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>> later in the hour, we will do a gut check on which candidate benefits most if newt gingrich drops out of the presidential race. what is george clooney doing in handcuffs? hello. we'll tell you. the man accused of killing 16 afghanistan civilians. a plane carrying bales is in ft. leavenworth. he's in a cell by himself. the man accused of the heinous attack in afghanistan is much different than the decorated combat veteran they know. >> i was completely blown away. i was devastated, heart broken. i mean, completely shocked. >> i would describe him, he was super fun to hang around with. kind of the life of the party kind of guy. super loving, friendly to everybody he met. great with his kids. i just -- i don't -- i don't see how this happened. i never saw signs of marital problems. they always seemed happy. >> we have more on bales. the married father of two who was in his 30s. >> reporter: it all began last sunday, a u.s. soldier left his base in the middle of the night, made his way to two nearby villages, shot, stabbed and burned civilians leaving 16 dead, including nine children. the shooting sparked protests around the country. [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: in one, a u.s. soldier was burned and the taliban vowed to retaliate. they said with the help of god, we will take the revenge of every afghan by killing and beheading americans anywhere in the country. back in the u.s., president obama has a strong message of his own. >> the united states takes this as seriously as if it was our own citizens and our own children who were murdered. we are heart broken over the loss of innocent life. >> reporter: mr. obama's words in a previously scheduled visit with leon panetta did little to ease the tension. >> the afghans did not receive the cooperation they expected from the united states. >> reporter: the accused soldier has been identified as robert bales. he's a 38-year-old army staff sergeant out of tacoma, washington. his lawyer describes him as highly decorated and on his fourth combat deployment, three in iraq and the latest, afghanistan. in 2010, he suffered a traumatic brain injury or tbi in a vehicle rollover caused by a roadside bomb. >> he has a head injury. he was injured in his leg severely and i am somewhat confused as to why they would send him back to afghanistan. >> let's get to sarah, live in kabul, afghanistan for us this morning. we know hamid karzai is critical of u.s. authorities account of the events. what is the latest you are hearing there? >> reporter: it's still the same. basically, the afghan government does not believe the account the u.s. is giving for how all this went down. certainly, the villages in kandahar who lost so many family members don't believe this was only one soldier. you will hear the word we don't believe it could be pulled off by sun soldier. so, some conflicting information there. there's a lot of skepticism as to how all this happened and whether it's part of a larger plan for something. as you know, the u.s. has been adamant, this is one soldier acting on his own, not on a mission. they are looking at the charges. we are expecting to see the charges in the next few days. >> what about the afghan lawmakers? are they going to command bales be tried in afghanistan despite his return to the united states? >> reporter: even more so. yes. absolutely. we heard that from president karzai saying that we don't want compensation from the u.s. the government doesn't want compensation. the victims don't want compensation, we want justice. afghan lawmakers want it done in a public trial. as you know, there's an agreement in place between the united states and afghanistan when it comes to military personnel, they have to go through military channels. it's what the agreement has been. you are hearing from his attorney as well that that is not going to happen. it's not on the table. unlikely we will see him back here. there are questions about how the investigation will happen and they will obviously need to bring in witnesses that speak their language. that means bringing in translators. we'll get details as the case unfolds. certainly a lot of anger here. >> i can only imagine. thank you very much. we'll check in with her at 7:15 eastern time to talk about what the u.s. is doing to make restitution or payments to the victim's families. other stories, a series of explosions rocked damascus. reports several civilians were killed. witnesses say one blast hit near the military headquarters blaming terrorists for the attacks. a stunning twist to tell you about rebarding the kony 2012 film that went viral. jayson, the man seen on the right was stopped by police after several people reported he was running through the streets in his underwear screaming. a representative says russell has been hospitalized for dehydration from the stress. nearly 250,000 honda civic owners will get a settlement. it was approved yesterday because they didn't get the promised gas mileage. honda plans to appeal that decision. it's time now to