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home and no americans released in the latest round. the youngest, a 3-year-old, the oldest 51 as they make their way back to the israeli territory. nine americans still in captivity. we'll get an update from a israeli government spokesman and we'll get a chance to speak with one of the relatives of the hostages. "your world" starts now. welcome. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. first to jeff paul with the very latest on the hostage situation. jeff? >> yeah, charles, i want to get to breaking news. we found out this latest group of hostages released by hamas made it back to israeli territory. a huge sigh of relief for this entire country. 11 people in total. nine kids, two mothers. as you mentioned, the two youngest just 3 years old. also, the other big story, this truce between israel, hamas now being extended two more days. they both agreed to continue exchanging israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners. the israeli government said nothing is guaranteed until it happens. qatari officials broke the news about the extra day on the fourth and final day of what was about to come to an end. israel said they would extend the pause in fighting for every ten different hostages released. the idf has pledged to continue their military campaign to route of hamas. as it stands, 11 more israeli hostages are back in israel. just a day before, 14 israelis made that same journey where they joined 26 others in the previous days. they're all in some sort of treatment after spending roughly seven weeks in the darkness of hamas tunnels. however, there's more than 100 hostages still being held by hamas. the families are saying nobody is stopping until everyone comes home. >> if there's one feeling i'm certain of is determination for the struggle to continue and until we see them all back home. >> now, we know more aid trucks mare they way in to gaza delivering some crucial materials for the folks there. things like food and water and cooking gas. we also have expecting israeli jails to release more than 30 more palestinian prisoners. charles? >> charles: thanks, jeff. the administration welcoming the two-day extension of the cease fire saying eight to nine americans are still believed to be held by hamas. to peter doocy with the very latest. >> officials say that they will keep working to make this extension last more than two days. officials think that president biden deserves a lot of credit for this. >> president biden has been personally involved with the original deal and loosening a snag that happened over the weekend as well as working with qatar and israel specifically in the last 24 to 48 hours to get this extension announced. >> officials are tracking what authorities are calling a possible hate crime. the shooting of three college aged students all of palestinian dissent. a 48-year-old men has been charged with attempted murder. the white house says the president was briefed on the three young adults that were injured last night. he will continue to receive update as law enforcement gathers more information. the press secretary added this. >> the president continues to receive investigations against the ongoing investigation. these students were taking part in a uniquely american tradition, gathering with family and loved ones to celebrate thanksgiving. they should be back in school with their classmates. not in a hospital. >> president biden didn't have one thing to say about that or the hostage dealings. he came out to talk about how he thinks he's helping improve supply chains and hi turned around and walked offer. charles? >> charles: thanks peter. thanks. joining me more, abi himan. let's start with the conditions. seven weeks of captivity. mostly in dark tunnels. i've read and heard with many lost a lot of weight. give us an update on conditions. >> charles, thanks very much for having me on and thank you for your continued support. we are checking their conditions. it's an unfolding story. they were only released in the last four days. i can tell you one, an 85-year-old was released yesterday. went straight in to -- flown straight to the hospital and gone in to intensive care. we pray for her speedy recovery. the scenes we're seeing are bittersweet. on the one hand, we're seeing masked monsters bringing out hostages. we're happy to see them but still so many are left hinged. at the same time, we shouldn't have to see images of 3-year-old twin girls being brought in by masked hamas terrorists. 3-year-old twins shouldn't be taken hostage. nine-month-old babies shouldn't be taken hostage. this is absurd. >> charles: it is absurd. it's so amazing that we have rules for war, right? the geneva accords, this is beyond the pale from. the invasion, from the barberistic invasion. 80-year-old kept in captive, 3-year-old twins. here in america, we've been shocked at the public relations aspect of this. i'm sure in israel as well act the messages of all of this that makes hamas somehow the victims in this. >> yeah, there's a real problem in the world today of morale relativism. people are putting the baby beheaders on the same plane of those pure innocent babies. we saw the terrorists storm there and behead babies burn families alive. this conflict is as black and white as the isis flags that we found on some of the terrorists. it's a time now more than ever where we call on people to have moral clarity and stand with israel in this time of need. >> charles: one of the debates is it's an ideology and how hard to destroy an ideology. some are saying if you look back to germany, if you look back to hitter and the naziism, once you killed the leadership, the ideology faded away. >> it's more than leadership. it's the organization itself. who would have thought that germany and japan would be among america's closest allies at that time. yeah, we will plow on with our mission, which is to totally destroy hamas to make sure that they can't rule over gaza, they're