Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20241009 : vimar

Transcripts For MSNBC Inside With Jen Psaki 20241009

Okay. So we are 29 days out from the presIdent Ial electIon. People are votIng across the country and the key'>SwIng States already. VIce presIdent'>Kamala HarrIs and governor'>TIm Walz are on a'>MedIa BlItz rIght now. TIm walz was unleashed on'>Fox News Yesterday and It seemed to go well. HarrIs was unleashed on call her daddy, and both, done wIth a slew of podcast daytIme and latenIght hosts In the comIng days. BelIeve me, I would love to talk to you about my take on these'>MedIa StrategIes and we wIll durIng the show. We kInd of have to start somewhere else tonIght. RIght now, on a parallel track tell the IntervIews and the'>CampaIgn Events and early votIng and normal'>ElectIon Year KInd of stuff, we have a republIcan nomInee who wIll lIe about anythIng, If he thInks he can benefIt from that I. We have a'>Maga MachIne that amplIfIes those lIes on hIs behalf and we are watchIng real people suffer as a result. For the past few days, trump has been brazenly lyIng about the federal'>Governments Response to'>HurrIcane Helene. OvernIght, he once agaIn repeated the complete lIe that the bIden admInIstratIon used dIsaster funds for mIgrants Instead of helpIng people Impacted by the hurrIcane. That Is not true. It has been repeatedly fact checked and easIly debunked. I can debug It rIght now. Those are two entIrely dIfferent programs funded by two completely dIfferent sources. Trump knows they. The Fema Funds are dIrected by congress, IncludIng by many of the members who are outgoIng thIs to be spent on'>DIsaster Response specIfIcally. Congress dIrected them for that. LIsten to'>Harassment Call Trump out, fact check hIs lIes, and urge people to lIsten to actual authorItIes just a few hours ago. Theres a lot of dIsInformatIon beIng pushed out there by the former presIdent about what Is avaIlable. PartIcular to the survIvors of helene. It Is extraordInarIly IrresponsIble. It Is about hIm. It Is not about you. The realIty Is fema has so many resources avaIlable for folks who desperately need them. LIsten to your local sherIff who wIll tell you straIght about whats avaIlable to you and how so many reasons theres no condItIons attached to the relIef avaIlable. The spreadIng of mIsInformatIon Is not normal at all from anybody of any polItIcal party. None of thIs'>Stop Trump from contInuIng to repeat It. HIs goal Is not InsurIng people of accurate InformatIon, even In a tIme of crIsIs, It Is to anger people wIth mIsInformatIon. He created an envIronment where pushIng those falsehoods Is encouraged. When the New York tImes asked the'>Trump CampaIgn about hIs role In spreadIng false claIms . HIs spokeswoman sImply reIterated the falsehood. Elon musk, the rIchest man In the world and top'>Trump Ally has pushed lIes about the hurrIcane to hIs mIllIons of followers on the socIal'>MedIa Platform he owns. The front pages of the new'>York Post pushed lIes to theIr readers and we watched the lIes trIckle down from the'>Top And Spark other lIes and cause real world problems In communItIes that are sufferIng. These are real effects on real people because of fake storIes. Trump does not care. He wants people to be confused and enraged and he Is wIllIng to do anythIng for hIs polItIcal gaIn. Hes wIllIng to say anythIng for hIs own survIval, and Its far from the fIrst tIme weve seen thIs wIth trump. Its all a pattern. Remember, just a couple of weeks ago that the lIes from'>Donald Trump and as I lIes about sprIngfIeld, ohIo, had people hIdIng In theIr homes and State Troopers posted at schools. A couple of years ago that the lIes from'>Donald Trump and hIs allIes about the electIon had people chargIng at the u. S. CapItol and chantIng hang mIke pence. If It suIts trump and hIs allIes, they wIll lIe about It. Consequences be. To watch the lIes spread a'>Watch Trump and hIs allIes not back away but double down should be a huge concern rIght now. EspecIally Is another category 5 Storm Bears down on florIda. It should also serve as a bIg'>Wakeup Call for anyone out there as we head Into thIs electIon. If hIs allIes dont lIke the results, they wIll do the exact same thIng. They wIll lIe If It suIts them, and consequences, be If they are unwIllIng to say who won the last electIon . How do you thInk they wIll handle a'>Trump Boss thIs tIme around. I thInk you know the answer. We hear It from trumpet every sIngle rally. We saw It on the'>Debate Stage from j. D. Vance and we saw yesterday wIth'>House Speaker'>MIke Johnson. Can you say unequIvocally that'>Joe BIden won the 2020'>ElectIon And Job trump lost . ThIs Is a game played by maInstream medIa wIth republIcans. You want us to lI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al electI<\/a>on. People are votI<\/a>ng across the country and the key I<\/a>\/news\/swI<\/a>ng-states'>SwI<\/a>ng States<\/a> already. VI<\/a>ce presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> and governor I<\/a>\/news\/tI<\/a>m-walz'>TI<\/a>m Walz<\/a> are on a I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-blI<\/a>tz'>MedI<\/a>a BlI<\/a>tz<\/a> rI<\/a>ght now. TI<\/a>m walz was unleashed on I<\/a>\/news\/fox-news-yesterday'>Fox News Yesterday<\/a> and I<\/a>t seemed to go well. HarrI<\/a>s was unleashed on call her daddy, and both, done wI<\/a>th a slew of podcast daytI<\/a>me and latenI<\/a>ght hosts I<\/a>n the comI<\/a>ng days. BelI<\/a>eve me, I<\/a> would love to talk to you about my take on these I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-strategI<\/a>es'>MedI<\/a>a StrategI<\/a>es<\/a> and we wI<\/a>ll durI<\/a>ng the show. We kI<\/a>nd of have to start somewhere else tonI<\/a>ght. RI<\/a>ght now, on a parallel track tell the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ews and the I<\/a>\/news\/campaI<\/a>gn-events'>CampaI<\/a>gn Events<\/a> and early votI<\/a>ng and normal I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-year-kI<\/a>nd'>ElectI<\/a>on Year KI<\/a>nd<\/a> of stuff, we have a republI<\/a>can nomI<\/a>nee who wI<\/a>ll lI<\/a>e about anythI<\/a>ng, I<\/a>f he thI<\/a>nks he can benefI<\/a>t from that I<\/a>. We have a I<\/a>\/news\/maga-machI<\/a>ne'>Maga MachI<\/a>ne<\/a> that amplI<\/a>fI<\/a>es those lI<\/a>es on hI<\/a>s behalf and we are watchI<\/a>ng real people suffer as a result. For the past few days, trump has been brazenly lyI<\/a>ng about the federal I<\/a>\/news\/governments-response'>Governments Response<\/a> to I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-helene'>HurrI<\/a>cane Helene<\/a>. OvernI<\/a>ght, he once agaI<\/a>n repeated the complete lI<\/a>e that the bI<\/a>den admI<\/a>nI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on used dI<\/a>saster funds for mI<\/a>grants I<\/a>nstead of helpI<\/a>ng people I<\/a>mpacted by the hurrI<\/a>cane. That I<\/a>s not true. It has been repeatedly fact checked and easI<\/a>ly debunked. I can debug I<\/a>t rI<\/a>ght now. Those are two entI<\/a>rely dI<\/a>fferent programs funded by two completely dI<\/a>fferent sources. Trump knows they. The Fema Funds<\/a> are dI<\/a>rected by congress, I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng by many of the members who are outgoI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s to be spent on I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>saster-response'>DI<\/a>saster Response<\/a> specI<\/a>fI<\/a>cally. Congress dI<\/a>rected them for that. LI<\/a>sten to I<\/a>\/news\/harassment-call-trump'>Harassment Call Trump<\/a> out, fact check hI<\/a>s lI<\/a>es, and urge people to lI<\/a>sten to actual authorI<\/a>tI<\/a>es just a few hours ago. Theres a lot of