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from a free suchi deal. hello i'm christian fraser in london, laura trevelyan is in washington. in america the optimism is returning. this week the fed upgraded forecasts for growth, the economy is gaining new momentum, and joe biden says the us will cross 100—million vaccinations tomorrow, well ahead of schedule. contrast that with the picture here in europe. while president biden tries to reignite american exceptionalism, europe is floudering in a third wave of the virus; the vaccine rollout anything but exceptional. tonight the french prime minister announced paris and 16 french regions will return to lockdown for a month, from midnight tomorrow. rome and half of italy's regions are already in lockdown, germany is in the grip of a third wave — the number of new cases growing 20 per cent in the past week. the who says 20 thousand people are dying every week across europe, with the virus now sweeping east. we have now seen three consecutive weeks of growth in covid—19 cases. with over 1.2 million new cases reported last week across the european region. last week new deaths in the region surpassed 900,000. every week, more than 20,000 people across the region lose their lives to the virus. the number of people dying from covid—19 in europe is higher now than it was this time last year. the eu has vaccinated just 12 percent of its population and used just under half its stockpile of 15 million astrazeneca jabs. this week 13 countries suspended use of the vaccine, amid fears over rare blood clots . but today the ema concluded, as we knew it would, that the benefits from the vaccine in protecting people from covid—19, far outweighed the risks. the committee has come to a clear scientific conclusion. this is a safe and effective vaccine. its benefits in protecting people from covid—19 with the associated risks of death and hospitalisation outweigh the possible risks. which is great, but just as they clear it for use, along come renewed concerns over supply. britain's prime minister says he will be having his astrazeneca jab tomorrow. confident its safe. but the uk government says delays with their supply from india — down to technical difficultie — means the under —50's are unlikely to get theirjabs next month — as was briefed. lawrence gostin is chair in global health law at georgetown university and the director of the who's global health law centre. hejoins us from naples, florida. we will receive slightly fewer vaccines in april than in march but thatis vaccines in april than in march but that is still more than we received in february. and they supplied we do have real estate enable us to the targets we have set. lawrence gostin is chair in global health law at georgetown university and the director of the who's global health law centre. hejoins us from naples, florida. it's lovely to have you with us on the programme. it's really the tale of two continents at the moment although i know anthony felt she always looks —— looks towards him up and says maybe we are to our three weeks behind them but it is different this time because you're a long way ahead in your vaccination programme and will be further ahead in three weeks' time. you programme and will be further ahead in three weeks' time.— in three weeks' time. you have to remember _ in three weeks' time. you have to remember america _ in three weeks' time. you have to remember america was _ in three weeks' time. you have to remember america was among i in three weeks' time. you have to l remember america was among the in three weeks' time. you have to - remember america was among the worst performers in the world during the first year of the covid—19 pandemic or may be the worst and now we are among the very best in the world. certainly among a high population of countries in their top five and our rates per population and i think we are going to get to an astoundingly good vaccine coverage by the summer. that's really good news for america. i think anthony felt she is right. we need to mask up and we need to distance because variants are predominating and we cannot let our guard down right at the end. there is a very lively _ guard down right at the end. there is a very lively debate _ guard down right at the end. there is a very lively debate on _ guard down right at the end. there is a very lively debate on the - guard down right at the end. there is a very lively debate on the side between the eu and the uk over astrazeneca supply. i noticed today that biden administration announced it was going to send some ashes supply to mexico. of course, there is an ulterior motive. we will send different —— some vaccine and maybe you can stop some of the people coming to the border but there are 30 million doses in west chester ohio and i wonder whether you think the administration a set amy up at more sensitive that it sitting on vaccine that it's not using? i really should. in our geostrategic rivals, russia, china have been using vaccine diplomacy quite a lot. is it the right thing to do? the united states should share its supply particularly with the astrazeneca vaccine. we have not even giving eight emergency use authorisation here and it's a surplus and so i think thatjoe biden administration is planning on donating about 4 million doses, both the canada and mexico, our northern part in the dashboard and our southern border.