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disappearance. in 2001 a judge declared patz dead and held a convicted child molester responsible. susan candiotti is responsible right now in new york. she'll be joining us in about two minutes from now. john edwards' fraud trial begins tomorrow in north carolina. the former presidential candidate is accused of breaking campaign finance laws by allegedly using nearly $1 million to cover up a sexual affair with filmmaker rielle hunter. he denies any wrongdoing. still unclear whether george zimmerman will be released from jail. he has to come up with 10% of the $150,000 bond. zimmerman is facing second-degree murder charges in the death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. chuck colson, a major figure from the watergate scandal, has died. colson was the first of richard nixon's aides to be convicted, and sent to prison for seven months. he had been the president's special counsel. but was also known as nixon's hatchet man. after leaving prison in the mid-1970s, colson founded an outreach group providing spiritual support for prisoners. colson was 80 years old. we're following developments in the search for 6-year-old etan patz. today's search has been suspended for operational reasons. investigators aren't explaining what that means, but they say they will be back tomorrow. investigators are also following up on an important development, the discovery of a suspicious stain they found on a basement wall. national correspondent susan candiotti is at the scene in new york. susan, what more have you been able to learn from the investigators there? >> reporter: not much. it's been pretty intriguing to try to figure out what's going on. about an hour and a half ago, as we were standing here, all of a sudden you see that white van behind me that says new york city police department on it, crime scene unit, they pulled that up. in an apparent attempt, we're left to wonder, to possibly block our view to see what's going on beyond that. so we went up closer with our camera and tried to see what was going on. and what we saw is this. we've got some video that we took of that earlier, hopefully to show you now. and we could tell that it seems like they were loading something into an unmarked van. we tried to find out what was going on. they said they had no comment. only that they are suspending their operations for the day. and they will be back here tomorrow. but fred, it does make you wonder. >> all right, susan. tell us more now about the fbi, and what their findings were in terms of the stain on the basement wall. >> reporter: yes, we learned from sources that this actually happened on saturday. they were using a chemical called luminol, and they spray it around to see whether they can see anything of interest. this is commonly used by homicide investigators at crime scenes all over the place. and it did detect something unusual. it picked up a stain. now, this is an indicator that it might possibly be a bloodstain. in order to find out more, the fbi technicians brought in chain saws to cut out a section of the cement wall that contained that stain. we don't know how big that stain was. and now they're sending it for additional analysis to the fbi's main crime lab in quantico, virginia. they'll do more testing to see whether indeed this is blood, and if so, whether it belongs to etan, or somebody else that might be connected to this case, fred. >> susan candiotti, thanks so much in new york. a colombian taxi driver is perhaps the most sought-after person in the u.s. secret service scandal. the "huffington post" reports that the cabby drove a prostitute home from this hotel in colombia after a night of partying. he later led the media to her house. six u.s. secret service members have stepped down and 12 are under investigation. they allegedly brought back several prostitutes to their hotel ahead of president obama's visit to colombia. lisa siylvester is live out of washington. does the scandal go beyond the u.s. secret service and u.s. military? >> reporter: yeah, fred, that is the question. does the scandal go beyond. the ranking member of the committee, senator chuck grassley, is questioning how wide this problem goes, who knew about it, was the white house involved in any way. and senator joe lieberman was asked about it this morning. and here's what he had to say. >> one of my colleagues in the senate, senator grassley, has asked for an investigation of white house personnel who were in cartagena. my own advice to the white house if they ask me for it would be, i know we're in the middle of a campaign. everything looks partisan. but don't get defensive about this. the best thing the white house can do is to conduct its own internal investigation. >> now, the head of the secret service, and the acting inspector general of the agency, they are conducting a thorough review. that investigation, as you mentioned, it is focusing on 12 secret service agents, 6 of whom have resigned as well as 11 members of the u.s. military, fred. >> and so lisa, paul ra reed, chief of the miami office, is the person who actually brought the charge and took things under control after she heard of the accusatio accusations. some members of the homeland security committee have also suggested if there were more female agents, something like this could have been prevented? >> reporter: you know, by the way, she is getting major kudos for her role in really stepping in and taking charge. but democratic senator carolyn maloney and republican senator susan collins have both made that very point, that all of this might have been avoided if there were more women within the agency. >> i can't help but wonder if there had been more women as part of that detail, if this ever would have happened. >> and one thing i asked him is, how many women are on the force. it's only 11% of the agents are women. and we agree on this, if there were more agents on the