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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Wagner Tonight 20240614

they may not even have to go that far. i think the lesson is that you can terrorize people into not doing anything just by having a law and having the threat out there that somebody could be criminally prosecuted for doing something. the comstock act, this is not a hypothetical. there are lots of folks in right-wing circles writing about and talking about this. lisa rubin, thank you. thank you. that is all in on this thursday night. alex wagner starts now. good evening. there are women already terrified making choices about bodily economy. certainly. fear at all levels of american society. thank you, my friend. today donald trump made his first visit to capitol hill. the first time since his followers ransacked the capital on january 6. to understand why trump chose to come back now after more than three years away, you don t have to look as far back as the insurrection. you just have to remember what trump has been asking congress to do since his criminal conviction two weeks ago. the day after trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in his new york hush money case, eight republican senators vowed to oppose all biden nominees and all democratic legislation as retribution. today six republican senators led by j.d. vance put the oppose all biden nominees part of that into writing. senators explained they would block nominees including anyone who suggested the trump prosecutions were reasonable. anyone who opposed trump s guilt. anyone who supported organizations that celebrated the indictment of donald trump and anyone who supported alvin bragg or supported lawfare or censorship in other ways. which is just big enough to include basically anyone president biden nominated. these republican senators say their blockade will last until election day and in practical terms that means the u.s. government will not be able to appoint representatives to things like the u.n. general assembly or the world health organization or even the not particularly political seeming places like the civil aviation organization and public buildings reform board. what exactly do those organizations have to do with prosecuting donald trump? nothing. this is not about policy, it is about retribution. you might remember last year senator tommy tuberville pulled a similar stunt. tuberville became the first senator in history to do a long- term blockade of u.s. military appointments. senator tuberville kept more than 400 qualified servicemembers, 400, from being appointed or promoted for 10 months. all because of a department of defense policy that had nothing to do with those servicemembers. the blockade was such a blatant misuse of power. it was not just democrats who were appalled. there were some of his fellow republican senators no matter if you believe it or not senator tuberville, this is doing great damage to our military. this power is extraordinary that we are given as individual senators, but it is incumbent to use it in a reasonable way. everybody uses holds. the key is you put a hold on someone who typically has some kind of control over the issue you are trying to fix. there is not one senator in here who could not find a reason to object to an administration policy. in the military. none of us. we could all find something. i hope we don t do this routine. i just hope we don t do this routinely. does two times count as a routine? if so this makes it a routine and this time it is not even about the policy disagreement, however tangential. it is so republicans can protest donald trump being found guilty by a jury of his peers. today we also saw 29 republican senators sign onto this letter disparaging the rule of law and saying trump s conviction was nothing short of the evisceration of the american judicial process. so it is safe to say that from now to november the u.s. senate is effectively going to be at a standstill and unable to govern, not because of policy disagreements, but so republicans can perform an act of retribution on donald trump s behalf. as for the house where republicans hold a majority, well, things are looking worse. politico is out with new reporting saying that in the days after trump s conviction trump made a f bomb filled call to speaker johnson. trump s message, we have to overturn this. now a few weeks after that call it looks like speaker johnson s mission is not just to grind the government to a halt like his republican colleagues in the senate. it is to use the power of the government to make trump s criminal concerns go away. by way of an example yesterday, house republican leaders spent the day whipping votes for a bill that would allow presidents charged at the state level to move those cases to federal court. let me check my notes. how many presidents have been criminally charged at the state level again? oh, only one. what an interesting use of congressional power. politico also reports the speaker johnson is in talks with jim jordan about using the appropriations process to target special counsel jack smith and de-fund his investigation. neither of those have the votes to pass yet, but that is the kind of stuff that republicans in congress are working on right now, which helps put into context why donald trump went back to capitol hill today. it was not for any legitimate legislative concern. it was for what republican congressman matt gaetz called a pep rally for president trump. a pep rally complete with an early birthday party for donald trump himself. 11 something to do with this room. joining me now is the senior editor at slate two covers the courts and philip, columnist for the washington post. the birthday cake, pardon the culinary metaphor, but it really is the icing on the cake of fealty if that is the metaphor. are you surprised that the pledges of allegiance as they are are so explicit, so undisguised on capitol hill? i am not surprised. this is something we have seen for years. watching that package, the thing that struck me as republicans are a little bit like parents on an airplane with a crying child. they have this source of frustration and everyone is sick of it. they are stuck and have got to figure out how to calm this kid down. the kid is donald trump and he is mad about being convicted. don t worry, i will talk to the supreme court. they are doing everything to keep him happy, keep him quiet, keep him on their side and most importantly keep him from lashing out against them. that is what we see with this. they are all trying to keep him happy, keep him quiet and get through this. they are terrified of him and they adore him. he is the center of their universe and they can t control him at all. i do wonder as you see the machinations of the conference and republicans in the senate openly trying to undermine the rule of law, does it not throughout the notion of the justice system in america as we watch the legislative branch to this work? i think that is a feature, not a bug. i think we are seeing a systematic attack on the rule of law. i think even if we had not had the conviction in the new york trial, we have seen a long- standing set of attacks on judges, on juries, on, you know, prosecutors. on witnesses. i think the whole zeitgeist is, and it is not a surprise. this is a classic authoritarian play. just to foment doubt in institutions. if you foment enough doubt people start looking longingly at the strongman who will save them when institutions crumble. so no part of this is new or unfamiliar. i think what is interesting is seeing a lot of republicans who might have, at one point felt about donald trump, but stood fast on the principle that judges and juries and statutes and the concentration actually enforce some meaning. the degree to which they abandoned that and see no value in that i think is the part that is new and chilling. to that point, the idea that they will withhold these nominations across the government, right? the tuberville blockade wasn t great politics and yet they survived it and they are replicating it. on a different level it is not the u.s. military and certainly the w.h.o. and u.n. are not favorites of the republican party, but nevertheless they are stymieing the work and they think it is good politics? they do think it is good politics from the standpoint that the political focus at this point is retribution against joe biden and that is what they are focused on. mitch mcconnell doesn t wake up in the morning and say that is what he wants to do, but he understands. it is also mitch mcconnell in 2016, holding a supreme court seat. we have also seen this pattern in the past and it is very anti- institutional, but fundamentally about sending a message to the american public that d.c. does not do what it is supposed to do and we need to get trump in there. to make us do our work again. right. that is the singular focus from now to election day. i do think, you know, republicans are betting that the electorate won t punish them for this and that the broader american electorate is not tuned into this. this is part of the swamp, part of the dysfunction of the capital and you make an important point in one of your pieces this week about normalcy bias. americans have a normalcy bias. it leads them to believe everyone who tells them that everything is awesome. even as that system is hanging together by way of dental floss. we are talking about a system of justice, but i think it has extended to the dysfunctional government. because it still exists, because there is still a congress that occasionally passes laws, people can deride functionality, but they don t think democracy is in danger of falling apart in the same way they hold trumps criminal conviction as an example. a jury of peers found him guilty. it all works. things are not normal right now. things are very abnormal and i wonder if you can talk a little bit more about your level of panic in this moment. i try not to use the word panic because it makes my parents super scared, but i guess i would say think about where we were in 2016. what was deemed disqualifying in that race and think about the fact that in the intervening time we have civil jury s finding trump guilty of being a sexual abuser. we have 34 felony convictions. we have january 6. we have donald trump, who ran in 2016. we forget in the fog of memory, but as a family man, as a businessman who was going to drain the swamp. now just running as a straight up autocrat. he is running under the banner of violence, of suppression of rights, of suppression of speech. of deporting immigrants. this is really scary, what has happened, and it seems people are almost less dialed up now than they were in 2016 when they were like that access hollywood tape sounds bad. now every single day you get this drumbeat of what i think is really distressing. you know, saying kind of the quiet part loud about wanting to create an authoritarian state and i think we normalized it because we have to get to cvs to fill our prescriptions and we are raising our kids and we are tired. i think this allows us to wait until some adult says break the glass. i think what we have metabolized is normal is deeply frightening. you write about the way in which republicans were very incensed about the trump conviction. democrats were not about hunter biden s conviction and as a result republicans are up in arms and democrats are largely accepting of the hunter biden conviction. i find a number that is particularly staggering around all of this, is the number of people who acknowledge that the donald trump conviction is the right call. it is not moving them at all in their support for trump. this is new monmouth pulling out today. do you agree or disagree with the verdict finding trump guilty? 47% agree. 34% disagree. then you look at the numbers of people who are definitely or probably supporting each candidate. biden, 43. trump, 44. numbers are not moving even in the face of saying this conviction was the right thing. what does this tell you? it tells me two things. first we should expect this from the standpoint that even before the verdict a fifth of trump supporters said they thought he already committed a crime. we will vote for him anyway. the second thing is that donald trump did an effective job of inoculating his base against this. it is not just last year. it is in 2016. as soon as the russian investigation came to public consciousness he started saying it is a hoax and that pattern is continuing. it really helped his base. once they bought in on that that was it. this indictment, they look at it and they are like, that is exactly what he said. at some point rational people step back and are like it is hard to believe that they came up with all of these different crimes. they ve been busy. they are like they are allowed to get him. calling it an inoculation is right. ironic. because we had breaking news in the vein of the abnormal tonight, i want to get your thoughts. clarence thomas, who is a key part of the system of justice and rule of law, found to have three additional undisclosed trips that he took from his billionaire a friend harlan crow. these were trips he did not disclose. this is on top of the hundreds of thousands if not millions of gifts he has taken thus far and only lately come clean about. what does this tell you about the danger we are in in terms of the high court and the lesson it sends to lower courts? i think i would put this under the bucket that philip has been talking about. law is for suckers. you may have disclosure statutes. you may have ethics rules. you may have all sorts of obligations. this is not a surprise. and then coming out in drips. last week we had a partial disclosure of some of the trips that were paid for. but not all of them and here are three more trips that were never disclosed. so i think this is kind of part of the larger trump theory which is that we have leaders who do not have to answer to the rule of law and when the little guy fails to get his death penalty paperwork right, he goes to the death chamber. when clarence thomas again and again, time after time after time, does not file disclosures or amends disclosures partially, that s okay because the law is for the little guy. i find it part of this sort of very systemic devaluation of the rules that everyone is supposed to abide by and it is a very systemic effort i think to normalize the notion that some people are too cool and important to follow the rules. everyone is supposed to abide by the law. thank you both for your time and thoughts tonight. really appreciate it. we have much more ahead tonight. do you have any summer travel plans? today former president donald trump singled out one, quote, horrible american city he might recommend skipping. first the supreme court upheld access to the drug used in most abortions for now, but it does not mean the fight is over by a long shot. we will talk with nancy from the center for reproductive rights, next. rights, next. me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. sandals jamaica sale is now on! with rates from $199 per person per night. visit or call 1-800-sandals here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue.. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. in a unanimous decision today, the united states supreme court maintained access to the primary pill used in most abortions, mifepristone. the court rejected a bid to restrict access to that drug on procedural grounds. justice kavanaugh claimed the plaintiffs, a collection of antiabortion doctors and dentists and unlicensed retirees calling themselves the alliance for hippocratic medicine, justice kavanaugh said they had no legal standing to challenge the drug s approval. this case is dead, but the group of doctors say they are not done. the court said the clients don t have standing in this case. we are grateful the case will continue with three states working to hold the fda accountable for its reckless actions. today republican attorney generals in missouri, idaho and kansas are continuing to challenge access to mifepristone using the same legal argument in the case the court rejected today. this time they are framing access as an infringement on states rights. even if this challenge fails in federal court, there are still restrictions at the state level. last month in louisiana where abortion is already banned, it became the first state to classify both drugs used for medication abortion as controlled, date dangerous substances. effectively shutting down access to these pills through the mail. joining me now is nancy northup, president for the center for reproductive rights. i would first like your general reaction. was it one of optimism, anxiety, pessimism? how did you see it? well, it was huge relief because if the supreme court had upheld the ruling from the fifth circuit, then availability of medication abortion by telemedicine, receiving it by mail, things that made it much easier for people to get access to medication abortion if they do not live near a clinic, if they do not take time off, could have been taken away. so relief, but frankly also anger because we should not have been here to begin with. you can tell that nine of these justices agreed with each other. this case had no merit in the law and no merit in fact. so while i am breathing a sigh of relief today, i am really concerned. we know and you just showed us, you just heard, the campaign against medication abortion by those who are opposed to abortion is far from over. yeah and it seems very clear that the adf, the legal organization that offended these doctors, is out there, ready for the next wave of this which involves the states. the attorney general of kansas said today that states have the standings that the doctors in this case did not. how concerned are you about that legal theory? well i am concerned about it because obviously we have lower court justice who even agreed to this case that the supreme court said had no merit and threw it out. but it does not have merit. you can t go into court because you disagree with the ruling based on science by the fda. let s be clear. why are they going after medication abortion? because it is the method of choice by almost two thirds of women who have abortion in the united states today, choosing medication abortion. they want to cut that off. they want to cut it off in states where abortion is illegal, in states like illinois and new york and california and beyond. we need to be concerned because trying to keep coming in with the junk science as they did in this case and really baseless claims, they will keep on going. they can t ban medication abortion, which obviously is the end goal. there is a non-core strategy which is for states to independently take it upon themselves as louisiana did to say this should be a controlled substance. we are not going to use a here. is that the most pernicious strategy? is that the one you are most concerned about or do you think the whole ballgame of banning it nationally is where they will focus their firepower? they are going to do both and let s also remember that abortion is already banned in louisiana. so where we are today is the same status quo which is unacceptable and harmful. 14 states have banned abortion with really severe criminal penalties and for people in those states, you know, that status quo is completely unacceptable. in the meantime, nancy, as this is debated in the courts and so forth, there is a reality for people seeking bodily autonomy and healthcare across this country. the new york times has a staggering map of the number of people traveling across state lines to seek abortion care. 171,000 people traveled for abortions last year, which was more than double the amount in 2019. what is the picture you can paint for us about the reality of abortion care and reproductive health care in the united states right now? it is completely unacceptable that in 2024, four people in 14 states, that they have to travel out of state to get care they should be able to get in- state. we were in congress yesterday. there was a hearing in the subcommittee of the judiciary on of course travel out of state and one of our clients in texas talked about how because she was denied a medically necessary abortion in texas, what would have taken 15 minutes and turned around her health in 15 minutes, she had to spend three days and thousands of dollars going to the state of colorado. that is the reality for so many women and not everybody can leave their state. they don t have the means or the child care or the time off from work. it is really a healthcare crisis happening in the country right now. a completely self afflicted crisis. nancy northup from the center of reproductive rights, it is great to have your perspective. thanks for your time tonight. thank you. survivors of the sandy hook massacre reached a major milestone this weekend tomorrow could bring another measure of justice. first, donald trump s new election strategy to compete against joe biden and the rustbelt. insult the wisconsin city hosting the republican national convention. we have more on that, coming up next. we re trying to save the planet with nuggets. because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. they say we should stop eating so much meat. and long live you. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. are your gutters clogged? 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it is not the end-all, be- all, but it is critical to maintain the presidency. when you look at wisconsin, i appreciate donald trump trying to dig a hole and keep digging, but you and i know what he is trying to do which is to set up a rural and urban divide. that is a state that he won in 2016. flashforward and biden wins with 20,000 votes. what happened in those four years? 300,000 more people voted in the state of wisconsin and that help to deliver a margin for biden. for those playing along at home, what are you expecting in 2024 and if it is closer to 2020, biden is in a great place. closer to 2016 and trump is in a better place. it is generating enthusiasm for the states to win. what you think about his actions and priorities in terms of what he talks about tailored to those states? what effect do you think that will have on the man in the coming months? will we see a focus on certain issues over others? geography matters. if you think of michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, what defines them? these are states that you know well that are factory towns that of lost jobs. due to manufacturing that has moved away from the united states. these are towns that are proud and built trades and apprenticeships. cars and parts supplies and they made crayons and all kinds of things. all kinds of stuff that we like and we saw those jobs move abroad. here comes joe biden saying i ve got a different plan. i ve got a plot that says we will make it in america. we will invest in industrial policymaking to bring jobs back. the priority is not just getting it cheap, to get equality and good and made in the united states. in 2016 and 2000 17 2017, everything is going terribly. here is joe biden doing it and now the politics as to translate in the states where we make that choice. you can see the way donald trump is campaigning. he does not have the same ability to go to these towns and argue that somehow he will do something to rebuild these areas when joe biden has come along to start to do it. the goal is to educate people about the fact that this choice has been made and do we stay on the track that joe biden is offering? do you feel there is tension within some of the states and i will pick pennsylvania because you have a more urban and suburban electorate clustered on philadelphia that he has to keep on his ledger and perhaps even expand his support and he also has allegheny county and the rustbelt part of the state which is much more of the scranton joe persona. is that a delicate balance? those are very different voters, different levels of income, different levels of information and education. how do you see his ability to strike a balance between the two? i tend to believe, alex, that i think joe biden does it well. the persuasion audience, the people who have not yet made up their mind about either candidate, the ones who are concerned about joe biden here and maybe donald trump there, those are working-class people who are often defined by not having a college degree, holding down a job, making under $100,000 a year. that to me is where you have to be laser focused and to my mind the argument they have not heard and need to hear over the next few months as you have a billionaire and ceo class. we are speaking on a day when donald trump went to the business roundtable to tell them you will get tax cuts for the rich. i will come back and you will be so happy. they have to know that that is the choice. as you mentioned, scranton joe, who has been taking on a billionaire class. trying to un-rigged the economy. fighting junk fees. going after uncompetitive mergers. things that speak to your pocketbook and trying to make your life better. here is a guy promising every day that i ve got the ceos backs. i will deliver tax cuts. that i think will be decisive and if you hone in on that working-class audience i do think they are the most important of all of the audiences we need to persuade. you are being generous and suggesting donald trump had a strategy by insulting the city of milwaukee, calling it horrible reportedly. mike johnson i think was on another cable news network saying he did not hear trump say that. i think other republicans don t think that is a great strategy, if it is a strategy. you know, is alex, i will say i blame myself for this. i listen to every donald trump speech and and everyone he tells you about the decline of american cities. he will go to san francisco, new york and wherever he is. he will pick a place nearby. everything is terrible. it is no slip of the tongue. this is intentional and by design. he is realizing the politics might not play exactly as i wanted it to because i will be going there shortly to court those votes. but this is what he believes. this is the american carnage theory. he believes in decline and everything is terrible. well, maybe he forgot that actually the rnc was in milwaukee, which is entirely possible. in the strange brain of donald trump. thank you as always for your wisdom and enthusiasm. it is great to see you. thank you, alex. coming up, today was the deadline for donald trump to file motions in his hush money trial ahead of sentencing next month. what did we hear from the former president and his legal team? that is coming up. stay with us. food isn t just fuel to live, it s fuel to grow. my family relied on public assistance to help provide meals for us. feeding america, a network of food banks, helps millions of people put food on the table. i go by jackie, i m 44 years old and had three kids at the time and single mother. i was working 60 hours a week, couldn t pay bills and skipped meals that they could eat. it s been hard because one thing falls into place, ten things fall out of place. you just can t do this alone in making work. one in five kids face hunger in america and food costs are rising. call or go online right now to join feeding america with your gift of just $19 a month, only $0.63 a day. together, thanks to a nationwide network of food banks, dedicated volunteers and the monthly support of people like you. we can fill plates with nutritious food for kids facing hunger this summer. one day my mother came over to my house and said, there s a meeting at the pantry. i said, okay and i went. they asked several questions. some of those were about me and my story. but it helped me to open up a little bit. we■re getting closer to the day when no one in america faces hunger. but we can t do it without you. call or go online now. visit and give $19 a month. just $0.63 a day. 98% of donations go directly to help millions of children facing hunger from coast to coast. and in your own community. and when you give my credit card, we ll send you this exclusive canvas grocery bag to show you are a part of a movement of supporters working together to help end hunger. i have people that i can trust. i have, i have hope. join the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possibilities for people to thrive. please call now or make your monthly donation at working together, we can end hunger in america. we re trying to save the planet with nuggets. donation at because we need the planet. and we also need nuggets. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga it was december 14, 2012 when a 20-year-old man armed with an ar-15 style assault rifle entered sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut and killed 26 people. 20 of those victims were children between the ages of six and seven years old. the events of that day left a scar on the nation, but no one felt the trauma more than the families of the victims and the surviving children who witnessed the murder of their classmates. last night, more than 11 years after the worst day of their lives, the sandy hook survivors officially graduated high school. going into graduation we all have very mixed emotions. trying to be excited for ourselves and this accomplishment that we worked so hard for, but also those who were not able to share it with us who should have been able to. the shooting was like our most core memory growing up and i think that took away a lot of the joy we could have experienced. even going to prom, you think what if they were my prom date? or what if they were my significant other or what if they were able to walk the stage with me? who would i still be friends with now? seeing those children enter adulthood as a reminder of where this nation is 11 years later. according to the gun violence archive, america experienced more than 4800 past mass shootings in the past decade. in 2022 the nation mourned the death of another 19 elementary school students. another american community that will now be remembered as the site of a horrific tragedy. in the wake of that shooting president biden past the first gun reform in generations, but republicans have resisted the continued calls to ban the very assault rifles used at sandy hook and robb elementary. for years the family hook the sandy hook family were re- victimized by alex jones, who said that the shooting was faked. the families sued for defamation and eventually they won. tomorrow the judge overseeing that case is expected to move forward on liquidating alex joneses assets to help pay down the $1.5 billion jones owes those sandy hook families, just days after their children would have graduated high school. over the past few years there has been no shortage of discourse about how the next generation of kids will experience the transition into adulthood. could kids have a normal graduation during covid? tion d? will they survive long enough to make it to graduation day? in 2030, the children of uvalde, texas will become the next class of elementary school mass shooting survivors to graduate high school. maybe they can be the last ones to get their diplomas with so many missing classmates. missin. it only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick for amazing trap and lock. even for his hair. wow! and for dust i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i m so hooked! you ll love swiffer or your money back! chewy, a citi client, uses citi s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. limu emu. and doug. 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. everybody say there s no crime. and there s no evidence whatsoever connecting trump with any criminal wrongdoing. there is an insufficient amount of evidence, no crime has been shown. bragg evidence is inadequate. there s no evidence. there is no evidence and there s no crime. there s no crime. throughout donald trump s criminal time in new york, the former president citing legal experts arguing there was no evidence to convict him. a jury that found him guilty of 34 felonies disagreed but under new york state law, trump has one more chance to prove there was no real evidence of a crime by arguing that the judge should set aside the jury s and today is the deadline for to file that motion. joining me now is kristi greenberg former prosecutor. by my clock which is fairly accurate, it s 9:55, there are two hours left for them to file this. this is their chance to you know, basically this is a last chance that they have to make their legal arguments before they proceed to an appeal so they will be filing a full some motion. what is that, like everything and the kitchen sink? we are going to see a lot of the same recycled arguments that we saw before, just that you heard, that there s no crime here, you can t use state laws to deal with federal election crimes, you can t, the judge is biased, the prosecutors are vindictive and said you re going to take a lot of those arguments and you re going to cite the trial record but the problem is the trial record doesn t support the argument. they will point to a number of places where the judge ruled against them or reprimanded them, but there are also plenty of examples where the judge ruled in their favor and actually kept out evidence like playing the access hollywood tape, like hearing about sexual allegations against trump, you know, after that access hollywood tape, none of that came into the trial and so, there are any number of evidentiary rulings, things that went in his favor so this judge was fair, i think their attempt to use the trial record to regurgitate a number of these arguments is really not going to work. so is there a downside to doing this, you know, do you further erode confidence in your argument, if anything you are adding to the record, right, this is a judge who has already told trump s lead counsel that he has lost all credibility with the court and that was before the trial even started. there was, we got new information today on the gag order, on monday i believe trump legal team introduced a new motion for the judge to lift his gag order. the reasoning in part being that trump would like to be able to speak freely presumably about the judges, witnesses and prosecution during the debate. you think judge merchan moves at all on this? i do, and he is moving quickly and more quickly it seems from the papers that trump filed, which tells me he actually is looking seriously at this. so i think, there are three categories as you mentioned, and there s one category where i think the judge is going to take a close look at it and that is the statement that trump can make about witnesses. now we have seen the appearances from stormy daniels, and michael cohen, where they are talking about the case, talking about the election, talking about trump going to jail post verdict. so i think there is some merit to trump s argument that he should get to respond to those kind of attacks and i think the prosecutor, they seem to just that they would make some amendments to allow for that. that s the one category where i can see some shift but trump s motion says really nothing about why he should get to now attack the jurors, after the verdict or why he should now get to attack the judge s daughter, so if anything, what we ve seen from nbc news reporting, brian riley talking about the threats on jurors, people trying to identify who they are, trying to threatened with violence and now we are leaning toward sentencing, if any of that is revealed and he keeps ramping up these attacks, i mean, that is only going to intensify, so the need to protect these jurors and protect the court staff and the court staff and their families has not gone away. this case is still pending. from the state of the presidential debate that a lot of people are tuning into, that is not keep anybody any safer. i appreciate it. that s our show for tonight, and a reminder, you can listen to every single episode of alex wagner tonight as a podcast for free, scan the qr code on your screen or search for alex wagner tonight wherever you got your pad cat podcast. nancy pelosi is going to be our guest tonight. i