dI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on beI<\/a>ng pushed out there by the former presI<\/a>dent about what I<\/a>s avaI<\/a>lable. PartI<\/a>cular to the survI<\/a>vors of helene. It I<\/a>s extraordI<\/a>narI<\/a>ly I<\/a>rresponsI<\/a>ble. It I<\/a>s about hI<\/a>m. It I<\/a>s not about you. The realI<\/a>ty I<\/a>s fema has so many resources avaI<\/a>lable for folks who desperately need them. LI<\/a>sten to your local sherI<\/a>ff who wI<\/a>ll tell you straI<\/a>ght about whats avaI<\/a>lable to you and how so many reasons theres no condI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons attached to the relI<\/a>ef avaI<\/a>lable. The spreadI<\/a>ng of mI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on I<\/a>s not normal at all from anybody of any polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal party. None of thI<\/a>s I<\/a>\/news\/stop-trump'>Stop Trump<\/a> from contI<\/a>nuI<\/a>ng to repeat I<\/a>t. HI<\/a>s goal I<\/a>s not I<\/a>nsurI<\/a>ng people of accurate I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on, even I<\/a>n a tI<\/a>me of crI<\/a>sI<\/a>s, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s to anger people wI<\/a>th mI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on. He created an envI<\/a>ronment where pushI<\/a>ng those falsehoods I<\/a>s encouraged. When the New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes asked the I<\/a>\/news\/trump-campaI<\/a>gn'>Trump CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> about hI<\/a>s role I<\/a>n spreadI<\/a>ng false claI<\/a>ms . HI<\/a>s spokeswoman sI<\/a>mply reI<\/a>terated the falsehood. Elon musk, the rI<\/a>chest man I<\/a>n the world and top I<\/a>\/news\/trump-ally'>Trump Ally<\/a> has pushed lI<\/a>es about the hurrI<\/a>cane to hI<\/a>s mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of followers on the socI<\/a>al I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-platform'>MedI<\/a>a Platform<\/a> he owns. The front pages of the new I<\/a>\/news\/york-post'>York Post<\/a> pushed lI<\/a>es to theI<\/a>r readers and we watched the lI<\/a>es trI<\/a>ckle down from the I<\/a>\/news\/top-and-spark'>Top And Spark<\/a> other lI<\/a>es and cause real world problems I<\/a>n communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es that are sufferI<\/a>ng. These are real effects on real people because of fake storI<\/a>es. Trump does not care. He wants people to be confused and enraged and he I<\/a>s wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to do anythI<\/a>ng for hI<\/a>s polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal gaI<\/a>n. Hes wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to say anythI<\/a>ng for hI<\/a>s own survI<\/a>val, and I<\/a>ts far from the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me weve seen thI<\/a>s wI<\/a>th trump. Its all a pattern. Remember, just a couple of weeks ago that the lI<\/a>es from I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> and as I<\/a> lI<\/a>es about sprI<\/a>ngfI<\/a>eld, ohI<\/a>o, had people hI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r homes and State Troopers<\/a> posted at schools. A couple of years ago that the lI<\/a>es from I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> and hI<\/a>s allI<\/a>es about the electI<\/a>on had people chargI<\/a>ng at the u. S. CapI<\/a>tol and chantI<\/a>ng hang mI<\/a>ke pence. If I<\/a>t suI<\/a>ts trump and hI<\/a>s allI<\/a>es, they wI<\/a>ll lI<\/a>e about I<\/a>t. Consequences be. To watch the lI<\/a>es spread a I<\/a>\/news\/watch-trump'>Watch Trump<\/a> and hI<\/a>s allI<\/a>es not back away but double down should be a huge concern rI<\/a>ght now. EspecI<\/a>ally I<\/a>s another category 5 Storm Bears<\/a> down on florI<\/a>da. It should also serve as a bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/wakeup-call'>Wakeup Call<\/a> for anyone out there as we head I<\/a>nto thI<\/a>s electI<\/a>on. If hI<\/a>s allI<\/a>es dont lI<\/a>ke the results, they wI<\/a>ll do the exact same thI<\/a>ng. They wI<\/a>ll lI<\/a>e I<\/a>f I<\/a>t suI<\/a>ts them, and consequences, be I<\/a>f they are unwI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng to say who won the last electI<\/a>on . How do you thI<\/a>nk they wI<\/a>ll handle a I<\/a>\/news\/trump-boss'>Trump Boss<\/a> thI<\/a>s tI<\/a>me around. I thI<\/a>nk you know the answer. We hear I<\/a>t from trumpet every sI<\/a>ngle rally. We saw I<\/a>t on the I<\/a>\/news\/debate-stage'>Debate Stage<\/a> from j. D. Vance and we saw yesterday wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/house-speaker'>House Speaker<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>ke-johnson'>MI<\/a>ke Johnson<\/a>. Can you say unequI<\/a>vocally that I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> won the 2020 I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-and-job'>ElectI<\/a>on And Job<\/a> trump lost . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a game played by maI<\/a>nstream medI<\/a>a wI<\/a>th republI<\/a>cans. You want us to lI<\/a>tI<\/a>gate thI<\/a>ngs that happen four years ago when we are talkI<\/a>ng about the future. They are plannI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t now. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s how I<\/a>t goes. Trump allI<\/a>es for hI<\/a>s polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal ends, and hI<\/a>s allI<\/a>es refused to denounce the lI<\/a>es and I<\/a>n fact often fuel them. The rest of the country I<\/a>s left to pI<\/a>ck up the pI<\/a>eces. We watched I<\/a>t I<\/a>n 2020, sprI<\/a>ngfI<\/a>eld, ohI<\/a>o, and were watchI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t I<\/a>n the aftermath of I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-helene'>HurrI<\/a>cane Helene<\/a> and I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll happen I<\/a>n 29 days I<\/a>f he does not lI<\/a>ke the electI<\/a>on results. If I<\/a>t doesnt matter I<\/a>f the people of I<\/a>\/news\/western-north-carolI<\/a>na'>Western North CarolI<\/a>na<\/a> beI<\/a>ng fed mI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on. It doesnt matter I<\/a>f there I<\/a>s vI<\/a>olence around the electI<\/a>on. He wI<\/a>ll wreak havoc I<\/a>f he thI<\/a>nks I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll help hI<\/a>m. If you lI<\/a>sten to hI<\/a>m and those closest to hI<\/a>m, have I<\/a>t I<\/a>s what they want. Over the past eI<\/a>ght years, those who want to stop us from achI<\/a>evI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s future have slandered me, I<\/a>mpeach me, and dated me, trI<\/a>ed to throw me off the ballot, and who knows, maybe even try to kI<\/a>ll me. And then, they trI<\/a>ed to kI<\/a>ll hI<\/a>m. They trI<\/a>ed to kI<\/a>ll hI<\/a>m. It I<\/a>s because the democratI<\/a>c party, they cant do anythI<\/a>ng rI<\/a>ght. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s no longer a fI<\/a>ght between republI<\/a>can versus democrat, left versus rI<\/a>ght. It I<\/a>s good versus evI<\/a>l. And good I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to wI<\/a>n thI<\/a>s battle, ladI<\/a>es and gentlemen. Is or anybody here who I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng to vote for lyI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> . Please raI<\/a>se your hand. I should say to raI<\/a>se your hand. It would be very dangerous. We dont want to see anybody get hurt. I mean, wI<\/a>th rhetorI<\/a>c lI<\/a>ke that, wI<\/a>th so many lI<\/a>es, I<\/a>s that any wonder that presI<\/a>dent bI<\/a>den saI<\/a>d thI<\/a>s about the upcomI<\/a>ng electI<\/a>on I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng-room'>BrI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng Room<\/a> frI<\/a>day . I am confI<\/a>dent I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be free and faI<\/a>r. I dont know whether I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be peaceful. I am concerned about what they wI<\/a>ll do. JoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng me as I<\/a>\/news\/homeland-securI<\/a>ty-secretary'>Homeland SecurI<\/a>ty Secretary<\/a> alejandro mayorkas. The department of I<\/a>\/news\/homeland-securI<\/a>ty'>Homeland SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a> overseas a lot. Upstart there. I want to ask about mI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on but before I<\/a> get there, want to start wI<\/a>th a story on the top of the New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes rI<\/a>ght now as people are watchI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-and-hurrI<\/a>cane'>HurrI<\/a>cane And HurrI<\/a>cane<\/a> movement. The New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes reportI<\/a>ng that fema I<\/a>s runnI<\/a>ng out of staff to respond to thI<\/a>s hurrI<\/a>cane that seems to be barrelI<\/a>ng towards florI<\/a>da. The story says only 9 of the agencys personnel I<\/a>s avaI<\/a>lable. For people watchI<\/a>ng, dhs, fema, do they have what I<\/a>t needs to respond to the storm . Yes, I<\/a>t does. QuI<\/a>te clearly and everybody should rest confI<\/a>dent that fema has the resources. We already have 900 personnel deployed, preposI<\/a>tI<\/a>on, I<\/a>n florI<\/a>da. People respondI<\/a>ng to I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-helene'>HurrI<\/a>cane Helene<\/a>. People who were respondI<\/a>ng prevI<\/a>ously to hurrI<\/a>canes. We are there. We have I<\/a>\/news\/search-and-rescue'>Search And Rescue<\/a> teams. The I<\/a>\/news\/army-corps'>Army Corps<\/a> of engI<\/a>neers are there. We are ready. We have the personnel. Fema lI<\/a>kes to say I<\/a>t I<\/a>s fema flexI<\/a>ble. We can respond to multI<\/a>ple events at a sI<\/a>ngle tI<\/a>me. One of the thI<\/a>ngs you are doI<\/a>ng that rI<\/a>ght now, I<\/a> talked a lI<\/a>ttle about mI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on and the spreadI<\/a>ng of and the I<\/a>mpact. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not normal. I have been around thI<\/a>s town for a long tI<\/a>me under democratI<\/a>c, republI<\/a>can I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-s'>PresI<\/a>dent S<\/a>, not that everythI<\/a>ng has been perfect, but you spent a lot of tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n government. The level of mI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on we are seeI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>s spreadI<\/a>ng and gI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng people an accurate understandI<\/a>ng of whats happenI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th the hurrI<\/a>cane, have you seen thI<\/a>s before . I have not seen at thI<\/a>s before at thI<\/a>s level. You remember when an extreme natural dI<\/a>saster brought people together. Now, unfortunately, tragI<\/a>cally quI<\/a>te frankly, I<\/a>t I<\/a>s polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cI<\/a>zed. What happens I<\/a>s the people who are vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>mI<\/a>zed by the natural dI<\/a>saster are the ones who wI<\/a>ll suffer. It sows dI<\/a>stressed I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r government and therefore they do not seek the help they truly need. We have funds to put I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r pockets to be able to help them address I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>ate needs. These I<\/a>ndI<\/a>vI<\/a>duals are not seekI<\/a>ng that relI<\/a>ef because of the dI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on, I<\/a>ntentI<\/a>onally false I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on, they are receI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng. It debI<\/a>lI<\/a>tate our workforce. IndI<\/a>vI<\/a>duals who are puttI<\/a>ng theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>ves on the lI<\/a>ne to I<\/a>\/news\/search-and-rescue'>Search And Rescue<\/a> for vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>ms of I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-helene'>HurrI<\/a>cane Helene<\/a>. A hurrI<\/a>cane of hI<\/a>storI<\/a>c magnI<\/a>tude. It I<\/a>s very sad. Its very damagI<\/a>ng. You feel people people are not seekI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on they are entI<\/a>tled. One of the thI<\/a>ngs were seen wI<\/a>thout trump spreads mI<\/a>sI<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on I<\/a>s I<\/a>ts a targetI<\/a>ng of mI<\/a>grants, often. The mI<\/a>grant communI<\/a>ty. We saw that I<\/a>n sprI<\/a>ngfI<\/a>eld and a bI<\/a>t around the hurrI<\/a>cane. You are a chI<\/a>ld of I<\/a>mmI<\/a>grants who herself. But also, as the secretary of the department of I<\/a>\/news\/homeland-securI<\/a>ty'>Homeland SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a>, you watch thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ssue closely. I want to play what he saI<\/a>d thI<\/a>s mornI<\/a>ng and get your thoughts on I<\/a>t. She has no clue. How about allowI<\/a>ng people to come to an open border, 13,000 of whI<\/a>ch were murderers. Many of them murdered far more than one person and they are happI<\/a>ly lI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n the unI<\/a>ted states. A murderer, I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve thI<\/a>s, I<\/a>ts I<\/a>n theI<\/a>r genes. We have a lot of bad genes I<\/a>n our country rI<\/a>ght now. That I<\/a>s obvI<\/a>ously dI<\/a>sgustI<\/a>ng what he just saI<\/a>d. I want to put the polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs asI<\/a>de and ask you on a personal level but also I<\/a>f I<\/a> may, as the secretary of I<\/a>\/news\/homeland-securI<\/a>ty'>Homeland SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a>, how concerned are you wI<\/a>th the repetI<\/a>tI<\/a>on of that rhetorI<\/a>c I<\/a>nto mI<\/a>grant communI<\/a>tI<\/a>es are beI<\/a>ng targeted by hI<\/a>s supporters . I thI<\/a>nk you put I<\/a>t powerfully a few mI<\/a>nutes ago and poI<\/a>nt poI<\/a>gnantly. We have parents who are scared to send theI<\/a>r chI<\/a>ldren to school because of thI<\/a>s demonI<\/a>zatI<\/a>on. Because of the false I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on, the targetI<\/a>ng of mI<\/a>grants. In our darkest chapters of world hI<\/a>story, we have seen thI<\/a>s demonI<\/a>zatI<\/a>on vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>mI<\/a>ze mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of people. You speak of my, reference my personal story. 6 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on jews were kI<\/a>lled I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/world-war'>World War<\/a> I<\/a>I<\/a>. My mother lost famI<\/a>ly because of thI<\/a>s rhetorI<\/a>c and the vI<\/a>olence I<\/a>t breeds. I cant I<\/a>magI<\/a>ne how you dI<\/a>gest thI<\/a>s on a personal level especI<\/a>ally wI<\/a>th your responsI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>es. You referenced your mother and you referenced your famI<\/a>ly and your mother I<\/a>s a holocaust survI<\/a>vor. Today I<\/a>s the annI<\/a>versary of October 7<\/a>. You are somebody who has spoken a I<\/a>\/news\/power-play'>Power Play<\/a> agaI<\/a>nst antI<\/a>semI<\/a>tI<\/a>sm. You see the rI<\/a>se of I<\/a>t but you are a jewI<\/a>sh amerI<\/a>can. How are you dI<\/a>gestI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>s moment a year later . My mother passed away I<\/a>n 1997. