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deadly string of assassinations. and the first lady of the united states reacting to a controversial new book about the obama white house, saying she's not the stereotype of, quote, some angry black woman. i'm wolf blitzer, you're in "the situation room." with back-to-back wins in iowa and new hampshire, mitt romney has now done what no other republican incumbent candidate has ever done, once again no republican candidate except, i should say, for a sitting president. romney, of course, wants to be sitting in the white house next year, but that road leads through south carolina. that's the next primary state in ten days. his opponents are digging trenches and putting up barricades there in an all-out effort to halt his momentum. south carolina has a representation for rough and tumble primary and for picking winners. jim accost ha has the latest. jim? >> reporter: if only the south carolina primary could be tomorrow for mitt romney, it's going to be potentially a brutal ten days before the voters go to the polls here in the state, but mitt romney, no question about it, is coming off a big win in new hampshire. his campaign says they've raised $21 million in the fourth quarter. that's fresh ammunition to go to war against these other candidates here in south carolina. then the next primary state florida, we caught up with rick santorum, who is going to appeal to a lot 6 the social conservatives in this state. when we caught up with him, senator santorum said, it's not over yet. hey, senator, the conventional wisdom is mitt romney has wrapped up all the by the republican nomination. how do you stop it? >> you know what? this is a long process. half the people voting yesterday weren't even republicans, so the idea he's wrapped up the republican nomination, because he won by eight votes in iowa and he won his home state, is just silly. >> reporter: are you going to challenge his record? >> we're going to challenge everything, not just here, but fla in and beyond. rurp during some remarks at an event after we talked to him, he basically chalked up romney's victory to the fact he's been campaigning in that state for six years, noting romney ran for president unsuccessfully in 2008. so senator santorum is ready to go. the former massachusetts governor will face a lot of questions here, wolf about the time he spent running the private investment firm bain capital. rick perry is talking about a factory that was closed in this state by bain capital, and some of the layoffs that occurred there, and romney was asked about this question of bain capital, and whether he's prepared for these attacks on his press charter earlier today, and he said we understood for a long time that the obama people would come after us on this issue, but he said he was surprised that newt gingrich, and he singled out newt gingrich, would be the first witness for the prosecution, in his words. but let's boil down why this may not be all that easy for mitt romney here in south carolina. take a look at the results back in 2008. mitt romney did not finish first here. that went to john mccain. he finished in fourth place. look at these results. mike huckabee very popular with social conservatives. fred thompson was at 15.7%, and mitt romney at 15.1%, but what romney can hang his hat on, wolf is the hope he can be like john mccain in 2012, the front-runner while others spread out the social conservatives among several candidates, really split that vote, allowing mitt romney to come out on top of this state. if he does, wolf, this state has a pretty good history of picking presidents. this state has picked the eventual winner in every presidential contest here since 1980. that's a pretty good track record, wolf. >> excellent track record. ten days from now. jim acosta will be there every step of the way. a quick note. i'll interview rick santorum live coming up in our next hour. i'll ask him if there's any chance to stop mitt rom 234i. i suspect his answer will be yes. while mitt romney's republican rivals continue to attack his record as a financier is president obama joining? >> i don't want america to be a nation that's primarily known for financial speculation and racking up debt buying stuff from other nations. i want to be known for making and selling products all over the world stamped with three proud words -- made in america. we can make that happen. >> our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin is joining us. jessica, that was a thinly veiled attack on romney, wasn't it? >> wolf, the president didn't need to name mitt romney by name, because the attack there, or the criticism is implicit. today was all about drawing contrasts. the big picture for the president's campaign aides is this. they believe this fight that just happened in new hampshire, with so many republicans attacking mitt romney arecord damaged his image as a jobs creator in a way that did some of the democrats' work for them. but what the obama campaign is not pointing out is this. last night mitt romney won the best ig pinch of voters concerned about the economy by star. that's good news for the romney camp. if governor romney wraps up the nomination fairly quickly. if he's able to do it after florida, and able to turn his attention and considerable fund racing ability to the president, that worries them most. >> that would be good new for romney, speaking of fund-raising, the president is doing it virtually nonstop, isn't he? >> he's doing quite a bit of fund-raising. he's spending a good bit of time at the white house, too, but he keeps hitting the trail. this evening he's in chicago doing three fund-raisers tonight. let's look at the numbers so far. the obama campaign tore with what they call their victory fund has raised $155 million through late last year. they set a goal of raising another $60 million by the end of the year. they have yet to announce their total, but we'll see if they hit that $60 million figure when they announce it shortly, maybe later this week. we'll see. the romney campaign said they raised $56 million. that's a lot of money for a primary candidate to raise. impressive and worrying for the obama campaign. the republican superpacs have raised almost $20 million. so clearly the president is winning the fund-raising battle, but democrats insist they're worried about the unlimited funds the opponents will raise from the super pacs or corporations where wealthy individuals can give unlimited amounts. democrats tend to get more from unions, republicans more from corporate donors, and then again democrats' biggest fear is the super pacs will pour a ton of money into negative ads early on when the presidential campaign is saving money to fight later. >> but the democrats have created super pacs to protect the president, to support the president. bill burton, one of the former deputy press secretaries and our own paul begala have a super pac. >> two very talented people, by my reporting, wolf is that the democratic super pacs have not raised very much money at all to date at all. the republican super pacs are raising an enormous money. in the super pac world, dollar to dollar, there's just for competition to date. >> thank you. so far mitt romney has donnell what hi needed to do, win. can he keep it going? a breakdown offers a few klees. our gloria borger is here with more on this. what was different in romney's victory last night? >> well, wolf, put simply, he ran the table. he did what every republican candidate dreams of doing. let me just tell you the groups he won across. he won with republicans, with people who identify themselves as conservatives, tea party supporters, evangelicals, and of course those very important independent voters. democrats are going to point out, and they do, that mitt romney did not win with lower-income people. he didn't win with younger voters, and the turnout, of course, was not as terrific as republicans had anticipated, but overall, wolf, romney did what is so important to any republican running for the presidency. he managed to get hits base together and to track those independent voters. that's the formula for anybody who wants to win the presidency. get yew base. >> we have ten days to california. a lot can happen in ten days, but can he re-create that formula in south carolina? >> it's going to be very, very difficult, as jim acosta was pounding out, for him to really re-create what he did in new hampshire. he had a lot of natural advantages in new hampshire. in 2008, 60% of voters in south carolina identified themselves as evangelicals. they may well be skeptical of his mormonism and mitt romney's position on abortion, which has changed over the years. also those tea party supporters, they're a bit skeptical about mitt romney. here's what i guess is going to come up. we haven't heard a lot of talk about the massachusetts health care plan. tea partiers don't like the idea of mandates. that was in romney's massachusetts plan. he'll have to defend that as well. and of course you have the attack from newt gingrich and rick perry on mitt romney as a corporate raider. that will have some resonance, i believe, in south carolina. >> he didn't say corporate raider, he said a vulture capitalist. i suspect we'll here more of that. >> i think we'll absolutely hear more. it's going to put a lot of pressure on romney to respond. he didn't really responsibility well in new hampshire. when he said to people, you know, i know what it's like to be afraid of getting a pink slip, he seemed inauthentic, but i would bet money that he is going to have some ads up on bain capital, whether it's from his campaign or from the super pac that can spend an awful lot of money on it defending himself on the corporate raider front. i guarantee you he will do that, because they charges cannot be left unanswered. however, wolf, most of the republican establishment is absolutely horrified that there's a class warfare argument going on within the republican party. the question is, does newt gingrich care about what the republican establishment thinks, or does rick perry at this point care what the republican establishment thinks? i think the answer is no. so they'll continue. >> and you and i know these type of guys and gals. they were loving mitt romney right now. >> yeah, they are, and they feel that gingrich and perry are feeding right into barack obama's game plan, not that david axelrod needs any help with that, but now they'll have clips, as you point out the vulture capitalist could well be a rerun. >> and newt gingrich calling him a liar. that's another clip. >> and pious baloney. >> gloria, thanks very much. >> sure. so while we watch the candidates, jack cafferty is thinks about the running mates, the vice presidential running mates. jack cafferty is coming up next with "the cafferty file." two planes much too close for comfort. we have details of a near-collision at a major u.s. airport. eep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough. now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor. numbers don't lie. my cholesterol's stayed down. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. it's backed by over 19 years of research. 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for starters, nominees usual lip look at their former competitors. a recent column on the suggests the republican winner should look for a vice president with a strong business background, experience and someone who can avoid the so-called palin syndrome. translation -- they ought to name some newspapers they read and a couple supreme court cases t. including people like former mayor giuliani, marco rubio, and chris christie, my favorite. my governor. christie has been campaigning for romney, to standing room only crowds in new hampshire, traveling the granite state as sort of a political odd couple. he brings healthy doses of signature straight talk. when protesters began yelling mitt kills jobs, christie shouted back with this, quote -- really? something might go down here tonight, but it ain't going to be jobs, sweetheart. christie would spice up the ticket a lot and might be willing to go on the attack so romney wouldn't have to. here's my political fantasy for 2012. president obama convinces hillary clinton to replace joe biden on the democratic side, romney puts christie on the ticket, and a series of debates is scheduled between clinton and christie. it will be much more entertaining than watching debates between romney and obama. it would be huge. hey, we can dream, right? here's the question -- if romney wins the nomination, who should be his vice president? go to, post a comment on my blog, or go to our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. >> looking forward to what our viewers think. we're learning new details about a close call between two planes. cnn's mary snow is working the story for us. war you finding out? >> wolf, picture the length of two planes, are you familiarly how close a learjet taking occupy came to striking a 737. it happened december 1st. the ntsb is investigating, and fortunately there were no injuries. the question before the national transportation safety board -- how did a southwest 737 and a learjet get so close to each other on the runway at chicago's midway airport. a southwest jet carrying 79 people had just landed and cleared to cross a runway when a learjet was taking off. according to an ntsb report, it was the copilot of the southwest plane who yelled to his pilot to stop, averting a collision. at its closest point they came within 3 hundred feet horrid zonely and 62 feet vertically. a southwest pilot radioed the control tower with frustration clear in his voice. >> yeah, we just had a plane on 31 right, you clear. just copy, there's a plain was taking off? >> contact ground, please. >> a learjet or some sort was taking off. we have to hit the brakes. >> where the danger point was or the critical point was right here. the 737 stopped instead of gus through here and continues around, it was going to continue to the terminal. >> kevin hyatt is a former pilot now with the nonprofit flight safety foundation. he says while it doesn't appear the smaller jet was aimed right at the southwest plane, the question is why the 737 was cleared to cross of runway. the ntsb isn't assigning blame until the report is complete. this follows a recent government report showing an increase in incidents near airports. hyatt sees two main factors -- increase in air traffic and new reporting system where air traffic controllers and pilots aren't punished for reporting errors. >> these are voluntary reports being submitted by the air traffic controllers in this case, pilots, and they are disclosing events like this in order to help get the data together to prevent something like this from happening again. >> wolf, the union for the air traffic controllers decline comment citing the investigation. southwest did the same. a spokesman for the airline said it's fully cooperating with the ntsb. wolf? >> i would hope so. certainly it's important. thanks very much, mary. democrats are wore worried that mitt romney will wrap up the gnome nails sooner rather than later. we'll talk about why in our strategy session. plus an iranian nuclear scientist assassinated in a killing that seems out of a thriller, and he's not alone. on, one chance to hunt down the right insurance at the right price. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. ready, aim, save! grrr! ooh, i forgot my phone! the "name your price" tool. now available on your phone. get a free quote today. i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. 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[ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at almost half a million minivans and suvs are being recalled. lisa sylvester is monitoring that and other top stories in "the situation room" right now. what's going on? >> hi, wolf. the recall covers some 45 thousands fort escape zifs made in 2001 and 2002. leaking brake fluid can cause smoke or even a fire. it's also calling recalling mini israel from 2004 and 2005. they have a torque converter output shaft that can fail, causing the vehicle to lose power. microsoft says it's investigating reports of a mass suicide threat at a chinese factory that makes the xbox game systems. it's owned by a chinese contractor foxconn and, and it made headlines following a rash of worker sue sides believed to stem from harsh working conditions. we are tracking that two-ship convoy trying to bring more than a million gallons of fuel to nome, alaska before the town runs out. the icebreaking and russian tanker are still about 100 miles out, but they only made it 50 feet yesterday. it is the first-ever to supply fuel to the arctic alaska through sea ice. the company that brings us twinkies, ding-dongs, how hos and other iconic treats has filed for bankruptcy, but hostess says it will reorganization. the company was founded at the beginning of the agree depression and employs in 19,000 people. so good news, i know for some folks. the twinkies will survive, wolf. >> it's been a while sing i had a twinkie, but i remember eating many in my day. thanks, lisa. thanks very much. a tale of two campaigns in south carolina. can jon huntsman gain any ground after gambling on new hampshire? can newt gingrich regain any footing? joe johns is standing by to join us. we'll assess as well in our strategy session. plus a brazen bombing in the heart of tehran, who is beyond the latest hit. cnn's nic robertson has an extraordinary firsthand look at syr syria's crackdown. >> reporter: this is an antigovernment rally barely 50 minutes from syria's capital. they've come to bury a 32-year-old man they say was killed by pro-government gunmen. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car, and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life, or they're on us. these are just two of the valuable features you can expect from liberty mutual. plus, when you insure both your home and car with us, it could save you time and money. at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life, so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? cameras were rolling when a french journalist was killed in the violence in the uprising in syria. the first death of a western reporter. also rick santorum joins us in "the situation room." we'll talk about his disappointing finish in new hampshire and his strategy in south carolina. he's joining us live. dozens of bus crashes all the caught on videotape. the video las just been released, raising serious concerns about public transport in a major u.s. city. stand by. you're in "the situation room." new hampshire is it already history for the goch candidates. a new battle is under way in south carolina as mitt loam any trying to roll up the opposition, some of his rivals are fighting hard. joe johns is already on the scene for us. joe, what's going on? >> jon huntsman with his first event here on the campus of the university of south carolina, making a bit of news, talking about the controversy over bain capital and mitt romney, coming down pretty much on the side of mitt romney, quite frankly, saying in his view some of the rhetoric needs to be cooled down when talking about bain capital. investment banks, he says, you can't be for free market capitalism and against the banks at the same time. again, as i said, his first events coming off that third-place showing in new hampshire. he was greeted by a large standing room only crowd on the top floor of a business school here on the campus nonetheless, a big uphill battle, because there's so much so much value voters, and others, including tea partiers who don't seem to be really in the jon huntsman wheelhouse. on the other hand there is newt gingrich who actually flew out to south carolina last night after his final event. he hit the ground running this morning in rockhill, south carolina, up near the north carolina border. he was banging away at the issue of bain capital. listen to this. >> criticizing specific actions in specific places is not being anti-free enterprise. chronny capitalism when people pay each other off at the is not free enterprise and raisin questions about that is not wrong. >> if that is not enough, he also has a new web ad out that's going after mitt romney once again hitting the issue that gingrich has talked about before, suggesting that mitt romney would not be a good match against president obama in a debate. listen to this web ad. >> what were you thinking? this is a completely airtight kennel mounted on the top of our car. he climbed up will regularly, enjoyed himself. he was in kennel at home. we love the dog. we had five kids inside the car. my guess is he liked it a lot better in the kennel than he would have liked it inside. ♪ >> who let the dogs out? who? who? >> reporter: some of the toughest web ads are the ones that use only his own words against him. one more thing out there, that would be a fund-raising her to people here in south carolina, stressing the urgency of the moment, saying there's no more time for talking appeared making the case if it doesn't happen next week in south carolina, romney is almost certainly going to be the nominee for the republican party. so newt ging rip really going after