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>> and a change of heart turps out, there's a man in the works to perhaps above the ground zero mosque to a new location, but opponents say, don't celebrate just yet. >> and a school says bah h humbug and fired a santa because a handful of parents may be offended. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ hey, good sunday morning, everybody on a chilly morning inside the fox news studios. >> stop. >> enjoying the freeze today, it's very chilly in here. >> great to have you. >> great to be here, thanks. >> it's a big day in washington, the senate has been hard at work all weekend. there was a historic vote yesterday and they decided to repeal the don't "don't ask, do tell" policy on gays in the military and president obama is expected to sign into law this coming week. >> to women being allowed in the 70's, peter doocy live this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, as you guys said the senate voted to repeal don't ask don't tell after the house of representatives pass the same act bill and will become law as soon as it has president obama's signature and wooe think he's going to sign this week. a while before military changes take effect even though robert gates says he's going to get the ball rolling right away with certification, because under this bill shall the president and his most center military advisors, including gays, have to certify that banning don't ask don't tell will bring harm to our men and women in the the armed services aen that will come after they review the certification and a review of the pentagon report about possible repeal which has now been voted yes. votes in favor 55 democrats, two independents and 8 republicans and those republican votes did not sit well with their leader, mitch mcconnell. >> this repeal will be rushed through, despite the fact that it is concerned for those in army combat units and 50% believe it will be harmful to unit readiness. >> every democrat voted yes for appeal except for one. joe manchin didn't show up to vote for this or the dream act, but put out a statement in opposition and did not support the bill because of the potential impact on the corps of chaplains, aside from him, other democrats were ecstatic. >> appealing this, will make our military stronger, some have said, this is not the time to repeal this policy and they're right. it should have been done yesterday. >> and now that they're done with don't ask don't it will, the next order of business in congress is the start treaty. back to you. >> peter doocy, thanks so much. later we will have a service member on the show who is gay and will talk about his reaction to the major decision. >> the public opinion is in sway on this. now, 77%, and very quickly, the whole issue now, now since it passed when you implement. should you implement it during combat, while there are men and women serving over there and saying maybe after they pull out of afghanistan? >> certainly takes time and other action on capitol hill, dream act failed in the senate of course addressing immigration and trying to get eventually legal status for students who want a pursue a college degree or join the military. it failed. and here is lindsey graham with a very passionate speech on the problems with the dream act, the senator from south carolina. >> we're not going to pass the dream act or any other legalization program until we secure our borders. there's a war raging in mexico that's compromising our national security and for those who bring up the bill today. i know why your a doing it. you're not doing it to advance the issue, you're doing it to advance your situation politically. it is not appreciated. you're making it harder. you care more about politics in the last two weeks than you care about governing the country, this will not help. >> you wonder if he was speaking directly to harry reid there. this was a top priority for harry reid. >> sure it was. >> he was voted back in and has a large hispanic constituency in nevada, but there were obviously many, many democrats who say they were disappointed by the turnout of this vote. let's listen to some of them. >> there's no excuse for some of our most patriotic, talented americans, how they were treated this morning. i call americans because that's what they are. that's all they know. >> and it will some day become a reality, but for today, it's a shame which politics took the center course of of the-- >> to rb our history of expansion of freedom and justice has required determination and persistence, these young people are the next generation of leaders in america. >> my emergency to these young people, never fear, we're in a fight because this is the right thing to do. >> none of those senators mentioned the five democrats that voted against the dream act and they're going to need all democratic votes and didn't have five of them. it is a tough issues because these are again, kids brought here to the united states by their illegal parents. it is an enormous political issue because as you mentioned, harry reid may have been reelected by the latino vote and that's going to be huge in 2012. again, and i think the obama administration is very disappointed because they've been deporting record numbers of illegal aliens in the last two years and getting nowhere. >> and that's the point. these are illegal aliens and everyone-- the democrats you heard, durbin, boxer saying, hang in there, hang-- these are people who are here illegally whether it's the parents' fault or not. do it the legal way and it's an open country. and there are people who do do it the right way and frankly they're taking jobs from people who do it the right way. >> an update for you on that controversial so-called ground zero mosque and you remember the talk about it this summer. this morning there's new information. there is a new york attorney named dudley griffin who apparently has ties to the salmi royal family and apparently floating an idea with local community leaders to move the mosque away from the former world trade center site and to what used to be st. vincent hospital. >> this is right on so many accounts. number one, it moves it away from the ground zero mosque which is less than two blocks, 500 feet away from ground zero, it's on ground zero which also had remains and parts of the airplane in the building that fell into the current location, it moves it away from that location and it puts it in the hospital that treated ground zero victims, this is right on many, many levels. it's a great idea i hope they really follow through on it. >> there's a lot of money behind it. the money would come from king abdullah of saudi arabia and he is one of the richest men in the world, worth north of 20 billion dollars. however, no confirmation on this from either side and there's no word yet, this is a report in the new york post, no word yet if the king and his representatives have spoken with el gamal and the developer of the ground zero mosque. it would cost 300 million dollars or far more-- >> and preserve the-- >> and we're talking about this. >> the pr though. >> sure, isn't it controversial? don't you remember the burning questions, where will the money come from? they're using foreign money. >> saudi money was the question. >> and yes, it would all from saudi money so i don't know how it makes it less controversial. sure, but still look at the origins, it's going to be american money before. we'll debate it and continue to debate it and meanwhile to the rest of the headlines. a fox news alert a developing story happening outside of jerusalem, a kidnapped american woman has been found dead. leland vitter joins us with the details, what do we know? >> we know her name, christine logan, we don't know where in the united states she's from. as we came out from the location from our live shots and iz legal military police and points, they were trying to find the suspect, the victim who survived the attack, christine's friend described as two arab men who then attacked them on the trail behind me. last night, the scene that's normally a place popular with pick nerers had massive police presence as they took to the air and on the ground and tried to find christine logan. her friend told police she was attacked by two arab men out here on the trail and they said they got off the trail and they asked them for water and then attacked them. the israeli friend who survives and the way that she got away was somehow deciding to play dead and then left her and took christine to some undisclosed location and by the time the israeli friend got back, she alerted authorities and began the search for christine, when they did indeed find she had been dead. as the investigation continues here, the focus, is this a terrorist attack? and police say they're looking into what they call a nationalistic motive and turned by palestinians to western or israeli targets and say they're looking into other possible motives or scenarios and we don't know what those are yet. of course, we'll keep you updated throughout the morning. >> how troubling. leland. thank you for the update. >> and the streets are calm and they could potentially turn into a battle later today and police in tehran are deployed on the street corners and possible violence as the the iranian government makes cuts on energy and food subsidies, and so far no misconduct and frightening trip after a tour bus veers off a highway in colorado and crashes on its side and two in serious condition, and the bus was carrying them to the butte. and john boehner and nancy pelosi are changing office as they switch from minority to majority leaders and the offices are getting paint jobs and most the stuff is stored in statutory hall while ne clean and move the stuff from office to office. moving is a bummer, even if you're in congress. >> there is a lot of stuff to move, too, a lot of boxes. >> i believe that. >> and let's go to rick reichmuth. >> she's not doing it herself. >> i think she's got her staffers. >> probably, and take a look at the temperatures as you're waking up. 4 degrees in minneapolis and certainly a cool one, but nobody all that bad once again. and east coast we've been talking about potential nor'easter, and i think a little more snow than we had yesterday and a light dusting and mostly along the coastal areas and a picture has not changed since yesterday. heavy rain moving in and heavy snow across the higher elevation and take a look at video from california. sacramento you're seeing heavy rain and snow levels right around 5 to 6,000 feet and yesterday they were higher than that, but i tell you what, if you're heading out to ski, spectacular, but we've got a major mess going on here and this is going to be with us at least until the day on wednesday, and another series of storms will continue to pull in, bringing more rain. additional 10 to 12 inches of rain and 10 to 12 feet of snow out here and not just in the burn areas, that's generally where we seem to get concerns, but we'll see them because the ground is going to be waterlogged, a the lot of areas across the west and we'll continue to talk about that and i'll show you some snowfall and rainfall totals we've seen coming up. back to you. >> boy, some good skiing in tahoe this weekend. rick. tables have turned and julian assange and now some of his secret documents have been leaked to the press and details not good. >> and did they fire santa claus because a handful of immigrant parents would be offended? he'll plead his case. >> and making sure they're safe, calling in the chopper. how did this end? we'll show you. ♪ could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? does a former drill sergeant make a terrible therapist? patient: and that's why yellow makes me sad. i think. sarge: that's interesting. you know what makes me sad? you do! maybe we should chug on over to mambie pambie land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you. ya jackwagon! tissue? crybaby. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪ ♪ [ crowd groans ] ♪ [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] at&t, the nation's fastest mobile broadband network. period. 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[ rattling ] [ male announcer ] need ink? staples has a low price guarantee on all the ink you need. find a lower price at another store, and we'll match it. that was easy. i've been looking at the numbers, and i think our campus is spending too much money on printing. i'd like to put you in charge of cutting costs. calm down. i know that it is not your job. what i'm saying... excuse me? alright, fine. no, you don't have to do it. ok? [ male announcer ] notre dame knows it's better for xerox to control its printing costs. so they can focus on winning on and off the field. [ manager ] are you sure i can't talk -- ok, no, i get it. [ male announcer ] with xerox, you're ready for real business. >> here is a quick look at headlines. police are investigating a possible arson in a fire that went through the provo tabernacle. and the christmas tree we showed you in dubai and abu dhabi, and now that hotel that houses the decked out tree may have gone too far and the hotel says it regrets overloading the tree with gold, rubeies and diamonds. >> thanks, well, a school in minnesota is giving santa the heave-ho. banning him from visiting students so as not to offend some families who may not believe in st. nick. >> some call them dennis jackson, some call him santa. he was set to play santa at head start until he was given the boot. good morning, santa. >> good morning, how are you doing today? >> we're doing good. but what happened to you? you've been going to the head start program for four years, what happened? >> well, i went there this year to set up and a time and a date and the teacher told me it was against some people's wishes i could not do it anymore. >> did that make any sense to you, santa? you've been doing it for four years, did you ever get complaint from the kids you gave candy canes to or their parents? >> the kids all enjoy the pictures and i only have one child in the four years that held back and, but everyone else sat in my lap had their picture taken and smiles and very happy. >> we have a statement, santa, from the group responsibility here, they say, quote, we have somali families in the program and respecting wishes of the families in the program. but santa are they respecting the wishes of the majority or more one particular person who happened to complain? >> i believe it's just one or two. and it isn't any more than that. i don't know why, why the majority does not rule. she said there was one against it, that was enough they would have to stop it for everybody. >> so, that was the coordinator, the head, who told you if there was even just one parent against it you wouldn't be allowed to come back. santa, what's the right answer here, how should the the head start have handled it if there was a family uncomfortable? well, my suggestion was that they could have their children, if they did not want them to participate, they could set out for half hour or something like that, there was two classes, morning and afternoon and i went there probably 15, 20 minutes to each one and they get the pictures taken and have their fun and pass out the treats and it's just too bad that they had to ruin it for 30 or 40 of them. >> yeah. >> in my way of looking at it. >> you're just trying to bring smiles to the kids' faces, not trying to offend anyone. santa, i know you have a lot of work to do, less than one week away from the big day, so, get to work! >> yeah, been awful busy. >> thanks for being here. >> dennis jackson, thanks for bringing the story to us. keep us posted if anything changes there. and that's a bummer for the kids who have been looking forward to it. >> no candy canes and no santa. the latest smart phone apps are cool? hold on, experts say the majority of them serve only one purpose, that's stealing your information and passing it on. there's proof now. >> and then if the soldiers like you've never seen before. the kids don't know, that the santa claus there is actually their soldier father in disguise. [ male announcer ] is your current denture cleanser missing something? now you get a cleanser with scope freshness. new fixodent plus scope ingredients. cleans and kills germs that cause odors to your dentures. new fixodent cleanser plus scope ingredients. come celebrate exciting cars that are stunning to look at, exhilarating to drive and worry free to own. celebrate this holiday season with the gift of platinum. jaguar platinum coverage: five years or 50,000 miles of complimentary scheduled maintenance, and no cost replacement of wear and tear items visit your jaguar