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>> i think there are bigger issues in this country that need to be addressed. >> as you can see, a lot of different opinions tonight and reaction to this debate that was happening, a really consequential moment. i'm in a swing state with so many voters who know what the stakes are so what now the next few hours, we'll we will be crucial in the political future of joseph robinett biden, if there is a future and actually that's not hyperbole after the historic cnn debate, luck as tonight, one which has democrats so nervous, one told our friend kasie hunt, quote, we are eft. >> now so far, no elected democrats that we know ab have publicly asked for buying this step aside, but prominent supporters, including columns as thomas friedman, they are out there saying, quote, i cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in american presidential campaign politics in my lifetime precisely because of what it revealed, joe biden, a good man and a good president has no business running for reelection. that is what is swirling out. they're this morning. we're trying to follow every twist and turn. and the developments there as for donald trump their will eyes, there were not answers. that is all part of the equation region as well. >> yeah, let's bring in ducked down who has gotten much more on all of this. one of the questions, some of the questions were hearing post debate, and still this morning is what really did happen. was he underprepared despite all the time at camp, david was the overbroad paired, which obama blame for his bad performance in the first debate or what was it? >> so for this morning, biden's own advisors are being remarkably silence, very quiet but talking to democrats around them just in the last hour hearing words like disappointed, devastated painful panic but this is now on president biden and his advisers to respond and say what happened there is a sense just watching him of over preparation in terms of talking about the statistics and talking about the economic numbers rather than the actual performance of the debate. but never mind people were watching. one question above all, is president biden was president biden going to show that he has the strength and stamina two ease the questions. and he did not do that, so i cannot recall a time that's rylee in his presidency with ever have been so many supporters were just talking about democrats don't never mind the republican criticism. this is democratic criticism that no one is really rallying to his defense here. this is on him. i've heard the words like ego. this was his choice to run again so the next 24 hours, maybe more than that is something that democratic party has some family business to attend to some of the top post debate is why in this holden to what you're talking about. >> but why didn't biden in vague more of an opportunity on the debate stage to call out what was an avalanche of dishonesty in lies coming from donald trump on the debate stage. it's donald trump had no problem hearing a question asked at him and not answering at all and saying what he wanted to say welcome to presidential bates. biden didn't do that. >> he didn't. it's a great question, beginning with afghanistan, former president donald trump brought up afghanistan, that of course was a, an inflection point of the biden administration, the withdrawal from afghanistan. but that was also tied to what the trump administration has done. i was sitting there very surprised that present biden did not mention that this was also partly because of the trump administration's own decisions on afghanistan didn't say that on abortion. he did not give the answer that his advisers preparing two. so that's a question that he will have to answer. why did he not sort of fact check in real time? there's a lot of discussion out there 11 person could not do as much fact-checking as was required of him, perhaps, but he could have done some yeah. >> what about what about the what now it's up to you as you said, it's up to biden and his campaign to speak out, but who is speaking in? what about the inner circle? who, who are the people that would talk to joe biden about the white part beings that outlawed by some democrats of making a choice and having self-reflection and possibly bowing out and what, and how does it kamala harris factor in all this look, she's the vice president of the united states and she is a partner in this, but it certainly does not have his ears. one of his closest advisers, i mean, this is a decision that joe biden we'll have to find a way out of again, struck by tom friedman a longtime friend and supporter, rylee, of him saying he called an him to release his delegates. now this is very complicated. we are not in the era of smoke-filled rooms where democratic leaders pick their nominees delegates have been chosen. these are biden delegate, so it would take something like that. it would take the action of the president to cause a conversation at the chicago convention? i do not see any sign of that happening. i think right now they're going to regroup and you can already hear them the democratic governors and others we've heard gavin newscum last night talking about the record yeah. talking about the contrast. still trying to make the argument they wish president biden had made last night. my one question. any cabinet secretaries, any sitting democratic senator or governor, will anyone step up today and say? you know what, for the good of the country, perhaps we should make a choice that we heard a lot of talk about the 25th amendment in the trump administration, not saying it is to that point, but will there be any cabinet secretary or any in one sort of speak truth to power here yeah. what what elected democrats what do they, what do they say today to this question is very key question today. thank you, jeff. you bet. keep the reporting coming, please. okay all right. >> the reaction from democrats that you're hearing that from jeff zeleny this morning, the words disaster, horrific incoherent. that's how they've been describing president biden's debate performance this morning and now several