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herman cain. what happened. a man who has known him for 27 years comes out front, so let's go "outfront." -- captions by vitac -- i'm erin i'm erin burnett, and "outfront" tonight, caingate. not only that, he's pointing the finger. here he is on sean hannity's radio show just a couple of hours ago. >> we knew we were going to be attacked. we just never thought that we were going to be attacked, based upon a planted story coming from another one of the campaigns. never imagined that. >> as for that, rick perry fought back just a couple of moments ago on "john king, usa." >> we found out about this the same time that i suppose the rest of america found out about it, both on the internet or next day in the news, so, you know, i don't know how to tell any other way except knew nothing about it, sir. >> "outfront" tonight, a person who has known herman cain for 27 years. he was recruited to work as his vp. cain is also the godfather to his children. thanks so much for coming out tonight. we with really appreciate it. so much of this comes down to character. there's so many fingers pointing. is he still a friend of yours, herman cain? >> yes, he is, very much so. >> and have you talked to him at all during this situation that's going on right now, or when's the most recent time you've about had a chance to talk? >> i talked to him about three weeks ago. i have not had a chance to talk to him since this has taken place. i've texted him a couple of times, and i told him at that time to be strong and to hang in there. >> all right. so -- and we've laid out you're his friend, you've known him for a long time. he's godfather to your children. you've got a strong point of view here, so let me ask you this. you've run his h.r. departments. did you ever get a complaint of sexual harassment against herman cain? >> no, ma'am, nothing whatsoever. i never had anyone come to me and say herman cain did anything inappropriate. i never heard or saw anything of any type of misbehavior of his part. he's always been the ee pit in i of what you'd call a gentleman. >> you would have known, am i right, at burger king when he brought you there and godfather's pizza, there's no way any kind of complaint would have come in that you would have known about? >> i would say if somebody would have come in, especially if he was the chief executive officer of godfather's pizza as well as vice president of burger king corporation, if anything would have come up, i would have been told about it and we would have had to follow up and investigate. >> so are you surprised by what's happening right now? >> yes, i am. yes, i am. when i heard about this on monday, i was very surprised knowing her man as i do. i've worked for him for 10 years. i've known him for 27 years, and this came as a complete surprise to me. >> so what can you tell us as someone who is a friend of herman cain? what would you describe as the man's character since that really is what is being discussed right now? >> one of the things i always found about her man from the first time i met him, he's all been very straightforward, very outgoing, very humbling when he wanted to be. also he made everybody feel comfortable. he made you feel like he had known you all your life. the first time i had met herman i had reluctantly became a recruit for him at burker king corporation, and when i walked into his office. he came from behind his desk and he greeted me like he'd known me all my life. he comes across as someone very genuine, and one of the things that surprised me by all of this is the fact that someone would say he did something leak this, because i've never seen him betray himself in this way, shape, manner, or form. >> all right, well spencer wiggins, thank you very much. we appreciate your taking the the time to come on "outfront" tonight and tell his story. let's bring in david gerg ger and gloria borger. david, let me start with you. there's this story of character. there's revelations about what's going to come out, what's not going to come out. first, what's your take on what spencer wigness had to say? >> i think it's an important piece of the story. there are people who believe he's innocent of all this. i talked with someone who's been with him on many, many public occasions. he's got a reputation for a great motivational speaker. he's a large figure, very gregarious, and he could easily have said things that he thought were -- you know, sweetheart, the first time he met you that you would take offense at and he would say he was being friendly and put his arm around you. i think there's that element of the story and you have to give him the benefit of the doubt. having said that, i think he's been terribly hand-fisted in dealing with these allegations. i think he has a deeper hole today than he had yesterday and deeper today than three days ago. he's got to stop digging a hole and get the facts out. >> gloria, i want to ask you about that. because you have people like spencer wiggins coming out, i've gnome herman cain for 27 years, i ran his h.r., i never got a complaint, but as david points out, herman cain has been reluctant to give more detail which you would think he would because it appears the woman may be coming out, one of the women, with her side of the story. >> it's not that he's been reluctant. it's that he's had different recollections about the details of these events. so we've been talking to joel bennett, who's the attorney for one of herman cain's accusers. what he and his client want to do tomorrow is release a statement under his name, not her name, that generally says she stands by