say good morning to meteorologist reynolds wolf. hello. >> good morning, randi. if you are open in terms of the luck of the irish, skiing is open. snow in the central rockies and sierra nevada. flash flooding in california, heavy rain and snow. we have that to talk about. plus, there's a chance of severe weather popping up across the midwest later this afternoon. the full scoop coming up. >> you have it all covered. see you in a few minutes. what's to come on weekend early start because news doesn't take the day off. the presidential contest shaping up in puerto rico and missouri this weekend. shelling out money for president obama. see how much money his campaign raised. >> it is march 17th. you know what that means. we'll show you how people are celebrating. ♪ >> announcer: this is the day. the day that we say to the world of identity thieves "enough." we're lifelock, and we believe you have the right to live free from the fear of identity theft. our pledge to you? 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[ male announcer ] brake problems? stop in to meineke today for a free brake inspection and you'll say... my money. my choice. my meineke. welcome back. the focus in the race for the white house shifts to missouri where republicans are holding caucuses today. it's already been overshadowed by the battle shaping up in puerto rico. paul steinhauser has more. paul? >> good morning, randi. missouri republicans gather on the county level. they don't include a presidential preference straw poll, there are no results to report on tonight. puerto rico holds a primary tomorrow. 20 delegates are up for grabs. >> this is, i think my third trip to puerto rico. >> reporter: santorum was there thursday and friday. he ran into whether they should adopt english for their language. we caught up with santorum in puerto rico. >> reporter: should it be a requirement for them to become a state? >> spanish is going to be spoken in the island. this needs to be a biling yule country, not just spanish speaking. >> reporter: mitt romney wraps up two days of campaigning in puerto rico. earlier this year, romney said he supported english as the country's official language. what is what he said friday in puerto rico. >> i will support the people of puerto rico if they make a decision they would prefer to become a state, it's an effort i support. i don't have preconditions i impose. >> reporter: both candidates as well as newt gingrich are making rounds in illinois. 66 delegates are up for grabs. following santorum in alabama and mississippi, romney really needs to win illinois. randi? >> thank you, paul. president obama's re-election campaign is 5 million dlarls richer today. he got a star-studded welcome with fund raising stops in chicago. tyler perry held a dinner at his house. among the guests, oprah winfrey. >> in everything that i have imagined, i never thought -- there would be a day when the presidential motorcade would come through southwest atlanta. [ cheers and applause ] >> giving all of these little boys and little girls a glimpse of what destiny looks like. >> hollywood star george clooney was arrested in washington yesterday. he was taken into custody during a protest outside the embassy in washington. he was charged with a misdemeanor, fined and later released. he met with president obama about the issue earlier this week had this to say about his involvement. >> you never know if you are accomplishing anything. we are trying to bring attention to a moment in time that is actually important. we hope that this brings attention to it. >> clooney recently returned from a trip to sudan. the government injured and killed civilians in bombings and asking that military aid be let into the country. you have seen the deadly aftermath of tornadoes from a couple weeks ago. now, we are getting a sobering look the moment it hit an indiana school. the full picture in 80 seconds. 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my goodness, if they would have been on the buses. i don't know if you recall the video of the damage across he y henryville. when you have the change of seasons, especially the transformation from winter into spring, you see this imbalance in the sphere and you have the tornado outbreaks. we could see more in the weeks ahead. today, we are going to see the chance of tornadoes across the midwest. the story we have this morning is what's taking place toward the west especially in seattle. they are going to get the rain. the highest elevations, in the cascades, talking snow. tough times for drivers. as you head to the willamette valley near portland, you could see snow there. anyone making the drive on 80 from reno to sacramento could see several feet of snow at the highest peaks. at the same point, wind gusts topping 60 miles per hour. it could be a mess, keep that in mind. the national weather service posted advisories. if you happen to be a skier getting out, it is going to finish up fine for you. one thing that won't be fine are the dry conditions, the strong winds acro croscross texas and corners. we have the threat of the storms into the afternoon into the mid mississippi valley. storms for the eastern third of the country. that combination gives you unstable conditions with a chance of strong storms. yes, the possibility of a few tornadoes. the big wind makers, the wind to the west topping 35 to 40 miles per hour. you might have a bumpy ride. denver, a high of 82. 