ground, maybe we would not have had this. >> we're going to be keeping a close eye. you know, if there are going to be more agents who might step down. right now we're up to six. on wednesday the judiciary committee will hold a hearing. they're also looking at this and it's opened up its own investigation. fred? >> lisa sylvester, coming to us from washington. thank you so much. today people all around the world are celebrating earth day. >> i'll never buy another bag. i go, thank you very much. we have in a little over two years -- >> d.c. mayor vincent gray there, a big rally is happening right now, in fact, on the national mall, even though it is very rainy, as you can see. organizers are calling for people to do 1 billion acts of green across the globe. today's event features ooh countdown to that goal. and includes performances from kicking daisies, dave mason and the group cheap trick. and i'll be talking to members of cheap trick in a few minutes. stay tuned for that at 4:30 eastern time. as you can see, very stormy there in the nation's capital. jacqui jeras in the weather center. something tells me there's more coming to other cities on the east coast. >> unfortunately, yes. we saw smoky the bear there. >> yeah, we did. that was cute. >> i don't think he's going to have to work too hard today. >> getting a little help from the rain. >> we really needed it. we just had all those brush fires off long island about a week and a half or so ago. so this rain is actually welcome. unfortunately the timing just isn't all that great, with a lot of weekend activities for a lot of folks. the storm itself, way down here. near the coast of north carolina. and so we've got a long ride up the coast. so this is going to be a steady rain for a whole lot of people. unfortunately meaning an ugly weekend and a real rough go of it in terms of travel. flooding especially in urban areas, be aware of that. we'll put our map into motion and it will show you the a kusm lating rainfall could reach up two to four inches in the next 48 hours. so we will be concerned on the east slopes of the higher elevations as well. believe it or not, in the interior we're going to be talking about a little bit of snow potentially. it's snow, for the most part it's not going to hit the big cities. these are where the warnings are in effect. >> 8 to 14 inches? >> 8 to 14 inches. we'll get enhancement coming in off the lakes. over to erie, pennsylvania, and up into the appalachians here, that's where we'll see the heaviest accumulation. pittsburgh, maybe a couple of inches. the tiny amount is going to be coming in overnight with that snow and continuing for the day tomorrow. even though the big cities are just seeing rain, look at all the delays we have already. and that's likely going to linger all through your monday as well. >> wow. i hope they didn't pack away those parkas. pull them right back out. thanks so much, jacqui. we'll check back with you. the florida republican weighs in and reveals a personal side of himself. and something making dolphins, hundreds of them, wash ashore on beaches in south america. it's a mystery. and scientists are stumped. need any help? uh, nope. just, uh, checking out my ad. nice. but, you know, with every door direct mail from the postal service, you'll find the customers that matter most: the ones in your neighborhood. print it yourself, or we'll help you find a local partner. and postage is under 15 cents. i wish i would have known that cause i really don't think i chose the best location. it's not so bad. i mean you got a deal... right? [ bird cries ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did things with electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies. now that the race for president appears to be down to two candidates, the campaign appears to be getting a fresh start. in the latest cnn poll of polls, president obama has a narrow lead in what is a statistical dead heat without the distraction of other potential challen challengers, the two candidates are taking aim at each other. joining me to talk about the come pain, political writer, shera. good to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> what is mitt romney's biggest challenge defining barack obama, or defining himself? >> i think his biggest challenge is defining barack obama. mitt romney has suffered somewhat from this long primary. it wasn't as long as it could have been, but it was still pretty long and pretty negative. a lot of attack ads in key battleground states like florida and ohio. what he really needs to do is focus on obama. i think that's what the campaign is doing right now, making the argument that the president has not been a strong steward of the economy the last couple of months. he needs to define obama before obama defines him. >> it seems mitt romney is having a difficult time trying to convey he's just a regular guy. that is something that he's concentrating on. however, every moment kind of -- other moments kind of arise where it distinguishes he's anything but the regular guy. >> mitt romney is not the average american. i think everyone can agree on that. but you're right that he's not very comfortable with this. i'm sure he has advisers, at least in the past, whispering in his ear, you need to act more like a regular joe, fly southwest, but he's a successful businessman and hard time being comfortable with that. we see that when he's debating other candidates. he's not very comfortable yet, at least 100% though with his success. he'll do much better on the campaign trail once he crosses that hurdle. >> do you think he's afraid to use that to his advantage, that it has brought him personal wealth as a businessman? >> i think he's not afraid to do it, just to the degree to which he wants to use that record, especially when the economy is still in pretty bad shape. granted, we've seen measured improvement over the last few months. but yet, mitt romney doesn't want to brag