part of history, free gaza from hamas and of course, to free those 240 hostages. no one can be left behind. >> charles: how concerned are you that the extension now, two days, there's a lot to be said about the momentum in every aspect of life but particularly in war, war craft? allows to hamas to regroup to a certain extent and maybe create more havoc? >> so it's about calculated risks. we know we wouldn't be where we are today and wouldn't receive 50 hostages had hamas not been on their knees begging, please, stop. we hit them so, so hard, took out so many leaders. we created serious pain for hamas. they were begging us to stop. that's how we got these hostages out and will continue that pressure. we will do the because as long as we think it makes sense to get hostages out and then plow through with the mission. i can tell you from speaking to soldiers on the ground, they're ready. they do not want to come home until hamas is part of history. never again can we allow these barbarians to plow through. they publicly seek to do it again and again and again. they made it clear. so to people are with us, the people are with the army. we will destroy hamas. >> charles: avi, how do you determine when you've destroyed hamas? how do you pick out members of hamas versus palestinians who in some degree may also have the same objective? >> we need a situation by which hamas is no longer in control of gaza. hamas can no longer keep our people hostage or keep their own people hostage. the day after hamas will see leigh things. we'll see the gaza strip is demilitarized, deradicalized and gaza will have to be rebuilt. israel will have to control the security aspects and a new civilian-type of leadership that doesn't teach their children to hate jews. a type of leadership that will take over the state of israel from the river to is sea and it will be jew-free. there's a historical precedent. what happened in germany, what happened in japan where we hope for a better future. >> charles: thanks for taking the time out, avi and all the best. we'll reach out to you again soon. thank you. i want to get back to the release and the danger for u.s. troops. the iranian backed proxies firing missiles at one of our ships. where is this heading in and what is the pentagon saying? we'll have more. and more as hostages are released and will see their families for the first time. we'll speak with one of the aunts of the hostage. that's next. and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? 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>> it's interesting, charles, i was looking back at the timeline for attacks that the navy has fielded or intercepted or not responded to from the houthis in the last two to three weeks. the houthis shot down a $32 million reaper drone. there's been no response from that. the houthis fired a drone at the u.s.s. thomas hudner. the hudner was allowed to fire a missile and it strike down the drone. the amount of -- the number of missiles coming out of yemen or targeting ships and hijackers after trying to take the israeli tankers, the threats are mounting what is beautifuling to many is why the u.s. military has not been given the authorities from the white house to fire back and to strike in yemen. they have fired back a few times in iraq and syria, but it's been few and far between from those 74 attacks that we've documented of rockets and drones that are constantly almost nightly targeting u.s. troops that are at those outposts and bases in syria and iraq, charles. >> charles: thanks, jennifer griffin at the pentagon. appreciate it. this latest act of aggression exposing danger for our troops, i want to find out what my next guest sees this heading. we have former underdeputy secretary of defense, lieutenant general jerry boykin. thanks for joining us. let's pick up this conversation with jennifer griffin about retaliation. we know this is a region that feasts on fear. the more that they get away with, the more they push the envelope. are you satisfied with the way we are -- are we doing enough to deter these iranian proxies? feels like they're becoming more emboldened by the day. >> thanks for having me on, first of all, charles. no, i'm not happy with this. i don't think any american should be. let me take you back to 1980 for just a second to make a point. i was part of the rescue effort that went in to iran to try to recover 52 hostages that were taken by the followers of the ayatollah. they held those people. we tried. our attempts failed. but they released them 444 days after they were captured. why? and the answer is because ronald reagan was inaugurated that day. they did not want to deal with a president that had just been inaugurated and had campaign promises to live up to, one of which was to bring these people home. this is a shame that america has come to this point that we will leave our soldiers on the ground in a war zone and do scat little every time that they get hit. i think that has to be something that congress has to look into. >> charles: meanwhile, reports of this hijacked tanker, china has a show of force there, showing muscle. they ignore dozens of distress signals. are they just gathering data? are that there on some sort of data finding mission? how worried should we be that china is taking notes but not helping when humanity is on the line? >> well, i think it's entirely probable that they are doing just that. this is an opportunity for them to gather intelligence that could be incredibly valuable to them in the future. so i think that's certainly part of what they're doing. >> charles: i've got a minute to go. i want your thoughts on the direction this is heading. feels like we're setting up for the next major global war. everybody is watching this with the invasion of ukraine, the saber rattling of taiwan over china and now this barbaric act. where are we going with this, general? >> yeah, only god knows. i wish i could i guess forecast what the future holds for this. what i do think, i think that if they keep pushing, eventually we'll have a new regime in the united states. i don't think it will be the one we have right now and i think we'll see somebody that has been taking lessons from what we've seep in this whole period of time and i think that you'll see a different landscape as a result of that. >> charles: of course, you started off your commentary with what happened in 1980. a new sheriff in town changed everything for the world. thanks, general. thanks for your comments. >> thank you. >> charles: immensely more natural moments captured on camera as people were released after 50 days in captivity. we have an aunt here from one of the people held in captivity next. lowe's knows same-day delivery means getting what you need, right when you need it. holiday shopping got easier on affordable décor and more. you know you can get these all at once, right dad? 