Vaccinated that the young people, particularly young men, were developing a Potential Complication called myocarditis. Researchers determined that the incidence of myocarditis and young men was fully 25 times the usual rate, some of them died. In canada, at least one Public Health official observed the same thing. Dr. Peter lu is the Chief Scientific Officer at the university of ottawa heart institute, and he began to notice hard inflammation in patients who received the vaccine. Its more than coincidental, he said. In germany, authorities concluded the same thing. This is a Serious Development for us in the United States. Statistical trends observed in israel hold here as many as 150,000 Young Americans will develop a potentially fatal Heart Disorder because the covered vaccines. Thats not alarmism, its not some kind of antivector conservancy theory, its real. This afternoon the cdc confirmed what appears to be dangerous side effects. And the cdcs vaccine safety datalink, both so strikingly high rates of myocarditis and young people who have been vaccinated. We clearly have an imbalance there, the cdc official at official announced today. Imbalanced is one way to put it, potential emergency is another. Given these numbers its possible that healthy young people in this country up would be much more likely to be harmed by the vaccine then by covid itself. That would be a disaster, that could be the definition of a preventable disaster. How are institutions responding to these numbers . Mostly by ignoring them completely. In the last week Many American colleges and universities have announced they will require proof of vaccinations or unofficial Vaccination Card before they allow students to return to campus. Not some explain it does not apply to faculty or staff, they are not required to be vaccinated. As for the huge number of young people who have already recovered from covid and likely have robust immunity, at least as robust as they could get from any vaccine, they would be required to get the shot, too. These are big numbers, close to 20 million College Students in this country and in the end most will have no choice but to take a drug that other governments have concluded is dangerous for them to take. Yesterday Virginia State universitys system announced that Vaccine Exemptions will be nearly impossible for students to get. An exemption will not be granted based on the philosophical, moral or conscientious objection. When it comes to this vaccine, there is no escape. He wondered watching this how it could have been in a free country and its hard to believe it is happening. As a medical decision it is reckless. What are the longterm effects of forcing these drugs on millions of young people and many of whom dont need it . We dont know the answer and we dont know the longterm effects. Anyone who claims he does know is lying. At this point theres no way to tell. Just today the Fda Advisory Panel to discuss the rise in cardiac emergencies and young people who receive the vaccine. So far the rate of myocarditis is more than twice what i authorities anticipated. As one Tufts Medical School professor who sits on the panel put it before we start vaccinating millions of adolescents and children is important to find out what the consequences are. You think it would be important to find out but joe biden doesnt want to wait. Biden promised a universal vaccination whether we need it or not any plans to get it done. Here he is last week telling you to shut up and take the shot. Some peoples questions about how quickly the vaccines were developed, they said they are developed so quickly they cant be that good. The bottom line is this, i promise you, they are safe. Even more importantly, they are extremely effective. The one i promise you, they are safe. They are safe. If the numbers out of israel turn out to be real and applicable to our country in this population, the clip you just saw will live forever as one of the most destructive things a sitting president has ever said from a podium. Maybe the worst part is the administration shouldve known this could be coming. Pfizers own Clinical Trials of the vaccine showed disturbing effects on young people. You are staying those effects right now. Pfizer gave the vaccine to one group of children and the rest got a placebo. Among the children who received just the first dose of Vaccine Rates of serious symptoms are higher across the board including symptoms related to myocarditis. The fda approved vaccine for 1215yearolds anyway and now the age threshold for vaccination may be dropping. The New York Times is reporting that drugmakers including pfizer and mentor and are carrying up to vaccinate children as young as six months old this fall. Studies in medical journals around the world, the lancet for example as well as the journal of the American Medical Association have shown that covid is not a great threat to children and that young people do not play a significant role in spreading covid. But that has not stopped the Biden Administration. Here is joe bidens personal covid advisor demanding that all College Students in addition to other millions of other people get the shot. There are clearly places you are congregating people that should have mandates. Students in universities, faculty and staff, health care facilities, every Health Care Worker ought to be vaccinated. I shouldnt have to worry, as my doctor been vaccinated, as