him. >> they're going to be critical and probably very, very ugly. el wrote about that on my blog post today as well. jamal simmons and el -- former spokeswoman for michele bachmann. thanks very much for coming in. alice, let me start with you. romney is a little more moderate. here's the question -- since the tea party and other more conservative members of the tea party and elsewhere were doing well, why is romney doing as well as he is? >> that's a great question. politics is a bloodsport there in south carolina. things will start getting dirty. as we saw in new hampshire, this is the home of the live free or die state. as things transition we'll get into the bible belt. as i learned, the message change dramatically. you come down to the south and you're talking about gods and guns, but still romney is doing well. first of all, money. you can't deny the fact that money is a big factor, also helping with staff and organization, but also he's got the money and the momentum from doing well in iowa as well as new hampshire. but more importantly there's interesting numbers that came out of exit polls last night, wolf. romney came out 61%, so they're looking at does he have the money to carry on and take on obama? certainly people are satisfied with him. >> good point. jamal, you like james carville and a bunch of other democrats i've been talking with simply suisun that romney has it wrapped up? >> i don't seep he's god it wrapped up, but as close as he can. he's got the organization, the money. it looks like he's going to probably get to the finish like, but i will give a caveat here, which is that south carolina is the place that ambitions go to guy. remember john mccain after winning in new mexico, he went to south carolina and got smacked around a lot by president bush. i think newt gingrich is? the macing bit right now. i any the ad is pretty touch on mitt romney. >> alice, there's a lot of tea party activists that don't like mitt romney. will they simply sit on their hands, stay out of it? what do you think? >> i don't see that. we've had basically two campaigns, the romney campaign and the anti-romney campaign. all the other candidates are basically in that field. at the end of the day, the gop voters and conservatives out there, they don't want their vote to go to waste. they'll vote that the person they see will have the means, resources and message to beat obama. so if he's a nominee, we'll see the faith community, we're goinging to all conservatives joined together. they want to the stand behind the candidate that will move him out of the without and get the conservative message in there. most importantly they want barack obama to be a one-term president. >> i got to tell you, mitt romney had a very being night, but he's got to be careful. he has yet to come up with an answer to the bain capital 1%-er manager critique that we're seeing, and if he doesn't, he's in danger of happening to him what happened to john kerry. >> i disagree, i think he did a agrees job last night defining where he goes from here. he made a very good speech. there are winners and losers. hi part was to help keep the free market going. that's the cornerstone of the republican party. that's why it's not the greatest idea for some of the gop candidates to go after him for that, and some of them have pulled back and have stopped do that, because basically they're hasn'ting talk iing point,. >> very quickly. >> he needs a better answer. >> well, he gave a pretty powerful speech last night. he delivered it well, he with a teleprompter there, and did a good job of reading there. guys, good work all around. thank you. an iranian nook lard scientist assassinated. >> all the evidence points to an israeli operation. israel denies involvement. so does the united states. who carried out this hits that seems right out of a spy thriller? we're going to show you what we know. >> and we're going live to syria. our own nic robertson is there, reporting on the death of a colleague, a french journalist killed today as the cameras were rolling. people with a machine. what ? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ? ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. it'll cause cavities, bad breath. patients will try and deal with it by drinking water. water will work for a few seconds but if you're not drinking it, it's going to get dry again. i recommend biotene. all the biotene products like the oral rinse...the sprays have enzymes in them. the whole formulation just works very well. it leaves the mouth feeling fresh. if i'm happy with the results and my patients are happy with the results, i don't need to look any farther. one by one iranian nuclear scientists are being killed, the leiest on the streets of tehran. a bomb attack like something off a spy thriller. iran is blaming the united states and israel, and says it won't give up its nuclear ambitions. our barbara starr has more. >> another assassination at a time when nuclear tensions with iran are already sky high. >> assassination 101, a motorcycle speeds up, an assassin bends down and attaches a bomb underneath. another iranian nuclear scientist is dead. this is no movie. on wednesday the fourth assassination of an iranian nuclear scientist? two years, working on iran's nuclear programs is now world world's most dangerous jobs. this time the deadman worked at the uranium enrichment plant, a facility the cia believes is key to the development of nuclear weapons in iran. the number one suspect -- israel. >> all the evidence points to an israeli operation. this has got the professionalism, the persistants, and the february e februaryiveness that has marked campaigns in the past. >> in january 2010, a hit squad widely believed tore mossad agents was caught on cameras, where a top hamas official turned up dead. he warns that the latest assassinations could spin out of control. >> it is likely that these -- this assassination andy others are going to increase the paranoia in the iranian regime. it might backfire and convince them they have to accelerate their developments. in january 2010, a bomb placed under a car killed a nuclear scientist. november 2010, another scientist killed when a motorcycle assail aren't placed a bomb under his car. the same thing hand in july 2011, a top iranian officials said wednesday iranian scient t scientists being more determined to take steps in line with the aspirations of the republic. recall han long blamed israel and the u.s. for the killings. >> i want to cat koirkly deny any involvement in any violence inside iran. >> what did israel say? on the facebook page, the spokes el person for the defense forces says -- i have no idea who targeted the iranian scientists, but i certainly don't shed a tear. >> leon pa netti continues to say there's a red line that iran cannot have a nip. the question now is whether israel or somebody else out there is making sure iran doesn't cross that red line. wolf? >> barbara. thank you. meanwhile, the iranian president is in cuba. lisa sylvester is monitoring that and some of the other top stories in "the situation room" right now. what do we know? >> ahmadinejad 24-our visit includes a meeting with raul castro, and a speech at the university of havana. he's also expected to immediate with fidel castro. he's trying to strengthen ties in latin america. he's already visited venezuela and nicaragua. his next stop is ecuador. hundreds of protesters marking ten years since it is arrival of the first terror suspects at guantanamo bay, cuba. they're calling on president obama to close gitmo as promised. at the height, it held 680 detainees. today there are 171. the administration is time yesterday over what to do with dozens deemed too dangerous to be released, but too difficult to prosecute. astronomers are now saying there are at least 100 billion plan either in our galaxy alone. they used a technique called microlensing, allowing -- the study appears in the journal "nature." that's unbelievable. 100 billion plan either is what they're saying. >> all though plan either have to have little people walking around some of those plan either, i assume. >> maybe. a very serious story coming into "the situation room." we have a shocking new video. it's just in, and it seems to show some very horrific conduct by united states marines on the battlefield. we're checking it out. stand by. we'll update you on what we know. the first lady of the united states reacts to a controversial new book about the obama white house, saying she's not the stereotype of, quote, some angry black woman. plus you won't believe what's happening on buses in washington, d.c. we have shocking pictures. that's coming up. great guest experience. that makes my day. and during the four course feast, there's so much to choose from. [ male announcer ] the four course seafood feast is back at red lobster. still just $15. get soup, salad, unlimited cheddar bay biscuits, dessert, and your choice of 7 entrées, like new honey bbq shrimp skewers or shrimp and scallops alfredo. all four courses, just $15. [ jody ] it's really good value. all my guests love it. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster general manager. and i sea food differently. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. ♪[music plays] when you're responsible for this much of the team... you need a car you can count on. ♪[music plays] we may by getting ahead of ourselves, but the question is if mitt romney wins the nomination, who should be his vp? steve will say i'm not going to vote for the gop, but kay bailey hutchison would be brilliant. she understands congress, a jfk-lbj for republicans, and much more qualified than sarah palin was. fred in mississippi, romney's vp would have to be someone who can get conservative votes if romney's going to have any chance of beating obama. i believe it should be mike huckabee. he can get conservative and evangelical votes that romney can't get. laura writes, jon huntsman. this would not particularly police the true conservatives, then off a mover seasoned policy person would give the ticket balance as long as he doesn't telegraph the move before hand and encourage obama to replace biden with clinton. marco rubio. he has all the tickets to be a good vp candidates, and while a freshman he got elected by a wide margin his down side is a tea party views. rex writes loam any should from an unpopulated stay with questionable morals and intolerable ignorance. oh, weigh, we did that. it didn't work. well, and tom writes the donald. then we could have a ticket with good hair. great hair. go to my blog, or through our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. wolf? >> i love your followers out there, jack. they are very clever. very good. pictures that a pentagon officials call, and i'm quoting now, stomach turns. the u.s. marine corps investigating shocking images said to be from the battlefield. also michelle obama pushes back on a controversial book. ant heart-stopping video that might make you think twice about taking the bus. when bp made a commitment to the gulf, we knew it would take time, but we were determined to see it through. today, while our work continues, i want to update you on the progress: bp has set aside 20 billion dollars to fund economic and environmental recovery. we're paying for all spill- related clean-up costs. and we've established a 500 million dollar fund so independent scientists can study the gulf's wildlife and environment for ten years. thousands of environmental samples from across the gulf have been analyzed by independent labs under the direction of the us coast guard. i'm glad to report all beaches and waters are open for everyone to enjoy. and the economy is showing progress with many areas on the gulf coast having their best tourism seasons in years. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. we're committed to the gulf for everyone who loves it, and everyone who calls it home. i'm giving you the silent treatment. so you're calling to tell me you're giving me the silent treatment? ummm, yeah. jen, this is like the eighth time you've called... no, it's fine, my family has free unlimited mobile-to-any-mobile minutes from at&t. so i can call all i want. i don't think you understand how the silent treatment works. hello? [ male announcer ] buy unlimited messaging and get free unlimited calling to any u.s. mobile on any network. at&t. and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. edge lind, thef first warship leaves to the gulf. nigeria protesters gather to protest the subsidies which has sent fuel prices soaring. an illimb nated dragon is set up to celebrate the lunar new year. and goats are dressed in clothes, the owners put on them to keep them warm from severe weather. hot shots, pictures from around the world. the first lady of the united states is responding to allegations in a new book about the obama white house, and trying to clarify her own image. our own lisa sylvester has been looking into the reaction. she spoke to gail king setting the record straight. the book portrays her as a loving moment, private confidant of the president and occasional thorn in the side of the president's staff. >> i guess it's more interesting to imagine this conflicted situation here and a strong woman and, you know, but that's been an image that people have tried to paint of me since the day announced. >> the first lady sat down with gail king to discuss a new book by jody kantor. it describes tensions within the administration and the first family. kantor writes that rahm emanuel saw the president's dejection and repeated the criticisms to other with an air of indignation. asked about it the first lady said there wasn't tension. >> rahm and i never had a cross word. >> you have never had a cross word? >> i mean, i don't have conversations with my husband's staff. i don't go to the meetings. our staffs work together really well, so if there's communication that needs to happen, it happens between staffs. >> another rift? this one between mrs. obama and former press secretary robert gibbs. it was reported in the news that mrs. obama told the french first lady that living in the white house was hell. mrs. obama denied that conversation ever happened and she was upset with gibbs for not pushing harder to correct the record, quote, she felt neglected by him. he felt criticized by her. it reached a boiling point in a high-level staff meeting that included valerie jarrett. gibbs exploded in anger, f this. that's not right. where is this coming from? you shouldn't talk that way, jaret said. gibbs, you don't know what the f you're talking about, he hurled back. >> jaret, the first lady would not believe you're speaking this way. >> then f her too, gibbs reportedly said. mrs. obama brushed it off. >> robert gibbs mash a trusted adviser, remains so, and i'm sure we could go day to day and find things people wish they didn't say to each other or said. people stumble, people make mistakes. >> in the book she's described as a warmed, welcoming first lady who abu yesterday the president's spirits. the first lady acknowledges there was a learning curve growing into the job, but one she fully embraced. >> i love this job. it is it has been a privilege. there is challenges, and if there's any anxiety that i feel, it's because i want to make sure my girls come out of this on the other end whole. after the book was released robert gibbs issued an apology regrets speaking in anger and regrets the disagreement became so public. wolf? thank you, lisa. you're in "the situation room." happening now, rick santorum's fight for the south. plus an unprecedented move. the fight over a judicial nomination just like this one. plus hundreds of videos of crashes and close calls that will make you cringe. cameras capture scary moments on board buses right in the nation's capital. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news, political headlines and jeanne moos straight ahead. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." up first, a new video that appears to show really disgusting behavior by united states marines in the presence of dead bodies. a pentagon official says the pictures turned his stomach. an investigation has now been launched. on you poring correspondent barbara starr is joining us with details. what are they saying, barbara? >> this is a 39-second video that began to appear on the internet earlier today. for obvious reasons were only going to show a blurred still image. this is simply not suitable to be shown. what it does appear to show is four men dressed in marine corps combat gear in a war zone urinating on what appears to be three dead bodies of potential insurgents. the marine corps has launched an investigation into all of this. we have to emphasize, as you continue to look at this photo, we do not know when or where exactly it was taken, but there are interesting clues already emerging. i spoke to a senior marine corps official who says, look at the picture. you will see these people dressed in the combat gear are carrying 30 caliber sniper rifles, especially the marine dressed person closest to you is wearing a helmet, very particular to marine corps sniper teams, so they are going to start looking and seeing if anything matches a potential unit that searched potentially in afghanistan that they might be able to determine who it was and what they exactly were doing here. by all accounts, they believe this video is legitimate, they do not believe it's a fake, and this is very serious, wolf. this is u.s. military potentially, potentially decent crating dead bodies. >> are they bracing for really an angry response in the muslim and arab world to what's going on here? >> it's a bit early. it just began to appear on several web sites, but we know the internet, of course, anything that appears can go viral and become global very, very quickly. they will be looking to see what reaction is out there clearly they moving quickly to establish an investigation, and appoint an investigating officer and try to pin down exactly who these people are, where they served, what they were doing, and see whether there is the possibility and the appropriateness of bringing charges against them. ever since some of the initial incidents, if they've learned nothing else, they have learned very quickly to try to contain the incidents which appear to continue to happen because of that very question you raised, wolf. these go virm and there is a reaction around the world. we should emphasize again they have not confirmed when or where these videos were taken, who was involved in all of it, but there is now an investigation under way. they hope to pin it all down very quickly, wolf. >> i'm sure think remember the abu ghraib prison, the disgusting photos that went viral, and the enormous damage it did to the u.s. military in iraq and elsewhere. we'll stay in close touch, barbara. thank you. other important news we're following, political news here in the united states. all six republican candidates are campaigning with a vengeance today in south carolina only hours after new hampshire voters gave mitt romney his second win of 2012. ron paul heads south with added momentum from a second-place finish tonight. he's warning that his's dangerous to the status quo and romney's chances of winning the presidential nomination, but south carolina is a different battleground. dana bash is covering ron paul's campaign for us. he was impressive in his second of had place finish last night. what's happening today? >> reporter: no question this is very different, but after decades of trying to sell his message, he was clearly energized by his big showing here last night. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> reporter: for ron paul, new hampshire's silver medal was a big win. >> we had a victory for something very important in this country. we had a victory for the cause of liberty last night. >> we are not a small minority any longer. we are constantly growing. we are going to have a lot of influence on the future of this country. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview with cnn minutes after learning of his second-place new hampshire showing, paul suggested it's now a two-man race. >> are you the buffer now between mitt romney and the rest of the candidates? >> i don't know what you want to call it, but i know we're next in line to him, so i would say that we're the only ones really in the race with him. >> if this momentum is going to continue we are going to have to do the work. >> paul's aides admit he doesn't have close to the organization in south carolina he had in iowa and new hampshire, but cnn is told he plans to spend about a million there. tv ads are already running, attacking newt gingrich and rick santorum. >> one serial hypocrite exposed. >> he went the other way when he got paid to go the other way. >> not another has emerged, rick santorum. >> a lot of cash where television time in a state that's not at that expensive, and paul will rely on something that money can't buy -- love. intense energy from ardent supporters, especially young people who travel the country to volunteer for his campaign. in new hampshire, 76-year-old paul won 46% of the youth vote, mar more than any other gop candidate. his message is consistent -- anti-interventionist -- >> what we need to do is say that, once again, this country should never go to war unless the war is declared, win it and come home. >> reporter: and libertarian. >> the purpose of all political action from my viewpoint is the protection of liberty. that is what it should be. >> reporter: now, paul's problem is that plays big here in the live free or die state. voters in south carolina are traditionally more socially conservative, less libertarian, but paul is banking on the fact this year is anything but traditional, and making it abundantly clear he intends to stay in the race for the long haul. he wants to take his message and moment all the way to the republican convention. >> thank you, dana. while his rivals duke it out, president obama is shoring up support on his home turf. he's on his way to chicago where he'll spy at several campaign fund-raising events tonight. earlier he met with executives of 14 companies at the white house to talk about jobs. you saw live pictures of the president arriving in chalk, air force one. the president is trying too show that positions can be brought back to the united states. >> i don't want to be america known as a nation bakley of speculation. i want you to be known for making and selling products all over the world stamped with three proud words -- made in america. we can make that happen. >> the president ways making probably not such a thinly veiled shot at mitt romney and his record when he ran a firm that outsourced job. president obama finds himself in the middle of an unusual fight right now. get this a democratic senator is blocking one of the his judicial nominees. that's right. robert menendez of new jersey is blocking that nominee. our white house correspondent briana keilar is taking a closer look. this is extraordinary, brianna. what do we know? >> there's a lot of political intrigue, wolf, and actually new governments. the chief 6 staff for senator menendez says he is open to having another meeting with the judicial nominee that he is blocking, pat,schwartz, if she asks for it. that may seem like a small development on its face, but a sign ultimately he choo change his mind and step out of the way. but for right now his official objection stands. that means that a confirmation hearing cannot proceed. it's a regular thing for the president. but not by a democrat. robert menendez is blocking the nomination of patty schwartz to the powerful third circuit corporation, one step below the supreme court. it's a most unusual situation. >> almost unprecedented in recent american history for a member of the president's own party to stop one of that president's judicial nomination. >> reporter: so why is menendez standing in the way? he said in a written statement that schwartz didn't know his facts during his formal interview specifically on the landmark case citizens united. but schwartz' supporters says it's revenge. under christie's direction, schwartz' longtime boyfriend james noveel oversaw a corruption investigation of menendez. it was launched in the middle of the senator's 20206 el reelection battle. bad blood remains. now the white house is in an awkward position, squaring off against a senator from the president's own party. >> we obviously want to see all of the president's nominees considered in a timely manner. >> reporter: pressure is mounting on menendez to get out of the way. tuesday the editorial pages for both "the washington post" and "new york times" piled on. but for now, the fate of patty schwartz' nomination remains in the hands of one senator. >> current senate procedure gives senators a virtual veto right over judges in their home state. unless he changes his mind, it's virtually dead in the water. >> reporter: a statement here that we got just a short time ago from a white house spokesman eric schultz saying we are regretful the senator's motives were questioned, and we're hopef hopeful. it seems some coordination to try to move past an awkward situation. >> it's a developing story and you'll update you when you get news. jack cafferty has "the cafferty file." >> if the rep primary race was a movie, the director might be ready to yell cut, print, that's a wrap. mitt romney's plowing ahead in south carolina with the wind at his back after become the first non-incumbent republican in modern history to win both iowa and new hampshire. he may now be all but unstoppable, not too bad consideration the rpgs have spend the last year trying out a whole roast of the other candidates. they've kicked the tires for everyone from rick perry to herman cain to newt gingrich, most recently rick santorum. despite brief spikes in the polls, none of the other candidates have presented a serious challenge. if they're going to, they better start. time is running shorter. cnn contributordown avalon writes for "the daily beast" that romney is ready for primetime. consider this romney won almost every major demographic group in new hampshire. he won catholic voters, romney is a mormon. he ran against two catholics. he won evan yell cal voters and tea party supporters. and the rest of the crowd doesn't seem to get it. despite weak performances in new hampshire, i think perry got 1% of the vote. they're all going to stumble on into south carolina. there's an old expression where i grew up out there in nevada. when it's over, it's over. so here's the question -- is the republican race over? go to, post a comment on my blog, or go to our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. >> i heard something say it ain't over until the fat lady sings. that's -- >> is that yogi berra? >> the fat lady hasn't sung, but some rotund women are out there rehearsing. not my line, but it's out there. >> i'm glad you didn't take credit for it. cnn is inside syria documenting new bloodshed, including the death of a french journalist, our own nic robertson is in syria. he finds syrians who fear president al assad, and even an american woman who says she is support the bashar al assad regime. >> the president was forced to go. >> it will be chaos, big, big chaos. it's his -- the security there. >> a peaceful president. ♪ [ male announcer ] when kelley blue book's gave the 2012 camry a best resale value award, we were delighted. ♪ when it received a 5-star overall safety rating, we were ecstatic. and when camry became the number-one selling car in america 10 years running, we blushed. ♪ the reinvented 2012 camry. from toyota. ♪ can you enjoy vegetables with sauce from toyota. and still reach your weight loss goals? 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who is responsible? the government is responsible. bashar al assad is responsible. he's killing us only because we want to be like you. >> i'm afraid when i'm talking to you. why? i'm going to lift this scarf and go into my home and i'm not 100% sure that i'm going to be safe. if not today, if not tomorrow, they will arrest me. >> reporter: the defiance possible, because two monitoring are here. >> if you are here, without them you don't -- you will never going to see any protester. >> reporter: even so protesters told us they didn't trust the arab league mission. the monitors say this is one of the most dangerous and difficult situation. the crowd is volatile, and the monitors say the most important thing they can do is be neutral, take down all the information, and show that they are completely impartial. >> everyone here has something to say. many push forward to show injuries they say were inflicted by government forces. >> absolutely desperate to show us the level of suffering. they say they can't go to the hospitals, because they fear being arrested. some of the injuries we're seeing here seems to show signs they're not being treated as well as they could be. when the monitors leave, so do we. within minutes, they are stopped. we're half a mile from the antigovernment rally and here there are pro-government supporters, trying to show the monitors their support for al assad. it appears to be an impromptu -- but clearly they knew this was the way the monitoring were going to come. it's not the only pro-government rally in town. at least two others. here a huge p.a. system blasts the president's message. ♪ government troops dancing with the crowds the most striking difference between this pro-government rally and the opposition rallies that we have seen, here it's a celebration, a carnival atmosphere. at the opposition rallies, there is absolute real fear in people's eyes, they're tirr filled of their situation. here they say they trust the president. >> he's a good man, if you want to see, you can see. it is real here. >> and they believe the government line that opposition is fabricated. >> it's not legal opposition. >> reporter: what is it? >> this opposition is knoll real? >> legal. >> reporter: how do you mean not legal or real? i think it is a fake. >> reporter: few here will talk about the danger of syria imploding into sectarian chaos. this american woman and her syrian husband an exception. >> the president was forced to go. >> reporter: well, it will be a big, big chaos. it's his -- the security forces. >> a peaceful president. he likes to see all religions get along. he's a peaceful man. >> reporter: so now assad remains in control for the most part, but it's hard to imagine his supporters and opponents can be kept apart much longer. nic robertson, cnn, damascus, syria. excellent reporting by our nic robertson. he's joining us on the phone from damascus. knick, this story shocked me, i know it shocked a lot of people around the world, the killing of a french journalist, who's on the same government-sponsored visit as you are right now. you were there apparently with them. tell us what happened. >> reporter: we were in homes, and spent the day with government minded officials. we weren't able to go to any of the option-held areas. it was with a different group of journalists. they have been invited into the country. officially they were there. we both -- our group and his group were invited to go to a pro-government rally. we told the government minders with us that we didn't want to go, we've seen too many rallies, they said that's fine, and we were living. we were standing around filming in that area, and as we were leaving, we saw the group of journalists he was with going toward the rally. within ten minutes in that area we began to get calls that they had been hit in mortar rounds s apparently one mortar round hit a room. another mortar round, they rushed to film that as well, and another landed right in the middle of the journalists. when's gial was injured, his partner, a fwrafr, she came to the car where he was being