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>> it's not stemming from not liking to work with me, is it? >> no, no. i love you. this story comes to us from the great northwest. >> yes. plenty of bears in that neck of the woods. and that means you need bear repellant. but not just for repelling bears. as abc's ron claiborne reports. spray it all over. >> reporter: the man you see here walked into this spokane, washington pharmacy dressed all in black and wearing gloves. pharmacist susan beller knew exactly what to expect. >> one of my technicians kind of came zipping past me and said, "it's him. we're being robbed again." >> reporter: it was aaron miller's third alleged attempt at robbing the same drugstore for painkillers. >> he handed me the note. the note said, "gun. give me all your oxycontin, oxycodone, and methadone." >> reporter: what miller wasn't expecting was this. a blast of grizzly bear-strength mace right in the face. beller had had enough. and she unleashed a torrent of the burning chemical. >> i grabbed the pepper spray and turned and sprayed him in the face. and he put his arm up and then ran out the door. >> reporter: then she and a co-worker wielding a baseball bat chased him out of the pharmacy. police nabbed the would-be crook right away. and they say he confessed to the deed. along with the other two successful robberies. as for beller, her co-workers say they're just glad she was ready to give miller a blast of his own medicine. >> she's our little mama bear. you know, she likes to have her bear spray close to her. >> reporter: ron claiborne, abc news, new york. >> and good for her. >> frightened he could have been armed or something. >> got to fight back. apparently you can buy your own bear repellant if you find yourself in a similar situation. it costs about 25 bucks. it's out there. there are different brands of it. but it's kind of sad. it speaks, to one, the prescription drug epidemic in this country. but two, people have to stand up and fight for your turf. she did that. three times he robbed them and twice he got away with it. so third time. >> mace, bear repellant. i think i'm going to go for the bear repellant. that stuff just flew out. >> whatever works. all right. coming up next, the breakthrough trends at the oscars last night. >> who showed up with an award-winning style, and who didn't. you're watching "world news now." ends at the oscars last night. >> who showed up with an award-winning style, and who didn't. you're watching "world news you're watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ i am beautiful no matter what ♪ i am beautiful no matter what they say ♪ ♪ words can't bring me down all right. so the 84th annual academy awards are in the books, and now all there's left to do is debate about the winners and of course the losers on the red carpet. here to help us with that is our beauty critic, cindy barshop, who's also the owner and founder of the completely bare chain of spas. you might recognize her from season 4 of "real housewives new york city." let's get right to it. best dressed beginning with michelle williams. lady in red. beautiful. >> beautiful, beautiful. it's very hard for a young girl to look so sophisticated and be so stylish. also with the hair. i don't think anybody else could carry that off. >> what did you like most about her look? >> i think the sophistication. and she's elegant. she's like -- she's a starlet. she's like from the past, i would say. take a look at the past. like the audrey hepburns. she's graceful. >> or grace kelly. >> yes. >> octavia spencer had a great night as well in terms of hardware and what she had on. >> yes. she was magnificent with what she wore. i think the dress itself. she stayed with the same designer she always stays with. and i just think the design and the crystals, how it went and actually accentuated the right parts for her and covered the others. i really -- i just think she looked beautiful. very happy for her. >> and i loved her speech as well, too. had a little trouble getting up those steps. but it was a great look. >> but she was happy. that's the whole thing is she was so happy. that real feeling of going wow, i won this. >> i know. gwyneth paltrow. >> gwyneth. she's always just stunning. she's such a trend setter. i just love the cape. i love all the white. >> and that seemed to be a little bit of a trend, too. >> absolutely. the white. and a little bit of the metallic. yes. >> okay. who could miss j. lo? her presentation with cameron diaz. but it was a nice get-up. >> the outfits were beautiful, both of them. cameron also. i think every dress from j. lo is going to be copied down -- >> but nobody's talking about the back of her dress. people are talking about the front. >> yes. okay. >> and potentially what happened. >> i know. she's a latin woman. her -- there was a little shadow going on over there. it's amazing how everybody noticed that. i mean, i did notice it. >> i was sitting there with my husband. i was like is that what i think it is? is there something hanging out there? >> everybody just questions it. i think we'll be talking about that for the rest of the year. >> and there it is. >> in different lighting it looks different, too, sometimes. >> exactly. kristen wiig looked very beautiful. and i liked her tresses as well. >> oh, i love that look. that's like that whole hippie couture. i love that. for me that's -- the only thing i didn't love was her hair. and i wasn't sure about that -- she was doing ombre or not the ombre. should have been just a little bit more put together. >> okay. winners and losers beginning with berenice. >> she looked like a mint cupcake. i felt bad. she's such a beautiful woman. >> i love mint chocolate chip ice cream. >> but look at her. she's stunning. i kind of liked it a little bit. >> you did? >> yeah. i liked it with the red hair. >> the sprinkles that they had on the green? >> just didn't do it for me. and i think she's magnificent. so put somebody else in that, forget it. we're just talking about the dress here. >> stacey keibler. loved the guy on her arm. you didn't really necessarily like what she was wearing. >> okay, seriously. she looked like an oscar. i don't