her charges of sexual harassment and i don't know how much detail it would go into, presumably not too much. but i think she's clearly been angered by what she's heard from mr. cain. but they have to get clearance from the restaurant association because they clearly signed a confidentiality pledge, and so they have to be released from that in order to do it. so we'll hear more on that. the attorney tells us by tomorrow. >> david, will it me ask you. i hesitate to say nra because every time i do because there's a bit of confusion. but they're deciding to make a decision whether she can comment. she may want to comment through her lawyer anonymously. is that fair? >> not really. on the other hand, has she been treated fairly in all of this? i don't think so. there was expectation of confidentiality on everybody's part, and so i think there's a reason for this, but, look. i think that he, herman cain, ought to ask the national restaurant association to release her and get all the facts out and get this behind him. he has -- richard land -- a major evangelical, he needs to listen to that, listen to the voices and say, herman, this is going into its fifth day, this is going to destroy your campaign unless you step up and deal with it and get it behind you. >> gloria, before we go, herman cain's campaign had to know this would come out. whatever he thought, right? >> sure. >> this is one of those things where if it's in your past, whether the allegations are in your view substantiated, you know they're going to come out. >> sure. >> why weren't they prepared? >> you know what? i asked them that. they say the charges are baseless. they say -- i'm losing my voice. the charges are baseless and there was no reason to be prepared. but we've seen this changing story. sorry. >> it's okay, it's okay. >> so much tv. >> she's been working too hard today. bless your heart. >> all right. we'll release you on that notice, but gloria borger has been talking with everybody in the campaigns. get some water. >> sorry about that. thank you. >> and david, thank you as well. >> good to see you again, erin. >> all right. we've just learned some breaking news. closing arguments have just concluded in the trial of michael jackson's doctor, conrad murray. we're told the jury is going to start deliberating but the formal deliberations won't begin until tomorrow morning. we'll have more coming up later this hour. "outfront" next, what would you do if you were told your college costs would quinn up thele just because of who your parents are. and the indication of a texas judge whipping his daughter. we hear from the victim. and this case of brazilian. akas, cars driving into planes. we'll deliver the number [ man ] i got this citi thank you card and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. 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[ male announcer ] executor of efficiency. you can spot an amateur from a mile away... while going shoeless and metal-free in seconds. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. now this...will work. [ male announcer ] just like you, business pro. just like you. go national. go like a pro. the number tonight, 37.7. that's how many billions of dollars are wasted each year waiting for in-home services such as the cable guy or furniture delivery. but this averages out to $243 a person a year. most of that comes from lost wages because they give you that long window where you're sitting waiting and the guy comes in the last 15 minutes? the new study from toa technology studies finds the average american waits 4.5 hours, 2.5 hours longer than they're supposed to. this is why americans still hate the cable guy. okay, a new attack ad has been launched against republican hopeful mitt romney. they blast him for what they say is his support of a very controversial abortion amendment. here it is. >> would you have supported the constitutional amendment that would establish that? >> absolutely. >> they'll not only vote for candidates -- >> all right. joining us to talk about the take on the ad, democratic analyst bob zimmerman. j.c. watts from washington. thanks to all of you. john ave a lon, let me start with you with what you make of this video. this person would define life at the beginning of it. rape, even right to life organizations have come out against this. that ad says mitt romney is for it. >> that ad also is a general election ad. they're counting this position is so extreme that it will alienate swing voters, walmart moms, it's not just rape and incest but raises questions about contra exception, birth control, if you believe it really is after conception. >> this is also an ad that motivates the democratic base and it puts a reality check. compared to rand, paul, and the others. the bottom line is mitt romney makes hypocrites look sincere and that's going to be a factor that motivates democrats in this election. >> perhaps as a politician, you've got to listen and learn. you could call it flip flopping. you could call it that. let me ask you this. j.c. watts, let me ask you about this. the way that this add is put together, i want to make sure for the record to our knowledge mitt romney has not commented on the mississippi amendment at all directly. >> well, i agree with john, erin. this is a general election ad, and mitt romney should take some comfort because they didn't run it against herman cain or newt gingrich or rick santorum or anybody else on the republican side. they ran it against him. and so they evidently think that he's going to be the nominee, and he should take some comfort in that. i think most -- i have not seen the language in -- i didn't -- without my glasses, i couldn't even read what you had on the screen, but i hadn't read the language, the legislation, but i think most prolife folks do believe that life begins at conception. now, if you say that pro-life groups are against this, i would want to take look at the language and see why are they opposing this? the national church, the national right to life, et cetera. >> but do you see, to put it in perspective, don't take too much comfort in that ad, knows mitt romney's record, he'll flip it in a week. >> to be quite frank, i said this before, i was on the show ten days ago. i said i think that's one of the reasons that mitt romney has not gotten beyond 23%, 25%, considering the fact that he's run two presidential campaigns, they've been well funded and well organized. so i do think it presents some challenges, but be that as it may, i think the pro-life community and looking at that ad, you know, that's not going to hurt mitt romney with his base. >> well, i guess the more vicious and nasty people are to you, i guess it's a form of flattery. now i want to talk about her man cape. j.c., i wanted to ask this question to you. herman cain today came out with husband fund raising efforts. he says they haven't been hurt, it's been the opposite extreme. he's been very successful at raising money in the last few days. he said the american people are sick of what he calls, quote, gutter politics, and he's also said that perhaps this is racially motivated. you're a conservative african-american politician. what do you think about the role race is playing in herman cain's case right now? is it playing a role or is that fair? >> you know, airplane, i can't judge what i can't see, and people doing this, you know, it's tough to judge their motives. but i can tell you, you know, the -- where rick perry hunt said, you know, his hunting lodge didn't get this kind of attention and, you know, didn't rally the kind of questions at its rally. i think the bottom line is this. you know, when you ore on defense in politics, you're losing. and over the last four or five days, herman has been on defense, and i -- as someone that loves the guy, he's a friend, i think he's a good man. i think we would like to see him, you know, figure out how you deal with this, deal with it once and for all and get over it. he didn't handle it right in the early stages, and it's put him on defense over the last four or five days. >> one more topic i want to squeeze in because this is getting some coverage and i found it pretty fascinating. this is about the state of florida, immigration. a group of students were born to illegal immigrants. they were born to parents who came here illegally. children are born here and are citizens but they're being denied in-state tuition. >> this is unbelievable. this is a simple issue of law. if they're born in the united states and are citizens, they deserve the same as any other citizen. this is dynamite politics. florida, 29 electoral votes with the third largest immigration population of any state. it's highly unfair. >> it's part of the national politics. you see citizens, young people who are legal american citizens trying to be denied this instate tuition. you see the law in alabama which is targeting children of illegal immigrants and ultimately where this is going is to try to reverse the supreme court decision. buy 5-4, the supreme court upheld the right for illegal immigrants to go to public schools. the goal here ultimately is to reverse that decision with this very right-winged court. that is a possibility. so if they can deny legal citizens tuition breaks they can go after illegal ones too. >> j.c., is there anyone who can make a case on the right for a law like this, where someone born in the united states with citizen "showbiz flashpoint" in the state of florida kept get instate tuition because their parents are illegal? >> well, erin, i -- it might shock and amaze you, but to my panelists, you're going to see a lot of demagoguing and a lot of manipulation over the next 12 months from both sides. but be that as it may, i'm for securing the borders. i'm for having some comprehensive legal or immigration reform in the country. but to say that you should take legal immigrants and until we change the law, if you're born here in the united states, it makes you an american citizen. so, you know, regardless of what side of the aisle you're on, let's say let's defend the law until the law is changed. >> hey, we all agree. let's leave it there. we didn't agree on everything. thanks to all three. we appreciate it. robert, john, and j.c., great to see you. well, we brought you this disturbing story last night on "outfront." it was a graphic video of a disabled 16-year-old being beaten with a belt by her father. the video was taken in 2004 by hillary adams and posted on the internet a few days ago. her father is a family judge and has been suspended for two weeks while police investigate if he will be charged. he says there's more to the story. anderson cooper sat down with hillary and her mother earlier today. what did they tell you? >> hillary is very clear on why she said she's released the tape. her father has come forward and said he cut her off financial support for her, that she dropped out of school, and the hold her not only was he going to cut off her financial support, that he was going to take away the car he had given her. hillary says that is categorically not the reason she released the tape. she says she wants her father to get help. i want to play just a little bit from the actual tape, just for you to get a sense of how severe this beating was. >> bend over