— part in the dashboard and our southern border. .., , ,., southern border. ethically, both the us and the uk _ southern border. ethically, both the us and the uk have _ southern border. ethically, both the us and the uk have secured - southern border. ethically, both the us and the uk have secured about | us and the uk have secured about twice as many vaccines as they actually need. how can that be defended?— actually need. how can that be defended? ., ., ,, , defended? you are right. secondly as an ethical perspective _ defended? you are right. secondly as an ethical perspective i _ defended? you are right. secondly as an ethical perspective i think- defended? you are right. secondly as an ethical perspective i think every i an ethical perspective i think every country including the united states and the uk always primary duty to its own population but only to a point. right now we are ethically grotesque because the united states, uk, could get back to the near—normal levels. not quite but by the end of the year and we are seeing that the world are not going to be vaccinated fully for many years in some cases, currently in sub—saharan africa, on the nine countries in the whole continent have any vaccine and vaccinations so this is a vaccine apartheid as the administrative health of south africa has said, he said this was a moral catastrophe. just africa has said, he said this was a moral catastrophe.— moral catastrophe. just on a personal— moral catastrophe. just on a personal note, _ moral catastrophe. just on a personal note, i— moral catastrophe. just on a personal note, i know- moral catastrophe. just on a personal note, i know you . moral catastrophe. just on a l personal note, i know you are moral catastrophe. just on a - personal note, i know you are in florida and be able to see her four—year—old granddaughter for the first time in six months because he had been vaccinated, what is that like? ., ~ i. ., had been vaccinated, what is that like? ., ~ ., ., ,, had been vaccinated, what is that like? ., ~ ., ,, , had been vaccinated, what is that like? ., ~ ., ., ,, , ., like? thank you for asking. she is a 'o and like? thank you for asking. she is a joy and she — like? thank you for asking. she is a joy and she bring — like? thank you for asking. she is a joy and she bring such _ like? thank you for asking. she is a joy and she bring such love - like? thank you for asking. she is a joy and she bring such love to - like? thank you for asking. she is a joy and she bring such love to my i joy and she bring such love to my heart and to my wife's hearts and we are fully vaccinated and explain that it's been an amazing and we have not seen her in nearly a year and when we hugged each other and we first saw each other it was incredible. ifearthat first saw each other it was incredible. i fear that if a bit guilty. maybe a lot because i've had some match privilege in my life and i raced that same sense of love and freedom could be shared throughout the world but it's not and we really do need to think about what we to others and notjust to ourselves. setting a good example of that. something we can all aspire to. when president biden and vice president kamala harris are in atlanta on friday, they'll meet with people from the city's asian—american community. six asian american women were amoung the eight people killed in attacks on massage parlours in atlanta on tuesday — and vigils have been held across america today to remember those killed, amid rising concerns about anti asian sentiment. for many asian americans the gunman�*s intent was clear and a result of growing stereotyping and harassment they have confronted — a situation they say has only become worse during the coronavirus pandemic. these are some shared feelings of people who showed up at a vigil in washington dc the night after the shooting. just to be an asian american woman anywhere in the us. a lot of shot, —— shock, anger, pain. his anywhere in the us. a lot of shot, -- shock, anger, pain.