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said in a broadcast interview and congress is being urged to have new laws sandusky, in a shocking interview with bob costas, the former coach admitted he, quote, horsed around with boys in the shower at university's complex. sandusky insists he's innocence of the 40 sex crimes detailed in indictment against him. >> how would you define the part you played? what are you willing to concede that you've done that was wrong and you wish you had not done it? >> well, in retrospect i, you know, i -- i shouldn't have showered with those kids. you know, so -- >> that's it? >> yeah. i mean, that's what hits me the most. >> are you a pedophile? >> no. >> are you sexually attracted to young boys, to underaged boys? >> am i sexually attracted to underaged boys? >> yes. >> sexually attracted, i enjoy young people. i love to be around them. i -- i -- no, i'm not sexually attracted to young boys. >> "the new york times" today reports perhaps as many as ten more victims have approached authorities since sandusky's arrest. a brewing campus scandal over who nknew what when, and what they didn't do about it. joe paterno is at the center of the controversial. the grand jury report says paterno were told sandusky raped a boy in the shower at athletic complex in 2002, yet none of them called police. pennsylvania state lawmakers are debating new laws to toughen reporting requirements. tonight, congress is urged to consider new federal penalties for failing to report suspected child abuse. robert casey says only 18 states require such reporting, his state is not among them. senator casey is live with us from capitol hill. i want to start by asking you, as a veteran of this, your state's politics, someone who knows this culture and knows this campus, we played a snippet of coach sandusky's interview, what went through your mind when you listened to him? >> well, my reaction, john, i've got to be honest with you, was what i heard last night when i first heard parts of that interview it seems as if you've got a predator and his lawyer compounding the evil that went on with further evil by misleading people. so that's my reaction. maybe that'sen fair to them, but that's the reaction that i had. people are outraged by this because adults didn't stand up for children. that's why we've got to change the law and do it as quickly as possible. >> you say you want to change the law. let's address that. i want to address it in this context. i want it read from the grand jury report. joe paterno, former coach, an iconic figure in your state in college sports nationally, he is a legend, even a demigod on the campus. here what happens the report says about joe paterno. joseph v. paterno testified to receiving the graduate assistant's report at his home on a saturday morning. paterno testified that the graduate assistant was very upset. paterno called him curley, penn state athletic director and paterno's immediate superior to his home the next day a sunday, and reported to him that the assistant had seen jerry sandusky in the lash building showers fondling or doing something of a sexual nature to a young boy. number one, if you believe this report, senator, coach paterno found out on one day, had a meeting with his boss the next day, told his boss but never told the police. there was an alleged child rape in the showers of his athletic complex. what would your proposed changes to the law do to coach paterno? >> simply, john, if the allegations in the grand jury report are true, if we change the law and made every state pass laws that provide that every adult, have to report these instances, both individuals mentioned in the report, both of those adults would be duty bound to report that. unfortuna unfortunately, pennsylvania has child abuse laws in mandated reporters, but if you're not on that list you don't have a legal duty. what we would do is broad than list of mandated reporters to all adults. 18 states have done this. i think every state should do it. one of the ways to bring that about to effectuate that is to have federal legislation that ties it to your federal funding under the child abuse laws. >> what did he know, what did he do about it is a profound, important question about coach paterno. listen to last night to bob cost costas talking to jerry sandusky. >> did joe paterno have any information regarding objectionable activities on your part prior to that report in 2002? >> my -- i can't totally answer that question. mianiancy answer would be no. >> did joe paterno, at any time, ever speak to you directly about your behavior? >> no. >> never? >> no. >> he never asked you about what you might have done? >> no. >> he never asked you if you needed help, counselling? >> no. >> never expressed disapproval of any kind? >> no. >> senator, help me here. as a parent, i can't speak the words that went through my mind. if jerry sandusky's telling the truth, a graduate assistant comes to joe paterno, says i saw coach sandusky raping a child in the showers and joe paterno never says anything to the guy who was his heir apparent, the guy who work for him for 32 years? >> it's a failure to act, john. it's as fundamental as that. any parent, you wouldn't have to be a pardon to reach that conclusion. any parent would say he had a duty to act, a moral duty, a duty that comes with being a human being, being able to see that situation for what it was a child was threat. ed and a child was abused in that case. if all allegations are true. >> around what you propose, sir, want the congress to move quickly on, what would the penalty be for failing to report it? >> the legislation that we have would not be a criminal statue. what it would say is if you want your state and you want funding under the child abuse laws, federally, you would have to have in place a state law that made