Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Jesse 20240605 :

FOXNEWSW Jesse June 5, 2024

have to secure the border and secure it now. >> jesse: biden's executive action on the border is ridiculous. >> prosecutors not supposed to tamper with evidence and that's looks like what you do, you change the sequence of the documents. >> that is a false characterization. >> jesse: the attorney general under oath. >> it took being branded to ask you wake up and get back to reality. lily snapped back to my former self. >> jesse: escaping a sex cult, they get it together's series continues. >> plus... >> you can handle the truth! [ ♪♪ ] -- can't. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: joe biden has never worked harder than his first day in office, of never seen a man signed it so many things, executive order after executive order, he did not really know what he was signing but after 24 hours broke the border. making him the most successful travel agent in history. but biden success made our country into the united nations parking lot, and he told time magazine he had no regrets about reversing trump's policies. saying this, if i was wrong, it's because i took too long. for four years we demanded he put it back together, he ignored us for three and here four he said i don't have the power. we've been told him the act that congress passed that he gave them the power still nothing. until today. >> president biden: today i am moving past republican obstruction and using the executive authority to do what i can on my own to address the border. announcing actions to bar migrants across our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. migrants is triggered from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek it through an established lawful process, and those who seek coming to the united states illegally by making an appointment and coming to a point of entry, asylum will be available. >> jesse: biden threw himself a party at the white house to celebrate, by democratic exsenators and swing states up for reelection did not show because biden is toxic and not in an masking way. bytedance a so-called border shutdown order does not shut down the border at all, it keeps catch and release. we read it. and soda trump. >> mr. trump: after nearly four years of this failed, weak leadership, with adequate leadership got crooked joe biden's pertaining to finally do something about the border but in fact it's all about show because he knows we have a debate coming up in three weeks. the truth is that joe biden's executive order won't stop the invasion and it's pathetic. it will actually make the invasion orders. millions of people a year will continue to pour across our border and be released into our country. >> jesse: biden claims which are down wishart downs abortive illegal crossings had 2500 a day, but they are already over 3000. let's just say biden shuts down the border immediately, what does it mean? it means this, if josé gets caught crossing a border, and we say mexico, take him in mexico says no way josé, josé stays in and stays audio smac biden's new deal with mexico they just elected a new president yesterday, she is brand-new. biden hasn't even called to congratulate her let alone cut a deal. there is no plan to deport anybody. biden is just hoping they leave. what happens is he keeps releasing them into the country but they are not allowed to apply for asylum. it so they just stay here in the shadows or hotels for free. it's not like he's flying to the venezuelan people back to venezuela, venezuela won't accept deportation flights, migrants will still come here and they're just going to stay. because there does not going to need asylum. so biden is shutting down asylum claims, right? wrong. biden is still letting 1400 illegals per day come into the country if they use of the asylum app. you remember opentable for illegals? you had to make a reservation to break into the country, and if you are in a minor, patterns executive orders to lets you in. you get asylum. and if you've been trafficked which literally every migrant is, biden still let's you in with asylum. and biden still flying in 3000 migrants a month. that does not stop. this is the best part. migrants can so show up at the border and claim they are scared and they are fast tracked into the country. get asylum asylum if you say you are scared. i'm sure the migrants have never heard that. this executive order just orders more illegals. i would take 30,000 venezuelans in the air, 1400 mexicans on the app and we will do some chinese and all the kids you can ebmac they are allowed in a don't ship them back, where did they go? >> we deal with unaccompanied children in a humanitarian way, adhering to our values, we de deter, lawful -- soon but of this encourages drug cartels to take advantage of those kids does it not sir? >> we are taking into the drug cartels with unprecedented strength, we will adhere to our values while the -- we take a tough enforcement measures which is what we have done. >> jesse: does anybody believe they biden administration is taking edge to the cartels with unprecedented strength? that he heard anything about biden dismantling the cartels? any big arrests, any big shootouts? biden and the cartels are leaned together, even nbc's think this executive order is a joke. >> is a pretty big difference between what this executive order looks on paper and white they are using it to say they are doing in terms of shutting down the border saying they're taken dramatic action and what it looks like it will actually, how it will ask you play out on the ground. i am pretty skeptical at this point is that this is going to have any kind of immediate measurable, dramatic results in terms of the number of people crossing the. >> jesse: venezuelan biden market, a gang banger, trick shot upper new york city cop in the leg, two slugs and another cop stressed. likely he is alive but because of his bulletproof vest. but as as one gains are infiltrating camps coast-to-coast, investigative journalist caught a gang right outside of seattle. >> members are also suspected of infiltrating the migrant camp at riverton park united church, just a few miles away from seattle. we have obtained this internal e-mail sent out by fire officials in april warning first responders about this serious threat saying firefighters are only allowed to enter church grounds if they are accompanied by three police units back an outreach worker who has helped move migrant workers into area motels. >> what you do when the zero opportunities for work and advances of? >> he's a younger man without anything to do