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watergate. we'll explain as today marks the 40th anniversary of the infamous break-in. good morning, everyone, and happy father's day. it is sunday, june 17, we'll catch you up on what you missed overnight in a moment. first, i had to share the story of a teacher who apparently ordered an entire class to beat up a so-called bully at school. it happened in san antonio, texas. new kindergarten teacher has lost her job. look, i am all about stopping bullying. we do a lot on this program on the topic because it has to end. but this is extreme. this texas teacher allegedly punished a 6-year-old boy by ordering an entire class to take turns hitting him. here's what we know from police -- the boy's regular teacher called the boy a bully and asked another teacher how to best discipline him. this of the result. it was apparently her attempt to show the class and the boy why bullying is bad. she reportedly instructed them to hit him and even shouted, "hit him harder." what's even more bizarre, the boy's mother said she never heard complaints from the school about her son's behavior. >> not a bully. he's a kindergartner. he never had -- they never had any problems with his behavior ever. >> when school officials found out about this, they put both teachers on paid administrative leave. cynthia ambrose, who suggested the slug fest, could face criminal charges as the district attorney continues to investigate. >> i've never had an instance where the teacher thinks the way we discipline a child is by having the other classmates beat the child up. that's not something i've ever run across before. >> the 6-year-old boy wasn't seriously hurt. his mom says he was traumatized. get this -- the report says some of the boy's closest friends were ordered to hit him and did it because they were afraid not to. what do you think about this? what if anything should happen to this teacher? you can tweet me, @randikayecnn. we'll discuss this and share your responses. let me take you to colorado where more than 54,000 acres have been burned and nearly 200 homes have been destroyed in the fast-moving hyde park wildfire in northern colorado. thousands have been evacuated. today's weather could make things worse with 50 mile-per-hour winds expected. it was sparked over a week ago when lightning struck a tree. and officials say it could be another month before they have it fully under control. further west, about an hour outside of los angeles, firefighters are battling a blaze that's grown to 2,000 acres. one official says the brush fire was helped by steady winds but that he didn't expect it to threaten any homes. i want to update you now on a story that i covered this week in the small town of shiner, texas. a father who beat to death a boy who was allegedly trying to rape his daughter. it is the first time the man's identity has been released. a grand jury will decide if he should be charged in the case. some neighbors think the father should be given a medal, not a criminal charge. greeks are heading to the polls in a nailbiting election that could send shock waves through the u.s. economy, wall street, europe, and asia as well, matthew chance has more. good morning. this election critical in deciding whether or not greece stays in the eurozone. tell us what exactly is at stake here. >> reporter: well, it's that issue very much, randi. it's not just about what government leads greeks from their point of view. it's about the implications this election will have for the future of the eurozone. the single currency in the european union. if greece votes for a party that rejects the austerity measures that have been imposed upon it by its international creditors, it could mean that the country crashes out of the eurozone. and if that happens, the consequences are very uncertain. it could mean all sorts of financial calamities befalling the continent. that's c this election has so much focus -- that's why this election has so much focus now. the hope is around europe that the greeks will elect a party that continues with the austerity measures even though that's causing a great deal of economic hardship in greece. >> we talk a lot about greece, matthew, about this election is really bigger than greece. some are calling this vote a potential lehman brothers moment for europe. we're certainly familiar with that in the u.s. that could trigger a disastrous domino effect. some believe even if greece leaves the eurozone and banks don't get funding and there's no bailout money, that could hit spain, italy, portugal, france, right? this could boomerang on the u.s. >> reporter: yeah. it's a contagion effect is the significance. [ no audio ] >> reporter: then the banks may -- [ inaudible ] >> we're going to have to leave it there. we've lost the signal there. we'll get back to him. that was matthew chance reporting in athens. an international manhunt for a suspected triple murder has ended. 