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more money for an accelerating american covid vaccine rollout now climbing past 109 million doses administered. that means more than one in five americans are now at least partially vaccinated. the global vaccine rollout also a big issue today, especially across europe. a few dozen recipients of the astrazeneca vaccine report dangerous blood clots. a growing list of countries now suspending use of the astrazeneca vaccine, including france, italy and germany. world health organization and european experts are taking a new urgent look at the issue. but the executive director of the eu agency that regulates vaccines says every piece of available data says the astrazeneca vaccine is both effective and safe. >> at present there is no indication that vaccination has caused these conditions. they have not come up in the clinical trials and they're not listed as known or expected side events with this vaccine. we are still firmly convinced that the benefits of the astrazeneca vaccine in preventing covid-19, with its associated risk of hospitalization and death outweigh the risk of these side effects. >> back to that story in a moment. first, though, the president's road trip, his stop is about highlighting a giant legislative achievement and trying to sell the idea that government must be trusted to help deal with big problems. the president's first stop today is an interesting choice. we remember this map from the 2020 election, pennsylvania absolutely critical to joe biden. he'll be down here today in the philadelphia area, first montgomery county, and then come over to philadelphia, and then just south, delaware county the city of chester, chester part of delaware county, chester itself a small majority black city. look at this, 34,000 population, 69% of the population where the president will be today is african-american. the median income below the national average, well below it, $32,000, nearly one-third of the citizens of chester live in poverty. so a place where stimulus checks, family tax credits, new economic assistance, helping getting schools opened desperately needed and the president hopes significantly welcomed. kaitlan collins joins us from chester where the president will be shortly. >> reporter: the president is going to be here visiting a small business while he's here. we don't know which one yet. but we'll find out in a few miles per hour when he gets on the ground. they are saying this is a city like this is what proves the point of why they pushed to get that massive coronavirus relief bill through and they're saying that it's not just chester, it's all of pennsylvania pointing to numbers like the ones here about how this bill -- that the president signed into law last week is going to affect the people that live here, not just the money for states and localities but also the money for schools, the child tax credit and the enhancement there, that's what he's on the ground selling and talking about their efforts to help small businesses. they're saying it's places like this, and people who live here and places like chester, pennsylvania that actually need this help, that need those stimulus checks, that need the child tax credit, of course who we were talking about earlier, is talking about lifting children out of poverty and they believe this bill is going to do that. you're right, this is not just a salesmanship for this bill and talking about the implementation of it, it's also aspects of it that they want to make permanent, including the child tax credit and the changes there that are temporary in this coronavirus relief bill but is something that president biden and his top aides want to see made long term. so that's what you're going to see when he actually gets here on the ground selling that message. it's one of many stops the president and several top aides including the first lady are taking this week, john. starting here but expect to continue to see this message in these critical states going forward for the rest of the week. >> kaitlan collins on the ground for us live reporting, chester, pennsylvania, appreciate that very much. let's discuss this further now with dana bash and lauren lopez. following up on the point, a giant legislative achievement but also about watch how this works, that check in your bank account, that aid to help your school reopen. more money to reopen vaccine sites. republicans are arguing big spending by the democrats, whether the next issue is infrastructure or climate change, the republicans are going to say too much government, too much money, joe biden's trying to say you need government help and i'm going to prove it can work. >> all the reasons kaitlan gives why the president's team thinks chester pennsylvania is important in the content. and also -- always the swingiest of swing areas, especially in the upcoming midterm elections. that speaks to one of the reasons why they're doing this, because it's to explain and protect his legacy and his initiatives, the biggest of which so far, of course, is this covid bill but it's also to help protect the democrats who voted for it and help explain to their constituents that it's not just big government from their perspective, this is things that people who have very much been suffering from this, from teachers to small business owners, to, you know, keep going on down the list, need this money, and, you know, particularly in a place where people historically are fiscally conservative and maybe socially more progressive seeing a $1.9 trillion spending bill is eye popping, and will probably take a lot to swallow in terms of support. >> so they need to prove that it works. laura lopez, one of the other challenges of being president is you don't get to pick what comes across your desk. the president wants to explain to people what they're getting today and tomorrow and the next year or two as this money is spent out. at the same time he plans what next to ask the congress, he has -- what the republicans call a crisis, call it a challenge, the major problem at the u.s.