every adult a mandated reporter. that's basically what it would provide. now, states can enact criminal laws that would provide other protections but i think it's one step the federal government can do to close that loophole so we don't only have 18 states that require all states, every state in the country requires all adults to report child abuse or suspected child abuse or neglect. >> appreciate your time tonight. my job's to stay objective, best of luck with what you're doing. somebody needs to do something. breaking his silence, sandusky raises more questions than he answered and anchored families of his alleged victims as well. jo joined by sarah ganham and attorney wendy murphy. sarah, i want to start with you. you've been in touch throughout this emerging scandal with families of the alleges victims. when jerry sandusky told bob costas last night, he's innocent, that he's not guilty of any sex crimes that if he's guilty of anything, it's enjoying being around young people and horsing around in the shower with them, what do the families of the victims tell you about what they heard last night? >> well, you know, it's been the same theme since the beginning. what they really want, they feel like they've been through enough. some have been keeping this bottled up for 10 years, 15 years, 3 years, they want this guy to plead guilty to prevent their sons from having to take the stand and testify. they don't want to look backwards anymore. they want to look forward. they want some hope. they don't want to go through this anymore. they don't want the scandal, the circus surrounding it. they want him to admit that he did something wrong and plead guilty, and it doesn't look like they're going to get that. >> wendy murphy, listen to more, in some ways it's important to play this, so people can hear coach sandusky, in other ways it turns my stomach every time we do. listen to coach sandusky insisting, insisting, he's done nothing wrong. >> i say that i'm innocent of those charges. >> innocent, completely innocent and falsely accused in every aspect? >> well, i could say that, you know, i have done some of those things. i have horsed around with kids. i have showered after workouts. i have hugged them and i have touched their leg without intent of sexual contact. but so if you look at it that way, there are things that -- that wouldn't, you know, would be accurate. >> are you denying you had any inappropriate sexual contact with any of these underage boys? >> yes, i am. >> never touched their genitals, never engaged in oral sex? >> right. >> wendy murphy, when you listen to that, he says he didn't have sex with those children but he does say he did a lot. what went through your mind? >> when a piece of work he is, a re-gant. if he thinks he's going to take the stan and call at least eight, up to 19 children all liars and the eyewitnesses, adult whose watched him literally rape a child, they're all liars, too? everyone's a liar except him, right? silliness. here's when he did that hurts his case and he's trying to influence the court of public opinion, he's a little weird, he's not a rapist, good luck with that. he made his case worse, i touched their thighs, i'm naked in the shower with them, hugging boys who are naked in the shower about tu wasn't sexual. what did he say back in 1998? he's recorded by police talking to one of the victim's mothers in 1998 about a shower incident, two different boys involved in a shower incident where he's doing the same thing, naked, hugging them, touching them, right? he said i was wrong, i feel terrible. you -- i wish you would forgive me. i want to kill myself. so which is it? which is it? should you kill yourself for showering naked because you feel terrible that you are doing something sexual, or was it horse play? he's created an inconsistent statement of great magnitude that will be used against him in this case and hurt his case. >> and if he's guilty, then i'm not terribly concerned what kind of legal advice he's getting but as someone who has covers a lot of trials i could not figure out why his attorney let him do that, let him say those things. nuts? >> well you, know, john, you know john, sometimes defense attorneys think it's cool to take the fifth, right? assert your right to remain silent with the cops and don't testify in front of the grand jury but find a friendly reporter, get your story out that way because you can infect the jury pool in a way that's favorable to you. first, that rubs people the wrong way. if you want to manipulate us and tell us your story, you should be telling your story to the cop so it doesn't really work. what kind of defense attorney lets a guy who is facing 40 counts say anything? there is nothing he can say to make this case better. it is only going to be worse. i think his lawyer made a grand mistake here. i wouldn't be surprise if he ends up getting fired because it was a very bad move. >> sarah, one of the things sandusky's lawyer said, they have found victim number two, allegedly raped, by sandusky there in the showers. what is your reporting? what are they saying on campus about that? >> i think that was the biggest news of the interview, to be honest with you. john, i thought the fact that the prosecutors say they haven't found victim number two but sandusky and his attorney have, and then that his attorney said that not only have they found victim number two, but it's a defense that that boy is a defense witness, that he says nothing bad or sexual or wrong ever happened in that shower. so you know, i think that prosecutors will probably come back and say, experts i talked to said, they have to go to great lengths to verify this person that he say was victim number two really is victim number two. and that remains to be seen. i think we'll have to be patient about that. i thought that was the biggest news of the interview. >> sarah, wendy, appreciate your help on this dramatic and disgusting sore story. penn state's football team has a shot at big ten championship and a major bowl game, if you care about the history of the program. should they go? how badly has college football been tarnished about the scandal? keeping our eye on new york city. occupy wall street protesters kicked out of the park in the overnight hour, allowed back in to demonstrate but not camp out. we'll keep our eye on this to see if there are tensions with police in new york city. i heard they found energy here. it's good. we need the jobs. 