80 in chicago for the st. patrick's day. to the west, a dip in the jet stream with cooler conditions. warmer toward parts of the east. 60 the high in new york. 83 in atlanta. 87 in tampa and 80 in miami. that is a quick sneak peek at the forecast. back to you. >> did that say 82 in minneapolis? >> it did? >> wow! how come it wasn't that warm when i lived there all them years? >> i don't know. we'll flip a switch and make it come back. if you are in the twin cities, it's not going to last long. >> i think it was 20 below when i lived there. >> brutal stuff. >> thank you. a mother watches as a shark pulls her daughter under water. >> it was, to me, like a scene out of "jaws" where the girl is getting sucked under. i said there is no way it's going to kill my daughter. >> this is an incredible story. we'll show you what happened next. it is about 22 minutes past the hour. time to check out top stories from around the nation. first to oregon. >> it makes me sick. to me, she's still a little girl. >> that was christina marie lopez sounding like a concerned parent. a strip club hired her daughter to dance. since then, video surfaced. it shows the 47-year-old mother watching her 17-year-old daughter dance and giving her money. the club claims the teen lied about her age. affiliate koin says the mother faces child abuse. >> it was to me, like a scene out of "jaws" where the girl gets sucked under. i said there's no way this thing is going to kill my daughter. i grabbed my daughter. >> in florida, a mother is credited with helping save her daughter from a shark. the shark clamped on the girl's ankle and pulled her off the board. here is a picture of the wound. surfers helped them to shore and a nearby ambulance. in arizona, moments of panic when nine passengers in a hot air balloon crash sbood power lines. four people suffered severe burns when parts of the balloon caught fire. the federal aviation administration is investigating. right now, in nepal, about 80 children are growing up behind bars. not because of anything they did, but because of their parent's crime. trying to give them a better life, sacrificing. meet pushpa. nepal, when parents have been arrested by the police, some children go to prison with the parent. the first time i visited the jail, i saw small girls who just grabbed my shawl, and she gave me a smile. it was really hard for me to forget that. my name is pushpa, and my mission is to make sure that no child grows up behind prison walls. in 2005, i started a daycare where the children can come out of the jail in the morning and go back in the afternoon. we have children who are from 2 to 4, they have coloring, reading, five days a week. we started in 2007 mostly over 3 years old. i don't get a day off, but i never get tired. it's a big family. with lots and lots of love. when i started this organization, i was 21 years old. people thought i was crazy, but this is what i wanted in my life. i'm giving them what a normal child should have. i want to fulfill all their dreams. remember, cnn heroes are all chosen from people you tell us about. go to to nominate someone you think is making a difference in the community. newt gingrich won two presidential contests but he's vowing to stay in the race. would a running mate help any of the candidates seal the deal and who is the best match, do you think? we'll find out ahead. details about the u.s. soldier accused in an afghanistan shooting spree. i am loving this greek yogurt. i like yoplait. it is yoplait. but you said it was greek. mmhmm. so is it greek or is it yoplait? exactly. okay... [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. it's 30 minutes past the hour. welcome back. i'm randi kaye. thanks for starting your day with us. we want to update you on the investigation of the soldier accused of killing 16 afghan civilians. he's robert bales. he arrive d yesterday. we have more on his past. what have you been able to find out? >> we know he's 38 years old, the father of two young children. he is a family man and loving husband. he's challenged some of the ideas, reports that came out that marital instability intributed to this shooting rampage in afghanistan. we know he serves three tours in iraq and in his fourth to afghanistan, his first to afghanistan. we learned more about his past and views toward civilians in the conflict in iraq. we have an army account of the battle of naja where he talks about the importance of making sure you distinguish between fighters and nonfighters. he said i have never been more proud to be part of this unit than that day. the fact we discriminated between the bad guys and noncombatants. we helped the people that three or four hours before were trying to kill us. that's