understand how george even let her do that. >> she's a beautiful woman. >> she's a beautiful woman. the dress is beautiful. a different style i think on the dress. and color. and style. color's beautiful. >> melissa mccarthy. >> melissa mccarthy. >> she's hysterical. >> we're talking about clothes. we're not talking about the personality. we're talking about the clothes here. she got the diamonds around her -- i mean, the worst thing to do when you're that size. >> what about judy greer? >> judy greer. she's finally starting to get known, judy greer, and then she comes up with that like racetrack silver. i mean, i think she could have done a much better job. much more sophisticated job. something a little bit different. >> best hair and makeup, ten seconds. >> best hair and makeup. what was her -- >> jessica -- >> jessica, yes. with the red hair. i have to tell you, she looked magnificent. her hair. i know it for a fact. it's so hard to do hair and makeup on red. and she just looked beautiful. >> and our thanks to beauty critic cindy barshop. we will be right back. you're watching "world news now." ♪ i am beautiful no matter what ♪ ter what ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" delivers your "morning papers." welcome back, everybody. this is a new study out. apparently a survey by haagen-dazs. i don't know what the ice cream folks are doing commissioning surveys like this. i don't agree with some of this, but this is what they're putting out there. they're saying that modern men, we are increasingly soft, and women appreciate our softer side. the research, there was about 1,000 women who were surveyed. they said men enjoyed listening to soppy love songs, become choked up if somebody gets booted off "x factor" and enjoy watching the latest romantic comedy. 77% of women say they're in favor of this change, but nearly a quarter of them said they wish -- every now and then their significant other would kind of man up. so are we men becoming like softer and in touch with our feelings? is that going on? >> are you in touch with your feminine side, rob? >> i mean, i don't get all choked up at movies -- >> it's okay. i can see the tear. >> i'm very emotional about this. i just can't talk about it. i'm sorry. >> that does not describe any of the men that i know. >> give me my yanni cd. this is tough up here. >> you know what's going on with jeremy lin and linsanity? >> yeah. haven't heard that. >> he's the new rookie for the new york knicks. he's taking the entire world by storm. anyway, ben & jerry, a local ben & jerry shop in boston had to apologize because they released this new fortune cookie lin-sanity flavor. so they replaced the waffles that were in it with little fortune cookies. of course they apologized. and you know, that can be a little bit of a racial slur because you typically associate fortune cookies with -- anyway. they apologized. >> the guy from espn got in trouble with the chink in the armor line. >> he was fired. >> he's a phenom right now. but you've got to be sensitive to some of the cultural issues out there. i'm sure it's good ice cream, though. sounds like it might be kind of good. >> you want to get some? >> yeah. after the show. >> after we watch "the help" and cry. >> and maybe just hold me? i want to be hold. i love it so much. i still watch "beaches." a story out of the "new york daily news" here. apparently, there was a flight from baltimore up here to new york to long island and the pilot wanted to give a shout out to the mother of an air traffic controller and he used the term "mom on board." people, the passengers thought he said "bomb on board." they freaked out and kind of complained to some of the authorities. the faa saying we're not investigating. but clearly if you think the pilot says bomb on board i understand where it gets a little nerve rattling. but it was mom on board. >> a lot of telling things about men and women to aol's releasing a new study that says dna could play a huge part in how much people argue. and there is a female divorce gene apparently out there that could predict a rocky marriage. it's all -- >> oxy tocin? i don't know how to say it. >> so basically women are at fault. q this morning on "world news now" -- hollywood history. for the first time in 83 years a silent film has won the academy award for best picture. >> it's just part of the excitement and unforgettable moments from the oscars. it's monday february 27th. good monday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. let me just say, number one, you look great. you got into the oscar spirit, miss faris. >> i did. and i really got into the oscar spirit because i need to be silent. >> your kids passed on a little illness. so your voice is not 100% today. >> love my children. >> yes. a little 1-900 action today. >> going for the raspy voice. you like it? >> it is good. welcome to 1-900-world news now. >> the silent film "the artist" really seemed to impress the judges this year. while comic sacha baron cohen's interview with ryan seacrest stands out as an unforgettable stunt. we're going to tack you live to hollywood in just a moment. >> leave it to borat to have a little moment there on the red carpet. he of course stayed in character, gave seacrest a little surprise there. you won't xwes whose ashes they were. also, what if there were oscar awards for politicians? there have been a lot of unbelievable performances on the campaign trail, let's say, so it's something to consider during this election year. we'll tell you what politician we pick for an academy award. >> and speaking of politics, all eyes are on tomorrow's crucial michigan primary and what might happen if there's no clear front-runner before the republican convention. >> all eyes on michigan here. will romney keep his home state? that is the question. but before we get to all of that, the academy awards. not since 1929 has a silent film won top oscar honors. >> that's right. "the artist" took home five gold statues. it's a pretty controversial choice, too according to many movie fans. abc's diana alvear is joining us this morning from hollywood. good morning, diana. thanks for staying up with us. >> reporter: rob and paula, good morning. this