-mexico border. record numbers of minor unaccompanied children are held in conditions that are not up to par for them. trying to send the message, please don't come now. >> it is not ever a good idea to come in this irregular fashion. it is a more humane system, but it is not open borders. >> do not come now. give us the time to rebuild the system that was entirely dismantled in the prior administration. >> however, even democrats, especially border state democrats say there's a problem here, that the administration might be saying from the president on down, please don't come now, please give us some time but the administration is also saying we are not the trump administration. if you come we are going to treat you humanely, if you come we're not going to make you stay in camps in in mexico. and that's not the way the message is being received despite what the white house is saying. >> the message has to be clearer in central america. one is from the president saying don't come. the other one is the family friends network that get over here, then they tell their friends and family i was able to come through. this friday i was there and i talked to some of the people that had come across, there were about 20 of them. i asked them which message have they heard? never heard the president. >> how do they fix that? >> you know, there's a lot there for the administration to tackle, john. and there's a lot that goes into what leads migrants to actually make that dangerous journey. statistics actually show there are more mexicans coming to the border now than central americans. even though the administration is saying that they are going to try to be -- establish a more humane system they are still expelling migrants via an authority, a public health authority that was established under the trump administration, one they haven't gotten rid of yet and they are still expelling a large number of migrants. what the administration is trying to do is build up more capacity so they're trying to work with youth organizations as well as foster care organizations in the local areas to try to get more shelters and as you said, get these children out of cbp facilities faster. but this is an issue that a lot of house democrats -- well all democrats, not just house democrats are concerned about because of course there is politics and the republicans are going down there to try to really hammer the administration on it. i'm also told by some hill sources that secretary mayorkas who you just played a clip on, that he is expected to talk to hispanic caucus members this week and there's going to be a lot of questions about that when he does. >> quite a lot of questions about that. this is the challenge of a new administration, day 56, some things you can't control. there's also, dana, this urge among democrats that we have power now. it's been a long time. we have power now, let's use it as quickly as possible. while the president would like to be on the road talking about covid relief, taking his time to think about what's next, you have democrats saying what is next? bring the immigration bill to the floor, infrastructure, and climate change. one of the questions, especially on the infrastructure bill, is, are you going to raise taxes? vice president harris is on the road to talk covid relief but of course questions follow you. listen. >> can you say whether tax increases are under consideration as part of the next phase of this recovery act? >> we haven't figured out what the next phase is going to be, to be honest with you, we're going to make those decisions, this just happened last week. we want to get on the road to make sure people know what it is. >> another right answer. punt a little bit right there but that is part of the challenge, so much pent up energy to act and to do things, especially, you know, you mentioned the midterm elections, november of next year may seem like a long way off. democrats think we could lose power. use it while we have it. how do you handle the tax debate? >> they clearly don't know the answer yet. one of the more immediate questions is what is going to be the next piece of legislation, is there actually something that they can work with republicans on? is infrastructure that, or is it not? once you get into the details things quickly become partisan, despite the fact that all sides, like the idea of doing something like infrastructure, and so, you know, we don't know what they're going to do when i say they it's what the administration is going to push. we are already seeing, you know, bill after bill that the house is pushing because it's much easier to pass things in the house that do live up to their campaign promises from so-called hr-1 voting rights to, you know, gun -- more restrictive gun laws on and on and on and immigration, a couple of bills, sort of smaller bills will go through the house this week. the question is, where is the administration going to put its energy and its focus and i don't think we know the answer to that yet. >> we don't know the answer yet. i'm going to talk to two democratic senators later to continue that part of the conversation. up next for us, focus on covid, worries in europe over the astrazeneca vaccine prompt fears. by l'oreal paris. now, with a new purple system to fight brass week after week. and grays? one hundred percent covered. new excellence cool supreme by l'oreal paris. keeping your oysters business growing new excellence cool supremehas you swamped.s. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're 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(avo female) get 0% for 63 months on select new 2021 models. now through march 31st. mom and dad left costa rica, 1971. and in 1990, they opened irazu. when the pandemic hit, pickup and delivery was still viable. and that kept us afloat. keeping our diners informed on google was so important. the support from our customers, it honestly kept us going. i will always be grateful for that. the already lagging covid vaccine rollout is taking a hit now. more than 20 countries have suspended rollout of the astrazeneca vaccine, including france, italy and germany. the question is whether the vaccine is to blame for blood clots in recipients. astrazeneca says all the data shows its vaccine is safe. elizabeth cohen joins us to explain. what is the issue here, elizabeth? >> reporter: the issue here is whether these blood clots that are being seen in people who have taken the astrazeneca vaccine, whether they have anything to do with the vaccine. when you vaccinate millions and millions of people you're going to see some things happen, some people are going to get blood clots, some will get cancer or heart attacks. because it's 17 million doesn't mean the vaccine had anything to do with it. let's look at the numbers, specific to the astrazeneca vaccine. according to astrazeneca, about 17 million people have gotten their shots so far and there have been 37 reports of blood clots. the w.h.o., the european medicine agency, astrazeneca, they say there is no link so far between vaccines and blood clots and 11 million astrazeneca shots have been administered in the uk and that country still backs the vaccine. really, the work that needs to be done is the rate of blood clots that are being seen. first of all is that 37 number correct? and second of all, is that unusual? is that a high number? that's what we know. now let's take a look at what we don't know, the question marks that are still out there. so we don't know if these cases of blood clots, or these other unusual symptoms that are being reported, do they have anything to do with the vaccines? the ema verdict on this, the european medicine agency werkt verdict on this is expected thursday. we don't know how this controversy going on in europe might affect the astrazeneca application to the d that's expected soon. a question is, what about children, when would they be safe? moderna is expanding its trials, right? >> that's right, the moderna vaccine is only approved for people 18 and older. pfizer 16 and older. and we know that children can get covid. they often look just fine but they can spread it so there's been a lot of talk about getting children vaccinated. moderna is starting up clinical trials for children. they're enrolling nearly 7,000 children in this trial. the children will be between 6 months old and 11 years old. they'll be in canada and the united states. and they're going to try out different doses on children who are 6 months to 2 years old versus the ones that are 2 to 11 years old to see if they need a higher dose for the older children. now, this is just happening now. they're just starting. pfizer finished enrolling all of the children in its trial back in january. so likely we will hear from pfizer sooner than moderna about whether or not the vaccine worked for children, and was safe. however, we don't expect that to happen for several months. so bottom line, children will likely not be vaccinated in the united states for several months. john? >> we will wait for more information as we do. elizabeth cohen, grateful for the reporting and the important insights. coming up for us, america first is back. make sure most of the covid spending about to flow for the federal government goes to businesses here at home. antibacterial can i have both? new dove care & protect body wash eliminates 99% of bacteria and moisturizes for hours two for one! can i keep it? new dove care & protect, zero compromise! to support local restaurants, we've been to every city, including baton rouge... and even topeka. yeah, we're exhausted. whew! so, tonight... i'll be eating the roast beef hero (doorbell) excellent. and, tonight... i'll be eating the coconut curry chicken winter hill. 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baldwin and brown join us now. thank you both for your time. senator baldwin, let me start with you, candidate joe biden campaigned on this idea, trying to redirect more investment from the federal government to american firms, america first if you will. you want him to do a waver to trade laws, to close loopholes essentially. any response from the president yet and any worry he won't do this? >> senator brown and i have both urged the administration to take this action, especially in concert with the american rescue plan that he just signed into law and we know that president biden is very supportive of buy america policies and aware that these large loopholes exist where companies from some 60 countries can compete as though they were american firms even though they don't employ any u.s. workers or pay u.s. taxes. we do think that firms in the u.s. need to have a preference here and also we understand through this pandemic how serious it has been when it's a