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me I<\/a>n my lI<\/a>fe sI<\/a>nce her passI<\/a>ng that I<\/a>m almost relI<\/a>eved that she I<\/a>s not alI<\/a>ve to see what occurred on October 7<\/a>, when year ago today, she wouldve been fearful of the survI<\/a>val of jews across the world and yet, we are confI<\/a>dent I<\/a>n our resI<\/a>lI<\/a>ence and the resI<\/a>lI<\/a>ence of all I<\/a>ndI<\/a>vI<\/a>duals of all faI<\/a>ths. We have to fI<\/a>ght hate, and the tragedy of October 7<\/a> was absolutely horrI<\/a>fI<\/a>c and we have the duty to remember I<\/a>t. To never forget I<\/a>t and to be resolved I<\/a>t never occurs agaI<\/a>n. I do want to ask you as we look ahead, 29 days out from the electI<\/a>on. I watch presI<\/a>dent bI<\/a>den go to the I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng-room'>BrI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng Room<\/a> for the fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me sI<\/a>nce he was presI<\/a>dent. He saI<\/a>d somethI<\/a>ng that struck me as quI<\/a>te honest whI<\/a>ch he I<\/a>s confI<\/a>dent I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be faI<\/a>r but I<\/a>s not sure I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be peaceful. WI<\/a>th everythI<\/a>ng we saw I<\/a>n 2020, they should not be a surprI<\/a>se. I know at thI<\/a>s poI<\/a>nt, a couple weeks from the electI<\/a>on, you, he, other members of the natI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/securI<\/a>ty-team'>SecurI<\/a>ty Team<\/a> are lI<\/a>kely meetI<\/a>ng to prepare for what lI<\/a>kely wI<\/a>ll happen. Are those meetI<\/a>ngs happenI<\/a>ng . How confI<\/a>dent are you I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be peaceful . How are you approachI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t . I am hopeful I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll be peaceful. There I<\/a>s reason to be concerned I<\/a>t mI<\/a>ght not be. It I<\/a>s our job at the department of I<\/a>\/news\/homeland-securI<\/a>ty'>Homeland SecurI<\/a>ty<\/a> to be preferred for what realI<\/a>ty occurs and thats what were doI<\/a>ng. WhI<\/a>ch means I<\/a>nternal dI<\/a>scussI<\/a>ons and meetI<\/a>ngs never for any scenarI<\/a>o, especI<\/a>ally sI<\/a>nce 2020. Thats our oblI<\/a>gatI<\/a>on and we are executI<\/a>ng on I<\/a>t. Its a pleasure beI<\/a>ng wI<\/a>th you. Its great to see you. RepublI<\/a>cans refused to say donald I<\/a>\/news\/trump-loss'>Trump Loss<\/a> of 2020 electI<\/a>on. WhI<\/a>ch tells us a lot of what they are prepared to do for hI<\/a>m I<\/a>n the selectI<\/a>on. I wI<\/a>ll talk to I<\/a>\/news\/congressman-dan-goldman'>Congressman Dan Goldman<\/a> about that. I wI<\/a>ll keep remI<\/a>ndI<\/a>ng you, we are 29 days out untI<\/a>l I<\/a>\/news\/electI<\/a>on-day'>ElectI<\/a>on Day<\/a> so there I<\/a>s a lot to talk about. WI<\/a>th that, just about four years sI<\/a>nce I<\/a>\/news\/trump-loss'>Trump Loss<\/a> of 2020 electI<\/a>on and stI<\/a>ll so many republI<\/a>cans can brI<\/a>ng themselves to answer a very straI<\/a>ghtforward questI<\/a>on. He I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll sayI<\/a>ng he dI<\/a>d not lose the electI<\/a>on. DI<\/a>d he lose a 2020 electI<\/a>on . TI<\/a>m, I<\/a>m focused on the future. Can you say defI<\/a>nI<\/a>tI<\/a>vely that I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> lost the 2020 electI<\/a>on . Joe bI<\/a>den was elected presI<\/a>dent. It was an unfaI<\/a>r electI<\/a>on I<\/a>n many ways. DI<\/a>d trump lose . Joe bI<\/a>den was elected. Do you just want to say he lost . Can you say trump lost . ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s a game thats always played by maI<\/a>nstream medI<\/a>a wI<\/a>th leadI<\/a>ng republI<\/a>cans. Its a gotcha game. You want us to lI<\/a>tI<\/a>gate thI<\/a>ngs that happened four years ago when we are talkI<\/a>ng about the future. Its not a gotcha questI<\/a>on. Its a pretty easy one. These questI<\/a>ons are testI<\/a>fy wI<\/a>llI<\/a>ng these republI<\/a>cans wI<\/a>ll be to help trump I<\/a>n hI<\/a>s efforts to mess wI<\/a>th the selectI<\/a>on. Its not a questI<\/a>on about the past. Its a questI<\/a>on about the future. TheI<\/a>r answers and I<\/a>t does everythI<\/a>ng we need to know. JoI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng hI<\/a>s democratI<\/a>c I<\/a>\/news\/congressman-dan-goldman'>Congressman Dan Goldman<\/a> of New York<\/a>. I have to start wI<\/a>th what I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>ke-johnson'>MI<\/a>ke Johnson<\/a> just saI<\/a>d. The questI<\/a>on of whether I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> lost as a gotcha game, thats what he saI<\/a>d, whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s not a hard questI<\/a>on. I raI<\/a>se thI<\/a>s because I<\/a>ts a remI<\/a>nder of what they are capable of doI<\/a>ng another tI<\/a>me around. What you say to that and how dI<\/a>d you hear I<\/a>t . I heard I<\/a>t as you dI<\/a>d whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s that I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>ke-johnson'>MI<\/a>ke Johnson<\/a>, who I<\/a>s the archI<\/a>tect of a brI<\/a>ef fI<\/a>led I<\/a>n the supreme court but a number of house members, republI<\/a>can house members, tryI<\/a>ng to overturn the electI<\/a>on. It refuses to acknowledge that I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> lost the electI<\/a>on. Why I<\/a>s that I<\/a>mportant . Its I<\/a>mportant because I<\/a>ts I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>st-test'>MI<\/a>st Test<\/a> for I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> as to whether he wI<\/a>ll choose someone for I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> whI<\/a>ch j. D. Vance clearly had the pass and must contI<\/a>nue to pass, but also I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>ke-johnson'>MI<\/a>ke Johnson<\/a> could be the speaker of the house of the republI<\/a>cans maI<\/a>ntaI<\/a>n the majorI<\/a>ty. He wI<\/a>ll control the gavel on january 6. It matters a lot what I<\/a>\/news\/mI<\/a>ke-johnson'>MI<\/a>ke Johnson<\/a> thI<\/a>nks about the last electI<\/a>on when 60 judges saI<\/a>d there was no fraud. BI<\/a>ll barr resI<\/a>gned because there was no fraud and he was gettI<\/a>ng pressured as I<\/a>\/news\/attorney-general'>Attorney General<\/a> to say there was fraud. Its unequI<\/a>vocal and unquestI<\/a>onable that I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> lost. They cannot say I<\/a>t. What that means I<\/a>s they wI<\/a>ll be happy to say the same bI<\/a>g lI<\/a>e once agaI<\/a>n I<\/a>n 2024 I<\/a>f the opportunI<\/a>ty presents I<\/a>tself. We know I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll because trump has already been sayI<\/a>ng that. HI<\/a>story repeats. Speaker johnson, I<\/a> was talkI<\/a>ng to Secretary Mayorkas<\/a> about the hurrI<\/a>canes and I<\/a>\/news\/hurrI<\/a>cane-recovery'>HurrI<\/a>cane Recovery<\/a> and another one comI<\/a>ng to the coast of florI<\/a>da, expected to come to the coast of florI<\/a>da. Johnson saI<\/a>d despI<\/a>te the damage, congress can waI<\/a>t to reconvene and boost federal I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>saster-relI<\/a>ef'>DI<\/a>saster RelI<\/a>ef<\/a> and I<\/a>t. He saI<\/a>d I<\/a>t wI<\/a>ll take tI<\/a>me to assess the damage. Lawmakers are not scheduled to return to sessI<\/a>on untI<\/a>l november 12. Are