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dan wheldon, leaving racing fans in shock and grief. i'm wolf blitzer in las vegas, you're in "the situation room." we are now in las vegas with the republican hopefuls will face off tomorrow night in the western presidential debate. it comes at a pivotal point in the contest with herman cain now near or at the top of the various polls. but he sparked an uproar over the weekend about a controversial remark about immigration. a very sensitive issue here if nevada. cnn's jim acosta is with us. this is a big one here and in a lot of other states as well herman cain said he made these comments before when he hosted his radio show in atlanta. he is finding out that those remarks can bring in viewers and listeners but may not work as well on a presidential campaign. >> herm yan cane insists these comments did not cross the line. >> it'll be 20 feet high. barb wire on the top. it will be electrified. and there is going to be a sign on the other side that said, it will kill you. warning. mr. cain, that's insensitive. no, insensitive for them to be killing our citizens, killing our border agents. >> the outspoken conservative businessman said on one of the talk shows he was kidding. >> that's a joke. >> that is an serious plan. >> no, it's not. >> you got a big laugh but that's not what you do. >> i also said, america needs to get a sense of humor. >> this is the education of herman cane. he is learning about being a minor league candidate and being at the top of the heap. there are things you can't say when people look at you as a serious contender. >> cain made the comments a couple dayes before meeting arizona sheriff who has become the donald trump of illegal immigration politics. getting calls from the entire gop field says cain is right on message. >> i'm sure he is joking but it probably means he is doing serious to do something at the border and stop the illegal immigration. >> but latino republicans worry that tough talk will back fire. >> this is a type of rhetoric that turned off latino voters in the past. i think that's a bit unfortunate from the republican point of view. but the fact that he is trying to walk back his comments now i think is telling. >> sneaking across our border, putting americans safety and jobs at risk. >> in nevada, republican senate candidate outraged hispanics with this ad, showing actors portraying illegal immigrants. a majority leader harry reid went on to capture nearly 90% of the latino vote. but cain style is catching fire, nearly trading places with rick perry, who is seen by some tea party activists as weak on illegal immigration. also a worry for romney, it seems the massachusetts governor peaked in support among republicans. >> natural ceiling. if you go back and look at the race last time, he ran no a natural ceiling. >> one of the big questions for tomorrow night's debate is whether or not any of herman caine's republican challengers will challenge him on these comments as it is in many cases, the race for the republican nomination is very much a race to the right on the issue of illegal immigration, wolf. >> certainly is, jim. gloria is here, our chief political analyst. our new poll showes this race is very, very volatile for the republican nomination. >> sure is. as jim was just talking about in his piece, take a look at this poll and you will see how romney remains pretty consistent, 26%, now 21% back in september. and cain and perry essentially flipped. what you are going to see is that you've got to see perry tomorrow night really go on the offense. he's got to go on the offense against cain. michele bachmann has to go on the offense against cain. because he is taking their voters. by the way, he's quite vulnerable. i mean, today michele bachmann came out and said that you know, you shouldn't joke about immigration policy. she didn't disagree with the substance but said it is no joking matter in the state of nevada immigration is no joking matter. >> the poll also shows gloria that most of the republican potential voters out there, they are still on the fence. they haven't made up their minds. >> they have not made up their minds. let's look at this. the question is, have you definitely made up your mind which candidate you will support and might change mind, 67%. which shows you the volatility in the race. it also shows you that republican voters are looking for an alternative to mitt romney, right? they haven't settled on romney. >> that's right. and wolf, we have seen this before. remember, michele bachmann in iowa, she peaked. it is an issue that mitt romney touched on occasion. he went after rick perry on the issue of tuition breaks for children of undocumented workers in texas. it will be interesting, i think, to see whether or not any of the candidates go after herman cain on this issue. >> you know, so far herman cain's campaign has been a book tour, at largely a book tour. and he's got to branch out. he raised some more money but he's got to get more serious as a candidate. not spending time in tennessee. what was he doing there? he should be in new hampshire. >> he says he is running an unconventional campaign. but mitt romney's got a problem when it comes to herman cain. i want to you weigh in. some supporters have said, they want to be careful, because if he nominee, they don't want to alienate the supporters. >> he is walking a really fine line. but unlike 2008 where mitt romney changed his positions on a bunch of issues, he has decided not to do that this time, to look forward. he is pretty tough on immigration policy. rick perry, i would think, would be the one, if he could do it delicately, to take herman cain on immigration. he says, building that fence, i know, i've been the governor of texas, it is absolutely impossible. >> disagree on instincts tuition for children of immigrants. we have a lot more to talk about over the next couple hours. don't forget, candidates take the stage tomorrow in a state that reported the highest unemployment rate in the nation in august. more than 13%. we are talking about nevada. and home foreclosure rankings, also the highest in the united states. those aren't just statistics for people who live here, including one cab driver who has seen firsthand how the economy has changed. cnn's tj holmes has the story. >> living here, locals, we don't -- you know, we don't go up o the strip. we don't bother with it. >> what is your hay day as far as driving a cab here. you've been doing it nine years here. when is the height when you raked in kags. >> 2005, 6. >> it was good. >> i gave my daughter a debt-free education on her bachelors and masters. bought her a brand new car. took a four-year loan out on it. paid it off in 19 months. plus paid my regular bills and still saved money. that's how good it was. >> you did all that driving a cab here in -- >> that's how good it was. >> you think a lot of people outside of las vegas, and maybe even people in vegas, we have this impression that oh, that's america's playground. people go out there and just blow money. surely they have to be a large in cash. >> 60 to 65% of the job mark set the strip and local construct n construction. recession kicked in, strip got slow, they laid off thousands. the thousands couldn't find work. they started losing their homes. these people lose their homes. local construction starts slowing down. these people start losing their jobs. they start losing their homes. foreclosures have gotten so bad that it is now one in every seven homes in the state of nevada. >> you think people don't get it sometimes? >> oh, they don't. >> how bad you hurt. >> they don't. the strip will be busy to them. we know it's not. right? i use an example. when we had one new year's eve, i tell them, if you came here and saw a quarter million people, would you think it was busy? they would say, yeah, jam-packed. but the year before was 720,000. you are talking 70,000 cut. i said, that's a lot. >> what a story. there is a lot more here in nevada as well. don't forget tomorrow night here in las vegas, western republican presidential debate, 8 p.m. eastern, only here on cnn. occupy wall street protest movement is going global. jack cafferty is up next with the cafferty file also. the crash that killed champion indy car driver dan wheldon. plus, syrian spies in washington. allegedly working in the united states. now one man has formally been charged. i'm robert shapiro. over a million people have discovered how easy it is to use legalzoom for important legal documents. so start your business, protect your family, launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. launch your dreams. ♪ ♪ ♪ when your chain of supply ♪ goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there ♪ ♪ track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that ♪ hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, ♪ ♪ that's logistics. ♪ until i tried this. nothing helped me beat arthritis pain. it's salonpas. pain relief that works at the site of pain... up to 12 hours. salonpas. today i own 165 wendy's restaurants. and i get my financing from ge capital. but i also get stuff that goes way beyond banking. we not only lend people money, we help them save it. 