Transcripts For CSPAN Politics Public Policy Today 20120103

CSPAN Politics Public Policy Today January 3, 2012

their education and an ability to apply it . in real life it host: have you done this program before? guest: yes, 2008. we had such a great time and there was such a great student response that it was easy to do again. host: was experience different? guest: yes, for me. one of the big difference is this year is this is predominantly a republican race in 2012. the last time there were more candidates on both sides. the democratic race was very hot that year. in that sense it is been different. but in terms of the passion of the caucus goers, the intense interest, that is there as always. it is a very special place. host: what is your interest as far as a career? guest: mostly corporate law. i've always wanted to get into that field. i am not interested in politics, opportunity presents itself, i would be interested in that sort of career. host: say hi, students, say hi to your parents. we have 10 to 15 students here on the campaign bus. the last word about the program? guest: it's a great program and a great privilege for me to have the front row seat to american political issues being made and to have some of the brightest students in america. host: >> tuesday the road to the white house goes through america's heartland for the iowa caucuses. c-span's coverage continues 7:00 a.m. eastern, live from des moines with "washington journal" talking to experts and taking your calls. later at 7:00 a.m., the preview program on the caucus process and the preview of the race. then at 8:00, c-span's live caucus coverage from central iowa followed by the entire caucus, results and candidate speeches. we'll have live coverage from another caucus from western iowa on c-span 2. c-span's coverage of the iowa caucuses is available on c-span radio and online at /campaign 2012. >> as campaigning winds down in iowa. presidential candidates are holding rallies around the state. ron paul was on a five-city tour of iowa today. we'll hear from congressman paul in a moment on c-span. then today's news coverage of the iowa caucuses from kcii-tv. after that we'll bring you an event with governor rick perry holding a rally in perry, iowa, live on right now. later, live coverage of a mitt romney campaign rally in des moines. here's some of the political ads running in iowa. >> born and raised in iowa, only one candidate has been a consistent conservative fighter who fought obamacare, fought increasing our debt ceiling even as other republicans were cutting deals with obama. an expert in tax law who will fight for deep cuts in spending to reduce america's debt, restore our economy, and create new jobs and she'll never back down. one of our own. michele bachmann for president. >> i'm michele bachmann and i approve this message. >> america is in trouble. >> washington is a disgrace. >> government is too big, it's overtaxing, overspending. >> we need to change direction. >> we need change. >> we can't afford to make the same mistakes. >> mitt romney's reputation as flip-flopper. >> he got paid to go the other way. >> it's been serial hypocrisy. >> this election is about trust. >> there's been one true candidate, dr. ron paul. >> ron paul has been so consistent from the very beginning. >> he seems like a more honest candidate. >> he tells the truth what he believes whether you like it or not. >> he's never once voted for a tax increase, never once voted for an unbalanced budget. >> ron paul's plan cuts the budget. >> i believe it. >> are you tired of politicians? he's something different. >> ron paul. >> ron paul. >> ron paul is the one we've been looking for. >> i'm ron paul and i approve this message. >> we appreciate all of you coming out this morning so early and being here and caring. i think we all care right now. people are all concerned about our country. i believe in him. i believe he has the experience. i've seen him in every situation. i've seen him as a husband, as a father, as a governor, and as a successful businessman. everything he does, he does well. and he does it with his heart and his commitment. if ever there was a time this country needs someone like mitt romney, it's now. >> this election is about more than just replacing a president. it's about saving a vision of america. we still believe in a america that brings out the best in all of us. the challenge for each of us to be better and bigger than ourselves. it's time for this pessimistic president to step aside and let american optimism that built this greatest nation on earth build a greater future for our children. >> if you can get out here in this cold and wind and a little rain coming down, you sure can get out tuesday night and sure find a few people to bring with you. and on the way to the caucus you can tell them who you're voting for. i want to be president. i will do that with your help tonight. applause plass [applause] >> can you hear me? let's get this party started! all right, folks, it's time to get going. my name is david fisher and am proud to be co-chairman of ron paul's presidential campaign here in iowa. i want to do a real brief review of the history of the modern day tea party movement. the date was september 16 of 2007, the 234th anniversary of the boston tea party. the occasion was a grassroots -led online one-day fundraiser for ron paul's presidential campaign, a day that resulted over $6 million being raised for the campaign in that one single day. the epicenter of the activity on that day was in boston, of course at fanwell hall where the keynote speech was given by an eye surgeon named rand paul. ands you know, since that time the tea party has gone to washington and the tea party has gone to iowa today to talk about the importance of ron paul's presidential campaign. i'm proud to introduce the honorable united states senator from the commonwealth of kentucky, dr. and -- dr. rand paul. [applause] >> what a crowd. anybody here for ron paul? [cheers and applause] >> when my dad asked me to come am campaign in iowa, i said i'd come if i didn't have to wear a tie. looks like we've got some young people here. there's energy and it's overflowing and it's big an it's coming tomorrow. we're going to win in iowa tomorrow. [cheers and applause] >> i get to go around a lot and give a lot of speeches and i was at a buffet recently and up near the front and there was a guy in front of me that had two plates of food. he was piling up a third plate of food. the guy next to him said, you're not going to live very long eating like that. he said, well, my granddad lived to be 105. he said, well, i get your granddad