People , New-york-state-law , Lesson , Somebody , Anything , Threat , Something , Circles , Folks , Lisa-rubin , All-in , Comstock-act

Transcripts For CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240611

just for the summations now, you can t bring the president there for the whole trial because people say, well, doesn t he have better things to do than sit here for a week, but for summations for a few hours, it would not have been inappropriate to do that s interesting. so you think a president biden being in there would have been helpful? i m sure that discussion was had between the biden family and abbe lowell and they decided against it. and i can understand there are reasons to decide against it, but if you do bring the president there, it does show respect for the system that he s there sitting as a father interested in the fate of his son, but he s not there. and you would have to acknowledge it. he s not there as the president of the united states he s there as the father of hunter biden? yeah. i mean, it is remarkable. abbe lowell going 90 minutes today with the jury was closing their eyes and some points. is that a bad sign look, it s it s not great, but you can t read too much into that. yeah. we re not us to bill, we will be waiting to see if there is verdict tomorrow. thank you for joining us tonight. thank you all so much for joining us, as well as we continue to monitor all the news here at cnn, seen a news night with abby phillip starts right now the donald trump, his rally diehards that s tonight on these good evening. i m abby phillip in new york, another american first, the convicted former president who is now running to oversee the country. again just met with his probation officer in just moments i ll speak with abc news anchor and former clinton white house insider george steph monopolists will get some unique insights into what a second trump term may look like but first, a play-by-play of what donald trump said in las vegas let s set the scene for you. the heat spiral 200 degrees. six people were sent to the hospital two dozen others were treated at the scene call it the heat or donald trump feeling hot under the collar. but the content of this rally vero wildly into topic after topic. now, some that actually might matter to you the voter, and others that matter to donald trump. and maybe no one else. so here is an incomplete sampling of what you heard. if you happen to have stood in that rally and sweated through all of it starting with a joke about voters i don t want anybody going on me. we need every voter. i don t care about you. i just want your vote. i don t care these are the range that dumb guy is that dumb son of a he s a corrupt, very dumb person. he s a low iq individual, is just something missing and there always has been this guy just hit enter, it goes to the beach the time somebody thinks it looks good in a bathing said, i don t think so and he has that little chair that weighs about like seven ounces. it s been so children can lift it and very old people can lifted. and you know what he s not old he s incompetent. it s weak, it s in ineffective, it s both. what he signed they re totally destroying our black population. they re totally destroying are hispanic population. i pay all this money to teleprompter people and i d say 20% of the time, they don t work. i don t pay contractors that do a job and that s a job that s a job you can t read all right what would happen if the boat sank from his weight and you re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery. and the battery is now under the water. and there s a shark that s approximately ten yards over there by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately did notice that those j6 warriors, they were worries, but they were really more than anything else. they are victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that s what they were doing. and then the police say go and go in, go in water, set-up. that was what a horrible, horrible thing. and you know, that blows two ways. if we win nevada we win the whole thing. i hope the military revolt set the voting booth and just says we re not going to take it. he should take a drug test because i m willing to take 20 me now is george stuff annapolis, abc news anchor he is a veteran of the clinton white house, and he s also the author of a brand new book, the situation room, the inside story of presidents in crisis. george, it s great to have you on in this book it chronically on avy, it critical six decades of crisis management from the situation room a place that you know well from your time in the white house, one of the interesting things is also these interviews with officers who were in the situation room on january 6. this is at a time now when trump is actively running to be back in the white house, and fundamentally change how the government works, how the so-called deep state works. did you hear any concerns from these duty officers about what a second trump term would mean for the kind of continuity that the national security apparatus has relied on for all these years. absolutely i mean, duty officers and others who served in the trump administration worried that the institutions would crumble. i spoke with them. wait us situation duty officer named mike stigler, who is actually on-point on january 6, and he said people have to understand how close we came to losing the vice president at the time. and he was horrified by this also horrified by the fact that he and his fellow officers in the situation room that they had to start implementing the continuity of government procedures which were designed to make sure that the government survives a nuclear attack. they were put into place on that day because of the threat to our institutions on that day as one of course, president trump famously never called down the situation room even once all during january 6. and you know, you talk about it s not just how close we came to watching our institutions crumble that day the ongoing threat is real. i mean, look at what happened just saturday night in las vegas when the president, former president uk, called the january convicted felons from january 6, those who rioted on january 6 and tried to block the peaceful transfer our he called them warriors who are somehow set up by the police. he s called them hostages. he s called them patriots. he s promising to pardon them. he s not promising to divide by the results of the next election. so this, this pass thread is very real right now have you ever seen, i mean, in your research and your time in government anyone run for office, really running against the very government that they are supposed to be? overseeing absolutely unprecedented abbe absolutely unprecedented. we have never had a former president or a presidential candidate who refuses to accept the peaceful transfer of power, who refused to say but he will buy by the constitution who s been indicted. and impeached for trying to block the peaceful transfer of power that is something that is absolutely fundamental to our democracy is one of the things that s made our democracy work for over 200 years. the idea the simple fact that the former president continues to lie about the, about the last election that he did, whatever he could on that data block, the peaceful transfer of power is absolutely unprecedented in all of our history and you, on your show on this week, you ve had some of these trump vp short listers on there some of the other hosts of this week have also had them on. i want to just play a little bit of what they ve been saying on television of late i think there were problems in 2020. yes, i do. do i think it was a problem that big technology companies working with the intelligence services sensor, the presidential campaign of donald trump? yes governors, governor you, you have said the election should wasn t stolen and you re supporting someone who says it was well, i know that we ve got certainly we ve got irregularities do you get the sense that this is one of the requirements to be on that shortlist you don t get the sense it s out there is plain as day. i actually talked to senator jd vance who is reportedly on the shortlist. as well. and every indication he gave was that he would do the same thing that mike pence, that he would not do what mike pence did in 2000 i mean, it s certainly seems to have become a requirement for those who are running to accept president trump s lie. former president trump s lie about the last election to suggest that he did nothing wrong. now on january 6, to say that somehow that is not an important issue at this point. and to suggest that it was actually vice president pence who did the wrong thing in 2020 i mean, this is just again, this is astonishing. we ve never really had a former prison isn t it run before? whose own vice president refuses to endorse him because of the actions he took on those days. yeah. yeah. i mean, that alone has says maybe it says it all as a journalist, when you have these potential vp, a candidates on the show, you ve had them on, we ve had them on the show here. they rarely, if ever for concede ground this seems to be also another litmus test for how to be in maga world. i mean, is this the new reality for this this maga era of politicians that they don t back down when they re confronted with fats perhaps it is, but i think that s, that poses a test for all of us in journalism as well. i ve made it a point if they will not accept those facts, i don t go on to other issues. i m not going to go to participate in some kind of a sham where you somehow equate the legitimacy of an election or the peaceful transfer of power with a debate over tax cuts or environmental regulation. if you can t pass that fundamental threshold of saying yes, the last election was not stolen two, i will abide by the results of the next election then i think that s all voters and viewers need to know. i don t think if you re willing to lie about something as big as that, why should anything else they want to talk about be given any credence it s such an important point. i mean, we ve got a vice presidential debate coming up right here on cnn. i later this month as a journal phyllis does american what do you think is the most important question that needs to be answered from both candidates who won the last election yeah, very simple. yeah. and won the last election. let s just let s let s discuss and debate. and we ll see, i mean, luck, week. it s been asked by donald trump. he refuses to answer it correctly, but we ll see what he does when he s given that opportunity in front of 140 million people it says it s a little bit different than on a stage like that. yeah, i when it s an actual debate, but that s it s a real test. i do want to play a little bit of what the vice president kamala harris has been saying, actually, on this very point, i mean, she seems to really be taking this issue on head-on. donald. trump openly tried to overturn the last election and now he openly attacks the foundations of our justice system. cheaters don t like getting caught it s a different tone than we ve seen from harb, but it also speaks to that question that you just raised if trump doesn t pass the truth test on that issue, is there room for the biden administration to even move on to some of the other stuff, maybe the bread and butter issues, maybe the economy do you think that they are? settling on this idea of a character test for donald trump on this issue. president president kennedy, i have to do it all, but i mean, i think that is the threshold question of this election. certainly the biden campaign is going to have to address voters concerns about the economy, voters concerns that inflation, those are important as well, but it it is fundamental, as i said, at the start part the very question of whether or not you accept election results, whether you accept the peaceful transfer of power, that is an absolutely fundamental issue that people should be confirmed runaway as they go to make their choice in november when it comes to the potential of a trump administration. i mean, what do you think his conduct on january 6 tells you about what he might do next? not just around the election, but just in general he s saying what he would do next. he says that every single day he says he would pardon what he calls the january 6 hostages. he s talked about retribution using his justice department as an as an arm of retribution. he s talked openly about dropping the prosecutions against themselves. that s an active obstruction of justice in and of itself. it s no secret when president trump says he wants to do something, we should take a minute as word george steph, novelist. thank you very much. again, george s book, the situation room is out right now next breaking news about trump s legal issues here. what happened inside of his meeting with eight probation officer ahead of his sentencing? thanks. plus one of trump s allies gets a new mug shot. will discuss with rudy giuliani is biographer and the former president says that he stands side-by-side with the group that wants to eradicate abortion. did he just give democrats another flash, flash point in this race? this is new sayyed get back i voted buttons. i netting dragging my every meal kit. why no donkeys or elephants scams? alice thing says, so it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone, kind of like my podcast on cnn. yeah, plus chins, puke rainbows, white, taken billy the kid, it s trying to take over the town what it needs is cleaning up. they ve appointed a new sheriff pat garrett, mean something to you? sure. does know, use the really really nice your job to haunt them down a lot isn t takes you can win. this ain t a game for me it was had trouble losing weight and keeping same discover the power of week-old in the my janan the gobi. i lost 35 pounds as some lost the war, 46 pounds. we go. and i m keeping wait off. we go via helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my 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stop. at the differences get real. trump got to have his lawyer, todd blanche in the room, a special accommodation not afforded then to the average defendant and it s one of the few notable examples of how the legal system really bent over backwards for trump, where it would not have for others, ten contempt violations normally merit more than just a fine. nobel restrictions for a defendant of his means. also, an anomaly carefully choreographed search of his home to spare them from having cameras capture agents of the lawn of the law wearing fbi jackets. that s a nicety really given to no one else joining me now are robert gray who was counseled to then president trump during is first impeachment. and dante mills, he s a civil and criminal attorney and a law professor at temple this leaves school of law, dante, this probation hearing lasted about 30 minutes. we re told what kind of information are they trying to get from trump. let s just walk through. everybody understands the purpose of this and why they do it most times, judges don t know the defendant these trials happen. normally their day or two. the judge doesn t get to know the person they re going to have to sentence. so what you do is you have an investigating officer come in, ask questions about the person s background, get an understanding of who they are, where they come from, who their family is, what kind to jobs they have. and then they present a report to the judge who says, based on this report it s going to influence my decision one way or the other, or it won t because it s pretty standard so it happens to everybody, but we do it to a former president of the united states. everybody knows who he is already. so it s not necessary. i don t think in this case, but you have to go through the process of why why have his lawyer present? i mean what s the concern there are the on trump s part. i don t know so about new york state practice, but i will say in federal practice is actually typical to have a lawyer present during the pre-sentence interview. in fact, it s almost always ordered by the judge upon request of the defense. them from saying anything that might hurt them. right. particular well, not so much that but particularly in a case that goes to trial where the defendant has an appeal. i think the concern always is to not talk about the quote, unquote, instant offense, meaning the offense of conviction because you might say something there that potentially could jeopardize. and i think everything else. and so that s why the lawyer often the lawyer is there to just simply she and i ve done hundreds of these essentially two let me handle the discussions as your lawyer with the probation officer about the offensive fine line between wanting your client to be forthcoming and not be obstructive against the person trying to get information, but also not crossing the line is saying, but i did this or slipping up is saying something that can be used against them, being obstructive to the person trying to get information is definitely something i would be worried about with trump. i mean, just in general that judge merchan is going to weigh who is donald trump, which everybody knows to a certain degree, but also the lack of remorse here, frankly, in this case, i mean, ultimately, how does that all come together to influence the judge s decision and sentence? i think the judge knows what he s going to do, but he ll get this regard. i think he s already made up his mind, but he ll get this report and he ll see what s in this report and he may use that to justify something if he wants to put trump in jail, he ll say well, trump wasn t forthcoming. look at this report. he didn t even provide this information if he wants to give them probation, he ll say, well trump was he was cooperating with this investigator. so this is a sign that he s learned his lesson and we don t need to put them in jail. i think this will be used to bolster whatever sayyed the judge wants to lean on. you think the judge is already setup, set his mind to some decision here you know, i honestly don t. i think that obviously all judges have views about a case, particularly when they ve sat through a trial about what they might do in the event of a conviction at sentencing. but i do think the judges take very seriously, both in guilty plea cases as well as cases that go to trial and result in a conviction in evaluating a third parties let s review which is the probation office of the defendant s personal characteristics and history and the investigation that they conduct. they re very good at it. i have found judges don t always agree. they don t have to agree with what they re probation office recommends, but i imagine the probation office will recommend whether or not in this e felony case a sentence of imprisonment is warranted or not. generally, i would say that in this particular case, i don t know if we re going to find any or learn anything new about the former president trump that we don t. and the judge doesn t know are ready, so i do want to move on just briefly to what s happening down in florida with judge aileen cannon i mean, she s got a lot of emotions to deal with. she dealt with one issue today hey well, one-and-a-half let s call it that one of them was whether or not to throw out some of the counts against donald trump sheet ruled against that, but she did say that this so-called talking indictment in which the prosecutors laid out this description of trump s handling of classified map and how he talked to somebody and his camp payne about it. she basically said that was unnecessary and she struck it from the indictment what do you make of that? it is something that judges, federal judges increasingly, i have seen as a defense lawyer have problems with i mean, they they don t try to trim the sales of the government too often about speaking indictments but they do expect that speaking indictments, if they speak speak to facts that the government expects with some degree of certainty will be offered into evidence and received into evidence at trial. and this was a situation where i think the sense was that was excised from the indictment was problematic. the judge hasn t ruled on it yet. it may or may not. this is other similar acts evidence but not conduct that s actually he wasn t part of the charge charge and that s shouldn t really be in the diet payment ordinarily unless you re pretty certain that the judge has made a ruling. but to trump s handling of classified documents, which is the gate does but i ll tell you why this was put in there. the prosecutors who bought this case knew they were bringing a case against the former president of the united states, and they will be scrutinized all right, people are going to go through with a fine tooth comb and i believe they want it to include things that would pass the smell test for anybody reading this indictment, they threw extra facts and air. so if you just read the indictment on its face, you said, oh, they have a case. oh, they have a reason for bringing this forward. so i do think they went overboard a little bit. i understand why they did it i also don t blame the judge for saying all right. just take this part, striking it does that have any impact on the case at all? the indictment is welcome to things. one is the jury will be specifically instructed at the beginning of the trial during trial and at the end of the trial that the indictment itself is just a charge and it s not evidence of anything. but it is fairly often the case paste that judges will allow the indictment into the jury room. not all judges will do that but in federal cases, some judges will. and so you don t want anything in the indictment that the jury really shouldn t be in a judge is going to take a look. important thing is the jury instructions. the judge is going to tell them what the law is, what they have to base their decision on. think that will be more important than the indictment itself but she was right for cleaning up that indictment and just not having facts that may or may not come in. that case is a slow moving train. but here we are. robert ray, dante mills. thank you. both for being here. and next, the man who was once known as america s mayor posing for his second mug shot in less than a year, who knew giuliani biographer joins me live plus y giuliani decided to call fani willis a hoe at eight christian event alder james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn my husband and i own a growing beverage company. we rely on e-commerce and digital tools it s a build our business and launch new products thanks to american investments and ai, we re using this technology to run our business more efficiently artifact official intelligence is a game changer. and i m excited that the us is leading the world in its 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available to the view, are now accessible to the many ciness and spinning, take back control with lipo flavanoid your assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts there are a number, of images of rudy giuliani, his life and career that stand out over time. his mobster prosecution pressers in the 80s and the 90s the day he was sworn in as new york s mayor in 1994, while his son, jan, there on the podium walking the streets after 911, earn earning the title of america s mayor. the image on the cover of time when he was named person of the year at the wrong four seasons in philly after the 2020 election, when he pushed the stolen election lai, this viral hair dye moment, just a few days later and speaking moments before the capitol insurrection in washington and now you can add yet another mug shot to the list on the left. this one is from georgia last year, and on the right, that s the new one from today in arizona, where he pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn arizona s election, joining us now is andrew kurtzman. he is the author of giuliani the rise and tragic fall of america s mayor. that is exactly the topic of conversation today because i mean to mug shots in a year, for any rational person that would be extraordinary for the man who used to be he thought at one point he could be president of the united states, america s mayor. i m in quite the fall. will anyone who was around the 80s or 90s saw a giuliani even long before he was america s mayor. he was the most famous law man in america, right? he was a crusading prosecutor. the united they southern district and manhattan, the scourge of wall street wall street crux and mafia bosses and the, the trajectory of giuliani s career is just, it s pretty extraordinary. i mean, with trump and giuliani long ago, we ve lost the ability to be shocked by then, but those mug shots of giuliani or a jaw dropping, if you know who he was, someone back then who had such a reverence for the law. he saw that court system as his church someone who has now been reduced to that. it s pretty tragic. and on top of that, i mean alaa man, that s a perfect example of the image that he portrayed himself. and yet in this arizona case, he was literally running from the law he literally tried to escape being served i mean, that s the rudy giuliani of today would be completely unrecognizable of the giuliani of 20 years ago are 30. there s, there s no question about it. i mean, his fall it s not that he s had a toe just a career collapse. he said a total moral collapse as well. he is just a shadow of him self and today or tonight, i was listening to his nightly webcast and there he was railing against joe biden and hunter biden engaging and character assassination there s a certain kind of almost fanaticism to him that s caused him to do as much as as much damage as he done and also to be a shameless about it. and it continues, i want to play for you what he said at a christian event about the georgia district attorney fani willis then i ve got to prosecutors fani the whole i m sorry i mean, what what what is there to even say anymore about comments like that, right? i mean, it s horrible. it s horrible, and it s it s not just, you know? portable character assassination, which is kind of bint as hallmark all the way back to his prosecutorial career but it also is a complete undermining of who he wants was as someone as i was saying, who had such reverence for the law that he you re talking about a person almost became a preece when he was a young man, he saw the court system as kind of that kind of similar moral kind of adjudication area where you declared right from wrong i mean, look look at them now. i mean, it s disgraceful as with so many people in trump s world, it s almost like he gives them a permission slip to just no holds barred, no inhibitions. they get to kind of go with their most base instincts. and i think that s what we re seeing with mr. giuliani. andrew kurtzman, you very much for joining us up next, donald trump tells conservative christians that democrats are against their religion. as he supports a group that wants to outlaw abortion and ivf. my political panel, we ll discuss that next the devastating, and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in far away lands and it s easy to think it can t happen here if one hits home ready. silent birth with liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn, paying down debt can feel overwhelming upstart makes it fast and easy. borrowers can access the fund because they need in as little as one business day checking your rate is fast with no cost to you or your credit score. join over 1.8 million customers who have turned to upstart for our personal hello how did you get your deed? so you got to use the right toothpaste after see not all toothpastes white in the same craft, 3d white removed it was 100% more stains for a noticeably wider smile. you personal best press yellow is not 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in november we can t afford to have anyone sit on the sidelines now is the time for us to all pull together and to stand up for our values and for our freedoms. and you just can t vote democrat. they re against religion there, against your religion in particular, you cannot vote for democrats and you have to get out and vote what makes the comments notable are where are they happened, which was in front of extreme anti-abortion group, the danbury institute wants to outlaw all abortion, even in case of rape and incest. they also claimed that abortion is never necessary to save the life of a mother. the group also so opposes ivf treatments to help women get pregnant. now remember, trump and says that he doesn t want to ban all abortions. and he says that he supports ivf. but today, he told those anti-abortion activists that he ll stand by there, sayyed side-by-side with them joining me now is republican strategist joe opinion, former communications director for vice president kamala harris, jamal simmons and former press advisor to speaker john boehner, more gillespie, joe. this is probably a strategy of no one is going to pay attention to what trump is doing, but we re paying attention. why would, why would he do that? look, i think we have to two issues here. do you have an issue with your organization? do you have an issue with the message? i think we ll start with the message. i mean, i think the issue is does donald trump believed that abortion should all be illegal? this group believes or does he believe what he says? he believed the president has been quite clear that he does not want you have a federal ban, i think has been very clear on the fact that he wants you have the issue remain with the states and so either we can take him at his word or you don t. it s quite clear that people want you tie him and tebor him to the organization. and all of their beliefs. it is quite clear that we are in the business of coalition building here in american politics. if you have an issue with the coalition, you can bring that up on the campaign trail, but it is interesting to me that we never asked democrats you disavow any of their supporters. we never asked democrats to affectively find the most extreme elements of their party and then answer questions about them. this only happens with people on the political right. and so i think that, that look, i think i don t think that s true. i think that s what comes up all the time. democrats are always asked, they are i say disavow, i didn t blanche. there s a difference between asking whether you agree with the issues and then saying, what do you have to disavow the group? i think again, the broader issue here is is the democratic party, a party that is hospitable to the beliefs of christians. i think there s plenty of polling that shows that there has been an erosion of faith in america. but there is a greater arose in the democratic party. and many of the policies that they re advocating for them up to democrats. this is a place where you guys are completely off base because the democratic party is fueled by african americans, particularly african american women who are the backbone of large christian churches all over america and so if we take a look at where the democratic party stands and the teachings at some i m a child of a minister. and as the teachings of jesus feeding the hungry clothing, the naked, taking care of those who are, who are needed and dispossessed that is quite right in the middle of the home plate of the democratic party platform. so i think that make the argument is an argument that is being made on behalf of a various particular subset of christianity that in historical terms, has not been on the side of african-americans at all because that part of the christianity has been on the side in the old days, slavery segregation i mean, he remembers very different. we want to have an ala carte conversation about religion short democrats like you pick and choose when they want to go down to the black church, like kathy hochul and get their anointing and say that i am not here to be the mother of all 62 counties that she s going to be a were all her apostles. there is a real serious conversation. democratic party, where if barack obama goes to boston it says that we have some people worshiping god and the blue states and awesome gotten the blue states. but when eric adams goes and says that i believe that god s plan for my life has led me to becoming mayor. he gets mocked. he gets mocked by the media. he gets mapped over there when we have all of those arrays. also, i just i don t want to lose this in the conversation. it s important though it is donald trump describing, first of all, your religion, i thought that he described himself as christian, but then to say that it is against your religion, christianity to vote for democrats, that seems like crossing a line. but i also think, what just happened here too is you re saying you guys down trump is saying all democrats, your blanket statements. that s what s frustrating i think to there can people as these blanket statements assuming that all democrats think like that all republicans think like, and that s an accurate. and so donald trump did here is interesting because he s pandering to christian conservatives, but yet his lifestyle, we know violet plates most, if not all, the commandments that he, you know, that the christians abide by but that s all trump. that doesn t speak for all republicans, not all republicans believed to ban abortion. and not all republicans want to attack women. just like i don t think all democrats are pro palestine and not all pro-hamas. i don t blanket statement that because i think that s a frustration in politics. political perspective. i mean, you talked about the big tent. i i think that s that s one way of looking at it. but from a political perspective, donald trump trying to argue he understands abortions of political problem for republicans. he s trying to argue, he s not the extremist president. he s not going to have a national ban, but then to go before an organization that is even to the right of the right on this issue, it does that really undercut his message giving democrats an opportunity? it does get their request an opportunity, not just because he s talking to this group i mean, he he made i think he s being extreme, but all the extremists think that he s extreme enough for them, right? he is the president who took credit for pregnant three supreme court justice on the court, who got rid of row, who helped the end roe v wade protections for abortion. he wants credit from groups like this about getting rid of abortion in the country. and if he s going to take credit, that means he also has take the blame from 60 5% of the country who has decided that we are four abortion rights. they are for women having the freedom to exercise control over their own bodies. and if he s going to take the credit, he also has to take well, i would agree that there are individuals who will be offended by the choice of the venue. and so if democrats want to raise that as an issue that is fair game in politics, but that does not deal with the fact that again, we re not having this conversation to your point when we re talking about people on the brooklyn bridge yelling from the river to the sea. palestine will be free, which is a call for the eradication of us people. we don t have these same, i think would disagree with you i don t wanna i don t want to belabor that point, but definitely i don t i do not think that is an issue that the democratic party has to own, right? it s becomes those are those democrats that is not indicative of who we are as a party. i think it is disingenuous to sit here and pretend that we don t have a senate majority leader for this nation that has gone and undermined benjamin netanyahu. it is disingenuous to say that we don t have a president than on one day said you re going to support israel on the other, de said is going to get rid of funny, i click, i get this is a completely separate issue, but my point is that if we re going to have people own a particular faction of their base and which do what across the board. and we re here having this conversation about abortion because it is clearly an issue the democrats think they can run on. and the only issues they can run on its abortion on monday, abortion on tuesday, january 6, on wednesday, and nothing else. abortion on monday and abortion on tuesday worked pretty well for them particularly in 2022. so more, how do you see this? republicans are going to struggle as we have on this issue of women s rights. when we talk about abortion, we fail to talk about the resources that aren t available to women who are now in these states that are being told they can t do ivf, which i m sorry if you want women to have more children, ivf is a wonderful opportunity to do that. so you re banning things like that. and you re not giving them the resources, then to have children to support women going to those appointments. having children is expensive. childcare is expensive. we don t do anything about that conversation. we stop and i think that two things can be true at once. you can believe in the sanctity of life, but you can also believe in medical freedom for half the population of the places in this country where it s the most difficult to have an abortion. it s also the most difficult to raise a child. it s a good point more, joe and jamal. thank you all very much for that conversation up next for us, the olympic rings, they re officially unveiled in paris, but not without some conscious firstly, of course, over who will be on the court for team usa. bob costas is here and he ll weigh in on caitlin clark, not making the cut. that s the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden. democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot. trump, there 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average, a whopping 1.3 million people have been watching their games on national broadcast. that is a 286% increase over last year game attendance merchandise sales social media engagement. they ve all been off the charts now, it s unclear exactly how much credit indiana fever star caitlin clark deserves for this jump, but it is safe to say that she has had a significant role in the success of the league. now, that being said all of these numbers come as the team usa announced its roster for next month s olympics, olympic games in paris. now let s just take a look at the team. you ll see that someone is notably missing yes. caitlin clark was omitted from the list and social media didn t take kindly to that. so should she be on the squad joining me now to unpack all of this is cnn contributor bob costas christine brennan, our friend on the show here and usa today and broke or so unless she broke this big story she won t be on the team. is it a snub or is this just the way ago? well, there are no rookies on the team. they re all veterans. if you wanted to make a case, you could say diana taurasi, who is an all-time wnba great. been in the league since 2004 for two decades, 41-years-old has five olympic gold medals already you could say you could put caitlin clark on in place of how you could make that case, but caitlin clark, other people would make that caitlin clark herself says, i get this 100%. i m young, i can work toward the next olympics and an olympics after that caitlin clark has faced some resentment for a variety of reasons. people, according to whatever narrative they want, want to attribute everything to one thing, whatever it is. but as we discussed last week with carrie champion, it s a combination of things, but say anything you want about caitlin clark. she in addition, they should understand this high tide of caitlin clark is raising all boats as you just pointed out, in addition to that, she has done everything the right way. she said i don t know what an apology from kennedy carter is just the way the game is. and then she praised carter s play. she says the game is rough. i ve got to adapt to that. she signs every but a graph. she doesn t whine and complain. she didn t complain about being left off the olympic team. some of this, and it s just not just a white, white thing, but maybe she is in terms of attention now that but many white stars in the league over the last quarter century, maybe there s some similarity between her and larry bird when larry bird came into the nba, there was some skepticism all he was fine in college is a white guy, can t be that good. it turned out he was one of the all-time greatest players, one of the ten greatest players conservatively in the whole history of the league when dennis rodman, who s always been a little crazy, said, if larry bird was a black guy, just be an average player, everyone was up in arms, right? here s what larry said. i don t care. let s just play he defused the whole thing. he warned everybody over by just being about basketball and caitlin clark, i think has been not just a really good and exciting player. she s been a classy person to this point and good for her. yeah. actually, let s play what caitlin said about being left off the team honestly, notice appointment like i think it just gives you something something to work for. you know, that s a dream, you know, hopefully one day i can be there and think it s just a little more motivation you remember that and, you know, hopefully in four years when four years comes back around, i can be there and honestly likely she will. i mean, just so people understand bob me what you were just talking about. this is what the olympic team looks like in terms of their accolades. i mean, you ve got wnba champions, you ve got all stars because you ve got olympic gold medalists, you ve got people who have basically been at the highest levels playing at slav a for a long time already. seems that she understands that she understands that. and what coaches and players around the wnba have to understand. i think most of them likely do yeah, i understand the resentment they d been there a long time. there are many good players. she s getting a disproportionate amount of the attention, but none of that is her fault. some of the resentment toward her has a racial element in it. we d be naive to deny that, but some people want to make that the entire narrative as we discussed last week with carrie champion, some of this is is carrier said as stacy dales of espn, who played in league happens to be white, she has said, hey, we ve been around a long time notice, not just our excellence, but it s a physical game. now, we have to make distinctions. what kennedy carter did against caitlin clark is outside the bounds. it should have been a flagrant foul i ll they upgraded it to that last week. i made the point that when alyssa thomas through angel reese to the floor, that was involved two black players had it been caitlin clark and alyssa thomas and thrown her to the floor? everyone would have made that a racial incident and only a racial incident i did a bad job, however, on context because that was immediately called a flagrant two. and alyssa thomas was ejected, plus it was on a small cable outlet and not viewed as widely as kate, right like kennedy carter, caitlin clark thing was out of bounds and it s pretty clear that for whatever reasons kennedy carter harbored some resentment toward caitlin clark, whatever the cause. i mean, one of the things is that all these kind of new fans right to the gay are coming in and everybody wants to be a sports analyst of the wnba and they ve just now started watching and they re not even watching all the games, apparently. right. and when people say in a simple-minded way, oh, she s a white star. there have been many, many white stars over the years past and present. there s breanna stewart now, there was rebecca lobo sue bird, sabrina ionesco, who almost batch steph curry in a three-point shooting contest this past february at the starting name, what is it about caitlin clark? it s not just that she s white. steph curry stood out from other great black stars in the nba because he played in a way that was appealing and relatable. shooting from the logo, dr. jay was more appealing and brought in more fans and his teammate moses malone, who was a three-time mvp because dr. jay s game was more flamboyant. michael jordan wasn t just great. he was fun to watch caitlin clark is fun to watch. yeah. and she is going to be a star pretty much no matter what do you think she ll ultimately be an alternate for the olympic team? i think he could be. i think that s possible. and the concern that because she d be reserve and she wouldn t play that many minutes and therefore, her fans would be up in arms just put the point out there, educate them it would help the