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[ male announcer ] introducing the reinvented 2012 toyota camry. it's ready. are you? ♪ jack cafferty series. got the cafferty file. jack? >> what began as a few people walking aren't new york financial district complaining about the economy and corporate greed now spread around the world. as occupy wall street movement marks a month of protests, there are no signs of it slowing down on the contrary. protesters have taken to the streets in u.s., europe and asia as well. london, rome, paris, os low, copenhagen, taipei and tokyo, these protests have been mostly peaceful except rome where they did set off some riots. organizers say the protests will be held in 5950 cities in 82 countries. that sounds like the beginnings of a revolution. here in the u.s. police arrested hundreds of protesters this past weekend including new york, chicago, denver, phoenix, arizona and raleigh, north carolina. protesters say they are angry that banks make hefty profit after the 2008 bailouts while ordinary americans suffer under a struggling economy and 9% unemployment. they have a point. they say they take their inspiration from the arab spring movement that lead led to the toppling of regimes across africa and middle east. critics say protesters don't have clear goals and question how long the movement can keep going. but they lasted for a month so far. no signs of slowing down and people who laughed at them don't look so smart right now, do they? plus, politicians seem to be taking note that these protests aren't going away as well. president obama voicing support for the demonstrators and republican house majority leader eric cantor who previously compared home to angry mobs, now says that his party agrees that there's too much income disparity in the united states. anyway, here is the question -- where are the occupy wall street protests destined to end, do you think? post a comment on my blog on go to our post on the situation room's facebook page. wolf? >> thank you, jack. more on that story coming up as well. meanwhile, a rescue at the bottom of the world. other top stories in the situation> now. lisa, what's going on? >> an american researchers is elated to have been air lifted out of the south pole today. weeks after suffering an parent stroke. she arrived in new zealand. she fell ill in august at a research station. she had been able to do some rehab before her rescue. and iran is demanding access to the suspect in an alleged plot to assassinate saudi arabia's ambassador to the united states. sea naturalized u.s. citizen holding both u.s. and iranian passports. . and apple says it has a sales record for the iphone 4 s selling more than 4 million smart phones since its launch three dayes a kboi. this year's iphone debuted in the united states and six other countries. the new phone looks like the iphone 4 but has a better processer, new antenna. more than eight hours to finish a toronto marathon on sunday, but that was a record. you see him there. that is because he is 100 years old. and by finishing the 26.2 mill course, he became the undisputed oldest runner to finish a marathon. we is born in rural india in 1911. he actually didn't start running marathons until he was 89 years old. this was the eighth one that he has run. congratulationses to him, isn't this amazing? a hundred years old and look at him go. >> that is -- wow, what is amazing. god bless him. i hope he runs many. many more marathons. good for him. thanks, lisa. syrian spies allegedly working here in the united states. now one man is being charged. and the fiery crash that killed a racing champion. we are taking a closer look at the track and what may have caused his death right here in las vegas. [ horn honks ] hey, it's sandra -- from accounting. peter. i can see that you're busy... but you were gonna help us crunch the numbers for accounts receivable today. i mean i know that this is important. well, both are important. let's be clear. they are but this is important too. [ man ] the receivables. [ male announcer ] michelin knows it's better for xerox to help manage their finance processing. so they can focus on keeping the world moving. with xerox, you're ready for real business. tltltltle so they can focus emotional here?he world moving. aren't you getting a little industrial? okay, there's enough energy right here in america. yeah, over 100 years worth. okay, so you mean you just ignore the environment. actually, it's cleaner. and, it provides jobs. and it helps our economy. okay, i'm listening. [announcer] at conoco phillips we're helping power america's economy with cleaner affordable natural gas... more jobs, less emissions, a good answer for everyone. so, by reducing the impact of production... and protecting our land and water... i might get a job once we graduate. i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony ? sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the vending machine... already filled. cool bike. because the business with the best technology rules. his push for the stalled jobs bill on the road, kicking off a three-day bus tour through north carolina and virginia. two states critical for his bid for reelection. the 2012 vote is clearly on the mind of the president and supporters. it looks more like a campaign swing. listen 20 this. >> i appreciate -- i appreciate the four more years. but right now, i'm thinking about the next 13 months. [ applause ] because, yes we have an election coming up, but that election is a long ways away and a lot of folks can't wait. >> appropriate on the taxpayer's dime since it is clearly campaigning, and i must say again, i've never seen an uglier bus than the canadian one. he is traveling around on a canadian bus touting american jobs. >> let's talk about this. the president's bus, the jobs situation, a lot more. the white house communications director dan pfeifer is joining us from the white house. dan, is the president's bus a campaign trip or a presidential tip. >> it is what the president said. creating jobs and growing the economy now. as he said in the clip you played, we have an election in 13 months. but you american people can't wait, so we have to act now. >> what about complaints he is traveling around and talking about american jobs on a canadian made bus. >> i think that's a lot of politics mr. b senator mccaine. they acquired the bus from an american company. it is very famous for the straight talk express. >> that's interesting. i didn't know that. let's move on to talk about our new cnn or th poll. these numbers probably will be very worry sum to you and a lot of other democrats. we asked registered voters across the country, democrats, republicans, independentindepen you extremely or very enthusiastic about voting. republicans, 64% said they are very or extremely enthusiastic. only 43% of democrats are extremely or very enthusiastic. in 2010 the republicans took the majority in the house in mid term electiones. exact opposite in 2006 -- in 2008 when democrats were more enthusiastic. how worried are you about this lack of entuesday yas em, about democrats. >> not worried at all, wolf. there is no question republicans are in the middle after campaign right now. i am completely confident that come election day and we talk about the differences between this president and which ever one of the republicans is nominated, democrats. ing as enthusiastic and i believe more than the republicans. >> here is another number in our new cnn orc poll, that may be worrisome to you and other democra democrats. we asked, do you believe president obama's policies will fail or succeed. 59% of all voter said they will fail. now compare that top of in 2010 when 47% thought the president's policies would fail and only 32% back in 2009. i read about this on my blog today. those trends you see right there, not very encouraging if the president wants it get re-elected. how do you reverse that? >> well i think you reverse it by going out and talking about -- doing what president is doing today and this week. we talk about the american jobs act. a specific plan to grow the economy now. republicans have a plan that the same economist look at our plan. look at their plan and say, it won't create jobs. we will make the case. we have a specific plan. the american people understand, we didn't get into this mess overnight and we won't get out of it overnight tp it'll take time. we know the president wants it put this country in the right direction and all of the candidates and republicans leaders in the house and senate want to get us out of this. tax cuts for wealthiest while the middle class take a beating, we can't do that. lots of poll show bipartisans agree with every almost of the president's jobs act. a majority of republican voters support the president's plans here. we are headed in the right direction. >> why do you think herman cain is surging among the republican candidates now? >> well, i think -- i don't pretend to be an expert on republican primary politics, but i think that what he is -- he represent, i think a dissatisfaction with the front-runners and potentially governor romney. i don't know if he is the flavor of the week or month, but i will let the them straighten that out. >> that puts the rest of this notion that tea party or at large numbers of conservative republicans are racist. does that put that notion to rest once and for all? >> i never suggested that. i don't think anyone in this white house suggested that. it is a positive sign that there is a american president. there is an african-american running, that is a positive thing. >> you think there could be two africa mn-americans could be running? >> anything is possible. but one thing i learned in my experience working in the last democratic primary is there are a lot of twists and turns between now and when that nomination is decided. >> i suspect you're right. thank you very much. dan pfeifer is communications director at white house. a number of americans believe obama's policies as we just reported, will fail. that's one of those disturbing trends right now. stand by. a bunch more of our brand new poll coming up in our strategy session as well. we'll be right back. tor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? 