— -- shock, anger, pain. his hate towards asian _ -- shock, anger, pain. his hate towards asian americans - -- shock, anger, pain. his hate towards asian americans has i -- shock, anger, pain. his hate i towards asian americans has been building _ towards asian americans has been building for years. there are really heartbreaking to see that people 'ust heartbreaking to see that people just let _ heartbreaking to see that people just let that discrimination take over— just let that discrimination take over and — just let that discrimination take over and create such pain. none of this is going _ over and create such pain. none of this is going to _ over and create such pain. none of this is going to stop _ over and create such pain. none of this is going to stop a _ over and create such pain. none of this is going to stop a few- over and create such pain. none of this is going to stop a few are - over and create such pain. none of this is going to stop a few are too l this is going to stop a few are too afraid _ this is going to stop a few are too afraid to — this is going to stop a few are too afraid to affect _ this is going to stop a few are too afraid to affect and _ this is going to stop a few are too afraid to affect and continent. - bee nguyen is a georgia state representative, and she joins us from atlanta, thank you for being late to at this difficult time. this aspect is claiming that racism had nothing to do it this crime and he said he was a sex addict. do asian american women face a particular kind of discrimination in america? i believe that we d0- — discrimination in america? i believe that we do. when _ discrimination in america? i believe that we do. when we _ discrimination in america? i believe that we do. when we talk _ discrimination in america? i believe that we do. when we talk about - discrimination in america? i believe that we do. when we talk about the j that we do. when we talk about the rise of hate crimes happening in america that is 100% —— of those crimes reported the 8% of those victims are asian women and in this particular horrific tragedy that asked asian women were killed and we also know that asian women have always been hyper sexualised i'm sexually exploited both in the united states and overseas hysterically and presently. this is an issue where many things converge and we are talking about is enough of and gender—based violence and their victims who were killed are specifically vulnerable because they rake in industries in which they may have been potentially exploited themselves and we know that four of themselves and we know that four of the women were korean between the ages of 50 and 70 and it's being reported that two of them after lived and work in response and then you think about that you are really thinking about really vulnerable people who are disconnected from community and disconnected from family and who don't have somebody who is making sure that they are ok. you are talking about asian american and pacific island that is, how difficult has this past year been for a year that he wrecked so many asian americans being blamed for the pandemic and president trump himself talking about the china virus? before president trump started characterising for virus as belonging to china where the fault of china or the fault of people who look chinese, asian americans have experienced racism and xenophobia in this country. i think since 2016 for four years of the former president has been extremely challenging both as a woman and a daughter of immigrants and of course over the last year just watching such targeted hatred being directed and being worried for my family and worry for my friends along with everything else that's happened in conjunction with the pandemic and some of the guidance related to the election, it's been extremely stressful. we know that the rise in hate crimes targeting our elderly folks has risen in the last couple of weeks but that this particular incident hitting so close to home and being so horrific and so violent, a lot of us are hurting and angry and we wantjustice. i can angry and we want 'ustice. i can hear that in h angry and we want 'ustice. i can hear that in your _ angry and we wantjustice. i can hear that in your voice - angry and we wantjustice. i can hear that in your voice and - angry and we wantjustice. i can hear that in your voice and i'm l hear that in your voice and i'm really sorry that it's such an awful time for you in the community. i want to ask you about the police because that spokesperson for that cherokee county sheriffs office said that the men had had a bad day, a bad day. how does that make you feel? we have heard this before and we have seen this pattern of behaviour by law enforcement by mainstream media before where the efforts to humanise the perpetrator to find some reason or