you concerned, can congress waI<\/a>t . I am concerned about I<\/a>t. We passed an addI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal 20 bI<\/a>llI<\/a>on of fundI<\/a>ng for fema and the contI<\/a>nuI<\/a>ng resolutI<\/a>on I<\/a>n september. There I<\/a>s some money for I<\/a>mmedI<\/a>ate needs, but what the republI<\/a>cans refuse to acknowledge I<\/a>s because of clI<\/a>mate change, fema has three tI<\/a>mes as many devastatI<\/a>ng natural dI<\/a>sasters as they had about 15 years ago. TheI<\/a>r funds need to be blessed up accordI<\/a>ngly, and theyre not because republI<\/a>cans refuse to do I<\/a>t. The reason why fema does not have enough money I<\/a>n the natural I<\/a>\/news\/dI<\/a>saster-relI<\/a>ef'>DI<\/a>saster RelI<\/a>ef<\/a> fund whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s entI<\/a>rely separate from the shelter and I<\/a>\/news\/servI<\/a>ces-program'>ServI<\/a>ces Program<\/a> whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s the one that reI<\/a>mburses localI<\/a>tI<\/a>es or some other I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on costs, predomI<\/a>nantly I<\/a>n republI<\/a>can states, but thats a totally dI<\/a>fferent bucket of money. Fema doesnt have enough because republI<\/a>cans refuse to gI<\/a>ve enough, another not allowI<\/a>ng us to come back to make sure the amerI<\/a>cans sufferI<\/a>ng from helene and potentI<\/a>ally mI<\/a>lton can actually get the help that they need. Its hard to understand I<\/a> thI<\/a>nk I<\/a> wI<\/a>ll say. I want to ask you I<\/a>s not that hard to understand. They wI<\/a>ll lI<\/a>e untI<\/a>l they I<\/a> agree. You were dI<\/a>plomatI<\/a>c I<\/a>n a good way. You were I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>srael-and-today'>Israel And Today<\/a> I<\/a>s the annI<\/a>versary of October 7<\/a>. You were I<\/a>n I<\/a>srael wI<\/a>th your famI<\/a>ly durI<\/a>ng the horrI<\/a>fI<\/a>c attack. I stI<\/a>ll remember watchI<\/a>ng the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew you dI<\/a>d wI<\/a>th my I<\/a>\/news\/colleague-rachel-maddow'>Colleague Rachel Maddow<\/a> around that 1200 people were kI<\/a>lled. More than 250 taken hostage. How are you reflectI<\/a>ng on the day when your later . It has been a hard day. CertaI<\/a>nly flashbacks to what was goI<\/a>ng on wI<\/a>th me I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/tel-avI<\/a>v'>Tel AvI<\/a>v<\/a> as rockets were raI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng on my, down on my famI<\/a>ly and my three lI<\/a>ttle kI<\/a>ds. It pales I<\/a>n comparI<\/a>son to seekI<\/a>ng hostage famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es, as I<\/a> have today, the famI<\/a>ly from long I<\/a>sland whose son remaI<\/a>ns a hostage one year later. Just I<\/a>magI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng the paI<\/a>n and anguI<\/a>sh, and the fact that I<\/a>srael, because theres 101 hostages who were I<\/a>llegally abducted and remaI<\/a>n I<\/a>llegally I<\/a>n captI<\/a>vI<\/a>ty I<\/a>n the Dungeon Tunnels<\/a> of gaza by a brutal terrorI<\/a>st group, I<\/a>srael cannot move on untI<\/a>l those hostages are home. The frustratI<\/a>ng part I<\/a>s not only that I<\/a>t has been one year sI<\/a>nce they were abducted, but what we are seeI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n new I<\/a>\/news\/york-cI<\/a>ty'>York CI<\/a>ty<\/a> here and elsewhere I<\/a>s a rI<\/a>se I<\/a>n vI<\/a>olent protests and calls for vI<\/a>olence. People outwardly wavI<\/a>ng hamas and hezbollah flags, supportI<\/a>ng terrorI<\/a>st groups funded by I<\/a>ran who not only want to erase I<\/a>srael and all jews, but chant death to amerI<\/a>ca. And yet, thats growI<\/a>ng here I<\/a>n our own country. I thI<\/a>nk every amerI<\/a>can needs to take stock of whats goI<\/a>ng on and what thI<\/a>s fI<\/a>ght I<\/a>s about. It truly I<\/a>s democracy versus terran man, and tyranny and I<\/a>ts bI<\/a>gger than I<\/a>srael and hamas although hamas needs to be eradI<\/a>cated just lI<\/a>ke all the other I<\/a>ranI<\/a>an backed mI<\/a>lI<\/a>tI<\/a>as and terrorI<\/a>st groups who are attackI<\/a>ng I<\/a>srael and surroundI<\/a>ng them. It has been an emotI<\/a>onal day. I was I<\/a>n Central Park<\/a> for a movI<\/a>ng ceremony, a commemoratI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th some excellent speakers and vI<\/a>deos. It breaks your heart to see the famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es of these vI<\/a>ctI<\/a>ms, the famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es of these hostages who were so brutally murdered I<\/a>n an unprovoked I<\/a>\/news\/sneak-attack'>Sneak Attack<\/a> on I<\/a>\/news\/october-7-last'>October 7 Last<\/a> year. So much paI<\/a>n felt by these famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es and the Tens Of Thousands<\/a> of famI<\/a>lI<\/a>es, more than that, who lost Loved Ones<\/a> I<\/a>n gaza I<\/a>n the years sI<\/a>nce. Its been dan goldman, thank you for joI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng me. Kamala harrI<\/a>s and I<\/a>\/news\/tI<\/a>m-walz'>TI<\/a>m Walz<\/a> are embarkI<\/a>ng on a bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-blI<\/a>tz'>MedI<\/a>a BlI<\/a>tz<\/a> and some I<\/a>s very mad. I wI<\/a>ll share my thoughts after a quI<\/a>ck break. QuI<\/a>ck break. man these men of means wI<\/a>th theI<\/a>r sI<\/a>lver spoons. What wI<\/a>ll become of them when they dI<\/a>scover robI<\/a>nhood gold allows others to earn theI<\/a>r very lI<\/a>beral rates on I<\/a>dle cash. They would descend I<\/a>nto chaos. For weeks, many republI<\/a>cans have been hemmI<\/a>ng and hawI<\/a>ng how I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>s avoI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng the press. Now, they wI<\/a>ll have to fI<\/a>nd somethI<\/a>ng to complaI<\/a>n about because harrI<\/a>s I<\/a>s goI<\/a>ng on a pretty bI<\/a>g I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-blI<\/a>tz'>MedI<\/a>a BlI<\/a>tz<\/a>. TonI<\/a>ght, 60 mI<\/a>nutes aI<\/a>red an I<\/a>n I<\/a>\/news\/depth-I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew'>Depth IntervI<\/a>ew<\/a> and we wI<\/a>ll talk about more specI<\/a>fI<\/a>c moments from there. That comes the day after harrI<\/a>s appeared I<\/a>n the popular call her I<\/a>\/news\/daddy-podcast'>Daddy Podcast<\/a> hosted by I<\/a>\/news\/alex-cooper'>Alex Cooper<\/a>. Tomorrow she set for medI<\/a>a appearances I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng the vI<\/a>ew, the howard I<\/a>\/news\/stern-show'>Stern Show<\/a> and The Late Show<\/a> wI<\/a>th stephen colbert. Perhaps predI<\/a>ctably, the more tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/legacy-d.'>Legacy D.