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edge. a president sliding and now big backers bolting. what charlie gasparino is hearing. and the big election before the election at issue. whether virginia goes red and whether a republican governor can survive the fight of his life in mississippi. whether a democratic one in kentucky can get, well, re-elected in a usually ruby red state. all this day when the entire new jersey state senate is up for grabs and constitutional abortion measures in ohio are on the ballot. big day, big issues, big show. it all starts now. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. so much to get to on this "your world." they say that money talks, but if you are one joe biden, what if the money walks? charlie gasparino on the falling poll wipeout in just a moment. first to jacqui heinrich at the white house and whether anybody there is freaking out at the moment. jacqui? >> well, maybe not freaking out. at least they're not letting on if they are. we do know that the president has apparently seen these polls. we'll play that sound for you in just a second. there's a batch over the weekend that obviously caused some concern within democratic circles. you had the president losing in hypothetical matchups to former president trump in five swing states. that was a "new york times" poll. then you had an abc poll shows 3/4 americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. officials here won't weigh-in on specifics. they did suggest that the president has had his eyeballs on these. take a listen. >> president biden has seen them? >> we have all seen the polls. i'm just saying that we have to take them as a general rule. we should take these polling with a grain of salt. >> some other news out of the briefing. the press secretary karine jean-pierre was asked about pro palestinian protesters tearing down posters of hostages that are being held by hamas in gaza and whether the white house thinks that that is appropriate or will condemn it. her initial answer was pretty weak. she said i'm not going to get in to specifics on that kind of thing. the reporter that asked said, well, can you take that question back in and see if you can get a better answer for us because it's caused a lot of divide in the country. sounds like she got a different answer. she just tweet add clarification to her earlier answer. it says as a result of the hamas terrorist attacks, communities and families are grieving. the past month the families of those taken hostage are in agony. tearing down the pictures of those being held hostage is wrong and hurtful. this sat least the second instance where karine has had to clarify an answer she gave in a briefing that didn't adequately defend israel or jewish people. the first being a couple weeks ago. she was asked about rising anti-semitism. she pivoted to an answer about islamophobia and issued a clarification. meantime, there's been 40 attacks on u.s. troops in iraq and syria since october 17. 46 service members now reporting injuries, traumatic brain injuries for some of them. we asked the why house whether the president's warning to the ayatollah that the iranian backed proxies have to stop hitting u.s. troops was sufficient. they said it was. but he might take another action. take a look at what john kirby told me a few minutes ago. >> had there been any additional warnings from the president since the last time we responded that this needs to stop? clearly the attacks on our troops didn't stop. >> i will not get into the decision making process or options before the commander-in-chief. i would tell you that we will continue to take the action that we believe is appropriate to protect our troops and facilities. >> not ruling out the possibility of some future response from the u.s. in his answer, he said the president felt that the u.s. taking out those facilities in an attack a couple weeks ago, retaliatory attack was sufficient and did have an impact because it took out some weapons storage facilities, neil. >> neil: thanks, jacqui. i appreciate it. meantime, it's one thing for the president to be losing support among some of his probably most friendly backers, but when they include donors and they have thick wallets and they're not opening them for you or potentially could close them for you, that bears watching. charlie gasparino with more on that side. charlie? >> neil, these are executives on wall street, full disclosures, those are my sources that have an open ear. they have the white house's ear, the top people in the democratic national committee. these are very powerful people and quite frankly they are in freak-out mode from what i understand. they are really worried that joe biden will not be able to beat donald trump. donald trump to them is the second coming of satan, if you ask them. this is the last thing that they want, last person they want as president. they don't believe joe biden has the wherewithal to do it. if joe biden is the nominee, obviously you'll see them support him. i don't know how much money they'll throw at him, but they will be support from these same donors. they are making it very clear to the democratic party leadership, to their sources in the white house that they don't think joe biden has the mental fitness and its mostly the mental fitness. they