>> that is a universal black women -- >> we were all born knowing which needs to be done. we will do it. >> oh, my god! >> yes. >> no. >> yes. >> hey, girl! are you doing? >> make up. >> i'm excited to get you to maintain. it's one of the most beautiful venues. all of these women, they're going to be in harlem, harlem. -- she is a wonderful, sweet person. i'm excited to be in her present. >> who is better than you? nor one of the reasons i love you. >> i'm really excited for nicole. anne she didn't get into this for her fame or to be the face of some movement. she got into this to tell a story. toronto burke, the actual creator of the metoo movement. this is a woman who has suffered so much personal pain, tragedy and turned it into a movement. >> we have maria taylor, our new colleague. r, our new colleague. >> i am thrilled to have captain tomika lindsey at the table. we are making history. >> it's interesting that she will be there along with representative ayanna pressley. the crown act is her crowning glory. i think she's going to be somebody that's going to be an incredible person to talk with. ladies, i'm so excited to have robin td. >> is that my camera? >> that's your camera, coach. >> she's hilarious. she's fun. she's also a history maker. there are not that many black women in late night. >> i'm so excited to have michele back they with her new show. >> would you try to pull? why are you trying to mess with me? >> she is beautiful. she has natural hair. i love her hair. every time i see her hair -- to mika traumatically a. executive director of -- the interesting about hers that she worked for the law it before. >> we are fitting at a table with people with so many different industries and walks of life. i want people to understand that that is how we can operate in the world. you could operate and create these connections, not because you want to get ahead in your industry, but because you want to have that sisterhood and that sister had support. >> look at this! look at this! >> this is amazing! >> this is a table fit for a queen. >> it is. it absolutely is. can we talk about this very extravagant menu? >> seriously. i think we should bring in the ladies. hi! >> hi, ladies! oh my goodness! >> i'm curious, because this is your hood. tell us about this wonderful, beautiful place. >> we live in harlem. i'm always going to represent wilkin. >> here we go. >> i'm just saying, harlem obviously is so iconic. it's so iconic to the black experience. and black women. you're talking about billy holiday and all these great black women jazz artists who used to play right here. we wanted to make this not just a sisterhood experience, but also a cultural experience. this is with culture is. the culture is black women. we have created the cultural bases for wet american believers culture. jazz. the blues. all the things that we want because of our experience, who we are. we brought that to the table. we wanted to bring that to the stable. >> i love that. i feel the spirit of black woman in this room, but i do have to start this dinner out by paying homage to the wonderful, amazing nikole hannah jones. the way that you crystallized our experience in this country, our history. you are unapologetic. we love the flare. we love your flair. it's all rooted in history. i think it's really provided context for people who didn't know the story in 16 19. our entire genetic identity was taken from us. anne let me tell you your story, and where you come from. >> i was not expecting that. it's so beautiful to be at the table with all of these amazing black women who are clearly representing all of the different ways that we shape our society and culture, and all the way that we fight. but to me, when i think about lead us, our primary role is we are keepers of the black culture. that we've also been the ones who have fought for this country's highest ideals the most. we have fought for gender equality, racial equality. if anyone ever followed our path. like you think about the stereotypes of black women. we are seen as a problem in this country, but of course that would argue that we are the solution. >> you're sitting right next to the great ayanna pressley. we've had these conversations and i think all of us of adam. we've had them about the fight. to fight for our culture and the things we know we need. we are kind of the canary in the coal mine for when america is going wrong. >> i think that the unique space and dichotomy that we hold its black women is that we are both hyper visible in a way that our hair, our bodies, our humanity is criminalized, simply for how we show up in the world. while also hyper invisible, which is why you can have things like a black maternal morbidity crisis. when i try to do is to really deliver a love letter to the most important black women in my life. that's my mother. she never read me children's bedtime stories about princesses being safe. she read me the speeches of barbara jordan and -- she told me early on. being black is beautiful. it's something you should be proud of. but you are being born into a struggle. >> i find it fascinating that you embodied a spirit of surely shows them. and you occupy her office. >> i occupy her office. i get to claim that role. okay. >> i think we need to have one more vegan. >> i'm thrilled to have surround a burqa at the table. what we carry with us in this women's trauma. it speaks to our history as well that you spoke about your trauma and other people came