dealer during the platinum celebration foa $599 lease offer on the 2011 x at pso, we set out tot your dog to discover the science inle. some of nature's best ingreents. we created purina one with smartblend. new, delicious shredded morsels and crunchy bites, with real meat, wholesome grains and antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a hethy immune system, and a real difference in your dog. purina one improved with srtblend. discover what one can do. ♪ >> you see us scrolling through smart phones all morning long, a lot of times on the phones and i-pads. i'm thinking twice about it. there was an exclusive investigation into some of the apps on the smart phones millions of you have. it turns out they're not just collecting your information, in some cases unbeknownst to you, they are in fact, passing it on to other companies to third parties. >> yeah, and your apps are these sneaky busy bodies that gossip about you, basically when you're awn aware of it. they know where you are, like sant and they know exactly where they are and transmit even your location to people that you don't know are getting it. >> i've got to tell you something, there are a couple of companies out there that track every click you make on a computer, double click, and they have that information and sometimes they sell that to marketers saying, he clicks on, oh, i don't know, facebook a lot and try to figure out how to sell something to dave or ali, based on what you click, not just your apps, but the computer terminal and e-mails. >> i didn't know they were capturing your location, and what the danger is that there's something-- >> and the danger to do this without clayton here, falling on my face, but a lot of the apps when you purchase it or even if some are free, there's a quick flash of something that says can we use your location or identify where you are, something to that effect and a the lot of times push okay to get it out of the way and your kids may, you may in fact. i've done that without thinking about it and now, they know where you are, as eric said, how deep you go into apps. >> and marketing, they can do-- >> the clicks will tell you what to you do. and the apps you're talking about, there is a prompt when you log in and sometimes twitter other facebook, do we mind if we let everyone know where you're sending from, sometimes under your name, from new york city and you have to be careful, and people can track you down. >> scary. chk out the wall street journal, you might want to learn more about it. >> headlines, updated for you on wikileaks, the founder julian assange getting a taste of his on medicine. a confidential swedish report detailing the sexual misconduct charges against assange has been leaked. and the two women say he forced them to have unprotected sex. and assange claims they're a conspiracy against him. and former guantanamo bay detainee, selanne, wants that commission thrown out. a federal jury convicted him last month in the bombings of two embassies, and the obama administration was under criticism for allowing it in a federal court. and ramping up fire power, detectives are trading shotguns for ar-15 rifles, the weapons of choice for drug cartels. and each deputy will have to go through 24 hours of training before being put on patrol with the new weapon. talk about, he gave his three young sons quite a surprise when he came home from iran a week early. surprising them at the school christmas play. >>, aj, (inaudible). >> oh! >> (cheers) >> oh, that's so sweet. and lt. colonel champagne was in southern and central iraq and convoys, bringing goods to other soldiers. that's a sweet christmas story. those are your headlines. >> i love those stories right about now. rubbing reichmuth with the weather. >> scary though! >> no, santa. i know-- >> and a news story, and should have. >> guys, okay, we'll talk about the weather and yesterday on facebook, this is a time lapse sped up in tucson, arizona. i'm from arizona, absolutely the most beautiful sunsets around and you get this and a little cactus and absolutely beautiful sunset there. so, send me those pictures and send them to me on twitter or facebook page and we'll share some. and seeing the pictures of snow coming out because of a big storm that we've got brewing out across the midwest and the temperatures waking up an and little bit of a storm on the east coast and take a look, this is a forecast here and you've been talking about the coastal storm and i think tonight works ale see a little bit of snow across long island and cape cod and the island and eventually, but anything will keep you here and maybe an about inch to two inches of snow and likely farther toward the east and not any big impacts for your travel plans and maybe making the roads slick for your morning commute. areas like long island, cape cod. and we've had about six to seven inches of rain across coastal areas already and three to four feet of snow in the higher elevations and tonight the snow is going to drop and people will see more significant snow today, tomorrow, tuesday and wednesday as well and around l.a., even san diego, could be seeing five to eight inches of rain and could mean flooding concerns as well. and this storm is going to pull inland not necessarily toward the far southwest and see the snow deep into colorado and minnesota. yesterday you asked me about the game for monday in minnesota and maybe more snow, two inches or so toward game time and should make things a little bit fun. >> that's going to be very interesting, thank you, rick. >> you bet. >> if you asked rick reichmuth any christmas song played prior to thanksgiving day is a bad christmas song, pretty much his general rule. >> i think that's true. however, there are lots of great christmas songs that we look forward to and there are songs that annoy you and stuck in your craw and can't shake that and did a poll of the worst christmas songs according to the respondents. >> yes, our little impromptu vote and most were in, the most annoying, chipmunks, dogs, whatever, reindeer. >> most of them are people's favorites. most every one that people hate, some of the people and the audience love. josh mackie on twitter, wonderful christmas time, his most hated. ♪ simply having a wonderful christmas time ♪ ♪ simply having a wonderful christmas time ♪ >> that one, jolly, that's kind after jolly song. eggnog-- >> well, so what else, scott from georgia, babe, it's cold outside, really? ♪ baby it's cold outside >> well, maybe that version. >> this is the movie elf which makes me like it a little bit more. >> you guys like it? >> reichmuth says love it. >> okay. and chris on twitter, his least favorite ♪ rocking around the christmas tree ♪ >> that's one of the top three songs of all time. reichmuth says-- >> i like the old stuff. >> i love this song. one man's treasure is another man's trash. continues on that station, right. >> and this movie. >> i know this movie, it's-- >> and the last one, is does sort of annoy me, there i said it, cassie, i'm with you from west virginia, let's listen ♪ under the tree, wait up for me ♪ >> ♪ santa baby >> and i know it's a classic and people love it, but it's ode-- >> reichmuth says? reichmuth likes it. what, what-- >> and going to this and trying to sweez it in and i'm not here next week and thought i'd give this as a gift. >> it's kind of dirty. >> it's not regifted. >> and a mrn flag on it for you. >> and we'll cherish it. >> cherish it indeed. >> and what songs do you love? coming up, amanda knox is in jail as you know, for murder. but now she could get a second chance at freedom, the update is next and congress passed the 9/11 first responders bill and they're know no rush, what do they think about that? they'll join us live. >> and rescuer a deer, oh, dear, i got it in and even calling the rescue chopper. how did it work out? we'll show you. ♪ [ female announcer ] humana and walmart are teaming up to bring you a low-price medicare prescription drug plan that has the lowest national premium in the country of only $14.80 per month. so you can focus on the things that really matter. go to for details. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] here's hoping you find something special in your driveway this holiday. ♪ [ santa ] ho ho ho! 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>> to me it's another attack on america, but more sinister than the one on 9/11 in many ways, as we watch so many of our brothers, 1200 first responders have died since 9/11 and what do we have to show for this? what are we doing to support the best amongst us? >> it's just crazy and i don't see this as a republican or democratic issue. >> this is an american issue. if our american patriots don't stand up and contact their representatives and say you know what, next time this happens, these guys may not show up, what are we going to do. >> the good news is new york state gillibrand said she believes they have the vote and going to try to get a vote. harry reid i know wants a vote and could come on tuesday, let's mope the senator is correct and they have the votes. what would you say if you had a chance, speaking to your representatives right now, what would you want the message to be, from you and from your peers. >> you know, let's not look back, let's look at moving forward, to help, help these guys. and also, bear in mind as you look at this entire package and trying to help people who work down there, live down there, take care of the first responders, sick and dying first. if you have to stage this thing, don't put caveats if you took settlements two years later 9/11, you're excluded from health coverage the rest of your life and that's what's going on. even if it passes there will be a bunch of guys left out in the cold because they're saying, well, no, you already settled. >> as he we go, what kind of a gift would it be here at christmas time, if they in fact get this thing passed and get the money to those that need is desperately? >> for us a gift of a lifetime, having my son home for christmas is my best gift as a marine, but moving forward from here to know that our guys are sick and dying and if these guys step forward and give this gift to us, at least we realize our family is going to be taken care of after we're gone, which has not happened. >> thanks for doing what you did and thanks for being here this morning. >> appreciate it. >> coming up on the show, you've seen the disturbing video, a florida gunman shooting at members of the school board. so hard to watch, isn't it? turns out he wasn't supposed to have that gun. what went wrong here? why didn't the law work? that story, nks hour. >> then, just in time for christmas, some of our celebs involved here, to share their message. ♪ gecko: are you ready for your talk, sir? boss: just going over how geico helps people save in even more ways... ...with good driver discounts, multi-car discounts, defensive driver discounts... woman: you! oh, don't act like you don't recognize me! toledo, '03? gecko: no, it's...i... woman: it's too late stanley. gecko: actually, miss, my name's not stanley. woman: oh...oh, i am so sorry! from behind you look just like him. i'm just.... gecko: well...i'd hate to be stanley. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent. >> bringing the bible to life just in time for christmas. celebrities are lending their voices to tell the stories of the new testament. >> the star they had seen in the east went before them till it came to rest over the place where the child was. they saw the child with mary, his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him. then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts. gold and frankincense and muhr. >> it took two years to put this 18 disc collection together. truth and new testament. >> with us, michael starr, stacey keach and-- >> thank you for being here. >> start with you, the bible has been dramatized several times before, what's new about this interpretation. >> well, this particular interpretation, is more like, it's like a film in a way, because you not only hear the scripture, but have sound effects, a little like listening to radio as well as movies and it has a very cinematic feel to it, it's different in that respect because i think it brings it to life in a more immediate way. >> and michael, why did you want to get involved in the project? i know there were 70 actors involved. >> oh, well, friends with the wonderful people involved. but i grew up, in movies and be in one. and like stacy said it's like being an in movie, but like the great days of old time radio and you have to use your imagination on both sides, the audience as well as the people producing it and you really have the-- it's a whole different way of doing it and there's a lot of very positive stories in it. >> absolutely. and raymond, you said that your goal was to bring the humanity and the humor of the bible, of the biblical characters to life. give us an example. >> i'm a journalist, there are-- to protect the stories and pass them all over the world today and in many ways when we encounter the boiible, a thing on the shelf like encounter erring shakespeare, the reviews rather than seeing the play and here we want today get worldclass actors to breathe life into the roles, john, matthew, mark, luke, and bring their personality and stamp and does bring out the humanity, the humor, the fun, the passion of the stories and you see why the men, the original apostles were willing to risk their lives and why the stories have continued on and off centuries. >> and you say you want the listeners to be transported back into that time. >> well, john is a very interesting character because he was jesus' best friend so he wanted to great sort of an intimate feeling, an intimate quality, so that you were pontificating and preaching and proclaiming, we wanted to-- i wanted to make sure that people could listen to it and feel like they were listening to somebody talking to candidates. >> where can you get it. >> online, amazon, barnes & noble and also available at truth ap life bible do i come and there are sound effects and you can hear stacy and mike, playing pontius pilate and john and they've been brought to life with the the original score and sound effects. >> i will put the address on my blog as well. thanks for coming in, a pleasure. >> you, too. >> an american woman kidnapped in israel is found dead. now, a witness is speaking out. we have that fox news alert for you at the top of the hour, the mosque the at ground zero, word after secret plan to buy a different location, we'll tell you what it is. and there's nothing wrong with competition between neighbors, what happens when one refuse the to be outdone. the best christmas lights on the block. ♪ merry christmas . hey, did you ever finish last month's invoices? sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi plce around the corner. well, in that case, i better get bk to these invoices... whh i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to keep your business moving. blackberry torch now just $99.99. only from at&t. rethink possible. >> good morning everyone, today is sunday, september 19th. this is a fox news alert. an american tourist found dead at a park in israel. police say she was murdered while her friend narrowly escaped the killers and we have breaking developments for you straight ahead. >> a historic vote in the senate overturning our military's ban on openly gay troops. now, that bill is headed for the president's desk. and the change won't be easy. we're live in washington. >> and finally fed up, the developers of that ground zero-- you know what, it's the ground zero mosque, you guys, planning a big move, but opponents shouldn't celebrate just yet. "fox & friends" starts right now. now. >> . >> good morning, you know, look, i know the right thing to say or a lot of people say call it the mosque near ground zero. that's what they want to be called. >> two blocks away. >> less than two blocks away and some of the remains were found on that very spot and one of the wheels from the airplane went through there. >> you feel strongly about it. >> get emotional about that. >> eric bolling in for clayton morris, letting us know. >> and there is a plan afoot to move it away from ground zero. >> a busy weekend on capitol hill and continues today, on saturday. wow, a landmark vote in washington. the senate has vote today repeal don't ask don't tell, the policy on gays i the military and president obama expected to sign it into law this week. for more we're joined by peter doocy in washington, tell us how this poll vote broke down. >> as you say the senate voted to repeal don't ask don't tell with votes from democrats, two independents and 8 republicans and since they