21-year-old travis baumgardner was captured yesterday while attempting to cross into the united states at a cross iing i washington state. three guards were killed, a fourth critically injured. one man is dead, four people injured after a stage collapsed at a concert in toronto. police say the weather was good at the time. no significant winds or storms. the incident took place an hour before fan were due to arrive for a soldout show by the band radiohead. the concert was canceled. here's a rundown some of the other stories that we're working on -- jerry sandusky may have a new defense for his child abuse trial. it's called histrionic personality disorder. we'll explain what it is. plus, some bones discovered in the ruin of a bulgarian church may belong to john the baptist. we'll tell you what scientists are saying. and today is the 40th anniversary of the watergate break-in. we'll share no informatiew info about the man who helped expose the scandal. the final round of the u.s. open golf tournament is today. we'll tell you about a 17-year-old golfer who's casting a big shadow on tiger woods. hi, i'm from passion bagram, i wish my father, harry harris a wonderful father's day. stay off the couch, don't work so hard. love you, good-bye. born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats, no matter where they are... are born to be cats. and shouldn't your cat be who he was born to be? discover your cat's true nature. purina one. discover your cat's true nature. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. what a beautiful day it is already shaping up to be in atlanta. good morning, everyone. take a look at that sky. glad you're with us for "early start weekend." father's day may have an entirely new meaning for one family today. swift current and high waters turned a family kayaking trip into a nightmare on saturday. a raging oregon river swamped the family of four's boat, leaving them to fend for themselves. thankfully, the oregon army/national guard was able to rescue each person to safety. dramatic video there. today, jerry sandusky is expected to meet with the prosecution's psychologist who will examine him to see if he has something called histrionic personality disorder. it seems his lawyers plan on using that as a defense, arguing his so-called love letters to young boys weren't part of a grooming technique but, rather, a byproduct of this disorder. what is histrionic personality disorder? according to the national institute of health, those with the disorder act in an emotional and dramatic way that draws attention to themselves. one expert says scarlet o'hara from "gone with the wind" is an example of someone with the disorder. the national institutes of health say they're theatrical, fake, and usually female. we may see histrionic personality disorder come up with the defense starts this week. susan candiotti has a preview of what to expect when the prosecution rests tomorrow. >> reporter: good morning, randi. for four days, jurors heard prosecutors set out to prove jerry sandusky is a serial predator. raping and molesting ten boys. come monday, the defense takes center stage. after a week of listening to withering testimony from and about ten alleged victims, jerry sandusky began and ended nearly every day with a smile on his face. his lawyer is trying to be upbeat. >> every day's hard. >> have you decided -- >> it's tough work. >> reporter: tough work defending a man who himself is a legend for designing defense on the football field. criminal defense attorney ron kuby has sandusky has an uphill battle. >> there's a tsunami of evidence against him. >> reporter: sandusky's strategy is expected to attack the timeline of repeated alleged sexual assaults raised during cross examination by pointing out conflicts with sandusky's schedule. the defense is suspected to question whether alleged victims were motivated to come forward by possible lucrative lawsuits. nonsense, says howard janet, attorney for alleged victim six. >> does that mean that none are telling the truth because they've gone to hire a lawyer? that's absurd. >> reporter: sandusky's wife appeared briefly in court the first day but stayed away the rest of the time, indicating she's expected to take the stand to defend her husband. >> what is his wife going to say in his defense unless she was in the shower with him? and the various young boys, which obviously she wasn't. she has, as far as i can see, nothing to offer this case outside of some sort of plea for sympathy. >> reporter: the defense also plans to bring in a psychologist to explain love letter sandusky wrote to alleged victims. in court papers, the defense indicates the letters were not part of a predator's grooming technique but indicative of someone suffering from a histrionic personality disorder who wanted to make himself more endearing to the boys in his charity. >> are you looking ford presenting your case? >> reporter: a dpag order is preventing sandusky -- gag order is preventing sandusky from talking, but the defense promised jurors they would hear from sandusky. >> the only chance he has is to take the witness stand and maybe convince one juror to hold out. >> reporter: will he or won't he take the stand? ultimately sandusky must decide whether he wants to look jurors in the eye and face prosecutors armed with tough questions of their own. randi? >> susan candiotti, thank you very much. imagine this -- imagine having 19 siblings. that is the case for one family that is highlighting a growing population problemment find out why it could have some unintended consequences. plus, one man claims his sandwich was so bad he called 911 to report it. we'll tell you the advice police gave him. 