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Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240609

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business or my life, i have the fish tank was a blow it up. so whatever s next, we re cooking with phi. that s checkout for in brynn, certain. i m someone s are 40 in washington. and this is cnn error win right? rescue, joyful reunions it s rarely forces free. four hostages from hamas captivity as gaza hospitals reported scores were killed during the mission. what more do we know? white house national security adviser jake sullivan is next and turnout talk both parties focus on a key voting block suburban women, we were able to work on real solutions. are we going to empower americans to make their own health care decisions? shuns, is it enough to win in the fall due governors, republican kristi noem and democrat gretchen whitmer join me exclusively, plus american way donald trump calls for revenge as he awaits his felony sentencing. and now, vice president kamala harris says his response. it does qualifying cheaters don t like it. what do voters thing or political panel ways in hello i m dana. bash in washington where the state of our union is looking overseas after eight long months for israel israeli hostages are back home safely. family reunions and tears of joy after they were rescued from hamas captivity by idf forces in a special operations saturday morning, the rate of two separate apartments and a central gaza refugee camp took months of preparation and military spokesman said, since hamas moves, hostages frequently and embeds them in areas packed with civilians like this refugee camp. following reports of heavy shelling and artillery fire, gaza hospital said more than 200 people were killed in the operation. cnn has not been able to verify claims about the exact number of civilian deaths in what was the first successful hostage rescue since february here with me now from paris where he is traveling with president biden is national security adviser, jake sullivan. thank you so much for being with me. let s start of course, with the news about the rescue of four israeli hostages inside gaza. how specifically did the us assist in the mission well, dana, the united states has been providing support to israel for several months in its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages in gaza and to support efforts to try to secure their rescue or recovery. i m not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related matters associated. and with that, because we need to protect those, i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the idf so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages who are still being held so i understand that intelligence u.s. intelligence assisted but what you say anything about u.s. personnel, us weapons? well, the one thing i can say is that there were no us forces, no, no us boots on the ground involved in this operation. we did not participate militarily in this operation jake a mosque claims that other hostages that they are holding inside gaza were killed as a result of the idf s mission, is that true? we have not seen that verified or were confirmed. i believe that the israelis have said they do not have any information to that effect. but of course, that is always a risk with all of these military operations, hostages have been killed over the last eight months. and so dana the best way to get all of the hostages home and to protect palestinian civilians is to end this war. and the best way to end in this war is for hamas to say yes to the deal president biden announced and that israel has accepted, which lays out a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire in the return of all hostages because that s what we re driving for, and that s what we re asking the world to call upon hamas to accept are you concerned at all given what you just said that the ball is in hamas s court right now that the rescue that happened on saturday we ll make it so that hamas might walk away from the negotiating table its a legitimate question. i it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don t know exactly what it is that they re going to do. but the basic bottom line here is straightforward to bring it into this war, to get the hostages tom, to get the full scope of humanitarian aid to the palestinian people in a safe and effective way, we need the steel and all of the people all over the world and the united states. and in countries everywhere who have been calling for a ceasefire, they need to train their attention on hamas and put the pressure on because this is the way to resolve this issue. and whatever the calculus is of hamas coming out of this weekend, the reality remains the same. this is the only credible path forward and hamas i should say, yes any word either from hamas or through hamas is intermediaries about their stance vis-a-vis the ceasefire deal that the president endorsed. a little bit more than a week ago. since what happened yesterday well, we ve heard a lot publicly from hamas over the last week. we ve not seen any official statements since what happened with the hostage rescue operation. and the two key error of mediators who are standing alongside the united states in this process, qatar and egypt have not yet received any official word from hamas representatives as to their stance on the deal so we are waiting that word and it should come today. it should come this, our hamas should say yet which would immediately put in place a ceasefire and immediately begin the process of bringing hostages home. this is the answer that the world is looking for. it s time to act jake, i want to ask you a little bit more about that mission. and one of the questions is what we re hearing from gaza different hospitals in gaza say at least 236 people were killed as a part of the israeli operation to rescue hostages what is your understanding of how many palestinian civilians not militants, but civilians were killed in that rescue mission we ve united states are not in a position today to make a definitive statement about that, the israeli defense forces have put out one number for the hamas-run gaza health ministry has pulled out another number, but we do know this dana innocent people were tragically killed in this operation. the exact number we don t know, but innocent people were killed and that is heartbreaking. that is tragic. the president himself has said in recent days that the palestinian people are going through sheer hell in this conflict, because hamas is operating in a way that puts them in the cross-fire that holds hostages right in the heart of crowded civilian areas that puts military and placement that s right in the heart of crowded civilian areas. but every day that we see more innocent people lost is another horrible, awful tragic de and our hearts in the united states and across the world, break for that, but there is only one answer to stop that from happening going forward that is a he s fire and hostage deal that ends the military operations brings the hostages home and puts us in a position to give the palestinians and opportunity for for a better future for their people and last just about the mission we re you don t want to specifically say how the u.s. was it s involved, which i understand. but just broadly, big picture no one can deny the amazing news of seeing these innocent civilians who were finally brought back to their families from gaza after being held there for eight months. but is the us comfortable with the way that the israelis carried out the mission? looked in a why is president biden going out publicly and calling for a ceasefire and hostage deal? it s because he thinks the best sway to get all of the hostages home is in a deal where they re brought out diplomatically, where there s no need for military operations to get every last hostage out. so that would obviously be the best solution to this in the absence of that without hamas saying yes to the deal, unfortunately, we are going to continue to see ongoing conflict and military operations in which israel makes efforts to recover its citizens. and frankly to recover american citizens. what we would much prefer to see is a ceasefire where the hostages come out peacefully. that is available. israel has said yes to it. now hamas needs to say yes to it. that s where president biden s full effort, energy and attention is. and you heard yesterday from the french president here in paris that france stands behind that the world stands behind that, and hamas should come to the table and say, yeah you mentioned that you are in paris. i have to before i let you go ask about the trip that you and of course the president is making to europe, marking the 80th, then first ray of d-day. you are soon going to be part of the g7 in italy. and the president gave a very big speech on democracy as he s trying to frame the 2024 president presidential election here against donald trump as a discussion about the fate of bankruptcy, do you think democracy is in jeopardy? the president said in his speech that democracy, democracy is at risk all over the world from without and from within. to a greater extent now than it has been in a very long time. and what president biden was arguing is that those brave men who stormed the beaches at normandy who scaled the cliffs at pointe to hakh, who liberated europe and literally saved the world. they are calling us to step up to do our job in our time, which is two ben democracy, to stand with allies, to refuse to bow down to dictators to push back against aggression that s what president biden is seeking to do. adapt that s the message that he gave here today. and it s something he will carry forward as long as he is president. he said around the world, is democracy at risk? in the united states as part of this election what we do hear voices calling playing into question the basic democratic values and democratic institutions that have made our country great for 250 years. and those voices have gotten louder in recent years. and that is a source of deep concern. but it s also a source of huge motivation, not just for the president, but for a lot of people who want to stand up to reinforce the things that have made this country great. and we ve had no better reminder. dana, than getting to see some of those still living veterans of world war ii who came not to make any political statement in normandy, but rather simply bleed to reinforce the timeless values that have made america, america, and it s something we should all remember as we go forward. yeah, those were remarkable images. and reminders no question about that, jake. thank you so much for being here. i appreciate jaden thanks for having me both the trump and biden campaign s are trying to turn a key voting blocs suburban women republican governor kristi noem and democratic governor regine witmer are coming up this election season. staley with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. and the best 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guilty in his new york hush money trial. that is repeatedly suggesting that he would prosecute his political opponents if he is elected with part of what he said it s a terrible precedent for our country. does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question. and it s very possible that it s going to have to happen to them based on what they ve done. i would have every right to go after them. revenge, just take time we will say that he does. and sometimes revenge can be justified governor, is that the message you think donald trump should be focusing on in this campaign right now? well, his message has clearly been that his only vengeance will be america s success. he is not interested in going after political opponents. he is interested in going back to the white house and working for the american people and their families, bringing down inflation costs and that s what i m hearing overwhelmingly here in wisconsin. is that this swing state is so important and these people here, they re number one issue right now, is not that sham trial and not the verdict and the convictions and not what s going on as far as what a lot of people are talking about in the media, they care about what s happening to their families, how much grocery prices this is have gone up, how much better their lives were four years ago. so that that s, that s really their number one concern yeah. i mean, it seems clear what you re hearing from voters that that is what their concern is. but it is what we heard from donald trump this week over and over and interview after interview, that he is considering going for his political opponents. so should he stopped doing that, given what you just said, you re hearing from voters what he said is that he s warned the american people if we start weaponizing the judicial system like they did against him, that it could happen to any president. it could happen to any political opponent. what he s talking about when he s having in those discussions, is that be careful what you do because that opens the door in the future to anybody doing it. and that s what he s trying to shut down. he wants people to trust or judicial system. he wants to make sure that we still have law and order in this country. if you look at conservative areas of this country, places where republicans were in control, we have law and order we have peace stability. you go to democrat states and cities that s where you see destruction and you see judicial systems and trials and corrupt judges that prosecute their political enemies. that s what new york was. new york, that was definitely a rigged elections are rigged judicial process against the president. politically motivated well, he was found guilty based on a jury, 12 members of the 12 piers, 12 piers of his. the other thing i just want to mention and i do want to move on is that right now? the justice department is prosecuting the president s son. president biden, son is prosecuting a house democrat is prosecuting a senate democrat so doesn t that fly in the face of the claim that the whole judicial system has weaponized against republicans i don t think anybody believes the whole, the whole judicial system is. i think they see places in this country where it is. and a new york was certainly one of those. and i don t know dana, if you read that letter from the judge in the new york city trial that came out that talked about the fact that some of these social media posts that came out before the decision in the verdicts even came out from that jury. so there may be a mistrial coming here because it was handled so poorly by this judge, and that s what i think that will be eye-opening to the american people as they really, truly will have proof then that that judge was corrupted. now, he should have recused himself according to the ethics and rules of new york. he should never have presided over that whole process. and president trump should have never been in that section. i just want to say that those details have not been confirmed. obviously, the trial is over. so i think you re probably referring to an appeal. i want to move on to some of the politics that we re seeing in the 2024 race specifically donald trump is actively starting to look for running mate cnn is told that there are seven potential trump vp contenders receiving vetting materials so far you re not on that list. do you have any indication that you re still under consideration to be donald trump s running mate i ve told president trump over and over again, he needs to pick whoever helps him when i have been loyal to him since the very beginning when he first started to run in 2016. he s told me his priority is picking a running mate that can govern on day one. it has been the loyalty him that can has experienced and run businesses, knows how to be a ceo, but also supports him and his policies. i don t care. i love my job in south dakota. i care about the fact that i want him to win and he knows that i will do that. so i talked to him three times yesterday. i think he s doing great and fantastic. i m proud of him i ve never seen anybody get out a bed and work as hard as this guy does just because he loves america and he s got some, a lot of corrupt criminals and a lot of political enemies coming after him and he still gets up, fights for the average everyday american that makes me proud of him on that list that i just showed so there were six men and one woman women, particularly suburban women. i don t need to tell you, could play a big role in who gets elected in november should there be a woman on the ticket a and b, you said you just need to pick somebody who will help him win would do help him win we ll all the all the pools such tell him in the swing states that a woman on the ticket, it helps him when the polls just say that people, one in four republican women haven t made up their minds because they want to have a woman talking to them about the issues they care about and women aren t monolithic. they don t, they don t care about just one issue. they care about health care, they care about their children, they care about their futures, they care about having an opportunity to have a business and to have a career. and all of that is being threatened. vendor joe biden but but yes, the women vote is extremely important and i spent the majority of my time here in wisconsin talking to women and talking to those people that are independent and on the fringe and they re leaning towards donald trump. but they also want to know that their perspective is gonna be at the table when decisions you should pick a woman. they want to know that there s going to be people involved i think that that would be a beneficial is according to the polling that i ve seen for him in a lot of swing states is that having a woman that is helping him campaign makes a difference. so it s an i could be home and bed or feeding my horses right now. are racking my grand babies, but i m in wisconsin because i believe president trump needs to win his policies are right for america and they re perfect for south dakota. and i want him to win and the polling tells me that he needs women out on the campaign trail curing his message about how much he cares it s about them and their future. two, let me ask you about a topic that is important to women will actually important to a lot of people. and that is contraception senate republicans is we ve blocked and bill to protect access to contraception nationwide. as a matter of principle, do you think republican should support company? fleet access to birth control yes, i do. i think that bill was a joke that bill was far-reaching in everything that was included and it wasn t just a single issue bill, which in my book i talk about the fact that single issue bills actually would fix a lot of what s broken in this country. but absolutely contrast section is something that should be available to women. why can t we just start talking about the fact that a lot of women, when they re in their situations, they re in a crisis situation. why don t we support them and give them information? and help them? so i think that whatever we re talking about when it comes to women s health care, that that s something that we as everybody in this america in this america public needs to realize is that these are difficult situations and we need to love people and win their hearts and minds as well as talk about policy. you mentioned your book. so i m going to ask you about that because in that book no, going back, you came under pretty intense criticism even from some members of your own party because you shared a story about shooting and killing your 14 year 14 month old dog, cricket. now that you ve had time to process all of that and all candor, do you have regrets you know that story s a 20-year-old story of a mom who made a very difficult decision to protect her children from a vicious animal that was attacking livestock and killing livestock and attacking people. so it s in the book because it was difficult for me and there s a lot in that book that i think people will need to read. i don t know if you ve read it or not. i read the whole thing, but it wouldn t be in the book if it wasn t a very hard situate. all good. well, i m glad you did. thank you for doing that, but but there s a lot in that book that s very important and i hope people read it because it s a how to guide for the average citizen on how to get their government back. yeah, why i believe that we need to have president trump back in the white house. yeah, i did the whole thing. and so i have the entire context of that incident. good. and so what i m hearing is no regrets, not just about writing about it, but we ve actually shooting the dog we ve covered this and i m a mom and protected my children from a vicious animal. we just had a nine-year-old boy and south dakota killed just days ago from a dog. that happens and i ve that nine-year-old boy will never be in his parents lives again. i ll never been his family s lives again. i think it s people are put in tough situations in life and we learned from it. and we learn a lot for what did you learn. and that s what i ve talked a lot in that book, dana, i ve learned that challenging times and hard decisions are hard. and that when you get into public office, you d learn from every single one of them and you use that knowledge to go forward into and to make wise decisions that are best for america. that s why joe biden s such a train wreck. the guys 80-years-old and making the worst decisions i ve ever seen him making his entire life and destroying or country, not just on the foreign policy stage by what he s doing in the middle east. and, but also what he s doing on our economy and he s putting every other country in our enemies in front of america. and i think that s just horrible right now. you realize dana that what he did last week is that when the trump verdict came out in his trial, he actually joe biden held a press conference announcing a deal between israel and a terrorist organization that was not agreed to. and he did it during shabbat i mean, how disrespectful to the jewish people. well, to hold a press conference that they can t even respond to if for regulation just residents. i just believed that we ve got people that we ve got people that really we need to recognize how week this president is. and you were talking about hostages earlier in your show as jimmy carter, who i ran held hostages for a 444 days under jimmy carter. carter because he was week back in 1979 and 1980. and the day ronald reagan was inaugurated, they were released because they recognize their ronald reagan would be a strong president we ve got the exact same situation here in america. why are we not? they re getting are americans home why are we not telling hamas, give us are americans back? why, why are we not doing russia to give us our journalists bad? yeah, i think one thing that this president should be doing is protecting americans. yeah, go get our americans and bring them home. that s what, that s what i m upset about. yeah. i think there s there s a lot there maybe you can come back and we can route a time. we can talk more about it, but yeah, obviously, president biden is very aggressively tried to get the americans back. it s a very complicated situation. thank you so much. appreciate it. i pray for their families. they come home alive thank you all do up next democratic governor gretchen whitmer of a state that could decide the next president. that of course, is the great state of michigan. you see her there governor whitmer will be her live next you increase in while i m fires is exponential unpredictable, uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent we have schreiber tonight did nine on cnn find the perfect fathers de gift symbol, just type, whether tech has hundreds of 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you so much. all 50 of my subscribers no, definitely not. you save with dr. wise and get a rate based on you during good hands with asd everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile, new censored in clinical white rights, two shades, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity golf, but needs 775, 383882, or visit home i hanako montgomery in tokyo. and this welcome back to state of the union. some encouraging news for democrats and arizona and florida. a new poll shows big majorities in both states support abortion rights measures that will be on the ballot in november. now this week you re in washington democrats tried to lean into that topic with a push to and try and contraception rights nationwide. here with me now to talk about that and more, is michigan governor gretchen whitmer. thank you so much for being here you just heard governor known your colleague from south dakota talk about contraception. she says republicans are not trying to take away access to birth control. democrats are making this political, what s your response? i think that we all know the truth here. there s no question that with the three appointments that donald trump put onto our united states supreme court, three people who lied to congress, betrayed their oath of office and put forward? the dobbs decision. we know that there are women in many states who cannot access fundamental health care cannot make their own decisions about whether and when to bear a child. we know that mifepristone is under attack, that ivf surrogacy and now contraception is as well. and when the usf and it puts forth policy to ensure that they have an opportunity to enshrine access to contraception. and republicans vote against it and kill that bill. it is very much at risk here in this moment. and i think that what we re seeing out of the republicans saying that they protect, want to protect this as disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst i want to talk a little bit about what we heard from the vice president kamala harris, who was speaking in your state last night? in detroit, and she said, quote, donald trump thinks he is above the law and this should be disqualifying for anyone who wants to be president of the united states what do you think well, you know what? i think that the fact of the matter is, we know under this democracy, no one is above the law. everyone is held into account. we have a system of jurisprudence that we have to have confidence. and then when you take that oath of office, we expect our leaders to live up to up to that oath. then this former president is now a convicted felon. he is the standard bearer unfortunately for the republican party in this moment this is a high-stakes election where you ve got someone who flouts the law and cheats and just got caught and someone who has four over the course of his lifetime made serving the public. the only thing that he is focused on, he has delivered for the american people and we ve got a stark decision in front of us and i really think that people need to take this moment very seriously and get out and vote because this is high stakes i want to turn to a different, very different trial, and that is one that is going on in delaware with the president s son, hunter biden he is on trial for obtaining and possession of firearm while under the influence of illegal drugs, which was against the law. a republican, lindsey graham, says that an average american would not have been prosecuted either. yes, governor can hear me okay. it sounds like the governor can t hear me. you know what we re going to take a very quick commercial break? and, get this fix. and we ll be right back. don t go anywhere the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming in unpacks nexium 24 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he openly attack the foundations of our justice system cheaters don t like getting caught vice president kamala harris in detroit yesterday, my panel is here, nice to see you all. so you have her clearly leaning into using the verdict as a political weapon and then you have donald trump leaning into the verdicts and using them as a political weapon, obviously in a very different way for retribution. bryan lanza, i m going to start with you since you re the only one at this table who has worked for donald trump? i know it s probably hard to stop him from doing that, which should he yells. i think the presence is going to do what he wants to do at the end of the de and i think the thing is is the focus for him and the rest of the campaign is going to be focusing on the economy and focus on the issues that matter. when i see an ad, like when i see her comma comma comma talking about, i almost want her talking more because the public has such an adverse reaction to the things she says. now, talking about genes, the only one feeling cheated here is probably the american public. they were promised something three-and-a-half years ago, a strong economy, a safe world if two wars overseas, we have a third one about to start between the philippines and china, which the us has military agreements with. and we have inflation wiping out the middle-class, wiping out savings, wiping up people s credits i think the public feel cheated. so you have to be careful with the word she uses. congressman khanna. well, the president is that a very strong record of bringing manufacturing back, of record job creation, lowest unemployment, but here is the contrast. the president is out there on d-day trying to bring this country together, speaking about our aspiration invoking president reagan saying we have a unifying message and donald trump is on dr. phil talking about retribution. i think that s gonna be the real case of what type of country are we, are we a country that s going to come together with the president s message. are we going to want to tear each other apart? doesn t sound very unifying to me. i mean, kamala harris on the attack this week and candidly, joe biden attacking, i think i ll trump during his overseas speech. normally we re worried about people attacking presidents when they re overseas. we don t normally have to worry about presidents attacking their opponents when they are overseas. i think it underscores the horrible week, the biden people had. wall street journal says he s slipping behind the scenes in a deeply source story, politico says, blows up the popular narrative that the biden joe biden has nothing to do with his family s business dealings. new york times today s out with a piece debunking all the personal narrative myths of joe biden. there s chaos all around the biden campaign, right now. and to top it all off, somehow virginia is now a swing state so i m not surprised see kamala harris desperately on the attack because the campaign is totally flailing right now love listening to you talking about chaos because i remembered donald trump in 2016, warning us that if hillary clinton were president, it would be chaos all the time and guess what? we had four years of chaos with donald trump, but dan out, let s talk, but it s really going on here internally. i m assuming the trump campaign is same one. i m seeing which is this talking about the conviction of donald trump on 34 felony counts is working. we have a cbs poll out just this morning. we have other polls coming out that are showing joe biden starting to come move ahead. and here s the problem for the trump campaign these things matter when they underscore something that people already sent and believe about someone they already sent and believe donald trump lied to them. he had lied to them when he said he didn t sleep with stormy daniels, he lied to them when he said he was going to make all these things better and guess what? his tax cuts help the very wealthy. they harmed the middle-class. and in fact, new york times, i m so glad mentioned new york times has a story out this morning about how so many of the promises that trump is making when he talks about mass deportations, guess what? that s going to increase our costs when he talks about this trade policy, trade tariffs, guess what? that s going to increase our costs, and that s consistent with our oil. hold on. that s consistent with our own reporting. that showed that ryan lins are just sorry, that showed the cost will go up about $1,700 for middle-class americans and all donald trump can do is talk retribution while his people du, the best they can with talking. and i just sort of frame this conversation in an tick of a different way. and that is how this race could change a bet, not a lot, but a bit he hasn t picked his running mate yet, and you just heard kristi noem saying pretty much point blank. he should pick a woman she would like for it to be her. i don t know if it s going to be her. we got the list of the people who have gotten there vetting materials. there s only one woman on that list and that is elise stefanik of new york the woman who pretty much hands down could help him win more than any horse is nikki haley? i don t know if it helped with me. i mean, it s it s listen i want us to you re already getting vote for him. i m a reporters when republican, but i think nikki haley would cause problems for me because he would say the future of the party is not in good hands. and i think that s what people are looking for for the president when he chooses the vp, somebody who continues along with the policies and the priorities are important to him, and nikki haley, just as matches up. so i think that s the challenge are going to have and she hasn t shown a propensity, even moved towards the issues that trump voters care about and what the voters are going to care about in this party. going to care about are more of these? things that president trump s talking about. they re talking about tariffs. we ve me scott s and shock here. i m shocking. we re now the party of tariffs and our party wants more of it. like i ve never predicted that our party is moving and that the reality is as nikki haley is not moving with the party i think the issue is abortion rights and that s why democrats have over-performed. when i was in wisconsin across the state. i mean, there s still an arcane law there that bans abortion when people were talking about is the right to access to reproductive health, the right to access to contraception and the fact that there s only one woman candidate on the running mate for donald trump shows that there s still out-of-touch and that s why women are going to win this election for president biden, i think that s what he s numbers are moving in the cbs poll and that s why i m optimistic that he s going to get reelected i actually heard brian, i think you need a running mate. first of all, the number one thing is do no harm and being a second is you have to have someone who is going to unabashedly support your agenda, like you cannot have somebody out there who is pulling their punches on a daily basis. and so the list that he has outright now are a group of people that have shown time and again, they are willing to step up and defend him and fight for his agenda nikki haley has a lot of positions that i agree with, but but she has a big problem with donald trump. she said at time and again, i m not sure that makes the best running. it s clear donald trump is continues to have trouble with women voters and consolidating suburban women. kamala harris, vegas and an excellent job. prosecuting the case for joe biden. i think they should consider if i don t want to give trump advice, but he might want to consider a woman, although i think the challenge for many women would be how do i defend some of them massage any of this man credibly, i think this is nikki haley s problem while trying to get people to vote for him. all right. we are out of time. we didn t get to the fact that donald trump was raising money from silicon valley billionaires pores. okay. all right. there you go. you got it in there. you ve got it in there. thanks. is everybody. and governor gretchen whitmer is back. believe we can see here and here, which is a great thing and she s going to come back to finish our interview on the other side of the break, don t go anywhere five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts centrum, it scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your home. said trump is everybody. i hope he foundations supporting your pitch. to you re plus tries centrum silver now clinically proven to support memory in older adults everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile new censored in clinical weight and rights two sheets, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity of production. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients 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can do. close captioning brought to you by rule or law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette at rubella you never pay full price. these the deals on top before they re gone south today welcome back to state of the union. we are back with governor gretchen whitmer. of michigan governor the president s son, hunter biden, is on trial for obtaining and possessing a firearm while under the influence. of illegal drugs. that was against the law republican lindsey graham says that an average american would not have been prosecuted for this suggesting that a hunter biden s facing charges for political reasons what do you think you know what? i don t know how to weigh in on that dana, i ll just say this. i saw and i was happy to see you when the president was asked about this, he ll have confidence in the judicial system it s not going to undermine it and i think we ll see how it plays out. but right now, we know that in this country, there is a stark choice in front of us between a president who respects the rule of law and a former president who is a convicted felon who wants to use the implements of government to go after his enemies and is running on vengeance and grievance as his platform versus the sitting president who has delivered forward this country and respects the judiciary and wants to shore up this democracy. it s a lot at stake should the president lean lean-in more on the kind of message you just delivered you know what i think it s important for us to be talking about these things the american people are busy, they re good, hardworking people who expect their government to work as hard as they do and to be as good if not better than they are, to respect the oath of office, to respect our institutions, to fight for every american s right to make their own decisions about their bodies, to have a voice and a vote in this democracy. and i think all of those things are very much at stake here. so i m going to be talking about that. i m going to be reminding people and i m confident that the average person in this country was just trying to get ahead is ultimately going to be a part of the direction of this election and is going to weigh in and vote for joe biden. governor. i don t need to tell you how important your state of michigan is going to be when it comes to who is going to be the next president in your state, there is a third third-party candidate and his name is robert kennedy jr. he is going to be on the ballot there. he are 9% support in one recent michigan pole that s more than enough to tip the scales in what is sure to be a close election. how worried are you about having rfk jr. on the ballot and what it means for president biden s chances of winning there well this is michigan. dana has, you know, elections are always close here. i remind people all the time, don t clutch your pearls when we re down a couple of points, do not celebrate when we re up a couple of points. this is going to be a close election all the way through. but here s what i know. when you get on the ground and you show up and you talk to people well, and you listen helps make sure that you stay focused on the things that matter. president biden has huge list of accomplishments were seeing on shoring of supply chains. we re seeing the growth of good manufacturing jobs. this is the first president in a long time that has been able to deliver on emphasis structure and has a real manufacturing vision that is, that is playing out every day and good paying jobs. certainly, kennedy or any third party candidate gives me some concern and it s to be taken seriously and that s why we re showing up and we re working hard and all 83 counties earn the votes of the people. there are a lot of good traditional republicans who don t feel at home with the convicted felon at the top of the ballot, who know that kennedy has got lots of far out wild ideas about science and the future. and it doesn t even have the support of his own family. all that being said, we can t make any assumptions. we got to earn every single boat and that s what we re doing. okay. governor gretchen whitmer, thank you so much for being here this morning. i really appreciate it. thanks, dana. happy pride, everyone great jacket and thank you so much for spending your sunday morning with us. fareed zakaria picks it up next were you worried the wedding would be too much another destination? why didn t we just scott by for persisters it nap book, it s married in epoch, my daughter who gets with him can we get out of here? you d never asked join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real-time dashboard. born in real life conversations, empower what s next. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics act of gum repair, breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease a new toothpaste from periodontics, the dom experts from real quality that 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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With Manu Raju 20240609