op-eds that we've been saying and you can see them on your screen there calling for joe biden to bow out of the race and let someone else replace him. at the top of the ticket. we've got our susan glasser is joining us now to discuss her new op-ed in the new yorker, this morning, it is pointed the title for sure. it says was the debate, the beginning of the end of joe biden's presidency? that is some headline. there. susan, at what point as you were working on this, did you know exactly what you're going to write about with this kind of headline? >> well, i have to say this is one of those where the end came at the end. but the truth is anybody who wants that debate knew almost from the very beginning that this was a debate that joe biden was losing. the question was only would he modestly recover or not? i think the answer is no. i've really, in years of observing politics, i have never experienced a debate moment like that, frankly, we've all seen screw ups. we've all seen bibles. we remember president obama wasn't very good in his first debate. this is of a different order of magnitude politically than anything. i think any of us have observed so because of that, you several prominent supporters of joe biden are coming out in full force and saying you've got to step aside, but that would be unprecedented, just like so much of politics is now so what do you think happens next? >> do you, can you imagine a scenario or joe biden does step down and another democrat, whether it be kamala harris or someone else, steps up well, you know, anything is possible as we've learned these last few years when we've routinely experienced what we thought to be unthinkable, there is usually a way one of the riskiest things it turns out, in hindsight about this debate was biden's decision not only to agree to it, but to do so so early before the two candidates have even been nominated, that is unprecedented in american politics. >> you don't usually have a debate between presidential nominees before they're actually nominees. this could now become a problem, a vulnerability for biden or depending on how you look at it, the parties opportunity to take away out. it is unprecedented. i highly unlikely, you can already see as jeff zeleny just pointed out, the rumblings of a return to the safety of the partisan heard because it's so unprecedented but it's not impossible. and i think i've never seen anything like this. it's almost like the political equivalent of a run on the bank but right now it's still private for the most part, the really tough things we'll see if any public democrats come out and demand that biden step aside. >> but look, because he hadn't had mitch landrieu on the biden campaign co-chair and there was an interesting moment when he was asked about whether biden should or should not run. again after this debate, department and performance, i want you to listen to what he said well, this is a conversation that's been going on for the past two-and-a-half years. >> is not likely to happen. again, i think as the dust clears on this thing, this campaign is still got four months ago and i think that joe biden is going to be the nominee. and i think donald trump's gonna be the nominee and the choice is going to be between a guy that fights with people and tries to lift people up. and another guy that wants to rip this country apart and pull it up from his roots as we talked about conversations about whether biden should get out over the past two years. >> we've just hearing some reporting from jeff zeleny saying that this was joe biden's decision, his ego so that kept him in this race. does it surprise you that this has been discussed well, i didn't necessarily read what mitch landrieu was saying in that way. >> he could have just been referring to the public conversation because let's be real. joe biden is already the oldest president in american history. he was deciding to run again for a second term in which he would be 86-years-old at the end of that term. so that's been a very public conversation. what i've been struck by it, frankly, was that there was a lack of a meaningful as far as i can tell, inside conversation in the white house and at the upper levels but the democratic party a meaningful process of debate and discussion about whether biden was the best position to run at the time it might have made a difference in reporting in my husband's piece in the new york times this week about biden's presidency, the thing that really struck me was that there was no apparent real process for making this decision. it just became at a certain point, assumed that president biden and his wife, the first lady, had come to an understanding and then the white house moved to make him the candidate susan glasser. thank you so much for your analysis this morning all right. >> with us now, is the governor of pennsylvania democrat josh shapiro, who was here on behalf of the biden campaign governor. always great to see you. i'm going to read you a quote which i'm sure you have either seen or heard maybe a dozen times already this morning is from column as thomas friedman or the new york times the biden family and political team must gather quickly and have the hardest conversations with the president. a conversation of love and clarity, resolve. we and put this up on the screen. i think to give america the greatest shop possible of deterring the trump threat in november, the president has to come forward and declare that he will not be running for reelection and is releasing all of his delegates for the democratic national convention. your reaction work i hadn't seen tom friedman's column until you read it. >> here's the bottom line joe biden had a bad debate night, but donald trump was a bad president and i. think what you saw last night was a pathological liar in donald trump, who lied about his record, who has dangerous ideas about where he wants to take this country i'll admit, i'll be the first to admit that that was not a good look. in that debate last night, but it doesn't change the fact that there are really start competing differences in this race and i think what the american people have to do now is