global pandemic and we've had severe shortages in things that we fwneed to keep ourselves saf and healthy. >> senator brown to follow up on that point. that's part of what this is about, in the short term money for american jobs which anybody watching in the states should think that's a good thing but also a reboot of manufacturing priorities, not looking to china and europe and elsewhere to buy things when we have a crunch like this, a pandemic today, something else tomorrow. let's take vaccines for example, more than $6 billion in this recovery plan allocated in the vaccine supply chain. we know reagents and the like, vials and the like, syringes and the like, what is your long-term goal as you make this short-term request? >> our long-term goal, senator baldwin and i have shared for years, working together, is that more and more -- that we grow american manufacturing. too many trade agreements, too many tax laws, the big trump tax bill of four years ago encouraged more companies to move overseas. we want to turn that around, as senator baldwin said this president campaigned on buy america this president is the most pro-union president in my lifetime. he was a candidate that way as the most pro-worker candidate and now he's serving that way. so we -- this will not be hard to convince him but we've seen presidents in the past do a head fake towards this and then not engage in the kind of buy america work that we want. this is a short-term -- this will help our country's workers. but we need to get obviously these vaccines out in any way possible and in the long term it will help american manufacturing. >> so the both of you are part of this 50 member democratic family, 51 if we count the vice president of the united states. they have big decisions to make about what next in priorities and your own rules and procedures. i want you to listen to your leader chuck schumer who says don't worry, we're going to get to it. >> we have to tackle climate. we have to tackle income and racial inequality. we have to strengthen our democracy. we have a big bold agenda but we're getting it done. we're going to have to get it done. failure is not an option. >> senator baldwin, if failure is not an option what needs to be done to guarantee success? as you know -- let me put it this way. republicans are unabashed about using power when they have it. mitch mcconnell did that, you lived through it in terms of the judiciary during the trump years. if you look around the country now republicans are unabashed about anti democrats, some would say racist efforts to roll back voting rights. democrats say we need to work with joe manchin on the filibuster and try to do this and do that. is this the time to say forget all that, we're going to change the senate rules and pass the things we think are important? >> well, first of all, i think that we will continue to use the budget reconciliation process for another major plan. the build back better plan that we are expecting over the weeks and months to come. but yes, we have to take a serious look at the fact that we have a majority in the senate, and yet under current rules mitch mcconnell basically has a veto, if you will. and i think all of us are engaged in serious discussion about how we do move forward with priorities. where we can. we want to build bipartisan support for this bold agenda. and so many of the things on that agenda are things that we should be able to work together on, like infrastructure and many of those provisions. however, you know, you've already heard some who previously said they were not going to look at filibuster reform, saying -- well, what about a talking filibuster? what about this or what about that? we're moving and very aware that we are -- we were put here to enact a bold agenda, and we plan on doing so. >> plan on doing so. senator brown are democrats sometimes too timid in using their power when they have it? >> sure, republicans play hardball. democrats sometimes are too timid. but as schumer said, failure is not an option, and we know what we need to do. we know that mcconnell has blocked dozens of popular initiatives, things that the public wants. i mean, look at the rescue plan we just passed. 70 plus percent of americans like it, over half of republicans like it yet not one republican voted for it. we want to be bipartisan, tammy and i have run in states that are difficult states. we get republican votes because people know we're reasonable and we'll work with the other side but the most important thing is we get these things done on voting rights, on the pro-act, protecting our right to organize. on all kinds of things for workers. our job is to deliver. i want it to be bipartisan. we will work towards that. we will do what we need to do though as a party to deliver for the public. >> both of your states, it's not senator brown or senator baldwin, both of your states have senate races next year. as you know 50/50 senate, the big question is what happens in the midterm, which party is in control after the midterms. senator baldwin you mentioned perhaps using the reconciliation process for the infrastructure plan, build back better, one of the questions on the table is do you raise taxes on wealthy americans, take back some of the trump tax cuts if you will to help pay for that plan. some democrats would say, lord, please don't do that in an election year where we have a senate race in wisconsin, we have a senate race in ohio. must democrats take -- pay for some of the infrastructure plan by raising taxes on wealthy americans? >> you know, the pay for infrastructure has always been the most