didn't get to live 105 eating like that. he said, nope, my granddad got to be 105 by minding his own business. anybody here want their government to mind their own business? [applause] >> we are borrowing $40,000 a second. we're borrowing over $2 million a minute. in the short time that we will be here today, we will borrow over $70 million. admiral mullen said the biggest threat to our national security is our debt. erskine bowles, head of the debt commission said that the most predictable crisis in our history is the coming debt crisis. even ben bernanke said our debt is unsustainable. there is only one candidate in this race who would balance the budget in one term. [cheers and applause] >> there is only one candidate who would cut $1 trillion in spending. [cheers and applause] >> there's only one candidate who understands that conservatives and liberals will have to get together to cut spending. the conservatives will have to understand that not every dollar spent on the military is sacred or wisely spent. [cheers and applause] >> liberals will have to understand the same. not every dollar spent on domestic spending or welfare is wisely spent or sacred. spending will have to be across the board. [applause] >> there is only one candidate who never has been accused of flip-flopping. there's only one candidate who has never taken a congressional junctionette. there's only one candidate who stands above head and shoulders above who lobbyists will tell you is incorruptable. [cheers and applause] >> there is only one candidate who the soldiers trust. one candidate. one candidate who has received more contributions from active duty soldiers than all of the other candidates combined. that candidate is my father. please welcome ron paul. [cheers and applause] >> wow, look at the crowd. >> my wife carol here. [crowd chanting "ron paul gentleman"] >> you know we have a short time and i'm delighted to see so many but if you start chanting end the fed we won't have time for a speech. this crowd is amazing. we're suggesting we get a few people out at these whistle stops and sort of encourage everybody along but this is almost like a real rally. this is great. wonderful. and the enthusiasm has been building. of course, i've been in the business of premotoring a cause of liberty for a lot of -- promoting a cause of liberty for a lot of years. it changed over the years. for a long time it was suggests and quiet -- subtle and quiet and i did it by voting the way i thought i should vote and frequently required me to vote no oftentimes. but today the enthusiasm has tremendously increased. and there's a big difference from even four years ago. four years ago there was enthusiasm, excitement, the college campuses were coming alive, the federal reserve became an issue, and a lot of people back then were talking about it was time to change our foreign policy. today 70% of the american people are saying it's time to get out of afghanistan and come on home. [cheers and applause] >> but the excitement has built steadily and the campaign has been remarkable in the organization. the funds have come in. they've come in as was mentioned in the introduction earlier even four years ago raising $6 million in one day was historic. but the funds still come in, which is a vote of confidence. the idea that as well that military personnel send a lot of money to this campaign, more than any of the other campaigns. but i tell you what, the enthusiasm is growing by leaps and bounds. the crowds are getting bigger. and the issue, as far as i'm concerned, there's only one issue. you know, they talk about a lot of issues. they talk about the foreign policy, economic policy. there's one issue that has made america great, and the issue you can answer all your questions on is individual liberty. that is the issue. and it was the abuse of this liberty that provoked the revolution and the writing of the constitution. the constitution was written as a document though we were coming together in one country, the document was written, it was intended to at least to strictly restrain the federal government. that's what the constitution is all about. [applause] >> yet today we have a federal government that's grown by leaps and bounds and the best demonstration of that is the spending. spending never ceases, one administration to the next, always spending increases. even today when they talk about cuts, you know they're not talking about cuts. they're talking about tinging around the edges and nibbling away at the proposed increases. well, what we're talking are real cuts and the shrinking of the size of the federal government. [cheers and applause] >> you cannot do that unless you raise the one significant question and that is what should the role of government be. if liberty is the most important issue, the most important responsibility of government is to protect liberty. and not to be the policeman of the world and not to have a runaway welfare state. >> somewhere along the way we lost our way and went in the wrong direction. we've allowed our government to grow. we've accepted the idea that the federal government's responsibility was to intervene in the economy, not to protect the free market economy, not to protect private property and contracts and sound money, it was to intervene and play mischief. it wasn't to protect your privacy. right now today the government spends more time and energy in passing law, invading your privacy. it should be the other way around. we want exposure and openness of government. we want your privacy back. [cheers and applause] >> and we don't want the government to be messing around with the internet invading our privacy. we don't need a patriot act that tells you the government can come in and invade your house and your homes and your papers and everything that you do without a proper search warrant. [cheers and applause] >> and we certainly don't need to be moving on to the next stage which is happening right now. last week or two weeks ago it was passed and then recently signed by the president authorizing the military to arrest american citizens and not -- allow citizens to be held indefinitely. that is the wrong direction. we need to reverse the direction. we have to answer the question properly, what is the proper role? stay out of running the economy. stay out of our personal lives. and stay out of the internal affairs of other nations. we don't need to be doing that. >> one of the great facilitators on the way spending got out of control and the way the government expanded was the way our monetary system works. if a country wants to do something and they have to tax a limitation, people