make a decision. do we want to go back to a dark time that donald trump promises? where we have less freedom, where the middle-class gets screwed, where there's fewer opportunities in our community or do we want to try and continue on with high employment where we want to continue to produce more energy than ever before in this nation where we want to keep taking the fight to china and beating them as we are now we've got a lot of work to do to be sure in this country, but i believe we need to continue on this trajectory, not go back to the dark past the donald trump promised governor, if the past is as dark as you say it is, if the threat is as big as you fear, it is is the joe biden who was on that stage last night. your best option to prevent it from happening again joe biden earn the votes of primary voters, and he is our nominee. >> listen john, i've got a unique position in that as both attorney general here in pennsylvania, now as governor, i've had the opportunity to work with both men and i can tell you that my experience is with donald trump demonstrate just how dangerous he is. most of the time that i dealt with donald trump, it was kicking his butt in a courtroom because he was trying to take away our freedoms because he was trying to exacerbate the problem of climate change. it was because he was trying to bully trans kids that's an undermine the right of pennsylvania ins and we won in court nearly every single time. donald trump promises more of the same hello, bribe, even works like governor, the governor, what i'm what i'm saying is it for all those people who agree with you, and there are many, are you more or less fearful this morning that he will be re-elected based on what you saw last night look i would say to all those folks who are out there worrying right now, start working and stop worrying. >> there's a clear contrast in this race and in many ways, even though there's two gentlemen on the ballot, donald trump and joe biden. i think this election is more a referendum on all of us and whether in this nation we still value freedom. and joe biden promises more freedom. donald trump promises less whether we want to try and continue to move forward in a world where we are engaged around the world as opposed to isolating ourselves and putting our national security at risk. i think we have a responsibility, right now to ask ourselves what kind of nation we want to be. i think the answer is clear on that. and then we got to stop worrying and start working making the case exactly as i'm trying to do here today. and what i'll do all across pennsylvania in this country. and i think we all have a responsibility to do the same is president biden capable of making the message delivering the message that you are right now? he is and listen, john, i acknowledged he had a bad night in the debate last night. it doesn't change the fact that donald trump was a bad president certainly. we need to be crisper in delivering that message. and the president has a responsibility to do that along with the rest of us. have they explained to you the biden campaign what happened? and why i think the biden campaign should speak for themselves. >> it's no question the president was not his best last night. but we got a long way to go until the election people begin to focus in on the clear choice that they have. i don't think people want to have fewer freedoms in this nation. i don't think they want to go back to a time of the chaos. donald trump brought into our living rooms every single day. and i think is folks settle in they look at their choices. they begin to look at the totality of the circumstances, not just what happened in the debate last night. that choice will become even more clear. do you think you could be donald trump in a general election i'm not going to engage in that hypothetical. i'm all in for joe biden them all in to support the nominee that the good people of pennsylvania have chosen. and that is my focus to make sure we defeat donald trump i know this is not a comfortable discussion and i appreciate you agreeing to come on and talk to it this morning, but i know you also know that this is the discussion that is very much out there this morning. >> thomas friedman, other columns writing, i'm sure what was your phone? like last night? not private top secret text messages that may deal with security and pennsylvania, but from political people last night, what were you hearing overnight in into this morning well john i'm? >> not going to sit here and read my text, but i can just tell you in general, folks were saying what i'm saying to you this morning. joe biden had a bad debate night, but it doesn't change the fact that donald trump was a terrible president doesn't change the fact that there is a clear and stark contrast in this race. in two very different visions. for the future. i don't think that vision came through from either person last night, but we got work to do to make sure that that clear contrast is displayed understand it ain't easy debating a pathological liar which is what joe biden had to do last night, donald trump lied about everything from his record to the direction he wants to take people in this country. i mean, held john, he even lied about saying democrats want to kill babies after they're born. i mean, come on it's nonsense frankly, i think cnn could have done a better job of calling those lies out. the bottom line here is that there is a clear contrast in this race, and we have a responsibility to prosecute the case against donald trump, not get caught up in any hand-wringing, right now stop worrying and start working and help move this country. and i got to get you, let you go, rogue governor. but the very last question you said last night that joe biden didn't have the base best debate performance. can that joe biden beat donald trump, the one you saw last night? can that joe biden beat donald trump joe biden beat donald trump before, and joe biden can beat donald trump again. >> john, listen, these races are close here in pennsylvania. the last two presidential races came down to 44,000 votes and about 80,000 votes. you saw similar tight races in four or