don't think he's up to the job of beating trump. they also believe just quite frankly when they tell this to the -- from what i understand, when the conversations go on, trump is a existential threat. they have a problem with him in terms of what he might pose given what happened on january 6. i'm not saying i agree with you on this, but this is the argument that they make to the white house. fall on your sword, uncle joe. get someone else in there that could beat donald trump. they also see the polls that show that. everybody else does kind of -- if you start sort of stacking up the other potential candidates, that i do better than biden against trump. so that's where we are right now. there's a lot of media ink spilled on the disarray in the republican party, the infighting that's going on. there's a lot of concern right now from the donor class in particular. that's my sources, not necessarily the white house. >> neil: that would have more impact if it turns out they're withholding giving money the campaign or as the months ensue following that up with more money. then the issue becomes, you got a year to go here. that's not a lot of time given deadlines in key states and filing for another candidate to take advantage of that unless it's kamala harris. many of them are not keen on her. >> yeah, she's not the answer obviously. they all know that. >> neil: are they saying that to you, charlie? she's not the backup we want? >> yes, she's not the backup. >> neil: so if they have their druthers who do they want? >> gretchen whitmire. gavin newsome. anybody that they think -- anybody of that stature could probably beat trump they believe. they do believe that trump is the likely nominee. now, a lot of them talk about nikki haley. you know, it's interesting. some of these moderate wall street dems wouldn't mind getting behind nikki haley. those are the conversations i hear. they're impressed by her foreign policy chops. at this point, it's anybody but trump. they don't think that biden can beat trump. you point out, it's a year from now. a lot can happen. donald trump hasn't really -- >> neil: that's a small pool of folks. we look at wall street generally as a republican bastion. >> neil, look at it this way. a lot can happen in a year. you think joe biden is going to be more mentally fit a year from now than he is today? that is what they are saying. that's the point. he's only going to get worse. you know, in the middle of the campaign, if he's really worse, that could all but doom his presidency. that's it. he could lose the race. the american people are not going to vote for somebody that appears mentally unsound or senile. that's what we're getting at here. that's the points they're making. i'm not saying he's is. i'm not a shrink. i don't know. as crazy as donald trump sounds, joe biden's mental instability, his weakness they feel is even a bigger impairment and could really hurt them. it's a vulnerability that -- >> neil: i got you. given their decisions in the past, i can question their mental soundness and sometimes -- look at you and me. it's in the eye of the beholder. >> i agree. . >> neil: thanks. this is election day. the biggest before the big one next year. about the same time to the day. a couple of key races we're focusing on. probably most importantly, what's going on as we speak in virginia where they hope to do something that they have not seen in the better part of a decade. rich edson has more from stafford, virginia. hi, rich. >> good afternoon. governor youngkin is a campaigning across the state. we caught up with him a couple miles here at another polling location. he said that virginia voters are going to the polls to determine the issues that are setting up a national conversation to go right in to the presidential election in less than a year. he's highlighting inflation, environmental regulation, stiff penalties for fentanyl users and education. he's confident that republicans will take control of the full legislature here. >> these are tight. we feel good, but these races will be decided by hundreds of votes in large turnouts. get out and vote. >> it's divided government in government. if the gop flips the senate, they plan to limit abortions after 15 weeks in the state. that's what the democrats have highlighted. former president obama has reported a robo call playing in virginia. he also posted progress in virginia is at stake in this election and there's no time to waste. every seat in the virginia general assembly will be on the ballot. president biden, vice president harris, they have endorsed nearly two dozen democrats in the closest races in this state saying whether it means protecting a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions, defending voting rights or standing up for common sense gun safety laws, electing these candidates will protect our fundamental freedoming and keep virginia and our country moving forward. this is a state that governor youngkin, the republican, won by less than two percentage points. a year before that, two years ago in 2020, president biden won by 10 percentage points. neil? >> neil: thanks, rich edson in virginia. tanna joins us from "the washington examiner." let's say they succeed and the republicans have a full run of the table in the house of delegates there, the senate