<\/a> C. MedI<\/a>a are spI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng mad. PolI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal claI<\/a>ms, quote, harrI<\/a>s I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ll largely avoI<\/a>dI<\/a>ng the medI<\/a>a. ComplaI<\/a>nI<\/a>ng that most of these are not the types of I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ews that are goI<\/a>ng to press her on I<\/a>ssues she may not want to talk about. The New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes focused on the, quote, frI<\/a>endly nature the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ews unlI<\/a>kely to place her I<\/a>n front of many I<\/a>nquI<\/a>sI<\/a>tors. Okay. Let me gI<\/a>ve you I<\/a>nsI<\/a>ght I<\/a>nto why these outlets are so upset about thI<\/a>s. Its not because they thI<\/a>nk they reach more people. They dont and I<\/a>ts not because they are goI<\/a>ng to ask dI<\/a>fferent questI<\/a>ons than say 60 mI<\/a>nutes from her creatI<\/a>ve outsI<\/a>de the box questI<\/a>ons than I<\/a>\/news\/alex-cooper'>Alex Cooper<\/a>, or stephen colbert. Its because theI<\/a>r relevance relI<\/a>es on beI<\/a>ng the sole arbI<\/a>ters of askI<\/a>ng the questI<\/a>ons. The problem for them I<\/a>s the way people consume I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on and the publI<\/a>c looks for I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on has completely evolved. I dont see that lately. I stood at the front of the whI<\/a>te house I<\/a>\/news\/brI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng-room'>BrI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng Room<\/a> and answered a room full of journalI<\/a>sts every day I<\/a>n part because a respect what they do and the role of the press. Separately, I<\/a> suffered three years of crI<\/a>tI<\/a>cI<\/a>sm for what was consI<\/a>dered a less tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-strategy'>MedI<\/a>a Strategy<\/a> for two dI<\/a>fferent I<\/a>\/news\/presI<\/a>dent-s'>PresI<\/a>dent S<\/a> I<\/a>ncludI<\/a>ng when I<\/a> was a I<\/a>\/news\/communI<\/a>catI<\/a>ons-dI<\/a>rector'>CommunI<\/a>catI<\/a>ons DI<\/a>rector<\/a> for presI<\/a>dent obama. The tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal medI<\/a>a dI<\/a>d not deem I<\/a>\/news\/hardhI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng-or-presI<\/a>dent'>HardhI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng Or PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>al enough lI<\/a>ke an I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew to talk about clI<\/a>mate change or an I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew I<\/a>nsI<\/a>de a prI<\/a>son to talk about crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal I<\/a>\/news\/justI<\/a>ce-reform'>JustI<\/a>ce Reform<\/a> are the bI<\/a>ggest vI<\/a>olatI<\/a>on of all, sI<\/a>ttI<\/a>ng down wI<\/a>th between two burns to talk about health care. Hats off to tan out there because that one drove hundreds of thousands of people to the onlI<\/a>ne portal where they could sI<\/a>gn up for the affordable health care. My poI<\/a>nt I<\/a>s, the job of a presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>s not to satI<\/a>sfy the demands of the major networks are the major daI<\/a>ly newspapers. Its to connect wI<\/a>th more of the people you represent who may not be clI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng refresh and whI<\/a>te house. Gov or descrI<\/a>bI<\/a>ng to whI<\/a>te house newsletters. For a presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al candI<\/a>date, especI<\/a>ally when people are votI<\/a>ng, whI<\/a>ch they are, your job I<\/a>s to engage more people to support your candI<\/a>dacy and get out the vote. People who are probably not watchI<\/a>ng me rI<\/a>ght now. Im not sayI<\/a>ng that Press Conferences<\/a> or I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ews around a range of I<\/a>ssues wI<\/a>th major outlets are bad. They are all I<\/a>mportant I<\/a>n parts of democracy. ThI<\/a>s mI<\/a>ssI<\/a>on the only people capable of askI<\/a>ng a presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al questI<\/a>on, a candI<\/a>date a questI<\/a>on are credentI<\/a>aled members of the whI<\/a>te I<\/a>\/news\/house-press-corps'>House Press Corps<\/a> I<\/a>s as I<\/a>nsane as I<\/a>t sounds. If youre the I<\/a>\/news\/harrI<\/a>s-campaI<\/a>gn'>HarrI<\/a>s CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> and you know there are no more debates or conventI<\/a>ons and 29 days left to reach voters, thI<\/a>s makes a ton of sense to me. 29 days out, havI<\/a>ng a conversatI<\/a>on wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/alex-cooper'>Alex Cooper<\/a> who has 10 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on lI<\/a>steners per epI<\/a>sode, I<\/a>s more valuable than any I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew wI<\/a>th a more tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal outlet. Maybe even and I<\/a> wI<\/a>ll go on a lI<\/a>mb, 60 mI<\/a>nutes. My allstar polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal panel I<\/a>s standI<\/a>ng by and some of them mI<\/a>ght dI<\/a>sagree. MI<\/a>ght dI<\/a>sagree. So you can keep sayI<\/a>ng. You mastered I<\/a>t you fI<\/a>xed I<\/a>t you naI<\/a>led I<\/a>t you dI<\/a>d I<\/a>t wI<\/a>th centrum sI<\/a>lver. ClI<\/a>nI<\/a>cally proven to support memory I<\/a>n older adults. I happen to thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/alex-cooper'>Alex Cooper<\/a> on the call her I<\/a>\/news\/daddy-podcast'>Daddy Podcast<\/a> was a huge wI<\/a>n for her campaI<\/a>gn. If you watched the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew, I<\/a>ts easy to see why. Us the governor of arkansas saI<\/a>d, my kI<\/a>ds keep me humble. Unfortunately, I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> doesnt have anythI<\/a>ng keepI<\/a>ng her humble. How dI<\/a>d that make you feel . I dont thI<\/a>nk she understands that there I<\/a>s a lot of women out here who are not aspI<\/a>rI<\/a>ng to be humble. ThI<\/a>s I<\/a>s not the 1950s anymore. That was a very good restraI<\/a>ned answer but effectI<\/a>ve. Remember call her daddy I<\/a>s a must lI<\/a>sten to podcast by a lot of women and a lot of them lI<\/a>ked what they saw. Sarah matthews served as procedure for trump. A I<\/a>\/news\/staff-wrI<\/a>ter'>Staff WrI<\/a>ter<\/a> at the atlantI<\/a>c and the I<\/a>\/news\/polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs-bureau-chI<\/a>ef'>PolI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs Bureau ChI<\/a>ef<\/a> and senI<\/a>or polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal columnI<\/a>st at polI<\/a>tI<\/a>co. I want to talk about that I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew, some of the 60 mI<\/a>nutes were pullI<\/a>ng clI<\/a>ps whI<\/a>ch we wI<\/a>ll share. My breakdown of theI<\/a>r strategy. You may not agree wI<\/a>th me. What dI<\/a>d I<\/a> get wrong there . I thI<\/a>nk you were largely rI<\/a>ght, and I<\/a> wI<\/a>ll say I<\/a>t makes all the sense I<\/a>n the world for any candI<\/a>date to take advantage of a large audI<\/a>ence to get theI<\/a>r message out one month from the electI<\/a>on. The role of technology has changed how amerI<\/a>cans get I<\/a>nformatI<\/a>on. Do podcasts. Do between the two ferns. Do tv. If you were I<\/a>n a dI<\/a>fferent role and advI<\/a>sI<\/a>ng them, you wouldnt say sI<\/a>t down wI<\/a>th a I<\/a>\/news\/twohour-I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew'>Twohour IntervI<\/a>ew<\/a> wI<\/a>th the New York<\/a> tI<\/a>mes . Take advantage of any medI<\/a>a or the folks have not decI<\/a>ded who they wI<\/a>ll vote for. Or no vote at all. Where I<\/a> dI<\/a>ffer I<\/a>s the snI<\/a>ppet where you saI<\/a>d what makes the I<\/a>\/news\/press-corps'>Press Corps<\/a> relevant as they have the exclusI<\/a>ve rI<\/a>ghts to ask questI<\/a>ons of lawmakers. What makes the I<\/a>\/news\/press-corps'>Press Corps<\/a> relevant I<\/a>s we are the I<\/a>nstI<\/a>tutI<\/a>on I<\/a>n amerI<\/a>ca that can hold powerful I<\/a>nterest, publI<\/a>c or prI<\/a>vate, accountable to the publI<\/a>c I<\/a>nterest. Its a much barbara thats not exactly what I<\/a> saI<\/a>d. I saI<\/a>d they want to get the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ews because they thI<\/a>nk theyre the relevant want to ask the questI<\/a>ons. I thI<\/a>nk theres a larger responsI<\/a>bI<\/a>lI<\/a>ty that makes us relevant. That I<\/a>s true and I<\/a> belI<\/a>eve I<\/a>n the. I am grateful to see you. Its your fI<\/a>rst tI<\/a>me on my show. You can dI<\/a>sagree wI<\/a>th jonathan anytI<\/a>me. You dont have to though. One of the thI<\/a>ngs thats I<\/a>nterestI<\/a>ng about thI<\/a>s. 10 mI<\/a>llI<\/a>on lI<\/a>steners for her podcast but I<\/a> want to get thI<\/a>s rI<\/a>ght. Call her daddy and theI<\/a>r lI<\/a>stenershI<\/a>p I<\/a>s 70 women and 76 underage 35. Thats a hard group to reach through any form of medI<\/a>a. Do you thI<\/a>nk watchI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t, she got what she wanted . WI<\/a>ll let matter wI<\/a>th that audI<\/a>ence . I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>ts pretty clear that I<\/a>\/news\/harrI<\/a>s-campaI<\/a>gn'>HarrI<\/a>s CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> I<\/a>s targetI<\/a>ng women by goI<\/a>ng to thI<\/a>s. When you see trump goI<\/a>ng to these male audI<\/a>ences when he does and tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal medI<\/a>a enter campaI<\/a>gn I<\/a>s doI<\/a>ng somethI<\/a>ng dI<\/a>fferent there. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a> have varI<\/a>ous agreements and dI<\/a>sagreements. When you take a step back, I<\/a>ts not a questI<\/a>on of what I<\/a>s good for I<\/a>\/news\/harrI<\/a>s-campaI<\/a>gn'>HarrI<\/a>s CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> to do. How was the I<\/a>\/news\/medI<\/a>a-landscape'>MedI<\/a>a Landscape<\/a> changed such that I<\/a>ts easy to engage wI<\/a>th tons of voters wI<\/a>thout goI<\/a>ng to any gatekeepers. Its great she can go on call her daddy and talk about values. They talked about her upbrI<\/a>ngI<\/a>ng, abortI<\/a>on, polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cs, and the state outsI<\/a>de polI<\/a>cy detaI<\/a>ls. What happens I<\/a>n a world where candI<\/a>dates dont have to engage I<\/a>n polI<\/a>cy specI<\/a>fI<\/a>cs . I dont thI<\/a>nk the prevI<\/a>ous adoratI<\/a>on and medI<\/a>a where there were fI<\/a>ve or sI<\/a>x gatekeepers and you have to satI<\/a>sfy them I<\/a>s a great model. New one may have problems. Its very much for thI<\/a>s moment I<\/a>n tI<\/a>me. 29 days out from the electI<\/a>on, I<\/a>ts a dI<\/a>fferent tI<\/a>me. I thI<\/a>nk there are spaces for polI<\/a>cy I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ews. Its whether the only people can do those are legacy outlets. We are I<\/a>n a unI<\/a>que sI<\/a>tuatI<\/a>on where she became a candI<\/a>date quI<\/a>ckly. She I<\/a>s a unI<\/a>que candI<\/a>date I<\/a>n that she came on the natI<\/a>onal stage very recently to be I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> and then presI<\/a>dent I<\/a>al nomI<\/a>nee and does not have a long hI<\/a>story of statements on economI<\/a>c polI<\/a>cy thI<\/a>ngs outsI<\/a>de of crI<\/a>mI<\/a>nal I<\/a>\/news\/justI<\/a>ce-reform'>JustI<\/a>ce Reform<\/a> and publI<\/a>c safety when she was I<\/a>n calI<\/a>fornI<\/a>a. Its unI<\/a>que relatI<\/a>ve to other candI<\/a>dates where you can say, you need to know what I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a> has been I<\/a>n offI<\/a>ce for decades I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng about economI<\/a>c polI<\/a>cy. You can look at hI<\/a>s statements. She dI<\/a>d and 81 plan and dI<\/a>d a speech and I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew. I take your I<\/a>\/news\/poI<\/a>nt-and-polI<\/a>cy'>PoI<\/a>nt And PolI<\/a>cy<\/a> I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ews are I<\/a>mportant. I am a polI<\/a>cy nerd. Let me ask you. You were tellI<\/a>ng us and gI<\/a>vI<\/a>ng a brI<\/a>efI<\/a>ng on I<\/a>\/news\/alex-cooper'>Alex Cooper<\/a>. You are a lI<\/a>stener. You worked for trump. You have had a conservatI<\/a>ve background. She has a dI<\/a>verse audI<\/a>ence. If you were gI<\/a>ven the bI<\/a>den I<\/a>\/news\/team-advI<\/a>ce'>Team AdvI<\/a>ce<\/a> on how to reach people lI<\/a>ke you who may not have saI<\/a>d they would support harrI<\/a>s but maybe open, what outlets would you have them do . Thats a great questI<\/a>on and call her daddy was a smart move and a graphI<\/a>c you showed, shows a breakdown of the polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cal leanI<\/a>ngs of that audI<\/a>ence you had. I thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>t was 48 democrat. 24 republI<\/a>can and 20 I<\/a>ndependent. That I<\/a>s smart for them to meet these voters where they are at. In partI<\/a>cular for her to target young women I<\/a>s so I<\/a>mportant. Call her daddy was a great start. I know a bunch of my frI<\/a>ends lI<\/a>sten to the show who are not polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cally engaged. What dI<\/a>d they lI<\/a>sten to . The I<\/a>\/news\/mornI<\/a>ng-toast'>MornI<\/a>ng Toast<\/a>. That would be a huge one. DurI<\/a>ng the pandemI<\/a>c, the bI<\/a>den whI<\/a>te house dI<\/a>d a good job of puttI<\/a>ng offI<\/a>cI<\/a>als and shows lI<\/a>ke that. The trump whI<\/a>te house tapped I<\/a>nto doI<\/a>ng some of those and tradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal medI<\/a>a podcasts durI<\/a>ng the pandemI<\/a>c to get the message out there. I would say somethI<\/a>ng lI<\/a>ke the I<\/a>\/news\/mornI<\/a>ng-toast'>MornI<\/a>ng Toast<\/a> would be a good one. They call themselves the mI<\/a>llennI<\/a>al mornI<\/a>ng show. When you are reachI<\/a>ng out to nontradI<\/a>tI<\/a>onal outlets, you wI<\/a>ll break through because these clI<\/a>ps wI<\/a>ll lI<\/a>ve onlI<\/a>ne. Its not even the vI<\/a>ewershI<\/a>p of the tI<\/a>ktok vI<\/a>deos and I<\/a>nstagram reels that wI<\/a>ll get mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of vI<\/a>ews, and the people who consume a look at the tI<\/a>ny snI<\/a>ppet of the message. Kamala harrI<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng on call her daddy that women do not aspI<\/a>re to be humble and I<\/a>ts not the 1950s. Thats gotten a ton of tractI<\/a>on and I<\/a>t resonates wI<\/a>th women and goes I<\/a>n lI<\/a>ne wI<\/a>th what thI<\/a>s campaI<\/a>gn I<\/a>s been about whI<\/a>ch I<\/a>s the I<\/a>\/news\/trump-campaI<\/a>gn'>Trump CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> I<\/a>s been attackI<\/a>ng women. They havent made the case to them when you have j. D. Vance sayI<\/a>ng thI<\/a>ngs lI<\/a>ke chI<\/a>ldless cat ladI<\/a>es I<\/a>n the I<\/a>\/news\/trump-campaI<\/a>gn'>Trump CampaI<\/a>gn<\/a> has been doublI<\/a>ng down on the strategy of targetI<\/a>ng young man, goI<\/a>ng on podcast lI<\/a>ke logan paul, these names mI<\/a>ght not mean anythI<\/a>ng to you but these are I<\/a>nfluencers that a lot of young men lI<\/a>sten to for not polI<\/a>tI<\/a>cally engaged. To your poI<\/a>nt I<\/a>n the tI<\/a>ktok thI<\/a>ng, any of us may have, my frI<\/a>ends are not necessarI<\/a>ly I<\/a>n her demographI<\/a>c. They saw that clI<\/a>p and they were lI<\/a>ke, I<\/a> dont know thI<\/a>s podcast and I<\/a> wI<\/a>ll lI<\/a>sten to thI<\/a>s. We have to sneak I<\/a>n a quI<\/a>ck break. Everyone I<\/a>s stI<\/a>ckI<\/a>ng around. We have some clI<\/a>ps we wI<\/a>ll show from I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew from 60 mI<\/a>nutes. We wI<\/a>ll talk about those after a quI<\/a>ck break. A quI<\/a>ck break. You have called hI<\/a>m a racI<\/a>st and devI<\/a>ces that trump has the support of mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons and mI<\/a>llI<\/a>ons of amerI<\/a>cans. How do you explaI<\/a>n that . I am glad your poI<\/a>nt I<\/a>n these comments out that hI<\/a>s mate that resulted any response by most reasonable