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0 concede and they would leave him alone iff he basically apologize. and that is not how this game is played. g nehls isam fulle on media war ad not you don't get a break by saying i'm sorry. he's right.. our full interview with dr. robert malone available on foxn station tomorrow. i hope you'll t watchom it. we are out of time right now. yout know, tucker , what's gret about him iss and this is what's fun funny to me about the left's reaction to him is without his medical brilliance and his creation of mrna technology, there wouldn't be a fisano vaccine that wouldn't e a to a vaccine. and the people p that are most critical of the vaccines, it's kind of bizarre that guy gave money to joe biden last year. so it's not like he's a producth of the fervent right wing. he's just an open minded, honest man. his technology led to those vaccines and yes, he still criticized becauseci he doesn't exactly toe the line like fauci. tucker , thank you . welcome to "hannity" tonight . president trump is absolutelyni rightse, a deep state's abuse of power. it is very p, real and under joe biden it is now going unchecked and now we findd out the fbi has acquired these single most sophisticated spying tools ever designed by men. now we're going to break this down for you, not one but two alarming new spying scandals. yt'll make you think twice about how you use your very own cell phone. and later, a supposedly non partisan biden nominee accused senator ron johnsonsedln white supremacy called himal a white nationalist sympathizer from behind the comfort ofrd a keyboard on twitter. well, today the senator in front of her face to face. f how would you feel some just privately called your racist? firstay of all, i would say they're wrong. second of all, of all, i woulde with them. and i as ian said earlier, i wat to reiterate that even in my critiques of people, i'm very careful never to ascribe toea the person i thought i heard that i thought you say never criticize the person, but that's not true . what you just watch is what you just testified. >> there's false i'll use a different word. we call it aff a lie where i grp up.. we'lll play the full exchange coming up. and senator ron johnsonr will e here with reaction. but first we now turn our attention to a chilling story surrounding an israeli technology firm. this firm is named nso groupd and its powerful spyware tool called pegasus. now according to p reports, pegasus might be the single most powerful and controversial spyware ever developed. now oncee it has access to your phone, pegasusas can allegedly copy your messages and your photos, track y your location, record your conversations through theot microphone even when you're not using your phone and get this ,e you can even film you secretly through your own phone's camera . that's how sophisticated this is. the new york timeseshe recently detailed the intensifying scrutiny over the technologyed after evidence that quote authoritarian governments are usingg enso products to spy on political opponents. but according to abc, this technology is frequently used abroad toro hack journaliss and dissidents and human rights activists. and here's what'senin happeningl in israel right nowi. the israeli government is now investigating. this is a hugeing controversy and israel claims that the spyware was being usedthat by ti police against specific israeli citizens, specifically key witnesses in the corruption trial of former prime minister benjamin netanyahu. ha lookt at your screen. some are even claiming that multiple witnesses were actually because of the spying are being blackmailedhe to testify against former prime minister netanyahu because of data harvested from their phones using this spywareg . see all this information we have say what we want? in courtt and guess what ? it will o never see the light of day that is a massive scandal unfolding in israel. and here's my prediction buckleboon.. it'st not a matter of if but it's a matter of when spying scandals just like this will emerge in thisil country. to now here's where the story hits close to home. even though the nso group has u been blacklisted by the us commerce department. can you guess who might have p purchased a licenseur to use this in 2019? yeah, chris frase, fbi. in a statement, the bureau claims that it paid five million dollars for a limited license from the nsa group for product testingmi and evaluation. only then the fbi reportedly renewed the contract for another four million dollars. cyber security experts are nowut sounding the alarm about what they're calling a troubling and irreversible ar possible move from the highest levels of the federal government. the sameen fbi leadership that never held their own top brass to this day accountable for the biggest corruption abusehe of power scandal ever when they use that dirty russian disinformationru dossiet that hillary clinton bought and paid for tond spy on donald trump, the candidate, he the transition team of donald trump and president donald trump. now the only differencepresidens they won't need to lie to the fisa court to spy. this is extremely chilling, especially because director ray never held these people accountable, never cleaned up his bureau of 1% at my fbi pen still right there representing 99% ofhe good people that will risk their lives and obey the lawsot and not abuse power. and meanwhile, another spyingsp scandal is brewing on capitol hill. look at this breaking today,, the inspector general for the capitol police opened a formal