and the governor's mansion. what do they do with that? what message do they send to the rest of the country with that? >> primarily youngkin ran and won in 2021 by focusing on the schools. that's is what he got the northern virginia margin that is incredibly blue around youngkin was able to win 25% of the vote. he's able to build almost 10 points on top of donald trump's margin from 2020 because of the schools. youngkin has been able to use that executive power to codify some different things related to how you teach race in school, do you teach critical race theory, teacher mandates. codifying that with the legislature in order to make it last into a next administration, that needs to be done with both the house and the senate. yes, we have -- the gop has not had the governor's mansion, the state house and the state senate in ten years at this point. a key with youngkin is that he's not just aggressively campaigning for the general. but during the primary, he hand selected a lot of the candidates that go in these crucial purple districts. he wanted to make sure that he could get people that could cross the finish line and win over independent voters, win over democratic voters that are not happy under the covid regime and not happy during the school shutdowns. so it will all come down to turnout. also will this candidate quality be able to overcome that abortion message that really pushed back on the sensible red wave that was supposed to materialize last year. >> neil: even with the abortion message you alluded to, the fact of the matter is virginia is trying to find this middle ground that wouldn't tick off either side. 15 weeks is the trigger here. that seems to be acceptable. he has criticized other states that have gone and cut it off at six weeks or what have you. i'm wondering besides the way he played that, the way he played and kept his distance, not judging or saying anything bad about donald trump when he ran for governor a lot of people think since he can't run for re-election in virginia, you can't serve a second term concurrently, there might be other possibilities for him down the road. i don't know if it's too late to enter the race now. what are you hearing on that front? >> so youngkin is passing the filing deadlines to get in to any of these primaries. i think the myth that there will be a brokered convention to have youngkin save the republicans is more of a fantasy, even though he's clearly done -- clearly laid out a good road map for republicans in other states that they should follow. virginia will have a national senate election that he's eligible to sit for. with that being said, when you compare what the national gop has done over the last six years to what governor youngkin has been able to do in the last two, i could see someone like governor youngkin trying to run the rnc and do better than what we've gotten. staying out of the trump mania, the trump twister is always a good strategy. you can afford to do it on a state level. >> neil: he's doing it. we'll watch closely and see how things turn out tonight. so many contests that the world is watching, including in new jersey where republicans think they have a good shot of taking over the overall house to say nothing of the senate there. something that we have not seen in 20 years. we're following that. also following this death of an elderly jewish man at a pro palestinian rally in california. i'd say they're still looking into that death because to them, it's looking more and more like a homicide. after this. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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>> neil: mike, when you talk to israelis and they talk about a palestinian protest going on in new york, countless of them around the region, you know, you're reporting from, do they get frustrated? do they not like this motion that somehow it's hamas winning the p.r. war with this global push for a cease fire? or cessation in activity? >> very frustrated. they feel like the world is out to get them. anti-semitism is on the rise. that hamas indeed is playing the p.r. game and winning at it. they understand that hamas was never going to beat a tank. you can't have a paraglider versus a tank and expect to win. when you have people protesting at berkeley or wherever they're having their student protests, they were always part of the hamas strategy and they're playing the role, neil. >> neil: amazing. thanks very much. be safe, my friend. i know you get tired hearing it. mike tobin in israel there. i want to go to danny dannon, the former israeli ambassador to the united nations. ambassador, good to have you. i think i'm going to pick up with you when i left off with mike tobin, this p.r. campaign that obviously hamas is certainly gaining among arab communities to universally push for a cease fire. now it's seeping in to more and more american politics. the white house add a crossroads being pulled and pushed in both directions. how do you feel about that? >> neil, i completely agree with you. we commemorated today a month for the massacre. it seems that the international community has forgotten what happened. who started this vicious attack against us. you know, you see the demonstrations. the language that they use, the violence against jews in the u.s., in france, in