and the pros so far, she s put up 30 points on a couple of occasions. she s also had games where she s been held the single-digits, she struggled a turnovers. she struggled with the leeks physicality, and every player on team usa does have senior level international experience. eight have played in the olympics still, only 22. clark has created an absolute frenzy of interest in women s basketball, which has already led to this tangible boost in the wnba s developed litman. her entry to the pros has come with an extremely divisive undercurrent. and this is just the latest thing that she s going to have to navigate now, as everybody figures out what the official roster will look like. yeah. i m sure we ll continue here about that and that controversy carolyn manner. good to have you. thanks so much. and thank you for spending a part of your morning with us inside politics sunday with manu raju was nice. we ll see you back here next weekend. have a good day. taking this stain. israel makes a movie in gaza. president biden tries to outshine donald trump overseas, are refused to believe that america s greatness is a thing of the past while at home the vice president calls trump s conviction disqualified. cheaters don t like getting caught and exclusive details on a new plan to further overhaul immigration. well, progressives concerns plus retribution. i would have every right to go after them new reporting publicly because promise payback. thanks. have consequences. they going to have consequences as i should. and perseverance a rising democratic star confronts a debilitating terminal diagnosis when it comes to eunice progressive is not a good thing to be. our exclusive sit-down ahead inside politics that s reporting from inside the corridors of power starts now morning. welcome inside politics it s sunday, um, when roger president biden woke up in france this morning after he spent the last several days warning about the risks to democracy and marking the 80th anniversary of d-day. yet as he tries to ensure american allies, but the us commitment to the world order, biden has not mentioned donald trump, munch by name, not once during his pair of major speeches but the contrast he s trying to draw is clear as he seeks to reframe the race and take on his major vulnerabilities. knew this morning on that front, cnn has breaking news and how the president is trying to address one big weakness with a major policy more on that in just a moment. but first he and his team are dealing with the aftermath of that israeli operation in gaza that rescued four hostages. gazan officials say at least 274 palestinians were killed. cnn senior, senior white house correspondent kayla tausche is lie from paris. so kayla, how s the presidency addressing the fall of this recipe? q operation manu, the white house says, it s supports all efforts to secure the release of hostages still held by hamas, including americans, whether that s by negotiations or by other means here in france, president biden and president reagan macron have reiterated the need for an immediate ceasefire, but this all comes as biden is wrapping up a multi-day trip to france, where he has tried to set himself apart from his gop opponent as president biden memorialized war heroes in normandy, church, remarkable bravery on that day. his reelection campaign released this. a good commander in chief is somebody who gives veterans knocking donald trump in a new ad as unfit to serve. the aim to distinguish biden from trump on defense with this week s decorum on display pledging unwavering support for european allies. we will not, we will not say it again, walk away where trump is non-committal. i ve been saying, look if they re not going to pay, we re not going to protect okay. in speaking from the cliffs, american troops scaled on d-day for the fortunate heirs because of a legacy of these heroes, biden, earning comparisons to a republican ronald reagan are armies are here for only one purpose to protect and defend democracy. who 40 years ago was also selling voters on a second term so far, they re not sold according to one recent poll, independence favor trump over biden by 12 points, trump traveled to normandy d2 to mark the d-day 75th. today we remember those who fell, but after his speech attacking democrats in an interview her name, it s nervous magic that she s a nervous wreck. trump later came under fire for skipping a visit to a cemetery outside paris, reportedly calling the americans, buried their losers, something he s denied, but biden doesn t want people to forget telling campaign donors last week, he said they re losers and suckers who in the hell does he think he is in just a few hours, president biden is scheduled to visit that very cemetery outside paris before departing france the trump campaign. meanwhile, for its part calls the biden team desperate and says it s president biden, who s been disrespecting service members, manu, tausche in paris. thank you and now there s a lot to unpack, so let s break this all down with our great panel this morning. seung min kim of the associated press said harnden with the new york times, cnn s isaac dovere, and moralizing with npr. good morning. all right. great. thank you guys all for joining me today. a lot to discuss. that was an interesting trip over the last several days. what s interesting of course, as we all know that elections are typically decided by the economy. but this is an election, of course, it has two wars that are raging overseas. there are the biden has been making the case about democracy that says major selling point. this is how voters view how the issues that are important to them, economy number 130, 1% immigration number two, we ll talk about that in a second. presumably think democracy is 16%, but still the issues about ukraine and the israel-hamas war ranking lower down sudden when you cover the white house for the associated press, how does the biden campaign believed that these issues, foreign policy issues, may have an impact or do they not think you ll have much of an impact come november well, there s a lot contained within that foreign policy category. obviously, we know that one of their biggest weaknesses is the biden administration s handling of the war in gaza, which has really dissolute progressive disillusioned progressives and young voters when the, on the issue of democracy, which you can also put into this foreign policy category, as we have seen over the last several days with president biden and france, they believe that is a really fundamental issue that unites not only their coalition, but kit gets those independent voters, those so-called nikki haley voters that we have seen persistently turnout in these primaries. they believe that that is something that could attract them to their sayyed. and that s why you saw that s one of the reasons why you saw biden speaks so forcefully in these issues over the last several days, he never really said the words donald trump, but you see the political subtexts. you can t help but see that contrast that president biden and his aides are trying to implicitly make against you know, someone like donald trump who disparages the nato alliance, who has said, who has given the green light to putin to do whatever he wants and biden says that is not the way and you really invokes the memory of d-day invokes the the honor of these army rangers to say what would they ask us? to do? we they would ask us to. one quote was vanquish hateful ideologies and you can t help but think that president biden was thinking about donald trump at that moment and look, but you talked about trump versus biden on some of these issues, isn t voters view them according to recent quinnipiac paul preserving democracy as joe biden i ll play a lot seven points, but he is losing. he s underwater. and what the israel-hamas more in russia ukraine, war, morrow i mean, what do you explain that? because trump is barely talked about what is policy is on the israel-hamas war or on ukraine for oh, he s been pretty clear on ukraine. he was impeached the first time because he held up military aid to ukraine. but about how to end this war. yeah, you know, except for that he d ended on day one. what this one was the president. but what s interesting about that, the bad numbers on gaza are about internal democratic divisions that young people and progressives are angry with biden about that. i think that as if biden can succeed in conflating foreign policy in the threat-to-democracy, which is pretty high up on those list of concerns foreign policies way down. but democracy is way up. if you can conflate them, i think that can help them. and what really struck me about the president and europe the things he said could have been said by any president. in other words, of course, we re going to defend democracy and our allies. but because he s running again, someone on a pretty openly authoritarian platform who said nice things about putin disparaged nato allies said, we don t really deserve belong in ukraine. it s not our fight. that s what made this contrast. so explicit want to turn to what you have is what you, some breaking news here about a major issue that president is going to confront and dealing with immigration. right now, if you look at this is isaac story from this morning, biden nears huge next move on. immigrations. you tries to win over latinos in key states this past week, he moved forward in an executive action that angered a lot of folks on the left to try to clamp down on migrant crossings at the southern border. this time a shift. what is it? what are reporting is that the president is very close to moving forward on what would be the next round of executive actions. it would be to make work possible legally for long term undocumented immigrants who are married to americans it sounds like a small group. it s actually about 800,000 people, predominantly latino, when you think about the effect that this haves, it s not just on those people themselves, it s of course, on their spouses under kidd on their whole networks around them, that really makes a reverberating effect through millions of people. by the way, many of those people concentrated in arizona, nevada, georgia, places of the president has been behind a specialty with latinos. there s a political benefit here, but to folks who are been involved with this, this looks a lot to them like daqqa to 0.0 this time, 2012, it was june 15, 2012, barak obama created the daca program for people who had been brought here as children, unknowingly to, so that they could be legal status that to a lot of people was one of the turning point moments for obama s reelection campaign. there is a deep desire to replicate that both in terms of the policy effect here and in terms of the political effect. yeah the political factors. one thing we ll look at it right now. obviously, both polls showed that biden is struggling with on the issue of immigration is what it is major vulnerabilities, but had a biden s bars versus trump s supporters look at the idea of undocumented immigrants and whether they should be able to stay in the us legally if certain requirements are met, the recent pupils that 85% of biden supporters would are supportive of that. but just 32% of trump s supporters such a divide here, but it s clearly he s moving. you could say, to the left to try to placate those concerns is hearing one, how he s been heroin and certainly i think it reflects the kind of cross pressures he s feeling. when the number of issues not only immigration before in policy, this is a president who s tried to be everything to everyone in a lot of points. and with on both the border. and i think in foreign policy you ve seen the difference the gold teeth on that. i think that biden. okay. man, obviously with this is a strip that has flipped to a political liability and i think it s because democrats have not had an affirmative position on a lot of these issues. they have been able to criticize donald trump and republican actions, but there has not been a unified view from both top of the party to the base. well, what to do about immigration? and once you do a look abroad, but i think it s important that we don t see these issues as completely separate. when people talk about the economy too often bring up the fact that we re, that we re giving a lot of money into ukraine in israel when people talk about foreign policy, they ll bring up preserving democracy. these things are working together and also biden s perception, even things like age, the perception of him is not in the driver s seat of kind of events, but reacting to advance, it s something that happens on the foreign policy states that is contributing to his perception of unpopularity domestically. so these things are all kind of all working together to create a really difficult picture for this president. but i think what we re seeing now is the is the white house trying to take a more active role in shaping ahead of this debate so that by the time donald trump makes these arguments, he can point to very specific things that he has done recently specifically on the issue he has someone isaac mentioned about the impact that leads me like dog got the biden team looks kinda views this as darker. 22 of you covered this very closely at that time biden has struggled since then, with hispanic voters. this is having any impact. do you think with that key demographic or is this something similar in any way to what obama did more than a decade ago? well, i was i was talking with some some people who work in this space and there s so much anger after the border executive action that the president role that this week, that there s some thought that they might not even want to praise whatever affirmative action that the administration roles that that would help these undocumented immigrants. but i think another thing to remember too, is that president obama in 2014 rolled out something similar on executive action that was actually blocked by the supreme court. and it was never implemented. and now i m sure biden s team i m sure biden s lawyers are trying to make sure to craft this proposal in a way that they feel could withstand scrutiny. but first of all, the supreme court is a lot more conservative now than it was in 24 14. and he s already going to he could do these things either on the border or on that. it could get blocked by the courts. and then what does that do? then what does that do? those people who he s trying to thwart such a good point, but i m sure republicans will have something to say. this as well. all right coming up next is retribution on the ballot in november i ll dive into president trump s former president trump s new calls for revenge. and my reporting on how far his party is willing to go to back them up get a vote for trump. now i 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own with the security features we need. because my businesses are my life let s, talk was a blow it up. so whatever s next, we ll cook in which by gnats make switch to the partner businesses rely on before i would earth, would we have schreiber tonight? did nine on cnn vice president kamala harris, making news overnight and going on the attack and even going a bit further than her boss taking aim at donald trump in the aftermath of his felony conviction. speaking to michigan democrats last night. here s called trump, a cheater and said he thinks he is above the law. she said that should be disqualifying for anyone who wants to be president of the united states. but how is the rest of the political world responding to the guilty verdict in my new reporting this week with any grayer, we speak to some of the most vulnerable republicans and democrats and find it s often the democrats unwilling to speak about the verdict while swing district republicans rally to the former president s defense and have no pumps with a convicted felon at the top of their ticket by panels back to discuss this isaac use put a lot time with kamala harris. what do you make of the fact that she s going further down again and then biden i in april, spent a bunch of time with her, wrote a piece about how she is really embracing the campaign and the campaign aspects of things which is looser, swinging harder at trump. she also at this book moment, it does not have a direct opponent, right? we re waiting for donald trump to pick a running mate. we ll see who it is, but that puts her in this position where she can continue just going at trumping going at it, him in a way that i think actually speaks to where a lot of the democratic voters would like more democrats to be the response from joe biden and from the biden campaign overall, to donald trump s conviction is just stays convicted felon, not really talk about the details of it, and not really talk about it that much even at all and that has struck a lot of democrats in the wider world as a sort of strange approach. given that they would like you to brace as you may get more part of your message their goal here is to beat donald trump and part of that would be from making him more disqualified in the eyes of voters, harris went right out that and by the way, she went right at it at a democratic party in michigan democratic party event rather, and michigan that is where i think we should expect to see her much more over the course of the next six reminds me of her presidential campaign, you know, justices on the ballot. common harris prosecuting the case against donald trump. these were all kind of ethos is that were part of the original premise of her as a politician. i think that is going to be the rozi place to isaac s point, to be two, to actually be able to make the case in a more direct way than joe biden. well, but at the same time, we haven t seen real returns from this and especially because on the public side, that conviction has not registered as a huge shift. we were following the news there are times polling about what actually moved people after the conviction. and you saw two points moving away from from trump to biden, but some of that was drop-off, just the interest in third-party, some of that. but the landscape is really messy around this conviction, but it s not telling the sea change and last year when we were talking to democrats about the premise of biden s campaign part of it was a belief that the legal problems will make donald trump inherently uncollectible. we have not seen that come to fruition and so what the harris is doing, i think it s to try to make that true in a way that democrats have not been able to kind of make that reality such so far, but their belief that they would inevitably happen has not come to pass. and we re going to dive a little deeper. about the impacts are not at bag will have on the numbers in the next segments. thanks for that good there was going to board a cub meanwhile, we ve heard to trump and just talk about retribution and what does that exit mean? who really knows, but this is what he s talking about. this is his messaging in the aftermath of his conviction will revenge, just take time. i will say there has births and sometimes revenge can be justified. feel i have to be honest. sometimes they can it s very terrible thing. it s a terrible precedent for our country. does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question. when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them i mean, sure. he s rallied the base in the aftermath of the conviction, but is at risk of going too far. there might be the thing that struck me about donald trump s campaign is how much it s been base oriented, how much he doesn t seem to care about those independence or nikki haley voters he s just really been ever since the beginning of the political yeah, this is his theory of the case. it s like a cable news business model. you don t have to a bigger audience, they just have to watch him 24/7 how much money you raised so that but but i think that the republican party has fallen in line. i mean, some of his supporters are calling for jailing alvin bragg, something for supporters are calling for executing the alvin bragg, but and to a person, there behind him, will it have a risk? certainly we haven t seen that in the polls so far, but this is a race that s going to be won or lost on the market a tiny little shift of voters could make a big difference in battleground states speaking up, falling in line yes, i spoke to i spoke to a number of the sum of those vulnerable republicans in the house. so people will represent districts that joe biden won some districts even by double-digits. and i asked them, you have a convicted felon at the top of the ticket. are you still going to support now that trump has been convicted, are you planning on supporting him in november versus joe biden yes. yeah i already he voted for him in the primary november the way this is about the american people. i have no issues in supporting donald trump for president the united states. he s the republican nominee on the republican yeah. a lot of my constituents are i think even more than supportive now because democrats went way too far. having a convicted felon and a district like yours hurt republicans. my district school, a very smart people with firm grasp reality. they can smell give a comment that last one was caused the tom king junior who did not respond. the other ones indicated they did look at another political universe you have a candidate who has some baggage. you re vulnerable member, you run away from, you don t want anything to do with them. this is the trump era when republicans are fine, he s a convicted felon. they ll side with his messaging when i was watching that, i was reminded a lot of the dynamics that we saw after the access hollywood tape in 2016 when we did see some on endorsements, but most of the party rally behind him because they know they re the republican lawmakers you talked to. they ve either accepted or maybe are residing to the fact that president trump is their party s nominee. and they know they cannot lose their base of supporters if they want to win they do need to attract the independent voters, which is why they say things like, well, we re supportive of trump, that we don t like the verdict and all that, but let s talk about the economy let s talk about immigration. that s how they tried to broaden their own coalition of voters. and i was just blast for the past manu, but remember when joe heck in 2016 shamelessly on endorse trump on live tv after access hollywood, i remember strategists at the time saying that s kind of where his campaign started going downhill because you really need to cole are really bring together, consolidate your own based first. yeah, good, good reference and then 2012, there s also but it was also the dynamic here is that there are republicans in the swing districts who are fine with endorsing trump than the love vulnerable democrats, vulnerable senate democrats in these purple-ish, even red states. and whether they are going to talk about the trump guilty verdict do you think that i will come back to trump verdict? was did they get this correct? the trump verdict, the jury in new york the jury decision, and they that s their that s their decision. and we ll see with an acceptance, did