a little bit of a glimpse into the thinking of staff sergeant bales during that account back in 2007. he's been described by neighbors as a happy, normal family man. a neighbor talked about their kids going to each other's birthday parties. we are not sure what set off this rampage. >> all right. much more to learn about this alleged incident. thank you very much. appreciate it. here is a look at other top stories. several explosions in the syrian capital of demas kus. government buildings. syrian state television blames terrorists for the attacks. civilians and military personnel have been killed. the the director of the kony 2012 video has been arrested. he was picked up by police after reports of a man screaming and running through the street in his underwear. he's part of the group that filmed the movie about the war lord. it's taken an emotional toll on him. the video has been viewed 80 million times. hugo chavez is home fallowing cancer surgery in cuba. he will now undergo radiation. he's been in power since 1999 and plans to run for re-election this october. time now for what we like to call your political gut check. we want to take you beyond the speeches and break down what's going on in politics. out of the 27 state primaries and caucuses to date. newt gingrich won only two, south carolina in january and his home state of georgia earlier this month. gingrich and his camp say they are in this race for the long ha haul. >> in my mind, everything is cool. i'm still here. that's just a nice thing. >> the polls up to now show it's a tie race, a three-way race. we are not at the halfway mark of this campaign season. louisiana will be the half way point. >> there are three dates you want to focus on. march 24 it will be halftime. may 22nd is the beginning of the fourth quaurter and june 26 is overtime. why are the dates important? no candidate, by the time we reach louisiana will have one-half of the number to secure the nomination. >> you know it's big when the clip boards come out. is this helping or hurting the other gop candidates. i asked mark preston. >> some would say that by having newt gingrich in the race, it's helping romney because it's dividing the conservative vote and allows romney to score a couple wins here and there or when he loses, it's not by a big margin. others think having gingrich in the race is hurtful to romney because the fact of the matter is, all newt gingrich is doing is savaging santorum and romney. we are all trying to figure it out now. you are right. as of now, newt gingrich has no desire to leave the race for the republican nomination. >> he certainly doesn't. let's talk about vice president candidates. some reports that the gop candidates might announce their vice president, their running mates before august. how likely do you think that is? >> i think it's a desperation measure. gingrich is said to be one of those people who said he was going to go out and perhaps name rick perry as his running mate. he did that before the mississippi and alabama primaries. by doing so, it perhaps could have helped him. it didn't on two fronts. on the first front, it would have shown he is willing and able to pick a southerner to join the ticket. by saying that, he was trying to send a message to republican conservatives in alabama and mississippi that he was going to choose one of them. one of them being rick perry. he was sending a message to texas voters who don't vote until may 29th, but sending a message he was going to choose their governor. why? because there's 155 delegates on the line when texas votes. gingrich has to win texas for his campaign to be viable. >> i would imagine voters, they like to know what the package deal is. they want to know who they are getting. play along with us for a minute. i want to play match maker. what kind of characteristics do you think romney would need and would be looking for if he were to write a personal ad for a vice presidential candidate? what is he looking for? >> he's got the business experience. he knows numbers. he knows the economy and how to turn things around. he's not looking for a businessman. somebody more personable. somebody on the campaign trail that is warmer. a lot of people think he's very mechanical. what he would be looking for is somebody who is very, very conservative, somebody so help energize the base for november. >> what about rick santorum? what does he need at his side? >> the opposite of romney. somebody who is a businessman. somebody who has experience outside of washington. santorum spent a lot of time working in the house of representatives as a senator. he would be looking for a businessman. somebody whose views are not as conservative as his. the problem is that is he would be vilified if he chose somebody who was moderate on the issue of abortion and same-sex marriage. i don't think he would go that far, but he needs to soften his image with independent voters. >> what about newt gingrich? >> he needs to do better in the field before he gets to that point. maybe somebody who is younger. he's 68 years old and needs