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hello and a warm welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm max foster with our continuing breaking news coverage of the war between israel and hamas. israel has signed off on a deal to release at least 50 hostages held in gaza by hamas. a move bringing hope to families waiting the return of their loved ones. the government overwhelmingly backed the deal after a six hour long cabinet meeting. the hostages to be freed are expected to be women and children. in exchange israel will pause its campaign against hamas for four days. hamas says 150 palestinian prisoners also women and children will be released from israeli jails as part of the deal. qatar brokered the deal and says the start of the humanitarian pause will be announced within the next 24 hours. more now from matthew chance in tel aviv. >> reporter: more than 50 hostages held in gaza could be freed over the coming days. after the israeli cabinets an proved that controversial deal to pause its military operations against hamas and to release some palestinian prisoners held in israeli jails. in a statement it said it approved a pause in the fighting for four days during which hostages, women and children, will be released. the statement added the release of every additional ten hostages would result in an additional day's pause. it is the first time that israel has agreed to ease its deadly assault on gaza which is estimated to have killed nearly 13,000 palestinians since military operations there began polling the october 7 hamas attacks during which more than 1200 israelis were killed and nearly 240 were abducted. israel insists that it will resume military operations to destroy hamas after the hostages are released. hamas says israel has agreed to release 150 palestinian prisoners as part of the hostage deal. and to allow hundreds of trucks carrying relief, medical supplies and fuel into the gaza strip. in a six hour cabinet meeting to debate the deal, israeli ministers voiced concern that pause in the fighting would allow hamas to regroup and prevent israeli forces from achieving their goal of destroying hamas. but a source says the deal was eventually approved by a significant majority. matthew chance, cnn, tel aviv. joining me now, a former special adviser to israel's defense minister. thank you for joining us. i wonder what your sources are telling you about a bit more detail about that deal. do you understand anymore of the detail? >> i think that you know all details. nothing is secret. a day after the cabinet has approved it. and i hope that it will go smoothly. at the beginning i was against the stages. i insisted to having one stage for everything. and i think that prolonging the process is something that is very risky. i was against it as it is now. but i'm blessing the government for having not 100% but having a concept for a deal. and i think that bringing back children, babies, and their mothers is much more important than any other risk that we can afford. >> it did take hours though for the cabinet to finally approve it. there was opposition to this within the cabinet presumably because there are some members who feel you should never ever negotiate with terrorists. that is a long historic philosophy. so some compromise there. >> it is said that one who saves one soul is as if he saved the world. a very well-known jewish proverb. and i believe from my point of view, the majority is my favorite side. so i don't care about the minority, but i have a lot to say about it. >> this is obviously the wonderful news for the families of the hostages who will be released, but we did see earlier in the week families of hostages calling for all of the hostages to be released. so this will be a huge frustration obviously for the ones left behind but also a big compromise. should not a deal have been done that released all of the hostages? >> everything you describe is natural. and my heart is with those not coming in the first stage. and for those who have suffered one and a half months and will suffer more weeks of this. but in order to save the kids and their mothers and the old men, you can imagine that all these people, they were not armed, they were not fighting. they were caught sleeping very early in the morning. and taken many times in front of their family and friends. this is something that is awful. it is not simple exchange of prisoners. no. it is something which is awful and every soul we can save, we'll do it. and if we have to fight, we'll fight. >> and what happens if rockets are fired from gaza into israel during the truce? >> i think anything against the agreement will be answered in a severe way. >> so the truce will be over. >> yeah. >> sorry, the troouruce will be that is that what you will be saying? >> i'm a very optimistic guy. i hope it won't occur. but if it will occur, it can destroy the whole agreement. >> okay. ory, thank you very much for joining us. israel's military says that it has pushed further into a tunnel under the al-shifa hospital complex. images released show what they believe to be