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[ baby crying ] ♪ what started as a whisper ♪ every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. ♪ slowly turned to a scream ♪ there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? ♪ amen, omen i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. welcome back. let's check some stories cross country. an upset customer in connecticut calls 911 to complain about his lunch order. he even had the nerve to use the store's phone to make that call. when police arrived, they gave him the same advice as the emergency dispatcher -- listen -- >> you're calling 911 because you don't like the way that they're making your sandwich? in topeka, kansas, frank and neda weiss are celebrating 75 years of marriage. after three quarters of a century together the flames are still burning, according to frank. >> when i walk in the front door out here, she's all excited and throws her arms up most of the time. you're actually more in love when you get older, i think, than when you're young. i come to see her every day. i've been doing that for 4 1/2 years. i'll continue because it's just the way it is. >> frank is a good man. surf's up in san diego, california. it was a dog day at the beach for some furry surfers. the will to dog was named at the lowe's surf dog competition. the event benefits the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. whoa! that was fun. after losing his daughter to a drunk driver, a father in montana set out on a mission to try to protect all the children of his community from the same fate. ahead of this father's day, we celebrate cnn hero leo mccarthy, the courageous dad who refused to let his daughter become just another statistic. october 27, 2011, was a beautiful autumn day. mariah, she was with her two friends. i didn't know the last time i kissed her was going to be my last time. later that night, they were walking down this path when an underage drunk driver swerved off the road and hit them. mariah landed here. she died that night. they were only a block away from my house. mariah was only 14, and i'm thinking how did this happen? it is so preventable. my name is leo mccarthy. i give kids tools to stay away from drinking. our state has been notoriously top five in drinking and driving fatalities in the country. the drinking culture, it's a cyclical disease that we allow to continue. mariah's challenge is be the first generation of you kids to not drink. in the eulogy, i said, if you stick with me for four years, don't use alcohol, don't use illicit drugs, i'll be there with a bunch of other people to give you money. to go to a post secondary school. >> i promise not to drink until i am 21. >> i promise not to get into a car with someone who has been drinking. >> i promise to give back to my community. >> i think mariah's challenge is something that makes people think a little bit more. to say we can be better. mariah's forever 14. i can't get her back. but i can help other parents keep their kids safe. if we save one child, we save a generation. >> and remember, all of our heroes come from your nominations. go to tell us about your hero. he's a central figure in christianity. now scientists say they may have identified the bones of john the baptist. we'll tell you where they were found. er is different but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you. well, more and more people are bundling their home and auto insurance with progressive. sure seems and why that way. wouldn't you? you can save on both your home and auto policies. yep. we talked about this. [meow!] [meow!] bundling and saving. now, that's progressive. play rocket cat adventures at welcome back. he is known as the man who baptized jesus. now scientist say six bones believed to have belonged to john the baptist may be the real thing. the revelation comes after a series of dna tests. one of those bones which were discovered two years ago in the ruins of a bulgarian church was dated back to the first century a.d. when john the baptist would have lived. a scientist involved says that while they cannot be certain the bones are john the baptist's, they also can't rule it out. critical u.s. allied pakistan could face a threat even greater than the militants who wage battle on its borders. its population is surging at a nearly uncontrollable rate and could have consequences reaching all the