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Once they release the scene, the Miamidade Police department will then conduct that investigation as to what is the causes. Right now were focused on the Search And Rescue. When that moment comes, that dire moment comes where they transition command then we will be in charge of the investigation. Thats why we are here. We are holding the Traffic Scenes right now, providing support. We have all our assets here. Once that transition comes, well be part of that investigation. Our Homicide Detectives will be doing a Death Investigation with other partners and its very similar to the fiu bridge tragedy. So it will be a structural issue there will be other things once they stop the Search And Rescue component. There will probably be federal resources involved in the investigation as well. This is probably for fire rescue. If you dont mind for people watching so we can get clear, the 102 people who have been accounted for at this time, not necessarily from the collapse, just rather the structure in its entirety, people who were evacuated from the building. And regarding the Search Efforts under the rubble, can you speak to whether anyone has been located in that weve heard reports of people hearing sounds trying to locate individuals. Can you speak to what you may have found at this point . So to echo the mayors numbers, so in combination to our numbers this morning, so we have 35 victims that were pulled from the structure by fire rescue. This is an additional two victims that were pulled from the rubble. Now, we have now a total of 11 patients that were treated. Of those 11, now were up to four patients that have been transported. Now, we have been getting what we call, again, sonar, sound devices, that were getting from inside the rubble in various areas. And again, it is a very slow and methodical process because every time we start breaching parts of the structure, we do get debris that falls on us. In regards to the structural engineer, we do have Structural Engineers embedded with miamidade fire rescue to prevent the building from collapsing on our firefighters as we continue with the Search And Rescue phase. Again, since 1 48 a. M. , miamidade fire rescue has not stopped. Again, the optics may seem that theres nothing going on on top but all operations, i cannot emphasize enough, all operations are occurring underneath the rubble. They are occurring underneath the Parking Garage where we have teams of firefighters constantly as they continue making cuts, breaches and placing sonar devices, search cams to locate victims. As we make one hole, we access a floor, we continue to the various areas. But to answer the question, we did receive sounds. Not necessarily people talking, but sounds. What sounds like People Banging not people but sounds of a possibility of a banging. Short of that, we havent heard any voices coming from the pile. To clarify, there was a report around 4 15 or so saying that two people had been pulled some number had been pulled from the wreckage this afternoon. That was an incorrect report . Thats correct. The only numbers that we have for patients that were removed from the actual structure or rubble is the 35 and 2, so a total of 37 have been pulled from the structure itself. Is there any is there any concern associated with the stability of the building itself . Situations of this nature where theres an emergency, theres been a catastrophic occurrence with a structure, theres always going to be a concern. But again, we do have Structural Engineers that are embed wed miamidade firefighters. They assess the structure every hour. In addition to every hour, they conduct the assessments every time theres a weather shift. What we do is we just make sure that, again, we place seismic devices on the building to determine that any Stress Cracks enlarge. From there we also make sure that we dont have any shifting of the floors. Every time we make a breach underneath the ground, we do have some debris that rains down on the firefighters. Again, what we encountered was some shifting of the debris and eventually we did have a small fire which was extinguished within 20 minutes. Weve heard some conflicting reports on whether or not all of the units are Still Standing have been cleared. Can you confirm that . Yes, maam. Prior to 6 00 a. M. , every structure every Apartment Unit thats Still Standing was cleared by miamidade firefighters. They were placed with markings and a primary clear was given. Again, were referencing the actual building thats Still Standing with the apartments that were still intact. Im curious, for the families that are waiting for news, how do you give them hope but not false hope . We understand what theyre going through. You know, every firefighter is carrying that burden on their shoulders. Theyre trying to understand these individuals. As they continue with making these breaches, making these tunnels, were trying to locate these victims. But again, every possible resource, not just Miamidade County but the municipalities around us, local, state and federal, are being expanded to assess what this situation is there any indication the beach was sinking . Theres an fsu researcher that says the building was sinking. I have no information on that. Do you have an update on fatalities . Ill defer that to miamidade pd. As of right now, unfortunately, we have one fatality. Thats what we account for right now. One. Man or woman . Unknown. I dont have that information. How many unaccounted for . Its 99 unactedcounted for rt now. [ Inaudible Question ] if you had to take an educated guess right now, how many First Responders [ inaudible ] fire chief, miamidade fire rescue. Right now we have several teams, so estimate of our florida task force, we have up to 40 members that are conducting the Search And Rescue. As the chief mentioned in the parking area as well as we have multiple units on scene. So at one point we had over 100 firefighters and we still currently have 60 plus that are actively working and we rotate through the scene. As of now we had no injuries of any firefighters, any personnel. How many rescue dogs . We currently have four that weve been rotating through. Thank you, folks. The leaders have got to get back to work. All right. Thats a lot to think about, especially the 99 people still missing. Lets bring in the Lieutenant Governor of the state of florida, jeanette nunez, to discuss this tragedy. Lieutenant governor, thanks so much for joining us. We heard at least 35 people were pulled from the building, nearly 100 99 to be specific remain unaccounted for. Are those the latest numbers you have as well . Yes, jake. Thanks for the opportunity to know on your show. It really is tragic. I was on the scene earlier today. What you see there, the rubble and the pictures and the tv doesnt do it justice. It is absolutely devastating. We know that at least 99 are unaccounted for. I can tell you we spent some time in the family reunification center. There are a lot of desperate Family Members that want information on their loved ones. I know our teams are working around the clock doing their very best. Its a tragic circumstance all around. At this point the building collapsed about 15 hours ago. At what point does this change from a Search And Rescue mission to rescuing any survivors to search and recovery . Sure. Well, we are certainly still in Search And Rescue mode. I think you heard them explain what the process is and how theyll continue to do that to see if they can decipher any noise. That we know will remain for a few days. I dont know at what point specifically they will switch from Search And Rescue to recovery, but our hope is that theyll be able to work expeditiously and hopefully be able to find some survivors. President biden said earlier today that he is ready to send federal aid as soon as the governor declares a state of emergency. The mayor of miamidade said that she has presented that to Governor Desantis, its on his desk. Is he going to sign that . Sure. Its my understanding mayor cava just sent that up to the governor his review. I know he is reviewing it as we speak. We know that right now there has been no unmet need from the county to the state. We are on site. Our division of Emergency Management is there. Were going to continue to assess. But im certain that well continue to provide whatever assistance the county needs. Certainly this has been very tragic, as i mentioned earlier. We want to continue to provide assistance. All needs from the county have been met from the state. The county is absolutely doing a great job and i want to thank all of our First Responders, our heroes that are out there really working around the clock. So well continue to look at that and im sure well have answers shortly. So you dont know if hes going to sign it yet . He might not because he might think there isnt a need for it . I havent talked to him, jake. Im sure that hell look at it, review it and do whats in the best interests of those individuals. President biden has said that he has not spoken to Governor Desantis directly. I assume that Governor Desantis is busy helping with this. Is he planning on calling the president back or not back, i could say. Is he planning on calling the president . Yeah, i dont know that the president has called him. I dont believe that has happened. I have not talked to the governor as to whether hes going to be in contact with the president. We have been in contact with the mayor. The governor was on site as well offering his support. They had a good conversation, so were going to continue to assist in the best way possible. Oh, yeah, please keep in touch with us and let us know if theres anything that you need from the federal government. One Final Question for you, Lieutenant Governor nunez. Do you anticipate that the rescue teams will be working throughout the night, going until they cant go anymore . They have multiple teams so im sure theyll be shifting them in and out. I have no doubt theyll work around the clock, through the night and into probably the weekend. As we know its going to be a long haul for them so certainly we hope to be able to pray for them as well because its going to be a real difficult circumstance for them. As you know, this isnt the first time this has happened in the United States in 2019. There was that horrible Hard Rock Hotel collapse in new orleans. That was during building construction. In 2013 there was that awful incident at 22nd and Market Street where a building that was being demolished fell on top of a thrift store, a Salvation Army thrift store. That we have any idea what happened here . No. I know that engineers are on site as they mentioned in the press conference. They are going to evaluate and see what the root cause was of the collapse. Certainly there will be plenty of time for investigations. To your point this is not the first time Something Like this has happened but we want to understand as quickly as possible so if theres needs for mitigation beyond this one building, certainly we want to address that as quickly as possible to ensure the safety of all floridians. Lieutenant