along and got credit for it. >> i still do. >> and still to. >> and she slips her water. >> exactly. that is universal black women language. >> the people who define this movement by how the media framed it, you will never find us there. before, me too became the hashtag and all the rest of that, it was going all the way back to rosa park. there was work that was being done by black women and other marginalized women that predates it and nobody was thinking about them at all. and i have said since the day that i was elevated into the national scene and international scene, this is for us. but people did not want to hear that. >> i look at this table. these amazing women sitting across this table. i know everybody has earned the right to be here. beautifully placed at this table, and still, somebody could come and hear and questioned our place at this table. with that, i'd like to bring in maria taylor to the conversation young sister, we know that you earn your place despite with others may say. you are in a male dominated field that is difficult for women to get into. the expectation might be that as another woman you understand what i went through. we see that it takes black women, sometimes, to appreciate you. i'm just curious, because you've been in the line of fire. we did not know you. we knew your story. you were hours the stare immediately. how did you manage being in that line of fire and handle it with such grace and success? >> i'm sitting here and taking it all in. i want to take notes. the thing that keeps coming to my mind is i just wish there was a world in which everything that a black woman did, someone was not coming to dim that light and blow it out. i wish there was someone there fanning her flames. obviously, we have our culture. we have people, friends, grandmas, moms that do that. but the things we have to battle, trying to hold your little candle against the winds of the ocean. i felt that way sometimes coming up in sports. like you said, it's very white male dominated. a lot of times they simply do not want you there. i have been on both sides of it, where i've worked really hard to get to the nba finals. i've had a white woman raise her hand and said he only got the job because your black. i've had my company stand behind that thought. and then tell me that i am not being professional, because i am refusing to work with her. at some point i realized, and i turned 35 in may. i was willing to give up my entire job. i said i really have to walk in my integrity right now. i believed that i was put on this earth to speak a lot about sports, and eventually more things. be a content creator that amplifies black voices. that's it. so, if anyone tries to get away or push me off of that path, god will have another one for me. i think it's black women. everything we do a supercell flicks. everyone sitting here has something that has been pushing them that has nothing to do with what they actually do. catherine, it wasn't just about you being a captain in the navy. you meant something more. we all know that that rights on our shoulders. i would be curious to hear what you were driven by, because talk about white male domination! >> come on, let's talk about it. >> quickly, we'd like to welcome chef mel bell. >> ladies. how are you? oh my god. look at all the beauty, the brains sitting at one table. i want to honor you ladies by giving you some of my favorite things. i'm not going to tell you when everything was going to be, but we do have my mandarin chicken salad. i also have what i served to the duke and duchess. yes, they did come to harlem. yes, we did serve them. you know i had to throw some grits up in their, right? last but not least, some suites for the suites. bon appetit, ladies. it is my honor and pleasure to cook and serve you. enjoy. doug >> thank you, i melba. i thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> captain, we would love to hear your thoughts on maria's question. >> i remember being a student at the naval academy, and i was in charge of the -- assessment. appear of mine saying if you were black and female you had it made, and i didn't see that at all, considering there were foreign my class of 1000, almost 1200, and one in the class behind me, and seven in the class behind that one. so, how could they think that we hadn't made? when i was asked to come back, i was curious to see if anything had changed. there were some things that changed, but there were a lot of things that had not. i didn't realize the importance of my role as chief diversity officer there. until two black shipment, students came to my office and said, we don't have a voice. it really hurt me to hear that. i realized that it was my responsibility as senior officer and soon to be the senior black female in the navy, that i had to be their voice. >> we just want to thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> absolutely. >> timika, we are looking at you. male dominated industry? i mean, my god? the nba. it's completely a male dominated industry. what have your challenges been, being a black woman in that space? >> it has been, first of all, an incredible privilege, because as you talk about being in this male dominated industry, the players that have had the privilege of working with on behalf of are the most amazing men, other than my husband and children. we think about the future of basketball. we know a lot of it will be around social equity. they've had one of the loudest voices. they made