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[ male announcer ] we're not employers or employees. not white collar or blue collar or no collars. we are business in america. and every day we awake to the same challenges. but at prudential we're helping companies everywhere find new solutions to manage risk, capital and employee benefits, so american business can get on with business. ♪ the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ a tragic jaw db dropping crash here in las vegas killed dan wheldon. racing is a dangerous business. but drivers were questioning the safety of the track here in las vegas even before the green flag. it is not normally used for this type of racing. we will have more on that part of the story in a few minutes. but first, the details of the fiery crash. >> on the last race of the year, dan wheldon's car sailing into the air, slamming into the catch fence and disintegrating. >> oh, multiple cars involved. >> a horrific 15-car wreck, video showing cars spinning out of control, shooting into flames and smoke and degree into the air. >> wreckage, carnage, terrible. >> they just crumpled and caught on fire. i mean, everybody gasped. >> racers got the news about two hours after the crash. >> ind ae indy car is sad to announce that dan wheldon passed way from unsurvivable injury. o our thoughts and prayers are with the family. >> the cars returned to the track for a five-lap salute in his honor. >> i know is a dangerous sport. i know we are exposed to that everyday and in normal life as well. but you know, you don't think about it. and today, we have to think about it. and we lost one of my best friends, one of my greatest teammates. if you ask anybody in this field, if we could choose a way to go, that is the way. i would have closen -- >> dan wheldon made his indy car debut in 2002. fans laid flowers and lit candles outside the iconic brick yard last night. >> dan wheldon exemplified everything about this series and about why people continue to come to this place. this is the racing capitol of the world. this is why people come here. >> this was wheldon drinking the milk in victory lane in may. winning with one of the most thrilling finishes. taking the checkered flag when the leader crashed. he joins us hours after the big win and talked about the pressure to stay sharp and fast. >> it is intense around this race track. we are doing speeds in excess of 225 miles an hour. with this race you never know what it k happen. it is about staying focused and you really don't ever let off the unless you have to. that's what i wanted to do yesterday and that's what i did. >> he entered a race for a shot at $5 million purse. he was starting a the back after crowded 34-car pack. he is survived by his wife, suzie, 2-year-old son oliver and 7-month-old sebastian. he was just 33 years old. >> i just can't believe he is no longer with us. >> christine romans, cnn, new york. >> dan wheldon is the third indy car driver to die since 2003. drivers questioned this track's safety before the race. cnn's chad myers has been taking a closer look at the crash for us. what is it about this track in las vegas that made this race so dangerous. >> cars going 220 miles per hour. it is hard it fathom, honestly. most of the video we have been showing is in slow motion. if you want to look at a piece of video in realtime. these cars are traveling so fast, the crash was just -- i don't have another word for it other than horrific. cars going different directions all smashing into each other. there weresome cars, 34 cars, on a track that is significantly smaller than the indy 500. here is the track in las vegas in the desert, not that far from where you are, wolf. cars were coming down the straight away. this is a d oval. they almost don't stop turning. cars turn around this track. almost a big circle. as they came down from the front stretch into turn one there was a crash in front. people were checking up, which means slowing down. because of the banking on this race track, it is not like you are looking down the roadway and you can see a crash in front of you. when you have a bank turn like this and the turn is going this way, the crash is out of your view. the crash is way above you. even blocked by your helmet. as dan wheldon came up here and crashed and literally launched over paul tracy and a number of other cars into this catch fence and the barrier, it was a very strong and horrendous crash. different than a crash at indy. indy 500 is a much larger race track. this is 1.5 miles. i have overlayed it now, 2.5 miles long. cars come down the back straight, turn into three, four and go back again. they go around and around and around. they have to slow down a little bit. they may not lift off the gas, the sharp turns and they know to go into there single file. no two or three wide. where in las vegas, they like to go in two or three wide. it is a wide course and race car drivers drive fast. they just do. this is what happened to dan and his car. here is dan's car after the crash, covered up bay little yellow tarp. that's the profile of the car. when it was done. profile of a different car during the parade lap at the end for the memorial for dan looks like this. see how much higher it is and the body. here is the driver right here. there is a roll bar through here. almost we call it a roll hoop to go back to this other car. there is no roll hoop at all. the top graphics of this, or the profile doesn't show any type of roll hoop at all. the car flipped, hit top side first into the wall. into the catch fence. for some reason, that roll hoop or roll bar failed and failed dan fatally. so to speak. wolf? >> they are going to investigate and investigate and investigate, as they well should, chad. thank you. one of the drivers in that crash, paul tracy, he will join us live in our next hour. he has driven in the indy car series for 20 seasons. has a very dramatic story to share with all of our viewers about what happened here in las vegas yesterday. his take on what happened. his memories of dan wheldon is coming up at 5:15 p.m. eastern, about half hour or so from now. herman cain calls for a border fence that's electrified. he says it is just a joke. but did he cross any line? our strategy session, that's coming up next. 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[ male announcer ] introducing the reinvented 2012 toyota camry. it's ready. are you? ♪ ♪ [ multiple snds ng melodic tune ] ♪ [ malennounc ] at northrop grumman, makthworld a feplace. th's value performance. northr gruan. o0 c1 [ male announcer ] there's just something ♪ dabout werther's caramel that makes a chocolate so smooth and creamy, you don't just taste it, you feel it. ♪ magic [ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. what comfort tastes like. republican presidential candidate herman cain made some startling comments about the border fence with mexico this weekend at a rally in tennessee. listen to this. >> i'll tell what you, when i'm in charge of the fence, we're going to have a fence. 20 feet high. going to have barb wire on the top. going to be electrified. and there's going to be a sign on other side that says, it'll kill you. warning. mr. cain, that's insensitive. no, it's insensitive for them to be killing our citizens, killing our border agents, that's what's insensitive. and that mess has to stop. >> but he backed off those comments less than 24 hours later. listen 20 this. >> you said it in an event in tennessee that you would build an electrified fence on the border that can kill people if they try to cross illegally. >> that's a joke, david. >> that's a joke. >> that's a joke. >> that's an serious plan. >> not a serious plan, no it's not. that's a joke. i also said america needs to get a sense of humor. >> let's talk about this with you are cnn contributor, donna brazile and cnn contributor alex. thank you very much for coming in. what do you make for his explanation, he was just joking, though at the time, if you look at the video, crowd reaction. didn't sound like a joke. people weren't laughing, they were applauding. >> with herman cain, he is always joking. was there a little germ of truth in the joke? i think there was. think think is part of the education of herman cain, wolf. there is a difference in being at the back of the pack and all of a sudden you are a potential front-runner. when people look at you as president and not just minor league candidate, you have to watch what you say. he is learning that. >> do you buy, donna, his kpla nation he was simply joking? >> no, i don't, wolf. as you know, in the republican debates, we all hear ridiculous arguments about critical issues. we saw the audience laugh when one of the candidates talks about the uninsured. we also saw of course, wolf, one of the debates, mocking gay soldier and laughing when there was discussion about the number of executions in texas. this is a serious subject. our immigration system is broken. that's why the president doubled the number of border patrols. that's why last year we secured the borders even better. we had more people removed from the border. i think the president's approach is the right approach which is a comprehensive approach to immigration reform in this country. >> is this just a gaff or is it going to be serious, blow over, what do you think? >> as first time around the track for herman cain, he will get the benefit of the doubt the first couple of times. everybody knows he is new to the scene. he is an interesting, an amusing and optimistic guy. people will give him a break. he can't keep doing this or he had slide back down in the pack. >> donna, according to the all of the polls, including ours, he's right at the top. african-american, black man, among the conservatives, what do you think about that. >> we have african-americans serving in statewide positions. we have african-american republican on the u.s. supreme court. african-americans serving statewide in florida and texas. so look, we have conservatives, blacks, conservatives, liberals, moderates and herman cain right now has done a phenomenal job. not only support of the tea party, the question is, can he put together an organization. can he win enough delegates to secure the nomination. if he secures nomination then we will have a historic election in 2012. >> is it realistic at all, do you think, alex that an african-american will be the republican nominee this time around? >> it just goes to show you who the party of diversity and equal opportunity is. obviously the republicans, wolf. yeah, sure, i absolutely do. . i think for a long time if a woman was president, it t was thought it would have to be a republican woman to bring it across the 50-yard line. but on his marriage, on leadership, on his principles, right now set best orrator and best in the field. >> here in las vegas tomorrow night, donna if he were to get the republican nomination. and that's a big if. no one knows what will happen between now and the end of the republican contest. the last time around, 2008, what the president got about 