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>> the motorcade arrived here at the carter center 1 1/2 hours ago. several thousand people expected to come tonight to pay their respects. rosalynn carter died last week at the age of 96. the former president said rosalynn was my equal partner in everything i accomplished. she helped change the role of the first lady. she attended cabinet meetings and a close adviser. she wanted better mental healthcare for americans. those that knew her well stressed her humility. >> she was a woman who had deep inner strength. so i think many people were fooled by her gracious southern demeanor. i think she was one of the m most -- in her own way, ambitious for taking advantage of the opportunities that she had to help others. >> there will be a memorial tomorrow at emory university. both the president and haven't expected to attend. charles, back to you. >> thanks, steve. back to israel in the emotional seens over the past few days of families reuniting following a series of hostage releases. we're talking to a family member of a freed hostage in just a moment. first to alex hogan with the latest there. alex? >> hi, charles. yes, breaking this hour, the last 11 israeli hostages now back, officially on israeli soil. the idf is escorting them and they will make their way to different hospitals across the country. here's a look at the hostages that have been released the first twin little girls. their mom was released with the girls. her husband remains in captivity. next, a 10-year-old and a 18-year-old and their mom. karina is a recent cancer survivor. october 7 she called her sister saying militants made it in her home before they were taken. her husband also abducted. he's staying behind. now to the12-year-old and 16-year-old boys. they were home alone when hamas was attacking their town and their house was invaded. they called their mom and who on the phone heard her children being kidnapped. all of these children, the mothers and including one 16-year-old and the others, that is it. we know the cease fire will continue on. this is really the extent of what we expected to see until several hours ago when we found out the cease fire will continue. what we expect to see is this once again repeated two times over at least ten hostages, released every single day in exchange for more humanitarian aid. three times the amount of palestinian prisoners and the cease fire on the ground. charles? >> thanks, alex. adina was hiding in her safe room when a terrorist broke in and killed her husband in front of her and took her hostage. her nephew joins us. you know, of course, the images we're showing of adina is of her prior to the october 7th attack. i want to thank you for being here. just from the beginning that moment that you heard the news of the release of your aunt after weeks and weeks of being worried. >> first we heard that on friday afternoon when we saw the list of hostages. we were very surprised to see my aunt's name on the list. it was rumors, of course. we waited anxiously watching the egyptian tv. the minute we saw the car with my aunt inside, we were shouting emotionally and happily that she's released. i was with my mother and my uncle. together with my brothers and sisters and all the kids. we were so happen pin. it was like a beam of light in the whole darkness since october 7th. >> charles: i can feel the joy as you described it. emotional and touching. a lot of folks in israel saying this is bittersweet. who takes a 72-year-old woman hostage in the first place. there's additional israeli hostages out there. and hamas still hasn't been eradicated. does she talk to you a little bit about what she went through as a hostage? >> we got a lot of information about what happened since she was taken from the safe room and pulled out. make sure that her husband, my uncle, is killed. they shot a dozen bullets at his body and put her on a motorcycle in to gaza where they took her inside the tunnels. she walked with them miles and miles inside the tunnels. is muddy tunnels without shoes in the mud. high humidity, very low air. very hard to breathe. then she reached a room where she stayed for seven weeks. together with several other hostages in the dark. they were allowed to stay there only two hours of light per day. with some rice and water and some bread. that's it. they were told to be quiet and they could whisper to each other. no shower, no air, no sunshine. this is the way she survived seven weeks. she took care of the children. she's brave and powerful. there's a video circulating when she was on the list, you can see when the hamas terrorists trying to reach her hand for her, she slapped his hands. she doesn't want his help. so they didn't manage to break her spirit. >> charles: speaking of that resolve, the internal fortitude, do you feel it in israel overall? do you feel that this is become a galvanizing force, particularly in recent years, you know, there's been a lot of political tension there? not unlike america, this feels like one of those moments in time that resets a nation and refocuses a nation. are you feeling