bundled into a taxi to be taken to the hospital. at first she doesn't realize it's the man she loves lying in the back of the car, her head is slightly bleeding. people are saying get in the car, get in the car. it all the happened very quickly. of course, a lot of people asking questions, who was responsible? >> did you know gial? >> i knew him a little bit. we spent time in libya just over a year ago covering the overthrow of moammar gadhafi. i also had met his partner as well. i didn't know them intimately well. it's a very sad day. i think a small corps of journalists here and it hit us quite heavily. we're told it was started by opposition forces, because they knew international journalists were there, but a lot of us kneel that probably -- that may very well not be the truth, wolf. >> our deepest condolences obviously to his family and friends, and be careful over there, knick. you have a great photographer khalil abdullah from our washington, d.c. bureau. he's doing a magnificent job, and tommy evans, all three of you be careful over there. how many more days railroad planning to stay there? >> reporter: it's almost a day-by-day basis. we were supposed to leave today. we had a few days extended onto our visas, and we'll see how long it goes. >> knick, tommy and khalil are three of the most courageous journalists we have working for cnn. we're grateful for their reporting. . the state department is further reducing its embassy staff in damascus amid this heightened security concern. took out a new travel warning today ordering a number of employees to leave syria as soon as possible. rick santorum is under attack. his rival ron paul now labeling him, i'm quoting, one of the most corrupt members of congress. rick santorum is standing by and he'll respond. warren buffett has a new play to pay down the debt. the new pledge he's issue toss republicans in congress. like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. which you challenge from warren buffett. there's a new story in the issue of "time," owned by the same parent company as cnn. we're joined by rick stengel. fascinating interview, rick. the issues of challenge to republicans in congress, first give us the background and tell us what the challenge is. actually, wolf, he's answering a challenge that republicans made a few months ago when he wrote an op-said saying i should be paying more taxes. mitch mcconned said they created a buffett rule, to voluntary allow people to pay more taxes, but warren's responsible is taxes are not philanthropy, and he issued a challenge, saying any republican who wants to pay more taxes, i'll meet it dollar for dollar, and in mitch mcconnell, i will make it 3 to 1. >> that's his challenge. he's been very supportive of president obama so far, hasn't he? >> he's a very big supporter of president obama. he was a lifelong republican who became a democrat a number of years ago he has a very progressive view of the way tax policy should work. on the other hand he doesn't think there should be many regulations governing banks and things like that. his views are an interesting contrarian mix of things, and that's what makes the story so interesting. >> president obama gave a speech caution for in-sourcing, saying we've got to create more jobs here in the united states instead of exporting them someplace else like china or india. i saw it and a lot of people saw it as a thinly veiled criticism of mitt romney, when he was ceo of bain capital window up outsourcing some jobs. did you see it like that as well? >> well, i think that was the subtext in some ways. at the same time everybody is in favor of in-sourcing. mitt romney, every republican, the president, and democrats. people would like to have jobs come back here that had been exported. by the way, one of the counter-intuitive functioning of having high unemployment and people looking for jobs is in some ways, it would be easier to in-source some jobs, because people are looking for lower wages, and relative to some wage earners in india and china. the new issue of "time," the optimist, is on the cover, warren buffett, i suspect all of our view who real that article will learn something. thank you, rick. >> thank you so much, wolf. when we come back, i'll speak with rick santorum. we have lots to discuss. i'll live it at that. also scary crashes caught on tape. dozens of them. you may never feel safe on a bus again after you see this. stand by. century global nomad ♪ ♪ home was an airport lounge and an ipad ♪ ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪ ♪ if you're a mobile type on the go ♪ ♪ i suggest you take a tip from my bro ♪ ♪ and download the app that lets you know ♪ ♪ at free-credit-score-dot-com now let's go. ♪ vo: offer applies with enrollment in™. i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i want to fix up old houses. 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[ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon. rick santorum's campaign says and he'll spend half of that money on ads in south carolina. he's hoping for a strong showing if the first southern contest. rick santorum is joining us from columbia, south carolina right now. senator, as usual, thanks very much for coming in. how do you hope to finish in south carolina. what is your hope? >> well, our hope is to finish first. that's what we try to do in iowa. we understood when it was not a possibility in new hampshire, but we felt keck vigorously compete here in south carolina and try to repeat that performance of being in the top two or three here in system system. this is just another step in the process for us, but we think we fit south carolina well, we've got a good team down here, and we're getting a lot of very positive response so far to the message of economic growth, limited government, strong national security experience. we've got the package i think that fits well. >> newt gingrich says if romney wins in south carolina, in his words, he's probably going to be the nominee. you agree with the former speaker? >> no, i don't agree with him. you know, i feel like, you know, we need to get this race down to two people, know -- i shouldn't say three, because ron paul i don't think will drop out, but we needs to get it down to two people. and i'm hopeful after south carolina we can finish strongly here and show the conservatives they can rally behind somebody who can take on mitt romney and more importantly take on barack obama and win this election with a conservative who can make the changes after we beat barack obama. so a win without the kind of change we need in this country is not the win we need. we need someone who has the record of being someone who can make big changes in washington. and i've done that. >> you don't think mitt romney is that man? >> well, if you look at his record as governor of massachusetts, it's not someone who was able to lead and make the changes. he governed over doing more of what the left wanted to do. we've been doing that for a long time in washington. we examine -- we can put anybody in there. we need someone who has a record of repealing entitlements, not addings entitlements. we need someone with a record of standing up and fighting for the family, not someone who's -- who's not been successful in doing that. there's a lot of differences between the two of us, as this race gets down to two people we'll be able to highlight and hopefully see we're the stronger candidate, as opposed to the problem that mitt romney had as he was governor that look a lot like barack obama's policies. >> i think i read a quote saying that mitt romney would only be margininally better than barack obama. is that an accurate quote? >> marginally, you know, it depends on the term. he could be substantial be on some fronts. others he won't be that much better at all. so i think we need someone who's got bold ideas and not someone who has, as "wall street journal" says, timid ideas on the economy. we need big changes, we need someone willing to go out and attack that deficit and drive down the cost of spending, get rid of the regular torrie burden and again we have a track record of showing that, and governor romney has been, you know, more timid. we don't need that. we don't need that contrast. >> ron paul has a new ad he's put out in south carolina. i don't know if you've seen it, but it directly goes after you. he's got a lot of money, as you well know. listen to this. >> santorum promised to stand with workers, then sided with big money union bosses and opposed -- he promised to fight the special interests, then took the most lobbyist cash in washington, and was named one of the most corrupt members in congress. wow, one of the most corrupt members in congress. go ahead and responsible to congressman paul. >> well, i said this in the debate the other night. the organization in a named me the most corrupt members of congress is one of these george soros left-win organization that names every republican up for elect as one of the most corrupt members of congress. he starts citing the radical left organizations as the source for this, it's pretty bizarre. as far as the right to work issue, i've admitted, you know, when i represented the state of pennsylvania, it was not a right to work state. i wasn't going to change the law for pennsylvania. as president, i don't represent pennsylvania, i represent the country, and i believe -- i said i would sign a right to work law. one thing as a member of congress, when you represent a state and don't want to change that story, another one when you're leading the country and doing what you think is best in the country. >> you know, i don't know if you're ready how igly it's going to get in the next ten days between now and the primaries, but even rick perry, the governor of texas, he's going after mitt romney, hi record as a venture capitalist. he's saying he was a vulture capitalist, and he said this. listen to rick perry. >> they're just vultures. they're vultures that are sitting out there on the -- on the tree limb waiting for the company to get sick. then they swoop? they eat the carcass. they leave with that, and they leave the skeleton. >> are you comfortable with that kind of language? >> uh, no. you know, this is -- you know, you have capitalism where you have companies that are takeover opportunities, because the manage hasn't done a good job at managing the company and someone tries to save it and turn it around. sometimes you're successful, and sometimes you're not. the idea that bain capital, at least from the record i've looked at, had a lot of success. they weren't a company with a long track record of basically destroying