95% of american votes in the united states. how do you think that would split up next time around? it is obviously very early in the process. >> as you know, wolf, african-american voters like all-americans want a president who will not only fight for issues they care about, jobs and economy, that is number one in the african-american community like it is among all african americans. the allegiance to the party is because the democratic party is a party of opportunity. the democratic party reached out to african-americans. there is room for diversity in both political parties. the fact we only have one african-american as governor after state in this country. we need more gender diversity. only six female governors. i welcome diversity in all parties. >> no one is suffering the pains of the obama economy more than black americans unemployment rates are going to through the roof there. especially for young people. so we have, i think, republicans have an opportunity, candidate like herman cain for example, somebody who lived that success and can lead from example. president obama, economic expert, is someone who studied the economy. herman cain is an economic expert because he's been successful. >> hold your thought. i know you would like it respond but you can't right now. you are on your way out of here. >> i am on my way. they will not stay in vegas when i get there, trust me. >> all right. see you at the tables. >> thanks very much. don't forget, right here in vegas. the presidential debate, 8 p.m. eastern only, only here on cnn. a major disagreement threatening right now the next phase. united states figures mission in iraq. why the u.s. military presence might drop to virtually zero, right at the beginning of next year. what is going no one u.s./iraqi relations. ron paul is here, live in las vegas. we will talk about his dramatic plan to cut 1 trillion, yes, 1 trillion. get rid of five cabinet agencies, he is joining us, 5:30 p.m. eastern. in a half hour or so, right here in the situation. room. [ male announcer ] it's endless shrimp today at red lobster. as much as you like any way you like, like new sweet and spicy shrimp, all for $15.99. my name is angela trapp, and i sea food differently. my name is angela trapp, i've tried it. but nothing helped me beat my back pain. then i tried salonpas. it's powerful relief that works at the site of pain and lasts up to 12 hours. salonpas. and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at okay... uhh. the bad news, it's probably totaled. the good news is, you don't have to pay your deductible. with vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance, you got $100 off for every year of safe driving, so now your deductible is zero. the other good news ? i held on to your coffee. wow. ♪ nationwide is on your side ( laughing ) it's actually a pretty good day when you consider. that's great. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. jack is joining us once again with the cafferty file. jack? >> where are these occupy wall street protests destined to end? bob writes, the people protesting have no clear agenda. seems like a lot of anger, but i think it is in the wrong place. it should be directed at the white house. it is the president's agenda that's destroying our country 37. ken in seattle writes, depends on some extent to whether or not they come to recognize their image is getting in the way of their message. which is t self is frequently ill defined. many seem to have good intentions but others seem to have a reason to beat their drums and party and trashing public property does nothing to sway public opinion to support changes in the way wall street is allowed to operate. the exuberance of youth must give way to a discipline aid proech it order to change. they need way more gray hairs in their midst to help channel their intention niece something that has broader appeal and thus a greater chance of success. steven on facebook writes, not enough widespread support is spread to 82 countries outside the u.s. make no mistake, the little guy has been pushed around long enough. burt in los angeles, been to los angeles several times myself and notice a recurring theme in speeches and signs quoting the declaration of independence. people say washington has become indestructive and that it is our duty to alter our government. signs reading corporations are not people and money is not speech indicate an amendment saying these things is in our destiny. jiks jim in denver writes, i hope it doesn't. we need to put pressure on tea party, congress, both sides, and wall street. the jeff in georgia writes, mr. cafferty, these whacky disorganized protests will end and the sissy counter culture hipsters will go back it their communes and parents' homes when winter rolls in. if you want to read more on this, go to my blog. or through our post on the situation room's facebook page. wolf? >> jack, thank you. to our viewers, you're in the situation room. happening on the eest of cnn's western republican debate, one contender is unveiling a plan to change the federal government drastically. my interview with ron paul, that's just ahead. president obama about to take the stage in the first of the three-day push to jump-start the stalled jobs bill. when it happens, we will bring it to you live. and possible relief for the millions of cell phone users in so-called bill shock. the deal that could save you hundreds of dollars. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news, political headlines and jeanne moos all straight ahead. you're in "the situation room." you're looking at a live picture from millers creek, north carolina whereat my minute president obama is expected to speak about jobs, the economy and more. a three-day bus tour to ail his jobs plan. let's get 20 rihanna keeler. the president is about to speak. what are our officials saying? >> wolf, we expect that he will call on congress to pass his entire jobs plan but it do it in part this is a physical on what he heard this morning, a couple hours down the road in asheville, north carolina. he will say this in part because the senate failed it pass his bill as a whole and because house republicans made it clear they only want to vote on the parts of the bill they agree with. >> on the tarmac of the regional airport, president obama kicked off his bus tour to promote his plan to create jobs. >> as you may have noticed here, i came here on a plane. it is a pretty nice plane. but i'm leaving on a bus. >> he billed the three day trip as a listening tour but he had sharp words for republicans who united with two democrats who oppose his $447 billion jobs plan in the senate last week. >> they said no to putting teachers and construction workers back on the job. they said no to rebuilding our roads, bridges and airports. they said no to cutting taxes for middle class families and small businesses when all they've been doing is cutting taxes for the wealthiest americans. >> senate will begin a peace piecemeal approach starting with states to retain or rehire teachers, firefighters and other public employees. >> maybe they just didn't understand the whole thing. so we are breaking it up into pieces. if they vote against taking steps that we know will put americans back it work right now, right now -- >> north carolina is key in the president's reelection strategy. he won here by a slim margin in 2008. and virginia, where he will visit tuesday, is another must-win state he hopes to hang on to. the bus tour has a decide lid campaign feel. >> let me say hi. >> complete with visits to a barbecue joint, general store and republicans are hammering president obama for what they say is a blatantly political trip, the toughest words coming from former rival john mccain. >> i think the question might be though is that appropriate on the taxpayer's dime since it is clearly campaigning, and i must say, again, i have never seen an uglier bus than the canadian one. he is traveling around on a canadian bus touting american jobs. >> now wolf, in august, when we covered the midwestern bus tour, with you are there, i was there, it was widely reported that this secret service bus was in fact at least the shell of it, purchased from a canadian company. it was initially purchased from a canadian company. the government purchased it from a tennessee company that did the outfitting, interior and so forth. when it comes to this issue of whether this th is tax-payer funded, it is. taxpayers picking up the tab for this entire trip but they contest wolf, any assertion this is a campaign trip. they say he is campaigning for economic growth and no for jobs, not reelection wolf. >> we will get back to it once the president speaks there in north carolina. gloria is here in las vegas with me. gloria, i guess the republicans say this looks like a campaign swing, sounds like a campaign swing. >> when you have a president in north carolina and virginia, two key states, that it is a spain swing. but he is -- everything is about the campaign from now on. remember jimmy carter though, wolf? he used to say, i'm stuck in the rose garden. right? this is kind of an anti-rose garden strategy. what barack obama is going to do is instead of staying in the white house, he is going to get outside the white house as much as he can to try an connect with the american people. now, that's part of his job. but i think everything from now on is also part of the campaign. >> yeah. because it will be long and brutal campaign. as much as this may be a problem for distraction, canadian bus, american bus, whatever, there are new poll numbers that we just release on whether or not the american people think his policies have been successful or failure. those do not bode well for him. >> 59% of americans thinks his policies are going to fail. that kind of pessimism is a problem. but some like his tax on millionaires. i would argue that fact that so many people believe his policies are going to fail is really a reflection of americans believing that they don't trust their government to do anything any more that can actually work. more that it is a reflection on barack obama. but here is the key for the president. and it is important. which