passed it earlier in the week, all it needs to become law is the president's signature. and he's expected to sign it sometime this week. senate democrats yesterday were thrilled that this 17-year-old ban on openly gay men and women serving in the military which is over 13,000 members in its lifetime have been repealed by both houses there. >> so-- they're right, should have been done yesterday. >> and harry reid wasn't just talking to reporters, he was to lady gaga his message saying, this is a quote. we did it, dadt is a thing of the past. and many voted against the repeal feeling there should have been more debate going on and attention paid to the military leaders such as the head of the marine corps who said this week that he fears the repeal could lead to distracted marines which could lead to casualtities and michigan mcconnell echoed that sentiment v there's a lot the obstacles, including the head of the army and the air force and as you mentioned the commandant in the marines. >> the head of the joint chiefs and they decided was after surveying and the pentagon put up a survey and they researched this and what ne found was a difference in what we heard in mitch mcconnell's. they said that 92% of the respondents of the troops believed that having somebody openly gay on their team would not effect morale or effectiveness and after that, they were then ready to take it to the senate to vote on it. >> what peter was citing was combat troops, specifically those marines in combat, a very different job, very different responsibility and very different response from them as well. >> i understand that when you say that harry reid was quote, too, lady gaga. >> i'm going to call peter in the break and find out exactly what that means. >> right, worlds colliding. >> opposition has come a long way since '93 when clinton started the don't ask don't tell. >> it comes down to the troops on the ground the implementation of it. fine, it's passed, if it becomes law, now how do you implement it. >> that was john mccain's point as well why he leading the charge against it. meanwhile, one piece of legislation that did not fare as well in the senate was the dream act. the dream act of course was the plan to make illegal aliens who were brought here before they were 15 years old, some of them were infants, to make them citizens if they went to college for two years and go on to serve in the military for two years and that also was very controversial and very divided in the senate. let's listen first to why lindsey graham believes the dream act is bad. >> we're not going to pass the dream act or any other legalization program until we secure our borders. there's a war raging in mexico that's compromising our national security and to those who bring this bill up today, i know why you're doing it. you're not doing it to advance issues, you're going it to advance your situation politically. it's not appreciated. you're making it harder. you care more about politics in the la last two weeks than you care about governing the country. this will not help. >> well, listen, it's not debatable that this is a huge political issue, ask harry reid, some say he he may have been voted back in strictly on the heels of the hispanic vote and it's huge, going to be enormous in 2012 and that's what lindsey graham is saying, they're doing it for political purposes and would have affected 1.2 million illegal aliens in this country and it's not done, because listen, almost 800,000 people have been deported in the last few years by the obama administration and i think they thought that they would get some legislation from the republicans because of that enforcement. it hasn't happened and it won't happen in the next few years. >> and the estimates follows the money a little bit say they were between 5 and 10 billion dollar that this would have cost. it's probably-- >> costing more regard-- >> allowing the illegal immigrants here to stay, get the citizenship and the total cost of the dream act is 5 to 10 billion multiples, once you pass the dream act. borders will be swiss cheese, i have a kid under 16 years old. maybe we get in under the radar and i think it's a-- it was not time. >> you apparently were right. because it did fail and the democrats said they were very disappointed how it went, let's listen to them. >> there's no excuse for some of our-- how they were treated this morning, i call americans because that's what they are, that's all they know. >> and will some day become a reality, but for today, it's a shame in which politics took the center course. >> and freedom and justice requiring determination, courage and persistence, these young people are the next generation of leaders in america. >> my message to these young people is, never fear, we are not going anywhere, we're going to fight because this is the right thing to do. >> more democrats voted against it, five, than republicans voted in favor of it three. what's next on capitol hill? the senate is going to be busy. and the start treaty on monday closed door meetings on the start treaty, arms reduction and the continuing resolution to fund the government. hey, that's kind of important and we've talked about the 9/11 health bill and harry reid may bring it to the floor on tuesday and hope there's some effort on moving this thing forward. we talked to many earlier in the program and they need help. >> look at the rest of the headlines. a massive search, this brings the police to the body of a kidnapped american tourist. christine logan was found on the side of the road with multiple stab wounds. she was hiking with another female and they were approached by two men. she avoided attack and nobody is in custody. >> a tour bus veers off the highway road and is on its side. eight people are hospitalized two in serious condition it was headed to crested butte. and escalating tension on the korean peninsula. north korea raised alert of forces ahead of the south's planned military drill. the exercise is expected to happen by tuesday. and pyongyang's threat of a catastrophe if this is carried out. and a thousand people are stranded at heathrow airport in london after snow and cold weather grounded most of europe. all flights into london have been diverted elsewhere and planes trying it take off are heavily delayed and this comes of course after one of the busiest travel weeks of of the year and cold temperatures are rocking the country as snow continues to fall. >> all right. global warming all over the globe. and out west, i think it's the coldest u.k. on record. >> let's get this. >> is that the case? i actually am not sure of that about the u.k., but certainly had a very cold month and a lot of snow there. the case across the west, and alley has been hearing me say this for a couple of years, what's it called? >> pineapple express. >> hey, pineapple express, listening. and moving in towards the central california coast line and we got a break thursday and friday and next weekend looks like it starts once again and kind of no relief here, very heavy rain from south of san francisco to north of l.a. and snow across the mountains and four feet of snow is in mammoth and a couple of the other snow, or ski areas here, great conditions there. across the east, different story. we had some rain yesterday, pretty heavy down across the southeast and that's gone, but we're going to see a coastal storm develop and most of the coast a-areas, far eastern areas of long island and dealing with he snow, tomorrow, some windier conditions and could see delays for monday in the airports because of some wind. here is the snow and the rain that we're going to be seeing the next 48 hours, heavy down across parts of california and sierra nevadas, the bulls eye and we're going to see some of it moving to the north and colorado rockies and towards north dakota and minnesota. and tempt today shaping up like this, we're in the zonal flow and moving from east to west and no big variations in the temperature more just kind of latitudal changes and 14 degrees in minneapolis and 16 for your day today. story, guys, had a lot of meteorology terms. >> you lost me at pineapple. >> pineapple express. >> just kidding you. >> a disturbing video, a florida gunman shooting at the school board. turns out the state banned him from owning a gun years ago. why didn't that law work? >> looks like hollywood is giving christmas the heave-ho, so, why no christmas cheer at the box office? courtney freel here to explain. >> and men, what's more christmasy than a camel? >> no way. >> yes, we have a camel here and you could have this camel under your christmas tree, some families have a lot of stuff at the top of their wish list. >> in the men's room? that's the bathroom! (laughter) >> >> this was a terrifying scene that played out at a florida school board meeting and we ever to warn you this video is disturbing. clay duke fired shots at the meeting before eventually taking his own life. listen to this, he was not supposed to have a gun in the first place and putting the gun laws under closer scrutiny. with us now is the deputy chief of the panama city florida police department. deputy chief, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> we know that this .9 millimeter that clay duke had was purchased legally, but supposed to surrender it after stalking of his ex-wife. should florida authorities should have known that somehow? >> what you're asking, you're account on two variables, number one there would have been forth coming information from the dukes, mr. duke or his family and clearly in this particular case that did not happen and the other one's you're going that law enforcement would have known that mr. dukes had this particular weapon, which, which clearly we did not. >> and not only that, correct me if i'm wrong, but florida has no will you requiring the surrender of firearms by people who are prohibited from possessing firearms, so, doesn't that just defeat the very purpose of the prohibition? >> actually, florida does have those laws, like in one would be an example of domestic violence, the courts generally order that there be a transfer, rather, or surrender of firearms by the one party or another, and then obviously, when you are convicted of a felony, the courts generally do order you to surrender or the at least transfer ownership of the guns from yourself to say, a family member. >> that's helpful. i thought that florida didn't require it if it happened in another state. >> i'm sorry. i apologize, yes. >> and the case i believe, and here is the real question this morning, what's there anything that law enforcement could do to stop an obviously mentally unstable person from having this firearm and committing this crime? >> well, you go all the way back to, to, if that hand n had been purchased after the brady bill, for instance, wassan acted, then he would have had to fill out a questionnaire and answer that question, whether or not he was suffering from any mental illness. obviously in this particular case, mr. duke purchased that gun beforehand and didn't have to fill out the paper work, in this particular instance, i've said before, mr. duke was an unknown to us. he had not had any run-ins with local authorities so therefore we were unaware of any propensity for violence he may have had. >> so deputy chief, we only have a few seconds, what's the answer here? to stop this in the future? >> i know that everybody wants bigger government-- more government, but i'm the not sure that's the case. individuals that are dead set on committing criminal acts, are going to do it, whether it's a firearm, a kitchen knife, a box cutter, whatever the weapon of choice may be. >> the deputy chief of panama city, florida. thanks for coming in. >> thank you for having me. >> well, the project to build a mosque near ground zero might be scrapped. the proposed change in plans coming up. and what's christmas without a camel? how giving live stock for christmas this year can so desperately help a family in need. these animals are invading our studios next. ♪ ?y/;??ñ÷hls@çx@÷= >> if you're tired of giving the same christmas presents each year, we have a unique gift idea that could really change a family's life. >> and joining us again, crystchri chris talbot. >> and good morning, my friends. >> this is not your average pair of socks under the christmas tree now, is it? >> no, well, this is-- it's a world hunger organization that provide farm animals and training to hungry families all over the world. >> explain how giving a camel to a family in a different country will help them. >> well, a camel like cows and goats will give milk and chickens, llamas whatever is appropriate. the family will get wool, eggs, that they can eat and become self-reliant. >> how do we donate. >> we buy the camel. >> yeah, during the holiday season you can buy a camel, a cow, a flock of chicks for $20 for someone on the gift list and maybe someone who is going to get a-- >> getting restless. >> and someone is going to feel good. gives them a leg up. >> i've got you. >> and the camel is 800-- >> get them over the hump. you know what i mean. >> i like that one a lot. >> oh. >> and that's a lot, but you can also give a goat. >> a goat is $120 and a flock of chicks is $20. one of the best things about-- >> the poor goat. >> best thing about the gift is every family receives a animal and makes it different. every family receives an animal and agrees to pass on the gift to another family in need and give a baby animal and training that they received to another little family and every gift that they gives in the world literally multiplies. >> if ali gives me a goat. >> which i man on doing. >> she does every year. >> is it named dave in my honor? she logs on to >> and she'll get a card to give you that says somewhere in the world, a family is receiving help because i've made a gift in your honor. >> where are the countries? >> heifer works all over the world in over 50 countries, asia, africa, south america and working here in the united states, too. >> you know, the last time we were here-- >> there's poverty here. >> the last time you were here, beatrice's goat, the book, talks about how the goat transforms the life of the little girl in africa because she can then go to school with the money she makes off the milk. >> her mother was able to pay for school fees through the income. and beatrice is actually a grown girl and it's a real girl and she graduated from-- she's in graduate school at that point. and this is a girl wasn't in school at age nine at all. >> and camel has something to say about this. >> these are developing countries? you can't send a camel to-- >> it's not working to brooklyn. >> wow. look at this guy! we normally have a morning zoo show, but this is different. >> yeah, this is ted and the solution is smart. they do ecologically sound-- the teach the family to sustain the agriculture and look to the soil and eggs, and provide-- but manure is important. if you can't afford that, manure will help your land, an acre or a half acre. >> great and i think he's giving us an example of that. >> and, h- h-e-i-f-e-r. >> and someone on your gift list, it's incredibly unique meaningful gift. >> i'll put it on my blog, too. >> thanks ted a lot. >> the tables are turned on julian assange. some of his secret documents may have been leaked to the press. and the details not what he wants to hear. >> what would you consider the top toys of the past three decades. well, from the cabbage patch we'll break down the list. ♪ camel is getting feisty. i'm off to the post offic.. ok. uh, a little help... oh! you know shipping is a lot easier with priority mail flat rate boxes. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. plus, you can print and pay for postage online. and i can pick them up for free with package pickup. perfect! cause i'm gonna need a lot of those. wow! i knew i should have brought my sleigh. priority mal flat rate shipping starts at $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. so, we set out to discover the nutritional science at purina one, we want your cat to be as healthy as possible in some of nature's best ingredients. that's how we created purina one with smartblend. nutritionally optimized with real smon, wholesome grains and essentl antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your cat. purina one improved with smartblend. discover what one can do. hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. scount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't gettg discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me yeah, i got carrd away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. . >> how my friends do you top a camel? we're going to wrestle with that. >> how do you top a camel? this was spectacular in our studios. meanwhile, let's talk about the story that had many of you gripped over the summer and that's close to ground zero, the way it was planned there and obviously was very controversial and eric will attest. but anyway new information it may be getting a new home. there is a new york businessman who has ties to the royal family who is suggesting a recently closed hospital, st. vincent's hospital they move in, several miles away. >> that's the west village and this is connected to the king of saudi arabia, king abdullah, the one of the richest people in the world and that's gone bankrupt and save the hospital in 300 million dollar project. that's king abdullah worth north of 20 billion dollars. and wants to show that muslim can do, quote, good works. no confirmation from the aw saudies or manhattan based lawyer. i've been called racist, islam-afobe i was there when the planes hit the buildings and when they blew up the parking garage. this mosque was too close to ground zero, to everyone's liking, september for one group. the developers wanted it that close. moving it, a symbolic gesture fine, a mile away fine, a great idea. you want to talk about moderation islam, this would be a long, our olive branch reach to everyone against having at that mosque built there. >> eric, what about the money? the big thing, the big question, when they were talking about it, where would the money come from? is it going to come from saudi arabia? the idea that it would be financed 300 million dollars from saudi arabia, isn't that going to be controversial, and-- >> hold on, isn't that-- >> they're going to have influence anyway, ali. >> it didn't matter if it was ground zero or a mile away from ground zero. >> it does matter because, hang on if the money comes from the saudies near ground zero it seems like it's taunting and if saudi king, and appears doing good for the victims of 9/11, i would think there'd be less outrage because he's --. >> if you trust that he's trying to do something good or-- >> it's a hospital. >> and which is so prevalent in saudi arabia into the mosque's ideology there. >> move it one block and the symbolism is there and i think you've accomplished everything. move it a mile to st. vincent hospital, and done a great thing. >> let us know your thoughts, we're all on twitter. >> major protests after government cuts. groups of riot police are throughout tehran and so far this hour the streets seem relatively quiet, but they take effect today and the last time they were energy cuts in 2007. there were violent riots at gas stations. wikileaks founder julian assange is known for government secrets, now the tables have turned. a confidential police department outlining the case against assange has been leaked. and detailed accounts from two women who say that assange forced them to have unprotected sex and assange claims they were made up as part of a u.s. conspiracy against him. sheriff's patrolling the texas-mexican border are trading in shotguns for ar-15 rifles, the weapon of choice for many drug cartel members. the new weapons have greater range and stopping power and can cut through body armor. ooch deputy goes through 24 hours of training before being put on patrol with a new weapon. a school in minnesota giving santa the pink slip. they panned him from visiting students to avoid offending the few families who may not believe in st. nick. and dennis jackson, aka santa claus, joined us earlier on "fox & friends." >> if there was one against it, that was enough that they cover to stop it for everybody. >> well, the school has offered this explanation. just, quote, we have somali families in the program and we're respecting wishes. >> and rick, i'm surprised to see you, rick, thought you'd be at lake tahoe on the slopes. >> i changed my christmas plans and two days in, i've never skied lake tahoe and it's going to be great getting the snow they're getting now. if you can get up there and enjoy it and certainly the key resorts, such a great thing economically, colorado having a great start as well. and 16 in rapid city, certainly cool across areas of the north, but not as bad as it was last week, obviously, with the big storm that we had last week, move forward take a look at the radar picture and eastern part of the country you see the rain off the shore, well, that's not that big after deal right now, but see a little bit of coastal storm develop and see snow overnight long island, out to the island. boston seeing a dusting up to an inch or so and out west where the big story is, that's the big plume of moisture continuing to come across parts of california, really, all of california is going to be getting a nice dousing of rain, a little too much too fast and in california you need it during the season, it's a rainy season we'll take it and heavier snow across the higher elevations and we'll see how much snow over the next 48 hours, as well as rain and sierra nevadas the brunt of it and out of utah and across parts of wyoming and colorado and tomorrow afternoon we'll see snow moving across north dakota and minnesota and maybe more than i said earlier today. maybe around four or five inches towards minneapolis by the time we get towards monday evening. take a look at your temperatures during the day, looking like this, not anybody dealing with anything too bad and all right, guys, before we send it back to you, it looks like the camel is trying to catch a taxi here. (laughter) >> i love when people are just walking down the street in manhattan and the things you see, including some crazy people. there you go. the camel this morning. >> and if he flags down a cab, boy, i want video. >> i bet they have them in new york. >> thanks, rick. >> and bah humbug at the box office there, and you may have noticed there aren't any new christmas movies coming this season. courtney freel how hollywood forgot about st. nick. >> it's bah humbug at movie theaters this holiday season, don't expect to see any films about carolling elves with santa and one wasn't released by a major student and bombed at the box office, why no love for the holiday spirit this year? year? >> there are plenty of magic at the movies these days from harry potter's latest to the talking lion of the chronicles of narnia returning with part three in 3-d. one staple of the season who didn't manage to get a starring role, santa. in recent years there's been at least one holiday major from a major studio. 2009 a christmas carol. four christmases and fred claus. what happened in 2010. >> i don't know that studios executives are sitting in some darkened room saying we don't want to release any holiday themed films. they have their slate and put these films together and i don't know, i mean, there's a void in the marketplace. >> and this time of year is key for the industry. . >> the holiday season is about two months, and it contributes 20% of the full year box office, so the holiday season is very important and it's great for movie goers because it combines summer stock blockbuster and oscar contenders at the same time. >> even if the word holiday is missing from the title. it seems there will be moments to remind us, 'tis the season. >> what's this? >> what is that? that's your own personal yarmulkah. >> and when you see that, it feels good because you generally think of this time of year as relating to the holidays and it's nice to see that in the movie and hoping in the next couple of years we'll see more of that back in the theater. >> and i'm watching you. >> whether the christmas buzz was a fluke or a trend remains to be seen, but it's clear, hollywood is still giving folks plenty of reasons to go to the movie with or without rudolph leading the way. in new york, courtney friel. >> and go figure. >> that gets you in the spirit, doesn't it? >> and meanwhile, the military on track to repeal its ban on gay troops. what do service members think of that switch? we'll talk to a lt. colonel in the air force how it will change his life who is openly gay. >> and charity work this weekend, one more stop before wrapping up his special trip to germany. >> and claims any human can be super human, the guy behind this four hour work week here to tell how to get a four hour body, four hours? >> we need it for this show, we have a four hour show, we need the four hour body. ♪ could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? does a former drill sergeant make a terrible therapist? patient: and that's why yellow makes me sad. i think. sarge: that's interesting. you know what makes me sad? you do! maybe we should chug on over to mambie pambie land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you. ya jackwagon! tissue? crybaby. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. >> >> some quick headlines you're looking at new video from germany. prince harry leaving a wreath during the visit to the berlin wall. he was honored for charity work. >> the u.s. army is going green and new tents outfitted with solar panels. the new trust can generate up to 800 watts of of generation in silent. enough to power smart phones, laptops and night vision goggles, ali. >> the senate voted to repeal the 17 year policy of don't ask/don't tell after eight republicans sided with democrats. >> because we did the right thing today will have an implementation that will be gradual, but effective and i'm sure it will start right away, but it will, it will take some time. >> indeed. so, what will this mean nfor the future of our armed forces. >> let's ask the lieutenant who has been serving openly for a year and a half. good morning for you, colonel. some compare it to the desegregation of the military in the 50's and women serving in the 70's. you were in the chamber when the legislation passed. tell us how it felt. >> for me personally i've been going through this ordeal for two years and seven months. i was emotional and overwhelmed not just a great day for me, i think a great day for the military. for equal rights for the the whole country. there are tens of thousands of service members, gay and lesbian, serving all over the world and i know it's a great day for them as well. it's a chance for them to continue to serve. to do so with dignity and integrity and to not serve in fear anymore. so it was a great day. >> well, colonel, i don't have to tell you that senator john mccain led the opposition against this repeal. he said yesterday that it was a sad day. let me play you what he he said and get your response. >> today is a very sad day. >> i understand the other side's argument as to their social, political agenda, but to somehow allege that it has harmed our military is not justified by the facts. >> what's your response to him saying that don't ask don't tell somehow harms the military? >> first of all, let me he say i'm a little dis.ed for his comments. he's been a hero for me, the reason i joined in the first place and i felt i owed senator mccain a debt to repay with my service because of the sacrifices in the service that he made to his country and personally, it's disappointing to hear him say that, my 19 1/2 years in the airs force on some kind of political agenda. what i would say to senator mccain is this is just going to make the military stronger across the board just as racial integration did in the 50's as you alluded to and gender, women in combat units in the 7 0s and '80s, the military will be stronger now. >> and certainly admiral mullen joins your sentiment. but another said there's disruption at the small unit level as this is implemented not right away, over the next several months or perhaps a year. do you think there are be major hiccups along the way or a smooth transition. >> i think it will be a smooth transition, i've been serving openly in my squadron over a year and a half and i don't need a survey or anything the theoretical to say they're disciplined and we're focusing on executing the mission and only care that the person next to us, loves their country and want to serve it, it's their dedicated mission as well and able to do their job. i think it's just as it was in u.k. and israel as their chief of their military said that this is going to be a nonissue and going to make their military stronger and will with ours as well. >> well, lt. colonel, victor, congratulations on the ruling yesterday and thanks for coming in with your personal story, you have a lot of insight into this. >> thank you very much. >> thank you for your service as well. coming up new information on the fox news alert, an american tourist found dead in israel. police think she was murdered. the latest on the search for her killers when we take you there live. >> he claims he can make any human super human, the guy behind the four hour work week is tell you how to get a four hour body. we need this because we have a four hour show. >> yes. r. but i was still taking a foolish risk with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more... and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. along with diet, lipitor has been shown to lower bad cholesterol 39% to 60%. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in paents who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. [ fele announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including peoe with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or ifou have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. let's go, boy, go! whoo-whee! if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. >> take a look to shed the holiday pounds. get better night's sleep, a better batting swing or hold your breath underwater more than houdini. our next guest says you can do it all, become superhuman. the four oyed body, big book. what do you mean the 4-hour body and why did you write it? >> the 4-hour body. one of the smallest changes you can make with the biggest results for the physical body, losing fat, sleeping better, running further, 50 topics in all. >> okay, and how long did it take to you write the book? this is a hefty book? >> ten years of data and three years of testing with scientists, athletes, coaches, the whole nine yards. >> let's talk about holiday time, we put on a few extra pounds. you have tips for dropping some of the pounds. let's go through them. you say, add cinnamon to your coffee, what does it do. >> we tracked a few hundred people to lose weight, one is my dad, lost 70 pounds of fat adding cinnamon, two to five extra pounds. trading your balanced diet for a strategic yo-yo diet. >> if you set one day a week to overeat, helpful for christmas, accelerate fat loss and limit the damage. one day a week eating what you want to eat can help out. >> just one day. what about this, drinking 500 milliliters on ice water on an empty stomach. >> first thing in the morning, worked with nasa scientists, accelerate fat loss, it druggers the thermal genic effect and burns calories. >> and a lot of people have problems sleeping and you have a couple of tips for better sleep. eat two tablespoons of raw almond butter, seems strange. people sometimes feel tired after waking up. low blood sugar, eating the almond butter you can prevent that. >> take a cold bath one hour prior to going to bed. the common logic would be a warm shower. >> when you take a cold bath or shower, triggers the hormonal response. >> this one doesn't sound right, it sounds like it will counter balance the first topic, cholesterol loading. >> this is odd, i tripled by testosterone with diet and went from about an hour to get to sleep to less than ten minutes and it was cholesterol and we can talk about the long-term effects of cholesterol, a lot of misunderstanding with that, but it helps you get-- >> won't you become fatter? >> no, nothing, but meat and nuts for 21 days straight to see what would happen. >> so the good cholesterol. >> the good cholesterol. >> can we get through a couple of the before and after pictures, guys, take a look at some of them. we have them. >> there you go. this is, go ahead. >> this is tracy lost 117 pounds, and you can see the mother of two, and looks ten years younger and she's doing two to three, 20-minute workouts per week and that's it. >> that's it. >> we're not talking four hours a day and the 4-hour body talking a couple-- >> literally an hour or less. >> this is you? >> this is me looking rather thin and this is me 34 pounds later, 28 days later with no drugs and actually, lowered bilateral 222 -- you have dramatic measures you took, one point you took a cocktail of efedrine, caffeine and aspirin. >> i tried serving so that people that read it don't have to. i did the extreme to the moderate and people choose the safest and most effective. >> the 4-hour body, thanks for joining us. >> yeah, my pleasure. >> all right, we're awaiting an implosion, demolition of two buildings, part of a sugar plant in texas, we'll bring you that as soon as it happens and then there's new support in the senate to provide health care to 9/11 responders, but that bill failed miserably in the past and will that be the story at the top of the hour and banning electronics secrets to-- dangerous, too, because it's hard for the police to tell. after this. hey, lawrence, my parents want to talk to you. oh. about what? uh, they don't really think you're an exchange student. what? they think you're a businessman, using our house to meet new clients in china. for reals, player? [ woman saks chinese ] they overheard a phone call. speaks chinese ] something about shipping with fedex to shanghai. and then you opened a bottle of champagne. that was for a science project. [ man and woman speaking chinese ] i'm late for..occer... rehearsal. [ man speaks chinese ] you and i are cool? i'll be home by curfew. [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who can help you go global. fedex. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescriptiocelebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, including celebrex, may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. is chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of seris skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. tients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk fo stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breath tell your doctor about your medical history and find an arthritis treatment that works for you. ask your doctor about celebrex. and, go to to learn more about how you can move ward relief. celebrex. for a body in motion. good morning, it's sunday, december 19th. an historic vote in the senate. overturning the military ban on openly gay troops. the dream act failed. will congress head home or is there more drama ahead. >> new support in this senate -- seeks to provide healthcare to 9/11 first responders but that bill failed once in the senate before. will the latest push be enough. >> he's one in 7 billion going from no musical talent to a savant after hitting his head. that's amazing. >> alisyn: you guys are sports guys, a concussion turned him into a musical savant. >> dave: eric in for clayton this morning. a huge weekend to be here. >> eric: a lot going on. >> dave: an emormons ruling a enormous ruling. reteal on don't ask, don't tell in the military. president obama is expected to sign the measure into law. >> eric: peter doocy is live in washington with more. >> eric, with 6 5 votes, the senate voted yesterday to repeal don't ask, don't tell and since the house of representatives did the same earlier in the week, the only thing is needs to be law is president obama's signature. those who voted for the repeal were thrilled yesterday the ban on openly gay men and women serving in the military, which led to dis missal of over 13,000 men and women during the 17 year lifetime is one step away from being history. >> if a young man or woman, some cases not so young, want to serve our country, they shouldn't have to live a lie to act as a patriot. >> opponents were just as passionate in the senate because many think the ban can serve a purpose and repeal can do more harm than good. >> this is harmful during a time of war and irresponsible. the commandant stated it could risk lives. >> he was referring to words from general james amos who said getting rid of don't ask, don't tell could be a distraction that could lead to casualties. once the president makes the repeal a lot, it will be a while before policy changes because as part of the bill, the president, secretary of defense and chairman of the joint chiefs need to review the pentagon report about a possible repeal and certify it will not do damage to our servicemen and women and the defense department has a plan to implement the law. >> alisyn: thank you for that very much. as john mccain was leading the opposition against the repeal and what he said was that it was the implementation he was worried about. particularly in a time of war, that it would somehow slow down the troops. many speed before you did ahead but a historic event. >> dave: he said don't think there won't be a great cost so it's something the admiral and gates want to take their time with. also, legislation on immigration failing on capitol hill saturday. the dream act. it was legislation aimed at those who came to the country at 16 years or younger brought by their parents who were illegal aliens if they went to college or served in the military. they could get citizenship. blah. >> it's not about the estimated 1.2 million. >> we're not going to pass the dream act or any other legalization program until we secure our borders. there's a war raging in mexico that is compromising our national security and to those who bring this bill up today, i know why you're doing it. you're not doing it to advance the issue, you're doing it to advance your situation politically. it's not appreciated. you're making it harder. you care more about politics in the last two weeks than you care about governing the country. this will not help. >> alisyn: that was one of the complaints people had about the dream act. we have a legal immigrant who will come on the show soon. one of his complaints was it went up to 29 years old. if it was just about minors, it's a big complaint. if it was about minors to came at infants or toddlers through no fault of their own, why not end it at 18. >> eric: the other argument against the dream act was it was a path way to full amnesty. the first crack of the administration saying what's next, whole families and then a massive amnesty reform. >> dave: five democrats voted against the dream act, the majority in favor. elites. >> there's no excuse for some of our most patriotic and talented americans, how they were treated this morning. i call americans because that's what they are. that's all they know. >> it will some day being a reality but today, it's a shame witch politics took the center course of this event. >> through the history the expansion of freedom and justice required determination, courage and persistence, these young people are the next generation of leaders in america. >> my message to these young people is never fear. we're not going anywhere. we're going to fight because this is the right thing to do. >> alisyn: some think this is the last opportunity it had for a while, particularly since the republicans take over the house in january. but you heard barbara boxer and nancy pelosi saying she'll keep fighting for the dream act. she says we're not deterred in our determination to add advocate for this. >> we need to point out they're still breaking the law by being here. >> eric: three republicans voted in favor of the dream act. what's next for the senate? they've got a busy couple of days. they're today talking about the stark treat y monday they hope to pass resolution to fund the government. that's important. somehow the last thing they're going to work on. harry reid hopes to bring a bill on the 9/11 first responders. those who desperately need healthcare to treat their injuries and cancer and some of the things they're suffering from as a result of their response to 9/11. some were trapped in the rubble. one retired firefighter, vincent for forest, he was trapped for hours and they desperately need help. >> to me it's another attack on america but more sinister than 9/11 as we watched so many brothers, 1200 first responders died since 9/11 and what do we have to show for this? what are we doing to support the best amongst us? it's crazy. i don't see this as a republican or democratic issue, this is an american issue. if our american patriots don't stand up and contact their representatives, and say you know, next time this happens, these guys may not even show up. what are we going to do. >> it has been a republican issue. they have in the senate been holding this bill you will. >> alisyn: because they wanted a way to pay for it. $7.4 billion so they wanted some offset to pay for it because they feel strongly about deficit spending. the senator from new york things there's a way, she thinks it would be a christmas miracle but she's optimistic and the offset would be 2% fee of procurement contracts for certain countries combined with visa fees. >> fantastic. they have to figure out a way to pay for it. also, if i'm not mistaken, there were other things attached to the bill the republicans were complaining about. they said the internet gambling issue, that was attached to it. >> dave: right now i'm not sure there's anything attached to it. but here's the new york senator on positive hopes for the 9/11 bill. >> we have the votes we need. we've had indications from several republicans that they very much want to vote for this bill. they would like to vote for a stand-alone bill. there's a agreement on a pay for so the hope is to get to the bill as soon as the stark beal is completed. >> alisyn: they're cramming everything in to go home. >> eric: a busy lame duck. >> alisyn: let's get to the rest of the headlines. we have a fox news alert. a massive search leads israel police to the body of a kidnapped american tourist found with multiple stab wounds. they were hiking when assaulted by two arab men. no information is being released. a live report from jerusalem with the latest coming up later. >> a frightening trip for 46 passenger air their tour bus veers off a highway in gunnison, colorado and crashes. eight people were hospitalized including two in serious condition. the bus was carrying a church group from texas to crested butte. >> an emergency closed door meeting about escalating tension on the korean pins peninsula. the exercise will happen by tuesday despite pyongyang's threat of a catastrophe. >> houses decked with tons of lights. the two houses have movie themes, one the grinch and the other the griswalds after national lampoon's christmas vacation. the thousands of spectators that checked out the displays voted for which house is the best. the neighbors call it a spirit the competition. >> we don't know the winner. >> alisyn: i guess we'll know at christmas. >> eric: the grinch verses the griswald. >> not even close. >> rick, how do you like the sound of that? >> i take the one with the farm animals. >> alisyn: like us. >> there were farm animals. >> this puts it over the top. >> of course. if you have farm animals, that's better than lights. here you go, cold in the far northern plains. sioux falls, bismarck. calm across the central part of the country. pineapple express bringing rain to california and snow in the higher elevations. the pictures coming in out of sacramento, lower in the valley, then up in the higher elevations, chains required to get in the higher elevations and the ski resorts going crazy enjoying this. yesterday's snow level was higher. today the snow level will drop. colder air moving in means you'll need chains on the lower levels as you move towards the mountains. central part of the country good, eastern parts good. florida, great for the next week. across the east a little bit of a coastal storm and tonight and tomorrow know in the coastal areas, cape cod and the islands. this storm, by tomorrow it starts to dive in across the far northern plains bringing snow across north dakota and minnesota maybe three or four inches. minnesota, you've had one of your snowiest starts to winter. here's your high temps. cold across the north. 70 in el paso. >> the pineapple express sounds delicious, they need something more intimidating. >> alisyn: what do you mean? >> it sounds like a fruity drink. >> alisyn: it belies the danger. >> what is harry reid planning as the senate's clock ticks towards january 1s? chris wallace will join us live from washington with more on the lame duck session and whether or not it's been a success. >> one bah humbug, the school that fired santa claus because a handful of immigrant parents might be offended. hear santa's story next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. rethink possible. [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. boss: just going over how geico helps people save in even more talkways... ...with good driver discounts, multi-car discounts, defensive driver discounts... woman: you! oh, don't act like you don't recognize me! toledo, '03? gecko: no, it's...i... woman: it's too late stanley. gecko: actually, miss, my name's not stanley. woman: oh...oh, i am so sorry! from behind you look just like him. i'm just.... gecko: well...i'd hate to be stanley. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent. >> welcome back. it's been a busy weekend in washington, d.c. the senate overturned don't ask, don't tell but fell short of passing the dream act. congress is far from done. >> with us, chris wallace. they've been busy this weekend, so the dream act, don't ask, don't tell, today they turn their attention to start. it's been the lame duck on overdrive. >> yeah, it's interesting because there were a lot of people who said they would huff and puff but pass a continuing resolution. to funded government and deals with taxes so we don't see the bush tax rates lapse but they have to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government into 2011. they will likely deal with the start arms control treaty with russiand ad senate also will probably take up the 9/11 first responders healthcare bill. it's a surprisingly active, whether productive or not, lame duck session. >> what is the consensus, is it a good thing? you have so many congressmen voting to go home. is the consensus this is a good thing or we have to change the system? >> i think it depends frankly on whether you like what they did or didn't do. you know, it is constitutional and something we've done traditionally in this country. i can understand the argument a lot of these people are retiring and a lot of them have been defeated and continue to vote but the 111th congress stays in session until january 3rd. they'll with get done before christmas but they could go into next year. >> what about the timing on this. is it there a dealing, let's see what happens with dream act and don't ask, don't tell before we get the start treaty because there will be a lot of haggling? is there a horse trading session? >> no. in fact quite the opposite. there were some republicans who were saying we might vote for start but if you bring up don't ask, don't tell, we're not so sure. i doubt that would have a role. it was simply harry reid trying to get as much business done as he could, keep the trains moving if not on time, not too late. but it's been active and i think one of the things that is positive, you have seen some bipartisan compromise, which we didn't see before. that seems to indicate both sides got a message from the midterm election, which is voters are fed up with the partisan wrangling and on principle they want people to stick by their guns and want to see something accomplished. >> an awful lot to talk about on "fox news sunday" considering this is the lame duck session. jon kyl, dick durbin and the governor of virginia who can talk about healthcare and the mandate. busy show. thanks, chris. >> i couldn't have done it better myself. >> thank you. >> first they banned cigarettes, now e cigarettes all because its too hard for police to tell the difference. is that right? a law based on laziness? >> he's one in 7 billion, the man who instantly mastered music after hitting his head on the bottom of a swimming pool. meet him coming up. good? oh, yeah. good? v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number? come celebrate exciting cars that are stunning to look at, exhilarating to drive and worry free to own. celebrate this holiday season with the gift of platinum. jaguar platinum coverage: five years or 50,000 miles of complimentary scheduled maintenance, and no cost replacement of wear and tear items visit your jaguar dealer during the platinum celebration foa $599 lease offer on the 2011 x [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business. i'm off to the post offic.. ok. uh, a little help... oh! you know shipping is a lot easier with priority mail flat rate boxes. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. plus, you can print and pay for postage online. and i can pick them up for free with package pickup. perfect! cause i'm gonna need a lot of those. wow! i knew i should have brought my sleigh. priority mal flat rate shipping starts at $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. >> in seattle on thursday the king county board of health paps add proposal banning the use of battery-powered e-cigarettes citing secondhand smoke. but there's no smoke. some say that were banned because police can't tell the difference. is this a law of laziness? >> joining us, dr. nathan cobb. >> for viewers that don't know, the smoke you see coming out is water vapor, not secondhand smoke. why are we pushing for a public ban on e-are cigarettes? >> it's not water, it's a chemical in a lot of things but the concern here is that this is a new device, nicotine inhalers pulled off the market in 1997. marketing nicotine in this way has a new set of risks that aren't present in traditional cigarettes and are a tremendous concern to the public health community. >> ray, your reaction and do these e-cigarettes cause potential damage to those around you? is there a case of secondhand smoke damage? >> no, there's not. and even though i believe the te doctor is well-informed he's wrong about the 1997 product that was brought out back then. this is a completely different product and it's water vapor and pro pa lean glycol and we use it in so many products that americans use daily. to stop this product from being used or painted with the same brush as a conventional cigarette is irresponsible. >> there's no tobacco and no evidence to suggest they harm anyone, why ban them? >> they have nicotine. when you look back at cigarettes there was no evidence they harmed anyone. the absence of evidence is not a good reason to bring a new product into the market. there were safe inhalers in the market. just because these have batteries and fake smoke doesn't make them a new product subject to different regular -- regulations. >> the difference is these are not marketed like cigarettes with the hip ads and sports and cartoon characters. these are an adult product not aimed at young people in any way, shape or form. ray, he brings up a good point, for decades people said cigarettes were not going to damage you either. we know better now, don't we? >> well that's correct. however, we found that the tv, eca and we would like to see regulation, but the fda has come out and said this particular product is 1400 times less harmful than a conventional cigarette. why not allow it? cigarettes have 7,000 chemicals. 65 carcinogens and that's the main cause of death that can be prevented in this country. if you have a product that's 1400 times less harmful than a conventional cigarette why not allow it to be here? no matter what -- >> go ahead. >> this product only delivers nicotine to the body and other ingredients are approved by the fda and can't harm you. >> dave: i manage this debate will continue across the country. thank you both. let us know how you feel about this on twitter. >> coming up, julian assange is about to get a taste of his own medicine. pretty bad taste. somebody leaked his personal secret documents to the press. bah humbug, the school that fired santa claus because of a handful of reported immigrant parents might be offended. hear santa's side of the story after the break. there will be more than tinsel glinting around our trees. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of christmas morning. buy any ryobi super combo or lithium-ion combo kit and get a free obi power tool wth up to 99 bucks. >> welcome back, everybody. thanks for joining us. have you lost something? >> no there's camel poop i had to clean up a little bit. >> that's above and beyond the call. we don't expect you to shovel the camel droppings. >> team player. i don't know if clayton would do that. coming up, a guy who fell into a pool, hit his head and suddenly had off the charts musical talent. >> your news headlines, a fox news alert, new video from tehran where squads the riot police are waiting in case of major protest as the government slashed energy and food subsidies. the last time there were energy cuts in 2007, there were violent riots at gas stations. >> a report outlining sexual misconduct against julian assange has been leaked. experts say the case is less flawed than assange claimed. he was arrested this month. he says the charges were fabricated as part of a u.s. conspiracy against him. his lawyer calling for a formal investigation into how the report got out. the tables have turned. >> how do you fight mexican drug cartels? upgreat to the same weapons they use. that's what one texas county is doing, arming themselves with ar15 rifles with better range than the shotguns they used to use. >> taking the polar plunge. more than 700 crazy people jumping into alaska's cold lake. it worked, bringin in more than $270,000. >> i've often said i want to participate in one of those. just one. there's one up in connecticut and i'm determined to join them. >> the beach river. >> it has other health hazards. >> they're more macho than i am. >> santa getting the heave ho ho ho. >> that's good. >> brutal. >> well done. >> that's what happened at one head start center. santa had been going there four years to bring smiles to the young kids. he brought them candy canes and m & m's and they sat on his lap and told them what he wanted for christmas. >> apparently one family, that's about it, maybe two, complained for some reason. we don't know why because the head of the head start program won't talk about the families or what they said. but this week when santa called and said are you ready for me to bring the candy over, they said no thanks. >> war on christmas. here it is. a somali family -- >> a suggestion. >> nonetheless, it's christmas. santa claus, c'mon, about guys, get out of here. put santa back in the school. >> let's hear from dennis jackson, santa. >> i only had one child in the four years that held back and -- but everyone else sat in my lap, had their picture taken and smiles and very happy. she said if there was one against it, this was enough that they could have to stop it for everybody. it's just too bad they had to ruin it for 30 or 40 of them in my way of looking at it. >> did you hear what santa just said? head of the head start said if there was one person against it ruins it. >> even if 50 families love it. >> they call it tyranny of the my minority. one family trumps the wishes of dozens of families. the head of head start said, quote, we have somali families in the program, we're respecting the wishes of families in the program. i'm not sure how those are connected or what this means. >> end quote. >> i'm pretty sure they have christian families in the program that want to see sanity sanity -- santa class. >> let's go over to rick, cooking up christmas goodness. >> we've got great scott here, from great scott back here. it's less than a week until christmas. you're probably putting together your details for dinner. what about a traditional italian dessert. you're doing italian lately. >> i am. >> that's your thing. >> but this is very versatile. so happy hanukkah, merry christmas and i promise if you make this at home, people will be fighting over it in a good way. >> i'm impressed. i don't know how to say this. >> i call it struffle but the right way is struffley. >> we have flour, baking powder, butter eo eggs and vanilla. you have your flour and baking powder then the sugar in the center. the recipe is on we put our eggs in the center. this is like my grandmother, god rest her soul, would make a plate for everybody's family and after nagging her, she would make me a plate. it just brings great memories. so here we create a volcano-like well. we have sugar and egg. then we slowly push our flour in. you can use a mixer, but you don't want to overwork the dough, rick. i like to do it by hand. it's very fun with the kids. could be a little messy. >> dave: it's like pasta or noodles but with sugar. >> correct. here we're mixing this. after everything is mixed, we put our butter in. and in french, you call that frazer, to like incorporate the butter, but you don't want to overwork it and you want the butter nice and cold. this is what we come up with. >> dave: so you get your dough and you put it in the fridge, probably. >> in the fridge for a half hour so it becomes nice and firm. so here -- and this is the fun part -- very daunting to people that know because you want to roll them out by hand. i rolled it out with a rolling pin to a half inch. now i'm going to cut it length wise and then cross-wise. and they don't expand that much even though there's baking powder in the recipe. so it's going to get a little bigger than the actual size. we take this and we want to -- >> dave: you roll them. the thing that amazes me is italian food and past is hand made. >> after you taste it once, it's the funnest work. a labor of love. >> dave: do you fry these? >> you do. you asked me about this earlier, new technology. instead of putting a thermometer in the oil, you take this gismo, press it, and it will tell you, here we have 250 degrees. >> dave: this is a thermometer without sticking it in the oil. if you are looking for a christmas gift for somebody in the kitchen, this is amazing. >> he can get that on line. go to thermometers. >> dave: you dump these into the oil, fry them up. >> dump them into the oil. we fry them up. i'll take these. you have to be very careful with this because the flour will start to make the oil expand. so you always want to have a large pot with a little amount of oil. >> dave: our finished product. what do you do after you fry it? >> assume this is fried to golden brown. put it on a sheet pan. we take our honey. you never boil honey so you bring it to 160 degrees, poaching temperature. shut it off after 160 and with our gadget we can tell what the temperature is. we put our struffle in, put them on a plate then have the children put the sprinkles on. >> dave: there you go, you can get these recipes from >> coups de gras. we have ice cream, black raspberries. >> perfect. over to you on the couch. >> send some food over as well. coming up, more about an american woman found dead in israel. police say she was murdered while her friend escaped. a live report from the scene in jewel let jerusalem. >> we'll be joined by the musical savant who got his talent after hitting his head on the bottom of a swimming pool coming up. i have asthma. and en my symptoms came back i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. [ man ] symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler startifor sudden symptoms.. it is a combination of two medicines and should not be taken more often than prescribed. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems, and children and adolescents may have an increased risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems. symbicort not for people whosasthma is well controlled wi a long-term asthma control medicine like haled corticosteroids. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop symbicort without loss of control, andrescribe a long-term asthma control medicine. be sure to see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford yr medication, astzeneca may be able to help. >> this is a fox news alert for you. a developing story just outside the jerusalem where police tell fox news a kidnapped american woman was found dead. >> we're joined live from jerusalem with the latest. good morning, leland. >> reporter: this is an absolutely unbelievable story. the trailhead where susan wilson ran out saying she had been attacked by two arab men. still 20 hours after the crime that took her friend's life, there's an israeli army checkpoint up as they search for these supposed assailants. last night about 5:00 is when wilson came out here and said she was attacked. there was an air and ground search for christine logan, now confirmed as being killed. they won't say how she was murdered. she's an manner -- american visitor. the two were hiking, a couple of men came asking for water and they were attacked about a knife. miss wilson told israeli tv the way she escaped was by playing dead. when she came to the trailhead, she had a number of cuts but was only lightly wounded and her hands were bound. what is interesting is according to police, they're looking into every possible motive, including the possibility there were two arab men. if there's a palestinian who attacked and israeli or western target. they searched a couple of palestinian villages for suspects but have not arrested anybody. police say they're looking into other motives, including personal motives as they try to figure out who did this and why. susan wilson has given this interview and we're working to get the tape together, translated and get more information. they say they're still looking for who might have killed kristin logan in the israeli forest. >> so mysterious and a needle in the haystack looking for those suspects. thank you very much. we can see this becoming an international incident. coming up, should teachers and students be friends on facebook? the controversial debate ahead. >> the project to build a ground zero mosque might be scrapped. >> the musical savant who considers himself one in 7 billion. he got his musical talent just after hitting his head on the bottom of a swimming pool. >> couple of headlines. the new video this morning from germany, prince harry laying a wreath during his visit to the berlin wall museum, commemorating those who died. last night he was honored for charity work. >> michael jackson's neverland ranch may be a haven for teenage musicians even more than before. the owners of the property want to turn the ranch into a music institute. his family calls the idea interesting. >> should teachers be friends with students on facebook? it's a question causing a lot of controversy. one school in massachusetts says the relationship is so inappropriate they've banned student-teacher friend requests. with both sides, a psychologist and detective lieutenant in new jersey. good morning. >> doctor, i come at this as a parent and i think would i want my kids friends with their teacher on facebook. some of these kids are 17 and 18. some teachers are 23, 24, a narrow gap. why would a student need to be friends with their teacher? >> i don't know if it's a matter of being friends. but i do feel as though any ban on the internet will drive people to do like they did during prohibition. it's going to put it underground. you can't stop people from being friends on facebook. you can't stop the students from asking teachers who may be almost their contemporaries but are their teachers, can you help me? i need extra help. the internet is part of our lives. the internet is part of their student's education. it is not going away. and to put a ban on it is only making it that much more enticing. that much more exciting. but there would be a need to speak to teachers. >> okay. detective lieutenant, you come at this from a different angle. you say being friends, a student with their teacher on facebook, might lead to inappropriate. >> a dose of reality. it's great in theory first of all teachers and students should speak with each other in the classroom or in the presence of parents. the danger you have here is what if the student begins to speak to the teacher about sex education. that's where we have had a lot of problems in this country with interaction between teachers and students on the internet. the ban will certainly prevent a lot of that. furthermore, you have to look at the litigation, the lawsuits that would be filed against school districts. >> the school in massachusetts says it protects students from being exposed to what they should not be exposed to but it protect the staff from having the difficult task of saying no to somebody. how do you prevent the inappropriate behavior that might come about because of this relationship? >> if there's an education component to it, there should be an education, there should be a way that teachers and students have developed guidelines themself. i don't think you can prohibit things. you can develop guidelines. when a kid is in junior or senior in high school, they're 16, 17, 18, they're able to make some of their own decisions. and if they need to speak to a teacher to work on the work that they're doing in class, it should be appropriate. but teachers need to set up their own guidelines. they need to have perhaps internet hours. >> couldn't be helpful, lieutenant, to get that relationship to help after hours, you want to talk about academics. >> it's called making an appointment with the teacher and going into the classroom. get ahold of your parents. do you want your child at 10:00 p.m. at night talking to a teacher? you said it all. a 23-year-old teacher talking to a 16-year-old student about -- i'm going to use sex education because that's where problems occur. i think that's opening a door to a lot of trouble. >> we're going to hear more about this. we're out of time. thank you very much. >> thank you. all right. a lot is happening in the senate today and this weekend. the democrats are trying