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0 bike and finished the race. >> two minutes till the top of the hour. earlier in the show we remember showing you -- we were showing you viral videos this week. jennifer lawrence falling for the oscars, an uninvited guest at a house in texas and a chinese official throwing a tantrum after missing his flight. >> your favorite? sleepy says the guy who missed his flight. we feel that way sometimes but it is funny to see someone do it. >> erica says the car in the house was funny. everyone should leave jennifer lawrence alone. she says we all trip. >> i agree. our web poll shows 63% of you are stproergt -- voting for that airport tantrum. 23 for jennifer lawrence and 17% for the car on the roof. >> we'll see you back here monday. >> happy march. >>gretchen: that's right. it's the start of a new month today. bright and early, march 1. i'm gretchen carlson. good morning. thanks for sharing your time. tgif. has the sky fallen yet? obama-geddon. it's here and there is no deal in place to avoid the sequester. >> this is pathetic leadership by the commander in chief. this is an abandonment of the republican party's belief in peace through strength. this is the low point of my time in the united states congress. >>gretchen: can this morning's last-minute meeting do anything or is it just a presidential photo op as some people speculated? >>steve: woodward gate gets bigger. other liberal reporters saying the white house threatened me too. we're going to talk about that. >>brian: owe dated madonna. he married car men elect tra. his newest bizarre friendship: the leader of north korea and they pledge friendship forever. >> human sack tpaoeurbgs dogs and cats living together. that is exactly what the white house has been building toward today because the sequester kicks in at midnight, although the president backed off a bit about it. it was kind of like what they said in ghost busters with cats and dogs living together. that's hysteria when these 2% cuts go into effect. >>gretchen: there is a meeting today at 10 kaofpl a.m. -- at 10:00 a.m. with top four congressional leaders. e-mail us. do you think anything will get done. >>brian: we'll find out. i think it is kind of an interesting tactic to wait till the very last day when the deadline is hours away as opposed to wednesday, thursday? tuesday, your schedule available? >>steve: joe biden grounded himself. he's going to take the choo-choo. >>gretchen: other headlines. developing stories in california. look at this new video, a man trying to save his home from a massive fire standing inches from the flames trying to put them out with a house. fire burning throughout the night in riverside county. the flames destroying 150 acres. a mobile home was burned to the ground. luckily no one hurt. >> a woman who works for the state department is dead murdered on vacation in brazil. the 38-year-old was found in a hotel strangled in rio de janeiro. a man admits being in the room with her but police say he denies killing her. a setback in the bell city, california, corruption trial. after a wao*eb of deliberations a juror has been dismissed accused of looking on-line for what would constitute juror coercion. she claims she was being harassed by fellow jurors. members of the city council are accused of inflating their part-time salaries up to $100,000. hernandez claims he was too uneducated to know his actions were wrong. the jury must start deliberations over again. >> talk about an unlikely pair. dennis rod man is no stranger to the spotlight but this time it isn't for his wild behavior. as you can see, he's sitting court side with north korean leader kim jong un. rodman is there filming "basketball diplomacy." >>brian: you know what kim jong un said? and congress share the blame for what's coming. >> you've got one obligation that nobody in this body has. you're the commander in chief of the united states. they trust you. they need you. how any commander in chief could have been comfortable with the idea that if the super committee fails we're going to gut the military, and you haven't lifted a finger in the last year to do anything about it, this is pathetic leadership by the commander in chief. this is an abandon. republican party's belief of peace through strength. this is the low point of my time in the united states congress. >> but president obama doesn't think any of the pain caused by sequestration is his fault. he released this statement last night that placed the blame squarely on the shoulders of republicans in the senate saying -- quote -- "republicans in the senate faced a choice about how to grow our economy and reduce our deficit. and instead of closing a single tax loophole that benefits the well-off and well-connected, they chose he said as the leader of the free world that he did not want the power to have to make these decisions, even though he could have had the power in an executive order and chosen which way these cuts would actually happen. >>steve: because he wants to blame the kwepbz. -- republicans. meanwhile the "wall street journal" says bob woodward has been -- quote -- "ex-communicated from the revelation church of obama. why? because he simply dared to tell the truth in his book and in a column in "the washington post" this past weekend he said the sequester was the invention of this white house and it came down to revenues and the sequester, they have moved the goal post." yesterday we talked about how he was in a tussle with gene sperling, one of the president's economic guys. and gene sperling yelled at him for about half an hour and wrote him an e-mail where he said you're going to regret doing something you believe in. some thought that was a threat. last night with sean hannity he explained same kind of treatment. specifically manny davis, another democrat. you remember his name because he worked within the clinton administration. he says that the "washington times" -- that the white house threatened "the washington times" because he had a column in that particular newspaper. he claims that they would suffer limited access to white house officials and might have white house credentials revoked if they didn't change and take his column basically out of their newspaper. he talked about this for the very first time yesterday. >> received a phone call from a senior obama white house official who didn't like some of my colleagues, even though i'm a supporter of obama, i couldn't imagine why this call was made. and he did threaten. what i was told was the word threaten by this editor, that if he continued to run my columns, he would lose or his reporters would lose their white house credentials. >>brian: lani davis yesterday. he went on o'reilly and said could i release the name of the person who offered the threat. the guy said i rather you not because i don't want to cause a dust-up with the white house. i want to keep my access. lanny davis said i looked at my writings. 90% of it was complementary towards president obama and was shocked. >>steve: roger goodell was a reporter for carter in the 1970's. he wrote a column called woodward versus the white house. he says this president is the closest thing to richard nixon we have seen in something like 40 years. he says while obama may not share the nixon pedigree, he and his white house are the closest thing to the nixon regime of anything we have seen anything since then to the extent of their paranoia and their willingness to push the boundaries of the law. >>gretchen: he says he was on nixon's enemy list so he's particularly sensitive to the white house, same threats. he said he wishes woodward would have listened to the benghazi situation as deeply as he is now. >>brian: we're going to talk about is the commander in chief -- does president obama have a responsibility to keep the sequester from hurting our nation's military? a majority of cuts coming at the pentagon. then take a look at this video. >> i'm breaking up with you! >>gretchen: you heard it right. she said she's going to break up with that guy. did she? the story behind that amazing video. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. 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