that bed. >> dad. >> bend over the bed. bend over the bed. bend over the bed. >> stop, stop. stop. stop. >> bend over the bed. i'm [ bleep ] your face. roll over. >> dad, stop. >> that's just a few seconds. it goes on for some seven minutes. she reported it herself seven years ago. i asked her how bad that beating ended up being. >> did you have bruises after that? >> oh, yes. the bruises were the worst i'd ever had. i had had other lashings like that, but this one produced the most bruising. and the next day it was all up and down my legs and he'd also hit my arms when he couldn't get to my legs. >> he was saying it's not as bad as it looked in the tape. >> i think he's in serious denial because i told him it hurt to walk the next day and his response was one word. he said "good." >> hillary also joined me with her mom who's snow divorced from her father. her mom also took part in this beating and has apologized to hillary for it. i asked hillary about some of the things her dad was now saying in a statement that he just released. let's listen. >> hillary warned her father if he reduced her financial support and took away her mercedes automobile which her father had provided it, he would live to regret it. the post was then uploaded. is that accurate? >> wow. thank's a perfect example of the way he would always twist story os to our community to make him come out as the good guy. it's stunning the way that his behavior continues in the exact same pattern. and even as we have this cold hard proof in front of him of how bad he really was, he still continues. >> that was hillary's mom in the background laughing a little bit. it's not clear where this goes. as you know, erin, statute of limitations probably rules out any legal action or criminal action against the father in this. though certainly he may be suffering some consequences at work. >> all right. well, anderson, we're going to look forward to seeing a lot more of that tonight on "ac360." thanks, anderson. thank you. still "outfront," the "outfront" five. cutting seniors. >> that means to tell arp, take a hike and apr take a hike. we're going to do what's best for the country. a robin hood tax? >> you're in an incredibly powerful position. what was your message? extreme measures. all this "outfront" in our second half.iv me a healthy scap and great looking hair. but who used mine up? it was hines. seriously? you lying fool. [ male announcer ] head & shoulders: seven benefits, every bottle. we start the second half of our show with stories we care about. we focus on reporting, do the work, and find the "outfront" five. first, "outfront" has obtain add new mug shot of a man who has charged an plat. "outfront" got this mug shot of manssor arbabsiar. the 56-year-old linking in texas was arrested after fbi said arbabsiar planned to use explosives to kill. the second suspect is still wanted by the united states. number two, a good day for the stock market. the dow up 208 points, 12,044. back above that psychologically 12,000 level. investors surprised when the european bank actually cut interest rates and when the greek prime minister -- talk about a flip-flop backed away from the vote to not take the country's package. unemployment benefits fell by 90370,000. that is important. below it good, above it bad. economists we spoke to note the claims data has started to go lower over the past if u weeks but it all depends on tomorrow's big employment report. expectations we have tonight, 95,000 jobs likely created in the moth of october. number 4, there's a new number one place for millionaires, los alamos, new mexico. about 47% of the homes are homes to millionaires. the reason the laboratory which hires physicists, scientists and engineers. they earn a lot of money there. we did the math. 4,528 of the facilities' employees and students live in lohsal mohs which would account for a quarter of the population. that doesn't include the contractors and security that live at the lab. it's been 90 days since the u.s. has lost its credit rating. what are we doing? tonight 33 republicans have sign add letter to the super committee called on the 12 to balance the budget, reform entitlements, and, well, they're saying they don't want net tax increases. one of the 33 who signed it was gang of six member tom colburne of oklahoma. he has a few ideas how to get the credit back. he's "outfront" tonight. i spoke with him before the show about his plan to cut $9 trillion from the deficit over the next decade. he wants to cut out the fat, including $500 million that he says the department of energy spends on conferences on yachts with cigars. >> well, i can document at least $350 billion a year of waste, fraud, or duplication, and yet we can't get the senate to do anything about it, and we put forward 9 trillion dlors worth of savings which is really the number we have to do to get our country healthy again, and we haven't seen a lot of embracement of what is necessary. >> well, the gang of six has met with the super committee and a couple told them on "morning joe" that they should go big to the $4 trillion number. that's exactly the number 100 members of congress put forward yesterday when they came on this show. is this all talk, or are you all talking and on board with spending cuts, tax increases, and entitlement cut, all three? >> i think -- look. our country -- i think, first of all, you have to set the predicate. what is the problem? the problem is we're going to pay a very large price in a very short period of time if we don't start acting responsibly based on the numbers in front of us, and the minimum requirement for that is $4 billion to $5 billion