that nurse been vaccinated . I think employers ought to take this very seriously and consider mandating and requiring their workers to get vaccinated especially if they are coming back to the office. Tucker you must get vaccinated. Okay, whats the risk . It tells you something that no one in authority ever seems to assess or even mention the potential downside of vaccination. Every drug has potential side effects, every drug from advil to chemotherapy. That doesnt mean we dont take them. It does mean that we have a right to know exactly what those drugs could potentially do to us. Transparency is the essence of medical ethics. So what is a heartbreak from from the Covid Vaccine . Youre not allowed to ask. Have you noticed that . They shout at you if you ask. Several weeks ago we quoted numbers from the administrations own reporting system that show a massive increase in deaths from this vaccine. Even if you believe that their system is profoundly flawed, and it seems to be flawed, its hard to explain the jump in fatalities in relative terms. Same system, different results. Between July 1st 1997 in the end of 2013 which is five and a half years, there were 2,149 deaths reported in the u. S. From all vaccines combined. Yet in just six months, the last six months there have been more than 5,160 deaths associated with the Covid Vaccine is reported to the heirs. Thats more than doubled the number of deaths in less than onetenth of the time. What does that mean and how do explain that . Those numbers are wrong say the usual layers with maximum hysteria. Okay, what are the real numbers . How many people have been injured or killed by the Covid Vaccine . More to the point is anyone in authority making good faith effort to find the answer to figure out who is being and how . If you are going to force people to take a drug, you have a moral obligation, an absolute moral obligation to understand with the effects that drug might be and be honest about what they are. But they are not doing that. We can say that conclusively. The people closest to these decisions have a pretty good sense of whats going on. They know transparency when they see it and they also know lying when they see it. You may have noticed the other day that the heads of nih and cdc noted that half of their employees have not been vaccinated. Why is that exactly . You would expect the people that work at nih or cdc would be first in line. Why arent they . Its not because they are ignorant, maybe its the opposite. In texas one group of Health Care Workers, the most informed in america are revolting at the public at the thought of being forced to take the vaccine. Houston Methodist Hospital requiring all Staff Members to get vaccinated for covid19 or be fired. Right after that i pretty much decided i was not going to do it. Everybody in america should have a right to decide what they put into their body. Jennifer bridges has worked at baytown for 30 years. She spent the last year and a half treating coronavirus patients and even got sick herself. Just had an Antibody Test like a week ago and i still have the antibodies in my system but it doesnt count for them, it doesnt work. More than 100 coworkers have joined jennifer in this lawsuit against hospital claiming methodist is forcing its employees to be human guinea pigs. Tucker the most basic questions of Civil Liberties are in the balance here and at some point they will be resolved. At some point it will be legal under american law to force adults to take medicine they dont want to take. But for millions of College Students, time is running out. Itll have luxury of waiting for Court Decision because in just weeks they will have to show their Vaccine Passports or they will be barred from school. What should they do and how should their parents respond . Doctor is a surgeon and the scientists and thought deeply about these questions and he joins us now. Thanks so much for coming on. I want to ask you specifically that College Students because i know you have a number of children including some i believe in college, but also because youve done work on the question of vaccinating people who have recovered from the virus and have high level of antibodies in their system. Does it from the medical perspective makes sense to force kids, young people, to get the vaccine when theyve already recovered from covid . Thats a great question. I think in the recent months and most recently in the past week its become increasingly clear that people who are covid recovered are equally protected from sars could lead to infections as people who are vaccinated. This is obviously something that many of us were predicting even before the evidence emerged. I believe as we have discussed before it extensively that vaccinating people who are covid recovered in this Emergency Situation where we basically very rapidly approved this new vaccine is a colossal error in Public Health judgment. We are basically overwriting principle of medical necessity so if in other words the person does not need for a stand to benefit from the vaccine or any medical treatment they should not be given it because it only opens the door to harm. In addition, we are doing something unprecedented during the pandemic which is vaccinating people in the middle of an outbreak. And thats just a recipe for disaster. Tucker saw someone who has studied the extensively come out strongly do you feel about this . If you were a parent of a child who had recovered from covid and have high levels of antibodies present as measured by a blood test, how would you respond to the demand let that child has to get the vaccine before turning back to campus . Would you allow that . Am happy to share my own personal experience, im actually in that position. I have two kids that are going to college, one going to a Great College in boston starting this fall. She had no antibodies and went ahead and got the Vaccine Uneventfully and now has good Antibody Levels. I sent was a sophomore at the university of chicago, he had covid in november and has a whopping amount of antibodies. We are in the process of asking for vaccine exceptional and potential basis of medical harm. This is from a medical and ethical perspective i know a anobrainer. They end up getting harmed, this is the liabilities of the institutions will have to absorb. This is really not an approved vaccine and we are rushing this through very fast in an unprecedented situation where many people are already naturally affected. I think its a colossal error. Tucker i think you make a compelling case. Very quickly, if i can be personal, if you dont get a medical exemption or your son doesnt what then . Well thats a good question. We will cross that bridge when we get to it, but i certainly, having a serology is measured again and i would not be opposed of his Antibody Levels drop to recommend that he get a booster shot. Part of this will also be his own decision because he is an adult. But he has been following my recommendation so far. Tucker i think they are pushing the population into a difficult spot. Lots of parents like you. Thank you so much for coming on today. I appreciate it. I knew study on hydroxychloroquine the forbidden drug has been conducted by researchers at the Medical Center in new jersey. They found that hydroxychloroquine can increase Survival Rates from covid by up to but apparently its true. And Alex Farrington likely knew that all along. He joins us now. I want to ask you about hydroxychloroquine but very quickly, what do you make of these numbers out of israel and the response by germany, the notations by physicians in canada now our own cdc that suggests that young men taking this vaccine might be at risk for Heart Inflammation . How big of a story is this . Its an enormous story. It has enormous Public Health implications and clinical implications and has enormous implications for parents and kids. It was barely a month ago that the cdc said to kids 1215 could get this vaccine. We dont have very much data on that population yet but there have already been two cases of myocarditis after the second dose. Member, you cant have gotten a second dose more than a few days ago if you are in that population so the fact that there are already two cases popping up as worrisome. The other thing thats very clear looking at the data is this is totally age stratified. If older people do not have an excess risk for of myocarditis the vaccine, younger people do and it appears that the risk can get worse the younger kids are. So why you would push 1215yearolds to be vaccinated when we know, worldwide when you look, the risk of death from covid in Healthy People under the age of 18 is so low you almost cant measure it. In a lot of countries it looks like one per million. So there is a real i dont understand what the Public Health authorities were thinking or are thinking but the one thing i will say is, it seems good to me that the cdc seems genuinely concerned about this, they called for an Emergency Meeting next week and will see what they say. But you and i and other Voices In The Wilderness have been warning about this. We were talking about the lab late last year and nobody wanted to listen in on the chickens are really coming home. Tucker scary. And at great cost to people and kids. Tell me about hydroxychloroquine. We werent able to use that word forever. Very quickly, i think this is part of the puzzle. Trump last year liked hydroxychloroquine and c werent allowed to say anything positive. The study out of new jersey is an interesting observation and its what you would call a hypothesis it should be confirmed if its true with bigger studies that are actually randomized controlled which they havent done. They did make one very interesting observation which is that maybe hydroxychloroquine was under dosed in heavy people so if you dose them higher you might have a better chance of showing results that you would like to show that the drug had benefits which we really havent done yet. But heres what you should really remember about hc keeler. We dont know at this point i would say if this drug works or not but we know that the medical astonishment last year once donald trump said he liked it was on a to destroy it. In the lancet published a paper if i had to retract, of how much it wanted to prove that hydroxychloroquine didnt work. This was the other piece of the vaccine. If donald trump were president right now, i can promise you that the medical establishment would be looking a much harder at what they shouldve been looking out for the last six months. Tucker with the shutdown other vaccines which are much poorer rate. I appreciate you coming on, thank you. Tucker, its a pleasure. Tucker so for a white house on the side of women, its interesting to note that Biden Administration has now banned the word women. And