all day at the camp are being actively recruited to join the gang. >> you concentrated a bunch of people together and allowed them to begin to drift into the fringes of society. >> jesse: biden threw a party to celebrate keeping these people in the country, look how easy it is. >> await as from, what country? from africa, mauritania? what did you because to the united states? >> nepal. >> nepal? all of you from nepal? >> it know english. >> no, no. san diego. see the lights? >> jesse: san diego, right there. the fellow executive orders not designed to protect the country, it's designed to protect campaign. last election he wanted to open the board and i he wants you to thank he is closing a. back in june of 2020, biden was trusted more on the question of border security and immigration by a single point. good where we are in may of 2024 my goodness gracious, look at these huge job that donald trump has gotten, he's not had on this issue by 27 percentage points. but basically, 30 points, 28 points if you want to be exact. that is very, very different. >> jesse: the majority of the country now supports mass deportation, 42 percent of democrats supported. if you care about the safety, security, integrity of this country there's only one man running to achieve that. the other one is trying to fool you. do not be fooled. senator ted cruz joins me, i have the stupid executive order right here, you can so come in even have have biden shut down the border say you are scared, and seeking asylum. >> to this thing is utterly fake, it's a joke. biden knows it's a joke. i will say what's notable, we have admitted today he could have done something about it is from the very beginning, could have issued this order in 2021, 2022, 2023, he could have issued at last month or the month before. he did not, you did not, why? because he wants the 11 million illegals who've invaded this country, this is the outcome of the wants, they see them as, in people have to die, people have to be murdered, you blake and riley has to die, joe biden and the democrats hire okay with ebmac of the toward what nypd officers chart this week by a venezuelan illegal immigrant captured, we had him and eagle pass gagged taxes and why did the -- what a joe biden do? he let them go and he went to new york and tried two cops. that's happening every week this has nothing to do with securing the border, this is all about the election in five months and it's a little camouflage. joe biden wants to say i solve the problem and it's all probably, you think is the voters are stupid and they will ignore the last three and a half years. >> jesse: you heard him say the administration is taking edge to the cartels with unprecedented strength, you are down in texas senator, heavy witness that? >> actually he's inadvertently correct, the only time that biden tells the truth is when they do it accident late. unprecedented strength, let me give you two stats, the mexican drug cartels and 2018 made roughly $500 million from human trafficking. $500 million is a lot of money. last year the mexican drug cartels made over $13 billion from a human trafficking, that's a 2600 percent increase so he is right, he is taking to the cash to the cartels with unprecedented force. he's made them the most powerful forces in mexico and not only is he destroying america, he is destroying mexico. in texas, mexico is our neighbor her. because it was a wonderful guide be a country in the cartels and now terrorizing the people of mexico, the emerging people, they kidnapping people, he has turned them into a multibillion dollar global criminal conspiracy, smuggling criminals and terrorists in america. >> jesse: he will blame you and trump at the debate, he was a you do not want to this bipartisan deal, you guys buried at, i had a solution, he walked away because of politics. what is trump and where the republicans going to say? >> is there was not a bipartisan deal, that was a chuck schumer deal there was a terrible, terrible deal. the chuck schumer deal would have made to the problem, the deal put in the law catch and release, the chuck schumer deal gave it work permits to illegal immigrants when they arrived here, the chuck schumer deal gave taxpayer-funded lawyers to illegal immigrants when they got here. the chuck schumer deal normalized roughly 20 million illegal immigrants a year every year in perpetuity, it was a terrible, terrible deal and the reason is chuck schumer does not want to secure the border. joe bondy does not want to secure the border. democrats don't want to secure the border, they want this invasion, the whole purpose of the chuck schumer deal was for every democrat running for reelection to say see, we had a deal that would have fixed it but a mean old republicans would not agree to it. that's a joe botton is doing it now. i will make a prediction dressy, and the next few months, he was he the numbers drop down a little bit. it's just what biden did with gas prices, his disasters record, he wants his innovation and so does every other democrats. >> jesse: the numbers with inflation, the jobs reports, we do it all the time. won't be fooled. senator ted cruz, we think is always. >> and thank you. >> jesse: hundred biden's gun trial and a former sex cult member, ahead. 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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: explosive second day in the hunter biden trial, the case where we do know the crime. yeah, tears, drugs, a scapegoat in our first look up the laptop from hell. more on that in a moment. this case is all about hunter lying on a going form which the prosecution will easily prove with pictures, videos, witnesses and cocaine residue on the gun holster. but hunter's lawyers say that is not a hunters drug residue, it's haley's, hunters brother's widow, the one he was sleeping with? yeah. throwing his widow under the bus. also saying hunter did not even want to buy a gun. hunter just drove joe biden's black cadillac down to the at&t store to buy a phone, across the street was a gun store were a pushy salesman convinced him to buy a cold cobra special revolver with a box of ammo. know how pushy salesman are. prosecutors also pointed out that hunter took out thousands of dollars in cash a day, presumably to buy drugs, the difference is as it wasn't a drugs! hunter just did not own any credit cards, he keeps cash like fanny. jurors saw them listen to clips from hunter's audiobook and there were a lot of tears. carrier bond was in the group -- was in the court and has a details, was her crying? >> yes, ashley biden apparently shed a few tears while we were in there, i