the jury get it right in new york? sayyed put out a statement. i ve said what i ve said. do you support that meantime, there are republican opponents have come and gone after them with ads. tim sheehy and montana put out an ad saying that jon tester, who s running against them standing on the attacking him for the verdict and sherrod brown is a bone-in tagging him over the verdict in these members don t want to talk about was that tell you well, look, i mean, that s montana now it s the very republican state and job bob casey s from pennsylvania. i think that that s trays and look, i think that this is the tension they re facing. look, i had a story a couple of days ago that was also a bad the biden campaign s outreach beginning to republicans and i think it is definitely the case that republican leaders, current republican leaders please do not want to have any sunlight between them and donald trump, but among a lot of former republican leaders, there is now some connections going on to the biden campaign. and the question that a lot of them raised to me is how many republicans looking voters are there out there who maybe don t want to say it publicly. but who once they go into the voting booth, pulled the curtain tight, we ll actually not vote for donald trump or even vote for joe biden. maybe skip it or vote. that is a huge question. for the rest of the campaign. all right, up next, our first hint is at how trump s verdict is sitting with voters will dive into this week s polling and hero why some voters could be and the brink of switching sides the cnn presidential debates, june 27th, nine live. i m cnn and streaming. and it s never a good time for migraine especially when i m on camera. that s why am i go-to is nortech ott for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura. and there preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all in one don t take if allergic to near taco dt allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain people depend on me without a migraine. i can be there for them to talk to your doctor about neuro check ott today my name is braden i only 5-years-old when i can thank you seen jim how trains shore and down the story shell, and then having these headaches that want to go away my mom she was just crying what they. said. their son has brain cancer it was 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finding a cure for childhood cancer may means everything helps st. jude give kids with cancer a chance artificial intelligence is transforming agriculture advancing healthcare, and strengthening small businesses. this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america s economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology but china now wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. are leaders in congress need to stand up cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19 closed, captioning brought to you by guilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, it house the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurrying, they ll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so of today it s been ten days since donald trump became a convicted felon now, we have an early sense on whether it s having any impact at all on voters while new polling shows there are some small size of shifts. broadly speaking, it has not made much of a dent in trump s standing, at least not yet. new poll from fox news shows the former president still ahead several key states, except notably in virginia, where the poll shows the race is tied. and of course, president biden won virginia in 2020 by about ten points or panel is back just a little bit deeper than that fox news poll about how independence, what they view, this has an impact in these swing-state, the hush money verdict the guilty verdict their 29% of voters in virginia say it matters up to 44% in florida, then you have the doesn t matter, 68% in virginia, all the way down to 52%, say it doesn t matter now we don t know that that means whether they re going to actually vote or they will vote but it doesn t seem to be. again, not a game changer. look, we always said this was the weakest of all the cases against him. it turns out it s the only one that s probably going to happen before election day and most people say it s not going to change their votes. npr, pbs, marist had a poll, 60 something percent said it won t change their votes, but 17% said they would, and that matters in a battleground state. so it might happen around the edges, but the biden campaign has to figure out how to make it matter. i don t think they re very clear yet on the best way to do that instead, you had actually been speaking to some of these voters throughout the course of these legal cases in your podcasts, you talked to a voter about whether they would switch to biden. this was someone who had said they were going to vote for trump and now will they switch vote for biden now that he s a guilty guilty in this case? so i was thinking along the lines of the january 6. now i m comprising yup. if you went after my mat and you re able to get them on something like that. that might make me change my mind, but this being a big item on i m sorry. it just doesn t sway me. i think it was a crime i am that in another world, if he was another person and nobody would have touched it, would you? this? is an arizona republican voter. cells as mine hasn t changed. yeah, this is part of two groups we spoke to. the first, which includes cart, was people who had set in the october york times paul, that if trump was convicted of a crime, they would change their mind. they would start that they were trump supporters will be open the backing biden was about 7% of people. now, when we call it a lot of those folks back as new york times polling was doing over the last week, almost universally they were having added caveats to that opinion, say, oh, was a different case as kurt said, or maybe if it turned out or maybe the facts were more but they folks weren t really changing because because of this but when we call back to the majority of voters in the general national survey, you did see one to 2% of movement away from by, away from trump toward biden. and so that can to the point about margins make a small difference. but i would caution against saying this doesn t matter at all. donald trump s donald trump s legal problems have been ingested by most people well, and it s part of the reason democrats have done better and things like the midterms as far the reason joe biden has a narrative to tell swing voters in independence, because oftentimes it has come back to hurt donald trump. donald trump is a weak general election candidate, partially because of these things, all of the polling would tell us that republicans will be better served if someone else was at the top of the ticket, how ever because he s going up against another week candidate and joe biden relative to each other. he s still retaining that level of support. so that s what really came through in this poli. and it s not the people did not care about donald trump s baggage, is that it wasn t enough to overcome some of the unpopularity of joe biden. that s what we re seeing. that s a little more deeper rooted. i think some democrats expect, of course, the fact that a lot of these other cases almost certainly will not get reach a verdict november then it shows you that voter may not be swayed. we ll see, but i do want to turn to the other big criminal case. so hunter biden case, the president s son, there could be verdict this week. in fact, the instill question about whether hunter biden will testify. it seems unlikely he will in his own defense in this criminal case what s been we ll see what the fallout is depending on what the verdict ultimately is, what s been notable is there s been a shift a bit in trump s own messaging about this from 2022. now hunter, you got thrown out of the military. he was thrown out dishonorably discharged. that s not true. was it two years. and he didn t have a job until you became vice president. i feel very badly for them in terms of the addiction part of what they have, right now, because i understand the addiction world and i ve also not only a brother, i ve lost a lot of friends to addiction so suddenly he s changed his tune and hunter biden well, like many people saw that moment when the debate that followed that in 2020, when joe biden spoke very personally in viscerally about his son facing addiction and families of the face as one of joe biden s best moments in the campaign. donald trump seems to be responding to that. i think the other thing here is that this case is it s really complicated what happened with hunter biden here. it s not about drug use, it s about the gun charges related to drug use and trump s supporters are trump aides have said that they feel like this is not the kind of thing that they would like to be prosecuting the case on hunter on it doesn t get to the business dealings, it doesn t get to joe biden enriching himself. look, if you re going to get into complicated family dynamics with a lot of children the trump family has some you don t but speaking obviously says personal issue and the president, but politically zero concern in the biden camp about what a guilty verdict may mean for the president november they think that people will view these things separately. well, i think they re trying to make sure that these legal his legal hunters legal cases don t get conflated with what the present for the former president has been convicted of. and they are so different, obviously not only different facts, but hunter s a private citizen donald trump is the republican nominee. what what he does has a direct bearing on the american people, whereas janiot, you can i really argue that. but i think the democrats are really trying to make sure that in the eyes of the public that those two those two issues are kept separate. i think the concern among democrats is just the impact on president biden himself and he is a father. i this is his son going through very difficult moment and a moment of his life. he s got a lot going on this month. he s got the debate coming up. he s got another foreign trip later this week, and just that just weighing on him, i think that is the concern of mine. and democrats. course this past week, you would not pardon. sorry. if he is convicted all right. next is trump s search for a running mate narrowly new details from this week, including whether one possible candidate is drying too just a little too hard bathroom. so musty new fast acting drop-in tab a traps and traps excess moisture, eliminating musty the odor if we weren t proud of the craftsmanship and level of detail that go into every pair of warby parker glasses well, we probably wouldn t show you how they re made including this part which is our favorite wow and this is also great. each pair comes standard with lenses that are scratch resistant anti reflective and uv protective try five peers for free at warbyparker well done, viv, you ve got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to put a smile on your or face has been dental provides complete affordable care with 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spring moving segall has been extended, save up to 25% i m moving in storage until june 10 and cy pods, it s been trusted with over 6 million moves, don t wait, use promo code 25. now to save, look at today, maria and julio thought their life would never slow down then one day it finally you will make to find inner peace we will make to track flight prices to paradise this making you uncomfortable. good. when you ve got type two diabetes like me, you have up to four times greater risk of stroke heart attack, or worse death even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i m not trying to scare you. i m empowering you to get real with your health care provider talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death this is cnn the world s news it s betting season, that time of year when the presidential standard baer and his team intensify their scrutiny of a possible running mate, several potential trump vp picks have now received vetting materials and two of them, senator joe jd vance, and note dakota governor doug burgum joining trump on a west coast swing this week. trump s as you re announcing his choice at the republican national convention next month and fouls back. okay, mara, your crystal ball, where do you think that trump it lands here. i mean, there s obviously there s a list of running mates. you can see on your screen where it knows it s hard to make predictions, especially about the future and about, and about. look, this is the most normal part of donald trump. this is he picked mike pence last time. totally normal. he wanted the evangelical community. mike pence was the ambassador to that constituency. totally understandable in this case. he has a couple of choices. he can pick a person of color, reach out to minority voters or you can pick doug bergen, burgum and increase his credentials with the business community. some of some of whom are a little nervous about him, or he could double down on maga and go for a jd vance? yeah. what he s gonna do. i don t know. but in the past we know that he s done the normal thing. yeah. that would be a burgum pads speaking of burgum is how the washington post put it broken is viewed by some trump allies, is trying too hard, but trump seems to have genuine personal chemistry with them according to people familiar with the matter, i mean, trump also wants loyalty. obviously, there s anyone does a particularly trump loyalty. trump s all else pun intended. i find it interesting that they think, or they are some advisors think they re doug burgum is trying too hard because so many of these vp candidates are really auditioning without saying they re jacking for the position and you mentioned jd vance and burgum campaigning out with with president trump. jd vance was asked about this. you have tim scott, i believe spending $14 million on an ad campaign. they re doing a lot to try to get that vp slot. they re just not saying that. yeah. there s the question of does it help in other parts of the ticket, tim scott, maybe helps with black voters. trump just got to hello percent supportive blackboards in 2020, at least to phonic. she up with women. he just got 42%. he s gonna do better in both groups, but vice presidential candidates don t always change the equation. yeah, we often have this kind of discussion with them when we know this is going to be probably about the top of the ticket with it does du obviously set up a vice presidential debate between this person and vice president harris. but i think these kind of normal calculations is what donald trump is going through. what we can bet on is the show. he is announcing this as the republican national committee. he s hoping he s hosting an apprentice like trial that was at new hampshire after the primary and when he had people speak one by one and what felt like a live audition process? we can bet on the spectacle of it all, but i do think the kind of traditional political calculus is where a lot of these things, law, it s kind of surprising, actually to see the names live rubio on the list kind of more traditional republican figures. but i think it speaks to someone who feels like he s in a good position to win this election. and this thinking more about consolidation of the party at large, rather then more firebrand type methods could even jd vance isn t as maga as he could have gone over. some people were expecting last year in quickly as it who do you think that the biden team wants trump to pick? they would like someone who doesn t bring in a lot of votes from doug burgum, like are they scared i think that that is much more on people s minds, but i do think that one thing that will be notable here as we go through this drawn out process trump does. is that a lot of these people, doug burgum said that he would not do business with trump. marco rubio said people would come to regret going trump. a lot of these people used to say that trump was terrible yeah. this is her tv absolutely absolutely. great discussion coming up or exclusive sit-down interview with a member of congress diagnosed with debilitating brain disease how she s making history and inspiring others it may show you to hear this, but this is not my real voice pods spring moving sale has been extended, save up to 25% on moving in storage until june 10, and see via pods, it s been trusted with over you re six million moves, don t wait, use promo code 25. now to save, look at today, my name age braden. i wish 5-years-old when i can changing. how trained short-run gown the story shell, and then having these headaches that when i go away my mom crying what they said, they re saying has brain cancer it was your worst fear coming to life? watching your child grow up is the dream. every parent you can join the battle to save the lives of kids leg braden, by supporting st. jude children s research hospital families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food. so they can focus on helping their child what they ve done for me, my son, my family sorry life is a gift, especially for a child battling cancer call or go online and helps save the lives of children like braden now i m 11-years-old. we were actually doing the checkup for my brain and they they saw something in my throat viroids, cancer it was heartbreaking to find out he has cancer again, but we knew who we have behind us it gives me hope. you can make a difference joined with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month and we ll send you this same as you t-shirt without st. jude or its donors we would have been in a bad place these kids, they ve done nothing wrong in the world finding a cure for talented cancer remains everything helps st. jude give kids with cancer a chance a us bank, we know how good it feels to reach your milestones. but we also know what really goes into getting you there that s why we introduced cobras, which connects you to a real banker in real time to help you do 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melania zona has the story it may shock you to hear this, but this is not my real voice. once a rising star in the democratic party, congresswoman jennifer waxen, flip house seat in 2018. i ve been saying since the beginning of this campaign that he s is coming to america and changes coming to virginia and that change came tonight. now, a rare brain disease has forced her into early retirement and robbed waxen of the ability to speak but that hasn t stopped her from using her voice. i hope i can show that even instability dating a diagnosis has this doesn t have to mean you are powerless and finding moments of levity and fund helps to last year at 56-years-old wac than was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy to have find incurable disease that impacts about 30,000 americans described as parkinson s on steroids psp affects the brain cells that control balance, walking, speech, and swallowing. we give are you polish shakes when it comes to illness progressive is not a good thing to be as her condition began to rapidly deteriorate, the congresswoman and mom of two learn to adapt last month, weapon became the first lawmaker to use a voice app is to deliver a speech on the house floor, a history-making moment that prompted an outpouring of support, psp makes it very difficult for me to speak and i use an assistive app so that you and our colleagues can understand me she also uses the app to participate in committee hearings. she shows up every time we have a committee hearings. and she represents her people and god bless her people she s representing a getting a hell of a deal with her and so i had to communicate with colleagues and staff in all of the congressional text chains that exist, like she is absolutely like top five funniest waxen isn t the only member of congress using assistive technology senator john fetterman relies on an app to help him process what he s hearing as he recovers from a stroke in my recovery was to the point where now it s really this fetterman was so touched by waxen story that he sent the congresswoman a personal note to let her know that she is not alone. she is inspiring people by being able to perform her job because a lot of million americans have to everyday tasks can still be a challenge for weston, the capitol hill campus has not historically been very ada friendly how have you? he found the institution? do you think it s been adequately equipped to handle people with disabilities? you measure notice how it accessible of place maybe until it s you who relies on the accessibility accommodations. and weston says some of her colleagues now treat her differently. it s especially frustrating and deploying when people mistake my speaking struggles for like cognitive ability. i ve had experiences where well-meaning colleagues always men have approached me seeing hi jennifer, it soon, so like, yeah, of course i know who you are. i ve seen you hear every day for the last five years, the chaotic speaker s race in october took an added one, weston who was forced to miss doctor s appointments because of the grueling schedule that was probably the worst i felt physically and emotionally since i was diagnosed but quitting early was not something like ever seriously he entertained before she leaves congress early next year, waxed as using her platform to raise awareness about brain diseases like psp she organized an advocacy week last month, while the senate recently passed her national plan to end parkinson s disease, she s an inspiration while many would have been discouraged or lost hope with a disease like this, she is endured. she has used her struggled to help others. and now the bill goes to the president s desk, a bipartisan bill named in her honor. what do you want your congressional legacy to be i hope that one day when we have eradicated parkinson s in parkinson s isms, paton leucine even though it was too late for her to help herself. she helped countless others pretty incredible story, thanks to my balloon is known for bringing is that today? that s it for inside politics sunday, you can follow me on x, formerly known as twitter at mk raju fall the show it inside politics. and if you ever miss an episode, you can catch up wherever you get to podcasts, just search for it inside pollak up that state of the union with jake tapper and dana bash dam has guests include us national security adviser jake solvent as well as governors gretchen whitmer and christina no. thanks again for sharing her sunday morning with us. see you next time if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics act of gumbert pair breath freshener, clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease a new toothpaste from paradise context, the dom experts. this will be a goldmine of local intel. just you wait so tell us about this corn festival. he got your corn pudding. you ve got your corn chowder. it s how is it safe for anterior 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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe Weekend 20240608