a blast door after it was breached as well as a tunnel passage beyond the breached doorway and what looks to be two further doorways off to the sides there. despite israel and hamas reaching a deal on a four day truce and swap of prisoners and hostages, an idf spokesperson says its army will make sure its military achievements will be maintained in gaza. and idf appeared to be what appeared to be a heavy smoke screen in northern gaza amid other explosions. this video captures the blast. israeli military claims it has completely encircled gentthe northern city. and the destruction in gaza has displaced nearly 1.7 million people according to the u.n.'s main relief agency there. about 930,000 of them are sheltering in overcrowded u.n. facilities sharing one shower for every 700 people on average. some just children trying to escape the danger with their families, their lives now forever changed by war. more now from nada bashir. and a warning her report contains images you may find disturbing. >> reporter: still healing from emergency surgery, for this 11-year-old, this wound is a constant reminder, the trauma he and his friends have faced. >> translator: i was walking with my friends and suddenly the missile fell he says. i found myself on the ground lying on my right side. i kept trying to stand up. but there was rubble on my leg. when they removed the rubble, i saw my foot had been ripped off. >> reporter: a huge soccer fan, he played at the local academy and had dreams of becoming a professional soccer player. >> translator: i've been watching and playing soccer since i was a little boy. it is still my favorite sport, he tells us. now the israeli occupation has destroyed my dreams. >> reporter: down the hall is a 12-year-old whose family fled their home in the north after receiving a warning from the israeli military. they moved from city to city searching for safety. followed each time by yet more airstrikes. i wanted to take photos to become a photojournalist, he says. how can i hold a camera now with one arm? my whole life is ruined. all of my life, i haven't had a chance to live happily. while some here are now slowly coming to terms with their new reality, more wounded children arrive at the hospital every day. it is now the main working hospital in gaza. others left in a state of complete collapse. just monday, more wounded were rushed to this hospital after a u.n.-run school used to shelter displaced palestinians at a refugee camp was hit. the resulting death toll still unknown. it is unclear who was responsible for this specific attack. hamas claims the israeli military bombed the school, though cnn can't independently verify this claim. the idf yet to respond to cnn's request for comment. but as airstrikes and shelling intensify in the north, gaza's children are as is so often the case paying the highest price. with thousands wounded or killed, hopes for the future lost. nada bashir, cnn, jerusalem. more turmoil in the tech world. openai co-founder sam altman is returning to the company as ceo less than a week after being fired by the board of directors. the company behind chatgpt posted on x that it has reached an agreement with altman and will be adding new members to its board. microsoft hired altman to run a new artificial intelligence group on monday. he says he's looking forward to returning to openai and building on his partnership with microsoft. qatar was instrumental in mediating the hostage release deal. what qatari officials say their top priority is now, a report from doha comes up. and the u.s. worked closely to broker the deal. more on how president biden is reacting to the news. also ahead, she's only 3-year-old and being held by hamas. now there are hopes that the american toddler, abigail, may be released. more on our breaking news this hour. world leaders welcoming news that israel's cabinet has approved a deal for hostages kidnapped in exchange for pausing in fighting. at least 50 hostages women and children would be in exchange for four day truce and a release of 150 palestinian prisoners also women and children being held in israeli jails. families of the hostages face an agonizing wait as they hope their loved ones will be freed. qatar's lead negotiator says the deal pushes diplomatic efforts to end the conflict and that its priority now is to ensure the agreement is followed while it works to secure a long term ceasefire and lasting peace. more from becky anderson. >> reporter: some hours after it was confirmed that israel's cabinet had approved the hostage deal, qatar announced the success of its joint mediation efforts with egypt and the united states. details of the deal as we now understand are 50 women and children released from captivity with hamas for the exchange of palestinian women and teenagers held in israeli prisons. and the opening of the rafah border for more fuel including for more aid including fuel to be brought back across that border. crucial for humanitarian efforts of course. and in a statement from the lead negotiator, hehe said that qatas aiaim has been to find ways to reduce tensions, stop