a lot that he's a wealthy guy right now, that the unemployment rate is just over 8%. he doesn't want to brag about it. but he doesn't want to come across -- >> everyone knows that he is. is he kind of shooting himself in the foot trying to distance himself from that reality? >> i think the more he tries to look like a regular guy, you know, joe six-pack, or go into the family diner, the more he does that, the more unnatural it looks on him. but that's what you do on the campaign trail, you go to local bars, you go to diners, this is part of campaigning. he just needs to look a little more comfortable in that situation. he doesn't need to be joe six-pack, but needs to learn to talk the joe six-pack a little better. >> it's been an interesting week for the obama administration. congressional hearings on gsa spending, that seem to be out of control, the u.s. secret service employees who have gotten themselves in a mess of their own. so take a listen now to republican senator jeff sessions about his criticism of t >> the president needs to assert discipline, management directions throughout the executive branch, and make sure they're held responsible. >> how does the white house move forward? >> that's a great question. i think we're going to see over the next couple days, we'll see what happens, especially in the secret service scandal and with the continued hearings about the gsa scandal as well. just how much more fallout. at some point if it does reach critical mass, you might see the president or one of his advisers go on and take on this issue and really take it on. i don't think we're there yet. we have not reached critical mass yet on these issues. these are departments. i think a lot of voters understand the president isn't directly responsible for what some people were doing at a conference in las vegas last fall. i think it's close enough, it's guilt by association. we're not there yet, but if it continues to unravel, if the scandals continue, we might get there. >> a cnn poll indicating condi rice is a favorite among voters. what about the second name on that list? rick santorum, you see that relationship kind of being reinvigorated in any way? >> you know, i wouldn't put money on that right now. rick santorum hasn't even come out and endorsed mitt romney just yet. i think there's still a little bit of contempt there. i don't think santorum has quite gotten over this primary yet. >> what are the other potentials? >> it could happen. i wouldn't rule it out completely. but i think there are many more candidates who are on that short list before rick santorum. marco rubio, he said he basically endorsed jeb bush. but it seems to me jeb bush really doesn't want to do it. right now i think it's 50/50 marco rubio. he has so much going for him as a vp contender. >> thanks so much. appreciate that. >> thanks for having me. a name you often hear mentioned as a potential gop vice presidential pick, senator marco rubio, her pick. but today the florida republican actually endorsed somebody else for the vp slot. jeb bush. he said the former florida governor would make a fantastic vice president. rubio also revealed a side of himself that you don't hear a lot about. >> well, you know, i am a hip-hop fan, especially the '90s hip-hop. some of the newer stuff has changed. one of the things i've discovered is i'm a fan of nikki menage, who is one of the hip-hop artists today. but she's not only a rapper, she also sings in her album. and pit bull, that's an interesting name, but he's actually very talented. he was just involved in the sound track for "men in black." >> randomly, i do happen to know that. tell me your first political memory. >> probably the '80 convention when kennedy challenged carter. and the reagan convention as well. the '80s is kind of the time i became aware. my father was a huge reagan fan. >> and you also had somewhat of a role in the dole campaign. >> i did. so did you. you were covering them here in, i think they were staying in baja harbor. i was one of the guys that worked on the ground for the team. i drove the media van. i think we drove you around one time when you were covering it here. i landed a job running the dole campaign in south florida. that was a great experience. >> really climbing the political ladder there. he was about to hit the campaign trail again, this time in support of mitt romney. the two will make a joint appearance tomorrow in pennsylvania. dolphins are dying in south america. hundreds of them washing ashore on one stretch of beach in peru. the mystery, the investigation, are humans in any way to blame. i'll talk to a marine biologist next. just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. another news happening overseas today, united nations cease-fire monitors are on the ground in syria. this is amateur video shot today. u.n. monitors touring towns hammered by more than a year of shelling and street fighting. the u.n. security council voting yesterday to boost the unarmed military mission from 30 to 300 monitors. more than 100 people are hurt today after two passenger trains crashed into each other in the dutch capital of amsterdam. emergency officials say they still don't know why the trains collided. and it is election day in france. today is the first round, when the field of candidates is reduced to two. president nicolas sarkozy will likely face socialist francois solan in two weeks. in bahrain, they stopped a formula i race today. the course was blocked by burning trash and tires. groups demonstrating against the government called the race a publicity stunt. they did manage to cancel the race last year. nearly 900 dolphins are dead, and that's just the number that has washed up on shore. i'm talking about peru. and one stretch of northern beach, about 130 miles long. since january, dead dolphins have been washing ashore there. and scientists can't agree on the reasons why. we want to talk to sue rocka, a marine biologist with the