the biggest difference, whether it was in voting, taking a stand, whatever that happens to be. i am just amazed to be a part of that, recognizing of course that it is male dominated. it is a unique business to be in. >> we are bringing in all these spaces, and it's an incredible the way that we are breaking in? right? there's nothing whiter and mailer than the comedy world. it's a lonely, longley world to be a black woman there. >> yeah, that's the end! >> thank you all for commenting. >> put it down! i'm trying to talk about being a comedic black women! somebody take the grass of chicken. >> it's catfish. >> all right, catfish grass. i'm in a white male dominated industry. for many years, i was a journeyman writer and comedian that no one knew and wrote for a lot of men. a lot of black men, but a lot of white men, a lot of people you never know -- i was having trouble getting my voice out there. so, for me, i -- did the nightly show. i was hired to be his head writer. he said no, you need to be on camera. we need to hear your voice. i can't speak to the things are going to speak for. >> robin, who are at headquarters? >> that's right, larry. >> which headquarters? >> black headquarters. it's so critical to be recognized by our own. when someone comes up to me and says i love your sketch. i say thank you, because i made it for you. i made it for you! that's not some sort of weird compliment. it's just, i literally made a black lady sketch. there is no confusion for who this is for and who it's by. all of us have been grinding. ryan. >> i'm curious about your experience as a woman in hollywood. >> this is going to be an honest conversation. i do want to keep my corporate overlords towards happy. yours a subscription based, minds a whole network television. it's a whole other thing. they get me to cook, clean, drive the bus to work, we do it. i have to say something deeply personal, because not only are we birthday twins, robin and i had lunch. robin and i had lunch. it was a number of years ago. >> about 75 years. >> it felt like we were children. i don't know about you, but it just felt like this mountain. it was a bad day for me. we're gonna refund you. when i want to do is -- and i'm just like, i just had an addition for another one. and it was like, it was that moment that we had that stayed with me. >> when i met you, your husband was just a lowly -- no, he wasn't. he was a wonderful man, but i don't know. you know what, i'm not gonna bring that up. >> bring it up. bring it up. >> i feel like sterling is incredible. first of all, as human being. as an actor. i feel like, it is difficult for black women to get the same amount of shine. is that something you all discuss? >> we do. i say to him -- i told him once, black women stand alone. as much as you love me and have loved me, i have stood alone. he will joke. something will happen because black women stand alone. yes, we do. i said, you have no idea, like, how lonely it is sometimes. >> my mother would say to me, come. you may be the first to do many things. make sure not the last. >> we keep hearing about showing up as a black woman, as yourself, it's just revolutionary. >> i wear this here for a reason. it makes white supremacists so damn mad. waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design hr solutions to provide flexible pay options and greater workforce visibility today, so you can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another, yeah, yeah ♪ (man) [whispering] what's going on? 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(soft music) here? >> yeah. >> come on, now. comatose to this? >> we have all been in the struggle. >> how do we get our hair and makeup together? back in the news business, with your beautiful hair, it would not have been allowed even five years ago. i want renegade last year, wearing every kind of braid style. >> we. now >> writes? reince? >> i'm gonna tell you but i did. i'm gonna tell you when i did it. when that -- i'm gonna wear all the different kinds of braids. >> you went rogue. >> i went rogue. >> i had a whole situation. this is how it always works, right? people are like, did you see choices here? >> can i just -- i worked on the show and that person shall remain nameless, but they are very famous. he had it in his contract that if you were a black woman, he was not responsible for your hair. this was a very famous -- >> names. name names. >> take it to us. later take it to us later. >> for all of you, every single one of our businesses, we've had to deal with our hair being fired, fallen out. for someone who didn't know how to do us. we couldn't have a black and hair and makeup team. >> foundation shades? >> right? >> when you're not a celebrity in this way, this is a new thing being thrust into the spotlight. so, when you're a social justice person, they don't care how they make us at all. i have been in places where they handed me powder. >> and probably the wrong powder. >> white powder. i'm not a clown. >> and you need a professional makeup artist. >> i go on tv and i'm like, i'm a damn menace. i've been traumatized. >> as will step. eric the hair is like that. and they're done. >> from four years ago, i'm gonna tell you this. the time cover. i never told the story. they called me three days before. and said, can you come in to do a photo shoot. not they're not telling me the cover. bring a yellow shirt and blue shirt. out of my closet. >> wow. >> no wardrobe, no nothing. i grab a yellow