wake up, they're taxing us and they're not getting anything from it and rebel, so they devised the other system of borrowing and delaying the payment. now they've used this other technique for the last hundred years but it's totally out of control and it's called central banking. the federal reserve. this idea that we allow in secret the central bank to print unlimited moneys, dollars into the many, many trillions bailing out the friends has to come to an end. that's the reason government gets so big. so not only do we want to audit the fed, we want to make sure we have something much better than the current federal reserve system we have today. [cheers and applause] >> we had a grand experiment in our history. we were the greatest nation, the freest nation with the largest middle class ever. today that is not true. our middle class is getting smaller by the way -- -- by the day. there is a transfer of payment when you destroy currencies and there's a transfer when you allow the lobbyists to control washington and washington becomes nothing more than an auction. this is the reason we have to reassert ourselves. we have a tradition on what freedom is all about, what sound money is all about, private property, and therefore, we don't have quite the task as other nations have when they want to go to a freer society. most of history has been obligated to live under a dictatorship. today we're moving in the wrong direction but the american people are stirring. this is what this campaign has been about. this is what the vote is about tomorrow. are we sick and tired of the expansion of government, the endless spending and the deficit, doing the things they weren't supposed to do and forgetting about the things they should be doing. [cheers and applause] >> tomorrow is a very important day. small in numbers but a very big message. so you carry a lot of weight in this state, to send a message on which way we're going for the status quo. believe me, you don't have to worry about the choice if you choose another candidate because the others represent the status quo, variations of the status quo. but they're not talking about a foreign policy to defend america. they're talking about mischief around the world and policing the world. are they talking about changing the monetary policy and looking at the basic problems with the monetary system and how it creates our financial bubbles? do they really care about personal liberties when you look at the votes and what the president has been doing? they don't care about your personal liberty or it wouldn't be continuously undermined. so therefore, a lot is at stake. i used to say as many have said and some continue to say, yes, we can't spend that money because we don't want to pass it on to the next generation. let me tell you, it's not going to happen. the next generation is here today. that is why we have to change things today and bring back the traditions of america which means liberty, peace, and prosperity. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "ron paul"] >> this was the first of five campaign stops congressman paul planned in iowa today. the day before the state's caucuses. later tonight mitt romney will be live in clive, iowa. the former massachusetts governor is holding a grassroots campaign rally just after 10:00 eastern here on c-span. here's the rest of tonight's news coverage leading up to the conferences. >> from iowa's news leader, this is kcci news channel 8 h.d. >> we're in the final 25 hours before the iowa caucuses, how an army armed with only telephones could help determine the winner. >> no, i don't think i'm going to win. >> that's a surprise admission from one time frontrunner newt gingrich who says he won't win tomorrow's caucuses. >> it's not just candidates, reporters and volunteers swarming the states, ohio high school students are getting a firsthand look at democracy iowa style. good evening, everyone. after months of campaigning, we're now just 25 hours away from the actual caucuses. >> the candidates are making their final pitches and eric hanson found out they have armies of supporters helping them twist the last undecided arm, so to speak. eric? >> the results will start trickling in here at the complex a little over a day from now and a little after 7:00 tomorrow night. the campaigns are convinced there are still people out there they can win over to their side so today they called in the reinforcements. overnight the reinforcements landed. >> good morning, willis. >> hey, this is dudley wynn calling for governor perry. >> an army of lone star loyalists who can't vote tuesday but can dial. >> we hope you can see the whole picture with governor perry. >> dudley loaded his car up in lubbock and headed north. >> i didn't think it would be this cold. >> to back his man on his own dime. >> we know his record. his record is very strong. i think what america needs to understand is how credible can we transfer results from texas and make that an american thing. >> texans dominate rick perry's army of more than 400 volunteers. across town -- >> hello, thomas, this is karl calling for michele bachmann. >> other campaigns are pushing the same 11th hour message, get people out and get them to commit. >> would you consider voting for rick santorum at the caucuses? >> it takes passion to drive cross-country for a cause but for real passion -- >> the only good thing was getting me mad enough to do something about it. >> hang out with a guy from dallas who has a year to live. >> i had my entire right lung removed, my diaphragm and heart lining and replaced with manmade material. i get outside in the cold, it hurts. >> some bucket lists include europe or skydive, his, experience bigtime politics iowa style. he's hurting but telling himself -- >> you know what, i'm making a difference so just shut up and do the job because it needs to be done. >> the finish line is within sight. >> and there's any little bit i believe will help. >> today they're not just touching base with the casual supporters but making sure all the 1,774 precinct chairs for each campaign are set and everyone arrives a little early tomorrow night before the 7:00 start time and there aren't any unanswered questions because months of preparation comes down now to just hours of execution before tomorrow's caucuses. kevin? >> eric hanson starting things off for us. thank you very much. of course you can't vote in tomorrow night's caucuses if you don't know where to go. here are a few things you need to get prepared for caucus night. you still need to find your caucus site. log on to and click on

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