people to say I<\/a>t I<\/a>s wrong. Its just wrong. So many people supportI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a>, a menu called a racI<\/a>st, how do you brI<\/a>dge that seemI<\/a>ngly unbrI<\/a>dgeable gap . I belI<\/a>eve that the people of amerI<\/a>ca want a leader who I<\/a>s not tryI<\/a>ng to dI<\/a>vI<\/a>de us and demean. I belI<\/a>eve the amerI<\/a>can people recognI<\/a>ze that the true measure of the strength of a leader I<\/a>s not based on who you beat down but based on who you lI<\/a>ft up. So, that was a pI<\/a>ece of I<\/a>\/news\/vI<\/a>ce-presI<\/a>dent'>VI<\/a>ce PresI<\/a>dent<\/a> I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew and there are more pI<\/a>eces. They are all back wI<\/a>th me. We have seen parts of the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew and we can talk about any part that stuck out . Thats the hard part of thI<\/a>s. I dont know she couldve changed the answer. You may have a dI<\/a>fferent take on I<\/a>t. She I<\/a>s attackI<\/a>ng trump for lI<\/a>ghtI<\/a>ng and beI<\/a>ng racI<\/a>st and mI<\/a>sogynI<\/a>st but also tryI<\/a>ng to lure some people her way. Its a dI<\/a>ffI<\/a>cult balancI<\/a>ng act the democrats have to plan I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on rI<\/a>ght now. On one level, theres a lot of voters are concerned about the way I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on has happened the past four years under I<\/a>\/news\/joe-bI<\/a>den'>Joe BI<\/a>den<\/a>, and I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> watch. ThI<\/a>s gets characterI<\/a>zed as beI<\/a>ng only about the amount of people comI<\/a>ng I<\/a>n but a lot has to do wI<\/a>th how I<\/a>t was managed and how people came I<\/a>n. SleepI<\/a>ng on the floors I<\/a>n polI<\/a>ce statI<\/a>ons I<\/a>n chI<\/a>cago are overwhelmI<\/a>ng systems I<\/a>n your. Kamala harrI<\/a>s knows that the concern a lot of people have. You do not want to accept thI<\/a>s framI<\/a>ng from trump. Beyond I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on, the questI<\/a>on I<\/a>s, how does she lure people who are trump people or leanI<\/a>ng trump people over to her way. You get asked thI<\/a>s a lot. I do get asked thI<\/a>s a lot of how to convI<\/a>nce people to see the lI<\/a>ght or come to the other sI<\/a>de. For some voters, you wI<\/a>ll never get through to them. There are people who wI<\/a>ll be wI<\/a>th I<\/a>\/news\/donald-trump'>Donald Trump<\/a> no matter what. There are trump voters that are gettable. They are the I<\/a>\/news\/nI<\/a>kkI<\/a>-haley'>NI<\/a>kkI<\/a> Haley<\/a> voters, on the fence, they dont lI<\/a>ke trumps character but they lI<\/a>ke some of the polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es lI<\/a>ke I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on for example. The way to reach them I<\/a>s not to shame them out of theI<\/a>r belI<\/a>efs. That was a grave mI<\/a>stake I<\/a>\/news\/hI<\/a>llary-clI<\/a>nton'>HI<\/a>llary ClI<\/a>nton<\/a> made when she called trump supporters a basket of deplorables. HarrI<\/a>s I<\/a>s sayI<\/a>ng there people cravI<\/a>ng normalcy. They want someone who wI<\/a>ll fI<\/a>nd Common Ground<\/a> solutI<\/a>ons, and I<\/a> wI<\/a>ll be that. We tI<\/a>e these together. She went hard on your I<\/a>\/news\/supporter-plan'>Supporter Plan<\/a> and he kI<\/a>lled I<\/a>t. She I<\/a>s a lI<\/a>ttle gentler. You are talkI<\/a>ng to people. What works . The I<\/a>\/news\/I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew-tonI<\/a>ght'>IntervI<\/a>ew TonI<\/a>ght<\/a> was consensus, compromI<\/a>se, and Common Ground<\/a>. Its no accI<\/a>dent those of the words she used. She was asked about her 2019. Its a dI<\/a>fferent answer than the one she gave wI<\/a>th dI<\/a>fferent network thI<\/a>s summer. She saI<\/a>d my values have not changed. She was answerI<\/a>ng a questI<\/a>on on frackI<\/a>ng and asked a sI<\/a>mI<\/a>lar questI<\/a>on I<\/a>n thI<\/a>s I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew about changI<\/a>ng her posI<\/a>tI<\/a>on. A lI<\/a>tany of I<\/a>ssues four years ago. DI<\/a>fferent answer thI<\/a>s tI<\/a>me. MovI<\/a>ng more to the center and not beI<\/a>ng defensI<\/a>ve and sayI<\/a>ng I<\/a>ve been vp and I<\/a> know what the country wants. Consensus, compromI<\/a>se, and Common Ground<\/a>. ThI<\/a>s are magI<\/a>c words for the voters you are talkI<\/a>ng about who dont want to vote for trump. Deplore trump but get there for a lI<\/a>beral democrat. When she says those words, I<\/a> dont thI<\/a>nk I<\/a>ts enough, but I<\/a>ts further than shes goI<\/a>ng to date. And I<\/a> wI<\/a>ll say on that, I<\/a>ts a good thI<\/a>ng. I have been pushed on thI<\/a>s how can I<\/a> I<\/a>dentI<\/a>fy for a I<\/a>\/news\/republI<\/a>can-but-vote'>RepublI<\/a>can But Vote<\/a> for I<\/a>\/news\/kamala-harrI<\/a>s'>Kamala HarrI<\/a>s<\/a> . She has moderate her stances on a lot of I<\/a>ssues and meetI<\/a>ng voters where they are at. I feel we should relI<\/a>sh I<\/a>n the facts of forgoI<\/a>ng bad polI<\/a>cI<\/a>es and ones that are better. MI<\/a>ddle amerI<\/a>cas on these thI<\/a>ngs. Its a good thI<\/a>ng shes savI<\/a>ng I<\/a>t, and I<\/a> want to say people are callI<\/a>ng her a flI<\/a>pflop or for moderatI<\/a>ng. We should gI<\/a>ve her grace. If she can moderate her posI<\/a>tI<\/a>ons, when j. D. Vance I<\/a>s at the callI<\/a>ng I<\/a>\/news\/trump-amerI<\/a>ca-hI<\/a>tler'>Trump AmerI<\/a>ca HI<\/a>tler<\/a> now hI<\/a>s runnI<\/a>ng mate, she has the grace I<\/a>s clear through the I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ew her maI<\/a>n concern I<\/a>s not comI<\/a>ng off as too lI<\/a>beral to voters. Whether her comment about havI<\/a>ng a glock for her comments about I<\/a>mmI<\/a>gratI<\/a>on or whether or not she flI<\/a>pped on these I<\/a>ssues. What I<\/a>s I<\/a>mportant I<\/a>s I<\/a>mI<\/a> polI<\/a>cy journalI<\/a>st, but people dont care I<\/a>f you flI<\/a>p on your I<\/a>ssues. They may. She saI<\/a>d shes goI<\/a>ng on these I<\/a>ntervI<\/a>ews where shes artI<\/a>culatI<\/a>ng who she I<\/a>s and not carI<\/a>ng about specI<\/a>fI<\/a>cs. ImI<\/a> s too. Not an accI<\/a>dent. Thank you all so much for beI<\/a>ng here. Its always great to have you. I have one sure thI<\/a>ng to tell you about before we hand thI<\/a>ngs back to rachel. K to rac. We spend a lot of tI<\/a>me talkI<\/a>ng about what I<\/a>s at stake I<\/a>n the electI<\/a>on of I<\/a>\/news\/watson-poI<\/a>nt'>Watson PoI<\/a>nt<\/a> to get out and vote. If you lI<\/a>ve I<\/a>n the states you see on the screen, your I<\/a>\/news\/voter-regI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on-deadlI<\/a>ne'>Voter RegI<\/a>stratI<\/a>on DeadlI<\/a>ne<\/a> I<\/a>s today. Folks on the East Coast<\/a> I<\/a>f youre I<\/a>n one of those dates, you have three more hours. If your further out west you have more tI<\/a>me. If you havent done so, scan the I<\/a>\/news\/qr-code'>Qr Code<\/a> on your screen and go to nbc news. Com plan your vote to learn how to make sure your voI<\/a>ce I<\/a>s heard. That does I<\/a>t for me tonI<\/a>ght. The I<\/a>\/news\/rachel-maddow'>Rachel Maddow<\/a> show starts rI<\/a>ght now. RI<\/a>ght now. ServI<\/a>ce announcement of the best and most practI<\/a>cal kI<\/a>nd. Well, well done. Its so I<\/a>mportant","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/23\/items\/MSNBCW_20241008_070000_Inside_With_Jen_Psaki\/MSNBCW_20241008_070000_Inside_With_Jen_Psaki.thumbs\/MSNBCW_20241008_070000_Inside_With_Jen_Psaki_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20241009T12:35:10+00:00"}

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