five other states. it's going to be close. and that is why we gotta go out and we got to make the case. and that's why we've got to go out and make sure people understand that when they go vote, it's not just about how people handled themselves. and one particular debate for an hour-and-a-half. it's about how they handle the country over the course of their four years of their presidency. and what donald trump, what we saw during his four years, his presidency more chaos and less freedom. i don't want to go back to that time. and that's why i'm going to work hard to make sure we don't make that choice and we continue to prosecute the case against donald trump. josh shapiro, the governor of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. we really do appreciate you coming on this morning. thank you very much. we'll talk to you again. so thank you, john okay. all right. more reaction to the debate last night from elected democrats. another round representing pennsylvania, senator john fetterman just wrote this. i refused to join the democratic vultures on biden shoulder after the debate, no one knows more than me that a rough debate is not the sum total of the person and their record much more. we'll be right back my for cnn concert event with performance is by keith urban bibi wrexham the killers and many more go for it. >> did america thursday, july 4, dead seven eastern 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taking a victory lap despite a barrage, an avalanche of dishonesty and continued lies are fact-checkers said more than 31 through the course of the debate that they found joining us right now is seen in presidential historian and former director of the nixon presidential library tim naftali tim become to you for perspective and that's something i'm quite interested in this morning after last night, but first and foremost, what's your reaction to what happened last night last night, the president's performance was shocking and it was shocking because the president had opted to challenge donald trump to debate so the president and his team knew the president's condition and they still scott out an opportunity to be on the stage with donald trump and his performance was what's shocking. donald trump's performance in terms of the words he used, the ideas you shared, it was not surprising what was surprising was the vigor that donald trump seemed to have given that i'm the campaign in the rallies, don't trump seemed a little diminished actually, but we didn't see any that last night. so the contrast, the gulf between the two candidates was much, much wider in terms of vigor and physical presence, then i had expected. >> and what you and presidential historians can offer is the long view on world events instead of the hot takes that are often, not always the lasting impact of we've seen over and over i'm asking me impossible because we're still not we're still and hot tech world right now. but what do you think the long view could be last night after president biden's shocking performance i went back to look at 19:44 and 1984 1940, 1984. >> we'll start with 84. ronald reagan had a terrible first debate we don't even remember the first debate. we always talk about his wonderful line about age in the second debate. in the first debate, he rambled. he seemed not only off his game, but nancy reagan, the first lady. i thought it was a disaster. she couldn't even recognize the ronald reagan who was in the first debate. but the reagan team had two weeks to correct the impression of the first debate and the second debate against walter mondale is when we remember and ron reagan was eight years younger than joe biden's today and was much more physically vigorous 1944 is a different parallel night in 1944, we had a beloved president who was physically diminished he had an i'm not a doctor, but it appears from his doctor's notes from that period, he had congestive heart failure. the american people did not know how illy was, although party elders in the democratic party, had a sense that he was not well, and that's why they changed the vice presidential candidate removing henry wallace and putting in someone who could lead the country if franklin roosevelt did not finish his fourth term. and that person of course was harry truman the president in 1944, hid from the american people the extent of his the illness and good because he had such a deep well of support and because the war was moving in a positive direction and in europe it looked like the war might even be over by christmas of 1944. the american people rallied and gave franklin roosevelt a strong, although not not landslide, but he's strong victory in 1944. so i wonder about 90 2024, when presidents cannot hide their condition. when we live in an era of hot takes after all and reals and social media inputs can president biden, right? the ship? can he deliver a series of public events that will answer the questions that his performance yesterday raise. this isn't 1944. it isn't even 1984 and that's the real question on my mind. the context here is that presidents in a diminished capacity have been able to win reelection. but these were, those were different arrows. and last night's performance was so shocking by the president that it leads many people, i think fairly to ask whether there is more wrong with the president than a cold is it simply a cold? is he, is he walking the way he walks simply because he was too vain to put on a boot when he broke his ankle. these are tough questions, which the bidens have to discuss together and then share with the country tim naftali thanks for coming on this morning time so what do the voters thing? >> what do people think about what happened last night on that debate stage, we have brand new polls in for you about how voters feel are to watching the performance leinz, i didn't how has a landscape of the race shifted? and amid calls for biden to draw okay, everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition or strength and energy insurance with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generic home standby generator, you're life goes on uninterrupted because when you're