investigation into serious claims that republican members of congress areg being unlawfully and were unlawfully surveilled, surveilled by capitol police potentially at the direction of nancy pelosi. look att this from politico. ca hardlyti a right wing publicatin to quote the capitol's intelligence unit quietlycr started scrutinizing the backgrounds of peopleeev who met with lawmakers. even republican staffers were allegedly targeted t with surveillance. and that's not all. according to one gopex congressman from texas during recess in november of 2020as one , three capitol policeic officers entered his congressional office without his knowledge dressed like construction workers and began taking pictures of a whiteboard before being confrontedy by a staffer who is still in the office. the police then interrogatedon a staffer about the contents on the whiteboard which detailed variouste whi legislate plans that are underer consideration today on twitter ,the congressman stated that perhaps his office was targeted because quotets well, i've been a vocal critic of speaker pelosi the january six committee and the capitol police leadership over their handling of january 6th and the death of a ashley babbitt and te subsequent sham investigation. sooi what's really going on here with the very latest is the ranking member of the house judiciary committee, congressmanf y, jim jordan, alog with former white house chief of staff and former congressman mark meadows as well as you know, both of you were very, very pivotal in exposing this big abuse of power corruption scandal. all right, mark meadowsioio, add this new technology. couple it with what's going on in israel and how potent this is, how how all freedoms can be taken away. and christopher, a guy who never cleaned up the fbi is buyings us technology. ol >> well, obviously the biggest thing, sean, is is that our founding fathers wanted to make sure that search and seizure is done under a particular format. and when you start to look at the ability the technologyec that is out there right now, congressman jordan, ifan this many, many years agoy actually in the oversight committee when he was serving there, when we start to look at really what the technology is able to do, it i iab is very, vy frightening. and you mentioned prime minister bibi netanyahu who inha some of the reporting that surveillance is taking s place there. it shouldn'tho happen in america . and quite frankly, we need to make sure that we have safeguards, whether it's a members office, as it hasap been alleged with the capitol police or w whether it's privati citizens with this new technology. jim jordan, this is a massivess corruption scandal in israel and i see the same thing here.yw why would we believe for one second that the very people that knew that this was a noner verifiable dossier, they knew hillary paid for it,, they warned off at numerous times then when the source even told them that none of it isli true , they still apply for more fisa warrants to spy on then president trump. why would we trust themil with this type of technology until they clean upr their house? no, you're you're exactly right. the same fbio, spied on presidet trump's campaign, the same fbi that said michael flynn fourhe days into the administration set him up in the white house. w that same fbihi which we now knw is spying on moms and dads who simply had the audacity to show up at school board meetings and speak out against this curriculum. that same fbi, the leadership of it nowcu has this amazingg behnology which should only used on terrorists. that's's a concern. no u one has any problem. use this on terrorists. our concern is are they going to use it on us? we know what they've done to parents putting a threat tag label on parents. so this islan frightening. and i would ask a simple question, sean. p what if peter strzok had this four years to go? youu know peter strzok who saide i can smell the trump supporters at the wal-mart, what would he what would andyav mccabe, john brennan havee done with this technology four years ago? that's what's frightening. that's why we this is so w concerning what happened with what the fbi is purchasingh and the situation with congressman nehls. i would like an answer to what director ray if republicans get back to congress, which i thinknktor hopefully they will in november ,would you start w an investigation, congressmanrt jordan? oh , yeah. we got to do we got to get to t the bottom of this whole doj, fbi going after parents. i mean, we but for that whistleblower coming forwardr and telling us they are putting this threat tag designation on parents areri they going to use this spyware technology on the same parents who now have a threateningavte label on them? soly that is definitely somethig we've got to b get to the bottom of and a whole other number oft investigations that we also have to we also have to have you know, i could think of a lot of good uses. it was so bad. mark meadows, it got to the point that for national security reasons i supported the fisaal court. but because they didn't clean it up, i can't in good conscience support any longer t because they never got to the bottom of it. they never h held the people responsible accountable. so the message is the deep state can pretty much do whatever the hell they want and there will be zero consequences. and there's no way this will not be used for nefarious purposes. well, you covered this in your monologue. you said that ninety nine percent of normal fbi personnel are honorable public servants and it's probably