rubio's dream, is it dead? he's blaming president obama about that. we'll tell you what's happening there. microsoft finally surfaces a a tabhet maker. is it better than the ipad? we'll ask tech experts. chaz bono will join us talking about his gender reassignment surgery and what it's done for his new life and book as well. go to see you at the top of the hour. back to you, ash. >> thanks, soledad. it is 51 minutes past the hour. roger clemens in the clear. a jury finding him not guilty on all charges in his perjury trial, he is accused of lying about his use of performance enhancing drugs. the rocket's first year of eligibility for the baseball hall of fame is next year. a wildfire in north carolina is swelling out of control this morning. it began sadly with a controlled burn but it has since consumed about 11,000 acres and that fire is not contained. asian americans are now the fastest growing race in the united states according to the pew research center, asians overtook hispanics when it comes to percentage of people i am greating to the country. a survey found asian-americans to be the highest earners and best educated citizens in the country as well. remove the hinges from your doorway because sharp is unveiling a 90-inch l.e.d. television. i said 90 inch. you should see the crew right now, like homer simpson, right, that's almost 8 feet. the biggest thing i've ever heard of. you'll need wide walls and dup deep pockets, $11,000 can get you the 8-footish flat screen. >> prices will drop after a while, right? >> but you've got to have a house big enough and mortgage to boot. unbelievable. >> that would be cool. the truth is in the pictures and you don't mess with the truth, part of today's best advice coming up. if you'leaving the house, y can take us with you on your mobile phone and watch live cnn television on your device. 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[ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums it's a beautiful picture of new york city as the sun rises over the big apple. it is going to heat up. if you're planning to travel to new york, bring your short sleeves, we're supposed to go up to triple digit later on this week which is not that much fun in manhattan subways. >> i can imagine. "starting point" about a minute or so away. >> we wrap it up with best advice. here's larry shiller. take a look. >> i reinvented myself several times during my life. the best advice i ever got as a photographer was make sure you're alive when you die. that's really good advice. as a photo journalist, the best advice i got is don't alter your pictures. and the best advice as a journalist i ever got, tell the truth, tell the facts as they were and don't make up any of the story, unless you tell the people you've made up part of the story. >> don't retouch your photos unless somebody wants them retouched. >> right. i'll sign up for that. he's just such a terrific author as well. best seller after best seller, perfect murder, perfect town, story of ramsey crime. and just a terrific journalist and writer all around. >> sounds like no fabrication, whether in telling your story or pictures. >> i would say that's journalism 101, call me crazy. so nice to have you here "early start." "starting point" starts right now. >> the government swings and misses on roger clemens, the rocket is found not guilty on all counts. we'll talk to mike and mike and rusty hardin about the day in court. new this morning, calls for iran to join the conversation on syria that as a russian ship loadedwide munitions leds towards syria and president obama presses putin to get on board for change. microsoft is trying to take a bite out of apple, with a surface tablet that might have anything ipad doesn't, louis vuitton over the movie "the

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Defense Team , Trainer , Human Growth Hormone , Names , Steroid Use , Timers , Sort , Barry Bonds , List , There Aren T , Try , Swirl , Account , Long Run , Indictment , Coin , Everybody , Good , Voting , Speak , Mike And In The Morning , Morning Guys , Weigh In , Mike Green Burg , Mike Golic , Famer , Half , Child Abuse Trial , Clip , But , Rock Center , All Of Us , Dharun Ravi , Spy On Tyler Clementi , Suicide , Officials , Lost , Born Ravi , Out Of Control , Crow Tan National Forest , Anyone , Vad Mer Putin , Summit , Others , Gloom , Eu , El Salvador , Custody , Arizona , Sheriff Arpaio , Stance , Immigration , Claim , Little Girl , Specs , Killer , Kickstand , Big Question , Keyboard , Co Founder , Clearance , Reddit Com , Heavy , Look , Big , Product , Jerry Seinfeld , Doctors , Ending , Earth , Thinking , Loser , Apy Kas Sow , Htc One X , Marathon Man , Beats Audio , Music , Note , Rio Vista , Insurance , Making , Members , Aarp Medicare Supplement , Unitedhealthcare , Smile , Teeth , Listerine , Shades , Whitening Plus Restoring , Mouth , Tee Times , Courses , Shots , Weather , 800 , Federal Jury Acquitting Clemens , Feds , Porn Star , Montreal , Last Night On Board A Military Plane , Germany , Emergency Crews , Victims , Say Magnotta , South Florida , Shot , Fishing , Friend , Lord , Yasir Lopez , Spear Gun , 3 , Hit Lopez , Memory Loss , Icu , Prognosis , Chicago , Increase , Asian Americans , Residents , 35 , 228 , 2012 Compare , 144 , Cell Phone Camera , Homicide Rate , Internet , Picasso , Vandal , Idiot , Cell Phone , Rounds , 1929 , Upand , Artist , The Word , He Spray Paint , Con Querer , Somebody , Gosh , Apples , Environmental Advocacy Group , Pesticides , Oregon , Strawberries , Cabbage , Sweet Corn , Onions , Celery , Pine Apple , Bell Peppers , Bite , Onion , Fruit Bowl , Body , Office Chair , Health , Sitting , Waistline , Spine , Nerves , Cardiovascular Disease , Joints , Muscles , Shape , Dang , Stretches , Zones , Body Clock , Wayses , Jet Lag , Vegetables , Apple , Shortage , Fruit , Tips , Plane , Few , Watch , Travelers , Destination , Sleep Pattern , Felicia , Don T Nap , Sack , Caffeine , 9 , Glass , Flight , Kettle , Nuts , Drinking , Water Bottle , Legs , Ankles , Knee Bends , Bathroom , Exercise , Shoulders , Blood , Clots , Blood Clot , Oaches , Vein Thrombosis , Rule , Time Zones , Advice , Time Zone , Traveling , Business Pro , Stop , Hope , 21 , Shoeless , Efficiency , Executor , Amateur , Brent , Size , Aisle , Pro , Go National , Pride , Doctorate , Students , Graduation , Jocelyn Taylor , Nation , Networks , City Streets , Security Solutions , Soldier , Value , Northrop Grumman , Brakes , Pricing , Cup , Comeback , Inchts , Couple , Face Com , Recognition , Acquisition , Israel , Ipo , Lawsuits , Result , Quote , Share , Gains , 4 5 , 1 41 , 31 41 , 26 , Lovety Ambition , Androgel , 1 , 1 62 , Gel , Makers , Testosterone , Testosterone Levels , Testosterone Replacement Therapy , Signs , Doctor , Children , Prescription , Application , Child , Sites , Application Sites , Products , Dosing , Puberty , Prostate Cancer , Changes , Breast Cancer , Body Hair , Exposure , Acne , Side Effects , Breast Feeding , Sperm Count , Prostate , Breasts , Problems Breathing , Insulin , Sleep , Medications , Blood Clots , Swelling , Enlarged , Conditions , Medicines , Blood Clotting , Corticosteroids , Ten Dollars , Fed , Energies , Shell , Electricity , Natural Gas , Mix , Clay Piggies , Partner , Co2 Emissions , Biofuel , Sugarcane , Brazil , Mom , Let S Go , Energy Mix , War Ships , 167 , Southern Baptists , Medals , Sand Volleyball , Relations , Misty May Treanor , 31 , Al Assad , Attack Helicopters , Munitions , Loadedwide , Headlines , Teeny , Coast , Russian Port , Ship , Tracking , Trip , Port Anyplace , Scotland , Armaments , Purpose , Troops , Tension , Rationale , Ashleigh , The New York Times , Lorn , Accounts , Behind Closed Doors , Da Tont , Violence , Problem , Regime Change , Strategy , Chunk , Rift , Baseball , Felon , Exchange , Darrel Issa , Scheduled Contempt Vote , Charity Event , Candidate , Michael Bloomberg , Bloomberg , Convention , Gun Control , Opposition To Abortion Rights , Leadership , Church , Running Unopposed , Fred Luter Jr , Sky City , Plans , Bsb , Bragging Rights , 23 , Construction , Construction Site , Offsite , Sections , Left , Gold , Misty Mae Treanor , Coming Up , Odor Erasers , Cats , Litter Box Odor , Help , Home , Tidy Cats , Purina , Dream , Mother , Kid , The Sky S Limit , Naphtali Bryant , Competitors , Teammate , Volleyball , In London , 38 , Competition Eating Sand , Aren T You , 34 , 2004 , Playing , Birthday , Pete , Team , Second , Something Special , Champion , Ca Carrie , Eastbound Greater , 14 , Countries , Teenagers , Programs , Bucks , Summer Tour , Beach Volleyball , Teams , Qualifier , Parity , Ste , Women S , Sport Grow , Italy , Switser Lands , Recovery , Don T Change , Picture Up , Couch , Beach Volleyball Uniform , International Volleyball Federation , Shorts , Bikinis , Rule Change , Studio , Sleeved , Rules , Sleeveless Tops , Bikini , On The Beach , Kerri , Sand , Movement , Correct , Pockets , Kinds , Thumbs , Wheat Bread , Bodies , Campaign , Arnold , Training , Regimen , Wheat , Clinic , Fans , Ora , July 2nd , Back To You , Contest , Gold Medal , Wrestling , 8 , Tvs , Ka Huna , Company Phone List , Highways , Fields , Companies , Communities , Corner , Economy , Serving You , Pitcher , Victory , Marco Rubio , Chances , Es Espn , Tech Experts , Maker , Tabhet , Chaz Bono , Gender Reassignment Surgery , In The Clear , 51 , Control , Race , Asians , Pew Research Center , Citizens , Doorway , Sharp , Earners , Survey , Hinges , Television , Crew , Walls , Homer Simpson , Dup , Truth , Flat Screen , Prices , Deep Pockets , Unbelievable , 1000 , The House , You Leaving , Buttons , Automobile Advanced , Simplicity , Ear , Egg , Barks , Wholesome Grains , Acou , Upbeat , Pizza , Olaf , Doin , Sleeves , Digit , Sun Rises , Fun , Subways , Manhattan , Larry Shiller , Photographer , Photo Journalist , Journalist , Tell The Truth , Photos , Facts , Seller , Murder , Perfect Town , Journalism , Writer , Fabrication , Ramsey Crime , Swings , Iran , Change , Leds , Meat Fried Fish , Latest , Game , Pot Brownies , Score , Early Start , Amount , Malfunctioning Phone , Review , Red Wings , Wonder , Doesn T , 911 , 11 ,

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