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>> did joe paterno have any information regarding objectionable activities on your part prior to that report in 2002? >> my -- i can't totally answer that question. my answer would be no. >> did joe paterno, at any time, ever speak to you directly about your behavior? >> no. >> never? >> no. >> he never asked you about what you might have done? he never asked you if you needed help if you needed counselling? >> no, no. >> never expressed disapproval of any kind? >> no. >> now jerry sandusky's a criminal defendant, maybe he's not to be believed. but if a crumb of that is to be believed, this -- he was joe paterno's right hand guy for 32 years. joe paterno was told by a graduate assistant, i saw a young child being raped in our showers, coach. never talked to him about it, never confronted him, whether as a friend saying you need help or outraged coach and a demigod on campus? >> i have a problem with that as well. i understand that a lot of people, john, are saying this -- you're in a twitter verse media society now and people are going to rush to judgment on things before anybody's found guilty. well, i thought that jerry sandusky might be guilty when his employer of 32 years never issued a word of support after the grand jury report came out and joe paterno, in his own statement, said this is one of the great sorrows in his life and if he could have done more he wished he would have. joe paterno's already copped to he knew something already. >> for paterno, of course, he has modeled himself as you well know as an educator. he's talked about it's more than just football. so obviously it's bad no matter who he is, but you throw in the library's named after paterno, he's put himself on a high pedestal it's even worse if in fact he did nothing. >> help me, we've talked about this internally in our staff meetings all week, and bob costas and brian williams got at it a bit last night. sandusky retires at 55, he's a legend in the game, one of the great defensive coordinators in football and never gets another job, which tells me, somebody knew, that either he cut a deal with penn state he wouldn't work again or every time a school called and said we're going to hire sandusky, somebody at penn state said get away. >> if somebody at penn state did that diligence, if somebody at penn state, why count they have do that with the police? that's what everybody's thinking. if you were mag nam us in enough and to call a school and say, stay away from this guy, he's bad news, why can't you make sure that any children that were hurt after the kid in 2002 were safe, and report him to the police. >> listen to jerry sandusky's lawyer, we had a legal expert on who thinks coach sandusky is digging his hole deeper, listen to his lawyer. you spent a lot of time around the culture of sports. if you listen to this, it's a parallel universe. >> jerry sandusky is a big, overgrown kid. he's a jock. for anybody who has ever played sports you get showers after you work out. i mean when people hear he got showers with kids, my goodness, you know, he got showers with kids, that make him guilty, right? anybody who gets a shower with a kid who is an adult has to be guilty of something. but the bottom line is jock dozen that. they kid around, horse around. >> no, jocks don't do that. >> maybe the quarterback and the wide receiver are slapping each other with towels in the shower. we're talking about here, allegations are 10-year-old boy. they're not playing football for penn state. they have no reason to be at penn state other than the fact jerry sandusky's invited them. what a reprehensible argument to be making. i think it takes another slap at the victims all over again. the culture of football is something to discuss. the culture of football has nothing to do with what that lawyer was talking about. >> i'm in agreement. >> as someone who spends a lot of time around the culture, most of these are athletes who, yeah, locker rooms can be different, crass, but they're not places where little kids get raped. >> i think anybody that -- being a new father, anybody that showers with their son over three, four years old or if you're in a shower with anybody but your son, and he's 10, that's strange behavior. that's not regular behavior. >> what now? this is not a sports story. this is much bigger than that. you feel for the athletes at penn state who went to what they thought was a great program. but we talked about this, mike, the other night. you know, "the new york times" writing, penn state should cancel 2012, they're saying, look, cancel the season, stop, turn the page by going dark. >> that would be the only thing that i would say, until everything comes out, it would be, i think short sided to just say, penn state should throw away football for a year. and in the ncaa might not be doing it the department of education might. a lot of people are investigating this. i will say this, i think you don't accept the bowl bid. you don't accept the bowl bid if you're penn state. if you do, you put all of that money that you earned from bowl bid into an escrow account for those kids if sandusky is found guilty. >> think about the bowl, it's a celebration, parades, chamber of commerce having dinners. it's the wrong image. let 24ethem play the two games. the players were never thinking they would necessarily go to a bowl game. that's an extra. it's a privilege. at that point i'd say end the season before the bowl game. >> appreciate your help tonight. next, plenty of action on the presidential campaign trail today as herman cain and rick perry, they're in iowa doing damage control. mary? 