generale detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family 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is $25. come on. you got to be joking season from a great food truck race sunday night on food network just you understand we have poland, we have other things that they read them the worst. because what he's done is so bad and they raped me. y'all show you. i wish and they raped me one of the best. okay and if i'm given another four years, i will be the best all right. despite the hand-wringing and worry for democrats after the presidential to break the campaign trail waits for no man and that is exactly where president biden is. this morning as donald trump. but the debate is front and center in voters minds. cnn senior data reporter, harry, and in joining me now with a look at how this all stacks up. historically how bad was biden's performance in the mind of a voters as they watched this on a historical level, you know, the title of this, i have this title page every single time this time it's trump's first debate victory. and that has two meanings. the first is that last night was the first debate of this cycle, but the second is it's actually his first general debate victory in the minds of the voters ever, ever 2016, hillary clinton won all the debates last time around joe biden won all the debates. here's the first debate, winter margins dating back to 2012. look here, mitt romney won by 42 points. hillary clinton, just one by 13. joe biden last time around one by 30 to look at this, this year is the exact inverse of where we were four years ago, donald trump won this debate by 34 points, by a 67 to 33% margin. so the fact of the matter is donald trump's performance last night was the best performance he ever put forth in the american voters minds on a debate stage. or it could be argued that joe biden's debate performance was so bad at that he managed to make donald trump actually look good with that 34 point lead. does this mean can we just go ahead and assume that this is going to give him a bump when it comes to what voters will do history isn't always precedent, but in this particular case paul bump after winning the first debate, look at this joe biden last time around, gotta paul bump, hillary clinton got a paul bump in 2016, mitt romney, after winning the first debate, got to pull bump in 2012 and a 2008 barak obama got to paul bump. and if you look on average across those four different first debates, guess what? the person who won the debate gain four points on average. and of course at this particular point, what we were dealing with going into this particular beta, if you looked at that cnn poll polls yesterday, donald trump has already ahead by two points. so if you apply that, you could end up if history halls on average could be looking at a mid single-digit lead for donald trump. and you know what? again, we're talking about unprecedented debate performances for donald trump. donald trump outside of the convention after the rnc in 2016, has never held such a large lead as this could potentially end up being if history holds, of course, history is and always precedent and we don't know what exactly will happen. but if you're looking back at history at this point, this history is very bad for the man who won the first debate four years, ago. if history as a guide, we all say have an incumbent in the past face something like what is happening with joe biden now, what has that meant for them? >> nothing good. nothing good. sara sidner, nothing good for them. all right. incumbents who trail prior to and then lost the first debate jimmy carter, george hw bush, donald trump, joe biden. well, we don't know what's going to happen this year. but we know what happened with the three other guys and you know what happened with them. they were one and done. they all lost reelection and at this particular case, joe biden, you're looking at those polls right now, looking at those posts to pay polls, looking at that democratic panic there's really no good news except for the fact that fortunately for joe biden, the election isn't today or tomorrow. it's in november because he's going to need that time to make up for what was a historically bad performance for the current president of the united states should also mentioned, there is also a, another debate. there is a lot of debate amongst those watching as to whether they that is actually going to happen. so we will wait. we're going to have to wait and see. but last night, there was nothing good for this man. all right. hair ends and thanks so much. okay. >> fact checkers. they had to work overtime last night and we're talking about donald trump because of donald trump's avalanche of lies falsehoods, and bluster are coming from the debate stage. let's bring an r factor seen as daniel dale for more on this over overall what happened daniel what happened was that we got a bombardment of dishonesty from donald trump and some false and misleading claims from president biden. so biden certainly wasn't perfect. are cnn team counted at least nine false or misleading claims, but it was well over 30. i counted for donald trump. so it's important for us to call out things when they're not equal and not pretend that they are. and these two candidates were not even close to equal on this measure which is something that's getting overshadowed with the discussion that we've been hearing about about joe biden's, there's overall performance this morning. let's work through and talk through some of the moments that you say require fact-checking. president biden, let's start with president biden. president biden made this claim about us troops the only president to century it doesn't have any this decade any troops anywhere in the world, like he did you say, this is a bit garbled like a lot of biden's claims were, but it's still false with troops have died on his watch. 