mother. We fainted a new document from the administration that eliminates all the different words being banned from the english language. You might want to write them down for when they become illegal. We will be right back. As the covid19 vaccines become available you might be asking yourself. Should i get it . And if i do. Will i be able go about life without putting my family at risk . Youve got questions. And thats normal. The fact is, the vaccines are safe and effective. Theyre going to save lives. To get the latest on the covid19 vaccines visit getvaccineanswers. Org because getting back to the moments we miss starts with getting informed. Its up to you. Tucker they used to say its as american as mom and apple pie but you cant say that anymore, both are banned. We first noticed this a few weeks ago one may be the single dumbest member of congress, a member from st. Louis called cory bush used the term birthing people rather than mothers. That sounds like something out of the dystopian Science Fiction model. Now in just a few weeks its gone mainstream and now the term birthing people has the endorsement of the white house. At a Hearing Yesterday that Deputy Director of joe bidens Budget Office explained, you really have to be a bigot to use the term woman. Ion to reduce Maternal Mortality and eliminate racebased disparities and outcomes among birthing people. Ive never heard that term before, can you explain what it means . Absolutely. There are certain people who dot female and male so we think are languishing to be more inclusive, could stomach more inclusive and how we deal with complex issues. Tucker this may be the least complex issue ever addressed. If others give birth and proper fathers dont. Children are the product of a mother and father. Thats not politics, its biology. You are are totalitarian that seeks to and its not just the Budget Office its doing this. The internal website at the friday, its a memo on bias free language but of course its very bias. It instructs staffers not to use words and phrases that may be considered offensive. Whats offensive . Founding fathers, manmade and singular pronouns. Right or wrong its supposed to be a political. Why do we control our language . Because they want to control our minds. Victor davis hanson is one of the few people we know that smart enough to see what this really means. We are honored to have him. What should we take from this . I think its characteristic of all bureaucracies that when they cant solve excellent Essential Problem they always go to the triviality as if theyve done something. Because we have 2. 8 mortgage rates, thats a gap. They are looking at pronouns and the same thing is true with the omb. We have a trillion dollar deficit, they will have a clue how to handle that. They do want to focus on the trivia and its also characteristic i think tucker of the left. They always want to be a cultural revolutionary but they want to go back in the posten cancel people out and rename streets and buildings and topple statues and change the language, and i think in the present they are starting in year is zero and we go in the future. At the Biden Administration believes that after a thousand years of usage in the english language, they and their infinite unions have been invented new words that nobody ever thought of and therefore this is the beginning of breeding avenue a new paradise or utopia. Also tucker, it sort of giving an answer for the question that doesnt exist or a solution to for a problem that doesnt exist, there is no victimization rampant so they have to come up with the psychodramas so they can feel that we dont have equity or fairness. But these words are here for reason, they are specific. The founding fathers, while they are achievement was not because they were male, they transcended their sacks. They created ideas out of the enlightenment that meant that you would have the womans suffrage or you would have civil rights because that was the logic of all men to rule. The nothing in the constitution that mentions race or gender so that they were male was incidental but it was important to see how they did. I think its important to not say that Queen Victoria or Queen Elizabeth or madame curry or helen connor was a woman and thats who she was, but i also think that it is rich in history that to know that they are woman and they transcended the situation. So i dont want to go and recreate language and then in an orwellian fashion and make us collective law, but is it really a problem . Do we have a lot of transgender people pouring into the hospitals are pregnant and they say you know what, i want to have a medical crisis if i can get the pronoun. Pronouns are important, they distinguish the language and do you find it interesting that they are so for avoidance by fertility in nature and the people that would produce, and thats okay, Men And Women Come Together and create new life. The whole thing is repulsive to them, why is that . I think its because it started with the feminist movement, they felt that impaired a womans future. But it also reflects reality is that the age that people are getting married and having children, buying a home and buying a house is going from mid 20s to mid 30s. Thats about 1. 8 rather than 2. 1 or two, these children have adult bodies but they had the minds of children. And she said she doesnt want to have children because of climate change. I dont know if its because of 1. 