the u.k. i ask myself, have they seen the footage of the horrible massacre, the raping. we have babies in the hamas hostage for month. i'll give you an example. this 3-year-old was kidnapped from a village. her parents were massacred in front of their eyes. she went to the neighbors and kidnapped from her home. for one month, this baby, who knows what is happening to her. we have 240 kidnapped israelis. so i will advise those demonstrating to look at the pictures of these israelis that were kidnapped and ask themselves why they're demonstrating. for what? >> neil: you know, the issue of what happens after this war ends asker with a month in to it, benjamin netanyahu has made it very clear that they've got to plan for that. israeli control of the region for a good while after that. an indefinite amount of time, an indefinite period in his words. what do you suspect? >> so first we have to be realistic. we're only starting the war. we're not operating in northern gaza. we have to clean the area from hamas terrorists. it will take awhile. we expect together support from our friends, to realize that we need moral clarity when we fight evil. once we finish the job, which will take us some time, i think we have to think about few ideas. some can be about international mandate involving different countries in the region of the world. for us, the most important thing that we will continue to make sure that we have the freedom to fight terrorism. we cannot sit outside of gaza and watch hamas come back again. we don't want to stay there person -- permanently. we know about some kind of activities support ago threat to us, we operate. >> neil: you know, you and i chat about this over the weekend, ambassador. i'm curious. whether your opinion has evolved a little bit here. because you obviously want a role and understandably after the butchering of all of those israelis, 1,400 of them that you don't put israelis in that danger ever again. but this peace way or passage way or whatever you want to call it, egypt played a role in that and so did qatar. a lot of american officials are looking at qatar playing a vital role as a mediator and a bridge but also home to some of hamas's worst. some of them living in swanky five-start hotels. would you entertain qatar in having a role deciding gaza's fate after this ends? >> i think it's a good question. we have no choice but to use the connection of qatar to speak with the hamas. but i think in the future, we have to draw a very clear line. either you support terrorists or your fight terrorists. qatar for years, they play in between. they support terrorists and at the same time they speak against them. look what is happening now. thor into leadership of hamassitting in dohar qatar and sending the authority to hamas. >> neil: i'd be remiss, i'm showing these palestinian sympathetic marchers in new york city, ambassador. a lot of them are taking and the provocation for israel and how it treated those in gaza. totally ignorant of the fact that israel has had no control, no role in that region for close to two decades now. it's been under hamas control. so there are problems with how people and palestinians are treated there, it's on hamas, not israel, this is something that plays out again and again and it seems like, you know, never comes through on any level with in people buying that worldwide, this is on you. this was all ceded by israel. how do you fight that? >> we are fighting it with the tools. two days ago, i talked to the prime minister from the u.k. and the prime minister from australia. i showed them what happened. i wish i could take all of those people that are demonstrating to show them what is happening. let's stick to the facts. the facts are that we left gaza in 2005 completely. the second fact that gaza is a border with egypt. so they can come to egypt. why are you not allowing the palestinians to live through egypt or receive whatever they want from egypt? the third fact, the most important one, on october 7th, they attacked us. they invaded our communities. there was no aggression coming from israel. no reason for them to invade and to attack us in a barbaric way. so when you put the facts on the face, they will have no answers. >> neil: some people don't listen to facts, ambassador. >> yet those are full of hate and incitement, we cannot convince them. we should not be deterred. we should continue with the tools and determined to fight until we eliminate evil. it's us or them. >> neil: thanks, ambassador. very good chatting with you again. danny danon. former ambassador to the united nations, a key player in whatever emerges in that region after this ends, hopefully sooner rather than later. meantime, more on the protests popping up already giving a long list of ones that are planned for this weekend yet again. those are global. this is the big apple. there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. hello! hello is friendly... hello is open... it's welcoming... everything we want to be when helping people find a medicare plan during the annual enrollment period. so, say hello... to hellomedicare, a one-stop shop for medicare plans, including a range of “all-in-one” medicare advantage plans... from the names you know. learn, compare, even enroll—all in one place. no matter where you are in