the blood shed, prott civilians and protect regional spillover. the international community must now seseize the brief window of opportunity to generate further momentum for the diplomatitic track recognizing it as the onoy viable route to ending the conflict in both the short and long term. qatar's statement earlier suggests that the pause will start within around 24 hours. and the statement from the lead negotiator went on to say qatar's priority now is to ensure that the terms of the agreement are respected and this statement includes the term redoubling our efforts to secure a long term ceasefire and work towards lasting peace through a comprehensive political process. perhaps not a surprise that qatar would be seeking a long term ceasefire in this statement, after all that has been its position from the outset. becky anderson, cnn. three americans could be released. ten are still unaccounted for in gaza including two women and a 3-year-old girl. joe biden issued a statement says he welcomes the deal and he also said that jill and i have been keeping all those held hostage and their loved ones close to our hearts. these many weeks. and i'm extraordinarily gratified that some of these brave souls who have endured weeks of captivity and an unspeakable ordeal will be reunited with their families once the deal is fully implemented. arlette saenz filed this report from massachusetts. >> reporter: the white house is welcoming this deal between israel and hamas to release about 50 hostages after weeks of painstaking negotiations from top administration officials including conversations president biden himself held with leaders involved in these talks. the u.s. believes that it is possible that three americans could potentially fall into this category of the 50 women and children that could be released in the coming days. that could also potentially include 3-year-old abigail, an american citizen whose parents were killed in that october 7 attack. the u.s. says they are working tire tire lesl tirelessly to release. but this is all as the administration and the white house has been in constant contact with leaders in the region as they have been working through these negotiations. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said on tuesday that president biden himself had gotten involved and he believed the president approved these negotiations. the president had spoken with aam ic a amir of qatar. and the u.s. will be watching closely how many americans will be included. and it will take about 24 hours to implement the deal before they can begin seeing the hostages released, but the white house certainly welcoming this news as they hope to get some of the hostages back home to their families. arlette saenz, traveling with the president in nantucket. and as she mentioned, one of the youngest known hostages taken is just three years old. there were hopes that abigail, who is an american citizen, will be one of the 50 people released. her great aunt spoke to cnn saying that she has a cautious sense of optimism. >> we have spent the last seven weeks, seven weeks, worrying, wondering, praying, hoping. abigail has a sister who is six, a brother who is ten. these two children saw their parents both be murdered. they spent 14 hours in a closet on the 7th of october hiding. the one thing that we all hold on to is that hope now that abigail comes home. she comes home by friday. friday is her fourth birthday. there is nobody giving up hope. it is just that we actually need to see abigail come out and then we will be able to be -- to believe it. >> and we'll have much more on the breaking news out of israel and the deal to free dozens of hostages, a live report from istanbul is just ahead for you. plus a day of remembrance in ukraine as the country marks ten years since the beginning of a revolution that would change the course of history. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. recapping our breaking news. israel's cabinet as approved a deal to secure the release of at least 50 hostages women and children whom hamas is holding in gaza. in exchange israel has agreed to a four day truce in its air and ground campaign. hamas says israel will release 150 palestinian prisoners also women and children held in israeli jails. in addition hamas says the deal calls for hundreds of trucks to deliver aid to all parts of gaza. it is not clear when all of this will start though. israel says it plans to resume its military campaign once the hostage releases end. scott mclean is following the developments and is joining us live from istanbul. so that is one of the key questions, when this starts, but we also don't know exactly which hostages will be released or how. >> reporter: that's right. we do have part of the answer on the palestinian side, but on the israeli side, those hostages in gaza, we don't know beyond the fact that they will be focused on women and children. and all of them israelis say will be israeli citizens. some of them have dual nationality, but all will hold israeli citizenship at least in that initial 50. on the palestinian side, israel