7 trillion in student debt over the economy but they dont want to take up the Training Wheels and go out and experience life and its experience and dangers. Tucker its sad, its even sad for sandy cortez, kind of missing the fun part. Victor davis hansen, thank you for coming out tonight. So joe bidens that he is going to visit the hotbed of extremism. Now learning who is part of that investigation, and it is the extremists. Are you surprised . Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. If you have One Hundred Thousand dollars or more of Life Insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. Dont cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what its worth. Visit conventrydirect. Com to find out if you policy qualifies. Or call the number on your screen. Coventry direct, redefining insurance. Hearing is important to living life to the fullest. Thats why inside every miracleear store, youll find better bedtime stories. 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Dr. Donald moss is on author and Faculty Member at both the new york cycle and Analytical Industries in the San Francisco center for psychoanalysis where he tells his students that whiteness is contagious, it can be passed on by other infected people and you are more prone to contract whiteness if you are white. And thats power without limit, and a drive to hate and terrorize and target nonwhite people. With psychic and historic interventions including methods of redistribution. As you might imagine some are calling the psycho nonsense quoting here, how do my colleagues consider the scholarship . Does anyone take this seriously . I was skeptical and i looked it up, and yes, it was real. Now i want to throw my Psychology Degree in the garbage. Not only is it real but dr. Maas was published in the journal, and its the cnn of psychoanalysis. Tucker an analogy that we can all understand. Does anyone take that kind of stuff seriously . And if you keep talking like that, what are the consequences . Its dangerous, and thats obvious. In january the new Secretary Of Defense for defense contractor, they vowed to root out extremism in the military. In return i will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault. The job of the Department Of Defense is to keep americans safe from our enemies but we cant do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks. Statement of some of those enemies are within our ranks, and its part of the hunt for extremists. Its partnered with islamic activists including one attorney who calls for the release of the prisoners that guantanamo bay. We are also learning that the u. S. Army Battalion Commander at fort carson reportedly told troops and are quoting now that white people are part of the problem. Dana greenfield, thanks for coming on. To very unpleasant one from the top down. Bishop, and how do you find, could define extremism . This group is going to find extremism that will punish them if they lie about their past activities. Thats going to be a point of contact for veterans gets into what kind of National Security positions. Theyve actually gotten 18 experts to come in and coordinate with this on this definition, and only one of them has a military background. The vast majority of them are partisan and it about a third of them are from muslim or islamic groups, it would appear that United States citizens have worked with united nations. This sounds like political comments to me. They are going to create a definition of extremism that fits a political agenda. Bishop garrison has a ready so that we are not going to have any tolerance for this ideology and then corrected himself. And you tell people in the military what kind of police they can have and what they can think and not just what they can do. Maybe at some point someone in the congress could hold up the military budget. In one sense, he cant have any more defective fighter jets if you is defunding the critical race theory, and thats a huge financial center. Tucker may be dick cheneys daughter could get in on it, she because of the troops. Thank you for coming on. We talk a lot about longterm problems on the show, and heres one you might want to worry about, Fertility Rates. The reproduction of the species, declining dramatically in this country but no one is talking about why. And the effect it has on people. Tonight with the Documentary Series, Tucker Carlson originals and i would highly recommend it. Emergency planning for kids. We cant predict when an emergency will happen. So thats why its important to make a plan with your parents. Here are a few tips to stay safe. Know how to get in touch with your family. Write down Phone Numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. Pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and cant go home. Remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. Making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency. Tucker tucker so we have a Documentary Series on Tucker Carlson originals out tonight called hunting ms13 on fox nation. Why its such a threat to us in this country, we met with members of ms13 who were being held for murder in prison. We are not so coprison an hour and a half outside of el salvador. The support of the president s anticrime effort and i think this is the first prison in the country to mix a gang members in the same facility. We are about to walk in