just to buy five years. >> trillion, you mean, right? >> trillian, yeah. >> yeah. >> it's hard to keep the numbers straight, even for us up here. think the significant thing is it's okay if the committee does $1.2 trillion and that's their minimum mandate and we need to pass that, and then we need to move onto the next step. >> if tax increases are required to get a deal done, are you willing to do it on somebody somewhere? >> i've already stated that. i am. but i -- but we certainly don't want to do that without reforming the tax code. >> yes. >> because one of the biggest inhibitors to capital formation and job creation right now is the tax code. >> all right. let me ask you about your plan. you spent a year on it. it is the biggest i've seen so far with its $9 trillion price tag and you say as part of that you're going to cut from medicare. this is where it comes to having an adult conversation with american people. way. to play an ad for you that really shocked me from the aarp. >> so washington, before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits, here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits, and you will be hearing from us today and on election day. >> that's a threat, and does it offend you? >> well, it offends me because they're thinking about the aarp, not the country. the average couple at retiermtd have put in $110,000 into medicare and will take out $350,000. i think every grandparent in this country would reject that. for us to get out of our problems we have to reform medicare. we don't have to cut it. all we have to do is reform it. one thing i can guarantee is medicare won't be the same five years from now as it is today regardless of what aarp says because we can't borrow the money to pay for it. we can't get out of the problems we're in, erin, unless we have the courage and the statesmen to do that and that means to tell arp to take a hike and apr to take a hike. >> on this show we couldn't agree more on that. will it me ask you about your cuts on medicare. your plan calls for a 20% cut in medicare, medicaid somehow. i want to ask you -- >> actually that's not accurate. that's not accurate at all. we put an earnings test on medicare. that means the people who would be receiving the cut would be those that are wealthiest in this country. >> so you're saying a cut in overall spending but not necessarily in benefits. >> yeah, you're not going to see a cut in benefits. as a matter of fact, if we truly reformed it, we'll get better health care than we have today for less money. >> that sounds like you is can have your cake and eat it too. that's the problem. >> you can, because there's $100 billion a year in fraud in medicare that and that's enough to solve the problem? >> that's enough to start and if you put an earnings test on it and you actually bring it back to where it was supposed to be, which means on medicare part a you actually pay an adequate amount into the trust fund and part b you participate in the level what it was designed to participate and we get rid of the frautd and you change it where there's more consumerism and more direct consumer purchasing, we'll see a significant amount of savings. >> sir, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> we look forward to having you on again. thank you, sir. >> you bet. police officers in brazil went on an amazing run. take a look at this. with guns hanging out their windows. i mean this is like a movie, right? they chased down and rammed -- watch this -- yes, yes, this is -- this is heading where you think it might be. whoa. they rammed the wing of a small plane because they wanted to. they wanted to stop it from taking off. they then seized the plain. as you can see them jumping out there with a -- is that an aka 47? it was filled with contraband electronics worst an estimate 2d $50,000. they arrested the people on board. matt is author of "outlaws inc." it's pretty amaing video. what do we know about it. >> there are a lot of unknown unknowns. the fact is these are not -- if you like, these are not mafia men. they're not tight controlled families of organized criminals. these are pretty much chances. they're loosing a agreegations of people who are really the financial incentives of their -- fehr for them to try to get away with what they can. they work on cash. they don't have receipts they'll do impromptu bathroom conversions to their planes so the customs guys who's inspecting them don't know. there are space under the seats for 250 tos of guns or whatever. taking off from some god forsaken air strip. the fact is most of the air strips in the world, they don't have no radar and no kind of customs or no controls at all. >> it's true. >> it's worth it for them to try it. >> and you point out, there are a lot of air strips in the world are god-forsaken. you know it. we know it. let me ask you. this is the 12th plane like this that has been confiscated in brazil. i know you've been doing a lot of digging into this, spend a lot of time with people trying to pull off these sorts of acts. what are the top things that people are trying to smuggle right now? >> i would imagine weapons and drugs are still near the top. >> yeah. i mean -- well, actually the funny thing is the weapons and drugs are only near the top because they're easy. weapons are easy because there are so many of them. the number of chinese and russian-made guns and ammo, it's pretty much all profit. you can pick them up for peanuts. that's the reason weapons are popular. let's face it. there are a lot of independent warlords running around. drugs will always be around because there's a huge mark-up. i've about seen 