>> hello. it is at 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." fox news alert. a suspect is that after responding to a report of an active shooter on the university of nevada las vegas campus. police gave an update saying a number of victims were taken to the hospital. let's go to jonathan hunt for a quick update. >> about two hours ago, we got word from the las vegas police department that there was an active shooter on the campus of the university of nevada, las vegas, right in the heart of the city, just a short distance off the strip behind the mgm grand hotel. there was an alert sent out by university officials asking students to shelter in place and run, hide, fight. run if they could, hide if they could, fight if they must. within 30 minutes of those statements, we got word from the police that the suspect had been located and in their words, is deceased. we do not know if the suspect was killed in some sort of shoot-out with the police or armed security they may or may not have been on campus. we don't know if the suspect killed him or herself. and at this point we know nothing about the identity of the shooter. whether it was a man or a woman, we often assume because statistics tell us it is almost always the case it was a male shooter. we do not have that confirmed from the police. they do say there were victims in the shooting. we just got word from the sheriff that there are three victims. they have been taken to the hospital. the extent of their injuries is unknown. there is no more threat to the community. >> police saying moments ago, there are three victims after the shooting but the unknown extent of the injuries is being looked into and we will continue to monitor that and get you updates. president biden admitting critics who say he is too old for the presidency may be right. he revealed he would have skipped a reelection bid if he were not facing donald trump. he said this during a fund-raiser. if trump wasn't running, i am not sure i would be running. we cannot let him win for the sake of the country. he had to walk back his comments and insisted he would be running no matter what. >> he is running and i have to run. >> are there any democrats who could beat donald trump other than you? >> probably 50 of them. i am not the only one, but i will. >> donald trump thinks joe biden won't be his opponent in the race. >> i don't think he makes it. i think he is in bad shape physically. remember when he said i would like to take him behind the barn? if he did this and i went like this, i believe he would fall over. i see him talking about make america great again. that is what people want. >> in a closed door fund-raiser, this came out of the fund-raiser and he had to walk a bag but he is admitting trump is the lifeline of his candidacy. >> fund-raiser biden is my favorite. he is telling the truth and he never tells the truth, so he is saying he is the only one who can beat trump and that is why he is running. then what? he is going to run, win, and then give, love the keys to the white house? he's not running for a second term. he is running as a grudge match. what about us? what about the voters? it should be about the voters, not your obsession about your opponent. he hasn't laid out a vision or agenda for the second term. i don't like that. every time he says this, that he is not going to make it, i am starting to agree. today, when he was asked why are you hanging out with your brother and your sons associates and he said that is a lie. this is not donald trump saying i had a big crowd at inauguration day or her team was going to hit the state. it is going out front of the people and saying the sky is green. and then walking away. we have photos of him with dinner. we have logs of him meeting dozens of associates. if everyone is kosher, why is he blatantly lying about it. >> this will add another log to the fire. he is preventing this civil war from breaking out in the democratic party which might need to happen for there to be a next generation. >> that was the proper use of the term. a couple of things, i enjoy fund-raiser biden and think he should have stuck with it. that was the argument he made in 2020 and it persuaded 81 million people he was the right person for the job and we see in terms of turnout and everything else from the midterms to these referendums that donald trump juices his base and they he really juices democrats and they show up to vote against him. joe biden has done well during the trump era and his party has over performed expectations and that has to do with the me versus trump of all of this and i don't think he should have walked back and gone on to say, 50 other democrats could have done it. we know that is not true. there are a couple other who could have, but it is about you, the agenda use set forward and building on your progress. finish the job. to your point about these things the republicans have joe biden doing, the pictures and blah, blah, blah. you need to take james comer's job. he is terrible at it. every interview he does, promising him for going into enemy territory or whatever. he got destroyed. the revelation of the week was the under $4,000 truck loan. it is an old story of the post had that came out in 2022. it occurred in 2018 when he was in an office. the investigations are going nowhere. it is frustrating to you. coma, very bad at your job. our own "new york post." the payback on it and there was no interest because it was his son. >> what payback? >> hunter paid the loan back. >> where is the loan initially? >> we are getting bogged down. >> i was not boggs. i was flowing great. sean hannity was doing his best to help out front, asking questions like, are you planning on being a dictator and he does a bunch of things, says he is innocent, says he is treated worse than al capone. and then he gets around to saying, just dictator day one in terms of what i will do on the border and people here that and they hear the sky continues to be a threat to democracy. our anchor had to beam in to say i won the 2020 election. you can say it is not the most important issue, but people have been voting on preserving