your search—whether you're just starting out, or already have a good idea of what you want— give us a call. our hellomedicare licensed insurance agents are here to make things easy and help guide you to a plan that fits your needs. because we get it- finding the right medicare plan can be challenging. plans can differ by price... or benefits... they can even differ by where you live. that's why we're here—to put it all together... and be your go-to place for all the latest information... laid out right in front of you, in a way that's easy to understand. it all starts with a few simple questions so we can get to know you better. questions like, “do you want to keep your doctor?” and “which benefits are important to you?” then, based on your answers, we'll match you with plans from well-known names in medicare, giving you a complete picture of your best options. next, we'll help you compare benefits. compare costs. it's easy. and when you feel good about your selection... we'll sign you up. done. and. done. remember, the annual enrollment period is here... and it ends on december 7th. so whether you're looking to save money, or find better coverage... let's do this. let's go find your medicare plan. call us today and speak with one of our helpful, hellomedicare licensed insurance agents. hellomedicare. say hello to an easier way to do medicare. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno® ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? 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>> good afternoon. the house intends to punish rasheeda talib for anti-semitic comments. she retweeted an anti israeli trope which calls for the destruction of israeli. >> it's a sad fact that this type of anti-semitic hate is being promoted by a small group of members in this body. chiefly rep talib. we have to hold her accountable. >> israelis view her remarks as offensive. some democrats wants discipline on free speech grounds. >> i do think representative talib's comments about eliminating a country because that's what from the river to the sea means, eliminating an entire country. it's unacceptable to call on any of our allies. >> talib is the first palestinian american in congress. her grandmother still living in the region. the house has censured 25 members in history. >> i can't believe i have to say this. but palestinian people are not disposable. speaking up to save lives, mr. chair, no matter faith, no matter ethnicity shall not be censured. >> the house is going after representative brian mast. he said that palestinian civilians are nazis. neil? >> neil: all righty. chad pergram. thanks very much for that. i want to take you to richmond, virginia. governor youngkin has been leading this effort to see if he can pull off something that would be a pretty huge political feat, at least in virginia where we haven't seen in a better part of a decade. he's working on trying to make the blue senate in that state red. have the republicans take it over. they control the house of delegates. this would mean 140 seats are up for grabs with a republican governor, they would run the table if they succeeded in doing that. the governor is very confident that that can happen and will happen. it's being closely watched across the country. he is a rising star doing the kind of things without any of the fraction or divisiveness that we've seen elsewhere. someone to consider whether it's too late for a presidential run or be considered as a potential vice president, anyone's guess. in is being closely followed. in the governor has his way for republicans across the board as well. meantime, you have heard in politics terms the big move on the part of iowa's kim reynolds, the governor of iowa. baking her silence and maybe announcing the best not so secret that she's supporting ron desantis for president. she's been quickly criticized by donald trump who calls her the worst governor in the nation. the fact of the matter is that that is something that could be crucial to the florida governor. she carries considerable weight popularity and influence in iowa, whether that helps him improve his poll standings there. he's a distant second to donald trump. got us thinking here, which is always dangerous on "your world" whether one influential player in that state influences others to also get off the fence and announce supporting a candidate bob vander platts is hosting a thanksgiving event. every republican candidates wants to make it and remember elbows with bob and maybe get his endorsements. very good to have you. have you committed to anyone first off? >> i have not committed to anyone. thanks for letting me on your show. >> i'm glad to have you. you obviously know what kim reynolds did. that was not a big surprise even though she was avoiding that. she chose this moment to announce desantis is her guy. what do you think that will mean to ron desantis? >> well, obviously you know in the past three cycles, iowans break very late. they broke late for huckabee, they broke late for santorum and cruz. everybody is looking for a game changer. governor kim reynolds, the most popular governor in my lifetime and someone who has won overwhelmingly in this state coming out to endorse you is a big thing. i don't think kim reynolds endorses unless she sees that he may have a path