is the two thirds of americans hope that he will succeed. so they still want him and still want him to succeed. that's very important for the white house as they go into this campaign. people don't want him to fail. they are afraid he will fail. >> mitt romney, i think it is fair it say the republican candidate, white house fears the most. >> he is a candidate, the white house fears the most. we have been hearing the white house talk about mitt romney. but i think there is a cynical side too, which is they want to remind republicans why they don't like mitt romney. they want to remind republicans, remember that flip-flopper in 2008, well he is still here. they don't want romney to have an easy ride to this nomination. they want to make it difficult for him. they want perry to start increasing and then they just want to remind republicans why they didn't like him so much in 2008. >> a lot of reminding going on over here. all right, gloria, thanks very much. let's check in with jack. he's got the cafferty file. jack? >> correct me if i'm wrong. wasn't john mccain riding around campaigning for president while he was a full-time member of senate a few years back? seems like i remember that. >> you do remember that well, jack. >> yeah, that's what i thought. anyway, herman cain is breathing down mitt romney's neck. and much of the attention he is getting is focused on his 9-9-9 tax plan. he talks about how it will stimulate economic growth. he says, a lot. whether you agree or disagree with the tax plan, there is no doubt it would simplify our complicated tax code and lord knows we could use that, right? the 9-9-9 plan would get rid of almost all of the current taxes and replace them with 9% flat federal individual income tax, corporate tax and new 9% sales tax. not serve sold though. fa are from it. some economists and other presidential hopefuls are questioning the plan. criticize sakes it would give the government a new revenue string. the national sales tax. while not protecting families from paying more. some say it'll raise tax for poor and middle class and cut taxes at the top cain says most people will play less. he said despite opposition he thinks can push it through congress if he is president. it is worth pointing out that 9-9-9 plan is just an early step in cain's plan and strategy. ultimately he supports a fair tax. a sales that. for the tax code and all of the credits and exemptions they are in. while mortgage deductions would disappear it would be easier and cheaper for many. it seems people are intrigued. cain surged in the national polls. he is died now with romney in a new cnn survey. he is also sta tist ekly tied would w romney in the crucial early-voting states of way aye wau and south carolina. here is the question, would herman cain's 9-9-9 tax plan get to you vote for him? go to file. or go to cnn's facebook page. wolf? >> thank you. please be sure to join the western presidential debate here in las vegas tomorrow night at 8 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. republican presidential contender ron paul unveiling a dramatic proposal to cut the federal budget by $1 trillion. what would it mean for governor wokers? stand by for my interview with ron paul. plus, two time indy 500 champion loses his life in a jaw-dropping crash. . ♪ [ sighs ] [ bird chirps ] [ bird squawks ] ♪ [ bird screeching ] ♪ [ elevator bell dings ] [ sighs ] how mad is she? she kicked me out. but i took the best stuff. i'll get the wrench. ♪ [ male announcer ] kohler's tresham collection. life. with a twist. ♪ mike, thanks for doing that discount double check. you saved us hundreds. what was that? the discount double check? it's when we comb through your policies and make sure that you're getting all the discounts you deserve. no, i get that part, but you guys are doing my move. the discount double check move? that's my touchdown dance. so you're a dancer? no, i'm a quarterback. oh, a quarterback. mrr. i'm a robot. mm, mm. ee, er, ee, er. get out of here. [ male announcer ] aaron rodgers got his. how about you? rodgers! discount double check! [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. the racing world is mourning after a horrific 15-car crash left two-time indianapolis 500 winner dan wheldon dead. the second car here was involved in the tragic crash. dan is joining us. my heart goes out to you. deepest condolences to everyone who knew dan wheldon. tell us what happened on your eyewitness personal recollection. >> well, wolf, obviously it is a tough day today for all of the auto racing world. this is something that you never want to happen but the dangers are always out there and its our condolences are to dan and his family and his wife and kids. you know, it was just a situation where the cars were -- it was early in the race. cars were running at speeds of 225 miles an hour. we were in a tight group, a pack of cars. and just up in front of me i saw two cars touched wheels. and the one car started to fish tail and slide side ways and i was trying to slow up and got on the brakes. and then from there, it was just -- it was just carnage. i got into the back of another car. another car flew over the top of me. and from that point on, all i could really see was fire and parts flying and smoke and when it all came to a stop, it looked like something out of a movie set of days of thunder or -- it just didn't seem real. and instantly we knew that dan was in a bad way and the emergency crew was there and right on top of him and you know, myself and couple other drivers were helping other drivers to get out of their cars that were kind of stuck because the open wheel cars are very small and hard to get out of once you're in it. so it was just a bad day. >> when you had some of those cars flying over you and you saw all of the flames, did you ever think it was over for you as well? >> well, i mean, you never think of that, that thing. obviously when you sit back and look at it now, i mean, i've had a long career. i've been racing over 20 years now. in indy cars. and my wife has just said to me last night, i mean, you got enough trophies and we have enough money. do we really need to do this any more? after seeing one of your friends die. and you know, knowing the family and, you know within that's the question mark that i have to answer for myself. and you know, obviously dan's legacy as champion and indy 500 champion twice, i think you know, this is a huge tragedy for indy car. but i hope that out of this tragedy comes some good in terms of improving more in safety, like when greg moore died and dale earnhardt senior and now dan wheldon. the innovations that come about from that in terms of improving the driver's safety, it needs to be kicked up another notch. so we hope that that's what will happen. >> so what about you? do you think you will race again or is it over? is it time to retire? >> i don't know. that's something i need to think about. obviously my wife would like -- she wants me to retire. my mom and dad have called out to me and said, you've raced 20 years. i need a couple days to digest. obviously it's -- i have only been racing the past three or four years part-time. i've kind of ban there, seen it all, done it all, and what happened on sunday was not a great thing that i want to see. it is the first time i've seen that first-hand in my career. and not something i want to see again. but ultimately as a race driver, you know what the risks are when you go out there. it is mario andretti said to the driver's yesterday. look, if you think this is -- this business you got into is safe, then you're under the wrong sport. we know what the risks are. we know that there is danger. we are all thrill-seekers at heart. we all take risks on the race track. this sport isn't for everybody. you know, obviously it is -- we like to see improvement. i think there can be improvement made in the catch fencing. there's been so much improvement done with safer walls and head and neck restraint systems and seats in the cars have gotten safer and safer. but what really stayed the same is the catch fencing along the walls really stayed the same over the past hundred years. and you know, my thoughts are, why can't we have some type of ballistic type of plexiglass or safety glass that would still allow the fans to see the race track but keep cares from getting tangles in the fencing like a web, like a spider web. once the car get under n there it starts ripping the cars apart. maybe that's the next thing that needs to happen in terms of safety for race events. >> as you know, paul, as you know, paul, there's been a lot of questioning now over the past 24 hours whether this track, this racing track in las vegas, was really big enough, safe enough. a lot smaller than indianapolis as you well know. looking back and all of us are smarter with hindsight, was it safe for the number of cars and size of this track given what was going on? >> well i mean, it's hard to say. obviously, the las vegas motor speedway is a world class facility. i've ban resident of las vegas for the past 15 years. i just recently moved. i saw the track be built. it is a world class facility. it is no different than any other racing track around the world. it has the same type of walls. fencing system. as any other race track. really, this is just a factor of, you know, you've got a lost cars racing in close quarters. the indy cars now, they inspect the cars to where they want the cars to run a bit more in in a pack like nascar. these cars are not designed really to run and bounce and bang wheels with each other at 225 miles an hour. our wheels are exposed. nascar cars are closed like a street body car. once have you two cars touch each other, you don't have any control of what can happen. so we need to look at what the future is. we have a new car coming in 2012 that we will hope stops the cares from intner locking wheel. they built body around the wheels. but my concern now is, the fencing i think is the problem with motor sports. you see stock cars fly and get up in the air when they get backwards and they get into the fencing and the cars just get ripped apart. it is very much the same for indy cars. so my