some justification as to why an individual would act so incredibly violently. so it's not nearly and it's not but it's enraging all the same. the conversations ought to be around a bit and theirfamilies and loved ones and the remaining people who are impacted by this incident. i think you make a really good point because sometimes the media searches for a singular narrative on something like this and it's more than that like you say it's misogyny and gender. what about tomorrow when the president comes down there? he was coming to talk about the rescue plan and that will go away. he did talk about the attacks on asian americans. what do you need him to do and what do you need him to say? the president and the vice president have been very vocal about the increase in hate crimes against folks and i deeply appreciate it. it's much different from the previous administration and my hope is we can discuss how this incident in atlanta were behind of moving forward and what role the president can take him back from their perspective and the fbi perspective if needed. but also talking about what asians living in this country needed. a lot of those things are language —based resources to deal with things like the public health crisis and also to recognise that our interaction with law enforcement much like the black community here in america is different. we did not necessarily feel safer with increased law enforcement and there are language barriers and concerns around documentation and citizenship. we would also like to talk to the president about the greater scope of immigration in our country itself. greater scope of immigration in our country itself-— country itself. thank you for 'oinin: country itself. thank you for joining us — country itself. thank you for joining us on _ country itself. thank you for joining us on a _ country itself. thank you for joining us on a difficult - country itself. thank you forj joining us on a difficult night country itself. thank you for - joining us on a difficult night for atlanta. for those watching on bbc world news — we'll be right back. the bbc has been told that a majority of msps on the holyrood committee that's investigating the handling of harrassment claims against alex salmond believe nicola sturgeon misled their inquiry. it's understood they voted five to four that ms sturgeon gave them an inaccurate account when she answered their questions last thursday. a spokesman for the first minister has insisted she told the truth. the committee's full report is due to be released next week. our political correspondent nick eardley describes it as potentially a big moment for nicola sturgeon. the committee that's been looking into the scottish government's handling of harassment allegations made against alex salmond has been meeting tonight to discuss its final findings, and sources have told the bbc that, by 5—4, they have found that the first minister, nicola sturgeon, misled that committee. now, the details of that haven't been published. some are still urging some caution when it comes to the final wording, but this is a really significant moment because a committee of the scottish parliament, according to our sources, is saying that the first minister has not been fully truthful with them about what went on in that process. now, we have heard briefly from nicola sturgeon tonight. she told sky news that she would wait to see what the committee said. the scottish government is putting more emphasis on another report, which is from nicola sturgeon's independent adviser on the ministerial code. he is due to report in the coming days. but the scottish conservatives are saying tonight that there is no trust in the first minister now. they've been saying for some time that she should resign. a week today, the scottish parliament breaks up for the election on may 6. there is going to be a flurry of activity in the next few days, and a lot of this is going to now focus on the conclusion of that committee, sources telling the bbc tonight that it has found that it believes nicola sturgeon misled the committee and therefore parliament. relations between the us and china are colder than the alaskan permafrost —— so where better than snowy anchorage for the two sides to meet and take stock ofjust where they are at. there will be no great thaw in relations, no agreements no accords, and perhaps no great change in direction for the biden administration, from the hardline position that donald trump had set out for. for the past few years, beijing and washington have been at loggerheads over all manner of issues, technology, human right and of course the simmering trade war. for mr biden his focus is on uniting allies to counter beijing's coercive diplomacy while