12 kilos of cocaine being flung around as if they were fish slingers in the supermarket. these guys, if i understand correctly, they were carrying electrical goods. it's exactly like if you'd imagine some burglar running off with your vcr or dvd player. they're the lowestest on the run. the highest will be things like people. that's where you make your real profit. people smuggling and also the people who want to get in and out of countries on the sly. that also, i'm afraid, include some of our people in the government want to get in and out. >> that's unfortunate. double-edged sword. there's hypocrisy to go around. tell me the craziest thing you've ever seen in terms of what was smuggled and how it was done. >> well, i mean, there are plenty, but think the best thing i've ever seen is probably i've seen household objects, tvs, tables, sofas, et cetera, that were pretty much parcels of cocaine sculpted to look like household objects. that's a really, really popular thing. the fact is the customs guys in most of the third world or second world they're not paid as much as those smuggling. there's no incentive to open the door. they're like, give me a bottle of whiskey and i'm on my way. let's say it looks like a duvet and it's 200 pounds of cocaine with a sheet over it -- that's bizarre but not ununusual. >> cocaine coffee tables. thank you very much. >> everyone should have one. >> thank you. >> all right. thank you. >> still "outfront." closing arguments just concluded in the conrad murray michael jackson case. gone to jury. and love songs. ♪ love songs sung by sill vee oh, seriously. [ man ] it's my new malibu. [ woman ] '57 bel air -- still have it. [ both ] our camaro. [ man ] chevy silverado -- third one. [ male announcer ] people love their chevys. that's because for 100 years, chevy has offered the best value in america. come in now and help us celebrate our centennial open house, november 1st through the 7th. and fall in love with your next chevy. ♪ [ male announcer ] we're not employers or employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪ same time every night we do this. our outer circle. we reach out to our sources around the world. tonight to greece where financial chaos is looming, the embattled prime minister is fighting for his political light. cnn's jim bowden is in athens, and, jim, will prime minister pap andre yoes survive this? >> reporter: it's been a long day. he's refusing to resign. the opposition leader is refusing to come together in some sort of national unity. it seems that this idea of referendum could be off but it's not absolutely sure. what's at the balance here? greece's very future within the euro and the eu. and that's why markets and analysts are so concerned that greece could actually destabilize the entire european union just at a time when they could be heading back into a recession. erin? >> thank you very much, jim. something that's going to affect america too. we've just learned some breaking news. closing arguments have just concluded. the judge is going to give it to the jury to start deliberating sometime tomorrow morning. ted rowlands is out front. any idea how long it will last? >> one thing is facts are there were six weeks of testimony. if they go through it on any level, it should take them some time. however, we've seen it all. sometimes they go in and out and sometimes they could take days and days and days. >> what were the main points made today? did you haefr any kind of humdinger or zinger at the end? >> well, the prosecution basically said this isn't a doctor hch patient scenario. this is a guy who said, yeah, for 150 grand a month i'll give this guy propofol. the defense on the other hand said, listen, this is all about michael jackson. he's the one that caused it. in fact, if it was anyone other than michael jackson, if it was any other patient, we wouldn't be here. >> all right, ted. thanks. we appreciate it. the testimony in the case will be the key to whether the jury finds conrad murray guilty or not. let's bring in the hoefts of sanjay gupta m.d. and the medical correspondent, yes, his name is sanjay gupta. okay, i want to ask you a couple of things. it seems the biggest battle during the entire trial is the theory of how michael jackson died. the defense says maybe he injected himself with that fatal dose of propofol. i want to ask you this. given all that, is that scenario possible? >> it is possible, but i'll preface it by saying this whole thing is strange because you're starting at some points even before the idea that he may have injected himself. the idea that he was getting propofol at home, getting it without monitoring equipment, that he didn't have rhesus station equipment standing by. all of that is a preface, but having said that, it is possible he injected himself. 