did not personally see that there were producer jake gibson did. i was a bit surprised given a data hunter biden went on a pretty well-known a book tour over those about this a couple of years ago. we sat through listening to about an hour of hunter's own words and his own voice to his audiobook is he detailed his while the drug as good page, including him talking about how crack was his superpower. that was an interesting point, watching the jurors basis, one and tried not to laugh as a message was right from hunter to how wheat where he called her unhinged and crazy recalling the fbi about his gun, meanwhile she called them because you laughed again and on log car with the windows down and she was afraid of the kids would find it. and she also was afraid he was going to either harm himself or others given the fact that he just the day before been texting her about being on a car and smoking crack and talking about doing a drug deal with a guy named mookie. it was an interesting day. >> jesse: so the jurors think that hunter's funny and they're witnessing the biden family cried. i don't think this is going to the way the prosecution thought it would twomak windows happened today, was anybody else who cried, were the board? >> the jurors were playing different paying particles attention, one thing i notice, i mentioned this earlier, hunter heart of these interesting orange glasses on, not sure if that was to get the attention of the jury or what, his wife was sitting behind him, he because to before he sat down and by the way jill biden and ashley biden left during the lunch break so we did not see them this afternoon but we will see how this goes. the prosecution has overwhelming evidence hunters drug use before, during and after he bought the gun. >> jesse: we will see how it shakes out, always interesting. never know what will happen. at thank you is always. [ ♪♪ ] this might seem like an open and shut case but jonathan turley points out hunter's legal team might have an ace up their sleeve. it's called jury nullification. it's when you pick a jury that will give you a not guilty verdict, they know you're guilty, but they just disagree with the law. strategy plays on the racial makeup of the jury which is mostly black as well as the biden's influence in delaware, the hope is that there is a jury won't convince -- convict for a drug related crime. everybody in delaware knows the biden's, that's why jail and ashley are sitting front row. that is not all. the biden friend thabrought mila delaware legend. tt as runs delaware's nw acp and was involved in the community for decades. they want every blockage urges seamounts sitting with the biden's, if you can get the jury on your side, all of a sudden, this case is not a slamdunk. susan constantine is a jury consultant, all right, is go through these jurors. almost all of them seem to have some drug history, family history with the drugs black one a jurors childhood best friend died from a heroin overdose, another one had an alcoholic brother-in-law, brother-in-law is now dead, wonders dad was shot dead in a brother arrested for narcotics possession, another juror pedagogy to a dui, another juror had an older brother addicted to pcp in here when. how do you think these jurors are? >> it while they are definitely drug qualified, right jesse? the fact that they have so many family members and people close to them, a lot of them may have some sensitivity knowing what they have gone through as a friend or family member, the trauma that they go through but also to the rehabilitation side of it. some made have empathy and compassion for biden just because they have background also within their family. this is probably a good move for the defense. >> jesse: now we have another juror who says weed is no big deal and he should be able to buy a gun on it. she seems like a pro defines a juror to me. out about this one though, there's a juror used to work for the secret service and her husband is currently a member of the secret service. >> well, you know, i'm surprised she actually admitted that. but then again, i'm sure it would have been found out. the fact that this is secret service i think those a jurors would look at that and go, okay,, this persons in the secret service back widow joe biden, sorry, hunter biden, he's also been accused of taking the drugs and so forth, if it's okay for the government agencies to do it, why is an art for him? really surprised of course this one was not struck by the state to, wider did they use one over the strikes on those juror? i don't understand. >> jesse: they might have ran out of strikes and wonder left because a guess of the comment was too long slow brings in the alternate and alternate, one of them is an obama donor. i think we know how that one's going to go. susan, thank you so much, we always appreciate your analysis. >> you are welcome. >> jesse: while today just in this wreck biden's justice department got in front of the courtroom with a plastic bag in hand and pulled out hunter's laptop, the same uncensored before the 2020 election, same one that 51 into the officers said was a russian disinformation, c1 joe barton's that was fake. the justice department admitted its real. they patterson's 2019. but they did not want us to know about it before we voted last election. now there is no hiding it, they're using the laptop as unimpeachable evidence in federal gun trial. a former cia officer and whistleblower, they are able to melon scoop certain stuff out of there for taxes and guns but they are just going to leave the rest of the laptop data points right to the big guy alone? how does that work? >> yeah, that should not work. you're exactly right, we have to remember that 51 it very senior cia officers, former cia officers said this was a russian disinformation operation, clearly obvious it was now. hunter biden said it was his computer, the justice department said it was his computer, it's been the contents published by the marco polo foundation so we know what's in it. and its ugly. with that said, there is no reason under the sun to jerry pete -- cherry pick some of the evidence of listing, other it will be evidence in legal proceedings or it's not. >> jesse: it'll be used i believe in the tax case in september, how can they work around lot? all of those text messages and e-mail communications, a lot of them involved joe biden. >> yes, joe biden has said from the very beginning that went republicans on capitol hill quoted these text messages, they were taken out of context. well and now is a time to prove that that's the

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