red carpet really is the a-lister's highway right now. everybody who's anybody is walking by. we saw sandra bullock, steven spielberg, rooney mara, all of the nominees walking past. some holding their oscars. looking fabulous on what has become a fabulous and memorable night. the drama began before the academy awards even started. when sacha baron cohen, the dictator, dumped what he said were kim jong il's ashes on ryan seacrest. >> if somebody ask you what you are wearing, you will say kim jong il! >> reporter: the show kicked off with a montage. host billy crystal on a mission to see the nominated films. then it was time to announce best supporting actress. a standing ovation greeted octavia spencer. >> thank you steven spielberg for changing my life. thank you staszy snyder for changing my life. please wrap up. i'm wrapping up. i'm sorry. i'm freaking out. >> reporter: 82-year-old christopher plummer became the oldest best supporting actor winner in history. >> you're only two years older than me, darling. where have you been all my life? >> reporter: there were plenty of memorable moments. from muppets to making light of their rear view. to comic relief from robert downey jr. >> here are the nominees for best documentary feature. >> reporter: even gravity-defying stunts from cirque du soleil. "hugo" nearly swept the technical awards. the award for best director went to -- >> michel hazanavicius. >> reporter: and best actor went to -- >> jean dujardin, "the artist." >> i love your country. >> reporter: best actress went to -- >> meryl streep, "the iron lady." >> i could hear half of america going, "oh, no. oh, come on. why? her. again." you know. but whatever. >> reporter: and in the final award of the night, best picture went to "the artist." and if you're wondering where all of these a-listers are rushing off to, the parties, of course. elton john is hosting one. there's the "vanity fair" one. and we hear there's a weinstein party which is probably going to be the hardest one to get into tonight. rob and paula, i'm going to try and get a ticket, but i can't guarantee anything. >> have one for us. >> you're hard at work tonight. okay. so i love the self-deprecating moment, meryl streep when she wins. but what was the mood there when she won for best actress? >> reporter: okay. you know you're always hearing that the oscars are so predictable. this was an upset. even meryl streep could not believe it. she goes up there on stage and she says out loud, "oh, that's what half the nation is thinking right now," because they feel bad for viola davis because she was the presumed front-runner. but of course meryl streep being meryl streep, she was incredibly gracious. she thanked everybody and said this is probably the last oscar she'll ever get. and i thought she looked beautiful. she was the iron lady in the film but he had was the golden lady tonight. >> well said. and also getting a lot of buzz is this alleged wardrobe malfunction by my ex-wife j. lo. what was up with that? >> reporter: that's what all the buzz is right now. j. lo wore a revealing dress that it turns out may have been a little bit too revealing. and i can tell you, screams went up where i was watching it when she was on stage. i didn't see anything. but there were a lot of men around me that were screaming that they saw something. okay? whether they saw it in their mind, i don't know. but wardrobe malfunction. >> all right. thanks, abc's diana alvear. real quick, you look great out there. who are you wearing tonight? i've got to ask the standard oscar question. >> i'm wearing aidan maddox. thank you very much. and jewelry by michael vee. yeah. i'm feeling blinging. >> thank you, diana. get some sleep and get a ticket to that party. thanks for staying up with us. and our oscars coverage continues all morning long. we'll return to l.a. live on "america this morning." also "good morning america" will have the backstage exclusive you'd expect right here on abc. the big morning after oscars party. tune in for that. to politics now p & a final day of campaigning for the republican candidates ahead of tomorrow's primaries. mitt romney and rick santorum are locked in a close battle for primary voters in michigan. romney, who stopped by the daytona 500, picked up a key endorsement from arizona governor jan brewer yesterday. and of course the daytona 500 was postponed until today. >> today, yeah. well, some top republicans are saying no matter who wins tomorrow it is still anybody's race. >> it is your voice, your vote. and abc's rick klein is looking forward to the gop convention. good morning, rick. >> reporter: rob and paula, an extraordinary statement coming from the sitting republican governor of maine, paul le page. he says he wants an old-fashioned convention where "a dark horse can come out and do it in the fall." this underscores what mitt romney has already lost. even if he wins michigan on tuesday and he rolls to the nomination, the republican party is more fractured than ever. romney and rick santorum are dueling and probably leaving both of them weaker as a result. it's the self-inflicted party wounds that take the longest to heal, and it's going to have republicans talking about other options until and unless a candidate gets a majority of delegates. now, all of this is in a context of a turn to social issues, which is of course a prime example of how a primary doesn't necessarily produce the strongest candidate for a general election. this was supposed to be an election all about the economy. that's still what mitt romney the front-runner wants it to be. but he's had to veer pretty far from that comfort zone to try to lock this thing down. rob and paula? >> all right. thank you, rick. well, president and mrs. obama had the nation's governors over for dinner last night. the state chief executives were in town for their annual winter meeting focused of course on the hot issue of the day, that is, job creation. mr. obama offered a toast to them and their spouses and also promised greater collaboration going forward. the governors will actually return to the white house later on today for a formal policy meeting. the daytona 500 is set to run today. the first time ever on a monday. racers waited in the rain all afternoon yesterday with special trucks out drying off the track. but when another rainstorm moved in late in the day the race was called off. with more rain expected today, the race could be postponed until tomorrow. >> see how it shakes out. all right. here's your monday forecast now, everybody. that wet weather actually stretches across much of florida and the gulf coast today from miami over to new orleans. also in houston. showers in dallas and san antonio meanwhile. and more than two feet of snow in parts of the rockies. up to a foot in the sierra range. from l.a. to san diego. >> 55 in sacramento. 