to win the iowa caucuses. time will tell how impactful her endorsement is. >> neil: do you like ron desantis? >> i definitely like ron desantis. it's hard not to like him. every republican or conservative would like him, especially the results that he's achieved as governor of florida. the big thing is that translates now to being president of the united states. nickki haley says she has a better shot, tim scott, crimo ramaswamy and the former president as well. it's still a very competitive race and a competitive field. i think we're going to have a real iowa caucus. iowa is known to upset the apple cart here and there. so i think we know that and i think donald trump knows that. >> neil: are you going to commit to a candidate before the caucuses? >> i may do it before. the thanksgiving family forum that you just opened your show with, after we have that conversation with the candidates, our board, my team, we'll get a chance to discern if this is a time for us to weigh-in or not. if we do, we want to make sure that we make hour endorsement stick. >> neil: i look at the polls like you do. you can be quite right about this. that things could and likely will change right before the caucuses themselves. it does seem like donald trump's state to lose right now. he has such a big lead that it would be hard to chip away at that. what do you think of that. >> there's no doubt he has a big lead right now. i think there's a poll out by cbs news that said that 20% are locked in to donald trump. they're never going to move. 31% are locked against donald trump. they're never going to move. so it's the other 49% that consider trump and the other candidates. if there's a candidate that can capture the imagination, maybe lock on to a kim reynolds endorsements or who knows what else, maybe get a candidate to emerge. you can see that donald trump knows his lead in iowa is fragile. he spent a lot of time and money here and attacking those that he believes are his biggest threat. >> neil: this forum is ten days away a at the des moines marriott. among those who have been invited include the obvious ones, donald trump, nikki haley, tim scott, vivek ramaswamy. you think donald trump attends? >> i don't believe he will. he doesn't like to do multi-candidate events. i think that's a mistake on his part. he still might win iowa. these are the people that carried a lot of water for him to win the state in 2016 and again in 2020. >> neil: you know, the argument against donald trump, you know, getting any one's support and some have expressed this in the party, that he can win the nomination easily but he can't win the election. lo and behold come the battle state polls showing him beating joe biden handily and tied in wisconsin. does that argument go away now? is donald trump electable and as things stand now, very much in the running to be president again? >> you know, i don't think that argument goes away yet. that shows how weak joe biden is as a presidential candidate in 2024 than the strength of donald trump. i would find it hard to believe that president biden will be their nominee, will be their candidate for 2024. i think what we want to do is rally around somebody that we believe can with. not just win but have the coat talls for down ballot offices federally and statewide. >> when i heard the booing that chris christie received from the republicans in that audience that are very loyal to donald trump, they don't seem to be in a minute set to consider anyone else. that's florida. i grant you. we see this pop up in forums across the country when they happen. i'm not familiar with iowa. maybe you can educate me on that. do you think the party now is very much donald trump's party and hard for any of those other candidates to make head way? >> i don't know if it's donald trump's party or donald trump's movement yesterday. he was a person that help advance a movement and a party. iowa as well, neil, people get booed if they just openly criticize the former president. because a lot of the things that he did that we really like and we really champion. this isn't being against donald trump. this is about who can win in 2024. we really do believe this is the most important election of our lifetime. that's why kim reynolds is waying in saying we want to get around somebody that can win. if you look at desantis, he takes a toss-upstate and makes it deep red and wins in demographics that we haven't won in in a long time. >> neil: bob, we talk about the division among democrats. there's ample division among republicans, too. obviously mike johnson now, there's hope in the house that they have settled that and rallied around one guy for the time being. when it comes to dealing with help for israel and ukraine, do you think the party is stand-offish on foreign aid period? does that worry you? real quickly. >> it does -- i don't know if it worries me. i think what they're trying to do is achieve a level of common sense. we don't need to be involved in every foreign conflict out there. right now there's unanimity in how we stand with israel and how do we protect our southern border as well. >> neil: good luck at your event. we'll see. maybe an announcement will come from you. thanks. very influential >> here comes "the five." ♪ >>

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