companies and selling off the pieces. you know, they've had some situations where they had failures, but every company does. i hate to sit here and be a defender of mitt romney, but to me this is a defensor of capitalism, and i have to say that, you know, this is an attack that's probably not warranted. there's plenty of mitt roach any's record as governor of massachusetts to attack and go after, as not being the best candidate to run against barack obama or necessarily to lead the conservative charge in washington, d.c., but i don't think going after capital imand companies in is the way to go about doing that. >> i must say i've been surprised by the discourse that's unfolding, and i suspect it's about to get a whole lot nastier, so get ready, senator. we'll stay in close touch. good luck. >> well, this is not my first rodeo, so i've been bucked a few times. i'm looking forward to it. it's nice to be in the fray, nice to be in the arena, and thank you, wolf, for putting me on the program. i appreciate it. if you want to help, go to i had to put the pitch in. >> you did it well. thank you, senator. dozens of accidents all caught on videotape. washington, d.c.'s public transit system is in serious hot water right now following the release of close calls all caught on tape. brian, what's going on here? >> metro bus officials say these videos don't represent the safety records of their drivers, but in many indications it appears to represent distraction and as one analyst says, recklessness. brace yourselves. you're about to see a pedestrian get hit by a bus. the pedestrian we're told wasn't seriously injured. here a bus slams into an suv stopped in a school zone. deja vu. another one hits an suv at an intersection with a child nearby. in clip after clip, collision or close call, all involving metro buses from washington, d.c., the sixth largest city system in the u.s. cnn radio affiliate wtop got the clip from the bus systems with a public records request. dozens shows actual collisions and violations covered just a two-month pertain last summer. they're recorded on drive-cam activated by g-force. in some of them the incidents are clearly not the fault of the bus driver, but in at least three of the clips, buses are shown running red lights. light at this near miss. i mean, that's pretty egregious, right? >> it is, and cleanly the inattention of is the driver at issue here. >> we went through the clips with joan claybrook. >> they clearly need more training if you have examples like there, and there are quite a number of these in a short period of time. >> this in a still with million of pedestrian tourists on the streets. claybrook is concerned that a lot of these metro bus drivers simply aren't aware 1/2 of the sheer size and destructive capability of these vehicles. claybrook says distractions are a huge problems among city bus drivers and some make mistakes from the stress of trying to keep up with the schedule. we approached some driver on the street to ask about their training. they wouldn't comment. >> step back, please. >> reporter: can you talk to us about your training? >> no, sir. >> reporter: but metro official says the training is exceptional. >> we carry about 543,000 passengers on a given wee diehl. the challenges of pedestrians, double parking, events that are taking place, construction, but the numbers are getting better. we think that the program works. >> reporter: that means he says they're using they videos as a training tool for thinks driver. metro bus officials say accidents are trending down, with only two customer injuries per 1 million passengers trips, wolf. >> here's a question, though, brian, are they disciplining these drivers for these incidents? >> they say they have done that. in some of these cases, and they say they do have a zero-tolerance policy on distraction. if a driver is caught just once using a cell phone while driving, they're fired. they're saying this area countrs some of the worst drivers in the country. >> and they better never text, either. jack cafferty is coming up next with your e-mail. from toyota. ♪ right back to jack for "the cafferty files." the yes is, is the republican race over? and wolf, i couldn't hear anything you said during the intertoe so if i didn't react properly that's the reason. paul in north carolina writes "most likely it is but it shouldn't be. the only person in the republican field i would consider voting for at any level is jon hunts man but the extremist majority in the gop won't even give him a second look. they're so fixated on defeating obama they had nominate ghengis kahn. >> you have romney who givers whenever somebody talks 5b9 revealing his taxes. rick perry is acting like he doesn't know what got himself into and rick santorum is defending life while wanting to bomb iran. ron paul scaring the hell out of the republican party with his strong showings. it adds up to being great stuff. chris writes sure is. the republicans know romney's their only chance to defeat the president. since he's not a conservative but a moderate the republicans really don't like him but they're holding their nose and voting for him in the primaries. corey writes on facebook" mitt won iowa by eight votes and was predicted to win new hampshire for the last year. how's the race over? do two states speak for the united states?" david writes "probably over. for romney to lose then three of the four, s -- romney will win by default. ann in charleston, south carolina where the next primary is in 10 days, "not so fast. the bubbas and good old boys down here in south deliverance country haven't spoken yet." if you want to read more on this go to my blog, or join through the situation's facebook page. >> coming up. jeanne moos coming up next. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ you know, typical alarm clock. i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need. but i know that whatever i have that's what i'm going to live within. ♪ ♪ will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to here's jeanne moos on twinkies. >> twinkie twinkie little cake, how i wonder how many more of you they'll make. hostess filed for bankruptcy. >> what? >> what? >> why? >> it's premature to panic. we don't need to save the twinkie yet, we need to savor it. >> that golden cake. that cream inside that bursts in your mouth with coffee and a cigarette after. >> have one. >> i'm on a diet. >> no wonder hostess has filed for bankruptcy for the second time in seven years. but the icon lives on. bill clinton sealed a millennium time capsule with a twinkie inside. jon stewart served one to the then president of pakistan. >> this is an american delicacy that's called a twinkie. >> i remember putting hot dogs inside of them. >> we actually made those using the twinkie as a bun drizzled with cheese whiz. you can divide the world into opposing camps. >> they give me a stomach ache. they're kind of disgusting. >> it's just a delicious log of joy. >> part of the joy has been to torture the log. nerds have dropped it six floors. on cake spy they dreamed up 51 ways to kill a twinkie, ranging from crush it in a cell phone to feed it to a snake to make it listen to randi new man -- to randy new man. it was the star of the golden twinkie awards. >> twinkies make poor door stops. >> twinkies don't make good wind chimes. >> everyone knows there are only two things that can survive a nuclear holocaust. cockroaches and twinkies. >> thanks to a now retired science teacher in maine, who saved one as a class project, we know what an almost 40-year-old

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Incidents , Factors , Increase , Reporting System , Airports , Air Traffic , Reporting Errors , Hyatt , Events , Case , Reports , Pilots , Data , Order , Investigation , Airline , Same , Southwest , Union , Spokesman , Thanks , Strategy Session , Gnome Nails , Price , Insurance , Tool , Son , Thriller , Phone , Ready , Progressive , Aim , Ooh , Quote Today , Woman , Houses , Restaurant , Flight , Marathon , Travel Bag , Growing , Band , Mom , Aarp , A Million , Monitoring , Lisa Sylvester , Stories , What S Going On , Suvs , Minivans , Recall , Thousands Fort Escape Zifs , 45 Thousands , Mini Israel , Torque Converter Output Shaft , Brake Fluid , Fire , Smoke , 2004 , 2002 , 2005 , 2001 , Microsoft , Vehicle , Power , Threat , Suicide , Game Systems , Chinese , Xbox , Headlines , Worker , Convoy , Stem , Rash , Harsh Working Conditions , Contractor Foxconn , Icebreaking , Town , Nome , Tanker , Arctic Alaska , Russian , 50 , 100 , Company , Twinkies , Bankruptcy , Treats , Sea Ice , Hos , Hostess , Ding Dongs , Twinkie , Employs , Reorganization , Depression , Beginning , Folks , Sing , 19000 , Jon Huntsman , Campaigns , Lisa , Ground , Tale , Gambling , Footing , Joe Johns Is Standing , Nic Robertson , Hit , Heart , Bombing , Tehran , Syr Syria , Rally , Capital , Gunmen , Crackdown , 32 , Liberty Mutual , Accident Forgiveness , Accident , Repairs , Guarantee , Features , Home , Drivers , Plus , Policy , Office , Agent , Journalist , Violence , French , Cameras , Uprising , Bus , Dozens , Finish , Death , Videotape , Strategy , Video , City , Stand By , Raising Serious , Goch , Joe Johns , Scene , Fighting , Battle , Opposition , Mitt Loam , Campus , Controversy , University Of South Carolina , View , Free Market Capitalism , Investment Banks , Rhetoric , Crowd , Showing , Banks , Floor , Business School , Value Voters , Big Uphill Battle , Jon Huntsman Wheelhouse , Hand , North Carolina , Border , Rockhill , Enterprise , Actions , Places , Capitalism , Web Ad , Raisin , Chronny , Debate , Match , Kennel , Guess , Kids , Dog , Kennel At Home , Five , Ones , Web Ads , Who , Who Let The Dogs Out , Thing , Urgency , Nominee , El , Blog Post , Spokeswoman , Moderate , Alice , Jamal Simmons , Michele Bachmann , Members , Elsewhere , Politics , Bloodsport , Things , We Saw , Bible Belt , Message , Wall , South , Factor , Guns , Gods , Staff , Organization , Exit Polls , 61 , Bunch , James Carville , Caveat , Like , God , I Don T Seep , Ambitions , Guy , New Mexico , President Bush , Sad , Macing , Hands , Person , Field , Faith Community , Resources , Means , Beat , Stand , Danger , Manager Critique , John Kerry , Job , Speech , Part , Free Market Going , Losers , Cornerstone , Talk Iing Point , Teleprompter , Last Night , Reading , Involvement , Points , Operation , Evidence , Israeli , Iranian Nook Lard , Spy Thriller , Colleague , Machine , Customers , Doesn T , Bank , Ally Bank , Nonsense , 24 7 , Water , Drinking Water , Breath , Cavities , Deal , Biotene , Mouth Feeling , Formulation , Rinse , Enzymes , Sprays , Scientists , Barbara Starr , Bomb Attack , Leiest , The Streets Of Tehran , Assassination , Tensions , Sky High , Motorcycle , Bomb Underneath , Assassination 101 , Assassin Bends , 101 , Programs , Uranium Enrichment Plant , Deadman , Development , Professionalism , Suspect , Facility , Weapons , Cia , Official , Mossad , Hit Squad , Persistants , February E Februaryiveness , Hamas , January 2010 , 2010 , Control , Developments , Regime , Paranoia , Motorcycle Assail Aren T , July 2011 , November 2010 , Officials , Line , Republic , Steps , Killings , Iranian Scient , Aspirations , 2011 , Cat , Koirkly , Tear , Defense Forces , Spokes El Person , Leon Pa Netti , Somebody , Red Line , Nip , Sure Iran Doesn T Cross , Cannot , Meeting , Ahmadinejad , Visit , Cuba , Raul Castro , 24 , Ties , Ecuador , University Of Havana , Fidel Castro , Nicaragua , Venezuela , Hundreds , Arrival , Terror , Suspects , Height , Guantanamo Bay , 680 , Administration , Astronomers , Detainees , 171 , Plan , Journal , Technique , Microlensing , Study , Galaxy , Nature , 100 Billion , Battlefield , United States Marines , Conduct , Pictures , Buses , You , Guest Experience , Washington D C , Seafood Feast , Four , Soup , Jody Gonzalez , Courses , Value , Shrimp , Scallops , Entrà Es , Dessert , Choice , Salad , Honey Bbq Shrimp Skewers , Red Lobster , Cheddar Bay Biscuits , 15 , 5 , 7 , Guests , Sea Food , White Meat Chicken , Chicken Noodle , Progresso , Pj , Hockey Game Last Night , Pairs , Team , Much , Music Plays , Music , Vp , Steve , Congress , Kay Bailey Hutchison , Sarah Palin , Mississippi , Jfk Lbj , Laura , Move , Policy Person , Mover , Ticket Balance , Doesn T Telegraph , Tickets , Freshman , Views , Down Side , Loam , Margin , Morals , Ignorance , Rex , Hair , It Didn T Work , The Donald , Weigh , Tom , Followers , Jack , Images , Stomach Turns , Pentagon , Michelle Obama , Ant Heart , Gulf , Bp , Progress , Recovery , Commitment , 20 Billion , 20 Billion Dollars , Thousands , Costs , Environment , Samples , 500 Million Dollar , 500 Million , Direction , Beaches , Waters , Labs , Coast Guard , Areas , Tourism Seasons , Gulf Coast , Family , Fine , Silent Treatment , At T , Jen , Ummm , Calling , Messaging , Mobile , Silent Treatment Works , Network , Yell Cut , Hasn T , Monica , Location , 3 , Simplicity Card , Payment , Fee , Bigger , Fees , Penalty Rate , Worries , Citi Simplicity Card , Fuel Prices , Subsidies , Illimb Nated Dragon , Thef First Warship , Edge Lind , Nigeria , Owners , Weather , Goats , Clothes , Allegations , Around The World , Hot Shots , Reaction , Confidant , Thorn , Gail King , Situation , Sat , Jody Kantor , Indignation , Criticisms , Dejection , Saw , Rahm Emanuel , Staffs , Husband , Cross Word , Conversations , Meetings , Wasn T Tension , Mrs , Communication , Robert Gibbs , Rift , Conversation , Gibbs , Shell , Shouldn T , Boiling Point , This , Valerie Jarrett , Jaret , F , People Stumble , Adviser , Mistakes , Spirits , Learning Curve , Who Abu Yesterday , Challenges , Anxiety , Privilege , Regrets , End , Girls , Whole , Apology , Disagreement , Videos , Calls , Crashes , Nation S Capital , Breaking News , Jeanne Moos , Presence , Bodies , Up First , Behavior , You Poring Correspondent , Stomach , 39 , Internet , Show , Reasons , Men Dressed In Marine Corps , Combat , War Zone , Insurgents , Photo , Gear , Picture , Clues , Helmet , Sniper Rifles , Sniper Teams , 30 , Anything , Unit , Afghanistan , Fake , Military , Accounts , Response , Arab World , Muslim , Web Sites , Possibility , Officer , Charges , Appropriateness , Nothing Else , Go Virm , Photos , Abu Ghraib Prison , Damage , Following , Vengeance , Iraq , Congressman Paul , Warning , Battleground , Chances , Second , Dana Bash , Status Quo , His Big Showing Here Last Night , Silver Medal , Country , Liberty , Cause , Minority , Interview , Learning , Influence , Race , Rest , Buffer , Aides , There , Tv Ads , Serial Hypocrite , Cash , Love , Youth Vote , 46 , Energy , 46 , 76 , Anti Interventionist , Problem , Protection , Viewpoint , Action , Purpose , Paul S , Libertarian , Banking , Haul , Support , Convention , Home Turf , Companies , Chalk , Executives , Air Force One , 14 , Positions , Nation Bakley , Ways , Firm , Shot , Middle , Robert Menendez , Democratic , New Jersey , Governments , Chief , Brianna , Intrigue , Briana Keilar , Mind , Blocking , Schwartz , Pat , Confirmation Hearing , Objection Stands , Supreme Court , Patty Schwartz , Third Circuit Corporation , Member , Written Statement That Schwartz Didn T , Facts , Landmark Case Citizens United , Revenge , James Noveel , Under Christie S , Corruption Investigation Of Menendez , El Reelection Battle , 20206 , Remains , Squaring , Bad Blood , Manner , Procedure , Pages , New York Times , Fate , Washington Post , Judges , Senators , Veto , Statement , Motives , White House Spokesman Eric Schultz , Coordination , Director , Rep , Wrap , Plowing , Back , Consideration , Roast , Non Incumbent , Rpgs , Challenge , Tires , Spikes , None , Herman Cain , Daily Beast , Primetime , Contributordown Avalon , Group , Mormon , Catholics , Yell Cal , Expression , Performances , Nevada , Hasn T Sung , Lady , Yogi Berra , Credit , Bloodshed , Rehearsing , Bashar Al Assad , Syrians , Bashar Al Assad Regime , Security , Big Chaos , Resale Value Award , Safety Rating , Camry , Kbb Com , Toyota , 10 , Vegetables , Sauce , Weight Loss Goals , Serving , Varieties , Green Giant , Sixty , Twenty , Bed , Store , Mattress , Those , Individualization , Sleep Number , Sleep Number Bed , Sale , Body , Comfort Zone , Body Needs , Bed Sets , Shipping , Beds , Setting , Shape , Oh Yeah , 00 , 800 , Why Didn T , Queen Bed Sets , 899 , 99 , Uprising In Syria , Mortar Strike , Western , Purporting , Journalists , Trip , Heartbreak , Glimpse , Desperation , Grief , Sister , Goddy , Antigovernment , Level , Passion , Center Of Damascus , Police , Opportunity , Dover , Rocks , Freedom , Safe , Defiance , Scarf , Them You Don T , Protester , They Didn T Trust , Monitors , Arab League Mission , Government Forces , Information , Push , Hospitals , Suffering , Signs , Impromptu , P A , System , Difference , Celebration , Carnival Atmosphere , Opposition Rallies , Eyes , Chaos , Syria Imploding , Religions , Exception , Security Forces , Knick , Reporting , Damascus , Homes , Minders , Rallies , Area , Filming , Room , Another , Mortar , Well , Mortar Rounds , Mortar Round , Partner , A Fwrafr , Gial , Head , Hospital , Taxi , Overthrow , Libya , Moammar Gadhafi , Corps , Opposition Forces , Condolences , Truth , Friends , Khalil Abdullah , Tommy Evans , Bureau , Railroad Planning , Basis , Visas , State Department , Embassy Staff , Travel Warning , Concern , Number , Rival , Employees , Ordering , Warren Buffett , Play , The , No Calorie Sweeteners , Debt , Splenda , Essentials , B Vitamins , Strawberries , Antioxidants , Sweeteners , Packet , Fiber , Bowl , Boost , Essentialstm , Coffee Doesn T Have Fiber , Vitamin C , To Boot , Taste , Feeling , Issues , Parent Company , Background , Rick Stengel , Saying , Taxes , Rule , Mitch Mcconned , It Dollar , Philanthropy , Mitch Mcconnell , Supporter , Hasn T He , Tax Policy , Regulations , Sourcing , Speech Caution , Mix , India , Ceo , China , Everybody , Favor , Subtext , Functioning , Unemployment , Wages , Optimist , Wage Earners , Relative , Cover , Article , Tape , App , Credit Score , Airport Lounge , Ipad , Nomad , Dot Com , Himalayas , Dot Com Now Let S Go , Score , Tip , Surfing , Bro , True Playa , Novel , Volunteer Firefighter , Offer , Vo , Enrollment , Freecreditscore Comtm , Road Trip , Technology , Soreness , Armies , Snowmen Masseuse , Thugs , Bengay , Cold Therapy , Polar Bear , Physical Therapists , Coupon , First Southern Contest , Columbia , We Felt Keck , Being , Performance , Growth , Package , Fits , Strong National Security , Romney Wins , Know , Speaker , Changes , Conservative , Kind , Change , Election , Left , Entitlements , Two Of Us , Differences , Addings , Lot , Policies , Margininally , Ideas , Term , Fronts , Wall Street Journal , Deficit , Cost , Spending , Torrie Burden , It , Contrast , Special Interests , Workers , Lobbyist , Bosses , Big Money Union , Night , Wow , Cup , Organizations , Source , Elect , George Soros , Law , State Of Pennsylvania , Right , Venture Capitalist , Hi Record , Primaries , Texas , Vultures , Tree Limb , Skeleton , Carcass , Takeover Opportunities , Language , Uh , Track , Success , Situations , Defender , Selling , Pieces , Failures , Defensor , Plenty , Charge , Capital Imand , Discourse , Luck , Times , Program , Rodeo , Arena , Fray , Accidents , Pitch , Washington D C S Public Transit System , Release , Distraction , Safety Records , Indications , Analyst , Brian , Pedestrian , Recklessness , Suv , Intersection , School Zone , Child , Deja Vu , Systems , Cnn Radio , Affiliate Wtop , Public Records Request , Bus Driver , Fault , Violations , G Force , Collisions , On Drive Cam , Driver , Inattention , Red Lights , Joan Claybrook , Near Miss , Training , Streets , Examples , Bus Drivers , City Bus Drivers , Stress , Distractions , Problems , Vehicles , Size , Capability , Aren T , 1 2 , Step Back , Street , Schedule , Sir , They Wouldn T Comment , Pedestrians , Passengers , Double Parking , Wee Diehl , 543000 , Construction , Program Works , Customer Injuries , Training Tool , Trending Down , Passengers Trips , Zero , Cell Phone , Countrs , Driving , Text , E Mail , Cafferty Files , Reason , Intertoe , Yes , Voting , Won T , Majority , Extremist , Acting , Somebody Talks , Ghengis Kahn , Showings , Stuff , States , Corey , David , Country Haven T , Default , Bubbas , Boys , Ann In Charleston , Page , Servo Motors , Microcontroller , Science Teachers , Coming Up , Geologist , Chevron , Love Science , Isn T , American Education , 100 Million Dollars , 100 Million , Accomplishment , Cool , Alarm Clock , Copies , Alcoholism , Addiction Cure , Ssagesmalibubook Com , On Twinkies , Cake , Coffee , Cream , Mouth , Cigarette , Bursts , Wonder Hostess , Icon Lives On , Time Capsule , Jon Stewart , Bill Clinton , Twinkie Inside , Pakistan , Seven , Delicacy , Camps , A Twinkie , Dogs , Bun Drizzled , Cheese Whiz , Stomach Ache , Cake Spy , Joy , Log , Floors , Nerds , Disgusting , 51 , Randi New Man , Randy New Man , Snake , Twinkies Make Poor Door Stops , Golden Twinkie Awards , Twinkies Don T Make Good Wind Chimes , In A Little While , Basket , Put , Eggs , Politicians , Path , Tastes , Students , Brooke , Class , Science Teacher , Holocaust , Cockroaches , Project , Maine , 40 ,

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