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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. on the trail today a provocative call by rick perry to scale back the federal government's power. speaking in iowa perry called for a part-time congress at half the pay it gets and 18-year term limit for federal judges. plausible? probably not. it's part of a tea party focused perry comeback strategy. >> i don't believe that washington needs a new coat of paint. i think the whole place needs to be overalled. i'm a true believer we need to uproot, tear down, rebuild washington, d.c. and our federal institutions. >> former massachusetts governor mitt romney campaigned in south carolina complaining president obama's overregulating the economy and worse. >> sometimes i just don't think that president obama understands america. now i say that because this week, or was it last week, he said that americans are lazy. i don't think that describes america. >> and another day, another what the candidate meant to say explanation from the herman cain campaign. last night it was libya. today, cain responded, tried to clarify a monday statement that he believed federal employees deserve collective bargaining rights. he offered this thought to cnn. >> let's clarify what i said. i am against collective hijacking. >> clear enough there. let's clarify the state of play in the gop race with a collection of conservative voices. david fromme and eric erickson. steve, when i was in iowa last week you had not noticed fallout and you were gaining ground, that's when the sexual harassment allegations against mr. cain were in play. in recent days, he couldn't come up with quite an answer on libya, he had a clarification on collective bargaining. a lot of people are saying that the -- he's beginning to lose ground. do you see that on the ground in iowa? >> so first of all if you look at two polls that came out two just this week, the bloomberg poll and another poll, both still have herman cain up in iowa. after 14 days of mostly negative stories from the national press, and he's still leading in iowa, to me that's a headline in and of itself. >> let's show the bloomberg numbers. conducted november 10th through 12th. like lie iowa caucusgoers. you see right there, herman cain 20, ron paul', mitt romney at 18, newt gingrich at 17, and governor perry at 7. on and on down in there. david, when you look at this, steve has a point, the sustain ability after all, this is one thing. however, the trend line is going down. >> steve has a very good point. the headline is, why do republicans put up with this? it's not news. these tapes make it more vivid but it's not news that herman cain doesn't know what he's talking about, doesn't have the qualification to be president, isn't interested in learn what he's talking about and isn't interested in requiring the qualifications to be president. under those circumstances, why do republicans accept this? and that is a question. republicans, i think, and this is, i say this with great pain are looking for an obama critic in chief. and this is a time the president's vulnerable. presidents need to know things and need certain kinds of experiences. >> steve, you're a serious guy. other conditiandidates have gono be nominees. he says you're candidate's not a serious candidate. >> look, america elects a community organizer as president now we're paying the price. herman cain has 40 years of creating jobs and fixing broken companies and he can do the same thing for the united states and that's why iowans are behind him. that's why the united states will be behind him. if you look, republicans are frustrated with the status quo. why do we think that they're going to choose a status quo candidate? they're not. when you look at candidates, herman cain is the one who is not status quo but has done something in his life which is more than we can say for a lot of politicians. >> john i would take issue, they're not looking for a guy to -- the anti-obama messenger. they're looking for the alternative it mitt romney. steve is right, they're looking for someone outside the establishment. the republican base feels it's burned by the republican establishment as they do by the democrats. >> republican base, i think clearly the trend line for cain is down in the national polls. >> gingrich is up. steve's a good organizer in iowa. i want you to listen part of governor perry's speech. people have written him off. people have said herman cain is off. people have written governor perry off. if cain's going down, someone's got to come up, maybe it's newt gingrich or this anti-washington message from governor perry. >> congress is out of touch because congressmen are overpaid, they're overstaffed, and they're away from home way too much. america has had enough of that. i have to believe it is time to create a part-time congress where their pay is cut in half, office budgets are cut in half, and their time in washington is cut in half. >> is that a product iningredient for a perry comeback strategy or is it too late? >> his idea about the judges is bang-on. this is not an idea original to rick perry. judges got life tenured at a time when people much less long than they do, stagger those terms every president got the same number of appointments for four-year term and that would make appointment battles less contentiou contentious. the congressional idea, not so good. congress