controversial thing when the gas tax ceased to be able to provide the sort of revenue that we need to maintain our roads and bridges, at least that piece of infrastructure and i've seen those battles play out in our state and i've seen those battles play out in the congress of the united states. i'm one of the put all options on the table people when it comes to our infrastructure. we have too many who come to the table and say, well, you can't do this and you can't do that. if we're going to address the infrastructure deficit of this nation on our states, we've got to come up with the revenue. >> that's one question. another one, senator brown, is what to do about immigration. your colleague dick durbin, number two in the leadership, he's not sure you can get a big bill through the senate right now. what about the incremental approach, bring up the bill to protect the so-called dreamers to the floor, bring up a bill to create a visa program for foreign and agricultural workers, do them separately and essentially put republicans on the record, or a comprehensive approach, which likely won't get 60 votes, won't happen. >> i subscribe to what senator baldwin said, all things on the table, i want to do whatever we can do to make it work and i generally find senator durbin very reasonable on issues like this. and that's certainly an option we should pursue. i don't know the answer to your question but i want to do something that we can bring both parties in and be responsible and protect our country and continue to fight for jobs, and with the right human rights aspect to our policy. >> it is a challenging moment. i appreciate both of your time today. senator brown and senator baldwin, when the president answers your letter, circle back with us and we'll have another conversation about keeping the spending in the country and we'll track the other issues as we go through an interesting year and a half ahead. thank you both. >> thank you. up next, stop the recall, that's california governor gavin newsom's new effort to keep his job. and if she counts on the advanced hydration of pedialyte when it matters most... so do we. hydrate like our heroes. ♪ hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to 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california governor gavin newsom now launching an aggressive campaign to keep his job as he faces a growing recall effort. the push to get him out of office started last year, fueled at least in part by anger over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. but the governor says this recall effort goes well beyond that. >> this started before the pandemic. if you look at the list of grievances from the proponents of this campaign it goes to our values. it's less about me, it's more about california and our values democratic party values. >> governor newsom launching stop the republican recall campaign. making these claims about the people supporting his ouster. >> who's behind the partisan recall of governor gavin newsom, anti-vaccine qanon extremists, violent white supremacists, like the proud boys. and the same right wing republican politicians who supported donald trump's attempt to overturn the election. instead of helping fight the pandemic, national republicans are coming to fight californians. >> let's discuss with our political reporter maeve ruston. when you see the governor doing a bunch of national tv interviews, including he'll be on "the lead with jake tapper" later today. when you see that ad, that tells me the governor is a candidate, he understands his opponents are likely going to gain enough signatures to have a recall election and he's at it. >> he is, john, and it's such a shift in strategy from the last couple of months. when the recall effort got going last year he completely ignored it. and then when it picked up steam, particularly over the holidays, when he put in a second set of stay at home orders that angered a lot of people, he would sort of answer questions about the recall by brushing them off and defending his leadership during the pandemic, but now he -- this is a media blitz like nothing that we have seen over the last two days. and what it tells you is that the recall most likely will qualify, and that they know that there's significant risk here. california is one of those states where it's very easy to get a recall on the ballot. it's a lot harder to actually recall a governor, particularly because of the democrats vastly outnumber republicans here. but this is a more broad based effort than those ads are making it out to be. and they know that they really have to tell their side of the story, and try to define the narrative at this pivotal moment here, john. >> and errol, maeve is right, it's easier to get on the ballot than this is to recall the governor but this is the process that sent gray davis packing and brought us arnold schwarzenegger back in the day. he's taking it seriously because he remembers that history. he's getting help from progressives, elizabeth warren, he dares to listen to scientists and fights to put power in the hands of working people. cory booker, gavin newsom -- stop the recall. again, that tells me, this is somebody trying to mobilize the progressive base of the democratic party, "a" to help him raise money and "b" to potentially turn out votes if he needs them. >> absolutely. that progressive base, by the way, is not where his problem is. the problem, of course, is with not just the extremists. i assume they do exist. so i guess the ads aren't entirely inaccurate but there are a lot of people not happy about the how the wildfire crisis