45 salt lake city. 32 in billings. fargo only climbing to 15. minneapolis 29. chicago 37. it's 55 here in new york and 48 in boston. >> you and i both will love this next story. there were more than the usual hogs at milwaukee's harley-davidson museum yesterday where they were celebrating baconfest. the world's biggest bacon, peanut butter and banana sandwich on white bread. >> bacon on peanut butter? >> mm-hmm. don't knock it till you try it. >> volunteers assembled the culinary wonder that ended up being 13 feet long, four feet wide. the sandwich was cut up and sold to visitors. the money they raised went to benefit the hunger taos k force. >> good cause and good bacon. i like it. we'll be back with more after this. ♪ i like sandwiches ♪ i eat them all the time ♪ i eat them for my supper and i eat them for my lunch ♪ ♪ and i think it's gonna be a long, long time ♪ long, long time ♪ to do an experiment.amilr we put a week of her family's smelly stuff all in at once to prove that new febreze car vent clips could eliminate the odor. then we brought her family to our test facility to see if it worked. [ woman ] take a deep breath. tell me what you smell. something fresh. a beach. a clean house. my new car. [ woman ] go ahead and take your blindfolds off. oh! [ laughs ] look at all this garbage! [ male announcer ] introducing new febreze car. eliminates odors for continuous freshness so you can breathe happy. it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. all medicare supplement plans can help pay some of what medicare doesn't, so you could save up to thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare... you should know about the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp; see if one's right for you. all medicare supplement plans let you choose any doctor or hospital, that accepts medicare patients... and could help you save up to thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses. plus, there are no networks... no referrals needed to see a specialist... and virtually no claim forms to fill out. how's that for convenience? 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>> greatings, guys. yes. "the artist" made history tonight. it's the first film from a non-speaking -- non-english-speaking country to win best foreign picture. and this is only the second silent film to do so. the beauty of "the artist" is it's a back to the future love letter to early hollywood told by a frenchman. and for a movie that was silent there was a lot of chatter about its potential early on. it became the favorite after the golden globes last month. >> and looking back on the night, really no major surprises in the acting categories. so let's go through the list here. starting with meryl streep and best actress. i'm sorry. best actor. i'm sorry. >> best actor, up until a few weeks ago it was clooney and brad pitt, they were battling it out. but the tide started turning after jean dujardin, the french actor, who coincidentally is named or nicknamed the french george clooney, started winning all these other awards shows and people started going to see the movie. and by yesterday, rob, it was -- he was poised to win best actor by far. >> it is a campaign. and now what about actress and miss meryl streep? her 17 nominations. she takes home the gold. >> reporter: yes. third time's the charm for her once again. this was a two-horse race between viola davis, who played abilene spark in the help, and meryl streep, who truly dominated as "the iron lady." she really embodied margaret thatcher. and again yesterday everybody said if meryl streep doesn't win this award it's going to be a complete upset. >> people were disappointed viola didn't win, but meryl obviously is a legend to say the least and viola is just now breaking through. we're not done seeing her by stretch. >> bruno, all the chatter about this being a safe oscars and billy crystal was back for the ninth time. do you think it was safe besides maybe the mishap from j. lo? >> well, after the brett ratner and eddie murphy controversy, billy crystal was safe. at time his shtick looked like it was more catskills or bore borscht belt. but the academy needed something that was safe. last year we had anne hathaway and james franco and they totally bombed. billy crystal managed to pull it off. >> let me go back to some of the categories. best supporting actor, i thought it was the most eloquent speech of the night, christopher plummer. >> oh, my god. not only that but he's the oldest actor to win an oscar. christopher plummer playing hal a 75-year-old who comes out of the closet while he's battling a terminal illness. there's no way this guy would not have won the award tonight. finally, all due to him, this was a great role, he did a tremendous job in. i would have loved to see max van sydow or nick nolte. but this was christopher plummier mer toss win. >> from the most eloquent speech to the most emotional. octavia spencer for "the help." >> octavia spencer owned the role of minnie jackson showing such emotion and grit. and tonight she was so choked up about everything. you could tell she was really, really surprised even though everybody had said this was hers to win as well. >> okay. so red carpet, a lot of glitz, a lot of glamour, of course, and maybe even some high jinks this year. >> well, paula, forget who wore what on the red carpet. twitter was all abuzz when sacha baron dressed as a dictator dumped the ashes of his friend kim jong il on ryan seacrest. keep in mind that the academy doesn't allow pro moegsz of upcoming