whale and dolphin conservation society. sue, good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> what does your gut tell you about a dolphin kill this sizeable? >> well, we haif generally one o come up, there are all sorts of natural phenomena that can cause that. but when you have something this large, my gut tells me there is something traumatic that happened, at a snapshot, that would kill this many animals. there was a range of age classes, adults, pregnant females, calves, the young. so it definitely -- something happened for sure. >> so when you talk about examining the thing that may have happened, what are marine biologists going to be looking at? are they going to be examining the carcasses of these animals to see if there's something viral, disease, or something else that's environmental in oceans in which these mammals have traveled? >> well, yes, you would need to look at all of that. you need to do necropsienecropsh are autopsies, but on animals. you want to look at the organs. i know they've been find iing m ora hem oragic lesions. and blood in the kidney, which is consistent with an acoustic trauma. they've been finding that the -- that some of the acoustic bones in these animals' heads have been fractured. but that's just a small percentage. there's over 600 -- well, 900 now confirmed animals. but when some researchers -- there's a lead researcher down in peru, dr. yapin yanos who has kind of expanded that stretch of beach, and he's claiming up to 3,000 individuals. so he's gone out and looked at them, and found these traumas of the head and areas and specific animals. so that's one hypotheses that it could be an acoustic trauma to these animals. >> this is disturbing to look at, because we're talking about, it looks like a variation of things have happened to the carcasses. i don't know if some of that is prior to the dolphins washing up, or if that's as a result of people kind of poking around trying to figure them out. but we saw some of them were quite bloodied. others even looked like they had been skinned. and then others look completely intact. so what do you believe is the explanation behind that? >> well, i mean, sea gulls generally prey on dead specimens. they would also need to be doing necropsies and cutting them up. i think from the reports that i have read, there was different levels of decomposition when they were washing up. so maybe just different animals were further from shore, and washing up, some of that decomposition was happening at sea. and there is a skin sloughing that happens that way. i read one report that some of the fishermen were using the more fresh meat. so they could have been repurposing that meat for something. there's all sorts of things that might be happening. >> before i let you go, you mentioned acoustic trauma. what causes acoustic trauma? are you talking from shipping vessels, or what? >> well, our oceans are an exceedingly noisy place these days. we have shipping traffic, yes. but when you see this level, it's generally from either seismic, and there is some oil development right off the coast of peru, or navy sonars. we've seen it a lot with those. it could also be biotoxins accumulating in the ecosystem. so they're feeding on fish that sort of come up. i think that's the big thing is we just don't know and need more investigation. >> so many questions. excellent. sue rocca, sorry to cut you off, we've got to go. >> no, thank you. >> hopefully we'll know the answers soon after they finish those tests. appreciate it, sue. going green and rocking out. they're doing both in washington. even though it's very rainy. cheap trick performs at an earth day rally there. and they'll be joining us live. if you are one of the millions of men who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. 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this is big news. checking our top story. police and fbi agents in tucson, arizona, are searching for a missing 6-year-old girl. the parents say they discovered her missing when they went to wake her up yesterday morning. they say they last saw her friday night when she went to bed. police say it is probably a case of kidnapping. the removal of the wreckage of the costa concordia cruise ship is scheduled to begin next month. salvage companies from italy and the u.s. will begin the work and it will be towed to an italian port once it is floating again. the salvage operation is expected to take about a year. the ship ran aground off the italian ground off the coast in january killing 32 people. robin gibbs is fully conscious. just a few days ago doctors thought he may not survive. the bee gees star has been battling pneumonia and facing several other health issues, including colon and liver cancers. earth day celebrations are happening all over the world today. joining me right now live from washington, cheap trick. rick neilsen and tom peterson there jamming it up. i'm glad you got your toppers. i know it's very rainy there in the nation's capital. how are you guys doing? >> yeah, we just landed, and we're here. and we just saw jesse jackson. and i'm looking for other fame ougs people around here. >> well, you're the famous ones that everyone's waiting for during this earth day celebration there in d.c. why is this important to you, rick? >> well, let's see. we all have families, and our fans are part of our family. and the whole world is an important place to be. and we're just happy that we got invited to be here. how about that. >> that's pretty impressive. tom, what are you all performing today? what's the message that you hope to send out? >> by our performance you mean? >> yeah. >> well, i think just that we're here, and everybody can pitch in and do whatever they can do. this is what we do for a living. we're happy we can help. >> i'm supposed to mention also that we're going to be back in d.c. in july at bristol, virginia. >> a longer show. >> a longer show. >> you all are