that? >> we feel that so strong. i was watching last week together -- we started with hundreds of people and ended 150,000 people marching five days towards jerusalem. we feel everybody supporting. the hostages family. last saturday after my aunt has been released, we're still fighting for the release of the others. we were in the hostages square, over 100,000 people. and there's a gathering of religious, liberals, muslims, jews, everybody. they're together against the evil that came from the south of israel. so the country is very strong, very powerful and we feel the uniting of everybody. the sympathy and hugging from everybody that we are one nation. again, after being separated the past nine months since they tried to change the system. >> charles: i want to say congratulations to you and your family. you mentioned the ray of light that hit your family. thanks very much. >> thank you very much. >> charles: meanwhile, president biden facing intense pressure over his handling of the israel-hamas war. how can these truce extensions impact that? 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so, if you have medicare and medicaid, call the number on your screen now and speak with a licensed humana sales agent. if you're eligible, they can even help enroll you over the phone in a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. so, call now. humana. a more human way to healthcare. >> charles: point, click, buy. a lot. cyber monday is here and could be record setting for shoppers. jeff flock is in pennsylvania with more. >> everybody looking for the best buy today, charles. may not be here at the mall. it may actually just be on your phone. yeah, let's to the numbers on cyber monday. $12 billion. that's what they say we'll spend today online alone. that's not even counting the folks out here at the mall. just online. an increase of 6%, they say, compared to last year. that comes on the heels of what i would call cyber black friday. yeah, a lot of people bought online as well as at the mall friday. almost $10 billion spent online. an increase of 8% compared to last year. all and all, the experts say and red bush secure polled a bunch of the experts, holiday spending will be a 9% increase. that's double of what they thought it would be. only bad news about that spending, according to some of the experts, is we may be writing checks that we can't cover. listen. >> average savings rate of consumers is about half on the monthly average what it normally is. credit card delinquencies are reporting they're going up. auto loan delinquencies are an't a 30-year high. >> it's too easy to spend our money now. a lot of folks, when cyber monday started, it was the thought that people went back to the office the monday after thanksgiving to use that fast computer connection to buy things online. now you can buy it with your phone. mobile spending this year on thanksgiving, 3.3 billion. that was an increase of 14%. all too easy now to make a buy. if only someone could invent a way to pay it all off. >> charles: there's a way. i don't know if we'll able be able to do it. >> i know. >> charles: before i let you go -- >> good point. >> charles: is there any evidence at least people are moving down the food chain or have they been more cost conscious? >> no. to be very honest, there's no evidence of that. it appears that people are just sucking it up. obviously things cost more with inflation this year. but people are finding a way to do it. now, whether or not they're doing it with their own money or borrowed money, that's a whole other matter. >> charles: it's always been the american way. we love to spend. thanks, jeff. >> good to see you. >> charles: are americans racking up too much death? a quarter of us are still in the read from last year. why that's alarming next. tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster, that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils, for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort every single night. stearns & foster. what comfort should be. for a limited time, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. learn more at >> charles: now to the 2024 race. the first contest is seven weeks away. to mike emanuel in washington d.c. with the latest. mike? >> nikki haley rising in recent polls started her week close to home in her home state of south carolina. she held a town hall in bluff on the this afternoon. this comes as "the new york times" is reporting a number of powerful business leaders that hailey can topple former. trump. both parties starting to drift towards her. haley noted south carolina could play a huge role after some other gop candidates drop out. >> the stage gets smaller, our chances get bigger. and so what you're going to see is you're going to have three or four people going in to iowa and a couple will drop. and then you're going to have a couple people going to new hampshire and another one is going to drop. and then i come home to south carolina. >> former president trump made an appearance in south carolina over the weekend attending the clemson-south carolina rivalry football game receiving a very enthusiastic welcome and a few boos. others have been emphasizing new hampshire. vivek ramaswamy made four stops there sunday. ramaswamy took this swipe at ronna mcdaniel. >> the republican national committee who has taken over in 2017 after which we lost in 2018, 2022, 2020, 2023 and has seen a three-fold salary increase over the same period of time. >> former new jersey governor chris christie is investing in hire and he argues voters are just starting to think about who they'll support in the early states. christie says there could be a lot of movement in the polls over the next seven weeks or so. charles? >> charles: sounds like a lot of wishful thinking. thanks, my friend. of course, folks, the economy is the top issue for voters. sales we know are strong lately, but one of the reasons is credit card debt. many think it's too high. we'll get more on that next. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at i'm andrea, and this is why i switched to shopify. it gave me so much peace of mind. if we make a change, my site's not going to go down. and just knowing that i have a platform that we can rely on, that is gold to us. start your free trial today. ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ -missing punches? 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(dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. >> charles: holiday shoppers are out in force but there are no signs a lot of americans are still not out of debt from last year. nearly a quarter of americans are still paying off those holiday bills. that's something economist steve morris is watching very closely. steve, here we go again. the numbers look good but we wonder how they're doing it. >> 22 of the last 25 months, charles, the inflation rate has been higher than people's incomes. so what's happening in my opinion is people are going more and more into debt to maintain their living standards and have buy all those products and presents people bought in the last three days in the first week of the christmas season. the problem is, this is the problem, charles. you see what i've got here. this is the problem. people are addicted to the credit card. >> charles: stopped moving. i'm trying to write the number down. >> people want to swipe it. i am as guilty as anybody. all you have to do is swipe this thing and you get these things for free. i'm not a conspiracy theorist. but i'm going to suggest a conspiracy, charles. you heard it first on your show. i believe that nine months from now when we are in the height of the campaign season, joe biden is going to announce a credit card forgiveness plan. and he's going to tell people, just like they did with the student loans, remember that, charles? you don't have to pay your credit card debt. uncle sam will do it and we will print the money. i'm not making this up. i really believe that's what they are intending to do. >> charles: it's not far-fetched. by the way, the college loan thing actually probably got democrats -- they really did so much better and a lot of that was a lot of young folks think i don't have to pay my credit student loan bills. might've been a bait and switch the whole time. you can always announce these things and they don't have to go through. steve, something that caught my attention today. buy now, pay later. it was huge over the weekend. there's one company that doesn't. their stock was up double di digits. as worried as i am about credit cards i'm even more concerned about that. that seems like a serious -- it's on the lower pair you buy these things. you go home with them but you don't pay. i don't know if it's even going to work but people think it's a big ticking time bomb. >> it's just another version of taking out more credit and paying later. you asked the question where will the money come from? i hope we have an economic boom next year. i hope we get out of this crisis that wherein the people can afford to buy these things. right now when you already have a trillion dollar credit card debt as a nation and then people are going more and more and further and further into debt, that's a problem. bills have to be repaid. remember, the individual consumer is not like the federal government. they can't print money. they can borrow money ad infinitum. you've got to start paying the bills. you have to do it. i've got to make another point. i'm not a financial advisor. you are. the worst way to borrowers to borrow borrow on your credit card. they're going to charge you 25% or 30% interest rates. >> charles: we have the numbers that was a disaster couple weeks ago that was the reason why. americans are struggling to pay down their bills because there's a new analysis out. bloomberg "businessweek," great stuff. they showed where restaurants, they are passing their costs onto customers the past few years. chicken, burgers, pasta, pizza, all double digits. electricity through the roof. everything is through the roof. it's hard for consumers to digest. it won't go away. this inflation thing has been a real problem. it simply doesn't go away. people are struggling, aren't they? >> yeah, i loved it when biden said turkey dinners and thanksgiving dinner is so much cheaper this year than last year. it's only if you're not paying for it. people actually pay for these dinners. they are way up. talking about food prices up by about 35% since biden came into office paid yes the inflation rate is down but those prices are still rising. the 9% increase last year is permanent. you and paint going forward. we have to get the inflation under control in the way we do that, the steve morris rule of reducing inflation. why not cut government spending somewhere not borrowing so much money. >> charles: earlier today president biden spoke about supply chains and said republicans just want to cut taxes for the rich. i don't know politics of envy are going to work when people are struggling to pay their bills. i don't see any policy changes, just finger-pointing. >> well, there is a policy change that's coming in by northern democrats win. they are going to raise taxes through the roof. they have said so. how are you going to get more investment and more jobs when you're raising taxes on the businesses that create them? i don't get the logic. we cut the business taxes to bring capital and jobs back to the united states under trump and guess what, it worked. >> charles: it really did. phenomenal. pre-pandemic. i encourage everyone to look at the data. thank you so, so much folks. by the way, real quick according to the latest intelligence u.s. navy assesses that two ballistic missiles were fired. targets were more likely -- central park than the vessel. meanwhile. thank you so much for watching. catch me tomorrow 2:00 p.m. in the fox business channel but for now i leave you in the hands of "the five."

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