governor, thank you. Police keep in touch and let us know if theres anything you need us to do on our end in the news media. Thank you so much, jake. President biden today could not have been more clear when he walked out of the oval office with a Bipartisan Group of senators and said this about talks today on infrastructure. Take a listen. We had a really good meeting. In answer to your direct question, we have a deal. Why the agreement has a high hurdle to climb. Plus after six months after the january insurrection. Why this may be the busiest week in court for those charged in the capitol attack. Stay with us. Ahhh dont flex your pecs. Terminix. Ive got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now, theres skyrizi. With skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. Skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. 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One worth more than a trillion dollars, though of course hurdles remain, including finding a way to get more democrats and more republicans onboard so as to pass the bill in the senate. Lets bring in cnn chief White House Correspondent Kaitlin Collins and cnn Congressional Correspondent manu raju. Lets start with the size and significance of this deal. If it happens, its a big deal. More than a trillion dollars over eight years. Put this in perspective for us. How big of an accomplishment would this be . It would be big. And youre right, if is the keyword because it does still have to clear both chambers of congress. If this does get implemented, it would be a massive investment in the nations crumbling infrastructure. This is something that President Biden has long talked about as not just a matter here at home but a matter abroad as well. If this actually got passed, this is talking about that traditional infrastructure. So yes, theres a lot in here for roads and bridges and whatnot but theres also a lot of money for broadband, waterways, coastal lines. Those are hinges that are also important in this. Its about 312 for transportation, about 65 billion for broadband and of course as they both noted, they did not get all that they wanted, but everyone they believe got something in this package. Manu, getting this through the senate and the house is not going to be easy necessarily. There are some Progressive Democrats unhappy with the size of the bill. They say its too small, too much has been taken out of it. President biden admitted this afternoon that his party is divided. In addition, of course, a lot of conservative republicans are concerned this is too big. So how lets just stick with the democrats for now because we have limited time. How can democrats bridge the gap to get democratic support . Well, the Democratic Leaders know that thats going to be an issue, which is why nancy pelosi made it clear today that she will not move on this bipartisan deal in the house until the Senate Approves a bill that could be just approved by democratic support through whats called the budget reconciliation process. She says that the senate has to approve that democratonly bill first before she will agree for the house to move the bipartisan deal. So essentially that is an effort to tell folks on the left who are not happy that their priorities did not get included in this more narrow proposal that it could get into the separate package and tell those liberals that vote for this bipartisan deal because eventually this party line approach will become law. But the trick here will be convincing some of those more moderate democrats who are concerned about the price tag of this larger democraticonly approach, people like joe manchin who are not yet signed on to that. So theyre going to have to get both wings of the caucus to agree to this. So a long road ahead, jake, until this eventually can become law. Thanks to both of you. Lets discuss this now with democratic senator bob casey from the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. Senator casey, am i right that youre not committed to vote for this bipartisan infrastructure deal unless there is much more spending on social programs, such as child care and elder care and more in the Budget Reconciliation Package . Yeah, jake. Ive got to see two things, number one, before any commitment is made to support this. Number one is ive got to review the physical infrastructure provisions that have been worked out here and see if its beneficial to pennsylvania, number one, or is enough for pennsylvania. Number two is we have to have an ironclad agreement that were going to have the support that we need in our caucus to consider and then pass the second part of this, which is much bigger in some of those areas you mentioned. Universal access for all 3 and 4yearolds for prek, for example. I just introduced a bill today for 40 democrats for home and communitybased services for seniors and people with disabilities. If we dont reach issues like this and have legislation that will pass, i think the whole enterprise is going to lose a lot of democratic votes. The deal is pretty big, more than a trillion dollars over eight years. It is significantly less than what President Biden originally proposed. Do you think the democratic negotiators gave up too much in negotiating with republicans . Well, well see. Really we wont know exactly what was agreed to until we see legislative language. But i want to make sure that they understand that this commitment that we have to home and communitybased services, which is a 400 billion commitment by the president and by me and those leading this effort, the