thoughts are, you know, and i think the cars right now are pretty safe. but i think the next thing needs to be done to the fencing. >> good point. tell us something about dan wheldon you would like to share with all of our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> dan was just a guy who loved life. i mean, i never saw dan in the ten years that i knew him without a smile on his face. without a twinkle in his eye. whether he add good day on the race track or bad day, you know, this season for him was only a part-time season. he lost his ride, lost his sponsor and was around the track trying to find himself a ride. always smiling. always talking to everybody. meeting with the fans and never upset about it. never bitter about it. picked himself up at indy 500 ride this year and won the biggest race in the world. and you know, that's the highest of highs that you can have and yesterday was the lowest of lows. but you know, what we can remember of dan was a guy who just loved life and loved being a race driver. >> paul tracy, thanks very much for sharing some thoughts with us about dan wheldon and the tragedy that occurred here in las vegas. appreciate it very, very much. once again our deepest condolences to dan wheldon's beautiful family and all of his friends as well. we will take a quick break. more of the news from las vegas right after this 37. so if i didr i'd say you're having some sort of big tire sale. yes we are. yeah. how many tires does ford buy every year? over 3 million. you say you can beat any advertised price on tires? correct. anywhere? yes. like this price? yes. riously? yes what about this one? i'll beat it. this one? s we will. right, i only have one more question for you...this one? (laughing) yeah. get $100 rebate when you buy four tires. 100 bucks! only at your ford dealer. 3 million tires. 11 major brands, fiona's kind-of-nice. i don't know why you're not here. we keep working at things until we get them fixed. >> president obama speaking in north carolina right now. let's listen under and see what he is saying. >> we can fix it. we just got to stay on it. we have to be persistent and keep trying things until folks are back to work and the economy is growing again. we have to muster that spirit right now. a yes, we can spirit. we don't need a, why we can't attitude, we need a why we can, attitude. i know that sometimes everybody watches television and you see what is going on in washington and you get discouraged. but i just want you to remember that we have been through tougher times before. this is a country that's been through a revolutionary war, civil a war. we got through slavery. we got through depression. we got through world war 1. we got through world war ii. we have been through tougher times before. we will get through this and we will get through it together. because americans don't quit so let's meet this moment, let's get to work, and let's show the world once again why the united states of america is the greatest nation on earth. god bless you. god bless north carolina. god bless the united states of america. ♪ ♪ >> all right. there you have the president of the united states on fire right now. he is excited. talking about jobs in north carolina. key battle ground state. let's assess what is going on, on the jobs front. the texas congressman, ron paul, is running. he just unveiled a huge plan of his own. congressman, thanks very much for coming in. so let's talk a little bit about your jobs proposal. we heard a little bit from the president of the united states. he has his ideas. yours is the most revolutionary, shall we say. want to cut $1 trillion in spending all along. >> balanced budge net three years, cut a trillion the first year. >> and you want to do that by eliminating five cabinet positions, right? >> right. the problem we have is, i think the radicals have been in charge. the people who believe? spending and deficits don't matter. we can be in any place in the world and can you print up money forever. they've been doing this for about 40 years. this is an inevitable problem we have today. yet i think the country, people waking up. the bureaucrats and the other politicians, running for this office, i think they are living in a different world. >> this plan is pretty radical. correct me if i'm wrong, cut the department of energy, a hundred thousand jobs right there. department of education, 4200 jobs. department of commerce, 38,000 jobs. department of interior, 70,000 jobs. department of housing and urban development, 9,000 jobs. that's 221,000 government jobs you would seek it eliminate over three years. >> yes. they are nonproductive. >> what? >> nonproductive. they are not productive jobs. >> these people working these jobs, they think they are pretty productive. >> but when the government spends your money, they don't spend it as wisely as you do. you spend it more diligently and smartly. >> the department of energy, all of america's nuclear power is related to the department of energy. what are you going to do did with america's nuclear arsenal. >> why subsidize anybody. why nuclear over solar. >> so just get rid of the nuclear bombs the united states has? >> we have enough to blow up the world about 20 times. and people are arguing for more. they want more military spending. i want less military spending. but we can blow up the world 20 times and they want more weapons. >> you would eliminate that nuclear arsenal. >> no, i wouldn't eliminate. have enough to defend our country. >> there is huge spending and department of dod, department of defense. >> i cut military, defending the country is one thing np militaryism is buying weapons to subsidize to build weapons that we don't need. why do we need 7,000 drones dropping bombs on every speck of the earth in order to defend this country. >> that budget finances army, navy, air force, marine corps. what would it go down to in ron paul administration. >> over a period of time drastically. but over the first year 200 billion. >> in the first year alone? >> yeah. it doesn't really help us. it harms us by doing this. and we need a stronger national defense, not a weaker one. just spending money, doesn't necessarily help us. >> i suspect when it comes to this issue, defense spending, you are further apart from your fellow republican candidates that from democrats. >> i'm closer to the people and military. >> i have more money from the acting military duty. twice as much as all republican candidates put together. the military people know exactly what i'm talking about. they know the wars aren't going well and we shouldn't be there. we literally, in the last ten years, added $4 trillion of the debt. >> you and bernie cooperated -- >> yes and i think the american people know this. i think they are tired of paying for germany's defense. gentlem japan and south korea. >> right now, you are trying to get the republican presidential nomination. you go out there, are republican voters in iowa, new hampshire and florida, south carolina, are they going to listen to you? >> so far so good. i think is going very well. when they hear the truth, they know they are hearing the truth. and i really think the people are way ahead of the politicians. i believe this for many, many years. and that's why you have to have tea party movements and sit-ins on wall street because the people are annoyed with this. they know that the spending can cannot last. we cannot continue to do this. national debt is up $4 billion a day. i think the easiest place to attack is overseas. >> so all to zero. >> sure. unless you want to donate yourself. everybody can donate. they can be richer and pick out friends and country. it used to be that way. >> have you been in major disputes with republican candidate over u.s. policy towards iran. last week, the justice department said that iran at the highest levels, they didn't go how high, at the highest levels were seeking to assassinate the saudi president in washington. if that came from the cia, justice department, what would you do about it. >> check very carefully for facts. they have aarrested him and that's fine. he could be a very dangerous person. maybe he will get a day in court but i predict they won't. i don't think he they have concrete evidence. but at least he is captured naen court. >> why do you think -- various republicans and democrats, mike rogers, house intelligence committee, he believes that the evidence is strong. dianne feinstein -- >> i think is mostly war propaganda. itching to go to war against iran for a long, long time. this is exactly what they did leading up to the war in iraq and the danger was not there. i don't think the iranians are that stupid. and yet the people here right now are getting pretty excited about it. same people giving us this information, fast and furious. why? they are having investigations in washington. fast and furious is a fraud. but all of a sudden they believe this? no. the same people are telling them the same thing. they need to look at it carefully. as president, i would like at this intelligence carefully. i wouldn't advocate going into another war. this one episode, possibility of this one guy doing something, was it a sting operation? we don't know. people suggest we have war over there. that is such a careless attitude. >> i want to make sure we heard you right. these allegations are war propaganda on the part of the obama administration. >> i think that -- no, the people who are jumping up and down and say this is wonderful. it is all the way up to the top, yes pip think people suggesting that this is a horrendous problem, would like to see us go to war against iran, they have been preaching this for years. they are looking for the opportunity. i'm saying, sea bad guy, off the streets, give him his day in court. let's wait and see if he does get a day in court. and get all of the facts on the table. that's what i would demand. >> thanks for coming in. next time you have to tell us what you really think. >> i will work on that. >> thanks very much. please be sure to join ron paul, all of the other republican presidential candidates. total of seven of them actually, at western debate here tomorrow night in las vegas. tomorrow 8 p.m. eastern, only here on cnn. the wester republican presidential debate. future of u.s. troops in iraq could be up in the air right few. the one thing that is holding up an agreement between washington and baghdad, we will share the latest information just coming in. plus, steps to keep millions of cell phones users out of the so-called bill shock syndrome. the details of that new plan right here in the situation room. i'm not a number. i'm not a line item on a budget. and i'm definitely not a pushover. but i am a voter. so washington... before you even think about cutting my medicare and social security benefits... here's a number you should remember. 