to sneak final pet projects through the senate but not without opposition. >> more about politics in the last two weeks than you care about governing the country. this will not help. >> the latest on the last-minute deals going on at the top of the hour. >> and think the smartphone apps are cool? the majority only serve one purpose, stealing your information and this time they can prove it. >> then don't miss the fox & friends prime time christmas special this friday with the kardashian sisters, i kid you not. and the p.s. 22 choir. they're great. and so much more. it should be fun for everybody. it's this friday, christmas eve, 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. eastern. tune in for that. captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> alisyn: good morning, today is sunday, december 19th. and this is a "fox news alert." because an american tourist has been found dead at a parenting israel. police -- park in israel. >> dave: you win some, you lose some, an historic vote in the senate overturning our military's ban on openly gay troops and the democrats' historic dream act failed. will dems go for one more win? a live report from washington, coming up. >> clayton: and maybe they had a change of heart, organizers may be planning to move the ground zero mosque and opponents say, don't celebrate just yet. "fox & friends," starts, right now. >> dave: hey there, good sunday morning. hour number 4... of "fox & friends." >> already? >> dave: can you believe it? time flies by. >> alisyn: it's not long enough for eric boling, filling in for clayton. >> dave: enjoying time off. >> let's go straight through to tomorrow. >> alisyn: a record! >> dave: when there is big news, it helps time fly, enormous news on capitol hill, don't ask, don't tell, which some compare to desegregation in the military in the 1950s, allowing women to serve in the 1970s, it is enormous. >> alisyn: the ban on gays serving openly in the military is now history. the senate voting to repeal, don't ask, don't tell with president obama expected to sign the repeal later this week. >> peter doocy is live with more. you have been very busy the last couple of days. >> reporter: i have been and we counted up all the votes, 8 republicans, join 55 democrats and two independents in voting for the repeal of don't ask, don't tell, something the house of representatives has already done, and now as soon as the bill has the president's signature, on it, it is a law and supporters on both sides of the aisle said yesterday, that the vote, which repeals the ban, that dismissed over 13,000 servicemen and women in its time is' big step forward for gay rights. >> this -- a young man or woman, some cases not quite so young, wants to serve our country, they shouldn't have to live a lie, in order to act as a patriot. >> reporter: the only democrat who did not support this repeal was west virginia senator joe manchin, you see him there and he was not around to vote on this or the dream act but he put out a statement and claimed that his opposition is because of the repeal's potential effect on the core of cap palestiniahaplainch >> it is an irresponsible manner the command dent of the marine corps stated it could potentially harm lives. >> reporter: and expressed fears a repeal could lead to distraction and distractions could lead to casualties, and it is important to note there is no timetable on when changes to the military policy will take effect or how it will happen, it will be a few months, though, because, nothing can go forward until the president and the secretary of defense and the chairman of joint chiefs of staff, justify that they have reviewed the pentagon's recommendations and concluded that the repeal of don't ask, don't tell will not do our men and women in uniform, any harm. back to you guys. >> alisyn: thank you very much. it seems there are still speed bumps ahead... >> dave: meaninhe mentioned the military chaplain and that will be a big story in the weeks ahead. >> alisyn: it is huge and historic, and happened yesterday. what did not fare well was the dream act, which was the legislation what would have allowed children brought here by their parents when they were young, infants, to become citizens if they signed up for two years of college or the military and would have been a fast track for kids who were brought here, and that failed. and let's listen to why senator lindsey graham said he never liked the dream act. >> we're not going to pass the dream act or any other legalization program until we secure our borders. there is a war raging in mexico, that is compromising our national security, and to those who will bring you the bill up today, i know why you are doing it. you are not doing it to advance the issues, you are doing it to advance your situation politicalcally. it is not appreciated. you are making it harder. you care more about politics in the last two weeks than you care about governing the country. this will not help. >> dave: it will not help republicans, sorry, eric -- in 2012, you'll hear more about it and other republicans say it wasn't the right way to go about it. kaye bailey hutchinson says he need more time to discuss it. they are not against the immigrants who would have taken advantage of it, and they don't want a back door to amnesty. >> and there is a cost associated with it. don't forget, once someone is a citizen they have to be provided health care if they get a job and there are costs and the thought is that if you provide that citizenship to the children, the dream act kids, 167 to 29 years -- 16 to 29 years old, the families get health care as well. there are costs associated, 5 to $20 billion. >> alisyn: and the flip side, the argument was we have invested so much in these kids, they have gone to our public schools and some have been standout students and some valedictorian, and, 16,000 graduate each year, from american high schools and the other argument, we've already invested lots of money in them and we should capitalize on that, coming up we have a legal immigrants here to talk about all of the loopholes he found unsettling in the dream act. >> julie: bennett, luger and murkowski voted for it and five democrats against id and let's hear from the senate majority leader in support of the dream act. >> there is no excuse for some of our most patriotic and talented americans, how they were treated this morning. i call them americans because that is what they are. >> it will someday become a reality but today is a shame, politics took the center course of the -- the center of it. >> throughout our history, the expansion of freedom and justice has required determination, courage, and persistence, these young people are the next generation of leaders in america. >> my message to these young people is, never fear. we are not going anywhere. we are going to fight because this is the right thing to do. >> dave: we should point out the obama administration has supported an estimated 800,000 illegals in two years, some thought there was a quid pro quo the republicans would support the dream act if they upped the enforcement of the policies and did not happen and nothing will happen in two years with the g.o.p. taking over the house, january 5th. >> a couple of senators who made a great point, close the borders, so you don't have more and more people flying into the country. >> alisyn: and, we have been debating that on the couch and you have been sending in interesting e-mails this is ground zero mosque. you remember all the cry about that over the summer and beyond, it was too close to ground zero and there may be a plan afoot this morning, there's a news report, that there is a local new york business man, dudley gaffin who has ties to the saudi royal family and has a plan, move it a mile away, move the mosque, the plan for the mosque and the cultural center, about a mile away, to what used to be st. svincent's hospital, and, yu can see where ground zero is, lower manhattan and move it to the site. here's the rub, it would cost $300 million as opposed to $100 million and he plans to get one from the saudi royal family to do so detector and it would save a hospital and move it away from the sensitive area and save the st. sin vevincent's hospital an abdullah, the saudi ring would provi -- saudi king would provide the money, and, he's one of the richest men in the world, and they say, why would they want it here, and if he's trying do good by the 9/11 victims and this is clearly for pr, then, shouldn't we welcome the money? i don't know. >> we should point out it is the saudi billionaire who said let's do it here and we have not heard from imam running the ground zero mosque and remember, it was going to be 13 stories high, overlooking a federal building, overlooking into the world trade center site, some would call that, have called it a victory mosque, and moving it a mile away, takes that argument out of the ballgame, opening up a hospital, this is all good. >> alisyn: by the way, we should mention, that mayor bloomberg's office, it would have to go through his office, to be green lighted, has heard nothing of the plan, and so it is in its infancy and, your e-mails, if he wants to show sensitivity, ban islam from politics and ensure women have equal rights, and people have issues with how the saudis treat their citizens. >> dave: and dorothy says if a person objects to santa... oh, no. son ta he's out, but if a whole country objects to a mosque at ground zero it can be built? it seems me are more concerned about the minorities of the country than our own culture and traditions, blending two topics we have discussed here. >> paying attention for three hours. again, political correctness, some would say ruining the country. adrian says: i don't agree with having a mosque near ground zero, it would be a sensitive subject forever, people still remember pearl harbor and always there. i'm with you, adrian, i agree. >> dave:, and twitter you can find me at dave briggs. >> alisyn: we have a "fox news alert," right now, because, israeli police have discovered the body of an american tourist reported missing a day earlier in jerusalem. christine logan was on a hike with her friends, when they reportedly were assaulted by two arab men, at least that is what her friend said. it is unclear whether it was a terror attack or some kind of personal dispute, we'll bring you more facts when we have them and a scary detour for 46 members of a texas church group and the tour bus veers off of a snowy highway, roads near gunnison, colorado and rolled over on its side, 8 people were hospitalized and two in serious condition and they were headed to crested view. he was convicted on one of 225 terror related counts and now, former guantanamo detainee ahmed glandy wants that thrown -- ahmac -- between out of there's, nancy pelosi and john boehner are switching offices and the offices are getting paints jobs and most of the stuff is being stored in the different hall while they clean and move stuff from one office to another, i'm sure she left behind a wonderful welcome gift. >> dave: i'm sure, and, imagine carrying the boxes and bumping into... oh, hi, nancy. >> life the guy alone. >> julie: i'm sure they have people do it for them. rick reich muth, my office mate, we have offices -- >> rick: gym socks and stuff, more like it. dave, move your socks! that's the message. we have snow across parts of long island and towards cape cod and the island and parts of k kentucky -- i mean connecticut and it will be gone tomorrow and it will be cooler across parts of the northeast and breezy tomorrow, we might see a few delays in the airports because of the wind and overall the eastern part of the country will be looking good, at least for the next couple of days and florida, you will be looking good all week long and across the west, the big problems are, heavy rain and mountain snow and totals will be 15 inches of rain by the time we get to wednesday and 15 feet of snow in a few spots but i think the heaviest of the moisture, this week, over the next two days will shift farther towards the south, places like los angeles and down towards san diego you will be getting significant precipitation as well. winter storm warnings all across the west, you see the blue, that is watches, for tomorrow afternoon and night, across parts of north dakota and minnesota and we'll see maybe areas 4 to 5 inches of the snow developing and, overall, guys, this is just a very, almost dangerous pattern, because we'll be dealing with flooding and threat for mudslides because it will go into wednesday and thursday and people traveling these next few days and we'll be dealing with big problems, we'll continue to watch it here, guys, back to you. >> dave: just tell me my flight will get out, buddy! >> the democrats' dream act failed on the senate floor. don't count the legislation out, the plan to make certain illegal immigrants u.s. citizens could make a come back. we'll explain, next. >> alisyn: a soldier's surprise, like we have never seen before, three kids about to learn that the santa claus there, is actually their father, a soldier home in disguise. wait until you see the reunion. 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joining us is illegal immigrant and g.o.p. political strategist boris epstein, what did you think when you heard the bill failin the senate. >> this iteration, that it failed is a good thing, was not supported by the cob and wasn't passed by the judiciary committee and there were too many loopholes and it was too easy of a pass, for residency and it required two years of military service or two years at a four year institution which is, become a college dropout and go serve in the military for two years or go two years in a four year school and, so that was a bad part of the bill and also, criminals had access to benefits under the bill. >> alisyn: how could criminals take advantage of this if they had to serve in the military. >> some of the background checks required by the bill were not full scale enough, there wasn't enough background security updated, and, i'm a legal immigrant and my family came over in 1993 and went through three years of background checks and security processes and through many steps, now became citizens and are proud citizens at this point, why do others get to cut in line while we have to wait three years. >> alisyn: let's talk about the future of this now, nancy pelosi and senator dick durbin vowed to fight on and they say it isn't the end. let's look at what dick durbin said. >> today's vote was a set back, but it hasn't changed our resolve at all. throughout our history, the expansion of freedom and justice required determination and courage and persistence. these young people are the next generation of leaders in america. >> alisyn: he's talking about the young people and some people say 1.2 million young people, who have been educated by our public education system, what do you see that's future for them. >> i recommend working on it still, both parties agree there should be capitalization and investment made in the students and if they are good americans, they should get the benefits, but, let's be honest, by being here illegally they have broken the law, and, now, we shouldn't reward them, because we hatch invei-- have invested in them and i think there were too many loopholes in the bill and we have to give two years of permanent residency, and, then, not make the gap between you have to be here, when you can use the bill from 14 or 16, and 29 and what happens to the 15 years. >> alisyn: and you wants them to go through all of the loops you had to. boris epstein, thanks for coming. >> thanks for having me. >> alisyn: your insight into all of this. coming up before you download your next app, experts say the majority of them serve one purpose and that is stealing your information an transmitting it to others. we'll tell you the dangers and how the power of prayer helpser mind. now, even doctors admit they are becoming believers, an extraordinary study, coming up. everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? 