25 milligrams is a number that was tossed around a lot. that's a relatively small dose. someone got that dose. then that i feel a little sleepy for some time. it wears off pretty quickly. could he have gotten that dose, it wore off, he got up, gave himself more, perhaps. the thing that's been difficult, i think, from a medical standpoint is these doses are all so small and unlikely to have killed him and they don't seem to match up with the levels that were found in his blood when he finally got to the hospital and had his autopsy. there is the rub, and that's what the prosecution and defense were trying to explain away today. >> what about the other issue where the defense is trying to say, well, you know, the propose follow may have been whatever it was but michael jackson went and took a lorazepam -- i'm sorry if i'm saying it wrong -- another medication and that vanishes from your blood quickly and that could have been the toks imcombo that killed him instead of dr. murray's propofol. >> yeah, that's exactly right. and there could be something to that. imagine the picture that you sort of imagine in the room. he's in the bed, he has an iv that's actually in his leg somewhere, an intravenous contractor. they say the propofol he was given wore off they say he may have gotten up out of bed, taken some of these other injections, injected more propofol in his blood and went back to sleep which according to the defense he immediately died upon doing that. that led to his immediate death. that's sort of the picture they're portraying. but you're absolutely right. the other medications, the antianxiety medications, lorazepam, xanax, they would be more of an additive, have a more significant effect. >> thank you, sanjay, so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we'll see what happens. still "outfront," a rare inthor view with billionaire bill gates and silvio as in berlusconi sings amore to bungabunga, seriously. sun life financialrating should be famous.d bad, we're working on it. so you're seriously proposing we change our name to sun life valley. do we still get to go skiing? sooner or later, you'll know our name. sun life financial. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. 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[ male announcer ] helping people achieve without limits. at the hartford it's what we do... and why we're the founding partner of the u.s. paralympic team. show your support at of will be giving away team. passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to that were found in his blood when he finally got to the hospital and had his autopsy. there's the rub and that's what the prosecution and defense were pass pass so we cover a lot of serious stories on this show but this one is seriously? the latest victim of the political and economic crisis engulfing europe is not a bank or a country but an album of pop music. seriously. italian prime minister berlusconi was expected to release an album of 11 love songs but reportedly put it on hold because of the economic debacle in europe, particularly in italy an apparently one of the songs inspired by the greek dance. when your country's economy is failing you don't want to remind people of what's going on in greece but he's a serious musical artist. this will be his fifth album and in 2009 the italian "rolling stone" named him the rock star of the year. yes, they did. probably more to do with the parties than music. all we can say is, seriously, berlusconi? focusing on the music career, country falling, well, maybe apart. well, because if you don't get what's going on we're more than happy to show you. ♪ ♪ >> seriously. coming up, becky anderson had a rare interview with billionaire bill gates. she comes out front with the exclusive. bill gates is the richest man in america. worth $59 billion. he's also the most generous person on the planet pledging to give away $28 billion. cnn's becky anderson caught up with him in cannes, france. at the g-20 meeting of world leaders. becky, what is the richest man doing there? >> well, he's a seat at the top table, erin. trying to convince world leaders despite the economic crisis, the bill gates is the richest man in america. worth $59 billion. he's also the most generous person on the planet pledging to give away $28 billion. cnn's becky anderson caught up with him in cannes, france. at the g-20 meeting of world leaders. becky, what is the richest man doing there? >> well, he's a seat at the top table, erin. trying to convince world leaders despite the economic crisis, the world economic crisis, they should not stop giving. and when i say that, what he's trying to do is convince them they have to pony up on the commitments that they have made to the developing world. have a listen to this. >> past view of aid was simply buying friendship from some dictators as part of the cold war. today you should think of the u.s. of being a biggest supporter of aids drugs so a mother can raise her children. buying bed net which cut malaria deaths by 20%, will cut it a lot more. financing agriculture development so that the women who have these small farms are able to grow enough food to have nutrition for their kids and raise a little money to send their kids to school. >> and he also talked today about new revenue streams and i know this is something you've been interested in. this robin tax or tax on financial tran

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Analysts , Balance , Eu , Recession , America Too , Testimony , Ted Rowlands , Prosecution , Humdinger , Zinger , The End , Guy Propofol , Isn T A Doctor Hch Patient Scenario , 150 , We Wouldn T , Patient , Key , Ted , Battle , Trial , Hoefts , Correspondent , Sanjay Gupta M D , Propofol , Dose , Scenario , Theory , Monitoring Equipment , Preface , He Didn T Have Rhesus Station Equipment Standing , Blood , Doses , Levels , Autopsy , Hospital , Standpoint , Rub , Follow , Medication , Lorazepam , Dr , It Wrong , Vanishes , Toks Imcombo , Picture , Leg , Shiv , Somewhere , Contractor , Room , Injections , Medications , Death , Additive , Led , Xanax , Antianxiety , Sanjay , Bill Gates , Effect , Rare Inthor View , Silvio , Bungabunga , Sun Life Financialrating , Sun Life Valley , Skiing , Sun Life Financial , Energy Security , Growth , Oil Reserves , Oil Sands , Resource , Ability , Hundreds , Thousands , Breakthrough , Project , Oils , Emissions , Kearl , Canada , Strength , Melissa , 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