class= nosel >
div class= colspacer >
div class= gutr > artwork and his name. he seemed content. during one of his mental health evaluations, he told doctors, this is the happiest i ve been in my life. i m happy as a clam, to be honest. i really am. be honest. i really am. jr. who four decades after shooting an american president appeared at peace with his past. that s all for this edition of dateline. # thank you for watching. . good morning. and welcome to the saturday edition of morning joe weekend. it was a busy week, so let s get to the conversations you might have missed. you can t gag a nominee. can you imagine you are running for office and not allowed to talk. when that ndhappens, we are no longer s democracy. and we are not ppgoing to let that happen. and i know a lot of republicans want retribution and want to do that we are rigoing to see what happens. donald trump is ratcheting up threats to prosecute his rivals if reelected following his conviction on 34 felony counts in his criminal hush money trial. and in a new piece for the new york times, it s taking a closer eslook at what that coul mean. explaining it like this, the justice department is part of the executive branch. and he will be its boss. he will be able to tell its officials to investigate and prosecute his rivals and mr. trump who has made no secret of his desire to purge the federal bureaucracy of those found insufficiently loyal to achis agenda will be able to fire those who refuse. what s more, the times also highlights how republican leaders in and out of government, are publicly pushing to prosecute democrats as legal retribution for trump s felony conviction. specifically, steve bannon, the former chief s strategist evto trump who fowas convicted in a federal prosecution for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena. and in the january 6th investigation. he told the times in a text message that now is the time for obscure republican prosecutors around the country to make a name for themselves by prosecuting democrats. stating, there are dozens of ambitious back bencher state attorneys general and district attorneys who need to seize the day and own this moment in history. the cohost of the weekend simone sanders townsent and an host of the podcast on brand with donny deutch and state attorney for palm beach county, florida, dave. dave, can you expound upon how this time around if trump did win another term in the presidency, that actually those threats wouldn t be something that republicans or people who choose to vote for him despite thinking that s wrong, perhaps going oh, you know, he is not serious, how actually this time around it can be serious. it s dangerous if donald trump gets a lackey as attorney general they have immense powers as federal prosecutor a and less ability to influence local prosecutors. one of the best things about being a local district attorney is that the governor, the attorney general and the president isthey are not your bosses. the people of our communities are our bosses, and that s why when maga blames joe biden for pulling the strings in the new york case. they are lying or have fundamental misunderstanding of the chris fuma am justice syste i can assure you no might house or president e called me to go after anyone especially donald trump. and if the white house was involved at the local level ed they would be calling me e because i am the state attorney with mar-a-lago in my jurisdiction. what this shows is team trump is projecting yet again when they claim that prosecutors are weaponized against former president. they are now trying to do what they are falsely accusing political opponents. it s cynical and dangerous and shows how the rule of law means nothing to the people. let s take other side and what democrats are tdoing and should be emdoing in the wake o the verdict. have seen polls suggest slight move towards president biden. a point or two. new york potimes had a survey they went back and recanvassed voters they spoke to and now the verdict modest but 2 points towards biden in race that s clothes but what should democrats being doing in terms of addressing the rules of law but how should they be taking on the verdict? is it something that should be front and center inor a piece o the puzzle. i said last week. it s a branding issue. whenever they refer to them they should start with convicted felon like he used to call lying ted. that s his name convicted felon donald trump. keep it present because as you talked about earlier, the a parade moves on. and this is something the parade shouldn t move on. the other thing i couldn t help watching this tmorning from normandy and biden speech, as biden referred to tyranny around the world and a w dictatorship and lack of freedom around the world, i was not confused. i was thinking was he talking about trump or putin which was the bigger threat he was talking about. and everybody should just watch and look at faces of those hundred-year-old men, the greatest generation who gave their lives not they gave their lives but partners gave their lives and they put their lives on the line. what they did that for so we, today, could have a free vote. it s as simple as that. they gave it for freedom. what s on the line in the ballot, and i am not overlie dramatic is free elections going forward. donald trump tellsous what he is going to do and will we have free elects if donald trump is elected and that s on the line and that s also with democrats we have to continue to do is no more complicated than that. it s freedom versus the end of democracy. that s it. that s not hyperbole. and simone, in order to dedo that and in order to defeat donald trump, think we have to pick up a certain percentage of trump voters. so. well. my question go ahead. well, tii would say, not tru voters because trump voters are voting for trump. there are very few people who brand themselves as trump voters who would consider casting a ballot for joe biden. and so i actually think in y order to win, joe biden has to recreate parts of his coalition from 2020, and that coalition included republicans and obviously an until of voters and democrat being base voters. and i have to tell you all i talked to our colleague michael steele one of oumy cohost on th weekend about this often. and michael hesteele is you hav to create a structure because republicans and they cannot fathom e voting for joe biden. he think what the issue is democratic voters, because the tent is so big, especially black and latino voters, young people, right, women voting democrat for a long time, they have not had a problem going into a voting booth checking the box or pushing a button for a person that doesn t align with them on everything because they are clear about why they are voting and the person will give me everything and is not with me on all the things. but i got to go into the ballot box for x, y and z. lee pub cans voters have not had to do that for a lopping time. to ask republican voters never had to hold the nose and cast a ballot for someone they don t think alines with them 100%. and in this election, when we talk about democracy, and i heard hearing joe biden this morning every day i am proud to be an american. but today maybe especially proud because especially the joe biden is our president. because when he stood out there and he said that it is the blood of the young and the brave that will defend and he laid made the case very clear, that s not a speech donald trump could have given. it s not something donald trump believes. but it is going to take a coalition of people, again, as times wrote in america, presidents have to earn the mandate and idearn it from the voters. and the question on the table is can joe biden earn the mandate. and think he can but they have to recreate the coalition. simone, what he said was the price of unchecked tyranny is the blood of our young. and will we stand up to that tyranny. the answer is yes. and i felt the same thing you did. i did feel the very same way. george s 2020 election interference case will not go to trial before presidential election this november. yesterday, a georgia court of appeals officially stayed the case until at least october. that ntmonth the court will hea a challenge of judge scott decision s to allow district attorney fani willis to remain. it applies to former president trump and multiple codefendants including rudy giuliani and former white house chief of staff mark meadows. it seems in two of the really key cases, jonathan, the delays keep coming. yeah, the trump playbook for more than a year now is all the charges and various jurisdictions was to delay, delay, delay to try to push them past the election. that didn t work in new york. and atwe know that and got a verdict last week. but seems to be working about everywhere else. georgia case definitively not happening until after the election. mar-a-lago classified documents case, judge cannon seems to be running interference at times for the trump campaign and that s been delayed. so dave, that leaves one. and that s the federal january 6th case. he which right now, big peas of it lie before the supreme court waiting a-a ruling whether or not presidents have full immunity. it s been described to me as a couple options here. one option is they say no of course not and if that s the case there is still a slim chance that jack smith could get the trial done in maybe august and therefore, we would have that before the election. but, if they do anything else including kick it back to the circuit court it will be beyond ma. give us your analysis what you think could, but will happen. the only case that could go before the election is that d.c. election interference case. judge cannon slow walking the case and cathe case in fulton county and fani willis had self- inflicted wounds and d.c. a judge who wants it to go and prosecution who wants it to go, but the supreme court is holding it up. now, there are a lot of options. the people are court could ou throw it back to the judge and say fact-finding. p that would make much harder . to have the trial before the election. but she would have a public fact-finding hearing which then the public would learn about all the dirty details around donald trump s involvement with january 6th. that s something. but in the end, think the problem is that the people need to know whether donald trump is guilty of the crimes and everyone was agasped about on january 6th. and department of justes which normally doesn t push cases shortly before the election has announced they will go to trial in this case wwithin 06 days o the election if the supreme court gives it the green light. we have lots more to get to this hour. morning joe weekend continues after a short break. joe weeken after a short break. ke a migrai. with nurtec odt, i found relief. nothing dims on a migraine with nurtek odt i found relief. it helps to treat and prevent all in 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that parallel with some of the what we have seen in washington that delayed the much needed aid ukraine needed to push back against russian aggression? well, you know, that aide should have gotten there a long time ago but i am glad it is there i and making a difference. every i day we are pushing it to the front lines making sure ukrainians have it and can use it. but there s a powerful parallel between what we are commemorating today and what we are doing. back then it was not just the united states. here in normandy, 12 countries came together. 160,000 men coming to the beach, coming to start the final fight that ultimately 11 months later led to victory in world war ii. ukraine, more than 50 countries standing up, standing together, and making sure that ukraine has what it needs to defend itself and push back aggression. and that s the power of our alliances and that s the biggest difference maker in the world. our adversaries and competitors, they don t have the same alliances they coerced countries and pay them off, here, we have country after country that volunteers to stand together stand together in defense of principles that we share and need tee fending. we see that in ukraine and saw it 80 years ago here in normandy. mr. secretary, good morning. of course, the war in ukraine is the backdrop to where you are today in normandy. i wanted to get your reaction. donald trump, the presumptive republican nominee said a few times including last night on social media that he is saying that putin will release wall street journal report evan gershkovich who is being held prisoner on espionage and suggested putin will do so after the election were trump to win. can you give us a sense what he is talking about. is there a back channel conversation between trump and putin offer is this sort of dangerous rhetoric? i don t know what he is talking about. i can t speculate on it. all i can tell you is, we are working every day to make sure americans who are being detained arbitrarily whether in russia or anywhere else, come home. and we managed to bring more americans home who are being arbitrarily detained than any administration. and i carry a list with me every day of the americans who remain detained by one power or another, and we are working every day to make sure that not another day goes by before they are brought home to their families. i am not sure what he is referencing, but i can tell you we are working at it every day. mr. secretary, as you sat there this morning on sacred ground, you witnessed a group of veterans aged 98 to 103, struggling to stand in order to receive the legion of merit from the president of the united states and the president of france. given the burden that the president is carrying and you are carrying, in gaza, in the kyiv i was wondering as you watch the ceremonies and looked at the faces of these aged veterans, what were you thinking about? mike, it s it was such an incredibly powerful moment to look at men to try to imagine what it was like for them. 80 years ago. and he thought back because my dad, then, 80 years ago, had just left college in the middle of his school year, to signp for the air force to prepare to go into world war ii. and some where else on this continent, my stepfather was incarcerated in concentration camp. a death camp. and the men who came here to normandy 80 years ago, and turned the tide on the war because 11 months later world war ii was over, some of them went onto liberate the camps. and liberate my step dad and he was liberated by an american tank with that 5 pointed white star on it rushing up to a gi in the tank who opened the hatch and african american gi and he said then the only words he knew in the english language, god bless america. that s what i was thinking about today. god bless america. god bless the men who were before us who saved the world. mr. secretary, the president talked about nato how it is growing, how much stronger it will become against these dark forces. we have had a time in the united states where the commander in chief at the time, did not respect nato, i will say it kindly undermined it. can you share what s most important about the conviction and commitment of this international alliance. mika, it s really as i said, our comparative advantage we bring other countries together in common purpose so it s not just america alone. it s all of us taking on and upholding the cause of freedom. in ukraine more than 50 countries. not just the united states. and for everything we are putting into it, collectively our partners, our allies, are putting in more. and that s what s making the difference. so, to deny ourselves those alie ands alliances would be to short change our interest to do everything ourselves on it wouldn t get done. we used to have an idea after world war ii, called enlightened self-interest where the investments in others the work we did with others that came back ten times, 100 times, 1,000 times to our benefit. it meant we had new allies to deter aggression and new partners to deal with big problems that one country can t deal with alone. we had new markets for our businesses and our workers to sell to. that made sense for america. it makes sense for america. and president biden is determined and as he has been from day one, to make sure that our alliances are strong, partnerships are real, because that s good for the country. coming up, a new wide ranging interview with president biden revealing what he hopes to do if he is elected to a second term. we will talk with time magazine reporter who spoke to the president exclusively. don t go anywhere. nice to meet you. my name is david. i been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in, and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen because it is effective and doesn t require a prescription and i have taken it and i love it when customers say david, that really worked so good for me. makes my day. 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month of the year. what blowout. your 401ks and money will be worthless. you might have noticed in the corner of the screen the dow is never been higher than this. biden wins there will be no fracking no oil. united states producing more oil than any country ever in history. bankrupt your social security system. senior citizens set to see a bump in the social security chengp. you will be locked down for years. covid-19 public health emergency in the country officially ending midnight tonight. if biden won china would own the united states. they would literally own the united states. trade deficit with was up and biden it is come down. no school graduation no weddings. marriages are back to prepandemic levels. no thanksgiving. happy thanksgiving. no easters. happy easter. no christmases. merry christmas america. no 4th of july. happy 4th of july, america. other than that you will have a wonderful life. credit due there to jimmy kimmel and his team putting that run together. contradictions and poor predictions from donald trump. in a new wide ranging interview president biden is outlining his vision for a second term and highlighting his efforts to leave the country around the world. the president spoke exclusively to time for the publications upcoming cover story titled if he wins. joining us is time s washington bureau chief who he and time editor sam jacobs interviewed president biden for the cover story on may 28th at the white house. good morning. so what is the pitch if you put it on a bumper sticker but let you go longer. what s the pitch for a second term other than keeping donald trump out of the white house again? well, think that the point that biden and his team makes is foreign policy is very, very important. it s as important as any issue and the difference between biden and trump on foreign policy is as big a difference as has existed on foreign policy in 100 years maybe ever. biden believes in alliances. trump and his team are very skeptical don t like alliances. it matters generally for the future of the world and for americans prosperity and security which way the country chooses to go. tell us more if you will about the president s vision for a second term in terms of the foreign policy particularly on the matters of ukraine and what we are seeing in israel and gaza. so, you know, big issue in the background is china managing china s rise. what biden talks about in the interview is a kind of alliance based approach to managing that. they point to he and his team point to ukraine as an example of the way that it values based alliance can maximize amplify american power and influence. he is expanneded nato, and he brought in some asian powers into the effort in ukraine in ways people haven t done before. and in the middle east it s been a more prague mat being approach after initially isolating insaudi arabia the administration pivoted and embraced them to pull them back from china. and obviously,s s wrestled mightily with the alliance with israel and with netanyahu. all that gets to how you manage china, which is the first country in 100 years that has the potential to challenge the u.s. both militarily and economically, and you know, that really competition is going to shape, you know, the future for the u.s. over the coming century. so tell us a little more about that and also the role india might play. we have prime minister and his party today we are learning going to be reelected, but a small margin than anticipated. how does president biden attempt to say he will attempt to manage the forces? so, again, it s good example of what the biden approach is versus the trump approach. trump took a bilateral one-on- one transactional by his kit and it s aes own account achieved a lot in his own right. biden is more internationalist. so within india in addition to the straight one-on-one stuff, they focus on what s called the quad which is japan, australia, india and the u.s. and trying to build that up into a kind of a more formal sustainable force. but he s the list if you go back and look at stuff they rolled out, at the bilats between trump between biden and modi, they have a long list of things they have tried to put uneatable to bring india closer to the u.s. because you are right, that s a key strategic player in managing china. and of covers, the president expected to underline the importance of american alliance during speeches to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day this week in france. times cover story featuring president joe biden goes on sale next friday june 14th. title if he wins. times washington bureau chief massimo, thanks so much. we appreciate it. next, nearly two years after the supreme court overturned roe v. wade, a new book looks into conservatives years long strategy that led to the dobbs decision. we will talk with the authors after the break. did you know sling has your favorite programs for $40. favorite news for $40 a month? my favorite 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and listen to breaking news and analysis any time, anywhere. go beyond the what to understand the why. download the new msnbc app now. nearly two years after the supreme court overturned roe versus wade, a new book is shedding light on conservatives strategy that finally led to the dobbs decision. the book is titled the fall of roe, rise of a new america exploring how the most fervent anti-abortion activist persuaded the court to end nearly 50 years of precedence. the book s coauthors national religion correspondent for the new york times and national political correspondent for the new york times. good morning to you both congratulations. today s pub day. today is pub day. congratulations. today is pub day. your baby is out into the world. it is. it s here. cooply, deeply reported 350 interviews and you really get into the history of the issue. so, it s a lot to get through. but, i guess the i will start at the end which is how the dam broke after this half century effort to overturn roe versus wade. doubled trump getting in the white house, obviously put the three justices on the supreme court. but at the end, what happened to push it over the finish line. our book is the first narrative of how roe fell and we looked at final decade what have we call the roe hear and they were able to move the levers in power and big and small working at statehouses pushing through legislation. and you point out donald trump is elected and they get they jump on that train. it is a bullet train for them. and they get really lucky and get three seats on the supreme court. and they are dealing with an abortion rights movement that is really ileequipped and unprepared to take on the threat in a country that has a pervasive sense of denial the right part of american life for two generations could suddenly disappear. so, donald trump obviously evangelicals were skeptical of him in 2015 and 2016 a talked about being pro choice. many time in public previous to that, and then maybe ultimately they realized they could perhaps shape him because he wants to be elected. one of the interesting things we found is it was not just evangelicals that catholics played an important role in the anti-abortion movement s growth origins. evangelicals were late coming to that in history. and leaders of the anti- abortion movement actually really were rooted in their conservative christian values. values about family, womenhood, and, of course, abortion. and what our story shows it was shows values that were behind the movement. certainly as lisa said there s all the levers of power they pulled. but at its core this is happening over a period when america s becoming increasingly secular. and there s so much cultural change especially when it comes to marriage, family and sex. and these are the things the anti-abortion movement ultimately is hoping to change. it is not just about overturning roe. it s about a much bigger half century plan to really rollback the sexual revolution. joe, you watched this so closely from the point of view of faith but also through politics over the course of your life. yeah. and your career. culminating once donald trump is in the white house with 50 years precedence overturned. right in right 50 years of precedence overturn and elizabeth you are right, catholics have been pro life for quite sometime as i always joke on the show. evangelicals my church southern baptists were pro choice from the time of jesus birth until the eagles broke up. and i just so when you say a new america, i think it s interesting it was a new republican party and redefinition by political activists in 1979, 1980, what it meant to be in the evangelical and what it meant to be a christian. and you had people like paul you richard and jerry falwell this is how we beat a southern baptist democrat. i am curious how did their political mass nations in 1979 and 1980 not only change american politician, but based on your reporting, how did it change how evangelicals looked at their own faith. in bringing in this political controversy that many now put at the center of their faith. well, look, if you think about politics influencing religion or religion influence politics, and the story that we have been really seeing you have been talking about on the show for so long, is in the trump era especially in the last decade, we are really seeing the merging of those two things. and politics influencing religion. and you know, you can think back to the very long game the anti-abortion movement, conservative christians think in generations about change not just a political cycle. but, also, the people that you mentioned, that s a couple generations ago. and there was actually this most recent generation that actually got overturning roe over the finish line was really led by conservative christian women. and they have a vision of what it means to be a woman in america. how motherhood fits into that. that really changed the game in the end. and it is not just the story of kind of the 80s religious right but a modern religious right that s not just issues about abortion but issues all kinds of cultural issues. in this whole realm about rolling back the sexual revolution. and some ways, they have radicalized along with the republican party it s a new generation of socially conservative activists and have gone, i think donald trump republican party expanded horizons of what is possible and that s part of what we see playing out in the politics now particularly on this issue. well, and let s also state what every survey shows. a the love people calm they will selves evan evangelicals. tim keller said he stopped using the term because it had been so politicized. i am curious, lisa, in your reporting, i think the cliff hanger here as dobbs was being decided after the leak was whether john roberts was going to be able to get kavanaugh or barrett to come with him and just go with the mississippi 15 week ban. i am curious what did your reporting find? how close did the chief justice get to getting one of those two to take a more incremental approach? well, he didn t get all that close. he tried and certainly tried hard but in the end, this is not what happened. and you know, one of the most interesting things i think we found is we uncovered some new sort of internal documents that showed where this movement wants to go in the future. and how you know elizabeth was talking about how this is a movement that is really intent on changing the structure or reverting in some ways the structure of american families and what we saw was they are looking at other things going forward and that was hinted at in the decision by thomas. but, certainly, the internal documents we got a handle on we are talking about transrights and talking about parental rights and religion and public squares and things like schools or town meetings, and same sex marriage. this is a beginning you know the start of a series of cases on the issues that will wind their way to the court. up next, emmy and grammy nominated comedian on her new standup special morning joe will be right back. why. some people know the best rate for you are the best rate on all state there are people that are not you. a lot of them. you don t drive like. i don t want my child raised by a robot. other drivers are not you. yes, thank you so muchual 50 subscribers. no. not you. save with drive wise and get a rate based on you. you re in good hands with allstate. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein. complete nutrition you need without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra. it has taken once every eight weeks. it is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic actions may occur. don t stop asthma treatments without talking to your doctor. headache and sore throat may 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my night, though. okay. stephanie call 911 and and a gigantic fireman appeared. i thought, i get it now. i could get used to this. mommy s home. i came around the corner and our son said, it s just her. does everything have to be a joke with you? kind of, yeah. that is a look at the new standup special tig notaro hello, again in the special tig a mother of two speaks about the more humbling parts of parenthood as you heard there. and as well as health challenges that come with aging and even unexpected encounter she had with a firefighter inside her bedroom. the maniy and grammy nominated comedian joins us now. she is also the codirector of the movie, am i okay which premiers tomorrow on max. we will talk about that in a minute. tig so good to see you. you too. can we hear about the firefighter encounter on do you not want to give away too much about the special. it raised questions in your mind. it was a little confusing. i am married to a woman, and she had to call the she had to call 911, and a fireman came and hauled me out of the house in the middle of the night. and his just big strong arms holding me and carrying me really, i truly was in his arms thinking, oh my god, i get it now. i was so confused. and he also had a big mustache, and. that will get you. i didn t know i was into mustaches. i was so confused. because i was, you know, fighting for my life, but also like, am i in the wrong life or you know, i didn t know what was going on. but yeah. you got it. you got it a little bit. you got two kids as you talk about in the special. your wife also as you said stephanie, directed this. yes. what is the dynamic there in terms of work partnerships? she is directing you in a special how to you get along. we get along well. we met working together. we met as actors on a film and created shows, and written tv and film and we have done everything together. so, it just kind of felt more my wife has a different look than the fireman. but, my taste is all over the place. but, so, yeah, i feel like we have similar sensibilities with slight differences of course. but i think those differences elevate our vision and everything that we do. i mentioned the kids. there s a hilarious moment in the special recounts a moment she arrives home to less than enthusiastic children. one day, i came home by myself and when i walked in, the alarm said, side door open. and our son started yelling, mommy is home. mommy is home. and that s what they call stephanie. and then i came around the corner, and our son fin looked back at me and looked at his brother and said, it s just her. as if to say don t even bother even slightly turning your head. the let down is so monumental. learn from my mistake. some of us who have two kids at home i can relate. we all can. not being the chosen parent. tell us how you decided to draw from your home life, kids in particular, into your act? i mean, it just i feel like it s that extra sense as a comedian where i think this is definitely something i am going to take on stage. and then, you know, now that i am married with a family, i it s not just me anymore. so, i have had moments where steffi has been like, i feel like that s just for us. right. and which is fine because there s a million other opportunities. i say i live in a house with a writing staff. because there s always something that i can grab and use. no doubt we all have multiple children and i think we related to the moment i think i am the number three person in the house and there s four of us hold on a second. think when people see you on stage and watched your special, they think she just has it together all the time. she just walks out on the stage and just does it. and you talked a little bit about how the chaotic events leading unto the special, and i am sure leading up to what you do on the stage, talk to us a little bit about that. because people don t always see that side of comedians and others who perform publicly. when you say. i think you talked about traveling through europe and losing are suitcase and. yeah, yeah oh my gosh. and the things that go into what you do on stage. you don t just pop out there. i normally do, i am a freak of nature in that way where i can just show up at show time. walk in and the back stage door and walk on stage. but, when i was touring europe before this special, i did i lost my suitcase for almost three weeks. and it was just on tour without me. seeing all the sights that i was hoping to. and i also somebody walked in front of me at the airport, with their huge luggage, and tripped me and i was launched fractured my wrist, and ended up on crutches for the rest of my tour. and i just got off crutches three days before that special. i didn t think i was going to be able to tape it. did you see that person in the airport. i mean. truly. hurt too. we talked about your professional collaboration with