investments in child care and prek and so much else, two years of additional education beyond high school, all of these major initiatives that are finally investments in the American Family instead of yet another giveaway to big corporations and rich people. The powerful corporate interests have run this town for 40 years. Its about time we made a full and robust commitment to families. Families need home and communitybased services. Families need the Child Tax Credit to be extended. The earned income tax credit. The child and dependent care tax credit. All of these issues have to be addressed so well see what they have to come up with. Were going to get this done. The work that im trying to get done is what the lawyers might call a condition precedent, meaning that has to happen. There has to be an agreement before i and a lot of other people agree to the physical infrastructure only. Do you think democrats should have just gone at this alone to get a bigger deal that is more in with what youre describing, even if it means its not bipartisan at all . I dont think we know the answer to this yet. Well see at the end of this process. I just want to make sure that when the president has proposed a jobs plan and a families plan, a combined effort or combined total amount of about 4 trillion, i want to get as close to that as possible. And this obviously is not this is going to be maybe a fourth of that. Weve got a long way to go. I guess one question i wonder is pennsylvania is a rare battleground state, battleground commonwealth. Youre a democrat but the other senator, pat toomey, is a republican. It went for trump, now it went for biden. Most of the congressional delegation is republican. Do you think bipartisanship is important . It is. But you know whats more important than anything thats bipartisan . Whats more important is delivering for families. Weve got 820,000 people across the country who have been waiting, most of them for years, people with disabilities and seniors who havent been able to get home and communitybased services. People have been waiting for years for the federal government to finally step up and invest in American Families. So thats more important. We deliver for families in a town thats been delivering for corporations for 40 years straight. So the chairman of the Senate Budget committee, Bernie Sanders, wants the budget package, this reconciliation, which will only pass with democratic votes or only needs to pass with democratic votes, he wants it to include a path to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants, he wants moves in the package to lower the price of prescription drugs. He wants to include an expansion of obamacare. Do you agree that all of that should be included in what Bernie Sanders is proposing would be about a 6 trillion package . Look, im open to a lot of what bernie has suggested, because i think we have to look, i said in the rescue plan, go big or go home. That same rule applies here. We did the right thing in the rescue plan by going big. Weve got to do it again. But a lot of this has to be worked out. The Budget Committee has already begun their work. Well see what those proposals are. This is no time for nibbling around the edges. Weve got to go big because as i said before, this town always wanted to go big for powerful interests. Its about time families got a fair shake. 6 trillion is a lot of money. Senator joe manchin has warned democrats that thats too big for him. What do you say to him and any other any other democratic moderates who might say 6 trillion is way too much . Ill say this, jake. There is a lot of unanimity within our caucus on policy here. Not on every policy but most of it. I think we have 50 votes for a lot of this policy. The hard work, though, is going to be in the investment, the dollar amounting, and the pay fors. But i think theres a lot of unanimity to finally, finally lift up American Families and lift up american workers. We cant say we have the best home and communitybased services in the world when were paying people 12 an hour. Thats an insult to families and its not going to bode well for delivering the kind of care that these americans have been waiting for and deserve. Democratic senator bob casey from the majestic commonwealth of pennsylvania, thanks so much for being with us. Thanks, jake. Nearly 500 arrests from the capitol attack, yet not one person has been charged with the crime of sedition. Why the Justice Department may be resisting this very rarely used option. Thats next. 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An inside story of how trump lost. It paints a disturbing picture of Trumps White House in the final months in office. On the day of june 1st, 2020, as protests over the murder of george floyd erupted and has trump watched police grow violent with the mostly peaceful protesters, mostly, he told his top law and military officials, quote, thats how youre supposed to handle these people, crack their skulls. Trump then telling his team that he wanted the military to go in and, quote, beat the f out of the protesters. Just shoot them. And when he got pushback trump said, quote, well, shoot them in the leg or maybe the foot but be hard on them, unquote. Thats the president of the United States watching from the safety of the oval office while americans who were peacefully protesting the horrific killing of george floyd and some that were doing so not so peacefully were beaten and tear gassed just steps away from the white house. Lets discuss. So congresswoman love, crack their skulls, shoot them, beat the f