has just published a list of 300 names. women and children who will be part of this deal or could potentially be part of this deal. most of them are teenage boys, convicted or accused of relatively minor crimes throwing rocks, breaching security areas, things like that. there are also women on that list in the 20s and 30s and some people have also been accused of more serious crimes. some having pretty lengthy prison terms. why are the 300 names on that list given only 150 are being released? because this deal actually provides a mechanism to get more than the initial amount of hostages and prisoners exchanged. and so israel for every ten hostages that hamas is willing to release, israel is willing to extend the pause for one day. so that is why you have more than 150 names on that list. there is also a 24 hour period that has begun already that allows people to challenges release of the palestinian prisoners at the supreme court. it is not clear whether that has happened or will happen. also not clear whether the court will hear that case. so there is some level of complex pi invoity involved her. israelis are worried that hamas will use this opportunity to regroup and resupply themselves, but benjamin netanyahu says that look, israel is going to do the exact same. and while qataris who mediated this deal say that the international community should take this pause in fighting as an opportunity to try to push a more diplomatic path to end this war. netanyahu has made very clear in a speech to israel yesterday that this war is not over. he says that it will only end when hamas is completely destroyed. >> in terms of how this came together, there is a lot of talk, a lot of moving deadlines yesterday, and also they spent hours in the cabinet discussing this. so what were the stumbling points? >> it seems like the broad framework has been in place for some time, but there have baeen sticking points that have gotten in the way. if you go back ten days, israel had been asking for names, ages, nationalities, identifying features of the people who are being held and might potentially be a part of this deal, the women and children. and that is when hamas finally turned over that information and that led to israel going ahead and finalize ing the deal. but during that period of time the last ten days that is when israel also went into al-shifa complex and that is a particularly sore spot for palestinians. and hamas through the intermediary qatar went dark. so despite the fact israel had signed off on the deal, it wasn't clear hamas would accept it given what was happening at the hospital. but tuesday hamas actually approved the deal and here we are potentially with some hostages being released in short order. >> scott, thank you. and the idf says its focus remains on fighting hamas while details are worked out. and here is what the idf spokesperson told cnn. >> we'll be focusing on of course hamas and its military activities until we will be told to do so by the israeli government. we'll continue fighting hamas and when such a deal will come into effect, we will respect that. but we will be very vigilant on the ground because we have bad experiences with hamas from 2014 when they violated internationally brokered ceasefire. so we know that we'll have to be vigilantnt on the ground as we e this unfold. hopepefully we'll l see the saf return of israeli hostages from 46 days of captivity at the hands of hamas. another major story we're following, openai co-founder sam altman is returning to the tech company less than a week after he was fired by the board of directors. anna stewart, i mean, really -- so he was fired. we don't know exactly why. and then he went to microsoft. and then he is back. >> is this a great time line? this is the fourth ceo of openai in three days. essentially this was a huge mu mutiny. so all the developments, the fact that sam altman is back is probably the least surprising because at one stage yesterday we had over 700 employees saying that they would move to microsoft too leaving not much of a company left. so new board has been put in place. one of the original board members remains, two new independent ones including larry summers, former treasury secretary. he will be on that board. and sam altman is back. a lot more to work out, we don't have all the information yet. >> seems like a win for altman, but also for microsoft which would explain the microsoft pretty much owns opepen penai. >> they own a huge chunk. and this has strengthened that partnership to the point that microsoft was so up either that they didn't hear anything about the firing of sam altman friday, they almost certainly will insist to having a seat at that board or some sort of governance role in this newly formed board. so this will create a bigger partnership frankly and it shows the support that sam altman has through the whole company on the commercialization of artificial intelligence. >> so he wanted to be more agree with the strategy, is that right? we don't know exactly what happened, but he is known for that. so it says the company will go in his