stephanie. you codirected the movie am i okay starring dakota johnson. tell us about that. it is a movie that was written by our friend lauren ponerantz who is outrageous such a great writer. and it s a later in life coming out story. dakota plays i think a 32-year- old. it s not like a grandmother is coming out. but she should if she wants to. but, yeah, it s just a story about friendship but also coming out, and basically you should be who you are at any age and do what you want to do, and it s really such a beautiful performance by dakota. i really think and know we just screened it the other night, the audience went nuts for it. it is so funny. it is so touching, and there s some silly parts in it, too. but, yeah, it s, i think it s really good. don t go anywhere. we have a second hour of morning joe weekend right after the break. rning joe weekend ri the break. all eyes on me a brand new trip is what they see. on my feet brand new whip is what they see. whip is what they see. . jeep there s only one. during the jeep make this the summer event get 2000 bonus. since 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because dinner was rigged. the election was rigged the last time. i will tell you that. i did much better than i did in 2016. millions more votes but a lot of bad things happen. he used covid to cheat. impeachment hoax number one. everything is a hoax. meanwhile everything is a hoax the former president spoke to dr. phil about wanting to take the stand at his trial and how sometimes revenge can be justified. i have a lot of lawyers that are friends. i had probably 25 goes over the course of a couple months say whatever you do don t testify because you will say something just a little bit off and you will be indicted for lying or perjury. these are evil people. these are sick, evil people. i think you have so much to do, you don t have time to get even. you only have time to get right? well revenge it does take time. i will say that. and sometimes revenge can be justified. i have to be honest. sometimes it can? revenge does take time. revenge can be justified. susan glasser, this gets at what you re writing about in the new yorker. this idea that donald trump, everything, everything is about him and you show up at a rally and all you hear about are the injustices committed against him in the world and how he s a martyr and a victim and everything else. you never hear him talking about how he will make people s lives better, which is what presidential campaigns used to be about. that s right. if you go back and look, this is a significant escalation and radicalization of trump around himself in a way that is quite different from his 2016 or even his 2020 campaigns. the other part of the agenda has diminished and the all about trump part of the agenda has taken over fully. and to the point about contrast with president biden. barry struck that at a moment when biden makes a clear focus on his efforts to combat what s happening in the world, you have trump repeatedly saying in recent days that he essentially doesn t care that much about russia and china. they are not such a big problem pick the biggest problem is the enemy within. this is emerging as a real theme for trump s campaign and he proposes to do something about it. you saw that amazing clip with dr. phil. even sympathetic interviewers these days try to get trump to say it s not about revenge and he won t buy it because it is about revenge. again and again and again trump is telling us very clearly. i guess my question is, are people really listening to what he is saying? is different than what he said before. the biden campaign says people will start listening and to this point they have largely tuned out trump. the trial has come and gone and he will be out there with more high profile settings and name with the debate and it can t be stressed enough how much the biden campaign is betting on that debate to change the trajectory of the race believing americans were here trump talk about things like revenge and how it s justified and be repelled by it. my question to you is is the bet right? do we think the biden campaign this is been aesthetic race to this point and we ve seen a little moment here and there including after the verdict for the most part we can say it s close but trump has had narrow but consistent leads in most of the battleground states. do we think this argument here, this dangerous argument on revenge will change their minds? two great things happen as a result of the trial. one was the guilty verdict and this has put trump on a path that this is all he could talk about never hear the words inflation from his mouth. you don t hear the words immigration or crime or any of the talking points he would usually use. he is consumed with this now and even now we are a week or eight days of the trial and this is all he could talk about. this is not what voters want to hear. i don t think any voter will say i ve yet to see the numbers in the polls. i see things about immigration in the polls and democracy but i don t see revenge as an issue any voter has said is a key issue. the more donald talks about that, the better it is for biden. jean robinson, the story i don t know. it s a snapshot of our time and where we are right now that bends your mind. i ll read it to you. two officers who defended the capitol on january 6 were booed by pennsylvania republicans this week pick this happened as former capitol police officer harry dunn and former sergeant aquilino gonell, two officers that help to protect the capitol on january 6 and prevent the overturning of the 2020 election visited the pennsylvania state house as part of a cross-country tour to discuss the threat they say donald trump poses to the country. we are told some republican members not only booed them but turned their backs on the officers and even walked out. this comes as they have been on the campaign trail in key battleground states in an effort to get president biden re-elected. this is the upside down world we are living in right now where police officers, think back the blue and support the police and all that stuff, who stood in the doorway defending democracy and turned back a group of people who were led to the capitol by ally committed violence in the capitol, try to overturn our system of democracy, those officers are now being booed by republicans. it is unbelievable. one of those officers was injured, a real injury to his foot defending the capitol. the other was showered with racist abuse and, of course, physically threatened and endangered defending the capitol , defending our members of congress. trying to do their duty in the citadel of our democracy and they get booed. look, one of our two major political parties has completely lost its mind and that s largely because of donald trump. and it is not just the senators and the representatives who are out there with incendiary and inflammatory rhetoric, but at the local level it s the rot, the craziness is even deeper and, in a sense, a more worrisome because if you look state republican parties, there are fanatical, sort of, unhinged people who are becoming not just a significant faction and those parties but in control of republican parties in our major states. this is a political emergency that we are going to be dealing with, i think, for a while because even if donald trump is defeated this november, all this , sort of, insanity in the republican party across the country doesn t immediately go away. this will be with us. this is a small group of republican lawmakers in pennsylvania, sure, but it s representative of something else, is it not? the crime committed by these two police officers, in the eyes of the people blowing them , are that they are crossing donald trump and they are speaking the truth about donald trump and the truth about what they saw with their own eyes on january 6. you know, in the last 24 hours if need a contrast i don t think you could find anything more stony than if you follow the news on the one hand biden at normandy giving a speech and seeing the faces of those heroes, 98, 99, 100-year- old man from the greatest generation and you feel that greatness. and then you listen to donald trump doing an interview yesterday and hearing him talk about what s wrong with this country and the hate and the venom and the self obsession and the vengeance and the revenge. and then you hear local republican lawmakers booing january 6 policeman and turning the back to them. one party is about darkness and grievance and negativity and self-loathing. and the other party is and will be throughout this campaign about positivity and i think there s about contrast there. next, homeland security secretary alejandra mallorca s response to president biden s executive order about the southern border. known as a loving parent. known for lessons that matter. known for being a free spirit. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 17 types of cancer. one of those cancers is 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keytruda may be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. president biden issued an executive order that will shut down asylum request at the southern border when crossing spike. under the order, border officials will stop accepting requests when daily encounters reach an average of 2500 migrants at legal points of entry. the shutdown will go into effect immediately as department of homeland security officials say encounters have reached 4000 migrants daily. the border will only reopen once the number of false to 1500 migrants pick joining us now is homeland security secretary alejandra mallorca s. thank you for being on the show. obviously this has had a mixed reaction come even from democrats, but explain how this works. what happens as this executive order goes into effect? what happens to the excessive number of migrants trying to make a cross over the border. good morning and thank you for having me. the goal here is to reduce the number of people who come to the southern border of the united states and cross illegally. our goal is to drive people who seek and need humanitarian relief into the lawful, safe and orderly pathways that we have built. individuals who arrive at our border and cross illegally will be barred from asylum, with exceptions. however, 1400 people who have made appointments through our cbp one app will be able to seek asylum in the united states through our ports of entry. individuals who have access our parole program for cubans, haitians, nicaraguans and venezuelans will be able to access assignment relief in the united states we have built an unprecedented number of lawful pathways, but we are going to secure our border and reduce the number of people who are encountered at its. mr. secretary, good morning. i think the question for a lot of people and not just conservatives, is what took so long to get to this place? we can go well before the legislation, that group of senators work hard to present and then republicans and the congress turned their backs on it on the instruction of donald trump. but going back even further than that, a system that allows people to show up at the border, claim asylum, sometimes legitimately and sometimes not, and move into the country because they know it will take years for the asylum hearing to come up, why did it take so long to get to this place which does seem rational to many people? well, two points. first of all, you have ceased accurately upon the fundamental problem with our asylum system that it takes years and years and we need congress to fix it. only congress can provide the enduring solution, which is legislation. but that s let s take a look at the chronology. on day one of his administration, the president presented congress with a comprehensive legislation to fix our broken immigration system. since then and up until may of last year, we have been operating under the public health order of title 42. when that order was lifted in may of last year, we drove the numbers down, despite some predictions that pandemonium would ensue. shortly thereafter, the president implored congress to fund this department and other departments that administer our immigration laws as we need to be resourced. he, in august, submitted a supplemental funding package. and then again in october he submits another supplemental funding package. and neither was picked up by congress most regrettably and most importantly . we then went into an arduous, hard-working process to develop bipartisan, senate legislation that would have fundamentally fixed our asylum system. and once and for all properly resourced this department and the department of justice and state. twice congress failed to pass that legislation and so the president took this executive action within his lawful authority. mr. secretary, good morning. you outlined the domestic political challenges with what s happening at the border but the united states is not alone in this. is also mexico and they just had a new election. can you tell us the relationship and the guidelines you will use as your approach with the new administration there. are you hopeful they will cooperate? we have built a very strong and productive partnership with mexico, with the president, we expect that strong and productive partnership to continue under the presidency of claudia sheinbaum . and this challenge of migration is a regional challenge and it requires regional solutions, not just in partnership with mexico, but in partnership with other countries such as costa rica, panama, colombia, guatemala, ecuador, and the like. we are experiencing not just at the southern border but the rudder hemisphere and around the world an unprecedented level of migration, an unprecedented number of displaced people and regional challenges require regional solutions. homeland security secretary alejandra mallorca s, thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. we appreciate it. we have lots more to get to this hour. morning joe: weekend continues after a short break . oncern me? because you re.the. aren t you the..? huh.we never actually discussed hierarchy. ok, why don t we just stick to letting dave know how much he can save when he bundles his home or auto with his boat or rv. wait, i thought jamie was the boss. 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she said you been faced with so much adversity and persecution for years, what is your relationship with god like and how do you pray? that s sharon from alabama. i think it s good. i do very well with the evangelicals. i love the evangelicals. and i have more people saying they pray for me. i can t even believe it and they are so committed and so believing. they say, sir, you re going to be okay. i pray for you every night. i mean, everybody. i can t say everybody but almost everybody that sees me, they say, it s such a beautiful thing you know what s a beautiful thing too? when you look at all this bad stuff going on, they have nothing to look up to. they have no god. they have no anything. they kill people. bb-8 people. they push people into subways. there s just nothing there. religion is such a great thing. it keeps you you know, there s something to be good about. you want to be good. it so important. i don t know if it s explained right or if i m explaining it right but when you have something like that, you want to be good. you want to go to heaven, okay? you want to go to heaven. if you don t have heaven you almost say, what s the reason? why do we have to be good? let s not be good. what difference does it make? really, i don t know what to say. religion is a good thing, it was his reaction. he was asked, what is your relationship with god? he said, i do good with evangelicals. asked about his prayer life, he says, people come to me and say, sir, i pray for you every night. proving an extraordinary ability to sound clueless after all these years on the most basic questions of faith. and what is your relationship with god and talk about your prayer life, are two of the most basic questions. joining us now, nbc news national affairs analyst and partner in chief political columnist at hawk. i know he and his former partner, mark halperin, also asked donald trump questions about faith in 2016. new testament or old testament? and his answer was both. what is your favorite bible verse? what your favorite bible verse? oh, i don t want to talk. and david brody at cbn asked him if god has forgiven them and he said, well, i don t pray to god for forgiveness. there is no reason for me to be forgiven. this is a man, of course, who is claiming massive support because he s getting it among self-described evangelicals, john. please explain that to us all. thank you for comparing me with one of the great mysteries of life and modern politics. look. you had that took earlier today and i do think the change that took place that you pointed to in the religious right went from essentially the political people kind of guiding the movement and taking it to a new place to where it has become more recently, which is the religious people kind of took over in some sense the conservative movement and they started to channel their desires through political instruments. trump became for a lot of people in the antiabortion movement and more broadly on the values right, trump became a totally instrument to advance their causes and i think it s one of the most cynical things i ve seen in politics. think about people talking about true believers and talk about the faithful being single issue voters are blinded by their beliefs and ideologically driven extremists. in a lot of ways they became more instrumental than almost any faction in american politics. they look to trump and said we know he s not a christian. we know he doesn t believe anything he says, but this guy is her ticket to getting done what we want to get done. overturning roe v wade is one thing but across the board he became the tool by which they could achieve things they had long wanted to achieve and had been able to achieve and they turned out to be right about that but they meet a very deep, very cynical deal with the devil and i don t mean to call trump the devil here but it deal they said, you know, the man s not one of us but who cares. he will win and will get it done and will do what we tell him to. but they were making that bargain even before donald trump with paul wyrick and jerry falwell and richard saying, what we will do is we re going to actually turn abortion does not only into a key political issue for evangelicals but we will turn it into a religious issue. so you have a southern baptist church coming from pro-choice to pro-life. the southern baptist church, and other mainstream protestant denominations going from being pro-choice, or quite on the issue to pro-life. that s one step. but it moves forward now to where it becomes the most important issue. these political issues become the most important political issues. so if you talk to people of faith, like russell moore, and others, they would tell you pete wayne, they would tell you the so-called deal with the devil was the deal evangelical leaders made some time ago when they decided to replace spiritual goals with secular goals. we are not going to fight the spiritual battles and try to win people. that s not going to be our primary focus for a lot of these evangelical leaders we hear with a national audience. their primary focus is going to be on the secular, whether that s gaining and keeping political power or telling adherents how to become rich, the so-called prosperity gospel , which, again, both of those are completely opposite of what jesus preached about over three years. and i will say the only place, to put a fine point on it here i don t think the christian right thought that ronald reagan was a spiritual vandal. i think they thought he was one of them. i think they thought george w. bush was genuinely born again. i think they thought that mitt romney took a spiritual life spiritual seriously. even though the demands of faith and to some extent go to politics prior to donald trump, donald trump is the most gratuitous, extreme outgrowth of the thing you re talking about where they basically look at a guy and collectively that these are not stupid people in this movement. there are some stupid people everywhere, but there was a calculated thing for the christian right look to trump and knew full well that he was not one of them did not believe the same things they believed. did not go to church. was probably, privately, pro- choice. was someone who would done all kinds of things, someone heard about in this trial over the last seven or eight weeks, all kinds of things they would find morally depraved and unacceptable and simple and he made no real effort to try to even pretend to be one of them when he would answer these questions. and yet they said, we don t care because this is a winning ticket for us. with him under our thumb, we will be able to get that supreme court majority we have so wanted. and as i said before, they got it. and we elected a president, not a saint. look the other way on a lot of stuff so they get what they want. people asked me where can i get more and today we have an answer. the impolitic podcast. watch today and tell us about it. i ve had this podcast for a few years that i put into the deep freeze. i was like han solo, frozen and podcast amber for about a year and when i moved we decided to relaunch it under this new title. it s the same name as the column. it s not only been relaunched as of this morning, talking about the trump trial with andrew wiseman but it has expanded to twice a week rather than once a week. like new york, a town so nice they named it twice, this will happen every tuesday and friday morning. puck and odyssey together. check it out. next, the so-called double haters who aren t into either candidate. we look at how they respond to donald trump s guilty verdict. a, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re allergic to 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yeah. i think you benefited from his stature and did not abide by the gag order. most people what be nailed with fines and things like that but he s going to bite on that so i think he was absolutely treated fairly, if not better than most people during the trial. i do trust the legal system enough that if the prosecution and defense were able to pick jurors and they presented it so quickly and the jurors and the judge all agree to follow due process and found him guilty quickly, i have a hard time believing that there were that many jurors agreed upon that were all in on it. he s not guilty but we will find him guilty for?. the thought that donald trump was given a fair trial. none of those people said, in that focus group, that it was going to impact their vote. that said, polling of undecideds in georgia and north carolina showed that actually quite a few did believe it would have an impact on their vote. let s bring in the host of majority rules in the undecideds and founder of all in together, lauren leader. i m looking at the top line on the polling that you all took 78% believe the verdict was the right verdict. 21% thought it was the wrong verdict. and this is the difference in voting with the threat of prison hanging over donald trump . a very large difference, 12%. large difference, 50%, moderate difference, 23%. and that adds up to over 50%. over 50% of these so-called double haters said it could have an impact on their vote, but overwhelmingly almost all of them believed donald trump got a fair trial. yeah. and that was what was so fascinating, especially listening to the conversation. first of all, there was so nuanced and thoughtful about the responses and i want to say this is so far the only swing state poll that s been done since the verdict and it s going to matter a lot because the swing states will decide the election and undecided voters will be a huge factor in the decisions of the election. what struck me was that incredible contrast between this competence in the legal system the jury was fair and the trial was fair and trump was treated fairly said they did not buy any of the trump claims the whole thing was rigged and unfair to him. they did not buy that at all. and yet they also felt it was politically motivated. the trial was brought this year because of the election. that it wasn t an important enough issue to have been brought. a number of them talked about the documents case in florida, the classified documents as being more important and did not understand why this was brought this year. i will also say they did not understand the charges but they could not articulate what it was they he was convicted of. that s why fascinating about this dynamic and we see this in national polls, as well. americans are saying it doesn t matter are there have been some polls saying it doesn t matter. that he was treated fairly. the verdict was fair and yet somehow he still going to win and it doesn t matter that he is a felon, and i think that s going to be a hard circle for the biden campaign to square over the next few months. we have lots more to get to this hour. morning joe: weekend continues after a short break. salonpas, it s good medicine. hi, i m eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn t sharp and that doesn t work when you re writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear, much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. my fear of recurrence could ve held me back. but i m staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i m focusing on what counts. talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. [ serene music playing ] about reducing your risk. welcome to the wayborhood. the wayfair vibe at our place is western. my thing, darling? shine. gardening. some of us go for the dramatic. how didn t i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you ll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there s a place for all of us. wayfair. every style. every home. as president biden and administration officials push for cease-fire deal between israel and hamas, the families of the hostages remain focused on their missing loved ones earlier this week national security advisor jake sullivan met with some of the families of americans being held by hamas. our next two guests participated in that discussion. rachel gold word and jon polin joining us now. there is really american son was abducted by hamas while attending the supernova music festival. he celebrated his 23rd birthday just days before the concert. good morning to you both. it s nice to have you with us. rachel, i will start with you and that meeting with jake sullivan, the national security advisor. i know you participated of resume. did you hear anything in that meeting that encouraged you? did you hear anything that made you think the effort to bring your son and the rest of the hostages home is making progress? well, we definitely felt hope and optimism because that was what jake sullivan was relaying to us and there was the feeling that there is this full-court press of enough is enough. we want to get these people home, all 124. and of course the american eight is something that hangs on everyone in the administration and the entire american government and he felt confident that the right people were going back to the region. we know that brett mcgurk and director bill burns were, shortly after the conversation, already on their way back to the region, which was hopeful for all of us. at the end of the day though, we know that whether you had these extremely seasoned negotiators, diplomats, experts, aides, doing all that they are doing, the final outcome is going to come from two men only deciding and that, i think, is what is so painfully torturous about this. jon, today marks eight months since october 7 since hersh was abducted. when you sit in that meeting with jake sullivan and speak as you have been for eight months to officials inside the u.s. government, what did they say today about the best hope to get the hostages? is it a deal? is it a rescue mission? what sounds most promising to you and to the people trying to pull this off? yeah. the good news is the focus in that is everybody believes the best possible way to do this is through a deal. the bad news is we been hearing that for most of the last eight months, and as you know, we are not there yet. i think what president biden did last friday night was brave and courageous and we applaud him. he took a negotiation that was stuck in neutral, maybe even sometimes in rivers and in one fell swoop it s like you pushed into third gear. now we need to keep the momentum going. and as rachel said, there are all the right people in the region. we need to push on the leaders of israel and the leaders of hamas, and have them buy in to what the mediators are pushing. it s a deal that has to get done because the israeli people are suffering. our hostages are suffering. innocent gazan civilians are suffering and eight months is eight months too many picks payment rachel, you ve been through many of these meetings now with american officials and you ve been through a lot of ups and downs , how are you and jon managing to temper your own emotions and exhaustion, your sleep, your food when faced now with another prospect that may be there is reason to be a little bit more optimistic given this latest push? well, every morning we get up and we look at each other and say, hope is mandatory and we try our very best to struggle through another day of elegant, intense torment. and it is absolutely not easy. we are broken and suffering, and yet we have no choice. there is no choice but to keep it running . and were not just running, we are sprinting. this is what all the hostage families are doing. we just have no choice but to keep full speed ahead trying every thing we can possibly do. and we are praying that the leaders of both sides, for their own personal interests the not going to come together because they both suddenly have an epiphany moment and feel they should be on the same page, but that s part of compromise. you give up something that you hold dear for something you hold more deer. so whatever interests are on the israeli side or the hamas side need to just lean forward and with the help of these expert negotiators and seasoned diplomats who are in there trying to grease the wheels, we are praying that we get a result. everyone in this region, i can t even call it suffering, it s the next step above suffering, and we need for the leaders to put an end to it. jon, one of those leaders, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said he will come to washington and address congress on july 24. what do you make of that invitation and what do you hope to hear from him that day? july 24, to us, feels like an eternity away. we are obviously hoping that but july 24 all the hostages are back home. the region is on a path forward , and i would be thrilled if prime minister netanyahu can show up and give a variation of a victory speech. i want nothing more than that. and by the way, i m also okay with the other side giving his people a victory speech if that s what it takes to get this done. let s get it done. a lot can happen between now and july 24 and we are hopeful. next, new documentary sheds light on one couple s emotional and enduring mission to combat als. with us. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is. we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an iunderlying issue.em it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. if you want to defeat als, you need everyone working together. they took this extraordinary challenge and said, we will go out and make things happen. if are able to untangle als, we may be able to help others. i am and all of brian wallach. he wants to get back and take care of the next person that gets diagnosed . i never experienced a movement like this. it s changing history in front of our eyes. brian s als has accelerated a lot. we feel like we are running out of time. hey, organa do this. as always beneway. this could actually work. i don t think there s any test of the human spirit more telling than someone saying you don t have a long time to live and responding in this way. i am als! i am als! that is a look at the powerful new documentary, for love and life: no ordinary campaign picked up from paula brian wallach, diagnosed with als in 2017 and his wife, sandra abrevaya, two former obama administration officials who have used their expertise and knowledge of washington to secure funding for als research and improve to prove other families living with the disease that there is hope. sandra joins us now and is the cofounder of i am als, also with it is the director and producer of for love and life: no ordinary campaign, christopher burke. great to see you both. thank you for having us . can we start with some background? i gather you know each other? just a little bit. i m trying not to cry right now, honestly, because i ve known you so long. and i m so proud to know you and brian. and what you ve done is remarkable. i mean, you ve really brought this to life for people who weren t tracking with this disease was, he did not know they had a voice or power to have a voice. and before i get more emotional, you both had done so much before brian was diagnosed as public servants contributing to electing barack obama, but this is your greatest legacy, which is remarkable. you just want to ask for people watching out there who think maybe they have als or another disease or maybe they feel their voice isn t heard and they can t make a difference, what would you tell them about what they should do? so many people feel powerless and you have shown that you are empowered and you can be powerful. absolutely. and with these neurodegenerative diseases, whether it s als or parkinson s or ms, these diseases affect the way you speak or move so these are difficult diseases to live a public life with. oftentimes, that you have an illness. so people, they turn inward. that is the instinct. that is what brian and i are b trying to encourage people to fight against because when they do come forward, their voices are so powerful and having been in government and advocacy for so long prior to our diagnosis, i mean, our whole job for so e many years was to elevate people who were affected by policy. when that happened to us, we knew that even if we were just one voice, even if you are just one voice, being public, if you have one of these illnesses, ve can have such an impact.