films. but cohen staged such a huge campaign this week and he got away with it. it was tremendous because just like gadhafi used to travel with his glamazons. he had his glamazons there. it was so off the cuff it was amazing. >> do you think seacrest had any idea that was coming? >> i don't know if ryan seacrest thought he was going to get it, but everybody on the red carpet knew he was going to try to pull a stunt. but i don't think ryan seacrest thought he was going to be the -- >> i think ryan makes enough moirngs he'll find a good dry cleaner. >> he'll just get another tux. >> and everybody makes such a big deal of billy crystal coming bag after an eight or nine-year hiatus. what did you think of the job he did? >> he actually did pretty good. he was safe. i love the stuff he did with justin bieber. the only thing is he fell flat playing sammy davis. because nobody even knows billy crystal played sammy davis. >> those of us who know his career know he's been doing sammy for years, so we're used to seeing him do that. fun show all the way around. good winner for hollywood. thank you very much. >> thanks, bruno. >> we'll be right back after this. this. yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ welcome back, everybody. finally this half hour today of course it's kind of sandwiched between two big events. we had the oscars. but also tomorrow the michigan republican primary. both have high stakes and big rewards. >> going to give an oscar for creativity for this next story. so what if we combined performances with primaries? we leave that abc's john berman. >> reporter: the lights are up. the cameras are rolling. the stars are out. brad pitt, newt gingrich, george clooney, rick santorum, anne romney, michelle williams. what if politics had an academy awards? that would be some red carpet. though ron paul might need a different suit. >> i'm very proud of myself. >> reporter: best makeup? whoever does donald trump's hair. >> it is my hair. see, i can go like that. >> reporter: best foreign language film -- >> [ speaking foreign language ]. >> reporter: jon huntsman's debate in chinese. but other races much tighter. best costume. is it ron paul's slightly too big suit? romney's blue tie. perry's red tie. newt's red tie. the winner is -- rick santorum's sweater vest. best song. maybe the year's toughest category. is it president obama's "sweet home chicago"? ♪ come on ♪ baby, don't you wanna go mitt romney singing "america the beautiful"? ♪ for amber waves of grain the winner is -- ♪ i was born free -- kid rock with "born free." one of mitt romney's campaign theme songs. ♪ like an untamed stallion because who is an untamed stallion if not mitt romney? how about the ultimate category, best picture? >> i need more money. >> reporter: what if fund-raising were like "moneyball"? rick santorum as the low-budget oakland a's. ♪ what if the debates were like "the artist"? ♪ and the winner is -- meryl streep. >> shall we join the ladies? >> reporter: it's her turn. sorry, ron paul. john berman, abc news, new york. >> see, the only thing we need from the politicians, just one of those buttons you hit with the music cues to get them off stage. wrap it up, wrap it up, mr. president. wrap it up, romney. get them off stage. >> they're in politics and not in hollywood for a reason. >> there's a joke politics is like hollywood for ugly people. that's the joke. that is the news for this half hour. remember to follow us on facebook at >> and catch our tweets on twitter. remember he's finally on twitter. >> tv-some robnelson.c c c c c q this morning on "world news the -- primary push. this morning on "world news now" -- primary push. the big political fight over mitt romney's boyhood state, michigan. >> what will it mean for the gop if romney loses tomorrow's michigan primary to rick santorum? it is monday february 27th. good monday morning, everybody. i'm paula faris. >> a little bit under the weather but sticking with it. we like that. >> i'm not under the weather. i'm just going with the whole raspy thing. >> i like that. good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. happy monday. well, mitt romney did pick up an endorsement from arizona's governor before that state's primary tomorrow. but of course all political eyes seem to be on the state of michigan because it is a bellwether state because of the economy and the employment situation there. also, romney's home state. can he pull it out? are we looking at another gore tennessee situation? we'll see later tomorrow. another major headline this morning is that horrific passenger train accident outside toronto. we have the latest on the fatalities, the frightened survivors, and what caused that terrible crash. in lighter news, all the big winners at last night's academy awards. a look back at the unforgettable moments and see who came out ahead in our own oscar picks as well. i did not do well at all. plus, are academy voters too snobby and out of touch with the american moviegoing public? do you think "the artist" should have won all the top awards as it did? director, actor, best picture. we'll talk about that all in just a second and all of that good stuff from last night. >> i just want to say i promise not to get you sick. >> please. because i know you've got two kids at home. you're germ factories. >> we've got an invisible little fence here. >> don't breathe on me. but first politics, mitt romney and rick santorum are in michigan this morning, my home state, searching for those last-minute votes. >> are you registered there or here? >> oh, i haven't registered yet. >> oh, see -- >> i was going to register in illinois. >> the primary could be the tipping point for the republicans. abc's david kerley is following the campaign with the latest. hey, david. >> reporter: rob and paula, it has become very contentious on the campaign trail as both romney and santorum are trying to prove they are the conservative candidate. and that battle went to daytona. >> rain continues to fall here at daytona. >> reporter: it really rained on santorum's parade on sunday as nascar nation billboard car 26 sat as the daytona 500 was delayed, then canceled by rain. they're going to run it later