performing, or you're touring with aerosmith, right? >> yeah. aerosmith, i like those guys. >> i know. that's pretty huge. >> we're doing the whole summer with aerosmith. and we've worked with them before. they're a great band. we're glad we got invited. >> yes. so what are you looking forward to with that kind of collaboration? you know, tom, you first. you know, touring with aerosmith like this, i mean, there are so many countries that have called you, you know, cheap trick, kind of the american beatles. you know, but what are you hoping to kind of bring to the stage, or remind people of all these incredible hits like, i want you to want me, et cetera, from a pretty giant repertoire of music? >> yes, that's exactly what we're trying to do, remind people that we have those hits. and we'll take some current ones, too, right? >> we'll play some new stuff. and also, it's going to be a battle of the bands every night with aerosmith. >> really? >> they're a tough bunch of cookies. and so are we. it's going to be good for the audience. >> sounds fantastic. let's listen in to one of your first kind of videos of this "i want you to want me" performance. let's take a listen and watch. >> still sounds good, doesn't it? it gets you guys going. >> it does. about as much as i can handle, too. >> you know what's really interesting, it was an even bigger hit in asia, than it was in the u.s. and then the american audience kind of caught up with it. what's the logic behind that? >> well, the logic behind it is we'd like to be one of the first american groups to bring -- actually bring trade back to the united states, as opposed to the way that it's been going for years. so we're trying to even out the trade deficit. and that's the long version of it. no, they like our songs. it's good to play wherever. fredricka, playing for you is the highlight of our career. >> i'll take it. >> come to atlanta. >> i'm going to have to check you out when you come to atlanta in july. right? i think i have to be there front and center. >> something like that. >> okay. hey, here's another -- >> we'll save a spot for you. >> good. i like it. here's another hit, "surrender." let's take a look. okay. i'm there. i'm getting my tickets, guys. front and center. with rick neilsen and tom petersson, cheap trick. touring in a city near you, too. >> that's the best 14 seconds of that song ever. >> by the way, since the third part of your trio, robin, is not standing there with you, where is he? just asking? >> he's warming up. we've got to go onstage in about five minutes. >> that's right. in the nation's capital. >> if he doesn't warm up, he'll blow his voice out. >> we want everyone to be warmed up. >> he's actually right behind us. we just flew in here. we played last night in tampa. >> all right. >> so we just -- the weather's so bad -- at least at the airport. we just got here. we're going to go play, and then we're heading out. >> the folks in d.c. are going to be really excited to see you. thank you so much. and say hello to robin as well. i'll see you when you come through atlanta. cheap trick. >> all right, fredricka. >> thanks so much. >> we'll have much more in the newsroom after this. 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>> yeah. what hockey wants you to think about are good, clean hits. what they're trying to do is both get a better image for their league, and they hope that image will step from reality. they have essentially like a dean of discipline. brendan shanahan, a great player in his day, and a tough player, he gives these rulings where he explains exactly why players are suspended. what you saw raffi torres do is leave his feet, launch himself like a missile. it was interference. it was a hit to the head. it was charging. and hossa could be in a lot of damage. one of the things the nhl does that's a little controversial is they wait to see how hurt the player is. so if hossa just got up and skated away from that, maybe torres wouldn't get the suspension. but he was suspended for 25 games. >> wow. >> which ensures he's out of the play-offs. it's a big message. there are a lot of tough hits this postseason. the nhl wants to say, this is way out of bounds. >> so michael, let's move on to baseball now. take a look at this. because folks are saying this is exactly what perfection looks like on the diamond. >> ryan steps back in. two down here in the bottom of the ninth inning. here's the wipedup. and the 3-2 on the way. strike three! the ball gets away from pierzynski! the throw to first! and it's over! phillip umber has thrown the 31st perfect game. >> throwing the perfect game for the chicago white sox. how rare are these perfect games like that? >> he becomes the 21st player in baseball history since 1876 to throw a perfect game. 20. because in the regular season. you know, if someone said who's going to pitch a perfect game, i would name 100 pitchers before humber. he actually hasn't been a good pitcher, something of a first-round bust. put his career together. and on a day, on this day, at least, he was perfect. >> all right. that was fantastic. humber. i'll remember that one. don't mess up on the perfect game, the pronunciations either. thanks so much. good to see you. >> you're welcome. bye. >> we'll have much more in the newsroom right after op g or hires another employee, it's not just good for business, it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in new credit to small businesses across the country last year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. species of endangeredseveral animals on that bus. but the priceline negotiator saved them all. animal handler:except for joffrey. but he did save me a ton of money. interviewer: how's that? animal handler: that was the day he told us all about priceline... has thousands and thousands of hotels on sale every day. so i can choose the perfect one without bidding. joffrey would have loved this. wouldn't you joffrey? this is my