way to our shores. >> reporter: first it was -- [ names ] 20 brothers and sisters. all of the kids belonging to dad, islam, and his two wives who didn't want to be camera. the couples have so many children, the dad admits it gets confusing. sometimes i forget their names and ask for help, he says. the family may still get bigger. the family is happy to have more kids, but aid groups say it's families like theirs that are adding to a rapid population growth in pakistan that's fast becoming this country's most dangerous crisis. >> i can see the population problem, the biggest problem of this country. >> it's of huge concern that we are growing at one of the fastest rates in asia. >> reporter: with well over 180 million people, pakistan is the sixth most populace country in the world. >> the future is bleak because of this population. >> reporter: the population welfare department admits the government shares the blame. pakistan doesn't do nearly enough, he says, to offer effective family planning services and teach people about birth control. >> we do not have that much mobility. we do not have that much sources. >> as we are doing research, we notice women say they don't want that many children or they wanted to have a child later but didn't find the services. >> reporter: another challenge -- a deeply conservative culture. many here view birth control as unislamic. none of these methods is allowed in islam, says this muslim cleric. why should muslims worry about population when god cares for everyone? today just one out of five pakistani women uses modern birth control. a factor that fuels pakistan's growth by roughly four million people every year. pakistan is on pace to double its population in just 40 years. >> everything is going to explode. >> reporter: everything's going to explode? because of the population? >> i think it's a frightening idea. >> reporter: frightening because pakistan already suffers from widespread poverty, joblessness, an energy crisis, a woeful education system, and the bloody fight against islamist militants. imagine the same problems if the population doubled. >> naturally there will be epidemics that will be vast, there will be fights for the food and water and for everything. >> reporter: the moment children are -- the children are already paying the price. the family can only afford to send four of their 20 children to school. the rest work to support the family. denied their most basic rights to have a childhood, an education, and dreams of a better life. there's still help for pakistan, experts say. they point to muslim countries like iran and bangladesh. they've curbed their population despite similar challenges. experts say those countries started with the political will to do something, then spent a lot of time and resources on family planning efforts. pakistan can do it, too, they say, but time is running out. cnn. there's another side to pakistan's population boom. it s growing use of social media. out of pakistan's 180 million people, 30 million use the internet, according to a report. the most visited site, facebook, and that's followed by google and youtube. she was banned from speaking on the floor of the michigan state house after daring to utter the word "vagina" during a heated debate. now this politician will be saying it a lot more with the help of a tony award-winning playwright. and a rare health scare in oregon. the plague. we'll tell you how one guy got it. record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. 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finally, mr. speaker, i'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no. >> michigan republicans said she wasn't punished for saying "vagina" but for violating house decorum rules and acting unprofessionally. and the u.s. air force's unmanned space plane completed its mission. the plane which is 1/4 the sides of the space shuttle will -- size of the space shuttle had been in orbit for more than a year. a primeville, oregon, man is in critical condition after being diagnosed with the plague. health officials say the man contracted the rare disease from an infected stray cat that has since died. that cat's body was sent to the centers for disease control so they can test it. in saudi arabia, the royal family is preparing for the funeral of crown prince abdull aziz. president obama praised the prince's hardline stance against terrorism in his country. the world's eyes are on greece. the country is voting in a pivotal election that could have huge consequences for the struggling u.s. economy and for debt-ridden europe. voters are picking a new parliament and deciding between parties who favor and oppose an international bailout. if the anti-bailout party wins, that could push greece right out of the eurozone, sending shock waves through the financial markets and wall street. we'll continue to watch what happens. another closely watched election is underway in egypt right now. voters are heading to the polls for a second straight day to pick a