today. but the candidate did tell george stephanopoulos he advised the driver to use his campaign strategy when he does race. >> i'm hoping that for the first, you know, maybe 300, 400 miles he's sitting way, way back, letting all the other folks crash and burn, and then sneak up at the end and win this thing. >> reporter: romney was in florida to meet those conservative voters at daytona before he flew back to michigan. and that's where he was talking about cars all week. >> i love cars. >> reporter: and he made no apologies for admitting that his wife has a couple cars. and a bit more controversy out on the campaign trail. on abc's "this week" santorum reached out even farther to evangelicals when he referred to john kennedy's campaign speech in 1960 to baptist ministers in which kennedy said he believed in an absolute separation between church and state, santorum says he doesn't believe that and was sickened by the speech. >> to say that people of faith have no role in the public square. you bet that makes you throw up. what kind of country do we live in that says only people of non-faith can come in the public square and make their case? that makes me throw up. >> reporter: as for romney, he picked up the endorsement of arizona's governor and is back in michigan for the final race to tuesday's primary. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> very strong words there. that's a very hot topic in this country, separation of church and state. he had a very strong reaction. it would make him want to throw up. that's harsh language. that's kind of one of the principles we hold on to dearly in this country. >> santorum's expected to receive secret service tomorrow. and i know that newt gingrich has also requested it. >> as well. and more signs the white house is considering a santorum candidacy more legitimate because of his appeal to blue-collar voters across the country. so things getting interesting. well, there's new violence in afghanistan this morning triggered by the burning of those korans by u.s. troops. a suicide bomber struck at the gates of jalalabad airport in eastern afghanistan. nine afghans were killed. the taliban claimed responsibility for that attack. a major story here. anger at the koran burning is aimed squarely at americans. four u.s. servicemen have been killed, two of them in one of the most secure compounds in afghanistan, killed by a trusted afghan aide no less. abc's nick schifrin is in kabul with the details on this cold-blooded killing. >> reporter: afghan fury has one target -- u.s. soldiers. in an area far from taliban safe havens protesters threw a grenade onto a u.s. base, injuring ten. it's been up to afghan police to defend the bases. and it's up to them to solve one of the most chilling cases of fratricide in ten years of war. we learned more about the man who killed two u.s. soldiers point blank. afghan officials tell abc news he was one of the drivers for the interior ministry. he was authorized to carry a gun and had access to the building's most secured areas. investigators say he isn't taliban but went to the kind of religious school in pakistan that has produced many militants. they traced his cell phone and knew he was in kabul till noon, but then the trace went cold. >> is there anything you can do to guarantee this won't happen again? >> this will take time. the only guarantee is time. we have been trying to clean our forces out of these bad elements and the insurgents. >> reporter: for u.s. forces that presents a dilemma. can they trust and cooperate with their afghan partners? >> the biggest sign of very good cooperation was given to us by the afghan national police, who stood with excellence between demonstrators and isaf forces over an entire week. >> reporter: for the afghan side they want to know they can trust that the u.s. won't burn any more korans. the u.s. says it's conducting sensitivity training and says this week it will release the results of the investigation into why the korans were burned, hoping that that can calm some of the fury. nick schifrin, abc news, kabul. >> thanks to nick for that report. well, the pentagon has recovered the remains of the last american soldier missing in the iraq war. army staff sergeant ahmed al taie was positively identified at the military mortuary in dover, delaware. he was kidnapped when he sneaked off a military base in baghdad to visit his iraqi wife back in 2006. family members in michigan say they have not been told the circumstances surrounding his death. we now turn to a deadly train accident in canada. a passenger train heading to toronto from niagara falls derailed in southern ontario yesterday. three rail employees riding the locomotive were killed. 45 people were injured. ctv's omar sachedina spoke to passengers who survived this crash. >> reporter: those who survived the devastating derailment describe it as a moment of sheer horror. >> it was like a plane crash. it was people were flying, stuff was flying. everybody's luggage was flying. and i just kind of ducked and was holding on. not to go flying myself. so. >> reporter: chaos as fire crews race to the scene to treat dozens of injured passengers. >> people are obviously in shock after going through this. especially the sense of being trapped even if it is for a short period of time. >> reporter: the most seriously injured were airlifted to hospital, some of the injured arriving at this trauma center in hamilton, ontario. >> i don't know if it was frenzied. so people hurried. and like is always typical in the hospital setting, you know, people drop what they need to drop and they get to where they need to be. >> reporter: 10-year-old drew carmichael was on the train with his dad, dave. >> i was panicking. i was like, because we were going down that -- like i was scared. i was like -- >> reporter: drew's father remains at the hospital in serious but stable condition. many other passengers were transported by bus to toronto's union station. also clearly shaken. >> it was really traumatic. it was really bad. >> are you okay? >> i'm okay. i have no injuries. i'm really thankful to be alive. >> reporter: many of the survivors, of course, are thinking about those who didn't make it and about just how close they came. as for the injured passengers at this hospital in hamilton, ontario, officials say they are in serious but stable condition. >> those three dead, three fatalities, three in serious condition, including one passenger who had a heart attack. i can't even put myself in those shoes and imagine what it would be like. >> dozens and dozens of injuries. like you said, only three in serious. could have been a lot worse than that. scary moments for them. >> luggage flying. frightening. here's a look at your monday forecast, everybody. some heavy snow in the sierra range, the rockies, and also in the southern california mountains. some rain around l.a. and san diego. showers from dallas to miami up to savannah and the carolinas. >> a wet 69 in new orleans. 