50 million. we are 50 million seniors who earned our benefits... and you will be hearing from us... today and on election day. ♪ turning now to iraq. most u.s. troops are expected to be out of the country by january and need almost all of them. now an iraqi request for small. a training and assistance force to be left behind could be in serious jeopardy tp chris lawrence is following the latest twins and turns. chris, this hinges on whether or not iraqis agree to grant immune it to troops stationed in iraq after january 1st. what's the latest? >> that's right, wolf. 39,000 troops left now, the issue is whether troops after the first of the year will keep it. our sources over the weekend were saying this was a done deal. it was dead. they weren't getting immunity. but today, leon panetta says there is still hope for the deal and he says the two sides are still talking. >> senior military official tells cnn u.s. and iraq could not agree on giving u.s. troops immunity past the end of the year. about the negotiation it keep u.s. troops into iraq past december 31st, the official says the discussions on numbers are over. but monday defense secretary leon panetta says the two sides are talking about whether they will train vizors. >> at the time, i'm not discouraged because they're still in negotiationes with the iraqis. >> while a pentagon spokesman says time is running short, pa netta says there is no specific day when it'll be too late to negotiate. >> there is no drop-dead date. >> but go back a few months to mid summer when the secretary was clearly frustrated and wanted the iraqis to move quickly. >> they want us to stay, don't they want us to stay. minister defense or not minister of defense but damn it, make a decision. >> as far back as april, officials said the iraqis needed to decide within weeks. >> i think the most agreecive timeframe for our withdraw will be this summer. that's why that request coming as soon as possible is critical. >> spring and summer have gone and gone and apparently u.s. officials since of urgency as well. senior military official says the sticking point was immunity. iraq has not agreed to continue to grant it to american troops. without immunity, if they were charged with a crime, they could be prosecuted in iraqi courts under iraqi law. >> we have been very upfront with the iraqis throughout this discussion phase. and even before the actual discussions started, that any u.s. servicemembers that we have serving in iraq, would have to have the same sorlt of legal protections that they do now have under the security agreement. >> here is another problem. the iraqi parliament is in recess until late november. that would only give them a short amount of time, few weeks to negotiate this out before the end of the year. a military official here in the pentagon says the pentagon, despite what happens at the enof the year, the pentagon wants it create a military to military relationship with the iraqi forces like they have with other countries which could include, an ongoing relationship in years to come. a senior defense official told me there is still a possibility even if troops have to get out bit end of year that if this immunity issue could be worked out afterwards, a limited amount of u.s. training missions could be brought in from say, kuwait, to help the iraqis. wolf? >> chris lawrence. thanks very much. important story for all of our viewers. meanwhile, when your cell phone company calls, it is usually bad news. that could soon change. it could save you money. we'll explain when we come back. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car's totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? cell phone users can now avoid the unpleasant experience of finding their bills are much higher than expected. at least cell phone users here in the united states. because they exceeded monthly limits. lisa sylvester explains. >> burlington, virginia resident melanie preston logs a lot of time on her cell phone planning her may wedding. when she went on line recently she was shocked to see more than $200 monthly wireless bill. >> that is almost double what you were supposed to be paying. >> fcc calls it bill shock when there are hefty charges exceeding their cell phone plan. >> it wasn't one particular phone call. it was multiple calls. a minute here. a minute there. then once you do go over you get charged for even i think, nightly rates. and weekend rates. and all of the above. >> fcc study last year found one in six americans received higher than expected wireless service bills. 67% of them had unexpected charges of more than $100. 20% were more for $1,000. fcc chairman says that has to stop. >> there's always been a simple technological solution to this. send out alerts, text or voice, as a consumer is approaching their limits. and let the consumer manage their bills. >> the fcc has been looking into the issue for the last year and a half and was considering establishing a new mandatory rule for wireless carriers. but under a new agreement reached with the industry carriers will voluntarily notify consumers when they get close to exceeding their monthly limits. via tree text or voice message. >> the idea is that for texting, voice and data, you will get an alert before you reach your limit and once you have reached your limit. for international roaming, once you are international and you are roaming on the network. >> wireless carriers will begin rolling out the system within the next year p all four alerts must be operational within the next 18 months. >> so there are a total of four alerts. one each telling you you are getting close to your limit for voice, text and data. another alert for international roaming. those alerts will be both before and after you have exceeded your plan's total. wolf? >> probably a smart idea. lisa, thank you. jack cafferty just ahead. and i have a surprise for him. you are going to want to this this. . with advanced power, the verizon 4g lte network makes your business run faster: smartphones, laptops, tablets, mobile hotspots. but not all 4g is created equal. among the major carriers, only verizon's 4g network is 100% lte, the gold standard of wireless technology. and while other carriers may have limited lte coverage, verizon is the largest lte network in america and ever-growing. with verizon 4g lte, you can invent new ways to upgrade your business using real-time group meetings from remote locations, video conferencing, mobile credit-card payments, lightning-fast downloads, and access to thousands of business apps. plus, verizon has the largest selection of 4g lte devices and the most 4g lte coverage for your business. all on america's fastest, most reliable 4g network. no wonder more businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. verizon. sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. interesting new video spreading online featuring republican president did he know candidate herman cain. this was in 1991 appearance at an omaha press club show when he was ceo of godfather's pizza. listen to his rendition of john lennon's hit, "imagine." ♪ pretty cool. there he is, the young herman cain. give us the cafferty file. >> hysterical. imagine there is no pizza? the guy has a sense of humor. i would vote for him based on that. that's what's missing in washington. there is none. got background singers? this doesn't get any better than this. imagine there's no pizza! he's got a good voice, too. question this hour box herman cain's 9-9-9 tax plan get to you vote for him? bill in virginia, i hope i get a chance to vote for herman cain beyond the republican primary. like any plan, 9-9-9 would not survive as proposed so i'm less concerned about the details but he at least has a plan and it is at a very high level on the right track. everyone should pay something. not like now where 47% of individuals pay nothing along with a lot of profitable corporations. chuck in florida writes, no. in florida we have a 6% sales tax. cain's plan would have us paying 15% on food and clothing. it would severely impact many here who can barely make ends meet. jim in california. 9 na-9-9 is deeply flawed. not only does it give the government a new revenue stream but you can be sure in the congo would make it 10, did 10-10, then 12-12-12. there's no limit. brad writes, tax cuts for millionaires and corporations. what's not to like? sign me up. michael on facebook writes, i'm voting for him because of his personality, intelligence, executive experience, and sense of humor. the 9-9-9 plan is a start. henry says, rome fell when it started to let pizza vendors dictate tax policy. this is a little known historical fact. and s in florida writes, it depends, jack, if my nine topping pizza isn't here in nine minutes, do i to pay the $9? read more on or on the situation room's facebook page. imagine there's no pizza. wolf? >> imagine. a most unusual take on herman cain's economic plan. woman: saving for our child's college fund was getting expensive. man: yes it was. so to save some money, we taught our 5 year old how to dunk. woman: scholarship! woman: honey go get him. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. hi. kristin. and, you... (camera flashes) yoleine...yoleine.! what do your friends think of your car? they think it's cool. well, what did they say about it? ah, that it's cool. (laughs) does your focus match your personality? yes, it does match my personality. it's very classic. it's funny. it's quirky. it's sleek. it's shiny. it's practical. and, it's smart. (laughs) i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. republican presidential candidate hem an cain may be surging in the polls but his plan 9-9-9 is making the jokes. >> my 9-9-9 plan. >> cover your ears -- >> 9-9-9. >> if you've heard it nine time. or 999 times too many. >> 9-9-9. he keeps saying it every day like the count on sesame street. ♪ count to 9 for me >> reporter: it's not herman cain's tax plan itself that's doubting us batty. even company like spirit airline are jumping on the bandwagon with the 9-9-9 travel plan featuring the 9 naun 9 zpairs the z pizza chain is offering a large cheese pie for $9.99. >> herman cain thing is a joke. >> when you take 9-9-9 plan and you turn it up side down, i think the devil is in the details. >> reporter: from letterman to leno. >> michele bachmann was trying too hard to show how smart she is. every time herman cain would go, 9-9-9, she would go, 27! >> reporter: the slow jam. ♪ 9-9-9 ♪ not quite 10 >> reporter: and it isn't just multiplying. it is spreading to other numbers. >> how do you guarantee that 9-9-9 down the line doesn't become 12-12-12? >> how we fix health care? the 3-3-3 plan. you get three pills, three days off and 3 chicken noodle soups. >> the 0-0-0 plan. >> reporter: but that plan is zilch compared to the fame of 9-9-9 which has been translated. >> 9, 9, 9. >> reporter: forget the tax implications. it is so tin