grandson. and if it wasn't for a screening i got, i might have missed being here to meet him. the health care law lets those of us on medicare now get most preventive care for free like annual wellness visits, immunizations, and some cancer screenings. and that's when they caught something serious on mine. but we could treat it before it was too late. i'll be around to meet number two! get the screenings you need. learn more at you don't want to miss any of this! cnn's belief blog covers faith aspects of the day's biggest stories. one of the big headlines this week is the death of chuck colson, he was known as president nixon's hatchet man during watergate days and later became an influential evangelical leader. live now from washington, good to see you, eric. >> good to see you, too, fred. >> tell us more about colson and why he became an evangelical christian with a pretty significant following. >> colson was one of the first nixon aides to go to prison for what happened in association with the watergate break-in. he went to prison in 1974. and shortly before then, he had a dramatic conversion experience, and became an evangelical christian. he served about seven months in federal prison, in the minimum security prison for his role in defaming a pentagon leaker. president nixon told him to do that, and he told the prisoners before he left, i'm going to come back and take care of you. he launched prison fellowship ministries, one of the biggest groups in the world that does this. today they're in 119 countries. i pulled their irs filings from 2010 to give you an idea of the scope of this ministry. they have $45 million in contributions last year. just a massive ministry. >> wow. >> colson was a very highly sought-after speaker on the christian circuit. he was beloved among the evangelicals, because he represented a big theme, redemption. >> it continues to be vibrant. eric, let's talk about mitt romney, scheduled to speak at liberty university may 12th. there are a lot of students that are very angry about that. explain. >> well, yeah. when liberty university announced mitt romney would come and speak at their commencement, there were several students that jumped on facebook and twitter and started complaining about mitt romney being a commencement speaker because of his faith. mitt romney is a member of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, he's a mormon. liberty university down in lynchburg, virginia, is one of the largest evangelical colleges in america. they said we don't agree with thinks beliefs, we don't think mormons are christians and made their voices heard loud and clear. liberty extended that invitation. romney accepted it. neither are saying a whole lot about this. other than he'll continue to be the speaker. and there's a long history of presidential candidates, particularly republican presidential candidates coming and speaking at liberty. ronald reagan did it in 1980. president george h.w. bush spoke there. and of course, john mccain in 2006 spoke there at their commencement as well. >> eric, thanks so much, at the cnn belief blog. and of course, four more stories on faith, check out the popular belief blog at we'll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! happy earth day. crowds are gathered in washington, d.c. and a lot of other places around the world to send a message to the people of the planet. watching earth day celebrations, recognitions, all that. >> we've been watching throughout the day. you were talking to cheap trick. a lot going on there. the organizers say 1 billion people around the world mark earth day in some fashion, by doing something. it is pretty impressive. one thing i wonder is what's their message. they put it out in a youtube video. take a look. actually, we're looking at pictures earlier. that's what's going on in the national mall. we have live pictures. now, let's take a look at the youtube video. they lay out what this is all about. >> let's stand together on earth day, april 22nd, and show our leaders that we want renewable energy. >> improved energy efficiency. >> green jobs. >> clean air. >> so they have the list of things most important to them. they talk about trying to build a green economy. they're hoping all these events will do that. they also call on the world to carry out a billion acts of green. we're talking about the earth, i want to show you amazing pictures that we have exclusively here at cnn. these are two examples that show how the world has changed over recent years. the first one is from dubai. this is what dubai looked like in 2000. this is it in 2010. this shows how much it has change the. you can see the population moving more and more and more out. one more. take a look here at vegas. this is vegas back in 1984. green being where people are, where people have set up lives. take a look over here, the more we spread it along, the more you see it's all the way up there. it's incredible. we have stunning images to help you understand the extent to which the world has change the. we want you to know all about this. the kinds of things that are going out there, and what the events are. we listed them on my page on facebook and twitter, and the blog there's a fun thing by earth day by the numbers. check out and see if you know what you're talking about. >> everyone needs encouragement and ideas. it is hard sometimes to break your habits. and try to -- try out something that's new, that might be greener. and less of a carbon footprint. >> that's the message, can you do one thing today that will help the world. >> thanks so much, josh. >> you got it, fred. straight ahead, an island off norway isn't a vacation spot. even though to some it might look like that. this is actually a prison. 