Jr , Four , Name , In-my-life , Artwork , Content , Doctors , Mental-health-evaluations , Clam , One , Land-vehicle , Motor-vehicle

All In With Chris Hayes

Is back in action getting congress to tackle the issues americans want addressed. like a proposal to put donald trump on the $500 bill and some new personnel decisions as well. house speaker mike johnson elevating two more election denying republicans, scott perry of pennsylvania and former white house physician ronny jackson to set on the hugely influential house intelligence committee. to make those appointments, johnson skipped over several members who had relevant career experience in the intelligence community and johnson apparently blindsided the committee chairman with his picks. according to reporting by jake sherman, speaker johnson is telling people he made those appointments expressly because donald trump wanted him to and now perry, a man at the center of the trump fae collector plot in 2020, is basically vowing to conduct actual oversight over

Donald-trump , Secret-congress , Election , Action , U-s , Mike-johnson , Bill , Issues , Personnel-decisions , Proposal , House-speaker , 00

All In With Chris Hayes

And former trump white house physician ronnie jackson to sit on the hugely influential and powerful house intelligence committee. johnson skipped over several republicans members who had experience in the intelligence community and johnson apparently line side of the chairman, mike turner with his picks. according to reporting by msnbc, speaker johnson is telling people he made those appointments expressly because donald trump wanted him to. now., man at the center of the trump fake collectors coup plot is basically vowing to be the maga sentries saying he will conduct oversight over the deep state for a change. joining his congressman eric swalwell and jamaal bowman. great to have you here. let me start with you because you served on that committee until republicans kicked you off. how unusual is a free speaker

Intel-committee , Members , White-house , Scott-parry , Maga-republicans , Mike-johnson , Experience , Physician-ronnie-jackson , People , Speaker-johnson , Mike-turner , Community

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Signed 20240607-1200

Well. technologies that could come in. we know well. technologies that could come in, we know that would help. we said about in, we know that would help. we said about closing the non dom tax loophole. about closing the non dom tax loophole, which would give more appointments, whether that is dentistry, gps and hospital appointments. we have a record number appointments. we have a record number of appointments. we have a record number of waiting list in the country number of waiting list in the country now, and all roads lead to the tories and what they have done to our nhs the tories and what they have done to our nhs. in the tories and what they have done to our nhs- to our nhs. in portsmouth, we are about to have to our nhs. in portsmouth, we are about to have a to our nhs. in portsmouth, we are about to have a dental to our nhs. in portsmouth, we are about to have a dental school - to our nhs. in portsmouth, we are about to have a dental school in i to our nhs. in portsmouth, we are| about to have a dental school in the medical about to have a dental school in the medical school about to have a dental school in the medical school very about to have a dental school in the medical school very shortly. - about to have a dental school in the medical school very shortly. good i medical school very shortly. good luck with medical school very shortly. good luck with your medical school very shortly. good luck with your studies. medical school very shortly. good luck with your studies. your - medical school very shortly. good i luck with your studies. your future colleagues luck with your studies. your future colleagues are luck with your studies. your future colleagues are currently luck with your studies. your future colleagues are currently dealing i colleagues are currently dealing with an colleagues are currently dealing with an increase colleagues are currently dealing with an increase in colleagues are currently dealing with an increase in nhs- colleagues are currently dealing with an increase in nhs work. colleagues are currently dealing i with an increase in nhs work load colleagues are currently dealing - with an increase in nhs work load of about 43%~ with an increase in nhs work load of about 43%~ that with an increase in nhs work load of about 43%. that is with an increase in nhs work load of about 43%. that is the with an increase in nhs work load of about 43%. that is the legacy- with an increase in nhs work load of about 43%. that is the legacy of the| about 43%. that is the legacy of the pandemic about 43%. that is the legacy of the pandemic that about 43%. that is the legacy of the pandemic that we about 43%. that is the legacy of the pandemic that we have about 43%. that is the legacy of the pandemic that we have to about 43%. that is the legacy of the pandemic that we have to deal - about 43%. that is the legacy of the| pandemic that we have to deal with. there pandemic that we have to deal with. there are pandemic that we have to deal with. there are many pandemic that we have to deal with. there are many things pandemic that we have to deal with. there are many things we pandemic that we have to deal with. there are many things we need - pandemic that we have to deal with. i there are many things we need to do, but there there are many things we need to do, but there are there are many things we need to do, but there are two there are many things we need to do, but there are two really but there are two really important things but there are two really important things we but there are two really important things we have but there are two really important things. we have to but there are two really important things. we have to keep- but there are two really important things. we have to keep the - but there are two really important i things. we have to keep the budget strong things. we have to keep the budget strong we things. we have to keep the budget strong we need things. we have to keep the budget strong. we need a things. we have to keep the budget strong. we need a strong things. we have to keep the budget strong. we need a strong economyl things. we have to keep the budget i strong. we need a strong economy to do that. strong. we need a strong economy to do that. and strong. we need a strong economy to do that, and public strong. we need a strong economy to do that, and public spending - strong. we need a strong economy to do that, and public spending will- strong. we need a strong economy to do that, and public spending will go i do that, and public spending will go up, do that, and public spending will go up. and do that, and public spending will go up. and up do that, and public spending will go up. and upfor do that, and public spending will go up. and up forthe do that, and public spending will go up, and up forthe nhs do that, and public spending will go up, and up for the nhs very- up, and up for the nhs very substantially. up, and up for the nhs very substantially. the up, and up for the nhs very substantially. the only- up, and up for the nhs very. substantially. the only people up, and up for the nhs very- substantially. the only people on this platform substantially. the only people on this platform who substantially. the only people on this platform who have substantially. the only people on this platform who have ever- substantially. the only people on i this platform who have ever cut nhs budget this platform who have ever cut nhs budget are this platform who have ever cut nhs budget are labour.

Country , Number , Appointments , Technologies , Record-number , Waiting-list , Tax-loophole , Gps , Hospital-appointments , Dentistry , Making-nhs , Tories

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Signed 20240607-1380

Everything, plus a very badly managed nhs by labour in wales. i want to point out that you are in a corporate you were in a corporation agreement with welsh labour and you have record waiting lists. ,, ., , ., ., lists. and the nhs was in no way a art of lists. and the nhs was in no way a part of that lists. and the nhs was in no way a part of that co-operation - lists. and the nhs was in no way a i part of that co-operation agreement. part of that co operation agreement. we do not agree with labour s approach on the nhs in wales. as an opposition member, myjob is to persuade them to make bold decisions to take us on the right decision. what you need more than anything is assurance that sustainability would be built in for the workforce within the nhs. workforce planning and giving support to your pay packet, but all those other means that show you are valued as a health worker. nigel farage? you are valued as a health worker. nigel farage? whether it is wales, scotland or england, nigel farage? whether it is wales, scotland or england, we nigel farage? whether it is wales, scotland or england, we know- nigel farage? whether it is wales, scotland or england, we know that| scotland or england, we know that whilst scotland or england, we know that whilst you scotland or england, we know that whilst you can get great care, the nhs model isn t working. you can t -et nhs model isn t working. you can t get gp nhs model isn t working. you can t get gp appointments, things we have grown get gp appointments, things we have grown up taking for granted. they can argue grown up taking for granted. they can argue that it is all money i will spend can argue that it is all money i will spend more money, you will spend will spend more money, you will spend more money. it doesn t work. a

Making-nhs , Health , Wales , Labour , Record-waiting-lists , Welsh-labour , Everything , Corporation-agreement , Corporate , Part , Way , Lists

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240607-840

Bbc? what kind of thing so you re looking to hearfrom politicians that would make you feel hopeful or engaged? for that would make you feel hopeful or enauaed? ., i, ~ that would make you feel hopeful or enauaed? ., i, that would make you feel hopeful or enauaed? ., , ., engaged? for myself, i think cost of livin: is engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is one engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is one of engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is one of the engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is one of the bbc? engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is one of the bbc? what - engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is one of the bbc? what kind i living is one of the bbc? what kind of thing living is one of the bbc? what kind of thing so living is one of the bbc? what kind of thing so you re living is one of the bbc? what kind of thing so you re looking - living is one of the bbc? what kind of thing so you re looking to - living is one of the bbc? what kind of thing so you re looking to hear. of thing so you re looking to hear from of thing so you re looking to hear from politicians of thing so you re looking to hear from politicians that of thing so you re looking to hear from politicians that would - of thing so you re looking to hear from politicians that would make| of thing so you re looking to hear- from politicians that would make you feel hopeful from politicians that would make you feel hopeful or from politicians that would make you feel hopeful or engaged? from politicians that would make you feel hopeful or engaged? for- from politicians that would make you | feel hopeful or engaged? for myself, ithink feel hopeful or engaged? for myself, i think cost feel hopeful or engaged? for myself, i think cost of feel hopeful or engaged? for myself, i think cost of living feel hopeful or engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is feel hopeful or engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is one feel hopeful or engaged? for myself, i think cost of living is one of- i think cost of living is one of these i think cost of living is one of these things i think cost of living is one of these things come i think cost of living is one of these things come nhs- i think cost of living is one of. these things come nhs we need i think cost of living is one of- these things come nhs we need to improve, these things come nhs we need to improve, for these things come nhs we need to improve, for the these things come nhs we need to improve, for the awaiting - these things come nhs we need to improve, for the awaiting lesson. improve, for the awaiting lesson appointments improve, for the awaiting lesson appointments are improve, for the awaiting lesson appointments are a improve, for the awaiting lesson appointments are a joke. - improve, for the awaiting lesson appointments are a joke. cost. improve, for the awaiting lessonj appointments are a joke. cost of enargy appointments are a joke. cost of energy as appointments are a joke. cost of energy as well appointments are a joke. cost of energy as well to appointments are a joke. cost of energy as well to make - appointments are a joke. cost of energy as well to make more - appointments are a joke. cost of. energy as well to make more cost effective. energy as well to make more cost effective. and energy as well to make more cost effective, and helping energy as well to make more cost effective, and helping the - effective, and helping the environment effective, and helping the environment as effective, and helping the environment as well. - effective, and helping the environment as well. well, thank ou, environment as well. well, thank you. good environment as well. well, thank you. good to environment as well. well, thank you, good to talk environment as well. well, thank you, good to talk to environment as well. well, thank you, good to talk to you - environment as well. well, thank you, good to talk to you and - environment as well. well, thank you, good to talk to you and getl you, good to talk to you and get your thoughts. we were back in watford later in the day.- your thoughts. we were back in watford later in the day. thank you very much- watford later in the day. thank you very much- just watford later in the day. thank you very much. just four watford later in the day. thank you very much. just four weeks - watford later in the day. thank you very much. just four weeks out - watford later in the day. thank you | very much. just four weeks out from polling day, whether the party stand? here is the latest bbc poll tracker. as you can see, labour retains a substantial lead. of course the situation can change predictions differ from course the situation can change predictions differfrom how course the situation can change predictions differ from how the raw percentages might translate into actual seats. percentages might translate into actualseats. let s percentages might translate into actual seats. let s talk about this and more with holiday, senior political researcher from its source. from ipsos. you havejust

Cost-of-living , Thing , Things , Kind , The-one , Politicians , Cost , Bbc-news , Living , Nhs , These , Livin