president. cnn's ivan watson joining us from cairo. good morning to you. you're seeing everything firsthand on the ground there. what's the turnout been, what's the mood like? >> reporter: well, good morning. in this polling station, as you see, it's small but pretty crowded. people in some cases voting behind this sheet. here in in some cases behind that barrier, filing through despite the -- [ inaudible ] >> reporter: afternoon heat here. this is day two of this presidential election. someone saying the first time in thousands of years that egyptians are getting to choose their leader and don't know what the outcome of the vote will be. one of the representatives of the muslim brotherhood which is fueling one of the two candidates slept outside the polling station last night to ensure that nobody tampered with the votes that had been cast yesterday in this ballot box. i'm going to show one of the ballots, randi. there are two candidates here. they're a former air force general and handpicked prime minister of the deposed dictator hosni mubarak, and the candidate -- [ inaudible ] >> reporter: from the long-bann long-banned -- it's felt with a stark choice ahead, the vote can help determine the very future of this country. randi? >> we've been talking about greece and egypt this morning. like greece, this election is bigger than egypt, as well. i mean, egypt's been a critical ally for the u.s. in the mideast where we've seen so much turmoil. how do you think this election might impact that? >> reporter: well, i mean, egypt is a crucial american/middle eastern ally. it's on the border with israel. it was long considered the cultural and political leader of the arab world. it's a -- a populist country, too, with more than 90 million people. it's been in turmoil for the past year and a half. the transition from dictatorship has been a messy one and a difficult one, and it's far from over. just two days ago, the ruling military council here dissolved the recently elected parliament which was dominated by the muslim brotherhood. that was viewed as one of the big achievement of this difficult and sometimes bloody transition since the revolution. and it's been called by some critics a soft military coup. there are a lot of questions ahead for this strategic country in the heart of the middle east. randi? >> ivan watson reporting in cairo. thank you very much. it has been nearly 40 years since the most notorious political scandal in american history began to unfold. we're talking about the watergate break-in. now we are hearing new information that connects president nixon to the mafia. 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[ sigh of relief ] [ short breath ] [ longer breath ] [ short breath ] [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. in the early hours of june 17, 1972, five men are arrested after an attempted break-in at the democratic national committee headquarters in washington. at the time, no one knew their motive, but we would later learn their identities and their links to the committee to re-elect president richard nixon. nixon's role in covering up the crime would lead to his resignation and to one of the biggest political scandals in the nation's history. a scandal known today by one word -- watergate. 40 years later, we're still getting new information about the scandal. the burglars were traced to the nixon administration, but what were they really after? lots of speculation, of course. no one really knows for sure. but author lamar waldron tells me he has new information. >> it went back to 1960 when richard nixon of the vice president and had been for eight years, running a very close election race against senator john kennedy. and to get an edge in the election, richard nixon pressured the cia to work with the mafia to senate the new leader of cuba, fidel castro. >> yeah, i was going to ask about that. there has been speculation that then-vice president nixon was trying to lay the groundwork for that. you've uncovered new information about it. >> right. in other words, it was nixon who actually pressed for that. he was eisenhower's action officer for cuba. eisenhower delegated cuba to nixon. nixon pressed for that thinking that if fidel castro died right before the election, the public would stick with the proven eight-year vice president over the relatively inexperienced young senator kennedy. however, the mafia was not able to assassinate fidel. that same month, september, 1960, some of the same mafia members also contributed to a half million-dollar bribe to richard nixon on behalf of the campaign and to stall an indictment against jimmy hoffa. that happened back in 1960. you would think that would be ancient history. >> right. >> however, the fbi and justice department had records about that cia mafia plot. and they had records about that half million-dollar bribe that involved some would say mobsters. >> when you talk about the plot, the mafia/cia plot, there's a name attached to this. the name johnny roseelli. who was