ninety nine point nine. what we need to maked sure is some of those who have actually use the system to make a political point or actually violated some of our civill those are the ones that you're talking about that we need to make sure of. but let me let me just be very clear. we are on a fast pace technologywise that will all of a sudden enter in all kinds of dynamics that the courts have never even looked at.ou you know, if you can haveur spyware that's actually on your cell phone that collects all kinds of data. can you imagine i'm seeing things that you've actually been able to collect. we need to make sure there are civil liberties are protected each and every day regardless of that . and you mentioned the fisa court. we need to make sure that we use them just for the bad guys abroad and not on us citizen. it's a simple, basic, fundamental right. it's a constitutional rightc,. you don't have justice if you don't follow the rules. jim jordan, mark meadows, thank you both. now let's turn our focus back to the white house. a new big a big new plan froms, by the administration. for years democrats, they have yearned for medicarets,,ye for l but now under joe well, they're going to have to settle forg something much now a new plan funded by the hhs. they're going to distribute joe biden's hhs are going to distribute crack pipes for free to addicts across the country. now the plan prioritizes, quote, undeserved communityty and keep in mind long term addiction to crack, heroin, crystal methrm, other hard drug. that's pretty much peoplegs committing suicide in just a longer period of time. it will always end in misery, suffering and death. maybe the government's money would be nm better used to maybe open up a treatment facility and therapy to end the addiction rather than to offer a means to facilitate the addiction. here now with reaction the hoste unfiltered, dan bongino, along with the co-host of the five geraldo geraldo. hi, sean. please tell me you don't support this . just this . i'm expecting the worst that's about to come out of your mouth. please tell me i don't. believee me, i am not enthusiastic about this plan atd all. but you have toer consider the fact this is the question do junky's liveses matter? we lost one hundred thousand americans in the last one year to overdose deaths. fentanyl is everywhere in all of these drugs they open theseey two pilot locations with a safe secure where the junkies can shoot up. they've saved one hundred and fourteen livesaved in six weekst it's not a pretty thing. it's awful. i hate it. and yet what's the option? watching themwa overdose, watching them die in the street. i know i do not yard i gave them it gave you an option to take that money, openff the facility and offer them treatea of some kind with traind drug counselors to stop their addiction. a there are therapists on site as i understand in the in the pilot locations there. are there insanity conditions?wn they come in with their own drugs. it's not that the government is giving them drugs. i don't like it. it's uglye. you don't like it, but is it worse? is the one hundred>> thousand dead junkies i mean dambusters one hundred thousand people dead fentanyl is everywhere. dan , don't worry. are all those as they come with their own drug. so noit worries there folks are coming in with their own drugsgs . that's okay. although i mean this is really this iss just juvenile. i mean really you constantly engage in this first order thinking stuff. you do this with immigration to where you you never ask the question, okay? and then what ? so you say well it's not compassionate if we stop people who are suffering at the border and then you never say to twe yourself, well and thenl what what if wepe tell peoplery who come into the country illegally that if you come in we're going to make the process of coming in the countryyth more ?ti let me hold on .ay hold on , hold on . hold no, this is this is this is the geraldo model of thinking. and in this you're doing itel again. you say, well,l, sean, what doo you want?nt do? you want five or six junkied to die? so we should make it easier for them to do drugs never again saying okay, well thenel what what happens when we make it easier to do drugs? maybe more people wouldor doe drugsug like that's what seconde say can you tell i mean we have a country of two americas right now. you're an illegal immigrant. get on a plane with an reservoir. all.oblem at yet you show up, you show up without your driver's license. you present the video right in your video. you can't get on this video right here, hollis that say franciscoo, the video that's playing right now at san francisco. yes, that's more people died last year from overdoses than from covid in san francisco. yeah, you got to recognize that and you want to make some real issue. one hundred thousand americans then you've got you've got no ideaea what crack they've been treatment programs forever. i've been covering drugs and since heroin the epidemic the first one and then the crack t and everything else that came after it, i don't want to talk about it like they woke up like the okay, i don't want to talkve aboutr what i want to. so just to be clear here,se you're suggesting that becausera these people died of drugs, whichgi is tragic. i don't wish death on anyone. believer, my i'm a believer my faith matters to me. right. you're suggesting we should make the drug using processg easier by giving the equipment to use drug? that verdict is in parole. does that make sense to you like how does that make sense? so let's