somebody to help soften his image. he's a grand thinker, but somebody who could help voters see the future. again, 68 years old, one term, maybe two terms if he wins. people are always looking for the next step. maybe somebody like paul ryan who is chairman of the house budget committee. >> mark, appreciate it. nice to see you. >> thanks. you can read more gut check every day on or let us send them to you. send an e-mail to sign up. the news doesn't take the weekend off. hopefully you do. grab a drink, grab some coffee, put up your feet and stick around for this, some of the coolest stories and videos of the week, coming next. ♪ americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ okay. put down that coffee cup. keep your eyes on the screen. it's time to check out this week's stories that caught our eye. we have a few favorites. this is a great story. it's a love story between this gorilla and bunny. it's an unusual pairing at the zoo in pennsylvania. the griorilla is samantha. the dutch rabbit is panda. they have a special bond. samantha has been alone for years. she's 47 years old. she needed a companion. she's been alone since 2005. how cute is that? >> i think it's cute, wonderful seeing the animal love story come together. it's like a children's book to to real life. who names a rabbit panda? >> hello. >> you can see it behind my head. whoa! panda for the bunny? >> what's nice is the gorilla needed companionship and panda isn't a threat. it's sweet. they look out for each other. >> there's someone for everyone. gotta love that. >> moving on. speaking of beauty and splendor, i'm sure you remember the scene from "the social network" where mark zuckerberg and friends were ranking the looks of girls at harvard. what goes around comes around. this page was shut down on facebook. it was a contest soliciting the sexy teenagers hoping to be named the most beautiful teen. can you believe that? >> i don't think you would be happy if your teen ended up on that. >> it's dangerous. think about the blow to their egos when they are so young. >> drinking cities, it's st. patrick's day. d.c. is the city with the heaviest drinking single people. surprise you at all? >> not for d.c. there's a lot going on. it's a high-stress city. maybe it's why people calm down a bit. a austin texas makes sense. chicago, new york, boston. >> las vegas is one of the lightest drinking cities. >> who would think that? there's actually a breakdown by religion. atheists top the list, 39.9% say they are heavy drinkers. >> still surprised at vegas. >> you are stuck on that. all right. all right. those are some of our favorite stories of the weekend. let us know what yours are. we are on facebook and twitter. reynolds, we'll check back with you in a bit. new government rules for public pools. people responsible for implem t implementiimplemen implementing the rules are scratching their head. we'll tell you why after the break. whew. i love my pooch. oh no! my homemade sushi... turned p-ushi! use estimated 53 mpg to find a gluten-free alternative. look, this means i'm a chef. [ male announcer ] be a winner with the all-new prius c from toyota. ♪ from toyota. ah, welcome to i get it...guys weekend. yeah! if you're looking for a place to get together, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. yeah! yeah! noooo. yeah! finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to happy st. patrick's day, it is 6:48 on the east coast, 3:48 on the west. getting through airport security may be less of a struggle if you are 75 or older. screening seniors starting monday. seniors would be allowed to keep their shoes on along with jackets and light outer wear. it's chicago o'hare, denver, portland and orlando for now. if it goes good, it could be standard nationwide. a team of scientists may have uncovered a new species of human. they are the red deer cave people refer iring to a sight where the fossils were discovered. a dramatic carnival accident caught on camera. what this video. look at that. a 3-year-old girl desperately hanging on before being thrown to the ground. you can see her there. we have it highlighted there. ktra reports the child survived, but suffers a concussion. the ride requirements have changed. the government is requiring that hundreds of thousands of public pools be made fully accessible to swimmers this summer. there's a lot of confusion over what needs to be done. >> tom is sitting in our chair. >> reporter: this is what the fight is about. getting a disabled swimmer in or out of the pool. 300,000 pools need to be in compliance before the summer starts. the rules are so confusing, they don't know. many have disabled access like this lift. does that mean this one is in compliance? she runs the pool and thinks so. >> i would ask for some clarity. the access board is almost afraid to put finite words on it. they don't want to pigeon hole people. >> reporter: they said they could use a portable lift if that's all that is affordable and easy, but should work toward one that is there all the time. that has hotels and public pool owners