shirt, probably short. i came downtown. >> good lord. >> i'm just thinking, it's going to be a little picture like, whatever. i get to the place, my braids weren't fresh. i'm like, come on. come on. i had three days. i could have taken my braids out. my braids wasn't fresh. my brains are always fresh. i would flush them myself. >> right. >> i get to the place, i get there. i just take the shoot like normal. they make this the cover of the magazine. >> can i tell you this, but i think people misunderstand is that this is not -- >> vanity. >> vanity. it's not a deeper moment. as black women, every single thing about us is politicized and criminalized. right? as we're having this conversation about black hair, and i know everyone keep saying that we're in the midst of a national reckoning. i'm still waiting for that. i honestly think that is more accurate, it's an awakening. the awakening for me is being cut up and black lives, when it's in their pockets. when we recently passed the crowned out, this is banning race based -- race based -- fraud that which i was able to keep my composure. for the many offensive things that were said. one person across the aisle was the bad hair bill. very much makes the case for what we're talking about. people get it wrong when they think that the crown that is just about her. the crown that is about black supremacy. how a show up in the world is distracted in that in itself. 7 million people living with alopecia. as a black woman, i where -- i have black alopecia to tell us. my husband reminded me i don't need her to rock a crown. >> i made my daughter watched that video when you made that decision. i do feel it was so powerful for us. >> my voice have become such as synonymous and completed part of, not only my personal identity and how i shop in the world, but my political brand. that is why i think it is important that i'm transparent about this new normal and living with alopecia. >> i wear this here for a reason. it makes -- it makes white person supremacist so damp met. listen, they don't think someone like this should work up in new york times and be on television. every time i go and speak, black hills are like, i didn't know i could be successful where my hair how i wanted. what other race of people -- is it okay to say that the way your hair girls out of your head is offensive to me. >> i've grown up in the corporate world. so, 26 years in the corporate space. it wasn't a matter of someone telling. it was that you didn't see it, right? in order to be successful, you thought this was how you had to come. it's not that someone said it. it's what you thought. so, thank god that there are people who showed up. it allowed you to show up, right? until you could see other people that were flowers in their hair, or colors or bigger jewelry, whatever that happened to be, you didn't feel like you could do it because that was the people who made it. a lot of what we really are encountering every day is that people don't feel heard. they want us to listen. it's hard for us to do that because we are always at such odds. >> maria, please. i want to hear about your hair. your hair looks beautiful. it looks amazing. i love your hair. >> yes, it does. really, when i wanted to say as i keep hearing just showing up as a black woman, as yourself, is revolutionary. you know tammy? like you kept saying. i am a disruptor just by being, they're standing there. i feel the same way all the time. your, tell i'm. tell everyone's gonna look at you, regardless. and they're going to judge you. i just went through that. i watched your video. jonas ration to. me i had always worn long wigs. take out my edges. i had a patch of the back of my head just from traction alopecia. i finally decided, you know, i need to start staying a little bit true to myself. i don't hide it anymore, myself. you said something similar. i just want to get rid of all of the layers. to see why am, who i can function as on camera. i think i've always been prepping myself and making myself up for the white male gaze because that is what sports is. if you're covering football, that's what your expectation is. matt here has to be, lawmaker has begun to. here one day i showed up, i'm going to cut off all my hair. it's gonna be razor on the side. whatever is there will be. there whatever's not is not going to shop on camera. it was scary, like, to bear your whole self on camera and be a black woman is scary and hard. >> -- >> let's talk about the life that hair has given you. >> it's so gorgeous. i love it. >> thank you. >> that is part of the sisterhood of us. we know that we are opening the door, and we need to widen it a bit. >> i have a fantastic life. e a fantastic life e a fantastic life you only pay for what you need. 