he? >> johnny roselli of the key mobster in the plot. he was the chicago mafia's man and n hollywood and las vegas -- >> he was the assassin? >> no, he was a fixer, a deal-maker. he would later broker casino deals to howard hughes. he was the ultimate fixer in the mafia. he turned to his boss and the florida godfather because they had the connections to get fidel killed. the two also donated to that half million-dollar mafia bribe back in september, 1960. nixon had those two big secrets in his past. no one has ever yet until now been able to connect those two big secrets to watergate. and that's what we have brand new documents that was the first to get from the national archives back in april that finally connect the mafia and johnny roselli to watergate and show that that was the reason for the break-ins. >> what about mark felt? his personnel files were released this week by the fbi. why do you think he did what he did? why do you think he helped the reporters? >> those files show clearly that mark felt for almost 30 years had been a very by-the-book, upstanding fbi agent and supervisor and then high fbi official. he fully expected that when j. edgar hoover died a few weeks before the break-in that he would become fbi director. nixon knew that the fbi and hoover had these secrets that he did not want exposed in 1972, an election year. instead of mark felt, who would be the logical successor, who had practically been groomed to be the next find director, nixon chose a political guy that he could trust, l. patrick gray, instead. mark felt was very, very resentful. so in the summer he starts leaking to bob woodward. >> lamar waldron's research is in a new book called "watergate: the hidden history" that's just out this week. a bond between father and son made stronger after a tour of duty in afghanistan. how one dad is dedicating his life to his child's recovery from a devastating blast. hi, i'm captain dominique henry with the first i.d. at bagram field in afghanistan. i want to wish my father and best friend ozi henry in haymarket, virginia, a very happy father's day. major efrem here at bagram, afghanistan. i want to say hello to my lovely children in kansas city, missouri. i love you very much and am honored to be a father. it's a privilege. take care, see you soon. >> we want to wish happy father's day to all of our troops this morning. it is father's day, and it will be extra special for one wounded warrior and father of two who has defied all odds in his recovery. as bob lawrence of our affiliate kgtv explains, it is that marine's father who deserves honors each and every day. >> reporter: this is staff sergeant jason ross whose job while deployed with marines in afghanistan last year was to protect others from homemade bombs. as he crossed a road on patrol -- >> i stepped on ten pounds of homemade explosives. it basically -- because the ground and everything, it was directed completely straight up. >> reporter: the date, march 7, 2011. the same day his father, george, was to start a new job months after being laid off when the phone rang. >> my knees almost buckled. i almost hit the floor. >> reporter: in a field hospital like this, jason was stabilized. then he was taken to germany, then to bethesda naval hospital in maryland. as for george's job -- >> got to bethesda, saw what the situation was. i called them up and said, i'm not coming back. >> reporter: for more than a year, george has been at his son's side as jason tries to recover from a blast that not only stripped him of his legs, it should have killed him. >> basically gave me about 2% or less, more or less, chance that i would survive. >> reporter: jason was initially so weak he couldn't open a bottle of water. the blast so severe that skin grafts are nearly impossible. with all the infections, it's been three steps forward and two steps back. >> he was deteriorating before our eyes. and we were glad that we got that back around. >> i was thinking this way or that way. >> reporter: george gets help in the back yard from friends who are retired military like he is. and from jason's daughter. and for jason, every day is father's day. >> he's taking care of something i'm not aware of. he's taken care of things that came to -- basically the maintenance of me. and it's -- i can't put that into words. >> that was bob lawrence of our affiliate kgtv. jason ross is undergoing treatment and therapy at the naval medical center in san diego. we wish him well. a quick reminder of a story that i've been sharing all morning. file this under "what were you thinking?" a teacher apparently ordered an entire class to beat up a so-called 6-year-old bully at school. why? allegedly to teach the class that bullying is bad. which, of course, it is. but come on -- the teacher reportedly instructed the kids to attack him shouting, "hit him harder." what do you think should happen to the teachers involved here? send me your thoughts, @randikayecnn. i'll read your comments on the air in ten minutes. keep them coming. a