does malfunction but the reason it malfunctions the old committee structure has broken down. if you want to do a serious understanding of what's wrong with congress and how do you fix it, there's a lot to be discussed. this cut that pay in half when we are -- have them work part time, does that mean they can work outside congress? how does that respond -- another good point, the problem of congressional insider trading we want them to be doing less outside work. >> this is a guy who is governor of a state where the general assembly's part time and meets every other year, not even every year. i don't know that i'm a fan of the ideas but it's going to get people talking. it is consistent with his book. people can say it's damage control. i think they're smart to time it now as people bolook back and s if herman can't get it, where do they go? >> thanks for coming in here. bold advice for the congress. up super committee. the occupy movement gets another eviction notice, and temps are flare. 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[ male announcer ] we're making them a better financial future. what can we make with you? transamerica. transform tomorrow. tonight a tense situation at new york city park where occupy wall street protesters were evicted this morning. police allowed them back in a short time ago following a judge's ruling protesters can demonstrate but not camp out. michael bloomberg declared victory, the court vindicated his position, first amendment rights do not include endangering a public or take over a public space with tents and tarps. they're allows back in to protest. the question is, do we have a resolution here, or do we have a temporary situation? >> reporter: i think temporary situation, temporary solution is the best way to put it, john. around 5:30 today protesters were allowed back in the park. this ruling basically means they can demonstrate in the park but they can't set up tents or generators. the judge saying that is not included in their first amendment rights but as one protester put it to us, this movement is so much bigger than this park. that is sentiment that i've heard echoed throughout the day today. it is not just a movement here in new york. it's a movement not only across this country, it is around the world, as one of the heads of occupy wall street told me just now, he said if anything, this is galvanized the movement. certainly in the a long-term solution here, at least in the eyes of the city of new york. >> and in terms of the leader who says it is galvanized them, what's the situation? tonight what condition as wait them in the park? where do they take it next if they're not allowed to camp out there, or do you suspect and hear word of possible civil disobedience? >> reporter: what we have seen some of that civil disobedience, we saw it play out in the wee hours of the morning when protesters locked arms and refused to leave the park. they were forced out by new york city police officers. what's happening now is that bags are being checked by every protester that goes in the park behind me. they're not allowed to bring tents. they can't bring generator. they can't bring big duffel bags. they can't create a camp that he had before. however, i would expect to see some of these protesters try to spend the night here tonight. it's not cold in new york. they can sleep on the ground. and i expect we'll see that. >> poppy harlow on the scene for us. we'll keep watching throughout this hour and the evening. one week from tomorrow house and senate deficit cutters are supposed to, emphasis on supposed to have a plan, trim more than 1 trillion from the federal budget. two lawmakers offer last-minute advice and it's not to be timid. , killer audio, and lids that switch to start every semester fresh. ♪ [ male announcer ] featuring windows 7 and windows 7 live messenger. for a limited time, purchase select dell pc's and receive our holiday photo solution. our gift to you. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 you and your money deserve. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, that means taking a close look at you tdd# 1-800-345-2550 as well as your portfolio. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 we ask the right questions, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 then we actually listen to the answers tdd# 1-800-345-2550 before giving you practical ideas you can act on. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck online, on the phone, tdd# 1-800-345-2550 or come in and pull up a chair. 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"erin burnett outfront" coming up at top of the hour. you're going it take a close look at super committee tonight. >> that's right. a lot of developing news, left, right and center with so many stories. the super committee, one co-chair saying, hours to go before a deal. now that would mean of course if everyone agrees, then in hours you're done. we're eight days away from a crucial decision for america and the world. we'll be talking to a super committee member tonight and the latest developments on occupy wall street. that story today. and the latest on penn state. we're going to talk about that and also some first amendment issues. back to you, john. >> we'll see you in a few minutes. tonight's number, it has a little bit to do with the super committee. 83%, 83% of americans disapprove of the job their members of congress are doing. 83% disapprove. 