13, pretty famously died during the afghanistan withdrawal, but also more recently, we had three killed in a drone attack in jordan to navy seals died during a raid off the coast of somalia. so just not true that no troops have died under president biden since watch and then on balance, we can try to go through some clearly not all of what we got from president former president trump. let's talk about the claim that he made about abortion, at least this one that's what you're gonna do. and if i'm elected, i'm going to restore roe v. wade so that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month. >> and even after birth, because some states democrat run take it after birth we just heard the governor of pennsylvania even called that one out. again, this morning, daniel yeah. >> that's an agreed just lie. and i think typical the agreed justness of some of these trump claims, there is no state democrat run republican run, where someone is allowed to execute a baby after birth that is infanticide and murder in all 50 states trump legs to reference costs comments made by former governor of virginia ralph northern, but those are comments the governor insisted were misinterpreted, even if they were not misinterpreted, they were not law. it's not allowed anywhere in the country. >> i want to jump down to another claim from former president trump this is when he made a rapid-fire claims about deficits. and china we now have the largest deficit in the history of our country under this guy, we have the largest deficit with china he gets paid by china. >> he's a manchurian candidate. he gets money from china what's where is the truth? >> what is the truth there? >> if that's like three false claims in three sentences or generously to false claims. and one that lacks evidence. so he said, the largest deficit is under biden right now, know the largest de budget deficit in us history? it was under trump in 2020. and fairness that was during covid covid emergency spending. he said the largest trade deficit with china also a record set under trump in 2018. it's come down significantly since then. and then he claimed that biden is this manchurian candidate taking lots of money from china after all this investigation, impeachment inquiry, et cetera, there is no evidence produced by house republicans or anyone else that president biden has taken even a cent from china and some of the facts to work through this morning, it's good to see you, daniel. >> thank you very much. >> so i know this is what voters across the country are thinking about right now. for the first time in history, there will be a father and son pair on an nba team et me introduce you to class 500. theme to it and easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future. of futures trading. see a trading opportunity. you'll be able to trade it in two clicks once your account is open no matter what kind of trader you are, plus 500 has you covered with a tailored solution? >> so download the app and start trading futures today trading in futures and options involves the risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor plus 500. >> it's 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think he was up to the challenge along the way, particularly on things like the economy, high prices, immigration. i thought former president trump gave some really strong, strong answers, but i think the format from the de, this was announced. there were some people, defenders of president trump's saying this is bad. i thought it'd be good for him and it turned out to be true. the idea that the format on cnn, i actually thought both the moderators would give fair questions to each of the candidates. i think they did. i think the idea that you had the microphone off so that people were forced to hear joe biden? as well as to hear from president, former president trump, i think worked in trump's advantage because he could talk. but then people got to listen again. sadly, joe biden's not just because of his age, but he's just not up to the challenge in his policies. i would argue, don't work and people got to see that vividly last night on the debate stage. >> i do want to ask you about president biden. it was president biden and his camp that called for this debate. initially, they were the first ones out of the gate and then former president trump jumped right in. this morning what do you think they're thinking about that decision? >> oh, it's got to be the worst mistake and political history donald trump called their bluff. they thought because it was on cnn, it was under their terms, the mic would be turned off. all those things they thought would be to the advantage of the biden campaign. it was just the opposite. it showed donald trump pizza said he debate anywhere, anytime any place and he did just that and again, he called their bluff. i got to think, you look back and you think about the kennedy nixon debates being a blundered to have an on television for the nixon campaign. this will go down in history, i think is one of those critical, critical mistakes and very well could have cost him the election last night, assuming he's the nominee one of our political analysts and who worked for obama. obama administration, van jones, who calls joe biden a friend, was despondent on air. >> i just want to let you see what he said and then talk to you on the back-end? okay. apparently, we do not have that sound, but he was almost near tiers as he talked about the debate. i'm sure you saw that we are hearing from democratic operatives privately that this was a disaster and there is a discussion about whether or not to try to get do biden to bow out of this presidential campaign. is there any thought in your mind that that may actually happen well, obviously there's a lot of people talking about i was watching the analysis on cnn last night after the date and heard a lot of chatter. >> and only amongst the analysts, but from a text messages and calls each of them are getting remember though the delegates are legally obligated to vote for joe biden the first bout unless he himself would somehow bow out of this race i don't know that that's likely to happen. remember this is a guy who had to get out of the race he's back in 1987 because of plagiarism. he came back and ran again in 2008. he served with barak obama as vice president. he ran again with a lot of people, tried to discourage them from doing so in 2020, i think