teen near the top of the u.s. open leaderboard with a chance at history. he's on our list of the most intriguing people. we'll tell you who else made the short list. as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. baptists, saints, and burdenies. what do they have in -- birdies. what do they have in common? they're on our list of most intriguing people. nadia, good morning. >> good morning. we start with fred luter. this is quite a week for fred. he's currently the vice president of the southern baptist convention. and on tuesday, he's actually likely to be elected president which is a big deal because he'd be the first african-american president in 167 years of the religious organization. the southern baptist convention boasts more than 16 million members. the vote is being held in new orleans on tuesday. the city is dear to fred luter's heart. this is the largest congregation, and it meets in a church that he helped rebuild after hurricane katrina. and as for the prospects of being president, luter says he's pumped and importantly, he's really excited for the church. >> i bet. >> and this is another big week or so for roger goodell from the nfl, the nfl commissioner. tomorrow, he's scheduled to hear appeals from four players that were suspended as part of the new orleans saints bountygate scandal. he's the last word on the punishment part of the whole thing. you probably remember several of the coaches have already been disciplined for paying players to intentionally injure opponents. well, after that, goodle turned his focus to players who allegedly pledged money to that prized pool. interestingly enough, goodell began his career as an intern. so encouraging for all interns. >> certainly. >> he was an admin intern for the nfl and is now commissioner. big decisions this week. >> very impressive. >> and very exciting, of course, is the 17-year-old who is taking the u.s. open by storm. so you might say all eyes are on tiger woods, but the guy that everyone's watching is with a mouth full of braces, beau hossler. and he got a standing ovation on the final hole yesterday. >> getting a lot of attention yesterday. >> four shots behind the leader. and he says he think he can actually win this thing. if he does win, he would join the likes of legendary golfers like bobby jones who won as an amateur. if he is an amateur and does win, he doesn't get the $1.4 million -- >> that's the thing. you work that hard and can't even keep the prize money because you're an amateur? >> exactly. his father said this is quite a father's day present today to see your son's name on the leaderboard at the u.s. open. >> pretty special. >> the person everyone's talking about is beau hossler's mother. this blonde woman called amy belts who is apparently quite attractive and interesting. so lots to talk about with beau hossler with a mouth full of braces and a high school student. >> we'll see if he pulls it off. >> interesting to see. >> thank you. here's our dr. sanjay gupta with a review of what's ahead. as we wait for the supreme court to weigh in on president obama's affordable care act, we're going ask the question -- what would romney do? also, the magnificent seven gymnast dominique moceaneau will join me. and a story you'll only see on cnn. a sister giving her brother and sister-in-law the ultimate gift -- a baby. surrogate sisters. the good, the bad, and the ugly coming up at 7:30 eastern. randi? >> thank you. and file this under "what were you thinking?" a high school teacher apparently ordered a class to beat up a 6-year-old bully at school. we'll tell you more and share your thoughts on this very bizarre and troubling story. i'm a marathon runner, in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... 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Administration , No One , Burglars , Sure , Vice President , John Kennedy , Edge , Race , 1960 , Eight , Cuba , Fidel Castro , Groundwork , Senate , Words , Thinking , Action Officer , To Nixon , Public , Eisenhower , Fidel , Senator , Bribe , Mafia Members , September , September 1960 , Fbi , Records , Behalf , Justice , Indictment , Campaign , Jimmy Hoffa , Name , Plot , Mobsters , The Mafia , Johnny Roselli , Johnny Roseelli , Fixer , Mobster , Assassin , Chicago Mafia S Man And N Hollywood , Deal Maker , Las Vegas , Casino Deals , Connections , Godfather , Boss , Howard Hughes , Florida , Secrets , Documents , Mafia Bribe Back , Mark Felt , Personnel Files , Show , Reason , Break Ins , The National Archives , Book , J Edgar Hoover , Reporters , Agent , Supervisor , Files , 30 , Director , Successor , Summer , Bob Woodward , L Patrick Gray , Dad , Tour , Watergate The Hidden History , Bond , Duty , Afghanistan , Father , Recovery , Dominique Henry , At Bagram Field In Afghanistan , 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Answers , Me Cancer , 78000 , 70 Million , Haven T , Fusion , Danger , Pilot , Reasons , Pilot Episode , Sue Ellen , Larry , O ,

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