positioning the us to better—compete with china. so let's go live to anchorage and speak to the bbc�*s barbara plett usher. i was thinking today when he has cut all this problem on the us, mexican boy derek, president biden can hardly sustain any weakness or any sign of weakness when dealing with china. . , sign of weakness when dealing with china. ., , . ., , china. that is certainly the approach _ china. that is certainly the approach the _ china. that is certainly the l approach the administration china. that is certainly the - approach the administration is taking. it's become a man try. our strategy is to come to retrieve a position of strength and position of strength. and they are serious about that. one of the race they are doing that. one of the race they are doing thatis that. one of the race they are doing that is writing i live in a very huge dramatic affect to come up with a joint strategy to counter what they say are practices that china carries out that are fighting human rights but are any threats to the rate of world runs on the rules by which the global order runs and he had been quite outspoken about that and they say these meetings they will be outspoken about that cannot be with me on the table and how they feel about what china is doing and what they would like to respond. that meeting has started and one of three meetings that take place here at anchorage and we know that already secretary in lincoln has made clear that he is not going to hold back from talking about these difficult issues. let us have a listen to what he has been saying. people of east —— discuss our deep concerns— people of east —— discuss our deep concerns including hong kong, taiwan, — concerns including hong kong, taiwan, cyber attacks on the united states. _ taiwan, cyber attacks on the united states, economic or asian our allies — states, economic or asian our allies. each of these actions threaten _ allies. each of these actions threaten the rules —based order that maintains— threaten the rules —based order that maintains global stability and that's— maintains global stability and that's why they are not merely internal— that's why they are not merely internal matters and by the fear and ohiigation— internal matters and by the fear and obligation to raise these issues here _ obligation to raise these issues here today. everybody has been wondering how the policy towards china _ wondering how the policy towards china wiii— wondering how the policy towards china will change from mrjohn's policy _ china will change from mrjohn's policy. things got really bad and we kept hearing about the chinese virus which _ kept hearing about the chinese virus which regards to the point that mix. they are _ which regards to the point that mix. they are not — which regards to the point that mix. they are not talking about the chinese — they are not talking about the chinese virus but they are going to stay tough — chinese virus but they are going to stay tough they say on issues like human— stay tough they say on issues like human rights and issues like trade and so _ human rights and issues like trade and so on — human rights and issues like trade and so on. the human rights and issues like trade and so on. , ., , and so on. the chinese had been hoinr and so on. the chinese had been hoping for _ and so on. the chinese had been hoping for a _ and so on. the chinese had been hoping for a reset _ and so on. the chinese had been hoping for a reset and _ and so on. the chinese had been hoping for a reset and he - and so on. the chinese had been hoping for a reset and he wanted and so on. the chinese had been i hoping for a reset and he wanted to go back to those days of engagement and are hoping also to raise questions about his pacific actions and the sanctions and restrictions he's supposed to be miffed that i may want to go back to a dialogue and a stomach. they had different agendas and the key is whether this meeting can be a constructive start to a relationship that is going to be difficult and administration officials have told us what they would really like to do is make sure this is notjust an exchange of talking points. he went to have conversations about this than just the usual rhetoric. conversations about this than 'ust the usual rhetorici the usual rhetoric. what is the bi . . est the usual rhetoric. what is the biggest flashpoint _ the usual rhetoric. what is the biggest flashpoint especially i the usual rhetoric. what is the | biggest flashpoint especially as beijing has this complete power grab in hong kong where it is trying to stifle democracy?