63 in atlanta. 48 in boston. detroit's 41. omaha 36. kansas city 47. 40s from seattle to colorado springs. it's 58 in albuquerque. and 76 in phoenix. i could use some sun and fun and -- >> and some -- >> margarita. >> some tea and nyquil and -- >> i think some tequila would get right to it. >> it works for me. watch out because senior flash mobs could erupt anywhere anytime. this weekend in las vegas. ♪ where else can you do a half a million things ♪ ♪ all at a >> you go, ladies. dozens of seniors boogied to huey lewis and the news's song "the heart of rock and roll" to celebrate national heart month. >> a local senior center known for its line dancing classes got the mob started to promote cardiac wellness. the mob to perform. it looked like there were plenty joining in too. they need to do the macarena. mix it all in together. >> may we all age that well. >> i love it. >> more "world news now" coming up right after the break. ♪ they say the heart of rock and roll is still beating ♪ ♪ and from what i've seen i believe them ♪ ♪ now the other may be barely breathing ♪ ♪ but the heart of rock and roll ♪ ♪ heart of rock and roll is still beating ♪ ll is still beating ♪ ♪ and from what i've seen i believe them ♪ ♪ now the other may be barely breathing ♪ ♪ but the heart of rock and roll ♪ ♪ heart of rock and roll is still beating ♪ power chair. premier hi, i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. now you can do more, see more, enjoy life more. here's why hoveround makes it easier than any other power chair. hoveround is more maneuverable to get you through the tightest doors and hallways. more reliable. hoveround employees build your chair, deliver your chair, and will service your chair for as long as you own your chair. and most importantly, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost. call now for your free dvd and information kit. and now every hoveround comes with this tote bag and cup holder for handy access to your favorite items. you don't really have to give up living because you don't have your legs. call now for your free consultation. and right now, get this limited edition hoveround america travel mug free with your hoveround delivery. call or log onto right now! ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back, everybody. it is that time again for our what? boom. favorite -- oh, nice timing today. favorite story of the day. it is all about a high school kid with a pretty high-profile date coming up. >> he was hoping that taylor swift could come to his prom. that ain't happening. but the country star is going one better. as dan cuellar of wpvi in philadelphia reports. >> i was totally just amazed. i didn't even believe it at first. so it doesn't even seem real right now. >> reporter: we spoke with 18-year-old kevin maguire by iphone face time. he is understandably up in the clouds upon learning that country music star taylor swift has made what was nothing more than a pipe dream come true. upon getting word that maguire had invited her to his high school prom, swift posted on her facebook page the following -- "kevin, i'm so sorry, but i won't be able to make it to your prom. but i was wondering, the acm awards are coming up. would you be my date?" well, of course kevin said yes. adding -- >> i guess you could say it was a good luck charm for me. >> reporter: that's because maguire also learned from his doctors that after intense chemotherapy he is presently in remission. >> yes, i am in remission, no cancer cells in me, but i still have quite a ways to go for the chemotherapy. >> reporter: kevin, who attends sterling high school in summerdale, a big taylor swift fan, recently told his sister tory that the chemotherapy meant that soon he'll go bald. he worried that no one would want to go to the prom with him. so what does tory do? she opens a facebook page called "taylor swift take kevin maguire to the prom." the page went viral, and in just three days got taylor swift's attention. >> how does it make you feel that you pulled this off? >> i can't believe it. like we're from stratford, new jersey. who knew that i could pull this off or my community could come together to make this happen. >> reporter: tory also had t-shirts made with swift's picture asking her to make her brother's life. and of course taylor swift is doing just that. >> what's the first thing he said when you told him that? >> he just said, "are you serious?" that's really all he could say. >> did it make his day? i mean, how -- >> make his life. not his day. like his shirt says "make our brother's life." and that's what she did. >> aw. very cool. >> what an inspiration. that's awesome. >> i think that's so gracious. compassionate. justin bieber did something similar. and i think justin timberlake did something similar with a female member of the military. so it's cool when celebrities do that. >> never underestimate the power of facebook. >> see, i'm a facebook guy. you're more of a twitterer. >> i'm a tweeter. >> you're a tweeter. coming up next, the winners, losers, and the laughs at last night's oscars. >> including a big act outside on the red carpet. stay tuned for "the skinny." ow ♪ skinny ♪ so skinny so you may find out a lot about me by this next clip. of course we're going to give you some of our favorite moments from the oscars. and i'm a sophomoric type of girl. i love "anchorman." so melissa mccarthy in her depiction in "bridesmaids," that was one of the moments i laughed out loud. the little short with billy crystal. if you don't know her character from "bridesmaids," she's brash and hysterical. >> and sexually aggressive. >> very sexually aggressive. >> i want to introduce you to a friend of mine. i think you're going to like her. she's a lot of fun. >> wow. limber. i still have to introduce ben stiller and emma stone. >> yeah, i really have to introduce you to her sister. >> i think she -- that was one of my favorite supporting actress roles, for "bridesmaids." that was hysterical. >> she's great. funny, seems so genuine and sweet. >> and from illinois. >> is she really? midwestern girl. see? there you go. shout out to the midwest. >> midwestern girl at heart. okay. one of my other top moments was i actually read the book "the help" a while ago but i just saw the movie this week and i loved it. and i loved minnie jackson, who was played by octavia spencer. >> academy award winner oca spee genuine, but hers was so heartfelt. and we want you to take a listen. >> the "help" family. please wrap up. i'm wrapping up. i'm sorry. i'm freaking out. thank you, world. oh, god. and thank you to wme and viewpoint l.a. i'm sorry, guys. i love you. i'm sorry. >> so well deserved. i love that. it was a fantastic movie. and my husband loved it. >> and you can tell the difference between people who are genuinely humbled and honored to win and those who say i never expected it. and i'd like to thank my agent -- she really was from the heart. congratulations to her. also a moment out on the red carpet. we talked about this a few days ago. sacha baron cohen has a new movie coming out called "the dictator." he plays this kind of crazy gadhafi-like guy. and he kind of demanded to go hit the red carpet in character, which he did and then had this moment with ryan seacrest. take a look. >> it was his dream to come to the oscars. and to be sprinkled over the red carpet and over halle berry's chest again. but the interesting thing is actually it's -- >> ah. those are supposed to be the ashes of kim jong il, the late north korean leader. and he dumped them all over ryan seacrest's tux. about what happened. it was kind of a -- ryan's on tv and your tux is all dirty. it was kind of weird. >> you kind of expect that from sacha. >> but sacha is getting the headlines he obviously was going for there. anyway, also the big news from last night, billy crystal was back for the first time in eight or nine years. as host. he was really, really good and kind of did the typical billy shtick. he did the musical number. then he opened up with a montage of himself in all the movies. he did this scene with george clooney, a kind of tender scene from "the descendants" where george kisses -- >> everyone wants to be billy crystal now. >> where george kind of kisses his dying wife and instead it's billy. take a listen. >> is this the villa? george, let's make pasta. and maybe it will rain -- >> shh. >> a tender and funny moment between two greats. good job, billy. good to have you back. funny moment with george. congrats to all the winners. we'll be right back. or operate machinery ve until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ am i a man ♪ or am i a muppet we'll be right back.5 ♪ am i a man ♪ or am i a muppet a question we've all asked ourselves at one point or another. >> who are you? >> a man or a muppet. >> i'm a wo-man. music right there, oscar winner "am i a man or a muppet." beat out the one other song that was nominated. >> if you saw our show on friday morning you saw our oscar picks, our personal ones. so time to check out how we did. let's start out with the big kahuna, award of the night, best picture. >> mm-hmm. >> you picked? >> i picked "the artist." >> and i -- >> who did you pick? >> i did not. i thought that "the help" was going to pull an upset win and surprise. i thought it had a lot of momentum, was kind of sentimental favorite because of octavia and viola and everyone loved the book. >> you need help with your picks. >> i did not have a good day on friday, as you slowly will learn here. so yes, clearly now you're up 1-0. you picked "the artist." it won. congrats to you. you got the big one right. >> okay. best actor. we didn't do so well on this. we actually collaborated and picked the same person. but it was not jean dujardin. >> we both were wrong, yes. >> jean dujardin. >> jean dujardin. i just like saying that name. >> say it three times fast. >> jean dujardin. jean dujardin. >> jean dujardin. jean of the garden. >> he really was the most excitable. he gave the most enthusiastic acceptance speech. but we were both wrong. we picked george clooney of "the descendants" to win. everyone loves george. he was kind of the sentimental favorite going in, but he did not win at all last night. but i'm sure he's with stacey keibler. he's still having a good night. so it's all right. lastly in the actress category you -- >> yes. i picked "the iron lady" and meryl streep. >> you nailed it. >> so i'm up 2 what now? >> you're up 2 to zip to me. and this is an incredible stat on meryl here, she's been nominated 17 times. the most nominated actor or actress ever in the history of the oscars. but she hasn't won since "sophie's choice" back in the early '80s. all these years -- >> that's unbelievable. >> it really is. she's long overdue. it really was her moment. she gave a great speech and also had a tender embrace with the person i thought was going to win, viola davis. i thought there was a lot of momentum going into it. but she didn't pull it out. but meryl's a legend. viola's just breaking through now. we're not done seeing her. she's on to bigger and better things. >> let's get something straight. i'm the winner and he is the -- >> i went 0-3. you went -- >> you're the loser. >> -- 2-1. that is it. >> not everybody wins. you either win or you lose. >> you don't get a trophy for participation. whatever. more oscar coverage coming up tonight on "america this morning." also "gma." big show coming up. stay with abc. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. .pcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcc

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