give them the equipment one more day, okay? ouokay, you made the book. you made the point. let me let me let me respondro with one sentence. all right. the group says they've saved one hundred and fourteen livesth in six is o that's one pilot programne overall. let me askn: you a question abot east harlem and washington heights. they say murder rate, although i know you know your kids a lot of your kids and you a are a great father. all right.. that i know about. you've got an amazing father. ngthank you . kid now as your kid comes to you, your kid comes toan you and says ,dad, i'm going to i'm smoking i crack'm. you can't stop me and i'm shooting heroin and you can't stop me but i can't get any a cln needles. what are you going to i would die. i would i would bleed tears would be blood . i mean what are you going to do? these are not these. are these are horrible dilemmas john. dilm wellmas, what do you think?ld i know what i did trying something. you know, do you w want that in front of the school or you want the in private. where is intake can be the situation of a jail. i'm happy about this . yeah, but that's another q serious question and then i'll let dan respond. i will let letr what would you do if your child said i had bad news and dirty needles? can you can you get me some syringes? what would you do? i wouldn't go out and buy clean syringes. i would not do that .wr but what i wouldap do is i would wrap my arms around that child and i would i would y say you'ri not getting out of my sight. ss i want to do everything i possibly can to save your life. no, youou, me. and this is just a desperate measure. this is a desperate measure. th. it's not these aren't you know, celebrating the i know. but you know, i shan't ask you a question i asked you earlier about immigration, your emotions which are, you know, are laudable, are not public policy. ask i ask you also about immigration in the pastyou , whh all i want to show and just ask you about what you would do if s it was your kid right, with illegal immigrants. i mean, how many you guys take it in in your home? the you're not taking any id so you just want other communities to be like this is the thing. like it's easy to speak about emotions and i get you care. at i'm not questioning the fact that you care about these people at all. i'm not i mean, i'm suggesting that's not public policy. public policy is what your ideas are.a great idea of ethics. what gave my idea and have a bunch of laws.s. let's enforce them. we'vee done it in new york at work. there was a cop and we did it was called broken windows policing and it's not the drug openair going to take heroin. that's the law. the law is you can't take heroin the laws you put them in jail. the law is youjaja can't take fentanyl. i put him in jail and iel give him county jail year after year, offer the counseling in jail, get them off i the streetge. this plan eliminates that it will give them more equipment or reduces you know, i got to run. to but one last point we're not factoring in here people that get methamphetamine, you know, they're up for seventy two straight hours rather than mine psychotic. they're a danger tor society o here, although we don't need them on our streets, period. and we don't w need to be aiding and abetting in the alternative that you too do that , put them in jail, give you treatment of his death, give them they're going tooi die if they keep doig it. yeah.ste i don't know if we save their life, we give them timei' to think about something else. i got a ropeut, guys. good to see both. straight ahead, senator ron johnson called out a bidende nominee after she slandered baselessly accused him of beingg a white nationalist and supremacist. we've got the you're not going to want to miss it. and senator johnson will react straight ahead. is a call going pretty far and wide if in fact, from your thoughts so your home is expensive and stressful. so we set out to create a better home still experience with a network of the most successful real estate agent in america. it'll sell your home for as little as a two percent commission. the icing on the cake would be ideal agent was we say twelve thousand dollars in commissions. we would definitely use ideal agent got the whole process was so positive for us . excellent, excellent service getting right to the point hiring ideal agent. i wish we would have done that sooner and we would have saved six months of time and mortgage payments that would have probably never happened. we would have just gone with him first. they were so stress free the whole process was amazing and i would definitely recommend that . we certainly recommend that i be reaching out to over and over friends. it's just a great experience. we are not a discount brokers. these are topical agents that'll get you the best results. valentine's day is just around the corner and we have the perfect gift for that special someone with a gift schlump naturally new pajamagram available exclusively at pajamagram. she'll love the feeling of wearing next to nothing at all and you'll love the way they look. is she sensuous and best selling soft or seductive new ruby red naturally new pajamagram just like her own horn 5% the soft of naturally new pajamagram will be appealing. you will both love to touch and handle the gift. wrap it free. it's easy to order. go to pajamagram .com now or call one 888 70% 64 choose order naturally nehls pajamagram and get them in time for valentine's day from pajamagram inspiring return with a

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