— in hong kong where it is trying to stifle democracy? hong kong was a bi issuei stifle democracy? hong kong was a big issue i do _ stifle democracy? hong kong was a big issue i do remember _ stifle democracy? hong kong was a big issue i do remember that - stifle democracy? hong kong was a big issue i do remember that the i big issue i do remember that the state department announced sanctions just very shortly before he came here to anchorage because of their latest steps that threaten their autonomy and democracy in hong kong. it was seen as a sign, a deliberate sign of how they wanted to send a message before this meeting that they were going to take it seriously. i asked about that and he said now, we have to respond to the steps that are taken against hong kong and that is when the chinese did it and so we responded them. those are definitely issues that are going to continue to be a real problem. i think from the biden administration's point of view the bigger picture is what we talk about the rules of the game. they say china is using aggression and coercion to impose its railway to impose the way it wants to do things militarily and economically binds the united states and its allies should have a counter message to that and one of the ways that the biden administration wants to do thatis biden administration wants to do that is notjust to try to slow china down let this be america up to be competitive in those technologies that have a lot to do with military and economic power. that's why they want to be proactive and otherwise they say they will continue to call out human rights violations and try to do so without ice. let's get some of the day's other news spain has passed a law to legalise euthanasia —— becoming the fourth country in europe to allow people to end their own life in some circumstances. the law allows adults with "serious and incurable" diseases that cause "unbearable suffering" to choose to end their lives. it's expected to take effect injune. world athletics is allowing russian track and field athletes to compete again in international events under a neutral flag. ten will be allowed to participate in this summer's olympics, providing they meet strict anti—doping criteria and the russian athletics federation adopts a list of reforms. who doesn't love a freebie. but how far would you go to get one? how about changing your name? in taiwan 150 people have visited government offices in recent days to change their name to salmon. and its all because of a two—day promotion that is being run by a chain of sushi shops. any customer whose id card contains "gui yu" — the chinese characters for salmon — is entitled to an all—you—can—eat sushi meal with five mates. free food. but taiwanese officials have had enough, pleading with people to stop to save the enormous waste of time and paperwork at the official registration office. there's also a catch. get it. in taiwan, a person can only change their name three times in a lifetime, so if you change you name to "salmon" and then back again. you have only one go left. use your wishes wisely. hello. well, it's time to have a look at the weather for the next week or so and a little beyond that. it's very quiet on the weather front right now. a big high pressure is dominating the scene. for many of us, little change for the rest of the week and into the weekend. and it's generally quite chilly with this high pressure currently centred just to the west of ireland. now, the winds are flowing around the high pressure in a clockwise fashion. the wind has been dragging in cloud from the north, spreading it across the uk, so for most of us it has been quite overcast — there's been a bit of rain. having said that, the skies did clear across scotland and in one or two spots, it actually turned quite warm. and scotland has in fact just had its warmest day of the year so far. temperatures in edinburgh got up to around 19 degrees celsius. this is still yet to be confirmed by the met office, but the high teens felt very pleasant indeed today across parts scotland. now, a very different story early in the morning in central and southern scotland. temperatures only around 3 degrees or so, so a bit of a nip in the air. but for most of us it's frost free. 6 or 7 degrees and also damp. from lincolnshire, east anglia, perhaps to the london area, there will be some light rain in the morning, but come the afternoon, the expectation is that the skies will clear across norfolk, suffolk into central southern england. also some sunshine again across one or two areas of scotland. so, glasgow could hit the highest temperature, 15 degrees celsius. for most of us, it's going to be a little bit less mild, shall we say? here's saturday, and saturday marks the vernal equinox, so that means it's the first day of astronomical spring. just a reminder — meteorological spring starts on 1st march, the 20th or 21st