direction. >> we know sam altman is speaking to danny ives about creating hardware products. he is pushing hard. but what we don't know is why he was fired. the board said it was for less than candid communication, ie he was lying, but no more details on that. speculation was that he was pushing too hard on the commercialization front and running the risk of not focusing enough on safety. >> anna, thank you. still ahead, palestinian families waiting for word on the potential release of their loved ones held in israeli jails. we'll meet one mother who is hoping to see her imprisoned daughter at last. plus a messy start to what is expected to be a record travel day in the u.s. a look at the weather forecast and flight delays ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. more now on the cabinet approving a deal for release of hostages kidnapped by hamas in exchange for a pause in fighting. the agreement would see the release of at least 50 hostages, women and children, in exchange for a four day truce. there is also the potential for the deal to be extended with an extra day added for an additional ten hostages available for release. hamas said in a statement which they subsequently took down that 150 palestinian prisoners being held in israeli jails would also be freed. hamas has said those prisoners would be women and children. israel is holding about 8300 palestinians in israeli jails including many who don't even know the charges against them correspond to the nongovernmental organization the palestinian prisoners club. cnn spoke with wouone woman hop to see her daughter. >> reporter: for the past eight years, she has been held, she was just 16 when she was arrested. >> translator: honestly at the beginning we thought it was a nightmare. then it became necessary to stand strong on our feet because we have other children. of course the most important one right now is mora because after all, she is a child and she's so innocent. she says since the deadly attack, she has been moved in to solitary confinement and communication cut off. >> translator: we are really worried about mora. the situation of the women prisoners is really hard. they confiscated all the electric devices and clothes. >> reporter: according to the palestinian prisoner society, 83 palestinian women and 380 teenagers under the age of 18 are being held in prisoners. more than half of whom have been detained since october 7. night after night in the occupied west bank and east jerusalem, israeli forces have been arresting palestinians in their homes. some accused of being members of hamas, but many others are detained without trial or stated cause. >> this mode of revenge also is combined with a modes of humiliation. israel is preparing for an exchange of prisoners and they are arresting as many people as they can simply because they are preparing for such a deal. >> reporter: the palestinian prisoner society says that in the past 6 1/2 weeks, several thousand palestinians in total have been detained by the israeli defense forces. if there is to be a hostage deal, it is not yet clear how many people might be freed. or who would be included. even so, for some, it presents a small fwglimmer of hope. russian president vladimir putin is expected to address the virtual g-20 leaders in the hours ahead. we'll monitor for any comments about the war in ukraine. and this is a day after grim milestone in that war, the u.n. now says at least 10,000 civilians have been killed since russia invaded in february last year.. however r the e true tololl rer likely to be much higher. the european council president and germany's defensnse minists visited kyiv tuesday. and germany announced an additional $1.4 billion in aid, a much needed boost for ukraine's military heading into winter. the support coming on the day that ukraine marks a national holiday ten years since the start of the revolution that f foreshadowed the current con conflict, nearly 20 years since the orange revolution. clare sebastian is joining me. we haven't got any insight yet, have we, into the speech that putin will be making today. obvi obviously. >> yeah, we don't know a lot about what he will say. they say that he will address what they call the wholly unstable situation in the world. we heard from him yesterday with the brics leaders calling for an immediate ceasefire blaming the u.s. for its role in gaza saying that they are trying to m monopolize mediation. it is very significant that he is even taking part. we've been struggling to remember the last time putin addressed western leaders. to be directly addressing western leaders is very significant. and i think that it is significant that he has decided to do it now. he didn't for example do it last year when there was a g-20 summit in bali which happened really almost on the same day that ukraine will i be rated the town of kherson. i think this comes obviously as russia albeit hasn't advanced but managed to hold off a significant ukrainian advance for the past 12 months in full. so that is significant. perhaps he is feeling more confident and emboldened by the fact that