out of them. This is the then president of the United States talking about his fellow americans. It may be hard for folks to be shocked by trumps words, but this might be a new low. What do you think . Well, unfortunately it doesnt surprise me at all. As im reading this, there isnt anything that surprises me. But when you have a person that cares more about their own perception, that cares more about themselves than they do about the american people, every single thing is transactional. It just seems to me that every single issue in the United States had more to do with him and how he was going to come out of it than actually solving the issue. And unfortunately i hate that this book came out and pointed out some things that we already know and some things that were even more ugly than we thought, but it doesnt surprise me, jake, unfortunately. Paul, bender also writes of a Heated Exchange between general mark milley and Stephen Miller. Miller equated major u. S. Cities to war zones. Bender writes, quote, Stephen Miller chimed in with an apocalyptic version of tumult in the streets. He equated it to those in a third world country. Major American Metropolitans had been turned into war zones. These cities are burning. The comment infuriated milley. Shut the f up, stephen, milley snapped. Milley is a career professional but for him to snap in the Oval Office Just shows how infuriated he was. Ive never seen or heard anything like it. Ive spent a lot of time in that oval office along with generals. Never did i hear language im sure people from the Bush Administration would say the same thing. This is really shocking. But again, like mia, its shocking but its not surprising. Just to set the record straight, over 90 of the black lives matter protests were nonviolent. There was some violence, there was some vandalism, that is terrible. Those people should be punished, i completely agree with that. But to call it a war zone and to single it out that way, when neonazis paul, im sorry to interrupt. President biden is speaking right now. Love you i love you back. Look, that old by the way, youre in the midst of youre in the presence of one hell of an individual, i want you all to know about. Not me. Hes always there when people need help and particularly focuses on people who are left behind. Reverend barber. [ cheers and applause ] thanks for all you do, rev. Ivy, thank you for that introduction and for everything youre doing. You know, i think i thank everyone here at the green Road Community center for hosting us. Governor cooper, my good friend, great governor, but most important thing hes a man of enormous integrity. No, he really is. [ applause ] youre doing an incredible job. Im lucky to have you as a partner, gov. As we move along here. Look, you know, the main thing i want to do is start off with the way you should never start off. Do you have any chairs out there . Well, if you have a chair, sit. Dont stand for me. I was getting to feel really guilty, man. I said that a while ago as the press will tell you about a year ago, i said why doesnt everybody sit down and somebody in the front said i dont have a damn seat, thats why. I dont want to get in trouble. Thank you. I thought you didnt have any seats. Really feel guilty. Folks, look, its great to be with mayor baldwin of raleigh and, mayor shule of durham and joined by a proud native son of North Carolina, the administrator of the epa in washington, d. C. Michael reagan. Where are you, michael . Im always worried [ cheers and applause ] im always worried when i come back to North Carolina and michael is with me that the governor is going to take him back, but i need him. Look, folks, hes doing one heck of a job at epa. If you want to talk about health, think about the environment. Think about whats being done, what were changing at epa. Its a big deal. Its also out there across the state encouraging people to get vaccinated as well. I wanted to come to raleigh and thank everyone in this room for everything youre doing to get your community vaccinated. It matters. It matters. Youre saving lives. Thats not hyperbole. Let me remind everybody, we lost 600,000 dead in america. In about a year. Thats more than every life lost in world war i, world war ii, the vietnam war, iraq, iran, across the board, afghanistan. More lives lost in a year than every major war in the 20th century and 21st century. And guess what, folks. The lives lost all around the world. In america i might say this is not i didnt plan on saying this but im going to anyway. We have an obligation in the United States of america to live up to who we are. America is a unique nation. Were the only nation formed based on an idea. An idea. Not an ethnicity, not on ideology, an idea. We hold these truths to be selfevident that all men and women are created equal, et cetera. Well, heres the deal. Heres the deal. There are over 100 countries in the world that have no capacity to help themselves right now. None. And thats why i got somewhat criticized, but thats why i worked so darn hard after being able to nail down in the first hundred days over 60 million doses of vaccine for americans. I went to europe to meet with what they call the g7 and then with nato and then with the eu. And i promised, the United States the remainder of this year and the first half of next year is going to provide a billion doses to the rest of the world. A billion doses. [ applause ] half a billion of those will be done between now and january and the first half of next year. The point being i want the nation to reflect what you all reflect. Everyone