march is often astronomical spring. and very little change expected. it's going to be overall pretty cloudy with temperatures around 11 to 13 degrees. just a hint of a weather front there brushing the very far north—west of scotland. here's sunday and again little change. the high pressure is still centred just to the west of us. the clouds are sort of flowing in this area of high pressure, not doing an awful lot. for some of us, yes, it will be a decent day, perhaps around the lake district, but for some eastern areas, it may end up being another cloudy day. now here's an outlook into next week, so the high pressure is still very close to the uk, actually stretching all the way into iberia. the jet stream is way to the north of us, so that's sending weather systems in the direction of iceland, so things remain settled across the uk and all we're going to be doing is forecasting the amount of cloud we're going to get. so let's have a look at the outlook, then, end of the week, through the weekend and into next week. you can see there's so little to talk about just weather icons here indicating variable amounts of cloud. temperatures of around 11 to 13 degrees celsius. if the sun pops out, it could briefly turn a little bit warmer in one 01’ two areas. now later next week, the weather is finally going to turn more unsettled, because that high pressure isn't going to stick around forever. so we're anticipating things to turn a lot more unsettled and here's the outlook from the midweek next week onwards. you can see that the high pressure has slipped to the south and these weather fronts are starting to push in from the atlantic, so perhaps the south—east stays more settled, but rain and wind will eventually reach western areas. weather fronts are starting to push in from the atlantic, so perhaps the south—east stays more settled, but rain and wind will eventually reach western areas. but until then, it's calm. tonight at ten — the oxford astrazeneca vaccine is declared safe and effective by the eu's medical regulator. france, germany, italy and spain are among the eu nations that will now resume the roll—outs of the jab, after pausing it amid concerns about blood clots. it is a safe and effective vaccine. its benefits in protecting people from covid—19 with the associated risks of death and hospitalisation outweigh the possible risks. here, despite a problem with supplies from india, the government says no vaccination appointments will be cancelled. our progress along the road to freedom continues unchecked. we remain on track to reclaim the things we love, to see our families and friends again. almost half the uk's adult population has now been vaccinated. also on the programme tonight...

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Bbc News , Nothing , Astra Zeneca , Vaccine , France , Jab , Ema , Hasn T , Eu , Concern , Risk , Regulator , Clots , Italy , Space , America , Women , Vaccinations , Programme , Community , Atlanta , Hate Crimes , End , Vigils , Calls , Six , People , Administration , China , Salmon , Order , Name , Officials , Taiwan , Talks , Expectations , Low , Alaska , Zero , Suchi Deal , Joe Biden , Growth , Optimism , Momentum , Economy , Forecasts , London , Laura Trevelyan , Christian Fraser , Will Cross , Fed , Washington , Picture , Europe , Wave , Floudering , Schedule , American Exceptionalism , 100 Million , Virus , Prime Minister , Lockdown , Half , Regions , Paris , Germany , Vaccine Rollout Anything , Grip , Rome , 16 , Cases , Number , Least , 20 , 20 Thousand , Region , 19 , 1 2 Million , Three , Lives , Deaths , 900000 , 20000 , Population , Covid 19 , Countries , Stockpile , Jabs , 15 Million , 13 , 12 , Risks , Benefits , Blood Clots , Use , Fears , Committee , Conclusion , Scottish Government , Supply , Concerns , Death , Hospitalisation , Delays , Safe , India , Britain , Vaccines , Global Health Law , Director , Hejoins Us , , Lawrence Gostin , Florida , Global Health Law Centre , Georgetown University , Naples , Technical Difficultie , 0 , Targets , Real Estate , Continents , Tale , Two , Way , Looks , Vaccination Programme , World , Pandemic , Worst , Performers , Covid , Summer , News , Rates , Vaccine Coverage , Five , The End , Guard , Variants , Anthony , Course , Debate , Motive , Side , Over Astrazeneca Supply , Ashes Supply To Mexico , Some , Border , Doses , West Chester , Ohio , 30 Million , Lot , Thing , Vaccine Diplomacy , Rivals , Russia , Thatjoe , Authorisation , Planning , Emergency Use , Surplus , Eight , Dashboard , Southern Border , Part , Mexico , Canada , 4 Million , Country , Perspective , Have , Point Of View , Duty , Levels , Health , Continent , Sub Saharan Africa , South Africa , Nine , Catastrophe , Note , Granddaughter , Time , Moral Catastrophe , Meal , Four , Joy , Love , Heart , Hearts , O , She , Wife , In My Life , Each Other , Ifearthat , Mother , Freedom , Need , Notjust , Sense , Something , Kamala Harris , Asian American Community , Example , Aspire , City , Attacks , Asian Americans , Asian , Massage Parlours , Gunman S Intent , Sentiment , Result , Stereotyping , Asian American Women , Harassment , Situation , Shooting , Feelings , Vigil In Washington Dc The Night , Shot , Pain , None , Discrimination , Shock , Danger , Hate , Dust , Building , Anywhere , Few , Bee Nguyen , Representative , Aspect , Georgia State , Racism , Rise , Crime , Kind , We D0 Discrimination In America , Sex Addict , Victims , Crimes , Tragedy , 8 , 100 , Both , Hyper Sexualised , Things , Issue , Violence , Industries , Wages , Work , Response , Being , 70 , 50 , Family , Somebody , Don T Have , President , Pacific Island , Fault , Characterising , Chinese , Xenophobia , 2016 , Immigrants , Hatred , Friends , Daughter , Everything Else , Folks , Election , Conjunction , Guidance , Home , Incident Hitting , Voice , Justice , Office , Police , Cherokee County , Spokesperson , Men , In H , Mainstream Media , Pattern , Behaviour , Reason , Efforts , Justification , Perpetrator , Individual , Bit , Conversations , Incident , Same , Loved Ones , Gender , Narrative , Misogyny , Rescue , Media , Plan , Hope , Increase , Role , Fbi , Interaction , Crisis , Resources , Immigration , Scope , Law Enforcement , Documentation , Citizenship , Barriers , Country Itself , Oinin , Itself , Bbc World News , Difficult Night For Atlanta , Handling , Nicola Sturgeon , Sturgeon , Majority , Alex Salmond , Harrassment , Account , Holyrood Committee , Claims , Inquiry , Ms , First Minister , Questions , Report , Nick Eardley , Spokesman , Truth , Meeting , Sources , Findings , Allegations , That , 4 , 5 , Details , Wording , Haven T , Process , Scottish Parliament , Ministerial Code , Emphasis , Adviser , Sky News , Conservatives , Trust , Scottish , 6 , May 6 , Activity , Parliament , Flurry , Relations , Permafrost , Snowy Anchorage , Sides , Direction , Change , Accords , Thaw , Agreements , Stock Ofjust , Issues , Beijing , Position , Biden His Focus , Technology , Human Right , Diplomacy , Loggerheads , Manner , Donald Trump , Counter Beijing , Simmering Trade War , Let S Go , Barbara Plett Usher , Sign , Problem , Weakness , Dealing , Mexican , Boy Derek , One , Race , Approach , Strategy , Strength , Man Try , Writing , Human Rights , Rate , Affect , Threats , Meetings , Table , Runs , Secretary , Listen , Saying , Lincoln , Hong Kong , Peach , Allies , Actions , Fear , Stability , Obligation , Everybody , Matters , Ohiigation , Policy , Mix , Hearing , Mrjohn , China Wiii , Trade , Reset , Human Stay , The , Engagement , Hoinr , Sanctions , Key , Restrictions , Dialogue , Stomach , Agendas , Rhetoric , Relationship , Talking Points , Exchange , Democracy , Flashpoint , Power Grab , Rhetorici , State Department , Steps , Autonomy , Bi Issuei Stifle Democracy , Message , Rules , Aggression , Game , Counter , Railway , Coercion , Ways , Technologies , Power , Human Rights Violations , Thatis Biden , Law , Ice , Euthanasia , Spain , World Athletics , Life , Suffering , Adults , Circumstances , Diseases , Effect Injune , Russian , Ten , Track , Athletes , List , Events , Flag , Criteria , Olympics , Reforms , Russian Athletics Federation , Freebie , Doesn T , 150 , Promotion , Government Offices , Chain , Sushi Shops , Customer , Id Card , Characters , Pleading , Mates , Food , Waste , Enough , Gui Yu , Person , Registration Office , Paperwork , Catch , Look , Times , It S Time , Lifetime , Wishes , Left , High Pressure , Weather , Weather Front , Little , Many , Scene , Little Change , Weekend , Wind , Cloud , North , It , West , Pressure , Winds , Rest , Fashion , Dragging , Ireland , Most , Temperatures , Rain , Skies , Parts Scotland , Spots , Fact , Edinburgh , Teens , Story , Southern Scotland , Met Office , Area , Nip In The Air , Light Rain In The Morning , Expectation , Afternoon , Lincolnshire , East Anglia , 7 , 3 , Areas , Temperature , Sunshine , Suffolk , Southern England , Norfolk , Glasgow , 15 , Spring , The 20th Or 21st March , 1st March , Vernal Equinox , 21st March , 1 , 21 , Hint , 11 , Clouds , West Of Scotland , Yes , Outlook , Jet Stream , Weather Systems , Lake District , Liberia , Iceland , Wall , Amount , Amounts , Doing , Icons , The Sun , 01 , Weather Fronts , South , Atlantic , Western Areas , Calm , Oxford , Nations , Roll Outs , Supplies , Vaccination Appointments , Families , Progress Along The Road To Freedom , Friends Again , Adult Population ,

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