ukraine has fallen out of international headlines because of the conflict in the middle east. we'll get the usual anti-western rhetoric, but we'll closely monitor for any shift in tone around ukraine. the war started last year, but some people would argue that started ten years ago. take us through the commemorations today. >> yeah, so the anniversaries of start of the protests was tuesday. this was a significant moment because it crystalizes what they are fighting for. the pro-russian leader of ukraine decided not to start an association agreement with the eu and the huge protests broke out, many people were killed. for ukraine it is not just about what they are fighting for but what they have lost. more than 10,000 civilians killed. and russian media still taking its place in its national institutions like the g-20 and of course particularly significant now because this is leading up to an eu summit in december where the eu may fire the starting gun on negotiations for ukraine to join. this is not clear cut though and it will not be easy. take a listen. >> what is at stake is the security and safety of our children and of our grandchildren. not only in the eu but also moldova, ukraine and other european countries. >> the fact is that there is not consensus in the eu on whether ukraine should join. hungary as opposed moving too quickly. and the prime minister pro-russian many ways and the cancel just canceled military aid for ukraine. but this is significant for ukraine. they have been clear that unless ukraine is allowed to join institutions like the eu and nato, russia may carry out this kind of invasion again. >> okay. clare, thank you. and still to come, using drone technology to revolutionize farming. how experts plan to use artificicial intelliligence to feeded the worldld. today set to be one of the busiest travel days of the year and it is off to a wet and windy start. a record number of people are expected to travel for thanksgiving this year. chad myers has the holiday forecast. >> a very messy morning here across parts of the northeastern part of the u.s. and also into new england with rain and snow. many, many people trying to get away on holiday at this point. and by later on today, it gets better. but it will be a very slow start. yesterday 4,000 flights according to flight aware were delayed across the u.s. not too many canceled, but all of those delays really started piling up on each other. things get a whole lot better throughout the afternoon. it will still be a bit windy and breezy, but the precip goes away and airport delays likely go away too. there will be rain across the carolina, but this is the story, the snow in places where people would like it to snow. because there are ski resorts up here in new england. the clear skies here for this morning kind of move away by later on this afternoon. so, yes, we will have some airport and travel delays early in the day, but by midday, the map is blank. tomorrow there will be more delays across parts of the upper part of the great basin where there will be some snow in montana and idaho and wyoming, but really 46 in chicago, feels pretty good. by tomorrow, things look even better in some spots with quite a bit of sunshine. now back out to the west where the rockies are and again more ski resorts, there is going to be a lot more snow for those early season skiers. u.s. roads packed with heavy traffic as millions of americans begin their holiday travel. take a look at the 405 in los angeles on tuesday. a flood of cars as you can see. and a similar logjam for those flying in to their destinations. pete muntean has that. >> reporter: the cancellations have remained low but the delays continue to climb. thousands of them as airports nationwide on tuesday. and it is coming at an inopportune time for the airlines on a day that is supposed to be one of the biggest pre-holiday travel days leading up to thanksgiving. 48,000 flights scheduled in total nationwide on tuesday. 2.6 million people expected at tsa checkpoints at airports across the country and tsa administrator tells me that it is imperative for travelers to get to the airport early and make sure that they are on their game as they go through security checkpoints. >> arrive at the airport a little earlier, think through the process steps that you will go through through screening because you don't want to be that passenger that holds everybody else up. >> it has been a tough go for airport worker on the ground here at reagan national, they had to fight cold rain and wind as the storm system moved through airports up and down the east coast. an interesting tidbit here from american airlines, it says between thursday and sunday, it has scheduled 23,000 flights, only two of those flights were canceled. now the big question is whether or not airlines can stick the landing as they go into wednesday, one of the biggest days for airline travel before thanksgiving. pete muntean, cnn, and i began n reagan national airport. and traditional farming 34e67 methods are not enough to meet the food demand. but a team is working to train tiny drones to