democracy. >> i imagine you would say the same about stacey abrams, who was convinced she won the gubernatorial election. stacey abrams will not concede and never conceded she lost the election and the second time around, lost it even bigger. i hope joe sticks with the first answer, the fact that i am the one, i am in this to beat donald trump. if he sticks with that, it goes to the guts of what is going on in this race. it shows biden is more focused on defeating donald trump and his department of justice working with florida and washington, making sure they have these indictments. they won't admit to the meetings that have been had between justice department officials and state prosecutors and it is about defeating him. it is not about what he is going to do for the american people. it is jealousy, hatred. i am the one who can beat him. the saddest part is when he is being asked the question and he walks away. it is such an arrogance he has for the press. i don't have to answer that. prove it. there is something he is not a part of with the american people and who he wants us to believe he wants us. the fact they are not even using bidenomics anymore proves that. he does not relate to the american people. american people believe the country is heading in the wrong direction. joe biden is running it in the wrong direction. in the numbers, trump is ahead of biden. i don't think biden will be there to run as the candidate. i really don't. >> it is a strange message to tell the american people you need another four years. >> joe claims he ran against trump based on a hoax that trump called nazis fine people. he was actually complementing the left, who wanted to take down the statues. the media covered up that hoax because they are dirtbags. it was a huge lie and you are right. it worked. think about how joe won the election. fine people hoax, the russian hoax, the impeachment based on a phone call that turned out to be accurate. the idea if you elected trump that would lead to war and then what would happen when joe was elected? two wars. and imploded border, inflation, crime everywhere. what was missing was what joe promised. healing. the first thing he did was cleave the country and half, demonize trump voters. the biggest threat in our country. domestic terrorist. the key phrase that joe said in this fund-raiser, we cannot let him win. that is the bat signal. you see the atlantic devoting an entire issue to trump and his hitler stories, liz cheney saying trump will and democracy in the present saying we can't let him win. it is approval that all things, all actions to stop orange hitler are permissible. if you have the threat of hitler in front of you, it would be immoral if you didn't do anything. think about the things you can do. you can lie, you can cheat, you can kill. do you think that is an exaggeration? look at their exaggerations. he will cause world war iii, and democracy p. look what happened after 2016 in d.c., look of the summer of love. they are telling us now what they are going to do. we watched two months of justification of atrocity. an entire group of people what happened october 7th because it served a greater mission for them. that is where i stand. standing up for female athletes is apparently transphobic. ♪ ♪ is all about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ >> democrat logic never fails to be stupid. standing up for women is transphobic. riley gaines defending women in sports and warning congress how the education department is trying to erase girls from sports and schools and college. there is a place for everyone to play sports in this country. unsafe, and discriminatory practices towards women must stop. >> a member of the squad tried to smear her. >> it is disappointing that the title of this hearing implies a needed discussion, we are going to be forced to listen to transphobic bigotry. >> inclusion cannot be prioritized over safety. >> who is the best female athlete at the table. i will go to them first. >> i am going to call it. >> dana is calling it. >> riley did an amazing job and continues to gain confidence and strength. the abuse this woman takes is incredible. i find it amazing south park call this in 2019. they had a strong woman competition and macho man randy savage decided he was going to enter as a woman. he wins and a liberal woman gets furious and takes the children who she has been trying to raise in a liberal way and makes them change. the idea that she is transphobic rather than what she said, inclusion cannot be prioritized over safety and fairness. if congresswoman lee doesn't believe there are safety problems, i would love to have her come on newsroom. we will talk about the woman who planned to go to college to play volleyball and guess what she cannot. she got injured by a man who was playing on the other side and hit her in the face with a spike volleyball. you know how that can hurt. gallup has shown the idea of girls playing on girls teams and boys playing on boys teams has gone up by seven points since the debate started. the left is losing the debate, but they keep at it. >> why does the left have to go from you want to do trans rights, why do they have to say if you disagree they go phobic on you. >> it is a small number of individuals who are trying to change the country. i want to talk about title ix. it was created in this country by congress to give women equal rights within federally funded school programs. title ix was to protect women, give them equal protection. what the left is trying to do is take down that protection. they are, at the same time, erasing decades of progress that women have made, fighting for every wrong in that latter. if title ix changes, where what they want as they want trans women to be included, they cannot be removed, that means all the young girls, all the young women who spent these years perfecting their game will lose to some guy who decides he is just so-so in the mail team and now he wants to beat out women in the women's team. the liberal women have no problem with that. they have no problem with the suppression, the oppression, and the removal of women and it comes down