with the director of prisons. You can tell, and thats a full forensic pat down so security is here is pretty tight. Ms13 is among other things a product of our broken Immigration Policy, a direct result of it. We talk to the president of el salvador and he said that ms13 has grown into something bigger than a gang, its a threat to the integrity of the nation. Tucker how would you describe ms13 . Its an International Crime organization. Its not just a gang like most people would think. Its not a gang. Its a National Criminal organization. The officers in new york and los angeles and italy, and australia, guatemala and honduras. This is a very big Criminal Organization comprised of hundreds of thousands of people. Tucker are Pretty Amazing experience. One thing that you learn when you talk to people being held for murder is that they jointed in l. A. So if you think Immigration Policy does not consequences, you want to watch it. By the way fox nation cant be since her by the monopolies because they dont own it. And they dont control it. So total fertility last year in the United States, meaning the number of children americans had it was the lowest on record since the government Begin Tracking at nearly 100 years ago. Total births were at their lowest rate since 1979 and this has massive implications for the country and all of us who live here. We are happy to have you on tonight rebecca, thanks for coming on. So biologic competitions will cease to exist if you dont reproduce, what are the more subtle implications for the declining Fertility Rate . Most people point to the economy as the driver appeared i think theres actually a cultural driver going on. Really there is this cultural dogma thats telling little girls that their greatest value in society is to the extent that they can maneuver to monetize their talents and abilities. He saw this over mothers day weekend with prominent provocation and extolling intentional childlessness. You can see that in the biden plan, 225 million to have nationalized day care to get bodies into the workforce, and its capitalism. Women still want to be mothers, and they are essentially cauterizing their hearts to put off having children and put off having more than one child to go into the workforce and establish their careers first. At what they be doing is the thrust of my peace, something that i tell young women, to get married and have children. Continue to do work, but to the extent it works for your family and thats where you will find great happiness. You have a happier and healthier society if you do that. That such corporate propaganda. Anyone on their deathbed that thinks, im so glad about the rays that i got at citibank. If anyone from the Hr Department from blackstone come visit you if you are dying . None of it means anything. This is something that people on the right and the left are actually really bad. People are afraid to affirm to their children that their time, talents and abilities art and education are never wasted on their children. I love my work, im not saying that women should work. What i am saying is that they should prioritize what is most important before time runs out. Not just having children but having children takes time and nurturing children takes time and the selfsacrifice rings out great joy and that children arent just this burden on society and this makes life worth living. The pursuit of happiness is constituted, is made in pouring into other people and relationships and self encouraging you one meant o do. Its the landing was also super fun. Im a man with a job and nothing is ever done professionally means anything compared to having children, its not in the same category. Wasting your life trying to boost the next Quarterly Report is the saddest thing ever heard. Why cant republicans say that, or are they just all totally and escalated and cant tell the truth about life . We cant exercise those muscles, whats the point of good gdp . The point of good gdp is a healthy society. 30 of married women prefer to have one person primarily at home at the age of 55 and one person being the primary breadwinner because they dont just want to have children, they want to be with them. So a lot of the Public Policy are that they ignore this. The elites just think they need bodies into the again, its not even breaking glass feelings which can be good but its in these relationships. So every grandmother, grandfather, mother, mentor and professor needs to be doing a better job of affirming this and women who do want to get married and have children and not just waste their time. Tucker of course. Citibank is so important. [laughs] rebecca, great to see you tonight. Thank you so much. This show is not yet over. Honestly, coming a little closer but we will be right back. Tucker look at that, we are out of time. Just kept talking on the clock ran out. We will be back tomorrow, we will see you then and we will also see on fox nation. Weve got a brandnew episode of our Documentary Series. Sean hannity takes over next. Sean welcome to hannity on this busy breaking news night. Now tonight and every night on this program we bring you Important Information that we are pretty confident that you wont get anywhere else from the media mob. This show, im a member of the press, i am a Talk Show Host, i embrace as a Talk Show Host to many roles. I would say this show

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