Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20120316 : vimarsan

FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends March 16, 2012

but president obama says you asked for drill, baby, drill and you got it! >> so do not tell me that we're not drilling. we're drilling all over this country. >> but is he really? who's doing the drilling? private or federal? we're going to discuss it because "fox & friends" starts just about now. >> welcome aboard. it is, as brian kilmeade's daughter has depicted today, today is -- >> kirsten told me, dad, get a green tie. it's st. patrick's day eve. we have a guest list dotted with st. patrick's day superstars. >> right in the center of the guest list today, our menu of guests, the great irish tenor will be here. >> also the soprano from puerto rico, geraldo rivera. >> we have newt gingrich, mitt romney, a lot to ask them about as the campaign trail has heated up. >> guess who is up early, the greatest women's soccer player in the history of the world, mia hamm, two weeks after giving birth or two months after giving birth is with us in the morning with a great message. >> speaking of hams, we've got -- exactly right, alisyn camerota, always a pleasure to have her. >> i'll take that as a compliment. thanks for being here, as always. let's get right to your headlines now. start with a fox news alert. marine corps reporting another case of an afghan soldier turning his gun on american troops. 22-year-old lance corporal edward j.dykas reportedly shot in the head while standing guard at a joint u.s.-afghan base on february 1st. military officials on both sides keeping the murder secret until now. this is the seventh u.s. service member killed over the past six weeks by a soldier who was supposed to be an ally. another sign of rising tensions, afghan president hamid karzai calling for the immediate withdrawal of all u.s. and nato troops from the country's rural areas. he's also demanding troops leave the country all together by 2013. that's a year earlier than the deadline that president obama set. the taliban is also refusing to participate in peace talks. these developments coming just days after a u.s. soldier allegedly killed 16 villagers in afghanistan. an extreme weather alert now. take a look at this monster tornado. it is closing in on the town in michigan. a total of six twisters spotted in the area. dozens of homes and businesses leveled. right now, there are no reports of any injuries. but police and firefighters are going door to door checking on people. the slow moving storm also packed golf ball sized hail and it is triggering floods. look at that dramatic picture. and check out this thrill. a skydiving daredevil leaping from the high-tech balloon 13.6 miles above the earth. this is 42-year-old australian daredevil felix baumgartner known as fearless felix. he plummeted through the air at 365 miles an hour before opening his chute and landing safely in the new mexico desert. >> that's one crazy cat. >> felix. >> in a few months from now, he's trying to set a new record skydiving from 23 miles up. i guess the last one wasn't thrilling enough. >> how does he get all these days off? to do this? how many sick days does he have? >> any time where you jump out of an airline where you need a space suit. >> a little bit different. >> ok, it was a balloon. all right, meanwhile, politics. they're in full re-election mode right now. president obama and the vice president crisscrossing the country for support and cash. they're taking some jabs at their republicans competition. >> yep. election is in full swing. peter doocy is live in washington with more. hey, peter. >> hey, brian. in toledo, ohio, yesterday we heard the vice president's new pitch to voters and the vice president said that democrats are all about promoting the private sector and giving people a fair shot and shake while republicans want no rules and no accountability so they can protect what he calls the privileged sector. >> mitt romney, rick santorum and newt gingrich, these guys have a fundamentally different economic philosophy than we do. our philosophy, ours is one that values the workers and the success of a business. it values the middle class in the success of our economy! >> the obama administration is trying to drum up support outside ohio as well. releasing yesterday a 17 minute documentary called "the road we've traveled". all about the president's first term. it's narrated by tom hanks and features former president bill clinton as well as chicago mayor and former white house chief of staff rahm emanuel who knocks governor romney by name about the auto bailout. >> a lot of conventional wisdom wanted to do what mitt romney did, let it go. it can't be saved. why put good money after bad. >> but if you scroll down in that 2008 "new york times" op ed, you'll see that mitt romney never says that it can't be saved. it doesn't need a check and a managed bankruptcy may be the only path to fundamental restructuring the industry needs. it would permit the company to shed excess labor, pension and real estate cost and in a management bankruptcy, the federal government would compel newly competitive automakers rather than bail them out with a check. president will attend five fundraisers today, two in chicago and three in atlanta. back to you. >> thank you very much. what's interesting about the 17-minute movie about barack obama is the director, davis guggenheim can't find a single thing to matter with barack obama even though he's the same guy that directed the movie "waiting for superman" about unions and political cronies ruining education. >> i don't think this is the time where you get a counterpoint. >> this is a campaign film. let brian and i explain this to you. >> it's not exactly "crossfire" from the 1980's. steve, you're absolutely right. in the movie, they talk about well, how the president came forward and restored science in this country and how he put science -- where does science go? we've always had science. >> because they need science to invent solar energy and wind power and algae. >> well, we have our political panel coming up so that we can get a take from both sides of the aisle and what they think about this in new film. let's talk about oil and gas prices up again so obviously, the president is having to confront this in all of his campaign speeches as well as presidential speeches and he's basically saying look, we -- we actually are drilling. oil production is up. don't listen to the naysayers, don't listen to the critics. here's the president. >> so do not tell me that we're not drilling. we're drilling all over this country. and i guess there are a few spots where we're not drilling. we're not drilling in the national mall. we're not drilling at your house. if you start hearing the drill, baby, drill. drill, drill, drill, if you start hearing that again? just remember, you've got the facts. we're doing that. tell me something new. >> well, what he's not mentioning to you is that drilling is up amongst private land but when it comes to deep water permits, when it comes to shallow water permits, they are down to historic levels, historic lows right now. we know about 2010, we know about the b.p. disaster but we don't need to know those regulations are in place and the permit process is driving everyone crazy including democratic senators in the louisiana coast and up and down -- up and down the northeast. >> sure. plus the president makes it sound like we're drilling everywhere but not drilling off the coast of florida. instead, the castro brothers are going to do that and we're not drilling out on federal land in the rockies even though you know there's a lot of oil there. >> smothers brothers want to drill there. >> very true. meanwhile, mitt romney last night on the hannity program responding to the president saying hey, ok, you say we're drilling everywhere but these high prices are killing us! listen. >> he thinks this is all very funny but there are a lot of people who have a hard time getting to and from work and, being able to make end meet. you have soccer moms who wonder if they can afford to fill up the gas with vehicle again. there are a lot of people really suffering, having tough times because of these gas prices and i can cut through the baloney and the task force and tell them, mr. president, open up drilling in the gulf, open up drilling in anwar and open up drilling in the outer continental shelf. drill in north dakota. drill in oklahoma and texas, the president is looking for someone to blame and he ought to look in the mirror. i know he likes alternative energy. i'd rather see an alternative president. >> i know. but put it this way, if production doesn't help the overall oil price, if it's too complicated for the average human being to comprehend, why is saudi arabia picking up production and why is the price going down? >> we can ask that question to mitt romney. he'll be on our program a little later on as well as newt gingrich who the president basically said believes the earth is flat. we'll check his response to -- >> to not go over the edge. >> let's talk about this. have you noticed there is an attack on rush limbaugh? people are -- from the left are calling on his advertisers to pull out. >> and some have! >> and some have. you know, he said some things that he regretted and took back. he said the same stuff that some people over at msnbc had said and they apologized just like rush did but they didn't have this boycott organized against them. bill o'reilly last night on this program made it very clear that he does not like boycotts and one is currently -- actually, there's a guy at media research center, friend of this program, he's calling on msnbc to fire people over there because of the things they've said. here's o'reilly. >> some americans are calling for firings, boycotts and in one absurd case, criminal prosecution! all for a speech they don't like. the latest is a conservative media research center calling for the comcast corporation to fire some people at msnbc the entire boycott movement is garbage. the far left threatening sponsors who advertise on programs they don't like is flat out unamerican so i believe that the media research center is making a mistake sinking to that level. we sometimes use some of mrc's facts and they've always been reliable. mrc is a good source of information. it should stay that way and stay out of the boycott business. we want a vibrant america. we want free speech all over the place! but when that speech turns irresponsible, the marketplace should dictate. not pressure groups armed with threats. >> ok. so that's obviously an interesting take on whether or not you think that boycotts are effective or whether they're undemocratic. bret bzell went on sean hannity's show last night for talking about his rationale for calling for the boycott. >> there's a point where you get plain sick and tired of the hypocrisy of the raging hypocrisy of this network. i'm uncomfortable with this speech. >> stopping a 1 way street. it's time to tell these people, you want to fight fire? we have a whole lot more than you got. if you want to make an issue of it, we're going to make you rue the day that you tried us. >> both sides of an issue that's everywhere right now. straight ahead on this show, so what if the president's green initiatives have flopped. he said republicans should get with the times. >> if some of these folks were around when columbus set sail, they must have been founding members of the flat earth society. >> is he right or on the wrong side of history? stuart varney is on the right side of the bed we hope. he's going to be here soon. >> what bed? then time is ticking and john edwards is desperate to stay out of jail. but is he desperate enough to ask one of his worst enemies for help? oh, boy! wait until you hear this. 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