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why are we going to greenville and why is that important? >> it's very intentional. one of the things i've been working on since we came in in the administration, and it's really a passion of mine, it's what can we do to support small businesses and small business owners, because we know that so many of our communities, black community, asian community, latino community, rural communities, the small business leaders, civic leaders, community lever -- leaders, they're the backbone of the economy of those communities. >> these rural communities do not get a lot of political attention. let's just be honest. we pay a lot of attention to the big cities and swing states. we don't pay attention to world unity. i think that's -- rural community. that's important. mississippi also has a history. you spoke of your senate and what you did in the united states senate. the emits fill anti-lynching act has now passed. can you just talk about getting to that point means as well? >> for too long, rural communities have been overlooked and underserved in very substantial ways. rural communities have a lot of common among them, but there's also diversity among them, so we are going to the south. we are going to mississippi. or if you go to places like south carolina, the rural communities and certain regions of our country also have the history that you are rightly talking about when we overlay that with a history on an issue like lynching. when we overlay that on a history that has been about racism and discrimination, about slavery. there are so many layers to it, right? >> we are going to greenville mississippi to recognize that this is part of who we are as america. hello! i'm so happy to be here. >> we'll sat and watch the ketanji brown jackson hearings, in which she very calmly sat through, would i think a lot of, particularly black women, let's just be honest was brazen disrespect from senators like lindsey graham, senators like josh hawley. where did you think when you watched that hearing? i will tell you >>. joy. i experienced great joy when i watched this brilliant, phenomenal black women jurist be so smart, and just cut through the political gamesmanship that they were attempting to incite. and she was just so composed. and as far as i'm concerned it was taking on a lot of people to school. and i watched that with incredible joy, because it was just brilliance. being displayed for the entire country to see. and i cannot wait -- if that could only be matched by the joy that i experienced when i see her take the oath peter, to be the next justice on the united states supreme court. >> we started off today on your plane, air, talking about first woman, first black women, first asian american woman, first abc you grab it, and first member of the divine nine. >> thank you very much. >> to be vice president of the united states. what does it say about our country, that we have this duality? so many more potential firsts. stacey abrams running in georgia. many other women running. black women running. so many opportunities for more firsts. and yet, we are living in a time when our rights are severely threatened. our right to vote. to bodily autonomy. bounties on women in texas. abortion restrictions. don't say gay laws. what does it say about our country that we live in? >> pay equity. >> yes, pay equity. maternal mortality. >> right, something i care deeply about that i worked on for years. here's how i think about it. first, on the point about being first, i think you've heard me say this. my mother would say to me kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you are not the last. and i know when i am with all of these incredible women who have been the first in many ways, that is part of the sisterhood of us. it's that we know that we are opening the door. we need to widen it a bit. we certainly will not be the last. i will tell you that, in terms of the spirit with which we approach it. i and here's the thing. we also were all born knowing the work that needs to be done. and so we will do it. we will speak truth about the injustice. we will speak truth about the inequity. we will speak truth about the unfairness, but we also know our power. we are not going to let anyone take it from us. we understand the legitimacy of what we are fighting for, to say let's deal with discrimination. let's deal with the fact that black women are three times as likely to die in childbirth as other women, not to mention native women, twice as likely, not to mention rural women, when and a half times likely. we understand wet needs to be done, and we are prepared to do it. and that's how i think about it. that's how i think about it. we have to speak truth about it is. and you know, that's why you see all these women taking these roles of leadership. they are prepared to lead. and i think we will all be better when they do. >> vice president, kamala harris, i think we had similar moms. >> my mother -- well, did you come to the shop? you know, when we walked in i was saying, my mother would make dresses. she sold close for us. i learned how to sow as well. and it was so nice because it does have fond memories as a girl going into the fabric store and getting all the fabrics. >> my mom wanted me to learn to sow but i resisted. >> my mother was like, you want to wear clothes, you need to learn how to sow. you want to eat, you need to learn to cook. >> i did learn that. because i do want to eat. vice president harris, thank you so much. >> thank you, joy. good to be with you. >> oh my god! >> no! >> no! >> yes! >> i will say, honestly, it has already been a priority. already been a priority. this is the moment. for a brand new treatment for moderate-to-severe eczema. cibinqo - now fda approved 100% steroid free not an injection, cibinqo is a once-daily pill for adults who didn't respond to previous treatments. and cibinqo provides clearer skin and helps relieve itch. cibinqo can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. do not take with medicines that prevent blood clots. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, lung, skin and other cancers, serious heart-related events, and blood clots can happen. people 50 and older with heart disease risk factors have an increased risk of serious heart-related events or death with jak inhibitors. this is the moment. but we've only just begun. a new innovation from pfizer. speak with your doctor about cibinqo today. ♪ ♪ speak with your doctor make way for the first-ever chevy silverado zr2. with multimatic shocks, rugged 33-inch tires, and front and rear electronic locking differentials. dude, this is awesome... but we should get back to work. ♪ ♪ this good? 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>> oh, my god. >> no. no. no. >> yes. and it took everything out of me, the fact that i left my three-year-old and my one year old child to volunteer to go fight for my country. it took everything from me that i thought for to be a military officer, volunteering to fight for my country. it took everything out of me. i was livid. i did not go off on him because that would only make matters worse. and so, i went to a senior officer and i told him i wanted to file a complaint against this guy because he had no right to say this against me. and he actually talked me out of it. it only made matters worse because he did not speak for me. it was like a punch to the chest. a counter that more than once. that's probably the most egregious, even as a captain, he'll say, you don't act like most military officers. you're not like other military captains. you're not like other leaders. what does that define? what does that look like? because, obviously, i don't fit that mold but i am very much that person. i'm very much that person who is called on, like everyone else, to serve the job. so, it has been tough to be able to assert that one there are so few of us who make it to the senior ranks. >> wow. >> as a black woman, that story, i, think has this all a little choked up. >> i think something that we all feel is loneliness. you know? the rooms that were in can be so lonely. some of us at the table are married. talk about of black woman walks alone, even as a married woman. some of us are single. >> why did you pointed me? >> because. me and you, girl. >> i've lived a fantastic life. why would i ruin it with a man? >> but, really. i just wonder, as a single woman. i don't have children. sometimes it does feel like i look to my counterparts and i feel like i'm walking alone. i was very struck when you set, as a married woman, the black woman walks alone. >> my husband is a very supportive person. he's also very positive person. you know? when you are the patriarchy servicemen. it just us. and we stand at a corner of -- that's what it is. there are certain things that you can understand is a black man. but -- my husband has access to tools to defeat racism and to disarm white people and white supremacy that i simply don't have. >> yeah. >> i don't have access. if i try to pick up this tool, it has a very different outcome than he has. and the only thing that i've been able to, home and i'm sure that we call gray, is -- when i come home, as loving as he is, as wonderful as he is, as much as he understands racism, he also is like, well, did you just smile? and i'm like, i don't have the pecks and knuckles -- muscles and biceps. i can't just smile and disarms people because there is a wanting there that is not there. a desire. and it is a desire to be close to him. >> i think we also do absorb and internalize the racism that black men receive that were in relationships with. >> i had a husband. you know him is ball. he used to have long dress. he used to face direct racism. we talked about hair earlier, meaning someone with dreads. people are like, i think i'm nervous to be in a room with you. and then you can say, oh, he's so nice. >> what do they think he's going to do? >> we get the double, right? black men have a certain -- >> we want to comfort them. >> we want to comfort. some were dealing with that their racism and our own. taking in both. >> we want to be their partner. i don't know. sometimes it feels like we are partnered -- partner-less. not just digging in romance. in trouble, sometimes. i don't know. it feels like blackmon, not all. you all have wonderful husbands around the table. some black men can be dismissive of our pain, a far living experience. they can value anything that does not look like a. >> the top that by society. >> exactly. >> the top that from very early age. >> barbie. >> 100%. 100 percent. it's wild because most of my friends are single, successful, educated, beautiful black women. and they are all going to be raising a family alone, if that's what they choose to do, or be without one. >> people are like, all you do is go ask the black man. your own agendas about the black men. unlike, because i want to protect black women does not mean i want to automatically go after, whatever that means, after a black man. we do have to talk about what is happening between black men and black women. we should do that from a place of love. i love black men. >> absolutely. >> i love and a door blackmon. but that means mid living the reality that black women have the second highest rate of experiences of sexual violence in this country. i feel like sometimes we close the curtain and have a private conversation. >> i think as women, especially women of color, we have that super woman capon. all the time. and we forget it's okay to take the cape off. ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? 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