help revolution al alize the industry. eleni giokos has more. >> reporter: at this indoor garden in abu dhabi, they are growing fruit trees in all over the world. it is a laboratory for a glip of scientists from the nearby technology institute who are conducting research into the use of nana drones in agricultural. >> this is it. i'm very excited about it. this is a nano drone, one that we are working on in our lab. it has a processor and camera and we can build our software and make it fly autonomously. >> reporter: using these tiny flying computers, these scientists are training it to perform several tasks. >> what we're trying to achieve here is to make the environmental monitoring and the plant monitoring autonomous and more smart. what we do, we take these tiny drones in the size of the hand and we let them fly around so that they can measure any point, any height, any angle, any type of environmental sensor reading. >> reporter: the emergence of artificial intelligence has covered a pivotal moment in their research. today they are teaching the nano drone to recognize different objects like identifying certain fruits. using ai and computer vision, it is able to recognize that this is a banana. what kind of information is it gathering? >> most of all it is gathering images so then you can feed it into an ai that can tell you, oh, it is ripe, we can pick the plants. and also it is checking for plant diseases so you can see on the leaves, right, if the plant has any disease or maybe it doesn't have enough water. so that is image based. and then also along with that, we have environmental sensors so it is also collecting information about the air quality, the temperature, humidity and the place. >> how quickly can you get it deployed? >> we have the first prototype. so we need to train ai and build it in on way so that it can understand that this is ready to harvest, this has some problems. but i think that we target that we can have the first proof of concept flying in spring next year. thanks for joining me here. i'm max foster. 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Business , Providers , Business Mobile , Bill , Carriers , Big Three , Comcast , Three , 75 , Wall , Term , Line , Free , Mobile , 5g Mobile Network , Line Activation Fees , Device , Contracts , 5 , Ing The Deal , Hostages , Hamas , Exchange Israel , War , U S , Viewers , Hello , Breaking News Coverage , Around The World , 50 , Families , Northern Gaza , Hope , Move , Government , Return , Cabinet Meeting , Loved Ones , Six , Children , Women , Part , Jails , Palestinian Prisoners , Campaign , 150 , Four , Soccer Fan , Pause , Start , Qatar , Matthew Chance , Tel Aviv , 24 , Prisoners , Operations , Cabinets , Statement , It , Fighting , Release , Ten , Time , Palestinians , Assault , 13000 , Attacks , Polling , Israelis , 1200 , October 7 , 240 , 7 , Hostage Deal , Trucks , Hundreds , Relief , Cabinet , Fuel , Forces , Supplies , Concern , Ministers , Gaza Strip , Cnn , Majority , Source , Goal , Destroying Hamas , Detail , Defense Minister , Special Adviser , Sources , Details , Nothing , Everything , Stage , Stages , One , Something , Process , Mothers , Concept , Babies , 100 , Members , Opposition , Risk , Compromise , Philosophy , Terrorists , World , Soul , Proverb , Point Of View , Jewish , Lot , Side , Care , Minority , News , Frustration , Ones , Order , Kids , Heart , People , Men , Friends , Times , Family , Front , Exchange , Rockets , Truce , Agreement , Way , Anything , Troouruce , Guy , Images , Military , Blast , Al Shifa Hospital Complex , Tunnel , Show , Ory , Sides , Doorways , Doorway , Idf Spokesperson , Swap , Tunnel Passage , Two , Achievements , Idf , Smoke Screen , Army , Explosions , Israeli Military , Gentthe Northern City , Video , U N , Destruction , Relief Agency , 1 7 Million , Shower , Facilities , Danger , 930000 , 700 , Report , More , Warning , Nada Bashir , Emergency Surgery , Translator , Reminder , Wound , Trauma , 11 , Ground , Rubble , Missile , Foot , Leg , Dreams , Sport , Academy , Soccer Player , Boy , Soccer , North , Home , Down The Hall , Israeli Occupation , 12 , Safety , Camera , Photojournalist , Airstrikes , Photos , City To , Terms , We Haven T , All Of My Life , Chance , Life , Arm , Reality , Hospital , Others , Estate , Working Hospital , Collapse , Attack , Refugee Camp , Hit , Death Toll , U N Run School , Case , Comment , Claim , Request , Shelling , Can T , Price , The School , Thousands , Turmoil , Tech World , East Jerusalem , Lost , Sam Altman , Company , Board Of Directors , Ceo , Openai , Chatgpt , Partnership , Microsoft , Hostage Release Deal , Group , Building , Artificial Intelligence , On Monday , Biden , Priority , Officials , Doha , Abigail Come Out , Hopes , Toddler , 3 , Breaking News , World Leaders , Conflict , Negotiator , Efforts , Wait , Ceasefire , Peace , Becky Anderson , Success , Mediation Efforts , Egypt , Captivity , Aid , Border , Prisons , Opening , Teenagers , Rafah , Course , Lead , Qatas Aiaim , Community , Opportunity , Ways , Civilians , Window , Tensions , Blood Shed , Spillover , Track , Momentum , Route , Diplomatitic , Surprise , Comprehensive Political Process , Outset , Position , Americans , Girl , Some , Hostage , Souls , Ordeal , Hearts , White House , Arlette Saenz , Deal , Massachusetts , Leaders , Negotiations , Administration , Talks , Conversations , Category , Parents , An American Citizen , Tire Lesl , Benjamin Netanyahu , Contact , Region , Ic A Amir Of Qatar , Aam , President , In Nantucket , Sense , Aunt , Optimism , Worrying , Seven , Brother , Closet , 7th , October Hiding , 7th Of October , 14 , Thing , Hold On , Birthday , Friday , Nobody , Country , Ukraine , Beginning , Of A Revolution , Dozens , History , Remembrance , Istanbul , Businesses , Savvy , Efficient , Most , Internet , Business Internet , Network , Prepaid Card , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Yep , 000 , 1000 , Anyone Else , Possibilities , Business Today , Holding , Hair , Parts , Addition , Deal Calls , Developments , Military Campaign , Scott Mclean , Questions , That S Right , Answer , Fact , Citizenship , Nationality , Citizens , Least , Them Israelis Say , List , Names , 300 , Things , Crimes , Rocks , Breaching Security Areas , Boys , The 20s And 30s , 20 , 30 , Prison Terms , Amount , Mechanism , Supreme Court , Challenges , Level , Court , Pi Invoity , Look , Same , Deal Say , Path , Speech , Talk , Place , Points , Framework , Information , Nationalities , Features , Wages , Led , Al Shifa , Spot , Wasn T Clear Hamas , Fighting Hamas , Focus , It Given , Course Hamas , Activities , Effect , Experiences , Vigilantnt , Hopepefully , Saf Return , 2014 , Story , Tech Company , Hands , Following , 46 , Anna Stewart , Time Line , Board , Employees , Mutiny , Mu , Treasury Secretary , Altman , Remains , Win , Board Members , Larry Summers , Opepen Penai , Chunk , Point , Role , Governance , Seat , Sort , Firing , Support , Strategy , Commercialization Of Artificial Intelligence , Direction , Hardware Products , Danny Ives , Ie He Was Lying , Communication , Commercialization , Speculation , Daughter , Mother , Word , Delays , Flight , A , Weather Forecast , Record , Potential , Many , Don T , Charges , 8300 , Organization , Woman Hop , Palestinian Prisoners Club , Wouone , Eight , Nightmare , 16 , Child , Feet , Mora , Solitary Confinement , Cut Off , Situation , Women Prisoners , Devices , Clothes , Age , Palestinian Prisoner Society , 380 , 83 , 18 , Half , Night After , West Bank , Homes , Mode , Trial , Cause , Revenge , Modes , Humiliation , 6 1 2 , Fwglimmer , G 20 , Russian , Comments , Vladimir Putin , European Council President , Milestone , The , True Tololl Rer , 10000 , Boost , Kyiv Tuesday , Winter , Defensnse Minists , Germany , 4 Billion , 1 4 Billion , Clare Sebastian , Orange Revolution , Con Conflict , Insight , Putin , Making Today , Obvi , Brics , M Monopolize Mediation , G 20 Summit , Bali , Example , Town , Kherson , Advance , Headlines , Hasn T Advanced , Rhetoric , Shift , Tone , Middle East , Protests , Commemorations , Anniversaries , Eu , Leader , Association Agreement , Media , Institutions , Cut , Summit , Gun , Listen , Stake , Security , Countries , Grandchildren , Consensus , European , Moldova , Military Aid , Hungary , Kind , Experts , Invasion , Nato , Drone Technology To Revolutionize Farming , Worldld , Artificicial Intelliligence , Record Number , Holiday Forecast , New England , Rain And Snow , Chad Myers , Holiday , 4000 , Rain , Precip , Airport Delays , Each Other , Afternoon , Snow , Airport , Places , Travel , Resorts , Carolina , Midday , Map , Montana , Wyoming , Chicago , Great Basin , Idaho , West , Bit , Rockies , Spots , Skiers , Ski Resorts , Sunshine , Season , Millions , Roads , Traffic , Cars , Holiday Travel , On Tuesday , Los Angeles , Flood , 405 , Airports , Flying , Cancellations , Destinations , Logjam , Pete Muntean , Airlines , Flights , Pre Holiday , 2 6 Million , 48000 , Travelers , Checkpoints , Security Checkpoints , Tsa , Game , Administrator , Imperative , Earlier , Everybody , Screening , Passenger , Wind , Airport Worker , Cold Rain , Reagan National , Go , Storm System , Tidbit , American Airlines , East Coast , 23000 , Landing , Airline Travel Before Thanksgiving , Big Question , Drones , Farming , Food Demand , Team , Methods , Revolution Al Alize , 34 , Fruit Trees , Garden , Eleni Giokos , The Industry , Abu Dhabi , Scientists , Research , This Is It , Nana Drones , Laboratory , Use , Glip , Technology Institute , Nano Drone , Software , Processor , Lab , It Fly Autonomously , Computers , Tasks , Monitoring , Smart , Type , Angle , Sensor Reading , Height , Hand , Size , Plant Monitoring Autonomous , Drone , Emergence , Nano , Objects , Ai , Banana , Fruits , Computer Vision , Plant , Plants , Image , Disease , Leaves , Water , Plant Diseases , Prototype , Sensors , Air Quality , Humidity , Temperature , Problems , Harvest , Proof Of Concept , Thanks , Early Start , Max Foster , Sports , Footwork , Oman , Games , Nice , Cheers , Pitch , Field , Xfinity 10g Network , Woho , 10 , Aroun ,

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