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>> oh, yes. >> they found people who pray are healthier. >> the study says, there are positive benefits, and i think, we have to look at it as from a medical/psychological point of view, the studies say it is helpful. why? you are unloading of one who is worthy of trust and will not retaliate against you, and this is one thing but if god exists it is another level of value to prayer and there will be intervention and divine assistance and the studies will not show that but that is also why prayer is powerful. >> dave: it makes sense, you think of bottling it up, it will have negative implications on your mental health. >> i don't think it is healthy to have an imaginary friend. >> alisyn: if you have an imaginary friend you can also unload. >> but if you do you have something wrong with you. >> dave: why do you have to pick on me! >> father, what -- >> bring him with you here! >> dave: good buddy. >> he's not imaginary, he's real. >> alisyn: father john, okay, eric, that is fine... that will work! >> dave: i didn't see that coming, father. thank you very much. >> imaginary, something is wrong, you know? >> dave: an interesting spin. coming up... >> alisyn: thank you. >> dave: next, julian assange is about to get a taste of his own medicine, somebody leaked his personal secrets, to the press. >> alisyn: and the off duty cop determined to be heros off the clock, too. one of them here to explain how they are helping some specially selected children. >> as promised the musical savant who got his talent after hitting his head on the bottom of a swimming pool is here live. coming up. ♪ ♪ that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. ♪ >> alisyn: welcome back, alisyn camerota along with eric boling filling in for clayton and dave briggs. eric, are you, like dave and are you tethered at all times to your smartphone or your device. >> ali, all the time, 24/7. both. i have an iphone, blackberry and the ipad. >> alisyn: guess what... >> my dog. freedom. >> alisyn: you think are getting information from the ipad or apps and it turns out the "wall street journal" investigation today says it is getting more information about you than you know and is transmitting it to people including things like your location which is worrisome. >> dave: the "wall street journal" looked at 101 of these smartphone apps, the ones that pass the time, all the time, for people like myself. 101 apps and found 56 transmitted signals to other companies, without the user's knowledge and also found out that 47 of them transmit your location unbeknownst to you, to a third-party and 5% of these apps even transmit your age, gender and personal information. now, these, again, are sending this information to third parties without you knowing it and found text-plus was by far the worst app at sending the information onto a third-party. >> and some cases, twitter an find you can choose to let them know where you are -- >> dave: i'm not talking about that. >> you are talking about mob... not saying they do, but mlb baseball you may be telling a group, a third party where you are. >> alisyn: absolutely, and a popular music one, they send your age, your gender, your location, and, plus, all sorts of other personal information to various ad networks and they try to micro target. and the location thing is the most worrisome for people with kids, and you don't want your kids walking around and kids knowing where they are because there is a smartphone. >> understand, every time you log onto google or search something in googles, someone is watching what you do next, they'll take that information, and they can package it and silt to marketers, if -- in the most innocent, innocuous sense, marketers who want to sell you something and the worst sense, could be spying on you. >> dave: and a lot of these thing are free and they have to turn you a buck and you have to keep an eye on it and things pop up, that ask, can we use your location, opt for no. >> alisyn: and people automatically are an auto pilot and hit a button, yes. get it off my screen. now you know. your headlines: a "fox news alert." the streets of iran are quiet at this hour, but, police are on high alert. they are expecting major protests, after iran's government cut subsidies on food and energy products, in a budget-trimming move, in 2009, there were violent protests, at gas stations after energy subsidies were cut. and wikileaks founder julian assange is getting a taste of his own medicine, a confidential police report outlining the sexual misconduct case against him has been leaked. the report includes detailed accounts from two women who say that he forced them to have unprotected sex. and also shows the women went to police, after assange refused to get and hiv test. and, his lawyer is now calling for a formal investigation, into how those reports got out. and, sheriffs deputies patrolling the texas-mexico border have new weapons, deputies in cameron county, texas are shading in their should the guns forth ar-16 rifles, and, the weapon of choice for drug cartel weapons and have greater range and stopping power and cut through body armor and each deputy has to have 24 hours of training before being put on patrol with the new weapon, lieutenant colonel brian champagne gave his sons a surprise when we came home from iraq early and surprised them at the christmas play. >> will you take your cap off? and can you take your coat off? [cheers and applause]. >> it is mr. brian champagne! >> alisyn: that is so cute, he was stationed in southern and central iraq and he protected convoys delivering goods to other soldiers. that is a nice, heart-warming christmas story, look at those boys. >> dave: except for the other kids, wondering... >> alisyn: wait, bobby's dad is santa? >> rick: i know, those lucky three kids and the -- the other kids in the room, the poor other kids in the room! wa-wa... look at the weather picture, guys, we have temps out there, not bad for anybody, except the far northern plains, typical for this time of year and, let's look at the radar picture. both sides of the country dealing with a bit of a storm, the eastern one, not a big deal and, a bit of a coastal storm is developing overand snow across the far tips of long island and cape cod and out west the big story is, a major series of storms moving into central california, bringing heavy rain, some areas now over 6 inches of rain, and, reports of 5 to 6 feet of snow and we still have four more days of this to go through, so, i think, we'll be seeing some of those areas in the 15-inch range and 15 feet of snow by the time it is done and the heaviest will move farther south, areas like l.a. and san diego the next couple of days and move forward and look at your forecast for the day, this eastern part of the country, looking pretty good, a little cool, florida, absolutely beautiful, miami, 75°, a lot of sunshine. it is out across the west where the problems are and the moisture, moving further west we'll see it moving into the northern plains for tomorrow, and, areas like north dakota and minnesota seeing significant snow for tomorrow. but, the big story will be out across the west and, many travel problems we'll be dealing with as people try and head home for christmas, and look at your temps, for your day tomorrow, and, real fast, there you go, we'll see a warm-up in the high plains, 52° in denver, dave, you will be there tomorrow, enjoy 52°. all right, eric, we'll send it back to you, inside. >> thanks, rick, helping to make christmas a little brighter for kids, called, shop with a cop, kids in grand junction, colorado selected to go shopping with local police officers, a reward for academic improvement and one of those kids is joseph baker, the youngest of 11 siblings and joins us with the coordinator of the shop with the cop events, mark brown, i want to start with you quickly and get to our young man there in a second. what is shop with a cop? how many kids get to participate? >> shop with a cop, this year, 12 are selected from our area elementary schools in the city of grand junction, and, they are selected by the principals and the teachers, of each of their schools, based on different circumstances, but, financial need as well. >> joseph baker, young man, you must be proud to be selected as one of the only kids in your school, to get to go shopping with a cop. what is it like? sn>> well, it is like... >> how do you feel? >> i feel good about it. 'cause i get to be on tv. >> officer, tell us, have you taken mr. baker out yet? >> yes, we went out on december 8th, to our local mesa mall here in town. >> joe, tell me about that experience. i wants to talk to joe. joe, tell us, so you're in with the officer, and, you drive around town, were you proud in did you see your friends? >> no. >> where did he take you? >> first he took me out to breakfast, sat me down... >> right. ... so, what did you buy? did you have an opportunity to buy stuff for yourself? what did you buy? >> i bought for my, like, family. >> bought stuff for your family. officer, tell us what happened you took him to buy toys or whatever he wanted and he said i need stuff for my family, is that right? >> that's correct. he say of the officers is asked to help these kids shop not only for themselves but their families, and, we get donations both in cash, but, also, much from the local mesa mall merchants and joseph did quite well and went out with officer steve wiart, the officer he was assigned with and he did well and took care of his family and got presents for himself and he had a great day, eating at mcdonald's, and pictures with santa, and, also, eating lunch at chuck e cheese's and shopping at the mall merchants in our local mall. >> we have to leave it there. joe, what do you want to be when you grow up? >> i don't know... >> come on, you want to be an officer, no! there you go, grand junction police department, officer mark brown and joseph baker. you guys are great, appreciate your time, merry christmas you guys. >> thank you, merry christmas. >> one in 7 billion, the man who became a musical safe event after hitting his head on the bottom of the swimming pool. how did that happen? he's live with us, immediately after the break and one of the world's finest coaches happens to be a master sergeant in the us army, mark morgan the winner of the world culinary cup, here to share his secrets. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to >> alisyn: hitting your head on the bottom of a swimming pool could change your life in an instant. for the worst, of course, but one man's life changed in an amazing way, after hitting his head, he arequired an astounding musical ability, listen to him, just two weeks after the accident. ♪ ♪ >> he's a musical savant, the only one of his kinds in the world and is the subject of the upcoming science channel documentary, tormented by genius, thanks for joining us. let's gets it straight, you had no musical training prior to hitting your head at the bottom of the swimming pool, is that right. >> that is corrects. actually a played a little guitar when i was a kid and banged on the drums, i always wanted to play music. >> after you hit your head a dramatic transformation, at what point did you realize things were different. >> i went to visit a guy, i went to high school with, and he's a m musician and i went to his house and i sat down at the piano and started playing immediately, no space in between and it happened immediately, and caught me off guard and caught both of us off guard. >> alisyn: i bet, because, now, apparently since hitting your head in this swimming pool in 2006, you can remember music, you can reportedly play several instruments, you can play pieces by ear. how do doctors explain this? >> a couple different ways. i guess, i'm considered more of an acquired safe van and not a prodigy savant and, it allowed my brain to take colors and shapes and i see black and white blocks that move left to right and that what is my hands do and i don't know what i will play when i sit down, it is a surprise. >> here's the question, were you immediately gifted with the extraordinary talent or did it get better over time. >> i think it has gotten better over time, simply because i have been rehearsing for hours and traveling and performing and what have you but it was just right then, it was -- there was know transition like going from playing mary had a little lamb to a beethoven piece. it was immediately and happened just like that. >> you have lost 40% of your hearing in your left ear which for musicians makes things difficult and there will be conce skeptics that say it has to be a scam, what do you say to them. >> i usually invite them to sit down with me and sit down next to me on the piano or see me play live. you have to almost be there a get a full -- the experience, and i invite skepticism because it comes with this kind of experience, but, you know, i have had the opportunity, to work with fantastic doctors and i'm learning as i go and every day i'm learning something new about this. >> alisyn: is it possible as quickly as this musical talent overcame you, it could go away? >> dr. darrell trefart, i spent some time doing interviews with him and he explains since it is an acquired safe event it could go at any time, tomorrow or today. >> before we go, any other skills, ali mentioned other musical instruments? math? savants, who all of a sudden can do incredible math? can you do incredible math. >> actually, i really can't. i -- never now and then i can figure out some multiplication and division but nothing beyond that. >> you don't know what 94 times 81 is? >> you are ahead of eric! >> 94 times 81 i have to guess somewhere in the 7,000 range. >> alisyn: i'm impressed enough with the music, okay? eric needs more... i'm impressed enough with the music and what an incredible story. >> tor meanted by genius, airs next year on the science channel show, thank you so much for being here, derek, fascinating story. >> thanks, thanks for having me. >> alisyn: always want more. >> i'm very skeptical about things. >> dave: he wants him to read cards... coming up, mark morgan joined the army to cook and now it is taking home the gold in the culinary world cup and shows off his skills, next. ♪ check out the myboniva program. it's free to join, and it shows you lots of ways to help improve your bone strength. like bone-healthy exercises that are easy to do. boniva works with your body to help stop and reverse bone loss. and myboniva gives you calcium-rich recipes... monthly reminders... and even a month of boniva, free. so call or go to and sign up now. 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but that is not the case. >> not the case, we are trying to get away from that beatle bailey mentality and getting into a more nutritious, healthier army. >> alisyn: eric is not helping matters! >> what should i be doing here. >> add the parsley and kind of -- however you we'll like salt and peppering it, and usually do it to your own particular taste and then... >> dave: also, most people join the military, to defend our country and some to do intelligence and you joined the army to cook, now, tell us about that. >> well, i joaned the army -- joined the army in 1994 and my contract was, was a ranger contract, and, so i never got anything monetary, i got an adventure and from that point, that led me to this and i -- the leaders had the foresight to send me to extensive schools. >> alisyn: and parsley coated little vegetables here. what is next. >> i'll pipe these potatoes on the plate, and, this is a -- just sweet potato tows. >> alisyn: again, a reminder, you have won the world gold cup medal. >> i was on a team, 6-member team and we all competed together. >> alisyn: this dish or a different dish. >> this is a completely different dish. i was taught this dish, to me is a holiday meal and, what i have here is sweet potatoes and root vegetables and, we put a little apple and walnut chutney on top of the sweet potatoes and then, you know, instead of having the big turkey, i have small... >> alisyn: am i dishing this out now. >> what we'll do now, is we'll take the -- >> alisyn: whatever eric left. >> good. we should mention we'll have more in the "after the show" show, people log onto should i plate this. >> yes, play one of those and two carrots anned o ed onned one on the other side and do that for the three and we'll cut up these. >> eric... >> i'm in, i'm in! >> dave: good thing he is in the military. so he can defend himself. i would be worried about you standing next to me with the knife. we'll continue the recipes in the "after the show" show, and dessert. >> that looks amazing. >> dave: first, did you meet ted, what happened when we brought the camel into our studios. you don't want to miss that. >> alisyn: he just left the bathroom. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthrit pain, you and your doctor need to balance theenefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, including celebrex, may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach eeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor about your medical history and find an arthritis treatment that works for you. ask your doctor about celebrex. and, go to to learn more about how you can move toward relief. celebrex. for a body in motion.

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