the guy would know as arm off before he gave up the presidency. and so i think democrats have a real trouble, real problem ahead of them. not only to get him to bow out, but think about this. who do they replace them with? unless it's kamala harris? i don't think it can put another white guy on the ticket for a party that so tied into gender politics. and to me, the only one on that list is someone like michelle obama. and i think she's too smart at this point. don't want to get in the race now, we heard kamala harris come out swinging for joe biden, still standing by his side, for him to run for president. thank you so much. scott walker for your comments this morning and you're analysis from your camp john. alright, this morning a new warning from health officials were covid cases are spiking and how you can avoid it and then breaking overnight. the first criminal charges have been brought over. the failure police response to the uvalde mass shooting that killed 19 children and two teachers. we have details ahead it's really been a gift having mom live with us. but as a nurse, my training told me she needed more help than i could provide. so i connected with the place for mom my senior living advisor. understood are unique situation. she quickly recommended communities and set up tours, a place for mom helped us get to a decision. and now mom is so well cared for talk to an expert senior living advisor today at no cost to your family? >> what will you do when the power goes out power outages could be unbranded and inconvenient, but with a generale home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted because you have power when you need it the most number one thing you prepare for his 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fluoride wortless house for $19 so mean for people aren't making these huge strides this why am living proud out loud get out redondo the former uvalde school district police chief, and former officer adrian gonzales have been indicted for their response to the 2022 mass shooting at robb elementary school. paradata was charged with ten counts of child endangerment and criminal negligence it took 77 minutes before the shooter was stopped in that time, 19 students and two teachers were killed. this morning. a new directive in oklahoma requiring the bible and ten commandments to be taught in public schools. the state superintendent made the announcement saying, teachers in the fifth through 12th grades must now incorporate both their curriculums, curricula. he called the bible an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone move is already receiving intense pushback. one group called it latent religious coercion lebron james and his son, bronny, are now sort of teammates. the 19-year-old was 55th pick by the los angeles it's lakers in the nba draft deep into the second round. this is of course just a year after bronny suffered a cardiac arrest, it will make history assuming he makes the been next fall, they will be the first father and son duo to play. on the same team at the same time also this to worry about right now a new wave of covid is hitting the united states just in time for summer, cnn's meg tirrell has more detail on all of this. >> first and foremost, what's behind this search yeah in case we often see a bump in covid levels in the summertime as people are moving indoors to the air conditioning when it's really hot. >> and this year, we're seeing this bump maybe a little bit earlier than usual. and of course we've been dealing with a lot of heat. the cdc is tracking this across different metrics from emergency department visits, hospitalization rates, and the percent of deaths that are attributable to cope covid on all of those measures, those are up between 15 and 25% in the most recent weeks worth of data. but it's really important to put this into context. and one way to do that is to look at the levels of the covid virus in wastewater nationally over time, that's a way of just passively monitoring how much covid is out there. and if you look at that, we do see there, at the end, it is scooping up a little bit for the past month wastewater levels of covid have been rising, but there's so much lower than they have been in previous peaks. and so that's important to remember. the cdc says nationally the level is low, they are rising the fastest and the regions of the west and the south, if you look at the cdc's map of where covid infections are rising that's not to be in at least 38 states, right now. and that's really spread across the country. and so we are seeing covid levels rise, but they are not currently at levels. we've seen it real big peaks in the past, cape you mentioned the cdc. the cdc is also out with a new vector back new vaccine recommendations. what are they saying? >> yeah, this week, cdc's advisors, matt and voted both on covid and flu vaccine recommendations. there's gonna be updated shots for both this fall and they recommended and they cdc adviser also signed off that everybody over six months should get an updated covid shot in an updated flu shot, they pointed out that deaths from covid top 75,000 in 2023, deaths from flew around 45,000. so these are dangerous diseases. they say getting an updated vaccine because there are new and more contagious saving variants circulating for covid is worthwhile for everybody to increase protection, good to see you, mike. thank you very much for that. new hours. in a new central starts right now so happening now day after the title of the 1980s tv special about the fallout after a nuclear war. >> in an app comparison to what democrats are feeling after cnn's historic presidential you'll debate this morning. there have been calls for president biden to step aside, but so far no prominent elected democrats, in fact, pennsylvania senator john fetterman, a few moments ago. so the democrats should chill the f out. that's a direct quote i just spill my coffee. he also says, i refuse to join for the democratic vultures on biden shoulder after the debate, no one knows more than me that a rough debate is not the sum total of the per

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