in this room, theres everything i want to thank you for all youre doing. But the rest of the world is in trouble as well. We have to look out for one another. We really do. And what youre doing here, go back to the United States, nonprofits, directing folks where to go, houses of worship opening onsite vaccination for congregants. My friend, reverend barber, as i said had countless Faith Leaders who are truly doing gods work. College students providing rides for seniors. Its whats happening in america. Its what america is all about. Thats what the rest of the world is looking at. Are we what we advertise ourself to be . Because of people like you here in raleigh and communities across america were going to win this fight. Look at the progress weve made so far. Today, 66 of all American Adults have gotten at least one shot. That includes 87 of all seniors, of all colors, 75 of adults ages 40 and up have gotten a shot and 70 of those age 30 and up. Nationwide were seeing the lowest number of daily cases and deaths since the first day of the pandemic. And weve built equity into the heart of the vaccination program. I put together a Vaccination Team headed by a really bright guy. We put together a group of 23 doctors. And what they did was we had one doc who does nothing but deal with equity, access for people. Theres a reason why its been harder to get africanamericans initially to get vaccinated because theyre used to being experimented on, Tuskegee Airmen and others. People have memories. People have long memories. Its awful hard as well to get latinx vaccinated as well. Why . Theyre worried that theyll be vaccinated and deported. So look, from day one something that Governor Cooper has been totally focused on is making sure we get as many people vaccinated, particularly people who dont have access to health care usually, who dont have ordinary dont have doctors, family physicians, et cetera. 73 of the shots administered at Community Health centers through the federal program we have and more than 58 of the shots administered in federally run Vaccination Sites have gone to people of color. It makes a gigantic difference. And across the nation, people of color accounted for more than half of all the vaccinations in the last month. The more we close the racial gap and vaccination rates, the more lives we can save. If i can [ applause ] and if i can pause for one second, thats why ive called for spending billions of dollars at nih focusing on new ways to deal with obesity, diabetes, alzheimers and cancer. Focused just on those diseases. Money that private Drug Companies dont have the money to invest in or the inclination to because, guess what, in most black communities across america and hispanic communities, how many stores have fresh vegetables . I go down the list. It matters. The Health Condition a person enters this fight over makes a big difference as to what in fact is going to be able to be done. Here in North Carolina my administration provided 105 million from the emergency federal Emergency Management agency, fema, to help get people vaccinated. Working with the governors and mayors and county officials across the state, there are 240 personnel in the Tar Heel State just to put the needle in somebodys arm. This has been a gigantic, a gigantic logistical challenge, not just in North Carolina but all across america. More than 660 National Guard members have supported the covid19 response here in North Carolina. Over in greensboro, we stood up the federal Vaccination Site that alone has administer ed 135,000 shots. The governor and i visited one of the mobile units youre deploying to meet the people where you live. A result of these efforts statewide, case deaths are down over 90 in the last five months. All of this is great news. But heres the deal. For all the progress we made as a country, hospitalizations and deaths are down drastically in places where people are getting vaccinated. The data couldnt be clearer. If youre vaccinated, youre safe. You are still at risk of getting seriously ill or dying if you in fact have not been vaccinated. Thats just a fact. And this new dangerous variant continues to emerge. Its now the most common variant in america here. And unvaccinated people are incredibly vulnerable. This is a concern with what experts call the delta variant. It is not only, according to the c cdc, between 10 and 20 of all cases in the last two weeks have been the delta variant. Dr. Fauci has made it clear, he and my wife have been traveling the country to make this case, that its more easily transmittable, this delta variant, potentially deadlier, and especially dangerous for young people. For young people. He says the greatest threat to our fight to beat covid19. But the good news is we have a solution. The science is clear. The best way to protect yourself against the virus and its variants is to be fully vaccinated. It works. Its free. Its safe. Its easy. Its convenient. Over 150 million americans have gotten fully vaccinated and theyre safe and protected now, including against the delta variant. Theyre getting back to living their lives and spending time with their loved ones. We need more people to get fully vaccinated to finish the job. Thats why im here. I call for june to be the month of action to get folks vaccinated so we can all enjoy the Fourth Of July with our independence from the virus, from the virus. [ applause ] if youre already vaccinated, make sure your family and friends are vaccinated. Help them make a plan to get vaccinated. If youve gotten your first shot, make sure you get your second one and be fully protected. Its a big deal. And if youre not vaccinated, dont put it off any longer. Just do it. Just do it. And its never been easier. Never been easier to do it. Text your zip code to 438829. 