confused, afraid of lawsuits and cry of foul. >> a fixed lift requires electrical ground work. you have to tear up a pool deck. this was not contemplated when they issue guidance. >> reporter: pools at hotels, spas and cities with homeowners associations are scrambling to see what they need to do to stay within the law. it's a rights issue. having a portable lift doesn't cut it. >> you hear from the hotel industry and from other folks, what's wrong with having a lift that maybe we keep in the closet. if you are coming to swim, we take it out for you? >> it's not inviting people with disabilities into your facility. if this were the case and you were not open and inviting with any minority in the country, it's not up for discussion. >> it's about access and money. a big hotel might have the $5,000 it takes to buy a fixed lift and the manpower and time to install it. a community pool with a tight budget might not. the justice department says they can claim financial hardship to escape a fine. it's going to go on for two months. a decision is expected just in time for swimming season. studying your march madness brackets this morning? i am, too. let's compare after this break. see you in 90 seconds. that allows students to have a social network. you can post discussion questions. we have more than twenty thousand faculty members, chances are one of them is online when you need some assistance. i'm ron gdovic, i'm committed to providing my students with a twenty-first-century education and i am a phoenix. forty years ago, he wasn't looking for financial advice. back then, he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement planning for our military, veterans and their families. now more than ever, it's important to get financial advice from people who share your military values. call now for our free guide and tips on planning for your retirement this tax season. in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check. welcome back. reynolds is joining me for a quick check on march madness. we pulled up my bracket. i want to know how you guys are doing at home, too. >> i'm blown away. i'm impressed. i'm not ripping on you but you are not a huge basketball fan, correct? >> right. no. >> tennis is more your game, right? >> how did you know? >> look at her. it's unbelievable. >> 97th percentile. >> she's picked difficult games. look in the east, you have been dead on for all these games. >> perfect. >> you have vanderbilt over harvard. the big game today is vanderbilt and wisconsin. a huge game is taking place later on today. it's going to be syracuse and kansas state. where you have had trouble is in the southeast. >> yeah. not so great. >> there's nothing wrong with that. there were big upsets. the duke game. >> right. can i point out one more thing? look at my final 14. they are all still in. i have syracuse winning it all. all my final four teams are still there. you didn't do a bracket? >> not this year. i decided to sit back and watch the games for once. i'm enjoying your success. we have to talk about that more later on. >> thank you very much. moving on, hall of famer, magic johnson on the moment that changed his life. he opens up about his hiv and the moment he came face-to-face with his wife cookie. the army staff sergeant accused of shooting civilians. this morning, we know his name. i'm doctor sanjay gupta. it's coming up at 7:30 eastern. vitafusion calcium gummies: the benefits of calcium in a sweet, delicious treat. enjoy vitafusion calcium gummies today. it is a moment you can't forget. the moment magic johnson revealed he tested positive for hiv. more than 20 years later, he sat down with ar sin owe hall. he said the most difficult part was having to tell his wife, cookie. >> where were you when he first told you he was hiv positive? >> we were at home in our o office, in our den area. yeah. >> he didn't call you and warn you? >> he called me and said that i'm on my way home, which i was like what? i just sat down and started watching him on tv. the game was about to start. >> you get a call and he should be doing warm ups. >> i had a girlfriend over. we sat down and were about to watch the game. he called and said i'm on my way home. i said what? what do you mean? he said i'll tell you when i get home. >> what was that ride like to her, to give her this news? >> the worst ride of my life. when you make a mistake, it actually hurts other people. you know? and, i was about to hurt the woman that i loved, my best friend. a person who had been in my corner through everything, thick and thin. so, to deliver this devastating news and also i was worried about her own health and then our son e.j. she was pregnant with our son at that time. >> you had just found out two days ago? >> literally, days before. yes. >> i was scared to death for her health and the baby's health. it was the toughest ride to come drive that far, to tell her some terrible news. and not knowing also how she's going to react. so, i give her a lot of credit, you know. i sat her down and i told her