was handled, how the pandemic crisis was handled. they're not happy about the lockdowns. they're not happy about a lot of different things. there are a lot of very california-specific issues that have generated some controversy beyond just the far right. i'll give you one example. california just voted a few weeks ago to give $600 pandemic relief dollars to undocumented immigrants. now, you know, i live in a heavily immigrant community in new york city, we wouldn't think twice about that but that doesn't necessarily sit well with everybody. some taxpayers out there are upset about it. he's going to have to wage a much broader campaign to get past this. he is upside down in the polls right new. his unfavorables are slightly higher than the favorables. he's got a real fight on his hands. >> when you have a real fight on your hands, sometimes you're looking to make friends, you have to be careful not to make enemies. sometimes the choices are hard. last night the governor was on msnbc and he was asked, a lot of progressives are unhappy with the senior senator dianne feinstein. they used to love her, but they think she's passed her prime. joy reid put the question to the governor. >> if, in fact, dianne feinstein were to retire, will you nominate an african-american woman to restore the seat that kamala harris is no longer in the united states senate and do you have a name in mind? >> i have multiple names in mind. and the answer is yes. >> so multiple names in mind. left the impression that he's moving along in this process and some took that as him trying to suggest he would like senator feinstein to step down. today on "the view" he says, oh, no, no, no. >> she's been incredible mentor to me. i was asked a point-blank question if she ever did retire would i, and i just answered it honestly. and forthrightly. that said, i have no expectation that she'll be stepping aside. quite the contrary. i talk to her quite often. she's as lucid and focused and as committed to the cause -- >> who knew? it's complicated. >> yeah, that was a much more nuanced answer today, and certainly his answer last night surprised a lot of people. in part because when i talked to feinstein's sources this keeps coming up every couple of months but there is no suggestion that she has any imminent plans to step down but this certainly came up because of governor newsom's selection of alex padilla to take kamala harris's seat and there were a lot of women, black women in particular in california, who want to see representation in the u.s. senate by another black woman. i think newsom's getting a little bit ahead of the process here, and that looked sort of nakedly political, that answer so that's why you saw him rushing to clean it up. feinstein's sources also say that, you know, they really don't like this suggestion that she needs to leave when we have so many white male senators over the years who have stayed in the senate, you know, well into their 80s and 90s, and there's a suggestion about whether these calls are coming up more for her because she's a woman, and that has angered some of her defenders. he would be best served probably by staying away from that subject. it's just a little too thorny. >> it's hard to stay away from it when you're trying to raise your profile to get out there and talk about this and raise money. it's a fascinating moment. maeve reston, errol lewis, thank you. virginia's governor takes a dramatic move, executive action on voting rights. i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to 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virginia would have to complete the terms of parole or probation before applying to have their rights restored by the governor. sarah, in the big debate nationally over criminal justice reform it's a big step. >> reporter: it is a big step and it's interesting at a time we've seen so many republican lawmakers across the country restricting voting rights. in this case we're seeing a democratic governor to move forward to restore voting rights for convicted felons. previously had to serve out their entire term of probation or parole. here he is talking about why he wants to make the change. >> letting these folks vote or exercise other civil rights isn't a threat to public safety. we're a commonwealth that believes in second chances. and we believe in forgiveness. we want people to move forward, not be tied down by the mistakes of their past. >> reporter: so like i said prior to this executive order if you were a convicted felon in virginia, you had to serve out parole or probation. this affects 69,000 former incarcerated felons, they'll be able to vote and serve on a jury. one of the reasons virginia wanted to make the change is they're looking at the way other states have handled convicted felons. a couple states allow them to continue to vote, even if they're behind bars. and other states, if you're released from jail, the rights are restored. in georgia, that's not the case, you have to apply to have the rights restored. again, john, this particularly is interesting as we've seen across the country, republican lawmakers have tried to restrict voting rights and make it harder to vote, in this case in virginia he's trying to restore voting rights for up to 70,000 people. >> big deal, sara murray, appreciate it. up next for us a key republican senator asks the former president donald trump to stay out of the 2022 senate primaries. that senator, still waiting for an answer. get exceptional care at every step, unparalleled safety at every visit, and flexible payment 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