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Track , Pressure , It K , Speeds , Fast , Win , 225 , Shot , Purse , 5 Million , Pack , Suzie , Son Oliver , 2 , 7 , 33 , 34 , Driver , Indy Car , Christine Romans , 2003 , It Fathom , Chad Myers , 220 , Each Other , Showing , Directions , Motion , Word , Realtime , Cars , Indy 500 , Desert , 500 , Front , Stretch , Away , Oval , Circle , Don T Stop Turning , Turn , View , Broadway , Bank Turn , Helmet , Paul Tracy , Catch Fence , Barrier , Back Straight , Gas , 02 5 , 1 5 , Course , Race Car Drivers , Turns , File , Street Body Car , Profile , Bay Little Yellow Tarp , Roll Hoop , Bar , Body , Parade Lap , Memorial , The End , Doesn T , Hit , Graphics , Reason , Investigate , Dan Fatally , Seasons , Border Fence , Memories , 5 , Trips , Residence Inn , Snds Ng Melodic Tune , Value Performance , Malennounc , Makthworld A Feplace , Northrop Grumman , Northr Gruan , Caramel , O0 C1 , Chocolate , Dabout Werther , Werther S Original Caramel Chocolate , Magic , I M In Charge , Rally , Mexico , 24 , Event , David , Contributor , Donna Brazile , People Weren T , Joking , Sound , Explanation , Alex , Crowd Reaction , Truth , Think , Difference , Germ , Front Runner , Kpla , Debates , Talks , Don T , Arguments , Audience , Discussion , Immigration System , Subject , Executions , Uninsured , Gay Soldier , Approach , Borders , Border Patrols , Immigration Reform , Times , Doubt , Couple , Benefit , Gaff , Blow Over , All Of The Above , Guy , Break , Interesting , Scene , Amusing , Conservatives , Tours , Black Man , Florida , Blacks , U S Supreme Court , Liberals , Moderates , Organization , Delegates , Opportunity , Diversity , Woman , It T , Leadership , Principles , Marriage , The Field , Best Orrator , No One , Votes , Big , If , 95 , Process , All Americans Want A , Parties , Room , Allegiance , Governors , Gender Diversity , Pains , Rates , Roof , Somebody , Someone , Success , Way , Tables , Disagreement , Iraq , Presence , Phase , Mission , U S Military , Zero , Live In Las Vegas , Relations , Cabinet Agencies , 30 , 1 Trillion , Shrimp , Angela Trapp , My Name , Red Lobster , 15 99 , 5 99 , Relief , Sea Food , Back Pain , Technicians , Scientists , 400 Billion , 3 Million , 400 Billion Dollars , Cleaner , School , Domestic , Smarter Power , Deductible , Bad News , Insurance , Uhh , 00 , Safe Driving , Nationwide , Coffee , Brakes , Back On The Road , Pricing , Agenda , Danger , Bob , Image , Ken In , Extent , Self , Seattle , 37 , Intentions , Property , Changes , Trashing , Sway , Public Opinion , Drums , Chance , Exuberance , It Order , Appeal , Youth , Discipline Aid , Niece , Chairs , Theme , Little Guy , Los Angeles , Mistake , Burt , Corporations , Duty , Speeches , Declaration Of Independence , Speech , Amendment , Destiny , Jiks Jim , Counter Culture Hipsters , Jeff , Georgia , Communes , Interview , Eest , Cell Phone Users , First , Millions , Bill Shock , Deal , Dollars , Headlines , Around The World , Breaking News , Jeanne Moos , Millers 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Survey , Sta Tist Ekly , South Carolina , Page , Budget , Proposal , Wokers , Trillion , Bird Squawks , Bird Chirps , Wrench , Elevator Bell Dings , Bird Screeching , Mike Rogers , Discount Double , Discount Double Check , Twist , Tresham Collection , Kohler , Quarterback , Aaron Rodgers , Discounts , Guys , Move , Fee , Touchdown Dance , Dancer , Robot , Her , Mrr , State Farm , Racing World , Mourning , Heart , Condolences , Personal Recollection , Eyewitness , Auto Racing World , Dangers , Kids , Wheels , Tail , Movie , Stop , Set , Days Of Thunder , Open Wheel Cars , Emergency Crew , Stuck , Career , Question Mark , Trophies , Tragedy , Legacy , Innovations , Senior , Dale Earnhardt , Greg Moore , Notch , I Don T Know , Mom And Dad , Ban , Risks , Race Driver , Time , Mario Andretti , Safe , Thrill Seekers , Fencing , Improvement , Sport Isn T For Everybody , Same , Walls , Safer , Systems , Restraint , Head , Seats , Ballistic Type , Cares , Tangles , Safety Glass , Plexiglass , Spider Web , Web , Race Events , Racing Track , Enough , Questioning , It Safe , World Class Facility , Las Vegas Motor Speedway , Track Given , Hindsight , Ban Resident , Factor , Quarters , Fencing System , Bang , Bounce , Nascar , Control , Intner Locking Wheel , Stock Cars , Motor Sports , Concern , Loved Life , Season , Twinkle , Smile , Eye , Meeting , Sponsor , Highs , Lowest , Lows , Big Tire Sale , Yes , Price , Tires , Anywhere , We , Ford , Correct , Riously , Nice , Fiona , 100 Bucks , 11 , Spirit , Attitude , Television , Civil A War , Revolutionary War , Slavery , Depression , Americans Don T , World War 1 , World War Ii , 1 , Earth , God Bless You , God Bless The United States Of America , President Of The United States , Battle Ground State , Texas Congressman , Jobs Front , Congressman , Revolutionary , Jobs Proposal , Ideas , Cabinet , Budge Net , Charge , Matter , Radicals , Deficits , 40 , Office , Bureaucrats , Department Of Energy , Department Of Education , Department Of Commerce , Department Of Interior , Department Of Housing And Urban Development , 38000 , A Hundred Thousand , 4200 , Nonproductive , Government Jobs , 9000 , 221000 , Bombs , America S Nuclear Arsenal , Nuclear Over Solar , Weapons , Military Spending , Arsenal , Military , Department Of Dod , Np Militaryism , Department Of Defense , Order , Speck , Drones , 7000 , Administration , Army , Marine Corps , Air Force , Navy , 200 Billion , Defense , It Doesn T , Defense Spending , Military Duty , Wars , 4 Trillion , Debt , Germany , Bernie , South Korea , Gentlem Japan , Attack , 6 Billion , 4 Billion , Policy , Justice , Disputes , Levels , Didn T Go How High , Cia , Facts , Person , Fine , Justice Department , Aarrested , House Intelligence Committee , Naen Court , Dianne Feinstein , War , War In Iraq , Propaganda , Iranians , Itching , Fraud , Investigations , Fast And Furious , Intelligence , Possibility , Wouldn T , Episode , Sting Operation , War Propaganda , Go To War Against , Bad Guy , Court , Table , Total , Western Debate , Troops , Agreement , Few , Wester , Baghdad , Cell Phones Users , Bill Shock Syndrome , Social Security Benefits , Medicare , Pushover , So Washington , Line Item , Seniors , Hearing , Benefits , 50 Million , Request , Chris Lawrence , Force , Training , Twins , Assistance , Iraqis , That S Right , Latest , Hinges , January 1st , 39000 , Sources , Immunity , Leon Panetta , Weekend , Military Official , Official , Negotiation , Iraq Past December 31st , 31 , December 31st , Discussions , Pentagon , Spokesman , Negotiationes , Train Vizors , Pa Netta , Minister Of Defense , Minister Defense , Secretary , Summer , Spring , Agreecive , Decision , Urgency , Discussion Phase , Iraqi Courts Under Law , Crime , Servicemembers , Protections , Security Agreement , Sorlt , Amount , Enof , Iraqi Parliament , Relationship , Defense Official , Forces , Military Relationship , Immunity Issue , Training Missions , Say , Kuwait , Cell Phone Company Calls , Accident Doesn T , Car Replacement , Auto Insurance Product , Liberty Mutual Insurance , 15000 , Call , Auto Insurance , Responsibility , Coverage , Resident Melanie Preston , Limits , Cell Phone Planning , Wedding , Lisa Sylvester , Burlington , Fcc , Charges , It Bill Shock , 200 , Cell Phone Plan , There , Phone Call , Fcc Study Last Year , 1000 , 000 , Alerts , Voice , Text , Consumer , Chairman , Solution , Carriers , Industry Carriers , Rule , Half , Consumers , Alert , Idea , Data , Voice Message , Tree Text , Texting , Limit , Roaming , Network , 18 , Surprise , 4g Network , 4g Lte Network , 4g , Tablets , Smartphones , Lte , Laptops , Equal , Mobile Hotspots , Lte Network , 4g Lte , Group Meetings , Lte Coverage , Locations , 4g Lte Coverage , Downloads , 4g Lte Devices , Payments , Video Conferencing , Selection , Mobile , Business Apps , On America S Fastest , Carrier , Bag , Wonder , Sir , Nurse , Science , X Ray , Deck , Appearance , 1991 , Ceo , Rendition , Godfather S Pizza , Omaha Press Club , John Lennon , Pizza , Background Singers , None , Box , Level , Individuals , Food , Clothing , Chuck , Revenue Stream , Ends Meet , Congo , Jim , California , Michael , No Limit , Brad , 10 , Tax Policy , Executive Experience , Start , Personality , Pizza Vendors , Henry , It Depends , Child , College Fund , Honey Go , Scholarship , Dunk , Car Insurance , White Meat Chicken , Chicken Noodle , Anncr , Progresso , Geico Com , Quote , Soup , Hockey Game Last Night , Pairs , Pj , Kristin , Yoleine , Camera Flashes , 999 , 9 99 , 99 , 27 , 3 , 0 , Marilyn , Birthday , Swings , In Vegas , Lady Gaga , Reference , Painting , John Kennedy , Marilyn Monroe , 1962 ,

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