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Piers Morgan , Neighbors , Friends , Newt Gingrich , Race , George Clooney , Candidate , Doing , Gut Check , Handcuffs , Oman , Civilians , Afghanistan , Killing , Plane Carrying Bales , 16 , Combat , Attack , Veteran , Cell , Leavenworth , Kind , Guy , Friendly , The Life Of Party , Bales , Problems , Everybody , Kids , Don T , Signs , Reporter , Soldier , Way , U S , Father , Two , Base , Night , Middle , All Began Last Sunday , 30 , Country , One , Children , Language , Protests , Shooting , Villages , Shot , Nine , Help , Revenge , Beheading Americans , Taliban , God , President Obama , Life , Message , Words , Heart , Citizens , Loss , Back , Afghans , Cooperation , Visit , Tension , Leon Panetta , Staff Sergeant , Washington , Lawyer , Army , Tacoma , Robert Bales , 38 , Brain Injury , Roadside Bomb , Head Injury , Latest , Deployment , Tbi , Vehicle Rollover , Iraq , 2010 , Three , Leg , Sarah , Hamid Karzai , Same , Hearing , Events , Authorities , Kabul , Government , Account , Family Members , Villages In Kandahar , Lot , Information , Word , Skepticism , Sun Soldier , Something , Part , Charges , Mission , Plan , Acting , Gown , Lawmakers , Yes , Return , Justice , Compensation , Trial , Doesn T Want Compensation , Victims Don T Want Compensation , Place , Agreement , Military Personnel , Channels , Attorney , Table , Investigation , Witnesses , Questions , Details , Case , Translators , Danger , 15 , 7 , Stories , Explosions , Families , Victim , Payments , Series , Blast Hit , Restitution , Damascus , Attacks , Terrorists , Police , Rebarding , Right , Headquarters , Twist , Film , Kony 2012 , Jayson , 2012 , People , Streets , Underwear Screaming , Representative , Russell , Owners , Stress , Settlement , Dehydration , Honda Civic , 250000 , Decision , Reynolds Wolf , It S Time , Gas Mileage , Honda , Snow , Randi Kaye , Terms , Skiing , Rockies , Luck Of The Irish , Chance , Midwest , Heavy Rain And Snow , Weather , Scoop , Sierra Nevada , California , Doesn T , Contest , Puerto Rico , Missouri , Money , Campaign , Shelling Out Money , March 17th , 17 , World , Announcer , Identity Thieves , Lifelock , Identity Theft Protection , Identity Theft , Fear , Pledge , Daughter , Yoplait , Identity , Go To Lifelock Com Today , 1 800 Lifelock , 800 , 1 , Grocery Store , Blackberry Harvest , Pina Colada , Lemon Burst , Orange Creme , Eight , Flavors , 25 , Brake Inspection , Choice , Meineke , My Meineke , Republicans , Focus , White House , Battle , Level , County , Paul Steinhauser , Grabs , Delegates , Straw Poll , Preference , Results , 20 , Trip , English , Rick Santorum , Estate , Requirement , Island , Needs , Biling Yule Country , Spanish , Campaigning , Mitt Romney , Speaking , Candidates , Effort , Preconditions , Alabama , Mississippi , Rounds , Illinois , 66 , Tyler Perry , Chicago , Re Election Campaign , Dinner , Fund Raising , 5 Million , Everything , House , Guests , Oprah Winfrey , Wall , Girls , Glimpse , Motorcade , Cheers , Boys , Applause , Southwest Atlanta , Protest , Destiny , Embassy , Custody , Hollywood Star , Issue , Misdemeanor , Involvement , Anything , Attention , Sudan , Tornadoes , Aftermath , Bombings , Military Aid , Look , Picture , Scooter , Mom , Indiana School , Beep , 80 , Thing , White Meat Chicken , Chicken Noodle , Pairs , Hockey Game Last Night , Pj , Progresso , Five , Muscle Health , Got Revigor , Muscle , Hmb , Fight Muscle Loss , Exercise , Amino Acid Metabolite , 10 , 8 , 40 , Strength , Protein , Nutrition , Preserve , Charge , Projects , Energy , Natural Gas , Chevron , Australia , City , Power , Planet , Size , Way To Go , Singapore , 50 , Ef 4 , 4 , School , Tornado , Students , Communities , School Buses , Indiana , Surveilness , Cameras , Video , Destruction , No One , Lives , Example , Buses , Damage , Goodness , He Y Henryville , Change , Seasons , Transformation , Imbalance , Sphere , Tornado Outbreaks , Winter Into Spring , Story , Times , West , Rain , Drivers , Cascades , Elevations , Seattle , Drive , Feet , Portland , Peaks , Willamette Valley , Reno , Sacramento , Anyone , Mind , Point , Skier , Mess , Advisories , Weather Service , 60 , Storms , Conditions , Austin Texas , Threat , Won T , Corners , Mid Mississippi Valley , Strong Winds Acro Croscross , Combination , Wind , Wind Makers , Possibility , Thigh , Jet Stream , Patrick S Day , Denver , Dip , Bumpy Ride , 82 , 35 , Parts , Sneak Peek , Forecast , Tampa , Miami , Minneapolis , 87 , 83 , Wasn T , I Don T Know , Switch , Twin Cities , Girl , Mother , Shark , Jaws , Scene , Stuff , Water , Nation , Little Girl , Oregon , 22 , Parent , Christina Marie Lopez , Strip Club , Teen , Affiliate Koin , Club , Dance , Age , 47 , Child Abuse , Board , Ankle , Wound , Florida , Surfers , Power Lines , Balloon , Ambulance , Panic , Passengers , Burns , Hot Air Balloon Crash Sbood , Arizona , Four , Fire , Bars , Nepal , Federal Aviation Administration , Crime , Sacrificing , Meet Pushpa , Jail , Time , Parents , Prison , Child , My Name Is Pushpa , Smile , Shawl , Prison Walls , Daycare , Afternoon , Coloring , 2005 , 2 , Day Off , Reading , 2007 , 3 , Love , Lots , Family , Organization , 21 , In My Life , Dreams , Someone , Heroes , Cnn , Running Mate Help , Match , Community , Contests , Difference , Deal , Shooting Spree , Yogurt , It , Greek , Mmhmm , Energy Security , Growth , Oil Reserves , North America , Thousands , Oil Sands , Breakthrough , Resource , Hundreds , Project , Jobs , Ability , Oils , Emissions , Canada , Kearl , Economy , Thanks , Years Old , Family Man , Some , Shooting Rampage , Husband , Ideas , Instability , Intributed , Views , Conflict , Fourth , Tours , Battle Of Naja , Fighters , Army Account , Importance , Nonfighters , Fact , Unit , Guys , Noncombatants , Bit , Thinking , Happy , Neighbor , Birthday Parties , Rampage , Government Buildings , Incident , Capital , State Television , Syrian , Demas Kus , Director , Group , Man Screaming , Underwear , Movie , The Street , The War Lord , Hugo Chavez , Cancer Surgery , Toll , Radiation , Cuba , 80 Million , Plans , Re Election , 1999 , Home , Politics , State Primaries , State Of Georgia , Speeches , Caucuses , South Carolina , 27 , Camp , I M Still Here , Long Ha Haul , Tie Race , Campaign Season , Mark , Polls , Louisiana , Beginning , Quaurter , May 22nd , June 26 , 26 , March 24 , 24 , Nomination , Helping , Clip Boards , Number , Half , Mark Preston , Vote , Couple , Margin , Others , Matter , Vice President , Reports , Running Mates , Desire , Let S Talk , Rick Perry , Running Mate , Desperation Measure , Southerner , Primaries , Front , It Didn T On Two Fronts , Conservatives , Ticket , Voters , Governor , Votes , Line , May 29th , 155 , 29 , Package Deal , Characteristics , Match Maker , Experience , Sad , Numbers , The Business , Somebody , Businessman , Campaign Trail , Things , Side , Opposite , House Of Representatives , Senator , Problem , Conservative , Abortion , Same Sex Marriage , Image , Field , 68 , Term , Step , Grand Thinker , Paul Ryan , Chairman , House Budget Committee , Cnnpolitics Com , Drink , Coffee , E Mail , Stick , Videos , Clients , Ameriprise Financial , 1894 , Bailout , Generations , Millions , Relationship , Global Financial Leader , Future , Screen , Coffee Cup , Eye , Favorites , Eyes , Samantha , Panda , Gorilla , Bunny , Love Story , Pairing , Zoo , Dutch Rabbit , Griorilla , Pennsylvania , Companion , Bond , Love Story Come Together , Rabbit Panda , Book , Everyone , Head , Each Other , Companionship , Panda Isn T , Gotta , Moving On , The Social Network , Looks , Beauty , Splendor , Ranking , Mark Zuckerberg , Over Harvard , Facebook , Teenagers , Page , Blow , The Most Beautiful , Drinking Cities , Drinking , Egos , D C , Las Vegas , Sense , New York , Boston , Atheists , Breakdown , Drinkers , Say , Vegas , Religion , List , 39 9 , Weekend , Twitter , Pools , Rules , Government Rules , Implem T Implementiimplemen , Break , Alternative , Pooch , Sushi , Chef , Turned P , Ushi , 53 , Winner , Welcome To Hotels Com , Toyota , Prius C , Hotels , Hotels Com , Noooo , Patrick , Happy St , East Coast , 48 , 6 , Seniors , Airport Security , Struggle , Jackets , Shoes , Screening Seniors Starting Monday , Light Outer Wear , 75 , Scientists , Team , Species , Chicago O Hare , Orlando , Sight , Fossils , Human , Hiring , Carnival Accident , Red Deer Cave , Ground , Camera , Ktra , Bride , Concussion , Fight , Swimmers , Swimmer , Confusion , Chair , Tom , Compliance , Access , Many , Pool , They Don T Know , 300000 , Doesn T Cut , Pool , Access Board , Clarity , Pigeon Hole , Lawsuits , Cry Of Foul , Guidance , Pool Deck , Work , Cities , Rights Issue , Homeowners Associations , Spas , Law , Scrambling , Hotel Industry , Closet , Folks , Disabilities , Facility , Hotel , Discussion , Minority , 5000 , 000 , Department , Community Pool , Lift , Budget , Manpower , Fine , Hardship , Season , Brackets , March Madness , 90 , Ron Gdovic , Social Network , Chances , Discussion Questions , Members , Assistance , Twenty Thousand , Advice , He Wasn T , Education , Phoenix , Forty , Twenty , Veterans , Retirement Planning , Military , Somebody Else , Usaa , Planning , Tax Season , Values , Retirement , Guide , Tips , Breakfast Cereal , Box , General Mills , Big G Cereal , Grain , Check , Ingredient , Bracket , Game , Games , Basketball Fan , Tennis , 97th Percentile , 97 , Least , Big Game Today Is Vanderbilt , Perfect , Syracuse , Wisconsin , Southeast , Trouble , Nothing , Kansas State , Upsets , Duke , Teams , 14 , Magic Johnson , Shiv , Success , Hall Of Famer , Sanjay Gupta , Shooting Civilians , Face To , Wife Cookie , Name , Calcium Gummies , Vitafusion , Calcium , Benefits , Delicious Treat , Sweet , Vitafusion Calcium Gummies , Positive , Cookie , Hiv Positive , O Office , Wife , Ar Sin Owe Hall , I M On My Way Home , Den Area , Tv , Girlfriend , Warm Ups , Person , Best Friend , Corner , Mistake , E J , Health , News , Baby , Death , Shooter , Karen , Studio , Piers , Captions , The , Scott Brown , Www Vitac Com He , Vitac , Clk A M , Credit , Down , 00 ,

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