11% approve. i'll go out in the country and try to fine them. 5% are not so sure. as you look at all of this play out. what comes next is the super committee. a chance for congress to redeem itself, get the 83 down into the 70s, maybe in the 60's what's the super committee? six democrats, six republicans. three members of each from the house and senate, three democrats, three republicans from each body. what is it supposed to do? it's supposed to identify at least $1.2 trillion in savings in the federal budget. the deadline next week, november 23rd. and if they don't reach that deadline, if they don't come up with a plan of their own, the bill that creates the committee would call for across the board spending cuts. that is the plan. do you think they'll get it done? 70% in the new politico/gw battle ground poll say no, 69% say no, they won't get it done. here to offer advice, two key members of congress say don't go timid, go bold. saxby chambliss and congressman heath shuler. you say don't be timid, be bold. if you look at that same poll i just showed you, if you ask the american people, will you accept increased taxes on the wealthy and corporations, 66%, senator, say, yes, to get this deficit down, 66%, means a lot of republicans say yes. why do we have most republicans in congress saying no, not any revenues, no? >> well, obviously, raising taxes is something that republicans have always been against, and are still against, but there's a way to increase revenues, john, without necessarily raising taxes. you can lower tax rates. you can reform the tax code n. a major way particularly on the corporate side. when you do that, you make it more competitive in the international marketplace and you allow corporations to invest their money here in america that's now sitting on the sidelines here in america and you can broaden the tax base because what they'll do, they'll put people back to work and expand the gobusiness to hire n people. you increase tax revenues coming into washington, that's the key to the jobs issuer and it's also the key to getting to a major number like 4 trillion to apply against the deficit. >> so you've got a republican of georgia, moderate to conservative democrat, nodding your head. if you can agree on this, is this a great charade going on? if you listen publicly, the super committee's far apart and having the washington daycare center partisan squabble. >> we're optimistic. we have to support the super committee, let's them know there's members such as sax by and i warning them to go big, put everything on the table. >> big mean what? >> big means 4 trillion plus. 1.5, if they can. >> et to 1.5, they can get to 4 trillion as well. just go deeper. the way to do that is compromise. work together. the world is watching. america's watching. that's why our approval ratings are so low, they don't have the confidence. if we can instill confidence back into the markets and the workplace, we'll explode because they will then have a sense of, yes, members of congress can work together, they'll put their political differences aside to do what's right for the american people. >> you're confident that your leadership in the house, more liberal than you are, congressman should, leader pelosi and her team to go bold, you're talking about medicare, social security. they're willing to do that? >> everything has to be on the table. pelosi has said, go big, go bold. she's looked at those numbers, like a lot 0 the other members have and realized you cannot make a huge difference without looking at medicare, social security, medicaid. it's not that you're cutting them, you roor reform them the way we do taxes. we can reform tax reform, in order to keep them, hold on to the entitlement program swreez to fix them. >> do you share his confidence, if you look at the clock, you know where we are going in the campaign environment. his party, most of your party, wants the medicare issue, they want to run the ads next year in trying to get the house back. a lot of conservatives in your party say you know what? even if we do this tax reform, if it raises revenue, maybe grover norquist, american tack reforms will be after us. >> here's what we know, every economist in the country that we have talked to, and in our gang of six we talked to dozens of them, every expert from the community from the community bank world to the wall street world and everybody in between has said that if you don't get it in dollars, that you're not sending the right message to the marketplace. if you don't, then markets will react in a right way. you can't get the poetry in dollars without reducing spending. we're spending way too much money in this town. that's not a silver bullet in and of itself. you have to have entitlement reform and tax reform. it will take all three of those. not just to get to $4 trillion but we'll have to come back in another two years and do another $4 trillion. this is over ten years. and we now owe $14.5 trillion. pretty soon it will be $17 trillion. this is just the first installment. it will be painful but it is absolutely necessary that we do it. >> you say painful and absolutely necessary on the eve of a campaign, that means everybody has to get in the boat together. the president of the united states has called members of the super committee. when it first formed, he was under the impression, go bold. he tried to negotiate with the republican speaker. that didn't work. i want you to listen to the president when he was in hawaii. >> my hope is that over the next several days, the congressional leadership on the super committee go ahead and bite the bullet and do what needs to be done. the math won't change. there's no magic formula. >> i think you both agree with everything is president just said there. to the democrat in the room. he said that at a public event. if everybody has to get in the boat. if both parties will have to give up something that they would prefer not to give up, is the president of the united states leading this conversation? is he a major part of this conversation? is he irrelevant to this conversation? >> at the end of the day, he has to be part of the conversation. >> doesn't he have to be part of the conversation every day if you're going