to who gets the regulation first. if they are excluded, good, give them their own team, their own channel. what the feds are trying to do is say forget it, we are going to make it a federal law, you cannot discriminate against a man who says he is a woman and he can compete in a woman's r race. >> let's go to transphobic greg. >> how dare you? >> how dare i not. >> it is weird that wearing a sombrero is cultural appropriation but dylan mulvaney pretending he is audrey hepburn is not. the same people who argued for safe spaces for women now creating work around so men saying they are women can invade these safe spaces and an overwhelming majority of them with their intact, which they don't talk about. men can go into safe spaces. there goes that principle. what happens to feminists who used to say believe all women, support all women. now it is you shut up girl, calling her transphobic. you better know your place. some are just got burned. this is what happens when you cling to one filter that is divorced from humanity. everything you once said about women no longer matters because the filter says so. the filter adjusts so that what was agreed, that is how the filter works. now you put delusional men in front of hardworking female athletes. you painted yourself into a corner of denial. these women in power, you ask what's a woman and they just go and research shows if you go down this route, it is a psychiatric illness. that is why you are seeing so much d transitioning. they need real compassion, but not at the cost of half the population of the country. trans females, men who say they are women, is a small issue, but the impact is large because it is a psychological tyranny imposed on everyone else by activists at the expense of safety. we are not talking about transtransitional. it is strange to watch women's groups cower before what is essentially a minstrel show. it is a minstrel show directed at women. wearing makeup and panty hose makes you every bit a woman. where are the women's groups? this is the same question i had a belt crime victims and moms. where are the women in power to defending this. they endorse intimidation against women who speak up. it is so strange. >> jessica, what is a woman? >> i know what a woman is. i am not playing that game. >> it is a game. a lot of people don't want to sing to the level of having to talk about when you are born. >> synced to the level of biology? >> a couple of things i think are important, the women that are competing have undergone hormone therapy. they are on the road to full transition or they are going to stay as they are but one of the issues we do not address is the ncaa is a big part of this problem because they have created hormone thresholds you have to make. leah thomas met those which is why she was able to compete on the women's side. i am on the same side as you. i was struck listening to the testimony from the representatives, especially from this woman from the national women's law center who said women need to learn to lose gracefully. it sounds like a bunch of people are sitting around, who don't care about sports and don't understand what it means to compete or what these scholarships mean to people or what it is as a career or something you love. i played tennis in college. it meant a lot to me. i went hard. i wished that was part of the pushback, to say, is this because you hate sports and you don't care if someone who is biologically superior to the rest of the group is out there and even serena williams, the greatest tennis player of all time, has admitted she would lose to a male professional. this has happened with women's soccer. a high school men's team was able to hang with or be the women's soccer team. they say we have to go but the solution is simple. let young kids play sports based on identity. it has to be in accordance with biological. >> women's tennis is sexist. >> why? >> forcing them to serve. >> we should have a tennis match between greg and jessica. >> that i would watch. >> the man who created the internet now wants to censor it. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you struggle with cpap... [man struggles] ...you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at inspiresleep.com (david jeremiah) when the rapture occurs, the world will capture the moment. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture in "the great disappearance." in 31 short, easy-to-read chapters, dr. jeremiah answers questions about the next event on god's prophetic calendar. "the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. >> democrats are doubling down on censorship. they don't care even after the biden white house got caught colluding with big tech to silence conservatives. al gore, the man who took credit for creating the internet, calling for an extreme crackdown on social media. >> these algorithms are the digital equivalent of ar-15s. they ought to be banned. it is an abuse of the public forum. when people are pulled down these rabbit holes, you know what is at the bottom. that is where the echo chamber is. if you spend too much time in the echo chamber, what is weaponized is another form of ai. not artificial intelligence. artificial insanity. >> coming from the guy who created the internet. isn't it interesting there was a time when we use to argue the issues now we are arguing about what information people can access. >> i am not sure where i land on this. part of me feels like you cannot stop progress. people try to stop technology in the past, it doesn't work that way. we are very late to get to this issue. 45% of young people get all of their news on tick-tock. the idea of banning the social media, i understand the security reasons and the reasons you might want to for mental health and well-being, and wouldn't it be better if we could go back to those days? i just don't know if we can. i am concerned about who is tweaking the algorithm. is washington, d.c., going to get involved and tweak the algorithm? i understand it is a gigantic problem. in the meantime, one of the best ways to deal with content that is negative or against your point of view is to provide alterna