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. an entire island off of norway is used as a prison. but it's no alcatraz. it's minimum security, and could soon be the home of the notorious confessed killer andre breivik. >> there are no walls, wires or handcuffs, just the water all around. but few try to escape. there are 115 inmates on the island and competition for spaces is fierce. you have to apply, you have to show motivation. it doesn't really matter if you're convicted for a minor crime, or if you're a murderer. this man who does not want to be identified is here for drug related offenses. he's taking courses in computing, to prepare himself for life outside. >> you want to go for something like fresh air or something like that. you go and come back and go out for fresh air for one hour. then you come back. maybe you have some fluid, some dinner or something. here nobody locks you. >> reporter: tom christiansen tinker spends his day with tinkers with machines. they have roll call four times a day. >> you can fix your own food. you can buy it in the store here. and you can be outside. >> reporter: prison officers say some inmates do have trouble taking ownership of their lives, after years in stricter jail regimes elsewhere in norway. >> some people come here, and they can't take it. it's too much freedom. it's overwhelming. they want to go back to the high security prison. >> reporter: inmates here know they're lucky. this is as good as prison gets, probably the world over. though even norway's high security prisons treat their inmates with the same basic respect. >> we aim towards freedom. and we believe the only thing that prisons are deprived of is their liberty. so the everyday life in prison should be as much as like everyday life outside prison, because we believe that gives society the best security. >> reporter: and it seems to work. just 20% of prisoners in norway reoffend once they're out. while below those in the uk or u.s., where more than half of all prisoners are back behind bars within a couple of years of their release.

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Accusations , Homeland Security Committee , Accusatio , Wall , Point , Carolyn Maloney , Role , Republican , Kudos , Susan Collins , Democratic , Women , Part , Help , Detail , Force , Ground , On Wednesday The Judiciary Committee , Hearing , Eye , Lisa Sylvester , People , Earth Day , Bag , All Around The World , Facts , Green , Organizers , Fact , Rally , Event , Vincent Gray , There , National Mall , Globe , Ooh , 1 Billion , Cheap Trick , Performances , Countdown , Goal , Eastern Time , Dave Mason , Kicking Daisies , 4 , 30 , Yes , Cities , Nation S Capital , Bear , East Coast , Weather Center , Jacqui Jeras , Lot , Rain , Isn , Timing , Brush , Long Island , Folks , Coast , Activities , Storm Itself , Bride , Weekend , Areas , Map , Flooding , Motion , Real Rough Go , Terms Of Travel , Kusm Lating Rainfall , Four , Bit , Snow , Interior , Elevations , Slopes , 48 , Accumulation , Lakes , Appalachians , Warnings , Pennsylvania , Erie , 8 , 14 , Couple , Amount , Delays , Pittsburgh , Thanks , South Florida , Side , Jacqui , Parkas , Dolphins , Scientists , It S A Mystery , Hundreds , Wash Ashore On Beaches , Customers , Mail , Service , Sad , Uh , Nope , Nice , Ones , Partner , It Yourself , Postage , Neighborhood , Location , Cause , Deal , Bird Cries , 15 , Address , World , Kind , Work , Science , Math , Physics Teacher , High School , Mr , Name , Davies , Guitar , Engineering , Engineer , Physics , Electronics , Boards , Mother , Career , Passion , Candidates , Poll , Cnn , Race , Lead , Start , Polls , Mitt Romney , Heat , Each Other , Potential Challen Challengers , Distraction , Aim , Come Pain , Shera , Writer , It Wasn T , Primary , Challenge , Argument , Battleground States , Attack Ads , Steward , Ohio , Economy , Guy , Son , Everyone , Advisers , Average American , Businessman , Whispering , Ear , Regular Joe , Fly Southwest , Campaign Trail , Success , Hurdle , Advantage , 100 , Degree , Doesn T , Wealth , Shape , Record , Improvement , Unemployment Rate , Foot , Reality , Family Diner , Joe Six , Campaigning , Bars , Diners , Situation , Administration , Joe Six Pack , Employees , Listen , Jeff Sessions , Senator , Hearings , Spending , Out Of Control , Mess , Criticism , Gsa , Discipline , Management Directions , Executive Branch , Fallout , Issues , Critical Mass , Issue , Voters , Isn T , Conference , Departments , Las Vegas , Guilt By Association , Scandals , Favorite , Condi Rice , Hasn T , Money , List , Wouldn T , Rick Santorum , Relationship , Contempt , Santorum , Potentials , Marco Rubio , Jeb Bush , 50 , Presidential Pick , Vp Contender , Fantastic Vice President , Vp , Governor , Slot , Stuff , Fan , Some , Hip Hop Fan , Hip Hop , Hip Hop Artists Today , Rapper , Nikki Menage , 90 , Pit Bull , Track , Album , Men In Black , Convention , Ronald Reagan , Father , Memory , Carter , Team , Guys , Dole , Media Van , Baja Harbor , Experience , Support , Job , Ladder , Beach , Marine Biologist , Peru , Humans , Mystery , Appearance , Schedule , News , Answers , Technology , Families , Siemens , Mom And Dad , Shot Today , Cease Fire Monitors , United Nations , Syria , Military Mission , Towns , Street Fighting , Shelling , Voting , U N Security Council , 300 , Passenger Trains , Capital , Trains , Emergency Officials , Field , France , Dutch , Amsterdam , Nicolas Sarkozy , Socialist Francois Solan , Bahrain , Groups , Course , Government , Formula , Tires , Publicity Stunt , Burning Trash , 900 , Number , Shore , 130 , Gut , Whale And Dolphin Conservation Society , Dolphin Kill , Sue Rocka , Sue Rocca , Sorts , Phenomena , Endangeredseveral Animals , Females , Orange , Snapshot , Calves , Classes , Adults , Young , Sure , Carcasses , Biologists , Oceans , Something Else , Organs , Disease , Mammals , Autopsies , Kidney , Lesions , Hem Oragic , Trauma , Finding , Heads , Bones , Percentage , 600 , Yapin Yanos , Stretch , Researchers , Lead Researcher , Dr , Animals , Traumas , Individuals , Hypotheses , 3000 , Variation , Result , Poking , Washing Up , Others , Explanation , Reports , Decomposition , Necropsies , Levels , Specimens , Sea Gulls , Skin Sloughing , Sea , Fishermen , Report , Fresh Meat , Meat , Shipping Vessels , Acoustic Trauma , Level , Soil Development , Seismic , Shipping Traffic , Fish , Feeding , Biotoxins , Ecosystem , Navy Sonars , Questions , Men , Sue , Tests , Millions , Androgel , 1 , Both , Testosterone , Testosterone Levels , Makers , Testosterone Replacement Therapy , 1 62 , Announcer , Prescription , Contact , Gel , Children , Sites , Application , Application Sites , Dosing , Products , Doctor , Signs , Prostate Cancer , Woman , Breast Cancer , Increase , Child , Body Hair , Changes , Acne , Puberty , Exposure , Feet , Risk , Breasts , Problems Breathing , Sperm Count , Prostate , Body , Side Effects , Enlarged , Swelling , Ankles , Sleep , Breast Feeding , Medicines , Medications , Insulin , Conditions , Blood Clots , Blood Clotting , Legs , Corticosteroids , Ten Dollars , Ten , Story , Parents , Girl , Tucson , Arizona , Removal , Kidnapping , Bed , Wreckage , Cruise Ship , Costa Concordia , Salvage Companies , Ship , Iran , Salvage Operation , Italy , Italian , Robin Gibbs , Doctors , Star , Health , Pneumonia , The Bee Gees , 32 , Cancers , Liver , Colon , All Over The World Today , Tom Peterson , Toppers , Rick Neilsen , Jesse Jackson , Fame Ougs , Waiting , Family , Fans , Let S See , Message , Everybody , Performance , Whatever , Living , Show , Aerosmith , Performing , Bristol , Band , Summer , Countries , Touring , Collaboration , Beatles , Et Cetera , Hits , Giant , Stage , Repertoire , Music , Battle Of The Bands , Audience , Videos , I Want You To Me , Cookies , Bunch , Sounds Fantastic , Hit , Logic , Asia , Trade , Fredricka Whitfield , Wherever , Highlight , Songs , Version , Trade Deficit , Center , Another , Spot , Atlanta , Take A Look , Surrender , Tickets , City , Song , Trio , He Doesn T Warm Up , Five , Voice , Weather , Least , Tampa , Play , Airport , Newsroom , Junior , Right , Basketball , Financing , Banking , Ge Capital , Restaurants , Wendy S , 165 , Engineers , Lighting , Junior Stay , Knowledge , Bankers , Energy Use , Builders , Ways , Human Capital , Oman , Water , Business , Homeowners Insurance Doesn T , Floods , Heart Rate Increases , Risk Policy , Agent , Heart Rate , Flood Insurance , 29 , 2 , 129 , Back On The Road , Screen , Brakes , Pricing , Baseball Perfection , Hockey Hit , Hockey , Talk , Topics , Tunes , Let , Mike , Ice , Nhl , Skate , Skates , Play Offs , The Big Story , Raffi Torres , Marion Hossa , Phoenix Coyotes Player , Hospital , Chicago , Image , Feeling , League , Player , Dean , Brendan Shanahan , Rulings , Players , Little , Charging , Missile , Damage , Games , Postseason , Suspension , 25 , Look , Bottom , Baseball , Let S Move On , Bounds , Perfection Looks , Michael , The Diamond , Ryan , Winning , Ball , Throw , Wipedup , Pierzynski , Phillip Umber , Three , 3 , Game , Perfect Game , 21st Player In Baseball History , Chicago White Sox , 21 , 31 , 1876 , Someone , Pitchers , Season , Humber , 20 , Pitcher , Pronunciations , Employee , Op G , Businesses , Community , Communities , Country , Impact , Credit , Bank Of America , 6 4 Billion , 4 Billion , Opportunity , Animal Handler , Species , Bus , Negotiator , Ton , Joffrey , Thousands , Interviewer , Hotels , Sale , Bidding , Priceline , You Joffrey , Preventive Care , Screening , Grandson , Health Care Law , On Medicare , Screenings , Cancer Screenings , Wellness Visits , Immunizations , Healthcare Gov , Faith , Blog , Aspects , Stories , Headlines , Leader , Eric , Christian , Following , Good , Security , Conversion , Association , Evangelical Christian , Watergate Break In , 1974 , Prison Fellowship Ministries , Care , Pentagon Leaker , Irs , Ministry , Contributions , Scope , Filings , Idea , 45 Million , 2010 , 119 , 5 Million , Speaker , Evangelicals , Redemption , Theme , On The Christian Circuit , Students , Liberty University , Let S Talk , May 12th , Commencement , Member , Facebook , Church Of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints , Mormons , Colleges , Beliefs , Christians , Mormon , Voices , Lynchburg , Invitation , History , 1980 President , 1980 , George H W , Cnn Belief Blog , John Mccain , 2006 , Belief , Aflac , Cnn Com Belief , Duck , Benefits Package , Splash , Duck Yelling , Ha , Oahhh , Forbusiness Com , Places , Planet , Crowds , Mark Earth Day , Celebrations , Recognitions , Fashion , Pictures , Youtube Video , Energy Efficiency , Renewable Energy , Leaders , April 22nd , 22 , Events , Hair , Green Jobs , A Billion , Earth , Examples , Dubai , This Is It , This Is Vegas , Take A Look Here At Vegas , Population , 2000 , 1984 , Lives , Extent , Images , Kinds , Twitter , Fun Thing , Page , Blog Cnn Com Josh , Numbers , Ideas , Carbon Footprint , Habits , Encouragement , Island Off Norway Isn T A Vacation Spot , Josh , Business Pro , Car , Marketing Analysis , Monarch , Cob , Ability , Roi , Seo , Brent , Aisle , Price , Choice Business Pro , Pro , Size , Choice , Go National , B I G , Symbicort , Lung Function , Opening Day , Rescue Inhaler , Copd , 5 , Symptoms , Emphysema , Lung Infections , Game On , Chronic Bronchitis , High Blood Pressure , Eye Problems , Tradition , Heart Condition , Osteoporosis , Whistle , Breathing , Medication , Astrazeneca , Difference , Island , Norway , Alcatraz , Handcuffs , Walls , Wires , Confessed Killer Andre Breivik , Inmates , It Doesn T , Competition , Spaces , Motivation , 115 , Courses , Crime , Computing , Murderer , Offenses , Life Outside , Fluid , Fresh Air , Tom Christiansen Tinker , Tinkers , Dinner , Machines , Times , Store , Food , Trouble , Ownership , Roll Call , Prison Officers , Freedom , Elsewhere , Regimes , Prisons , Respect , Life , Liberty , Conversation , Tweets , Captions , Cnn Newsroom , Www Vitac Com , Release , Society , Norway Reoffend , Uk , 24 7 , 00 , Us 24 7 ,

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