438829. Immediately it will pop up with Vaccination Sites closest to you. Hardly anyone is beyond five miles from a potential site. Get a free ride to and from your Vaccination Sites. I want to publicly thank when i asked for help, both lyft and uber said between the time this last month to july 4th, theyll provide a ride free to and from. Theyll wait and take you back home. [ applause ] thousands of pharmacies are offering no appointment walkin vaccinations. More than 1,400 pharmacies are in North Carolina that do that. They have already administered 2. 2 million shots, these pharmacies. Many of them are open 24 hours on fridays. So go tomorrow if youve not gotten it done. When youre going out knocking on doors, tell them tomorrow, 24 hours the majority of these drugstores are open. Get it done. Get it done and get it done at their convenience. If you still have questions, thats okay. Talk to people who you know have gotten the shot. Thats what you guys are going to be doing, knocking on doors. Talk to your doctor or health provider. If you dont have one, physicians know its the right choice to get vaccinated to protect themselves, their patients and their communities. And listen to North Carolinas own dr. Kizzy from hurdle mills just about an hour north of here. Shes a scientist at nih that i met several weeks ago who helped develop the covid19 vaccine. A vaccine [ applause ] that was developed after decades of research under republican and democratic administrations. As i said, i met her earlier this year during a tour of the nih Vaccine Research center where this all happened. Shes incredible. Folks, theres no reason to leave yourself vulnerable to the deadly virus for one single day more. As they say in my church, im preaching to the choir, i know. But the television is recording this. Make the case. Let people know getting vaccinated is not only maybe going to save their lives, but save their mother, their father, their child, their son, their daughter, their coworker. So please, please get vaccinated. Lets everyone do it. This weekend, we will be hosting another nationwidecanvassing event. Where volunteers like you are going to knock on doors and talk to friends and neighbors, to help finish the job of getting america vaccinated. So during that effort, i say to the people watching this, because these people have, already, joined the effort. Say, join that effort. Please, visit wecandothis. Hhs. Governor or gov, excuse me wecandothis p wecandothis. Hhs. Gov. Sign up. Get involved. We can do this. We really can do this. Let me close, where i began. To all of you here today, who are about to head out and canvas your communities. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I, genuinely, mean it. But, just listen, again, to ivy. Graduated from apex friendship high. Just finished the first year in school. Shes been spending her summer door to door going door to door to help get people vaccinated to stay safe. And i bet, what a lot of you think as well, she said, quote, i hope you dont mind my repeating this, ivy. But she said, quote, reaching out and giving back to the community is everything. I like to say, i dont dream of having a dream job or a dream career. But i dream of truly helping people, in the best way i can. Thats my life goal. This can be among the most important things you do. I really mean it. And again, remember, i think, youre probably the least ones have to remember remember, 600,000plus americans have died. 600,000plus americans have died. This delta variant. You know theres going to be others, as well. You know its going to happen. Weve got to get our young people vaccinated. So, talk to those moms, when you knock on the door. Tell them about tell them about why its so important to get their children. You may remember, i got widely criticized when i suggested wed keep dropping the age of people eligible for vaccinations. Its been based on the science. I didnt do anything based on a whim. The science. The tests show that. And whats gonna happen here, i predict, as soon as we go from temporary approval to permanent approval. Which just takes time. Its not that its its there. Its going to increase the number of people willing to move, as well. So, ivy, thank you for representing the best of us. Thank, all of you, for representing the best of us. You have all got the whole world in front of you. And, you know, its because of its because of people, like ivy and all of you, why i have so much faith in the future. Im not being, you know you notice, ive been fairly criticized for being optimistic. I have been fairly criticized because i actually think we can pull people together. I ran for president , i ran for three reasons. I said, one, was restore the soul of america. Just basic decency. [ applause ] two, because we had to rebuild the backbone of this country, which is so damaged. Which is Working Class workingclass folks and middleclass folks. Its time to build the economy from the middle, up, and out. And from the middle class, up. Thats what we have to do, folks. Lets really let this be the summer of joy and freedom. Let it really happen. Lets celebrate the Fourth Of July, with the independence from the virus. We can get this done. We no, we really can get this done. And we really can do it. But, you know what . I said the third reason i was running was to unify the country. Well, folks [ applause ] its never been as divided, as it is today. Never been as divided as is today since the civil war. And, folks, its such a waste of talent. Such a waste of time. And the rest of the world is looking at us. The rest of the world is wondering, whether or not, can we really lead the world, again . The lastfour years have been devastating to our leadership around the world. Im not making its true. But here is the way we lead. Like you always lead. Those who lead better than i and others. You lead by example. And the example is twofold. And ill end with this. One, its making sure we do everything, in our power, to walk that extra mile. To knock on that door. To pick up the phone. To, actually, pull up in your own vehicle, and take someone who needs to get to a Vaccination Site. Convince them. Let them know why its so important. Let them know. Because people people respond to individual relationships. Even new ones. I got it. My brother got it. My sister got it. I took my daughter, and she got it. Et cetera. And secondly, let the world know that, when it comes down to lifesaving initiatives, no matter where they are. Where if they come from us, we should share them with the world. The whole world. We are even giving some of these vaccines to nations that are not our friends because the people are not the ones who are not our friends. The leadership. So, folks, theres a lot we can do. As i said, i have faith in your generation. The reason im so optimistic is because youre the most incredible generation, in american history. Im not being solicitous. Number one, youre the leastprejudiced generation in history. Number one. [ applause ] number two. You volunteer the most, any other generation, including my vault of generation of the 60s. No, i mean it. We were proud of what you did. You volunteered. Number three, you are the besteducated generation in the history of america. And i believe, our dealing with equity is only the beginning, as it relates to vaccine. The firstexecutive order i signed was insisting that every one of my Cabinet Members focus on racial equity. Because we have we have a chance. We have a chance to make significant change in this country. Its going to come from what you guys do. I really mean it. Cant thank you enough. Sorry to take so much of your time. But god bless, you all. May god protect our troops. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have been listening to President Biden in raleigh, North Carolina, urging more americans to get vaccinated. He was in, obviously, North Carolina. Only 39 of residents of the Tar Heel State are fully vaccinated. He is trying to push americans so as to meet his july4th goal of 70 of American Adults having received at least one vaccine shot by then. Cnns Kaitlan Collins is live for us, at the white house. And, kaitlan, clearly, biden is concerned were not going to meet that goal. Yeah. They have basically admitted that they know theyre not going to meet it. Though, we should note, it was a selfimposed deadline that biden and his aides came up with. But that is part of the reason, you are seeing him making a personal appeal in a state like North Carolina. Where vaccinations have really stalled. And its not just North Carolina, unfortunately. My home state of alabama is seeing a similar trend. Also, in mississippi, where you are just not seeing people get vaccinated. And so, he is going to North Carolina. Making this appeal. They do have other stops planned for the president and for his top aides to make a similar kind of appeal, as they are trying to get more and more americans vaccinated because, jake, they have noted its going to take severalmore weeks to actually get to that 70 partiallyvaccinated goal of u. S. Adults he had initially set for july 4th. Which, of course, is quickly approaching. So i think it just speaks to the level of hurry. Of of incentive here and urgency they feel they need to apply to this to actually get people to get vaccinated. And one thing, jake, that when you talk to white house officials is they went from this experience of not having people ready to get vaccinated. Not having the vaccines ready. Then, they had this rush on vaccines. And now, theyre dealing with a very tough part of it. Which is encouraging people, who have either waited to get the vaccine or are against getting the vaccine, to get it now. And so, they are going to keep making these personal appeals. But, jake, they also know a lot of it is likely out of their hands. All right. Kaitlan collins in raleigh, North Carolina, where President Biden has just urged the population there, as well as across the country, to get vaccinated. President biden seeming to understand that the country is not going to reach the 70 threshold that he wanted to reach by the Fourth Of July. 6 that 70 of American Adults would have received at least one shot, by the Independence Day of this country. You can follow me on facebook, instagram, twitter, and the tiktok. At jake tapper. You can tweet the Show The Lead cnn. Our coverage continues now with wolf blitzer and the situation room. Thanks for watching. Happening, now. Breaking news. A frantic search. Through the rubble. After the deadly and unexplained collapse of a highrise condo. I will ask the mayor of surf side, florida, about the hunt for nearly100 people unaccounted for. President biden declares, we have a deal on infrastructure. Praising a rare moment of bipartisanship. But, its fate is very uncertain, tonight, as the president acknowledges his party is divided. Anan

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