to get to the finish line? >> i don't think so. i think it may push more republicans away. the more he is engagds, it pushes republicans away. what i think is necessary, you get members of congress. we now have over 150 members, bipartisan to sign it to the super committee that says go big. that sends a message within itself to the super committee and along with what the president had to say. we need this now. we cannot wait. >> how many republicans say, you know, saxby, i would love to be with you if it were two years from now or a year from now. if we give the president this deal, what have we got? >> i say in response to that, look, how much do you care about your country? how much do you care about the america you're going to leave for your children and grandchildren? if you're really serious about doing the job you were sent here to do, on this particular issue, which is the issue of our time. there is not been a more important issue that has come up in my 17 years in congress. this is the time we have to check our political hats. we have to do the right thing. and the right thing is going big and coming up with $4 trillion. it's going to be painful and people will have to really stand up and be willing to go back home and look folks in the eye and say, you know, i could have either got myself reelected by voting no our could have stepped out and do the right thing so that your children and grandchildren will inherit the same america we inherited. >> it is a big deal. we'll track it. i want to close with a question for the former football star. when you watch what's happening in penn state and you their allegations of what went on there, you hear a defense lawyer say, you know, this stuff happens in showers in football programs all the time. what goes through your mine. >> it certainly never happened at the university of tennessee. it is heart breaking the victims, not only that the victims are young children but throughout all of penn state, the alumni. it is an impact. especially those college athletes who are there now. those student athletes who are doing good. that's who your heart goes out to. everyone is a victim across college football. >> congressman, good luck to you. a lot of skeptics. a lot of people in the real world -- you find the 11%, give them my phone number. next, a refresher course about a truth newt gingrich should have learned the hard way. it's powerful relief that works at the site of pain and lasts up to 12 hours. think so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, take the lead. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at at bank of america, we're lending and investing in communities across the country, from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn to financing industries that are creating jobs in boston or providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community and supporting training programs for tomorrow's workforce in los angeles. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. woman: day care can be so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1:good morning... robot 1:...female child. sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. tonight's truth is a lesson night gingrich knows all too well. serious candidates for president face tougher questions and like it or not, have a responsibility to answer them. in the most recent debate, for example, the former speaker was asked about a $300,000 consuling contract with the mortgage giant, freddie mac. >> i have never done any lobbying, every contractor was written during the period when i was out of the office. specifically said i would do no lobbying and i offered advice. my advice as a historian, we are now making loans to people who have no credit history and have no record of paying back anything. but that's what the government wants us to do. i said at the time, this is a bubble. this is insane. this is impossible. >> a blookberg news article says top freddie mac officials say they have no recollect of speaker gingrich warning them about the bubble. in fact they suggest he was given the lucrative contract to look for friends among republican in congress. there is nothing wrong with that except some conservatives won't be happy he took money from an organization they view as corrupt or poorly managed. a six-figure contract with an iconic washington institution doesn't fit well with his characterization as himself as an insider turned outsider. now eager to change washington. again though, there is nothing, zero, zip, nada to suggest he did anything wrong. and it is easy to understand politically why this ultimate insider's gig is the last thing the self-styled outsider newt wants to talk about. but it's a fair question to ask. exactly what he

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Against , Tax Rates , Major , Tax Code , Marketplace , Tax Base , Sidelines , Key , Jobs Issuer , Tax Revenues , Deficit , Gobusiness To Hire N , 4 Trillion , Charade , Head , Georgia , Put Everything On The Table , Daycare Center , Partisan Squabble , Sax , Let , Approval Ratings , Compromise , 1 5 , Confidence , Workplace , Markets , Differences , Sense Of , Leadership , At Medicare , Social Security , Pelosi , Congressman Should , Table , Difference , Go Big , 0 , Tax Reform , Entitlement Program , Clock , Order , Medicaid , Party , Conservatives , Back , Campaign Environment , Ads , Tack Reforms , Economist , Dozens , Gang , Grover Norquist , Community , Community Bank , Dollars , Has , Wall Street World , Entitlement Reform , Poetry , Spending , Silver Bullet , Town , 4 5 Trillion , Trillion , 14 5 Trillion , Boat , Installment , Eve , 7 Trillion , 17 Trillion , President Of The United States , Speaker , Impression , Didn T Work , Bullet , Hawaii , Parties , Won T Change , Magic 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